HCM Vol 4
HCM Vol 4
HCM Vol 4
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 25-1
Chapter Scope ...................................................................................................... 25-1
Chapter Organization ......................................................................................... 25-1
Limitations of the Methodologies ..................................................................... 25-1
12. REFERENCES..................................................................................................25-135
Exhibit 25-A3 SUT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 45-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-138
Exhibit 25-A4 SUT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 50-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-138
Exhibit 25-A5 SUT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 55-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-139
Exhibit 25-A6 SUT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 60-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-139
Exhibit 25-A7 SUT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 65-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-140
Exhibit 25-A8 SUT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 75-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-140
Exhibit 25-A9 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 20-mi/h Initial
Speed ................................................................................................................. 25-141
Exhibit 25-A10 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 25-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-141
Exhibit 25-A11 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 30-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-142
Exhibit 25-A12 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 35-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-142
Exhibit 25-A13 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 40-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-143
Exhibit 25-A14 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 45-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-143
Exhibit 25-A15 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 50-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-144
Exhibit 25-A16 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 55-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-144
Exhibit 25-A17 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 60-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-145
Exhibit 25-A18 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 65-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-145
Exhibit 25-A19 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 70-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-146
Exhibit 25-A20 TT Travel Time Versus Distance Curves for 75-mi/h
Initial Speed ...................................................................................................... 25-146
the congestion clears the first segment. The same process is followed for queues
on on-ramp segments.
The methodology for oversaturated conditions described in this chapter is
based on concepts of traffic flow theory and assumes a linear speed–flow
relationship for densities greater than 45 passenger cars per mile per lane
(pc/mi/ln). This relationship has not been extensively calibrated for field
observations on U.S. freeways, and analysts should therefore perform their own
validation from local data to obtain additional confidence in the results of this
procedure. For an example of a validation exercise for this methodology, the
reader is referred elsewhere (3).
The procedure described here becomes extremely complex when the queue
from a downstream bottleneck extends into an upstream bottleneck, causing a
queue interaction. When such cases arise, the reliability of the methodology is
questionable, and the user is cautioned about the validity of the results. For
heavily congested directional freeway facilities with interacting bottleneck
queues, a traffic simulation model might be more applicable. Noninteracting
bottlenecks are addressed by the methodology.
The procedure focuses on analyzing a directional series of freeway segments.
It describes the performance of a facility but falls short of addressing the broader
transportation network. The analyst is cautioned that severe congestion on a
freeway—especially freeway on-ramps—is likely to affect the adjacent surface
street network. Similarly, the procedure is limited in its ability to predict the
impacts of an oversaturated off-ramp and the associated queues that may spill
back onto the freeway. Alternative tools are suitable to evaluate these impacts.
This glossary defines internal variables used exclusively in the freeway
facilities methodology. The variables are consistent with those used in the
computational engine for the freeway facilities methodology.
If a managed lane facility is adjacent to the general purpose lanes, the
oversaturated freeway facilities methodology will analyze each facility
independently. As a result, the variables presented in this chapter will pertain to
general purpose and managed lane facilities separately.
The glossary of variables is presented in seven parts: global variables,
segment variables, node variables, on-ramp variables, off-ramp variables,
facilitywide variables, and travel time reliability variables. Global variables are
used across multiple aspects of the procedure. Segment variables represent
conditions on segments. Node variables denote flows across a node connecting
two segments. On- and off-ramp variables correspond to flow on ramps.
Facilitywide variables pertain to aggregate traffic performance over the entire
general purpose or managed lane facility. Reliability variables pertain to traffic
performance over a period of up to one year.
In addition to the spatial categories listed above, there are temporal divisions
that represent characteristics over a time step for oversaturated conditions or an
analysis period for undersaturated conditions. The first dimension associated
with each variable specifies whether the variable refers to segment or node
characteristics. The labeling scheme for nodes and segments is such that segment
i is immediately downstream of node i. The distinction of nodes and segments is
used primarily in the oversaturated flow regime as discussed in Section 4.
Thus, there is always one more node than the number of segments on a
facility. The second and third dimensions denote a time step t and a time interval
p. Facility variables are estimates of the average performance over the length of
the facility. The units of flow are in vehicles per time step. The selection of the
time step size is discussed later in this chapter.
The variable symbols used internally by the computational engine and
replicated in this chapter frequently differ from the symbols used elsewhere in
the HCM, particularly in Chapter 10, Freeway Facilities Core Methodology. For
example, the HCM uses n to represent the number of segments forming a facility,
whereas the computational engine and this chapter use NS.
• i—index to segment or node number: i = 1, 2, . . . , NS (for segments) and
i = 1, 2, ..., NS + 1 (for nodes). In the computational engine, i is represented
as the index of the GPSegments/MLSegments Array List variable in the Seed
• KC—ideal density at capacity (pc/mi/ln). The density at capacity is 45
• ED(i, p)—expected demand (veh/h) that would arrive at segment i on the
basis of upstream conditions over time interval p. The upstream queuing
effects include the metering of traffic from an upstream queue but not the
spillback of vehicles from a downstream queue.
• K(i, p)—average traffic density (veh/mi/ln) of segment i over time interval
p as estimated by the oversaturated procedure. This variable is
represented as the scenAllDensity_veh variable in the GPMLSegment class
in the computational engine.
• KB(i, p)—background density: segment i density (veh/mi/ln) over time
interval p assuming there is no queuing on the segment. This density is
calculated by using the expected demand on the segment in the
corresponding undersaturated procedure in Chapters 12, 13, and 14.
• KQ(i, t, p)—queue density: vehicle density (veh/mi/ln) in the queue on
segment i during time step t in time interval p. Queue density is
calculated on the basis of a linear density–flow relationship in the
congested regime.
• L(i)—length of segment i (mi). This variable converts the inSegLength_ft
variable (in feet) to miles when necessary in equations.
• N(i, p)—number of lanes on segment i in time interval p. It could vary by
time interval if a temporary lane closure is in effect. N is represented as
the inMainlineNumLanes variable in the GPMLSegment class in the
computational engine.
• NV(i, p)—number of vehicles present on segment i at the end of time
interval p (veh).
• MF(i, t, p)—actual mainline flow rate that can cross node i during time
step t in time interval p.
• MI(i, t, p)—maximum mainline input: maximum flow desiring to enter
node i during time step t in time interval p, based on flows from all
upstream segments and taking into account all geometric and traffic
constraints upstream of the node, including queues accumulated from
previous time intervals.
• MO1(i, t, p)—maximum Mainline Output 1: maximum allowable mainline
flow rate across node i during time step t in time interval p, limited by the
flow from an on-ramp at node i.
• MO2(i, t, p)—maximum Mainline Output 2: maximum allowable mainline
flow rate across node i during time step t in time interval p, limited by
available storage on segment i due to a downstream queue.
• ONRC(i, p)—geometric carrying capacity of on-ramp at node i during
time interval p.
• ONRD(i, p)—demand flow rate for on-ramp at node i in time interval p.
• ONRF(i, t, p)—actual ramp flow rate that can cross on-ramp node i during
time step t in time interval p; it takes into account control constraints (e.g.,
ramp meters).
• ONRI(i, t, p)—input flow rate desiring to enter the merge point at on-
ramp i during time step t in time interval p, based on current ramp
demand and ramp queues accumulated from previous time intervals.
• ONRO(i, t, p)—maximum output flow rate that can enter the merge point
from on-ramp i during time step t in time interval p; it is constrained by
Lane 1 (shoulder lane) flow on segment i and the segment i capacity or by
a queue spillback filling the mainline segment from a bottleneck further
downstream, whichever governs.
• ONRQ(i, t, p)—unmet demand that is stored as a queue on the on-ramp
roadway at node i during time step t in time interval p (veh).
• RM(i, p)—maximum allowable rate of an on-ramp meter at the on-ramp at
node i during time interval p (veh/h).
• DEF(i, t, p)—deficit: unmet demand from a previous time interval p that
flows past node i during time step t; it is used in off-ramp flow
calculations downstream of a bottleneck.
• OFRD(i, p)—desired off-ramp demand flow exiting at off-ramp i during
time interval p.
• OFRF(i, t, p)—actual flow that can exit at off-ramp i during time step t in
time interval p.
• K(NS, P)—average vehicle density over the entire facility during the entire
analysis period P.
• K(NS, p)—average vehicle density over the entire facility during time
interval p.
• SMS(NS, P)—average analysis period facility speed: average space mean
speed over the entire facility during the entire analysis period P.
• SMS(NS, p)—average time interval facility speed: average space mean
speed over the entire facility during time interval p.
Vmax = maximum achievable segment speed (mi/h),
Equation 25-2
𝑖=1 𝑆𝐹(𝑖, 𝑝) × 𝐿(𝑖)
𝑆𝑀𝑆(𝑁𝑆, 𝑝) =
𝑖=1 𝑆𝐹(𝑖, 𝑝) × 𝑈(𝑖, 𝑝)
Overall average density across all intervals is calculated with Equation 25-5:
∑𝑃𝑝=1 ∑𝑁𝑆
𝑖=1 𝐾(𝑖, 𝑝) × 𝐿(𝑖)
Equation 25-5 𝐾(𝑁𝑆, 𝑃) =
∑𝑃𝑝=1 ∑𝑁𝑆
𝑖=1 𝐿(𝑖) × 𝑁(𝑖, 𝑝)
Exhibit 25-1
Seg. 1 Seg. 2 Seg. 3 Seg. 4 Seg. 5 Seg. 6 Node–Segment
Representation of a
N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7
Directional Freeway Facility
Ramp 1 Ramp 2
Time Step Duration
Segment flows are calculated in each time step and are used to calculate the
number of vehicles on each segment at the end of every time step. The number of
vehicles on each segment is used to track queue accumulation and discharge and
to calculate the average segment density.
To provide accurate estimates of flows in oversaturated conditions, the time
intervals are divided into smaller time steps. The conversion from time intervals
to time steps occurs during the first oversaturated time interval and remains
until the end of the analysis. The transition to time steps is essential because, at
certain points in the methodology, future performance estimates are made on the
basis of the past value of a variable.
The computational engine assumes a time step of 15 s for oversaturated flow
computations, which is adequate for most facilities with a minimum segment
length greater than 300 ft. This time step is based on the assumption that a
shockwave of (severe) congestion can travel at speeds up to 20 ft/s or 13.6 mi/h.
A minimum segment length of 300 ft ensures that the congestion shockwave
does not travel more than one segment length in one 15-s time step.
For shorter segments, two problem situations may arise. The first situation
occurs when segments are short and the rate of queue growth (shockwave speed)
is rapid. Under these conditions, a short segment may be completely
undersaturated in one time step and completely queued in another. The
methodology may store more vehicles in this segment during a time step than
space allows. Fortunately, the next time step compensates for this error, and the
procedure continues to track queues and store vehicles accurately after this
The oversaturated The second situation in which small time steps are important occurs when
methodology implemented in
the computational engine two queues interact. There is a temporary inaccuracy due to the maximum
assumes a time step of 15 s, output of a segment changing, thus causing the estimation of available storage to
which is adequate for segment
lengths greater than 300 ft. be slightly in error. This situation results in the storage of too many vehicles on a
particular segment. This “supersaturation” is temporary and is compensated for
in the next time step. Inadequate time step size will result in erroneous
estimation of queue lengths and may affect other performance measures as well.
Regardless, if queues interact, the results should be viewed with extreme caution.
Flow–Density Relationship
Analysis of freeway segments depends on the relationships between segment
speed, flow, and density. Chapter 12, Basic Freeway and Multilane Highway
Segments, defines a relationship between these variables and the calculation of
performance measures in the undersaturated regime. The freeway facilities
methodology presented here uses the same relationships for undersaturated
segments. In other words, when a segment is undersaturated the computations
of this methodology are identical to the results obtained from Chapters 12, 13,
and 14 for basic freeway segments, weaving segments, and ramp segments,
The calculations for oversaturated segments assume a simplified linear flow–
density diagram in the congested region. Exhibit 25-2 shows this flow–density
diagram for a segment having a free-flow speed (FFS) of 75 mi/h. For other FFSs,
the corresponding capacities in Chapters 12, 13, and 14 should be used.
The oversaturated regime curve in Exhibit 25-2 is constructed from a user-
specified jam density (default is 190 pc/mi/ln) and the known value of capacity,
defined as the flow at a density of 45 pc/mi/ln. The flow–density relationship is
assumed to be linear between these two points. The slope of the resulting line
describes the speed of the shock wave at which queues grow and dissipate, as
discussed further below. The speed in a congested segment is obtained from the
prevailing density in the segment, read along the linear flow–density
Exhibit 25-2
Segment Flow–Density
The oversaturated portion of the methodology is detailed as a flowchart in
Exhibit 25-3. The flowchart is divided into several sections over several pages.
Processes that continue from one section of the flowchart to another are indicated
by capital letters within parallelograms. Computations are detailed and labeled
in the subsections that follow according to each step of the flowchart.
The procedure first calculates flow variables starting at the first node during
the first time step of oversaturation and followed by each downstream node and
segment in the same time step. After all computations in the first time step are
completed, calculations are performed at each node and segment during
subsequent time steps for all remaining time intervals until the analysis is
Exhibit 25-3
Oversaturated Analysis
28 Last
Time Step No Move to Next
in Current Time Time Step G
Segment and Facility Performance Measures
Calculate Segment
Performance Measures
31 32
Last Move to First Time
Time Interval Step in Next Time
in Analysis? Interval
36 33
Calculate Calculate Background
Facilitywide Density for This
Performance Time Interval
37 34
Is There
a Front-Clearing
Queue in This
Time Interval?
Wave Speed
segment and includes the effects of all upstream segments. The expected demand
is the flow of traffic expected to arrive at each segment if all queues were stacked
vertically (i.e., no upstream effects of queues). In other words, all segments
upstream of a bottleneck have expected demands equal to their actual demand.
The expected demand of the bottleneck segment and all further downstream
segments is calculated by assuming a capacity constraint at the bottleneck, which
meters traffic to downstream segments. The expected demand ED is calculated
for each segment with Equation 25-6:
Equation 25-6 𝐸𝐷(𝑖, 𝑝) = min[𝑆𝐶(𝑖, 𝑝), 𝐸𝐷(𝑖 − 1, 𝑝) + 𝑂𝑁𝑅𝐷(𝑖, 𝑝) − 𝑂𝐹𝑅𝐷(𝑖 − 1, 𝑝)]
The segment capacity SC applies to the length of the segment. With the
expected demand calculated, the background density KB can be obtained for
each segment by using the appropriate segment density estimation procedures in
Chapters 12, 13, and 14. The background density is used to calculate the number
of vehicles NV on each segment by using Equation 25-7. If there are unserved
vehicles at the end of the preceding time interval, the unserved vehicles UV are
transferred to the current time interval. Here, S refers to the final time step in the
preceding time interval. The (0) term in NV represents the start of the first time
step in time interval p. The corresponding term at the end of the time step is
NV(i, 1, p).
Equation 25-7 𝑁𝑉(𝑖, 0, 𝑝) = 𝐾𝐵(𝑖, 𝑝) × 𝑁(𝑖, 𝑝) × 𝐿(𝑖) + 𝑈𝑉(𝑖, 𝑆, 𝑝 − 1)
The number of vehicles calculated from the background density is the
minimum number of vehicles that can be on the segment at any time. This
constraint is a powerful check on the methodology because the existence of
queues downstream cannot reduce this minimum. Rather, the segment can only
store additional vehicles. The storage of unserved vehicles is determined in the
segment flow calculation module later in this chapter.
Exhibit 25-4
Definitions of Mainline and
Segment Flows
The segment flow is the total output of a segment, as shown in Exhibit 25-4.
Segment flows are calculated by determining the mainline and ramp flows. The
mainline flow is calculated as the minimum of six constraints: mainline input
(MI), MO1, MO2, MO3, upstream segment i – 1 capacity, and downstream
segment i capacity, as explained next.
Exhibit 25-5
Flow–Density Function with a
Shock Wave
The wave speed is used to calculate the wave travel time WTT, which is the
time it takes the front queue-clearing shock wave to traverse this segment.
Dividing the wave speed WS by the segment length in miles gives WTT.
The recovery wave travel time is the time required for the conditions at the
downstream end of the current segment to reach the upstream end of the current
segment. To place a limit on the current node, the conditions at the downstream
node are observed at a time in the past. This time is the wave travel time. This
constraint on the current node is MO3. The calculation of MO3 uses Equation 25-
14 and Equation 25-15. If the wave travel time is not an integer number of time
steps, then the weighted average performance of each variable is taken for the
time steps nearest the wave travel time. This method is based on a process
described elsewhere (5–7).
𝑊𝑇𝑇 = 𝑇 × 𝐿(𝑖)/𝑊𝑆(𝑖, 𝑝) Equation 25-14
𝑀𝑂1 (𝑖 + 1, 𝑡 − 𝑊𝑇𝑇, 𝑝)
𝑀𝑂2 (𝑖 + 1, 𝑡 − 𝑊𝑇𝑇, 𝑝) + 𝑂𝐹𝑅𝐹(𝑖 + 1, 𝑡 − 𝑊𝑇𝑇, 𝑝)
𝑀𝑂3 (𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = min 𝑀𝑂3 (𝑖 + 1, 𝑡 − 𝑊𝑇𝑇, 𝑝) + 𝑂𝐹𝑅𝐹(𝑖 + 1, 𝑡 − 𝑊𝑇𝑇, 𝑝) Equation 25-15
𝑆𝐶(𝑖, 𝑡 − 𝑊𝑇𝑇, 𝑝)
{ 𝑆𝐶(𝑖 + 1, 𝑡 − 𝑊𝑇𝑇, 𝑝) + 𝑂𝐹𝑅𝐹(𝑖 + 1, 𝑡 − 𝑊𝑇𝑇, 𝑝) }
− 𝑂𝐹𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
𝑂𝑁𝑅𝑂(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
𝑅𝑀(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
𝑂𝑁𝑅𝐶(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
𝑆𝐶(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
min {𝑀𝐹(𝑖 + 1, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝) + 𝑂𝑁𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝)} − 𝑀𝐼(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) Equation 25-18
= min
𝑀𝑂3 (𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝) + 𝑂𝑁𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝)
𝑆𝐶(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
min {𝑀𝐹(𝑖 + 1, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝) + 𝑂𝑁𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝)} /2𝑁(𝑖, 𝑝)
{ { 𝑀𝑂3 (𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝) + 𝑂𝑁𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝) }}
This model incorporates the maximum mainline output constraints from
downstream queues, not just the segment capacity. This fact is significant
because as a queue spills over an on-ramp segment, the flow through Lane 1 is
constrained. This constraint, in turn, limits the flow that can enter Lane 1 from
the on-ramp. The values of MO2 and MO3 for this time step are not yet known,
so they are estimated from the preceding time step. This estimation is one
rationale for using small time steps. If there is forced merging during the time
step when the queue spills back over the current node, the on-ramp will
discharge more than its share of vehicles (i.e., more than 50% of the Lane 1 flow).
This situation will cause the mainline flow past node i to be underestimated. But
during the next time step, the on-ramp flow will be at its correct flow rate, and a
one-to-one sharing of Lane 1 will occur.
In the latter case, the number of vehicles in the ramp queue is updated by
using Equation 25-21.
𝑂𝑁𝑅𝑄(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = 𝑂𝑁𝑅𝐼(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) − 𝑂𝑁𝑅𝑂(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) Equation 25-21
The total delay for on-ramp vehicles can be estimated by integrating the
value of on-ramp queues over time. The methodology uses the discrete queue
lengths estimated at the end of each interval ONRQ(i, S, p) to produce overall
ramp delays by time interval.
percentage associated with the preceding time interval. A deficit in flow, caused
by traffic from an upstream queue meter, creates delays for vehicles destined to
this off-ramp and other downstream destinations. The upstream segment flow is
used because the procedure assumes a vehicle destined for an off-ramp is able to
exit at the off-ramp once it enters the off-ramp segment. This deficit is calculated
with Equation 25-22.
𝐷𝐸𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
𝑝−1 𝑝−1 𝑇
𝑁𝑉(𝑖, 𝑝)
Equation 25-32 𝐾(𝑖, 𝑝) =
𝐿(𝑖) × 𝑁(𝑖, 𝑝)
Third, the average speed U on the current segment i during the current time
interval p is calculated with Equation 25-33.
𝑆𝐹(𝑖, 𝑝)
Equation 25-33 𝑈(𝑖, 𝑝) =
𝐾(𝑖, 𝑝)
Additional segment performance measures can be derived from the basic
measures shown in Equation 25-30 through Equation 25-33. Most prominent is
segment delay, which can be computed as the difference in segment travel time
at speed U(i, p) and at the segment FFS.
The final segment performance measure is the length of the queue at the end
of the time interval (i.e., step S in time interval p). The length of a queue Q on the
segment, in feet, is calculated with Equation 25-34.
𝑈𝑉(𝑖, 𝑆, 𝑝)
Equation 25-34 𝑄(𝑖, 𝑝) = × 5,280
max[(𝐾𝑄(𝑖, 𝑆, 𝑝) − 𝐾𝐵(𝑖, 𝑝)), 1]
Exhibit 25-6
VERTICAL Vehicles that are not in the queue Vertical Queuing from a
QUEUE Access Vehicles in the vertical queue Managed Lane Due to Queue
Segment Presence on the General
Vehicles in the actual queue
Purpose Lanes
DML,vert = delay incurred by vehicles originating from the managed lanes waiting
in the vertical queue for one 15-min analysis period (h) and
NML,vert = average number of vehicles originating from the managed lanes that
are waiting in the vertical queue in one analysis period (veh).
Similar to the vehicle delay in the managed lanes, the delay of vehicles
originating from the general purpose lanes that are waiting in the vertical queue
is estimated based on Equation 25-36.
𝐷𝐺𝑃,𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡 = 𝑁𝐺𝑃,𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡 × 0.25 Equation 25-36
DGP,vert = delay incurred by vehicles originating from the general purpose lanes
waiting in the vertical queue for one 15-min analysis period (h) and
NGP,vert = average number of vehicles originating from the general purpose lanes
that are waiting in the vertical queue in one analysis period (veh).
Exhibit 25-7
On-Ramp Merge Diagram for
2-to-1 Freeway Work Zone
Exhibit 25-8 through Exhibit 25-12 give the proportion of work zone capacity
allocated to mainline flow in merge, diverge, and directional crossover segments.
For a weaving segment, a predictive model is presented following those exhibits.
In the exhibits, only a subset of potential work zone configurations is presented,
as these are the only ones that were included in the simulation modeling effort in
the original research.
Exhibit 25-8 presents the proportion of available capacity upstream of a
merge area in a construction zone, as a function of work zone lane
configurations, different levels of on-ramp input volumes, and lengths of the
acceleration lane. Upstream of the work zone, the proportion of capacity
available to the mainline movement decreases considerably as the on-ramp
demand increases.
The capacity of the merge segment is the same as a basic work zone segment,
with the caveat that the on-ramp flow consumes a portion of the mainline
capacity. As a result, the available capacity upstream of the merge area leading
into the work zone will be reduced once the queue spills back to the lane drop
point. The proportions presented in Exhibit 25-8 approximate the conditions of a
zipper merge configuration, with capacity divided approximately equally
between the on-ramp and the right-most freeway mainline lane. In other words,
the estimates correspond to a worst-case scenario for mainline flow in terms of
available capacity, and a best-case scenario for the on-ramp movement. Note that
the proportions for a 100-ft acceleration lane length are all 1.0 because on-ramp
vehicles will experience difficulty entering the mainline lanes with the extremely
short acceleration lane. These findings are based on results from microscopic
simulation models of this configuration.
Research (9) shows that the throughput downstream of a merge area is
approximately equal to the upstream queue discharge rate (before the merge) in
most cases, with some configurations actually showing a marginal increase in
flow. This slight increase occurs because additional demand from the on-ramp is
able to more efficiently utilize gaps in the work zone queue discharge flow
without the turbulence effects of the upstream lane drop. This effect was
primarily observed for long acceleration lanes. However, for a more conservative
Exhibit 25-9
Off-Ramp Diverge Diagram for
a 2-to-1 Freeway Work Zone
estimated proportions from Steps 1 and 2. The model intercept and coefficient
values for Equation 25-37 and Equation 25-38 are presented in Exhibit 25-13.
Input variables are characterized into global and section inputs. Sections are
defined to occur between points where either demand or capacity changes, as
shown in Exhibit 25-15.
Exhibit 25-15
Schematics of Freeway
For instance, the first section in Exhibit 25-15 (starting from the left) is a basic
freeway section. This section is followed by an on-ramp, and the demand level
changes. Capacity and demand remain unchanged until the first off-ramp.
Consequently, the second freeway section in Exhibit 25-15 is defined as a ramp
section. The next section that follows is a basic freeway section. It is followed by
Demand level di,p (in passenger cars per hour) on section i in analysis period p
is computed as the demand level in section i – 1, plus the inflow at section i
during analysis period p, minus the outflow at the same section at analysis
period p, plus any carryover demand d′i,p–1 in section 𝑖 from the previous analysis
period p – 1. The relationship is as shown in Equation 25-43.
𝑑𝑖,𝑝 = 𝑑𝑖−1,𝑝 + (𝑞𝑖,𝑝 ) − (𝑞𝑖,𝑝 ) ′
+ 𝑑𝑖,𝑝−1 Equation 25-43
in out
where all variables are as defined previously.
The carryover demand d′i,p–1 on section i at analysis period p is the difference
between the section demand and capacity, as given by Equation 25-44.
𝑑𝑖,𝑝 = max(𝑑𝑖,𝑝 − 𝑐𝑖 , 0) Equation 25-44
where ci is the capacity of freeway section i (pc/h/ln) and FFS is the facility’s free-
flow speed (mi/h).
Equation 25-45 provides capacity values for basic freeway sections. This
capacity must be adjusted for weaving, merge, diverge, and ramp sections, as
described next.
CAFweave = capacity adjustment factor used for a weaving segment
(0 ≤ CAFweave ≤ 1.0) (decimal),
Vr = ratio of weaving demand flow rate to total demand flow rate in the
weaving segment (decimal), and
Ls = weaving segment length (ft).
Through this capacity adjustment, the basic section method can be extended
to weaving sections, as described elsewhere (10). The process for estimating
Undersaturated Conditions
For undersaturated conditions, the basic freeway segment speed–flow model
in Chapter 12 can be used to estimate delay rates. However, for a planning-level
analysis, it is desirable to further simplify the estimation of delay rate to be a
function of inputs readily available in a planning context. The delay rate ΔRUi,p (in
minutes per mile) for segment i in analysis period p as a function of the demand-
to-capacity ratio di,p/ci is given by Equation 25-47.
0 <𝐸
Equation 25-47 ∆𝑅𝑈𝑖,𝑝 = 3 2
𝑑𝑖,𝑝 𝑑𝑖,𝑝 𝑑𝑖,𝑝 𝑑𝑖,𝑝
𝐴( ) +𝐵( ) +𝐶( )+𝐷 𝐸≤ ≤1
{ 𝑐𝑖 𝑐𝑖 𝑐𝑖 𝑐𝑖
where A, B, C, D, and E are parameters given in Exhibit 25-16 and all other
variables are as defined previously.
Oversaturated Conditions
For oversaturated conditions, the additional delay rate is approximated
assuming uniform arrival and departures at the bottleneck location. With the
demand exceeding capacity, any demand that cannot be served through the
bottleneck must be stored upstream of the bottleneck in a queue. The additional
oversaturation delay rate ΔROi,p (in minutes per mile) for segment 𝑖 at analysis
period p, over a 15-min (900-s) analysis period, is obtained by Equation 25-48.
450 𝑑𝑖,𝑝
∆𝑅𝑂𝑖,𝑝 = [max ( − 1.0)] Equation 25-48
𝐿 𝑐𝑖
where all variables are as previously defined.
where TRi,p is the travel rate on segment i in analysis period p (min/mi), TRFFS is
the travel rate under free-flow conditions (min/mi), and all other parameters are
as previously defined.
The section travel time is then computed by multiplying the travel rate and
segment length, as shown by Equation 25-50.
𝑇𝑖,𝑝 = 𝑇𝑅𝑖,𝑝 × 𝐿𝑖 Equation 25-50
where Ti,p is the travel time on segment i in analysis period p (min/mi), TRi,p is the
travel rate on segment i in analysis period p (min/mi), and Li is the length of
section i (mi).
The average speed Si,p (in miles per hour) on section i in analysis period p is
computed by using Equation 25-51.
𝑆𝑖,𝑝 = Equation 25-51
Finally, the density is calculated as shown by Equation 25-52.
𝐷𝑖,𝑝 = Equation 25-52
𝑁𝑖 × 𝑆𝑖,𝑝
where Di,p is density on section i in analysis period p (pc/mi/ln), Ni is the number
of lanes in section i, di,p is section demand (pc/h), and Si,p is speed (mi/h).
Thus, the planning-level method provides a facility performance summary
that includes whether the facility is undersaturated or oversaturated, the total
facility travel time, the space mean speed, the average facility density, and the
total queue length.
Exhibit 25-17 LOS Urban Freeway Facility Density Rural Freeway Facility Density
LOS Criteria for Urban and (pc/mi/ln) (pc/mi/ln)
Rural Freeway Facilities A ≤11 ≤6
B >11–18 >6–14
C >18–26 >14–22
D >26–35 >22–29
E >35–45 >29–39
F >45 or >39 or
any component section vd/c ratio > 1.00 any component section vd/c ratio >1.00
This section presents the application of the mixed-flow model in the case of
composite grades. The procedure builds on the single-grade methodology
described in Chapter 26, Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental, and
uses the same basic set of equations. The procedure computes LOS, capacity,
speed, and density for each segment and for the composite grade as a whole.
Many of the equations in this section are identical to those presented in Chapter
26, although they have different equation numbers. The major difference with
composite grades is that the analyst must compute the spot travel rates or spot
speeds at the start and end of each segment on the composite grade as an input
to the analysis of the next grade segment.
Exhibit 25-18
Schematic of a Composite
Exhibit 25-19
Mixed-Flow Methodology
where PT is the total percentage of SUTs and TTs in the traffic stream (decimal).
Exhibit 25-20
SUT Spot Rates Versus
Distance with Initial Speeds of
75 and 30 mi/h
Notes: Curves in this graph assume a weight-to-horsepower ratio of 100. Solid curves are for an initial speed of
75 mi/h (48 s/mi) and dashed curves are for an initial speed of 30 mi/h (120 s/mi).
Exhibit 25-21
TT Spot Rates Versus
Distance with Initial Speeds of
75 and 20 mi/h
Notes: Curves in this graph assume a weight-to-horsepower ratio of 100. Solid curves are for an initial speed of
75 mi/h (48 s/mi) and dashed curves are for an initial speed of 20 mi/h (180 s/mi).
In both Exhibit 25-20 and Exhibit 25-21, the x-axis gives the distance d
traveled by the truck, and the y-axis gives the spot travel rate τkin,j at the end of
that distance. The different curves are for various upgrades and downgrades.
To ascertain whether trucks accelerate or decelerate on segment j, consider
the travel time rate trends shown in Exhibit 25-20 and Exhibit 25-21. If an SUT’s
final spot rate for segment j τSUT,kin,f,j is greater than the SUT’s initial spot rate for
segment j τSUT,kin,i,j and the TT’s spot rate at the end of segment j τTT,kin,f,j is greater
than the TT’s spot rate at the beginning of segment j τTT,kin,i,j, then both truck
classes decelerate. If τSUT,kin,f,j < τSUT,kin,i,j and τTT,kin,f,j < τTT,kin,i,j, then both truck classes
To determine the end-of-grade spot travel time rates, start by finding the
point on the applicable grade that corresponds to the initial kinematic rate. Treat
that point as the zero distance location. Next, proceed along the grade length
(x-axis) for a distance equal to the length d of the segment and read the spot rate
at that distance. This reading is the final spot rate. For example, an SUT travels
2,000 ft starting from 60 mi/h (60 s/mi) on a 5% grade. Point 1 in Exhibit 25-20 is
the 60-mi/h speed (60-s/mi rate) from which the SUT starts to travel on the 5%
grade. Point 2 is the distance that is treated as the zero distance of the SUT. Point
3 represents the distance the SUT has traveled after 2,000 ft. The final spot rate
can be read at Point 4. The initial kinematic SUT and TT spot rates for segment j
τSUT,kin,i,j and τTT,kin,i,j are the kinematic spot rates at the end of the preceding
segment. For remaining segments, τSUT,kin,i,j and τTT,kin,i,j are the kinematic spot
rates at the end of the preceding segment j – 1, which are τSUT,kin,f,j–1 and τTT,kin,f,j–1.
The second substep involves determining the space-based travel time rates
for SUTs and TTs. Exhibit 25-22 and Exhibit 25-23 provide examples. Exhibit 25-
22 shows the time versus distance relationships for SUTs starting at 70 mi/h with
a desired speed of 75 mi/h as they accelerate or decelerate on various grades.
Exhibit 25-23 shows time versus distance relationships for SUTs starting at 30
mi/h as they ascend or descend grades. Relationships for a range of initial rates
for both SUTs and TTs are provided in Appendix A.
In all exhibits, the x-axis is the distance d traveled by the truck, while the
y-axis is the travel time T to cover the grade length d. The various curves in each
exhibit represent different upgrades. All the truck profiles have a desired speed
of 75 mi/h. For example, the 2% curve in Exhibit 25-23 shows travel time versus
distance for SUTs starting from 30 mi/h with a desired speed of 75 mi/h.
When necessary, symbols are placed on the curves to indicate where a truck
reaches 55, 60, 65, and 70 mi/h, for use when the speed limit is less than 75 mi/h,
as indicated in the notes for Exhibit 25-23. For example, if the speed limit is 55
mi/h, it is assumed trucks will maintain a constant speed of 55 mi/h after
reaching that speed. The analyst would use the graph to determine the travel
time to accelerate to 55 mi/h and then perform the remainder of the travel time
calculation using 55 mi/h as the truck speed. Not all curves have these symbols,
as (a) the truck’s crawl speed would be less than 55 mi/h for the particular grade,
(b) the truck would take more than 10,000 ft to reach that speed, or (c) the graph
being used starts from a relatively high speed (e.g., Exhibit 25-22).
Exhibit 25-22
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 70-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-23
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 30-mi/h
Initial Speed
The analyst should use the Appendix A graph that has a starting spot speed
closest to the value computed in the first substep. Because the graphs are
provided in 5-mi/h increments, this choice means using the graph that is within
2.5 mi/h of the speed corresponding to the segment’s initial spot rate.
The kinematic space-based travel time rate τkin (in seconds per mile) can then
be computed with Equation 25-58.
𝜏𝑘𝑖𝑛 = 𝑇/𝑑 Equation 25-58
where T is the segment travel time (s) and d is the grade length (mi).
The maximum grade length shown in the graphs is 10,000 ft. When the grade
length exceeds 10,000 ft, the travel rate can be computed using Equation 25-59.
𝑇10000 10,000
Equation 25-59 𝜏𝑘𝑖𝑛 = + 𝛿 (1 − ) × 5,280
𝑑 5,280𝑑
τkin = kinematic travel rate (s/mi),
T10000 = travel time at 10,000 ft (s),
δ = slope of the travel time versus distance curve (s/ft),
d = grade length (mi), and
5,280 = number of feet in 1 mi.
The 𝛿 values for SUTs and TTs are shown in Exhibit 25-24 and Exhibit 25-25,
Once the end-of-grade spot travel time rates and the space-based rates are
obtained for the current segment, Equation 25-60 and Equation 25-61 are used to
account for the traffic interaction term to obtain the actual truck spot and space-
based travel time rates.
Equation 25-60 𝜏∗,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑗 = 𝜏∗,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,𝑗 + 𝛥𝜏 𝑇𝐼
Equation 25-61 𝜏∗,𝑇𝑇,𝑗 = 𝜏∗,𝑇𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,𝑗 + 𝛥𝜏 𝑇𝐼
* = placeholder that can either be f to designate the spot travel time rate
at the end of the segment or S to indicate the space-based rate across
the segment,
τ ,SUT,j = spot travel time rate for SUTs at the end of segment j or the space-
based rate (s/mi),
τ ,SUT,kin,j = kinematic final spot travel time rate or space-based rate for SUTs
ΔτTI = traffic interaction term (s/mi) from Equation 25-62,
τ ,TT,j = spot travel time rate for TTs at the end of segment j or the space-
based rate (s/mi), and
τ ,TT,kin,j = kinematic final spot travel time rate or space-based rate for TTs
The traffic interaction term represents the contribution of other traffic to
truck speeds or travel time rates in mixed flow. It is computed by Equation 25-62.
3,600 3,600 1 Equation 25-62
𝛥𝜏𝑇𝐼 = ( − ) × [1 + 3 ( − 1)]
𝑆𝑎𝑜 𝐹𝐹𝑆 𝐶𝐴𝐹mix
ΔτTI = traffic interaction term (s/mi),
Sao = auto-only speed for the given flow rate (mi/h) from Equation 25-63,
FFS = base free-flow speed of the basic freeway segment (mi/h), and
CAFmix = mixed-flow capacity adjustment factor for the segment (decimal)
from Equation 25-53.
The auto-only travel time rate for the given flow rate can be computed with
Equation 25-63.
𝐹𝐹𝑆 ≤ 𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜
𝑆𝑎𝑜 = 𝐶 𝑣mix 2 Equation 25-63
(𝐹𝐹𝑆 − 𝐷𝑎𝑜 ) (𝐶𝐴𝐹 − 𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜 ) 𝑣mix
𝑐 mix
𝐹𝐹𝑆 − > 𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜
{ (𝐶𝑎𝑜 − 𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜 )2 𝐶𝐴𝐹mix }
Sao = auto-only speed for the given flow rate (mi/h),
FFS = base free-flow speed of the basic freeway segment (mi/h),
Cao = base segment capacity (pc/h/ln) from Exhibit 12-6,
BPao = breakpoint in the auto-only flow condition (pc/h/ln) from Exhibit
Dc = density at capacity = 45 pc/mi/ln,
vmix = flow rate of mixed traffic (veh/h/ln), and
CAFmix = mixed-flow capacity adjustment factor for the basic freeway segment
Equation 25-65
𝜏𝑆,𝑎,𝑗 = + 𝛥𝜏𝑇𝐼
𝑣mix 0.46
100.42 × ( ) × (𝑃𝑆𝑈𝑇 )0.68
+ 2.76
𝜏𝑆,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,𝑗 3,600
[× max (0, − ) ]
100 𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 100
𝑣mix 1.36
110.64 × ( ) × (𝑃𝑇𝑇 )0.62
+ 1.81
𝜏𝑆,𝑇𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,𝑗 3,600
[× max (0, − ) ]
100 𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 100
𝜏𝑆,𝑎,𝑗 = + 𝛥𝜏𝑇𝐼
𝐹𝐹𝑆 Equation 25-66
𝑣mix 1.16
54.72 × ( ) × (𝑃𝑆𝑈𝑇 )0.28
+ 1.73
𝜏𝑆,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,𝑗 3,600
[× max (0, 100
𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 100
) ]
𝑣mix 1.32
69.72 × ( ) × (𝑃𝑇𝑇 )0.61
+ 1.33
𝜏𝑆,𝑇𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,𝑗 3,600
[× max (0, 100 − 𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 100) ]
τS,a,,j = auto space-based travel time rate (s/mi),
τS,SUT,kin,j = kinematic space-based travel time rate of SUTs (s/mi),
τS,TT,kin,j = kinematic space-based travel time rate of TTs (s/mi),
ΔτTI = traffic interaction term (s/mi),
vmix = flow rate of mixed traffic (veh/h/ln),
FFS = base free-flow speed of the basic freeway segment (mi/h),
PSUT = proportion of SUTs in the traffic stream (decimal), and
PTT = proportion of TTs in the traffic stream (decimal).
The traffic interaction term is the same for all the travel time rate equations
and can be computed with Equation 25-62.
𝑆mix,𝑗 = Equation 25-68
τmix,j = mixed-flow space-based travel time rate for segment j (s/mi),
τS,a,j = automobile space-based travel time rate for segment j (s/mi),
τS,SUT,j = space-based travel time rate of SUTs (s/mi),
τS,TT,j = space-based travel time rate of TTs (s/mi),
PSUT = proportion of SUTs in the traffic stream (decimal), and
PTT = proportion of TTs in the traffic stream (decimal).
As indicated above, Steps 3 through 6 are repeated for each segment until the
end of the composite grade is reached.
Exhibit 25-26
Calibration Steps for the Core
Freeway Facility Level
This process should only be used for analysis periods with demand levels far
less than oversaturation (i.e., free-flow conditions). The speed–flow diagram in
Exhibit 25-27 illustrates the effect of different FFSs on the overall facility speed–
flow–density relationship. A higher free-flow speed FFS1 and a lower free-flow
speed FFS2 are shown. A 5-mi/h drop in FFS is associated with a drop in capacity
equal to 50 pc/h/ln, except at very high FFSs.
Exhibit 25-27
Effect of Calibrating Free-Flow
Speed on Capacity
Exhibit 25-28
Effects of Segment Capacity
Exhibit 25-29
Effects of Queue Discharge
Rate Drop
Exhibit 25-29 shows that including a queue discharge rate drop in the
freeway model results in a reduction in bottleneck throughput after breakdown.
The factor α describes the percentage reduction from prebreakdown capacity to
Exhibit 25-30
Effects of Jam Density
To calibrate for bottlenecks, the analyst needs to change the capacity and
capacity drop values for different segments of the freeway facility to recreate the
bottlenecks that are observed in the field. Therefore, the analyst must first
identify recurring bottlenecks in the field.
Next, the calibration process begins with setting the segment capacity to the
HCM value for the facility’s FFS (e.g., 2,400 pc/h/ln for a 70-mi/h FFS). A value of
7% for capacity drop is recommended.
If these initial values predict the bottleneck location correctly, the analysis
proceeds to the validation step. If the model fails to identify a bottleneck, the
analyst should reduce capacity in increments of 50 pc/h/ln until a bottleneck
occurs. However, if the HCM model identifies a bottleneck that does not exist in
the field, the analyst should increase capacity in increments of 50 pc/h/ln until
the bottleneck disappears.
It is recommended that analysts wait to adjust the capacity drop value until
after the bottleneck locations have been fixed. This procedure is performed as
part of validating the queue length and travel time, as explained in Step 5.
Exhibit 25-31
Effect of Demand Level
shock wave either grows the queue (demand-to-capacity ratio > 1.0) or dissipates
the queue (demand-to-capacity ratio ≤ 1.0).
The analyst should increase the demand level in increments of 50 pc/h/ln
until all bottlenecks that are observed in the field are activated in the freeway
facility core analysis. However, if the model predicts bottlenecks that do not exist
in the field, the user should decrease the demand level in increments of 50
pc/h/ln until those bottlenecks are deactivated. This activity should be performed
in conjunction with Step 3: Calibrate Bottleneck Capacity.
Exhibit 25-32
Comprehensive Reliability
Calibration Steps
Exhibit 25-33
High Demand Level on the
Seed Day
Note also in Exhibit 25-33 that the intercept with the x-axis is the same for
both distributions, suggesting that the free-flow travel time at very low demands
is the same in both cases. If the two distributions do not match at very low flow
rates, this may be an indication that the free-flow speed calibration step for the
core method was not performed correctly.
In contrast, in the example shown in Exhibit 25-34, the predicted TTI values
are consistently lower than the observed values, suggesting that the seed day has
an unusually low demand level. To resolve the problem, the demand level on the
seed day should be increased and additional reliability runs performed.
Exhibit 25-34
Low Demand Level on the
Seed Day
When adjusting the demand level, users should try to bring the estimated
50th percentile TTI value to within 10% of the field-observed value. This is an
iterative process that requires adjusting either the seed day demand level or the
distribution of the demand multipliers, performing an additional comprehensive
reliability run, and comparing the modeled and field-measured 50th percentile
TTI values.
Exhibit 25-35
Overestimating the Impacts of
Nonrecurring Sources of
the example shown in Exhibit 25-35, the predicted and observed TTI
distributions almost match each other up to the 60th TTI percentile, indicating
that the demand level and base congestion level (i.e., recurring congestion) are
calibrated well. After the 60th percentile, the reliability methodology
overestimated TTI values in this case.
To reduce TTI values, the analyst should start by reducing the crash rate or
incident probability. The same effect is expected by reducing the demand
adjustment factor (for incidents). Note that in the case of severe incidents, a
significant reduction in the demand level is expected, as drivers start to reroute
to avoid the congestion. Finally, increasing the capacity and speed adjustment
factors are expected to reduce the impacts of incidents as well.
On the other hand, if the method underestimates TTI values at the tail of the
distribution (see Exhibit 25-36), the user can increase the crash rate, incident
probability, or demand adjustment factor. (Note that the maximum allowable
value for the demand adjustment factor is 1.) In addition, reducing capacity and
speed adjustment factors for incidents is expected to magnify the impacts of
incidents on travel time and consequently increase TTI values.
Exhibit 25-36
Underestimating the Impacts
of Nonrecurring Sources of
Step 5: Validation
Changing all of the calibration parameters at the same time might lead to
unexpected results. Therefore, the user is encouraged to change only one
parameter at a time, run the comprehensive reliability methodology, plot and
evaluate the new TTI distribution, and only then decide whether and how to
change other parameters. The use of a computational engine makes running
repeated reliability analyses with changing inputs a straightforward process.
The analyst should try to bring at least the predicted 80th and 95th percentile
TTI values within 10% of the field-observed values. Preferably, additional
percentiles should match the field data, although a perfect match may not be
achievable. The collected field data should span the same reliability reporting
period that was selected for the analysis, to ensure that results are comparable.
reliability calibration step. As a result, the analyst is left with the remaining
calibration parameters that are specific to each scenario.
In general, different scenarios may change a facility’s free-flow speed,
capacity, demand, incident probability, and average incident duration.
Therefore, “scenario-specific” calibration parameters are
1. Speed adjustment factor,
2. Capacity adjustment factor,
3. Metering rate,
4. Demand adjustment factor,
5. Incident probability, and
6. Average incident duration.
It is recommended that the analyst make a reliability strategy assessment run
based on a combination of field measurements and default values, plot the
predicted TTI distribution, and then compare the result to the field observation.
Similar to the comprehensive reliability calibration procedure, the analyst can
then make changes in the calibration parameters to bring the predicted
distribution closer to the observed one.
Based on the modifications that each strategy makes in the freeway
methodology, the user can adjust the corresponding calibration parameters.
Similar to calibrating the comprehensive reliability methodology, increasing the
speed adjustment factor is expected to reduce travel time across the facility,
while reducing it has an opposite effect. Increasing the value of the capacity
adjustment factor is expected to reduce the facility travel time. Increasing the
metering rate will allow more vehicles to enter the mainline and is expected to
increase the facility travel time and perhaps activate bottlenecks in merge areas.
On the other hand, reducing the metering rate is likely to reduce travel time
across the facility and eliminate bottlenecks at merge areas. Increasing the
demand adjustment factor is expected to increase travel time throughout the
facility and shift the TTI distribution toward larger TTI values, while reducing it
has the opposite effect. Increasing the incident probability is expected to shift the
tail of the TTI distribution toward higher TTI values, while reducing it shifts the
tail toward lower values. Finally, changing the average incident duration is
expected to influence the TTI distribution similarly to incident probability.
The analyst should avoid making several changes in calibration parameters
at the same time, as this may result in changes in TTI distribution that are hard to
explain and may make the calibration procedure more difficult. Instead, analysts
should select one calibration parameter at a time, make changes, rerun the
strategy assessment procedure, plot the TTI distribution, compare it to the field
distribution, and make other changes as necessary.
The user needs to first identify the main source of difference between the
predicted and field TTI distributions. If a difference between the two
distributions is observed throughout all ranges of TTIs (similar to Exhibit 25-33
and Exhibit 25-34), changing parameters such as the speed adjustment factor,
capacity adjustment factor, demand adjustment factor, and metering rate is
expected to bring the two distributions closer. The analyst should aim for a
maximum of 10% difference between the 50th percentile of the predicted and
observed TTI distributions at this stage.
On the other hand, if the difference between TTI distributions is observed
mostly in the tail of the distribution (similar to Exhibit 25-35 and Exhibit 25-36),
changing the incident probability and duration is expected to move the predicted
distribution to the right. The analyst should aim for a maximum 10% difference
between the 80th and 95th percentiles of the predicted and observed TTI
distributions at this stage as well.
This section provides details of the freeway scenario generation process. An
overview of this process is provided in Chapter 11, Freeway Reliability Analysis,
and elsewhere (17).
Freeway scenario generation utilizes a hybrid process, which includes
deterministic and stochastic methods for modeling traffic demand, weather
events, work zones, and incidents. The freeway reliability methodology uses a
deterministic, calendar-based approach to model traffic demand levels and
scheduled, significant work zone events. It uses a stochastic (Monte Carlo)
approach to assign the occurrence of incident and weather events to scenarios.
The method enumerates the different operational conditions on a freeway facility
on the basis of varying combinations of factors affecting the facility travel time.
Each unique set of operational conditions constitutes a scenario. A single
replication of a scenario represents a unique combination of a day of week and
month of year. The following seven principal stages, depicted in Exhibit 25-37,
are involved in the scenario generation process:
• Stage 1, based on the user inputs, computes the number of different
demand combinations and the resulting number of scenarios, along with
their probabilities. These values also depend on the duration of the
reliability reporting period.
• Stage 2 uses local traffic demand data to characterize the demand levels in
the generated scenarios in a deterministic, calendar-based manner.
• Stage 3 incorporates scheduled work zones deterministically based on the
• Stage 4 incorporates published local weather event information, and
generates the number and type of weather events, consistent with local
• Stage 5 randomly assigns the generated weather events in Stage 4 to the
scenarios generated in Stage 1.
• Stage 6 utilizes the local crash or incident database to generate the
number and severity of incident events, consistent with local data.
• Stage 7 randomly assigns incidents and their characteristics to each
generated scenario in Stage 1.
The time frame within a given day when the reliability analysis is performed
is called a study period. It consists of several contiguous 15-min analysis periods,
which is the smallest temporal unit of analysis used in reliability procedures. The
smallest spatial unit on the facility is an HCM analysis segment (see Chapters 12–
14). The reliability reporting period is the time period over which the travel time
distribution is generated (typically, but not necessarily, one year).
Each scenario representing a study period is characterized by a unique set of
segment capacities, demands, free flow speeds, and number of lanes, for both
general purpose and managed lane segments on the freeway facility. Various
Stage 2
Traffic Demand
Incorporate Demand Variation in the
Stage 3
Incorporate Scheduled Work Zone
Events in Scenarios Deterministically
Stage 4
Generate Weather Events for
Stage 5
Randomly Assign Weather Events to
the Scenarios
Stage 6
Generate Incident Events for
Stage 7
Randomly Assign Incident Events to
the Scenarios
Exhibit 25-38
Distribution of Number of
Incidents in the Scenarios
The freeway reliability scenario generation methodology consists of 34 steps.
Exhibit 25-39 shows the methodology’s process flow. Note that when managed
lanes are present on the facility, the reliability scenarios should also consider
their varying operational characteristics. The methodology assumes traffic
demand levels and weather events affect both general purpose and managed
lane operations simultaneously. However, the methodology does not account for
scheduled work zone events on the managed lanes. Analysts should repeat Steps
19–34 should they desire to model incident events on the managed lanes
separately. An explanation of each step in the process flow follows. All variables
used in this section are defined in Section 2.
Calculate scenario probabilities [240]
Select an unassigned WZ and calculate the
active WZ ratios for each month in which
the WZ is active No
Calculate the adjusted number of DC
replications for which the WZ is active
All work zones
(WZs) assigned?
For each DC, assign the WZ to the
calculated number of WZ replications in
Step 8
Group scenarios by month [20]
Compute expected frequency of weather
events by month
Select a month in which weather events
have not been assigned [12]
Update the list of weather events (LWE)
From the LWE for current month, randomly
select a weather event and assign it to a
scenario with a start time
STEP 15 No
Is there any
STEP 16 No Are all weather
Yes overlap with
Undo the last weather events in current
another weather
event assignment month assigned
event in a
to scenarios?
STEP 18 No
Are all weather
PROCEED TO STEP 19 events for all
months assigned
to scenarios?
Select a month to which incident
events are not yet assigned [12]
Randomly assign incident durations
with respect to incident severity types
Compute expected frequency of
incidents in current month STEP 29
Generate the distribution of incident
start times and locations
Generate a set of incident frequencies
for all scenarios in the current month
Generate a set of incident start times
and locations for all incidents in LIE
Randomly assign each generated
incident frequency to a scenario in
current month
From LIE, select an incident whose
start time and location are not
STEP 23 assigned, and randomly assign a start
Update the list of incident events time and location from previous step
Is there any Yes
STEP 24 Undo the last start
conflict with
No Are incident time and location
another incident
frequencies assignment
event in LIE?
assigned for all
No Do all incidents
STEP 25 have a start time
Generate incident severity types for and location
each incident event assigned?
For each incident event, randomly
assign a generated incident severity FINISH
For each scenario, a set of adjustment factors is created for capacity, speed,
demand, and number of lanes (CAF, SAF, DAF, and NLAF, respectively). At this
point, each scenario contains default values for CAF, SAF, and DAF (all equal to
1) and NLAF (equal to 0), but the scenarios do not yet contain any demand,
weather, or incident data. NScen represents the total number of scenarios and is
computed as:
𝑁𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛 = 4 × 𝑁𝐷𝐶 Equation 25-71
work zone. If there are no work zones considered in the reliability analysis, the
process flow proceeds to Step 10.
E[nw, j] = expected frequency of weather event w in month j, rounded to
the nearest integer;
Pt{w, j} = timewise probability of weather type w in month j;
Step 17: Check for Unassigned Weather Events in the Current Month
This step checks that all weather events present in the list of weather events
have been assigned. If one or more unassigned weather events exist for the
current month, the process returns to Step 14 to select another unassigned
weather event.
VMTj = average vehicle miles traveled for scenarios in month j, after adjusting
the demand in the base scenario with the appropriate demand
multipliers and multiplying by the facility length in miles.
If IRj is not locally available, Equation 25-78 can be used to estimate it.
𝐼𝑅𝑗 = 𝐶𝑅𝑗 × 𝐼𝐶𝑅 Equation 25-78
where CRj is the local facilitywide crash rate per 100 million VMT in month j and
ICR is the local incident-to-crash ratio. In the absence of other data, a national
default value for ICR is 4.9.
When the crash rate is not available locally, the Highway Economic
Requirements System (HERS) model can be used to estimate it (19). Agencies
may also use other predictive models such as the Highway Safety Manual (20). The
crash or incident rate is estimated per 100 million VMT. The HERS model uses
Equation 25-79 to estimate the crash rate.
𝐶𝑅 = (154.0 − 1.203 × 𝐴𝐶𝑅 + 0.258 × 𝐴𝐶𝑅2 − 0.00000524 × 𝐴𝐶𝑅5 ) Equation 25-79
× 𝑒 0.0082×(12−𝐿𝑊)
where CR is the crash rate per 100 million VMT, ACR is the facility AADT
divided by its two-way hourly capacity, and LW is the lane width in feet.
Because NInc,i incidents are associated with severity i, a set of NInc,i numbers
can be generated that best matches a lognormal distribution of incident
durations. For this purpose, an adjustment parameter δ3 is defined, as shown in
Equation 25-86.
Step 29: Generate the Distribution of Incident Start Times and Locations
In this step, the distribution of each incident start time and location is
assigned based on Step 20, with the likelihood of having an incident on a
segment in a given analysis period being correlated to the segment VMT. The
distribution of incident start times will coincide with the distribution of facility
VMT across all analysis periods. Further, the distribution of the location of an
incident will be similarly tied to the distribution of VMT for each segment across
the study period. Since VMTseg,p represents the VMT on segment seg during
analysis period p in the seed file, the distribution of the incident locations will be
determined by Equation 25-88.
∑𝑝 𝑉𝑀𝑇𝑥,𝑝
Equation 25-88 Prob{Location = segment 𝑥} =
∑𝑠𝑒𝑔,𝑝 𝑉𝑀𝑇𝑖,𝑝
where Location is the segment in which the incident occurs.
In a similar manner, the distribution of the incident start time will be
determined by Equation 25-89.
∑𝑖 𝑉𝑀𝑇𝑖,𝑦
Equation 25-89 Prob{𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 = analysis period 𝑦} =
∑𝑖,𝑝 𝑉𝑀𝑇𝑖,𝑝
where StartTime is the analysis period in which the incident starts.
Step 30: Generate Incident Start Times and Locations for All Incidents
Assuming there are NScen,Inc incidents in the list of incident events, two sets of
NScen,Inc numbers should be generated that best match the incident start time and
location distributions. For this purpose, two adjustment variables, δ4 and δ5, are
defined by Equation 25-90 and Equation 25-91, respectively.
Step 33: Undo the Previous Start Time and Location Assignment
This step undoes the previous start time and location assignment from Step
31 that led to the identification of a conflict in the list of incident events in Step 32.
Step 34: Check Whether All Incident Start Times and Locations Have
Been Assigned
If there are incidents in the list of incident events that have not been assigned
a start time and location, the process returns to Step 31 for further assignment.
Otherwise, all the incidents in the list of incident events have been fully
described and are ready to be modeled in the scenarios.
Exhibit 25-43
Example Problem 1:
Freeway Facility
The facility has three on-ramps and three off-ramps. Geometric details are
given in Exhibit 25-44.
The on- and off-ramps in Segment 6 are connected by an auxiliary lane, and
the segment may therefore operate as a weaving segment, depending on traffic
patterns. The separation of the on-ramp in Segment 8 and the off-ramp in
Segment 10 is less than 3,000 ft. Because the ramp influence area of on-ramps and
off-ramps is 1,500 ft, according to Chapter 14, the segment affected by both
ramps is analyzed as a separate overlapping ramp segment (Segment 9), labeled
“R” in Exhibit 25-44.
The Facts
In addition to the information contained in Exhibit 25-43 and Exhibit 25-44,
the following characteristics of the freeway facility are known:
SUTs and buses = 1.25% (all movements);
TTs = 1.00% (all movements);
Driver population = regular commuters;
FFS = 60 mi/h (all mainline segments);
Ramp FFS = 40 mi/h (all ramps);
Acceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Deceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Djam = 190 pc/mi/ln;
cIFL = 2,300 pc/h/ln (for FFS = 60 mi/h);
Ls = 1,640 ft (for Weaving Segment 6);
Total ramp density TRD = 1.0 ramp/mi;
Terrain = level; and
Analysis duration = 75 min (divided into five 15-min intervals).
A queue discharge capacity drop of 7% is assumed.
The facility was divided into analysis segments on the basis of the guidance
given in Chapter 10, Freeway Facilities Core Methodology. The facility shown in
Exhibit 25-43 depicts seven freeway sections (measured between ramps) that are
divided into 11 analysis segments. The facility contains each of the possible
segment types for illustrative purposes, including basic segment (B), weaving
segment (W), merge segment (ONR), diverge segment (OFR), and overlapping
ramp segment (R). The input data contain the required information needed for
each of the segment methodologies.
The classification of the weave in Segment 6 is preliminary until it is
determined whether the segment operates as a weave. For this purpose, the short
length must be compared with the maximum length for weaving analysis to
determine whether the Chapter 13, Freeway Weaving Segments, or the Chapter
12, Basic Freeway and Multilane Highway Segments, methodology is applicable.
The short length of the weaving segment used for calculation is shorter than the
weaving influence area over which the calculated speed and density measures
are applied.
Chapter 12 must be consulted to find appropriate values for the heavy-
vehicle adjustment factor fHV. The computational engine automatically
determines these adjustment factors for general terrain conditions, but user input
is needed for specific upgrades and composite grades.
All input parameters have been specified, so default values are not needed.
Fifteen-minute demand flow rates are given in vehicles per hour under
prevailing conditions. These demands must be converted to passenger cars per
hour under equivalent ideal conditions for use in the parts of the methodology
related to segment LOS estimation. Details of the steps of the methodology
Exhibit 25-45
Analysis Entering Exiting
Ramp Flow Rates by Analysis Period (veh/h) Example Problem 1:
Period Flow Rate Flow Rate
Demand Inputs
(15 min) (veh/h) ONR1 ONR2a ONR3 OFR1 OFR2 OFR3 (veh/h)
1 4,505 450 540 (50) 450 270 360 270 5,045
2 4,955 540 720 (100) 540 360 360 270 5,765
3 5,225 630 810 (150) 630 270 360 450 6,215
4 4,685 360 360 (80) 450 270 360 270 4,955
5 3,785 180 270 (50) 270 270 180 180 3,875
Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate ONR-2 to OFR-2 demand flow rates in Weaving Segment 6.
The volumes in Exhibit 25-45 represent the 15-min demand flow rates on the
facility as determined from field observations or other sources. The actual
volume served in each segment will be determined by the methodology. The
demand flows are given for the extended time–space domain, consistent with the
recommendations in Chapter 10. Peaking occurs in the third 15-min period.
Because inputs are in the form of 15-min flow rates, no peak hour factor
adjustment is necessary. Additional geometric and traffic-related inputs are as
specified in Exhibit 25-44 and the Facts section of the problem statement.
∑ 𝑆𝐹(𝑖, 1) × = (4,505 × 5,280 / 60.00) + (4,955 × 1,500 / 53.90)
𝑈(𝑖, 1)
𝑖=1 + (4,955 × 2,280 / 59.70) + (4,955 × 1,500 / 56.10)
+ (4,685 × 5,280 / 60.00) + (5,225 × 2,640 / 48.00)
+ (4,865 × 5,280/ 59.90) + (5,315 × 1,140/ 53.40)
+ (5,315 × 360 / 53.40) + (5,315 × 1,140 / 56.00)
+ (5,045 × 5,280 / 59.70)
= 2,688,234 veh-ft/mi/h
𝑆(𝑁𝑆, 𝑝 = 1) = = 57.6 mi/h
Second, the average facility density is calculated for Analysis Period 1 from
the individual segment densities K, segment lengths L, and number of vehicles in
each segment N.
𝑖=1 𝐷(𝑖, 1) × 𝐿(𝑖) × 𝑁(𝑖, 1)
𝐾(𝑁𝑆, 𝑝 = 1) =
𝑖=1 𝑆𝐿(𝑖)𝑁(𝑖, 1)
𝐾(𝑁𝑆, 𝑝 = 1) = = 27.5 veh/mi/ln
These calculations are repeated for all five analysis periods. The overall space
mean speed across all analysis periods is calculated as follows:
∑5𝑝=1 ∑11
𝑖=1 𝑆𝐹(𝑖, 𝑝) × 𝐿(𝑖)
𝑆𝑀𝑆(𝑃 = 5) =
∑5𝑝=1 ∑11
𝑖=1 𝑆𝐹(𝑖, 𝑝) × 𝑈(𝑖, 𝑝)
The overall average density across all analysis periods is calculated as follows:
∑5𝑝=1 ∑11
𝑖=1 𝐾(𝑖, 𝑝) × 𝐿(𝑖) × 𝑁(𝑖, 𝑝)
𝐾(𝑃 = 5) =
∑5𝑝=1 ∑11
𝑖=1 𝑆𝐿(𝑖)𝑁(𝑖, 𝑝)
The resulting performance and service measures for Analysis Periods 1–5
and the facility totals are shown in Exhibit 25-52.
Step A-16: Aggregate to Section Level and Validate Against Field Data
This step is used to validate the analysis and is performed only when field
data are available.
Step A-17: Estimate LOS and Report Performance Measures for Lane
Groups and Facility
The LOS for each time interval is determined directly from the average
density for each time interval by using Exhibit 10-7. No LOS is defined for the
average across all time intervals.
