The Effect of RME Application On Mathematics Learning Outcomes (REVISI)
The Effect of RME Application On Mathematics Learning Outcomes (REVISI)
The Effect of RME Application On Mathematics Learning Outcomes (REVISI)
DOI: 1
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Indonesian Journal of Education and Psychological Science (IJEPS)
Vol.¬¬¬¬, No. (months) 2021: ¬¬
DOI: 2
( ISSN-E: …….
ISSN-P: …….
Indonesian Journal of Education and Psychological Science (IJEPS)
June, Vol. …. No…., 2021: 1-18
One approach that can improve students' study results is the approach to
advanced Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). Freudenthal states that
mathematics is "human activity" and from this idea the RME was developed.
RME unifies views on what mathematics is, how students learn mathematics,
and how mathematics must be taught. In math education, according to
freudenthal students are not just passive recipients of ready food math
materials, but students need to be given a chance to re-invent math through a
pratic of their own experience. A major pinsip of RME is that students must
actively participate in the learning process. Students must be given
opportunities to build their own knowledge and understanding.
Research methods used in this study are research for literature studies,
where data retrieval systems in this study are based on books or journals
analyzed on the basis of problems. Zed (2014:3) a library or literature study is
an activity regarding library data collection methods, reading and recording
and processing of research material. The source of this study is some
documents - the fibers of previous research journals that are relevant to the
study. The study analyzes references sourced from journals and books and links
them with phenomena. According to nazir (2014:27) a study of literature is a
data-gathering technique by conducting a study of books, literacy, records and
reports that relate to the problem solved. Based on the research that Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approaches affect the mathematical result, this
type of study is a literature study study with studying 10 of the journal on how
rme approaches apply to students' study. The scientific criteria for the
information articles are the scientific articles that have been published in a
minimum 7-year journal from tofu, 2017 to 2023. Results from the various
literature eggs will be used to identify if there is an effect of applying rme
approaches to students' study results.
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is released by Hans freudenthal,
a mathematics researcher from the Netherlands. Freudenthal tries new
breakthroughs, making abstract mathematics into abstract matter so that it can
be easily understood. This approach is applied to developing students' activities
in studying mathematics. Students are directed to be able to utilize various
situations and conditions in order to find mathematical concepts in their own
The following are the results of a number of articles dealing with the effects of
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach has to deal with the results
of mathematics study.
4. Heni The Effectiveness of The average learning
Noviyanti, Realistic Mathematics outcomes before and after
Nurhayadi &; Education (RME) using the Realistic
I Nyoman Learning on Mathematics Mathematics Education
Murdiana Learning Outcomes Approach (PMR) increased
(Experimental Study on significantly. The posttest
Trigonometric score of the control class was
Comparison of Special 43.67, while the experimental
Angles in class X MIA 1 class was 79.07.
5. Dea Mutia, The Effect of the Realistic There was a significant
Indra Jaya, Mathematics Education improvement between
Nirvana Anas. (RME) Learning Model learning outcomes before and
on Student Learning after using the Realistic
Outcomes Mathematics Education (RME)
approach. The average pre-test
result in the treatment class
was 58.29, while the average
post-test result in the
treatment class was 87.14.
6. Muncarno, The Effect of the RME The influence of the Realistic
and Nelly Approach on Mathematics Education (RME)
Astuti Mathematics Learning approach on student learning
Outcomes outcomes. The effect can be
seen from the difference in
learning outcomes between
the experimental class and the
control class. The average
posttest score of the
experimental class was 62.31
while the control class was
7. Norliyana Realistic Mathematics The RME approach to
Education (RME) improving students'
Approach to Improve mathematical reasoning skills
Mathematical Reasoning is successful. Because the
of Class VII Students of percentage of the average
Smp Negeri 1 Kertak score of the observation of
Hanyar on Fractional teacher and student activities
Material is at the minimum good
criteria and the percentage of
students who achieve good
and very good mathematical
reasoning criteria reaches
more than or equal to 60% of
the number of students who
take the test
10. Imam The Effect of Using the The influence of the Realistics
Pakhrurrozi Realistic Mathematics Mathematics Education (RME)
Education (RME) learning model learning model
Learning Model on in improving student learning
Student Learning in mathematics subjects on
Outcomes on the subject Pythagorean theorem material
of the phytagoras in class VIII MTS NW SIKUR
theorem in Madrasah learning year 2020/2021. With
Tsanawiyah the average score of student
achievement after the
application of the RME model
is higher than the average
score in the control class. The
average score in the control
class was 72.26 and in the
experimental class the average
score of students was 79.28.
Indonesian Journal of Education and Psychological Science (IJEPS)
June, Vol. …. No…., 2021: 1-18
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