Ali 2018
Ali 2018
Ali 2018
Alexandria University
KEYWORDS Abstract The double pipe heat exchanger type has low heat transfer rate compared with other
Numerical simulation; types of heat exchangers. Therefore, this article aims to enhance the heat transfer rate of that type
Double pipes; of heat exchanger by introducing a rotation of the heat exchanger inner pipe combined with chang-
Heat exchanger; ing the pipes eccentricity. Three dimensional, steady sate and incompressible CFD model was con-
Rotating pipes; structed for investigation of the effect of rotation and eccentricity on the heat transfer rate. A
Eccentricity; double pipe heat exchanger which was used for this study consists of an inner pipe and an outer
CFD pipe of diameter 50 mm and 150 mm respectively with a length of 2000 mm. The inner pipe is
assumed to rotate at a variable speed of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 rpm and the eccentricity
of the inner pipe is changed from 0.0 to 40 mm from the center of the outer pipe. Verification
and validation for the numerical simulation are presented. The results showed a significant enhance-
ment by 223% in the heat transfer rate due to the eccentricity change up to 40 mm and at the inner
pipe rotation of 500 rpm. However, the pressure penalty through the heat exchanger increase by
53% in the rotational speed of inner pipe up to 500 rpm and eccentricity of 40 mm and it is accepted
Ó 2018 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
more complex than passive techniques because they require that the outward eccentricity caused a deformation in the sec-
some external power input to cause the desired flow modifica- ondary flows and axial velocity profiles. Otherwise, the friction
tion and improvement in the rate of heat transfer such rotating factor reduced as the eccentricity increases due to the sec-
bodies, electric field, and acoustic or surface vibration [7]. A ondary flow intensity decreased. Dhaidan et al. [14] investi-
compound augmentation technique is the one where more than gated experimentally and numerically melting of nano-
one of the above-mentioned techniques is used in combination enhanced phase change materials in an annular area between
with the purpose of further improving the thermo-hydraulic two circular cylinders. They exhibited a constant heat flux to
performance of a heat exchanger [8]. The majority of commer- the inner cylindrical tube, on the other hand, they insulated
cially interesting enhancement techniques are currently limited the outer shell thermally. They studied the impact of eccentric-
to passive techniques because of their low cost and easy han- ity by lowering the center of the inside heated tube and they
dling. The lack of use of the active techniques is related to found that the higher melting rate and temperatures are at
the cost, noise, safety, or reliability concerns associated with the upper part of the capsule due to natural convection. They
the enhancement device [4]. also found that the melting rate can be increased by using an
Murata and Iwamoto [9] investigated numerically the effect eccentric shell by lowering the center of an internal cylinder
of inner-wall rotation on heat transfer in cylindrical flow- or by increasing the tube area. Wu et al. [15] studied the effect
passages and they found that rotation enhances the heat trans- of porous media on the natural convection for the temperature
fer rate. Yazıcı et al. [10] studied experimentally the paraffin dependent viscosity of fluids inside annulus between two verti-
melting behavior through a horizontal double tube heat cally eccentric spherical. Their results showed that maximum
exchanger for both the concentric and eccentric of the inner value of Nusselt number increase with an increase in Prandtl
tube. They changed the eccentricity of the inner pipe from number for both positive and negative eccentricity and that
the center of the outer one three times and compared the have a better effect of convection heat transfer compared to
results with the concentric geometry. At the maximum eccen- the concentric case. From the previous studies, it is found that
tricity, the total melting time reduced compared to the concen- there were rare researches on a combination of eccentricity and
tric one. Abou-Ziyan et al. [11] studied experimentally the rotation. Therefore, the scope of the present study is concerned
effect of fins and rotating of concentric inner pipe of double with the enhancement of the double pipe heat exchanger per-
pipe heat exchanger on heat transfer and pressure drop. They formance through changing the eccentricity of the inner pipe
made a compression between the results of inner plain and center as well as the supplementary turbulence due to the inner
finned pipe under stationary and rotating conditions. He inves- tube rotation. To achieve these aims, a numerical model was
tigated that the maximum rotating speed enhanced the Nusselt constructed in order to investigate the effect of rotational
number and also improved the ratio of heat exchange to speed of the inner pipe with different eccentricity ratio on
pumping power. El-Maghlany et al. [12] studied experimen- the heat transfer coefficient.
