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Artikel Semnas Matematika 2023 Fitri Aulia

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Fitri Aulia1*, Asmin2

Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, State University of Medan,
Medan, Indonesia
* Penulis Korespodensi : incezaul@gmail.com


This research aims to knowing the validity, practicality, effectivity of the interactive
comics based on realistic mathematics approach to improve mathematical
communication abilities of students of SMPS Musda Perbaungan; and also to finding
out the improvement of students' mathematical communication by using interactive
comics based on realistic mathematics approach students of SMPS Musda Perbaungan.
This research is development research that refers to the 4-D development model (define,
design, develop, disseminate) which has been modified to 3-D. The research sample
was the seventh grade students of SMPS Musda Perbaungan, Serdang Bedagai. The
results showed that: (1) Interactive Comics that have been developed meet the validity
with an average of 3.615 and obtain a valid category, (2) In terms of practicality, the
percentage of student response questionnaires to interactive comics developed with the
Realistic Mathematics Approach is 94.5% with a practical (positive) category and the
percentage of teacher response questionnaires is 88.125% with a practical (positive)
category (4) Interactive comics developed have also met the effectiveness criteria with
individual completeness of 88.58 and classical completeness of student learning of
86.79% with average of gain result is 0.726940 with high category. Overall, the result
of the research was found to be an effective interactive comic in teaching and learning
activities to improve students' mathematical communication ability.

Keywords: Interactive Comic, Realistic Mathematics Approach, Mathematical

Communication Ability.

