Bronchial Asthma
Bronchial Asthma
Bronchial Asthma
Trigger factors
Wheeze - a high pitched whistling sound heard due to the the passage of turbulent
airflow through a narrow airway
Asthma can cause a pseudo hepatomegaly , this is cause the hyper inflated lungs will
push the liver downwards and hence the liver can be palpated more than 2 cm
below the costal margin
Physical exam
• signs of respiratory distess
◦ Use of accessory respiratory muscles : SIP
◦ Nasal flaring
◦ Suprasternal recession / retraction / Indrawing
◦ Intracoastal recession
◦ tahcypnea
◦ Tachycardia Pigeon chest- pectus
• Wheezing
• palpable liver below the right coastal margin
• Reduced chest expansion
• hyperresonance due to the hyper inflated lung
• Reduced air entry
• Reduced breath sounds
• Adventitious Lung sounds : Fine end crackles, ronchi)
• FBC : wbcs ( eosinophils )
• Skin prick test : r/o atopy
• PEFr : in children > 5 years , because by then their respiratory muscles are fully
developed and capable of the normal function
◦ Spirometry : tiffeneau index/ ratio ie FEV1 / FVC
• Chest x ray : hyperinflated lungs ( radiolucency of lung fields )
Vital capacity - the maximum amount of air that can be
expired after deep inspiration
< 2 days/ week >2 days per week Daily Several times/ time symptoms frequently during
but not daily
the day
> 2 nights(3-4) per >1 time / week but Every night ( 7x per
2. Night time symptoms <2 nights / month
month not nightly week)
3. Symptom control < 2 days per week > 2 days per week Several times per
with SABA but not daily Daily day
• PEFr: 50-60 percent of the • PEFr : 33-50% of the predicted • <33% of the predicted
predicted value value value
• SABA - short acting beta 2 adrenergic agonist, aka the relievers ( smooth muscle
◦ salbutamol, terbutaline
An imbalance b/n t1 and t2 lymphocytes can trigger asthma due to the over
production of interlukines and tnf alpha causing an inflammatory process
Combination therapy
• come in the form of metered dose inhalers.
◦ Symbicort ( smart therapy) : budesonide + formoterol
◦ Seretide : fluticasone + salmeterol
Inhaler advice
• 2-4 puffs before any strenuous activity
• Step 2- add inhaled corticosteroid if they use more than 3 inhalations per week, if
less than 5 years add oral leukotriene receptor
• Step 3- if more than years add LABA, if working, continue, if not working
adequately move to Step 4, if not at all add leukotriene receptor antagonist. If
less than 5 year, give oral leukotriene receptor antagonist . If less than 2 years,
Differentials O
• bronchiolitis O
• Foreign body aspiration
• Croup
• COPD ( adults )
• Congestive cardiac failure
• Cystic fibrosis
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease
• Vocal cord paralysis
• Bronchiectasis
Complications T
• pneumothorax
• Respiratory failure
• Cardiac arrest
• Pneumomediastinium
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