tally the performance of counter-flow in horizontal double
tube heat exchanger after adding Cu-nanoparticles to the
water in the annulus of the heat exchanger. They rotated the 2. Numerical simulation
inner tube at variable speeds while the outer pipe was station-
ary. Their results showed that rotation enhancement the rate In this research, a three-dimensional, steady, incompressible
of heat transfer as a result; the heat exchanger effectiveness and turbulent model was created to investigate the effect of
and the transfer number units (NTU) improved and increase inner pipe rotation on the heat transfer rate at different eccen-
the pressure drop. Nobari and Nekoubin [13] studied the effect tricity. The physical properties of the fluid within the compu-
of inward and outward eccentricity on incompressible fluid tational domain are assumed to be constant without
flow in a curved annulus heat exchanger. Their results showed changing its phase.
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger 3
2.1. Governing equations @vr vh @vr vh 2 @vr
q vr þ þ vz
@r r @h r @z
This numerical model was built up using ANSYS Fluent 16.0 @p @ vr 1 @vr vr 1 @ 2 vr 2 @vh @ 2 vr
¼ þl þ þ þ ð5Þ
and is based on the following generalized continuity, momen- @r @r2 r @r r2 r2 @h2 r2 @h @z2
tum and energy equations in Cartesian coordinates for fluid
flow and heat transfer. The flow was assumed to be in-viscid @vh vh @vh vh vr @vh
q vr þ þ vz
and incompressible in while the heat transfer was steady for @r r @h r @z
steady-state analysis. The simplified time-independent mass 2
1 @p @ vh 1 @vh vh 1 @ 2 vh 2 @vr @ 2 vh
equation is given by: ¼ þl þ þ þ þ
r @h @r2 r @r r2 r2 @h2 r2 @h @z2
@vr vr 1 @vh @vz ð6Þ
þ þ þ ¼0 ð1Þ
@r r r @h @z
@vz vh @vz @vz
The simplified non-viscous Navier- stokes momentum q vr þ þ vz
equation is given by: @r r @h @z
@p @ vz 1 @vz 1 @ 2 vz @ 2 vz
¼ þl þ þ þ 2 ð7Þ
@vr @vr vh @vr vh 2 @vr @z @r2 r @r r2 @h2 @z
q þ vr þ þ vz
@t @r r @h r @z
2 The equation for heat transfer derived from energy conser-
@p @ vr 1 @vr vr 1 @ 2 vr 2 @vh @ 2 vr vation is given by:
¼ þl þ þ þ þ Fr
@r @r2 r @r r2 r2 @h2 r2 @h @z2
@T @T vh @T @T
ð2Þ qCp þ qCp vr þ þ v2
@t @r r @h @z
@vh @vh vh @vh vh vr @vh 1@ @T 1 @T @T @ @T
q þ vr þ þ vz ¼ rk þ 2 k þ k þ egen: ð8Þ
@t @r r @h r @z r @r @r r @h @h @z @z
1 @p @ vh 1 @vh vh 1 @ 2 vh 2 @vr @ 2 vh Due to there is no internal heat generation due to heat source,
¼ þl þ þ þ þ þ Fh the term of rate of generation of energy is equal zero. The inner
r @h @r2 r @r r2 r2 @h2 r2 @h @z2
fluid is assumed to be steam in phase change condition and the
outer surface of the inner pipe was taken to be at constant tem-
perature and the outer pipe is insulated, that makes the rate of
@vz @vz vh @vz @vz
q þ vr þ þ vz net energy transport due to conduction could be neglected. Thus
@t @r r @h @z the flow assumed to be steady state where there is no variation of
@p @ vz 1 @vz 1 @ 2 vz @ 2 vz temperature with time, the term of storage energy could be
¼ þl þ þ þ þ Fz ð4Þ
@z @r2 r @r r2 @h2 @z2 neglected. Finally, the only rate of energy transported by con-
vection could be calculated by the following equation:
The flow assumed to be steady state where there is no
variation with time and there is no body force in any direction @T vh @T @T
vr þ þ v2 ¼0 ð9Þ
so momentum equation will be as following: @r r @h @z
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
4 M.A.M. Ali et al.
Fig. 2 Computational Domain, (a) Elevation section, (b) Side view section, (c) Isometric section.
