CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Mathematical Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows
Concepts complete substantial some understanding very limited
understanding of understanding of of the mathematical understanding of
the mathematical the mathematical concepts. the underlying
concepts. concepts. concepts.
Mathematical Correct Correct Correct terminology There is little use,
Terminology and terminology and terminology and and notation are or a lot of
Notation notation are always notation are usually used, but it is inappropriate use,
used, making it used, making it sometimes not easy of terminology and
easy to understand fairly easy to to understand what notation.
what was done. understand what was done.
was done.
Neatness and The work is The work is The work is The work appears
Organization presented in a presented in a neat presented in an sloppy and
neat, clear, and organized organized fashion unorganized. It is
organized fashion fashion that is but may be hard to hard to know what
that is easy to read. usually easy to read at times. information goes
read. together.
Completion All terms, examples All but one or two A few of the terms, Several of the
and formulas are of the terms, examples or terms, examples or
completed. examples or formulas are not formulas are not
formulas are completed. completed.
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