Arhive of SID: Parametric Characterization On The Thermal Performance of A Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe
Arhive of SID: Parametric Characterization On The Thermal Performance of A Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe
Arhive of SID: Parametric Characterization On The Thermal Performance of A Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe
Recently closed loop pulsating heat pipes have been receiving much attention because of their potential
applications in high heat flux micro-electronic systems. They work by self thermal driven oscillation without
any mechanical parts. Though they are simple in structure, understanding of the heat transfer mechanism is
highly complex having a strong thermo- hydro dynamic coupling governing their performance. In this paper,
an experimental study on a closed loop PHP with a single turn has been conducted there by providing vital
information regarding parameter dependence on its performance. The PHP is made of brass tube having an
internal diameter of 2 mm and outer diameter of 3 mm. The parametric characterization has been done for the
variation in internal diameter, fill ratio, working fluid and orientation of the device. The working fluids
Acetone, Methanol, Ethanol and Propanol are considered for experimentation with volumetric filling ratios of
50%, 60%, 70% and 80%. Input heat power of 7 to 12 W is varied at the evaporator section. The CLPHP is
also verified for its thermal performance at 00, 300 and 600 orientations. The transient and steady state
experiments are conducted and operating temperatures are measured using K- type thermocouples. The
results highlighted that the thermal performance of a PHP is strongly influenced by change in fill ratios,
orientation and heat input. 80% fill ratio yields an effective heat transfer rate for a horizontal mode of
operation. Appreciable fluid movement and better heat transfer rate are observed for the 300 orientation of
PHP operation. Acetone exhibits better heat transport capability compared to other working fluids in all
Experimental study.
r h
Keywords: Electronics cooling; Pulsating heat pipe (PHP); Water cooling; influencing parameters;
Asurface area (m2)
bond number
specific heat capacity (J/Kgk)
critical diameter (m)
average diameter (m)
capillary force (N)
heat removed in condenser (W)
Input power supplied (W)
overall thermal resistance (k/W)
radius (m)
avg. condenser wall temperature (0C)
cold water inlet temperature (0C)
cold water outlet temperature (0c)
g acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) Te avg. evaporator wall temperature (0C)
h heat transfer coefficient (W/m2k) U uncertainty
HCLOHP Horizontal Closed Loop Oscillating V electric voltage (V)
Heat Pipe v vapour phase
I electric current(A)
ID inner diameter (m) σ surface tension (N/m)
l liquid phase ρ density (Kg/m3)
mass flow rate of cold water (kg/s) φ fill ratio
N no. of vapour bubbles θa advancing contact angle (rad)
OD outer diameter (m) θr receding contact angle (rad)
Psat saturation pressure (bar)
C. Sreenivasa Rao et al. /JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 615-624, 2016.
continuous circulation of the working fluid Nandan Shah et al. (2014) to understand the
enhancing the heat transfer majorly in the form of influence of process variables on the hydrodynamic
sensible heat rather in the form of latent heat (Shafi characteristics and its performance. In the
2001, 2002).For a PHP of having capillary investigation, parametric measurement is combined
dimensions, the inability to give desired results led with visualization to provide better insight of the
to the development of CLPHS without the check thermo-hydrodynamics in a CLPHP. It is noticed
valves (Akachi 1996, Duminy 1998). Any typical that below the minimum start up power, no fluid
CLPHP also will be first evacuated and then partially movement was observed inside the CLPHP. In a
filled with a working fluid. For a capillary tube horizontal orientation the segregation of vapor and
diameter up to its critical value, surface tension liquid followed by dry out takes place within a short
forces are predominant over the gravity forces and
duration from start up. However, at greater
the working fluid distributes into the train of liquid orientations the performance of such a loop is
slugs and vapor plugs. Beyond critical diameter, greatly affected of gravity and it can operate
the flow becomes stratified. The critical diameter smoothly only up to an inclination angle of 100. For
which is a design parameter for a PHP is evaluated the combination of PHP geometry and working
from the relation (Groll 2003), fluid the optimum FR exists within 40-50% and
optimum inclination angle exists within 50-70%
=2 (1) where the thermal resistance of the loop is
( )
where σ is the surface tension of the working fluid,
Thermal performance of a closed loop pulsating
g is the gravitational acceleration and ρlandρvare the
densities of liquid and vapor phases respectively. heat pipe has been derived by Kammuang et
al.(2014) in terms of dimensionless numbers.
