Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0127865 A1
Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0127865 A1
Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0127865 A1
Patent Application Publication Jul. 10, 2003. Sheet 1 of 2 US 2003/0127865 A1
Patent Application Publication Jul. 10, 2003. Sheet 2 of 2 US 2003/0127865 A1
US 2003/O127865 A1 Jul. 10, 2003
SWING BOLT LOCK WITH IMPROVED TAMPER handle. Rotary input through a dial also can generate an
RESISTANCE AND METHOD OF OPERATION output. Internal circuitry Senses entry of the correct combi
nation and sends an electric Signal to the Solenoid. The Signal
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION causes the Solenoid to withdraw the plunger, which, in turn,
allows the locking plate to disengage the locking bolt. The
0001) 1. Field of the Invention handle then can manipulate the bolt works. Part of the bolt
0002 The present invention relates to Swing or rotary Works pushes on the locking bolt to rotate the bolt about a
bolt locks in which part of the locking bolt pivots into and shaft to its unlocked position. The bolt works then withdraw
out of the lock housing. the safe bolts.
0.003 2. General Background and State of the Art 0009. The prior art recognizes that applying sufficient
force on a still-locked handle of a safe with a Swing bolt lock
0004 Doors of safes, vaults, strong rooms, container and through pounding, jostling or other manipulation can Some
similar security closures (collectively called “safes” in this times open the safe. The Solenoid must be relatively small to
application) usually have at least one and preferably several fit within the lock housing. Therefore, the plunger also is
locking bolts that reciprocate from a non-locking position to Small and weak. Further, having a Smaller Solenoid con
an extended locking position. In the locking position, the Sumes less electric power. Since most Such locks are battery
locking bolts extend from the Safe door into receptacles in powered, decreasing electric consumption adds to battery
the adjacent safe walls. When the safe has more than one life. Unfortunately, sufficient force from the handle through
bolt, bolt works connect the bolts. The bolt works include the bolt works against the Swing bolt Sometimes can apply
linkages that move the Safe bolts simultaneously when a user enough force against the locking plate to break the plunger.
turns a Single handle. A locking device cooperates with the Once the plunger breaks, the plate moves freely, which
bolt works to secure the safe bolts in their extended locking allows the Swing bolt to pivot open. The bolt works are free
position. to withdraw the safe bolts from their receptacle to open the
0005 So-called Swing bolt or rotary bolt locking devices Safe.
mount a bolt for pivoting between locked and unlocked 0010. The Uyeda patents and other prior art locks pro
positions. This application refers to the Swing bolt within the pose a solution to this problem. When one tries to rotate the
locking device as the “bolt,”“swing bolt” or “locking bolt.” handle without first entering the correct combination, the
The bolts that secure the safe door to the rest of the safe are bolt pushes against the Solenoid housing or the locking plate.
called “safe bolts.” In the locked position, part of the locking The Uyeda patents have a notch in the periphery of the
bolt projects out of the housing. Through the Swing bolt's rotary bolt. The bore of the Swing bolt, which rotates about
interSection with the mechanical bolt works when the Swing a shaft or axle, is elongated. The elongated opening can
bolt is in its locked position, the bolt works cannot move the move along the bore when one applies a force form the
safe bolts to their unlocked position. When the user enters handle through the bolt works on the Swing bolt. Thus, the
the correct combination, the lock mechanism allows the Swing bolt can move laterally. Lateral movement causes the
locking bolt to pivot So that it is within the housing. notch on the periphery of the Swing bolt to engage a Safety
0006. A handle on the outside of the safe connects to the key within the lock housing. That prevents further force
bolt works. Pivoting the handle initiates movement of the from the Swing bolt against the Solenoid plunger or locking
bolt works. If the user enters the correct combination so that plate. The Uyeda patents also have a leaf Spring that biases
the locking bolt is not locked, the bolt works can pivot the the Swing bolt and its bore to a normal position relative to
Swing bolt So that the Swing bolt does not project from the the shaft within the bore.
