GulfSea SuperBear 3006 2023 June 20 1CS23061-00 SGP EN 0
GulfSea SuperBear 3006 2023 June 20 1CS23061-00 SGP EN 0
GulfSea SuperBear 3006 2023 June 20 1CS23061-00 SGP EN 0
Product Identifier
Product name GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Chemical Name Not Applicable
Synonyms Not Available
Chemical formula Not Applicable
Other means of identification 1CS23061-00
Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Marine System Oil
Relevant identified uses
Use according to manufacturer's directions.
Label elements
Hazard statement(s)
Not Applicable
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Chemwatch: 5612-19 Page 2 of 9 Issue Date: 20/06/2023
Part Number: Print Date: 24/01/2024
GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Version No: 3.1
Not Applicable
See section below for composition of Mixtures
CAS No %[weight] Name
132752-19-3 <1 tetrapropenylphenol derivatives calcium salts
Not Available balance Ingredients determined not to be hazardous
Extinguishing media
Dry chemical powder.
BCF (where regulations permit).
Carbon dioxide.
Water spray or fog - Large fires only.
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Part Number: Print Date: 24/01/2024
GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Version No: 3.1
See section 8
Environmental precautions
See section 12
Control parameters
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Part Number: Print Date: 24/01/2024
GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Version No: 3.1
Exposure controls
Engineering controls are used to remove a hazard or place a barrier between the worker and the hazard. Well-designed engineering controls can
be highly effective in protecting workers and will typically be independent of worker interactions to provide this high level of protection.
The basic types of engineering controls are:
Process controls which involve changing the way a job activity or process is done to reduce the risk.
Enclosure and/or isolation of emission source which keeps a selected hazard "physically" away from the worker and ventilation that strategically
"adds" and "removes" air in the work environment. Ventilation can remove or dilute an air contaminant if designed properly. The design of a
ventilation system must match the particular process and chemical or contaminant in use.
Employers may need to use multiple types of controls to prevent employee overexposure.
General exhaust is adequate under normal operating conditions. If risk of overexposure exists, wear SAA approved respirator. Correct fit is
essential to obtain adequate protection. Provide adequate ventilation in warehouse or closed storage areas. Air contaminants generated in the
workplace possess varying "escape" velocities which, in turn, determine the "capture velocities" of fresh circulating air required to effectively
remove the contaminant.
Appropriate engineering direct spray, spray painting in shallow booths, drum filling, conveyer loading, crusher dusts, gas discharge (active 1-2.5 m/s (200-500
controls generation into zone of rapid air motion) f/min)
grinding, abrasive blasting, tumbling, high speed wheel generated dusts (released at high initial velocity into zone of 2.5-10 m/s
very high rapid air motion). (500-2000 f/min.)
Simple theory shows that air velocity falls rapidly with distance away from the opening of a simple extraction pipe. Velocity generally decreases
with the square of distance from the extraction point (in simple cases). Therefore the air speed at the extraction point should be adjusted,
accordingly, after reference to distance from the contaminating source. The air velocity at the extraction fan, for example, should be a minimum of
1-2 m/s (200-400 f/min.) for extraction of solvents generated in a tank 2 meters distant from the extraction point. Other mechanical
considerations, producing performance deficits within the extraction apparatus, make it essential that theoretical air velocities are multiplied by
factors of 10 or more when extraction systems are installed or used.
Individual protection
measures, such as personal
protective equipment
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Part Number: Print Date: 24/01/2024
GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Version No: 3.1
up to 10 1000 -
Class1 P2
NEOPRENE/NATURAL A up to 50 1000 -
Class 1 P2
NITRILE A up to 50 5000 Airline * -
NITRILE+PVC A up to 100 5000 - A-2 P2
PE/EVAL/PE A up to 100 10000 - A-3 P2
PVC A 100+ Airline**
* - Continuous Flow ** - Continuous-flow or positive pressure demand
PVA B A(All classes) = Organic vapours, B AUS or B1 = Acid gasses, B2 = Acid gas or
hydrogen cyanide(HCN), B3 = Acid gas or hydrogen cyanide(HCN), E = Sulfur
* CPI - Chemwatch Performance Index dioxide(SO2), G = Agricultural chemicals, K = Ammonia(NH3), Hg = Mercury, NO =
A: Best Selection Oxides of nitrogen, MB = Methyl bromide, AX = Low boiling point organic
B: Satisfactory; may degrade after 4 hours continuous immersion compounds(below 65 degC)
C: Poor to Dangerous Choice for other than short term immersion
NOTE: As a series of factors will influence the actual performance of the glove, a final Cartridge respirators should never be used for emergency ingress or in areas of
selection must be based on detailed observation. - unknown vapour concentrations or oxygen content.
