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No. 804,694. PATENTED NOV. 14, 1905.

No. 804,694. PATENTED NOV. 14, 1905.
ArrLIoATIoN FILED Nov. ao. 1904.
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No. 804,694. - . PATBNTED NOV. 14, 1905. '

Nov. so, 1904. ' _ ' .


Fig: 5.
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WiTNESSES INVENTOR MZÍaä//a U.'-y¿0„¿Zz/@7

No. 804,694. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Nov. 14, 1905.
Application iiled November 30, 1904. Serial No. 234,904.

To alßwhom, it may concer-n,. Fig. 5 is asimilar view to Fig. 4, but shows how
Be it known that I, WILLIAM JOHN WHIT the magazine-spring acts on certain parts of
ING, director of public company, a subject of the mechanism and locks the breech-slide in
the King of Great Britain, residing at 53 an open position when the magazine is empty.
Douglas road, Wandsworth, near the city of Fig. 6 is another elevation of the pistol look
Birmingham, England, have invented certain ing at the opposite side to that represented
new and useful Improvements in Automatic in Fig. 1 and showing the breech-slide locked
Firearms, of which the following a specifica in its open position. This view also shows
tion. ' ' " the arrangement of the breech-slide-return 65
I O, This invention has relation to automatic mechanism and the. means whereby the said
pistols and other firearms of that type in slide is automatically locked open when the
which the sequence of operations involved in magazine is empty. Fig. 7 is a further ele
the firing of a shot and the reloading of the vation, but shows the breech-slide-return
arm-viz., the unlocking and opening of the mechanism and the locking arrangementsin the 70
breech after discharge, the extraction and positions they assume when the pistol is closed
ejection of the empty cartridge-shell, the and the hammer cocked ready for ñring. Fig.
cooking of the hammer, the insertion of a- 8 is a transverse vertical section of the pistol
fresh cartridgefrom" the magazine into the upon the dotted line m, Fig. 1, showing the
barrel, and the rec‘losing of the breach-are arrangement of the safety-bolt both with re 75
performed automatically by the movements spect to the firing mechanism and the means
for automatically locking open the said slide.
of a traversing-breech slide iirst in a back
This view shows the parts in their normal po
ward direction under the influence of the re
coil energy developed by the discharge of a sitions or when the safety-bolt and locking
cartridge and then in a forward direction un device are disengaged from the parts with
25 der the influence of a return-spring rendered which they respectively cooperate, while Fig.
active by the initial or rearward movement 9 is a similar section, but showing the safety
of the said slide. bolt in engagement with the sear of the fir
What 1 term herein the “breech slide” is ing mechanism and the, slide-locking devices
in their operative position. Fig. 10 is another
also known as a “ balanced breech-block ” and
30 as a' ‘-‘breech-block.” section, similar to Figs. 8 and 9, but with all
Figure 1 of the accompanying drawings the parts of the liring mechanism removed, so
represents a side elevation of an automatic as to show more clearly the arrangement of
magazine-pistol constructed and arranged in the connections between the safety-bolt and
accordance with my invention. In this view the breech-slide-locking mechanism. Fig. 1l 90
35 one of the side plates of the handle or grip is a horizontal section of the pistol upon the
which contains the detachable magazine is re dotted line m2, Fig. 1, showing in plan the
moved to show the positions assumed by cer slide-locking devices and the connections be
tain parts of the pistol when the hammer is at tween said devices and the safety-bolt. Fig.
full cock and the safety-slide is in engagement 12 is an elevation of the traversing breech 95
with the hammer mechanism and the breech slide separately, showing that side with which
slide is closed. Fig. 2 is a- longitudinal ver the swinging lever of the return mechanism
tical section of the said pistol with the parts in engages. Fig. 13 shows the opposite side of
the same positions as shown in Fig. 1 except the said slide.
Fig. 14 is a separate elevation
that the safety-bolt is disengaged from the of the barrel.