This facility turned out to be globally undersaturated. Consequently, the
facility-aggregated performance measures could be calculated directly from the
individual segment performance measures. An assessment of the segment
service measures across the time–space domain can begin to highlight areas of
potential congestion. Visually, this process can be facilitated by plotting the vd/c,
va/c, speed, or density matrices in contour plots.
The Facts
In addition to the information in Exhibit 25-43 and Exhibit 25-44, the
following characteristics of the freeway facility are known:
SUTs and buses = 1.25% (all movements);
TTs = 1.00% (all movements);
Driver population = regular commuters;
FFS = 60 mi/h (all mainline segments);
Ramp FFS = 40 mi/h (all ramps);
Acceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Deceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Djam = 190 pc/mi/ln;
cIFL = 2,300 pc/h/ln (for FFS = 60 mi/h);
The facility and all geometric inputs are identical to Example Problem 1. The
same general comments apply. The results of Example Problem 1 suggested a
globally undersaturated facility, but some segments were close to their capacity
(vd/c ratios approaching 1.0). In the second example, a facilitywide demand
increase of 11% is applied to all segments and all analysis periods. Consequently,
it is expected parts of the facility may become oversaturated and queues may
form on the facility.
The values in Exhibit 25-53 represent the adjusted demand flows on the
facility as determined from field observations or demand projections. The actual
volume served in each segment will be determined during the application of the
methodology and is expected to be less downstream of a congested segment. The
demand flows are given for the extended time–space domain, consistent with the
methodology presented in Chapter 10. Peaking occurs in the third 15-min period.
Because inputs are in the form of 15-min observations, no peak hour factor
adjustment is necessary. Additional geometric and traffic-related inputs are as
specified in Exhibit 25-44 and the Facts section of the problem statement.
The computed vd/c matrix in Exhibit 25-55 shows Segments 8–11 have vd/c
ratios greater than 1.0 (bold values). Consequently, the facility is categorized as
oversaturated, and the analysis proceeds with computing the oversaturated
service measures in Step A-12. It is expected that queuing will occur on the
facility upstream of the congested segments and that the volume served in each
segment downstream of the congested segments will be less than its demand.
This residual demand will be served in later time intervals, provided the
upstream demand drops and queues are allowed to clear.
12, 13, and 14). By contrasting the two parts of the LOS table, the analyst can
develop an understanding of the metering effect of the bottleneck.
Step A-16: Aggregate to Section Level and Validate Against Field Data
This step validates the analysis and is performed only when field data are
Step A-17: Estimate LOS and Report Performance Measures for Lane
Groups and Facility
The LOS for each time interval is determined directly from the average
density for each time interval. The facility operates at LOS F in Analysis Period 3
because one or more individual segments have demand-to-capacity ratios ≥ 1.0,
even though the average facility density is below the LOS F threshold.
Exhibit 25-61
Example Problem 3:
Freeway Facility
The Facts
In addition to the information contained in Exhibit 25-61 and Exhibit 25-62,
the following characteristics of the freeway facility are known:
SUTs and buses = 1.25% (all movements);
Mainline TTs = 1.00% (all movements);
Driver population = regular commuters;
FFS = 60 mi/h (all mainline segments);
Ramp FFS = 40 mi/h (all ramps);
Acceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Deceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Djam = 190 pc/mi/ln;
cIFL = 2,300 pc/h/ln (for FFS = 60 mi/h);
Ls = 1,640 ft (for Weaving Segment 6);
TRD = 1.0 ramp/mi;
Terrain = level;
Analysis duration = 75 min (divided into five 15-min intervals); and
The traffic demand flow inputs are identical to those in Example Problem 2,
which reflected an 11% increase in traffic applied to all segments and all analysis
periods relative to Example Problem 1. In an attempt to solve the congestion
effect found in the earlier example, the facility was widened in Segments 7
through 11. This change directly affects the capacities of those segments.
In a more subtle way, the proposed modifications also change some of the
defining parameters of Weaving Segment 6. With the added continuous lane
downstream of the segment, the required number of lane changes from the ramp
to the freeway is reduced from one to zero, following the guidelines in Chapter
13. These changes need to be considered when the undersaturated performance
of that segment is evaluated. The weaving segment’s capacity is unchanged
relative to Example Problem 2 because, even with the proposed improvements,
the number of weaving lanes remains two.
Step A-16: Aggregate to Section Level and Validate Against Field Data
This step validates the analysis and is performed only when field data are
Step A-17: Estimate LOS and Report Performance Measures for Lane
Groups and Facility
The LOS for each time interval is determined directly from the average
density for each time interval. The improvement restored the facility LOS to the
values experienced in the original pregrowth (undersaturated) scenario shown in
Exhibit 25-51.
Exhibit 25-69
Example Problem 4:
Freeway Facility
The Facts
In addition to the information contained in Exhibit 25-69 and Exhibit 25-70,
the following characteristics of the freeway facility are known:
SUTs and buses = 1.25% (all movements);
Mainline TTs = 1.00% (all movements);
Driver population = regular commuters;
FFS = 60 mi/h (all mainline segments);
Ramp FFS = 40 mi/h (all ramps);
Acceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Deceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Djam = 190 pc/mi/ln;
cIFL = 2,300 pc/h/ln (for FFS = 60 mi/h);
Ls = 1,640 ft (for Weaving Segment 6);
TRD = 1.0 ramp/mi;
Terrain = level; and
Analysis duration = 75 min (divided into five 15-min intervals).
A queue discharge capacity drop of 7% is assumed for non–work zone
The traffic demand flow inputs are identical to those in Example Problem 1.
The work zone has a single lane closure (in Segment 11), plastic drum barriers,
and a lateral distance of 0 ft in an urban area. Daytime performance is of interest
throughout the analysis.
𝑄𝐷𝑅𝑤𝑧 = 2,093 − 154 × 𝐿𝐶𝑆𝐼 − 194 × 𝑓𝐵𝑟 − 179 × 𝑓𝐴𝑇 + 9 × 𝑓𝐿𝐴𝑇 − 59 × 𝑓𝐷𝑁
= 2,093 − 154 × 0.75 − 194 × 1 − 179 × 0 − 59 × 0 + 9 × 0
= 1,783.5 pc/h/ln
Using Equation 10-9 and assuming a 13.1% queue discharge capacity drop in
work zone conditions, prebreakdown capacity is calculated as follows:
𝑐𝑊𝑍 = × 100
100 − 𝛼𝑤𝑧
𝑐𝑊𝑍 = × 100
100 − 13.1
𝑐𝑊𝑍 = 2,052.3 pc/h/ln
Step A-16: Aggregate to Section Level and Validate Against Field Data
This step validates the analysis and is performed only when field data are
Step A-17: Estimate LOS and Report Performance Measures for Lane
Groups and Facility
The LOS for each time interval is determined directly from the average
density for each time interval. Work zone presence eroded the facility LOS to F in
all time intervals.
Exhibit 25-78
Example Problem 5:
Freeway Facility
Details of the modified geometry of the 6-mi directional freeway facility are
provided in Exhibit 25-79.
The Facts
In addition to the information contained in Exhibit 25-78 and Exhibit 25-79,
the following characteristics of the freeway facility are known:
SUTs and buses = 1.25% (all movements);
Mainline TTs = 1.00% (all movements);
Driver population = regular commuters;
FFS = 60 mi/h (all mainline segments);
Ramp FFS = 40 mi/h (all ramps);
Acceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Deceleration lane length = 500 ft (all ramps);
Djam = 190 pc/mi/ln;
cIFL = 2,300 pc/h/ln (for FFS = 60 mi/h);
Ls = 1,640 ft (for Weaving Segment 6);
TRD = 1.0 ramp/mi;
Terrain = level;
Analysis duration = 75 min (divided into five 15-min intervals); and
Demand adjustment = +11% (all segments and all time intervals).
A queue discharge capacity drop of 7% is assumed.
The traffic demand flow inputs are identical to those in Example Problem 2.
The facility includes a single managed lane separated with marking with FFS
equal to 60 mi/h. The lane is a basic managed lane with no intermediate access
points. It is assumed 20% of entry traffic demand on the mainline will use the
managed lane.
Entering Flow Rate on Entering Flow Rate on Sum of Entering Flow Exhibit 25-80
Analysis General Purpose Lanes Managed Lane Rate to the Facility Example Problem 5: Demand
Period (veh/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) Inputs on the Mainline
1 4,001 1,000 5,001
2 4,400 1,100 5,500
3 4,640 1,160 5,800
4 4,160 1,040 5,200
5 3,361 840 4,201
Exhibit 25-81 Analysis Capacities (veh/h) by Segment for General Purpose Lanes
Example Problem 5: Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Segment Capacities
1 8,177
2 8,189
3 6,748 6,748 6,748 6,748 6,748 8,244 6,748 6,748 6,748 6,748 6,748
4 8,331
5 8,403
Analysis Capacities (veh/h) by Segment for Managed Lane
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 1,614 1,614 1,614 1,614 1,614 1,614 1,614 1,614 1,614 1,614 1,614
14, as applicable, with the caveat that volumes served may differ from demand
The basic performance service measures computed for each segment and
each time interval include segment speed (Exhibit 25-83), density (Exhibit 25-84),
and LOS (Exhibit 25-85).
and analysis periods during which the general purpose lane density is greater
than 35 pc/mi/ln. Consequently, the 𝑆3 term in Equation 12-12 will reduce the
estimated general purpose lane speed as a result of the friction.
Step A-16: Aggregate to Section Level and Validate Against Field Data
This step validates the analysis and is performed only when field data are
Step A-17: Estimate LOS and Report Performance Measures for Lane
Groups and Facility
The LOS for each time interval is determined directly from the average
density for each time interval. The addition of the managed lane improved traffic
conditions over the entire facility.
The Facts
In addition to the information given in Exhibit 25-43 and Exhibit 25-44, the
following characteristics of the freeway facility are known:
Heavy-vehicle percentage = 0%,
Driver population = regular commuters on an urban facility,
FFS = 60 mi/h (all mainline segments),
Ramp FFS = 40 mi/h (all ramps),
Djam = 190 pc/mi/ln,
K-factor = 0.09,
Growth factor = 1,
PHF = 0.9,
Terrain = level, and
Analysis duration = 60 min (divided into four 15-min analysis
The facility and all geometric inputs are identical to Example Problem 1.
Exhibit 25-89 presents the different freeway sections for the facility of interest.
Exhibit 25-89
Example Problem 6: Section
Definition for the Facility
After calculation of the entry and exit demand flow rates from the AADT
values, the demand level in each section in each analysis period is found.
3,600 3,600
𝑇𝑅2,1 = ∆𝑅𝑈2,1 + ∆𝑅𝑂2,1 + 𝑇𝑅𝐹𝐹𝑆 = 0.00 + 0.00 + = 2.8 +
= 62.8 s/mi
Travel rates for all sections across all analysis periods are shown in Exhibit
Each section’s travel time is calculated by multiplying its travel rate by its
length. The results are presented in Exhibit 25-94.
Density is determined for each section across all analysis periods by dividing
the section’s demand by its speed (section length divided by travel time). The
results are shown in Exhibit 25-95.
Exhibit 25-96
Space Average Total
Example Problem 6:
High-Level Travel Mean Facility Queue
Facility Performance Summary
Analysis Capacity Time Speed Density Length
Period Assessment (min) (mi/h) (pc/mi/ln) (mi) LOS
1 Undersaturated 6.1 58.9 29.2 0.0 D
2 Oversaturated 6.4 56.6 33.7 0.8 F
3 Undersaturated 6.1 58.8 29.4 0.0 D
4 Undersaturated 6.0 59.8 25.5 0.0 C
method estimates that a 0.8-mi queue will result from an active bottleneck. With
at least one time interval operating at LOS F, it is recommended that a more
detailed operational analysis of this facility be conducted to obtain a more
accurate estimate of congestion patterns.
Exhibit 25-97
Example Problem 7:
Freeway Facility
Input Data
This example illustrates the use of defaults and lookup tables to substitute
for desirable but difficult to obtain data. Minimum facility inputs for the example
problem include the following.
Facility Geometry
All the geometric information about the facility normally required for an
HCM freeway facility analysis (Chapters 10–14) is also required for a reliability
analysis. These data are supplied as part of the base scenario.
Study Parameters
These parameters specify the study period, the reliability reporting period,
and the date represented by the traffic demand data used in the base scenario.
The study period in this example is from 4 to 7 p.m., which covers the
afternoon and early evening peak hour and shoulder periods. Recurring
congestion is typically present in the study direction of this facility during that
period, which is why it has been selected for reliability analysis. The reliability
reporting period is set as all weekdays in the calendar year. (For simplicity of
presentation in this example, holidays have not been removed from the
reliability reporting period.) The demand data are reflective of AADT variations
across the weekdays and months in a calendar year for the subject facility.
Base Demand
Demand flow rates in vehicles per hour are supplied for each 15-min analysis
period in the base scenario. Care should be taken that demand data are measured
upstream of any queued traffic. If necessary, demand can be estimated as the
sum of departing volume and the change in the queue size at a recurring
Exhibit 25-99 provides the twelve 15-min demand flow rates required for the
entire 3-h study period.
Incident Data
Detailed incident logs are not available for this facility, but local data are
available about the facility’s crash rate: 150 crashes per 100 million VMT. An
earlier study conducted by the state in which the facility is located found that an
average of seven incidents occur for every crash.
Computational Steps
Base Data Set Analysis
The Chapter 10 freeway facilities core methodology is applied to the base
data set to ensure the specified facility boundaries and study period are sufficient
to cover any bottlenecks and queues. In addition, because incident data are
supplied in the form of a facility crash rate, the VMT associated with the base
data set are calculated so that incident probabilities can be calculated in a
subsequent step. In this case, 71,501 vehicle miles of travel occur on the facility
over the 3-h base study period. The performance measures normally output by
the Chapter 10 methodology are compiled for each combination of segment and
analysis period during the study period and stored for later use. Of particular
note, the facility operates just under capacity, with a maximum demand-to-
capacity ratio of 0.99 in Segments 7–10.
Exhibit 25-105
Example Problem 7:
VMT-Weighted TTI Probability
and Cumulative Distribution
Exhibit 25-106
Example Problem 8:
Freeway Facility
Data Inputs
All the input data used in Example Problem 6 remain unchanged, except for
the number of lanes on the facility. The extra lane creates the possibility of having a
three-lane-closure incident scenario in the four-lane portion of the facility.
Data Inputs
All the input data used in Example Problem 6 remain unchanged, except for
the assumed incident durations and standard deviations. The default incident
mean durations and standard deviations are reduced by 30% each for all incident
severity types. Note that these values have been created for the purposes of this
example problem and do not necessarily reflect results that would be obtained in
an actual situation.
The Facts
The segment under study has three lanes in the analysis direction, an FFS of
75 mi/h, and a peak hour speed of 62 mi/h. The volume-to-capacity ratio during
the peak hour is 0.95.
The value of TTImean is calculated from Equation 11-1, and is a function of the
recurring delay rate RDR and the incident delay rate IDR. These rates are
calculated from Equation 11-2 and Equation 11-3, respectively.
1 1
1 1
𝑅𝐷𝑅 = − = 0.00280
62 75
𝐼𝐷𝑅 = [0.020 − (𝑁 − 2) × 0.003] × 𝑋12
𝐼𝐷𝑅 = [0.020 − (3 − 2) × 0.003] × (0.95)12 = 0.00919
TTImean can now be calculated as
𝑇𝑇𝐼mean = 1 + 𝐹𝐹𝑆 × (𝑅𝐷𝑅 + 𝐼𝐷𝑅)
𝑇𝑇𝐼mean = 1 + 75 × (0.00280 + 0.00919)
𝑇𝑇𝐼mean = 1.899
TTI95 is calculated from Equation 11-4 as follows:
𝑇𝑇𝐼95 = 1 + 3.67 × ln (𝑇𝑇𝐼mean )
𝑇𝑇𝐼95 = 1 + 3.67 × ln (1.899)
𝑇𝑇𝐼95 = 3.353
Finally, the percentage of trips made at a speed below 45 mi/h is calculated
with Equation 11-5.
𝑃𝑇45 = 1 − exp (−1.5115 × (𝑇𝑇𝐼mean − 1))
𝑃𝑇45 = 1 − exp(−1.5115 × (1.899 − 1))
𝑃𝑇45 = 74.3%
The Facts
• Three segments with the following grades and lengths:
o First segment: 1.5-mi basic segment on a 3% upgrade
o Second segment: 2-mi basic segment on a 2% upgrade
o Third segment: 1-mi basic segment on a 5% upgrade
• 5% SUTs and 10% TTs
• FFS of 65 mi/h
• 15-min mixed-traffic flow rate is 1,500 veh/h/ln (PHF = 1.0)
Chapter 26, Basic Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental, presents
the procedure for estimating the speed on a single-grade basic freeway segment
using the mixed-flow model. The task here is to estimate the speed by mode for
each segment, along with the overall mixed-flow speed and travel time for the
composite grade.
𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑔,mix,1 = 0.067
Mixed-Flow CAF
The mixed-flow CAF for Segment 1 can now be calculated from Equation
𝐶𝐴𝐹mix,𝑗 = 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑎𝑜 − 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑇,mix − 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑔,mix,1 = 1.000 − 0.135 − 0.067 = 0.798
Segment Capacity
The mixed-flow capacity of segment 1 is computed from the segment’s auto-
only capacity and mixed-flow CAF. The auto-only capacity is determined from
an equation in Exhibit 12-6.
𝐶𝑎𝑜 = 2,200 + 10(𝐹𝐹𝑆 − 50) = 2,200 + 10 × (65 − 50) = 2,350 pc/h/ln
Segment 1’s mixed-flow capacity is then determined with Equation 25-57.
𝐶mix,1 = 𝐶𝑎𝑜 × 𝐶𝐴𝐹mix,1 = 2,350 × 0.798 = 1,875 veh/h/ln
Because the mixed-flow CAFs and capacities for Segments 2 and 3 can be
computed by following the same procedure, the results are presented directly
without showing the computational details.
𝐶𝐴𝐹mix,2 = 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑎𝑜 − 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑇,mix − 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑔,mix,2 = 1 − 0.135 − 0.042 = 0.823
𝐶mix,2 = 𝐶𝑎𝑜 × 𝐶𝐴𝐹mix,2 = 2,350 × 0.823 = 1,934 veh/h/ln
𝐶𝐴𝐹mix,3 = 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑎𝑜 − 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑇,mix − 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝑔,mix,3 = 1 − 0.135 − 0.122 = 0.743
𝐶mix,3 = 𝐶𝑎𝑜 × 𝐶𝐴𝐹mix,3 = 2,350 × 0.743 = 1,746 veh/h/ln
As the mixed-flow demand of 1,500 veh/h/ln is less than the smallest of the
three segment capacities, 1,746 veh/h/ln, the analysis can proceed.
Steps 3 to 6
Steps 3 through 6 are repeated for each segment, as shown below.
Segment 1
Step 3: Specify Initial Conditions
Because this is the first segment, an FFS of 65 mi/h is used as the initial truck
kinematic spot travel time rate. The effect of traffic interactions on truck speed is
accounted for in Step 4.
The SUT and TT spot rates versus distance curves starting from 65 mi/h will
be applied to obtain τf,SUT,kin,1 and τf,TT,kin,1. In Exhibit 25-20, 65 mi/h (55.4 s/mi)
occurs about 4,100 ft into the 3% grade. After an SUT travels for 1.5 mi (7,920 ft)
starting at an initial speed of 65 mi/h, its spot rate can be read at 12,020 ft. That
distance is outside the plot range, but Exhibit 25-20 shows SUTs reach a crawl
speed of 59 s/mi (61 mi/h) at around 10,000 ft. Therefore, the kinematic spot rate
for SUTs at the end of the first segment τf,SUT,kin,1 is 59 s/mi.
In Exhibit 25-21, 65 mi/h (55.4 s/mi) is found at about 2,100 ft. After a TT
travels for 1.5 mi (7,920 ft) from an initial speed of 65 mi/h, its spot rate can be
read at 12,020 ft, which is outside the plot range in Exhibit 25-21. However,
similar to SUTs, TTs approach their crawl speed at 10,000 ft, namely 73 s/mi (49.3
Because this is the first segment, the initial truck kinematic rates τi,SUT,kin,1 and
τi,TT,kin,1 are equivalent to the free-flow rate of 55.4 s/mi. Because τi,SUT,kin,1 is less
than τf,SUT,kin,1 and τi,TT,kin,1 is less than τf,TT,kin,1, both types of trucks decelerate on
Segment 1, from 65 to 61 mi/h for SUTs and from 65 to 49.3 mi/h for TTs.
Kinematic Space-Based Rates. Because this is the first segment, the space-
based speed at 0 ft is the FFS of 65 mi/h. Therefore, the 65-mi/h curve is applied
to obtain τS,SUT,kin,1 and τS,TT,kin,1.
The time for an SUT to travel 7,920 feet starting from 65 mi/h on a 3% grade
can be read from Exhibit 25-A7 and is 87 s. The corresponding travel time for a
TT can be read from Exhibit 25-A18 and is 99 s. The space mean rate at 7,920 ft
for an SUT τS,SUT,kin,65,7920 and a TT τS,TT,kin,65,7920 starting from a FFS of 65 mi/h on a
3% grade can then be computed by Equation 25-58:
𝑇𝑆𝑈𝑇,65,7920 87
𝜏𝑆,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,65,7920 = = = 58 s/mi
𝑑1 7,920/5,280
𝑇𝑇𝑇,65,7920 99
𝜏𝑆,𝑇𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,65,7920 = = = 66 s/mi
𝑑1 7,920/5,280
Auto-Only Speed for the Given Flow Rate. The auto-only space mean speed
for the given flow rate is computed with Equation 25-63.
𝐹𝐹𝑆 ≤ 𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜
𝑆𝑎𝑜 = 𝐶 𝑣mix 2
(𝐹𝐹𝑆 − 𝐷𝑎𝑜 ) (𝐶𝐴𝐹 − 𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜 ) 𝑣mix
𝑐 mix
𝐹𝐹𝑆 − > 𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜
{ (𝐶𝑎𝑜 − 𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜 )2 𝐶𝐴𝐹mix }
The choice of equation depends on whether demand volumes are greater
than or less than the breakpoint. An equation in Exhibit 12-6 is used to compute
the breakpoint. For an auto-only condition, the CAF defaults to 1.0.
𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜 = [1000 + 40 × (75 − 𝐹𝐹𝑆)] × 𝐶𝐴𝐹 2
𝐵𝑃𝑎𝑜 = [1000 + 40 × (75 − 65)] × 12 = 1,400 veh/h/ln
As the demand volume of 1,500 veh/h/ln is greater than the breakpoint, the
second of the two auto-only speed equations will be used. This equation requires
knowing the auto-only capacity, which can be computed from Exhibit 12-6.
Step 5: Compute Spot and Space-Based Travel Time Rates for Autos
Equation 25-64 is used to compute the spot-based travel time rate for
automobiles on the basis of the kinematic truck spot rate at the end of the
𝜏𝑓,𝑎,1 = + 5.15
1,500 0.77 0.34
59 3,600 1.53
+ [64.50 × ( ) × 0.05 × max (0, − ) ]
1,000 100 65 × 100
1,500 0.81 73 3,600 1.32
+ [79.5 × ( ) × 0.100.56 × max (0, − ) ]
1,000 100 65 × 100
𝜏𝑓,𝑎,1 = 63.8 s/mi
When the initial auto spot travel time rate is computed, the trucks’ kinematic
spot rates are the same as the FFS, so the last two terms are 0. Therefore,
Equation 25-64 can also be used to compute the initial auto spot rate, with the
last two terms equal to 0.
𝜏𝑖,𝑎,1 = + 5.15 + 0 + 0
𝜏𝑖,𝑎,1 = 60.5 s/mi
Segment 2
Step 3: Specify Initial Conditions
For the second segment, the initial truck kinematic spot travel time rates are
the final truck kinematic spot rates from the preceding segment. These are 59
s/mi (61.0 mi/h) for SUTs and 73 s/mi (49.3 mi/h) for TTs.
trucks are decelerating, and where they are accelerating. Acceleration is evident
if the time required to cover a given distance is reducing as the distance increases.
Kinematic Space-Based Rates. The kinematic space-based speeds at 0 ft into
Segment 2 equal the final kinematic spot speeds of Segment 1.
For SUTs, the final kinematic spot speed of Segment 1 was 61.0 mi/h
(59 s/mi). As this speed is within 2.5 mi/h of 60 mi/h, Exhibit 25-A6 is used to
obtain the SUT kinematic space-based travel time rate τS,SUT,kin,2. The time for an
SUT to travel 10,000 ft starting from an FFS of 60 mi/h on a 2% grade can be read
from Exhibit 25-A6 and is 105 s.
For TTs, the final kinematic spot speed of Segment 1 was 49.3 mi/h (73 s/mi).
As this speed is within 2.5 mi/h of 50 mi/h, Exhibit 25-A15 is applied to obtain the
TT kinematic space-based rate τS,TT,kin,2. The time for a TT to travel 10,000 ft
starting from an FFS of 50 mi/h on a 2% grade can be read from Exhibit 25-A15
and is 125 s.
The space mean travel time rates for SUTs and TTs can now be computed by
Equation 25-58.
𝑇𝑆𝑈𝑇,60,10000 105
𝜏𝑆,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,60,10000 = = = 55.4 s/mi
𝑑2 10,000/5,280
𝑇𝑇𝑇,50,10000 125
𝜏𝑆,𝑇𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,50,10000 = = = 66.0 s/mi
𝑑2 10,000/5,280
The SUT and TT kinematic rates at a distance of 2 mi (10,560 ft) can be
computed from Equation 25-59. The δ values for SUTs (0.0104) and TTs (0.0136)
can be read from Exhibit 25-24 and Exhibit 25-25, respectively. The rates are
computed as follows:
105 10,000
𝜏𝑆,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,60,10560 = + 0.0105 × (1 − ) × 5,280 = 55.4 s/mi
2 2 × 5,280
125 10,000
𝜏𝑆,𝑇𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,60,10560 = + 0.0118 × (1 − ) × 5,280 = 65.8 s/mi
2 2 × 5,280
Auto-Only Speed for the Given Flow Rate. The auto-only space mean speed
for the given flow rate is computed with Equation 25-63. The breakpoint of the
speed–flow curve was already determined to be 1,400 veh/h/ln, as part of the
computations for the first segment. Thus,
2,350 1,500
(65 − ) (0.823 − 1,400)
𝑆𝑎𝑜 = 65 − 45 = 62.46 mi/h
(2,350 − 1,400)2
Traffic Interaction Term. The incremental traffic interaction term is
computed by Equation 25-62.
3,600 3,600 1
𝛥𝜏𝑇𝐼 = ( − ) × (1 + 3 ( − 1)) = 3.71 s/mi
62.46 65 0.823
Actual Spot Rates. The actual spot rates of SUTs and TTs at the end of
Segment 2 are computed from Equation 25-60 and Equation 25-61, respectively.
𝜏𝑓,𝑆𝑈𝑇,2 = 𝜏𝑓,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,2 + 𝛥𝜏𝑇𝐼 = 55.4 + 3.71 = 59.11 s/mi
𝜏𝑓,𝑇𝑇,2 = 𝜏𝑓,𝑇𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,2 + 𝛥𝜏𝑇𝐼 = 63 + 3.71 = 66.71 s/mi
Step 5: Compute Spot and Space-Based Travel Time Rates for Autos
Equation 25-64 is used to compute the spot-based travel time rate for
𝜏𝑓,𝑎,2 = + 3.71
1,500 0.77 0.34
55.4 3,600 1.53
+ [64.50 × ( ) × 0.05 × max (0, − ) ]
1,000 100 65 × 100
1,500 0.81 66.0 3,600 1.32
+ [79.5 × ( ) × 0.100.56 × max (0, − ) ]
1,000 100 65 × 100
𝜏𝑓,𝑎,2 = 60.1 s/mi
In this case, the auto spot rate of 60.1 s/mi is higher than the SUT spot rate of
59.1 s/mi. As the auto spot rate should always be less than or equal to the truck
spot rate, the auto spot rate is set equal to 59.11 s/mi.
In Step 4, it was determined that trucks accelerate in Segment 2, so Equation
25-66 is used to compute the auto space-based rate.
𝜏𝑆,𝑎,2 = + 3.71
1,500 1.16 55.4 3,600 1.73
+ [54.72 × ( ) × 0.050.28 × max (0, - ) ]
1,000 100 65×100
1,500 1.32 0.61
65.8 3,600 1.33
+ [69.72 × ( ) × 0.10 × max (0, − ) ]
1,000 100 65 × 100
𝜏𝑆,𝑎,2 = 60.5 s/mi
Segment 3
Step 3: Specify Initial Conditions
The initial truck kinematic spot travel time rates for Segment 3 are the final
truck kinematic spot rates for Segment 2. These are 55.4 s/mi (65 mi/h) for SUTs
and 63.0 s/mi (57.1 mi/h) for TTs.
In Exhibit 25-20, the initial SUT kinematic spot rate of 55.4 s/mi (65 mi/h)
occurs on the curve for a 5% upgrade, starting from 75 mi/h (48 s/mi) at
approximately 1,500 ft along the curve. After an SUT travels 1 mi (5,280 ft), its
spot rate can be read at 6,780 ft and is approximately 75 s/mi (48 mi/h). Thus, the
SUT spot rate at the end of Segment 3 is 75 s/mi.
In Exhibit 25-21, the initial TT kinematic spot rate of 63 s/mi (57.1 mi/h)
occurs on the curve for a 5% upgrade, starting from 75 mi/h (48 s/mi) at
approximately 2,050 ft along the curve. After a TT travels 1 mi (5,280 ft), its spot
rate can be read at 7,330 ft and is approximately 103 s/mi (35.0 mi/h). Thus, the
TT spot rate at the end of Segment 3 is 103 s/mi.
In Segment 3, the initial kinematic rates for both truck types are less than the
final kinematic rates. Therefore, both truck types decelerate in Segment 3.
Kinematic Space-Based Rates. The kinematic space-based speeds at 0 ft into
Segment 3 equal the final kinematic spot speeds of Segment 2.
The final kinematic spot speed of SUTs in Segment 2 was 65 mi/h (55.4 s/mi).
Exhibit 25-A7 is therefore used to obtain the SUT kinematic space-based rate
τS,SUT,kin,3. The travel time for SUTs at 5,280 ft, starting from 65 mi/h on a 5% grade,
can be read from Exhibit 25-A7 and equals 67 s.
The final kinematic spot speed of TTs in Segment 2 was 57.2 mi/h (63.0 s/mi).
As this value is within 2.5 mi/h of 55 mi/h, Exhibit 25-A16 is applied to obtain the
TT kinematic space-based rate τS,TT,kin,3. The travel time for TTs at 5,280 ft, starting
from an FFS of 55 mi/h on a 5% grade, can be read from Exhibit 25-A16 and
equals 89 s.
The space mean rate at 5,280 ft for SUTs and TTs can be computed by
Equation 25-58.
𝑇𝑆𝑈𝑇,65,5280 67
𝜏𝑆,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,65,5280 = = = 67.0 s/mi
𝑑3 5,280/5,280
𝑇𝑇𝑇,55,5280 89
𝜏𝑆,𝑇𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,55,5280 = = = 89.0 s/mi
𝑑3 5,280/5,280
Auto-Only Speed for the Given Flow Rate. The auto-only space mean speed
for the given flow rate is computed with Equation 25-63. The breakpoint of the
speed–flow curve was already determined to be 1,400 veh/h/ln as part of the
computations for the first segment. Thus
2,350 1,500
(65 − 45 ) (0.743 − 1,400)
𝑆𝑎𝑜 = 65 − = 59.58 mi/h
(2,350 − 1,400)2
Traffic Interaction Term. The incremental traffic interaction term is
computed by Equation 25-62.
3,600 3,600 1
𝛥𝜏𝑇𝐼 = ( − ) × (1 + 3 ( − 1)) = 10.27 s/mi
59.58 65 0.743
Actual Spot Rates. The actual spot rates of SUTs and TTs at the end of
Segment 2 are computed from Equation 25-60 and Equation 25-61, respectively.
𝜏𝑓,𝑆𝑈𝑇,3 = 𝜏𝑓,𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝑘𝑖𝑛,3 + 𝛥𝜏𝑇𝐼 = 75 + 10.27 = 85.27 s/mi
Step 5: Compute Spot and Space-Based Travel Time Rates for Autos
Equation 25-64 is used to compute the spot-based travel time rate for
𝜏𝑓,𝑎,3 = + 10.27
1,500 0.77 75 3,600 1.53
+ [64.50 × ( ) × 0.050.34 × max (0, − ) ]
1,000 100 65 × 100
1,500 0.81 103 3,600 1.32
+ [79.5 × ( ) × 0.100.56 × max (0, − ) ]
1,000 100 65 × 100
𝜏𝑓,𝑎,3 = 79.7 s/mi
In Step 4, it was determined that trucks decelerate in Segment 3, so Equation
25-65 is used to compute the auto space-based rate.
𝜏𝑆,𝑎,3 = + 10.27
1,500 0.46 67.0 3,600 2.76
+ [100.42 × ( ) × 0.050.68 × max (0, − ) ]
1,000 100 65 × 100
1,500 1.36 89.0 3,600 1.81
+ [110.64 × ( ) × 0.100.62 × max (0, − ) ]
1,000 100 65 × 100
𝜏𝑆,𝑎,3 = 72.1 s/mi
The overall mixed-flow travel time tmix,oa is the sum of the mixed-flow travel
times for all three segments and equals 294 s. Equation 25-70 can be used to
compute the mixed-flow speed.
3,600𝑑𝑜𝑎 3600 × 4.5
𝑆mix,𝑜𝑎 = = = 55.6 mi/h
𝑡mix,𝑜𝑎 291.5
Exhibit 25-109 shows the spot speeds of all the segments in the example.
Exhibit 25-109
Example Problem 11:
Spot Speeds of All Segments
Exhibit 25-110 shows the space mean speeds of all the segments in the
Exhibit 25-110
Example Problem 11: Space
Mean Speeds of All Segments
Exhibit 25-111 shows the overall space mean speeds of all the segments in the
Exhibit 25-111
Example Problem 11: Overall
Space Mean Speeds of All
1. Highway Capacity Manual. Transportation Research Board, National Research Some of these references can
be found in the Technical
Council, Washington, D.C., 2000. Reference Library in Volume 4.
2. Eads, B. S., N. M. Rouphail, A. D. May, and F. Hall. Freeway Facilities
Methodology in Highway Capacity Manual 2000. In Transportation Research
Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1710, Transportation
Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2000, pp. 171–
3. Hall, F. L., L. Bloomberg, N. M. Rouphail, B. Eads, and A. D. May. Validation
Results for Four Models of Oversaturated Freeway Facilities. In Transportation
Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1710,
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington,
D.C., 2000, pp. 161–170.
4. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5th ed. American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington,
D.C., 2004.
5. Newell, G. F. A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic.
Part I: General Theory. Transportation Research, Vol. 27B, No. 4, 1993, pp. 281–
6. Newell, G. F. A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic.
Part II: Queuing at Freeway Bottlenecks. Transportation Research, Vol. 27B,
No. 4, 1993, pp. 289–303.
7. Newell, G. F. A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic.
Part III: Multidestination Flows. Transportation Research, Vol. 27B, No. 4, 1993,
pp. 305–313.
8. Newman, L. Freeway Operations Analysis. Course Notes. University of
California Institute of Transportation Studies University Extension, Berkeley,
9. Schoen, J. M., J. A. Bonneson, C. Safi, B. Schroeder, A. Hajbabaie, C. H. Yeom,
N. Rouphail, Y. Wang, W. Zhu, and Y. Zou. Work Zone Capacity Methods for
the Highway Capacity Manual. National Cooperative Highway Research
Program Project 3-107 final report, preliminary draft. Kittelson & Associates,
Inc., Tucson, Ariz., April 2015.
10. Hajbabaie, A., N. M. Rouphail, B. J. Schroeder, and R Dowling. Planning-
Level Methodology for Freeway Facilities. In Transportation Research Record:
Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2483, Transportation Research
Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2015, pp. 47–56.
11. Elefteriadou, L., A. Kondyli, and B. St. George. Estimation of Capacities on
Florida Freeways. Final Report. Gainesville, Fla., Sept. 2014.
12. Dowling, R., G. F. List, B. Yang, E. Witzke, and A. Flannery. NCFRP Report
31: Incorporating Truck Analysis into the Highway Capacity Manual.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2014.
13. Washburn, S. S., and S. Ozkul. Heavy Vehicle Effects on Florida Freeways and
Multilane Highways. Report TRC-FDOT-93817-2013. Florida Department of
Transportation, Tallahassee, Oct. 2013.
14. Ozkul, S., and S. S. Washburn. Updated Commercial Truck Speed Versus
Distance-Grade Curves for the Highway Capacity Manual. In Transportation
Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2483,
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2015, pp. 91–101.
15. Hajbabaie, A., B. J. Schroeder, N. M. Rouphail, and S. Aghdashi. Freeway
Facility Calibration Procedure. NCHRP 03-115 Working Paper U-8b. ITRE at
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, Aug. 2014. (Available in the
Technical Reference Library section of HCM Volume 4,
16. Hu, J., B. Schroeder, and N. Rouphail. Rationale for Incorporating Queue
Discharge Flow into Highway Capacity Manual Procedure for Analysis of
Freeway Facilities. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, No. 2286, Transportation Research Board of the
National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2012, pp. 76–83.
17. Aghdashi, S., A. Hajbabaie, B. J. Schroeder, J. L. Trask, and N. M. Rouphail.
Generating Scenarios of Freeway Reliability Analysis: Hybrid Approach. In
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.
2483, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,
Washington, D.C., 2015, pp. 148–159.
18. Zegeer, J., J. Bonneson, R. Dowling, P. Ryus, M. Vandehey, W. Kittelson, N.
Rouphail, B. Schroeder, A. Hajbabaie, B. Aghdashi, T. Chase, S. Sajjadi, R.
Margiotta, and L. Elefteriadou. Incorporating Travel Time Reliability in the
Highway Capacity Manual. SHRP 2 Report S2-L08-RW-1. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2014.
19. Federal Highway Administration. Highway Economic Requirements System—
State Version (HERS-ST). Technical Report. U.S. Department of
Transportation, Washington, D.C., 2005.
20. Highway Safety Manual, 2014 Supplement to the Highway Safety Manual, 1st
ed. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
Washington, D.C., 2014.
This appendix provides travel time versus distance curves for SUTs for
initial speeds between 35 and 75 mi/h in 5-mi/h increments. Curves for SUTs for
30- and 70-mi/h initial speeds are presented in Section 7 as Exhibit 25-23 and
Exhibit 25-22, respectively. The appendix also provides travel time versus distance
curves for TTs for initial speeds between 20 and 75 mi/h in 5-mi/h increments.
Exhibit 25-A1
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 35-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A2
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 40-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A3
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 45-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A4
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 50-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A5
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 55-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A6
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 60-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A7
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 65-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A8
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 75-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A9
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 20-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A10
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 25-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A11
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 30-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A12
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 35-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A13
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 40-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A14
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 45-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A15
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 50-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A16
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 55-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A17
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 60-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A18
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 65-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A19
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 70-mi/h
Initial Speed
Exhibit 25-A20
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 75-mi/h
Initial Speed
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 26-1
9. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................26-100
Chapter 26 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 12, Basic Freeway and VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
Multilane Highway Segments, and Chapter 15, Two-Lane Highways, which are 25. Freeway Facilities:
found in Volume 2 of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
Section 2 provides state-specific heavy-vehicle default values that can be Segments:
applied to freeway, multilane highway, and two-lane highway analysis. 27. Freeway Weaving:
Section 3 presents a supplemental procedure for basic freeway segments that 28. Freeway Merges and
can be used to assess their operating performance under mixed-flow conditions Diverges: Supplemental
29. Urban Street Facilities:
when significant truck presence, a prolonged single upgrade, or both exist. Supplemental
Appendix A provides travel time versus distance curves for single-unit trucks 30. Urban Street Segments:
(SUTs) and tractor-trailers (TTs) for a range of free-flow speeds (FFS) for use with 31. Signalized Intersections:
this procedure. Chapter 25, Freeway Facilities: Supplemental, presents an Supplemental
32. STOP-Controlled
extension of this method for composite grades on freeway facilities. Intersections:
Section 4 provides suggested capacity and FFS adjustments to account for the 33. Roundabouts:
effects of different proportions of motorists on a freeway or multilane highway Supplemental
34. Interchange Ramp
who are not regular users of the facility. Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
Section 5 presents freeway capacity definitions, guidance on locating sensors
for use in measuring freeway capacity, and guidance on estimating capacity from 36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
the collected sensor data.
38. Network Analysis
Section 6 provides guidance on incorporating the potential freeway capacity
benefits of connected and automated vehicles into an HCM analysis.
Section 7 provides seven example problems demonstrating the basic freeway
and multilane highway segment procedure presented in Chapter 12.
Section 8 provides five example problems demonstrating the motorized
vehicle and bicycle methodologies for two-lane highways presented in Chapter 15.
Appendix B describes a methodology for calculating capacity and related
performance measures for work zones along two-lane highways that involve the
closure of a single lane.
State-Specific Heavy-Vehicle Default Values Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
Page 26-2 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental State-Specific Heavy-Vehicle Default Values
Version 7.0 Page 26-3
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
This section presents a supplemental procedure that can be used to assess the
operating performance of freeway segments under mixed-flow conditions when
significant truck presence, a prolonged single upgrade, or both exist. This
procedure must be used if the analyst is interested in estimating space mean
speeds and densities for cars and trucks separately or for the mixed-traffic stream.
Chapter 12, Basic Freeway and Multilane Highway Segments, describes a
methodology drawn from this procedure that can be used to assess a segment’s
level of service (LOS) by converting heavy vehicles into passenger cars by using
passenger car equivalent (PCE) values. However, users are cautioned that the
auto-only speeds and densities estimated by the PCE-based procedure are likely
to be an approximation of reality at high truck percentages and on steep
upgrades. For these situations, the mixed-flow model described here is
Analysts can also use the mixed-flow model for analyzing downgrades and
both types of general terrain (level and rolling). When the truck percentage is
low or the upgrade is not steep, both the mixed-flow model and the Chapter 12
PCE-based method provide similar results. Chapter 25, Freeway Facilities:
Supplemental, extends the mixed-flow model to freeway facilities with multiple,
composite grades. National research (2) shows that when the truck presence is
low or the upgrade is not steep, both the mixed-flow model and the procedure
applying PCE values provide similar results.
Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
Page 26-4 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 26-3
Overview of Operational
Analysis Methodology for
Mixed-Flow Model
Notes: SUT = single-unit truck; TT = tractor-trailer; FFS = free-flow speed; MFM = mixed-flow model.
Exhibit 26-4
Speed–Flow Models for 70-
mi/h Auto-Only Flow and a
Representative Mixed Flow
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model
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Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Cmix = mixed-flow capacity (veh/h/ln);
Cao = auto-only capacity for the given FFS, from Exhibit 12-6 (pc/h/ln); and
CAFmix = mixed-flow capacity adjustment factor for the basic freeway segment
If the input flow rate of the mixed-traffic stream vmix exceeds the mixed-flow
capacity computed in Equation 26-5, then LOS F prevails, and the segment
procedure stops. A facility analysis is recommended under these conditions.
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model
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Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
On downgrades, trucks are able to maintain their FFS, and their kinematic
performance is the same as passenger cars. The analyst could use the Chapter 12
PCE-based method instead of the mixed-flow model in those cases.
Exhibit 26-5
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 70-mi/h
Exhibit 26-6
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 70-mi/h
The x-axis in Exhibit 26-5 and Exhibit 26-6 represents the distance d traveled
by the truck, and the y-axis represents the travel time T to cover the grade length
d. Different curves provide the travel times for different upgrades. The kinematic
space mean travel rate can be computed with Equation 26-11.
𝜏𝑘𝑖𝑛 = 𝑇/𝑑 Equation 26-11
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model
Version 7.0 Page 26-9
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
τkin = kinematic travel rate (s/mi),
T = travel time (s), and
d = grade length (mi).
The maximum grade length shown in Exhibit 26-5 and Exhibit 26-6 is 10,000
ft. When the grade is longer than 10,000 ft, the kinematic travel rate can be
computed with Equation 26-12.
𝑇10000 10,000
Equation 26-12 𝜏𝑘𝑖𝑛 = + 𝛿 (1 − ) × 5,280
𝑑 5,280𝑑
τkin = kinematic travel rate (s/mi),
T10000 = travel time at 10,000 ft (s),
δ = slope of the travel time versus distance curve (s/ft),
d = grade length (mi), and
5,280 = number of feet in 1 mi.
The δ value for SUTs and TTs is shown in Exhibit 26-7 and Exhibit 26-8,
respectively, for different combinations of grade and FFS.
Once τSUT,kin and τTT,kin are obtained, Equation 26-6 and Equation 26-7 can be
used to add the traffic interaction term to obtain the truck free-flow travel rates
τSUT and τTT. Equation 26-8 can then be used to compute the automobile free-flow
travel rate τa. Again, the mixed-flow rate vmix is assumed to be 1 veh/h/ln when
Equation 26-8 is used to estimate the automobile free-flow travel rate.
Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Mixed-Flow FFS
Equation 26-13 converts individual free-flow travel rates by mode into a
mixed-flow free-flow travel rate, and Equation 26-14 then converts the mixed-
flow free-flow travel rate into a mixed-flow FFS.
𝜏 = 𝑃𝑎 𝜏𝑎 + 𝑃𝑆𝑈𝑇 𝜏𝑆𝑈𝑇 + 𝑃𝑇𝑇 𝜏𝑇𝑇 Equation 26-13
3,600 3,600
𝐹𝐹𝑆mix = = Equation 26-14
𝜏 𝑃𝑎 𝜏𝑎 + 𝑃𝑆𝑈𝑇 𝜏𝑆𝑈𝑇 + 𝑃𝑇𝑇 𝜏𝑇𝑇
τ = mixed-flow free-flow travel rate (s/mi),
τa = automobile free-flow travel rate (s/mi),
τSUT = SUT free-flow travel rate (s/mi),
τTT = TT free-flow travel rate (s/mi),
Pa = automobile percentage (decimal),
PSUT = SUT percentage (decimal),
PTT = TT percentage (decimal), and
FFSmix = mixed-flow free-flow speed (mi/h).
SAFmix = mixed-flow speed adjustment factor for the basic freeway segment
FFSmix = mixed-flow free-flow speed (mi/h), and
FFS = base free-flow speed of the basic freeway segment (mi/h).
BPmix = breakpoint for mixed flow (veh/h/ln);
BPao = breakpoint for the auto-only flow condition, from Exhibit 12-6 (pc/h/ln);
PT = total truck percentage (decimal);
g = grade (decimal); and
d = grade length (mi).
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
φmix = exponent for the speed–flow curve (decimal),
FFSmix = mixed-flow free-flow speed (mi/h),
Scalib,90cap = mixed-flow speed at 90% of capacity (mi/h),
Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Smix = mixed-flow speed (mi/h),
FFSmix = mixed-flow free-flow speed (mi/h),
Scalib,cap = mixed-flow speed at capacity (mi/h),
vmix = flow rate of mixed traffic (veh/h/ln),
BPmix = breakpoint for mixed flow (veh/h/ln),
Cmix = mixed-flow capacity (veh/h/ln), and
φmix = exponent for the speed–flow curve (decimal).
Dmix = mixed-flow density (veh/mi/ln),
vmix = flow rate of mixed traffic (veh/h/ln), and
Smix = mixed-flow speed (mi/h).
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Truck Analysis Using the Mixed-Flow Model
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
The base traffic stream characteristics for basic freeway and multilane
highway segments are representative of traffic streams composed primarily of
commuters or drivers who are familiar with the facility. It is generally accepted
that traffic streams with different characteristics (e.g., recreational trips) use
freeways less efficiently. Although data are sparse and reported results vary
substantially, significantly lower capacities have been reported on weekends,
particularly in recreational areas. Thus, it may generally be assumed the
reduction in capacity extends to service flow rates and service volumes for other
levels of service as well. In addition, it is expected that a reduction in FFS would
be observed when large numbers of unfamiliar drivers are present in a freeway
or multilane highway traffic stream.
The driver population adjustment factor fp has previously been used in the
HCM to reflect the effects of unfamiliar drivers in the traffic stream; it was
applied as an increase in demand volume. The values of fp ranged from 0.85 to
1.00 in most cases, although lower values have been observed in isolated cases.
The HCM recommended the analyst use a value of 1.00 for this factor (reflecting
a traffic stream composed of commuters or other regular drivers), unless there
was sufficient evidence that a lower value should be used. When greater
accuracy was needed, comparative field studies of commuter and noncommuter
traffic flow and speeds were recommended.
With the addition of a unified speed–flow equation in Chapter 12, Basic
Freeway and Multilane Highway Segments, and the ability to adjust both the
base FFS and capacity in all freeway segment chapters (Chapters 12, 13, and 14)
to account for incidents and weather events, the driver population factor is no
longer used. Instead, FFS and capacity adjustment factors SAFpop and CAFpop are
applied in combination with other applicable SAFs and CAFs.
In the absence of new research on driver population effects, recommended
values of SAFpop and CAFpop have been developed that produce similar density
results as those predicted using the former driver population factor approach.
This conversion was performed by using the unified equation of Chapter 12 and
therefore represents a slight approximation in the cases of weaving, merge, and
diverge segments.
Judgment is still required when the analyst applies these adjustments and, in
the absence of information to the contrary, the default value for SAFpop and CAFpop
is always 1.0. Should the analyst expect a significant presence of unfamiliar
drivers, the values shown in Exhibit 26-9 can serve as a guide for the analysis.
Adjustments for Driver Population Effects Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
This section presents guidance for field measuring and estimating freeway
capacity. The section is organized as follows: overall definitions of freeway
capacity, guidance for field data collection using sensors, and guidance for
estimating capacity from the collected data.
Freeway Breakdown
A flow breakdown on a freeway represents the transition from uncongested
to congested conditions, as evidenced by the formation of queues upstream of
the bottleneck and reduced prevailing speeds.
In the HCM freeway methodology, the breakdown event on a freeway
bottleneck is defined as a sudden drop in speed at least 25% below the FFS for a
sustained period of at least 15 min that results in queuing upstream of the
A freeway segment is considered to have recovered from the breakdown
event and the resulting oversaturated conditions when the average speed (or
density) reaches prebreakdown conditions for a minimum duration of 15 min.
The definition of recovery is therefore the inverse of the definition of breakdown,
requiring a recovery to be near prebreakdown conditions (operations above the
speed threshold) for at least 15 min.
The HCM defines the breakdown recovery on a freeway bottleneck as a
return of the prevailing speed to within 10% of the FFS for a sustained period of
at least 15 min, without the presence of queuing upstream of the bottleneck.
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Guidance for Freeway Capacity Estimation
Version 7.0 Page 26-15
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
In the HCM, the prebreakdown flow rate is defined as the 15-min average
flow rate that occurs immediately prior to the breakdown event. For the
purposes of this chapter, the prebreakdown flow rate is equivalent to the
segment capacity.
Guidance for Freeway Capacity Estimation Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
Page 26-16 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
• The analyst evaluates data from the upstream sensor to verify queues are
forming as a result of breakdown at the bottleneck. This check ensures
observed drops in speeds and increases in density at the bottleneck sensor
are indeed due to breakdown.
It is important that the measurements of flows, speeds, and densities used to
estimate capacity are carried out at the correct locations, especially if the data
will be generated from existing fixed freeway sensors, which may or may not be
at the optimal locations to detect breakdown events. Capacity should always be
measured at the bottleneck location. At merge bottlenecks or lane drops, this
location is downstream of the merge point (Exhibit 26-10). At diverge
bottlenecks, this location is upstream of the diverge point (Exhibit 26-11). At
weaving bottlenecks, this location is within the weaving area (Exhibit 26-12).
Exhibit 26-10
Recommended Capacity
Measurement Location for
Merge Bottlenecks
Location of
measurement Diverge point
Source: Elefteriadou, Kondyli, and St. George (6).
Location of
Source: Elefteriadou, Kondyli, and St. George (6).
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Guidance for Freeway Capacity Estimation
Version 7.0 Page 26-17
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Regardless of the bottleneck type, the analyst will be able to identify and
measure capacity only if a breakdown occurs. As discussed below, the
breakdown event is associated with the development of queues that form
upstream of the bottleneck location (i.e., merge point, diverge point, weaving
section) and propagate further upstream, but queues also propagate downstream
as vehicles accelerate past the start of the bottleneck. Once breakdown events are
identified, the analyst will be able to identify the prebreakdown and
postbreakdown flow rates and estimate segment capacity based on the method
discussed in the next section.
Guidance for Freeway Capacity Estimation Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
Page 26-18 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
where β and γ, respectively, are the shape and scale parameters of the
fitted Weibull distribution, and λ is as defined previously. When λ = 0.15,
the equation simplifies to c = γ (0.163)1/β.
The following example is based on actual data and involves estimating the
capacity of a bottleneck on southbound I-440 in Raleigh, North Carolina. In this
example, sensor data in the vicinity of an on-ramp bottleneck were collected for
260 weekdays from June 2014 to May 2015. The average percentage of trucks
observed in the traffic stream was less than 1%; therefore, the conversion of
trucks into PCEs is ignored for the purposes of this example.
The theoretical number of 15-min observations is 260 days × 96 observations
per day = 24,960 observations. After outliers were removed (observations from
incident and weather events and congested-flow periods), there remained 22,984
periods when flow was deemed uncongested and that represented similar
operational and weather conditions. Within these periods, 192 breakdowns were
identified that met the criteria described above.
Exhibit 26-13 summarizes the computations for this example, using the eight
steps given above. The example illustrates how the process yields a capacity
value based on the recommended 15% breakdown rate.
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Guidance for Freeway Capacity Estimation
Version 7.0 Page 26-19
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Guidance for Freeway Capacity Estimation Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 26-14
Capacity Estimation Using the
15% Acceptable Breakdown
Rate Method
In summary, the capacity estimation method considers the fact that flow
rates preceding breakdown can also occur at other times without being followed
by a breakdown. The definition of capacity is clear and unambiguous and can be
explained to the HCM user or practitioner without much difficulty. However, the
analyst needs to ensure there are a sufficient number of breakdown observations to be
confident in the calculated capacity value.
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Guidance for Freeway Capacity Estimation
Version 7.0 Page 26-21
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
This section provides capacity adjustment factors (CAFs) for freeway system
elements to account for the presence of connected and automated vehicles
(CAVs) in the traffic stream. It also provides daily and hourly maximum service
volumes for basic freeway segments for different proportions of CAVs in the
traffic stream. Although CAVs are still a developing technology, transportation
agencies have an immediate need as part of their long-range planning efforts to
account for CAVs’ potential ability to increase existing roadways’ throughput.
At the time of writing, CAVs capable of fully controlling the vehicle for an
entire trip without the possible need for human intervention, either under
specified operated conditions or under any operating condition [i.e., Society of
Automotive Engineers automation levels 4 and 5 (8)], were not yet in production
for consumer use. Although other HCM methodologies are based on empirical
observations of actual vehicles using actual roadway facilities, calibrated simulation,
or both, these approaches are currently infeasible given the absence of level 4 and
5 CAVs in the traffic stream. Instead, uncalibrated simulation modeling was
conducted using CAV logic developed for the Federal Highway Administration.
Details about this modeling are available in a paper (9) available online in HCM
Volume 4 (hcmvolume4.org) in the Technical Reference Library section for
Chapter 26.
CAV Technology
CAVs integrate two separate types of technology, communications and
automation. The combination of these technologies is required to achieve
roadway capacity increases, as described below:
• Connected vehicles transmit data about their status to their surroundings
(e.g., roadside infrastructure, other road users). They also receive
information about their surroundings (e.g., traffic conditions, weather
conditions, presence of potential conflicting vehicles, traffic signal timing)
that motorists can use to adjust their driving behavior in response to
conditions present at a given time and location. This exchange of
information offers potential safety, fuel economy, and environmental
benefits. However, it is not clear how connectivity affects car following
and driver behavior and subsequently freeway capacity.
• Automated vehicles take over all or a portion of the driving task. Depending
on the level of automation, a human may still need to take over under
certain conditions. In the absence of connectivity, the information
available to automated vehicles is limited to that which can be gathered
by on-board sensors, which is typically constrained by a sensor’s line of
sight and the rate at which the sensor takes measurements (e.g., 10 times
per second). As a result, for both safety and passenger comfort reasons,
current adaptive cruise control systems offer minimum time gaps that are
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similar to, or longer than, the gaps used by human drivers, and thus may
decrease roadway capacity when in widespread use (10).
• Connected and automated vehicles communicate with each other and with
roadside infrastructure. The connectivity element provides automated
driving systems with more complete information about a vehicle’s
surroundings and enables cooperative vehicle maneuvers that improve
roadway operations. The vehicle’s enhanced detection capabilities, as well
as redundancy in detection, enable an automated driving system to
operate more efficiently and more safely than with only an on-board
system (11). In particular, the cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC)
feature enabled by vehicle-to-vehicle communication allows CAVs to
safely operate in platoons at shorter headways than possible by either
human-driven vehicles or automated vehicles using adaptive cruise
control only.
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when a freeway has a lower initial capacity (e.g., due to a lower design speed),
capacity tends to increase more linearly with increasing proportions of CAVs (9).
Oversaturated Conditions
No specific research on CAV effects on oversaturated freeways is available.
As such, this section’s CAFs are primarily intended to be used for planning-level
estimates of freeway capacities, and not for detailed operational analyses.
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System Reliability
The ability of CAVs to safely operate with short intervehicle gaps requires,
among other things, low communications latency (i.e., information can be
quickly exchanged between vehicles and acted upon), vehicle manufacturers to
build vehicles with reliable components, vehicle owners to promptly repair
components if they do break, and regulatory agencies to provide adequate
bandwidth for vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Consistent with other base-
condition assumptions in the freeway methodology (e.g., standard lane widths,
good weather), a base assumption for CAV analysis is that all necessary
communication elements are in place and working with a high degree of
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• How quickly will CAV technology become available and adopted, and how will
CAVs affect travel demand? The assumptions made related to these
questions will determine the assumed volume and proportion of CAVs in
the traffic stream, along with the assumed CAF.
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Exhibit 26-20 lists the seven example problems provided in this section. The
problems demonstrate the computational steps involved in applying the
automobile methodology to basic freeway and multilane highway segments. All
the freeway example problems address urban freeway situations.
The task is to find the expected LOS for this freeway during the worst 15 min
of the peak hour. With one cloverleaf interchange per mile, the total ramp
density will be 4 ramps/mi.
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Exhibit 26-21
Example Problem 1: Graphical
This basic freeway segment of a four-lane freeway is expected to operate at
LOS C during the worst 15 min of the peak hour. It is important to note that the
operation, although at LOS C, is close to the LOS B boundary. In most
jurisdictions, this operation would be considered to be quite acceptable.
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This example problem is a classic design application of the methodology.
The number of lanes needed to provide LOS D during the worst 15 min of the
peak hour is to be determined.
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𝑀𝑆𝐹𝑖 × 𝑃𝐻𝐹 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
A value of the maximum service flow rate must be selected from Exhibit 12-
37 for an FFS of 65 mi/h and LOS D. Note that this exhibit only provides these
values in 5-mi/h increments; therefore, FFS is rounded to 65 mi/h. The
corresponding maximum service flow rate is 2,060 pc/h/ln.
The PHF is given as 0.85. A heavy-vehicle factor for 8% trucks must be
determined by using Exhibit 12-25 for level terrain. The PCE of trucks on level
terrain is 2.0, so the heavy-vehicle adjustment based on Equation 12-10 is
𝑓𝐻𝑉 =
1 + 𝑃𝑇 (𝐸𝑇 − 1)
𝑓𝐻𝑉 = = 0.926
1 + 0.08(2 − 1)
𝑁= = 2.5 ln
2,060 × 0.85 × 0.926
It is not possible to build 2.5 lanes. To provide a minimum of LOS D, it will
be necessary to provide three lanes in each direction, or a six-lane freeway.
At this point, the design application ends. It is possible, however, to consider
what speed, density, and LOS will prevail when three lanes are actually
provided. Therefore, the example problem continues with Steps 5 and 6.
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(67.3 − 45 ) (1,694 − 1,308)2
𝑆 = 67.3 − = 65.4 mi/h
(2,373 − 1,308)2
The density may now be computed from Equation 12-11.
𝑣𝑝 1,694
𝐷= = = 25.9 pc/mi/ln
𝑆 65.4
The resulting LOS is C, which represents a better performance than the target
design. Although the minimum number of lanes needed was 2.5, which would
have produced a minimal LOS D, providing three lanes yields a density that is
close to the LOS C boundary. In any event, the target LOS of the design will be
met by providing a six-lane basic freeway segment.
This example consists of two operational analyses, one for the present
demand volume of 5,000 pc/h and one for the demand volume of 5,788 pc/h
expected in 3 years. In addition, a planning element is introduced: Assuming
traffic grows as expected, when will the capacity of the roadway be exceeded?
This analysis requires that capacity be determined in addition to the normal
output of operational analyses.
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(70 − 45 ) (2,171 − 1,200)2
𝑆(future) = 70 − = 59.1 mi/h
(2,400 − 1,200)2
The corresponding densities may now be estimated from Equation 12-11.
𝐷(present) = = 29.0 pc/mi/ln
𝐷(future) = = 36.7 pc/mi/ln
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The LOS on this segment will reach LOS E within 3 years due to the increase
in density. The demand is expected to exceed capacity within 5 years. Given the
normal lead times for planning, design, and approvals before the start of
construction, it is probable that planning and preliminary design for an
improvement should be started immediately.
A 6,600-ft segment of a five-lane highway (two travel lanes in each direction
plus a two-way left-turn lane) is on a 3.5% grade. At what LOS is the facility
expected to operate in each direction?
There is one segment in each direction. The upgrade and downgrade
segments on the 3.5% grade must be analyzed separately. This example is more
complex than the previous examples because the segment characteristics are not
all the same, particularly the number of access points. Because no base FFS is
given, it will be estimated as the speed limit plus 7 mi/h, or 45 + 7 = 52 mi/h.
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Therefore, fTLC = 0.0 mi/h (Exhibit 12-22). The median-type adjustment fM is also
0.0 mi/h (Exhibit 12-23).
For this example problem, only the access-point density produces a nonzero
adjustment to the base FFS. The eastbound (EB) segment (3.5% downgrade) has
10 access points/mi. From Exhibit 12-24, the corresponding FFS adjustment is 2.5
mi/h. The westbound (WB) segment (3.5% upgrade) has 0 access points/mi and a
corresponding FFS adjustment of 0.0 mi/h. Therefore,
𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐸𝐵 = 52.0 − 0.0 − 0.0 − 0.0 − 2.5 = 49.5 mi/h
𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑊𝐵 = 52.0 − 0.0 − 0.0 − 0.0 − 0.0 = 52.0 mi/h
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Even though the upgrade and downgrade segments operate at LOS C, they
are very close to the LOS B boundary (18.0 pc/mi/ln). Both directions of the
multilane highway on this grade operate well.
The Facts
• 2-mi basic segment on a 5% upgrade
• Traffic composition: 5% SUTs and 10% TTs
• FFS = 65 mi/h
• Mixed-traffic flow rate = 1,500 veh/h/ln
The task is to estimate the segment’s speed and density. Given the significant
truck presence (15%) and the 5%, 2-mi grade, the mixed-flow model should be
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The SUT, TT, and auto travel time rates are then computed using Equation 26-6
through Equation 26-8.
