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Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0174490 A1

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US 2006O174490A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0174490 A1
Galyean et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 10, 2006
(54) FOLDING KNIFE HAVING A LOCKING Publication Classification

(75) Inventors: Timothy James Galyean, Canby, OR (51) Int. Cl.

(US); Kenneth J. Onion, Kaneohe, HI B26B 3/06 (2006.01)
(US); Craig Green, Sherwood, OR F4IB I3/02 (2006.01)
(US) (52) U.S. Cl. ................................................. 30/153; 30/155
Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT
701 FIFTHAVE A folding knife includes a handle and a blade attached
SUTE 63OO thereto and configured to rotate between an open position
SEATTLE, WA 98104-7092 (US) and a closed position. A locking element is coupled to the
handle, while a pawl is coupled to the blade and configured
(73) Assignee: KAI U.S.A., Ltd., dba Kershaw Knives, to engage the locking element as the blade rotates to the
Tualatin, OR closed position, such that the blade is locked in the closed
position thereby. Opening pressure on the pawl causes it to
(21) Appl. No.: 11/273,638 release the locking element and also causes the blade to
rotate from the closed position toward the open position. The
(22) Filed: Nov. 14, 2005 knife blade may include a flicker positioned to extend from
a back portion of the handle when the blade is in the closed
Related U.S. Application Data position. The pawl is coupled to the flicker such that pressure
on the flicker causes the pawl to release the locking moves
(60) Provisional application No. 60/630,601, filed on Nov. the blade toward the open position. The folding knife may
12, 2004. also include an opening assist mechanism.
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US 2006/0174490 A1 Aug. 10, 2006

FOLDING KNIFE HAVING ALOCKING 0009. According to an embodiment, the knife blade
MECHANISM includes a flicker positioned to extend from a back portion
of the handle when the blade is in the closed position such
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED that pressure on the flicker biases the blade toward the open
APPLICATION position. The pawl is coupled to the flicker such that pressure
on the flicker causes the pawl to release the locking element
0001) This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. and also causes the blade to rotate from the closed position
S 119(e) of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/630, toward the open position. A bias element coupled between
601 filed Nov. 12, 2004, which is incorporated herein by the pawl and the handle is configured to bias the pawl toward
reference in its entirety. the locking position.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0010. According to another embodiment, the folding
knife also includes an opening assist mechanism configured
0002) 1. Field of the Invention to apply an opening bias to the blade when the blade is
moved beyond an intermediate position. In embodiments
0003. The present disclosure relates generally to a folding that include both the bias element and the flicker, the
knife, and in particular to a folding knife having a locking intermediate position is located such that, when the blade is
mechanism for locking the knife blade in the closed position. rotated from the closed position toward the open position,
0004 2. Description of the Related Art the blade reaches the intermediate position before the flicker
is fully received into the handle.
0005 Folding knives enjoy wide popularity, particularly
among sportsmen, campers, hikers, and many others BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL
engaged in outdoor activities. Common elements to folding VIEWS OF THE DRAWING(S)
knives include a handle and a blade pivotally connected to 0011. In the drawings, identical reference numbers iden
an end of the handle so that the blade pivots with respect to
the handle between an open position in which the blade is tify similar elements or acts.
extended away from the handle, and a closed position in 0012 FIG. 1 is a side view of a folding knife incorpo
which the blade is at least partially received within the rating a locking mechanism according to an embodiment of
handle. Many folding knives also include a locking mecha the invention.
nism to maintain the blade in the open position and/or the 0013 FIG. 2 is a plan view of the knife of FIG. 1.
closed position.
0006 Examples of folding knives, including folding 0014 FIG. 3 is an isometric view showing a user's hand
knives with locking mechanisms, may be found in U.S. Pat. positioned for opening the blade of the knife of FIG. 1 via
Nos. 1454,665; 1,743,022; 4,040,081; 4,173,068; 4,404, a post on the blade.
