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P-ISSN: 2827-9832

E-ISSN: 2828-335x


Apdyan Dwi Hendrajah1*, Yerizon2, I Made Arnawa3
Universitas Negeri Padang

This research aims to produce a learning tool that is valid, practical, and effective. This learning tool contains
material for flat-sided shapes. This research is a development research using the Plomp model, which includes
Preliminary Research, Prototyping Stage, and Assessment Stage. The instruments used in the study were
learning device assessment sheets to measure validity, educator response questionnaires, student response
questionnaires, learning implementation observation sheets to measure practicality, and tests of critical
thinking skills to measure effectiveness. Learning devices are said to be valid and practical if they meet at
least good criteria (average score more than 3.40) and the percentage of learning implementation is at least
70%, while it is said to be effective if the percentage of student completeness is more than 60%. The learning
device was implemented at As-Salam Islamic Middle School, Tanjung Gadang, Sijunjung Regency with the
object of research being students of class VII Marwah. This research produced a set of learning tools in the
form of lesson plans and worksheets for six meetings. Learning tools meet valid criteria with an average score
of 3.52 for lesson plans and 3.52 for worksheets from a maximum score of 4.00. Learning tools meet the very
practical criteria with an average score of 80% for the teacher response questionnaire and 88.17% for the
student response questionnaire with a maximum score of 100%, while the average percentage of learning
implementation is 83.21%. Learning devices meet the criteria of effectiveness with a percentage of
completeness of student learning outcomes of 75.57%.
Keywords: learning tools, based on RME, critical thinking skills

This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Critical thinking is the process of seeking, obtaining, evaluating, analyzing, balancing, and
conceptualizing information as a guide to developing one's thinking with self-awareness and
the ability to use this information by adding creativity and taking risks (Yildirim &
Ozkahraman, 2017). Based on the opinion of several experts, critical thinking skills are very
necessary for students, considering that currently science and technology are developing very
rapidly and make it possible for anyone to obtain information quickly and easily from various
sources and anywhere in the world (Ennis, 2011; Hasratuddin, 2013; Hassoubah, 2004; Ikhsan
& Rizal, 2014; Shaffer, 2020).
Based on UNESCO data, the quality of mathematics education in Indonesia is ranked 34th
out of 38 countries observed (Alghafri & Ismail, 2014; Ministry of Education, 2013; Ngang et
al., 2014; Sarimah & Shaharom, 2008). Therefore, critical thinking skills are needed to measure
how to develop students' thinking in science lessons such as mathematics (Facione & Facione,
1992; Mapeala & Siew, 2015). Research conducted by previous researchers shows that junior
high school students' mathematical critical thinking abilities are still low (Herdiana, 2013;
Jumaisyaroh et al., 2015). The next problem, was when the author conducted a preliminary
study at SMPN 12 Sijunjung, SMPN 20 Sijunjung, and SMP Islam As-Salam Kab. Sijunjung

Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve
Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability for Class VII Middle School

obtained information that the results of students' initial mathematics learning and critical
thinking ability tests were still low and many were below the Minimum Completeness Criteria
Based on the description of the problem above, a learning tool is needed that can help
mathematics teachers and students in the learning process in the classroom. The
implementation of learning that is not yet optimal cannot be separated from the learning
resources that are developed so that students are motivated to learn mathematics (Elvira
Maylistiyana et al., 2017; Waluyo et al., 2016). Some of the learning resources needed are
Student Worksheets (LKPD) and Learning Implementation Plans (RPP).
RPP is a planning program that is prepared as a guide for implementing learning for each
learning process activity (Sanjaya, 2015). LKPD is teaching material that has been packaged
in such a way that students are expected to be able to study the teaching material independently
(Prastowo, 2015). Based on this opinion, the RPP and LKPD can help mathematics teachers
and students in the learning process in the classroom. The author is interested in developing
learning tools based on the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning model. The
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach is a learning approach from Realistic
Mathematics Education (PMR) which comes from the words Realistic Mathematics Education
(RME), based on the view that mathematics is a human activity (Tim, 2001). So, the steps in
the RME model can improve students' mathematical critical thinking abilities.
Three principles related to RME, namely 1. Guided reinvention and progressive
mathematization, 2. Self-developed models. 3. Real-world learning phenomena (didactical
phenomenology) (Gravemeijer, 1994). In line with the three principles of RME outlined, there
are five characteristics of RME, namely Use of Context, Use of models for progressive
mathematization, Utilization of students' construction results, Interactivity, and
interconnectedness (Wijaya, 2012).
Based on this description, the author conducted research on the development of RME-based
learning tools to improve critical mathematical thinking skills with four steps in Realistic
learning, namely, giving contextual problems to students, solving contextual problems,
comparing and discussing answers, and concluding the solution to the problem.