𝜏𝑆𝑈𝑇,𝐹𝐹𝑆 = 71.1 + 0 = 71.1 s/mi
𝜏𝑇𝑇,𝐹𝐹𝑆 = 92.2 + 0 = 92.2 s/mi
𝜏𝑎,𝐹𝐹𝑆 = + 𝛥𝜏𝑇𝐼
𝑣mix 0.46 𝜏𝑘𝑖𝑛,𝑆𝑈𝑇 3,600
+100.42 × ( ) × 𝑃𝑆𝑈𝑇 0.68 × max [0, − ]
1,000 100 (𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 100)
𝑣mix 1.36 𝜏𝑘𝑖𝑛,𝑇𝑇 3,600
+110.64 × ( ) × 𝑃𝑇𝑇 0.62 × max [0, − ]
1,000 100 (𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 100)
𝜏𝑎,𝐹𝐹𝑆 = +0
1 0.46 71.1 3,600 2.76
+100.42 × ( ) × 0.050.68 × max [0, − ]
1,000 100 (65 × 100)
1 1.36 92.2 3,600 1.81
+110.64 × ( ) × 0.10.62 × max [0, − ]
1,000 100 (65 × 100)
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𝜏𝑎,𝑐𝑎𝑝 = + 28.3
1,725 0.46 71.1 3,600 2.76
+100.42 × ( ) × 0.050.68 × max [0, − ]
1,000 100 (65 × 100)
1,725 1.36 92.2 3,600 1.81
+110.64 × ( ) × 0.10.62 × max [0, − ]
1,000 100 (65 × 100)
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The mixed-flow rate is 1,500 veh/h/ln, which is greater than the breakpoint.
1,500 − 0 4.07
𝑆mix = 60.1 − (60.1 − 37.5) ( ) = 47.3 mi/h
1,725 − 0
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The task is to find the expected LOS for this freeway during the worst 15 min
of the peak hour under heavy snow conditions. With one cloverleaf interchange
per mile, the total ramp density will be 4 ramps/mi. This example problem is
similar to Example Problem 1, with the only change being the presence of heavy
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This basic freeway segment of a four-lane freeway is expected to operate at
LOS C during the worst 15 min of the peak hour under heavy snow conditions,
with an average speed of 52.3 mi/h and a density of 22.8 pc/mi/ln. By contrast,
the same facility under no adverse weather conditions would be expected to
operate at an FFS of 60.8 mi/h and a density of 19.7 pc/mi/ln, but still at LOS C.
Although the segment’s performance is affected by the snow, the overall LOS is
However, the segment’s capacity is reduced from 2,308 to 1,734 pc/h/ln,
which means the snow effect would be more severe at elevated volume-to-
capacity ratios, particularly as the segment approached capacity. For elevated
flow rates, the snow condition is expected to result in further deterioration of
speed and breakdown at lower flow rates.
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The task is to find the expected LOS for this freeway for both the managed
and general purpose lanes during the worst 15 min of the peak hour for the two
described cases. With one cloverleaf interchange per mile, the total ramp density
will be 4 ramps/mi.
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The space mean speed of the managed lane is given by Equation 12-12.
𝑆1 𝑣𝑝 ≤ 𝐵𝑃
𝑆𝑀𝐿 = {
𝑆1 − 𝑆2 − 𝐼𝑐 × 𝑆3 𝐵𝑃 < 𝑣𝑝 ≤ 𝑐
Because the managed lane’s demand flow of 1,519 pc/h/ln is greater than the
breakpoint value of 500 pc/h/ln calculated in Step 4, the second of the two
equations applies. To apply this equation, the value of the indicator variable Ic
must first be determined from Equation 12-18.
0 𝐾𝐺𝑃 ≤ 35 pc/mi/ln
𝐼𝑐 = { or segment type is Buffer 2, Barrier 1, or Barrier 2
1 otherwise
In Case 1, the density of the adjacent general purpose lane is less than 35
pc/mi/ln, as determined in Step 5. As a result, the indicator variable 𝐼𝑐 will have a
value of zero. Thus, the managed lane speed in Case 1 will be
𝑆𝑀𝐿,Case1 = 60 − 3.7 − (0 × 14.4) = 56.3 mi/h
In Case 2, the density of the adjacent general purpose lane is greater than 35
pc/ln/mi, and therefore the indicator variable 𝐼𝑐 will have a value of 1. The
managed lane speed in Case 2 will be
𝑆𝑀𝐿,Case2 = 60 − 3.7 − (1 × 14.4) = 41.9 mi/h
The managed lane density for the two cases is given by Equation 12-11.
𝑣𝑝 1,519
𝐷𝑀𝐿,Case1 = = = 27.0 pc/mi/ln
𝑆 56.3
𝑣𝑝 1,519
𝐷𝑀𝐿,Case2 = = = 36.3 pc/mi/ln
𝑆 41.9
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In this example, the managed lane’s operating speed and density have been
investigated for two operating conditions in the general purpose lanes. When
high-density conditions exist in the general purpose lanes, the managed lane’s
operational speed is reduced and, as a consequence, the managed lane operates
at a worse LOS than when lower-density conditions exist in the general purpose
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Exhibit 26-22 lists the five example problems provided in this section. The
problems demonstrate the computational steps involved in applying the two-
lane highway automobile and bicycle methodologies.
The Facts
The segment has the following known characteristics:
• Segment length = 3,960 ft (0.75 mi);
• Segment type = Passing Constrained;
• No upstream passing lanes;
• Vehicle count in the analysis direction = 752 veh/h;
• PHF = 0.94;
• Posted speed limit: 50 mi/h;
• Percent heavy vehicles (%HV) = 5%;
• Percent grade = 0%;
• Horizontal curvature = none;
• Lane width = 12 ft;
• Shoulder width = 6 ft; and
• Access points = 0.
Estimate the LOS in the subject direction on the two-lane highway segment
as described.
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ability to pass, lane geometry, grades, lane and shoulder widths, posted speed
limit, traffic demands, adjacent land uses, and driveways.
A field examination of the segment determined that it met the definition of a
Passing Constrained segment, being a segment in which “passing in the
oncoming lane is either prohibited or is effectively negligible due to geometric or
sight distance limitations.”
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𝑚 = max [𝑏5 , 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 × 𝐹𝐹𝑆 + 𝑏2 × √ + max(0, 𝑏3 ) × √𝐿
+ max(0, 𝑏4 ) × √𝐻𝑉% ]
𝑚 = max [0,0.0558 + 0.0542 × 56.83 + 0.3278 × √
𝑚 = 3.626
𝑣𝑜 𝑣𝑜
𝑝 = max [𝑓8 , 𝑓0 + 𝑓1 × 𝐹𝐹𝑆 + 𝑓2 × 𝐿 + 𝑓3 × + 𝑓4 × √ + 𝑓5 × 𝐻𝑉%
1,000 1,000
+ 𝑓6 × √𝐻𝑉% + 𝑓7 × (𝐿 × 𝐻𝑉%)]
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𝑝 = max [0,0.67576 + 0 × 56.83 + 0 × 0.75 + 0.12060 ×
− 0.35919 × √ + 0 × 5 + 0 × √5 + 0 × (0.75 × 5)]
𝑝 = 0.41676
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𝑃𝐹𝑐𝑎𝑝 = 86.41%
𝑃𝐹25𝑐𝑎𝑝 = 50.52%
50.52 86.41
0 − ln [1 − 100 ] 0 − ln [1 − 100 ]
𝑚 = −0.29764 ( ) − 0.71917 ( )
1,700 1,700
0.25 [1,000] [1,000]
𝑚 = −1.337
𝑃𝐹25𝑐𝑎𝑝 𝑃𝐹𝑐𝑎𝑝
0 − ln [1 − ] 0 − ln [1 − ]
100 100
𝑝 = 𝑒0 + 𝑒1 ( 𝑐𝑎𝑝 ) + 𝑒2 ( 𝑐𝑎𝑝 )
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
𝑃𝐹25𝑐𝑎𝑝 𝑃𝐹𝑐𝑎𝑝
0 − ln (1 − ) 0 − ln (1 − )
100 100
+ 𝑒3 √ 𝑐𝑎𝑝 + 𝑒4
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
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50.52 86.41
0 − ln [1 − ] 0 − ln [1 − ]
𝑝 = 0.81165 + 0.37920 ( 100 ) − 0.49524 ( 100 )
1,700 1,700
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
50.52 86.41
0 − ln (1 − ) 0 − ln (1 − )
− 2.11289√ 100 + 2.41146√ 100
1,700 1,700
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
𝑝 = 0.7524
800 0.7524
(−1.337 ×{ } )
𝑃𝐹 = 100 × [1 − 𝑒 ]
𝑃𝐹 = 67.7%
The estimated FFS and average speed for a flow rate of 800 veh/h are both
above the posted speed limit. This result is reasonable for a flat, straight segment
in this volume range. However, the follower density produces LOS D operations.
This flow rate is large enough to produce fairly high levels of platooning, but not
so high as to cause significant reductions in speed. The combination of a
moderately high flow rate and moderately high level of platooning will result in
travelers perceiving a relatively poor level of service.
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The Facts
The segment to be evaluated has the same general demand and geometric
characteristics as the segment evaluated in Example Problem 1. The difference is
that this segment has horizontal curvature instead of being straight; otherwise,
the same inputs are used as for Example Problem 1.
The segment is split into 11 subsegments, with each subsegment being either
straight (tangent) or curved. Horizontal curvature data for each subsegment is
provided in Exhibit 26-23.
Exhibit 26-23
Example Problem 2:
Horizontal Curve Inputs
Super- Central
Length elevation Radius Angle Horizontal
Subsegment Type (ft)a (%) (ft) (deg) Classb
1 Tangent 280 -- -- -- --
2 Horizontal curve 432 3 450 55 3
3 Tangent 260 -- -- -- --
4 Horizontal curve 366.5 2 300 70 4
5 Tangent 250 -- -- -- --
6 Horizontal curve 216 5 275 45 5
7 Tangent 275.6 -- -- -- --
8 Horizontal curve 458 0 750 35 2
9 Tangent 285 -- -- -- --
10 Horizontal curve 767.9 4 1,100 40 1
11 Tangent 369 -- -- -- --
Total 3,960
Length for horizontal curves = radius × central angle × π/180.
Determined from Exhibit 15-22, with radius and superelevation as inputs.
Estimate the average speed in the subject direction on the two-lane highway
segment, taking into account the effects of horizontal alignment on the average
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Step 5d.2: Calculate Average Speed for each Horizontal Curve Within the
The average speed for a subsegment with horizontal curvature is determined
using Equation 15-12 though Equation 15-15. The process is demonstrated for
Subsegment 2.
Subsegment 2 has a horizontal alignment class of 3 and the BFFS for the
preceding tangent section is 57.0 mi/h. Equation 15-14 is applied to compute the
base free-flow speed for Subsegment 2:
𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐻𝐶2 = min(𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑇 , 44.32 + 0.3728 × 𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑇 − 6.868 × 𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠2 )
𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐻𝐶2 = min(57.0, 44.32 + 0.3728 × 57.0 − 6.868 × 3)
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𝑆𝐻𝐶2 = min (𝑆, 𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐻𝐶2 − 𝑚 × √ − 0.1)
𝑆𝐻𝐶2 = min (53.7, 44.8381 − 0.9145 × √ − 0.1)
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Compared to the straight segment studied in Example Problem 1, the
horizontal curvature in the segment studied in Example Problem 2 reduces the
average speed from 53.7 mi/h to 49.5 mi/h, which is close to the segment’s posted
speed limit of 50 mi/h.
The Facts
The input data for the eastbound direction of the facility are provided in
Exhibit 26-26.
Exhibit 26-26
Example Problem 3:
Input Data
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Estimate the LOS in the subject direction on the two-lane highway segment,
taking into account the effects of the passing lane and the passing zone.
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𝑚 = max [𝑏5 , 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 × 𝐹𝐹𝑆 + 𝑏2 × √ + max(0, 𝑏3 ) × √𝐿
+ max(0, 𝑏4 ) × √𝐻𝑉% ]
𝑚 = max [0,0.0558 + 0.0542 × 62.43 + 0.3278 × √
𝑚 = 3.930
𝑣𝑜 𝑣𝑜
𝑝 = max [𝑓8 , 𝑓0 + 𝑓1 × 𝐹𝐹𝑆 + 𝑓2 × 𝐿 + 𝑓3 × + 𝑓4 × √ + 𝑓5 × 𝐻𝑉%
1,000 1,000
+ 𝑓6 × √𝐻𝑉% + 𝑓7 × (𝐿 × 𝐻𝑉%)]
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𝑝 = max [0,0.67576 + 0 × 62.43 + 0 × 0.75 + 0.12060 ×
− 0.35919 × √ + 0 × 8 + 0 × √8 + 0 × (0.75 × 8)]
𝑝 = 0.417
𝑃𝐹𝑐𝑎𝑝 = 85.62%
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𝑃𝐹25𝑐𝑎𝑝 = 48.83%
48.83 85.62
0 − ln [1 − 100 ] 0 − ln [1 − 100 ]
𝑚 = −0.29764 ( ) − 0.71917 ( )
1,700 1,700
0.25 [1,000] [1,000]
𝑚 = −1.289
48.83 85.62
0 − ln [1 − ] 0 − ln [1 − ]
𝑝 = 0.81165 + 0.37920 ( 100 ) − 0.49524 ( 100 )
1,700 1,700
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
48.83 85.62
0 − ln (1 − ) 0 − ln (1 − )
− 2.11289√ 100 + 2.41146√ 100
1,700 1,700
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
𝑝 = 0.767
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904 0.767
(−1.289 ×{ } )
𝑃𝐹 = 100 × [1 − 𝑒 1,000 ]
𝑃𝐹 = 69.7%
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𝑚 = max [𝑏5 , 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 × 𝐹𝐹𝑆 + 𝑏2 × √ + max(0, 𝑏3 ) × √𝐿
+ max(0, 𝑏4 ) × √𝐻𝑉% ]
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𝑚 = max [0, −1.138 + 0.094 × 62.43 + 0.0000 × √
𝑚 = 6.139
𝑣𝑜 𝑣𝑜
𝑝 = max [𝑓8 , 𝑓0 + 𝑓1 × 𝐹𝐹𝑆 + 𝑓2 × 𝐿 + 𝑓3 × + 𝑓4 × √ + 𝑓5 × 𝐻𝑉%
1,000 1,000
+ 𝑓6 × √𝐻𝑉% + 𝑓7 × (𝐿 × 𝐻𝑉%)]
𝑝 = max [0, 0.91793 − 0.00557 × 62.43 + 0.36862 × 1.5 + 0 ×
+0×√ + 0.00611 × 8 + 0 × √8 − 0.00419 × (1.5 × 8)]
𝑝 = 1.122
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35.90 79.04
0 − ln [1 − 100 ] 0 − ln [1 − 100 ]
𝑚 = −0.15808 ( ) − 0.83732 ( )
1,500 1,500
0.25 [1,000] [1,000]
𝑚 = −1.060
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35.90 79.04
0 − ln [1 − ] 0 − ln [1 − ]
𝑝 = −1.63246 + 1.6496 ( 100 ) − 4.45823 ( 100 )
1,500 1,500
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
35.90 79.04
0 − ln (1 − ) 0 − ln (1 − )
− 4.89119√ 100 + 10.33057√ 100
1,500 1,500
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
𝑝 = 0.897
868 0.897
(−1.060 ×{ } )
𝑃𝐹 = 100 × [1 − 𝑒 1,000 ]
𝑃𝐹 = 60.7%
Step 7b: Calculate the Percentage of Heavy Vehicles in Each Lane of the
Passing Lane Segment
Equation 15-28 through Equation 15-30 are applied as follows.
𝐻𝑉%𝐹𝐿 = 𝐻𝑉% × 𝐻𝑉𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑟𝐹𝐿 = 8 × 0.4 = 3.2%
𝐻𝑉%𝐹𝐿 3.2
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝐻𝑉𝑆𝐿 = 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝐻𝑉 − (𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝐹𝐿 × ) = 69 − (487 × ) = 54 veh
100 100
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝐻𝑉𝑆𝐿 54
𝐻𝑉%𝑆𝐿 = × 100 = × 100 = 14.2%
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑆𝐿 381
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Step 7c: Calculate the Average Speed in Each Lane of the Passing Lane
Applying the equations and passing lane coefficient tables of Step 5
(Estimate the Average Speed), with the corresponding flow rate and heavy
vehicle percentage for each lane yields:
Sinit_FL = 60.7 mi/h; and
Sinit_SL = 60.6 mi/h.
The average speed lane differential adjustment is calculated with Equation
𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝐴𝑑𝑗 = 2.750 + 0.00056 × 𝑣𝑑 + 3.8521 ×
𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝐴𝑑𝑗 = 2.750 + 0.00056 × 868 + 3.8521 ×
𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝐴𝑑𝑗 = 3.54 mi/h
Next, the average speed for each lane at the passing lane segment midpoint
is calculated with Equation 15-32 and Equation 15-33.
𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝐴𝑑𝑗 3.54
𝑆𝑃𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑑_𝐹𝐿 = 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡_𝐹𝐿 + = 60.7 + = 62.5 mi/h
2 2
𝐴𝑣𝑔𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝐴𝑑𝑗 3.54
𝑆𝑃𝐿𝑚𝑖𝑑_𝑆𝐿 = 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡_𝑆𝐿 − = 60.6 − = 58.8 mi/h
2 2
Step 7d: Calculate the Percent Followers in Each Lane of the Passing Lane
Applying the equations and passing lane coefficient tables of Step 6
(Estimate the Percent Followers), with the corresponding flow rate and heavy
vehicle percentage for each lane yields
PFPLmid_FL = 44.5%, and
PFPLmid_SL = 35.6%.
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𝑃𝐹 %𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑃𝐹 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒
𝐹𝐷𝑎𝑑𝑗 = × (1 − )×
100 100 %𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑆
𝑆 × (1 + )
69.7 5.0 904
𝐹𝐷𝑎𝑑𝑗 = × (1 − )×
100 100 0
58.8 × (1 + 100)
The passing lane effective length is taken as the shorter of the two values, in
this case 8.1 mi. The remaining downstream segments (3, 4, and 5) are all within
the passing lane’s effective length; therefore, an adjusted follower density will be
calculated for each of these segments.
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𝑚 = max [0,0.0558 + 0.0542 × 62.43 + 0.3278 × √
𝑝 = max [0,0.67576 + 0 × 62.43 + 0 × 1.00 + 0.12060 ×
− 0.35919 × √ + 0 × 8 + 0 × √8 + 0 × (1.00 × 8)]
𝑝 = 0.417
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𝑃𝐹𝑐𝑎𝑝 = 85.32%
𝑚 = −1.275
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48.43 85.32
0 − ln [1 − ] 0 − ln [1 − ]
𝑝 = 0.81165 + 0.37920 ( 100 ) − 0.49524 ( 100 )
1,700 1,700
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
48.43 85.32
0 − ln (1 − ) 0 − ln (1 − )
− 2.11289√ 100 + 2.41146√ 100
1,700 1,700
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
𝑝 = 0.768
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segments. However, the values for FFS, opposing flow rate, segment length, and
percent heavy vehicles are different for Segment 4.
𝑚 = max [0,0.0558 + 0.0542 × 62.45 + 0.3278 × √
𝑝 = max [0,0.67576 + 0 × 62.45 + 0 × 0.5 + 0.12060 ×
− 0.35919 × √ + 0 × 7.5 + 0 × √7.5 + 0 × (0.5 × 7.5)]
𝑝 = 0.478
𝑃𝐹𝑐𝑎𝑝 = 85.90%
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𝑝 = 0.791
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𝑚 = max [0,0.0558 + 0.0542 × 62.43 + 0.3278 × √
𝑝 = max [0,0.67576 + 0 × 62.43 + 0 × 1.75 + 0.12060 ×
− 0.35919 × √ + 0 × 8 + 0 × √8 + 0 × (1.75 × 8)]
𝑝 = 0.417
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𝑃𝐹𝑐𝑎𝑝 = 85.05%
𝑚 = −1.275
𝑝 = 0.750
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𝐹𝐷𝐹 = = 7.3 followers/mi/ln
From Exhibit 15-6, for a higher-speed highway, the facility LOS is C. Exhibit
26-27 summarizes LOS results for each segment and the facility as a whole.
The non–passing lane segments all operate at LOS D and the passing lane
segment operates at LOS B. The operating conditions within the passing lane
segment and its benefits several miles downstream result in an overall facility
LOS of C.
The Facts
A diagram of the study facility, showing its six segments, is provided in
Exhibit 26-28. The study direction (eastbound) starts in the top left of the figure
and proceeds to the bottom center.
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Exhibit 26-28
Example Problem 4:
Facility Diagram
Exhibit 26-29 provides volume and speed data for the facility, while Exhibit
26-30 provides grade and horizontal curve data. Tangent sections are either
straight or have horizontal curves with radii greater than 2,550 ft. Segment 2 has
a series of seven reverse curves of similar radius and central angle. To reduce
repetitive computations that would produce the same estimated speed, they have
been combined into a single long, curved subsegment. Segment 3 contains a short
passing lane 910 ft (0.17 mi) in length. Because this length is shorter than the
minimum passing lane lengths given in Exhibit 15-10 (i.e., is too short to be
effectively used as a passing lane), the passing lane is ignored. Segment 3 is treated
as a Passing Constrained segment instead, following the guidance on page 15-17.
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Estimate the LOS in the eastbound direction of the two-lane highway facility,
taking into account the effects of the passing lanes.
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
From Exhibit 15-10, all segment lengths lie between the minimum and
maximum lengths for their respective segment types. Therefore, no adjustment is
needed to any segment length.
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𝑚 = max [𝑏5 , 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 × 𝐹𝐹𝑆 + 𝑏2 × √ + max(0, 𝑏3 ) × √𝐿
+ max(0, 𝑏4 ) × √𝐻𝑉% ]
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𝑚 = max [3.2685,9.0115 − 0.1994 × 60.0 + 1.8252 × √
𝑚 = 10.147
𝑣𝑜 𝑣𝑜
𝑝 = max [𝑓8 , 𝑓0 + 𝑓1 × 𝐹𝐹𝑆 + 𝑓2 × 𝐿 + 𝑓3 × + 𝑓4 × √ + 𝑓5 × 𝐻𝑉%
1,000 1,000
+ 𝑓6 × √𝐻𝑉% + 𝑓7 × (𝐿 × 𝐻𝑉%)]
1,500 1,500
+ 0.25699 × − 0.68465 × √ − 0.00709 × 8
1,000 1,000
𝑝 = 0.519
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Step 5d.2: Calculate Average Speed for each Horizontal Curve Within the
The average speed for a subsegment with horizontal curvature is determined
using Equation 15-12 though Equation 15-15. First, Equation 15-14 is applied to
compute the base free-flow speed:
𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐻𝐶1𝑏 = min(𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑇 , 44.32 + 0.3728 × 𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑇 − 6.868 × 𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠1𝑏 )
𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐻𝐶1𝑏 = min(62.7,44.32 + 0.3728 × 62.7 − 6.868 × 4)
𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐻𝐶1𝑏 = min(62.7, 40.22) = 40.22 mi/h
Next, the FFS is computed using Equation 15-13:
𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐻𝐶1𝑏 = 𝐵𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐻𝐶1𝑏 − 0.0255 × 𝐻𝑉%
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𝑆𝐻𝐶1𝑏 = min (𝑆, 𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐻𝐶1𝑏 − 𝑚 × √ − 0.1)
𝑆𝐻𝐶1𝑏 = min (49.2, 40.02 − 0.563 × √ − 0.1)
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𝑃𝐹𝑐𝑎𝑝 = 92.74%
𝑃𝐹25𝑐𝑎𝑝 = 59.77%
59.77 92.74
0 − ln [1 − ] 0 − ln [1 − ]
𝑚 = −0.29764 ( 100 ) − 0.71917 ( 100 )
1,700 1,700
0.25 [1,000] [1,000]
𝑚 = −1.747
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59.77 92.74
0 − ln [1 − ] 0 − ln [1 − ]
𝑝 = 0.81165 + 0.37920 ( 100 ) − 0.49524 ( 100 )
1,700 1,700
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
59.77 92.74
0 − ln (1 − ) 0 − ln (1 − )
− 2.11289√ 100 + 2.41146√ 100
1,700 1,700
0.25 [ ] [ ]
1,000 1,000
𝑝 = 0.762
1,222 0.762
(−1.747 ×{ } )
𝑃𝐹 = 100 × [1 − 𝑒 1,000 ]
𝑃𝐹 = 86.9%
Exhibit 26-35 presents the percent followers results for all segments.
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Because the end of the downstream, and last, segment is within the effective
length of the passing lane, Equation 15-36 through Equation 15-38 are used to
calculate the adjusted follower density for Segment 6. The downstream distance
used in these calculations is 1.0 mi (Segment 5 length + Segment 6 length).
Equation 15-36 is used to determine the percentage improvement to percent
followers in Segment 6 as a result of the upstream passing lane.
%𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑃𝐹 = max(0, 27 − 8.75 × ln[max(0.1, 𝐷𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒)]
+ 0.1 × max[0, 𝑃𝐹 − 30] + 3.5 × ln[max(0.3, 𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑠𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑒𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ)]
− 0.01 × 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒)
%𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑃𝐹 = max(0, 27 − 8.75 × ln[max(0.1, 1.0)] + 0.1 × max[0,86.9 − 30]
+ 3.5 × ln[max(0.3,0.5)] − 0.01 × 1,222)
%𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑃𝐹 = 18.0%
Equation 15-37 is used to determine the percentage improvement to average
speed in Segment 6 as a result of the upstream passing lane, and Equation 15-38
is used to determine the adjusted follower density.
%𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑆 = max(0, 3 − 0.8 × 𝐷𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
+ 0.1 × max[0, 𝑃𝐹 − 30] + 0.75 × 𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑠𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑒𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
− 0.005 × 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒)
%𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑆 = max(0, 3 − 0.8 × 1.0 + 0.1 × max[0, 86.9 − 30] + 0.75 × 0.5
− 0.005 × 1,222)
%𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑆 = 2.2%
𝑃𝐹 %𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑃𝐹 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒
𝐹𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑎𝑑𝑗 = × (1 − )×
100 100 %𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑆
𝑆 × (1 + 100 )
78.5 18.0 1,222
𝐹𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑎𝑑𝑗 = × (1 − )×
100 100 2.2
58.3 × (1 +
𝐹𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑎𝑑𝑗 = 13.2 followers/mi
This adjusted follower density result is used in Steps 10 and 11.
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
The main conclusions of this analysis are:
• The tight 350-ft radius horizontal curve at the end of Segment 1
significantly reduces speeds at the end of that segment. The other
segments are comparatively unaffected by their horizontal curvature.
• The 6% upgrade significantly affects speeds and percent followers. The
Passing Lane segment significantly reduces percent followers on the
downstream segment. However, the improvement is not large enough to
change the LOS from E to D for this mountainous highway.
• The percent followers and the follower density are high on this facility,
resulting in LOS E. The last segment of the facility (a downgrade
following a 0.5-mi passing lane) is slightly over the threshold for LOS E.
Average speeds for the non-passing lane segments range from 44 mi/h to
56 mi/h. Within the passing lane, the average speeds range from 56 to 61
mi/h across the two lanes. The demand/capacity ratio varies from 0.72 to
0.87 during the summer peak hour.
The long upgrade extending across several segments generates interactions
across the segments that are not well modeled by this macroscopic analysis
method for evaluating facilities. Consequently, microsimulation would be
recommended to verify and potentially refine the results.
As noted in The Facts section at the start of this example problem, Segment 3
contains a 910-ft passing lane that is too short to provide a substantial
operational benefit. One could analyze the effect of extending the passing lane
length to 0.5 mi, assuming it is actually feasible to extend the passing lane in this
mountainous terrain. In that case, Segment 3 would be analyzed as a Passing
Lane segment, and the follower density in Segment 4 would be adjusted to reflect
the effects of the passing lane. Another passing lane starts in Segment 5;
therefore, the analysis of the effects of the Segment 3 passing lane would not be
carried past Segment 4. With the improved passing lane, the follower density for
the facility would improve to 17.6 followers/mi/ln, although this still yields LOS E.
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Two-Lane Highway Example Problems
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
The Facts
The roadway currently has the following characteristics:
• Lane width = 12 ft,
• Shoulder width = 2 ft,
• Pavement rating = 3 (fair),
• Posted speed limit = 50 mi/h,
• Hourly directional volume = 500 veh/h (no growth is expected),
• Percentage of heavy vehicles = 5%,
• PHF = 0.90, and
• No on-highway parking.
The proposed roadway design has the following characteristics:
• Lane width = 12 ft,
• Shoulder width = 6 ft,
• Pavement rating = 5 (very good),
• Posted speed limit = 55 mi/h, and
• No on-highway parking.
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𝑊𝑒 = 𝑊𝑣 − (%𝑂𝐻𝑃[2 ft + 𝑊𝑠 ]) = 14 − (0 × [2 + 2]) = 14 ft
Under the proposed design,
𝑊𝑣 = 𝑊𝑂𝐿 + 𝑊𝑠 = 12 + 6 = 18 ft
𝑊𝑒 = 𝑊𝑣 + 𝑊𝑠 − 2 × (%𝑂𝐻𝑃[2 ft + 𝑊𝑠 ]) = 18 + 6 − 2 × (0 × [2 + 6]) = 24 ft
Although the posted speed would increase as a result of the proposed
design, this negative impact on bicyclists would be more than offset by the
proposed shoulder widening, as indicated by the improvement from LOS F to
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Two-Lane Highway Example Problems
Version 7.0 Page 26-99
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Some of these references can 1. Zegeer, J. D., M. A. Vandehey, M. Blogg, K. Nguyen, and M. Ereti. NCHRP
be found in the Technical
Reference Library in Volume 4. Report 599: Default Values for Highway Capacity and Level of Service Analyses.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2008.
2. Dowling, R., G. F. List, B. Yang, E. Witzke, and A. Flannery. NCFRP Report
41: Incorporating Truck Analysis into the Highway Capacity Manual.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2014.
3. Washburn, S. S., and S. Ozkul. Heavy Vehicle Effects on Florida Freeways and
Multilane Highways. Report TRC-FDOT-93817-2013. Florida Department of
Transportation, Tallahassee, 2013.
4. Ozkul, S., and Washburn, S. S. Updated Commercial Truck Speed versus
Distance-Grade Curves for the Highway Capacity Manual. In Transportation
Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2483,
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2015, pp. 91–101.
5. Hu, J., B. Schroeder, and N. Rouphail. Rationale for Incorporating Queue
Discharge Flow into Highway Capacity Manual Procedure for Analysis of
Freeway Facilities. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, No. 2286, Transportation Research Board of the
National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2012, pp. 76–83.
6. Elefteriadou, L., A. Kondyli, and B. St. George. Estimation of Capacities on
Florida Freeways. Final Report. Transportation Research Center, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Sept. 2014.
7. Brilon, W., J. Geistefeldt, and M. Regler. Reliability of Freeway Traffic Flow:
A Stochastic Concept of Capacity. In Proceedings of the 16th International
Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, College Park, Md., July 2005,
pp. 125–144.
8. SAE International. Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving
Automation Systems for On-Road Motor Vehicles. Recommended Practice J3016.
Warrendale, Pa., June 2018.
9. Adebisi, A., Y. Liu, B. Schroeder, J. Ma, B. Cesme, A. Jia, and A. Morgan.
Developing Highway Capacity Manual Capacity Adjustment Factors for
Connected and Automated Traffic on Freeway Segments. In Transportation
Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2674,
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2020, pp. 401–415.
10. Jones, S. Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: Human Factors Analysis. Report
FHWA-HRT-13-045. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.,
Oct. 2013.
This appendix provides travel time versus distance curves for SUTs and TTs
for 50-, 55-, 60-, 65-, and 75-mi/h free-flow speeds (FFS). Curves for SUTs and TTs
for a 70-mi/h FFS are presented in Section 3 as Exhibit 26-5 and Exhibit 26-6,
Exhibit 26-A1
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 50-mi/h
Exhibit 26-A2
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 55-mi/h
Appendix A: Truck Performance Curves Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 26-A3
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 60-mi/h
Exhibit 26-A4
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 65-mi/h
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Appendix A: Truck Performance Curves
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 26-A5
SUT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 75-mi/h
Exhibit 26-A6
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 50-mi/h
Appendix A: Truck Performance Curves Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Exhibit 26-A7
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 55-mi/h
Exhibit 26-A8
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 60-mi/h
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Appendix A: Truck Performance Curves
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Exhibit 26-A9
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 65-mi/h
Exhibit 26-A10
TT Travel Time Versus
Distance Curves for 75-mi/h
Appendix A: Truck Performance Curves Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
This appendix presents a method for estimating the capacity and operation
of work zones on two-lane highways when one of the two lanes is closed. This
method is based on research conducted by National Cooperative Highway
Research Program (NCHRP) Project 03-107 (B-1).
Work zones along two-lane highways can take three forms:
1. Shoulder closure. Work activity is limited to the shoulder of one direction
of travel and does not require lane reconfiguration. In this case, only the
direction of travel adjacent to the work zone is slightly affected.
2. Lane shift. Work activity extends beyond the shoulder, but both directions
of travel can be accommodated with a lane shift that utilizes the opposite
paved shoulder.
3. Lane closure. Work activity requires the closure of one of the two lanes.
Flaggers or temporary traffic signals are used to alternately serve one
direction of travel at a time. Both directions of travel can be significantly
The method presented in this appendix addresses the third scenario—lane This method addresses a one-
lane closure on a two-lane
closure—as it has the greatest impact on traffic operations. highway. Other types of work
zones, such as shoulder
closures or lane shifts, are not
CONCEPTS addressed.
A lane closure on a two-lane highway converts traffic flow from an
uninterrupted to an interrupted condition. With traffic control devices (flaggers
or signals) provided at each end, the operation of the lane closure can be
described in terms similar to those used for a signalized intersection:
• Capacity is the number of vehicles that can be processed through the work
zone per cycle or per hour. It can be determined based on the saturation
flow rate at the control points and the traffic control “cycle length.”
• Cycle length is determined by the flagging operations or signal timing at
each control point and the time required to travel through the work zone.
Travel time is dependent on the average travel speed of the platoons
traveling through the work zone. Factors that may influence travel speed
include posted speed limit, use of a pilot car, heavy-vehicle percentage,
grade, intensity of construction activity, lane width, lateral distance to the
work activity, and lighting conditions (day versus night).
Performance measures, including delay and queue length, can be calculated
by using capacity and cycle length.
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Exhibit 26-B1
Traffic Control for a Two-Lane
Highway Work Zone Involving
a Lane Closure
Some data, such as average travel speed, saturation flow rate, and green
interval length, may be difficult to collect in the field. In Steps 2–4, the
mathematical models that can be used to estimate these data are presented.
Analysts must note that, for capacity calculations, field data are always more
desirable to use when available.
Measuring two-lane highway A procedure is given in Section 6 of Chapter 31, Signalized Intersections:
work zone saturation flow rates
requires a longer data Supplemental, for determining the saturation flow rate of a signalized
collection time than for a intersection. This procedure involves counting and timing the number of queue
signalized intersection because
of the longer cycle lengths discharge vehicles that pass through an intersection to determine the saturated
involved. vehicle headway. As two-lane highway work zone traffic control typically has a
much longer cycle length than a typical signalized intersection, the time period
for gathering saturation flow data is recommended to be 30–60 min. Of course, a
longer time period is generally more desirable when possible. The work zone
capacity can then be determined from the measured saturation flow rate and the
effective green–to–cycle length ratio.
Unlike the core two-lane highway procedure described in Chapter 15, the
work zone procedure requires that demand volumes be adjusted for the effects of
heavy vehicles and grades, using Equation 26-B1.
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𝑉𝑖 Equation 26-B1
𝑣𝑖 =
𝑃𝐻𝐹 × 𝑓𝑔 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
vi = demand flow rate (pc/h);
i = “d” (analysis direction) or “o” (opposing direction);
Vi = demand volume for direction i (veh/h);
PHF = peak hour factor (decimal);
fg = grade adjustment factor, from Exhibit 26-B2 or Exhibit 26-B3; and
fHV = heavy vehicle adjustment factor, from Equation 26-B2.
Exhibit 26-B3 shows grade adjustment factors for specific upgrades. The
negative impact of upgrades on two-lane highway speeds increases as both the
severity of the upgrade and its length increase. The impact declines as demand
flow rate increases. At higher demand flow rates, lower speeds would already
result, and the additional impact of the upgrades is less severe.
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Equation 26-B2 𝑓𝐻𝑉 =
1 + 𝑃𝑇 (𝐸𝑇 − 1) + 𝑃𝑅 (𝐸𝑅 − 1)
fHV = heavy vehicle adjustment factor,
PT = proportion of trucks in the traffic stream (decimal),
PR = proportion of RVs in the traffic stream (decimal),
ET = passenger car equivalent for trucks, and
ER = passenger car equivalent for RVs.
The passenger car equivalent is the number of passenger cars displaced from
the traffic stream by one truck or RV. Passenger car equivalents are defined for:
• Extended sections of general level or rolling terrain,
• Specific upgrades, and
• Specific downgrades.
Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 26-B4 contains passenger car equivalents for trucks and RVs in
general terrain segments and for specific downgrades, which are treated as level
terrain in the lower-speed situations associated with work zones.
Exhibit 26-B4
Directional Demand Level Terrain and
Two-Lane Highway Work
Vehicle Type Flow Rate, vvph (veh/h) Specific Downgrades Rolling Terrain
Zone Passenger Car
≤100 1.9 2.7 Equivalents for Trucks (ET)
200 1.5 2.3
and RVs (ER) for Level
300 1.4 2.1 Terrain, Rolling Terrain, and
400 1.3 2.0
Specific Downgrades
Trucks, ET 500 1.2 1.8
600 1.1 1.7
700 1.1 1.6
800 1.1 1.4
≥900 1.0 1.3
RVs, ER All flows 1.0 1.1
Note: Interpolation to the nearest 0.1 is recommended.
Exhibit 26-B5 and Exhibit 26-B6 show passenger car equivalents for trucks
and RVs, respectively, on specific upgrades.
Si = average travel speed in direction i (mi/h),
Spl = posted speed limit for the two-lane highway segment (mi/h),
fLS = adjustment for lane and shoulder width from Equation 15-5 (mi/h),
fA = adjustment for access-point density from Equation 15-6 (mi/h).
For two-lane highway work zones, these equations provide a constant speed
reduction of 2.4 mi/h in all conditions.
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Exhibit 26-B6
Two-Lane Highway Work Directional Demand Flow Rate, vvph (veh/h)
Grade Grade
Zone Passenger Car (%) Length (mi) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Equivalents for RVs (ER) on 0.25 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Specific Upgrades >0.25, 0.75 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
>0.75, 1.25 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
>1.25, 2.25 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
>2.25 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.75 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
>0.75, 3.50 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
>3.50 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
4.5, 2.50 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<5.5 >2.50 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.75 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
5.5, >0.75, 2.50 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
<6.5 >2.50, 3.50 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0
>3.50 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1
2.50 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
6.5 >2.50, 3.50 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
>3.50 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4
Note: Interpolation in this exhibit is not recommended.
Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
si = saturation flow rate for direction i (pc/h);
ĥi = adjusted time headway for direction i (s);
h0 = base saturation headway (s/pc) = 3,600/1,900 = 1.89 s/pc;
fspeed,i = speed adjustment for direction i (decimal); and
Si = average travel speed in direction i (mi/h).
20 0.0375𝑙 < 20
𝐺𝑜𝑝𝑡 = {0.0375𝑙 20 ≤ 0.0375𝑙 ≤ 60 Equation 26-B8
60 0.0375𝑙 > 60
Gopt = optimal effective green time for one direction (s), and
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways
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Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 26-B7
Directional Queueing Diagram
for a Two-Lane Highway
Lane-Closure Work Zone
d = control delay per passenger car (s/pc),
d1 = uniform control delay assuming uniform traffic arrivals (s/pc), and
d2 = incremental delay resulting from random arrivals and oversaturation
queues (s/pc).
For each direction i, the total directional uniform control delay per cycle Di,1 (in
seconds) is the triangle area in the queue length diagram (Exhibit 26-B7). It is
calculated as one-half the queue length multiplied by the queueing duration. Di,1
is given by Equation 26-B16.
𝑠𝑖 𝑣𝑖
𝐷1,𝑖 = (𝐶 − 𝐺𝑖 )2 Equation 26-B16
2(𝑠𝑖 − 𝑣𝑖 )
The average uniform delay in direction i is given by Equation 26-B17.
𝐷1,𝑖 𝑠𝑖 (𝐶 − 𝐺𝑖 )2
𝑑1,𝑖 = = Equation 26-B17
𝑣𝑖 𝐶 2(𝑠𝑖 − 𝑣𝑖 )𝐶
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways
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Equation 26-B18 𝑑2,𝑖 = 900 𝑇 [(𝑋𝑖 − 1) + √(𝑋𝑖 − 1)2 + ]
𝑐𝑖 𝑇
T = analysis period duration (h),
k = incremental delay factor (decimal),
I = upstream filtering adjustment factor (decimal),
ci = directional capacity (pc/h) from Equation 26-B11, and
Xi = directional volume-to-capacity ratio or degree of saturation (unitless).
Values for k can be calculated with Equation 19-22 in Chapter 19. For fixed-
time control, k = 0.5. Because the purpose of calculating delay in a work zone
context is to identify the optimal effective green time, which is assumed to repeat
every cycle, a value for k of 0.5 is recommended for use in Equation 26-B18. It
incorporates the effects of metered arrivals from upstream signals or work zones.
If the work zone is isolated, then I = 1.0.
The average delay per passenger car is the sum of the directional total
delays, divided by the total number of passenger cars, as shown in Equation 26-
B19. Note that the traffic flow rates used in the equation are in units of passenger
cars per hour; therefore, vehicle delay is calculated in terms of seconds per
passenger car.
(𝑑1,1 + 𝑑2,1 )𝑣1 + (𝑑1,2 + 𝑑2,2 )𝑣2
Equation 26-B19 𝑑=
𝑣1 + 𝑣2
In equations calculating queue length and vehicle delay, all variables are
given by roadway or traffic parameters, except that directional effective green
time Gi should be determined by users. Thus users can change the traffic control
plan to optimize the result. Users must note, however, that they should not
arbitrarily choose an effective green-time value.
This subsection presents an example application of the methodology. An
isolated 1,000-ft-long work zone will be located on a rural two-lane highway.
Known peak hour roadway and traffic parameters are summarized in Exhibit 26-
B8 and Exhibit 26-B9.
Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
Page 26-116 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Lane Width Shoulder Width No. of Access General Terrain Exhibit 26-B8
Direction (ft) (ft) Points per Mile Type Example Calculation: Work
1 12 3 0 Rolling Zone Roadway Parameters
2 12 3 0 Rolling
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways
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Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
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𝐶 = 134.0 s
𝐺1,𝑚𝑖𝑛 = (134.0 − 37.5) = 35.5 s
1,714 − 461
𝐺2,𝑚𝑖𝑛 = (134.0 − 37.5) = 34.6 s
1,748 − 461
As the optimal effective green time of 37.5 s is greater than the minimum
required time for each direction, it is accepted, and the process continues to
Step 5.
As v1 < c1 and v2 < c2, this 1,000-ft work zone can serve the traffic demand
without accumulating vehicle queues when the effective green time is 37.5 s for
both directions.
Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
𝑑2,𝑖 = 900 𝑇 [(𝑋𝑖 − 1) + √(𝑋𝑖 − 1)2 + ]
𝑐𝑖 𝑇
2 (8)(0.5)(1.0) (
𝑑2,1 = (900)(1) [(
461 √
− 1) + (
− 1) + 480)] = 52.4 s
480 480 (480)(1)
2 (8)(0.5)(1.0) (
𝑑2,2 = (900)(1) [(
461 √
− 1) + (
− 1) + 489)] = 42.8 s
489 489 (489)(1)
Finally, the average delay per passenger car is given by Equation 26-B19.
(47.5 + 52.4)(461) + (47.2 + 42.8)(461)
𝑑= = 95.0 s
461 + 461
B-1. Schoen, J. M., J. A. Bonneson, C. Safi, B. Schroeder, A. Hajbabaie, C. H.
Yeom, N. Rouphail, Y. Wang, W. Zhu, and Y. Zou. Work Zone Capacity
Methods for the Highway Capacity Manual. National Cooperative Highway
Research Program Project 3-107 final report, preliminary draft. Kittelson &
Associates, Inc., Tucson, Ariz., April 2015.
Appendix B: Work Zones on Two-Lane Highways Chapter 26/Freeway and Highway Segments: Supplemental
Page 26-120 Version 7.0
MANUAL 7th Edition
A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
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1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 27-1
Exhibit 27-1 List of Example Problems for Weaving Segment Analysis .............27-2
Exhibit 27-2 Example Problem 1: Major Weaving Segment Data ........................27-2
Exhibit 27-3 Example Problem 1: Determination of Configuration
Variables ...............................................................................................................27-4
Exhibit 27-4 Example Problem 1: Capacity of Entry and Exit Roadways ...........27-5
Exhibit 27-5 Example Problem 2: Ramp-Weave Segment Data ............................27-7
Exhibit 27-6 Example Problem 2: Configuration Characteristics .........................27-9
Exhibit 27-7 Example Problem 2: Capacity of Entry and Exit Legs ...................27-10
Exhibit 27-8 Example Problem 3: Two-Sided Weaving Segment Data..............27-12
Exhibit 27-9 Example Problem 3: Configuration Characteristics .......................27-14
Exhibit 27-10 Example Problem 3: Capacity of Entry and Exit Legs .................27-15
Exhibit 27-11 Example Problem 4: Major Weaving Segment Data ....................27-17
Exhibit 27-12 Example Problem 4: Trial Design 1 ................................................27-18
Exhibit 27-13 Example Problem 4: Trial Design 2 ................................................27-20
Exhibit 27-14 Example Problem 5: Maximum Density Thresholds for LOS
A–D ......................................................................................................................27-23
Exhibit 27-15 Example Problem 5: Service Flow Rates (pc/h) Under Ideal
Conditions (SFI) .................................................................................................27-25
Exhibit 27-16 Example Problem 5: Service Flow Rates (veh/h) Under
Prevailing Conditions (SF) ...............................................................................27-25
Exhibit 27-17 Example Problem 5: Service Volumes (veh/h) Under
Prevailing Conditions (SV) ...............................................................................27-26
Exhibit 27-18 Example Problem 5: Daily Service Volumes (veh/day)
Under Prevailing Conditions (DSV)................................................................27-26
Exhibit 27-19 Example Problem 6: ML Access Segment with Cross-
Weaving ..............................................................................................................27-27
Exhibit 27-20 Example Problem 6: Hourly Flow Rates After PHF Is
Applied ...............................................................................................................27-29
Exhibit 27-21 Example Problem 6: Configuration Characteristics .....................27-29
Exhibit 27-22 Example Problem 6: Capacity of Entry and Exit Legs .................27-31
Exhibit 27-23 Example Problem 7: ML Access Segment Data ............................27-32
Exhibit 27-24 Example Problem 7: Weaving Flows for Managed Lane
Segment ...............................................................................................................27-33
Exhibit 27-25 Link–Node Structure for the Simulated Weaving Segment ........27-37
Exhibit 27-26 Input Data for Various Demand Levels (veh/h) ...........................27-37
Exhibit 27-27 Determining the Capacity of a Weaving Segment by
Simulation ...........................................................................................................27-38
Chapter 27 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 13, Freeway Weaving VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
Segments, which is found in Volume 2 of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). 25. Freeway Facilities:
Section 2 provides seven example problems demonstrating the application of the Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
Chapter 13 core methodology and its extension to freeway managed lanes. Segments: Supplemental
Section 3 presents examples of applying alternative tools to the analysis of 27. Freeway Weaving:
freeway weaving sections to address limitations of the Chapter 13 methodology. 28. Freeway Merges and
Diverges: Supplemental
29. Urban Street Facilities:
30. Urban Street Segments:
31. Signalized Intersections:
32. STOP-Controlled
33. Roundabouts:
34. Interchange Ramp
Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
38. Network Analysis
Exhibit 27-2
Example Problem 1: Major
Weaving Segment Data
What is the level of service (LOS) and capacity of the weaving segment shown in
Exhibit 27-2?
The Facts
In addition to the information contained in Exhibit 27-2, the following
characteristics of the weaving segment are known:
PHF = 0.91 (for all movements);
Heavy vehicles = 5% trucks;
Driver population = regular commuters;
Chapter 12, Basic Freeway and Multilane Highway Segments, must be
consulted to find appropriate values for the heavy-vehicle adjustment factor fHV.
Chapter 26, Section 2, should be consulted if the driver population includes a
significant proportion of noncommuters.
All input parameters have been specified, so default values are not needed.
Demand volumes are given in vehicles per hour under prevailing conditions.
These must be converted to passenger cars per hour under equivalent ideal
conditions for use with the weaving methodology. The weaving segment length
must be compared with the maximum length for weaving analysis to determine
whether the Chapter 13 methodology is applicable. The capacity of the weaving
segment is estimated and compared with the total demand flow to determine
whether LOS F exists. Lane-changing rates are calculated to allow estimations of
speed for weaving and nonweaving flows. Average overall speed and density
are computed and compared with the criteria of Exhibit 13-6 to determine LOS.
Without specific information to the contrary, it is assumed that good weather
conditions prevail and that there are no incidents during the analysis period.
𝑣𝑅𝐹 = = 1,197 pc/h
0.91 × 0.952
𝑣𝑅𝑅 = = 1,497 pc/h
0.91 × 0.952
𝑣𝑊 = 798 + 1,197 = 1,995 pc/h
𝑣𝑁𝑊 = 2,094 + 1,497 = 3,591 pc/h
𝑣 = 1,995 + 3,591 = 5,586 pc/h
𝑉𝑅 = = 0.357
Exhibit 27-3
Example Problem 1:
Determination of
Configuration Variables
𝑐𝑊 = 𝑐𝐼𝑊𝐿 × 𝑁 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
𝑐𝑊 = 2,110 × 4 × 0.952 = 8,038 veh/h
As can be seen, capacity is sufficient on each of the entry and exit roadways
and will therefore not affect operations within the weaving segment.
𝑆𝑁𝑊 = 𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 𝑆𝐴𝐹 − (0.0072𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 ) − (0.0048 )
𝑆𝑁𝑊 = 65 × 1 − (0.0072 × 798) − (0.0048 ) = 52.5 mi/h
Equation 13-22 is now used to compute the average speed of all vehicles in
the segment:
𝑣𝑊 + 𝑣𝑁𝑊
𝑆= 𝑣 𝑣
(𝑆𝑊 ) + (𝑆𝑁𝑊 )
3,591 + 1,995
𝑆= = 53.1 mi/h
3,591 1,995
( 52.5 ) + ( 54.2 )
As indicated by the results, this weaving segment operates at LOS C, with an
average speed of 53.1 mi/h for all vehicles. Weaving vehicles travel a bit faster
than nonweaving vehicles, primarily because the configuration favors weaving
vehicles and many weaving maneuvers can be made without a lane change. In
turn, the method estimates that nonweaving vehicles are affected by the weave
turbulence, which results in a drop in speed of those movements. The demand
flow rate of 5,320 veh/h is considerably less than the capacity of the segment,
8,038 veh/h. In other words, demand can grow significantly before reaching the
capacity of the segment.
Exhibit 27-5
Example Problem 2: Ramp-
Weave Segment Data
What is the capacity of the weaving segment of Exhibit 27-5, and at what
LOS is it expected to operate with the demand flow rates as shown?
The Facts
In addition to the information given in Exhibit 27-5, the following facts are
known about the subject weaving segment:
PHF = 1.00 (demands stated as flow rates);
Heavy vehicles = 0%; demand given in passenger car equivalents;
Because the demands have been specified as flow rates in passenger cars per
hour under equivalent ideal conditions, Chapter 12 does not have to be consulted
to obtain appropriate adjustment factors.
Several of the computational steps related to converting demand volumes to
flow rates under equivalent ideal conditions are unnecessary, since demands are
already specified in that form. Lane-changing characteristics will be estimated.
The maximum length for weaving operations in this case will be estimated and
compared with the actual length of the segment. The capacity of the segment will
be estimated and compared with the demand to determine whether LOS F exists.
If it does not, component flow speeds will be estimated and averaged. A density
will be estimated and compared with the criteria of Exhibit 13-6 to determine the
expected LOS.
Exhibit 27-6
Example Problem 2:
Configuration Characteristics
From Exhibit 27-6, it is clear that all ramp-to-freeway vehicles must make at
least one lane change (LCRF = 1) and that all freeway-to-ramp vehicles must make
at least one lane change (LCFR = 1). It is also clear that a weaving maneuver can
only be completed with a single lane change from the right lane of the freeway or
the auxiliary lane (NWL = 2). Then, by using Equation 13-2, LCMIN is computed as
𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (𝐿𝐶𝑅𝐹 × 𝑣𝑅𝐹 ) + (𝐿𝐶𝐹𝑅 × 𝑣𝐹𝑅 )
𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (1 × 600) + (1 × 300) = 900 lc/h
𝑐𝑊 = 𝑐𝐼𝑊𝐿 × 𝑁 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
𝑐𝑊 = 2,145 × 4 = 8,580 pc/h
The controlling capacity is the smaller value, or 8,580 pc/h. At this point, the
value is usually stated as vehicles per hour. In this case, because inputs were
already adjusted and were stated in passenger cars per hour, conversions back to
vehicles per hour are not possible.
Since the capacity of the weaving segment is larger than the demand flow
rate of 5,000 pc/h, LOS F does not exist, and the analysis may continue.
As noted, the segment is operating well (LOS C) and is close to the LOS B
boundary. Weaving and nonweaving speeds are relatively high, suggesting a
stable flow. The demand flow rate of 5,000 pc/h is well below the capacity of the
segment (8,580 pc/h). Weaving vehicles travel somewhat more slowly than
nonweaving vehicles, which is typical of ramp-weave segments, where the vast
majority of nonweaving vehicles are running from freeway to freeway.
Exhibit 27-8
Example Problem 3: Two-
Sided Weaving Segment Data
What is the expected LOS and capacity for the weaving segment of Exhibit
The Facts
In addition to the information contained in Exhibit 27-8, the following facts
concerning the weaving segment are known:
PHF = 0.94 (all movements);
Heavy vehicles = 11% trucks;
Driver population = regular commuters;
FFS = 60 mi/h; ramp FFS = 30 mi/h;
cIFL = 2,300 pc/h/ln (for FFS = 60 mi/h);
ID = 2 int/mi; and
Terrain = rolling.
Because this example illustrates the analysis of a two-sided weaving
segment, several key parameters are different from those for a more typical one-
side weaving segment.
In a two-sided weaving segment, only the ramp-to-ramp flow is considered
to be a weaving flow. While the freeway-to-freeway flow technically weaves
with the ramp-to-ramp flow, the operation of freeway-to-freeway vehicles more
closely resembles that of nonweaving vehicles. These vehicles generally make
few lane changes as they move through the segment in a freeway lane. This
segment is in a busy urban corridor with a high interchange density and a
relatively low FFS for the freeway.
Solution steps are the same as in the first two example problems. However,
since the segment is a two-sided weaving segment, some of the key values will
be computed differently, as described in the methodology.
Component demand volumes will be converted to equivalent flow rates in
passenger cars per hour under ideal conditions, and key demand parameters will
be calculated. A maximum weaving length will be estimated to determine
whether a weaving analysis is appropriate. The capacity of the weaving segment
will be estimated to determine whether LOS F exists. In addition, the segment
density will be estimated to evaluate whether LOS F exists. If it does not, lane-
changing parameters, speeds, density, and LOS will be estimated.
Exhibit 27-9
Example Problem 3:
Configuration Characteristics
From Exhibit 27-9, ramp-to-ramp vehicles must make two lane changes to
complete their desired weaving maneuver. Then
𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (𝐿𝐶𝑅𝑅 × 𝑣𝑅𝑅 ) = 2 × 389 = 778 lc/h
𝑐𝑊 = 𝑐𝐼𝑊𝐿 × 𝑁 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
𝑐𝑊 = 1,867 × 3 × 0.820 = 4,593 veh/h > 4,150 veh/h
Because the capacity of the segment exceeds the demand volume (in vehicles
per hour), LOS F is not expected, and the analysis may be continued.
The capacity of input and output roadways must also be checked. The
freeway input and output roadways have three lanes and a capacity of 2,300 × 3 =
6,900 pc/h (Chapter 12). The one-lane ramps (with ramp FFS = 30 mi/h) have a
capacity of 1,900 pc/h (Chapter 14). Exhibit 27-10 compares these capacities with
the demand flow rates (in pc/h).
𝑆𝑁𝑊 = 𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 𝑆𝐴𝐹 − (0.0072𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 ) − (0.0048 )
𝑆𝑁𝑊 = 60 × 1 − (0.0072 × 778) − (0.0048 ) = 45.8 mi/h
Equation 13-22 is now used to compute the average speed of all vehicles in
the segment:
𝑣𝑊 + 𝑣𝑁𝑊
𝑆= 𝑣 𝑣
(𝑆𝑊 ) + (𝑆𝑁𝑊 )
389 + 4,995
𝑆= = 45.8 mi/h
389 4,995
( )+( )
45.9 45.8
This two-sided weaving segment operates at LOS E, not far from the LOS E/F
boundary. The v/c ratio is 4,150/4,573 = 0.91. The major problem is that 300 veh/h
crossing the freeway from ramp to ramp creates a great deal of turbulence in the
traffic stream and limits capacity. The speeds estimated for weaving and
nonweaving vehicles are effectively the same in this example. Two-sided
weaving segments do not operate well with such large numbers of ramp-to-ramp
vehicles. If this were a basic freeway segment, the per lane flow rate of 5,405/3 =
1,802 pc/h/ln would not be considered excessive and would be well within a
basic freeway segment’s capacity of 2,300 pc/h/ln.
Exhibit 27-11
Example Problem 4: Major
Weaving Segment Data
What design would be appropriate to deliver LOS C for the demand flow
rates shown?
The Facts
In addition to the information contained in Exhibit 27-11, the following facts
are known concerning this weaving segment:
PHF = 1.00 (all demands stated as flow rates),
Heavy vehicles = 0% trucks (all demands in pc/h),
Driver population = regular commuters,
FFS = 75 mi/h (all legs and weaving segment),
cIFL = 2,400 pc/h/ln (for FFS = 75 mi/h),
ID = 1 int/mi, and
Terrain = level.
As is the case in any weaving segment design, considerable constraints are
imposed. The problem states that the maximum length is 1,000 ft, no doubt
limited by locational issues for the merge and diverge junctions. Shorter lengths
are probably not worth investigating, and the maximum should be assumed for
all trial designs. The simplest design merely connects entering lanes with exit
lanes in a straightforward manner, producing a section of five lanes. A section
with four lanes could be considered by merging two lanes into one at the entry
gore and separating it into two again at the exit gore. In any event, the design is
limited to a section of four or five lanes. No other widths would work without
major additions to input and output legs. The configuration cannot be changed
without adding a lane to at least one of the entry or exit legs. Thus, the initial trial
will be at a length of 1,000 ft, with the five entry lanes connected directly to the
five exit lanes, with no changes to the exit or entry leg designs. If this does not
produce an acceptable operation, changes will be considered.
While the problem clearly states that all legs are freeways, no feasible
configuration produces a two-sided weaving section. Thus, to fit within the one-
sided analysis methodology, the right-side entry and exit legs will be classified as
ramps in the computational analysis. Note that by inspection, the capacity of all
entry and exit legs is more than sufficient to handle the demand flow rates
Exhibit 27-12
Example Problem 4: Trial
Design 1
The direct connection of entry and exit legs produces a weaving segment in
which the ramp-to-freeway movement can be made without a lane change (LCRF
= 0). However, freeway-to-ramp vehicles must make two lane changes (LCFR = 2).
With regard to the lane-changing pattern, there are no lanes on the entering
freeway leg from which a weaving maneuver can be made with one or no lane
changes. However, ramp drivers wishing to weave can enter on either of the two
left ramp lanes and weave with one or no lane changes. Thus, NWL = 2.
By using Equation 13-2, LCMIN is computed as
𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (𝐿𝐶𝑅𝐹 × 𝑣𝑅𝐹 ) + (𝐿𝐶𝐹𝑅 × 𝑣𝐹𝑅 )
𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (0 × 1,500) + (2 × 1,450) = 2,900 lc/h
𝑐𝑊 = 𝑐𝐼𝑊𝐿 × 𝑁 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
𝑐𝑊 = 1,944 × 5 × 1 = 9,721 pc/h
Discussion: Trial 1
This weaving segment would be expected to fail under the proposed design.
The critical feature appears to be the configuration. Note that the capacity is
limited by the maximum weaving flows that can be sustained, not by a density
expected to produce queuing. This is primarily due to the freeway-to-ramp flow,
which must make two lane changes. The number of lane changes can be reduced
to one by adding one lane to the “ramp” at the exit gore area. This not only
reduces the number of lane changes made by 1,450 freeway-to-ramp vehicles but
also increases the value of NW from 2 to 3. In turn, the segment’s capacity (as
limited by weaving flow rate) is effectively increased to 3,500/VR = 3,500/0.424 =
8,255 pc/h, which is well in excess of the demand flow rate of 6,950 pc/h. Another
analysis (Trial 2) will be conducted by using this approach.
Exhibit 27-13
Example Problem 4:
Trial Design 2
𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (𝐿𝐶𝑅𝐹 × 𝑣𝑅𝐹 ) + (𝐿𝐶𝐹𝑅 × 𝑣𝐹𝑅 )
𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (0 × 1,500) + (1 × 1,450) = 1,450 lc/h
𝑐𝑊 = 𝑐𝐼𝑊𝐿 × 𝑁 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
𝑐𝑊 = 2,064 × 5 × 1 = 10,320 pc/h
𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 𝑆𝐴𝐹 − 15
𝑆𝑊 = 15 + ( )
75 × 1 − 15
𝑆𝑊 = 15 + ( ) = 56.8 mi/h
1 + 0.436
𝑆𝑁𝑊 = 𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 𝑆𝐴𝐹 − (0.0072𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 ) − (0.0048 )
𝑆𝑁𝑊 = 75 × 1 − (0.0072 × 1,450) − (0.0048 ) = 57.9 mi/h
Equation 13-22 is now used to compute the average speed of all vehicles in
the segment:
𝑣𝑊 + 𝑣𝑁𝑊
𝑆= 𝑣 𝑣
(𝑆𝑊 ) + (𝑆𝑁𝑊 )
4,000 + 2,950
𝑆= = 57.4 mi/h
4,000 2,950
( )+( )
57.9 56.8
Discussion: Trial 2
The relatively small change in the configuration makes all the difference in
this design. LOS C can be achieved by adding a lane to the right exit leg; without
it, the section fails because of excessive weaving turbulence. If the extra lane is not
needed on the departing freeway leg, it will be dropped somewhere downstream,
perhaps as part of the next interchange. The extra lane would have to be carried
for several thousand feet to be effective. An added lane generally will not be
fully utilized by drivers if they are aware that it will be immediately dropped.
The key issue is the definition of the threshold values for the various levels of
service. For weaving sections on freeways, levels of service are defined as
limiting densities, as shown in Exhibit 27-14:
By definition, the service flow rate at LOS E is the capacity of the weaving
section, which may or may not be keyed to a density.
Before the construction of such a table is illustrated, several key definitions
should be reviewed:
• Service flow rate (under ideal conditions): The maximum rate of flow under
equivalent ideal conditions that can be sustained while maintaining the
designated LOS (SFI, pc/h).
• Service flow rate (under prevailing conditions): The maximum rate of flow
under prevailing conditions that can be sustained while maintaining the
designated LOS (SF, veh/h).
• Service volume: The maximum hourly volume under prevailing conditions
that can be sustained while maintaining the designated LOS in the worst
15 min of the hour (SV, veh/h).
• Daily service volume: The maximum annual average daily traffic under
prevailing conditions that can be sustained while maintaining the
designated LOS in the worst 15 min of the peak hour (DSV, veh/day).