748; 4,451,982; 4,502,221; 4,719,700; 4.805,303: 4811, 0015 FIG. 4 is an isometric view showing a user's hand
486; 4,837,932; 4,893,409: 4,974,323: 4,979,301: 5,044, positioned for closing the blade of the knife of FIG. 1 via a
079; 5,060,379; 5,095,624; 5,111,581: 5,293,690; 5,325, post on the blade.
588; 5,331,741; 5,425,175: 5,502,895; 5,515,610; 5,537, 0016 FIG. 5 is an isometric view showing a user's hand
750, 5,546,662; 5,596,808: 5,615,484; 5,685,079; 5,689, positioned for opening the blade of the knife of FIG. 1 via
885; 5,692,304; 5,737,841; 5,755,035; 5,802,722; 5,822, a flicker on the blade.
866; 5,826,340; 5,887,347; 5,964,036; 6,079,106; 6,154,
965; 6,338,431; 6,378,214; 6,427,335; 6,438,848; 6,490, 0017 FIG. 6 is an isometric view showing the user's
797; D348,599, and D373.296; and U.S. Patent Application hand positioned for completing the opening of the blade of
Nos. 2002/0157260 and 2003/0070299, the entire disclo the knife of FIG. 1 via a post on the blade.
sures of which are herein incorporated by reference for all 0018 FIG. 7 is a partial side view of the knife of FIG.
1 showing the locking mechanism.
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0.019 FIG. 8 is a side view of the knife of FIG. 1, shown
without a handle side to illustrate the blade in the closed
0007 According to an embodiment of the invention, a position and the locking mechanism.
folding knife is provided, comprising a handle having a
blade receiving channel and a blade pivotably attached to the 0020 FIG. 9 is a partial side view of FIG. 8 showing the
handle and configured to rotate, relative to the handle, locking mechanism.
between an open position, in which the blade extends from 0021 FIG. 10 is an exploded view of the knife of FIG.
the handle, and a closed position, in which a portion of the 1.
blade is received in the blade receiving channel. A locking
element is coupled to the handle, while a pawl is coupled to 0022 FIG. 11 is a side view of the knife according to an
the blade and configured to engage the locking element as embodiment incorporating a locking mechanism and a
the blade rotates to the closed position, such that the blade blade-assisting mechanism.
is locked in the closed position thereby. 0023 FIG. 12 is an exploded view of the knife of FIG.
0008. The pawl is positioned such that opening pressure
thereon causes the pawl to release the locking element and 0024 FIG. 13 is an isometric view showing a user's hand
also causes the blade to rotate from the closed position positioned for opening the blade of the knife of FIG. 11 via
toward the open position. a flicker on the blade.
US 2006/0174490 A1 Aug. 10, 2006

DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE in FIGS. 1-2 includes two handle side panels, any combi
INVENTION nation of handle side panels and liners may be used. Fur
thermore, handle 34 may include one or more spacers 37.
0025. In the following description, certain specific details which may be any suitable shape or structure and may
are set forth in order to provide a thorough understanding of conform to the shape of handle side panels 50 and 52.
various embodiments of the invention. However, one skilled Although the knife discussed includes one spacer, any
in the art will understand that the invention may be practiced Suitable number of spacers may be used.
without these details. In other instances, well-known struc
tures associated with motors, motor controllers, computers, 0031 Locking mechanism 38 includes a first locking
microprocessors, memories and the like have not been element 54 and a second locking element 56, as shown in
shown or described in detail to avoid unnecessarily obscur FIGS. 7-10. First locking element 54 includes a structure
ing descriptions of the embodiments of the invention. configured to engage second locking element 56 and lock
blade 32 in the closed position. According to an alternate
0026 FIGS. 1-10 depict an embodiment of a folding embodiment, the first locking element may also be config
knife 30 having a blade 32, a handle 34 defining a blade ured to automatically engage second locking element 56
receiving channel 36, and a locking mechanism 38. Blade 32 when blade 32 is pivoted to open position O.
includes a tang 32a that is pivotally connected to handle 34.
