Relationship Between Guitar Strings Frequency With Mass, Length, and Density
Relationship Between Guitar Strings Frequency With Mass, Length, and Density
Relationship Between Guitar Strings Frequency With Mass, Length, and Density
Guitar Strings
Frequency with Mass,
Length, and Density
An investigation finds out how length, mass and density affect the
frequency of sound it produces. So, we create a relationship between
tension of a vibrating string and the frequency it produces. The
frequency is determined through use of three different experiments.
The first experiment is the use of different masses added on the string.
The second experiment is determined through changing the length. And
the third experiment was determined through changing the thickness of
the string. The best results were achieved by changing the mass.
Sound waves are mechanical which travel through air and sometimes
through liquid and gas. Sound waves are created by vibration of guitar
strings, tuning fork, and speaker diaphragm. The vibrations between
particles of air liquid and solids cause the vibration to go back and
forward creating allowing energy to transfer from both ends.
1 T
2l μ √
where v is the velocity of the transverse wave but
√ T
2L (√ Tμ )
Where f is the fundamental frequency
L is the length ( m )
T is the tension ( N )
μis mass per unit length ( )
This formula states if you make the length of the string longer the
frequency decreases leading to a lower pitch sound. And if you lower the
length of the string, frequency increases. The relationship between
guitar and superpositions principle the vibrations of different sting create
a sound. When 2 strings are vibrating together this is called combined
vibration. interference is when 2 or more strings vibrate together this
can either benefit or ruin them by affecting tone quality by creating
variations in sound. And complex waves are waveforms which correspond
to the amplitude frequency and waveforms and most of the
time the superposition of strings is what causes unique sounds produced.
Understanding on how vibration of strings united the interaction when
trying to understand how sounds played on the guitar and other strings
instruments play.
Guitar strings there are many frequencies at which guitar strings vibrate
at which they will naturally vibrate. These are natural frequencies at
which an object depends upon the tension linear density of the string and
length and the natural frequency is the harmonic of the guitar strings.
Each of these natural frequencies is linked to a specific standing waves
● Stopwatch
● Metre stick
● Stand clamp
● Paper and pen to collect data
● Strings various material
● Pulley
There are various materials for guitar strings and common ones are e.g.
steel they are found in electric and acoustic guitars. Providing warm and
rich tones. Nylon is used in classical guitar and produces a mellow and
gentle tone. Gut is also used in classical guitars and provides a warm and
natural tone. Nickel: they are used in electric guitars for a smooth feel
and a balanced tone. Bronze is found in acoustic guitars Thickness
Gauge: Gauge refers to the width and thickness of something. For e.g.
thicker guitar strings can produce more volume and louder tones than
thinner ones. But it can be harder to play. The Thinner guitar strings are
easier to play as they are more bendable. Gauges usually come in light,
medium, and heavy thickness. Tension is the force applied on the string.
Gauge influences tension. Strings with higher tension can produce a
tighter feel and brighter tone high pitched, unlike strings with lower
tension which feel; looser and produce a warmer tone low pitched.
Number of strings: Guitars have six strings usually, placed with
increasing thickness and pitch. However, there are some guitars which
even have seven, eight, nine, or even more strings, which give people
greater choice Tuning: Every guitar string is adjusted to a particular
pitch; this is done by using a peg or a machine head. Tuning a six-string
guitar, from lowest to highest pitch. Setup: make sure you arrange the
setup on a flat surface. Tie the string onto the clamp and move the
second end of the string over the pulley and link it to the weights with
the hook. Tuning: change the tension of the string by changing the
weights, to get different pitches. Measurement of length: record the
length using a metre. Ruler the distance between clamp and pulley.
Frequency measurement: pluck the string in the middle to make
vibration. Use a stopwatch to record the time taken for a specific number
of vibrations to be completed for e.g. (10 or 15 o) we can calculate the
frequency of vibration using the formula f=n/t where f is the frequency n
is the number of vibration and t is the taken to for 10 vibrations Effect of
tension: increase the weights on the weight hanger to increase the
tension. And repeat the experiment at each tension to keep length
constant. Data collection: measure the frequency at different lengths by
making the pulley and clamp stand closer and repeat this 5 times.
Measure the frequency at different masses by adding or removing
weights and repeating at each mass 5 times. Measure the frequency and
different thickness of string by changing strings and repeat this 5 times.
Analysis: plot a graph of tension against frequency to observe the
relationship between tension and frequency. Plot a graph of frequency
against length to get a relationship between length and frequency. Plot a
graph of frequency and diameter to observe a relationship between
diameter and frequency. Safety precautions make you careful with the
weight, so they do not fall onto your feet and do not overtighten the
string, so it does not break apart. By doing this experiment you can
figure out the ‘vibrational characteristics of guitar strings’ and so we can
understand the relationship between length, tension, thickness, and
frequency. When you pluck the string of the guitar. It produces a sound
that is caused by standing waves. This is what we hear when the string is
vibrating. This results in vibration around the air. This vibration moves
through the air, and you hear it through your ears. The initial shake in
the string caused by the vibrating in the string oscillates back and
forward producing interference waves with particular wavelength and
frequency appear in those because interference in those waves are
moving back and forward producing interference. The fundamental
frequency of a vibrating string is inversely proportional to its length and
directly proportional to the square root of the tension to the string and
inversely proportional to the thickness of the material. When you pluck
the guitar string and the sounds that you hear contain many frequencies.
