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24% Zevery A. Aeger.: H. F. Wheeler Patented June 17, 1890

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(No Model.

No. 430,243, Patented June 17, 1890,


24% Zevery A. Aeger.
a 2643-4-
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 430,243, dated June 17, 1890.
Application filed November 4, 1889, Serial No. 329,144 (No model.)
To all whom, it may concern: tive view of the stop-lever. Fig. 7 is a plan
Be it known that I, HENRY F. WHEELER, of The the interlocking extension barrel-rib.
drawings here with annexed show a re
a citizen of the United States, residing at volving
Boston, in the county of Suffolk and State of parts nowfire-arm composed of the principal
Massachusetts, have invented certain new and this type, as follows:embodied
generally in weapons of 55
useful Improvements in Fire-Arms; and I do barrel B, cylinder C, hammer D, portion
The breech
hereby declare the following to be a full, clear, mainspring F, and sear G. In the present in
and exact description of the invention, such stance I have shown a double-action lock
as Will enable others skilled in the art to which
O it appertains to make and use the same, ref mechanism, in which the cylinder-actuating
erence being had to the accompanying draw otally finger indicated at 2 and the fly at 3 are piv
ings, and to letters or figures of reference actuated attached to the trigger, while a spring
marked thereon, which form a part of this act against pin 4, within the hammer, serves to
Specification. the fly at certain times to release
This invention relates to fire-arms, particu the latter from the hammer. The Sear is
larly that class termed “revolving fire-arms.” spring-actuated
against and
to cause it to bear normally
wipe the hammer when the lat
Weapons of this type are frequently provided
with “double-action locks,” so called; and the ter is moved in the act of cocking the weapon,
primary object of my invention is to enable and isupon so arranged that the heel of the trigger
a double action to be changed to a single ac bears it to cause the discharge of the
weapon after the latter has been cocked by
tion for target-practice, or the reverse. In the fly, the latter actuated by a pull upon the
brief, such improvements consist in a pivotal trigger. The side plate is drawn at 5 as a
Sear and hammer stop-lever, by which the circular piece, and interiorly upon it is hung
sear at times is held entirely free from the the sear and hammer stop-lever 6. The lat 75
hammer. At other times, when the sear per ter is adapted to be swung
forms its normal duty, the hammer is limited of movement by aid of the inpintwo extremes
in its backward travel by the stop-lever, which through an aperture 8 in the side7,plate.projecting
just permits the Sear to engage in the full stop-lever is formed, as shown in Figs. This 1, 5,
cock notch. and 6, the lower extremity 9 being cut away
My improvements further consist in a lock in part to form a step 10. The function
ing-snap, and likewise in a safety-latch and its of these parts is as follows, it being under
Spring-actuating mechanism, the latch serv stood that the nose of the sear is furnished
ing not only to lock the hammer, but, further, with a lateral stud 12, which is adapted to co
prevents the weapon from being opened. operate with the stop-lever. In Fig. 1 the lat
35 My drawings represent in Figure 1 a sec ter is shown with the stud resting in the step
tional elevation of a fire-arm embodying my 10. Such position of parts allows the sear to
invention, showing the weapon open and bear upon the hammer; consequently any pull
with the hammer down, the lock mechanism upon the trigger will produce a certain change
being adapted for target practice. Fig. 2 rep in the action of the lock mechanism-Viz.,
resents the breech portion of the same weapon that termed “single action,” especially adapt
with the hammer raised and upheld by the ed for target practice, wherein the trigger
fly-that is, with the lock mechanism ar lifts the fly, which in turn rocks and throws
ranged as a double action. Fig. 3 is a per the hammer back, the seal engaging in the
spective view of the locking-snap. Fig. 4 is full-cock notch. When this act is accom 95
45 a sectional elevation of the safety-latch, its plished, the pull upon the trigger momenta
spring-actuating mechanism, and the ham rily ceases just prior to the discharge of the
mer, the latch being in a position of safety. weapon. At this time the pin 4 pushes back
Fig. 5 is a rear elevation of the sear and ham the fly, which, disengaged from the hammer, OO
mer stop-lever, the sear and hammer being moves upward a short distance. The latter
SO shown in broken lines. Fig. 6 is a perspec
is now held solely by the sear, when a further a ball-and-socket joint. Thus when the piv;
pull upon the trigger causes the heel of the ots of the stem 17 and the latch 15 are aligned
latter to contact with the sear, which is thus the spring is compressed to its maximum, jo
released from the hammer and the weapon is while a push on the latch, moving a tubular
discharged. stem, enables the spring to exert its force,
During the use of the stop-lever 6, as above and the latch is thus held in one of tWO ex
premised, it becomes necessary to limit the tremes
backward throw of the hammer. To this end mer andoflikewisemovement, either to block the ham
the locking-snap Or to re 75
I have formed a laterally-projecting lip or lease them, as is desired.