1. INTRODUCTION a role as the mother of science, due to the many

Education is a fundamental need for applications of mathematics in other fields of
human survival. One of the efforts to improve science, either as a tool or development tool.
the quality of education is to make innovations This is in line with the opinion of Arrafi
or new breakthroughs in the field of education, (2020).
especially in learning activities so that students In the initial observation, the researcher
can achieve their potential as well as possible. gave a diagnostic test with set material to
These capabilities can be developed through measure the mathematical communicaton
the process. This process can be pursued ability of students of SMP Swasta Musda
through formal education, namely school Perbaungan. The test contains description
(Ilahiyah, 2019). A good learning process will questions that are adjusted to the indicators of
certainly have a positive impact on student mathematical communicaton ability. The low
learning outcomes (Mbagho, 2021). Learning communicaton ability is thought to have an
at school includes various sciences that are impact on their low learning outcomes. From
communicated through subjects, one of which the results of document searches, it was found
is mathematics. that over the past year, the number of students
According to Rahmata, (2020) whose math was above 65 on average was only
mathematics is an important subject because it 30%. This result is clearly far below the target
is very useful in the fields of science and of successful teaching at VII SMP Swasta
technology as well as is very much needed in Musda Perbaungan, which requires at least
its application in everyday life which should be 30% of students to be able to do math. This
equipped as early as possible. Mathematics has result is clearly far below the target of teaching
success at VII SMP Swasta Musda Perbaungan many forms of student-oriented / student-
which requires at least 75% of students to get a centered learning approaches in improving
score above 65. students' mathematical abilities, especially can
Based on observations with the improve mathematical communicaton abilitys.
mathematics teacher at SMP Swasta Musda Thus, the realistic mathematics
Perbaungan, many students still have not approach is the right method to improve the
achieved the basic abilities that have been quality of the learning process. This can be
determined during the learning process. This is used as a consideration to use the realistic
evidenced by the low mathematics learning mathematics approach as an alternative to
achievement of students who have not reached many forms of student-oriented / student-
the minimum completion standard. This fact centered learning approaches in improving
shows that the teaching and learning process is mathematical abilities which in turn are
not going well. In learning students will not expected to improve student learning
only interact with the teacher as a learning outcomes.
resource used to achieve learning objectives so Based on observations with teachers and
the quality of education must be improved, some students at SMP Swasta Musda
especially in mathematics as a basic science. Perbaungan that they have never used learning
In the learning process, the learning media in the form of comics developed by their
tools developed here are learning media. In this own teachers. For this reason, the author is
paper, researchers limit the learning tools interested in developing a learning media in the
developed only to learning media due to form of digital comics through a realistic
several reasons obtained from observations that mathematics approach at SMP Swasta Musda
have been made. As an interesting learning Perbaungan with the title “Development of
media to use, it should be used in making Interactive Comics Based on Realistic
learning media that is combined with a learning Mathematics Approach to Improve
approach that suits the needs of students so that Mathematical Communication Abilities of
learning is more meaningful. Students of SMPS Musda Perbaungan”.
In connection with the problems that
have been described, a mathematics learning 2. METHOD RESEARCH
approach is needed to treat mathematical This research had been held in SMP
communicaton problems, that is a realistic Swasta Musda Perbaungan located in Jl.
mathematics approach. The realistic Serdang Bedagai – T. Tinggi KM 40. The
mathematics approach was chosen because this subjects of this research are students at SMP
approach has proven successful in various Swasta Musda Perbaungan consisting of 30
countries, especially in the Netherlands, even students grade VII. The object of this research
Erman Suherman (2001) in his book entitled is an increase in student’s mathematical
"Contemporary Mathematics Learning communication. The type of research used is
Strategies" wrote: A study conducted in a research and development. The development
school in Puerto Rico, with 570 students. This model used in this study refers to the
school was used as a test site for realistic modification of the 4-D development model
research. This place was chosen as a research proposed by Thiagarajan and Semmel
sample based on the consideration that consisting of four stages, namely the defining
although by American standards this area is stage, design stage, development stage and
poor, the teachers, school personnel and dissemination stage. But from Thiagarajan and
parents of the system pay serious attention to Semmel's development model in this study,
the school. Dramatically and amazingly which was taken or used up to the development
students who learned using the realistic stage (develop), namely the type of trial
approach were recorded by the Department of activity as a complement learning tools based
Education as having sharply improved scores. on the applicable curriculum. To obtain data
The realistic mathematics approach is an with high credibility, proper and correct data
approach that uses problems raised from daily collection techniques are needed. In this study,
life that are close to students so that it is in data collection was carried out using
accordance with the 2013 curriculum. interviews, questionnaires, and tests.
Mathematics learning with a realistic Development research procedures that
mathematics approach that links real-world must produce mathematics learning media
problems or problems that students can consist of:
imagine with learning materials so that learning
becomes meaningful to students. This can be
used as a consideration for using a realistic
mathematics approach as an alternative to
activities that are divided into sub-
3. Designing the cover and cover page of
the learning module. The cover and
cover page of the module are dominated
by blue color. The fonts used in the
cover are Comic Sans MS and Times
New Roman.
4. Designing the layout of the learning
module. The module layout consists of
header, content, and footer.
5. Designing dividers between sub-
materials and layouts in each sub-
material. The divider between sub-
materials is differentiated based on the
dominant color (red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, and magenta).
6. Creating evaluation questions, answer
keys, and assessment guidelines.
Answer keys and assessment guidelines
are made simply.
7. The draft learning module is printed
using 80 gram HVS paper of A4 size,
for the cover using 230 gram ivory
paper, and printed in full color.
8. In general, the realistic mathematic
education-based learning module
Figure 1. Research Procedure
consists of 136 pages.
The results of the define and design
This research is development research.