The thermo-physical properties of working fluids
are evaluated based on their saturation temperature Ethanol, Acetone, R123, R141b and water were
chosen as variable working fluids with constant fill
The heat influx increases the pressure of vapor ratio of 50%. Thermal performance was derived in
plugs at the evaporator and the heat efflux decreases terms of Kutateladze number (Ku). It was
the pressure at the condenser. The differential concluded that when Prandtl number of liquid
pressure between the evaporator and condenser working fluid (Prl) and Karman number (Ka)
would result in the pulsating flow of liquid slugs increases, thermal performance increases. On
trapped between the vapor bubbles. The heat contrary when bond number (Bo), Jacob number
transfer in a PHP during the slug flow of the flow (Ja) and Aspect ratio (Le/Dl) increases, thermal
boiling is observed to be in the form of sensible performance decreases.
heat and during the annular flow it would take place
in the form of latent heat (Shafi 2001, 2002). Park Yong-ho et al.(2012) have explored the
pressure characteristics inside a single loop
Many investigations related to both experimental oscillating heat pipe (OHP) made of copper tube
and numerical studies on PHPs have been reported, having 4.5 mm inner diameter and the loop height
as their comprehensive understanding and design is of 440mm. Distilled water was used as the working
still inconclusive. Experimental works were mainly fluid in the OHP with varying fill ratios of
dealt with flow visualization studies and evaluation 40%,60% and 80%. A Piezo resistive absolute
of thermal performance under influencing pressure sensor was used to record the pressure data
parameters. Numerical studies explained about the during the experimentation. The investigations
flow characterization of slug/plug flows in PHPs. demonstrated that a fill ratio of 60% yields highest
inside pressure magnitude as well as pressure
Gi Hwan Kwon et al. (2014) conducted a series of
frequency irrespective of any set of operating
experiments on single turn dual- diameter pulsating
conditions apart from the attainment of the lowest
heat pipes and investigated its effect on the flow
flow resistance at this fill ratio.
C. Sreenivasa Rao et al. /JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 615-624, 2016.
The hydrodynamics in a PHP were analyzed of the tubes proposed was 1 mm with open and
through visualization studies conducted by closed loop structures. The setup used R-142b as
Khandekar (2004). The realization of flow the working fluid. The thermal resistance varied in
visualization studies was done on a single loop PHP the range of 0.64 to 1.16 K/W for a heat input
developed from copper tubes of 2 mm inner range of 5 to 90 W in top and the bottom heating
diameter and 3 mm outer diameter forming the modes.
