(Analytical Procedure) Determining Hydraulic Conductivity of An Unconfined Aquifer by Overdamped Well Response To Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug)
(Analytical Procedure) Determining Hydraulic Conductivity of An Unconfined Aquifer by Overdamped Well Response To Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug)
(Analytical Procedure) Determining Hydraulic Conductivity of An Unconfined Aquifer by Overdamped Well Response To Instantaneous Change in Head (Slug)
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D5912 − 20
3. Terminology if D = H
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of common technical terms
used in this standard, refer to Terminology D653. lnR e /r w 5
F 1
C 21
ln~ H/r w ! L/r w G
NOTE 2—Other analytical solutions are given by Hvorslev and Cooper
3.2 Symbols and Dimensions: et al; (2, 3, 4) however, they may differ in their assumptions and
3.2.1 A [nd]—coefficient that is a function of L/rw and is applicability.
determined graphically. NOTE 3—Bouwer (1) provided discussion of various applications and
observations of the procedure described in this practice.
3.2.2 B [nd]—coefficient that is a function of L/rw and is
NOTE 4—Practice D4104/D4104M describes the analytical solution
determined graphically. following Cooper et al (3).
3.2.3 C [nd]—coefficient that is a function of L/rw and is NOTE 5—The use of the symbol K for the term hydraulic conductivity
determined graphically. is the predominant usage in groundwater literature by hydrogeologists,
whereas, the symbol k is commonly used for this term in soil and rock
3.2.4 D [L]—aquifer thickness. mechanics and soil science.
3.2.5 H [L]—distance between static water level and the 4.3 More recent work (Zlotnik et al. 2010 (5)) have revealed
base of open interval of the well. that the shape factors used for calculation of hydraulic con-
3.2.6 L [L]—length of well open to aquifer. ductivity (K) in the Bouwer and Rice model may result in the
under estimation of K by as much as 25 % to 40 % depending
3.2.7 rc [L]—inside diameter of the portion of the well
on the well construction and aquifer characteristics. Please
casing in which the water level changes.
refer to the work of Zlotnik et al. (2010) (5) for a discussion of
3.2.8 Re [L]—effective radius, determined empirically based the development of general steady state shape factors for the
on the geometry of the well, over which y is dissipated. condition of an overdamped, partially penetrating well.
3.2.9 rw [L]—radial distance from well center to original to 4.4 Numerous commercial computer software programs are
well casing. available to evaluate slug test data. Only those programs that
3.2.10 tf [T]—time at end point of straight-line portion of provide analysis of the data based on graphical curve matching,
graph. rather than simply least-squares analysis, and allow for the
3.2.11 t0 [T]—time at beginning of straight-line portion of generation of data plots should be used.
5. Significance and Use
3.2.12 yf [L]—head difference at end point of straight-line
portion of graph. 5.1 Assumptions of Solution:
5.1.1 Drawdown (or mounding) of the water table around
the well is negligible.
5.1.2 Flow above the water table can be ignored.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM 5.1.3 Head losses as the water enters or leaves the well are
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on negligible.
the ASTM website.
5.1.4 The aquifer is homogeneous and isotropic.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
www.astm.org. NOTE 6—Slug and pumping tests implicitly assume a porous medium.
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D5912 − 20
Fractured rock and carbonate settings may not provide meaningful data head permeability tests has been documented. Variation in
and information. instrumentation, assumptions and calculational methods will lead to
differing results (7). Users should be familiar with the assumptions,
5.2 Implications of Assumptions: instrumentation and calculational aspects of the test when evaluating the
5.2.1 The mathematical equations applied ignore inertial results (8).
effects and assume that the water level returns to the static level NOTE 10—The quality of the result produced by this standard is
in an approximate exponential manner. dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
5.2.2 The geometric configuration of the well and aquifer suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the
criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
are shown in Fig. 1, that is after Fig. 1 of Bouwer and Rice (1). and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are
5.2.3 For filter-packed wells, Eq 1 applies to cases in which cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure
the filter pack remains saturated. If some of the filter pack is reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740
dewatered during testing, rc2 should be replaced by the provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
6. Procedure
r c ~ corrected! 5 @ ~ 1 2 n ! r 1nrw 2 # 0.5 (4)
6.1 The overall procedure consists of conducting the slug
where: test field procedure (see Test Method D4044/D4044M) and
n = short-term specific yield of the filter pack, analysis of the field data that is addressed in this practice.
ra = uncorrected well casing radius, 6.2 The water level data are corrected so that the difference
rw = borehole radius, and between the original static water level and the water level
y = difference in static water level and the level during the during the test is known. This difference in water level at time
field test. “ t” is denoted as “yt”.