Note that flow rates are for a 15-min period, often a peak 15 min within the
analysis hour, or the peak hour. These values are related as follows:
𝑆𝐹𝑖 = 𝑆𝐹𝐼𝑖 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
𝑆𝑉𝑖 = 𝑆𝐹𝑖 × 𝑃𝐻𝐹
𝐷𝑆𝑉𝑖 =
This chapter’s methodology estimates both the capacity and the density
expected in a weaving segment of given geometric and demand characteristics.
Conceptually, the approach to generating values of SFI is straightforward: for
any given situation, keep increasing the input flow rates until the boundary
density for the LOS is reached; the input flow rate is the SFI for that situation and
LOS. This obviously involves many iterations. A spreadsheet can be
programmed to do this, either semiautomatically with manual input of demands,
or fully automatically, with the spreadsheet automatically generating solutions
until a density match is found. The latter method is not very efficient and
involves a typical spreadsheet program running for several hours. A program
could, of course, be written to automate the entire process.
An Example
While all of the computations cannot be shown, demonstration results for a
specific case can be illustrated. A service volume table is desired for a weaving
section with the following characteristics:
• One-sided major weaving section
• Demand splits as follows:
o vFF = 65% of v
o vRF = 15% of v
o vFR = 12% of v
o vRR = 8% of v
• Trucks = 5%
• Level terrain
• PHF = 0.93
• Regular commuters in the traffic stream
• ID = 1 interchange/mi
• FFS = 65 mi/h
For these characteristics, a service volume table can be constructed for a
range of lengths and widths and for configurations in which NW is 2 and 3. For
illustrative purposes, lengths of 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, and 2,500 ft and widths of
three, four, or five lanes will be used. In a major weaving section, one weaving
flow does not have to make a lane change. In this example, the ramp-to-freeway
movement is assumed to have this characteristic. The freeway-to-ramp movement
would require one or two lane changes, on the basis of the value of NWL.
First Computations
Initial computations will be aimed at establishing values of SFI for the
situations described. A spreadsheet will be constructed in which the first column
is the flow rate to be tested (in passenger cars per hour under ideal conditions),
and the last column produces a density. Each line will be iterated (manually in
this case) until each threshold density value is reached. Intermediate columns
will be programmed to produce the intermediate results needed to get to this
result. Because maximum length and capacity are decided at intermediate points,
the applicable results will be manually entered before continuing. Such a
procedure is less difficult than it seems once the basic computations are
programmed. Manual iteration using the input flow rate is efficient; the operator
will observe how fast the results are converging to the desired threshold and will
change the inputs accordingly.
The results of a first computation are shown in Exhibit 27-15. They represent
service flow rates under ideal conditions, SFI. Consistent with the HCM’s results
presentation guidelines (Chapter 7, Interpreting HCM and Alternative Tool
Results), all hourly service flow rates and volumes in these exhibits have been
rounded down to the nearest 100 passenger cars or vehicles for presentation.
Exhibit 27-16 shows service flow rates under prevailing conditions, SF. Each
value in Exhibit 27-15 (before rounding) is multiplied by
1 1
𝑓𝐻𝑉 = = = 0.952
1 + 𝑃𝑇 (𝐸𝑇 − 1) 1 + 0.05(2 − 1)
Exhibit 27-17 shows service volumes, SV. Each value in Exhibit 27-16 (before
rounding) is multiplied by a PHF of 0.93.
This example problem illustrates how service volume tables may be created
for a given set of weaving parameters. So many variables affect the operation of a
weaving segment that “typical” service volume tables are not recommended.
They may be significantly misleading when they are applied to segments with
different parameters.
GP Merge GP Access
1,000 ft 1,500 ft
360 veh/h travel
to ML
The Facts
In addition to the information given in Exhibit 27-19, the following facts are
known about the subject weaving segment:
PHF = 0.90;
Heavy vehicles = 0% single-unit trucks, 0% tractor-trailer;
Driver population = regular commuters;
FFS = 65 mi/h (for both managed and general purpose lanes);
cIFL = 2,350 pc/h/ln (for FFS = 65 mi/h);
ID = 1.0 interchange/mi; and
Terrain = level.
Lane-changing characteristics will be estimated for Lane Group Pair 2. The
maximum length for weaving operations in the access segments will be
estimated and compared with the segment’s actual length. The access segment’s
capacity will be estimated and compared with demand to determine whether
LOS F exists. If it does not, component flow speeds will be estimated and
averaged. Finally, the access segment density will be estimated and Exhibit 13-6
used to determine the expected LOS.
GP Basic GP Access
1,000 ft 1,500 ft
400 veh/h travel
to ML
ML Access
GP Access
1,500 ft
From Exhibit 27-21, it is clear that all ramp-to-freeway vehicles must make at
least one lane change (LCRF = 1). Similarly, all freeway-to-ramp vehicles must
make at least one lane change (LCFR = 1). In addition, a weaving maneuver can
only be completed with a single lane change from the leftmost lane of the
freeway or the auxiliary lane (NWL = 2). Then, by using Equation 13-2, LCMIN is
computed as
𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (𝐿𝐶𝑅𝐹 × 𝑣𝑅𝐹 ) + (𝐿𝐶𝐹𝑅 × 𝑣𝐹𝑅 )
𝐿𝐶𝑀𝐼𝑁 = (1 × 300) + (1 × 600) = 900 lc/h
𝑐𝑊 = 𝑐𝐼𝑊𝐿 × 𝑁 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
𝑐𝑊 = 2,121 × 4 × 1 = 8,483 pc/h
𝑆𝑁𝑊 = 65 × 1 − (0.0072 × 900) − (0.0048 ) = 53.0 mi/h
Equation 13-22 is now used to compute the average speed of all vehicles in
the segment:
𝑣𝑊 + 𝑣𝑁𝑊
𝑆= 𝑣 𝑣
(𝑆𝑊 ) + (𝑆𝑁𝑊 )
900 + 3,700
𝑆= = 53.1 mi/h
900 3,700
( )+( )
53.7 53.0
As noted, the access segment is operating at LOS C. Weaving and
nonweaving speeds are relatively high, suggesting a nearly stable flow. The
demand flow rate of 4,600 pc/h is well below the access segment’s capacity of
8,483 pc/h.
Exhibit 27-23
Example Problem 7:
ML Access Segment Data
The FFS of the segment is 70 mi/h and the interchange density, ID, is 1
interchange per mile. Demand flow rates for this segment are shown in Exhibit
27-24. Note that all demand flows are stated in passenger car equivalents and
represent the flow rate in the worst 15-min period of the hour.
Exhibit 27-24
Example Problem 7: Weaving
Flows for Managed Lane
The result is significantly longer than the actual weaving length of 1,000 ft.
Thus, the access segment may be treated by using the weaving procedure.
𝑐𝑊 = 𝑐𝐼𝑊𝐿 × 𝑁 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉
𝑐𝑊 = 2,228 × 3 × 1 = 6,684 pc/h
The capacity limited by maximum weaving flow is computed by using
Equations 13-7 and 13-8.
2,400 2,400
𝑐𝐼𝑊 = = = 34,286 pc/h
𝑉𝑅 0.07
𝑐𝑊 = 𝑐𝐼𝑊 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉 = 34,286 × 1 = 34,286 pc/h
Obviously, the capacity is controlled by maximum density and is established
as 6,684 pc/h. Since the total flow in the segment is 900 + 100 + 200 + 3,100 = 4,300
pc/h, failure (LOS F) is not expected, and the analysis of the weaving area
continues. By inspection and comparison with Chapter 12 criteria, demand does
not exceed capacity on any of the entry or exit roadways.
Estimate the Density in the ML Access Segment and Determine the LOS
The density in the segment is found by using Equation 13-23.
(𝑣/𝑁) (4,300/3)
𝐷= = = 23.6 pc/mi/ln
𝑆 60.8
From Exhibit 13-12, this is LOS B but close to the LOS B/C boundary of 24
In this case, the ML access segment is expected to work well. The actual
weaving involving vehicles entering and leaving the segment results in an
overall LOS B designation. The impact of cross-weaving vehicles using the off-
ramp is negligible.
Exhibit 27-25
1 2 3 4 Link–Node Structure for the
Simulated Weaving Segment
5 6
The next step is to develop input data for various demand levels. Several
demand levels ranging from 80% to 180% of the original volumes were analyzed
by simulation. The demand data, adjusted for a peak hour factor of 0.91, are
given in Exhibit 27-26.
Thirty simulation runs were made for each demand level. The results are
discussed in the following sections. The need to determine performance
measures from an analysis of vehicle trajectories was emphasized in Chapter 7,
Interpreting HCM and Alternative Tool Results. Specific procedures for defining
measures in terms of vehicle trajectories were proposed to guide the future
Chapter 27/Freeway Weaving: Supplemental Alternative Tool Examples for Weaving Segments
Version 7.0 Page 27-37
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
80 100 120 140 160 180
Percent of Original Demand
Demand Volume Throughput HCM Capacity
Alternative Tool Examples for Weaving Segments Chapter 27/Freeway Weaving: Supplemental
Page 27-38 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 27-28
Simulated Effect of Demand
Volume on Weaving Segment
Capacity and Speed
At the originally specified demand volume level of 5,320 veh/h (peak hour
adjusted), the estimated speed was 62.0 mi/h and the density was 21.4 veh/mi/ln.
The corresponding values from simulation were 53.1 mi/h and 26.3 pc/ln/mi.
Because of differences in definition, these results are not easy to compare. These
differences illustrate the pitfalls of applying LOS thresholds to directly simulated
density to determine the segment LOS.
The densities produced when demand exceeded capacity were greater than
70 veh/ln/mi. This level of density is usually associated with queues that back up
from downstream bottlenecks; however, in this case, no such bottlenecks were
present. Inspection of the animated graphics suggests that the increase in density
within the weaving segment is caused by vehicles that are not able to get into the
required lane for their chosen exit. Some vehicles were forced to stop and wait
for a lane-changing opportunity, and the reduction in average speed produced a
corresponding increase in the average density.
For purposes of illustration, this example focuses on a single link containing
the weaving segment. The overloading of demand prevented all of the vehicles
from entering the link and would have increased the delay substantially if the
vehicles denied entry were considered. For this reason, the delay measures from
the simulation were not included in this discussion.
Chapter 27/Freeway Weaving: Supplemental Alternative Tool Examples for Weaving Segments
Version 7.0 Page 27-39
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Signal Operation
To create this condition, a pretimed signal with a slightly oversaturated
operation is added 700 ft from the exit point. The operating parameters for the
signal are given in Exhibit 27-29. Note that the right-turn capacity estimated by
the Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections, procedure is slightly lower than the left-
turn capacity because of the adjustment factors applied to turns by that procedure.
Capacity Calibration
To ensure that the simulation model is properly calibrated to the HCM, the
simulation tool’s operating parameters for the link were modified by trial and
error to match the HCM estimate of the link capacity by overloading the link to
determine its throughput. With a start-up lost time of 2.0 s and a steady-state
headway of 1.8 s/veh, the simulated capacity for the link was 2,040 veh/h, which
compares well with the HCM’s estimate of 2,052 veh/h.
Alternative Tool Examples for Weaving Segments Chapter 27/Freeway Weaving: Supplemental
Page 27-40 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 27-30
Deterioration of Weaving
Segment Operation due to
Queue Backup from a Traffic
Mainline vehicles unable to
reach the exit lanes
When the signal was added, the situation changed significantly. The
throughput peaked at about 95% of the specified demand and declined
noticeably as more vehicles were allowed to enter the freeway. Another useful
observation is that the peak throughput of approximately 4,560 veh/h is
considerably below the estimated capacity of nearly 8,000 veh/h.
80 85 90 95 100 105
Percent of Specified Demand
Chapter 27/Freeway Weaving: Supplemental Alternative Tool Examples for Weaving Segments
Version 7.0 Page 27-41
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
The same phenomenon is observed on the exit ramp approach to the signal,
as shown in Exhibit 27-32. The throughput declined with added demand after
reaching its peak value of about 1,835 veh/h. Note that the peak throughput is
also well below the capacity of 2,040 to 2,050 veh/h estimated by both the HCM
and the simulation tool in the absence of upstream congestion.
80 85 90 95 100 105
Percent of Specified Demand
Alternative Tool Examples for Weaving Segments Chapter 27/Freeway Weaving: Supplemental
Page 27-42 Version 7.0
MANUAL 7th Edition
A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
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1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 28-1
Chapter 28 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 14, Freeway Merge and VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
Diverge Segments, which is found in Volume 2 of the Highway Capacity Manual 25. Freeway Facilities:
(HCM). Section 2 provides five example problems demonstrating the application Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
of the Chapter 14 methodology and its extension to freeway managed lanes. Segments: Supplemental
Section 3 presents examples of applying alternative tools to the analysis of 27. Freeway Weaving:
freeway merge and diverge segments to address limitations of the Chapter 14 28. Freeway Merges and
methodology. Diverges: Supplemental
29. Urban Street Facilities:
30. Urban Street Segments:
31. Signalized Intersections:
32. STOP-Controlled
33. Roundabouts:
34. Interchange Ramp
Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
38. Network Analysis
All input parameters are known, so no default values are needed or used.
Adjustment factors for heavy vehicles and driver population are found in
Chapter 12, Basic Freeway and Multilane Highway Segments.
The capacity of a four-lane freeway (two lanes in one direction) with an FFS
of 60 mi/h is given in Exhibit 14-10. The capacity is 4,600 pc/h, which is more
than the demand flow of 3,543 pc/h. The capacity of a one-lane ramp with an FFS
of 45 mi/h is given in Exhibit 14-12 as 2,100 pc/h, which is well in excess of the
ramp demand flow of 625 pc/h. The maximum desirable flow rate entering the
ramp influence area is also 4,600 pc/h, again more than 3,543. Thus, the operation
of the segment is expected to be stable. LOS F does not exist. Note that there
were no adjustments to speed (SAF) or capacity (CAF) due to inclement weather,
incidents, or other impacts for this case.
The results indicate that the merge area operates in a stable fashion, with
some deterioration in density and speed due to merging operations.
The solution will use adjustment factors for heavy vehicle presence and
driver population selected from Chapter 12, Basic Freeway and Multilane
Highway Segments. All input parameters are specified, so no default values are
needed or used.
First Off-Ramp
From Exhibit 14-9, flow in Lanes 1 and 2 of the freeway is estimated by using
Equation 14-11 or Equation 14-9, depending on whether the impact of the
downstream off-ramp is significant. This is determined by computing the
equivalence distance by using Equation 14-13:
1.15 − 0.000032𝑣𝐹 − 0.000369𝑣𝑅
𝐿𝐸𝑄 = = 657 ft
1.15 − 0.000032(5,093) − 0.000369(340)
Since the actual distance between ramps, 750 ft, is greater than the
equivalence distance of 657 ft, the ramp may be treated as if it were isolated, with
Equation 14-9:
𝑃𝐹𝐷 = 0.760 − 0.000025𝑣𝐹 − 0.000046𝑣𝑅
𝑃𝐹𝐷 = 0.760 − 0.000025(5,093) − 0.000046(340) = 0.617
Then from Equation 14-8,
𝑣12 = 𝑣𝑅 + (𝑣𝐹 − 𝑣𝑅 )𝑃𝐹𝐷
𝑣12 = 340 + (5,093 − 340)(0.617) = 3,273 pc/h
Because a six-lane freeway includes one lane in addition to the ramp
influence areas (the innermost lane, Lane 3), the reasonableness of the predicted
lane distribution of arriving freeway vehicles should be checked. The flow rate in
Lane 3 is 5,093 – 3,273 = 1,820 pc/h. The average flow per lane in Lanes 1 and 2 is
3,273/2 = 1,637 pc/h (rounded to the nearest pc). Then:
Is v3 > 2,700 pc/h/ln? No
Is v3 > 1.5 × (1,637) = 2,456 pc/h/ln? No
Since both checks for reasonable lane distribution are passed, the computed
value of v12 for the first off-ramp is accepted as 3,273 pc/h.
Second Off-Ramp
From Exhibit 14-9, the second off-ramp should be analyzed by using
Equation 14-9, which is for an isolated off-ramp. Adjacent upstream off-ramps do
not affect the lane distribution of arriving vehicles at a downstream off-ramp.
The freeway flow approaching Ramp 2, however, includes the freeway flow
approaching Ramp 1, less the flow rate of vehicles exiting the freeway at Ramp 1.
Therefore, the freeway flow rate approaching Ramp 2 is as follows:
𝑣𝐹2 = 5,093 − 340 = 4,753 pc/h
𝑃𝐹𝐷 = 0.760 − 0.000025𝑣𝐹 − 0.000046𝑣𝑅
𝑃𝐹𝐷 = 0.760 − 0.000025(4,753) − 0.000046(566) = 0.615
𝑣12 = 566 + (4,753 − 566)(0.615) = 3,141 pc/h
Again, because there is an outer lane on a six-lane freeway, the
reasonableness of this estimate must be checked. The flow rate in the innermost
lane v3 is 4,753 – 3,141 = 1,612 pc/h. The average flow rate in Lanes 1 and 2 is
3,141/2 = 1,571 pc/h (rounded). Then:
Is v3 > 2,700 pc/h/ln? No
Is v3 > 1.5 × 1,571 = 2,357 pc/h/ln? No
Once again, the predicted lane distribution of arriving vehicles is reasonable,
and v12 is taken to be 3,141 pc/h.
From Exhibit 14-3, both of these ramp influence areas operate close to the
boundary between LOS C and LOS D (28.0 pc/mi/ln). Ramp 1 operates in LOS C,
while Ramp 2 operates in LOS D.
Although it makes virtually no difference in this case, note that the two ramp
influence areas overlap. The influence area of the first off-ramp extends 1,500 ft
upstream. The influence area of the second off-ramp also extends 1,500 ft
upstream. Since the ramps are only 750 ft apart, the second ramp influence area
overlaps the first for 750 ft (immediately upstream of the first diverge point). The
worse of the two levels of service is applied to this 750-ft overlap. In this case, the
levels of service are different, even though the predicted densities are similar.
Thus, the overlapping influence area is assigned LOS D.
First Off-Ramp
The speed within the first ramp influence area is computed by using the
equations given in Exhibit 14-14:
𝐷𝑆 = 0.883 + 0.00009𝑣𝑅 − 0.013𝑆𝐹𝑅 × 𝑆𝐴𝐹
𝐷𝑆 = 0.883 + 0.00009(340) − 0.013(40)(1.00) = 0.394
𝑆𝑅 = 𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 𝑆𝐴𝐹 − (𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 𝑆𝐴𝐹 − 42)𝐷𝑆
𝑆𝑅 = (60)(1.00) − (60 × 1.00 − 42)(0.394) = 52.9 mi/h
The flow rate in the outer lane vOA is 5,093 – 3,273 = 1,820 pc/h/ln. The average
speed in this outer lane is computed as follows, by using the equation given in
Exhibit 14-14:
𝑆𝑂 = 1.097 × 𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 𝑆𝐴𝐹 − 0.0039(𝑣𝑂𝐴 − 1,000)
𝑆𝑂 = (1.097)(60)(1.00) − 0.0039(1,820 − 1,000) = 62.6 mi/h
The average speed in Lane 3 is predicted to be slightly higher than the FFS of
the freeway. This is not uncommon, since through vehicles at higher speeds use
Lane 3 to avoid congestion in the ramp influence area. However, the average
speed across all lanes should not be higher than the FFS. In this case, the average
speed across all lanes is computed as follows, by using the appropriate equation
from Exhibit 14-15:
𝑣12 + 𝑣𝑂𝐴 𝑁𝑂 3,273 + (1,820)(1)
𝑆= = = 56.0 mi/h
𝑣12 𝑉𝑂𝐴 𝑁𝑂 3,273 1,820 × 1
( 𝑆 ) + ( 𝑆 ) ( 52.9 ) + ( 62.6 )
This result is, as expected, less than the FFS of the freeway.
Note that once again the SAF is 1.00, since there are no conditions that would
require an adjustment.
Second Off-Ramp
The speed in the second ramp influence area is computed as follows:
𝐷𝑆 = 0.883 + 0.00009(566) − 0.013(25)(1.00) = 0.609
𝑆𝑅 = (60)(1.00) − (60 × 1.00 − 42)(0.609) = 49.0 mi/h
Lane 3 has a demand flow rate of 4,753 – 3,141 = 1,612 pc/h/ln. The average
speed in this outer lane is computed as follows:
𝑆𝑂 = (1.097)(60)(1.00) − 0.0039(1,612 − 1,000) = 63.4 mi/h
The average speed across all freeway lanes is
𝑣12 + 𝑣𝑂𝐴 𝑁𝑂 3,141 + (1,612)(1)
𝑆= = = 53.1 mi/h
𝑣 𝑉 𝑁𝑂 3,141 1,612 × 1
( 𝑆12 ) + ( 𝑂𝐴
𝑆𝑂 ) ( 49.0 ) +(
63.4 )
The speed results in this case are interesting. While densities are similar for
both ramps, the density is somewhat higher and the speed somewhat lower in
the second influence area. This is primarily the result of a shorter deceleration
lane and a lower ramp FFS (25 mi/h versus 40 mi/h). In both cases, the average
speed in the outer lane is higher than the FFS, which applies as an average across
all lanes.
Since the operation is stable, there is no special concern here, short of a
significant increase in demand flows. LOS is technically D but falls just over the
LOS C boundary. In this case the step-function LOS assigned may imply
operation poorer than actually exists. It emphasizes the importance of knowing
not only the LOS but also the value of the service measure that produces it.
As with previous example problems, the conversion of demand volumes to
flow rates requires adjustment factors selected from Chapter 12, Basic Freeway
and Multilane Highway Segments. All pertinent information is given, and no
default values will be applied.
There are no capacity concerns, since all demands are well below the
associated capacities or maximum desirable values. No adjustments to capacity
are required. LOS F is not present in any part of this segment, and operations are
expected to be stable.
the off-ramp influence area is actually upstream of the on-ramp, and the
additional 200 ft of the on-ramp influence area is downstream of the off-ramp.
As noted previously, between the ramps, the influence areas of both ramps
fully overlap. Since a higher density is predicted for the off-ramp influence area,
and LOS D results, this density should be applied to the entire area between the
two ramps.
The speed results are also interesting. The slower speeds within the off-ramp
influence area will also control the overlap area. On the other hand, the speed
results indicate a higher average speed for all vehicles associated with the off-
ramp than for those associated with the on-ramp. This is primarily due to the
much larger disparity between speeds within the ramp influence area and in
outer lanes when the off-ramp is considered. The speed differential is more than
20 mi/h for the off-ramp, as opposed to a little more than 3 mi/h for the on-ramp.
This is not entirely unexpected. At diverge junctions, vehicles in outer lanes tend
to face less turbulence than those in outer lanes near merge junctions. All off-
ramp vehicles must be in Lanes 1 and 2 for some distance before exiting the
freeway. On-ramp vehicles, in contrast, can execute as many lane changes as they
wish, and more of them may wind up in outer lanes within 1,500 ft of the
junction point.
Thus, the total operation of this two-ramp segment is expected to be LOS D,
with speeds of approximately 50 mi/h in Lanes 1 and 2 and approximately 70
mi/h in Lanes 3 and 4.
This is a special application of the ramp analysis methodology presented in
Chapter 14. For left-hand ramps, the flow rate in Lanes 1 and 2 (v12) is initially
computed as if it were a right-hand ramp. Exhibit 14-18 is then used to convert
this result to an estimate of the flow in Lanes 2 and 3 (v23), since these are the two
leftmost lanes that will be involved in the merge. In effect, the ramp influence
area is, in this case, Lanes 3 and 4 and the acceleration lane for a distance of 1,500
ft downstream of the merge point.
Thus, even if the reasonableness criteria were approximately applied in this case,
no violation would exist.
The remaining computations proceed for the left-hand ramp, with the
substitution of v34 for v12 in all algorithms used.
This example problem is typical of the way the situations in the Special Cases
section of Chapter 14 are treated. Modifications as specified are applied to the
standard algorithms used for single-lane, right-hand ramp junctions. In this case,
operations are acceptable, but in LOS D—though not far from the LOS C
boundary. Because the left-hand lanes are expected to carry freeway traffic
flowing faster than right-hand lanes, right-hand ramps are normally preferable
to left-hand ramps when they can be provided without great difficulty.
This example illustrates the computation of service flow rates and service
volumes for a ramp–freeway junction. The case selected is relatively
straightforward to avoid extraneous complications that have been addressed in
other example problems.
Two approaches will be demonstrated:
1. The ramp demand flow rate will be stated as a fixed percentage of the
arriving freeway flow rate. The service flow rates and service volumes are
expressed as arriving freeway flow rates that result in the threshold
densities within the ramp influence area that define the limits of the
various levels of service. For this computation, the ramp flow is set at 10%
of the approaching freeway flow rate.
2. A fixed freeway demand flow rate will be stated, with service flow rates
and service volumes expressed as ramp demand flow rates that result in
the threshold densities within the ramp influence area that define the
limits of the various levels of service. For this computation, the
approaching freeway flow rate is set at 4,000 veh/h.
For LOS E, density does not define the limiting value of service flow rate,
which is analogous to capacity for ramp–freeway junctions. It is defined as the
flow that results in capacity being reached on the downstream freeway segment
or ramp roadway.
Since all algorithms in this methodology are calibrated for passenger cars per
hour under equivalent ideal conditions, initial computations are made in those
terms. Results are then converted to service flow rates by using the appropriate
heavy vehicle and driver population adjustment factors. Service flow rates are
then converted to service volumes by multiplying by the peak hour factor.
From Exhibit 14-3, the following densities define the limits of LOS A–D:
LOS A: 10 pc/mi/ln
LOS B: 20 pc/mi/ln
LOS C: 28 pc/mi/ln
LOS D: 35 pc/mi/ln
From Exhibit 14-10 and Exhibit 14-12, capacity (or the threshold for LOS E)
occurs when the downstream freeway flow rate reaches 7,200 pc/h (FFS = 70
mi/h) or when the ramp flow rate reaches 2,000 pc/h (ramp FFS = 40 mi/h).
Case 1: Ramp Demand Flow Rate = 0.10 × Freeway Demand Flow Rate
Equation 14-22 defines the density in an on-ramp influence area as follows:
𝐷𝑅 = 5.475 + 0.00734𝑣𝑅 + 0.0078𝑣12 − 0.00627𝐿𝐴
In this case
vR = 0.10 vF
LA = 1,000 ft
Equation 14-22 and Exhibit 14-8 give the following:
𝑣12 = 𝑣𝐹 × 𝑃𝐹𝑀
𝑃𝐹𝑀 = 0.5775 + 0.000028𝐿𝐴 = 0.5775 + 0.000028(1,000) = 0.6055
𝑣12 = 0.6055𝑣𝐹
Substitution of these values into Equation 14-22 gives
𝐷𝑅 = 5.475 + 0.00734(0.10𝑣𝐹 ) + 0.0078(0.6055𝑣𝐹 ) − 0.00627(1,000)
𝐷𝑅 = 5.475 + 0.000734𝑣𝐹 + 0.00472𝑣𝐹 − 6.27
𝐷𝑅 = 0.005454𝑣𝐹 − 0.795
𝐷𝑅 + 0.795
𝑣𝐹 =
This equation can now be solved for threshold values of vF for LOS A
through D by using the appropriate threshold values of density. The results will
be in terms of service flow rates under equivalent ideal conditions:
10 + 0.795
𝑣𝐹 (LOS A) = = 1,979 pc/h
20 + 0.795
𝑣𝐹 (LOS B) = = 3,813 pc/h
28 + 0.795
𝑣𝐹 (LOS C) = = 5,280 pc/h
35 + 0.795
𝑣𝐹 (LOS D) = = 6,563 pc/h
At capacity, the limiting flow rate occurs when the downstream freeway
segment is 7,200 pc/h. If the ramp flow rate is 0.10 of the approaching freeway
flow rate, then
𝑣𝐹𝑂 = 7,200 = 𝑣𝐹 + 0.10𝑣𝐹 = 1.10𝑣𝐹
𝑣𝐹(LOS E) = = 6,545 pc/h
This must be checked to ensure that the ramp flow rate (0.10 × 6,545 = 655
pc/h) does not exceed the ramp capacity of 2,000 pc/h. Since it does not, the
computation stands.
However, the LOS E (capacity) threshold is lower than the LOS D threshold.
This indicates that LOS D operation can be achieved at this location; however,
the service flow rate for LOS D cannot be achieved. Before densities reach the 35-
pc/h/ln threshold for LOS D, the capacity of the merge junction has been reached.
Thus, there is no service flow rate or service volume for LOS D.
The computed values are in terms of passenger cars per hour under
equivalent ideal conditions. To convert them to service flow rates in vehicles per
hour under prevailing conditions, they must be multiplied by the heavy vehicle
adjustment factor and the driver population factor. The approaching freeway
flow includes 6.5% trucks on both the ramp and the mainline. For level terrain
(Chapter 12, Basic Freeway and Multilane Highway Segments), ET = 2.0. Then
𝑓𝐻𝑉 =
1 + 𝑃𝑇 (𝐸𝑇 − 1)
𝑓𝐻𝑉 = = 0.939
1 + 0.065(2 − 1)
Service volumes are obtained by multiplying service flow rates by the
specified PHF, 0.87. These computations are illustrated in Exhibit 28-4.
Service Flow Rate, Service Flow Rate, Service Volume Exhibit 28-4
Ideal Conditions Prevailing Conditions (SF) (SV) Example Problem 5:
LOS (pc/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) Illustrative Service Flow Rates
A 1,979 1,979 × 0.939 × 1 = 1,858 1,858 × 0.87 = 1,616 and Service Volumes Based
B 3,813 3,813 × 0.939 × 1 = 3,580 3,580 × 0.87 = 3,115 on Approaching Freeway
C 5,280 5,280 × 0.939 × 1 = 4,958 4,958 × 0.87 = 4,313 Demand
E 6,545 6,545 × 0.939 × 1 = 6,146 6,146 × 0.87 = 5,347
The service flow rates and service volumes shown in Exhibit 28-4 are stated
in terms of the approaching hourly freeway demand.
These service flow rates and service volumes are based on a constant
upstream arriving freeway demand and are stated in terms of limiting on-ramp
demands for that condition.
As this illustration shows, many considerations are involved in estimating
service flow rates and service volumes for ramp–freeway junctions, not the least
of which is specifying how such values should be defined. The concept of service
flow rates and service volumes at specific ramp–freeway junctions is of limited
utility. Since many of the details that affect the estimates will not be determined
until final designs are prepared, operational analysis of the proposed design may
be more appropriate.
Case 2 could have applications in considering how to time ramp meters.
Appropriate limiting ramp flows can be estimated by using the same approach
as for service volumes and service flow rates.
Alternative Tool Examples for Freeway Ramps Chapter 28/Freeway Merges and Diverges: Supplemental
Page 28-22 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 28-6
Graphics Capture of the Ramp
Merge with Ramp Metering
Exhibit 28-7 provides the density of the segment between the on-ramp and
the off-ramp as a function of the ramp-metering rate (or discharge headway from
the on-ramp). As shown, the density is not much affected by the ramp-metering
rate. As expected, the density of Lane 1 (the rightmost lane) is the highest, while
the density in Lane 4 is the lowest.
50 Exhibit 28-7
Density as a Function of
Ramp-Metering Headways
Density (veh/mi/ln)
4 6 8 10 12
Ramp-Metering Headway (s)
Chapter 28/Freeway Merges and Diverges: Supplemental Alternative Tool Examples for Freeway Ramps
Version 7.0 Page 28-23
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Capacity (veh/h)
4 6 8 10 12
Ramp-Metering Headway (s)
Exhibit 28-9 provides the queue length expected on the ramp as a function of
the ramp-metering headway and when no ramp metering is implemented. As
expected, the queue length is higher when ramp metering is implemented, and it
increases dramatically when the ramp-metering rate exceeds 8 s/veh. The reason
for this increase is that the demand on the ramp is approximately 8 s/veh (444
veh/h corresponds to an average headway of 8.1 s/veh).
4 6 8 10 12
Ramp-Metering Headway (s)
With Ramp Metering Without Ramp Metering
Alternative Tool Examples for Freeway Ramps Chapter 28/Freeway Merges and Diverges: Supplemental
Page 28-24 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 28-10
Graphics Capture of the
Segment with an HOV Lane
Exhibit 28-11 and Exhibit 28-12 show the density and capacity of the ramp
junction as a function of the percentage of carpools. As shown, when the
percentage of carpools increases, the density of the HOV lane and the overall link
capacity increase. This occurs because for the range of values tested here, the
utilization of the HOV lane increases, which improves the overall link
50 Exhibit 28-11
Density of a Ramp Junction as
45 a Function of the Carpool
Density (veh/mi/ln)
0 10 20 30
Carpool Percentage (%)
Link Density Average Density of 3 Non-HOV Lanes HOV Lane Density
Chapter 28/Freeway Merges and Diverges: Supplemental Alternative Tool Examples for Freeway Ramps
Version 7.0 Page 28-25
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Capacity (veh/h)
0 10 20 30
Carpool Percentage (%)
Exhibit 28-13 50
Density of a Ramp Junction as
a Function of the HOV 45
Violation Percentage
Density (veh/mi/ln)
1 3 5 8 10
Alternative Tool Examples for Freeway Ramps Chapter 28/Freeway Merges and Diverges: Supplemental
Page 28-26 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HOV Violation Percentage (%)
Exhibit 28-15 and Exhibit 28-16 present the density and capacity of the ramp
junction as a function of the distance at which drivers begin to react to the
presence of the HOV lane (i.e., the distance to the regulatory sign). As shown, the
longer that distance, the lower the density of the HOV lane and the higher the
density in the other lanes. The reason is that under this scenario the percentage of
carpools is relatively low (10%). When the HOV lane begins, non-HOVs
congregate in the remaining lanes. Capacity is reduced as the distance at which
drivers begin to react increases, because the HOV lane is not utilized as much
when drivers are given early warning to switch lanes.
50 Exhibit 28-15
Density of a Ramp Junction as
45 a Function of the Distance at
Which Drivers Begin to React
Density (veh/mi/ln)
0.0 0.5 1.0
Distance at Which Drivers Begin to React (mi)
Link Density Average Density of 3 Non-HOV Lanes HOV Lane Density
Chapter 28/Freeway Merges and Diverges: Supplemental Alternative Tool Examples for Freeway Ramps
Version 7.0 Page 28-27
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Capacity (veh/h)
0.0 0.5 1.0
Distance at Which Drivers Begin to React (mi)
Exhibit 28-17 and Exhibit 28-18 present the density and capacity of the ramp
junction as a function of the percentage of HOV usage. As expected, when usage
of the HOV lane increases, the density of the HOV lane and the overall link
capacity increase.
Exhibit 28-17 50
Density of a Ramp Junction as
a Function of the Percentage
of HOV Usage
Density (veh/mi/ln)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of HOV Usage (%)
Alternative Tool Examples for Freeway Ramps Chapter 28/Freeway Merges and Diverges: Supplemental
Page 28-28 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of HOV Usage (%)
The type of analysis presented in this example cannot be conducted with the
HCM, since the method does not estimate the HOV lane density separately.
Variables such as the impact of the distance of the HOV regulatory sign cannot
be evaluated, since they pertain to driver behavior attributes and their impact on
density and capacity. The impact of the percentage of carpools and the
percentage of violators could perhaps be estimated with appropriate
modifications of the existing HCM method.
Chapter 28/Freeway Merges and Diverges: Supplemental Alternative Tool Examples for Freeway Ramps
Version 7.0 Page 28-29
MANUAL 7th Edition
A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
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Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
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1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 29-1
Chapter 29 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 16: Urban Street Facilities VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
and Chapter 17: Urban Street Reliability and ATDM, which are found in 25. Freeway Facilities:
Volume 3 of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). This chapter presents detailed Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
information about the following aspects of urban street facility evaluation: Segments: Supplemental
27. Freeway Weaving:
• The process for generating the scenarios used to evaluate travel time Supplemental
reliability and 28. Freeway Merges and
Diverges: Supplemental
• The process for evaluating facilities with sustained spillback. 29. Urban Street Facilities:
This chapter also provides details about the computational engine that 30. Urban Street Segments:
implements the sustained spillback procedure and example applications of 31. Signalized Intersections:
alternative tools. Finally, the chapter provides five example problems that Supplemental
32. STOP-Controlled
demonstrate the application of the methodologies to a multimodal evaluation of Intersections:
urban street performance and to the evaluation of urban street reliability. Supplemental
33. Roundabouts:
34. Interchange Ramp
Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
38. Network Analysis
Exhibit 29-1
Weather Event Procedure
Td,m = average temperature for day d of month m (˚F),
Rgd = random number for temperature for day d,
Tm = normal daily mean temperature in month m (˚F),
sT = standard deviation of daily mean temperature in a month
(= 5.0) (˚F), and
normal (p, μ, σ) = value associated with probability p for a cumulative normal
trd,m = total rainfall for the rain event occurring on day d of month m
Rtd = random number for rainfall total for day d (= Rrd),
trm = average total rainfall per event in month m (in./event),
str,m = standard deviation of total rainfall in month m (in./event),
tpm = total normal precipitation for month m (in.), and
Ndpm = number of days with precipitation of 0.01 in. or more in month m (d).
Total rainfall for a rain event is the product of rainfall rate and rain event
duration. Thus, the total rainfall amount is highly correlated with the rainfall
rate. For reliability evaluation, total rainfall is assumed to be perfectly correlated
with rainfall rate such that they share the same random number. This approach
may result in slightly less variability in the estimated total rainfall; however, it
precludes the occasional calculation of unrealistically long or short rain events.
drd,m = rainfall duration for the rain event occurring on day d of month m
(h/event), and
Rs,d = random number for rain event start time for day d.
The start time from Equation 29-10 is rounded to the nearest hour for 1-h
analysis periods or to the nearest quarter hour for 15-min analysis periods.
Hour =
Hour + 1
Day =
Last hour of day?
Day + 1
Last day of No
reliability reporting
No period?
This procedure does not address traffic diversion due to the presence of
work zones or special events. Their accommodation in a reliability evaluation is
discussed in the Analysis Techniques subsection of Section 5 in Chapter 17.
If the traffic volumes provided in the base dataset and the alternative
datasets are computed by using planning procedures, the volumes in the dataset
are assumed to represent the average day of week and month of year. In this
situation, the adjustment factors for day of week and month of year are set to a
value of 1.0.
The factors identified in this procedure are subsequently used in the scenario
dataset generation procedure to compute the demand volume for the subject
urban street facility.
Exhibit 29-3
Traffic Incident Procedure for
Intersection Incidents
Nhsp = total number of hours in Ny years with snow or ice on pavement and
not snowing (h),
CFAFrf = crash frequency adjustment factor for rainfall,
CFAFwp = crash frequency adjustment factor for wet pavement (not raining),
CFAFsf = crash frequency adjustment factor for snowfall, and
CFAFsp = crash frequency adjustment factor for snow or ice on pavement (not
The equivalent crash frequency for nondry conditions is computed with the
following equation. The crash frequency adjustment factor (CFAF) for dry weather
CFAFdry is 1.0.
Equation 29-14 𝐹𝑐𝑠𝑡𝑟(𝑖),𝑤𝑒𝑎 = 𝐹𝑐𝑠𝑡𝑟(𝑖),dry 𝐶𝐹𝐴𝐹𝑤𝑒𝑎
Fcstr(i),wea = equivalent crash frequency when every day has weather condition
wea (wea = dry: no precipitation and dry pavement, rf: rainfall, wp:
wet pavement but not raining, sf: snowfall, sp: snow or ice on
pavement but not snowing) for street location i of type str
Fcstr(i),dry = equivalent crash frequency when every day is dry for street location
i of type str (crashes/year); and
CFAFwea = crash frequency adjustment factor for weather condition wea.
Equation 29-14 requires the total number of hours for each weather condition
in the vicinity of the subject facility. A weather history that extends for 2 or more
years should be used to reduce the random variability in the data. These hours
can be obtained from available weather records or estimated by using the
weather event procedure.
This step is applied separately to each intersection and segment on the
facility. The expected crash frequency Fc is provided by the analyst for the
subject intersection or the subject segment, whichever is applicable.
The CFAF is the ratio of hourly crash frequency during the weather event to
the hourly crash rate during clear, dry hours. It is computed by using one or
more years of historical weather data and crash data for the region in which the
subject facility is located. Default values for these factors are provided in Exhibit
17-9 in Chapter 17.
Step 2: Establish the CFAFs for Work Zones and Special Events
If the analysis period occurs during a work zone or special event, the CFAF
variable for segments CFAFstr and the CFAF variable for intersections CFAFint are
set equal to the values provided by the analyst. Otherwise, CFAFstr and CFAFint
equal 1.0. This step is repeated for each analysis period of the reliability reporting
hour h and day d, event type con, lane location lan, and
severity sev (= 0.8 distr,wea(h,d),con,lan,sev) (h); and
gamma–1(p, μ, σ) = value associated with probability p for cumulative
gamma distribution with mean μ and standard
deviation σ.
The duration computed with Equation 29-19 is used in a subsequent step to
determine whether an analysis period is associated with an incident. To simplify
the analytics in this subsequent step, it is assumed that no incident extends beyond
midnight. To ensure this outcome, the duration computed from Equation 29-19 is
compared with the duration between the start of the study period and midnight.
The incident duration is then set to equal the smaller of these two values.
Intersection Location
When a specific intersection is associated with an incident, the location of the
incident is based on consideration of each intersection leg volume lv. This
volume represents the sum of all movements entering the intersection on the
approach lanes and movements exiting the intersection on the adjacent departure
lanes. In the field, this volume would be measured by establishing a reference
line from outside curb to outside curb on the subject leg (near the crosswalk) and
counting all vehicles that cross the line, regardless of travel direction.
The leg volumes are then summed, starting with the leg associated with
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Phase 2, to produce a
cumulative volume by leg. These volumes are then converted to a proportion by
dividing by the sum of the leg volumes. The calculation of these proportions is
described by the following equations. One set of proportions is determined for
the base dataset and for each work zone and special event dataset.
Equation 29-20 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),2 = 𝑙𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),2 /(2 𝑡𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖) )
𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),4 = 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),2 + 𝑙𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),4 /(2 𝑡𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖) )
𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),6 = 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),4 + 𝑙𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),6 /(2 𝑡𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖) )
𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),8 = 1.0
pvint(i),n = cumulative sum of volume proportions for leg associated with
NEMA phase n (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) at intersection i,
lvint(i),n = leg volume (two-way total) for leg associated with NEMA phase n at
intersection i (veh/h),
tvint(i) = total volume entering intersection i (veh/h), and
vinput,int(i),j = movement j volume at intersection i (from dataset) (veh/h).
The leg location of the incident is determined by comparing a random
number with the cumulative volume proportions. With this technique, the
likelihood of an incident being assigned to a leg is proportional to its volume
relative to the other leg volumes. The location is determined for a given
intersection i by the following rule:
Incident on Phase 2 if 𝑅𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),𝑐𝑜𝑛,𝑙𝑎𝑛,𝑠𝑒𝑣 ≤ 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),2 Equation 29-22
Incident on Phase 4 if 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),2 < 𝑅𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),𝑐𝑜𝑛,𝑙𝑎𝑛,𝑠𝑒𝑣 ≤ 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),4
Incident on Phase 6 if 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),4 < 𝑅𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),𝑐𝑜𝑛,𝑙𝑎𝑛,𝑠𝑒𝑣 ≤ 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),6
Incident on Phase 8 if 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),6 < 𝑅𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),𝑐𝑜𝑛,𝑙𝑎𝑛,𝑠𝑒𝑣 ≤ 𝑝𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),8
Rvint(i),con,lan,sev = random number for leg volume for intersection i, event type
con, lane location lan, and severity sev; and
pvint(i),n = cumulative sum of volume proportions for leg associated with
NEMA phase n (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) at intersection i.
Segment Location
When a specific segment is associated with an incident, the location of the
incident is based on consideration of the volume in each direction of travel dv.
This volume is computed by using the movement volume at the boundary
intersection that uses NEMA Phase 2 to serve exiting through vehicles. The
volume in the Phase 2 direction is computed as the sum of the movements
exiting the segment at the boundary intersection (i.e., it equals the approach lane
volume). The volume in the Phase 6 direction is computed as the sum of the
movements entering the segment at the boundary intersection (i.e., it equals the
departure lane volume). The two directional volumes are referenced to NEMA
Phases 2 and 6. The sum of these two volumes equals the Phase 2 leg volume
described in the previous subsection.
A cumulative volume proportion by direction is used to determine incident
location. The calculation of these proportions is described by the following
equations. One set of proportions is determined for the base dataset and for each
work zone and special event dataset.
Exhibit 29-4
Scenario File Generation
This procedure creates a new HCM dataset for each analysis period. The
dataset is modified to reflect conditions present during a given analysis period.
Modifications are made to the traffic volumes at each intersection and driveway
and to the saturation flow rate at intersections influenced by an incident or a
weather event. The speed is also adjusted for segments influenced by an incident
or a weather event.
The incident history developed by the traffic incident procedure is consulted
during this procedure to determine whether an incident occurs at an intersection
or on a segment. If an incident occurs at an intersection, the incident lane location
data are consulted to determine which approach and movements are affected. If
the incident occurs on the shoulder, the shoulder in question is assumed to be the
outside shoulder (as opposed to the inside shoulder). If a one-lane incident occurs,
the incident is assumed to occur in the outside lane. If a two-or-more-lane incident
occurs, it is assumed to occur in the outside two lanes. The incident is also
The following equation is used to compute the free-flow speed adjustment
factor for analysis periods with poor weather conditions. It is used in Step 7 to
estimate the additional running time during weather events.
Equation 29-26 𝑓𝑠,𝑟𝑠,𝑎𝑝,𝑑 =
1.0 + 0.48 𝑅𝑟,𝑎𝑝,𝑑 + 1.4 𝑅𝑠,𝑎𝑝,𝑑
fs,rs,ap,d = free-flow speed adjustment factor for rainfall or snowfall during
analysis period ap and day d,
Rr,ap,d = rainfall rate during analysis period ap and day d (in./h), and
Rs,ap,d = precipitation rate when snow is falling during analysis period ap and
day d (in./h).
If Equation 29-26 is used for analysis periods with falling rain, the variable Rs
should equal 0.0. If it is used for analysis periods with falling snow, the variable
Rr should equal 0.0. The variable Rs equals the precipitation rate in terms of
equivalent inches of water per hour (i.e., it is not a snowfall rate).
The value obtained from Equation 29-26 applies when precipitation is falling.
If the pavement is wet and there is no rainfall, the adjustment factor fs,rs,ap,d is 0.95.
If snow or ice is on the pavement and snow is not falling, the adjustment factor
fs,rs,ap,d is 0.90.
fic,int(i),n,m,ap,d = saturation flow adjustment factor for incident presence for
movement m (m = L: left, T: through, R: right) on leg associated
with NEMA phase n (n = 2, 4, 6, 8) at intersection i during
analysis period ap and day d,
Nn,int(i),n,m = number of lanes serving movement m under normal (i.e.,
nonincident) conditions on leg associated with NEMA phase n at
intersection i (ln),
Nic,int(i),n,m,ap,d = number of lanes serving movement m blocked by the incident on
leg associated with NEMA phase n at intersection i during
analysis period ap and day d (ln),
v*int(i),j,ap,d = randomized hourly flow rate for movement j at intersection i
during analysis period ap and day d (veh/h),
gamma–1(p,μ,σ) = value associated with probability p for cumulative gamma
distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ,
Rfap,d = random number for flow rate for analysis period ap and day d,
vint(i),j,h,d = adjusted hourly flow rate for movement j at intersection i
during hour h and day d (veh/h), and
fint(i),j,h,d = adjustment factor used to estimate the standard deviation of
demand flow rate for movement j at intersection i during hour
h and day d.
Similarly, the following equations are used to compute the randomized
hourly flow rates for each unsignalized access point. The first equation is used if
the adjusted hourly flow rate is 64 veh/h or less. The second equation is used if
the flow rate exceeds 64 veh/h.
If vint(i),j,h,d ≤ 64 veh/h,
Equation 29-32 ∗
𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),𝑗,𝑎𝑝,𝑑 = 4.0 × Poisson−1(𝑝 = 𝑅𝑓𝑎𝑝,𝑑 , 𝜇 = 0.25 𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),𝑗,ℎ,𝑑 )
𝑝 = 𝑅𝑓𝑎𝑝,𝑑 , 𝜇 = 0.25 𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),𝑗,ℎ,𝑑 ,
∗ −1
Equation 29-33 𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),𝑗,𝑎𝑝,𝑑 = 4.0 × normal ( )
𝜎 = √0.25 𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑡(𝑖),𝑗,ℎ,𝑑
v*int(i),j,ap,d = randomized hourly flow rate for movement j at intersection i
during analysis period ap and day d (veh/h),
Poisson–1(p,μ) = value associated with probability p for the cumulative Poisson
distribution with mean μ,
Rfap,d = random number for flow rate for analysis period ap and day d,
vint(i),j,h,d = adjusted hourly flow rate for movement j at intersection i
during hour h and day d (veh/h), and
normal–1(p,μ,σ) = value associated with probability p for a cumulative normal
distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ.
𝑆𝑓𝑜,𝑠𝑒𝑔(𝑖),𝑛,𝑎𝑝,𝑑 = 𝑆𝑓𝑜,𝑠𝑒𝑔(𝑖),𝑛 × 𝑓𝑠,𝑟𝑠,𝑎𝑝,𝑑 × (1.0 − ) Equation 29-35
dother,seg(i),n,ap,d = additional delay for the direction of travel served by NEMA
phase n (n = 2, 6) on segment i during analysis period ap and
day d (s/veh),
Lseg(i) = length of segment i (ft),
Sfo,seg(i),n = base free-flow speed for the direction of travel served by
NEMA phase n on segment i (ft/s),
S*fo,seg(i),n,ap,d = adjusted base free-flow speed for the direction of travel served
by NEMA phase n on segment i during analysis period ap and
day d (ft/s),
fs,rs,ap,d = free-flow speed adjustment factor for rainfall or snowfall
during analysis period ap and day d,
bic,seg(i),n,ap,d = calibration coefficient based on incident severity on leg
associated with NEMA phase n at intersection i during
analysis period ap and day d,
No,seg(i),n = number of lanes serving direction of travel served by NEMA
phase n on segment i (ln),
Ipdo,seg(i),n,ap,d = indicator variable for property-damage-only (PDO) crash in
the direction of travel served by NEMA phase n on segment i
during analysis period ap and day d (= 1.0 if PDO crash, 0.0
Ifi,seg(i),n,ap,d = indicator variable for fatal-or-injury crash in the direction of
travel served by NEMA phase n on segment i during analysis
period ap and day d (= 1.0 if fatal-or-injury crash, 0.0
otherwise), and
Iother,seg(i),n,ap,d = indicator variable for noncrash incident in the direction of
travel served by NEMA phase n on segment i during analysis
period ap and day d (= 1.0 if noncrash incident, 0.0 otherwise).
The delay estimated from Equation 29-34 is added to the value of the “other
delay” variable in the dataset to produce a combined “other delay” value for
segment running speed estimation.
This subsection describes the sequence of computational steps that culminate
in the calculation of facility performance for a specified analysis period. The
input data requirements for this procedure are the same as for the urban street
segments methodology (hereafter referred to as the “methodology”).
fsp,i,k,l = adjustment factor for spillback for upstream movement i for iteration
l in subperiod k,
cu,i,k = capacity at the upstream intersection for movement i for subperiod k
(veh/h), and
fms,i,k = adjustment factor for downstream lane blockage for movement i for
subperiod k.
The adjustment factor is shown to have a subscript l indicating that the factor
value is refined through an iterative process where the factor computed in a
previous iteration is updated by using Equation 29-44.
In theory, the exponent associated with the ratio in parentheses should be
1.0. However, an exponent of 0.5 was found to provide for a smoother
convergence to the correct factor value.
The procedure for calculating the adjustment factor for downstream lane
blockage fms is described in Section 3 of Chapter 30, Urban Street Segments:
Supplemental. This adjustment factor is incorporated into the spillback factor (as
shown in Equation 29-44) for segments with spillback.
The last task of this step is to adjust the access point entry volumes. The
following equation is used for this purpose. One factor is computed for each
access point movement that departs from the access point and enters the
direction of travel with spillback.
Equation 29-45 𝑓𝑎𝑝,𝑚,𝑛,𝑖,𝑘,𝑝 = (𝑓𝑥𝑖,4,𝑘 ) × 𝑓𝑎𝑝,𝑚,𝑛,𝑖,𝑘,𝑝−1
where fap,m,n,i,k,p is the access point volume adjustment factor for movement i at
access point n of site m for iteration p in subperiod k. The access point volume
adjustment factors are used to adjust the volume entering the segment at each
access point.
If the two times are not in agreement, the access point volumes are restored
to their original value and then multiplied by the most current access point
volume adjustment factor. The analysis then returns to Step 2.
The following equation is used to save the computed uniform delay for one
intersection lane group. The computed delay represents a cumulative total time
for the current and all previous subperiods.
Equation 29-48 𝑑1,𝑎𝑔𝑔,𝑖,𝑗,𝑘 = 𝑑1,𝑎𝑔𝑔,𝑖,𝑗,𝑘−1 + 𝑑1,𝑖,𝑗,𝑘 × 𝑤𝑖,𝑗,𝑘
Equation 29-49 𝑤𝑖,𝑗,𝑘 = 𝑇 × 𝑣𝑖,𝑗,𝑘
d1,agg,i,j,k = aggregated uniform delay for lane group j at intersection i for
subperiods 0 to k (s/veh),
d1,i,j,k = uniform delay for lane group j at intersection i for subperiod k
wi,j,k = weighting factor for lane group j at intersection i for subperiod k
(veh), and
vi,j,k = demand flow rate for lane group j at intersection i for subperiod k
The weighting factor represents the number of vehicles arriving during the
analysis period for the specified lane group.
A variation of Equation 29-48 is also used to compute the aggregated values
of the following performance measures at each intersection:
• Incremental delay,
• Initial queue delay,
• Uniform stop rate,
• Incremental stop rate based on second-term back-of-queue size, and
• Initial queue stop rate based on third-term back-of-queue size.
The following equation is used to save the computed running time for one
site, where a site is one direction of travel on one segment:
Equation 29-50 𝑡𝑅,𝑎𝑔𝑔,𝑚,𝑘 = 𝑡𝑅,𝑎𝑔𝑔,𝑚,𝑘−1 + 𝑡𝑅,𝑚,𝑘 × 𝑤𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑢,𝑚,𝑘
Equation 29-51 𝑤𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑢,𝑚,𝑘 = 𝑇 × [𝑣𝑡,𝑖,𝑗,𝑘 𝑁𝑡,𝑖,𝑗 + 𝑣𝑠𝑙,𝑖,𝑗,𝑘 (1 − 𝑃𝐿,𝑖,𝑗,𝑘 ) + 𝑣𝑠𝑟,𝑖,𝑗,𝑘 (1 − 𝑃𝑅,𝑖,𝑗,𝑘 )]
tR,agg,m,k = aggregated segment running time for site m for subperiods 0 to k (s),
tR,m,k = segment running time for site m for subperiod k (s),
wthru,m,k = weighting factor for site m for subperiod k (veh),
vt,i,j,k = demand flow rate in exclusive through lane group j at intersection i
for subperiod k (veh/h/ln),
Nt,i,j = number of lanes in exclusive through lane group j at intersection i
vsl,i,j,k = demand flow rate in shared left-turn and through lane group j at
intersection i for subperiod k (veh/h),
vsr,i,j,k = demand flow rate in shared right-turn and through lane group j at
intersection i for subperiod k (veh/h),
PL,i,j,k = proportion of left-turning vehicles in the shared lane group j at
intersection i for subperiod k, and
PR,i,j,k = proportion of right-turning vehicles in the shared lane group j at
intersection i for subperiod k.
When Equation 29-50 and Equation 29-51 are applied, the lane groups j and
intersection i are located at the downstream end of the subject site m. The
weighting factor represents the number of through vehicles arriving at the
downstream intersection as a through movement during the analysis period.
A variation of Equation 29-50 is also used to compute the aggregated values
of the following performance measures at each intersection:
• Through movement delay,
• Through movement stop rate,
• Travel time at free-flow speed, and
• Travel time at base free-flow speed.
Exhibit 29-6
Spillback Procedure Flowchart
The main routines identified in Exhibit 29-6 are listed in Exhibit 29-7. The list
provides more information about each routine’s function and the conditions for
its use.
This section presents examples using alternative traffic analysis tools that
deal specifically with the limitations of the methodologies described in Chapters
16 to 22. Both deterministic and stochastic tools are used for this presentation.
The focus is on the motorized vehicle mode because alternative tools are applied
more frequently to deal with motorized vehicle traffic.
Several other chapters present examples covering the use of alternative tools
to deal with the limitations of specific methodologies. These chapters are
identified in the following list:
• Chapter 27, Freeway Weaving: Supplemental, presents a simulation
example that demonstrates the detrimental effect of queue backup from
an exit ramp signal on the operation of a freeway weaving section.
• Chapter 31, Signalized Intersections: Supplemental, presents simulation
examples that demonstrate the effect of storage bay overflow, right-turn-
on-red operation, short through lanes, and closely spaced intersections.
• Chapter 34, Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental, presents a
simulation example that demonstrates the effect of ramp-metering signals
on the operation of a diamond interchange. Another simulation example
examines the effect of the diamond interchange on the operation of a
nearby intersection under two-way stop control.
• Chapter 36, Concepts: Supplemental, demonstrates the use of individual
vehicle trajectory analysis to examine cyclical queuing characteristics and
to assess queue spillover into an upstream segment.
The need to determine performance measures from an analysis of vehicle
trajectories was emphasized in Chapter 7, Interpreting HCM and Alternative
Tool Results, and Chapter 36, Concepts: Supplemental. Specific procedures for
defining measures in terms of vehicle trajectories were proposed to guide the
future development of alternative tools. Most of the examples presented in this
section have applied existing versions of alternative tools and, therefore, do not
reflect the proposed trajectory-based measures.
This section consists of three main subsections. The first describes the base
urban street facility used in the examples presented in the other two subsections.
The second describes the use of alternative tools for signal timing design and
evaluation. The third demonstrates the use of alternative tools in addressing
some of the limitations of the HCM methodologies.
Exhibit 29-8
Base Configuration for the
1 2 3 4 5
The phasing and demand flow rates for each intersection are shown in
Exhibit 29-9. Leading protected phases are provided for all protected left turns.
Intersections 1 and 5 have protected phases for all left turns. Intersections 2 and 4
have only permitted left turns. Intersection 3 has protected left turns on the
major street and permitted left turns on the minor street.
To simplify the discussion, the examples will focus on design and analysis
features that are beyond the stated limitations of the urban street analysis
procedures contained in Chapters 16 through 22. For example, pretimed control
will be assumed here because the ability to deal with traffic-actuated control is
not a limitation of the Chapter 19 signalized intersection analysis methodology.
For the same reason, the analysis of complex phasing schemes that fall within the
scope of the Chapter 19 procedures (e.g., protected-permitted phasing) will be
avoided. Parameters that influence the saturation flow rate (e.g., trucks, grade,
lane width, parking) will not be considered here because they are accommodated
in other chapters.
Data Input
Editor Computational Graphic Displays
The urban streets analysis procedures presented in the HCM deal with the
operation of an urban street facility as a set of interconnected segments. Most of
the commonly used STPD tools are configured to accommodate traffic control
networks involving multiple intersecting routes. To simplify the discussion, the
example presented here is limited to a single arterial route that will be analyzed
as a system.
Two widely used STPD tools will be applied to this example to illustrate
their features and to show how they can be used to supplement the urban street
facilities analysis procedures prescribed in this manual. Both tools are
commercially available software products. More information about these tools
can be found elsewhere (4, 5). The discussion in this section deals with the
combination of features available from both tools without reference to a specific
Performance Measures
Both STPD tools deal with performance measures that are computed by the
procedures prescribed in this manual in addition to performance measures that
are beyond the scope of those procedures. The performance measures covered in
Chapters 16 and 18 include delay, stops, average speed, and queue length. The
discussion of those measures in this section will focus on their use in STPD and
not on comparison of the values computed by different methods.
Several other measures beyond the scope of the HCM methodologies are
commonly associated with signal timing plan design and evaluation. The
following measures are derived from analysis of travel characteristics, including
stops, delay, and queuing:
81 35 Exhibit 29-11
80 30 Cycle Length Optimization
79 25 Results
Delay (s/veh)
Stops (%)
76 5
75 0
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Cycle Length (s) Cycle Length (s)
Fuel Consumption (gal/h)
70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Cycle Length (s)
The split and offset optimization was carried out next. The resulting timing
plan is shown in Exhibit 29-12. This table represents the initial timing plan to be
investigated and refined.
The initial timing plan design was based on minimizing fuel consumption as
a performance measure. The signal progression characteristics of this design are
also of interest. The progression characteristics will be examined in both
numerical and graphics representations. The numbers are presented in Exhibit
29-14 and are based on the progression performance measures that were defined
earlier. The interference values indicate the proportion of time that a vehicle
entering a link in the progression band would be stopped at the next signal. The
PROS are accumulated from progression bands that pass through some adjacent
signals along the route. The low progression efficiency and attainability and
PROS values suggest that this design, while optimal in some respects, would not
produce a very favorable motorist perception of progression quality.
Time–Space Diagrams
STPD tools typically produce graphic displays depicting progression
characteristics. The most common display is the time–space diagram, which is
well documented in the literature and understood by all practitioners. The time–
space diagram reflecting the initial design is shown in Exhibit 29-16. Note that,
even though the traffic volumes are balanced in both directions, the design
appears to favor the westbound (right-to-left) direction. Because of the symmetry
of this example, a dual solution that yields the same performance but that favors
the eastbound direction is likely to exist.
Exhibit 29-16
Time–Space Diagram for the
Initial Design
Exhibit 29-17
Time–Space Diagram for the
Modified Progression Design
The time–space diagram for this operation from another STPD tool is shown
in Exhibit 29-19. The timing plan is the same as the plan that was depicted in
Exhibit 29-17, but the format of the display differs slightly. Both the link band
and the arterial band as defined previously are shown on this display. The
individual signal phases are also depicted. Both types of time–space diagrams
offer a manual adjustment feature whereby the offsets may be changed by
dragging the signal display back and forth on the monitor screen.
Exhibit 29-19
Alternative Time–Space
Diagram Format
regrouping will depend on the proportion of time that the signal is green.
If a continuous green signal were displayed, the output flow profile
would match the input flow profile exactly.
Exhibit 29-20
Southbound Left Eastbound Through Northbound Right
Example Illustrating the Use
of Flow Profiles
Stage 2: Departures
on green signal
The departure profile for this movement forms one input to the next link and
is therefore equivalent to Stage 2 in the list above. The vehicles entering on
different phases from the cross street must be added to this movement to form
the input to the next segment as the process repeats itself throughout the facility.
The preceding description of the accumulation, discharge, and propagation
characteristics of flow profiles is of special interest to this discussion because the
same models used by the STPD tool have been adopted by the analysis
procedures given in Chapter 18, Urban Street Segments. These procedures are
described by Exhibit 30-3 through Exhibit 30-5 in Chapter 30, Urban Street
Segments: Supplemental. Therefore, the graphical representations given in
Exhibit 29-20 should be useful in facilitating understanding of the procedures
prescribed in Chapter 18.