housing. This is the unlocked position, which permits the 0011. The mechanism in the Uyeda patents is complex
bolt works to continue moving the safe bolts to their and costly to build and assemble. Other prior art has
unlocked condition. That allows one to open the Safe. If, Simplified the mechanism, but the Structure to bias the Swing
however, the Swing bolt is locked, the Swing bolt blocks bolt relative to its shaft or axle has remained complex. For
movement of the bolt works. That prevents the bolt works example, one Swing bolt has a bolt plate mounted in a groove
from withdrawing the safe bolts. Uyeda, U.S. Pat. Nos. in the Swing bolt. That plate has an opening over part of the
5,134,870 (1992) and 5,142,890 (1992), describe safes using elongated opening in the Swing bolt. A spring within the bolt
Swing bolt lockS. biases the opening in the plate to one end of the elongated
0007. The locking mechanism within the lock housing opening. When force is applied to the bolt to cause it to pivot
blocks the bolt from pivoting to the unlocked position. The about the Solenoid locking plate, the bolt plate Slides on the
two Uyeda patents and other prior art locks have a Solenoid bolt against the Spring until the opening in the bolt plate is
within the housing. In the Uyeda patent, the Solenoid at the other end of the elongated opening in the Swing bolt.
plunger directly engages the locking bolt. The Solenoid That shifts the Swing bolt sufficiently to case the notch of the
plunger of other prior art lockS engages a locking plate that periphery of the Swing bolt to engage the key in the lock
projects against the bolt. When the plunger or plate engages housing. The construction of the Swing bolt with its sliding
the bolt, the bolt normally cannot rotate to an unlocked plate and internal Spring is complex. ASSembly costs are
position. high and time consuming.
0008 An electronic combination entry system controls INVENTION SUMMARY
the Solenoid. Typically, the user enters the combination
through a digital input pad. Butterwerk, U.S. Pat. No. 0012. An object of the present invention is to disclose a
5,887,467 (1999), “Pawl and Solenoid Locking Mecha pivoting or Swing bolt lock that prevents the bolt from
nism,” is an example of a lock that uses a key pad on a rotary pivoting except when the user enters the correct combina
US 2003/O127865 A1 Jul. 10, 2003
tion. Specifically, an object of the present invention is to 0022 FIG. 7 is an alternate embodiment of the Swing
disclose a lock that prevents a thief or other unauthorized bolt used in the lock of the present invention.
user from Supplying Sufficient force to the outside handle to
break internal parts of the lock to gain access to a Safe. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
Providing that object with few parts that can be assembled PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
easily and efficiently is another object of this invention.
0023 The locking mechanism of lock 10 of the exem
0013 The present invention includes a housing having a plary embodiment of the present invention mounts within
bolt opening into and out of which a rotating or Swing case or housing 12 (FIG. 2). The housing is commonly brass
locking bolt pivots. The Swing bolt has an elongated opening or other reasonably hard, nonmagnetic metal that can be
for receiving the Shaft. cast. The housing has a top and bottom 14 and 16 and two
0.014) A solenoid mounts within the housing. A plunger sides 18 and 20. The use of “top,”“bottom” and sides”
on the Solenoid engages a locking plate. When the lock is in relates to the lock's orientation in the drawings. Each side
its locked condition, the locking plate engages the locking could become a top or bottom depending on the lock's
bolt to prevent the Swing bolt from pivoting. When a user orientation in its safe. As FIG. 2 shows, the housing is
enters the correct combination, the plunger disengages the rectangular with curved corners, a common, Standard
locking plate So that the latter is free to Slide out of its shaped housing. The Size of the housing is Standardized and
engagement with the locking bolt. A handle connected by a is 3/4 in.x2 in. (8.2 cmx5.9 cm). Metric equivalents are
shaft through the outside of the safe drives bolt works. approximate and rounded.
Movement of bolt works acts on the Swing bolt and pivots 0024. The rear wall 24 attaches to the door of a safe or
it to the unlocked position. Because the locking plate is out other Secure container. The front wall or cover 22 is a plate
of the way, it does not prevent the Swing bolt from pivoting. that is removable from the housing for repairing the lock.
