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PHY12 Report 4

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Experiment 304: Transverse Wave: Frequency of Vibration


Department of Physics
School of Civil Engineering and Geological Engineering
Mapua Institute of Technology
PHY12L A7 Group 3

Keywords: Frequency, Incident and Reflected waves, Longitundal waves, Mechanical waves, Node
and Antinode, Sine wave generator and String vibrator, Sinusoidal waves, Transverse waves.

Common examples of mechanical waves (as from waves simulated by the string vibrator and the sine
wave generator) include water waves, sound waves, and seismic waves. Mechanical waves have two
central features: They are governed by Newtons laws, and they can only exist only within a material
medium, such as water, air, or rock. (Principles of Physics, 2014)
Transverse waves assumes a sinusoidal wave pattern (from the behavior of the sine function), which
is a result of superposition of two travelling waves: the incident and the reflected waves. Incident
wave is a current or voltage wave that is travelling through a transmission line (the guitar string) in
the direction from source(the string vibrator and sine wave generator) to load. And when any wave,
hits a surface, the reflection wave is the resulting wave that bounces off to the load to the source such
as the incident wave. In this experiments case, the end of the guitar string has a mass hanger where
a certain load tenses the string due to its hanging weight along a pulley. Therefore, the wave can
bounce back from the load to the source.
A way to study waves is to monitor the wave forms (shapes of the waves as they move to the right, +
x-direction). We can monitor the motion of an element of the string by inspection as the element
oscillates up or down while a wave passes through it. We would find that the displacement of every
suh oscillating string element to be perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave, and is said to
be a transverse wave.
Wave motion is the underlying principle for many common phenomena (sound, musical
instruments, light, x-rays, etc.) and may be transverse or longitudinal in nature. For longitudinal
waves, the displacement of each particle of the medium is parallel to the direction in which the
wave propagates. In transverse wave motion, the displacement of the particles is perpendicular to
the direction of the wave propagation. For this experiment, the characteristics of transverse waves
are studied by standing waves on a stretched spring of a certain tension. The standing waves (for
both longitudinal and transverse wave motion) are important because many bodies vibrate with
standing waves. We are going to study the relationship between the tension of the string and the
vibrational frequencies of a standing wave pattern. (Advanced Instructional Systems Inc. and Texas
A&M University, NC-SU).
In theory, a string that is under tension and connected to a harmonic oscillator such as the sine wave
generator and the string vibrator, the standing waves are produced by two travelling waves.
These waves travel down the string to the other end and going back results to an alternating regions
of nodes and antinodes. The node (N) and the antinode (A) refer to regions of no vibration and
maximum vibrations, respectively. The distance between the two nodes is called a segment. See
figure 1.
The relationship between the velocity v, frequency f, and wavelength , is given by equation (1),
known as the general wave equation:
v=f (1)
For a transverse wave, the velocity of propagation is a function of the tension T, and the linear mass
density of the medium, :

v = (2)

The frequency of vibration, after combining the two equations is

f =

The wavelength , must be expressed in terms of other measurable quantities like the number of
segments formed (n) and the length of the vibrating string (L). The length of one segment is equal
to one half wavelength and the length of vibrating string is divided into equal number of
Thus, the frequency of vibration is,

f = 2L (3)

Linear mass density is mass per unit length of the medium. We can refer to the table provided
by the handouts for the strings equivalent linear mass density.

Part A is only about setting up the experiment. First, we have to mount the sine wave generator and
the string vibrator on an iron stand (see figure 2), and connect the string vibrator to the output jack
of the sine wave generator with a pair of banana patch cords, where polarity is not important.
Connect the power supply to the power input of the instrument.
Part B is for determining the frequency of vibration with constant (uniform) linear mass density.
We are free to choose whatever size of guitar string to use. Tie one end of the chosen guitar string
to the stylus of the string vibrator and pass it over the pulley. At the end of the guitar string, attach
the mass hanger (refer to Figure 3) and add 50g on the mass hanger and adjust to frequency knob
to the desired frequency of vibration (between 100-130Hz). Be sure to slowly adjust the amplitude
knob to make sure that the segment formation is clearly defined and visible. This is important
because we will count the number of distinct segments formed by the wave motion then find its
length (the wavelength) using the meter stick or a ruler. To minimize error, we should disregard the
segment near the stylus because this segment is near the source of propagation. Its behavior is rather
unstable and uncertain. Record the data in Table 1 and solve for the experimental value of frequency
of vibration using equation (3). Repeat steps 2 to 5, but with increasing mass added to the hanger
to find the average experimental value of vibration and solve for the percentage error.
Results and Discussion
Referring to Graph(1), it shows the groups experimental values obtained from the experiment.
Input values were 55g, 65g, 75g, 85g, and 95g. Input masses had its corresponding increasing
frequencies of 97.93Hz, 102.8Hz, 108.55Hz, 111.77Hz, and 114.41Hz upon vibration of the string.
Mean input mass was 75g and has a standard deviation of 14.14. The slope of the line was 0.4193
(obtained from the linear equation y=0.4193x+75.645, plotted via MS Office Word) and an R2
value of 0.977.