Exhibit 29-21
Composite Flow Profiles for
the First Eastbound Segment
(a) Upstream Intersection (Uniform Arrivals) (b) Downstream Intersection (Platooned Arrivals)
Exhibit 29-22
Variation of Queue Length
Throughout the Signal Cycle
for the First Eastbound
Exhibit 29-23
Time–Space Diagram with
Flows and Queues
Intersection 5
Exhibit 29-25
Time–Space Diagram for the
Optimized Phasing Plan
Exhibit 29-26
Time–Space Diagram Showing
Ideal Eastbound Progression
Offset Offset
Signal 1 2
1 0 0
2 35 47
3 63 68
4 23 35
5 57 56
The simulation runs covered 80 cycles of operation. Separate runs were made
for each level of parking frequency. The default simulation parameters of the
selected tool were used.
The effect of the parking activity on travel time and delay is presented in
Exhibit 29-28, which shows the total travel time for the facility as well as the two
delay components of travel time (total delay and control delay). Each of the
values represents the sum of the individual segment values. The graphs
demonstrate that all of the relationships were more or less linear with respect to
the parking activity level.
Delay Time (s/veh)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Parking Maneuvers per Hour
Total Travel Time Total Delay Control Delay
The effect of the parking activity on stops is presented in Exhibit 29-29. For
this example, the average percentage of stops for all eastbound vehicles increased
from slightly more than 40% to slightly less than 60% throughout the range of
parking activity levels. Both of these exhibits indicate that the simulation tool
was able to extend the capability for analysis of urban street facilities beyond the
stated limitations of the methodology presented in Chapter 16.
Exhibit 29-29 70
Effect of Parking Activity Level
on the Percentage of Stops
Stops (%)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Parking Maneuvers per Hour
Exhibit 29-30
Roundabout Configuration for
Intersection 3
This example will examine two STPDs that create substantially different
platoon arrival characteristics on the arterial approaches to the roundabout. The
time–space diagrams representing the two designs are shown in Exhibit 29-31.
The first design provides simultaneous arrival of the arterial platoons from both
directions. The second creates a situation in which one platoon will arrive in the
first half of the cycle and the other will arrive during the second half. The two
cases will be described as “simultaneous” and “alternating” platoon arrivals.
Exhibit 29-31
Time–Space Diagrams
Showing Simultaneous and
Alternating Platoon Arrivals at
the Roundabout
Ten simulation runs were performed for both progression designs, and the
average values of the performance measures were used to compare the two
designs. The performance measures illustrated in Exhibit 29-32 include delay and
stops on all approaches to the roundabout and travel times on individual link
segments and on the route as a whole.
Queuing Characteristics
The first part of this example will demonstrate TWSC operation with an
idealized scenario to provide a starting point for more practical examples. Two
intersecting streams of through movements with completely uniform
characteristics will be simulated. As many of the stochastic features of the
simulation model as possible will be disabled. This is a highly theoretical
situation with no real practical applications in the field. Its purpose is to provide
a baseline for comparison.
The formation of queues under these conditions is illustrated in Exhibit 29-
33, which shows the instantaneous BOQ for all time steps in the simulation. The
cross-street entry volume was 600 veh/h in each direction, representing
approximately the capacity of the approach. The cyclical operation is evident
here, with 12 discernible cycles observed. Each cycle has a similar appearance.
The differences among cycles are due to embedded stochastic features that could
not be disabled.
1 61 121 181 241 301 361 421 481 541 601 661 721 781 841 901 961
Time Step (s)
The signal timing plan with simultaneous platoon arrivals should produce
the most cyclical operation that could actually be observed in the field. This
configuration was simulated by loading the minor street to near capacity levels
as determined experimentally. The entry volume was 350 veh/h.
The queuing results are shown in Exhibit 29-34. Some cyclical characteristics
are still evident here, but they are considerably diminished from the idealized
case. The loss of cyclical characteristics results from cross-street turning
movements entering the segments at their upstream intersections and from the
general stochastic nature of simulation modeling.
Back of Queue (ft)
1 61 121 181 241 301 361 421 481 541 601 661 721 781 841 901 961
Time Step (s)
The operation was simulated next with alternating platoon arrivals. Again
the demand volumes were set to the experimentally determined approach
capacity, which was 270 veh/h, or about 25% lower than the capacity with
simultaneous platoons. The results are presented in Exhibit 29-35. Some further
loss of cyclical properties due to the spreading of entry opportunities across a
greater proportion of the cycle is observed here.
Back of Queue (ft)
1 61 121 181 241 301 361 421 481 541 601 661 721 781 841 901 961
Time Step (s)
1 61 121 181 241 301 361 421 481 541 601 661 721 781 841 901
Time Step (s)
Back-of-Queue Assessment
The discussion to this point has focused on instantaneous BOQs in an effort
to understand the general nature of queuing under the conditions that were
examined. With knowledge of the instantaneous BOQ values available from
simulation, useful performance measures related to queuing can be produced
from simulation. One such measure is the proportion of time that a queue would
be expected to back up beyond a specified point. This concept is different from
the probability of backup to that point normally associated with deterministic
tools. The balance of the discussion will deal with the proportion of time with
queue backup (PTQB) beyond a specified point.
The three cases examined in this example were simulated with cross-street
demand volumes of 80, 160, 240, 320, and 400 veh/h, and the PTQB
characteristics were determined by simulation for each case. The results were
plotted for a specified distance of 100 ft from the stop line as shown in Exhibit 29-
37. Each case is represented by a separate line that shows the percentage of time
that the queue would be expected to back up beyond 100 ft from the stop line for
each cross-street entry volume level. The simultaneous platoon case showed the
lowest BOQ levels, starting with no time with BOQ beyond 100 ft below 240
veh/h, and reached a value of nearly 90% of the time at the maximum volume of
400 veh/h. Predictably, the isolated case was the most susceptible to queue
backup, and the alternating platoon case fell somewhere in between.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Cross-Street Demand Volume (veh/h)
Simultaneous Alternating Isolated
Fourth Ave.
Example Problem 1: Urban
Sixth Ave.
Fifth Ave.
Third Ave
First Ave.
Street Schematic
1 2 3 4 5 6
Access points
Signal Signal Signal Signal Signal Signal
Offset 0 s Offset 50 s Offset 50 s Offset 0 s Offset 0 s Offset 0 s
adjacent to the curb. No fixed objects are located along the outside of the
sidewalk. Midsegment pedestrian crossings are legal. No bicycle lanes are
provided on the facility or its cross streets. No parking is allowed along the
11 ft 13 ft
11 ft 12 ft
Signal 9 ft Signal
11 ft 12 ft
11 ft 13 ft
Crosswalk width: 12 ft
Total walkway width: 6 ft
Not to scale Buffer: 0 ft
The Question
What are the travel speed and level of service (LOS) of the motorized vehicle,
pedestrian, bicycle, and transit modes in both directions of travel along the
The Facts
The traffic counts for one segment are shown in Exhibit 29-41. The counts are
the same for all of the other segments. The counts were taken during the 15-min
analysis period of interest. However, they have been converted to hourly flow
60 480 60 49 48 48 49 60 480 60
Exhibit 29-42
Example Problem 1: Signal
Conditions for Intersection 1
Approach Eastbound
Intersection Data Worksheet
Westbound Northbound Southbound
Exhibit 29-43
Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Example Problem 1:
Movement number
Intersection Geometry
5 2 12 1 6 16 3 8 18 7 4 14
Geometric Conditions and
Number of lanes 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 Traffic Characteristics for
Lane assignment
Average lane width, ft
n.a. L
Signalized Intersection 1
Number of receiving lanes 2 2 2 2
Turn bay or segment length, ft 200 0 200 200 1320 200 200 999 200 200 999
Traffic Characteristics
Volume, veh/h 80 640 80 80 640 80 60 480 60 60 480 60
Right-turn-on-red volume, veh/h 4 4 3 3
Percent heavy vehicles, % 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Lane utilization adjustment factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Peak hour factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Start-up lost time, s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Extension of eff. green time, s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Platoon ratio 1.000 1.333 1.000 1.333 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Upstream filtering factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Pedestrian volume, p/h 100 100 100 100
Bicycle volume, bicycles/h 1 1 1 1
Opposing right-turn lane influence Yes Yes Yes Yes
Initial queue, veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Speed limit, mi/h 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Unsignalized movement volume, veh/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unsignalized movement delay, s/veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unsignalized mvmt. stop rate, stops/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Approach Data Left Side Right Side Left Side Right Side Left Side Right Side Left Side Right Side
Parking present? No No No No No No No No
Parking maneuvers, maneuvers/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bus stopping rate, buses/h 3 3 0 0
Approach grade, % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Detection Data
Stop line detector presence Presence Presence No det. Presence Presence No det. Presence Presence Presence Presence Presence No det.
Stop line detector length, ft 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Each segment has a barrier curb along the outside of the street in each
direction of travel. With allowance for the upstream signal width, the percentage
of the segment length with curb is estimated at 94% for Segments 1, 2, and 3. It is
estimated as 88% for Segments 4 and 5.
The traffic and lane assignment data for the two access point intersections for
Segment 1 are shown in Exhibit 29-44. These data are the same for the other
segments; however, the access point locations (shown in the first column) are
reduced by one-half for Segments 4 and 5. The movement numbers follow the
numbering convention shown in Exhibit 20-1 of Chapter 20, Two-Way STOP-
Controlled Intersections. There are no turn bays on the segment at the two access
point intersections.
Access Point Input Data
Access Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Exhibit 29-44
Point Movement
Location,ft Movement number
L T R L T R L T R L T R Example Problem 1: Access
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
440 Volume, veh/h 38 684 38 39 702 39 49 0 48 48 0 49 Point Data
West end Lanes 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
880 Volume, veh/h 39 702 39 38 684 38 48 0 49 49 0 48
Lanes 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
A low wall is located along about 25% of the sidewalk in Segments 1, 2, and
3. In contrast, 10% of the sidewalk along Segments 4 and 5 is adjacent to a low
wall, 35% to a building face, and 15% to a window display.
Office and strip commercial activity along Segments 1, 2, and 3 generates a
pedestrian volume of 100 p/h on the adjacent sidewalks and crosswalks.
Shopping activity along Segments 4 and 5 generates a pedestrian volume of
300 p/h on the adjacent sidewalks and crosswalks. A lack of bicycle lanes has
discouraged bicycle traffic on the facility and its cross streets; however, a bicycle
volume of 1.0 bicycle/h is entered for each intersection approach.
Local buses stop on the eastbound and westbound approaches to each
signalized intersection, with the exception of Intersection 5. There are no stops on
either approach to Intersection 5. However, transit stops are provided along the
facility at 0.25-mi intervals, so the service is considered to be local. As a result,
Outline of Solution
This section outlines the results of the facility evaluation. To complete this
evaluation, the motorized vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle methodologies in
Chapter 19 were used to evaluate each of the signalized intersections on the
facility. The procedure in Chapter 20 was used to estimate delay for pedestrians
crossing at a midsegment location. The motorized vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle,
and transit methodologies in Chapter 18 were then used to evaluate both
directions of travel on each segment. Finally, the methodologies described in
Chapter 16 were used to evaluate all four travel modes in both directions of
travel on the facility. The findings from each evaluation are summarized in the
following three subparts.
Intersection Evaluation
The results of the evaluation of Intersection 1 (i.e., First Avenue) are shown
in Exhibit 29-45. The results for Intersections 2, 3, and eastbound Intersection 4
are similar. In contrast, Intersections 5 and 6 are associated with a shorter
segment length, lower speed limit, and higher pedestrian volume, so their
operation is different from that of the other intersections. The results for
Intersection 5 (i.e., Fifth Avenue) are shown in Exhibit 29-46. Intersection 6 and
westbound Intersection 4 have similar results.
Segment Evaluation
The results of the evaluation of Segment 1 (i.e., First Avenue to Second
Avenue) are shown in Exhibit 29-47. The results for Segments 2 and 3 are similar.
In contrast, Segments 4 and 5 are associated with a shorter segment length, lower
speed limit, and higher pedestrian volume, so their operation is different from
that of the other intersections. The results for Segment 5 (i.e., Fifth Avenue to
Sixth Avenue) are shown in Exhibit 29-48. Segment 4 has similar results.
The lack of a bicycle lane, combined with a moderately high traffic volume,
results in a bicycle LOS D for both directions of travel on all segments.
Transit travel speed is about 12 mi/h on Segment 1 and corresponds to
LOS C. On Segment 5, the travel speed is about 8 mi/h and 17 mi/h in the
eastbound and westbound directions, respectively. The low speed for the
eastbound direction results in LOS D. The higher speed for the westbound
direction is due to the lack of a westbound transit stop on Segment 5. It results in
LOS C for this direction.
Facility Evaluation
The methodologies described in Chapter 16 were used to compute the
aggregate performance measures for each travel direction along the facility. The
results are shown in Exhibit 29-49. This exhibit indicates that the vehicle travel
speed is about 22 mi/h in each travel direction (or 56% of the base free-flow
speed). An overall LOS C applies to both vehicular movements on the facility;
however, it is noted that LOS D applies to Segments 4 and 5. Vehicles incur stops
along the facility at a rate of about 1.9 stops/mi.
4 ft
12 ft
Signal 12 ft Raised-curb median Signal
12 ft
4 ft
Crosswalk width: 12 ft
Total walkway width: 9 ft
Not to scale Buffer: 3 ft
The Question
What are the travel speed and LOS of the motorized vehicle, pedestrian,
bicycle, and transit modes in both directions of travel along the facility?
The Facts
The traffic counts, signalization, and intersection geometry are listed in
Exhibit 29-41 to Exhibit 29-44. They are unchanged from Example Problem 1.
Outline of Solution
This section outlines the results of the facility evaluation. The motorized
vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle methodologies in Chapter 19 were used to
evaluate each of the signalized intersections on the facility. The procedure in
Chapter 20 was used to estimate delay for pedestrians crossing at a midsegment
location. The motorized vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit methodologies in
Chapter 18 were then used to evaluate both directions of travel on each segment.
Finally, the methodologies described in Chapter 16 were used to evaluate all four
travel modes in both directions of travel on the facility. The findings from each
evaluation are summarized in the following three subparts.
Intersection Evaluation
The results of the evaluation of Intersection 1 (i.e., First Avenue) are shown
in Exhibit 29-51. The results for Intersections 2, 3, and eastbound Intersection 4
are similar. In contrast, Intersections 5 and 6 are associated with a shorter
segment length, lower speed limit, and higher pedestrian volume, so their
operation is different from that of the other intersections. The results for
Intersection 5 (i.e., Fifth Avenue) are shown in Exhibit 29-52. Intersection 6 and
westbound Intersection 4 have similar results.
Both exhibits indicate that the vehicular through movements on the facility
(i.e., eastbound Movement 2 and westbound Movement 6) operate with low
delay and few stops. For the eastbound through movement, the LOS is A at
Intersection 1 and B at Intersection 5. The LOS is B for the westbound through
movement at both intersections. Relative to Example Problem 1, the delay for the
through movements has increased by 1 to 3 s at Intersection 1 and by 6 to 8 s at
Intersection 5. This increase is sufficient to lower the LOS designation for the
through movements at Intersection 5 (i.e., from A to B).
Pedestrian circulation area on the corners of Intersections 1 and 5 is
generous, with few instances of conflict. This condition is improved from
Example Problem 1 and reflects the provision of wider sidewalks.
Segment Evaluation
The results of the evaluation of Segment 1 (i.e., First Avenue to Second
Avenue) are shown in Exhibit 29-53. The results for Segments 2 and 3 are similar.
In contrast, Segments 4 and 5 are associated with a shorter segment length, lower
speed limit, and higher pedestrian volume, so their operation is different from
the other intersections. The results for Segment 5 (i.e., Fifth Avenue to Sixth
Avenue) are shown in Exhibit 29-54. Segment 4 has similar results.
The results reported in this section reflect the segment geometry shown in
Exhibit 29-50. These results are compared with those from Example Problem 1.
The differences in performance are a result of the changes identified in the bullet
list that precedes Exhibit 29-50. Most notable in this list is the reduction in lanes
for motorized vehicles, which results in a doubling of vehicles in the remaining
lanes. The vehicle volume in these lanes has a significant influence on bicycle and
pedestrian performance.
the sidewalks are more distant from the traffic lanes and crossing the street at a
midsegment location is easier because of the raised curb median. The LOS score
indicates improved pedestrian service; however, the pedestrian LOS remains at
C on all segments.
Bicyclists using the bicycle lanes experience a travel speed of 13 mi/h on
Segment 1 and 12 mi/h on Segment 5. This travel speed is considered desirable.
However, the bicycle lane is relatively narrow at 4 ft, so a bicycle LOS C results
for both directions of travel on each segment. The bicycle LOS scores, while still
poor, indicate that bicycle service has improved on both segments relative to that
found in Example Problem 1. In fact, the bicycle LOS for each segment has
improved by one letter designation.
Transit travel speed is 10 mi/h on Segment 1 and corresponds to LOS C. On
Segment 5, the travel speed is about 5 mi/h and 13 mi/h in the eastbound and
westbound directions, respectively. The low speed for the eastbound direction
results in LOS D. The higher speed for the westbound direction is due to the lack
of a westbound transit stop on Segment 5. It results in LOS C. Relative to
Example Problem 1, the slower vehicular travel speed has increased the transit
LOS scores, which indicates a lower quality of service.
Facility Evaluation
The methodologies described in Chapter 16 were used to compute the
aggregate performance measures for each travel direction along the facility. The
results are shown in Exhibit 29-55. This exhibit indicates that the vehicle travel
speed is about 18 mi/h in each travel direction (or 48% of the base free-flow
speed). An overall LOS D applies to vehicle travel in each direction on the
facility. It is noted that LOS E applies to Segments 4 and 5. Vehicles incur stops
along the facility at a rate of about 2.6 stops/mi. Relative to Example Problem 1,
vehicular travel speed has dropped about 4 mi/h, and motorized vehicle LOS has
degraded one level for this scenario.
The Question
What are the travel speed and LOS of the motorized vehicle, pedestrian,
bicycle, and transit modes in both directions of travel along the facility?
The Facts
The traffic counts, signalization, and intersection geometry are listed in
Exhibit 29-41 to Exhibit 29-44. They are unchanged from Example Problem 1.
9.5 ft
10 ft
Signal 12 ft Raised-curb median Signal
10 ft
9.5 ft
Crosswalk width: 12 ft
Total walkway width: 7 ft
Not to scale Buffer: 0 ft
Outline of Solution
This section outlines the results of the facility evaluation. To complete this
evaluation, the motorized vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle methodologies in
Chapter 19 were used to evaluate each of the signalized intersections on the
facility. The procedure in Chapter 20 was used to estimate pedestrian delay
when crossing at a midsegment location. The motorized vehicle, pedestrian,
bicycle, and transit methodologies in Chapter 18 were then used to evaluate both
directions of travel on each segment. Finally, the methodologies described in
Chapter 16 were used to evaluate all four travel modes in both directions of
travel on the facility. The findings from each evaluation are summarized in the
following three subparts.
Intersection Evaluation
The results of the evaluation of Intersection 1 (i.e., First Avenue) are shown
in Exhibit 29-57. The results for Intersections 2, 3, and eastbound Intersection 4
are similar. In contrast, Intersections 5 and 6 are associated with a shorter
segment length, lower speed limit, and higher pedestrian volume, so their
operation is different from that of the other intersections. The results for
Intersection 5 (i.e., Fifth Avenue) are shown in Exhibit 29-58. Intersection 6 and
westbound Intersection 4 have similar results.
Both exhibits indicate that the vehicular through movements on the facility
(i.e., eastbound Movement 2 and westbound Movement 6) operate with very low
delay and few stops. For the eastbound through movement, the LOS is A at
Intersection 1 and B at Intersection 5. The LOS is B for the westbound through
movement at both intersections. Relative to Example Problem 1, the delay for the
through movements has increased by a few seconds at both intersections.
However, this increase is sufficient to lower the LOS designation for only the
eastbound through movement at Intersection 5.
Pedestrian circulation area on the corners of Intersection 1 is generous.
However, corner circulation area at Intersection 5 is constrained, with
pedestrians frequently needing to adjust their path to avoid slower pedestrians.
Regardless, this condition is improved from Example Problem 1 and reflects the
provision of wider sidewalks.
Relative to Example Problem 1, the reduction in lanes has reduced the time
provided to pedestrians to cross the major street. This reduction resulted in
larger pedestrian groups using the crosswalk and a slight reduction in crosswalk
pedestrian space. At Intersection 1, pedestrian space is generous. However,
pedestrian space is constrained at Intersection 5, with pedestrians having limited
ability to pass slower pedestrians as they cross the street.
At each intersection, pedestrians experience an average wait of about 42 s at
the corner to cross the street in any direction. At both intersections, the
pedestrian LOS is B for the major-street crossing and the minor-street crossing.
The LOS designation has improved for the major-street crossing at Intersection 1
by one letter, relative to Example Problem 1, and remains unchanged at
Intersection 5.
The lack of a bicycle lane combined with a high traffic volume results in a
bicycle LOS E on the eastbound and westbound approaches of Intersection 1 and
Intersection 5. This level is worse than the LOS D identified in Example Problem
1 because the traffic volume per lane has doubled.
Segment Evaluation
The results of the evaluation of Segment 1 (i.e., First Avenue to Second
Avenue) are shown in Exhibit 29-59. The results for Segments 2 and 3 are similar.
In contrast, Segments 4 and 5 are associated with a shorter segment length, lower
speed limit, and higher pedestrian volume, so their operation is different from
that of the other intersections. The results for Segment 5 (i.e., Fifth Avenue to
Sixth Avenue) are shown in Exhibit 29-60. Segment 4 has similar results.
The results reported in this section reflect the segment geometry shown in
Exhibit 29-56. These results are compared with those from Example Problem 1.
The differences in performance are a result of the changes identified in the bullet
list that precedes Exhibit 29-56. Most notable in this list is the reduction in lanes
for motorized vehicles, which results in a doubling of vehicles in the remaining
lanes. The vehicle volume in these lanes has a significant influence on bicycle and
pedestrian performance.
Facility Evaluation
The methodology described in Section 2 is used to compute the aggregate
performance measures for each travel direction along the facility. The results are
shown in Exhibit 29-61. This exhibit indicates that the vehicle travel speed is
about 18 mi/h in each travel direction (or 51% of the base free-flow speed). An
overall LOS C applies to both vehicular movements on the facility; however, it is
noted that LOS D applies to Segments 4 and 5. Vehicles incur stops along the
facility at a rate of about 2.3 stops/mi. Relative to Example Problem 1, the quality
of vehicular service has degraded, but not enough to drop the LOS designation.
Pedestrian space on the sidewalk along the facility is generous. Pedestrians
on the sidewalks can walk freely without having to alter their path to
accommodate other pedestrians. Increasing the separation between the sidewalk
and traffic lanes and improving pedestrians’ ability to cross the street at
midsegment locations (by adding a raised-curb median) have resulted in a lower
LOS score, which indicates improved service relative to Example Problem 1.
However, the pedestrian LOS letter (C) is unchanged.
The lack of a bicycle lane combined with a high traffic volume results in an
overall bicycle LOS D for both directions of travel. The quality of service has
degraded slightly, relative to Example Problem 1, but not enough to drop the
LOS designation.
Transit travel speed is about 10 mi/h on the facility in each direction of travel.
An overall LOS C is assigned to each direction. Conditions have degraded
slightly, relative to Example Problem 1, but not enough to drop the transit LOS
The selected site for this example problem is an idealized 3-mi-long principal
arterial street located in Lincoln, Nebraska. The street is a two-way, four-lane,
divided roadway with shoulders. There are seven signalized intersections that
are spaced uniformly at 0.5-mi intervals along the street. The posted speed limit
on the major street and the minor streets is 35 mi/h. A portion of this street is
shown in Exhibit 29-62. The distances shown are the same for the other segments
of the facility.
2,640 ft 2,640 ft N
600 ft 600 ft 600 ft 600 ft
1 2 3
Also shown in Exhibit 29-62 are the traffic movement volumes for each
intersection and access point on the facility. Each intersection has the same
volume, and each access point has the same volume. Intersection geometry and
signal timing are described in a subsequent section.
Traffic count data for the hour beginning at 7:00 a.m. are available from a
recent traffic count taken on a Tuesday, January 4. Weather conditions were clear
and the pavement was dry. The traffic volumes are shown in Exhibit 29-62. They
are the same at all seven intersections for this idealized example.
Exhibit 29-64 provides the signal timing data for Intersection 1. The other
signalized intersections have the same signal timing.
At each signalized intersection, there are left- and right-turn bays on each of
the two major-street approaches, left-turn bays on each of the minor-street
approaches, and two through lanes on each approach. Two unsignalized access
points exist between each signal.
The posted speed limit for the major street and the minor streets is 35 mi/h.
The traffic signals operate in coordinated-actuated mode at a 100-s cycle. The
offset for the eastbound through phase alternates between 0 and 50 s at
successive intersections to provide good two-way progression.
The peak hour factor is 0.99, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 0.95, 0.96, and 0.97 at
Intersections 1 through 7, respectively.
Analysis Replications
The urban street reliability method uses a Monte Carlo approach to generate A Monte Carlo approach is
used when there is some
variables describing weather events, incidents, and random demand fluctuations randomness in the value of a
for each scenario in the reliability reporting period. One variation of this variable due to unknown
influences (and known
approach is to use an initial random number seed. The use of a seed number influences by other variables
ensures that the same random number sequence is used each time a set of that also have some
randomness) such that it is
scenarios is generated for a given reliability reporting period. Any positive difficult to determine the
integer can be used as a seed value. Each set of scenarios is called a replication. frequency (or probability) of
the subject variable’s value
Because events (e.g., a storm, a crash) are generated randomly in the urban accurately.
street method, the possibility exists that highly unlikely events could be
overrepresented or underrepresented in a given set of scenarios. To minimize
any bias these rare events may cause, the set of scenarios should be replicated Multiple analysis replications
are needed to determine the
and evaluated two or more times. Each time the set of scenarios is created, the confidence interval for the final
inputs should be identical, except that a different set of random number seeds is performance results.
used. Then, the performance measures of interest from the evaluation of each set
of scenarios are averaged to produce the final performance results.
Five replications were found to provide sufficient precision in the predicted
reliability measures for this example problem. The seed numbers in the following
list were selected by the analyst for this example problem. The first replication
used seed numbers 82, 11, and 63. The second replication used numbers 83, 12,
and 64. This pattern continues for the other three replications.
• Weather event generator: 82, 83, 85, 87, 89
• Demand event generator: 11, 12, 14, 16, 18
• Incident event generator: 63, 64, 66, 68, 70
The random number sequence created by a specific seed number may be
specific to the software implementation and computer platform used in the
analysis. As a result, evaluating the same dataset and seed number in different
software or on a different platform may produce results different from those
shown here. Each result, though different, will be equally valid.
Computational Steps
This example problem proceeds through the following steps:
1. Establish the purpose, scope, and approach.
2. Code datasets.
Exhibit 29-66
End of Precipitation
Precipitation RN RD
Jan 10 0.03 Yes 0.94 30 Snow 0.83 0.54 0.83 2.08 0.23 4:30 3.88 1.22 Night 5.10 8:23 9:36
Jan 11 0.00 Yes 0.22 19 Snow 0.62 0.29 0.62 0.27 0.21 4:45 0.95 1.28 Night 2.23 5:42 6:59
Jan 12 0.30 No
Jan 13 0.90 No
Jan 14 0.20 No
Jan 24 0.00 Yes 0.89 28 Snow 0.09 0.03 0.09 0.01 0.12 3:00 0.01 1.23 Night 1.23 3:00 4:14
Jan 25 0.53 No
Jan 26 0.45 No
Jan 27 0.21 No
Jan 28 0.60 No
Apr 4 0.64 No
Apr 5 0.24 Yes 0.11 45 Rain 0.40 0.03 0.40 0.02 1.00 23:15 0.68 0.07 Night 0.75 23:56 24:00
Apr 6 0.22 Yes 0.19 47 Rain 0.31 0.02 0.31 0.01 0.08 1:45 0.34 0.92 Night 1.26 2:05 3:00
Apr 7 0.78 No
Apr 8 0.39 No
Apr 11 0.55 No
Apr 12 0.37 No
Apr 13 0.10 Yes 0.28 48 Rain 0.82 0.11 0.82 0.54 0.39 7:15 5.05 0.72 Day 5.76 12:18 13:01
Apr 14 0.78 No
Apr 15 0.27 Yes 0.98 61 Rain 0.73 0.08 0.73 0.30 0.57 11:30 3.62 0.66 Day 4.28 15:07 15:47
Note: RN = random number.
𝐹𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑔1−2,dry = (1.0) = 40.5 incidents/year
Similarly, snow was falling on Monday, January 10, at 7:00 a.m. The
equivalent crash frequency for snowfall on Segment 1-2 is 21.76 crashes/year. The
ratio of crashes to incidents for segments in snowy weather is 0.358. Therefore,
𝐹𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑔1−2,𝑠𝑓 = (1.0) = 60.8 incidents/year
Conversion to hourly frequencies. Next, the incident frequency Fistr(i),wea(h,d) is
converted to an hourly frequency fistr(i),wea(h,d),h,d by multiplying it by the percent of
annual demand represented by the hour and by dividing by the number of days
in a year (expressed as a ratio of hours). The same hour-of-day fhod,h,d, day-of-week
fdow,d, and month-of-year fmoy,d demand ratios used in Step 4 are used here.
Equation 29-16 is used, where “8,760” represents the number of hours in a year
and “24” represents the number of hours in a day.
𝑓𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑟(𝑖),𝑤𝑒𝑎(ℎ,𝑑),ℎ,𝑑 = (24𝑓ℎ𝑜𝑑,ℎ,𝑑 )𝑓𝑑𝑜𝑤,𝑑 𝑓𝑚𝑜𝑦,𝑑
The month-of-year demand ratio for April is 0.987, the day-of-week demand
ratio for Wednesday is 1.00, and the hour-of-day demand ratio for 9:00 a.m. is
0.047. The incident frequency for this day and time is calculated above as 40.5
incidents per year. Therefore, the equivalent hourly incident frequency for
Segment 1-2 on Wednesday, April 6, at 9:00 a.m. is
𝑓𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑔1−2,dry,0900,Apr06 = (24 × 0.047)(1.00)(0.987) = 0.00515 incidents/h
Similarly, the equivalent hourly incident frequency for Segment 1-2 on
Monday, January 10, at 7:00 a.m. is
𝑓𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑔1−2,𝑠𝑓,0700,Jan10 = (24 × 0.071)(0.98)(0.831) = 0.00963 incidents/h
Probability of no incidents. Incidents for a given day, street location,
incident type, and hour of day are assumed to follow a Poisson distribution, as
given in Equation 29-17.
Exhibit 29-70 demonstrates the determination of incidents for Segment 1-2 on
April 6 for the 9:00 a.m. hour. Exhibit 29-71 does the same for January 10 for the
7:00 a.m. hour.
If more than one incident occurs at the same time and location, the more
serious incident is considered in the methodology. During an incident, the
methodology requires that at least one lane remain open in each direction of
travel on a segment and on each intersection approach. If the number of lanes
blocked by an incident is predicted to equal the number of lanes available on the
segment or intersection approach, one lane is maintained open and the
remaining lanes are blocked. For example, if the segment has two lanes in the
subject travel direction and an incident occurs and is predicted to block two
lanes, the incident is modeled as blocking only one lane.
The travel time indices shown in Exhibit 29-73 were computed by finding the
average (i.e., mean), 80th, and 95th percentile travel times for a given direction of
travel across all scenarios and dividing by the facility’s base free-flow speed.
Since hourly demands, geometry, weather, and signal timings are identical in
both directions, the differences between the indices illustrate the effects of
random variation in incidents and 15-min demands for the two directions.
The reliability rating describes the percent of VMT on the facility associated
with a TTI less than 2.5. A facility that satisfies this criterion during a given
scenario is likely to provide LOS D or better for that scenario. The reliability
ratings shown in the exhibit indicate that more than 90% of the vehicle miles of
travel on the facility are associated with LOS D or better.
The total delay (in vehicle hours) combines the delay per vehicle and volume
of all intersection lane groups at each intersection during a scenario. This statistic
increases with an increase in volume or delay. It is the only statistic of those
listed in Exhibit 29-73 that considers the performance of all traffic movements
(i.e., the other measures consider just the major-street through movement).
Hence, it is useful for quantifying the overall change in operation associated with
a strategy. When considered on a scenario-by-scenario basis, this statistic can be
used to identify those scenarios with extensive queuing on one or more “entry”
approaches (i.e., the cross-street intersection approaches and the major-street
approaches that are external to the facility).
Exhibit 29-74 shows the travel time distribution for the facility’s eastbound
travel direction. That for the westbound direction has a similar shape. The longer
travel times tend to be associated with poor weather. The longest travel times
coincide with one or more incidents and poor weather.
The reliability methodology was repeated several times to examine the
variability in the reliability performance measures. Each replication used the
same input data, with the exception that the three random numbers were
changed for each replication. Exhibit 29-75 shows the predicted average and 95th
percentile travel times for the eastbound travel direction based on five replications.
Exhibit 29-74
Example Problem 4:
Eastbound Travel Time
Exhibit 29-75 Replication Average Travel Time (s) 95th Percentile Travel Time (s)
Example Problem 4: 1 443.7 783.8
Confidence Interval 2 441.4 787.5
Calculation for Eastbound 3 432.8 758.4
Direction 4 439.3 740.0
5 433.7 772.9
Average 438.2 768.5
Standard deviation 4.79 19.6
95th% confidence interval 432.2–444.1 744.4–792.8
(±1.36%) (±3.16%)
The last three rows of Exhibit 29-75 show the statistics for the sample of five
observations. The 95th percentile confidence interval was computed by using
Equation 17-3. The confidence interval for the average travel time is 432.2 to
441.1 s, which equates to ±1.36% of the overall average travel time. Similarly, the
confidence interval for the 95th percentile travel time is ±3.16% of the average of
the 95th percentile travel times. This confidence interval is larger than that of the
average travel time because the 95th percentile travel time tends to be influenced
more by the occurrence of incidents and poor weather. As suggested by the
formulation of Equation 17-3, the confidence interval can be reduced in width by
increasing the number of replications.
The contribution of demand, incidents, and weather to total vehicle hours of
delay (VHD) during the reliability reporting period is used to determine the
relative contributions of each factor to the facility’s reliability. The annual VHD
takes into account both the severity of the event and its likelihood of occurrence.
VHD is computed by identifying the appropriate category for each scenario and
adding the estimated VHD for each scenario in this category. The results are
summed for all scenarios in each category in the reliability reporting period.
They are presented in Exhibit 29-76 and Exhibit 29-77. The categories have been
condensed to facilitate the diagnosis of the primary causes of reliability problems
on the urban street. Demand has been grouped into two levels. All foul weather
and incident scenarios have been grouped into a single category each.
An examination of the cell values in Exhibit 29-77 yields the conclusion that
the single most significant cause of annual delay on the urban street example is
high demand, which accounts for 53.6% of annual delay during fair weather with
The same urban street described in Example Problem 4 is used in this
example problem.
For this example problem, the changes needed to implement the strategies
require changes only to the base datasets. However, some strategies may require
changes to the reliability methodology input data, the base datasets, or the
alternative datasets.
Computational Steps
This example problem proceeds through the following steps:
1. Establish the purpose, scope, and approach.
2. Code datasets.
3. Generate scenarios.
4. Apply the Chapter 16 motorized vehicle methodology.
5. Interpret results.
from five replications. The third row lists the change in the performance measure
value. The last row indicates whether the change is statistically significant.
The statistics in Exhibit 29-78 indicate that the strategy produces a relatively
large improvement in travel time, particularly in the 95th percentile travel time.
The strategy improves reliability during the peak hour for the high-volume
months, which is reflected by the increase in the reliability rating. It forecasts an
increase of 3.6% in the VMT for which LOS D or better is provided. On the other
hand, delay to the cross-street left-turn movements increases. This increase
partially offsets the decrease in delay to the major-street through movements.
This trade-off is reflected by a small reduction of 4.5 veh-h total delay.
The statistics in Exhibit 29-80 indicate that the strategy produces a relatively
large improvement in travel time, particularly in the 95th percentile travel time.
The strategy improves reliability during the peak hour for the high-volume
months, reflected by the increase in the reliability rating. It forecasts an increase
of 5.3% in the VMT for which LOS D or better is provided. Delay to the major-
street through movements decreases, as reflected by the reduction of 11.7 veh-h
total delay. The change in average travel time is not statistically significant
because the loss of the right-turn bays shifts the location of many incidents from
the bays to the through lanes. This shift causes the average travel time for
Strategy 3 to vary more widely among scenarios.
Summary of Findings
All three strategies improved the facility’s reliability and overall operation.
Strategy 1 (shift 5 s to the coordinated phase) provides some improvement in
reliability of travel through the facility and some reduction in total delay in the
Strategy 2 (protected-only to protected-permitted) provides the lowest average
travel time and the lowest total delay. It also provides a notable improvement in
travel reliability.
Strategy 3 (eliminate right-turn lanes, increase left-turn lanes) provides the
biggest improvement in reliability of travel. It also provides some overall benefit in
terms of lower travel time and total delay.
The selection of the best strategy should include consideration of the change
in road user costs, as measured in terms of reliability, total delay, and crash
frequency. Viable strategies are those for which the reduction in road user costs
exceeds the construction costs associated with strategy installation and
Some of these references can 1. Zegeer, J., J. Bonneson, R. Dowling, P. Ryus, M. Vandehey, W. Kittelson, N.
be found in the Technical
Reference Library in Volume 4. Rouphail, B. Schroeder, A. Hajbabaie, B. Aghdashi, T. Chase, S. Sajjadi, R.
Margiotta, and L. Elefteriadou. Incorporating Travel Time Reliability into the
Highway Capacity Manual. SHRP 2 Report S2-L08-RW-1. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2014.
2. Comparative Climatic Data for the United States Through 2010. National Climatic
Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Asheville,
N.C., 2011. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov. Accessed Sept. 21, 2011.
3. Urbanik, T., A. Tanaka, B. Lozner, E. Lindstrom, K. Lee, S. Quayle, S. Beaird,
S. Tsoi, P. Ryus, D. Gettman, S. Sunkari, K. Balke, and D. Bullock. NCHRP
Report 812: Signal Timing Manual, 2nd ed. Transportation Research Board,
Washington, D.C., 2015.
4. Husch, D., and J. Albeck. Synchro Studio 7 User’s Guide. Trafficware, Ltd.,
5. Wallace, C., K. Courage, M. Hadi, and A. Gan. TRANSYT-7F User’s Guide,
Vol. 4 in a Series: Methodology for Optimizing Signal Timing. University of
Florida, Gainesville, March 1998.
6. Corridor-Microscopic Simulation Program (CORSIM) Version 6.1 User's Guide.
University of Florida, Gainesville, 2008.
7. VISSIM 5.10 User Manual. PTV Vision, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2008.
8. Rodegerdts, L., J. Bansen, C. Tiesler, J. Knudsen, E. Myers, M. Johnson, M.
Moule, B. Persaud, C. Lyon, S. Hallmark, H. Isebrands, R. B. Crown, B.
Guichet, and A. O’Brien. NCHRP Report 672: Roundabouts: An Informational
Guide, 2nd ed. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,
Washington, D.C., 2010.
9. Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the U.S.: Rainfall Event Statistics. National Climatic
Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Asheville,
N.C., 2011. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/documentlibrary/rainfall.html.
Accessed Sept. 21, 2011.
10. Highway Safety Manual, 1st ed. American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C., 2010.
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
Exhibit 30-1 Entry and Exit Movements on the Typical Street Segment ............. 30-2
Exhibit 30-2 Default Seed Proportions for Origin–Destination Matrix ............... 30-5
Exhibit 30-3 Platoon Dispersion Model ................................................................... 30-9
Exhibit 30-4 Arrival Flow Profile Estimation Procedure ..................................... 30-10
Exhibit 30-5 Estimation of Blocked Period Duration ........................................... 30-12
Exhibit 30-6 Vehicle Trajectories During Spillback Conditions ......................... 30-13
Exhibit 30-7 Required Input Data for the Planning-Level Analysis
Application ......................................................................................................... 30-29
Exhibit 30-8 Planning-Level Analysis Application for Urban Street
Segments ............................................................................................................. 30-30
Exhibit 30-9 Planning-Level Analysis: Running Time Worksheet ..................... 30-31
Exhibit 30-10 Planning-Level Analysis: Proportion Arriving During
Green Worksheet ............................................................................................... 30-32
Exhibit 30-11 Planning-Level Analysis: Control Delay Worksheet ................... 30-33
Exhibit 30-12 Planning-Level Analysis: Stop Rate Worksheet ........................... 30-34
Exhibit 30-13 Planning-Level Analysis: Travel Speed and Spatial Stop
Rate Worksheet .................................................................................................. 30-35
Exhibit 30-14 Planning-Level Analysis: Example Problem ................................. 30-36
Exhibit 30-15 Travel Time Field Worksheet .......................................................... 30-41
Exhibit 30-16 Methodology Flowchart ................................................................... 30-42
Exhibit 30-17 Setup Module .................................................................................... 30-43
Exhibit 30-18 Segment Evaluation Module ........................................................... 30-43
Exhibit 30-19 Segment Analysis Module ............................................................... 30-44
Exhibit 30-20 Delay due to Turns Module ............................................................ 30-44
Exhibit 30-21 Performance Measures Module ...................................................... 30-45
Exhibit 30-22 Segment Evaluation Module Routines........................................... 30-46
Exhibit 30-23 Segment Analysis Module Routines .............................................. 30-46
Exhibit 30-24 Delay due to Turns Module Routines ............................................ 30-47
Exhibit 30-25 Example Problems ............................................................................ 30-48
Exhibit 30-26 Example Problem 1: Urban Street Segment Schematic ................ 30-48
Exhibit 30-27 Example Problem 1: Intersection Turn Movement Counts ......... 30-49
Exhibit 30-28 Example Problem 1: Signal Conditions for Intersection 1 ........... 30-49
Exhibit 30-29 Example Problem 1: Geometric Conditions and Traffic
Characteristics for Signalized Intersection 1 .................................................. 30-50
Exhibit 30-30 Example Problem 1: Segment Data ................................................ 30-51
Exhibit 30-31 Example Problem 1: Access Point Data ......................................... 30-51
Chapter 30 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 18, Urban Street VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
Segments, which is found in Volume 3 of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). 25. Freeway Facilities:
This chapter presents detailed information about the following aspects of the Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
Chapter 18 motorized vehicle methodology: Segments: Supplemental
27. Freeway Weaving:
• The adjustments made to the input vehicular demand flow rates at Supplemental
signalized boundary intersections so that they reasonably reflect actual 28. Freeway Merges and
Diverges: Supplemental
operating conditions during the analysis period, 29. Urban Street Facilities:
• The process for analyzing vehicular traffic flow on a segment bounded by 30. Urban Street Segments:
signalized intersections, and Supplemental
31. Signalized Intersections:
• The process for estimating through-vehicle delay due to vehicle turning Supplemental
32. STOP-Controlled
movements at unsignalized midsegment access points. Intersections:
This chapter provides a simplified version of the Chapter 18 motorized 33. Roundabouts:
vehicle methodology that is suitable for planning applications. It describes Supplemental
34. Interchange Ramp
techniques for measuring free-flow speed and average travel speed in the field Terminals: Supplemental
and provides details about the computational engine that implements the 35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
Chapter 18 motorized vehicle methodology. Chapter 30 provides four example
36. Concepts: Supplemental
problems that demonstrate the application of the motorized vehicle, pedestrian, 37. ATDM: Supplemental
38. Network Analysis
bicycle, and transit methodologies to an urban street segment. Finally, the
chapter provides an overview of the methodology for evaluating the
performance of the motor vehicle mode on an urban street segment bounded by
one or more roundabouts.
This section describes adjustments made to the input vehicular demand flow
rates at signalized boundary intersections so that they reasonably reflect actual
operating conditions during the analysis period. These adjustments have no
effect if existing vehicular flow rates are accurately quantified for the subject
segment and all movements operate below their capacity. However, if the
demand flow rate for any movement exceeds its capacity or if there is
disagreement between the count of vehicles entering and the count exiting the
segment, some movement flow rates will need to be adjusted for accurate
evaluation of segment operation.
This section describes two procedures that check the input flow rates and
make adjustments if necessary. These procedures are
• Capacity constraint and volume balance and
• Origin–destination distribution.
These procedures can be extended to the analysis of unsignalized boundary
intersections; however, the mechanics of this extension are not described.
As indicated in Exhibit 30-1, three entry movements are associated with the
upstream signalized intersection and three exit movements are associated with
the downstream signalized intersection. Entry and exit movements also exist at
each access point intersection. However, these movements are aggregated into
one entry and one exit movement for simplicity.
The analysis procedure is described in the following steps. Frequent
reference is made to “volume” in these steps. In this application, volume is
considered to be equivalent to average flow rate for the analysis period and to
have units of vehicles per hour (veh/h).
sq|r = shared lane discharge flow rate for upstream right-turn traffic
movement in vehicles per hour per lane (veh/h/ln),
ssr = saturation flow rate in shared right-turn and through-lane group with
permitted operation (veh/h/ln), and
PR = proportion of right-turning vehicles in the shared lane (decimal).
The procedure described in Section 2 of Chapter 31, Signalized Intersections:
Supplemental, is used to estimate the two variables shown in Equation 30-1. A
similar equation can be constructed to estimate the shared lane discharge flow
rate for an upstream left-turn movement in a shared lane.
The capacity for the right-turn movement in the shared-lane lane group is
then computed with Equation 30-2.
𝑐𝑞|𝑟 = 𝑠𝑞|𝑟 𝑔/𝐶 Equation 30-2
cq|r = shared lane capacity for upstream right-turn traffic movement (veh/h),
sq|r = shared lane discharge flow rate for upstream right-turn traffic
movement (veh/h/ln),
g = effective green time (s), and
C = cycle length (s).
The procedure described in Section 2 of Chapter 31 is used to estimate the
signal timing variables shown in Equation 30-2. A similar equation can be
constructed for an upstream left-turn movement in a shared lane.
The volume of traffic that arrives at a downstream intersection for a given
downstream movement represents the combined volume from each upstream
point of entry weighted by its percentage contribution to the downstream exit
movement. The distribution of these contribution percentages between each
upstream and downstream pair is represented as an origin–destination
distribution matrix.
The origin–destination matrix is important for estimating the arrival pattern
of vehicles at the downstream intersection. Hence, the focus here is on upstream
entry movements that are signalized, because (a) they are typically the higher-
volume movements and (b) the signal timing influences their time of arrival
downstream. For these reasons, the origin–destination distribution is focused on
the three upstream signalized movements. All other movements (i.e.,
unsignalized movements at the boundary intersections, access point movements,
RTOR movements) are combined into one equivalent movement—referred to
hereafter as the “access point” movement—that is assumed to arrive uniformly
throughout the signal cycle.
Ideally, an origin–destination survey would be conducted for an existing
segment, or the origin–destination data would be available from traffic forecasts
by planning models. One matrix would be available for each direction of travel
on the segment. In the absence of such information, origin–destination volumes
can be estimated from the entry and exit volumes for a segment, where the exit
volumes equal the adjusted arrival volumes from the procedure described in the
previous subsection, Capacity Constraint and Volume Balance.
Each of the four entry movements to the segment shown in Exhibit 30-1 is
considered an origin. Each of the four exit movements is a destination. The
problem then becomes one of estimating the origin–destination table given the
entering and exiting volumes.
This procedure is derived from research (1). It is based on the principle that
total entry volume is equal to total exit volume. It uses seed proportions to
represent the best estimate of the volume distribution. These proportions are
refined through implementation of the procedure. It is derived to estimate the
most probable origin–destination volumes by minimizing the deviation from the
seed percentages while ensuring the equivalence of entry and exit volumes.
The use of seed percentages allows the procedure to adapt the origin–
destination volume estimates to factors or geometric situations that induce
greater preference for some entry–exit combinations than is suggested by simple
volume proportion (e.g., a downstream freeway on-ramp). The default seed
proportions are listed in Exhibit 30-2.
Oa,i = adjusted volume for origin i (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) (veh/h), and
Oi = volume for origin i (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) (veh/h).
The letter i denotes the four movements entering the segment. This volume is
computed for each of the four origins.
where bo,i is the origin adjustment factor i (i = 1, 2, 3, 4). This factor is computed
for each of the four origins.
This section describes the process for analyzing vehicular traffic flow on a
segment bounded by signalized intersections. Initially, this process computes the
flow profile of discharging vehicles at the upstream intersection as influenced by
the signal timing and phase sequence. It uses this profile to compute the arrival
flow profile at a downstream junction. The arrival flow profile is then compared
with the downstream signal timing and phase sequence to compute the
proportion of vehicles arriving during green. The arrival flow profile is also used
to compute the proportion of time that a platoon blocks one or more traffic
movements at a downstream access point intersection. These two platoon
descriptors are used in subsequent procedures to compute delay and other
performance measures.
This section describes six procedures that are used to define the arrival flow
profile and compute the related platoon descriptors. These procedures are
• Discharge flow profile,
• Running time,
• Projected arrival flow profile,
• Proportion of time blocked,
• Sustained spillback, and
• Midsegment lane restriction.
Each procedure is described in the following subsections.
The running time procedure describes the calculation of running time
between the upstream intersection and a downstream intersection. This
procedure is described as Step 2 of the motorized vehicle methodology in
Chapter 18, Urban Street Segments.
One component of running time is the delay due to various midsegment
sources. One notable source of delay is left or right turns from the segment at an
access point intersection. This delay is computed by using the procedure
described in Section 4. Other sources of delay include on-street parking
maneuvers and pedestrian crosswalks. Delay from these sources represents an
input variable to the methodology.
q’a|u,j = arrival flow rate in time step j at a downstream intersection from
upstream source u (veh/step),
q’u,i = departure flow rate in time step i at upstream source u (veh/step),
F = smoothing factor,
j = time step associated with platoon arrival time t’, and
t’ = platoon arrival time (steps).
The upstream flow source u can be the left-turn, through, or right-turn
movement at the upstream boundary intersection. It can also be the collective set
of left-turn or right-turn movements at access point intersections between the
upstream boundary intersection and the subject intersection.
Exhibit 30-3 illustrates an arrival flow profile obtained from Equation 30-9. In
this figure, the discharge flow profile is input to the model as variable q’u,i. The
dashed rectangles that form the discharge flow profile indicate the flow rate
during each of nine time steps (i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9) that are each dt seconds in
duration. The vehicles that depart in the first time step (i = 1) arrive at the
downstream intersection after traveling an amount of time equal to t’ steps. The
arrival flow at any time step j (= i + t’) is computed with Equation 30-9.
0 ft dt
Direction of
Traffic Flow
Flow, veh/step
Time (s)
Research (4) indicates that Equation 30-11 describes the relationship between
the smoothing factor and running time.
𝐹= Equation 30-11
1 + 0.138 𝑡𝑅′ + 0.315/𝑑𝑡
t’R = segment running time = tR/dt (steps),
tR = segment running time (s), and
dt = time step duration (s/step).
The recommended time step duration for this procedure is 1.0 s/step. Shorter
values can be rationalized to provide a more accurate representation of the
profile, but they also increase the time required for the computations. Experience
indicates that 1.0 s/step provides a good balance between accuracy and
computation time.
Equation 30-12 is used to compute platoon arrival time to the subject
downstream intersection.
Equation 30-12 𝑡 ′ = 𝑡𝑅′ − + 1.25
Flow (veh/step)
2.30 2.3
Primarily through
Major-street through
1.10 1.1 Primarily left
Cross-street left turn
-0.10 -0.10
0 0
Time (steps) Time (steps)
Major-street through
30-4. The platoon dispersion model is then used to estimate the arrival flows for
each movement at a downstream intersection. These arrival flow profiles are
shown in the second x-y plot in the exhibit. Arrivals from midsegment access
points, which are not shown, are assumed to have a uniform arrival flow profile
(i.e., a constant flow rate for all time steps).
Finally, the origin–destination distribution procedure is used to distribute
each arrival flow profile to each of the downstream exit movements. The four
arrival flow profiles associated with the subject exit movement are added
together to produce the combined arrival flow profile. This profile is shown in
the third x-y plot. The upstream movement contributions to this profile are
indicated by arrows.
Comparison of the profiles in the first and second x-y plots of Exhibit 30-4
illustrates the platoon dispersion process. In the first x-y plot, the major-street
through movement has formed a dense platoon as it departs the upstream
intersection. However, by the time this platoon reaches the downstream
intersection it has spread out and has a lower peak flow rate. In general, the
amount of platoon dispersion increases with increasing segment length. For very
long segments, the platoon structure degrades and arrivals become uniform
throughout the cycle.
Platoon structure can also degrade as a result of significant access point
activity along the segment. Streets with frequent active access point intersections
tend to have more vehicles leave the platoon (i.e., turn from the segment at an
access point) and enter the segment after the platoon passes (i.e., turn in to the
segment at an access point). Both activities result in significant platoon decay.
The effect of platoon decay is modeled by using the origin–destination
matrix, in which the combined access point activity is represented as one volume
assigned to midsegment origins and destinations. A large access point volume
corresponds to a smaller volume that enters at the upstream boundary
intersection as a defined platoon. This results in a larger portion of the combined
arrival flow profile defined by uniform (rather than platoon) arrivals. When a
street has busy access points, platoon decay tends to be a more dominant cause
of platoon degradation than platoon dispersion.
movement (i.e., qc = 3,600/tc). The appropriate critical headway values for various
movements are identified in Chapter 20, Two-Way STOP-Controlled Intersections.
Exhibit 30-5
Estimation of Blocked Period
In the situation of a driver desiring to complete a left turn from the major
street across the traffic stream represented by Exhibit 30-5, the proportion of time
blocked is computed by using Equation 30-13. For this maneuver, the blocked
period duration is based on the flow profile of the opposing through-lane group.
𝑡𝑝′ 𝑑𝑡
Equation 30-13 𝑝𝑏 =
pb = proportion of time blocked (decimal),
t’p = blocked period duration (steps),
dt = time step duration (s/step), and
C = cycle length (s).
Equation 30-13 is also used for the minor-street right-turn movement.
However, in this situation, the blocked period duration is computed for the
through-lane group approaching from the left. For the minor-street left-turn and
through movements, the arrival flow profiles from both directions are evaluated.
In this instance, the blocked period duration represents the time when a platoon
from either direction is present in the intersection.
This subsection describes two procedures that were developed for the
evaluation of segments that experience sustained spillback. Sustained spillback
occurs as a result of oversaturation (i.e., more vehicles discharging from the
upstream intersection than can be served at the subject downstream intersection).
The spillback can exist at the start of the study period, or it can occur at some
point during the study period. Spillback that first occurs after the study period is
not addressed.
0 t
The lines that slope downward from the upper left to lower right represent
the waves of reaction time. They have a slope of tpr seconds per vehicle. The
starting wave originates at the onset of the green indication, and the stopping
wave originates at the onset of the red indication. The average vehicle spacing
when vehicles are stopped is Lh feet per vehicle.
If 𝐶 ≤ 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 , then 𝐿∗ℎ =
1.0 − 0.5 𝑡𝑝𝑟 𝑔/𝐶
Lh* = effective average vehicle spacing in stationary queue (ft/veh),
r = effective red time (= C – g) (s),
g = effective green time (s), and
C = cycle length (s).
Spillback Check
This subsection describes the procedure for determining whether queue
spillback occurs on a segment during a given analysis period (4). The analysis is
applied separately to each travel direction and proceeds in the direction of travel.
The procedure consists of a series of steps that are completed in sequence for the
signalized exit movements associated with each segment. These movements
were shown in Exhibit 30-1. Spillback due to the movements associated with the
access points is not specifically addressed.
La,thru = available queue storage distance for the through movement (ft/ln), and
Lh* = effective average vehicle spacing in stationary queue (ft/veh).
The procedure described in Section 2 of Chapter 31, Signalized Intersections:
Supplemental, is used to estimate PL and PR. If there are no shared lanes, PL = 0.0
and PR = 0.0.
The maximum queue storage for a turn movement is computed with
Equation 30-19:
𝑁turn 𝐿𝑎,turn + 𝑃turn 𝐿𝑎,𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑢
Equation 30-19 𝑁𝑞𝑥,turn =
Nqx,turn = maximum queue storage for a turn movement (veh),
Nturn = number of lanes in the turn bay (ln),
La,turn = available queue storage distance for the turn movement (ft/ln),
Pturn = proportion of turning vehicles in the shared lane = PL or PR (decimal),
Lh = average vehicle spacing in stationary queue (ft/veh).
This equation is applicable to turn movements in exclusive lanes (i.e., Pturn
= 0.0) and to turn movements that share a through lane.
va,thru = adjusted arrival volume for the subject through movement (veh/h), and
Nth = number of through lanes (shared or exclusive) (ln).
The two adjusted arrival volumes va,turn and va,thru are obtained from the
procedure described in the Origin–Destination Distribution subsection.
This section describes a process for estimating the delay to through vehicles
that follow vehicles turning from the major street into an unsignalized access point
intersection. This delay can be incurred at any access point intersection along the
street. For right-turn vehicles, the delay results when the following vehicles’ speed
is reduced to accommodate the turning vehicle. For left-turn vehicles, the delay
results when the following vehicles must wait in queue while a vehicle ahead
executes a left-turn maneuver at the access point. This delay occurs primarily on
undivided streets; however, it can occur on divided streets when the left-turn
queue exceeds the available storage and spills back into the inside through lane.
The delay estimation process consists of the following two procedures:
• Delay due to left turns and
• Delay due to right turns.
Each procedure is described in the following subsections. These procedures
are based on the assumption that the segment traffic flows are random. While
this assumption may not be strictly correct for urban streets, it is conservative in
that it will yield slightly larger estimates of delay. Moreover, expansion of the
models to accommodate platooned flows would not likely be cost-effective given
the small amount of delay caused by turning vehicles.
As indicated by Equation 30-31, the delay due to left turns is based on the
value of several variables. The following sequence of computations can be used
to estimate these values (6).
EL1,m = modified through-car equivalent for a permitted left-turning vehicle,
ER,m = modified through-car equivalent for a protected right-turning vehicle,
ER,ap = equivalent number of through cars for a protected right-turning
vehicle at an access point (2.20 if there is no right-turn bay on the
major street at the access point; 1.0 if there is a right-turn bay).
R, b, c = intermediate calculation variables;
Ilt = indicator variable (1.0 when there is no left-turn bay on the major
street at the access point, 0.0 when there is a left-turn bay);
Irt = indicator variable (1.0 when there is no right-turn bay on the major
street at the access point, 0.0 when there is a right-turn bay); and
It = indicator variable (1.0 when equations are used to evaluate delay due
to left turns, 0.00001 when equations are used to evaluate delay due to
right turns).
If the number of through lanes on the subject intersection approach (= Nsl + Nt
+ Nsr) is equal to 1.0, then PL = Plt.
The indicator variable It is used to adapt the equations to the analysis of lane
volume for both left-turn- and right-turn-related delays. The variable has a value
of 1.0 in the evaluation of left-turn-related delays. In this situation, it models the
condition in which one or more left-turning vehicles are blocking the inside lane.
In contrast, the variable has a negligibly small value when it is applied to right-
turn-related delays. It models flow conditions in which all lanes are unblocked.
1,800 (1 + 𝑃𝐿 𝐼𝑡 )
Equation 30-43 𝑠1 =
1 + 𝑃𝐿 (𝐸𝐿1,𝑚 − 1) + (𝑃𝐿 𝐸𝐿1,𝑚 𝐼𝑡 )
where s1 is the saturation flow rate for the inside lane (veh/h/ln). If the number of
through lanes on the subject intersection approach (= Nsl + Nt + Nsr) is equal to 1.0,
then PR = Prt.
𝑣𝑚𝑔 = 𝑣1 − 𝑣𝑙𝑡 ≥ 0.0 Equation 30-49
dmg = merge delay (s/veh),
vmg = merge flow rate (veh/h/ln), and
T = analysis period duration (h).
This delay is incurred by through vehicles that stop in the inside lane and
eventually merge into the adjacent through lane. The “1/1,800” term included in
Equation 30-48 extracts the service time for the through vehicle from the delay
estimate, so that the delay estimate represents the increase in travel time
resulting from the left-turn queue.
1 1 𝑣1 𝑣1 2 8 𝑣1
𝑑𝑛𝑚 = 3,600 ( − ) + 900 𝑇 [ − 1 + √( − 1) + 2 ] Equation 30-51
𝑐𝑛𝑚 1,800 𝑐𝑛𝑚 𝑐𝑛𝑚 𝑐𝑛𝑚 𝑇
where dnm is the nonmerge delay for the inside lane (s/veh). This delay is incurred
by through vehicles that stop in the inside lane and wait for the queue to clear.
These vehicles do not merge into the adjacent lane.
𝑁𝑙𝑡 𝐿𝑎,𝑙𝑡
Equation 30-54 𝑁𝑞𝑥,𝑙𝑡 =
pov = probability of left-turn bay overflow (decimal),
Nqx,lt = maximum queue storage for the left-turn movement (veh),
Nlt = number of lanes in the left-turn bay (ln),
La,lt = available queue storage distance for the left-turn movement (ft/ln), and
Lh = average vehicle spacing in the stationary queue (see Equation 30-15)
For an undivided cross section, the number of left-turn vehicles that can be
stored, Nqx,lt, is equal to 0.0.
1 Δ − 𝐻1 𝑒 −𝜆(𝐻1 −Δ)
ℎ|Δ<ℎ<𝐻1 = + Equation 30-57
𝜆 1 − 𝑒 −𝜆(𝐻1 −Δ)
1.47 𝑆𝑓 − 𝑢𝑟𝑡 𝐿ℎ
𝐻1 = + 𝑡𝑐𝑙 + ≥Δ Equation 30-58
𝑟𝑑 1.47 𝑆𝑓
𝜆= Equation 30-59
um = minimum speed of the first through vehicle given that it is delayed (ft/s),
urt = right-turn speed = 20 (ft/s),
Sf = free-flow speed (mi/h),
h|∆<h<H1 = average headway of those headways between ∆ and H1 (s/veh),
Exhibit 30-7
Data Category Location Input Data Element
Required Input Data for the
Traffic characteristics Boundary intersection Through-demand flow rate Planning-Level Analysis
Through-saturation flow rate Application
Volume-to-capacity ratio of the upstream
Segment Platoon ratio
Midsegment flow rate
Midsegment delay
Geometric design Boundary intersection Number of through lanes
Upstream intersection width
Segment Number of through lanes
Segment length
Restrictive median length
Nonrestrictive median length
Proportion of segment with curb
Number of access point approaches
Proportion of segment with on-street parking
Signal control Boundary intersection Effective green-to-cycle-length ratio
Cycle length
Other Segment Analysis period duration
Speed limit
At a minimum, the analyst must provide traffic volumes and the approach-
lane configuration for the subject intersection. Default values for several
variables are specifically identified in the methodology and integrated into the
method. These values have been selected to be generally representative of typical
conditions. Additional default values are identified in Section 3 of Chapter 18,
Urban Street Segments.
The methodology consists of five computational steps. These steps are
• Determine running time;
• Determine proportion arriving during green;
• Determine through control delay;
The computations associated with each step identified in Exhibit 30-8 are
described in Section 3 of Chapter 18. These computations are conveniently
illustrated here in a series of worksheets; each worksheet corresponds to one or
two of the calculation steps.
The first of the computational worksheets is the Running Time worksheet. It
is shown as Exhibit 30-9 (values shown apply to the Example Problem, as
discussed in a subsequent section).
Note: The first term in the running time equation is only applicable to segments with signal-controlled, STOP-
controlled, or YIELD-controlled through movement at the boundary intersection.
The Running Time worksheet combines input data describing the segment
geometric design, speed limit, volume, and access point frequency to estimate
the base free-flow speed. This speed is then adjusted for segment length effects to
obtain the expected free-flow speed. The free-flow speed is then used to estimate
a free-flow travel time, which is adjusted for the proximity of other vehicles.
