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Yoni COC Assessment Level I (NEW)

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Coc assessment sample for BCW level I 2012E.

COC Assessment level- I

Project 1. Unit of competencies
1. EIS BCW1 01 0812 Participate in OHS Process
2. EIS BCW1 02 0812 Work Effectively in a Business Environment
3. EIS BCW1 03 0812 Use Business Equipment and Resources

Assume that Ato yonas is an owner of a food processing factory located in Kality Addis Ababa.
The factory managed 150 employees including the manager. once the management of the factory
call a meeting about the overall performance annually and all employee are communicated each
other and participated on the meeting and they rises a lot of questions on their rights and duties ,
their health and professional aspects and how to use wisely the machines and materials of the
company . Through deep discussion the management of the factory understands the problems
and promised to employees to take action within a short period of time.

Task 1. Demonstrate how you participate in organizational health and safety procedures.

Task 2. Demonstrate how you use the factory equipment and resources.

Task 3. Demonstrate how you work effectively in a business environment.

Task 4. Show how you implement employees’ and employers rights and responsibilities.

Project 2. Unit of competencies

1. EIS BCW1 07 0812 Plan Skills Development
2. EIS BCW1 08 0812 Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices
3. EIS BCW1 09 0812 Organize and Complete Daily Work Activities
4. EIS BCW1 11 0812 Work with Others
5. EIS BCW1 13 0812 Demonstrate Work Values
6. EIS BCW1 12 0812 Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia is one of the public banks in Ethiopia .The bank is participating in
different aspects of the nations economy especially in environmental protection and resource
utilization. The employees of the bank perform their tasks according to the company
requirements and work standards. And they communicate routinely through different forms of
communication and channels. Assume you are an employee, before you were hired in the bank
you paid 19 months to seek an appropriate institution. But currently you found a good company
and start your assigned tasks by making your schedule matching with the company working


Coc assessment sample for BCW level I 2012E.C
procedures and standards. You create a smooth and effective work ethics and give priorities for
your assignments.

Task 1. Demonstrate plan skills development process.

Task 2. Demonstrate how you participate in environmentally sustainable work practices.

Task 3.Show how can you organize and complete daily work activities.

Task 4.Demonstrate how you work with the others.

Task 5. Demonstrate how you work to maintain work values.

Task 6. Demonstrate how you receive and respond to work place communication.

Project 3. Unit of competencies

1. EIS BCW1 10 0812 Apply Quality Standards
2. EIS BCW1 14 0812 Develop understanding of entrepreneurship
3. EIS BCW1 15 1012 Apply 5S Procedures

Assume Hellen wants to involve in her own personal business. Currently the business starts the
activities and accumulates and becomes more profitable and competitive in the market. Once a
problem is happened in quality of products that may sale to her customers Hellen tries to apply a
continuous improvement strategies and new entrepreneurship ideas and standardized service to
her customers.

Task 1. Demonstrate how you can apply quality standards.

Task 2. Demonstrate how you can apply 5s’s procedures.

Task 3. Show entrepreneurial characteristics and traits.

Task 4. Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills and knowledge.


Coc assessment sample for BCW level I 2012E.C

Project 4. Unit of competencies

1. EIS BCW 104 0812 Operate a Personal Computer
2. EIS BCW 105 0812 Develop Keyboard Skills
3. EIS BCW 106 0812 Create and Use Spreadsheets

I. Write the following paragraph in Microsoft word 2007.

Solution for ones problem

People often install a kitty door, only to discover that they have a problem. The problem is their cat
will not use the kitty door. There are several common reasons why cats won’t use kitty doors. First,
they may not understand how a kitty door works. They may not understand that it is a little doorway
just for them. Second, many kitty doors are dark and cats cannot see to the other side. As such, they
cannot be sure of what is on the other side of the door, so they won’t take the risk. One last reason
cats won’t use kitty doors is because some cats don’t like the feeling of pushing through and then
having the door drag across their back. But don’t worry there are solutions to this problem.

The first step in solving the problem is to prop the door open with tape. This means your cat will now
be able to see through to the other side; your cat will likely begin using the kitty door immediately.
Once your cat has gotten used to using the kitty door, remove the tape. Sometimes cats will continue
to use the kitty door without any more prompting. If this does not happen, you will want to use food
to bribe your cat. When it’s feeding time, sit on the opposite side of the door from your cat and either
click the top of the can or crinkle the cat food bag. Open the door to show your cat that it is both you
and the food waiting on the other side of the door. Repeat this a couple times, and then feed your cat.
After a couple days of this, your kitty door problem will be gone.

Task 1. Copy the 1st paragraph and paste under the second paragraph.

Task 2. Change its font style in to Trebuchet MS.

Task 3. Change its font size of the title 18, alignment center, and underline and italicize.
Task 4. Divide this paragraph in to three columns.


Coc assessment sample for BCW level I 2012E.C
Task 5. Save your file on local disk” D” by your Full Name.

file name departmental memo in local disk D.

Based on the evaluation of annual sales performance of your finance department there are good
activities accomplished on the following main issues.

 Annual VAT and other taxes

 Payrolls

 Building and office rent

 Supplement incomes

Our HR department may need your offices next your human resource demand before Tuesday.

Finally the department announces for their well informed for this memo for the following
departments, General Manager Office, department of general service and quality assurance

Project 6. Business letter

 Prepare a business letter using a full block letter style.

Today’s date (current date); Ref. No. Bus/002/19; the letter is written by: GAGE COLLEGE,
P.O. Box 34631, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; written to ADMASS UNIVERSITY, P.O. Box
2389 ,Addis Ababa , Ethiopia ; Dear Sir/Madam; Subject: Outstanding Invoice ; with respect :
YONAS ABEBE, General Manager.

Our records show that you have an outstanding balance dating back to January, 2020G.C. Your
January invoice was for 445.00 Birr and we have yet to receive this payment. Please find a copy
of the invoice enclosed.

If this amount has already been paid, please disregard this notice. Otherwise, please forward us
the amount owed in full by March 1st, 2020G.C. As our contract indicates, we begin charging
5% interest for any outstanding balances after 30 days.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We hope to continue doing business with you in the


Coc assessment sample for BCW level I 2012E.C
Project 7. Perform the following illustration in Microsoft excel.

No. Name of the Assets Liabilities Capital Revenue Expenditure


1. DELL 3409 1000

2. IBM 8677 2000

3. TOSHIBA 5674 1500

4. COMPAQ 4000 1000

5. HP 6540 2000





Task 1. Calculate Capital =Asset-Liabilities

Task 2.Calculate Revenue = 30% of Assets

Task 3.Calculate Expenditure = 15% of Liabilities

Task 4. Calculate the Total, Average, Minimum, and Maximum results

Task 5.Save your file on local disk “D” by the file name computer technology.

Thank you for your time and kind
If you have any questions please contact me
Telegram channel :-abc@12345gage, or @gage college ,or @newgage


Coc assessment sample for BCW level I 2012E.C

Email address:-yeasmarechlijyoni1986@gmail.com


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