evaporator and condenser section and glass tubes of
inner diameter 2 mm and outer diameter 4 mm (2008) demonstrated the existence
forming the adiabatic section. The evaporator and of multiple quasi – steady state in a PHP by
condenser sections of the PHP were insulated with developing an experimental test rig of a single loop
Armaflex foam and the studies were conducted with PHP made of copper tubes of inner diameter 2 mm
a maximum heat input of 80 W. The loop was first and outer diameter 3 mm. The experiments were
evacuated and then the working fluid (ethanol) was conducted for heat inputs of 10 W, 15 W and 20 W
partially filled. The temperatures of evaporator, with Ethanol as the working fluid at 60% fill ratio
condenser and adiabatic sections were measured and continuous online data were recorded for 12
using a data logger at a frequency rate of 1 Hz. A hours. Three quasi steady states were observed and
constant fill ratio of 60% was maintained named as steady state 1, 2 and 3. The flow in steady
throughout the study. The author had seen the slug state-1 was unidirectional with random fluid
flow with a low amplitude of oscillations at lower movement and halt due to which there was an
heat input. It was noticed that the slugs/plugs intermittent heat transfer. High thermal resistance
vibrate about a mean position with very little bulk was experienced in steady state-1. In steady state-2,
movement. High values of thermal resistance were a tendency of liquid hold – up was observed in the
reported at lower heat inputs. The oscillation condenser section which made the evaporator zone
amplitude was found to be increased with the become drier and hotter. Extremely poor thermal
increase in the heat input. It was found that there performance was reported in this steady state. The
was a clockwise movement for the fluid for some
time and then a counter clockwise followed. But it
was reported that the flow was in a definite
direction for a longer time before it takes a direction
reversal at a heat input of 63.3 W. At this heat
f S
author demonstrated that the steady state-3 resulted
in a unidirectional flow pattern with no halt
anywhere leading to least thermal resistance. It was
found that the churn flow had taken place in the
evaporator and a slug flow in the condenser zones.
input, the annular flow was observed in the It was also noticed that continuous heat transfer had
evaporator section and transition of this flow to slug taken place in the evaporator and condenser at
flow was reported in the condenser section. When steady state-3.
the heat input was further increased to 74.4 W, the
Rama Narashimha et al.(2012) presented an
reversal of flow direction was claimed to be stopped experimental study on a single turn closed loop
completely and the heating section was PHP. Transient and steady state experiments were
i v
characterized with fully developed annular flow
while slug flow was seen in the cooling section. It
had become very difficult to sustain annular flow,
when the fill ratio was increased beyond 70%.
carried out for different working fluids, heat input
and for different evacuation levels. The authors
indicated that at atmospheric condition, the
saturation temperature of working fluid is higher
r h
The operating mechanism in an oscillatory capillary
tube heat pipe [OCHP] was ascertained by WH Lee
et al. (1999) through the visualization of flow
pattern. For this purpose, the experimental setup
was made of brass and an acrylic plate with a
compared to evacuated situations. Thus more liquid
phase exists in the PHP tube below the heat input
range of 15W with a consequent increase in heat
transfer. The results of their experiments showed an
intermittent motion of the working fluid at lower
heat input.
looped serpentine flow channel of 4 turns. Tests
were conducted with Ethanol as a working fluid in Naik et al. (2013) conducted experiments on a
the fill ratio range of 20 to 80% and for the single turn closed loop PHP both in the horizontal
orientations ranging from 300 to 900. The flow as well as vertical orientations for different heat
patterns were recorded using high-speed camera loads varying from 9 W to 15 W in steps of 2 W.
(400 frames/sec) have drawn certain conclusions ; The PHP performance was tested for a variety
Due to the pressure wave created by the contraction working fluids viz. Methanol, Ethanol and Acetone
and extinction of bubbles simultaneously in the with different fill ratios from 60 to 80 % in steps of
evaporating and condensing sections, working fluid 10%. The results revealed that the single loop PHP
in the PHP oscillated in the axial direction. is found to perform better in the horizontal
Circulating flow was not observed by the working orientation for all the process variables considered.
fluid and condensed liquid returned to the
Pallavi et al.(2013) carried out an experimental
evaporator section as a stratified flow. Active
study on a single turn vertical closed loop PHP
oscillation of the working fluid was observed at a
using an azeotropic mixture of water (4.5%wt) and
charging ratio of 40 to 60% and at the inclination
Ethanol (95.5%wt) at a fill ratio of 50%.
angle of 900.