Delay that is caused by turns into access points or other sources is added to the
adjusted travel time. Default values for the delay due to turns at midsegment
access points are listed in Exhibit 18-13 in Chapter 18. These defaults can be used
when more accurate estimates of this delay are not available. The result of these
adjustments is an estimate of the expected segment running time.
The second of the computational worksheets is the Proportion Arriving
During Green worksheet. It is shown as Exhibit 30-10. This worksheet is
designed for the analysis of the segment through-lane group. It documents the
calculation of the proportion of vehicles that arrive during the green indication.
Input data include the effective green-to-cycle-length ratio and platoon ratio.
Input Data
Segment 1 Segment 2
Direction of travel EB/NB WB/SB EB/NB WB/SB
Signal Timing Data
Effective green-to-cycle-length ratio g/C 0.47 0.47
Traffic Data
Platoon ratio Rp 1.43 0.67
Proportion Arriving During Green Computation
Proportion arriving during green P, P = Rp (g/C) 0.67 0.31
Input Data
Analysis period T (h): 0.25 Segment 1 Segment 2
Direction of travel EB/NB WB/SB EB/NB WB/SB
Signal Timing Data
Cycle length C (s) 100 100
Effective green-to-cycle-length ratio g/C 0.47 0.47
Traffic Data
Through-lane group volume vth (veh/h) 968 950
Lane group saturation flow rate s (veh/h/ln) 1,800 1,800
Proportion of arrivals during green P 0.67 0.31
Volume-to-capacity ratio Xu of the upstream movements 0.57 0.57
Geometric Design Data
Number of through lanes Nth (ln) 2 2
Delay Computation
Capacity c (veh/h), c = Nth s g/C 1,692 1,692
Volume-to-capacity ratio X, X = vth/c 0.57 0.56
Supplemental adjustment factor for platoons arriving 1.15 0.93
during green fPA, fPA = 1.00 except as noted below:
If 0.50 < Rp ≤ 0.85, then fPA = 0.93
If 1.15 < Rp ≤ 1.50, then fPA = 1.15
Progression adjustment factor PF*, 0.71 1.20
PF* = fPA (1 – P)/(1 – g/C)
( )10−.5min(
2 13.6 23.0
* C (1 − g / C )
Uniform delay d1 (s/veh), d1 = PF
1, X )g / C
Upstream filtering adjustment factor I, 0.80 0.80
I = 1.0 − 0.91 X u2.68 0.090
Incremental delay d2 (s/veh), 1.13 1.08
4I X
d 2 = 900 T ( X − 1) + ( X − 1)2 +
c T
The second delay component is the incremental delay, which is based on the
upstream filtering adjustment factor. This factor requires the variable Xu, which
can be estimated as the volume-to-capacity ratio of the segment through-lane
group at the upstream signalized intersection. Additional detail on the calculation
of this ratio is provided in Section 3 of Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections.
The fourth computational worksheet is the Stop Rate worksheet. It is shown
as Exhibit 30-12. This worksheet is designed for the analysis of the segment
through-lane group. The input variables are the same as those needed for the
Control Delay worksheet with the addition of speed limit. The average speed
during the analysis period is estimated by using the equation provided. If the
average speed is known, it should be substituted for the estimated value.
Input Data
Analysis period T (h): 0.25 Segment 1 Segment 2
Direction of travel EB/NB WB/SB EB/NB WB/SB
Signal Timing Data
Cycle length C (s) 100 100
Effective green-to-cycle-length ratio g/C 0.47 0.47
Traffic Data
Through-lane group volume vth (veh/h) 968 950
Lane group saturation flow rate s (veh/h/ln) 1,800 1,800
Proportion of arrivals during green P 0.67 0.31
Speed limit Spl (mi/h) 35 35
Incremental delay d2 (s/veh) 1.13 1.08
Geometric Design Data
Number of through lanes Nth (ln) 2 2
Stop Rate Computation
Effective green time g (s), g = C (g/C) 47 47
Effective red time r (s), r = C – g 53 53
Capacity c (veh/h), c = Nth s g/C 1,692 1,692
Volume-to-capacity ratio X, X = vth/c 0.57 0.56
Average speed Sa (mi/h), Sa = 0.90 (25.6 + 0.47 Spl) 37.8 37.8
Threshold acceleration–deceleration delay (s), (1 – P) g X 8.8 18.1
Acceleration–deceleration delay da (s), 11.2 11.2
da = 0.393 (Sa – 5.0)2/Sa
Deterministic stop rate h1 (stops/veh), 0.31 0.74
1 − P (1 + d a / g )
h1 = if d a (1 − P ) g X
1−P X
(1 − P )(r − d a )
h1 = if d a (1 − P ) g X
r − (1 − P ) g X
Second-term back-of-queue size Q2 (veh/ln), 0.26 0.25
Q2 = c d2 /(3,600 Nth)
Full stop rate h (stops/veh), h = h1 + 3,600 Nth Q2 /(vth C ) 0.33 0.76
The stop rate is computed as the sum of two components. The first
component to be computed is the deterministic stop rate. Two equations are
available for this computation. The correct equation to use is based on a check of
the acceleration–deceleration delay relative to the computed threshold value.
The second stop rate component is based on the second-term back-of-queue
size. This queue represents the average number of vehicles that are unserved at
the end of the green interval. It is based on the incremental delay computed for
the Control Delay worksheet.
The fifth computational worksheet is the Travel Speed and Spatial Stop Rate
worksheet. It is shown as Exhibit 30-13. This worksheet is designed for the
analysis of the segment through-lane group. The input values include segment
length and the full stop rate associated with other midsegment events (e.g., turns
at access points). The other input data listed represent computed values and are
obtained from the previous worksheets.
Input Data
Segment 1 Segment 2
Direction of travel EB/NB WB/SB EB/NB WB/SB
Length of segment L (ft) 1,800 1,800
Base free-flow speed Sfo (mi/h) 40.8 40.8
Running time tR (s) 33.7 33.7
Control delay d (s/veh) 14.7 24.1
Full stop rate h (stops/veh) 0.33 0.76
Full stop rate due to other midsegment 0 0
sources hother (stops/veh)
Travel Speed Computation
Travel time TT (s), TT = tR + d 48.4 57.7
Travel speed ST,seg (mi/h), 25.4 21.3
3,600 L
ST , seg =
The Urban Street Segment
The total length of an undivided urban street segment is 1,800 ft. It is shown
in Exhibit 30-14. Both of the boundary intersections are signalized. The street has
a four-lane cross section with two lanes in each direction. There are left-turn bays
on the subject segment at each signalized intersection.
1 2
968 veh/h
Platoon Ratio = 1.43
Signal Segment 1 Signal
The segment has two access point intersections. Each intersection has two
STOP-controlled side-street approaches, and each approach has sufficient traffic
volume during the analysis period to be considered active. The segment also has
two driveways on each side of the street; however, their turn movement volumes
are too low for them to be considered active.
The Question
What are the travel speed, spatial stop rate, and LOS during the analysis
hour for through-vehicle traffic in both directions of travel along the segment?
The Facts
Some details of the segment are shown in Exhibit 30-14. Both boundary
intersections are signalized. The following additional information is known
about the street segment:
Through saturation flow rate: 1,800 veh/h/ln
Midsegment volume: 1,150 veh/h
Midsegment delay: 0.52 s/veh
Number of through lanes at boundary intersection: 2
Upstream intersection width: 50 ft
Number of through lanes on segment: 2
Proportion of street with curb: 0.70
Proportion of street with on-street parking: 0.0
g/C ratio: 0.47
Cycle length: 100 s
Analysis period: 0.25 h
Speed limit: 35 mi/h
Percent left turns at active access points: 6%
Percent right turns at active access points: 8%
Selected Calculations
1. Compute total delay due to turns into access Midsegment lanes = 2 lanes
points Midsegment lane volume = 575 veh/h/ln
Interpolate in Exhibit 18-13 to obtain
0.37 s/veh/pt through-vehicle delay.
The calculations are shown in Exhibit 30-9 to Exhibit 30-13. The travel speed
for the eastbound direction is 25.4 mi/h. The travel speed for the westbound
direction is 21.3 mi/h. The eastbound and westbound spatial stop rates are 0.96
and 2.23 stops/mi, respectively.
The base free-flow speed is 40.8 mi/h. By interpolating this value between
those in Exhibit 18-1, the threshold travel speeds for LOS A, B, C, D, and E are
>32.6, >27.3, >20.4, >16.3, and >12.2 mi/h, respectively. Thus, the travel speed for
the eastbound direction of 26.3 mi/h corresponds to LOS C. The westbound LOS
is similarly determined to be C.
This section describes two techniques for estimating key vehicular traffic
characteristics by using field data. The first technique is used to estimate free-
flow speed. The second technique is used to estimate average travel speed.
The field measurements for both techniques should occur during a time
period that is representative of the analysis period. This approach recognizes a
possible difference in driver speed choice during different times of day (and,
possibly, days of week and months of year).
The following steps can be used to determine the free-flow speed for
vehicular traffic on an urban street segment. The definition of “urban street
segment” is provided in Section 2 of Chapter 18.
The speed measured with the technique described in this section describes
the free-flow speed for the subject segment. It is not necessarily an accurate
measurement of the free-flow speed on an adjacent segment because of possible
differences in geometry, access point spacing, or speed limit.
Some urban streets have characteristics that can influence free-flow speed
but that are not considered in the predictive procedure. If free-flow speed is
measured for these segments, the results should be qualified to acknowledge the
possible influence of these characteristics on the measured speed. These
characteristics include a change in the posted speed limit along the segment, the
display of an advisory speed sign that has an advisory speed lower than the
speed limit, a change in the number of through lanes along the segment,
significant grade, or a midsegment capacity constraint (e.g., narrow bridge).
Step 1. Conduct a spot-speed study at a midsegment location during low-
volume conditions. Record the speed of 100 or more free-flowing passenger cars.
A car is free-flowing when it has a headway of 8 s or more to the vehicle ahead
and 5 s or more to the vehicle behind in the same traffic lane. In addition, a free-
flow vehicle is not influenced (i.e., slowed) by the following factors: (a) vehicles
turning onto (or off of) the subject segment at the boundary intersection or at a
midsegment access point, (b) traffic control devices at the boundary intersections,
or (c) traffic control devices deployed along the segment.
In view of the aforementioned definition of “free-flow vehicle,” vehicles
turning into (or out of) an access point should not be included in the database.
Vehicles that are accelerating or decelerating as a result of driver response to a
traffic control signal should not be included in the database. Vehicles should not
be included if they are influenced by signs that require a lower speed limit
during school hours or signs that identify a railroad crossing.
Step 2. Compute the average of the spot speeds Sspot and their standard
deviation σspot.
Step 3. Compute the segment free-flow speed Sf as a space mean speed by
using Equation 30-69.
𝑆𝑓 = 𝑆spot − Equation 30-69
Sf = free-flow speed (mi/h),
Sspot = average spot speed (mi/h), and
σspot = standard deviation of spot speeds (mi/h).
Step 4. If the base free-flow speed Sfo is also desired, it can be computed by
using Equation 30-70.
𝑆𝑓𝑜 = Equation 30-70
𝑆𝑓 − 19.5
𝑓𝐿 = 1.02 − 4.7 ≤ 1.0 Equation 30-71
max(𝐿𝑠 , 400)
Sfo = base free-flow speed (mi/h),
Sf = free-flow speed (mi/h),
Ls = distance between adjacent signalized intersections (ft), and
fL = signal spacing adjustment factor.
Equation 30-71 was originally derived with the intent of using the base free-
flow speed Sfo in the numerator of the second term. However, use of the free-flow
speed Sf in its place is sufficient for this application.
Equation 30-71 was derived by using signalized boundary intersections. For
more general applications, the definition of distance Ls is broadened so that it
equals the distance between the two intersections that (a) bracket the subject
segment and (b) each have a type of control that can impose on the subject
through movement a legal requirement to stop or yield.
Notes: Cause of delay: Ts = signal; Lt = left turn; Pd = pedestrian; Pk = parking; Ss = STOP sign; Ys = YIELD sign.
This section uses a series of flowcharts and linkage lists to document the
logic flow for the computational engine.
The methodology flowchart is shown in Exhibit 30-16. The methodology
consists of five main modules:
• Setup Module,
• Segment Evaluation Module,
• Segment Analysis Module,
• Delay due to Turns Module, and
• Performance Measures Module.
This subsection provides a separate flowchart for each of these modules.
Exhibit 30-16
Methodology Flowchart
The Setup Module is shown in Exhibit 30-17. This module consists of five
main routines, as shown in the large rectangles of the exhibit. The main function
of each routine, as well as the name given to it in the computational engine, is
also shown in the exhibit. These routines and the Initial Queue Delay Module are
described in Chapter 31, Signalized Intersections: Supplemental.
Exhibit 30-18
Segment Evaluation Module
The Delay due to Turns Module is shown in Exhibit 30-20. This module
consists of two main routines, each of which is implemented for both segment
travel directions. The main function of each routine, as well as the name given to
it in the computational engine, is also shown in the exhibit. These routines are
described further in the next subsection.
Exhibit 30-21
Performance Measures
This subsection uses linkage lists to describe the main routines that make up
the computational engine. Each list is provided in a table that identifies the
routine and the various subroutines that it references. Conditions for which the
subroutine is used are also provided.
The lists are organized by module, as described in the previous subsection. A
total of three tables are provided to address the following three modules:
• Segment Evaluation Module,
• Segment Analysis Module, and
• Delay due to Turns Module.
The linkage list for the Segment Evaluation Module is provided in Exhibit
30-22. The main routines are listed in Column 1 and were previously identified in
Exhibit 30-18.
The linkage list for the Segment Analysis Module is provided in Exhibit 30-
23. The main routines are listed in Column 1 and were previously identified in
Exhibit 30-19.
Finally, the linkage list for the Delay due to Turns Module is provided in
Exhibit 30-24. The main routines are listed in Column 1 and were previously
identified in Exhibit 30-20.
1 2
The segment has two active access point intersections, shown in the exhibit
as AP1 and AP2. Each intersection has two STOP-controlled side-street
approaches. The segment has some additional driveways on each side of the
street; however, their turn movement volumes are too low during the analysis
period for them to be considered active. The few vehicles that do turn at these
locations during the analysis period have been added to the corresponding
volumes at the two active access point intersections.
The Question
What are the travel speed, spatial stop rate, and LOS during the analysis
period for the segment through movement in both directions of travel?
The Facts
The segment’s traffic counts are listed in Exhibit 30-27. The counts were
taken during the 15-min analysis period of interest. However, they have been
converted to hourly flow rates. Note that the volumes leaving the signalized
intersections do not add up to the volume arriving at the downstream access
point intersection.
50 500 100 100 80 100 80 50 500 100
Exhibit 30-27
10 100 100 10
Example Problem 1:
80 Access Point 1,050
80 Access Point 1,050
1,000 Intersection Turn Movement
Signal 1 Signal 2
Intersection 1 80
Intersection 2 80
200 Counts
10 100 100 10
Enter choice 3 2. WB left (1) prot-perm Enter choice 2 2. NB left (3) prot-perm
3. WB left (1) protected 3. NB left (3) protected
Phase 5 or 6 Phase 4 or 7
Enter choice 3 2. EB left (5) prot-perm Enter choice 2 2. SB left (7) prot-perm
3. EB left (5) protected 3. SB left (7) protected
Phase Settings
Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound
Phase number 5 2 1 6 3 8 7 4
Movement L T+R L T+R L T+R L T+R
Lead/lag left-turn phase Lead -- Lead -- Lead -- Lead --
Left-turn mode Prot. -- Prot. -- Pr/Pm -- Pr/Pm --
Passage time, s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Phase split, s 20 35 20 35 20 25 20 25
Minimum green, s 5 8 5 8 5 5 5 5
Yellow change, s 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0
Red clearance, s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Walk+ ped. clear, s 0 0 0 0
Recall? No No No No No No No No
Dual entry ? No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
Simultaneous gap-out? Yes Yes
Dallas left-turn phasing? No No
Coordination settings Offset, s: 0 Offset Ref.: End of Green Force Mode: Fixed
Cycle, s: 100 Reference phase: 2
Exhibit 30-28 indicates that the passage time for each actuated phase is 2.0 s.
The minimum green setting for each actuated phase is 5 s. The offset to Phase 2
(the reference phase) end-of-green interval is 0.0 s. A fixed-force mode is used to
ensure that good coordination is maintained. The cycle length is 100 s.
Geometric conditions and traffic characteristics for Signalized Intersection 1
are shown in Exhibit 30-29. They are the same for Signalized Intersection 2. The
movement numbers follow the numbering convention shown in Exhibit 19-1 of
Chapter 19.
All signalized intersection approaches have a 200-ft left-turn bay and two
through lanes. The east–west approaches have a 200-ft right-turn lane. The
north–south approaches have a shared through and right-turn lane. Many of the
geometric and traffic characteristics shown in the exhibit are needed to compute
the saturation flow rate with the procedure described in Section 3 of Chapter 19.
The platoon ratio is entered for all movements associated with an external
approach to the segment. The eastbound through movement at Signalized
Intersection 1 is known to be coordinated with the upstream intersection so that
favorable progression occurs, as described by a platoon ratio of 1.333. The
westbound through movement at Signalized Intersection 2 is also coordinated
with its upstream intersection, and arrivals are described by a platoon ratio of
1.33. Arrivals to all other movements are characterized as “random” and are
described with a platoon ratio of 1.00. The movements for the westbound
approach at Signalized Intersection 1 (and eastbound approach at Signalized
Intersection 2) are internal movements, so a platoon ratio (and upstream filtering
factor) is not entered for them. More accurate values are computed during
subsequent iterations by using a procedure provided in the methodology.
The speed limit on the segment and on the cross-street approaches is 35 mi/h.
With a couple of exceptions, detection is located just upstream of the stop line in
each traffic lane at the two signalized intersections. A 40-ft detection zone is used
in each instance. The exceptions are the traffic lanes serving the major-street
The traffic and lane assignment data for the two access point intersections
are shown in Exhibit 30-31. The movement numbers follow the numbering
convention shown in Exhibit 20-1 of Chapter 20, Two-Way STOP-Controlled
Intersections. There are no turn bays on the segment at the two access point
Access Point Input Data
Access Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound
Exhibit 30-31
Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Example Problem 1: Access
Movement number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
600 Volume, veh/h 80 1,050 100 80 1,050 100 80 0 100 80 0 100 Point Data
West end Lanes 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
1200 Volume, veh/h 80 1,050 100 80 1,050 100 80 0 100 80 0 100
Lanes 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
Outline of Solution
Movement-Based Data
Exhibit 30-32 provides a summary of the analysis of the individual traffic
movements at Signalized Intersection 1.
L T R L T R L T R L T R Exhibit 30-32
Volume, veh/h
Example Problem 1:
Initial Queue, veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Movement-Based Output Data
Ped-Bike Adj. Factor (A_pbT) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Parking, Bus Adj. Factors (f_bb x f_p) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Downstream Lane Blockage Factor (f_ms) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Spillback Factor (f_sp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Adjusted Sat. Flow Rate, veh/h/ln 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900
Lanes 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 2 0
Lane Assignment L T R L T R L TR n.a. L TR n.a.
Capacity, veh/h 236 1,856 789 233 1,848 785 217 617 61 217 617 61
Discharge Volume, veh/h 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 0 0
Proportion Arriving On Green 0.131 0.651 0.488 0.045 0.493 0.501 0.061 0.181 0.181 0.061 0.181 0.181
Approach Volume, veh/h 1,210 1,172 650 650
Approach Delay, s/veh 18.0 23.4 39.7 39.7
Approach Stop Rate, stops/veh 0.442 0.617 0.831 0.831
With the exception of Initial Queue, Lanes, and Lane Assignment, the
variables listed in Exhibit 30-32 have computed values. The volumes shown for
the eastbound (EB), northbound (NB), and southbound (SB) movements are
identical to the input volumes. The westbound (WB) volumes were computed
from the input volumes during Step 1: Determine Traffic Demand Adjustments.
Specifically, they were reduced because the input westbound volume for this
intersection exceeded the volume departing the upstream access point
intersection (i.e., AP1).
Four factors are listed in the top half of Exhibit 30-32. These factors represent
saturation flow rate adjustment factors. Their values are dependent on signal
timing or lane volume, quantities that are computed during the iterative
convergence loop (identified in the motorized vehicle methodology framework
shown in Exhibit 18-8). As a result, the value of each factor also converges within
this loop. The procedure for calculating the pedestrian–bicycle adjustment factor
is described in Section 2 of Chapter 31. The procedure for calculating the
parking–bus adjustment factor is described in Section 3 of Chapter 19. The
procedure for calculating the downstream lane blockage (due to midsegment
lane restriction) factor is described in Section 3 of this chapter. The methodology
for calculating the spillback factor is described in Chapter 29.
Capacity for a movement is computed by using the movement volume
proportion in each approach lane group, lane group saturation flow rate, and
corresponding phase duration. This variable represents the capacity of the
movement, regardless of whether it is served in an exclusive lane or a shared
lane. If the movement is served in a shared lane, the movement capacity
represents the portion of the lane group capacity available to the movement, as
distributed in proportion to the volume of the movements served by the
associated lane group.
Discharge volume is computed for movements that enter a segment during
Step 1: Determine Traffic Demand Adjustments. At Signalized Intersection 1, the
movements entering the segment are the eastbound through movement, the
northbound right-turn movement, and the southbound left-turn movement. A
value of 0.0 veh/h is shown for all other movements, which indicates that they
are not relevant to this calculation. If volume exceeds capacity for any given
movement, the discharge volume is set equal to the capacity. Otherwise, the
discharge volume is equal to the movement volume.
The proportion arriving during green P is computed for internal movements
during Step 3: Determine the Proportion Arriving During Green. In contrast, it is
computed from the input platoon ratio for external movements.
The last three rows in Exhibit 30-32 represent summary statistics for the
approach. The approach volume is the sum of the three movement volumes.
Approach delay and approach stop rate are computed as volume-weighted
averages for the lane groups served on an intersection approach.
Movement-Based Access Point 1: Volume, veh/h 74.80 981.71 93.50 75.56 991.70 94.45 80.00 0.00 100.00 80.00 0.00 100.00
1: Lanes 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
Output Data 1: Proportion time blocked 0.150 0.160 0.250 0.250 0.160 0.250 0.250 0.150
1: Delay to through vehicles, s/veh 0.193 0.194
1: Prob. inside lane blocked by left 0.115 0.115
1: Dist. from West/South signal, ft 600
Access Point Intersection No. 2
2: Volume, veh/h 75.56 991.70 94.45 74.80 981.71 93.50 80.00 0.00 100.00 80.00 0.00 100.00
2: Lanes 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
2: Proportion time blocked 0.160 0.150 0.250 0.250 0.150 0.250 0.250 0.160
2: Delay to through vehicles, s/veh 0.194 0.193
2: Prob. inside lane blocked by left 0.115 0.115
2: Dist. from West/South signal, ft 1,200
The eastbound and westbound volumes listed in Exhibit 30-35 are not equal
to the input volumes. These volumes were adjusted during Step 1: Determine
Traffic Demand Adjustments so that they equal the volume discharging from the
upstream intersection. This routine achieves balance between all junction pairs
(e.g., between Signalized Intersection 1 and Access Point Intersection 1, between
Access Point Intersection 1 and Access Point Intersection 2, and so forth).
The “proportion of time blocked” is computed during Step 3: Determine the
Proportion Arriving During Green. It represents the proportion of time during
the cycle that the associated access point movement is blocked by the presence of
a platoon passing through the intersection. For major-street left turns, the
platoon of concern approaches from the opposing direction. For the minor-street
left turn, platoons can approach from either direction and can combine to block
this left turn for extended time periods. This trend can be seen by comparing the
proportion of time blocked for the eastbound (major-street) left turn (i.e., 0.15)
with that for the northbound (minor-street) left turn (i.e., 0.25) at Access Point
Intersection 1.
The “delay to through vehicles” is computed during Step 2: Determine
Running Time. It represents the sum of the delay due to vehicles turning left from
the major street and the delay due to vehicles turning right from the major street.
This delay tends to be small compared with typical signalized intersection delay
values. But it can reduce overall travel speed if there are several high-volume
access points on a street and only one or two through lanes in each direction of
The “probability of the inside through lane being blocked” is also computed
during Step 2: Determine Running Time as part of the delay-to-through-vehicles
procedure. This variable indicates the probability that the left-turn bay at an
access point will overflow into the inside through lane on the street segment.
Hence, it indicates the potential for a through vehicle to be delayed by a left-turn
maneuver. The segment being evaluated has an undivided cross section, and no
left-turn bays are provided at the access point intersections. In this situation, the
probability of overflow is 0.115, indicating that the inside lane is blocked about
11.5% of the time.
Exhibit 30-36 summarizes the performance measures for the segment. Also
shown are the results from the spillback check conducted during Step 1:
Determine Traffic Demand Adjustments. The movements indicated in the
column heading are those exiting the segment at a boundary intersection. Thus,
the westbound movements on Segment 1 are those occurring at Signalized
Intersection 1. Similarly, the eastbound movements on Segment 1 are those
occurring at Signalized Intersection 2.
The spillback check procedure computes the time of spillback for each of the
internal movements. For turn movements, the bay/lane spillback time is the time
before the turn bay overflows. For through movements, the bay/lane spillback
time is the time before the through lane overflows due only to through demand.
If a turn bay exists and it overflows, the turn volume will queue in the adjacent
through lane. For this scenario, the shared lane spillback time is computed and
used instead of the bay/lane spillback time. If several movements experience
spillback, the time of first spillback is reported at the bottom of Exhibit 30-36.
The output data for the two through movements are listed in Exhibit 30-36,
starting with the third row. The base free-flow speed (FFS) and running time
statistics are computed during Step 2: Determine Running Time. The through
delay listed is computed during Step 5: Determine Through Control Delay. It is a
weighted average delay for the lane groups serving through movements at the
downstream boundary intersection. The weight used in this average is the
volume of through vehicles served by the lane group.
The base free-flow speed is 40.78 mi/h. By interpolating this value between
those in Exhibit 18-1, the threshold travel speeds for LOS A, B, C, D, and E are as
follows: >32.6, >27.5, >20.5, >16.3, and >12.3 mi/h, respectively. Thus, the travel
speed for the eastbound direction of 23.67 mi/h corresponds to LOS C. The same
conclusion is reached for the westbound travel direction.
Each travel direction has one left-turn bay and three intersections. Thus, the
proportion of intersections with left-turn lanes is 0.33. This proportion is used in
Step 10: Determine Automobile Traveler Perception Score to compute the score
of 2.53, which suggests that most automobile travelers would find segment
service to be very good.
Exhibit 30-37
Example Problem 2: Segment
The Question
What is the pedestrian LOS for the sidewalk on the south side of the segment?
The Facts
The geometric details of the sidewalk and street cross section are shown in
Exhibit 30-37. Both boundary intersections are signalized. Crossing the segment
at uncontrolled midsegment locations is legal. The following additional
information is known about the sidewalk and street segment:
Traffic characteristics:
Midsegment flow rate in eastbound direction: 940 veh/h
Pedestrian flow rate in south sidewalk (walking in both directions): 2,000 p/h
Proportion of on-street parking occupied during analysis period: 0.20
Geometric characteristics:
Outside shoulder width: none
Parking lane width: 9.5 ft
Cross section has raised curb along outside edge of roadway
Effective width of fixed objects on sidewalk: 0.0 ft (no objects present)
Presence of trees, bushes, or other vertical objects in buffer: No
Other data:
Pedestrians can cross the segment legally and do so somewhat uniformly
along its length
Proportion of sidewalk adjacent to window display: 0.0
Proportion of sidewalk adjacent to building face: 0.0
Proportion of sidewalk adjacent to fence: 0.50
Performance measures obtained from supporting methodologies:
Motorized vehicle running speed: 33 mi/h
Pedestrian delay when walking parallel to the segment: 40 s/p
Pedestrian delay when crossing the segment at the nearest signal-controlled
crossing: 80 s/p
Pedestrian delay crossing the segment at an uncontrolled midsegment
location: 740 s/p
Pedestrian LOS score for the downstream intersection: 3.60
Outline of Solution
First, the pedestrian space will be calculated for the sidewalk. This measure
will then be compared with the qualitative descriptions of pedestrian space listed
in Exhibit 18-15. Next, the pedestrian travel speed along the sidewalk will be
calculated. Finally, LOS for the segment will be determined by using the
computed pedestrian LOS score and the pedestrian space variables.
Computational Steps
Step 1: Determine Free-Flow Walking Speed
The average free-flow walking speed is estimated to be 4.4 ft/s on the basis of
the guidance provided.
𝐹𝑣 = 1.07
The motorized vehicle speed adjustment factor is computed with Equation
𝑆𝑅 2
𝐹𝑠 = 4 ( )
33.0 2
𝐹𝑠 = 4 ( )
𝐹𝑠 = 0.44
Finally, the pedestrian LOS score for the link Ip,link is calculated with Equation
𝐼𝑝,link = 6.0468 + 𝐹𝑤 + 𝐹𝑣 + 𝐹𝑠
𝐼𝑝,link = 6.0468 + (−5.20) + 1.07 + 0.44
𝐼𝑝,link = 2.35
3 3 1/3
( 𝐼𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 [1 − 𝑝𝑚𝑥 ] + 𝐼𝑝,𝑚𝑥 𝑝𝑚𝑥 ) 𝐿/𝑆𝑝 + (𝐼𝑝,𝑖𝑛𝑡 ) 𝑑𝑝𝑝
𝐼𝑝,𝑠𝑒𝑔 =[ ]
𝐿/𝑆𝑝 + 𝑑𝑝𝑝
( 2.35 [1 − 0.35] + 6.0 × 0.35)3 ( (3.60)3 × 40
𝐼𝑝,𝑠𝑒𝑔 = [ 4.19 ) + ]
( 4.19 ) + 40
𝐼𝑝,𝑠𝑒𝑔 = 3.62
Exhibit 30-38
Example Problem 3: Segment
The Question
What is the bicycle LOS for the eastbound bicycle lane?
The Facts
The geometric details of the street cross section are shown in Exhibit 30-38.
Both boundary intersections are signalized. The following additional information
is known about the street segment:
Traffic characteristics:
Midsegment flow rate in eastbound direction: 940 veh/h
Percent heavy vehicles: 8.0%
Proportion of on-street parking occupied during analysis period: 0.20
Geometric characteristics:
Outside shoulder width: none
Outline of Solution
First, the bicycle delay at the boundary intersection will be computed. This
delay will then be used to compute the bicycle travel speed. Next, a bicycle LOS
score will be computed for the link. It will then be combined with a similar score
for the boundary intersection and used to compute the bicycle LOS score for the
segment. Finally, LOS for the segment will be determined by using the computed
score and the thresholds in Exhibit 18-3.
Computational Steps
Step 1: Determine Bicycle Running Speed
The average bicycle running speed Sb could not be determined from field
data. Therefore, it was estimated to be 15 mi/h on the basis of the guidance provided.
The midsegment demand flow rate is greater than 8 veh/h (= 4 Nth), so the
adjusted midsegment demand flow rate vma is equal to the input demand flow
rate of 940 veh/h.
The bicycle LOS score for the segment is computed with Equation 18-46.
3 3 3
(𝐹𝑐 + 𝐼𝑏,link + 1) 𝑡𝑅,𝑏 + ( 𝐼𝑏,𝑖𝑛𝑡 + 1) 𝑑𝑏
𝐼𝑏,𝑠𝑒𝑔 = 0.75 [ ] + 0.125
𝑡𝑅,𝑏 + 𝑑𝑏
[(−0.28) + 3.62 + 1]3 (60) + (0.08 + 1)3(40) 3
𝐼𝑏,𝑠𝑒𝑔 = 0.75 [ ] + 0.125
60 + 40
𝐼𝑏,𝑠𝑒𝑔 = 2.88
Exhibit 30-39
Example Problem 4: Segment
The Question
What is the transit LOS for the eastbound bus route on the subject segment?
The Facts
The geometric details of the segment are shown in Exhibit 30-39. Both
boundary intersections are signalized. There is one stop in the segment for the
eastbound route. The following additional information is known about the bus
stop and street segment:
Transit characteristics:
Dwell time: 20.0 s
Transit frequency: 4 veh/h
Excess wait time data are not available for the stop, but the on-time
performance of the route (based on a standard of up to 5 min late being
considered “on time”) at the previous time point is known (92%)
Passenger load factor: 0.83 passengers/seat
Other data:
Area type: not in a central business district
g/C ratio at downstream boundary intersection: 0.4729
Cycle length: 140 s
The bus stop in the segment has a bench, but no shelter
Number of routes serving the segment: 1
The bus stop is accessed from the right-turn lane (i.e., the stop is off-line).
Buses are exempt from the requirement to turn right but have no other
traffic priority
Performance measures obtained from supporting methodologies:
Motorized vehicle running speed: 33 mi/h
Pedestrian LOS score for the link: 3.53
Through vehicle control delay at the downstream boundary intersection:
19.4 s/veh
Reentry delay: 16.17 s
Outline of Solution
First, the transit vehicle segment running time will be computed. Next, the
control delay at the boundary intersection will be obtained and used to compute
the transit vehicle segment travel speed. Then the transit wait–ride score will be
computed. This score will be combined with the pedestrian LOS score for the
link to compute the transit LOS score for the segment. Finally, LOS for the
segment will be determined by comparing the computed score with the
thresholds identified in Exhibit 18-3.
Computational Steps
Step 1: Determine Transit Vehicle Running Time
The transit vehicle running time is based on the segment running speed and
delay due to a transit vehicle stop. These components are calculated first, and
then running time is calculated.
Transit vehicle segment running speed can be computed with Equation 18-48.
𝑆𝑅𝑡 = min (𝑆𝑅 , )
1 + 𝑒 −1.00+(1,185 𝑁𝑡𝑠 /𝐿)
𝑆𝑅𝑡 = min (33.0, )
1+ 𝑒 −1.00+(1,185(1)/1,320)
𝑆𝑅𝑡 = 32.1 mi/h
The acceleration and deceleration rates are unknown, so they are assumed to
be 3.3 ft/s2 and 4.0 ft/s2, respectively, on the basis of data given in the Transit
Capacity and Quality of Service Manual (9).
The bus stop is located on the near side of a signalized intersection. From
Equation 18-50, the average proportion of bus stop acceleration–deceleration
delay not due to the intersection’s traffic control fad is equal to the g/C ratio for the
through movement in the bus’s direction of travel (in this case, eastbound). The
effective green time g is 66.21 s (calculated as the phase duration minus the
change period), and the cycle length is 140 s. Therefore, fad is 0.4729.
Equation 18-49 can now be used to compute the portion of bus stop delay
due to acceleration and deceleration.
5,280 𝑆𝑅𝑡 1 1
𝑑𝑎𝑑 = ( ) ( + ) 𝑓𝑎𝑑
3,600 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑑𝑡
5,280 32.1 1 1
𝑑𝑎𝑑 = ( )( + ) (0.4729)
3,600 2 3.3 4.0
𝑑𝑎𝑑 = 6.15 s
Equation 18-51 is used to compute the portion of bus stop delay due to
serving passengers. The input average dwell time of 20.0 s and an fdt value of
0.4729 are used in the equation, on the basis of the stop’s near-side location at a
traffic signal and the g/C ratio computed in a previous step. The fdt factor is used
to avoid double-counting the portion of passenger service time that occurs during
the signal’s red indication and is therefore included as part of control delay.
𝑑𝑝𝑠 = 𝑡𝑑 𝑓𝑑𝑡
𝑑𝑝𝑠 = (20.0)(0.4729)
𝑑𝑝𝑠 = 9.46 s
The bus stop is located in the right-turn lane; therefore, the bus is subject to
reentry delay on leaving the stop. On the basis of the guidance for reentry delay
for a near-side stop at a traffic signal, the reentry delay dre is equal to the queue
service time gs. This time is calculated to be 16.17 s by following the procedures
in Section 3 of Chapter 31, Signalized Intersections: Supplemental.
Equation 18-52 is used to compute the total delay due to the transit stop.
𝑑𝑡𝑠 = 𝑑𝑎𝑑 + 𝑑𝑝𝑠 + 𝑑𝑟𝑒
𝑑𝑡𝑠 = 6.15 + 9.46 + 16.17
𝑑𝑡𝑠 = 31.78 s
Equation 18-53 is used to compute transit vehicle running time on the basis
of the previously computed components.
3,600 𝐿
𝑡𝑅𝑡 = + ∑ 𝑑𝑡𝑠,𝑖
5,280 𝑆𝑅𝑡
𝑡𝑅𝑡 = + 31.78
𝑡𝑅𝑡 = 59.9 s
Exhibit 30-41 Required Data and Units Potential Data Source(s) Suggested Default Value
Additional Required Input Geometric Design Data
Data, Potential Data Sources,
130 ft for one-lane
and Default Values for
Inscribed circle diameter of upstream Field data, aerial photo, roundabout
Analysis of Motor Vehicles on
and downstream roundabout (ft) preliminary design 180 ft for two-lane
an Urban Street Roundabout
Number of circulating lanes of upstream Field data, aerial photo,
Must be provided
and downstream roundabout (ft) preliminary design
Average width of circulating lanes of
Field data, aerial photo, 20 ft for one-lane roundabout
upstream and downstream roundabout
preliminary design 15 ft for two-lane roundabout
Performance Measure Data
Control delay by lane at boundary
HCM method output Must be provided
roundabout (s/veh)
Capacity by lane at boundary
HCM method output Must be provided
roundabout (veh/h)
Exhibit 30-42
Illustration of Geometric
Design Data
For the purposes of this methodology, if the ICD is variable throughout the
roundabout (e.g., to accommodate a variable number of circulating lanes, as
illustrated in Exhibit 30-42), the larger dimension should be used.
The computational steps described below are illustrated in the flowchart
provided in Exhibit 18-8. The path followed is that of a noncoordinated system
with YIELD control.
Equation 30-72 has been calibrated by using data for many urban street
segments collectively located throughout the United States, so the default value
of 0.0 mi/h for Scalib is believed to yield results that are reasonably representative
of driver behavior in most urban areas. However, if desired, a locally
representative value can be determined from field-measured estimates of the
base free-flow speed for several street segments. The local default value can be
established for typical street segments or for specific street types. This calibration
factor is determined as the one value that provides a statistically based best fit
between the prediction from Equation 30-72 and the field-measured estimates. A
procedure for estimating the base free-flow speed from field data is described in
Section 6.
CID = central island diameter (ft),
ICD = inscribed circle diameter (ft),
Nc = number of circulating lane(s), and
wc = average width of circulating lane(s) (ft).
The circulating speed, Sc, can be approximated by assuming that the
circulating path occupies the centerline of the circulatory roadway with a radius
equal to half the central island diameter plus half the total width of the
circulatory roadway. This radius can be computed with Equation 30-74.
𝐼𝐶𝐷 𝑁𝑐 𝑤𝑐
𝑟𝑐,𝑡ℎ = + Equation 30-74
2 2
rc,th = average radius of circulating path of through movement (ft),
ICD = inscribed circle diameter (ft),
Nc = number of circulating lane(s), and
wc = average width of circulating lane(s) (ft).
The speed associated with this radius can be estimated with Equation 30-75
(12), which assumes a negative cross slope of the circulatory roadway of –0.02,
typical of many roundabouts.
Equation 30-75
𝑆𝑐 = 3.4614𝑟𝑐,𝑡ℎ 0.3673
Sc = circulating speed (mi/h), and
rc,th = average radius of circulating path of through movement (ft).
For the purposes of calculating free-flow speed, roundabout influence area,
and geometric delay, the segment length is divided into two subsegments.
Subsegment 1 consists of the portion of the segment from the yield line of the
upstream roundabout to the midpoint between the two roundabouts, defined as
halfway between the cross-street centerlines of the two roundabouts.
Subsegment 2 consists of the portion of the segment from this midpoint to the
yield line of the downstream roundabout. The lengths of these subsegments are
calculated with Equation 30-76 and Equation 30-77. These dimensions are
illustrated in Exhibit 30-44.
Equation 30-76 𝐿1 = (𝐿 − + )+
2 2 2 2
Equation 30-77 𝐿2 = 𝐿 − 𝐿1
L1 = length of Subsegment 1 (ft),
L2 = length of Subsegment 2 (ft),
L = length of segment (ft),
ICD1 = inscribed circle diameter of Roundabout 1 (ft), and
ICD2 = inscribed circle diameter of Roundabout 2 (ft).
Exhibit 30-44
Illustration of Subsegment
RIA1 = roundabout influence area for Subsegment 1 (ft),
Sf,1,initial = initial free-flow speed for Subsegment 1 (mi/h), and
Sc,1 = through movement circulating speed for roundabout at upstream end
of segment (mi/h).
The roundabout influence area is then compared with the length of the
subsegment, as shown in Equation 30-80. If the roundabout influence area is
equal to or exceeds the length of the subsegment, the subsegment free-flow
speed is reduced.
𝑆𝑓,1 = 𝑆𝑓,1,𝑖nitial − 4.43 if 𝑅𝐼𝐴1 ≥ 𝐿1 , else Equation 30-80
𝑆𝑓,1 = 𝑆𝑓,1,initial
where Sf,1 is the free-flow speed for Subsegment 1 (mi/h).
Equation 30-82
𝑅𝐼𝐴2 = 165.9 + 13.8𝑆𝑓,2,initial − 21.1𝑆𝑐,2
RIA2 = roundabout influence area for Subsegment 2 (ft),
Sf,2,initial = initial free-flow speed for Subsegment 2 (mi/h), and
Sc,2 = through movement circulating speed for roundabout at downstream
end of subsegment (mi/h).
The roundabout influence area is then compared with the length of the
subsegment, as shown in Equation 30-83. If the roundabout influence area is
equal to or exceeds the length of the subsegment, the subsegment free-flow
speed is reduced to account for the overlap.
Equation 30-83
𝑆𝑓,2 = 𝑆𝑓,2,initial − 4.73 if 𝑅𝐼𝐴2 ≥ 𝐿2 , else
𝑆𝑓,2 = 𝑆𝑓,2,initial
where Sf,2 is the free-flow speed for Subsegment 2 (mi/h).
Free-Flow Speed
The free-flow speeds for each subsegment are then compared with each
other and with the nonroundabout free-flow speed with Equation 30-86. The
lowest of these speeds is the governing free-flow speed for the segment. The
analyst is cautioned that if the result of this calculation is outside the validity
The variables vth and cth used in Equation 30-87 apply to the through
movement exiting the segment at the boundary roundabout.
Equation 30-89
1 1
𝑑𝑔𝑒𝑜𝑚,1 = max [−2.63 + 0.09𝑆𝑓 + 0.625𝐼𝐶𝐷1 ( − ) , 0]
𝑆𝑐,1 𝑆𝑓
where dgeom,1 is the geometric delay for Subsegment 1 (s/veh).
Some of these references can 1. Van Zuylen, H. The Estimation of Turning Flows on a Junction. Traffic
be found in the Technical
Reference Library in Volume 4. Engineering and Control, Vol. 20, No. 11, 1979, pp. 539–541.
2. Wallace, C., K. Courage, M. Hadi, and A. Gan. TRANSYT-7F User’s Guide,
Vol. 4 in a Series: Methodology for Optimizing Signal Timing. University of
Florida, Gainesville, March 1998.
3. Robertson, D. TRANSYT: A Traffic Network Study Tool. RRL Report LR 253.
Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, Berkshire, United Kingdom, 1969.
4. Bonneson, J., M. Pratt, and M. Vandehey. Predicting the Performance of
Automobile Traffic on Urban Streets: Final Report. NCHRP Project 3-79. Texas
Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station, Jan. 2008.
5. Zegeer, J., J. Bonneson, R. Dowling, P. Ryus, M. Vandehey, W. Kittelson, N.
Rouphail, B. Schroeder, A. Hajbabaie, B. Aghdashi, T. Chase, S. Sajjadi, R.
Margiotta, and L. Elefteriadou. Incorporating Travel Time Reliability into the
Highway Capacity Manual. SHRP 2 Report S2-L08-RW-1. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2014.
6. Bonneson, J., and J. Fitts. Delay to Major Street Through Vehicles at Two-
Way Stop-Controlled Intersections. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and
Practice, Vol. 33, Nos. 3–4, 1999, pp. 237–254.
7. Bonneson, J. Delay to Major Street Through Vehicles due to Right-Turn
Activity. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 32, No. 2,
1998, pp. 139–148.
8. Robertson, H., J. Hummer, and D. Nelson. Manual of Transportation Engineering
Studies. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C., 2000.
9. Kittelson & Associates, Inc.; Parsons Brinckerhoff; KFH Group, Inc.; Texas
A&M Transportation Institute; and Arup. TCRP Report 165: Transit Capacity
and Quality of Service Manual, 3rd Edition. Transportation Research Board of
the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2013.
10. Rodegerdts, L. A., P. M. Jenior, Z. H. Bugg, B. L. Ray, B. J. Schroeder, and M.
A. Brewer. NCHRP Report 772: Evaluating the Performance of Corridors with
Roundabouts. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,
Washington, D. C., 2014.
11. Rodegerdts, L., J. Bansen, C. Tiesler, J. Knudsen, E. Myers, M. Johnson, M.
Moule, B. Persaud, C. Lyon, S. Hallmark, H. Isebrands, R. B. Crown, B.
Guichet, and A. O’Brien. NCHRP Report 672: Roundabouts: An Informational
Guide, 2nd ed. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,
Washington, D.C., 2010.
12. Rodegerdts, L., M. Blogg, E. Wemple, E. Myers, M. Kyte, M. P. Dixon, G. F.
List, A. Flannery, R. Troutbeck, W. Brilon, N. Wu, B. N. Persaud, C. Lyon, D.
L. Harkey, and D. Carter. NCHRP Report 572: Roundabouts in the United States.
Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2007.
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 31-1
11. REFERENCES..................................................................................................31-156
Exhibit 31-1 Time Elements Influencing Actuated Phase Duration .................... 31-3
Exhibit 31-2 Detection Design and Maximum Allowable Headway ................... 31-8
Exhibit 31-3 Force-Off Points, Yield Point, and Phase Splits .............................. 31-14
Exhibit 31-4 Example Equivalent Maximum Green for Fixed Force Mode ...... 31-16
Exhibit 31-5 Probability of a Lane Change ............................................................ 31-24
Exhibit 31-6 Input Variables for Lane Group Flow Rate Procedure .................. 31-26
Exhibit 31-7 Example Intersection .......................................................................... 31-32
Exhibit 31-8 Conflict Zone Locations ..................................................................... 31-35
Exhibit 31-9 Work Zone on an Intersection Approach ........................................ 31-40
Exhibit 31-10 Geometric Design Input Data Requirements for
Work Zones ........................................................................................................ 31-40
Exhibit 31-11 Queue Accumulation Polygon for Protected Movements .......... 31-43
Exhibit 31-12 Unblocked Permitted Green Time .................................................. 31-46
Exhibit 31-13 QAP for Permitted Left-Turn Operation in an
Exclusive Lane ................................................................................................... 31-56
Exhibit 31-14 QAP for Permitted Left-Turn Operation in a Shared Lane ......... 31-56
Exhibit 31-15 QAP for Leading, Protected-Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in an Exclusive Lane .......................................................................................... 31-56
Exhibit 31-16 QAP for Lagging, Protected-Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in an Exclusive Lane .......................................................................................... 31-57
Exhibit 31-17 QAP for Leading, Protected-Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in a Shared Lane ................................................................................................ 31-57
Exhibit 31-18 QAP for Lagging, Protected-Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in a Shared Lane ................................................................................................ 31-57
Exhibit 31-19 Polygon for Uniform Delay Calculation ........................................ 31-59
Exhibit 31-20 Time–Space Diagram of Vehicle Trajectory on an
Intersection Approach ...................................................................................... 31-64
Exhibit 31-21 Cumulative Arrivals and Departures During an
Oversaturated Analysis Period ........................................................................ 31-65
Exhibit 31-22 Third-Term Back-of-Queue Size with Increasing Queue ............ 31-66
Exhibit 31-23 Third-Term Back-of-Queue Size with Decreasing Queue ........... 31-66
Exhibit 31-24 Third-Term Back-of-Queue Size with Queue Clearing ............... 31-66
Exhibit 31-25 Arrival–Departure Polygon ............................................................. 31-69
Exhibit 31-26 ADP for Permitted Left-Turn Operation in an
Exclusive Lane ................................................................................................... 31-71
Exhibit 31-27 ADP for Permitted Left-Turn Operation in a Shared Lane ......... 31-72
Exhibit 31-28 ADP for Leading, Protected-Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in an Exclusive Lane .......................................................................................... 31-72
Chapter 31 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 19, Signalized VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
Intersections, which is found in Volume 3 of the Highway Capacity Manual 25. Freeway Facilities:
(HCM). This chapter presents detailed information about the following aspects of Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
the Chapter 19 motorized vehicle methodology: Segments: Supplemental
27. Freeway Weaving:
• Procedures are described for computing actuated phase duration and Supplemental
pretimed phase duration. 28. Freeway Merges and
Diverges: Supplemental
• Procedures are described for computing saturation flow rate adjustment 29. Urban Street Facilities:
factors to account for the presence of pedestrians, bicycles, and work 30. Urban Street Segments:
zones. Supplemental
31. Signalized
• A procedure is described for computing uniform delay by using the queue Intersections:
accumulation polygon (QAP) concept. The procedure is extended to 32. STOP-Controlled
shared-lane lane groups and lane groups with permitted turn movements. Intersections:
• A procedure is described for computing queue length and queue storage 33. Roundabouts:
ratio. 34. Interchange Ramp
This chapter provides a simplified version of the Chapter 19 motorized Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
vehicle methodology that is suitable for planning applications. The chapter also Supplemental
describes techniques for measuring control delay and saturation flow rate in the 36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
field, provides details about the computational engine that implements the 38. Network Analysis
Chapter 19 motorized vehicle methodology, illustrates the use of alternative tools
to evaluate signalized intersection operation, and provides guidance on
forecasting the effects of connected and automated vehicles on signalized
intersection operation. Finally, this chapter provides five example problems that
demonstrate the application of the motorized vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle
methodologies to a signalized intersection.
The duration of an actuated phase is composed of five time periods, as
shown in Equation 31-1. The first period represents the time lost while the queue
reacts to the signal indication changing to green. The second interval represents
the effective green time associated with queue clearance. The third period
represents the time the green indication is extended by randomly arriving
vehicles. It ends when there is a gap in traffic (i.e., gap-out) or a max-out. The
fourth period represents the yellow change interval, and the last period
represents the red clearance interval.
Equation 31-1 𝐷𝑝 = 𝑙1 + 𝑔𝑠 + 𝑔𝑒 + 𝑌 + 𝑅𝑐
Dp = phase duration (s),
Exhibit 31-1
Time Elements Influencing
Actuated Phase Duration
Exhibit 31-1 shows the relationship between phase duration and queue size
for the average signal cycle. During the red interval, vehicles arrive at a rate of qr
and form a queue. The queue reaches its maximum size l1 seconds after the green
interval starts. At this time, the queue begins to discharge at a rate equal to the
saturation flow rate s less the arrival rate during green qg. The queue clears gs
seconds after it first begins to discharge. Thereafter, random vehicle arrivals are
detected and cause the green interval to be extended. Eventually, a gap occurs in
traffic (or the maximum green limit is reached), and the green interval ends. The
end of the green interval coincides with the end of the extension time ge.
The effective green time for the phase is computed with Equation 31-2.
Equation 31-2 𝑔 = 𝐷𝑝 − 𝑙1 − 𝑙2
= 𝑔𝑠 + 𝑔𝑒 + 𝑒
where all variables are as previously defined.
Volume Computations
This subsection describes the calculations needed to quantify the time rate of
calls submitted to the controller by the detectors. Two call rates are computed for
each signal phase. The first rate represents the flow rate of calls for green
extension that arrive during the green interval. The second call rate represents
the flow rate of calls for phase activation that arrive during the red indication.
λ* = flow rate parameter for the phase (veh/s);
λi = flow rate parameter for lane group i (i = 1, 2, . . . , m) (veh/s);
ϕi = proportion of free (unbunched) vehicles in lane group i (decimal);
qi = arrival flow rate for lane group i = vi/3,600 (veh/s);
vi = demand flow rate for lane group i (veh/h);
Δi = headway of bunched vehicle stream in lane group i; = 1.5 s for single-
lane lane group, 0.5 s otherwise (s/veh);
m = number of lane groups served during the phase; and
bi = bunching factor for lane group i (0.6, 0.5, and 0.8 for lane groups with
1, 2, and 3 or more lanes, respectively).
Using Equation 31-6, Equation 31-7, and Equation 31-8, it is also useful to
compute the following three variables for each phase. These variables are used in
a later step to compute green extension time.
𝜑 ∗ = 𝑒 − ∑𝑖=1 𝑏𝑖 𝛥𝑖 𝑞𝑖 Equation 31-6
𝑖=1 𝜆𝑖 𝛥𝑖
𝛥∗ = Equation 31-7
𝑞 = ∑ 𝑞𝑖
Equation 31-8
ϕ* = combined proportion of free (unbunched) vehicles for the phase
Δ* = equivalent headway of bunched vehicle stream served by the phase
(s/veh), and
q* = arrival flow rate for the phase (veh/s), and
c. If split phasing is used, then the phase vehicular flow rate equals the
approach flow rate.
ii. Determine Activating Vehicular Call Rate. The activating vehicular call rate qv*
is equal to the phase vehicular flow rate divided by 3,600 to convert it to units of
vehicles per second. If dual entry is activated for a phase, then the activation call
rate must be modified by adding its original rate to that of both concurrent
phases. For example, if Phase 2 is set for dual entry, then the modified Phase 2
activation call rate equals the original Phase 2 activation call rate plus the
activation rate of Phase 5 and the activation rate of Phase 6. In this manner,
Phase 2 is activated when demand is present for Phase 2, 5, or 6.
iii. Determine Activating Pedestrian Call Rate. The activating pedestrian call
rate qp* is equal to the pedestrian flow rate associated with the subject approach
divided by 3,600 to convert it to units of pedestrians per second. If dual entry is
activated for a phase, then the activation call rate must be modified by adding its
original rate to that of the opposing through phase. For example, if Phase 2 is set
for dual entry, then the modified Phase 2 activation call rate equals the original
Phase 2 activation call rate plus the activation rate of Phase 6. In this manner,
Phase 2 is activated when pedestrian demand is present for Phase 2 or 6.
The polygon in Exhibit 31-1 applies to some types of lane groups. Other
polygon shapes are possible. A detailed procedure for constructing polygons is
described in Section 3.
MAH represents the maximum time that can elapse between successive calls
for service without terminating the phase by gap-out. It is useful for describing
the detection design and signal settings associated with a phase. MAH depends
on the number of detectors serving the lane group, the length of these detectors,
and the average vehicle speed in the lane group.
The relationship between passage time PT, detection zone length Lds, vehicle
length Lv, average speed Sa, and MAH is shown in Exhibit 31-2. The two vehicles
shown are traveling from left to right and have a headway equal to MAH so that
the second vehicle arrives at the detector the instant the passage time is set to
time out.
Exhibit 31-2
Detection Design and
Maximum Allowable Headway
According to Exhibit 31-2, Equation 31-10 with Equation 31-11 can be derived
for estimating MAH for stop-line detection operating in the presence mode.
𝐿𝑑𝑠 + 𝐿𝑣 Equation 31-10
𝑀𝐴𝐻 = 𝑃𝑇 +
1.47 𝑆𝑎
𝐿𝑣 = 𝐿𝑝𝑐 (1 − 0.01 𝑃𝐻𝑉 ) + 0.01 𝐿𝐻𝑉 𝑃𝐻𝑉 − 𝐷𝑠𝑣 Equation 31-11
MAH = maximum allowable headway (s/veh),
PT = passage time setting (s),
Lds = length of the stop-line detection zone (ft),
Lv = detected length of the vehicle (ft),
Sa = average speed on the intersection approach (mi/h),
Lpc = stored passenger car lane length = 25 (ft),
PHV = percentage heavy vehicles in the corresponding movement group (%),
LHV = stored heavy-vehicle lane length = 45 (ft), and
Dsv = distance between stored vehicles = 8 (ft).
The average speed on the intersection approach can be estimated with
Equation 31-12.
𝑆𝑎 = 0.90 (25.6 + 0.47 𝑆𝑝𝑙 ) Equation 31-12
𝐿𝑑𝑠,𝑡ℎ + 𝐿𝑣
𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑡ℎ = 𝑃𝑇𝑡ℎ + Equation 31-13
1.47 𝑆𝑎
MAHth = maximum allowable headway for through vehicles (s/veh),
PTth = passage time setting for phase serving through vehicles (s),
Lds,th = length of the stop-line detection zone in the through lanes (ft), and
Sa = average speed on the intersection approach (mi/h).
MAH for a left-turn movement served in exclusive lanes with the protected
mode (or protected-permitted mode) is based on Equation 31-13, but the
equation is adjusted as shown in Equation 31-14 to account for the slower speed
of the left-turn movement.
𝐿𝑑𝑠,𝑙𝑡 + 𝐿𝑣 𝐸𝐿 − 1
Equation 31-14 𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑙𝑡,𝑒,𝑝 = 𝑃𝑇𝑙𝑡 + +
1.47 𝑆𝑎 𝑠𝑜 /3,600
MAHlt,e,p = maximum allowable headway for protected left-turning vehicles in
exclusive lane (s/veh),
PTlt = passage time setting for phase serving the left-turning vehicles (s),
Lds,lt = length of the stop-line detection zone in the left-turn lanes (ft),
EL = equivalent number of through cars for a protected left-turning
vehicle = 1.05, and
so = base saturation flow rate (pc/h/ln).
MAH for left-turning vehicles served in a shared lane with the protected-
permitted mode is calculated as shown in Equation 31-15.
𝐸𝐿 − 1
Equation 31-15 𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑙𝑡,𝑠,𝑝 = 𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑡ℎ +
𝑠𝑜 /3,600
where MAHlt,s,p is the maximum allowable headway for protected left-turning
vehicles in a shared lane (s/veh).
MAH for left-turning vehicles served in an exclusive lane with the permitted
mode is adjusted to account for the longer headway of the turning vehicle. In this
case, the longer headway includes the time spent waiting for an acceptable gap
in the opposing traffic stream. Equation 31-16 addresses these adjustments.
𝐿𝑑𝑠,𝑙𝑡 + 𝐿𝑣 3,600
Equation 31-16 𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑙𝑡,𝑒 = 𝑃𝑇𝑡ℎ + + − 𝑡𝑓ℎ
1.47 𝑆𝑎 𝑠𝑙
MAHlt,e = maximum allowable headway for permitted left-turning vehicles in
exclusive lane (s/veh),
sl = saturation flow rate in exclusive left-turn lane group with permitted
operation (veh/h/ln), and
tfh = follow-up headway = 2.5 (s).
MAH for right-turning vehicles served in an exclusive lane with the
protected mode is computed with Equation 31-17.
𝐿𝑑𝑠,𝑟𝑡 + 𝐿𝑣 𝐸𝑅 − 1
Equation 31-17 𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑟𝑡,𝑒,𝑝 = 𝑃𝑇𝑟𝑡 + +
1.47 𝑆𝑎 𝑠𝑜 /3,600
MAHrt,e,p = maximum allowable headway for protected right-turning vehicles in
exclusive lane (s/veh),
PTrt = passage time setting for phase serving right-turning vehicles (s),
ER = equivalent number of through cars for a protected right-turning
vehicle = 1.18, and
Lds,rt = length of the stop-line detection zone in the right-turn lanes (ft).
If the variable ER in Equation 31-17 is divided by the pedestrian–bicycle
saturation flow rate adjustment factor fRpb and PTth is substituted for PTrt, then the
equation can be used to estimate MAHrt,e for permitted right-turning vehicles in
an exclusive lane.
Equation 31-18 and Equation 31-19, respectively, are used to estimate MAH
for left- and right-turning vehicles that are served in a shared lane with the
permitted mode.
𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑙𝑡,𝑠 = 𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑡ℎ + − 𝑡𝑓ℎ Equation 31-18
(𝐸𝑅 /𝑓𝑅𝑝𝑏 ) − 1
𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑟𝑡,𝑠 = 𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑡ℎ + Equation 31-19
𝑠𝑜 /3,600
where MAHlt,s is the maximum allowable headway for permitted left-turning
vehicles in a shared lane (s/veh), and MAHrt,s is the maximum allowable
headway for permitted right-turning vehicles in a shared lane (s/veh).
ii. If there is more than one lane group, then MAH* is computed with
the equations in previous Rule 1.b, but MAHlt,e,p is substituted for
MAHlt,e, and MAHlt,s,p is substituted for MAHlt,s.
e. If the phase has protected-permitted operation with a shared left-turn
and through lane, then the equations in previous Rule 1.b (i.e., 1.b.i
and 1.b.ii) apply. The detection for this operation does not influence
the duration of the left-turn phase. The left-turn phase will be set to
minimum recall and will extend to its minimum value before
2. If simultaneous gap-out is enabled and the phase ends at the barrier, then
MAH* for the phase is computed with Equation 31-26, where the
summations shown are for all lane groups served by the subject (or
concurrent) phase.
𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑖 ∑ 𝜆𝑖 + 𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑐 ∑ 𝜆𝑐,𝑖 Equation 31-26
𝑀𝐴𝐻 ∗ =
∑ 𝜆𝑖 + ∑ 𝜆𝑐,𝑖
MAH* = equivalent maximum allowable headway for the phase (s/veh),
MAHi = equivalent maximum allowable headway computed in Step 1 for the
subject phase (s/veh),
MAHc = equivalent maximum allowable headway computed in Step 1 for the
concurrent phase that also ends at the barrier (s/veh), and
λc,i = flow rate parameter for lane group i served in the concurrent phase
that also ends at the barrier (veh/s).
When there is split phasing, there are no concurrent phases, and Equation
31-26 does not apply.
Exhibit 31-3
Force-Off Points, Yield Point,
and Phase Splits
is established when the phase is first activated. Thus, the force-off point “floats,”
or changes, each time the phase is activated. This operation allows unused split
time to revert to the coordinated phase via an early return to green. The
equivalent maximum green for this mode is computed as being equal to the
phase split less the change period. This relationship is shown in Exhibit 31-3 for
Phases 4 and 8.
Gmax,4 = equivalent maximum green for Phase 4 (s),
FO4 = force-off point for Phase 4 (s),
YP2 = yield point for Phase 2 (s),
G3 = green interval duration for Phase 3 (s), and
CP3 = change period (yellow change interval plus red clearance interval) for
Phase 3 (s).
The maximum green obtained from Equation 31-27 is shown in Exhibit 31-4
for the ring that serves Phases 1, 2, 3, and 4. Unlike Exhibit 31-3, Exhibit 31-4
illustrates the actual average phase durations for a given cycle. In this example,
Phase 3 timed to its minimum green and terminated. It never reached its force-off
point. The unused time from Phase 3 was made available to Phase 4, which
resulted in a larger maximum green than was obtained with the floating mode
(see Exhibit 31-3). If every noncoordinated phase extends to its force-off point,
then the maximum green from the fixed force mode equals that obtained from
the floating force mode.
Exhibit 31-4
Example Equivalent Maximum
Green for Fixed Force Mode
The calculation steps that constitute the procedure are described in the
following paragraphs.
where n is the number of extensions before the green interval reaches its
maximum limit, Gmax is the maximum green setting (s), (gs + l1) is the maximum
sum of queue service time and start-up lost time from all lane groups of the
subject phase, and all other variables are as previously defined.
Gu = unbalanced green interval duration for a phase (s),
G|veh,call = average green interval given that the phase is called by a vehicle
detection (s),
Gmin = minimum green setting (s),
G|ped,call = average green interval given that the phase is called by a pedestrian
detection (s),
Walk = pedestrian walk setting (s), and
PC = pedestrian clear setting (s).