2.2. Physical domain resulted from the induced centrifugal force by flow rotation
where a low-pressure zone generated adjacent to the exit
The physical model consists of a double pipe heat exchanger boundary. Changing the eccentricity of the inner pipe causes
with an inner pipe and an outer pipe of diameter 50 mm and concentration of mesh in one zone than other and for uniform
150 mm respectively and its length is 2000 mm. An extension distribution and adequate quality, meshing is recreated. To
of 1000 mm was added to the original domain length as illus- granite uniform resolution of mesh throughout the domain dif-
trated in Fig. 1 in order to eliminate the reverse flow which is ferent computational domains were created according to the
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger 5
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Position (mm)
75000 145000 MATH. Results
Outlet Temperature
To (C)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Fig. 4 Numerical model (ANSYS) results and mathematical calculation of fluid outlet temperatures comparison.
pipes eccentricity. The eccentricity of the inner pipe center rel- tionary insulated wall. The annular flow is water (Pr = 6.2)
ative to the outer pipe center was taken in this study e = 0, 20, with inlet temperature 25 °C. Copper is selected for inner pipe
30 and 40 mm. material due to its high thermal conductivity.
The boundary at inlet is velocity inlet where the axial velocity A structured grid with hexahedral cells which gives consider-
(vz) is constant while radial velocity (vr) and tangential velocity able computational advantages is used at the annulus region
(vh) equal zero. The annular flow inlet velocity in the axial as illustrated in Fig. 2. A two different sizing were selected
direction is proposed to be 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.35 and 0.5 m/s. which are 75,000 and 145,000 cells. Temperature distribution
The boundary at the exit is pressure boundary where pressure along the heat exchanger of these grid systems was compared
is assumed to be atmospheric. The inner wall is taken as rotat- together for the purpose of mesh independence as shown in
ing isothermal wall with no slip condition. The inner wall tem- Fig. 3. It was found that a grid sizing of 145,000 elements is
perature is 90 °C and rotates with a variable speed of 0, 100, sufficient to capture all the gradients that occurred in the flow
200, 300, 400 and 500 rpm. The outer wall is assumed to be sta- domain. To insure solution convergence and stability, the cal-
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
6 M.A.M. Ali et al.
Fig. 5 Numerical model (ANSYS) results and mathematical calculation of Total heat transfer comparison.
Fig. 6 Numerical model (ANSYS) results and mathematical calculation of Nusselt number comparison.
culation was continued until the normalized residual was number (Re) is calculated and used to characterize different
reduced to below 10e3. In addition the velocity and static flow regimes of the same fluid, such as laminar or turbulent
temperature along the domain center line were plotted every flow. For laminar flow, Nusselt number approach to one and
500 iterations and the solution was consider converged as the that refers to similar values of convection and conduction.
distribution was nearly constant with iteration progress. For turbulent flow, convection is larger than conduction heat
transfer leading to larger Nusselt number up to 1000.
2.5. Numerical model validation q V Dh
Re ¼ ð10Þ
To check that the numerical model meets specifications and
fulfills its intended purpose of the double pipe heat exchanger, where the hydraulic diameter (Dh) is calculated as four times
mathematical equations were used to calculate outlet tempera- the flow area divided by the wetted perimeter of the pipe.
ture of the cold fluid, heat transfer rate, Nusselt number and Ac
Dh ¼ 4 ð11Þ
pressure drop for the cases of concentric pipe with variable P
axial velocity (classic heat transfer problem). The Reynolds Thus the hydraulic diameter for annulus flow calculated by:
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger 7
Fig. 7 Numerical model (ANSYS) results and mathematical calculation of Fluid pressure drop comparison.