0.015 If an unauthorized user applies sufficient force to Three bolts (only one, bolt 26, shown) extend through
the handle through the bolt works against the Swing bolt, the openings Such as openings 27 and 28 in the rear wall and are
interSection of the Swing bolt and the locking plate becomes threaded into threaded openings in the door of the Safe.
an axis of rotation. The Swing bolt rotates slightly on that Thus, the bolts Secure the lock to a safe. The Spacing of the
axis because the opening in the Swing bolt through which the openings 27 and 28 are standardized by different safe
shaft extends is elongated. This permits Some lateral move manufacturers So that manufacturers locks are compatible
ment of the Swing bolt relative to the Shaft. As a result, a with the safes. The distance between the opening 27 and the
notch on the Swing bolt periphery engages a Safety key or opening through which bolt 26 extends is 2 in. (6.7 cm), and
other part of the housing, a part that the Swing bolt would the distance between opening 27 and 28 is 1 in. (4.1 cm).
miss if the bolt were rotated properly with the locking plate Smaller bolts 30 are threaded into openings31 (FIG. 2) and
out of the way. Secure cover 22 to the rest of the housing.
0016. The shaft has a generally flattened surface, and one 0025. A locking bolt mounts in housing 12. In the exem
end of the Shaft-receiving opening that faces the flattened plary embodiment, locking bolt 40 has a Semicircular-like
face of the shaft also is generally flat. By “flat,” applicant shape (FIGS. 2-6). A shaft receiving opening 42 is at the
means that generally cylindrical Surfaces are flattened. They center of the Semicircle. The opening is rounded at one end
need not be actually flat. Further, though the exemplary but is not round. It is elongated; the width dimension W is
embodiment shows the entire height of the opening and the less than the length dimension L (FIG. 5). A shaft or axle
shaft being flattened, one could flatten parts of the Surfaces. mounts within the housing. In the exemplary embodiment,
0.017. The shaft has a bore on the flattened surface that shaft 60 mounts in a sleeve (not shown) and extends out
receives a compression Spring. The Spring extends from the from the housing's rear wall. The opening that receives the
shaft to the flattened Surface of the opening. The Spring shaft is formed during the housing's casting process.
retains the locking bolt in its normal position on the shaft 0026 Opening 42 of bolt 40 fits on shaft 60. The bolt,
unless forces caused when one tries to open the lock forcibly therefore, can pivot about the shaft. The bolt position that
overcomes the Spring force. FIGS. 2 and 4 show is the locked position. In that position,
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS extended portion 44 of the bolt extends outside locking bolt
0.018 FIG. 1 is a partial perspective view of the Swing opening 32. The locking bolt opening is an indentation in the
bolt of a prior art lock top wall 14 of the housing (FIGS. 4-6) that is formed when
the housing is cast. The opening extends from Side walls 34
0.019 FIG. 2 is a perspective view, partially cut away, of and 36 in the housing. The cover 22 may have a narrow
an exemplary embodiment of the Swing bolt lock of the flange (not shown) that extends into the opening. The bolt
present invention. pivots to an unlocked position in which the bolt's extended
0020 FIG. 3 is a perspective view of an exemplary portion 44 is within the housing. FIG. 6.
embodiment of the Swing bolt used in the lock of the present 0027. A return spring 80 stretches from a pin 82 that
extends upward from the rear wall 24 of the housing (FIGS.
0021 FIGS. 4, 5 and 6 are plan views of a portions of an 4-6) to a small opening 84 on the inside portion 86 of bolt
exemplary embodiment of the Swing bolt lock of the present 40. Instead of attaching the Spring directly to opening 84, the
invention. FIG. 4 shows the Swing bolt in the locked opening could mount a pin, and Spring 80 could attach to the
position. FIG. 5 shows the bolt being blocked from moving pin. Tension from spring 80 urges the bolt counterclockwise
to the unlocked position, and FIG. 6 shows the Swing bolt with the extended portion 44 of the bolt in its locked
in the unlocked position. position.
US 2003/O127865 A1 Jul. 10, 2003
0028. A handle has a shaft (the drawings show neither) Solenoid plunger to break the plunger. The plate now can
that extends through the door of the safe to the bolt works. move freely to allow the bolt to pivot open so the bolt works
Pivoting the handle to an unlocked position manipulates the can withdraw the safe bolts to open the safe.
bolt works. One arm 8 (FIG. 2.) of the bolt works is in 0034. The design of the shaft 60 and the shaft receiving
contact with camming surface 45 of the locking bolt. Move
ment of arm 8 to the right (FIG. 2) pivots the locking bolt opening 42 prevents the forcible opening of the lock. Shaft
40 to the unlocked position. The handle may be separate 60 is cylindrical (round) over most of its circumference. In
from the combination entry device per Uyeda, U.S. Pat. No. the exemplary embodiment, the round portion 62 is about 34
5,142,890, or the combination entry may mount on the of the circumference. The remaining part 64 is flattened.