Fig. 15 represents an eleva 100
45 hammer mechanism. Fig. 3 is a similarsection tion and an edge view of the lever of the car
of the pistol to that represented in Fig. 2; but it riage-return mechanism. . Fig. 16 shows three
shows the parts of the firing mechanism in the different views of the safety-bolt separately,
positions they assume after the trigger has and Fig. 17 represents the breech-slide lock
Y acted upon the sear and released the hammer ing-limb separately. 105
50 and while the'pressure of the shooter’s finger The same numerals of reference indicate
upon the trigger is still being maintained, but corresponding parts in the several figures of
before the recoil from the discharge has com the drawings, in which- ' ,
menced to act upon the reciprocating parts. 2O is the channel-sectioned and open-ended
`Fig. 4 is a longitudinal sectionof the pistol body part of the frame, wherein the breech
55 showing the positions assumed by the several slide 21' is fitted so as to be capable of a rec
parts when the breech-slide is fully opened. tilinear traverse therein, and 22 is the barrel
whose base 23 is fitted within the front of the extending through the longitudinal clearance
said body and comes above the fore part 24 in the breech-slid e, whose forward cross-piece
of the slide, which is guided in its reciprocat42 is provided with an abutment-pin 43,
ing movements by a system of longitudinal adapted to strike against the front of the
grooves working over corresponding ribs on stop and limit the backward movement of the 70
the inside of the upright walls of the body. said slide, while to admit of the buíering or
The said body is carried upon a hollow han cushioning action the stop is provided with
dle 25, which constitutes a magazine-chamber a spring extension 42X, located within a re
and communicates with the inside of the body cess in the body and having abearing against
IO channel through an opening 26. This cham a solid part of the frame, such as 43", so that 75'
ber is adapted to contain a detachable car the stop can yield slightly and neutralize the
tridge-magazine 27, fitted with the usual plat shock or jar due to the impact of the recipro
form or follower 28 and feed-spring 29 and cating parts against the same. A rotatable pin
whose upper end(when in position within the 44 is mounted in the side ‘of the frame and is
IS said chamber) extends through the opening provided at one end with an external head or
26, so as to come behind the breech end of the turn 45 and at its inner >end with an eccentric
barrel, and also takes through a longitudinal stud 46, engaging ‘a recess 47 in the side of the
slot or clearance 30, formed from end to end stop, so that by turning the said pin the said
of the breech-slide to admit of its reciprocat stop may be elevated to engage the barrel»
ing movement when the magazine is in posi latch or depressed out ‘of suchengagement to 85
tion. The breech-slide and after part ~and admit of the carriage and barrel being with
base of the barrel are both mounted and lat drawn longitudinally from the body through
erally confined within the body; but whereas the'open front end of the channel. Y
the slide is capable of considerable recipro The barrel-latch consists‘of a rocker pivoted
25 cating Imovement therein the barrel is con to the under side of the barrel-base, so as to
fined by means of an internal latch 31, which be capable of limited angular movement in the
admits of the said barrel making only a slight longer direction of the pistol and having 'an
movement in unison with the breech-slide extension beyond the breech-face formed with
when the arm is discharged for the purpose an incline 48 for directing the cartridges into
30 of placing the barrel and slide in such posi the chamberas they are pushed out of the maga 95
tions relative to the body as will provide for zine by the loading-rib 49 on the breech-slide.
the automatic disconnection of a bolt or fas A spring öO-"may be interposed between the
tening 32, which normally secures the breech barrel-base and the rearward end of the latch,
slide to the barrel but which when disengaged which is formed with a‘rectangular stepped re
35 admits of the independent rearward movement cess 51, with which the upper end of the buf IOO
of the breech-slide under the iniiuence of the fer-stop is always in engagement ‘and whose
recoil and of its forward movement under the forward and rearward sides 52 53 constitute
influence of the return-spring. abutment-shoulders adapted to'be brought, re
The firing-pin 33 is located within a breech spectively, against the front of the buHer-stop
block 34, mounted in line with the barrel on the barrel `being moved rearwardly under 105
upon the after part of the breech-slide, and the initial influence of a recoil and against the
the hammer 35 and its mainspring 36 are back of the said stop on the barrel being re
mounted in the body at the back of the maga stored to its normal position by the return
zine-chamber, while the rocking scar 37 of spring. The stepped top of the recess 5l pro
45 the firing mechanism is formed with an ex vides atransverse locking-‘notch 54, adapted to