NOTE 7—Short term refers to the duration of the slug test.
NOTE 8—The function of wells in any unconfined setting in a fractured 6.3 The dimensionless coefficients of A, B, and C are
terrain might make the determination of k problematic because the wells determined graphically based on their relationship with L/rw.
might only intersect tributary or subsidiary channels or conduits. The An example of the curves relating A, B, and C to L/rw is given
problems determining the k of a channel or conduit notwithstanding, the
in Fig. 2, that is after Fig. 3 of Bouwer and Rice.2
partial penetration of tributary channels may make a determination of a
meaningful number difficult. If plots of k in carbonates and other fractured
settings are made and compared, they may show no indication that there
7. Calculation
are conduits or channels present, except when with the lowest probability 7.1 Determine ln(Re/rw) using Eq 2 or Eq 3, as appropriate.
one maybe intersected by a borehole and can be verified, such problems
are described by Smart (1999) (6). Additional guidance can be found in 7.2 Plot at a semilogarithmic scale the relationship of “y” on
Guide D5717. the log scale versus elapsed time on the arithmetic scale.
NOTE 9—The comparison of data from various methods on variable
7.3 Determine the straight-line portion of the graph.
7.4 Determine the end point values of the straight-line
portion of the graph and substitute along with value for
ln(Re/rw) determined in 7.1, into Eq 1.
NOTE 11—An example of the plot of this test method is given in Fig. 3.
The data used to prepare the plot is presented in Table 1. Table 1 also
presents the well configuration data and the corresponding values of A, B,
and C.
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D5912 − 20
of a units conversion check of the calculations should be included as a part
of the calculations process.
8. Report
8.1 The methodology used to specify how data are recorded
in the report, as given below is covered in 1.5 and Practice
8.2 Record as a minimum the following general informa-
8.2.1 Prepare a report including the information described
in this section. The report of the analytical procedure will
include information from the report on the test method selec-
tion (see Guide D4043) and the field testing procedure (see
Test Method D4044/D4044M). Introduction—The introductory section is intended
to present the scope and purpose of the slug test for determin-
ing hydraulic conductivity. Summarize the field hydrogeologic
FIG. 3 Sample Plot of Slug Test Data conditions and field equipment and instrumentation including
the construction of the control well, and the method of
TABLE 1 Sample Slug Test DataAB measurement and of effecting a change in head. Discuss the
rationale for selecting the method used (see Guide D4043).
NOTE 1—A and B are not used since D = H. Hydrogeologic Setting—Review information avail-
NOTE 2—Endpoint values are highlighted. able on the hydrogeology of the site; interpret and describe the
Elapsed Time, min Head Difference, m hydrogeology of the site as it pertains to the method selected
0.0034 12.86 for selected for conducting and analyzing an aquifer test.
0.0067 12.71
0.0100 12.40
Compare hydrogeologic characteristics of the site as it con-
0.0134 12.13 forms and differs from the assumptions made in the solution to
0.0167 11.96 the aquifer test.
0.0334 10.94
0.0500 10.15 Equipment—Report the field installation and equip-
0.0667 9.45 ment for the aquifer test. Include in the report, well construc-
0.0834 8.80 tion information, diameter, depth, and open interval to the
0.1000 8.16
0.1167 7.05
aquifer, and location of control well. Include a list of measur-
0.1334 6.54 ing devices used during the test; the manufacturer’s name,
0.1500 6.10 model number, and basic specifications for each major item;
0.1667 5.64
0.1834 5.21
and the name and date of the last calibration, if applicable.
0.2000 4.85 Test Procedures—Report the steps taken in conduct-
0.2167 4.51 ing the pretest and test phases. Include the frequency of head
0.2334 4.14
0.2500 3.88
measurements made in the control well and other environmen-
0.2667 3.59 tal data recorded before and during the test procedure.