The blade pivots with respect to the handle about a pivotaxis 0032. As shown in FIGS. 7-10, first locking element 54
P between an open position O and a closed position C. In the includes a locking member, or pawl, 58 pivotally connected
open position, the blade extends away from the handle, to flicker 44 of blade 32. Locking member 58 pivots around
where it is deployed and ready for use. From the open an engagement axis E via a locking member pin 59. The
position, the blade may be folded towards the handle, locking member 58 pivots between a locking position L in
pivoting about pivotaxis P. into the closed position, in which which locking member 58 engages second locking element
the blade is at least partially received for storage within 56 to lock blade 32 in the closed position, and an unlocking
blade-receiving channel 36. In the closed position, blade 32 position U in which locking member 58 is spaced away from
extends along handle 34. second locking element 56 to free blade 32 to pivot towards
open position O.
0027 Blade 32 includes a manipulable portion 40 con
figured to assist a user in opening the blade. In the embodi 0033. The locking member 58 substantially conforms to
ment shown, the manipulable portion 40 is in the form of a the shape of the flicker 44 except for a protruding portion
flicker 44 configured to be manipulable from outside the 58a and engaging portion 58b, as shown in FIG. 7. The
handle 34 when the blade is in the closed position C. A user protruding portion 58a is configured to allow a user to pivot
applies a first opening force Fol to push flicker portion 44 locking member 58 to the unlocking position by applying
into the handle, thereby pivoting the blade into an interme first opening force Foon flicker 44. Thus, a user may both
diate position I, as shown in FIG. 5. The user may then pivot unlock locking member 58 and move the blade towards the
the blade into the open position by applying a second open position by applying, concurrently or sequentially, an
opening force Foon post 42, as shown in FIG. 6, or on any opening force on flicker 44 and locking member 58 in a
suitable location on blade 32. Although the manipulable continuous motion. The engaging portion is configured to
portions in FIGS. 3-6 are shown to be moved by the user's engage at least part of second locking element 56 and lock
thumb, those portions may be moved by any other suitable the blade in the closed position.
part of the user, such as the users index finger. 0034. Although the locking member 58 is shown to
0028. The manipulable portion is described as being a include a specific shape and structure, any suitable shape and
flicker. However, the manipulable portion 40 may be in the structure configured to engage the second locking element
form of one or more posts, such as post 42 shown in FIGS. 56 and lock the blade in the closed position is acceptable.
1-4. Other examples of manipulable portions include one or Additionally, although locking member 58 is shown to be
more holes in the blade, one or more ridges on the blade, etc. pivotally connected, any suitable connection may be used,
that is configured to enable locking member 58 to move
0029 Handle 34 includes a pivot-end portion 34a, an between locking position L and unlocking position U. Such
opposing-end portion 34b, and first and second handle sides as sliding connections, etc. Furthermore, although locking
34c and 34d. as shown in FIG. 2. Tang 32a of blade 32 is member 58 is shown to be pivotally connected to flicker 44,
pivotally connected to handle 34 at pivot-end portion 34a the locking member may be connected to any Suitable
via a pivot pin 46. Additionally, blade stop 48 is mounted manipulable portion 40 configured to allow the locking
between handle sides 34c and 34d and is configured to stop member to engage second locking element 56 when the
blade 32 from pivoting beyond the closed position C as it blade is in the closed position. For example, locking member
rotates closed, or beyond the open position O as it rotates 58 may be slidingly connected to post 42 or to any other
open. Handle sides 34c and 34d also include respective manipulable portion 40. Optionally, second locking element
handle side panels 50 and 52. Handle side panels 50 and 52 56 may be manipulable and/or movable relative to first
may be any suitable shape or structure configured to facili locking element 54, which in turn may be either fixed or
tate gripping or handling of knife 30. Although handle side movable.