handle per Gartner, application Ser. No. 09/664,265, “Com Likewise, opening 42 in the locking bolt has a rounded
bination Lock Handle.” Both are incorporated by reference. region 52 and is elongated (FIGS. 3-6). The side opposite the
rounded region also is flattened. The elongation of opening
0029. An actuator mounts inside the housing. In the 42 in the L direction (FIG. 5) permits the locking bolt 40 to
exemplary embodiment, the actuator includes solenoid 90 translate in that direction.
(FIG.2). The Solenoid mounts in a cavity 92 within the
housing. Walls extending upward from rear wall 24 form the 0035) Shaft 60 has an opening 66 in flat face 64 that
cavity. The walls are part of the casting that forms the receives a compression Spring 68. The compression Spring
housing. Circuitry within circuit board 94 cooperates with pushes against the flattened region 54 of opening 42. Thus,
the combination entry device. When the user enters the the Spring urges the locking bolt So that the round portion 62
correct combination, the circuitry signals the Solenoid 90 to of the Shaft is against the round portion 52 of opening 42.
withdraw plunger 96 from opening 98 in locking plate 100. See FIGS. 4 and 6.
Though the exemplary embodiment uses a Solenoid, a linear 0036 Surface 54 is flattened to secure compression
electromagnetic device, the lock could use a motor or other Spring 68 and prevent the Spring from Slipping. Likewise,
rotary electromagnetic device. the flattened Surface 68 of the shaft mates with the flattened
0030) The walls that form the cavity 92 for the solenoid surface 54 of the opening when the two flattened surfaces
also form a cavity 104 for the locking plate 100. The locking move together. The mating of the two flattened Surfaces also
plate can slide toward and away from locking bolt 40 within prevent rotation of the locking bolt on the shaft.
its cavity 104. A Small spring (not shown) biases the locking 0037. In another exemplary embodiment (FIG. 7), shaft
plate toward the bolt. When the Solenoid plunger 96 is within 160 is cylindrical. An opening 166 in face 164 of shaft 160
opening 98 in locking plate 100, angled face 102 of the
locking plate is against the bolt 40 (FIGS. 2, 4 and 5). The receives compression spring 168. Opening 142 in bolt 144
bolt may have a flat region 48 (FIG. 3) along part of the has a grove 154 that is slightly wider than the diameter of
outside surface 50 of the bolt. The angled face 102 normally Spring 168. The compression Spring pushes against the end
rests against the flat region 48. of the groove 154. The groove acts to trap the Spring and
prevent the Spring from Slipping and prevents rotation of the
0.031 When, after entry of the correct combination, Sole locking bolt on the shaft.
noid 90 withdraws plunger 96 from opening 98, locking
plate 100 is free to slide away from locking bolt 40. If the 0038 If the user attempts to force the locking bolt open,
user rotates the handle to cause the bolt works to rotate the he or she applies a force through the arm 8 of the bolt works
locking bolt, the bolt's curved surface 50 cams the locking on locking bolt 40. Because the correct combination has not
plate downward (in FIG. 2). With the locking plate out of been entered, locking plate 100 remains in contact with the
engagement with the locking bolt, the bolt pivots to the locking bolt. The force from the handle applies a clockwise
unlocked position (FIG. 6). When the solenoid ceases to torque on the locking bolt about the bolt's point of contact
receive a signal, the Solenoid releases the plunger. Because with locking plate 100. The torque cause a force from the
the plunger is Spring biased outward, it will return to locking bolt on the shaft. The force is in the direction of the
opening 98 in locking plate 100 when the locking bolt elongation of opening 42 and is against the force from the
pushes the locking plate to its bottom-most position. If the compression Spring. Consequently, the flattened Side 54 of
locking plate is not at that position, the plunger contacts the the opening moves toward the flattened region 64 of the
locking plate and remains in contact until the locking bolt shaft (FIG. 5).