We obtained 107.092Hz as our experimental frequency and scored 2.64% error from 110Hz as the
actual value.

In Graph(2), the other groups including us, were assigned different guitar strings with their
corresponding linear mass densities (varying linear mass densities). From equation (1), we noticed
that linear mass densities increase (holding n, L, and T constant), the frequencies decrease. This
makes sense because heavier(more massive) strings tend to produce deeper tones (less pitch) than
its lighter strings on a guitar. Therefore, frequency (pitch) is inversely proportional to the strings
linear mass density.

Another important discovery from this experiment is that when the strings length decreases, it
produces a higher frequency (assuming that n, L, and T are constant). Again, frequency is also
inversely proportional to the strings length. Intuitively, if we tune a guitar (tensing the strings), the
length affecting frequency or the strung part of the string also decreases. If we want it tune it a pitch
higher, we will also increase the tension and decrease the length. And upon increasing tension, we
can also observe that the segment formations to be more visible. Referring to equation (2), velocity
is directly proportional to tension. Movement along with increasing velocity makes the segments
more visible.

Collectively, the actual frequencies of the strings (from 0.0039g/cm to 0.0184g/cm; blue bars on the
graph) were 100Hz, 100Hz, 100Hz, 106.8Hz, and 122.0Hz, respectively. These values produced an
mean frequency of 106.12Hz. In comparison, the yellow bars are experimental frequencies tested by
the groups. The groups (the class) obtained 97.44Hz (corrected; there has been some calculation
value prior to 97.64Hz that our groupmate may have misheard). The class obtained an error of
8.18% (Corrected. Again. Prior to the 7.99% error value).

Answers to Guide Questions/Problems

1. A string has a mass per unit length of 3x10-3g/cm and is attached to an electrically
driven vibrator of frequency 100vps. How long is the string if the number of segments
produced is 2 when under a tension of 0.2kg?

Given: Solution:

= 3x10-3g/cm f = 2 L = 2

2 196000
f = 100vps = 2(100) 3103
n=2 = 80.83cm or 0.8083m

T = 0.2kg (convert: W=mg; W=T) = 196,000dynes

Required: L = ?
2. A 2-meter long wire vibrates with a frequency of 330Hz when the tension is 500N.
What is the new frequency if the tension on the wire is reduced to a factor of 0.5?

Given: Solution:
f1 = 330Hz f1 = 300Hz From (1) let f = f2
T = 500N v=f f2* 2 =
42 2
L = 2m f = f2 * = ; solve for f2

2 1
(f )2 = f2 = 42
= 233.35Hz

Required: (f * n )2 =
f2 = ? f2* 2 = --- (1)

Plugging given values (let f = f1)

4(2)2 2
3002* =

= 3484.8


Input mass vs Frequency Graph (Experimental)

116 y = 0.4193x + 75.645
R = 0.9771 114.41
112 111.77
108 108.55

98 97.93
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Graph (1)
Variable Linear Mass Density: Visual Comparison of AV vs EV

0.0184g/cm (0.022in dia.) 122


0.015g/cm (0.020in dia.) 108.6


0.0112g/cm (0.017in dia.) 100


0.0078g/cm (0.014in dia.) 100


0.0039g/cm (0.010in dia.) 100


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Frequency (AV) Frequency (EV)

Graph (2)

Figure 1: Standing waves in a stretched string

Figure 2: Sine wave generator and string vibrator Figure 3: Complete setup of the apparatus

Important relationships of frequency are discussed in the results and discussion theoretically and
intuitively (cited to avoid redundancy). Referring to the gathered data, the objectives of the
experiment were met even though we exceeded the 5% error threshold. The principles and
important relationships of linear mass density, number of segment formation, tension, and string
length were exhibited by the apparatuses.