The lowest frequencies there are called fundamental frequencies and
have a wavelength twice the length of the vibrating part of the string.
Experimental readings:
Experiment 1:
1 T
2L μ
√ T 0.25 1 T
2 L ml √ L 2 m(√ )
f =∝
Where f is the fundamental frequency (Hz)
L is the length of the string
T is the tension
L (m) 1/L (m) (m) F (Hz) F^2 (Hz) wavelength(m)
0.65 1.54 1.24 50.00 2500.0 1.3
0.6 1.67 1.29 53.76 2890.5 1.2
0.55 1.82 1.35 54.35 2953.7 1.1
0.5 2.00 1.41 55.56 3086.4 1
0.45 2.22 1.49 57.47 3302.9 0.9
Experiment 2:
● Where mass is the variable
● T is the independent variable
● Length is constant (.45m)
● Density is constant
● Dependant variable is f
Rearranging the formula
1 T
2L μ
f =∝ √ T
Where f is the fundamental frequency (Hz)
L is the length of the string
T is the tension
time for 10
vibrations mass (kg) frequency (Hz) tension (N)
0.17 0.30 3460.21 1868.50
0.185 0.25 2921.84 1314.80
0.25 0.20 1600.00 576.00
0.285 0.15 1231.15 332.40
0.37 0.10 730.46 131.50
0.315 0.05 1007.81 90.70
Experiment 3:
● mass constant:0.25kg
● Length constant 0.45m
● Thickness is the variable
1 T
2L μ √
1 T
2L mass× area
Lengt h× area
2L √ t
L× A
1 T
2L π
× d2× L
4 √ T
d L
f= ( √)
1 1 T
d L μ
1 T
1 1 T
2 mL √ L 2 m
(√ )
A 0.45 m string along with different masses was used to obtain the
frequency in part two of the experiment. As the trial number increases
the mass added to the pan also increased, causing the different results of
frequencies, but a constant number of segments. The experimental
frequencies of vibration were obtained through a constant length of
guitar strings, but with different masses to determine the frequency of
vibration. Which was calculated using the equation:
1 T
2 mL
=√ T
1 1
2 mL
f ∝ √T
(√ )
in different frequencies f =
1 T
2L μ
1 T
2L mass× area
Lengt h× area
2L √ t
L× A
1 T
2L π 2
×d × L
4 √ T
d L
f= ( √)
1 1 T
d L μ
f =∝
How The Length of the Guitar String affects Frequency: Shorter String
Length: When you shorten a guitar string length (for example, by
making the clamp stand closer to the pulley), you decrease the length of
the vibrating portion. As the length decreases, the frequency of vibration
increases. Shortening the string effectively increases the tension on it,
which also results to a higher frequency of vibration. Longer String
Length: oppositely, increasing the length of the guitar string increases
the length of the vibrating portion. As the length increases, the frequency
of vibration decreases. increasing the length of-the string decreases the
tension on it, which results in a lower frequency of vibration.
Frequency Analysis:
To analyse the relationship between length and frequency, you can
perform experiments where you vary the length of the string while
keeping tension and thickness constant or changing. Or where you
change the tension of the string and keep constant the length and
thickness of the string. And or change the thickness, keep the length, and
tension constant.
Measure the frequency of vibration for each length by letting the string
vibrate and calculating the time it takes for the string to vibrate 10 times.
Plot the data on a graph with frequency on the y-axis and length on the x-
axis. You should observe a linear relationship, where shorter lengths
correspond to higher frequencies and longer lengths correspond to lower
frequencies. Practical Considerations: In a real guitar the length of a
string is also important. When a string is supported at two points and
plucked, it vibrates and produces sound. However, if the length of this
string is shortened, its pitch will increase so the frequency will increase
and if you shorten the length pitch will decrease so frequency will
decrease. Understanding the relationship between length and frequency
helps guitarists tune their instruments accurately and play in tune across
different fret positions. The Tension of a Guitar String Affects Frequency
Increased Tension:
When you increase the tension in a guitar string, by increasing the
weight on the set of weight, you increase its frequency of vibration.
Higher tension leads to higher frequencies of vibration, resulting in a
higher pitch. This relationship is fundamental to tuning a guitar.
Tightening the strings increases tension, raising the pitch of the notes
Decreased Tension:
In contrast, reducing the tension in a guitar string lowers its frequency of
vibration. Lower tension leads to lower frequencies of vibration,
resulting in a lower pitch. Loosening the strings decreases tension,
lowering the pitch of the notes produced. Frequency Analysis: To analyse
the relationship between tension and frequency, you can perform
experiments where you vary the tension while keeping the length of the
string constant. Measure the frequency of vibration for each tension by
adding extra weights onto the weight set’s and recording how long it
takes for the string to vibrate 10 times Plot the data on a graph with
frequency on the y-axis and tension on the x-axis. You should observe a
linear relationship, where higher tensions correspond to higher
frequencies and lower tensions correspond to lower frequencies.