stages resulted in an initial design called draft
The product of this research is an interactive
1. After the learning device was designed with
comic whose application uses the RME
a realistic mathematics approach in the form of
(Realistic Mathematics Education) approach to
draft 1, comic products based on realistic
Set material for grade VII students. The
mathematics education were developed through
development of this interactive comic refers to
revisions based on input and suggestions from
the 4-D development model (define, design,
experts.through validity test was carried out by
develop, disseminate) which has been modified
experts in the field of mathematics.
to 3-D. The procedures carried out in this study
are limited only to the define, design, and
Before After
development stages.
The product development stage is
carried out by designing the developed, namely
interactive learning comics based on realistic
mathematics education. The programs used to
design this product are ibis paint x, canva, and
Microsoft Word. In outline, the development
stage of the learning module based on realistic
mathematics education-based learning module
as follows.
1. Determine the reference material
developed in the learning module. The
learning module refers to the Volume of
Spatial Buildings material. After that,
formulate Basic Competencies,
Indicators, and Objectives to be
achieved in the module.
2. Collecting learning materials related to
the Basic Competencies and Indicators
on the Volume of Spaces. After that,
design learning activities and student
Figure 2. Comic Before and After Revisi
The validity test was used to determine is 3.615 with a very valid category, so the
the shortcomings and improve the draft 1 comic is declared valid.
learning device. This validity test was carried
out by lecturer, head master, and teachers in the b. Results of Lesson Plan Validation
field of mathematics. The validators' biodata Table 3. Lesson Plan Validation Results
are as follows: Validator Score
V1 3.59
Table 1. Validator Biodata V3 3.86
Validator’s Name Status Code V4 3.82
Mathematics Average Score 3.76
Lecturer of Category Very valid
Badzlan Darari, V1
Universitas Based on Table 3, the lesson plan is
S.Pd., M.Pd
Negeri Medan said to be valid.
Didi Febrian, S.Si., Lecturer of c. Problem Validation Results
M.Sc. Universitas The validation results of the three validators
Negeri Medan regarding the questions are as follows:
Head of SMPS 1. Initial Ability Test
Novija Julinar,
Musda V3 Table 4. Initial Ability Test Validation Results
Perbaungan Validator Score
Mathematics V1 3.63
R. Rizky Hayatun Teacher of V3 3.54
Anisa, S.Pd SMPS Musda V4 3.66
Perbaungan Average Score 3.61
Learning devices that have been Category Very Valid
declared valid are called draft 2. Based on Table 4, the initial ability test
question is said to be valid.
a. Comic Validation Results
The validator's assessment of the comics 2. Final Ability Test
can be seen in the appendix. At this stage aims Table 5. Final Ability Test Validation Results
to obtain input, suggestions, and evaluation of Validator Score
the comics developed. Furthermore, revisions V1 3.66
were made to the input to review the initial
V3 3.67
product so that valid comics were obtained and
V4 3.66
could be applied in research.
Average Score 3.66
Table 2. Comic Validation Results Category Very Valid
Validator Status Score Decision Based on table 5, the final ability test
question is said to be valid.
Can be
Material d. Results of Validation of Learner Response
V1 3.84 without
Validation Questionnaire
Table 6. The Results Of Expert Validation Of
The Learner Response Questionnaire
Can be
Assessment Average
Media used Validator
V2 3.39 Aspects Score
Validation without
revision Comic Presentation
V1 3.65
Average Score 3.615
V3 Benefit Aspect 3.67
Category V4 Language Aspect 3.80
Validation of comics was carried out by Average 3.71
2 Medan State University mathematics Category Very valid
lecturers by dividing the assessment aspects Based on Table 6, the student response
into 2, namely material validation and media questionnaire is said to be valid.
validation. Based on the table above, the
material validation score is 3.84 that means the Field Trial
comic material is declared very valid. While Field trials are activities to test product
the comic media received a score of 3.39 which designs on real subjects. After the comics were
is declared very valid. Based on the value of declared valid by the experts, the comics were
the two validators, the average validation value tested on students. This trial was conducted on
seventh grade students with a subject of 53
students. In this trial, comics were tested with a Table 8. Achievement of Posttest Learning
realistic mathematics approach, so that the data Objectives of Students' Mathematical
from the trial were analyzed to determine the Communication Ability
effectiveness and student responses to the
Information Pretest Posttest
comics developed.
Learning activities were carried out for Maximum Score 100 100
6 meetings, 1 meeting for giving pree-test and Minimum Score 35 41
1 meeting for giving post-test after using Average 67.40 88.58
interactive comics with realistic mathematics From Table 8, the average pretest result
approach. In 1 week there are 2 meetings, is 67.40 and the average posttest result is
namely on Monday 2 lessons or 90 minutes and 88.58. From the average ability of the student
Tuesday 2 lessons or 90 minutes. learning outcomes test there was an increase of
Analysis of Improvement of Students'
Mathematical Communication Ability Results of Analysis of the Practicality of
The test of students' mathematical Interactive Comics
communication ability was carried out by Analysis of the Practicality of
giving a pre test and post test in the Interactive Comics obtained from student
experimental class and control class. The pre response questionnaire data and teacher
test was conducted to determine the initial responses to Comics. Teacher response
mathematical communication abilities of questionnaire data on learning by using comics
students. While the post test was conducted to developed are as follows:
determine the mathematical communication
abilities of students after taking part in learning Table 9. Result of Analysis Practicallity
both using modules based on realistic Aspect Average Percentage
mathematics education and those that did not Score
use the module. Content 3.55 88.75%
Furthermore, to determine the Component
effectiveness of the comic based on relaistic Language 3.76 94%
mathematics education-based module in Component
improving students' communication ability can Presentation 3.40 85%
be seen through the gain score obtained from Component
the pre and post test data of each class.The Graphics 3.47 86.75%
improvement of students' mathematical Component
communication ability will be seen through N-
Learning Time 3.30 82.5%
Gain score.
Benefits 3.67 91.75%
Table 7. Summary of N-Gain Results of
Average 21.15 88.125%
Students' Mathematical
Communication Ability From the table above, it can be seen that
the teacher's response to all aspects of the
Amount of Amount of
Classification comic is 88.25%, which means that all aspects
gain (g) Student
are responded well by the teacher so that the
g ≥ 0,70 High 32
interactive comic does not undergo revision
0,3 ≤ g ≤ 0,7 Currently 16
based on the teacher's response. It can be
G ≤ 0,3 Low 5 concluded that the teacher's response to the
Based on Table 7, the mathematical components and learning activities using
communication ability was in the "Low" interactive comics based on realistic
category. mathematics approach is positive.