0.2834 3.35 8.2.2 Presentation and Interpretation of Test Results:
0.3000 3.06
0.3167 2.12 Data—Present tables of data collected during the
0.4001 1.45 test.
0.4834 0.97 Data Plots—Present data plots used in analysis of
0.5667 0.72
0.6501 0.54 the data.
0.7334 0.37 Show calculation of hydraulic conductivity.
0.8167 0.31 If commercial software was used, identify it by
0.9001 0.27
1.0667 0.23 name, version, and conditions set.
1.1501 0.22 Evaluate the overall quality of the test based on the
1.2334 0.20 adequacy of instrumentation and observations of stress and
Well configuration data, m: Rc = 0.0833, Rw = 0.1615, D = 41.5, L = 8, and response and the conformance of the hydrogeologic conditions
H = 41.5.
Coefficients (dimensionless): A = n ⁄a, B = n ⁄a, and C = 2.624.
and the performance of the test to the assumptions (see 5.1).
9. Keywords
NOTE 12—This standard is presented using SI units. Use of other units 9.1 aquifers; aquifer tests; control wells; groundwater; hy-
other than SI is allowed, however if other units are used, the performance draulic conductivity; slug test
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Wilder Machado (Wilder Machado) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D5912 − 20
(1) Bouwer, H., and Rice, R. C., “A Slug Test for Determining Hydraulic motoring and modeling, in, Palmer, A.N., Palmer, M.V., and
Conductivity of Unconfined Aquifers with Completely or Partially Sasowski, I.D., (eds) Karst Waters Institute Special Publication, No.
Penetrating Wells,” Water Resources Research, Vol 12, No. 3, 1976, 5., Proceedings of the symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia, p. 146-
pp. 423–428. 157.
(2) Hvorslev, M. J., “Time Lag and Soil Permeability in Ground-Water (7) Chapuis, R.P. “Variable Head Permeability Test in Monitoring Wells:
Observations,” Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers, Comparing the Shape Factor Defined by Bouwer and Rice (1976) to
U.S. Army, Bulletin No. 36, 1951. the Shape Factor Given by Hvorslev”, Geotechnical News, 27(1),
(3) Cooper, H. H., Jr., Bredehoeft, J. D., and Papadopulos, I. S., March 2000, pp 41-43.
“Response of a Finite-Diameter Well to an Instantaneous Change in (8) Chapuis R.P. “Overdamped Slug Tests in Aquifers: the Three Diag-
Water,” Water Resources Research, Vol 3, No. 1, 1967, pp. 263–269.
nostic Graphs for a user-independent interpretation” Geotech Testing
(4) Bouwer, H., “The Bouwer-Rice Slug Test—An Update,” Ground
Journal, Vol 38 (4), July 2015, pp 474-489.
Water, Vol 27, No. 3, 1989, pp. 304–309.
(9) Worthington, S.R.H., Davies, G.J., and Alexander, E.C., jr, 2016,
(5) Zlotnik V.A., Goss D., and Duffield G “General Steady State Shape
Factor for a Partially Penetrating Well” Groundwater, Vol 48, No. 1, Enhancement of bedrock permeability by weathering, Earth Science
January-February 2010 pp 111-116. Reviews160: 188-202, Elsevier, http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016/
(6) Smart, C.C., 1999, Subsidiary conduit systems: a hiatus in aquifer j.earscirev.2016.07.002
Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D5912–96(2004)) that may impact the use of this standard. (June 1, 2020)
(1) Revised from test method to practice, including changing of (8) Section 8 Report—Revised title and added D6026 state-
title and throughout the text. ment to comply with D18 procedures.
(2) Section 1 Scope—Revised the units statement to comply (9) Section 9 Precision and Bias—Deleted as not applicable to
with D18 policies, added professional judgment caveat. practices.
(3) Added D6026 statements to comply with D18 policies. (10) Summary of Changes added.
(4) Section 2—Reference Documents: Added D6026. (11) Added references section and references
(5) Section 3 Terminology—Revised wording to conform to (12) General—Removed or revised jargon and superlatives
current D18 policies, revised 3.2.9 to clarify well radius (rw). throughout the document.
(6) Section 4 Significance and Use—Added additional notes, (13) Section 4 Summary of Practice—Added 4.2 concerning
corrected formulas. Shape Factors and added new references.
(7) Section 5—Added description of “y”.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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