The development model applied is the Plomp model which consists of three phases,
namely preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase (McKenney & Reeves,
2014). The initial investigation phase (preliminary research) consists of needs analysis,
curriculum analysis, concept analysis, and student analysis. At the prototyping stage, formative
evaluation is carried out in making the prototype. The development or prototype creation phase
(prototyping stage) consists of prototype 1, namely self-evaluation and expert review;
prototype 2 namely one-to-one; prototype 3 namely small group; prototype 4, namely field test.
In the assessment phase, a field test was carried out in class VII D of As-Salam Islamic Middle
School, Kab. Sijunjung to see practicality and effectiveness. Research data was collected
through self-evaluation sheets, validation sheets, observation sheets, interview guidelines,
teacher and student response questionnaire sheets, lesson plan implementation observation
sheets, and the final test of critical thinking skills. Device validation was carried out by three

3637 Vol.2, No.10, September 2023

Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve
Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability for Class VII Middle School

Mathematics lecturers, one Indonesian Language lecturer, and one Educational Technology


In the preliminary research, needs analysis, curriculum analysis, concept analysis, and
student analysis were carried out. Needs analysis is carried out to obtain data on students and
teachers in the learning process. The results obtained are conventional learning, the learning
tools used so far are textbooks, many students think mathematics is difficult and there are lots
of formulas so they are less active and interested and students' mathematical critical thinking
abilities are still not optimal.
Curriculum analysis aims to analyze the curriculum for two supporting aspects, namely KI
and KD. At this stage, a study was carried out on the 2013 curriculum for class VII mathematics
in junior high school. This analysis was carried out to study the scope of material, learning
objectives, and materials that can be used in the RME model. The results of the formulation of
indicators and analysis of the mathematics syllabus for class VII SMP are arranged sequentially
with indicators of competency achievement so that they are easy to understand.
Concept analysis aims to determine the content and subject matter needed in the
development of learning tools. The results of the concept analysis based on the curriculum used
are that there is 1 chapter studied in class VII Semester I, namely Social Arithmetic. Student
analysis aims to determine individual qualities that can be used as guidance in designing
learning tools. This analysis is used as a consideration in designing RME-based LKPD which
includes how students learn, student participation, the importance of LKPD for students, and
descriptions of LKPD that students like. In this research, the students who will be used as
subjects are class VII middle school students.
The prototyping phase is the device design stage based on the characteristics of RME-based
learning in the form of RPP and LKPD. This design is based on the results of a preliminary
study that has been carried out and produced prototype 1. After the RME-based RPP and LKPD
were produced, a self-evaluation was carried out by the researcher for construct validity and
validated with experts for content validity. Construct validity means conformity between the
product produced and the development elements that have been determined and content
validity means conformity between the product produced and several specified criteria. In the
self-evaluation, the errors that researchers found in the product included typing errors and
punctuation errors. After conducting a self-evaluation, this RME-based product is validated by
RPP validation is seen from subject identity, KD, formulation of learning indicators,
formulation of learning objectives, selection of learning materials, selection of learning
strategies, selection of learning resources, selection of learning media, steps in learning
activities, assessment, language, and writing. The overall result of the RPP validation is 3.52
with a very valid category.
Overall, the RME-based LKPD validated by mathematics experts has met the valid criteria
with a validity index in the presentation aspect and content feasibility aspect of 3.52 in the very
valid category. This means that the characteristics and suitability of LKPD with RME-based
learning can help students improve their critical mathematical thinking skills. This aspect of
graphics or appearance was validated by one Educational Technology lecturer with the results

3638 Vol.2, No.10, September 2023

Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve
Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability for Class VII Middle School

of data analysis obtained 3.29 with very valid criteria. Furthermore, the language aspect was
validated by one Indonesian language lecturer with data analysis obtained 3.43 with very valid
criteria. The overall validation results for each aspect can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. RME LKPD Validation Results

No. Aspect Validation Category
1. Presentation 3,52 Very Valid
Didactics and Very Valid
2. 3,52
Content (Material)
3. Graphics (Display) 3,29 Very Valid
4. Language 3,43 Very Valid
Average Validity Index 3,44 Very Valid