Table 10. Data of Students’ Response Quesionaire

Aspect Question No- Average score Average aspect %
1 3.89
2 3.68
3 3.87
Interest in comics 3.77 94.25%
4 3.66
5 3.74
6 3.77
7 3.81
8 3.85
Understanding of Material 3.80 95%
9 3.72
10 3.81
11 3.70
Layout 12 3.79 3.74 93.5%
13 3.72
Average 3.78 94.5%
From Table 10, the students' responses the research site or did not exceed the usual
to all aspects, namely aspects of interest in learning time. From the research, it can be seen
comics, aspects of understanding the material that the students during the learning process
and aspects of the appearance of comics are have been able to do the things that have been
94.5%, which means that all aspects are determined so that they are included in the time
responded well by students so that interactive tolerance category that has been determined.
comics do not undergo revision based on d. Student Response Results
student responses. It can also be concluded that Based on the recapitulation of the
student responses to learning components and results of the student response questionnaire, it
activities using interactive comics based on was concluded that the overall results of the
realistic mathematics approaches are positive. student response questionnaire to the comics
Results of Analysis of the Effectiveness of developed were 94.5% of students responded
Interactive Comics positively. The conclusion from these results is
a. Achievement of Learning Objectives that the interactive Comic based on the realistic
of Students' Mathematical approach developed is effectively applied to
Communication Ability learning activities.
Table 11. Achievement of Posttest Learning
Objectives of Students'
Mathematical Communication 4. CONCLUTION
Ability 1. The validity of interactive comics is seen
from the components of format, illustration,
Information Pretest Posttest
language, content. The results of the
Maximum Score 100 100 validation of interactive comics in the form
Minimum Score 35 41 of expert statements that this interactive
Average 67.40 88.58 comic is suitable for testing with some
From Table 11, the student learning revisions or suggestions for improvement.
outcomes test there was an increase of 21.18. In addition, from the results of the
b. Classical Student Learning validation of interactive comics,
Completeness of Mathematical quantitative data were obtained which
Communication Ability of Students showed that the interactive comics
Table 12. Level of Completion of Pre-Test and developed received a material validation
Post-Test Mathematical score of 3.84 and media validation of 3.39
Communication Ability of Students with an average of 3.615 with a very good
Categor Pre- Percenta Post- Percenta category. The input provided by the expert
y test ge of test ge of team (validators) is very useful for this
Numb Classical Numb Classical research, because the suggestions and input
er of Complet er of Complet provided by the expert team make it easy to
Stude ion Stude ion read the contents of interactive comics,
nts nts besides that in accordance with the
Comple indicators to be achieved, namely regarding
20 37.74% 46 86.79% mathematical communication ability, there
Not are many input questions and contexts that
Comple 33 62.26% 7 13.21% really help students develop students'
ted mathematical communication ablities.
Total 53 100% 53 100% 2. Improvement of students' mathematical
communication ability through interactive
comics based on the developed realistic
Class’ 67.40 88.59
mathematics approach. A total of 46
students were complete and 7 students were
c. Learning Time
not complete. Then a class is said to have
The learning time in this study was in
completed learning if in the class there are
accordance with the time criteria carried out at
85% who have reached a minimum learning KMS. Muhammad Amin Fauzi, M.Pd., and
completeness of 75%. Based on the Budi Halomoan Siregar, S.Pd., M.Sc. as
percentage of classical completeness of Examiners, Muhammad Badzlan Darari, S.Pd.,
86.79%. Thus classically meeting the M.Pd and Didi Febrian, S.Si., M.Sc. for their
criteria for completeness. It can also be invaluable assistance through the validation of
seen that the average gain is 0.726940 in research instruments. The author also does not
the High category. Based on the gain value forget to thank the Principal and Mathematics
of students who are in the high category, Teachers at SMPS Musda Perbaungan for their
there are 32 people or 60.4% and the help in accepting and allowing the author to
medium category is 16 people or 30.2% and conduct research at the school. To the Ministry
the low category is 5 people or 9.4% This of Research and Technology, I would also like
shows that students' mathematical to express my gratitude for the scholarship
communication abilities through learning assistance given to me during my studies at
with comics developed have increased. FMIPA Universitas Negeri Medan. Without the
3. The teacher's response to all aspects of the scholarship, I would not have been able to
comic is 88.25% and students' responses to complete this study properly. I dedicate this
all aspects, namely aspects of interest in thesis to my beloved parents, Alm. Misro bin
comics, aspects of understanding the Sanimin and Siti Khadizah, who always
material and aspects of the appearance of provide moral and material support, to 3 of my
comics are 94.5%, which means that all brothers and all of my friends.
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