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Mariz F.


1. Problem Solving Rubric

Type: Application of Knowledge

Description: This rubric assesses a student's ability to apply mathematical concepts
and strategies to solve real-world or abstract problems. It evaluates critical thinking,
the use of appropriate methods, and the logical progression of solutions.

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2)
Improvement (1)
Fully understands Understands the
Struggles to Misunderstands
the problem; problem;
Understanding identify key the problem or
clearly identifies identifies most
the Problem components of key elements are
key components key
the problem. missing.
and relationships. components.
Uses a range of Uses an
Uses Struggles to apply
strategies incomplete or
Application of appropriate appropriate
effectively to inefficient
Methods methods with methods or makes
solve the method with
few errors. major errors.
problem. some errors.
Some logical
Demonstrates Demonstrates Lacks logical
flaws or
Logical flawless logic logical progression or
Reasoning and clear steps in reasoning with reasoning in the
reasoning in
the solution. minor errors. solution.
the solution.
Solution is
Solution is Solution is
mostly correct Solution is
Solution and correct and partially
with minor incorrect or
Accuracy thorough with all correct or
calculation incomplete.
steps shown. missing steps.

2. Algebraic Manipulation Rubric

Type: Computation and Algebraic Skills

Description: This rubric evaluates a student's proficiency in manipulating algebraic
expressions, simplifying, factoring, and solving equations.

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2)
Improvement (1)
Simplification Simplifies Simplifies Simplifies Unable to
expressions expressions expressions but simplify
Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2)
Improvement (1)
flawlessly and with minor with several expressions
without errors. errors. errors. correctly.
Factors Factors Factors
Struggles with
expressions expressions expressions with
Factoring factoring; many
completely and with minor significant errors
errors present.
accurately. errors. or omissions.
Solves Struggles to Unable to solve
Solves equations
Solving equations with a solve equations equations or
accurately and
Equations few minor correctly; makes major
errors. multiple errors. errors.
Justifies some
Clearly justifies Justifies most No justification or
Justification steps, but
each step with steps with clear unclear reasoning
and Process explanations are
full explanations. explanations. in steps.

3. Geometry Concepts Rubric

Type: Geometrical Understanding and Visualization

Description: This rubric measures a student's understanding of geometric principles,
the ability to apply geometric reasoning, and the skill to visualize and interpret
geometric shapes.

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Improvement
Demonstrates a
understanding of Demonstrates Demonstrates
geometric partial little to no
Understanding understanding
principles (e.g., understanding understanding of
of Concepts of key
congruence, of geometric geometric
similarity, concepts. concepts.
Accurately uses
geometric tools Struggles with
Use of Uses geometric Unable to use
(compass, using geometric
Geometrical tools with some geometric tools
protractor, etc.) in tools
Tools minor errors. correctly.
constructing or effectively.
measuring shapes.
Visualization Effectively Visualizes and Struggles with Unable to
and visualizes and represents visualizing and visualize or
Representation represents shapes with representing represent
geometric shapes minor shapes. geometric
and their inaccuracies. shapes
Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Improvement
relationships. accurately.
Solves geometric Solves some
Solves most Unable to solve
Problem problems geometric
geometric geometric
Solving with accurately, problems but
problems with problems
Geometry showing full with significant
few errors. correctly.
reasoning. errors.

4. Data Analysis and Statistics Rubric

Type: Data Interpretation and Statistical Analysis

Description: This rubric assesses a student's ability to collect, organize, and analyze
data, as well as interpret statistical results accurately.

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Improvement
Collects and
Collects and Struggles with Fails to collect or
organizes data
Data Collection organizes data collecting or organize data in
in a clear and
& Organization with minor organizing data a meaningful
inconsistencies. correctly. way.
statistical Unable to
Performs analysis but
Statistical analysis (mean, perform correct
statistical analysis with significant
Analysis median, mode, statistical
with a few errors. errors or
etc.) with full analysis.
Struggles to Does not
interprets Interprets results
Interpretation interpret results interpret results
statistical with minor errors
of Results or lacks full correctly or
results in in context.
context. completely.
Presents data Presents data
clearly through Presents data with but with Fails to present
Presentation of
appropriate minor flaws in significant data clearly or
graphs and organization. errors or poor appropriately.
tables. organization.

5. Mathematical Communication Rubric

Type: Mathematical Writing and Explanation
Description: This rubric evaluates a student's ability to communicate mathematical
ideas, solutions, and reasoning clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing.

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Improvement
Communicates Communication Communication
Clarity and ideas clearly, is somewhat is unclear or
ideas clearly and
Precision with few minor unclear or difficult to
accurately, with
ambiguities. imprecise. follow.
no ambiguities.
Organizes ideas
Organization of Lacks
Presents ideas in clearly, though
Organization ideas is weak or organization;
a well-organized, structure may be
of Ideas confusing at ideas are difficult
logical structure. somewhat
times. to follow.
Uses correct
Uses Makes some Uses incorrect or
Mathematical mathematical errors in inconsistent
Notation notation with mathematical mathematical
consistently and
few errors. notation. notation.
thorough and
accurate Provides mostly Provides limited Fails to justify
Justification justifications for accurate or unclear steps or
and Reasoning all steps, justifications justifications for reasoning is
showing with minor gaps. steps. flawed.

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