tension 38, located within the magazine-cham be positively engaged wi th' the top ofthe buffer
ber and coming on the right-hand side of the ‘stop for locking the barrel tothe body during
magazine when the latter is in position, this the independent reciprocation of the breech
sear being operated from a trigger 39, dis slide, this engagement being effected by the
50 posed forward of the said magazine, by a bar depression of the after end of the latch either
40, which is jointed to the said trigger and by the dspring 50 or by a system of cams pro
directed rearwardly into the magazine-cham vided for that purpose, `while on the comple
ber, the arrangement being such that when tion of the return >motion of the said slide the
the trigger is pulled back the said bar moves recessed end of the latch is positively lifted to
55 rearwardly with it and acts upon the exten disengagethe locking-notch from‘the stop and
sion of the sear and takes the latter out of admit of the barrel being moved forward
>bent with the hammer. bodily with the slide to the extent permitted
For retaining the barrel within the body, by the recess 51, the several parts being re
limiting the rearward and forward move tained in their normal positions by the for
ments of the breech-slide, and buffering or ward pressure exerted by the breech-slide re 125
cushioning the reciprocating parts the body turn - spring, which keeps the abutment 53
home‘against the stop. Simultaneously with
of the pistol is ?tted with a yielding stop 41,
which is engaged by the barrel-latch and the arresting of the barrel at the end of its
consists of an upright block rising vertically rearward movement the breech-‘slide is freed
65 from the bottom of the channeled body and to‘admit of its independent reciprocatory mo 130
tion, which is utilized to impart the positive against and wipe up Ithe incline 67, and thus
lowering and raising motion to the latch for the bolt is again raised into locking engage
engaging and disengaging lts locklng-notch ment with the gap 6l and there retained by
> with the buEer-stop. Cam-pieces 54“ are ar the unrecessed part of the bed coming under
ranged on the edges of the latch to overhang neath its lower end. The collective move .70
corresponding actuating-inclines 55 on the top ment which the barrel and breech-slideare
edges of the fore part of the slide. and the de capable of making in order to provide for the
pression of the latch is effected when the for automatic disengagement and reëngagement
ward inclines 56 wipe under the forward ends of the breech-slide bolt is only slight, being
57 of the cams as the slide commences to'travel merely equal to the play which the recess in 75
rearward without the barrel, while the re the latch can make upon the buffer-stop; but
verse motion is obtained by the action of the the various motions are so timed as to allow
rearward inclines 58 wiping forwardly under thebullet to leave the muzzle of the barrel
the rearward ends 59 of the cams as the breech before the breech-slide is unlocked, so that
slide completes its independent forward move the latter makes no independent motion until
ment. the bullet is on its way, and thus the shooter’s
The breech-slide fastening 82 consists of a aim is not likely to `be `disturbed by the re
vertically-sliding bolt-block working within a ciprocation of the parts under the recoil,
slot 60 in the slide fore-end 42 and adapted to while the independent movement of the slide
be automatically engaged with a cross-gap 61 is imparted only by the recoil energy which 85
in the barrel-base at the moment when said is unexpended after the said slide has been
barrel and slide complete their collective for freed.
ward movement, while the disengagerrent of rl‘he breech-slide-return mechanism consists
the bolt for freeing the slide is performed of a long lever 68, fulcrumed at 69 to the
25 automatically and is timed to synchronize handle-frame and having its upper end eX 90
A with the locking of the barrel by its latch on tending through a clearance into the after end
reaching the end ot' its initial movement. The of the channeled body and bearing against a
bolt is actuated by a system of inclines, one shoulder or abutment 70 on the side of the
incline 62 being-formed along the rearward breach-slide. The lever is extended at 7l be
30 edge of the cross-gap 61, and a corresponding low its fu'lcrum and bears against the limb 72
i incline 63 is formed on the bolt, while in the of a double-armed spring whose other arm 73
bed of the channeled body is a longitudinal has a bearing against the frame. Normally the '
sinking 64, terminating forwardly in an in spring acts against the lever to tilt same for
cline 65, corresponding to an incline 66 on the wardly, as shown in Fig. 7, and keep the
35 lower forward edge of the bolt, the inclines breech-slide closed; but when the said slide is IOO
_ 63 62 being designed to impart the lowering driven back by recoil the lever is compelled
or unlocking movement to the bolt, while the to make a rearward angular movement, which
