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Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Space Vector Modulation

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Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Space

Vector Modulation
Xiaoting Ye, Tao Zhang
Faculty of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian, 223001
E-mail: xiaotingye@163.com

Abstract: Direct torque control (DTC) is a method to control machine with utilizing torque and flux of motor controlled.
The torque and current ripples are occurred in the conventional DTC. Reason of undesired torque and current ripples is
low number of voltage vectors applied to the motor controlled by the conventional DTC technique. Base on the analysis
of basic DTC of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), a modified DTC based on flux error vector algorithm
(FEVA-DTC) is proposed to reduce torque and flux ripples in this study. Simulation results from the conventional and
FEVA-DTC are presented and compared. Result shows that the torque and flux ripples are decreased with the
Key Words: Direct torque control, Permanent magnet synchronous motor, Flux error vector algorithm

Space vector modulation DTC (SVM-DTC) is a technique

1 INTRODUCTION to reduce the ripples of the electromagnetic torque and flux
Permanent magnet synchronous motor has been linkage. SVM techniques have several advantages that are
extensively developed due to their high power density and offering better DC bus utilization, lower torque ripples,
good dynamic performance, easy manufacture, low cost, lower total harmonic distortion in the AC motor current,
high efficiency and reliance. On the other hand, great lower switching loss, and easier to implement in the digital
interest has been grown in the direct torque control (DTC) systems.
since it was proposed in the mid 1980s by Takahashi et al In this paper, the principle of FEVA-DTC is introduced
[1]. DTC of permanent magnet synchronous motors, which and an algorithm to estimate the flux error is proposed. The
has been developed in the recent years, is a powerful control voltage vectors in FEVA-DTC system is calculated by the
method for motor drives. Comparing with traditional field error of current stator flux vector and reference stator flux
oriented control, DTC does not need coordinate transform, vector and is realized by the method of space vector
pulse width regulator and position encoder, so its control modulation. The simulation results shows the proposed
strategy and inside control structure are simple. DTC system having less flux linkage and torque ripples
But the conventional DTC strategy has serious ripples of while it maintains as good torque response as the
the electromagnetic torque and flux linkage inevitably, so conventional DTC. At the same time the complexity of the
its steady state performance is poor, and the inverter has power circuit does not increase.
variable switching frequency. Many researchers have
devoted to the improvement of the steady state performance 2 CONVENTIONAL DTC
of the basic DTC, especially for induction machine since
the first industrial product has been produced in 1996 by DTC method has been first proposed for induction motor.
ABB company [2-5]. And it is quite different from that of the field orientation
control (FOC) or vector control, which does not need
In the late 1990s, DTC method has been proposed for
complicated coordination transformations and decoupling
permanent magnet synchronous motor [9], as well as the
calculation [6].
advantages for induction motor. However, new problems
appear regarding application of zero vectors. This is The stator flux linkage vector in permanent magnet
especially true at a low speed, when the zero voltage vectors synchronous motor can be expressed as
application on the PMSM holds the torque rather than ψ s = ∫ (us − Rs is )dt (1)
decreases it. As well as improving dynamics, deletion of
zero vectors also causes more significant torque and flux where ψ s is the stator flux linkage vector, Rs is the stator
ripples in steady state, and complicates the control of the resistance, is is the stator current vector.
motor smoothly in the low speed range. Therefore, the way Neglecting cogging torque, the steady-state
of minimizing torque ripples becomes the main research electromagnetic torque T of a permanent magnet
subject in a DTC of PMSM. synchronous motor can be written as

This work is supported by Youth Science Foundation of Huaiyin Institute

of Technology of Jiangsu Province (HGQN0706)

978-1-4244-5182-1/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE 1450

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T= (2ψ m Lq sin δ −ψ s ( Lq − Ld ) sin 2δ ) (2)
where δ denotes the load angle, p is the number of pole In order to reduce the ripples of electromagnetic torque and
pairs. The load angle δ is defined as the angel between the flux linkage in the conventional DTC system, this article
stator flux linkage vector ψ s and rotor flux linkage introduced the FEVA-DTC strategy. Figure 2 shows the
vector ψ m . FEVA-DTC system scheme.
In xy reference frame (the reference frame rotate with the RTc i
T* ωr
stator flux linkage), magnitude of the stator flux linkage as
shown below: ψg Δψ UTc

