Chaapter-1-Fossil Fuels and Alternate Source of Energy
Chaapter-1-Fossil Fuels and Alternate Source of Energy
Chaapter-1-Fossil Fuels and Alternate Source of Energy
Chapter 1
AN Renewable Energy Physics@CityCollege
Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear fuels do not produce carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide.
1 kg of nuclear fuel produces millions of times more energy than 1 kg of coal.
Like fossil fuels, nuclear fuels are non-renewable energy resources.
Although modern reactor designs are extremely safe, if there is an accident, large
amounts of radioactive material could be released into the environment.
Nuclear waste remains radioactive and is hazardous to health for thousands of
years, so it must be stored safely.
AN Renewable Energy Physics@CityCollege
stations are often used to provide extra electricity at peak times, because they take the least time
to start up.
The fuel for nuclear power stations is relatively cheap, but the power stations themselves are
expensive to build. It is also very expensive to dismantle old nuclear power stations and to store
their radioactive waste, which is a dangerous health hazard.
2. Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is the energy which is derived from a limitless source. Renewable
energies are sources of clean, inexhaustible and increasingly competitive energy. They differ
from fossil fuels principally in their diversity, abundance and potential for use anywhere on the
planet, but above all in that they produce neither greenhouse gases – which cause climate change
– nor polluting emissions.
The most significant feature of renewable energy is its plentiful supply. It is infinite.
Renewable energy sources will never disappear. Never. Other energy sources are final
and one day will be spent.
Renewable energy sources are hygienic sources of energy that have a much lesser
negative environmental impact than conventional fossil energy technologies.
As the existing reserves of fossil fuels are steadily decreasing, it is unquestionable that
their prices will continue to grow
AN Renewable Energy Physics@CityCollege
Solar energy: the energy obtained from the sun. The main technologies here are solar
photovoltaic (using the light from the sun) and solar thermal (using the sun’s heat)
Hydraulic or hydroelectric energy: energy obtained from rivers and other freshwater
Bioethanol: organic fuel suitable for vehicles and obtained from fermentation of
Biodiesel: organic fuel for vehicles, among other applications, obtained from vegetable
AN Renewable Energy Physics@CityCollege
iv) Renewable energy projects can also bring economic benefits to many regional areas,
as most projects are located away from large urban centers and suburbs of the capital
cities. These economic benefits may be from the increased use of local services as
well as tourism.