inclines 66 65 act to lift the bolt and lock the compresses and renders active the spring, so
barrel to the slide. Normally when the parts that after thel recoil energy has expended
are in positions ready for firing, as repre itself the spring reacts upon the lever and 105
sented in Fig. 2, the top of the bolt engages throws same forward for returning and ~re
the barrel-gap and is retained there by its taining the breech-slide and barrel in their
lower end lying upon an unrecessed forward normal positions. Part of the metal of the
part 67 of the bed until the pistol is dis slide rearward of the lever-abutment 70 is cut
45 charged, when by the initial >collective move away to leave a clearance 74, which admits of IIO
ment of the barrel and slide the bolt is the slide being withdrawn forwardly from the
brought over the sinking 64, so that as soon body in disassembling the parts for cleaning or
as the barrel has been arrested and locked by the like without necessitating the removal of
its latch and the slide in which the bolt is `the lever or its spring, While above the said
50 mounted is at the point of commencing its abutment 70 a recess 75 is formed,-into which 115
rearward independent traverse the.bolt-in- the head 76 of the lever takes in> passing over
cline 63'wipes under the incline 62 of the now the center while making its angular move
stationary barrel‘,and so depresses the bolt ment, and the entrance 77 of this recess is
from engagement with the gap 6l and frees preferably choked or made of such a width
.5,5 the slide from the barrel, and the lower end of that when the lever is in its rearward posi
the said bolt is taken into the sinking 64, tion with the breech-slide fully open, as rep
wherein it slides, as shown in Fig. 5, during resented in Fig. 6, its head will lill up the
the independent reciprocation of the slide, said entrance and prevent any play or back
and when the said slide on its return move lash should the said slide be locked in the said
ment closes against the barrel- breech the open position. 125
cross-gap 61 again comes coincident with the The safety-bolt for locking the hammer of
bolt, and as the barrel and slide move forward the .pistol at full-cock consists of a sliding
together in completing the sequence of oper piece 78, Working in a slot in the side of the
ations and restoring all the parts to their lir body and having an extension 79, which de
65 ing positions the incline 66 is made tostrike pends into a chamber 80, recessed out in the ISO
4 @4,694
rear upper part of the frame of the magazine is connected to the said lever in its open po
chamber immediately behind the scar» eXten sition. This locking operation is performed
sion 38, whose outer face has a lump 81 and automatically when the magazine is empty
a clearance 82, while the edge of the bolt has through the medium of the magazine-follower
a lump 83, which normally or when the safety spring when the breech-slide is opened by the
is in its lowered position coincides with the recoil of the discharge of thev last cartridge.
clearance 82 and admits of the scar extension For this purpose the parts are so arranged
being pushed back by the limb 40 for firing that on the magazine-follower being permit
the pistol; but when the hammer is at full ted to rise to the top of the magazine, as
IO cock and the safety-bolt is raised its lump 83 shown in Fig.' 5, as soon as the loading-rib 75
engages behind the scar-lump 8l and blocks has been taken clear of the said follower in
the iiring mechanism in such a manner as to the rearward movement of the slide the stud
prevent inadvertent or accidental discharge. 86, which is lifted with the follower by the
If necessary, the safety-bolt maybe utilized for expansion of the feed-ring, is raised out ofthe
locking the breech-slide in its closed position; groove 88 into the chamber 80 and strikes
but in the particular arrangement represented against theunder side of the lateral part 89
this action is not provided for, and a longi of the safety-bolt, which is raised by the said
tudinal clearance 84; is machined along the spring and carries with it the locking-limb
right-hand side of the breech-slide to clear any 91, which at the moment the return-lever is
part of the safety-bolt that may extend into at the end of its rearward movement is thus 85
the inside of the body, so as to admit of the brought in front of the lug 9a for locking the
said bolt being raised when the breech-slide lever and slide in the open position, as above
is in any position. described, and affording the shooter a positive
To lock the breech-slide in its open position indication that the magazine is empty. By de
25 when the magazine is empty` it is proposed pressing the safety-bolt by means of its ex 90
to utilize the feed or follower spring of the ternal slide a corresponding movement is im
magazine to operate certain parts whereby the parted to the locking-limb for disengaging
lever or arm of the breech-slide-return mech the same from the lever and allowing the
anism is blocked or retained in the position breech-slide to be returned to its normal po
30 it assumes when the said slide is at the end of sition by the action of the spring. 95