⎡ψ sx ⎤ ⎡ Ls 0 ⎤ ⎡isx ⎤ ⎡ cos δ ⎤
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥ ⎢i ⎥ + ψ m ⎢ ⎥ (3) ψ e , cosτ , sin τ
⎣ψ sy ⎦ ⎣ 0 ⎣− sin δ ⎦
Ls ⎦ ⎣ sy ⎦ Vα ,Vβ Vdc αβ

Or ψ sx= Ls isx + ψ m cos δ (3) iα , i β

T τi
ψ sy= Ls isy −ψ m sin δ (4)
x-axis is fixed on the orientation of the stator flux linkage, Fig 2. FEVA-DTC system scheme
so y-component of the stator flux linkage ψ sy = 0 .
For the reduction of torque and flux ripples, the reference
From formula (4), the component of stator current vector isy stator flux vector ψ r is employed in FEVA-DTC system.
can be obtained as There is error between the given torque and actual observed
ψ sin δ torque. In order to make the actual torque follow the given
isy = m (5)
Ls torque and eliminate the errors, phase angle of stator flux
linkage is needed to increase Δτ, which can determine the
For surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous
reference stator flux vector. The error between the
motor without saliency, Ld=Lq=Ls and formula (2) becomes
reference stator flux vector and the estimated stator flux
1.5 pψ sψ m sin δ
T= (6) vector can be calculated by the unit of FEVA. The
Ls component of stator voltage used to compensate the error
The rotor flux linkage keeps almost unchanged in surface can be obtained by voltage space vector calculation model
mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor. From SVM, and then control signal of inverter is outputted.
formula (6) when the stator flux linkage keeps unchanged The reference stator flux vector ψ r and the estimated stator
too, the torque can be controlled by δ directly. It can be flux vector ψ e can be calculated as
seen form formula (1) that the load angle δ can be
controlled by voltage space vectors with neglecting the ψ r = ψ g ∠τ r = ψ g cos τ r + j ψ g sinτ r (7)
stator resistance Rs. It can be known from the above
ψ e = ψ e ∠τ = ψ e cos τ + j ψ e sinτ (8)
analysis that voltage vectors can be selected by different
switch modes of power switches. Consequently the stator Where ψ g denotes the given stator flux vector; τ r denotes
flux linkage is changed instantaneously.
the reference flux angle, which can be calculated
The basic model of the conventional DTC permanent as τ r = Δτ + τ = ωr Tc + τ , where Δτ is the variations of
magnet synchronous motor scheme is shown in Figure 1.
Two stator currents ( iα and i β ) and DC-bus voltage Vdc are flux angle, τ is estimated flux angle, ωr is the angular
velocity of ψ r , Tc is the sampling period.
sampled. The magnitude of stator flux and torque
calculated are compared with their reference values in the Δψ = ψ r − ψ e
hysteresis comparators and then the outputs of the = (ψ g cos(ω r Tc ) − ψ e ) cos τ − ψ g sin(ω rTc ) sin τ (9)
comparators are fed to a switching table to select an
appropriate inverter voltage vector. + j (ψ g cos(ω rTc ) − ψ e ) sin τ + j ψ g sin(ω r Tc ) cos τ
T* Vdc While Δτ is small, the flux error vector Δψ can be got by
ψ s* Δψ = (ψ g − ψ e ) cos τ − ψ g ω r Tc sin τ
+ j (ψ g − ψ e sin τ ) + j ψ g ω r Tc cos τ
It is easy to achieve the difference between the reference
iα , iβ
stator flux vector and the estimated stator flux vector. cosτ
and sinτ can be calculated by the predictor of flux linkage
and rotor. When the reference flux linkage is set to per unit
Fig 1. Conventional DTC scheme
1, the values of cosτ and sinτ are the same as ψ α and ψ β ,
which simplify the calculation of flux linkage error.