E = 0.0 mm
Nu/ Nu ( N=0.0 rpm)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
Dh ¼ Dout Din ð12Þ The pressure drop penalty according to friction between the
annular fluid and both inner and outer pipes due to fluid vis-
In the heat exchanger, the loss of heat transfer rate from the cosity is calculated by the following:
hot surface is equal to the gain of heat transfer rate to the cold
fluid. f L
DP ¼ V2 ð15Þ
2 g Dh
Q ¼ AS h Tmean ¼ mc cpðTout Tin Þ ð13Þ
The results of analytical equations were used to validate the
where Tmean ¼ TS Tout2þTin numerical model results. Mathematical calculations and
Nusselt number (Nu) which is the ratio of convective to numerical results of outlet temperature, total heat transfer
conductive heat transfer across (normal to) the boundary cal- and Nusselt number are shown in Figs. 4–6 while the results
culated by the following equation. of pressure drop caused by fluid friction through the pipe are
shown in Fig. 7. It is clear from these Figures that there is a
h L good agreement between the numerical and Mathematical
Nu ¼ ð14Þ calculations.
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
8 M.A.M. Ali et al.
Fig. 9 Stream lines colored by velocity magnitude of centric pipe at different rotation speeds.
E = 0.0 mm
T out (C°)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
N=0 N=100 N=200 N=300 N=400 N=500
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger 9
N= 500 rpm
Nu / Nu (E=00 mm)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
E=0.0 E=20 E=30 E=40
Fig. 12 Eccentricity effect on Nusselt number ratio of rotating inner pipe at 500 rpm.
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
10 M.A.M. Ali et al.
Fig. 13 Stream lines colored by velocity magnitude at different eccentricity of rotating inner pipe at 500 rpm.
N=500 rpm
T out (C°)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
E=0.0 E=20 E=30 E=40
Fig. 14 Eccentricity effect on outlet temperature of rotating inner pipe at 500 rpm.
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Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger 11
E = 0.0 mm
dP/dP( N=0.0 rpm)
0.00 10000.00 20000.00 30000.00 40000.00 50000.00 60000.00
N=0 N=100 N=200 N=300 N=400 N=500
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
12 M.A.M. Ali et al.
N= 500 rpm
dP / dP ( E=0.0 mm)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
E=0.0 E=20 E=30 E=40
Fig.18 Eccentricity effect on pressure drop ratio of rotating inner pipe at 500 rpm.
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Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger 13
E = 20 mm
Nu / Nu ( N=0.0 rpm)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
N=0 N=100 N=200 N=300 N=400 N=500
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
14 M.A.M. Ali et al.
E = 30 mm
Nu / Nu ( N=0.0 rpm)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
N=0 N=100 N=200 N=300 N=400 N=500
E = 40 mm
Nu / Nu ( N=0.0 rpm)
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
N=0 N=100 N=200 N=300 N=400 N=500
3. Results and discussion increasing the inlet velocity by the same rate, Nusselt number
increased by 70%. It was also observed that the heat transfer
The main indicator of heat exchanger performance enhance- rate is also affected by rotational speed more than Reynolds
ment is Nusselt number. The higher the fluid Nusselt number number. Fig. 9 shows stream line colored by velocity magni-
is reached, the higher performance of the heat exchanger is tude at same inlet velocity with a different rotation speed of
gained. The strongest parameter influence on convection heat concentric inner pipe. As the rotation increases the magnitude
transfer is a fluid rotational speed which increases the turbu- velocity increases that mean more turbulence which improves
lence of the annular fluid and as a result of that the heat trans- the heat transfer. Increasing rotation speed of inner pipe
fer increase. Rotation of inner pipe has a positive effect on enhance the heat transfer and it is observed in increasing the
Nusselt number as shown in Fig. 8. As rotational speed outlet temperature of centric pipe as shown in Fig. 10.