pushes the locking plate to that position. 0039. As FIG. 5 shows, the locking bolt 40 moves to the
0032) If the user fails to enter the correct combination, the right sufficiently so that surface 50 of the locking bolt
Solenoid plunger 96 remains in opening 98 of locking plate engages Stop member or Safety key 38. The locking bolt
100. Attempting to rotate the handle and the bolt 40 causes surface has a notch 56 and ramp 58 that engage the safety
the bolt to push against the locking plate. Because the key. The Safety key is Steel in the exemplary embodiment
locking plate does not move, the locking plate prevents the because Steel is Stronger than the brass housing and can
bolt from rotating. See FIG. 2. An authorized user then will resist force from the locking bolt better. Depending on the
reenter the correct combination. One who merely is curious maximum forces, however, the Safety key may be part of the
to see if the Safe is open will walk away once the handle does cast brass housing.
not move. However, a perSon determined to break into the 0040. When notch 56 engages stop 38, the locking bolt
safe may try to rotate the handle forcibly. can rotate clockwise no farther. AS FIG. 5 shows, the bolt
0.033 AS previously discussed, the Solenoid plunger usu remains in that position. This limits the force that the bolt
ally is relatively Small and weak. If the perSon breaking into applies on the locking plate 100. Consequently, the bolt does
the Safe applies Sufficient force to the locking bolt, the bolt not apply enough force to the locking plate to break the
can push the locking plate with enough force against the Solenoid plunger 96. The person who tries to force the lock,
US 2003/O127865 A1 Jul. 10, 2003
therefore, neither can rotate the locking bolt to the open a Safety key in the housing, the locking bolt engaging the
position nor cause the bolt works to withdraw the safe locks Safety key when the locking bolt is in the Second
to gain entry to the Safe. position as the locking bolt moves toward the unlocked
0041) Prior art Swing bolts were more complex. For position, the locking bolt not engaging the Safety key
example, one swing bolt 120 (FIG. 1) has a bolt plate 122 when the locking bolt is in its normal position;
mounted in a groove in the Swing bolt. The bolt has an a bore in the shaft;
opening 124 over part of the elongated opening in the Swing
bolt. The end 126 hooks into the groove. Spring 128 in the a Spring extending into the bore and projecting out of the
groove biases the bolt plate and the plate's opening to one bore, the portion of the Spring extending out of the bore
end of the elongated opening. When force is applied to the in contact with the Second end of the shaft receiving
bolt to cause it to pivot about the Solenoid locking plate, bolt opening.
plate 128 translates against the Spring until the opening in 2. The lock of claim 1 wherein the second end of the shaft
the bolt plate is at the other end of the elongated opening in receiving opening is generally flat.
the Swing bolt. That shifts the Swing bolt sufficiently so that 3. The lock of claim 1 wherein the shaft has a generally
the notch 130 along the periphery of the Swing bolt engages flat Surface facing the Second end of the Shaft receiving
the Safety key in the lock housing. opening.
4. The lock of claim 1 wherein the bore extends into the
0042. Note that notch 130 has a steel liner. The liner generally flat Surface of the Shaft.
Strengthens the notch. Such an arrangement could replace 5. The lock of claim 1 wherein the second end of the shaft
the notch 56 and ramp 58 design in the exemplary embodi receiving opening has a groove extending into the Shaft
ment (FIG. 5). receiving opening.
0.043 Assembly of the present invention is less complex 6. The lock of claim 5 wherein the shaft has a bore facing
than assembly of prior art locks. This is one of the advan the groove in the Shaft receiving opening.
tages of this invention. The assembler inserts compression 7. The lock of claim 6 wherein the spring extends between
spring 68 into opening 66 in shaft 60. He or she can the bore and the groove.
