.By Prof Faiz. Shaikh LCMD - Development of Body Cavities
.By Prof Faiz. Shaikh LCMD - Development of Body Cavities
.By Prof Faiz. Shaikh LCMD - Development of Body Cavities
1. At the beginning of fetal life the basic body cavity forms in 2 parts
a) Ventral b) Dorsal .
2. After development of the internal organs and diaphragm
The Ventral body cavity is subdivided into 3 Parts A) Thoracic ( cavum thoracic)
B) Abdominal (cavum abdominal ) C) Pelvis (cavum pelvis).
The dorsal body caviy is sudivided into 2 parts
A) Cranial cavity B) Vertebral canal
This communication is through umbilicus when the Mid gut herniates into the
umbilical cord and this communication disappears when herniates mid gut
returns to the abdominal cavity during 10th week.
6. In human the coelom or cavity primarly provides room for organs
development and movements.
7. During Transverse folding of embryo the limbs or lateral parts of
Intra -Embryonic Ceolom are brought together on the ventral aspect of
embryo.In the region of the future peritoneal cavity the ventral mesentery
degenerates resulting in a large embryonic Peritoneal cavity extending from
inferior to heart to pelvic cavity.
3.Large Peritoneal Cavity (Major Part of I.E.C) develops from distal parts of
limbs of U shaped cavity which is seperated from extra-embryonic Ceolom at
the umbilicus when herniated mid gut returns to Abdominal cavity during 10wk
Originally there are 2 peritoneal cavities, because initially the Gut is suspended
in the peritoneal cavity by the ventral and dorsal mesenteries which divide the
peritoneal cavity into right and left halves,after lateral foldings the Ventral
mesentery degenrates and disappears except stomach having both
mesenteries, than the peritoneal cavity becomes Single large cavity.
This peritoneal cavity extends from inferior to heart to the pelvic region.
4.These cavities posses parietal wall lined by mesothelium derived from
Somatic mesoderm and Visceral wall lined by mesothelium derived from
Splanchnic mesoderm
During head fold the heart and pericardial cavity are carried ventrocaudally
anterior to Fore gut (Esophagus) .The pericardial cavity then opens dorsally into
pericardioperitoneal canals dorsal to septum transversum
5. Each of the Pericardioperitoneal canal lies lateral to fore gut (Esophagus) and
dorsal to septum transversum.
6. Partitioning form concurrently in each pericardioperitoneal canals and
seperates the pericardial cavity from pleural cavities and pleural cavities from
peritoneal cavity
7.During the lateral growth of lung buds (DEVELOPING LUNGS) into
pericardioperitoneal canals, a pair of ridges appear in lateral wall of each canal
A)The cranial ridge---------Pleuro-Pericardial membranes separate pleural
cavities from pericardial cavity,located superior to the developing lungs.
At this stage the lung buds are smaller in compare to heart and Pericardial
.= The lung buds grow laterally from caudal end of trachea into corresponding
the edges of Pericardioperitoneal canal which becomes the primitive Pleural
cavities.As these pleural cavities expand ventrally around the heart,they extend
into the body wall and Split the Mesenchyme into
a) Outer layer becomes the Thoracic wall
b) Inner layer of pleuropericardial membranes form prominent shelves and
meet at mid line and form the Fibrous(Parieral) layer of pericardium
8. During 7th week the lateral borders of primitive mediastinum are formed as
the pleuropericardial canals grow laterally to fore gut separating the
developing lungs .In embryo it is filled with embryonic tissue.The Right
Pleuropericardial opening closes slightly earlier than of left side because right
common cardinal vein is larger than left and produces larger pleuropericardial
There are 2 Main Parts
1) Pars Muscularis which includes
a) Pars lumbalis b) Pars sternalis c) Pars costalis
2) Pars Fibrosa incudes Centrum tendinous
D) Body Wall
1.During 9th to 12th week the lungs and pleural cavities enlarge and invade the
lateral body wall and the body wall tissue splits into TWO layers
i)Outer layer ---------------Forms definitive body wall
ii)Inner Layer-----------------Forms Peripheral Portion of Diaphragm
Further extension of pleural cavities into the body wall forms the right and left
costomediastinal recesses and establish the dome shaped of diaphragm.
1.Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
=Posterio-lateral defect is only common congenital abnormality of diaphragm
It is the Herniation of abdominal contents into the thoracic cavity due to
defective or incomplete formation or fusion of pleuro-peritoneal membranes
which normally separate the Pleural cavities from peritoneal cavity
=The defect is usually Unilateral and mostly on left side than on right b/c the
right Pleuro-Peritoneal membrane closes early b/c of liver development.
=Compresses of contents to the lung causes Hypoplasia AND respiratory