If maximum recall is set for the phase, then Gu is equal to Gmax. If the phase
serves a left-turn movement that operates in the protected mode, then the
probability that it is called by pedestrian detection pp is equal to 0.0.
If the phase serves a left-turn movement that operates in the protected-
permitted mode and the left-turn movement shares a lane with through vehicles,
then the green interval duration is equal to the phase’s minimum green setting.
The green interval duration obtained from this step is “unbalanced” because
it does not reflect the constraints imposed by the controller ring structure and
associated barriers. These constraints are imposed in Step O or Step P, depending
on the type of control used at the intersection.
It is assumed the rest-in-walk mode is not enabled.
the green extension time from Step J by a “flow rate ratio.” This ratio represents
the sum of the flow rate parameter for each lane group served by the subject
phase divided by the sum of the flow rate parameter for each group served by
the subject phase and served by the concurrent phase (the latter sum equals the
call rate from Step F).
Probability of Max-Out
When the green indication is extended to its maximum green limit, the
associated phase is considered to have terminated by max-out. The probability of
max-out provides useful information about phase performance. When max-out
occurs, the phase ends without consideration of whether the queue is served or
vehicles are in the dilemma zone. Hence, a phase that frequently terminates by
max-out may have inadequate capacity and may be associated with more
frequent rear-end crashes.
The probability of max-out can be equated to the joint probability of there
being a sequence of calls to the phase in service, each call having a headway that
is shorter than the equivalent maximum allowable headway for the phase. This
probability can be stated mathematically by using Equation 31-43 with Equation
31-44 and Equation 31-45.
Equation 31-43 𝑝𝑥 = 𝑝𝑛𝑥
𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑀𝐴𝐻 ∗ − (𝑔𝑠 + 𝑙1 )
Equation 31-44 𝑛𝑥 = ≥ 0.0
∗ ∗ ∗
𝛥∗ + (𝜑∗ /𝜆∗ ) − (𝑀𝐴𝐻 ∗ + [1/𝜆∗ ])𝜑∗ 𝑒 −𝜆 (𝑀𝐴𝐻 −𝛥 )
Equation 31-45 ℎ= ∗ ∗ ∗
1 − 𝜑 ∗ 𝑒 −𝜆 (𝑀𝐴𝐻 −𝛥 )
px = probability of phase termination by extension to the maximum green
h = average call headway for all calls with headways less than MAH* (s),
nx = number of calls necessary to extend the green to max-out.
adequate gaps in the outside lane. The field observations also indicated that most
lane choice decisions (and related lane changes) for through drivers tended to
occur upstream of the intersection, before deceleration occurs.
As a result of these field observations (3), the model was extended to include
the probability of a lane change. The probability of a lane change represents the
joint probability of there being motivation (i.e., moderate to high flow rates) and
opportunity (i.e., adequate lane-change gaps). A variable that is common to each
probability distribution is the ratio of the approach flow rate to the maximum
flow rate that would allow any lane changes. This maximum flow rate is the rate
corresponding to the minimum headway considered acceptable for a lane change
(i.e., about 3.7 s) (4). Exhibit 31-5 illustrates the modeled relationship between
lane change probability and the flow ratio in the traffic lanes upstream of the
intersection, before deceleration occurs (3).
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
The procedure described in this subsection is generalized so it can be applied
to any signalized intersection approach with any combination of exclusive turn
lanes, shared lanes, and exclusive through lanes. At least one shared lane must
be present, and the approach must have two or more lanes (or bays) serving two
or more traffic movements. This type of generalized formulation is attractive
because of its flexibility; however, the trade-off is that the calculation process is
iterative. If a closed-form solution is desired, then one would likely have to be
uniquely derived for each lane assignment combination.
The procedure is described in the following steps. Input variables used in the
procedure are identified in the following list and are shown in Exhibit 31-6:
Nl = number of lanes in exclusive left-turn lane group (ln),
Nsl = number of lanes in shared left-turn and through lane group (ln),
Nt = number of lanes in exclusive through lane group (ln),
Nsr = number of lanes in shared right-turn and through lane group (ln),
Nr = number of lanes in exclusive right-turn lane group (ln),
Nlr = number of lanes in shared left- and right-turn lane group (ln),
vlt = left-turn demand flow rate (veh/h),
vth = through demand flow rate (veh/h),
vrt = right-turn demand flow rate (veh/h),
vl = demand flow rate in exclusive left-turn lane group (veh/h/ln),
vsl = demand flow rate in shared left-turn and through lane group (veh/h),
vt = demand flow rate in exclusive through lane group (veh/h/ln),
vsr = demand flow rate in shared right-turn and through lane group (veh/h),
vr = demand flow rate in exclusive right-turn lane group (veh/h/ln),
vlr = demand flow rate in shared left- and right-turn lane group (veh/h),
vsl,lt = left-turn flow rate in shared lane group (veh/h/ln),
vsr,rt = right-turn flow rate in shared lane group (veh/h/ln),
sl = saturation flow rate in exclusive left-turn lane group with permitted
operation (veh/h/ln),
ssl = saturation flow rate in shared left-turn and through lane group with
permitted operation (veh/h/ln),
st = saturation flow rate in exclusive through lane group (veh/h/ln),
ssr = saturation flow rate in shared right-turn and through lane group with
permitted operation (veh/h/ln),
sr = saturation flow rate in exclusive right-turn lane group with permitted
operation (veh/h/ln),
slr = saturation flow rate in shared left- and right-turn lane group (veh/h/ln),
sth = saturation flow rate of an exclusive through lane (= base saturation
flow rate adjusted for lane width, heavy vehicles, grade, parking,
buses, area type, work zone presence, downstream lane blockage, and
spillback) (veh/h/ln),
gp = effective green time for permitted left-turn operation (s),
gf = time before the first left-turning vehicle arrives and blocks the shared
lane (s), and
gu = duration of permitted left-turn green time that is not blocked by an
opposing queue (s).
Each shared-lane lane group has one lane (i.e., Nsl = 1, Nsr = 1, and Nlr = 1).
Procedures for calculating gp, gf, and gu are provided in Section 3.
vl sl Nl vl sl Nl
vlt vsl,lt vsl,lt
vsl ssl Nsl v s Nlr
vsr,rt lr lr
vth s th vt st Nt vr sr Nr
Equation 31-48 𝐸𝐿1,𝑚 = ( − 1) 𝑃𝑙𝑐 + 1
Equation 31-49 𝐸𝐿2,𝑚 = ( − 1) 𝑃𝑙𝑐 + 1
𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑝 2
Equation 31-50
𝑃𝑙𝑐 = 1 − ([2 ] − 1) ≥ 0.0
𝑣𝑙𝑡 + 𝑣𝑡ℎ + 𝑣𝑟𝑡
Equation 31-51 𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑝 =
𝑁𝑠𝑙 + 𝑁𝑡 + 𝑁𝑠𝑟
EL,m = modified through-car equivalent for a protected left-turning vehicle,
EL1,m = modified through-car equivalent for a permitted left-turning vehicle,
EL = equivalent number of through cars for a protected left-turning vehicle
(= 1.05),
EL1 = equivalent number of through cars for a permitted left-turning vehicle,
EL2,m = modified through-car equivalent for a permitted left-turning vehicle
when opposed by a queue on a single-lane approach,
EL2 = equivalent number of through cars for a permitted left-turning vehicle
when opposed by a queue on a single-lane approach,
fLpb = pedestrian adjustment factor for left-turn groups,
Plc = probability of a lane change among the approach through lanes,
vapp = average demand flow rate per through lane (upstream of any turn
bays on the approach) (veh/h/ln),
slc = maximum flow rate at which a lane change can occur = 3,600/tlc
(veh/h/ln), and
tlc = critical merge headway = 3.7 (s).
The factor obtained from Equation 31-49 is applicable when permitted left-
turning vehicles are opposed by a queue on a single-lane approach. Equations for
calculating EL1 and EL2 are provided in Section 3. A procedure for calculating fLpb
is provided later in this section.
If the approach has a shared left- and right-turn lane (as shown in Approach
2 in Exhibit 31-6), then Equation 31-52 is used to compute the average demand
flow rate per lane (with Nlr = 1.0).
𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑝 = (𝑣𝑙𝑡 + 𝑣𝑟𝑡 )/𝑁𝑙𝑟 Equation 31-52
g*u = adjusted duration of permitted left-turn green time that is not blocked
by an opposing queue (s), and
gdiff = supplemental service time (s).
Equation 31-107 in Section 3 can be used to calculate gdiff.
estimated as 0.0 veh/h, and the total lane group flow rate vsl is estimated as equal
to the average flow rate per through lane vapp. For the shared lane serving right-
turn vehicles, the right-turn flow rate in the shared lane vsr,rt is estimated as 0.0
veh/h, and the total lane group flow rate vsr is estimated as equal to the average
flow rate per through lane vapp. These estimates are updated in a subsequent step.
where gdiff is the supplemental service time (s), n*s is the expected number of
sneakers per cycle in a shared left-turn lane, fms is the adjustment factor for
downstream lane blockage, fsp is the adjustment factor for sustained spillback,
and all other variables are as previously defined.
Equation 31-107 in Section 3 can be used to calculate gdiff.
Equation 31-61 is used to compute the saturation flow rate in a shared right-
turn and through lane group ssr .
𝑠𝑠𝑟 = Equation 31-61
1 + 𝑃𝑅 (𝐸𝑅,𝑚 − 1)
where PR is the proportion of right-turning vehicles in the shared lane (decimal).
The saturation flow rate for the lane group serving left-turning vehicles in an
exclusive lane sl is computed with Equation 31-59, with PL = 1.0, gdiff = 0.0, gf = 0.0,
and sth replaced by slt (see Equation 31-112). Similarly, the saturation flow rate in an
exclusive right-turn lane group sr is computed with Equation 31-61, with PR = 1.0.
The saturation flow rate for the lane group serving through vehicles in an
exclusive lane is computed with Equation 31-62.
𝑠𝑡 = 𝑠𝑡ℎ 𝑓𝑠 Equation 31-62
where fs is the adjustment factor for all lanes serving through vehicles on an
approach with a shared left-turn and through lane group (= 0.91 if Nsl = 1 and the
left-turn has permitted operation; 1.0 otherwise).
The saturation flow rate for the shared left- and right-turn lane is computed
with Equation 31-63.
𝑠𝑙𝑟 = Equation 31-63
1 + 𝑃𝐿 (𝐸𝐿,𝑚 − 1) + 𝑃𝑅 (𝐸𝑅,𝑚 − 1)
In a similar manner, the demand flow rate for the other lane groups is
estimated by multiplying the flow ratio y* by the corresponding lane group
saturation flow rate.
Design Strategies
Several aspects of signal-timing design, such as the choice of the timing
strategy, are beyond the scope of this manual. Three basic strategies are
commonly used for pretimed signals.
One strategy is to equalize the volume-to-capacity ratios for critical lane
groups. It is the simplest strategy and the only one that can be calculated without
excessive iteration. Under this strategy, the green time is allocated among the
various signal phases in proportion to the flow ratio of the critical lane group for
each phase. This strategy is described briefly in the next subsection. It is also
used in the planning-level analysis application described in Section 5.
A second strategy is to minimize the total delay to all vehicles. This strategy
is generally proposed as the optimal solution to the signal-timing problem.
Variations of this strategy often combine other performance measures (e.g., stop
rate, fuel consumption) in the optimization function. Many signal-timing
software products offer this optimization feature. Some products use a delay
estimation procedure identical to that in the motorized vehicle methodology in
Chapter 19, but other products use minor departures from it.
A third strategy is to equalize the level of service (LOS) for all critical lane
groups. This strategy promotes a LOS on all approaches that is consistent with
the overall intersection LOS. It improves on the first and second strategies
because they tend to produce a higher delay per vehicle for the minor
movements at the intersection (and therefore a less favorable LOS).
The following steps summarize the procedure for estimating the cycle length
and effective green time for the critical phases:
1. Compute the flow ratio [= vi/(N si)] for each lane group and identify the
critical flow ratio for each phase. When there are several lane groups on
the approach and they are served during a common phase, then the lane
group with the largest flow ratio represents the critical flow ratio for the
phase. A procedure for identifying the critical phases and associated flow
ratios is described in Section 4 of Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections.
2. If signal-system constraints do not dictate the cycle length, then estimate
the minimum cycle length with Equation 31-68 by setting Xc equal to 1.0.
Example Application
The procedure is illustrated by a sample calculation. Consider the intersection
shown in Exhibit 31-7.
Exhibit 31-7 N
Example Intersection (0.20)
8(0.8) 6.4
𝐶= = = infinity
0.8 − (0.45 + 0.35) 0
This computation indicates a critical volume-to-capacity ratio of 0.8 cannot
be provided with the present demand levels at the intersection.
As a second trial estimate, a target volume-to-capacity ratio of 0.92 is selected
and used to estimate the target cycle length.
𝐶= = 61 s
0.92 − (0.45 + 0.35)
The estimate is rounded to 60 s for practical application. Equation 31-67 is
then used to estimate the critical volume-to-capacity ratio of 0.923 for the selected
cycle length of 60 s.
With Equation 31-69, the effective green time is allocated so the volume-to-
capacity ratio for each critical lane group is equal to the target volume-to-
capacity ratio. Thus, for the example problem, the target volume-to-capacity ratio
for each phase is 0.923. The effective green times are computed with Equation 31-
69. The results of the calculations are listed below:
𝑔2 = 0.45(60/0.923) = 29.3 s
𝑔8 = 0.35(60/0.923) = 22.7 s
𝑔2 + 𝑔8 + 𝐿 = 29.3 + 22.7 + 8.0 = 60.0 s
The duration of the effective green interval for Phase 6 is the same as for
Phase 2, given that they have the same phase lost time. Similarly, the effective
green interval for Phase 4 is the same as for Phase 8.
The variable tpr in this equation represents the time pedestrians need to
perceive the start of the phase and depart from the curb. A value of 7.0 s
represents a conservatively long value that is adequate for most pedestrian
crossing conditions. The variable Sp represents the pedestrian walking speed in a
crosswalk. A value of 3.5 ft/s represents a conservatively slow value that most
pedestrians will exceed.
If a permitted or protected-permitted left-turn operation is used for the left-
turn movement that crosses the subject crosswalk, then the subtraction of the
yellow change interval and the red clearance interval in Equation 31-70 may
cause some conflict between pedestrians and left-turning vehicles. If this conflict
can occur, then the minimum green interval duration should be computed as
Gp,min = tpr + (Lcc/Sp).
The second pedestrian consideration in timing design is the time required to
serve pedestrian demand. The green interval duration should equal or exceed
this time to ensure pedestrian demand is served each cycle. The time needed to
serve this demand is computed with either Equation 31-71 or Equation 31-72,
along with Equation 31-73.
If the crosswalk width W is greater than 10 ft, then
𝐿𝑐𝑐 𝑁𝑝𝑒𝑑
Equation 31-71 𝑡𝑝𝑠 = 3.2 + + 2.7
𝑆𝑝 𝑊
If the crosswalk width W is less than or equal to 10 ft, then
Equation 31-72 𝑡𝑝𝑠 = 3.2 + + 0.27 𝑁𝑝𝑒𝑑
Equation 31-73 𝑁𝑝𝑒𝑑 = 𝐶
tps = pedestrian service time (s),
W = effective width of crosswalk (ft),
vped,i = pedestrian flow rate in the subject crossing for travel direction i (p/h),
Nped = number of pedestrians crossing during an interval (p).
Equation 31-73 assumes pedestrians always cross at the start of the phase.
Thus, it yields a conservatively large estimate of Nped because some pedestrians
arrive and cross during the green indication.
Equation 31-73 is specific to the pedestrian flow rate in one direction of travel
along the subject crosswalk. If the pedestrian flow rate varies significantly during
the analysis period for the crosswalk’s two travel directions, then tps should be
calculated for both travel directions, and the larger value should be used to
estimate the green interval duration needed to serve pedestrian demand.
Receiving Lanes
Conflict Zone
Pedestrians Pedestrians
Conflict Zone
Subject Approach
This subsection consists of two subsections. The first subsection describes the
procedure for computing (a) the pedestrian–bicycle adjustment factor for right-
turn lane groups and (b) the pedestrian adjustment factor for left-turn lane
groups from a one-way street. The second subsection describes the procedure for
computing the pedestrian adjustment factor for left-turn groups served by
permitted or protected-permitted operation.
The following guidance is used to determine the pedestrian adjustment
factor for lane groups serving left-turn movements fLpb:
• If there are no conflicting pedestrians, then fLpb is equal to 1.0.
• If the lane group is on a two-way street and the protected mode or split
phasing is used, then fLpb is equal to 1.0.
• If the lane group is on a one-way street, then the procedure described in
the first subsection below is used to compute fLpb.
• If the lane group is on a two-way street and either the permitted mode or
the protected-permitted mode is used, then the procedure described in
the second subsection below is used to calculate fLpb.
The following guidance is used to determine the pedestrian–bicycle
adjustment factor for lane groups serving right-turn movements fRpb:
where ApbT is the unoccupied time, and OCCr is the relevant conflict zone
computed as the effective permitted green time gp less the duration of permitted
left-turn green time that is not blocked by an opposing queue gu (i.e., gq = gp – gu).
If gq < gped, then
0.5 𝑔𝑞
𝑂𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑒𝑑𝑢 = 𝑂𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑒𝑑𝑔 (1 − ) Equation 31-85
𝑂𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑒𝑑𝑢 = 0.0 Equation 31-86
where OCCpedu is the pedestrian occupancy after the opposing queue clears, gq is
the opposing-queue service time (= gs for the opposing movement) (s), and all
other variables are as previously defined.
If the opposing-queue service time gq equals or exceeds the pedestrian service
time gped, then the opposing queue consumes the entire pedestrian service time.
Exhibit 31-9
Work Zone on an Intersection
Computational Steps
The saturation flow rate adjustment factor for the case in which a work zone
is located at the intersection can be computed by using Equation 31-89 with
Equation 31-90 and Equation 31-91.
𝑓𝑤𝑧 = 0.858 × 𝑓𝑤𝑖𝑑 × 𝑓reduce ≤ 1.0 Equation 31-89
𝑓𝑤𝑖𝑑 = Equation 31-90
1 − 0.0057 (𝑎𝑤 − 12)
𝑓reduce = Equation 31-91
1 + 0.0402 (𝑛𝑜 − 𝑛𝑤𝑧 )
fwz = adjustment factor for work zone presence at the intersection,
fwid = adjustment factor for approach width,
freduce = adjustment factor for reducing lanes during work zone presence,
aw = approach lane width during work zone (= total width of all open left-
turn, through, and right-turn lanes) (ft),
no = number of left-turn and through lanes open during normal operation
(ln), and
nwz = number of left-turn and through lanes open during work zone
presence (ln).
This factor is computed during Step 4, Determine Adjusted Saturation Flow
Rate, of the motorized vehicle methodology in Chapter 19, Signalized
Intersections. One value is computed for (and is applicable to) all lane groups on
the subject intersection approach.
This section describes a procedure for using the queue accumulation polygon
(QAP) to estimate delay. The section consists of three subsections. The first
subsection provides a review of concepts related to the QAP. The second
subsection describes a general procedure for developing the QAP, and the third
subsection extends the general procedure to the evaluation of left-turn lane groups.
The discussion in this section describes basic principles for developing
polygons for selected types of lane assignment, lane grouping, left-turn
operation, and phase sequence. The analyst is referred to the computational
engine for specific calculation details, especially as they relate to assignments,
groupings, left-turn operations, and phase sequences not addressed in this
section. This engine is described in Section 7.
The QAP is a graphic tool for describing the deterministic relationship
between vehicle arrivals, departures, queue service time, and delay. The QAP
defines the queue size for a traffic movement as a function of time during the
cycle. The shape of the polygon is defined by the following factors: arrival flow
rate during the effective red and green intervals, saturation flow rate associated
with each movement in the lane group, signal indication status, left-turn
operation mode, and phase sequence. Once constructed, the polygon can be used
to compute the queue service time, capacity, and uniform delay for the
corresponding lane group.
A QAP is shown in Exhibit 31-11. The variables shown in the exhibit are
defined in the following list:
r = effective red time = C – g (s),
g = effective green time (s),
C = cycle length (s),
gs = queue service time = Qr/(s – qg) (s),
ge = green extension time (s),
q = arrival flow rate = v/3,600 (veh/s),
v = demand flow rate (veh/h),
qr = arrival flow rate during the effective red time = (1 – P) q C/r (veh/s),
qg = arrival flow rate during the effective green time = P q C/g (veh/s),
Qr = queue size at the end of the effective red time = qr r (veh),
P = proportion of vehicles arriving during the green indication (decimal),
s = adjusted saturation flow rate (veh/h/ln).
Exhibit 31-11
r g
Queue Accumulation Polygon
Number of Vehicles in Queue
gs ge for Protected Movements
1 1
qr s - qg
0 Time (s)
The following text outlines the calculation sequence used to construct a QAP
for a specified lane group. The sequence is repeated for each lane group at the
intersection, with the through lane groups evaluated first so the saturation flow
rate of permitted left-turn lane groups can be based on the known queue service
time for the opposing traffic movements.
1. The QAP calculations for a given lane group start with the end of the
effective green period for the phase serving the subject lane group in a
protected manner. The initial queue Qi is assumed to equal 0.0 vehicles.
2. Determine the points in the cycle when the arrival flow rate or the
discharge rate changes. The arrival rate may change because of platoons
formed in response to an upstream signal, so it is expressed in terms of
the arrival rate during green qg and during red qr. The discharge rate may
change because of the start or end of effective green, a change in the
saturation flow rate, the depletion of the subject queue, the depletion of
the opposing queue, or the departure of left-turn vehicles as sneakers.
3. For the time interval between the points identified in Step 2, number each
interval and compute its duration. Next, identify the arrival rate and
discharge rate associated with the interval. Finally, confirm that the sum
of all interval durations equals the cycle length.
4. Calculate the capacity of each interval for which there is some discharge,
including sneakers when applicable. The sum of these capacities equals
the total lane group capacity. Calculate the demand volume for each
interval for which there are some arrivals. The sum of these volumes
equals the total lane group volume.
5. Calculate the volume-to-capacity ratio X for the lane group by dividing
the lane group’s total volume by its total capacity. If the volume-to-
capacity ratio exceeds 1.0, then calculate the adjusted arrival flow rate q’
for each interval by dividing the original flow rate q by X (i.e., q’ = q/X).
6. Calculate the queue at the end of interval i with Equation 31-92.
𝑠 𝑞
Equation 31-92 𝑄𝑖 = 𝑄𝑖−1 − ( − ) 𝑡𝑑,𝑖 ≥ 0.0
3,600 𝑁
where Qi is the queue size at the end of interval i (veh), td,i is the duration
of time interval i during which the arrival flow rate and saturation flow
rate are constant (s), and all other variables are as previously defined.
7. If the queue at the end of interval i equals 0.0 vehicles, then compute the
duration of the trapezoid or triangle with Equation 31-93. The subject
interval should be divided into two intervals, with the first interval having
a duration of tt,i and the second interval having a duration of td,i – tt,i. The
second interval has starting and ending queues equal to 0.0 vehicles.
Equation 31-93
𝑡𝑡,𝑖 = min (𝑡𝑑,𝑖 , 𝑄𝑖−1 /𝑤𝑞 )
where tt,i is the duration of trapezoid or triangle in interval i (s), wq is the
queue change rate (= discharge rate minus arrival rate) (veh/s), and all
other variables are as previously defined.
1 2
GU 1 = Dp 2 – Y6 – Rc 6 – Gq 2 l 1,1* e1
5 6
Lead– 1 2
Lag GU 1 = Dp 6 – Y6 – Rc 6 – Dp 1 – Gq 2 0.0 e1
6 5
Lead– 1 2 Not Not
No permitted period
Perm 6 5 applicable applicable
1 2
GU 1 = Dp 6 – Y6 – Rc 6 – Dp 1 – Gq 2 0.0 e1
Lag– 2 1 Not Not
Lead No permitted period
5 6 applicable applicable
Lag– 2 1
GU 1 = Dp 2 – Y2 – Rc 2 – max[Dp 5, Gq 2] l 1,1 0.0
Perm 5 6
2 1 GU 1 = min[Dp 2 – Y2 – Rc 2, Dp 6 – Y6 – Rc 6]
l 1,1 0.0
6 – Gq 2
Perm– 2
Lead GU 1 = Dp 2 – Y2 – Rc 2 – max[Dp 5, Gq 2] l 1,1 e1
5 6
Perm– 2 GU 1 = min[Dp 2 – Y2 – Rc 2, Dp 6 – Y6 – Rc 6]
Lag l 1,1 e1
6 5 – Gq 2
Perm– 2
Perm GU 1 = Dp 2 – Y6 – Rc 6 – Gq 2 l 1,1 e1
Lag– 2 1 GU 1 = min[Dp 2 – Y2 – Rc 2, Dp 6 – Y6 – Rc 6]
Lag l 1,1 e 1*
6 5 – Gq 2
2 1 GU 1 = min[Dp 2 – Y2 – Rc 2, Dp 6 – Y6 – Rc 6]
l 1,1 e 1*
6 5 – Gq 2
Notes: Gq 2 is computed for each opposing lane (excluding any opposing shared left-turn lane), and the value
used corresponds to the lane requiring the longest time to clear. In general, if the opposing lanes serve
through movements exclusively, then Gq 2 = gq + l 1. If an opposing lane is shared, then Gq 2 = gp – ge + l 1,
where gp is the effective green time for permitted operation (s), ge is the green extension time (s), and l 1 is
the start-up lost time (s).
If Dp 5 > (Dp 1 – Y1 – Rc 1), then l 1* = Dp 5 – (Dp 1 – Y1 – Rc 1) + l 1 – e 1; otherwise, l 1* = 0.0. Regardless, the
result should not be less than 0.0 or more than l 1.
e 1* = Dp 2 – (Dp 6 – Y6 – Rc 6), provided the result is not less than 0.0 or more than e1.
Perm = permitted.
For the first four variables in the preceding list, the subscript “1” is added to
the variable when it is used in an Exhibit 31-12 equation. This subscript denotes
Movement 1. For the next four variables in the list, a numeric subscript is added
to the variable when it is used in an equation from the exhibit. This subscript
denotes the phase number associated with the variable. Exhibit 31-12 applies
only to left-turn Movement 1. The subscripts need to be changed to apply the
equations to other left-turn movements.
The equations shown in Exhibit 31-12 indicate that the effective green time
for the permitted operation of Phase 1 depends on the duration of Phase 2 and
sometimes the duration of Phase 5. In all instances, Movement 1 has permitted
operation during all, or a portion of, Phase 6.
For a given left-turn lane group, one of the equations in the second column
(Displayed Unblocked Permitted Green Time) of Exhibit 31-12 will apply. It is
used to compute the displayed green interval corresponding to gu (i.e., GU). The
computed GU is required to have a nonnegative value. If the calculation yields a
negative value, then GU is set to 0.0.
The same equation can be used to compute the displayed green interval
corresponding to gp (i.e., Gp) by substituting Gp for GU and 0.0 for Gq. Again, the
computed Gp is required to have a nonnegative value. If the calculation yields a
negative value, then Gp is set to 0.0.
Equation 31-94 is used to compute the effective green time for permitted left-
turn operation.
𝑔𝑝 = 𝐺𝑝 − 𝑙1,𝑝 + 𝑒𝑝 ≥ 0.0 Equation 31-94
gp = effective green time for permitted left-turn operation (s),
Gp = displayed green interval corresponding to gp (s),
l1,p = permitted start-up lost time (s), and
ep = permitted extension of effective green (s).
The values of l1,p and ep used in Equation 31-94 are obtained from the two
right-hand columns (Permitted Start-Up Lost Time and Permitted Extension
Time, respectively) of Exhibit 31-12.
The start-up lost time for gu is considered to occur coincident with the start-
up lost time associated with gp. Hence, if the opposing-queue service time
consumes an initial portion of gp, then there is no start-up lost time associated
with gu. The rationale for this approach is that left-turn drivers waiting for the
opposing queue to clear will be anticipating queue clearance and may be moving
forward slowly (perhaps already beyond the stop line) so that there is negligible
start-up lost time at this point. This approach also accommodates the
consideration of multiple effective green-time terms when there is a shared lane
(e.g., gf), and it avoids inclusion of multiple start-up lost times during gp. In
accordance with this rationale, Equation 31-95 is used to compute the permitted
left-turn green time that is not blocked by an opposing queue gu, where all other
variables are as previously defined.
𝑔𝑢 = 𝐺𝑢 + 𝑒𝑝 ≤ 𝑔𝑝 Equation 31-95
lost time l1,p and permitted extension of effective green ep are equal to l1 and e,
respectively. Otherwise, all the calculations described previously apply.
EL1 = equivalent number of through cars for a permitted left-turning vehicle,
so = base saturation flow rate (pc/h/ln), and
sp = saturation flow rate of a permitted left-turn movement (veh/h/ln).
The second variable to be computed represents the case in which the
opposing approach has one lane. It describes the saturation flow rate during the
time interval coincident with the queue service time of the opposing queue. For
this case, the saturation flow rate during the period after the arrival of the first
blocking left-turning vehicle and before the end of the opposing-queue service
time is influenced by the proportion of left-turning vehicles in the opposing
traffic stream. These vehicles create artificial gaps in the opposing traffic stream
through which the blocking left-turning vehicles on the subject approach can
turn. This effect is considered through calculation of the following through-car
equivalency factor by using Equation 31-102 with Equation 31-103.
1 − (1 − 𝑃𝑙𝑡𝑜 )𝑛𝑞
Equation 31-102 𝐸𝐿2 = ≥ 𝐸𝐿
Equation 31-103 𝑛𝑞 = 0.278(𝑔𝑝 − 𝑔𝑢 − 𝑔𝑓 ) ≥ 0.0
EL2 = equivalent number of through cars for a permitted left-turning vehicle
when opposed by a queue on a single-lane approach,
Plto = proportion of left-turning vehicles in the opposing traffic stream
nq = maximum number of opposing vehicles that could arrive after gf and
before gu (veh), and
all other variables are as previously defined.
The value of 0.278 in Equation 31-103 represents the approximate saturation
flow rate (in vehicles per second) of vehicles in the opposing shared lane. This
approximation simplifies the calculation and provides sufficient accuracy in the
estimation of nq.
There is one lane on the opposing approach when this approach has one lane
serving through vehicles, a left-turn movement that shares the through lane, and
one of the following conditions applies: (a) there is an exclusive right-turn lane
on the opposing approach and the analyst optionally indicates that this lane does
not influence the left-turn drivers’ gap acceptance, (b) there is a right-turn
movement on the opposing approach and it shares the through lane, or (c) there
is no right-turn movement on the opposing approach.
When an exclusive right-turn lane exists on the opposing approach, the
default condition is to assume this lane influences the subject left-turn drivers’
gap acceptance. The determination that the exclusive right-turn lane does not
influence gap acceptance should be based on knowledge of local driver behavior,
traffic conditions, and intersection geometry.
where sr is the saturation flow rate in an exclusive right-turn lane group with
permitted operation (veh/h/ln), and the other variables are defined following
Equation 19-8 in Chapter 19.
ssr = saturation flow rate in shared right-turn and through lane group with
permitted operation (veh/h/ln),
sth = saturation flow rate of an exclusive through lane (= base saturation
flow rate adjusted for lane width, heavy vehicles, grade, parking,
buses, area type, work zone presence, downstream lane blockage, and
spillback) (veh/h/ln),
PR = proportion of right-turning vehicles in the shared lane (decimal),
ER = equivalent number of through cars for a protected right-turning
vehicle = 1.18, and
fRpb = pedestrian–bicycle adjustment factor for right-turn groups.
The value of fRpb is obtained by the procedure described in Section 2.
assigned a through-car equivalent EL2. The saturation flow rate for the shared
lane is computed with Equation 31-108.
𝑠𝑡ℎ Equation 31-108
𝑠𝑠𝑙2 =
1 + 𝑃𝐿 ( 𝐿2 − 1)
where ssl2 is the saturation flow rate in the shared left-turn and through lane
group during Period 2 (veh/h/ln), PL is the proportion of left-turning vehicles in
the shared lane (decimal), and all other variables are as previously defined.
There is one lane on the opposing approach when this approach has one lane
serving through vehicles, a left-turn movement that shares the through lane, and
one of the following conditions applies: (a) there is an exclusive right-turn lane
on the opposing approach and the analyst optionally indicates that this lane does
not influence the left-turn drivers’ gap acceptance, (b) there is a right-turn
movement on the opposing approach and it shares the through lane, or (c) there
is no right-turn movement on the opposing approach.
When an exclusive right-turn lane exists on the opposing approach, the
default condition is to assume this lane influences the subject left-turn drivers’
gap acceptance. The determination that the exclusive right-turn lane does not
influence gap acceptance should be based on knowledge of local driver behavior,
traffic conditions, and intersection geometry.
The third period of flow begins after clearance of the opposing queue or
arrival of the first blocking left-turn vehicle, whichever occurs last. Its duration
equals the smaller of gp – gf or gu. The saturation flow rate for this period is
computed with Equation 31-109.
𝑠𝑠𝑙3 = Equation 31-109
1 + 𝑃𝐿 ( 𝐿1 − 1)
where ssl3 is the saturation flow rate in the shared left-turn and through lane
group during Period 3 (veh/h/ln).
For multiple-lane approaches, the impact of the shared lane is extended to
include the adjacent through traffic lanes. Specifically, queued drivers are
observed to maneuver from lane to lane on the approach to avoid delay
associated with the left-turning vehicles in the shared lane. The effect of this
impact is accounted for by multiplying the saturation flow rate of the adjacent
lanes by a factor of 0.91.
There are four possible saturation flow periods during the effective green
time associated with protected-permitted left-turn operation in a shared lane.
The first three periods are the same as those for permitted left-turn operation in a
shared lane (as described above).
The fourth period of flow coincides with the left-turn phase (i.e., the
protected period). Its duration is equal to the effective green time for the left-turn
phase gl. The flow rate during this period is computed with Equation 31-113.
𝑠𝑠𝑙4 = Equation 31-113
1 + 𝑃𝐿 (𝐸𝐿 − 1)
where ssl4 is the saturation flow rate in the shared left-turn and through lane
group during Period 4 (veh/h/ln).
For multiple-lane approaches, the impact of the shared lane is extended to
include the adjacent through lanes. This impact is accounted for by multiplying
the saturation flow rate of the adjacent lanes by a factor of 0.91.
Exhibit 31-13
QAP for Permitted Left-Turn
Operation in an Exclusive
Exhibit 31-14
QAP for Permitted Left-Turn
Operation in a Shared Lane
Exhibit 31-15
QAP for Leading, Protected-
Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in an Exclusive Lane
The concept is extended to shared left-turn and through lane groups with
protected-permitted operation in Exhibit 31-17 and Exhibit 31-18. Other polygon
shapes exist, depending on traffic flow rates, phase sequence, lane use, and left-
turn operational mode. The concept of polygon construction must be extended to
these other combinations to accurately estimate queue service time and uniform
Exhibit 31-16
QAP for Lagging, Protected-
Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in an Exclusive Lane
Exhibit 31-17
QAP for Leading, Protected-
Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in a Shared Lane
Exhibit 31-18
QAP for Lagging, Protected-
Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in a Shared Lane
The polygon in Exhibit 31-13 applies to the left-turn lane group with an
exclusive lane that operates in the permitted mode during the adjacent through
phase. If the phase extends to max-out, then some left-turning vehicles will be
served as sneakers. The expected number of sneakers for this mode is reduced if
downstream lane blockage or spillback is present [i.e., sneakers = ns fms fsp, where
ns is the number of sneakers per cycle = 2.0 (veh), fms is the adjustment factor for
downstream lane blockage, and fsp is the adjustment factor for sustained spillback].
The polygon in Exhibit 31-14 applies to the left-turn and through lane group
on a shared lane approach with permitted operation. If the phase extends to max-
out, then some left-turning vehicles will be served as sneakers. The expected
number of sneakers (shown as 1 + PL) is computed as (1 + PL) fms fsp, where PL is
the proportion of left-turning vehicles in the shared lane.
The polygon in Exhibit 31-15 applies to left-turn movements that have
protected-permitted operation with a leading left-turn phase and an exclusive
lane. The polygon in Exhibit 31-16 applies to left-turn movements that have
protected-permitted operation with a lagging left-turn phase and an exclusive
lane. If a queue exists at the end of the permitted period for either polygon, then
the queue is reduced by the number of sneakers (where sneakers = ns fms fsp).
The polygon in Exhibit 31-17 applies to left-turn movements that have
protected-permitted operation with a leading left-turn phase and a shared left-
turn and through lane group. The polygon in Exhibit 31-18 applies to the same
movements and operation but with a lagging left-turn phase. If a queue exists at
the end of the permitted period for either polygon, then the queue is reduced by
the expected number of sneakers [which is computed as (1 + PL) fms fsp].
As noted above, all polygons are based on the requirement that lane volume
cannot exceed lane capacity for the purpose of estimating the queue service time.
This requirement is met in the polygons shown because the queue size equals
0.0 vehicles at some point during the cycle.
Exhibit 31-14 through Exhibit 31-18 are shown to indicate that queue size
equals 0.0 vehicles at the start of the cycle (i.e., time = 0.0 s). In fact, the queue
may not equal 0.0 vehicles at the start of the cycle for some signal timing and
traffic conditions. Rather, there may be a nonzero queue at the start of the cycle,
and a queue of 0.0 vehicles may not be reached until a different time in the cycle.
Thus, in modeling any of the polygons in Exhibit 31-14 through Exhibit 31-18, an
iterative process is required. For the first iteration, the queue is assumed to equal
0.0 vehicles at the start of the cycle. The polygon is then constructed, and the
queue status is checked at the end of the cycle. If the queue at the end of the cycle
is not 0.0 vehicles, then this value is used as a starting point in a second polygon
construction. The second polygon will result in a queue at the end of the cycle
that equals the queue used at the start of the cycle. Moreover, a queue value of
0.0 vehicles will occur at some point in the cycle.
Exhibit 31-19
Polygon for Uniform Delay
The area bounded by the polygon represents the total delay incurred during
the average cycle. The total delay is then divided by the number of arrivals per
cycle to estimate the average uniform delay. These calculations are summarized
in Equation 31-115 with Equation 31-116.
0.5 ∑𝑖=1(𝑄𝑖−1 + 𝑄𝑖 ) 𝑡𝑡,𝑖
𝑑1 = Equation 31-115
𝑡𝑡,𝑖 = min (𝑡𝑑,𝑖 , 𝑄𝑖−1 /𝑤𝑞 ) Equation 31-116
where d1 is the uniform delay (s/veh), tt,i is the duration of trapezoid or triangle in
interval i (s), wq is the queue change rate (i.e., slope of the upper boundary of the
trapezoid or triangle) (veh/s), and all other variables are as previously defined.
The summation term in Equation 31-115 includes all intervals for which there
is a nonzero queue. In general, tt,i will equal the duration of the corresponding
interval. However, during some intervals, the queue will decrease to 0.0 vehicles
and tt,i will be only as long as the time required for the queue to dissipate
(= Qi–1/wq). This condition is shown to occur during Time Interval 4 in Exhibit 31-19.
The time required for the queue to dissipate represents the queue service
time. The queue can dissipate during one or more intervals for turn movements
that operate in the protected-permitted mode and for shared-lane lane groups.
For lane groups with exclusive lanes and protected operation, there is one
queue service time. It is followed by the green extension time.
For permitted left-turn operation in an exclusive lane, there is one queue
service time. It is followed by the green extension time.
For permitted left-turn operation in a shared lane, there can be two queue
service times. The green extension time follows the last service time to occur.
For protected-permitted left-turn operation in an exclusive lane, there can be
two queue service times. The service time that ends during the protected period
is followed by the green extension time.
The available capacity for the lane group is computed with Equation 31-120.
(𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑔)𝑠𝑙
𝑐𝑎,𝑙,𝑒 = 𝑐𝑙,𝑒 + 𝑁𝑙 Equation 31-120
where ca,l,e is the available capacity of an exclusive-lane lane group with permitted
left-turn operation (veh/h), and all other variables are as previously defined.
The saturation flow rate sl is specifically included in the term with the
maximum green setting Gmax in Equation 31-120 because this rate represents the
saturation flow rate present at the end of the green interval. That is, it is the
saturation flow rate that would occur when the green is extended to its maximum
green limit as a result of cycle-by-cycle fluctuations in the demand flow rate.
The available capacity for the lane group is computed with Equation 31-125.
𝐺𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑠𝑙𝑡 𝑔𝑢 𝑠𝑙 + 3,600 𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑚𝑠 𝑓𝑠𝑝
Equation 31-125 𝑐𝑎,𝑙,𝑒,𝑝𝑝 = ( + ) 𝑁𝑙
where ca,l,e,pp is the available capacity of an exclusive-lane lane group with
protected-permitted left-turn operation (veh/h) and all other variables are as
previously defined.
The back of queue represents the maximum backward extent of queued
vehicles during a typical cycle, as measured from the stop line to the last queued
vehicle. The back-of-queue size is typically reached after the onset of the green
indication. The point when it is reached occurs just before the most distant
queued vehicle begins forward motion as a consequence of the green indication
and in response to the forward motion of the vehicle ahead.
A queued vehicle is defined as a vehicle that is fully stopped as a consequence
of the signal. A full stop is defined to occur when a vehicle slows to zero (or a
crawl speed, if in queue) as a consequence of the change in signal indication from
green to red, but not necessarily in direct response to an observed red indication.
The back-of-queue size that is estimated by the equations described here
represents an overall average for the analysis period. It is represented in units of
Queue size is defined here to include only fully stopped vehicles. Vehicles
that slow as they approach the back of the queue are considered to incur a partial
stop but are not considered to be part of the queue. The distinction between a full
and a partial stop is shown in Exhibit 31-20. This exhibit illustrates the trajectory
of several vehicles as they traverse an intersection approach during one signal
cycle. There is no residual queue at the end of the cycle.
Each thin line in Exhibit 31-20 that slopes upward from left to right
represents the trajectory of one vehicle. The average time between trajectories
represents the headway between vehicles (i.e., the inverse of flow rate q). The
slope of the trajectory represents the vehicle’s speed. The curved portion of a
trajectory indicates deceleration or acceleration. The horizontal portion of a
trajectory indicates a stopped condition. The effective red r and effective green g
times are shown at the top of the exhibit. The other variables shown are defined
in the discussion below.
Exhibit 31-20
Time–Space Diagram of
Vehicle Trajectory on an
Intersection Approach
Exhibit 31-20 shows the trajectories of eight vehicles. The first five trajectories
(counting from left to right) have a horizontal component to their trajectory that
indicates they have reached a full stop as a result of the red indication. The sixth
trajectory has some deceleration and acceleration but the vehicle does not stop.
This trajectory indicates a partial stop was incurred for the associated vehicle.
The last two trajectories do not incur deceleration or acceleration, and the
associated vehicles do not slow or stop. Thus, the number of full stops Nf is 5 and
the number of partial stops Np is 1. The total number of stops Nt is 6. The back-of-
queue size is equal to the number of full stops.
The back-of-queue size (computed by the procedure described in the next
subsection) represents the average back-of-queue size for the analysis period. It is
based only on those vehicles that arrive during the analysis period and join the
queue. It includes the vehicles that are still in queue after the analysis period ends.
The back-of-queue size for a given lane group is computed with Equation 31-130.
Equation 31-130 𝑄 = 𝑄1 + 𝑄2 + 𝑄3
Q = back-of-queue size (veh/ln),
Q1 = first-term back-of-queue size (veh/ln),
Q2 = second-term back-of-queue size (veh/ln), and
Q3 = third-term back-of-queue size (veh/ln).
The first-term back-of-queue estimate quantifies the queue size described in
Exhibit 31-20. It represents the queue caused by the signal cycling through its
phase sequence.
The second-term back-of-queue estimate consists of two queue components.
One component accounts for the effect of random, cycle-by-cycle fluctuations in
demand that occasionally exceed capacity. This fluctuation results in the
occasional overflow queue at the end of the green interval (i.e., cycle failure). The
second component accounts for queuing due to a sustained oversaturation
during the analysis period. This queuing occurs when aggregate demand during
the analysis period exceeds aggregate capacity. It is sometimes referred to as the
deterministic queue component and is shown as variable Q2,d in Exhibit 31-21.
Exhibit 31-21
Cumulative Arrivals and
Departures During an
Oversaturated Analysis Period
Exhibit 31-21 illustrates the queue growth that occurs as vehicles arrive at a
demand flow rate v during the analysis period T, which has capacity c. The
deterministic delay component is represented by the triangular area bounded by
the thick line and is associated with an average delay per vehicle represented by
the variable d2,d. The average queue size associated with this delay is shown in
the exhibit as Q2,d. The queue present at the end of the analysis period [= T(v – c)]
is referred to as the residual queue.
The equation used to estimate the second-term queue is based on the
assumption that no initial queue is present at the start of the analysis period. The
third-term back-of-queue estimate is used to account for the additional queuing
that occurs during the analysis period because of an initial queue. This queue is a
result of unmet demand in the previous analysis period. It does not include any
vehicles that may be in queue due to random, cycle-by-cycle fluctuations in
demand that occasionally exceed capacity. When a multiple-period analysis is
undertaken, the initial queue for the second and subsequent analysis periods is
equal to the residual queue from the previous analysis period.
Exhibit 31-22 illustrates the queue due to an initial queue as a trapezoid
shape bounded by thick lines. The average queue is represented by the variable
Q3. The initial queue size is shown as consisting of Qb vehicles. The duration of
time during the analysis period for which the effect of the initial queue is still
present is represented by the variable t. This duration is shown to equal the
analysis period in Exhibit 31-22. However, it can be less than the analysis period
duration for some lower-volume conditions.
Exhibit 31-22
Third-Term Back-of-Queue
Size with Increasing Queue
Exhibit 31-22 illustrates the case in which the demand flow rate v exceeds the
capacity c during the analysis period. In contrast, Exhibit 31-23 and Exhibit 31-24
illustrate alternative cases in which the demand flow rate is less than the capacity.
Exhibit 31-23
Third-Term Back-of-Queue
Size with Decreasing Queue
Exhibit 31-24
Third-Term Back-of-Queue
Size with Queue Clearing
In this chapter, initial queue is always used in reference to the initial queue
due to unmet demand in the previous analysis period. It never refers to vehicles
in queue due to random, cycle-by-cycle fluctuations in demand.
Acceleration–Deceleration Delay
The acceleration–deceleration delay da term shown in Exhibit 31-20 is used to
distinguish between a fully and a partially stopped vehicle. This delay term
represents the time required to decelerate to a stop and then accelerate back to
the initial speed, less the time it would have taken to traverse the equivalent
distance at the initial speed.
Various definitions are used to describe when a vehicle is stopped for the
purpose of field measurement. These definitions typically allow the observed
vehicle to be called “stopped” even if it has a slow speed (e.g., 2 to 5 mi/h) while
moving up in the queue. Many stochastic simulation programs also have a
similar allowance. These practical considerations in the count of stopped vehicles
require the specification of a threshold speed that can be used to identify when a
vehicle is effectively stopped. The acceleration–deceleration delay for a specified
threshold speed is estimated with Equation 31-131.
[1.47 (𝑆𝑎 − 𝑆𝑠 )]2 1 1 Equation 31-131
𝑑𝑎 = ( + )
2 (1.47 𝑆𝑎 ) 𝑟𝑎 𝑟𝑑
da = acceleration–deceleration delay (s),
Sa = average speed on the intersection approach (mi/h),
Ss = threshold speed defining a stopped vehicle = 5.0 (mi/h),
ra = acceleration rate = 3.5 (ft/s2), and
rd = deceleration rate = 4.0 (ft/s2).
The average speed on the intersection approach Sa is representative of
vehicles that would pass unimpeded through the intersection if the signal were
green for an extended period. It can be estimated with Equation 31-132.
𝑆𝑎 = 0.90 (25.6 + 0.47 𝑆𝑝𝑙 ) Equation 31-132
Arrival–Departure Polygon
The arrival–departure polygon (ADP) associated with a lane is a graphic tool
for computing the number of full stops Nf. The number of full stops has been
shown to be equivalent to the first-term back-of-queue size (5).
The ADP separately portrays the cumulative number of arrivals and
departures associated with a traffic movement as a function of time during the
average cycle. It is related but not identical to the QAP. The main difference is
that the polygon sides in the ADP represent an arrival rate or a discharge rate but
not both. In contrast, the polygon sides in the QAP represent the combined
arrival and discharge rates that may occur during a common time interval.
The ADP is useful for estimating the stop rate and back-of-queue size, and
the QAP is useful for estimating delay and queue service time.
The ADP for a through movement is presented in Exhibit 31-25, which shows
the polygon for a typical cycle. The red and green intervals are ordered from left
to right in the sequence of presentation so that the last two time periods
correspond to the queue service time gs and green extension time ge of the subject
phase. The variables shown in the exhibit are defined in the following list:
tf = service time for fully stopped vehicles (s),
Nf = number of fully stopped vehicles (veh/ln),
gs = queue service time (s),
ge = green extension time (s),
qr = arrival flow rate during the effective red time = (1 – P) q C/r (veh/s),
P = proportion of vehicles arriving during the green indication (decimal),
q = arrival flow rate = v/3,600 (veh/s),
v = demand flow rate (veh/h),
r = effective red time = C – g (s),
g = effective green time (s),
C = cycle length (s),
qg = arrival flow rate during the effective green time = P q C/g (veh/s), and
Qr = queue size at the end of the effective red time = qr r (veh).
In application, all flow rate variables are converted to common units of
vehicles per second per lane. The presentation in this section is based on these
units for q and s. If the flow rate q exceeds the lane capacity, then it is set to equal
this capacity.
Exhibit 31-25
Arrival–Departure Polygon
The upper solid trend line in Exhibit 31-25 corresponds to vehicles arriving
at the intersection. The lower solid trend line corresponds to queued vehicles
departing the stop line. The lower trend line is horizontal during the effective
red, denoting no departures. The vertical distance between these two lines at any
instant in time represents the number of vehicles in the queue.
At the start of the effective red, vehicles begin to queue at a rate of qr and
accumulate to a length of Qr vehicles at the time the effective green begins.
Thereafter, the rate of arrival is qg until the end of the effective green period. The
queue service time gs represents the time required to serve the queue present at
the end of the effective red Qr plus any additional arrivals that join the queue
before it fully clears. The dashed line in this exhibit represents only those
vehicles that complete a full stop. The dashed line lags behind the solid arrival
line by one-half the value of da (i.e., da/2). In contrast, the dashed line corresponding
to initiation of the departure process leads the solid departure line by da/2.
One-half the acceleration–deceleration delay da (i.e., da/2) occurs at both the
end of the arrival process and the start of the discharge process. This assumption
is made for convenience in developing the polygon. The derivation of the stop
rate and queue length equations indicates that the two components are always
combined as da. Thus, the assumed distribution of this delay to each of the two
occurrences does not influence the accuracy of the estimated back-of-queue size.
The number of fully stopped vehicles Nf represents the number of vehicles
that arrive before the queue of stopped vehicles has departed. Equation 31-133 is
used for computing this variable (all other variables are as previously defined).
Equation 31-133
𝑁𝑓 = 𝑞𝑟 𝑟 + 𝑞𝑔 (𝑡𝑓 − 𝑑𝑎 )
Equation 31-134 can also be used for estimating Nf.
𝑠 𝑡𝑓
𝑁𝑓 = Equation 31-134
Combining Equation 31-133 and Equation 31-134 to eliminate Nf and solve
for tf yields Equation 31-135.
𝑞𝑟 𝑟 − 𝑞𝑔 𝑑𝑎
𝑡𝑓 = Equation 31-135
𝑠 − 𝑞𝑔
Equation 31-135 can be used with Equation 31-133 to obtain an estimate of Nf.
The first-term back-of-queue size is then computed with Equation 31-136.
Equation 31-136 𝑄1 = 𝑁𝑓
The polygon in Exhibit 31-25 applies to either a through lane group or a left-
or right-turn lane group with exclusive lanes operating with the protected mode.
Other shapes are possible, depending on whether the lane group includes a
shared lane and whether the lane group serves a permitted (or protected-
permitted) left-turn movement. In general, a unique shape is dictated by each
combination of left-turn operational mode (i.e., permitted, protected, or
protected-permitted) and phase sequence (i.e., lead, lag, or split). A general
procedure for constructing these polygons is described in the next subsection.
The concept is extended to shared left-turn and through lane groups with
protected-permitted operation in Exhibit 31-30 and Exhibit 31-31. Other polygon
shapes exist, depending on traffic flow rates, phase sequence, lane use, and left-
turn operational mode. The concept of construction must be extended to these
other shapes to estimate accurately the back-of-queue size.
Most variables shown in these exhibits were defined in previous
subsections. The following variables are also defined:
gp = effective green time for permitted left-turn operation (s),
gu = duration of permitted left-turn green time that is not blocked by an
opposing queue (s),
gf = time before the first left-turning vehicle arrives and blocks the shared
lane (s),
gl = effective green time for left-turn phase (s),
gps = queue service time during permitted left-turn operation (s),
sp = saturation flow rate of a permitted left-turn movement (veh/h/ln),
slt = saturation flow rate of an exclusive left-turn lane with protected
operation = sth/EL (veh/h/ln),
EL = equivalent number of through cars for a protected left-turning vehicle
= 1.05,
sth = saturation flow rate of an exclusive through lane (= base saturation
flow rate adjusted for lane width, heavy vehicles, grade, parking,
buses, and area type) (veh/h/ln), and
PL = proportion of left-turning vehicles in the shared lane (decimal).
Exhibit 31-26
ADP for Permitted Left-Turn
Operation in an Exclusive
Exhibit 31-27
ADP for Permitted Left-Turn
Operation in a Shared Lane
Exhibit 31-28
ADP for Leading, Protected-
Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in an Exclusive Lane
Exhibit 31-29
ADP for Lagging, Protected-
Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in an Exclusive Lane
Exhibit 31-30
ADP for Leading, Protected-
Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in a Shared Lane
Exhibit 31-31
ADP for Lagging, Protected-
Permitted Left-Turn Operation
in a Shared Lane
The polygon in Exhibit 31-26 applies to the left-turn lane group served by an
exclusive lane that operates in the permitted mode during the adjacent through
phase. If the phase extends to max-out, then some left-turning vehicles will be
served as sneakers. The expected number of sneakers for this mode is reduced if
downstream lane blockage or spillback is present [i.e., sneakers = ns fms fsp, where
ns is the number of sneakers per cycle = 2.0 (veh), fms is the adjustment factor for
downstream lane blockage, and fsp is the adjustment factor for sustained spillback].
The polygon in Exhibit 31-27 applies to the left-turn and through lane group
on a shared-lane approach with permitted operation. If the phase extends to
max-out, then some left-turning vehicles will be served as sneakers. The expected
number of sneakers (shown as 1 + PL) is computed as (1 + PL) fms fsp, where PL is
the proportion of left-turning vehicles in the shared lane, and all other variables
are as previously defined.
The polygon in Exhibit 31-28 applies to left-turn movements that have
protected-permitted operation with a leading left-turn phase and an exclusive
left-turn lane. The polygon in Exhibit 31-29 applies to the same movements and
operation but with a lagging left-turn phase. If a queue exists at the end of the
permitted period for either polygon, then the queue is reduced by the number of
sneakers (where sneakers = ns fms fsp).
For some of the more complex ADPs that include left-turn movements
operating with the permitted mode, the queue may dissipate at two or more
points during the cycle. If this occurs, then Nf,i is computed for each of the i
periods between queue dissipation points. The first-term back-of-queue estimate
is then equal to the largest of the Nf,i values computed in this manner.
If v ≥ cA, then
𝑄𝑒𝑜 = 𝑇(𝑣 − 𝑐𝐴 ) Equation 31-145
𝑡𝐴 = 𝑇 Equation 31-146
Q3 = third-term back-of-queue size (veh/ln),
tA = adjusted duration of unmet demand in the analysis period (h),
T = analysis period duration (h),
Qb = initial queue at the start of the analysis period (veh),
Qe = queue at the end of the analysis period (veh), and
Qeo = queue at the end of the analysis period when v ≥ cA and Qb = 0.0 (veh).
𝐼 𝑔 0.33
Equation 31-151 𝑓𝐵% = min (1.8, 1.0 + 𝑧√ + 0.60 𝑧 0.24 ( ) (1.0 − 𝑒 2−2 𝑋𝐴 ))
𝑄1 + 𝑄2 𝐶
Equation 31-153 𝑓𝐵% = min (1.8, 1.0 + 𝑧√ )
𝑄1 + 𝑄2
Q% = percentile back-of-queue size (veh/ln);
fB% = percentile back-of-queue factor;
z = percentile parameter = 1.04 for 85th percentile queue, 1.28 for 90th
percentile queue, and 1.64 for 95th percentile queue;
I = upstream filtering adjustment factor; and
XA = average volume-to-capacity ratio.
RQ = queue storage ratio,
La = available queue storage distance (ft/ln),
Lh = average vehicle spacing in stationary queue (ft/veh),
Lpc = stored passenger car lane length = 25 (ft),
LHV = stored heavy-vehicle lane length = 45 (ft), and
PHV = percentage heavy vehicles in the corresponding movement group (%).
Average vehicle spacing is the average length between the front bumpers of
two successive vehicles in a stationary queue. The available queue storage
distance is equal to the turn bay (or lane) length.
The queue storage ratio is useful for quantifying the potential blockage of the
available queue storage distance. If the queue storage ratio is less than 1.0, then
blockage will not occur during the analysis period. Blockage will occur if the
queue storage ratio is equal to or greater than 1.0.
If desired, a percentile queue storage ratio can be computed with Equation
𝐿ℎ 𝑄%
𝑅𝑄% = Equation 31-156
where RQ% is the percentile queue storage ratio.
considered to be a part of the left-turn movement lane group. The concept of lane
group is discussed in more detail in the Methodology subsection.
The planning-level analysis application has the following limitations:
• It only considers the performance of motorized vehicles;
• It is based on pretimed operation and thus does not account for the effects
of actuated control;
• It does not analyze all potential combinations of left-turn operation for
opposing approaches (e.g., protected left-turn operation opposed by
permitted left-turn operation is not addressed by the application);
• It does not explicitly consider the effects of poorly timed signals;
• It does not account for upstream or downstream impedances and effects
of short lanes; and
• It does not consider the effects of grade, lane width, bus activity, area
type, pedestrian–vehicle conflicts, or pedestrian–bicycle conflicts;
The analyst is required to specify values for two data items: (a) the volume
for each movement and (b) the number of lanes (and the turn designation for
each lane) on each approach. The effective green time is also required if
protected-permitted left-turn operation is to be evaluated. Default values can be
assumed for the other input data, or the user can specify these values if they are
Part I: Intersection Sufficiency Assessment
The first part of the application consists of five steps. These steps are
completed in sequence to evaluate the capacity sufficiency of the intersection.
vadj,i = equivalent through movement flow rate for lane group i (tpc/h); and
Ni = number of lanes associated with lane group i, accounting for de facto
lanes (ln).
𝑣 +𝑣
Equation 31-161 𝑉𝑐,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡,1 = max [ 𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑙𝑡 + 𝑣𝑊𝐵𝑡ℎ
𝑊𝐵𝑙𝑡 𝐸𝐵𝑡ℎ
Vc,prot,1 = critical-lane flow rate for protected left-turn operation on the east–west
approaches (tpc/h/ln), and
vi = lane flow rate for lane group i (i = EBlt: eastbound left turn, WBlt:
westbound left turn, EBth: eastbound through, WBth: westbound
through) (tpc/h/ln).
The two lane groups that add to produce the largest critical-lane flow rate in
Equation 31-161 represent the critical lane groups for the east–west street.
Similarly, for north–south approaches with protected left-turn operation, the
critical-lane flow rate is computed with Equation 31-162.
𝑣 +𝑣
Equation 31-162 𝑉𝑐,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡,2 = max [ 𝑣𝑁𝐵𝑙𝑡 + 𝑣 𝑆𝐵𝑡ℎ
𝑆𝐵𝑙𝑡 𝑁𝐵𝑡ℎ
Vc,prot,2 = critical-lane flow rate for protected left-turn operation on the north–
south approaches (tpc/h/ln), and
vi = lane flow rate for lane group i (i = NBlt: northbound left turn, SBlt:
southbound left turn, NBth: northbound through, SBth: southbound
through) (tpc/h/ln).
The two lane groups that add to produce the largest critical-lane flow rate in
Equation 31-162 represent the critical lane groups for the north–south street.
Permitted operation—no left-turn phase. When opposing approaches use
permitted operation, the critical-lane flow rate will be the highest lane flow rate
of all lane groups associated with the pair of approaches. For the east–west
approaches, the critical-lane flow rate is computed with Equation 31-163.
Equation 31-163 𝑉𝑐,𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚,1 = max(𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑙𝑡 , 𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑡ℎ , 𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑟𝑡 , 𝑣𝑊𝐵𝑙𝑡 , 𝑣𝑊𝐵𝑡ℎ , 𝑣𝑊𝐵𝑟𝑡 )
Vc,perm,1 = critical-lane flow rate for permitted left-turn operation on the east–
west approaches (tpc/h/ln), and
vi = lane flow rate for lane group i (i = EBlt: eastbound left turn, WBlt:
westbound left turn, EBth: eastbound through, WBth: westbound
through, EBrt: eastbound right turn, WBrt: westbound right turn)
The lane group that produces the largest critical-lane flow rate in Equation
31-163 represents the critical lane group for the east–west street.
Similarly, for north–south approaches with permitted left-turn operation, the
critical-lane flow rate is computed with Equation 31-164.
Equation 31-164 𝑉𝑐,𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚,2 = max(𝑣𝑆𝐵𝑙𝑡 , 𝑣𝑆𝐵𝑡ℎ , 𝑣𝑆𝐵𝑟𝑡 , 𝑣𝑁𝐵𝑙𝑡 , 𝑣𝑁𝐵𝑡ℎ , 𝑣𝑁𝐵𝑟𝑡 )
Vc,perm,2 = critical-lane flow rate for permitted left-turn operation on the north–
south approaches (tpc/h/ln), and
vi = lane flow rate for lane group i (i = SBlt: southbound left turn, NBlt:
northbound left turn, SBth: southbound through, NBth: northbound
through, SBrt: southbound right turn, NBrt: northbound right turn)
The lane group that produces the largest critical-lane flow rate in Equation
31-164 represents the critical lane group for the north–south street.
Protected operation—split phasing. When opposing approaches use split
phasing (i.e., when only one approach is served during a phase), the critical-lane
flow rate for a given approach will be the highest lane flow rate of all lane groups
for that approach. The critical-lane flow rate for the two opposing approaches
will be the sum of the highest lane flow rate for each approach. For the east–west
approaches, the critical-lane flow rate is computed with Equation 31-165.
𝑉𝑐,split,1 = max(𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑙𝑡 , 𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑡ℎ , 𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑟𝑡 ) + max (𝑣𝑊𝐵𝑙𝑡 , 𝑣𝑊𝐵𝑡ℎ , 𝑣𝑊𝐵𝑟𝑡 ) Equation 31-165
where Vc,split,1 is the critical-lane flow rate for split phasing on the east–west
approaches (tpc/h/ln).
The two lane groups that add to produce the largest critical-lane flow rate in
Equation 31-165 represent the critical lane groups for the east–west street.
Similarly, for the north–south approaches with split phasing, the critical-lane
flow rate is computed with Equation 31-166.