increased by 300%, Nusselt number increased by 182% while Fig. 11 shows the Temperature contour of concentric pipe at
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger 15
E = 20 mm
dP/dP ( N=0.0 rpm)
0.00 10000.00 20000.00 30000.00 40000.00 50000.00 60000.00
N=0 N=100 N=200 N=300 N=400 N=500
E = 30 mm
dP/dP ( N=0.0 rpm)
0.00 10000.00 20000.00 30000.00 40000.00 50000.00 60000.00
N=0 N=100 N=200 N=300 N=400 N=500
different rotation speed to illustrate the temperature distribu- that means more turbulence and improving in the heat trans-
tion along the pipe and effect of rotation on flow temperature. fer. The generated vortex in the large gap assists to mix the
On the other hand, changing eccentricity of the inner pipe has hot fluid near the hot inner pipe with the cold one near the
an effect on Nusselt number comparing with concentric one as outer pipe at the large gap and ensuring that no dead zones
it is illustrated in Fig. 12. The eccentricity of 40 mm repre- in this large gap are established. ﺃeat transfer improvement
sented the most case of augmentation in Nusselt number and by changing Eccentricity while rotating the inner pipe leads
the stream lines of inner pipe rotational speed of 500 at differ- to growth in outlet temperature as shown in Fig. 14. Temper-
ent eccentricity that is represented in Fig. 13 showed that ature contour in Fig. 15 illusterats the effect of changing eccen-
increasing of eccentricity leads to growing in the velocity mag- tricity on temperture magnitude. The pressure drop penalty
nitude where the upper gab work as a nozzle that increase the across the heat exchanger has been negatively affected by fluid
velocity and turbulence leading to improve Nusselt number. Reynolds number and rotation of the inner pipe. As expected,
As it is shown the eccentricity of 40 mm generated two vortices as the Reynolds number and rotational speed increase, pres-
Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),
16 M.A.M. Ali et al.
E = 40 mm
0.00 10000.00 20000.00 30000.00 40000.00 50000.00 60000.00
N=0 N=100 N=200 N=300 N=400 N=500
sure drop increases sequentially. Effect of inner pipe rotation Increasing eccentricity beside rotation slightly improve the
speed on pressure drop is remarkable at low Reynolds number performance of the heat exchanger for both high and low
compared to high Reynolds number as illustrated in Fig. 16 Reynolds number where Nusselt number increased by
and a pressure contour presented in Fig. 17 shows the growth 42% at low velocity and by 47% at high velocity.
in inlet pressure to overcome the friction loss across the heat The effect of rotation on pressure drop obvious in low Rey-
exchanger as a result of increasing rotation speed. This is nolds number more than high Reynolds number. Pressure
due to the increase in the viscous force at both the inner and drop raised by 178% at low Reynolds number while it
outer pipes surface. Changing eccentricity of rotating inner increased by 12% only at high Reynolds number compared
pipe impact on pressure drop as shown in Fig. 18 and it is clear to the stationary condition.
that eccentricity of 30 and 40 mm increase pressure drop than Pressure drop is affected by increasing rotation more than
the eccentricity of 20 mm because the reduction in the gap increasing eccentricity.
width in one direction which increases exclusively the shear The results showed a significant enhancement by 223% in
force. Vortexes generated in high eccentricity multiply friction the heat transfer rate due to the eccentricity change up to
loss as shown in Fig. 19 and as a result higher inlet pressure is 40 mm and at the inner pipe rotation of 500 rpm. However,
needed to overcome losses. the pressure penalty through the heat exchanger increase by
Rotation speed effects on Nusselt number ratio at different 53% in the rotational speed of inner pipe up to 500 rpm and
eccentricities are shown in Figs. 20–22 where increasing rota- eccentricity of 40 mm and it is accepted penalties.
tion speed or eccentricity improve heat transfer and that
appear in increasing Nusselt number, while they increase Pres-
sure drop as shown in Figs. 23–25. The results concluded that References
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Please cite this article in press as: M.A.M. Ali et al., Heat transfer enhancement of double pipe heat exchanger using rotating of variable eccentricity inner pipe,
Alexandria Eng. J. (2018),