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Math Rubric

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Math - Problem Solving : EDF 309 project

Teacher Name: c Olguin

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Mathematical Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows
Concepts complete substantial some very limited
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
the mathematical the mathematical the mathematical the underlying
concepts used to concepts used to concepts needed concepts needed
solve the solve the to solve the to solve the
problem(s). problem(s). problem(s). problem(s) OR is
not written.
Mathematical Uses complex and Uses effective Some evidence of Little evidence of
Reasoning refined mathematical mathematical mathematical
mathematical reasoning reasoning. reasoning.

Computations the computations computations are computations have computations are

are correct and are mostly correct and few correct mainly wrong and
done neatly and are unorganized. answers and are messy.
with no mistakes. student put in little
to no effort to be
Explanation Explanation is Explanation is Explanation is a Explanation is
detailed and clear. clear. little difficult to difficult to
understand, but understand and is
includes critical missing several
components. components OR
was not included.
Checking The work has been The work has been Work has been Work was not
checked by two checked by one checked by one checked by
classmates and all classmate and all classmate but classmate OR no
appropriate appropriate some corrections corrections were
corrections made. corrections made. were not made. made based on

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