Bce - Building-Construction
Bce - Building-Construction
Bce - Building-Construction
Building Construction
Prepared by:
Subject:- BCE Asst.Prof. Nutan Patel
Code:-3110004 (Civil Department,ACET)
Classification of building
Based on Occupancy
Based on Structure
Based on Occupancy
1) Residential Building
2) Education building
3) Institution building
4) Assembly building
5) Business building
6) Mercantile building
7) Industrial building
8) Storage building
9) Hazardous building
Types of buildings:
Based upon Occupancy
These are meant for dwelling purpose.
ex: Bunglows ,flats ,cottages , huts,
hostels ,motels , chawls.
These are meant for running schools
and colleges , training institutes ,
libraries, university etc.
3)Institutional building:
Institutional building means a building
constructed by government, semi-government
organizations ,public sector undertaking, such
as education , medical, recreational and
culture ,hostel for working women or man or
for an auditorium or complex for cultural
activities or for an hospice ,care of orphans
,aged persons etc.
4) Assembly building:
These are building meant for assembly of a
large number of people for amusement,
recreation, social, religious, patriotic, civil and
similar purpose.
ex :Theaters, halls, auditoria, Museums,
gymnasiums, restaurants, place of worship
(temple, church, mosque etc),Dance halls, club,
art galleries, lecture hall, amusement park etc.
5) Business building:
These are meant for running business. For
transaction, keeping of accounts and records
and similar purpose.
ex: Banks, offices , city halls, court houses
6) Mercantile building:
These are used as shops, stores, markets,
for display and sale of merchandise either
wholesale or retail.
7) Industrial building:
These are the building in which products or
materials of all kinds and properties are
fabricated assembled or processed.
They accommodate plates and machinery,
refineries, dairies, saw mills, cleaning plants,
power plants, pumping stations etc.
8) Storage Building:
These are used for the storage or
sheltering of goods, wares, vehicles etc.
ex: warehouses , cold storage , godowns ,
freight depots ,transit sheds, store house,
garages, hangers for aircraft etc.
Based on Structure
Its has load bearing walls which receive the loads and
transmit the same to the ground through their foundations.
These load bearing walls support R.C.C. beams and slabs.
Columns are avoided.
20, 30 and 40 cm thick walls are load bearing walls.
Load bearing structure is adopted for the building up to 3
storey construction.
It is provided where soil starts is hard at shallow depth.
The wall on all the floors is provided one above another.
As the construction activity proceeds vertically floor by
floor the thickness of the wall reduces.
Load bearing wall
Flooring Detail G.L.
• [2] Framed Structure: -
R.C.C. Column
Framed Structure
• [3] Composite structure: -
Sub Super
Structure Structure
Sub Structure
• The sub structure is the lower portion of the
building, which is located below ground level
which transmits the load of the super structure
to the sub soil.
• Ex : Foundatuion
Super Structure
• The superstructure is that part of the building which is
above the ground and which serves the purpose of
building’s intended use.
• Ex :
• Plinth
• Wall and columns
• Beams
• Arches
• Roofs and slabs
• Lintel and arches
• Chajjas
• Parapet
• Steps and stairs
Arch and Lintel
Sill and Lintel
• Basic function of foundation is to transmit the
dead load, live load and other types of the load
to the soil on which they rest.
• There are main two type of the foundation
Shallow foundation
Deep Foundation
Building Load
Live load:
live loads consist of moving or variable
loads due to people or occupants, their
furniture, temporary stores, machinery, etc.
Snow load:--
Actual load due to snow will depend
upon the shape of the roofs and its
capacity to retain the snow. The load due
to snow may be assumed to 2.5kg/m2 per
centimeter depth of snow.
Rain load:--
loads due to accumulation of rain water
on roofs are considered separately and
depend upon positioning, shape and
drainage system for roofs.
Dead load:
Dead load comprise of the weight of all
walls, partitions, floors and roofs including all
other permanent construction in the building.
Wind load:
• it is considered as basic wind
pressure which is an equivalent static
pressure in the direction of wind.
• Wind pressure p kg/m2 = Kv2
where, k = Co-efficient, 0.006(as per building code)
V = Wind velocity km/hr.
Brick Masonry
Brick Masonry
• Laying of Brick bonded together with mortar
is called Brick Masonry.
• Strength of Brick Masonry depend upon
Bonding Material and Bonding method
• Mortar is mixture of Cement – Sand, Lime –
Sand, or Cement – Sand – Lime
Common Term Used in Brick Masonry
1. Course: Course is a horizontal layer of a brick
in a wall.
2. Joint: It is
the junction
of two or
more bricks
in a wall
n to joint
with each
3. Header: It is a brick with lies with its greatest
length at right angle to the face of masonry.
4. Stretcher: It is the brick which lies longest side
parallel to the face of masonry work is called
5. Frog: A small Depression created purposely on
top side of brick is called Frog.
6. Face: the surface of wall exposed to the
weather is called face.
7. Facing: The material used in the face to the
wall is known as a Facing.
8. Back: The inner surface of the wall which is
not exposed to weather is called Back.
9. Backing: The material is forming or use in the
back is known as baking.
10. Bed: The bottom surface of the brick when
laid flat is termed as Bed.
11. Arrises: The edges formed by the intersection
of plane surface of the brick is called Arrises.
12. Hearting: The portion of a wall between
facing and backing is called hearting.
13. King Closer: King closer is obtained by
cutting a piece of brick at the centre of header
is called king closer.
14. Queen Closer: Queen closer is obtained by
cutting the brick length wise in to two piece is
called queen closer.
15. Mitred Closer: When the triangular portion is
cut through its width and making an angle of
45 to 60 degree with the length of brick.
16. Bevelled closer: When a triangular portion of
a brick is cut through its half width and to a
full length is called bevelled closer.
17. Lap: It is Horizontal distance between the
vertical joints in course is called Lap.
18. Perpends: It is defined as the vertical joints in
each course of Masonry work.
20. Bed Joint: It is defined as the horizontal layer
of Mortar on which the bricks are laid is called
Bed joint.
21. Bullnose: The brick which one edge round
and the other is right angle is termed as single
• The brick which two edge round at both the
side is termed as double Bullnose
22. Bat: When Brick is cut across the width is
called Bat.
23. Bond: The methods of arranging the bricks in
course and tied together is called Bond.
Bond In Brick
Bonds in Brick
• Various arrangement of bricks to make rigid
wall structure are called Bonds.
Types of Brick Bond
1. Stretcher Bond
2. Header Bond
3. English Bond
4. Flemish Bond
5. Garden Wall Bond
6. Ranking Bond
7. Dutch Bond
Stretcher Bond
• Bricks are laid with their length in the
direction of wall.
• Wall thickness is the half of the brick
Header Bond
• Bricks are laid with their end toward the face
of wall.
• Wall thickness is the full length of the brick
English Bond
• Wall thickness 20cm or more.
• Equal balance of header and stretcher.
Flemish Bond
• In each course Header and Stretcher arranged.
• Each and every course start with header at
• There are two types of Flemish Bond
1. Single Flemish Bond : Combination of
English bond and Flemish bond Resulting in
to Single Flemish Bond