compress the Spring Sufficiently to insert the opening 42 of 8. A lock comprising:
locking bolt 40 over the shaft and compressed spring. The
Spring is in contact with the flattened Surface 54 as the a housing having an opening for a locking bolt;
opening is inserted over the shaft. The prior art bolt of FIG. a Shaft mounted in the housing, the shaft having an
1 requires much more complex assembly. Spring 128 must outside diameter
be positioned in a cavity within the bolt. The spring is then
compressed to attach the locking plate in its groove. a locking bolt having an extended portion and a shaft
0044) While the specification describes particular receiving opening, the shaft receiving opening having
embodiments of the present invention, those of ordinary an inward facing Surface and an inside diameter larger
skill can devise variations of the present invention without than the outside diameter of the shaft, the shaft being
departing from the inventive concept. received within the Shaft receiving opening, wherein
the locking bolt mounts on the shaft for pivoting
between a locked position in which the extended por
I claim: tion projects out of the locking bolt opening and an
1. A lock comprising: unlocked position in which the extended portion is
within the housing,
a housing having an opening for a locking bolt;
an actuator in the housing having a locked condition
a shaft mounted in the housing, the shaft having an engaging the locking bolt when the extended portion of
outside diameter; the locking bolt is out of the locking bolt opening and
a locking bolt having an elongated Shaft receiving open movable to an unlocked condition freeing the locking
ing that receives the Shaft, the elongated opening hav bolt to pivot so that the extended portion moves into the
ing first and Second ends, the shaft receiving opening in locking bolt opening,
the locking bolt being pivotally mounted on the Shaft a bore in the shaft;
and pivoting the locking bolt between a locked position
in which the extended portion projects out of the a Spring extending into the bore and projecting out of the
locking bolt opening and an unlocked position in which bore, the portion of the Spring extending out of the bore
the extended portion is within the housing; in contact with the inward facing Surface of the Shaft
receiving opening.
the locking bolt having a normal position relative to the 9. The lock of claim 8 further comprising receiving means
shaft in which the shaft is at the first end of the shaft
receiving opening and a Second position in which the on the inward facing Surface of the Shaft receiving opening.
shaft is at the Second end of the Shaft receiving opening, 10. The lock of claim 8 wherein the shaft receiving
opening is elongated and has two ends, one end of the Shaft
an actuator in the housing having a locked condition receiving opening having a flattened Surface, the Shaft being
engaging the locking bolt when the extended portion of generally cylindrical with a generally flattened face, the
the locking bolt is out of the locking bolt opening and generally flattened face facing the flattened Surface of the
movable to an unlocked condition freeing the locking shaft receiving opening.
bolt to pivot so that the extended portion moves into the 11. The lock of claim 8 wherein the bore in the shaft is in
locking bolt opening, the flattened face of the shaft.
US 2003/O127865 A1 Jul. 10, 2003
12. The lock of claim 8 wherein the second end of the 18. The lock of claim 15 wherein the second end of the
shaft receiving opening has a groove extending into the shaft shaft receiving opening is generally flat.
receiving opening. 19. The lock of claim 15 wherein the shaft has a generally
13. The lock of claim 12 wherein the shaft has a bore
facing the groove in the Shaft receiving opening. flat Surface facing the Second end of the Shaft receiving
14. The lock of claim 13 wherein the spring extends opening.
between the bore and the groove. 20. The lock of claim 19 wherein the bore extends into the
15. A lock comprising: generally flat Surface of the Shaft.
a housing having an opening for a locking bolt; 21. The lock of claim 15 wherein part of the opening
means has a groove extending into the opening means.
shaft means mounted in the housing, 22. The lock of claim 21 wherein the shaft means has a
a locking bolt having an opening means for receiving the bore facing the groove in the opening means.
shaft means and for permitting lateral movement of the 23. The lock of claim 22 wherein the bias means extends
shaft means along the opening means, the opening
means having first and Second ends, the Shaft means between the bore and the groove.
pivotally mounting the locking bolt for pivoting a 24. A method of preventing jamming of a pivoting locking
locked position in which an extended of the locking bolt in a lock, the method comprising,
bolt projects out of the locking bolt opening and an
unlocked position in which the extended portion is mounting a shaft receiving opening of the bolt on a shaft
within the housing, in the lock, the bolt having two positions on the shaft,
bias means extending between the Shaft means and the in the normal position, the bolt pivoting on the Shaft
opening means for biasing the first end of the opening between locked and unlocked positions and in the
means toward the shaft means. Second position, the bolt engaging a safety key in the
16. The lock of claim 15 wherein the shaft means has a lock to prevent the bolt from pivoting into the unlocked
generally flat Surface and the opening means has a generally position;
flat Surface facing the generally flat Surface of the shaft
CS. biasing an outer Surface of the shaft against to an inner
17. The lock of claim 15 wherein the bias means com Surface of the Shaft receiving opening of the bolt to bias
prises a compression Spring extending between the generally the locking bolt toward the normal position.
flat Surface of the shaft means and the generally flat Surface
of the opening means.