* Where the glove is to be used on a short term, casual or infrequent basis, factors such The wearer must be warned to leave the contaminated area immediately on
as "feel" or convenience (e.g. disposability), may dictate a choice of gloves which might detecting any odours through the respirator. The odour may indicate that the mask is
otherwise be unsuitable following long-term or frequent use. A qualified practitioner not functioning properly, that the vapour concentration is too high, or that the mask is
should be consulted. not properly fitted. Because of these limitations, only restricted use of cartridge
respirators is considered appropriate.
Ansell Glove Selection Cartridge performance is affected by humidity. Cartridges should be changed after 2
hr of continuous use unless it is determined that the humidity is less than 75%, in
Glove — In order of recommendation which case, cartridges can be used for 4 hr. Used cartridges should be discarded
daily, regardless of the length of time used
AlphaTec 02-100
AlphaTec® 15-554
AlphaTec® Solvex® 37-185
AlphaTec® 38-612
AlphaTec® 53-001
AlphaTec® 58-005
AlphaTec® 58-008
AlphaTec® 58-530B
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Part Number: Print Date: 24/01/2024
GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Version No: 3.1
AlphaTec® 58-530W
AlphaTec® 58-735
The suggested gloves for use should be confirmed with the glove supplier.
GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Not Available Not Available
Legend: 1. Value obtained from Europe ECHA Registered Substances - Acute toxicity 2. Value obtained from manufacturer's SDS. Unless otherwise
specified data extracted from RTECS - Register of Toxic Effect of chemical Substances
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Part Number: Print Date: 24/01/2024
GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Version No: 3.1
Chemwatch: 5612-19 Page 8 of 9 Issue Date: 20/06/2023
Part Number: Print Date: 24/01/2024
GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Version No: 3.1
Legend: Extracted from 1. IUCLID Toxicity Data 2. Europe ECHA Registered Substances - Ecotoxicological Information - Aquatic Toxicity 4. US EPA,
Ecotox database - Aquatic Toxicity Data 5. ECETOC Aquatic Hazard Assessment Data 6. NITE (Japan) - Bioconcentration Data 7. METI (Japan)
- Bioconcentration Data 8. Vendor Data
Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
DO NOT discharge into sewer or waterways.
Bioaccumulative potential
Ingredient Bioaccumulation
No Data available for all ingredients
Mobility in soil
Ingredient Mobility
No Data available for all ingredients
Labels Required
Marine Pollutant NO
14.7.1. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC code
Not Applicable
14.7.2. Transport in bulk in accordance with MARPOL Annex V and the IMSBC Code
Product name Group
tetrapropenylphenol derivatives
Not Available
calcium salts
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Part Number: Print Date: 24/01/2024
GulfSea SuperBear 3006
Version No: 3.1
Safety, health and environmental regulations / legislation specific for the substance or mixture
Other information
Classification of the preparation and its individual components has drawn on official and authoritative sources as well as independent review by the Chemwatch Classification
committee using available literature references.
The SDS is a Hazard Communication tool and should be used to assist in the Risk Assessment. Many factors determine whether the reported Hazards are Risks in the workplace or
other settings. Risks may be determined by reference to Exposures Scenarios. Scale of use, frequency of use and current or available engineering controls must be considered.
The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication and may be subject to modification from
time to time. It is the user's responsibility to verify that this Safety Data Sheet is current prior to use or application. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe
handling, use, application, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the
specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.
end of SDS