Experiments were conducted for varying heat inputs
The inability of check valves and their reliability to of 8 to 96 W in steps of 8 W. Rapid decrease in
deliver expected results in capillary tubes led to the thermal resistance has been reported with the
development of loop heat pipes without check increase in heat input. No measurable difference of
valves (Akachi 1996, Duminy 1998). The diameter thermal resistance is reported by PHP working with
C. Sreen
nivasa Rao et al. /JAFM, Vol. 9,, No. 2, pp. 615--624, 2016.
can be attributed to inncomplete dataa, unrealistic
parameter values, overr simplified appproximation
and unacccounted experim mental settings. Fig. 1(b). Schematic
S sketcch of a check va
The theermal performan
mentation Mad
de with the Seet Up
The major components used in the PHP setu up are;
brass tube, borosilicate glasss tube, silicon rubber
tube, a non reeturn valve, a taape heater, and a data
acquisition system with K- typpe thermocouplees. The
such as Prandtl numbeer (Prl) of liqu uid, Karman
glass tube cou upled with the U U- turns of evap porator
number (Ka), modifiedd Jacob numbeer (Ja*) etc.
and condenseer sections is treated as addiabatic
were connsidered. The correlation was developed
d in section [24].FFlow visual effeects could be caaptured
the non--dimensional forrm of the powerr function by
through the transparent
t surfaace of the glasss tube.
using cuurve fitting with 98 reliable data sets and the
The glass tubbe is made of bborosilicate whicch can
system of equations is solved by the Gauss
resist temperaature up to 120000 C. Brass andd glass
Eliminattion method. Thhe standard deviiation of this
tube are connnected by meaans of silicon rubber
empiricaal model was observed to be 30% %.
connectors off 2 mm ID and 4 mm OD. Th hey are
PHPs made
Aluminuum. Moreover, the
Thus thee available literature reveals thhat not many
experimments have been n reported on single loop
of materiaals other than Copper and
t suitability of
C Sreenivasa Raao et al. /JAFM
C. M, Vol. 9, No. 2, ppp. 615-624, 2016.
of 10m
k and exposed
mm thick glass wool (k=0.035w
approoximately equal to 5 w/m -k. U
d to an air fillm of heat trannsfer
operating conditions, thee critical radiuus of
insulation is esttimated to be 7 mm which is less
constant head water
Heat transfer ccharacterization of the PHP is
analyzed for thhe orientations of 00, 300, 600
in the present work. A rotating component
shown in Figg. 3 coupled with w an angle
than the actual thickness
t of insuulation applied. Due controller bolt is used to realizze the variation
t this reason, thhe heat loss to the
to t ambient air ffrom of angle from --900 to +900 in steps of 300.
t heater surfacce could be drastically reducedd and
thus this heat loss
l is considered to be negliggibly VII. Transient tem mperature data at different
small comparedd to the heat caarried away byy the locations of eevaporator and condenser is
recorded usingg a data loggerr. Experiments
fluid in
nside the heat pipe.
e o
Eight K- type
at evaporattor section withh the
in thee condenser secttion are attachedd for
h a
are continued uuntil a steady sttate is reached.
Due to inhereent uncertaintiess present with
the thermoccouple-temperatture
system, the temperature un
ncertainty has
been found to bbe ±2% of the fuull scale.
o 1 Hz.
an 8- Chaannel MCC USB
i v
± 0C. The teemperature dataa has been acquuired
B-TC at a frequeency
2.1 Experiment Vaalidation
Using Ohm's law, heaat input given at the evaporator
is meaasured. Simultanneously from thee flow rate and
The experimenttation has beenn carried out with
T tempeeratures of wateer measured at the condenser
working fluids viz.
v Acetone, Meethanol, Ethanoll and sectionn, heat output coould be calculateed from
Propanol. Thermo-physical properties
p of the
working fluids are
a presented in Table.1.During
T each = ( − ) (2)
cycle of operattion, a syringe pump was used to
inject fluid throuugh a filling valvve. Wheree is the mass flow rate of coooling water, Cp
is speccific heat and Tcco and Tci are the temperatures
Table 1 Uncerttainties of the measured
m quantiities at thee outlet and innlet portions of the cooling
chambber respectively. The thermal baalance analysis
Quantity Te Tc V I Q at thhe evaporatorr and condeenser section
demonnstrated that thee maximum heatt loss from the
6 6 6 7 18.3 evaporrator to the conddenser is less thaan 18.3%.