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The voltage space vectors U are then determined by the simulation system, load torque is 6.5 N·m, given speed is
following equation 2000 r/min, the sampling period of the conventional DTC
UTc = Δψ + RTc i (11) is chosen as 55 μs, the sampling period of the FEVA-DTC
is chosen as 110 μs.
Where R and i are stator resistance and stator current vector
respectively. Table1. Parameters of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous
In any given time, the stator space voltage vector may be in Motor
one of the six areas which are divided by the six basic space Parameters Value
voltage vectors. Supposing that the stator space voltage
vector is in the first sector, Figure 3 shows that the stator Rated output power/W 1200
space voltage vector can be synthesized by two adjacent Rated line voltage/V 220
basic nonzero space voltage vectors U1, U2 and two zero Number of pole pairs 4
vectors U0, U7 [7,8]. Rated speed/(r/min) 2000 r/min
U 3 (010) U 2 (110) Rated torque(N·m) 6.5 N·m
Stator resistance/Ω 0.096
U 2T2 Stator inductance/mH 3

U 4 (011) θ
U 1 (100) Inertia/(kg·m2 ) 0.066
U 0 ,U 7 (000,111)
Rotor flux linkage 0.151

Torque PI controller is employed in the FEVA-DTC system,

U 5 (001) U 6 (101) torque response is more ideal and torque ripples is reduced.
Compared with the conventional DTC, ripples of
Fig 3. Voltage space vector modulation
electromagnetic torque of FEVA-DTC are almost reduced
The voltage space vectors U can be expressed as by 80%, ripples of flux linkage are almost reduced by 90%.
U T + U 2T2 The simulation results indicate that the ripples in both the
U= 1 1 (12) flux linkage and the torque are greatly reduced in
EFVA-DTC and the performance of the control system is
T0, T1, T2 and T7 can be calculated using the following improved.
sin(π / 3 − θ )
T1 = Tc a (13)
sin(π / 3)
sin θ
T2 = Tc a (14)
sin(π / 3)
Tc − T1 − T
T0 = T7 = (15)
(a) Simulated torque response of the conventional DTC
Where θ is the phase angle of U. Active vector times T1 and
T2 are defined as the times due to voltage space vectors U1
and U2 respectively. Null vector times T0 and T7 are defined
as the times due to the null voltage space vectors U0 and U7

In order to verify the performance of the FEVA-DTC
system, two Matlab/Simulink models were developed to (b) Simulated torque response of the FEVA-DTC
examine the different control algorithm. One is used for the Fig 3. Simulation results of the flux torque
conventional DTC system and the other for the
FEVA-DTC system. It is supposed that the permanent
magnet synchronous motor used in the simulation is ideal.
There is no saturation or any other nonlinear factors. The
power devices are ideal switch component. The parameters
of the permanent magnet synchronous motor are shown in
The steady state flux linkage and torque of permanent
magnet synchronous motor with the conventional DTC and (a) Simulated flux linkage response of the conventional DTC
FEVA-DTC are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. In the

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The paper presents a DTC based on flux error vector
algorithm for permanent magnet synchronous motor that
achieves constant switching frequency and reduced torque
ripples control.
Numerical simulations have been carried out showing the
(b) Simulated flux linkage response of the FEVA-DTC advantages of the FEVA direct torque control system with
respect to the conventional DTC. The simulation results
Fig 4. Simulation results of the flux linkage
indicate that the dynamic performance based on
Figure 5 shows the steady state current of permanent FEVA-DTC system approaches that of the conventional
magnet synchronous motor with the conventional DTC and DTC system, but the ripples of electromagnetic torque are
FEVA -DTC, which is at 2000 r/min and with 6.5 N·m load reduced obviously.
torque. It is shown in figure 5(a) that the ripples of steady
state current response of the conventional DTC is serious, 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
which will lead to torque ripples and bring strong This project was supported by Youth Science Foundation of
electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic noise. Huaiyin Institute of Technology (HGQN0706). The author
The steady state current response of the FEVA-DTC shown wish to thank Huaiyin Institute of Technology for the
in figure 5(b) is smooth and less ripples, which will lead to support of the research. The author also wish to thank all
less ripples of torque. The simulated current waveforms involved partners for their contribution to the research.
confirm that the steady state performance of permanent
magnet synchronous motor is greatly improved with REFERENCES
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