panels 50 and 52 are shown to have specific shapes, any
Suitable shape may be used. 0035 First locking element 54 also may include a bias
element 60, which may include any suitable resilient struc
0030 Additionally, handle 34 may include one or more ture configured to urge locking member 58 towards locking
handle liners (not shown), which may be any Suitable shape position L. For example, in the embodiment of FIG. 10, bias
or structure and may conform to the shape of handle side element 60 is in the form of a coiled spring 62. The coiled
panels 50 and 52. Although the knife discussed and shown spring includes a first end 62a and a second end 62b. The
US 2006/0174490 A1 Aug. 10, 2006

first end is captured on locking member 58 via notch 58c, the second locking element may be incorporated in pivot pin
while the second end is captured on flicker 44 via notch 44a. 46 or any other structure. As mentioned, one or both of
Coiled spring 62 is configured to urge locking member 58 locking elements 54 and 56 may be movable relative to the
towards locking position L. Thus, when blade 32 is pivoted other.
to the closed position, locking member 58, via bias element 0041 Although the locking mechanisms disclosed are
60, automatically engages second locking element 56. shown to be used in folding knives with pivoting blades, the
Therefore, locking mechanism 38 automatically locks the locking mechanisms disclosed may be used for hand-held
blade when the blade is pivoted to the closed position. devices with other types of moving tools that are configured
0036) Although bias element 60 is depicted in FIG. 10 as to move relative to a handle between an open position and
a coiled spring, it may be of any suitable type of bias element a closed position.
configured to urge locking member 58 towards the locking 0042 Knife 30 also may include a blade-assisting mecha
position, Such as wire springs, leaf springs, music wire, or nism 64, which may include any Suitable structure config
other resilient material or structure. Additionally, although ured to urge blade 32 towards the open position and/or
bias element 60 is shown to be connected to flicker 44 and
locking member 58 via notches 44a and 58c, respectively, closed position. Examples of blade-assisting mechanisms
the bias element may be connected to the flicker and the may be found in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,145.202; 6.308,420;
locking member in any Suitable way configured to allow bias 6,338,431; 6,378,214; 6,397,476; 6,427,334; and 6,732,436;
element to urge locking member 58 towards the locking and U.S. Patent Application Nos. 2003/0070299; 2004/
position. Furthermore, although first locking element 54 is 0020058; and 2004/0158991, the entire disclosures of which
discussed as including locking member 58, any other Suit are herein incorporated by reference for all purposes.
able structure may be used, such as latches or hooks, or 0043. An example of a blade-assisting mechanism is
mechanical, magnetic, or electronic devices, or the like, shown and described with reference to FIGS. 11-13. The
configured to engage at least part of second locking element blade-assisting mechanism of the illustrated embodiment
56 and lock blade 22 in closed position C. includes a bias element 66 and a liner 68. The bias element
includes a first end 66a and a second end 66b. The first end
0037. In operation, the first locking element 54 is con of the bias element is slidingly disposed within a first slot
figured to be disengaged from second locking element 56 by 68a of liner 68 and a second slot 37a of spacer 37. The
the same motion or force used to pivot the blade towards second end of the bias element is connected to blade 32 via
open position O, as also described with reference to FIGS. a hole 32b. Although a particular blade-assisting mechanism
5 and 13. Pressure by the user's finger on the flicker 44 is is described and shown, any suitable blade-assisting mecha
applied first on the protruding portion 58a of the locking nism that is configured to urge blade 32 towards the open
member 58, which rotates until the protruding portion 58a is position and/or closed position over at least a portion of
flush with the corresponding surface of the flicker 44. When blade travel may be used.
the locking member 58 rotates, the engaging portion 58b is
withdrawn from the second locking element 56, unlocking 0044) The blade-assisting mechanism allows a user to
the blade. At this point the pressure moves the blade out of both unlock locking mechanism 38 and move blade 32 to
the blade receiving channel 36 and moves it toward the open position O with the same opening force Fo. For
intermediate position I, and thence to the open position O. example, as shown in FIG. 13, pushing on flicker 44 with
0038. When the blade 32 is rotated from the open posi first opening force For pivots locking member 58 to unlock
tion O to the closed position C, the engaging portion 58b of ing position U and moves blade 32 to intermediate position
the locking member 58 contacts the blade stop 48, causing I. Once blade 32 reaches the intermediate position, blade
the locking member 58 to rotate to permit the blade 36 to assisting mechanism 64 is configured to assist pivoting until
continue toward the closed position C. When the blade the blade reaches open position O. Thus, a user may both
reaches the closed position C, engaging portion 58b drops unlock and move the blade from the closed position to the
into the groove 48a in the manner of a pawl or ratchet, open position with the same motion or first opening force
thereby locking the blade in the closed position. Fol. Although the folding knife illustrated in FIGS. 11-13 is
shown to include blade-assisting mechanism 64, the folding
0039) Second locking element 56 may include any struc knife need not include the blade-assisting mechanism.