% (±)
2.1 Uncertainties
U in
n Measuremen
2 Experimen
2.1 ntal Procedurre The performance effeectiveness of a PHP
P would be
knownn from the uuncertainties measured
m with
The test facility shown in Fig.2 has
T h been established variouus measuring qquantities. Thee uncertainties
t characterize the
to t thermal perfformance of a siingle associiated at evaporrator and condeenser sections
loop brass PH HP and adoptted the follow wing could be evaluated fr
from the relationn proposed by
procedure for exxperimentation. Kline et al.(1953).
I. It was ennsured that no traace of working fluid
f Accorrdingly,
used in the previous cyycles was availlable
before fillling the fresh flu
uid in the PHP. %
II. Workingg fluid of desireed quantity is then ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
filled keeeping one end of the non reeturn = + + +
valve open through the filling
f valve usiing a
C. Sreenivasa Rao et al. /JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 615-624, 2016.
Where Te and Tc are the average wall temperatures The effect of diameter on overall thermal resistance
of the evaporator and condenser respectively. While and heat transfer coefficient for acetone at 50% fill
Q in Eq. 3.1 is the heat input applied to the ratio and zero orientation is shown in Figs. 6 and 7
evaporator which can be calculated as Q = VI. respectively. The role of the tube diameter is vital in
Similarly the local heat transfer coefficient for a establishing the pulsating flow in a PHP. Lower
PHP can be calculated as; thermal resistance of 1.7 K/W has been reported in
the case of larger diameter PHP operation and
h= (6) hence increase in diameter enhances the heat
( ) transfer rate below its critical value. Lesser viscous
Where A is the surface area of the cooling chamber effects possessed by higher diameter PHP cause the
provided at the condenser section. liquid pressure to drop to a lower value which leads
to lower overall thermal resistances at higher
Thermal Resistance (k/w)
50 %
Thermal Resistance (k/w)
4 60 % 5
FR D=2.0 mm
4 D=1.5 mm
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Heat Input (w) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 4. Effect of fill ratio on thermal resistance Heat Input (w)
for acetone at zero orientation.
900 1600
Heat Transfer Coefficent
50 % FR
800 60 % FR 1400
70 % FR 1200
700 80 % FR D=2.0…
1000 D=1.5…
500 600
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Heat Input (w)
Heat Input (w) Fig. 7. Effect of diameter on heat transfer
Fig. 5. Effect of fill ratio on heat transfer coefficient for acetone at 50% FR and zero
coefficient for acetone at zero orientation. orientation.
C. Sreenivasa Rao et al. /JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 615-624, 2016.
gravity forces in the PHP operation, and this leads coefficient has been shown in Figs.9,10 and 11
to the definition of Bond number. According to the respectively.
PHP design criteria,
Temperature Difference,Te-Tc(C)
Bo = ≈2 (7)
As long as the hydraulic diameter remains within
this limit, increasing the diameter generally 55
increases the overall heat transport capability of the
PHP. Beyond which, the surface tension gets
decreased leading to stratification of phases. 35
3.2 Effect of Orientation 25
The effect of orientation on temperature difference 0 100200300400500600700800900
Time (s)
for Methanol at 50% fill ratio and a heat throughput
Fig. 9. Effect of working fluid on temperature
of 9W is shown in Fig. 8. It is depicted in the figure
difference at 70% FR and 300orientation.