abutment 13 upon the rear side of the stop To block the locking-snap, (shown at 20.) I
lever or that adjacent to the hammer, which have formed the upper end in part 21 of Said
is further furnished with a stud 14. Thus as latch in the arc of a circle the center of which
the hammer is thrown back its movement is is the pivot 16. The other portion I have cut
to be limited by the position of said stud 14, away at 23. This latter is sufficient to per
which is such that the sear shall just engage mit endwise travel of the bolt 24 away from
the full-cock notch as said stud contacts with the locking-snap to permit the latter to be
the lip 13. No further movement of the ham thrown back. Said bolt is located just above
mer can now occur until cessation of the pull the hammer in the metal of the breech por
on the trigger. Such act disengages the fly tion. The relative position of the parts when
from the hammer in order to make the re the latch is at safety is shown in Fig. 4,
lease of the hammer dependent on the sear wherein
and trigger, and consequently produces a sin with the the bolt
rounded portion 21 is in contact
which is locking-snap,
thereby thrustWhile
gle-action lock mechanism. On the other held against the of the
hand, to change this single action for target the latch-actuating mechanism holds the lat
25 practice to a double action, the stop-lever is ter
. . thrust, by means of its actuating-pin 7, to its untilpositively in place. The parts so remain
opposite extreme with this result: The ex when the portion the
a pull upon
latch retracts the latter,
cut away is in alignment
tremity 9 of the stop-lever is brought by a with the bolt and the latter in OVeS as preSS
wiping movement above the stud 12 of the ure is brought on the snap to open the Weapon. 95
sear, and the latter is now held against its When the latch is in position of Safety, the
Spring in a depressed position. As a conse part 23 then blocks the hammer, while the
quence, the hammer is freed entirely from the other portion 21 blocks the bolt 24.
Sear and now depends for its lifting, cocking, A further
and release upon the trigger and fly, with the bodied in the feature of my invention is en OC
locking-snap before mentioned,
35 result that the lock mechanism becomes by which the barrel and breech portions are
double action. In other words, a pull upon locked and unlocked. One peculiar featuit;
the trigger causes the fly to lift the hammer of this locking-snap is that it is spring-actu
to a full-cock position, but the sear being in ated or rendered self-operative only when Io5
operative a further pull upon the trigger trips
the fly, when the hammer being released the the have
weapon is locked. To effect this result I
pivoted the snap as shown, and formed
weapon is discharged. So long as the stop it with a transverse bar 25, which Sur
lever remains in this position to render the mounts twin lugs 26 at the rear of the barrel, IO
sear in operative, so long can the weapon be and which overlap
employed with a double action. One impor when the weapon isupon the breech portion
closed. Between these
45 tant feature in connection with this part of lugs is an aperture 27 to receive the nose 28
Imy invention is that when the double action of the locking-snap. This nose extends up
is being used the sear is kept entirely inact wardly and is intended to engage a Spring
ive, and no wear ensues from its wiping ac 29 centrally of the barrel-rib, which extends II5
tion on the hammer, as heretofore.