its rearward movement. For this purpose In the particular arrangement herein de
the magazine-platform is provided with a tail scribed and represented the slide ofthe safety
85, having a stud 86, which projects through bolt provides a means for disengaging the
a slot in the back of the magazine and extends breech-slide-locking limb from the return-le
35 (when the magazine is in position) into a ver when it is desired to close the pistol; but IOO
groove 88 in the opposed wall of the maga it is obvious that instead of connecting the
zine-chamber, so that as the follower is ele locking-limb to the safety-bolt for this pur
vated by its spring the stud is raised within pose the said limb may be actuated or with
the groove which leads into the chamber 80, drawn by a separate or independentslide suit
containing the safety-bolt extension 79, while ably arranged, so as to be clear of the slide 105
it carries a lateral piece 89, passing inwardly return lever, but to come under the infiuence
under the scar and terminating in a vertical of the follower-spring when the magazine is
plate 90. Located upon the right-hand side empty, and it is also to be understood that
ofthe upper partof the magazine-chamber and this part of the invention is not limited to the
45 immediately inward ofthe breeeh-slide-return particular arrangements herein described for IIO
lever. is a locking-limb 91, fulcrumed at its connecting the locking-limb with the safety
forward end 92 to the frame and connected bolt or for transmitting motion from the
at its rearward end to the safety-bolt by a pin magazine-spring to the said limb on the pis
93, which extends laterally behind the maga tol being opened when the magazine is empty,
50 zine and takes into a slot 94in the plate 90, so as other equivalent mechanism may be cm 115
that when the latter is raised with the safety ployed for these purposes.
bolt the rear end of thelimb is also raised. The In firing automatic pistols such as herein
inner side of the upper part of the return described the shooter occasionally exerts an
lever carries a lug or inward projection 94X, involuntary second pull upon the trigger as a
55 which normally or so long as any cartridges consequence of the recoil from the previous
remain in the magazine works to and from discharge, and thus the nextv cartridge is lia
above the top edge of the locking-limb, as ble to be prematurely tired, giving what is
shown in Fig. 7; but should the said limb be known as a "double shot.” To obviate this
at any time actuated by the lifting of the and also to render it absolutely impossible for
safety-bolt (either automatically or by hand) the sear to be actuated and the pistol fired un 125~
when the said lever is in its rearmost position less the breech-slide is fully closed and locked
and the breech-slide is fully opened the end to the barrel, provision is made whereby im
95 of the limb by coming on front of the said mediately after the trigger has been pulled
lug 94 will prevent the return movement of and the bar tilted for releasing the sear to dis
65 the lever, and thus lock the breech-slide which charge the gun and before the breech-slide ISO
804,694 5

. commences 'to move back under the iniiuence are positively held down until the breech-slide
,of the recoil the Sear-actuating bar is taken is` fully closed; but immediately the said slide
into aninoperative position clear of the Sear is locked the clearance 102 comes again over
and is positively held or retained in this po or coincident with the guide-hole 100 and al
sition until the breech-slide has returned and lows the pin and bar to rise, the former com
become again locked in its closedI position, so ing again into engagement with the said clear
~ that the firing mechanism cannot be actuated ance 102, as shown in Fig.2, while the latter
should the trigger be pressed involuntarily or resumes its operative position with respect to
otherwise during the time that the breech the sear ready to discharge the pistol afresh
IO slide is in motion. Neither is it possible in on the trigger being again pulled. The pro 75
, the event of the trigger being released from- vision of an inclined plane surface on the tilt
' the shooter’s finger for the actuating-bar to ing-bar 40 for acting upon the auxiliary hold
return to its normal position until the breech ing-down pin 99 insures a rapid movement of
slide is closed and securely fastened. the latter and an instantaneous disengagement
15 The bar 40 is jointed at its forward end to of same from the breech-slide on the pistol
the trigger, as already described, and is being fired. As soon as the actuating-bar has
cranked upward immediately behind its joint- been taken clear of the sear the latter is free
or is formed witha part 96, having rising in to be taken back by its spring 107 into the
clined planes, while adjacent to the joint is a proper position for falling into bent with the
small hanging cam 97, adapted after the trig hammer on the latter being recocked by the 85
ger has been pulled and the sear actuated by breech-slide in its rearward traverse.