that a lower temperature difference between
evaporator and condenser is observed at
300orientation, instead of 00. Consequently, lower
the evaporator and condenser which causes the 0
movement of the slug/plug flow. In horizontal
orientation, the surface tension effect dominates in 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
the absence of gravity. The high surface tension Heat Input (w)
causes the additional bubble friction and restricts Fig. 10. Effect of working fluid on heat transfer
the flow. If the same fluid is to be used as working coefficient at 70% FR and 300orientation.
fluid, the rise in driving force would be obtained if
the PHP is operated at high evaporator temperature It is seen from Fig.9 that the temperature difference
keeping the condenser temperature constant. between the evaporator and the condenser is less for
Otherwise, for the same evaporator temperature to Acetone and more for the Propanol. This is due to
be maintained, then some other working fluid with the fact that the saturation temperature for Acetone
higher Psat at this temperature as well as a is much lower when compared to Propanol due to
which there is a presence of more vapor bubbles in
steeper sat should be used. This problem could
the case of Acetone. This shows that Acetone can
be overcome by the use of a working fluid like transfer heat with less temperature difference
Methanol whose surface tension is lower. It is compared to Propanol. The temperature difference
observed that Methanol performs with a better heat between the evaporator and condenser for Acetone
transfer rate in the horizontal mode of PHP is found to be 340C and for Propanol is 650C.
operation and acetone performs better for vertical
orientation. From Fig.10, it is understood that the thermal
resistance decreases with an increase in heat input
for all the working fluids considered. Further it
•Temprature difference,Te-Tc (C)
C. Sreenivasa Rao et al. /JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 615-624, 2016.
Temperature Difference,Te-Tc(
600 8W 10 W 12 W
400 40
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Heat Input (w)
0 100200300400500600700800900
Fig. 11. Effect of working fluid on heat transfer
coefficient at 70% FR and 300orientation. Time (s)
Fig. 12. Effect of heat input on temperature
difference for methanol at 70% FR and 0⁰
Discussion on colour change with the use of orientations.
While some studies indicate that copper reacts with
3.6 Significance of Capillary Force in
acetone under certain conditions [] which could
Pulsating Flow
mean that there may be material stability problems
with the use of acetone as a working fluid in copper
pipes, this issue was neither purposely investigated
nor was reported as an incidental observation in
earlier studies that used this combination in heat
pipes []. The material used in this study, brass, is an
The driving force causing the pulsating flow in a
PHP has to overcome the (i) viscous force which
arises due to the interaction between the
liquid/vapor and the walls(ii) vapor pressure force
which arises due to volume expansion and
alloy of copper and zinc and is known to be more contraction of bubbles (iii) inertia force and(iv)
stable under corrosive conditions. It was thus capillary force which arise due to contact angle
presumed that stability of material will not be a hysteresis. This capillary force may be positive or
problem when acetone is used as working fluid. negative depending on the operating conditions.
Further, no color change, which is a typical Capillary negative force diminishes the driving
indication of reactions between the materials, was force whereas the capillary positive force help to
observed neither in acetone nor the pipe surface
boost up the pulsating flow.
during the course of experiments performed under
this study wherein the acetone was left in contact Due to physical and chemical heterogeneity of the
with brass for long durations of time. However, tubes used for making of PHPS, distinct values of
the apparent angle are formed at two liquid/gas
more direct and thorough investigations are needed
to address the issue of possible long term stability interfaces that are in contact with a liquid slug in a
of copper and brass pipes when acetone is used as Taylor bubbles flow. These angles are dynamic in
the working fluid in the heat pipes. nature and known as apparent advancing θa and
receding θr angles respectively depending on the
3.5 Effect of Heat Input direction of motion. The difference between the
advancing and receding contact angles is known as
Effect of heat input on temperature difference for contact angle hysteresis. The contact angle
Methanol at 70% fill ratio and a 0⁰ orientation is hysteresis gives rise to development of capillary
F =A R
(−cosθ + cosθ ).
C Sreenivasa Raao et al. /JAFM
C. M, Vol. 9, No. 2, ppp. 615-624, 2016.
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h i
A r