The sine wave generator and the string vibrator simulates mechanical wave formation along a
sample string with varying length and a simple tension mechanism. Wave motion with a varying
frequency was formed from the stylus of the string vibrator to a transmission line (the guitar string)
to the endpoint held by a frictionless pulley (to avoid energy loss) with a pan and customized

Practical uses of the concepts learned in this experiment in civil engineering is the through tension
cables in bridges, or other special structures, as well as steel reinforcements in buildings. Internal
transverse waves that are strong enough to produce distortion and cracking inside the reinforcement
system of a structures column (say, a pillar or an overpasss column) will cause damage to the
concrete due to the violent, forceful movement in the case of an earthquake. To mitigate structural
damage, we use steel bars (or a system of steel bars) with fitting linear mass densities to transmit
dead (static) or live (dynamic) loads effectively so that the structure is flexible to cater common and
severe demands as the building codes require.

Source of error includes counting the segment forming near the stylus because it is near the point of
propagation. This is the point where the waves start to form. It may or may not produce full
tranverse waves. Also take note of the control buttons for amplitude and frequency. Try to set just
the right amounts so that we can properly see the segment formation along the string. Aside from
those, other errors falls down to human error (syntax errors and error of measurements).

Data Sheet
TABLE 1: Determining the frequency of vibration (constant linear mass density)
diameter of wire = 0.017 in linear mass density of wire, = 0.0112 g/cm
(Please refer to Table 2 for the different size of the string and its equivalent linear mass density)
TRIAL tension, T number of length of string frequency of
(mass added + segments, n with complete vibration,
mass of pan) x number of
980cm/s 2
segments, L f =
1 53900 dynes 5 56 cm 97.93 Hz
2 63700 dynes 5 58 cm 102.80 Hz
3 73500 dynes 5 59 cm 108.55 Hz
4 83300 dynes 5 61 cm 111.77 Hz
5 93100 dynes 5 63 cm 114.41 Hz
average frequency of vibration 107.092 Hz
actual value of frequency of vibration 110 Hz
% error 2.64 %
TABLE 2: Determining the frequency of vibration (variable linear mass density)
TRIAL diameter linear mass tension, T number of length of frequency
of wire density, (mass added segments, n string with of
+ mass of complete vibration,
pan) x number of
980cm/s2 segments, L f = 2L
1 0.010in 0.0039g/cm 98000 dynes 2 48.7cm 107.93 Hz
2 0.014in 0.0078g/cm 98000 dynes 4 55.5cm 95.34 Hz
3 0.017in 0.0112g/cm 98000 dynes 4 60.0cm 92.6 Hz
4 0.020in 0.0150g/cm 98000 dynes 5 62.3cm 102.57 Hz
5 0.022in 0.0184g/cm 98000 dynes 5 65.0cm 88.76 Hz
average frequency of vibration 97.44 Hz
actual value of frequency of vibration 106.12 Hz
% error 8.18%

Sample Computations
Given: Computation:
madded(1) = 50g ; L1 = 56cm tension, T = (madded + mpan) x 980cm/s2
madded(2) = 60g ; L2 = 58cm T1 = (50g + 5g) x 980cm/s2
madded(3) = 70g ; L3 = 59cm T1 = 53900 dynes
madded(4) = 80g ; L4 = 61cm

madded(5) = 90g ; L5 = 63cm frequency, f = 2L

5 53900
n = 5 segments f1 =
2(56) .

mpan = 5g f1 = 97.93Hz
= 0.0112g/cm

From Table 1 From Table 2

1 +2 +3 +4 +5 1 +2 +3 +4 +5
fave, EV = fave, EV =
5 5

fave, EV = 107.092Hz fave, EV = 97.44Hz

|| ||
%error = 100% %error = 100%

|110107.092| |106.1297.44|
%error = 100% = 2.64% %error = 100% = 8.18%
110 106.12
Reference from a book:
[1] Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2014). Principles of Physics 10th ed. Hoboken, NJ:
Reference from a website:
[1] Information from http://uk.farnell.com/incident-wave-definition
[2] Information from http://study.com/academy/lesson/reflection-of-waves-definition-examples-
[3] Information from
[4] Information from http://documents.mx/documents/e303-transverse-wave.html
[5] Information from http://www.splung.com/content/sid/6/page/latentheat
[6] Information from https://physics.appstate.edu/laboratory/quick-guides/vibrating-strings

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