the bar to be brought against a lump 98 on Having fully described my invention, what
the frame, whereby the said bar is tilted down I desire to claim and secure by Letters Pat
ward clear of the Sear, as shown in Fig. 3, and ent is- '
25 is held in this inoperative position so long as l. A firearm having a breech-slide movable 90
the pressure of the finger upon the trigger >is rearwardly by recoil, a spring-actuated lever
maintained, while as an additional precaution for moving the breech-slide forward, a maga
against the return of the bar to its operative zine having a movable follower, and means
position should the finger-pressure upon the operable by said follower when the magazine
trigger be relieved before the breech-slide has is empty, for engaging the lever to hold the 95
completed its forward movement, and so ren breech-slide in a retracted or open position.
der it impossible to fire the pistol except when 2. A firearm having a breech-slide movable
the breech-slide is fully closed‘and locked, rearwardly by recoil, a spring-actuated lever
there is connected with the actuating-bar a to return the breech-slide to its forward posi
35 small pin 99, capable of working within a tion, a magazine having a follower, and a lock 100
guide-hole 100 in the frame and having a re ing device, operable by said follower when the
cess 101 in the one side of its lower endA with magazine is empty, to engage the lever when
in which the inclined part 96 of the bar en the slide is in its retracted or open position,
gages, while normally or when the breech to prevent forward movement of said slide.
slide is closed and before the trigger has been 3. A firearm having a breech-slide movable 105
pressed back its upper end extends above the rearwardly by recoil, a spring-actuated lever
bed of the channel in the body and engages to move the breech-slide forward, firing mech
within a gap or clearance 102, clit in the lower anism having a hammer, a magazine having
edge of one side of the breech-slide; but irn a follower, a locking device operable by said l
45 mediately the actuating-bar is tilted clear of follower when the magazine is empty to en IIO
the sear by the action of the cam 97 after the gage said lever to hold the breech-'slide in a
trigger has been pressed and the pistol fired retracted or open position, and a safety-bolt,
the lower incline 103 on the said bar acts for locking the hammer of the firing mechan
against the bottom 104 of the recess in the- ism at full-cock, connected with the breech
50 pin 99 and draws down or depresses the same, `slide and with the locking device and serving
so as to disengage its upper end from the to actuate the latter to release the breech-slide
clearance 102, as shown in Fig. 3, before the and permit the return of said breech-slide to
breech-slide’ commences to travel back under its forward position.
the recoil from the discharge. During the 4. A firearm having a breech-slide movable
55 backward and return motions of the said slide rearwardly by recoil, a spring-actuated lever 120
its solid or unrecessed edge 105 traverses to move the breech-slide forward, ñring mech
above the guide-hole 100, containing the pin anism having a hammer, a magazine having
99, as shown in Fig. 5, so that should the a follower, a locking device operable by said
trigger and the bar be relieved of finger-pres follower when the magazine is empty to en
sure while the breech-slide is in motion the gage s'aid lever to hold the breech-slide in a 25
bar is prevented from being returned to its retracted or open position, and a safety-bolt,
operative position under the influence of the for locking the hammer of the firing mechan
spring by the top of the pin on rising strik ism at full-cock, connected with the breech
ing against the said unrecessed edge 105 of the slide and with the locking device and serving
65 moving slide, and thus the said pin and bar to actuate the latter to release the breech-slide ISO

and permit the return of said breech-slide to ing operable by the trigger to release the Sear
its forward position, said bolt and locking de and thereby the hammer, a breech-slide mov
vice being upon opposite sides of the arm. able rearwardly by recoil, a spring-actuated
5. A firearm having a breech~slide movable lever for moving the breech-slide forwardly,
rearwardly by recoil, and a spring-actuated a magazine having a movable follower, and
lever to return the breech-slide to its forward means operable by said follower when the
position, said breech-slide having a longitu magazine is empty for engaging the lever to
dinal clearance to receive the lever, and a hold the breech-slide in a retracted or open
clearance to permit the operative movement position. 25
IO of the lever, the first-mentioned clearance per In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
mitting ‘the separation of the breech ~slide my hand in presence of two subscribing wit
bodily from the arm. nesses. »

6. A firearm having ‘firing mechanism in WILLIAM J OH N WH‘ITING.

cluding a hammer, a Sear for the hammer, a Witnesses:
trigger, a bar adapted normally to engage the ARTHUR SAD'L‘ER,
Sear to hold the hammer cocked, saidbar be EDITH HELLABY.

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