Final Cases Minor
Final Cases Minor
Final Cases Minor
S. Nijalingappa Medical College and Hanagal Shree Kumareshwar Hospital and
Research Centre, Bagalkot .
Department of Biochemistry
Sr. No. Minor Cases
1 Alkaptonuria
2 PKU (a)
3 PKU(b)
4 Vit A Deficiency
5 Rickets
6 Scurvy
7 Megaloblastic Anemia
8 Iron deficiency Anemia
9 Tetany
10 Multiple Myeloma
11 Gout
12 Normal Glucose Tolerance chart
13 Abnormal Glucose Tolerance chart
14 Wilsons Disease
15 Galactosemia
16 Von Gierke Disease
17 Beri Beri
18 Pellegra
B.V.V. Sangha’s
S. Nijalingappa Medical College and Hanagal Shree Kumareshwar Hospital and
Research Centre, Bagalkot .
Department of Biochemistry
Case Report - Minor
1. A Mother rushed to the pediatric clinic after noticing dark stains on diapers
Urine Examination.
The urine of the baby turned black on standing and turned a purple black
4. What is ochronosis?
B.V.V. Sangha’s
S. Nijalingappa Medical College and Hanagal Shree Kumareshwar Hospital and
Research Centre, Bagalkot .
Department of Biochemistry
Case Report - Minor
2. A 2 years old boy was brought to hospital with delayed milestones,
hypopigmented skin and eczema. His mother informed that he had seizures
in early life. Blood level of phenylalanine was elevated and sweat gave the
mousy odour.
4. A 2 year old child presented with chronic cough and bronchitis, growth
failure and passage of light colored foul smelling stools. Mother of the child
reported that the child was finding it difficult to locate things in the dim light
Peripheral smear was done and it showed microcytic hypochromic anemia with
poikilocytosis and anisocytosis.
Hemoglobin = 7gm/dl
There was no h/o fever, drug intake and abdominal pain. O/E physician found she had
tachycardia, conjunctiva and oral cavity looks pale and koilonychia. Blood investigation revealed
1. What is your probable diagnosis?
2. What is the cause in this patient?
3. Write the sources and RDA of deficient mineral.
4. Explain the absorption, storage, transport and excretion form of the element involved in
this disease with neat labeled diagram.
5. Write the other causes for this condition.
6. What investigations are done to confirm the disease?
7. How will you treat this patient?
1. What is the most probable diagnosis relevant to clinical history and lab findings?
4. What other investigations are performed in his case to confirm the disease?
B.V.V. Sangha’s
S. Nijalingappa Medical College and Hanagal Shree Kumareshwar Hospital and
Research Centre, Bagalkot .
Department of Biochemistry
Case Report - Minor
16. A 5-year old boy presented with weakness, pallor and distended abdomen. Pallor was
eliminated by intake of food. Mother gives the history of delayed milestones and was doing
poorly in the school. On examination he was afebrile, pulse rate and blood pressure was normal
and hepatomegaly. Blood investigations showed
3. Write the biochemical basis for decreased blood glucose in this condition.
17. A 59 year old male is brought to the emergency department by a family member with
complaints of extreme confusion, disorientation and unsteady gait. The patient has been
known in the past to be a heavy drinker. He has polished rice as a major component of
disoriented & agitated. Horizontal rapid eye movement on lateral gaze is noted
bilaterally. His gait was very unsteady. Physical examination shows weight loss,
3. Give the active form of the deficient factor responsible for the above condition.
18. A 16 year old girl is hospitalized with a 10 days history of darkening and thickening
of the neck and the upper trunk region, associated with symmetrical erythema and scales on
her neck and limbs, with soreness of mouth. The lesions progressively increased in size
accompanied with itching, burning following exposure to the sun. There was history of
diarrhea. No history of any change in her behavior. There was no history of tuberculosis
treatment or similar disease in the family. Her dietary history revealed decreased food intake,
with a persistent of maize which is the basic meal in the household.
There was no history of trauma or excessive exercise. On examination the patient was
afebrile & anemic. All other investigations were normal except WBC.
WBC - Increased,
Hemoglobin: 5.5g/dl.
revealed that the child was born normal but was not growing well from the
Urine analysis revealed the presence of branched amino acids and their keto
A 9 months old child brought to pediatric OPD in an irritable state. The mother said that the
child was breast fed only for 6 months and now the child is getting only formula milk.
Examination findings showed reduced weight, reduced skinfold thickness, reduced arm
muscle circumference.
Serum electrolytes:
Serum electrolytes: