Flanklloydwright1 230925070712 c948542b
Flanklloydwright1 230925070712 c948542b
Flanklloydwright1 230925070712 c948542b
Frank Lloyd
Birth Part time job Oak Park, Works like Winslow Established F.L. Wright
with Allan D. Illinois, own House, Unity F.L. Wright passes away
Conover house Temple, Robie Foundation in Arizona
House etc
Introduced to Joins Adler Starts his own Taliesin, a new Awarded Gold Medal
Froebel and Sullivan practice home and of American Institute
blocks in Chicago studio of Architects
“The spirit in which these buildings are conceived sees all these together at work as one thing.”
Architecture as “the great mother art, behind which all others are definitely, distinctly and inevitably related.”
Case 1: Falling Water
Philosophy in Design
Fallingwater, 1935
Fallingwater, 1935
Fallingwater, 1935
Open floor plans were widely appreciated for their social and
interactive purposes
Nautilus Shell
Philosophy in Design
With the “Prairie house”— a long, low, open plan structure that eschewed the typical high, straight-sided box in order to
emphasize the horizontal line of the prairie and domesticity.
Interior walls were minimised to create an open plan to foster a sense of community for inhabitants and a harmonious
connection to the natural world.
Financial crisis of 1929 and ensuing Great Depression that gripped the United States and the rest of the world, Wright began
working on affordable housing, which developed into the Usonian house.
A house could be compared to a living organism with all parts relating to the whole, making form and function wholly
Usonian Automatic to describe a Usonian style house made of inexpensive concrete blocks.
The Zimmerman House (1950) Toufic H. Kalil House (1955) Curtis Meyer House (1948) in Galesburn
Design & Style
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