Practical Considerations:
The tension of a string is also related to its pitch. Guitar strings have
different tension changing the tension by tuning tightened and loosened
using their tuning keys. Applying too much tension to a string tightly can
raise it to the pitch of the next note, while loosening it can easily lower it
the same amount. Increasing the tension raises the pitch resulting in a
higher frequency and lowering the tension lowers the pitch resulting in a
lower frequency.
You measure the frequency by changing the thickness by changing
strings for each string by attaching a new onto the stand clamp and the
weight sets and record the time In practice, when talking about guitar
strings, thicker strings are typically used for lower-pitched notes such as
the lower strings on a guitar, while thinner strings are used for higher-
pitched notes such as the higher strings on a guitar. Thicker strings also
tend to have higher tension when tuned to the same pitch as thinner
strings. However, the relationship between string thickness and
frequency is not linear. Increasing the thickness of a string will increase
its mass per unit length (μ), which in turn affects the fundamental
frequency according to the formula mentioned earlier. But other factors,
such as the increased tension required to bring a thicker string to pitch
and the stiffness of the material, also play a role. while there is a
relationship between string thickness and frequency, it is not
straightforward, and it is influenced by other factors such as tension and
material stiffness. Thicker strings generally have lower frequencies and
are used for lower-pitched notes, but the relationship is not linear.
1/sqrt(L) Velocity
L 1/L (m) F (Hz) (ms^-1)
0.65 1.54 1.24 50.00 325.0
0.6 1.67 1.29 53.76 322.6
0.55 1.82 1.35 54.35 298.9
0.5 2.00 1.41 55.56 277.8
0.45 2.22 1.49 57.47 258.6
f =26.344 ( 1L )−18.48
velocity of sound =slope × 12.9=339.83 m s
The results for this experiment gave a positive linear result with
remarkably high correlation as shown through the coefficient of
determination being 0.897. 89.70% of the correlation in frequency was
related to the correlation in 1/length. 10.3% was due to other variables.
All results appeared to, and hence, were proven to be linearly related. As
the individual 1/length increased, so too did the frequency of the wave. If
the graph of frequency (Hz) vs. length (m) had been graphed, a negative
relationship between the two would have occurred.
This experiment conducted to investigate the vibrational properties of
strings has produced insightful results and provided a deeper
understanding of wave mechanics and resonance phenomena. Through
careful experimentation and analysis, several key findings have been
established: Frequency-Length Relationship The experiment confirmed
the well-established inverse relationship between the length of a
vibrating string and its fundamental frequency. As the length of the
string increased, the frequency of vibration decreased, consistent with
theoretical predictions based on wave equations. Harmonics and
Overtones (overtones are all pitches higher than the lowest pitch within
an individual sound; the fundamental is the lowest pitch). By exciting the
string with various plucking techniques and observing its vibrations, the
presence of harmonics and overtones was evident. Harmonics, being
integers multiples of the fundamental frequency, contribute to the
richness and complexity of the sound produced by the string. Effect of
Tension Altering the tension in the string revealed its significant impact
on the frequency of vibration. Increasing tension resulted in higher
frequencies, while decreasing tension led to lower frequencies. This
relationship between tension and frequency highlights the dynamic
interplay between mechanical properties and vibrational behaviour. The
relationship between thickness and frequency is an inverse relationship.
Meaning if you have string of thicker diameter, it will produce a low
frequency and vice versa and because if you have strings which are
thicker, they will vibrate slowly and so they will produce a lower
Accuracy and Precision Despite inherent experimental uncertainties,
such as measurement errors and environmental factors, the results
obtained demonstrated an important level of accuracy and consistency.
Repetition of trials and careful calibration of instruments minimise
random errors, enhancing the reliability of the experimental data but
there were a few reasons the experiment still had some inaccuracy
because when I was doing the experiment and recorded it I had the
stopwatch next to the string so sometimes on the stopwatch I couldn't
see the time properly and i was counting the time for the string to vibrate
10 times and so human error could occur by looking at the recording .
Practical Implications The insights gained from this experiment have
practical implications in various fields, including music, engineering, and
acoustics and understanding different relationships work. Understanding
the vibrational properties of strings is crucial for designing musical
instruments, optimising sound quality, and developing innovative
technologies based on resonance principles. In conclusion, this
experiment has provided valuable insights into the behaviour of vibrating
strings and their fundamental relationship with frequency, length,
tension and density. By applying principles of wave mechanics and
resonance, this experiment has contributed to our understanding of the
physics behind musical instruments and the broader realm of sound
science. Conclusion This experiment conducted to investigate the
vibrational properties of strings has yielded insightful results and
provided a deeper understanding of wave mechanics and resonance
phenomena. Through careful experimentation and analysis, several key
findings have been established, one of them are: Frequency-Length
Relationship The experiment confirmed the well-established inverse
relationship between the length of a vibrating string and its fundamental
frequency. As the length of the string increased, the frequency of
vibration decreased, consistent with theoretical predictions based on
wave equations.