Based on Table 1 it can be seen that the average LKPD validation as a whole is 3.44 with
very valid criteria. In the validity process, there are several revisions of the device produced in
prototype 2. In the RPP it is suggested and revised, namely, the steps that are integrated must
be visible, the steps for solving questions are written in the form of questions, setting indicators
of KD to be achieved, namely, there are on KI-3 and KI-4. In the LKPD, there were several
revisions including changes to the cover and the preface changed. In the assessment, there are
several revisions including on the assessment sheet it must be clear the achievement of the
assessment, and the areas assessed with measurable data. The results of valid mathematics
learning tools were then carried out with one-to-one evaluation with three students at As-Salam
Islamic Middle School, Sijunjung District who had high, medium, and low abilities.
The results of the one-to-one evaluation are that there are revisions to the LKPD regarding
questions that are not understood by students. Based on the suggestions from the one-to-one
evaluation, revisions were made. The revised results of the one-to-one evaluation were tested
on a small group consisting of 6 students. The results of the revision at the small group stage
included the added time because the students took a little longer in the discussion. Some of the
questions have also been replaced and removed, because if they are still used then the time
available is not enough.
After revising the results obtained in the small group evaluation (prototype 3), it was tested
on a large group, namely class VII students at As-Salam Islamic Middle School, Kab. Sijjung.
From the results of the large group, it was found that the RME-based mathematics learning tool
was stated to be practical and effective.
The practicality of this device can be seen in the teacher response questionnaire, student
response questionnaires, and lesson plan implementation sheets.
The average results of the teacher's response questionnaire practicality test gave a
practicality value of 83.82%. Based on the criteria that have been made, the practicality of
RME-based learning tools is declared practical.
This shows that RME-based mathematics learning tools are easy to use by teachers in terms
of attractiveness, process of use, ease of use, and time.

3639 Vol.2, No.10, September 2023

Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve
Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability for Class VII Middle School

The average value of implementation in each meeting is very practical. This shows that the
lesson plan using the theory-based multiple intelligences has been implemented according to
what was designed. In line with that, the learning process will work well if the teacher can
condition learning activities effectively from the start (Dahar, 1989).
The effectiveness of learning devices is how much learning using the developed devices
achieves indicators of learning effectiveness (Nieveen, 1999). In this study, the RME-based
mathematics learning tool for Social Arithmetic material was used in learning because it met
the indicators of learning effectiveness from learning outcomes, namely cognitive learning
outcomes, affective learning outcomes, and psychomotor learning outcomes.
Cognitive learning outcomes can be seen from the results of the final test showing that 17
of the 22 students scored above the KKM. The results of the completeness of student learning
is 75.57%. This shows that RME-based learning tools have been effective in achieving the
competencies students must achieve.
In practicality, there was an increase through three stages carried out, one-to-one evaluation
stage, small group evaluation (small group evaluation), and large group (field test). Meanwhile,
the effectiveness of learning tools is obtained from cognitive assessment, namely giving a final
test of mathematical critical thinking abilities.

Based on the validation results conducted by experts, it has been ascertained that the
development process of RME-based learning tools, specifically in the form of Rencana
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) and Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD), has successfully
met the criteria for validity, practicality, and effectiveness. First and foremost, the validation
process assessed the validity of these learning tools. Experts rigorously examined the content,
alignment with curriculum standards, and the appropriateness of the materials about the RME
(Realistic Mathematics Education) approach. The tools were found to be logically structured,
free from errors, and aligned with educational objectives, thus ensuring their educational
The practicality of these tools was assessed. Practicality encompasses aspects such as ease
of use, feasibility in a classroom setting, and adaptability for both teachers and students. The
RPP and LKPD were evaluated positively in terms of user-friendliness, clear instructions, and
the ease with which they can be incorporated into actual teaching practices. The effectiveness
of the RME-based learning tools was scrutinized. The validation results indicated that these
tools are likely to significantly enhance the teaching and learning process, promoting a deeper
understanding of mathematical concepts among students and facilitating more engaging and
interactive classroom experiences.
In conclusion, the validation outcomes underscore that the RME-based RPP and LKPD are
robust educational resources that meet the stringent criteria of validity, practicality, and
effectiveness. These tools hold great promise for educators seeking to implement the RME
approach effectively in their classrooms, ultimately benefiting the quality of mathematics


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Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Improve
Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability for Class VII Middle School

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