One of my improvements, as before pre rearwardly
Thus said
projecting into the recess 27.
spring engages the nose of the
mised, relates to a safety-latch 15, which per latch before the weapon is closed. Further,
forms two duties-to block the hammer and the effort in said act of closing is now exerted
likewise, simultaneously, the locking-snap. against the pressure of said spring, which
This safety-latch is pivoted at 16 in the breech wipes the nose of the said latch, the tension
55 to the rear of and above the main spring and of such spring gradually increasing until the
is spring-actuated, as I will proceed to de upper surface of the lugs is in the same plane
scribe, to enable the same spring to hold the with the under portion of the bar 25, when
latch in either of two positions, either at the latter snaps forward upon its pivot, effect I 25
safety or at danger. Below and in align ually closing the weapon. Thus it will be
ment with the safety-latch. I have disposed a seen that
tubular stem 17, which is pivotally secured operative the and
locking-snap is rendered self
is very efficient and service
to the breech of the weapon. Within the able, since the parts
stem is placed a coiled spring 18, which actu to break or get out ofare simple and not liable
order, while the spring
ates a short push-rod 19. The lower end of exerts its maximum force when
65 such rod enters the bore of the tubular stem, is closed-an important feature. the weapon
while the opposite extremity bears against What I desire to claim is
the latch, engaging in the latter by means of 1. In lock mechanism for fire-arms, the com
bination, with a hammer, its actuating mech to engage said stud to render the searinop
anism, and a sear, of a stop-lever swinging stated. at times, all for purposes as herein
interiorly of the frame and furnished with a 5. In combination with the breech portion 45
pin projecting through a slot in the side plate, A, the barrel portion B, the twin lugs 26 upon
the free end of said lever adapted to engage the latter, and the spring 29, a locking-snap
a stud upon the sear to hold the latter inop 20, pivoted in the breech portion and provided
erative, and further provided with a step 10,
to allow advance of the stud and engagement with the transverse bar 25 and nose 28 to
of the sear with the hammer, substantially and set the
engage lugs 26, substantially as described
O as described.
2. In revolving fire-arms, the combination, B,6.theInbreech
combination with the barrel portion
portion A, the lock mechanism
with a hammer, the trigger, the fly pivoted upon composed of a sear, hammer, and trigger, and
the trigger and adapted to engage with and the locking-snap,
be disengaged from the hammer, the sear, the a plate hung in athesafety-latch consisting of 55
frame and projecting
locking-snap, and the sliding bolt, of a spring from and in part concealed by said frame, said
actuated safety-latch adapted to be set in two safety-latch being formed with the operative
extremes of position to block the hammer and front end parts 21 23, respectively, to block
the bolt, or to release the same simultaneously, the bolt and hammer, and spring actuated at
and a stop-lever 6, pivoted at its upper end the rear end, and a sliding bolt between the
within the frame and having its lower end locking-snap and the front end of said safety
resting on a stud of the sear to hold the lat latch, all operating substantially as herein
ter inoperative, and also recessed to form a set
step 10, allowing the advance of the sear and 7.forth and stated.
In a revolving fire-arm having a breech
its engagement with the hammer, substan and barrel portion closed by a locking-snap,
25 tially as and for the purposes herein set forth. a locking-snap, a sliding bolt aligned in rear
3. In revolving fire-arms, a hammer, its thereof in the metal of the breech, combined
operating mechanism, a lateral stud there with a pivoted safety-latch having the oper
upon, combined with a stop-lever operated
exteriorly through the side plate, the step 10, ative parts 21 23 to block the hammer and
to permit the sear to engage the hammer, and bolt simultaneously, and the spring-actuating
mechanism composed of the swinging tubular
the lateral lip upon the lever to engage the stem
hammer at stated times, the stop-lever being latter17,engaging
coiled spring 18, and push-rod 19, the
with the safety-latch, sub
pivoted to the breech of the weapon and stantially for purposes specified and de 75
swinging in a vertical plane parallel with and scribed.
35 adjacent to the hammer, substantially as and In testimony whereof I
affix my signature
fe the purposes herein described.
4. In lock mechanism for fire-arms, a ham in presence of twoHENRY witnesses.F. WHEELER
mer, its operating mechanism composed of the Witnesses:
fly and trigger, combined with a spring-actu H. E. LODGE,
ated Sear, a lateral stud upon the sear, and a JOHN A. DOUGHERTY.
swinging stop-lever with its free end adapted

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