ture configured to engage at least part of first locking 0045 Another advantage provided by the locking mecha
element 54 and lock blade 32 in the closed position. For nism disclosed above is that the locking mechanism engages
example, in the embodiment shown in FIGS. 9-10, the automatically when the blade is moved to the closed posi
second locking element is in the form of a groove 48a on tion. Thus, the blade is securely locked each time it is moved
blade stop 48 that is configured to receive engaging portion to the closed position, without requiring that the user manu
58b of locking member 58, thereby locking blade 22 in the ally lock the blade after it has been moved to the closed
closed position C. position.
0040 Although second locking element 56 is shown to 0046 All of the above U.S. patents, U.S. patent applica
include groove 48a, any other suitable structure configured tion publications, U.S. patent applications, foreign patents,
to interact with at least part of the first locking element 54 foreign patent applications and non-patent publications
to lock blade 32 in the closed position may be used, such as referred to in this specification and/or listed in the Applica
latching elements, locking cutouts, holes, notches, or tion Data Sheet, are incorporated herein by reference, in
mechanical, magnetic, or electronic devices, or the like. their entirety.
Additionally, although second locking element 56 is shown
to be incorporated in blade stop 48, any suitable structure 0047. From the foregoing it will be appreciated that,
mounted to any part of handle 34 may be used. For example, although specific embodiments of the invention have been
US 2006/0174490 A1 Aug. 10, 2006

described herein for purposes of illustration, various modi the pawl to release the locking element and causes the blade
fications may be made without deviating from the spirit and to rotate from the closed position toward the open position.
Scope of the invention. Accordingly, the invention is not 5. The folding knife of claim 4 wherein the pawl is
limited except as by the appended claims. rotatably coupled to the flicker and configured to rotate
1. A folding knife, comprising: between a locking position and a non-locking position.
6. The folding knife of claim 4, further comprising a bias
a handle having a blade receiving channel; element coupled between the pawl and the handle and
a blade pivotably attached to the handle and configured to configured to bias the pawl toward the locking position.
rotate, relative to the handle, between an open position, 7. The folding knife of claim 3, further comprising an
in which the blade extends from the handle, and a opening assist mechanism configured to apply an opening
closed position, in which a portion of the blade is bias to the blade when the blade is moved beyond an
received in the blade receiving channel; intermediate position.
8. The folding knife of claim 7 wherein the intermediate
a locking element coupled to the handle; and position is located such that, when the blade is rotated from
a pawl coupled to the blade and configured to engage the the closed position toward the open position, the blade
locking element as the blade rotates to the closed reaches the intermediate position before the flicker is fully
position such that the blade is locked in the closed received into the handle.
position thereby. 9. The folding knife of claim 1, further comprising a blade
2. The folding knife of claim 1 wherein the pawl is stop coupled to the handle and configured to prevent rotation
positioned such that opening pressure on the pawl causes the of the blade beyond the closed position when the blade is
pawl to release the locking element and causes the blade to rotated from the open position to the closed position.
rotate from the closed position toward the open position. 10. The folding knife of claim 9 wherein the locking
3. The folding knife of claim 1 wherein the knife blade element is formed as part of the blade stop.
includes a flicker positioned to extend from a back portion 11. The folding knife of claim 1, further comprising an
of the handle when the blade is in the closed position such opening assist mechanism configured to apply an opening
that pressure on the flicker biases the blade toward the open bias to the blade when the blade is moved beyond an
position. intermediate position.
4. The folding knife of claim 3 wherein the pawl is
coupled to the flicker such that pressure on the flicker causes

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