𝑉𝑐,split,2 = max(𝑣𝑆𝐵𝑙𝑡 , 𝑣𝑆𝐵𝑡ℎ , 𝑣𝑆𝐵𝑟𝑡 ) + max(𝑣𝑁𝐵𝑙𝑡 , 𝑣𝑁𝐵𝑡ℎ , 𝑣𝑁𝐵𝑟𝑡 ) Equation 31-166
where Vc,split,2 is the critical-lane flow rate for split phasing on the north–south
approaches (tpc/h/ln).
The two lane groups that add to produce the largest critical-lane flow rate in
Equation 31-166 represent the critical lane groups for the north–south street.
Protected-permitted operation—with left-turn phase. If protected-permitted
operation is to be evaluated, the analyst should refer to the supplemental
procedure in the Protected-Permitted Left-Turn Operations subsection.
vc,i = lane flow rate for critical lane group i (tpc/h/ln), and
Vc = sum of the critical-lane flow rates (tpc/h/ln).
The effective green time for a noncritical lane group is set equal to the
effective green time for its counterpart critical lane group that occurs
concurrently during the same phase.
Finally, the effective green time gi for each phase i is set equal to the effective
green time that is computed for the corresponding lane group. The effective
green time computed in this manner should be reviewed against policy
requirements and other considerations (such as the minimum green time based
on driver expectancy and the time required for pedestrians to cross the approach).
16 𝑋𝑖
Equation 31-181 𝑑2,𝑖 = 225 [(𝑋𝑖 − 1) + √(𝑋𝑖 − 1)2 + ]
di = control delay for lane group i (s/veh),
d1,i = uniform delay for lane group i (s/veh),
d2,i = incremental delay for lane group i (s/veh),
PFi = progression adjustment factor for lane group i, and
all other variables are as previously defined.
The progression adjustment factor describes the arrival distribution for the
subject lane group, which may be influenced by an upstream traffic signal.
Recommended progression adjustment factors are shown in Exhibit 31-38.
Exhibit 31-38 Quality of Conditions That Describe Arrivals Associated with Progression
Planning-Level Analysis: Progression the Subject Lane Group Factor PF
Progression Adjustment Good progression (a) Vehicles arrive in platoons during the green interval, OR 0.70
Factor (b) most vehicles arrive during the green interval.
Random arrivals (a) The phase serving the subject lane group is not 1.00
(default) coordinated with the upstream traffic signal, OR
(b) the intersection is sufficiently distant from other
signalized intersections as to be considered isolated.
Poor progression (a) Vehicles arrive in platoons during the red interval, OR 1.25
(b) most vehicles arrive during the red indication.
Lane group delay may be aggregated for each approach and for the
intersection as a whole. The aggregation process is the same as that in the
motorized vehicle methodology in Chapter 19 using Equation 19-28 and
Equation 19-29.
Delay values may be compared with the criteria in Exhibit 19-8 to determine
the LOS for a lane group, approach, or the intersection as a whole.
In the process of identifying the critical lane groups (and related flow rate),
only the lane flow rate during the protected left-turn phase vlt,pt is used for the
left-turn lane group. The critical-lane flow rate is then determined by using the
rules described for protected operation–with left-turn phase in Step 4b above.
The remainder of the planning-level analysis application does not change. In
Step 7, the lane flow rate for the left-turn lane group vlt is used to determine the
delay and LOS.
This subsection includes a series of worksheets that can be used to document
an application of the planning-level analysis application. These worksheets are as
• Input Worksheet (Exhibit 31-39),
• Left-Turn Treatment Worksheet (Exhibit 31-40),
• Intersection Sufficiency Worksheet (Exhibit 31-41), and
• Delay and LOS Worksheet (Exhibit 31-42).
Exhibit 31-39
General Information Site Information
Analyst Intersection
Agency or Company
Intersection Geometry
Show North
= Through
= Right
= Left
= Through + Right
= Left + Through
= Left + Right
Required Data
Volume (veh/h)
Number of lanes
Lane use (exclusive or shared)
Optional Data 1
Heavy vehicles (%)
On-street parking presence (no, yes)
Pedestrian activity (none, low, med., high, extreme)
Left-turn operation and phase sequence 2
Effective green time (s)3,4
Progression quality (good, random, poor) 4
Peak hour factor Cycle length (s) Base saturation flow rate (pc/h/ln)
1. Optional input data (guidance is provided for estimating these data if they are not known).
2. Combinations addressed: (a) protected operation—with left-turn phase, (b) permitted operation—no left-turn
....phase, (c) protected operation—split phasing, (d) protected-permitted operation—with left-turn phase
3. Data required for Part I analysis if "protected-permitted operation—with left-turn phase" is present.
4. Data required for Part II analysis.
Exhibit 31-40
Turn Treatment Worksheet
General Information
Approach EB WB NB SB
Number of left-turn lanes
Protected left turn (Y or N)?
If the number of left-turn lanes on any approach exceeds 1, then it is recommended that the left turns on that
the approach be protected. Those approaches with protected left turns need not be evaluated in subsequent checks.
Approach EB WB NB SB
Left-turn volume
Protected left turn (Y or N)?
If left-turn volume on any approach exceeds 240 veh/h, then it is recommended that the left turns on that the
approach be protected. Those approaches with protected left turns need not be evaluated in subsequent checks.
Approach EB WB NB SB
Left-turn volume, V L (veh/h)
Opposing mainline volume, V o (veh/h)
Cross product (V L * Vo)
Opposing through lanes
Protected left turn (Y or N)?
Minimum Cross-Product Values for Recommending Left-Turn Protection
Number of Through Lanes Minimum Cross Product
1 50,000
2 90,000
3 110,000
If the cross product on any approach exceeds the above values, then it is recommended that the left turns on that
approach be protected. Those approaches with protected left turns need not be evaluated in subsequent checks.
1. If any approach is recommended for left-turn protection but the analyst evaluates it as having permitted operation,
then the planning-level analysis method may give overly optimistic results. The analyst should instead use the
automobile methodology described in Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections.
2. All volumes used in this worksheet are unadjusted hourly volumes.
Exhibit 31-41
Planning Level Analysis:
General Information Intersection Sufficiency
Description: Worksheet
East-West Approaches
Eastbound Westbound
Left Through Right Left Through Right
Movement volume, V (veh/h)
Equivalency factor for heavy vehicles, E hv
Equivalency factor for peaking char., E P HF
Equivalency factor for right turns, E RT
Equivalency factor for left turns, E LT 1
Equivalency factor for parking activity, E p
Equivalency factor for lane utilization, E LU
Equivalency factor for other conditions, E other
Equivalent through mvmt. flow rate (tpc/h) v adj
= V E HV E P HF E LT E RT E p E LU E other
Number of lanes, N
Lane flow rate, v (tpc/h/ln) v = v adj / N
Critical lane flow rate, V c (tpc/h/ln)
Critical lane group (indicate with "X")
Critical lane group flow rate, v c (tpc/h/ln)
Supplemental Calculations for Protected-Permitted Operation
Equivalency factor for prot. left turn, E LT ,pt
Equivalency factor for perm. left turn, E LT,pm
Effective green for prot. left turn, g lt ,pt (s)
Effective green for perm. left turn, g lt ,pm (s)
Equivalency factor for left turns, E LT E LT =
(E LT ,pt g lt ,pt + E LT ,pm g lt ,pm ) / (g lt ,pt + g lt ,pm )
North-South Approaches
Northbound Southbound
Left Through Right Left Through Right
Movement volume, V (veh/h)
Equivalency factor for heavy vehicles, E hv
Equivalency factor for peaking char., E P HF
Equivalency factor for right turns, E RT
Equivalency factor for left turns, E LT 1
Equivalency factor for parking activity, E p
Equivalency factor for lane utilization, E LU
Equivalency factor for other conditions, E other
Equivalent through mvmt. flow rate (tpc/h) v adj
= V E HV E P HF E LT E RT E p E LU E other
Number of lanes, N
Lane flow rate, v (tpc/h/ln) v = v adj / N
Critical lane flow rate, V c (tpc/h/ln)
Critical lane group (indicate with "X")
Critical lane group flow rate, v c (tpc/h/ln)
Supplemental Calculations for Protected-Permitted Operation
Equivalency factor for prot. left turn, E LT ,pt
Equivalency factor for perm. left turn, E LT,pm
Effective green for prot. left turn, g lt ,pt (s)
Effective green for perm. left turn, g lt ,pm (s)
Equivalency factor for left turns, E LT E LT =
(E LT ,pt g lt ,pt + E LT ,pm g lt ,pm ) / (g lt ,pt + g lt ,pm )
Intersection Sufficiency Assessment
Intersection capacity, c I (tpc/h/ln)
Number of critical phases, n cp c I = s o [C – (n cp 4.0)]/C
Critical intersection vol.-to-capacity ratio, X c
Sum of critical lane flow rates, V c (tpc/h/ln) Xc = Vc / cI
Intersection status (relationship to capacity) Under Near Over
1. If the approach has protected-permitted operation, use the supplemental calculations section to compute E LT .
Exhibit 31-42
and LOS Worksheet
General Information
Lane group
Effective green time, g (s)
Green-to-cycle-length ratio, g/C
Number of lanes, N1
Lane group capacity, c (veh/h)
c = 1900 N g/C
Lane flow rate, v (tpc/h/ln)1
Volume-to-capacity ratio, X X = (N v)/c
Progression adjustment factor, PF
Uniform delay, d1 (s/veh)
Incremental delay, d2 (s/veh)
Control delay, d = d1 + d2 (s/veh)
Approach delay, dA (s/veh)
dA = Σ(d N v)/Σ(N v)
Approach flow rate, V A (veh/h)
Intersection delay, dI (s/veh) Intersection LOS (Exhibit 19-8)
dI = Σ(dA VA )/ΣVA
Intersection capacity, csum (tpc/h/ln) Critical intersection vol.-to-capacity ratio, X c
csum = 1900 (Σgc ) / C X c = Vc / csum
Approach Speed
Exhibit 31-43 shows a worksheet that can be used for recording observations
and computing control delay for the subject lane group. Before starting the
survey, observers need to estimate the average approach speed during the study
period. Approach speed is the speed at which vehicles would pass unimpeded
through the intersection if the signal were green for an extended period and
volume was light. This speed may be obtained by driving through the
intersection a few times when the signal is green and there is no queue. The
approach speed is recorded at an upstream location that is least affected by the
operation of the subject signalized intersection as well as the operation of any
other signalized intersection.
Survey Period
The duration of the survey period must be clearly defined in advance so the
last arriving vehicle or vehicles that stop in the period can be identified and
counted until they exit the intersection. It is logical to define the survey period on
the basis of the same considerations used to define an evaluation analysis period
(as described in Section 3 of Chapter 19). A typical survey period is 15 min.
Count Interval
The survey technique is based on recording a vehicle-in-queue count at
specific points in time. A count interval in the range of 10 to 20 s has been found
to provide a good balance between delay estimate precision and observer
capability. The actual count interval selected from this range is based on
consideration of survey period duration and the type of control used at the
The count interval should be an integral divisor of the survey period
duration. This characteristic ensures that a complete count of events is taken for
the full survey period. It also allows easier coordination of observer tasks during
the field study. For example, if the study period is 15 min, the count interval can
be 10, 12, 15, 18, or 20 s.
If the intersection has pretimed or coordinated-actuated control, the count
interval should not be an integral divisor of the cycle length. This characteristic
eliminates potential survey bias due to queue buildup in a cyclical pattern. For
example, if the cycle length is 120 s, the count interval can be 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18,
or 19 s.
If the intersection has actuated control, the count interval may be chosen as
the most convenient value for conducting the field survey with consideration of
survey period duration.
Analyst Intersection
Agency or Company Area Type CBD Other
Date Performed Jurisdiction
Analysis Period Analysis Year
Measurement Technique
The survey should begin at the start of the red indication associated with the
subject lane group. Two observers are required for data collection. The duties of
each observer are described in the following paragraphs.
Observer 1 Tasks
1. Observer 1 keeps track of the end of the standing queue in each lane of
the subject lane group. For purposes of the survey, a vehicle is considered
as having joined the queue when it approaches within one car length of a
Chapter 31/Signalized Intersections: Supplemental Field Measurement Techniques
Version 7.0 Page 31-101
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
stopped vehicle and is itself about to stop. This definition is used because
of the difficulty of keeping track of the moment when a vehicle comes to a
2. At the start of each count interval, Observer 1 records the number of
vehicles in queue in all lanes of the subject lane group. The countdown-
repeat timer on a digital watch can be used to signal the count time. This
count includes vehicles that arrive when the signal is actually green but
stop because queued vehicles ahead have not yet started moving. All
vehicles that join a queue are included in the vehicle-in-queue count until
they “exit” the intersection. A through vehicle exits the intersection when
its rear axle crosses the stop line. A turning vehicle exits the intersection
the instant it clears the opposing through traffic (or pedestrians to which
it must yield) and begins accelerating back to the approach speed. The
vehicle-in-queue count often includes some vehicles that have regained
speed but have not yet exited the intersection.
3. Observer 1 records the vehicle-in-queue count in the appropriate count-
interval box on the worksheet. Ten boxes are provided for each “count
cycle” (note that a count cycle is not the same as a signal cycle). Any
number of boxes can be used to define the count cycle; however, as many
as possible should be used to ensure best use of worksheet space. The clock
time at the start of the count cycle is recorded in the first (far-left) column.
The count cycle number is recorded in the second column of the sheet.
4. At the end of the survey period, Observer 1 continues taking vehicle-in-
queue counts for all vehicles that arrived during the survey period until
all of them have exited the intersection. This step requires the observer to
make a mental note of the last stopping vehicle that arrived during the
survey period in each lane of the lane group and continue the vehicle-in-
queue counts until the last stopping vehicle or vehicles, plus all vehicles
in front of the last stopping vehicle(s), exit the intersection. Stopping
vehicles that arrive after the end of the survey period are not included in
the final vehicle-in-queue counts.
Observer 2 Tasks
5. Observer 2 maintains three counts during the survey period. The first is a
count of the vehicles that arrive during the survey period. The second is a
count of the vehicles that arrive during the survey period and that stop
one or more times. A vehicle stopping multiple times is counted only
once as a stopping vehicle. The third count is the count of signal cycles, as
measured by the number of times the red indication is presented for the
subject lane group. For lane groups with a turn movement and protected
or protected-permitted operation, the protected red indication is used for
this purpose. If the survey period does not start or end at the same time as
the presentation of a red indication, then the number of count intervals
that occur in the interim can be used to estimate the fraction of the cycle
that occurred at the start or end of the survey period.
6. Observer 2 enters all counts in the appropriate boxes on the worksheet.
11. Multiply the correction factor by the fraction of vehicles stopping. Add
this product to the time-in-queue value from Task 2 to obtain the estimate
of control delay for the subject lane group.
Example Application
Exhibit 31-45 presents sample data for a lane group during a 15-min survey
period. The intersection has a 115-s cycle. A 15-s count interval is selected
because 15 is not an integral divisor of the cycle length, but it is an integral
divisor of the survey period.
4:34 1 3 8 11 15 12 2 0 2
2 6 12 15 16 6 0 0 2
3 7 11 14 14 2 0 0
4 5 7 10 13 13 2 0 1
4:42 5 4 6 10 12 3 0 0 1
6 5 7 9 13 4 0 0
7 3 6 8 12 12 0 0 0
4:47 8 4 7 11 16 9 0
Total 37 64 88 111 61 4 0 6
Exhibit 31-45 shows data are recorded for six, seven, or eight intervals during
each count cycle. This choice is arbitrary and based solely on best use of
worksheet space.
The data reduction results are shown at the bottom of the exhibit. A control
delay of 11.2 s/veh is estimated for the subject lane group.
Exhibit 31-46 shows how the worksheet shown in Exhibit 31-45 would have
been completed if a queue had remained at the end of the 15-min survey period.
Only the vehicles that arrived during the 15-min period would be counted.
Total 37 61 81 99 52 4 0 6
The saturation flow rate represents the maximum rate of flow in a traffic
lane, as measured at the stop line during the green indication. It is usually
achieved after 10 to 14 s of green, which corresponds to the front axle of the
fourth to sixth queued passenger car crossing the stop line.
The base saturation flow rate represents the saturation flow rate for a traffic
lane that is 12 ft wide and has no heavy vehicles, a flat grade, no parking, no
buses that stop at the intersection, even lane utilization, and no turning vehicles.
It is usually stable over a period of time in a given area and normally exhibits a
relatively narrow distribution among intersections in that area.
The prevailing saturation flow rate is the rate measured in the field for a
specific lane group at a specific intersection. It may vary significantly among
intersections with similar lane groups because of differences in lane width, traffic
composition (i.e., percentage of heavy vehicles), grade, parking, bus stops, lane
use, and turning vehicle operation. If the intersections are located in different
areas, then the prevailing saturation flow rate may also vary because of areawide
differences in the base saturation flow rate.
The adjusted saturation flow rate is the rate computed by the procedure
described in Chapter 19. It represents an estimate of the prevailing saturation
flow rate. It can vary among intersections for the same reasons as stated above
for the prevailing saturation flow rate. Any potential bias in the estimate is
minimized by local calibration of the base saturation flow rate.
The prevailing saturation flow rate and the adjusted saturation flow rate are
both expressed in units of vehicles. As a result, their value reflects the traffic
composition in the subject traffic lane. In contrast, the base saturation flow rate is
expressed in units of passenger cars and does not reflect traffic composition.
Measurement Technique
This subsection describes the technique for measuring the prevailing
saturation flow rate for a given traffic lane. In general, vehicles are recorded
when their front axles cross the stop line. The measurement period starts at the
beginning of the green interval or when the front axle of the first vehicle in the
queue passes the stop line. Saturation flow rate is calculated only from the data
recorded after the fourth vehicle in the queue passes the stop line.
The vehicle’s front axle, the stop line, and the time the fourth queued vehicle
crosses the stop line represent three key reference points for saturation flow
measurement. These three reference points must be maintained to ensure
consistency with the procedure described in Chapter 19 and to facilitate
comparability of results with other studies. The use of other reference points on
the vehicle, on the road, or in time may yield different saturation flow rates.
If the stop line is not visible or if vehicles consistently stop beyond the stop
line, then an alternative reference line must be established. This reference line
should be established just beyond the typical stopping position of the first
queued vehicle. Vehicles should consistently stop behind this line. Observation
of several cycles before the start of the study should be sufficient to identify this
substitute reference line.
Exhibit 31-47
Saturation Flow Rate Field
General Information Site Information Study Worksheet
Analyst Intersection
Agency or Company Area Type CBD Other
Date Performed Jurisdiction
Analysis Period Analysis Year
grade =
grade =
General Tasks
Measure and record the area type as well as the width and grade of the lane
being studied. Enter these data in the lane movement input section of the field
Select an observation point where the roadway reference line (e.g., stop line)
for the surveyed lane and the corresponding signal heads are clearly visible.
When a vehicle crosses this line unimpeded, it has entered the intersection
conflict space for the purpose of saturation flow measurement. Left- or right-
turning vehicles yielding to opposing through traffic or yielding to pedestrians
are not recorded until they proceed through the opposing traffic or pedestrians.
Recorder Tasks
During the measurement period, note the last vehicle in the stopped queue
when the signal turns green. Describe the last vehicle to the timer. Note on the
worksheet which vehicles are heavy vehicles and which vehicles turn left or
right. Record the time called out by the timer.
Timer Tasks
Start the stopwatch at the beginning of the green indication and notify the
recorder. Count aloud each vehicle in the queue as its front axle crosses the stop
line and note the time of crossing. Call out the time of the fourth, 10th, and last
vehicle in the stopped queue as its front axle crosses the stop line.
If queued vehicles are still entering the intersection at the end of the green
interval, call out “saturation through the end of green—last vehicle was number
XX.” Note any unusual events that may have influenced the saturation flow rate,
such as buses, stalled vehicles, and unloading trucks.
The period of saturation flow begins when the front axle of the fourth vehicle
in the queue crosses the roadway reference line (e.g., stop line) and ends when
the front axle of the last queued vehicle crosses this line. The last queued vehicle
may be a vehicle that joined the queue during the green indication.
Data Reduction
Measurements are taken cycle by cycle. To reduce the data for each cycle, the
time recorded for the fourth vehicle is subtracted from the time recorded for the
last vehicle in the queue. This value represents the sum of the headways for the
fifth through nth vehicle, where n is the number of the last vehicle surveyed
(which may not be the last vehicle in the queue). This sum is divided by the
number of headways after the fourth vehicle [i.e., divided by (n – 4)] to obtain the
average headway per vehicle under saturation flow. The saturation flow rate is
3,600 divided by this average headway.
For example, if the time for the fourth vehicle was observed as 10.2 s and the
time for the 14th and last vehicle surveyed was 36.5 s, the average saturation
headway per vehicle is as follows:
(36.5 − 10.2) 26.3
= = 2.63 s/veh
(14 − 4) 10
Calibration Technique
This subsection describes a technique for quantifying the base saturation
flow rate at a local level. It consists of three tasks. The first task entails measuring
the prevailing saturation flow rate at representative locations in the local area.
The second task requires the calculation of an adjusted saturation flow rate for
the same locations where a prevailing saturation flow rate was measured. The
third task combines the information to compute the local base saturation flow
This technique will require some resource investment by the agency.
However, it should need to be completed only once every few years. In fact, it
should be repeated only when there is evidence of a change in local driver
behavior. The benefit of this calibration activity will be realized by the agency in
terms of more accurate estimates of motorized vehicle performance, which
should translate into more effective decisions related to infrastructure investment
and system management.
Equation 31-185
𝑖=1 𝑠prevailing,𝑖
𝑠𝑜,local = 1,900
∑𝑚 𝑖=1 𝑠𝑖
so,local = local base saturation flow rate (pc/h/ln),
sprevailing,i = prevailing saturation flow rate for lane group i (veh/h/ln),
si = (adjusted) saturation flow rate for lane group i (veh/h/ln), and
m = number of lane groups.
Once the local base saturation flow rate so,local is quantified by this technique,
it is substituted thereafter for so in any equation in an HCM chapter that refers to
this variable.
This section uses a series of flowcharts and linkage lists to document the
logic flow for the computational engine.
The methodology flowchart is shown in Exhibit 31-48. The methodology is
shown to consist of four main modules:
• Setup module,
• Signalized intersection module,
• Initial queue delay module, and
• Performance measures module.
This subsection provides a separate flowchart for each of these modules.
Exhibit 31-48
Methodology Flowchart
The setup module is shown in Exhibit 31-49. It consists of four main routines,
as shown in the large rectangles of the exhibit. The main function of each routine,
Exhibit 31-50
Signalized Intersection Module
The initial queue delay module is shown in Exhibit 31-51. It consists of four
main routines. The main function of each routine is shown in the exhibit.
Exhibit 31-51
Initial Queue Delay Module
This subsection uses linkage lists to describe the main routines that compose
the computational engine. Each list is provided in a table (an exhibit) that
identifies the routine and the various subroutines to which it refers. Conditions
for which the subroutines are used are also provided.
The lists are organized by module, as described in the previous subsection.
Four tables are provided to address the following three modules:
• Setup module (one table),
• Signalized intersection module (two tables), and
• Performance measures module (one table).
The initial queue delay module does not have a linkage list because it does
not call any specific routines.
The linkage list for the setup module is provided in Exhibit 31-53. The main
routines are listed in the far-left column of the exhibit and are identified in
Exhibit 31-49.
The linkage list for the signalized intersection module is provided in Exhibit
31-54. The main routines are listed in the far-left column of the exhibit and are
identified in Exhibit 31-50. The ComputeQAPolygon routine is complex enough
to justify the presentation of its subroutines in a separate linkage list. This
supplemental list is provided in Exhibit 31-55.
The linkage list for the performance measures module is provided in Exhibit
31-56. The main routines are listed in the far-left column and are identified in
Exhibit 31-52.
This section illustrates the use of alternative evaluation tools to evaluate the
operation of a signalized intersection. The intersection described in Example
Problem 1 of Section 9 is used for this purpose. There are no limitations in this
example that would suggest the need for alternative tools. However, it is possible
to introduce situations, such as short left-turn bays, for which an alternative tool
might provide a more realistic assessment of intersection operation.
The basic layout of the example intersection is shown in the second exhibit of
Example Problem 1 of Section 9. The left-turn movements on the north–south
street operate under protected-permitted control and lead the opposing through
movements (i.e., a lead–lead phase sequence). The left-turn movements on the
east–west street operate as permitted. To simplify the discussion, the pedestrian
and parking activity is removed. A pretimed signal operation is used.
500 250
Exhibit 31-57 Westbound
Throughput (veh/15-min)
Effect of Storage Bay Length Northbound
400 200
on Throughput and Delay 350
Delay (s/veh)
300 150
200 100
150 Westbound Eastbound
100 Eastbound 50
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 Full
constantly blocked. At the other extreme, the “no blockage” condition, achieved
by setting the left-turn volume to zero, indicates the full capacity was available.
The loss of capacity is more or less linear for storage lengths up to 600 ft, at
which point about 90% of the full capacity is achieved.
Exhibit 31-58
Effect of Storage Bay Length
on Capacity
Exhibit 31-59
Effect of Right-Turn-on-Red
and Lane Allocation on Delay
The trends in Exhibit 31-59 indicate there are only minimal differences in
delay when RTOR is allowed relative to when it is not allowed. The northbound
and southbound approaches had no shadowing opportunities because the
eastbound and westbound movements did not have a protected left-turn phase.
As a result, the effect of lane allocation and RTOR operation was negligible for
the northbound and southbound right-turn movements.
In contrast, the eastbound and westbound right-turn movements were
shadowed by the protected left-turn phases for the northbound and southbound
approaches. As a result, the effect of lane allocation was more notable for the
eastbound and the westbound right-turn movements.
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
350 350
300 300
250 250
RTOR volume RTOR volume
200 removed per 200 removed per
methodology methodology
150 150
100 100
50 With RTOR 50
0 0
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
Right-Turn Volume (veh/h) Right-Turn Volume (veh/h)
Exhibit 31-61
Effect of Right-Turn-on-Red
and Right-Turn Protection on
This examination indicates RTOR operation can have some effect on right-
turn delay. The effect is most notable when there are no shadowing
opportunities in the phase sequence for right-turn service or the right-turn
volume is high. The use of an alternative tool to evaluate RTOR operation may
provide a more realistic estimate of delay than simply removing RTOR vehicles
from the right-turn demand volume, as suggested in Chapter 19.
Exhibit 31-62
Closely Spaced Intersections
Exhibit 31-62 illustrates both cyclic spillback and demand starvation at one
point in the cycle. For the northbound direction, traffic queues have spilled back
from the downstream intersection to block the upstream intersection. For the
southbound direction, the traffic at the upstream intersection is prevented from
reaching the downstream intersection by the red signal at the upstream
intersection. Valuable green time is being wasted in both travel directions at the
southern intersection.
Exhibit 31-63 illustrates the relationship between signal offset and the
performance of the northbound travel direction. In terms of capacity, the exhibit
shows that under the best-case condition (i.e., zero offset), the capacity is
maintained at a value slightly above the demand volume. Under the worst-case
condition, the capacity is reduced to slightly below 1,000 veh/h. The demand
volume-to-capacity ratio under this condition is about 1.7.
Exhibit 31-63
Effect of Closely Spaced
Intersections on Capacity and
This section provides base saturation flow rates for signalized intersections
that account for the presence of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) in the
traffic stream. It also provides daily and hourly maximum service volumes for
signalized intersections for different proportions of CAVs in the traffic stream.
Although CAVs are still a developing technology, transportation agencies have
an immediate need as part of their long-range planning efforts to account for
CAVs’ potential ability to increase existing roadways’ throughput.
At the time of writing, CAVs capable of fully controlling the vehicle for an
entire trip without the possible need for human intervention, either under
specified operated conditions or under any operating condition [i.e., Society of
Automotive Engineers automation levels 4 and 5 (10)], were not yet in production
for consumer use. Although other HCM methodologies are based on empirical
observations of actual vehicles using actual roadway facilities, calibrated simulation,
or both, these approaches are currently infeasible given the absence of CAVs in
the traffic stream. Instead, uncalibrated simulation modeling was conducted
using CAV logic developed for the Federal Highway Administration. Details
about this modeling are available in a paper (11) available online in HCM Volume
4 (hcmvolume4.org) in the Technical Reference Library section for Chapter 31.
All exhibits in this section assume that the CAV market penetration rate is a
global input for the entire intersection. The planning-level adjustment factors
currently do not support varying the percentage of CAVs on a per-lane or per-
approach basis.
CAV Technology
CAVs integrate two separate types of technology, communications and
automation. The combination of these technologies is required to achieve
roadway capacity increases, as described below:
• Connected vehicles transmit data about their status to their surroundings
(e.g., roadside infrastructure, other road users). They also receive
information about their surroundings (e.g., traffic conditions, weather
conditions, presence of potential conflicting vehicles, traffic signal timing)
that motorists can use to adjust their driving behavior in response to
conditions present at a given time and location. This exchange of
information offers potential safety, fuel economy, and environmental
benefits. However, because a human is still driving the vehicle, car-
following and other behavior that influences saturation flow rate is not
expected to fundamentally change.
• Automated vehicles take over all or a portion of the driving task. Depending
on the level of automation, a human may still need to take over under
certain conditions. In the absence of connectivity, the information
available to automated vehicles is limited to that which can be gathered
Chapter 31/Signalized Intersections: Supplemental Connected and Automated Vehicles
Version 7.0 Page 31-127
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
within a platoon, as well as the gap between platoons. Factors that could affect
the eventual intervehicle and interplatoon gaps include:
• Legal or regulatory requirements that dictate a minimum gap.
• Liability concerns on the part of vehicle manufacturers that cause them to
use a more conservative gap length than strictly needed for safety.
• Passenger comfort concerns on the part of vehicle manufacturers to
minimize the amount and magnitude of acceleration and deceleration that
is needed to maintain intervehicle gaps and facilitate lane changing.
• Passenger insecurity concerns on the part of vehicle owners related to
traveling close behind another vehicle.
• Need for sufficient gaps to accommodate lane-changing in preparation for
turning maneuvers at downstream intersections.
• Mechanical differences between vehicles that affect their operational
characteristics, such as braking and acceleration.
A second key assumption is that all pieces of the system will operate with a
high degree of reliability. This assumption requires, among other things, vehicle
manufacturers to build vehicles with reliable components, vehicle owners to
promptly repair components if they do break, roadway agencies to provide and
properly maintain sufficient communications infrastructure, and regulatory
agencies to provide adequate bandwidth for all the elements that need to
communicate with each other.
Finally, once CAVs become available to consumers, it may take many years
for the vehicle fleet to transition to an all-CAV fleet. In 2018, the average age of
light cars and trucks in the United States was just under 12 years (14), and it
takes even longer for the national fleet to turn over. Furthermore, based on past
adoption rates of new automotive technologies such as automatic transmissions,
airbags, and hybrid vehicles, many people will not choose a CAV the first or
even the second time they replace their vehicle (15). On the other hand, if many
urban dwellers decide not to replace their car and rely instead on mobility
services employing CAVs, adoption of CAVs could occur more rapidly than with
prior automotive technologies. Analysts should consider all of the above factors,
incorporating the latest available information, when estimating CAV effects on
signalized intersection capacity.
Any evaluation of future conditions requires assumptions about future
population growth, mode choice, travel demand, and travel patterns, among
others, none of which are known with great certainty. Adding assumptions
related to CAVs, particularly when based on simulation that cannot yet be
calibrated to actual operating conditions, only increases the uncertainty in the
analysis inputs. Therefore, it is recommended that the saturation flow rates and
service volumes presented below be applied to the evaluation of “what if”
scenarios, rather than being taken as the final word on what will happen once
CAVs become widespread. In particular, the analyst should consider:
The saturation flow rates shown in Exhibit 31-64 assume no interaction with
non-motorized road users, no adverse weather impacts, and a facility without
driveways or access points impacting saturation flow rates. The increases in
saturation flow rate as a function of the proportion of CAVs in the traffic stream is
largely due to reduced headways between vehicles and does not consider changes
to signal timing as a result of CAV presence.
Exhibit 31-66 provides values of the CAV saturation flow rate adjustment
factor for permitted left turns fCAV,perm as a function of the total opposing through
volume per lane. This factor should be used as an additional adjustment in
Equation 19-8 to estimate the resulting saturation flow rate for permitted left
turns. The factors in Exhibit 31-66 are adjustments to the base saturation flow
rate (with 0% CAVs) and should not be used in addition to the values in Exhibit
31-64 or Exhibit 31-65.
Exhibit 31-66 Proportion of Saturation Flow Rate Adjustment for Permitted Left Turns fCAV,perm
Saturation Flow Rate CAV CAVs in Traffic by Opposing Through Volume Per Lane (pc/h/ln)
Adjustments for Permitted Stream 300 450 600 750
Left Turns at Signalized 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Intersections 20 1.12 1.04 1.03 1.07
40 1.20 1.16 1.12 1.18
60 1.29 1.22 1.26 1.36
80 1.43 1.43 1.57 1.60
100 1.76 1.72 1.66 1.90
Notes: CAV = connected and automated vehicle, defined here as a vehicle with an operating cooperative adaptive
cruise control system.
Assumptions: Average intervehicle gap within CAV platoons = 0.71 s, CAV interplatoon gap = 1.5 s,
maximum CAV platoon size = 8 pc, human-driven vehicles operate with through movement saturation
flow rates calibrated to 1,900, assumes no interaction with non-motorized road users, no adverse
weather impacts, and a facility without driveways or access points impacting saturation flow rates.
Interpolate for other CAV proportions.
Grade = 0%
= Through
Grade = 0% = Right
120 p/h
10' = Left
40 p/h 40 p/h 10'
10' = Through + Right
120 p/h
12th Street
= Left + Through
Grade = 0% Street
= Left + Right
The Question
What is the motorist delay and LOS during the analysis period for each lane
group and the intersection as a whole?
The Facts
The intersection’s traffic, geometric, and signalization conditions are listed in
Exhibit 31-70, Exhibit 31-71, and Exhibit 31-72, respectively. Exhibit 31-73
presents additional data. The volume data provided represent the demand flow
rate during the 0.25-h analysis period, so a peak hour factor is not applicable to
this evaluation.
Outline of Solution
The solution follows the steps listed in Exhibit 19-18 of Chapter 19.
Exhibit 31-74
Example Problem 1:
Movement Groups and Lane
Equation 19-8 shows all the adjustment factors that might be applied in the
calculation of saturation flow rate. However, when this equation is applied to a
given lane group, some of the factors are not applicable (or have a value of 1.0)
and can be removed from the equation. The reduced form of the saturation flow
rate equation is described in the following paragraphs for several of the lane
groups at the subject intersection.
For the eastbound and westbound left-turn lane groups, the adjusted
saturation flow rate is calculated with the following equation.
𝑠 = 𝑠𝑝 𝑓𝐻𝑉𝑔 𝑓𝑎 𝑓𝐿𝑝𝑏
The northbound and southbound left-turn lane groups operate in the
protected-permitted mode. The adjusted saturation flow rate for the protected
left-turn phase is calculated with the following equation.
𝑠 = 𝑠𝑜 𝑓𝐿𝑇 𝑓𝐻𝑉𝑔 𝑓𝑎
The adjusted saturation flow rate for the permitted left-turn period is
calculated with the same equation as for the eastbound and westbound left-turn
lane groups.
For the through lane groups on each approach, the adjusted saturation flow
rate is computed with the following equation.
𝑠 = 𝑠𝑜 𝑓𝐻𝑉𝑔 𝑓𝑎
For the shared-lane lane groups, the adjusted saturation flow rate is
computed by using Equation 31-105. This equation is reproduced below for the
eastbound shared right-turn and through lane group.
𝑠𝑡ℎ 1,438
𝑠𝑠𝑟 = = = 1,201 veh/h/ln
𝐸𝑅 106 1.18
1 + 𝑃𝑅 ( − 1) 1+( ) ( − 1)
𝑓𝑅𝑝𝑏 186 0.88
𝑠𝑡ℎ = 𝑠𝑜 𝑓𝐻𝑉𝑔 𝑓𝑝 𝑓𝑎 = 1,900 × 0.96 × 0.88 × 0.90 = 1,438 veh/h/ln
The calculated adjustment factors and saturation flow rates in the previous
equations are based on maintaining six or more significant digits for all
computed values through all calculations. These values are shown with fewer
digits for presentation purposes only.
Exhibit 31-83
Example Problem 1: Queue
Accumulation Polygon
490 p/h
345 p/h
530 p/h
The Question
What is the pedestrian LOS for the crossing?
The Facts
Pedestrian flow rates are shown in Exhibit 31-84. Vehicular flow rates are
shown in Exhibit 31-85.
Exhibit 31-85
Example Problem 2: Vehicular
Demand Flow Rates
In addition, the following facts are known about the crosswalk and the
intersection corners:
Major street: Phase duration, Dp,mj = 48 s
Yellow change interval, Ymj = 4 s
Red clearance interval, Rmj = 1 s
Walk setting, Walkmj = 7 s
Pedestrian clear setting, PCmj = 8 s
Four traffic lanes (no turn bays)
On the basis of the variable notation in Exhibit 19-29, the subject crosswalk is
Crosswalk C because it crosses the minor street. The outbound pedestrian flow
rate vco at Corner 1 equals inbound flow rate vci at Corner 2, and the inbound flow
rate vci at Corner 1 equals the outbound flow rate vco at Corner 2.
Outline of Solution
Pedestrian delay and the pedestrian LOS score are calculated for the
crossing. Next, LOS for the crossing is determined on the basis of the computed
score and the threshold values in Exhibit 19-9.
Following the determination of LOS, the example problem continues with
optional steps 4 and 5. First, the circulation area is calculated for both corners.
Next, the circulation area is calculated for the crosswalk. The street corner and
crosswalk circulation areas are then compared with the qualitative descriptions
of pedestrian space listed in Exhibit 19-34.
Computational Steps
The solution follows the steps listed in Exhibit 19-30 of Chapter 19.
𝑀corner = = 66.1 ft2 /p
By following the same procedure, the corner circulation area per pedestrian
for Corner 2 is found to be 87.6 ft2/p. According to the qualitative descriptions
provided in Exhibit 19-34, pedestrians at both corners will have the ability to
move in the desired path without needing to alter their movements to avoid
𝐶 − 𝑔Walk,𝑚𝑗
𝑁𝑝𝑒𝑑,𝑐𝑜 = 𝑁𝑐𝑜
80 − 11
𝑁𝑝𝑒𝑑,𝑐𝑜 = (11.8) = 10.2 p
Because the crosswalk width is greater than 10 ft, the pedestrian service time
is computed by using Equation 19-71.
𝐿𝑐 𝑁𝑝𝑒𝑑,𝑐𝑜
𝑡𝑝𝑠,𝑐𝑜 = 3.2 + + 2.7
𝑆𝑝 𝑊𝑐
28 10.2
𝑡𝑝𝑠,𝑐𝑜 = 3.2 + + (2.7) = 11.9 s
4.0 16
The other travel direction in the crosswalk is analyzed next. The number of
pedestrians arriving at Corner 1 each cycle by crossing the minor street is
computed by using Equation 19-75.
𝑁𝑐𝑖 = 𝐶
𝑁𝑐𝑖 = (80) = 10.9 p
The sequence of calculations is repeated for this second travel direction in the
subject crosswalk to indicate that Nped,ci is equal to 9.4 p and tps,ci is 11.8.
The crosswalk was found to operate at LOS B in Step 3. It was determined in
Step 4 that the pedestrians at both corners have adequate space to allow freedom
of movement. However, crosswalk circulation area was found to be restricted in
Step 5 and improvements are probably justified. Moreover, the pedestrian delay
computed in Step 1 was found to be slightly less than 30 s/p. With this much
delay, some pedestrians may not comply with the signal indication.
The Question
What is the LOS of this bicycle lane?
The Facts
Saturation flow rate for bicycles = 2,000 bicycles/h
Effective green time = 48 s
Cycle length = 120 s
Bicycle flow rate = 120 bicycles/h
No on-street parking
The vehicular flow rates and street cross-section element widths are as
shown in Exhibit 31-86.
Exhibit 31-86
Example Problem 3: Vehicular
Demand Flow Rates and
Cross-Section Element Widths
Outline of Solution
Bicycle delay and the bicycle LOS score are computed. LOS is then
determined on the basis of the computed score and the threshold values in
Exhibit 19-9.
Computational Steps
The solution follows the steps listed in Exhibit 19-40 of Chapter 19.
𝑐𝑏 = 𝑠𝑏
𝑐𝑏 = (2,000) 120 = 800 bicycles/h
The bicycle lane was found to operate at LOS B. The bicycle delay was found
to be 23.0 s/bicycle, which is low enough that most bicyclists are not likely to be
impatient. However, if the signal timing at the intersection were to be changed,
the bicycle delay would need to be computed again to verify that it does not rise
above 30 s/bicycle.
Exhibit 31-87 N
Example Problem 4:
Intersection Geometry and
Signal Phase Sequence
Corner D 6 Corner A
4 78
Corner C Corner B
21 57 19 43
Φ1 Φ2 Φ3 Φ4
1 2 4P 4
2P 3
Φ5 Φ6 Φ8 Φ7
6P 7 78
8 8P+78
24 54 34 28
The east–west street is the major street. The major street traffic signals
provide coordination for the through movements using a 140-s cycle length. The
minor movements are actuated. Rest-in-walk is not used for any phases. The
duration of each phase is shown in Exhibit 31-87(b). The Walk intervals are set at
5.0 s and they start at the same time as the associated phase (i.e., they do not lead
or lag the phase). The distance crossed for crosswalk section 8 is 40 ft. The
median on the major street (at the location of pedestrian storage) is 16 ft wide.
The Question
The analyst desires to estimate the delay to the northbound pedestrian
movement on the east leg of the intersection.
Computational Steps
The solution follows the steps of the “Crossing One Intersection Leg in Two
Stages” procedure. The first stage of the crossing occurs in crosswalk section 8. It
is served by phase 8 so Phase X is phase 8 (i.e., X = 8). The second stage of the
crossing occurs in crosswalk section 78. It is served by phases 7 and 8. Phase 7 is
shown to occur next (after 8) so Phase Y is phase 7 (i.e., Y = 7).
Step 5. Compute Delay for Second-Stage Crossing Given Arrival is during Don’t
The time between the Walk intervals for Phases X and Y is computed using
Equation 19-79.
𝑡𝑌𝑋 = Modulo(𝑇Walk,𝑌 − 𝑇Walk,𝑋 , 𝐶) = Modulo(112 − 78, 140) = 34.0 s
The waiting time on the median (for those pedestrians that reach the median
during a DON’T WALK indication) is computed using Equation 19-81.
𝑡 = Modulo(𝑡𝑌𝑋 − 𝑡𝑋 , 𝐶) = Modulo(34.0 − 17.0, 140) = 17.0 s
The delay incurred by pedestrians waiting on the median that arrived at the
first corner during a DON’T WALK indication d2,DW1 is computed using Equation 19-80.
𝑡 if 𝑡 < 𝐶 − 𝑔Walk,𝑌
𝑑2,𝐷𝑊1 = {
0 if 𝑡 ≥ 𝐶 − 𝑔Walk,𝑌
Because the value of t is less than C – gWalk,Y (i.e., 17 < 140 – 9), the delay d2,DW1
is equal to t, or 17.0 s/p.
Step 6. Compute Delay for Second-Stage Crossing Given Arrival is during Walk
Because t is greater than gWalk,X (i.e., 17 > 9), Equation 19-84 is used to
compute the delay on the median for stage 2.
𝑡 − 0.5 𝑔Walk,𝑋 if (𝑡 + 𝑔Walk,𝑌 ) < 𝐶
0.5 𝑏 + 𝑏 (𝑡 − 𝑔Walk,𝑋 )
𝑑2,𝑊1 = if 𝐶 ≤ (𝑡 + 𝑔Walk,𝑌 ) ≤ (𝐶 + 𝑔Walk,𝑋 )
{0 if (𝑡 + 𝑔Walk,𝑌 ) > (𝐶 + 𝑔Walk,𝑋 )
Because t + gWalk,Y is less than C (i.e., 17 + 9 < 140), the first part of this
equation is used to compute the desired delay value.
𝑑2,𝑊1 = 𝑡 − 0.5 𝑔Walk,𝑋 = 17 − 0.5 × 9 = 12.5 s/p
Unlike a one-stage crossing, the delay crossing in the one direction will
generally be different than the delay crossing in the opposite direction. In this
case, using the same inputs given above, plus a crosswalk length of 52 ft for
crosswalk section 78, the average delay traveling from Corner A to Corner B is
calculated to be 147 s.
The Intersection
The pedestrian crosswalks of interest are on the south and west legs of an
intersection. This intersection is shown in Exhibit 31-88(a) where north is toward
the top of the figure. The pedestrian movement of interest travels clockwise from
corner B to corner C and then to corner D. Signal heads are provided for all
pedestrian movements.
N Exhibit 31-88
Example Problem 5:
Intersection Geometry and
Signal Phase Sequence
Corner D 6 Corner A
4 8
Corner C 2 Corner B
11 40 10 29
Φ1 Φ2 Φ3 Φ4
1 2 4P 4
2P 3
Φ5 Φ6 Φ7 Φ8
6P 7
8 8P
13 38 8 31
The east-west street is the major street. The major street traffic signals
provide coordination for the through movements using a 90-s cycle length. The
minor movements are actuated. Rest-in-walk is not used for any phases. The
duration of each phase is shown in Exhibit 31-88(b). The Walk intervals are set at
5.0 s and they start at the same time as the associated phase (i.e., they do not lead
or lag the phase). The distance crossed for crosswalk 2 is 38 ft.
The Question
The analyst desires to estimate the delay to pedestrians traveling from corner
B to corner D by crossing the south leg and then the west leg.
Computational Steps
The solution follows the steps of the “Crossing Two Intersection Legs in Two
Stages” procedure. The first stage of the crossing occurs in crosswalk 2. It is
served by phase 2 so Phase X is phase 2 (i.e., X = 2). The second stage of the
crossing occurs in crosswalk 4. It is served by phase 4 so Phase Y is phase 4 (i.e.,
Y = 4). Finally, if the pedestrian decided to cross in the other direction around the
intersection (i.e., counterclockwise), the first phase to serve this travel direction is
phase 8 so Phase Z is phase 8 (i.e., Z = 8).
Because the relative end time of the effective walk period for Phase X TX is
less than that for Phase Z TZ (i.e., 20 < 68), the second part of Equation 19-93 is
used to compute the desired time interval td.
𝑇𝑋 + 𝑇𝑍 − 𝐶 20 + 68 − 90
𝑡𝑑 = 𝑇Walk,𝑌 − = 61 − = 62 s
2 2
Finally, the diagonal crossing delay is computed using Equation 19-92.
𝑑𝑝 = 𝑡𝑑 − 𝑡𝑋 = 62.0 − 11.5 = 50.5 s/p
Reasonably good signal compliance can be expected for the first-stage
crossing, based on the average delay of 13.0 s. However, the second-stage delay
exceeds 30 s and some pedestrians may not comply with the signal indications.
Many of these references are 1. Zegeer, C., K. Opiela, and M. Cynecki. Pedestrian Signalization Alternatives.
available in the Technical
Reference Library in Volume 4. Report FHWA/RD-83/102. Federal Highway Administration, Washington,
D.C., 1983.
2. Lieberman, E. B. Determining the Lateral Deployment of Traffic on an
Approach to an Intersection. In Transportation Research Record 772,
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington,
D.C., 1980, pp. 1–5.
3. Bonneson, J. Lane Volume and Saturation Flow Rate for a Multilane
Intersection Approach. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 124, No. 3,
1998, pp. 240–246.
4. Bonneson, J. A., and P. T. McCoy. NCHRP Report 395: Capacity and
Operational Effects of Midblock Left-Turn Lanes. Transportation Research Board,
National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1997.
5. Teply, S. Accuracy of Delay Surveys at Signalized Intersections. In
Transportation Research Record 1225, Transportation Research Board, National
Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1989, pp. 24–32.
6. Transportation Research Circular 212: Interim Materials on Highway Capacity.
Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington,
D.C., 1980.
7. Pline, J. L. (ed.). Traffic Engineering Handbook, 5th ed. ITE, Washington, D.C.,
8. Reilly, W. R., and C. C. Gardner. Technique for Measuring Delay at
Intersections. In Transportation Research Record 644, Transportation Research
Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1977, pp. 1–7.
9. Powell, J. L. Field Measurement of Signalized Intersection Delay for 1997
Update of the Highway Capacity Manual. In Transportation Research Record
1646, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
Washington, D.C., 1998, pp. 79–86.
10. SAE International. Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving
Automation Systems for On-Road Motor Vehicles. Recommended Practice J3016.
Warrendale, Pa., June 2018.
11. Adebisi, A., Y. Guo, B. Schroeder, J. Ma, B. Cesme, A. Bibeka, and A. Morgan.
Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Capacity Adjustment Factor (CAF)
Development for Connected and Automated Traffic at Signalized
Intersections. Presented at the Transportation Research Board 100th Annual
Meeting, 2021.
12. Jones, S. Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: Human Factors Analysis. Report
FHWA-HRT-13-045. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.,
Oct. 2013.
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
Exhibit 32-1 Potential Capacity cp,x for Two-Lane Major Streets ..........................32-2
Exhibit 32-2 Potential Capacity cp,x for Four-Lane Major Streets ..........................32-3
Exhibit 32-3 Potential Capacity cp,x for Six-Lane Major Streets .............................32-3
Exhibit 32-4 TWSC Example Problems ....................................................................32-4
Exhibit 32-5 TWSC Example Problem 1: 15-min Volumes and Lane
Configurations .....................................................................................................32-4
Exhibit 32-6 TWSC Example Problem 1: Movement Numbers and
Calculation of Peak 15-min Flow Rates ............................................................32-5
Exhibit 32-7 TWSC Example Problem 2: Pedestrian Satisfaction Results
for Scenarios B and C ........................................................................................32-15
Exhibit 32-8 TWSC Example Problem 3: 15-min Volumes and Lane
Configurations ...................................................................................................32-15
Exhibit 32-9 TWSC Example Problem 3: Movement Numbers and
Calculation of Peak 15-min Flow Rates ..........................................................32-16
Exhibit 32-10 TWSC Example Problem 4: TWSC Intersection Within a
Signalized Urban Street Segment ....................................................................32-29
Exhibit 32-11 TWSC Example Problem 4: 15-min Flow Rates and Lane
Configurations ...................................................................................................32-29
Exhibit 32-12 TWSC Example Problem 4: Movement-Based Access Point
Output (from Chapter 30, Example Problem 1) ............................................32-30
Exhibit 32-13 TWSC Example Problem 4: Movement Numbers and
Calculation of Peak 15-min Flow Rates ..........................................................32-30
Exhibit 32-14 TWSC Example Problem 5: Volumes and Lane
Configurations ...................................................................................................32-40
Exhibit 32-15 TWSC Example Problem 5: Movement Numbers and
Calculation of Peak 15-min Flow Rates ..........................................................32-40
Exhibit 32-16 Probability of Degree-of-Conflict Case: Multilane AWSC
Intersections (Three-Lane Approaches, by Lane) (Cases 1–49) ...................32-48
Exhibit 32-17 AWSC Example Problems ................................................................32-57
Exhibit 32-18 AWSC Example Problem 1: Volumes and Lane Configurations ..32-57
Exhibit 32-19 AWSC Example Problem 1: Applicable Degree-of-Conflict
Cases ....................................................................................................................32-59
Exhibit 32-20 AWSC Example Problem 1: Eastbound Saturation Headways ....32-60
Exhibit 32-21 AWSC Example Problem 1: Convergence Check ............................ 32-61
Exhibit 32-22 AWSC Example Problem 2: 15-min Volumes and Lane
Configurations ....................................................................................................32-63
Exhibit 32-23 AWSC Example Problem 2: 15-min Volumes Converted to
Hourly Flow Rates..............................................................................................32-63
Exhibit 32-24 AWSC Example Problem 2: Convergence Check ...........................32-67
Chapter 32 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 20, Two-Way STOP- VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
Controlled Intersections, and Chapter 21, All-Way STOP-Controlled Intersections, 25. Freeway Facilities:
which are found in Volume 3 of the Highway Capacity Manual. This chapter Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
provides supplemental material on (a) determining the potential capacity of two- Segments: Supplemental
way STOP-controlled (TWSC) intersections and (b) identifying the 512 27. Freeway Weaving:
combinations of degree-of-conflict cases for all-way STOP-controlled (AWSC) 28. Freeway Merges and
intersections with three-lane approaches. The chapter also provides example Diverges: Supplemental
29. Urban Street Facilities:
problems demonstrating the application of the TWSC and AWSC methodologies. Supplemental
30. Urban Street Segments:
31. Signalized Intersections:
32. STOP-Controlled
33. Roundabouts:
34. Interchange Ramp
Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
38. Network Analysis
Exhibit 32-1
Potential Capacity cp,x for
Two-Lane Major Streets
Exhibit 32-2
Potential Capacity cp,x for
Four-Lane Major Streets
Exhibit 32-3
Potential Capacity cp,x for
Six-Lane Major Streets
This section provides example problems for use of the TWSC methodology.
Exhibit 32-4 provides an overview of these problems. The examples focus on the
operational analysis level. The planning and preliminary engineering analysis
level is identical to the operations analysis level in terms of the calculations,
except that default values are used when available.
Exhibit 32-5
TWSC Example Problem 1:
15-min Volumes and Lane
All input parameters are known, so no default values are needed or used.
Exhibit 32-6
TWSC Example Problem 1:
Movement Numbers and
Calculation of Peak 15-min
Flow Rates
𝑓7 = ∏ 𝑝0,𝑗 = 0.871
The movement capacity for the minor-street left-turn movement (Rank 3) cm,7
is computed with Equation 20-33:
𝑐𝑚,7 = 𝑐𝑝,7 × 𝑓7 = 308(0.871) = 268 veh/h
3,600 𝑣
3,600 𝑣𝑥 𝑣
2 (𝑐 ) (𝑐 𝑥 )
− 1 + √(
𝑥 𝑚,𝑥 𝑚,𝑥
𝑑= + 900𝑇 − 1) + +5
𝑐𝑚,𝑥 𝑐𝑚,𝑥 𝑐𝑚,𝑥 450𝑇
[ ]
3,600 160
3,600 160 160 2 (1,238) (1,238)
𝑑4 = + 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + +5
1,238 1,238 1,238 450(0.25)
[ ]
𝑑4 = 8.3 s
On the basis of Exhibit 20-2, the westbound left-turn movement is assigned
level of service (LOS) A.
The control delay for the minor-street right-turn and left-turn movements is
computed by using the same formula; however, one significant difference from
the major-street left-turn computation of control delay is that these movements
share the same lane. Therefore, the control delay is computed for the approach as
a whole, and the shared-lane volume and shared-lane capacity must be used as
3,600 160
3,600 160 160 ( 521 ) (521)
𝑑𝑆𝐻,𝑁𝐵 = + 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + +5
521 521 521 450(0.25)
[ ]
𝑑𝑆𝐻,𝑁𝐵 = 14.9 s
On the basis of Exhibit 20-2, the northbound approach is assigned LOS B.
3,600 𝑣
2 ( )( 𝑥 ) 𝑐
√ 𝑣4 𝑐𝑚,4 𝑐𝑚,4 𝑚,4
𝑄95,4 ≈ 900𝑇 −1+ ( − 1) + ( )
𝑐𝑚,4 𝑐𝑚,4 150𝑇 3,600
[ ]
3,600 160
160 160 2 (1,238) (1,238) 1,238
𝑄95,4 ≈ 900(0.25) − 1 + √( − 1) + ( )
1,238 1,238 150(0.25) 3,600
[ ]
𝑄95,4 = 0.4 veh
The result of 0.4 vehicles for the 95th percentile queue indicates a queue of
more than one vehicle will occur very infrequently for the major-street left-turn
The 95th percentile queue length for the northbound approach is computed
by using the same formula. Similar to the control delay computation, the shared-
lane volume and shared-lane capacity must be used as shown:
3,600 160
160 160 ( )( )
𝑄95,𝑁𝐵 ≈ 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + 521 521 ( 521 )
521 521 150(0.25) 3,600
[ ]
𝑄95,𝑁𝐵 = 1.3 veh
The result suggests that a queue of more than one vehicle will occur only
occasionally for the northbound approach.
Overall, the results indicate this three-leg TWSC intersection will operate
well with brief delays and little queuing for all minor movements.
The Facts
The following data are available to describe the traffic and geometric
characteristics of this location:
• Four-lane major street;
• 1,700 peak hour vehicles, bidirectional;
• K-factor = 0.08;
• Crosswalk length without median = 46 ft;
• Crosswalk length with median = 20 ft each side of median;
• Observed pedestrian walking speed = 4.0 ft/s;
• Observed pedestrian start-up and end clearance time = 1.0 s; and
• No pedestrian platooning.
In addition to the input data listed above, information is required on motor
vehicle yield rates under the various scenarios. On the basis of an engineering
study of similar intersections in the vicinity, it is determined that average motor
vehicle yield rates are 0% with unmarked crosswalks, 50% with marked
crosswalks and median islands, and 80% with marked crosswalks, median
islands, and RRFBs.
𝑃𝑑 = 1 − (1 − 𝑃𝑏 )𝑁𝐿
𝑃𝑏 = 1 − 𝑒 4 = 0.771
𝑃𝑑 = 1 − (1 − 0.771) = 0.997
Scenarios B and C:
𝑃𝑏 = 1 − 𝑒 2 = 0.508
𝑃𝑑 = 1 − (1 − 0.508) = 0.758
𝑑𝑔 = (𝑒 0.472(12.5) − 0.472(12.5) − 1) = 761 s
𝑑𝑔 761
𝑑𝑔𝑑 = = = 763 s
𝑃𝑑 0.997
Scenarios B and C:
𝑑𝑔 = (𝑒 0.236(6.0) − 0.236(6.0) − 1) = 7.2 s
𝑑𝑔𝑑 = = 9.5 s
𝑃(𝑌0 ) = 0
(2[0.508][1 − 0.508][0.50]) + (0.50820.502 )
𝑃(𝑌1 ) = [0.758 − 0] [ ] = 0.314
(2[0.508][1 − 0.508][0.50]) + (0.5082 0.502 )
𝑃(𝑌2 ) = [0.758 − 0.314] [ ] = 0.184
(2[0.508][1 − 0.508][0.50]) + (0.5082 0.502 )
𝑃(𝑌3 ) = [0.758 − 0.498] [ ] = 0.108
(2[0.61][1 − 0.61][0.5]) + (0.612 0.502 )
𝑃(𝑌4 ) = [0.758 − 0.606] [ ] = 0.063
variable IRFFB is also 1 because RFFBs are provided. Exhibit 32-7 provides the
calculation results for Scenarios B and C.
Exhibit 32-7
Variable Scenario B Scenario C TWSC Example Problem 2:
O (S/D, no delay) 13.44 95.15 Pedestrian Satisfaction Results
P (S, no delay) 93.1% 99.0% for Scenarios B and C
P (D, no delay) 6.9% 1.0%
O (S/D, delay) 2.00 14.15
P (S, delay) 66.6% 93.4%
P (D, delay) 33.4% 6.6%
Pd 0.758 0.758
P (Y1) 0.314 0.565
Pnd 0.481 0.670
P (D) 0.207 0.029
Providing a marked crosswalk and a median refuge island improves the LOS
from F to C in Scenario B, and the further addition of RRFBs improves the LOS to
A in Scenario C.
Exhibit 32-8
TWSC Example Problem 3:
15-min Volumes and Lane
All relevant input parameters are known, so no default values are needed or
Exhibit 32-9
TWSC Example Problem 3:
Movement Numbers and
Calculation of Peak 15-min
Flow Rates
this movement, the conflicting flow rates shown in Stage I and Stage II must be
computed separately. The conflicting flow for Stage I vc,I,8 is computed from
Equation 20-8 and Exhibit 20-13:
𝑣𝑐,I,8 = 𝑓𝑐,8,1 𝑣1 + 𝑓𝑐,8,1𝑈 𝑣1𝑈 + 𝑓𝑐,8,2 𝑣2 + 𝑓𝑐,8,3 𝑣3 + 𝑓𝑐,8,15 𝑣15
𝑣𝑐,I,8 = 2(33) + 2(0) + 1(250) + 0.5(50) + 1(0) = 341 veh/h
The conflicting flow for Stage II vc,II,8 is computed from Equation 20-10 and
Exhibit 20-13:
𝑣𝑐,II,8 = 𝑓𝑐,8,4 𝑣4 + 𝑓𝑐,8,4𝑈 𝑣4𝑈 + 𝑓𝑐,8,5 𝑣5 + 𝑓𝑐,8,6 𝑣6 + 𝑓𝑐,8,16 𝑣16
𝑣𝑐,II,8 = 2(66) + 2(0) + 1(300) + 1(100) + 1(0) = 532 veh/h
The total conflicting flow for the northbound through movement vc,8 is
computed as follows:
𝑣𝑐,8 = 𝑣𝑐,I,8 + 𝑣𝑐,II,8 = 341 + 532 = 873 veh/h
Similarly, the conflicting flow for the southbound minor-street through
movement vc,11 is computed in two stages as follows:
𝑣𝑐,I,11 = 2(66) + 2(0) + 1(300) + 0.5(100) + 1(0) = 482 veh/h
𝑣𝑐,II,11 = 2(33) + 2(0) + 1(250) + 1(50) + 1(0) = 366 veh/h
𝑣𝑐,11 = 𝑣𝑐,I,11 + 𝑣𝑐,II,11 = 482 + 366 = 848 veh/h
Next, the conflicting flow for the northbound minor-street left-turn
movement vc,7 is computed. Because two-stage gap acceptance is available for
this movement, the conflicting flow rates shown in Stage I and Stage II must be
computed separately. The conflicting flow for Stage I vc,I,7 is computed with
Equation 20-12 and Exhibit 20-16 as follows:
𝑣𝑐,I,7 = 𝑓𝑐,7,1 𝑣1 + 𝑓𝑐,7,1𝑈 𝑣1𝑈 + 𝑓𝑐,7,2 𝑣2 + 𝑓𝑐,7,3 𝑣3 + 𝑓𝑐,7,15 𝑣15
𝑣𝑐,I,7 = 2(33) + 2(0) + 1(250) + 0.5(50) + 1(0) = 341 veh/h
The conflicting flow for Stage II vc,II,7 is computed with Equation 20-26 as
𝑣𝑐,II,7 = 𝑓𝑐,7,4 𝑣4 + 𝑓𝑐,7,4𝑈 𝑣4𝑈 + 𝑓𝑐,7,5 𝑣5 + 𝑓𝑐,7,6 𝑣6 + 𝑓𝑐,7,13 𝑣13
𝑣𝑐,II,7 = 2(66) + 2(0) + 0.5(300) + 0.5(110) + 1(0) = 337 veh/h
The total conflicting flow for the northbound left-turn movement vc,7 is
computed as follows:
𝑣𝑐,7 = 𝑣𝑐,I,7 + 𝑣𝑐,II,7 = 341 + 337 = 678 veh/h
Similarly, the conflicting flow for the southbound minor-street left-turn
movement vc,10 is computed in two stages as follows:
𝑣𝑐,I,10 = 2(66) + 2(0) + 1(300) + 0.5(100) + 1(0) = 482 veh/h
𝑣𝑐,II,10 = 2(33) + 2(0) + 0.5(250) + 0.5(132) + 1(0) = 257 veh/h
𝑣𝑐,10 = 𝑣𝑐,I,10 + 𝑣𝑐,II,10 = 482 + 257 = 739 veh/h
headways for the eastbound and westbound major-street left turns tc,1 and tc,4 (in
this case, tc,1 = tc,4) are computed as follows:
𝑡𝑐,1 = 𝑡𝑐,4 = 𝑡𝑐,base + 𝑡𝑐,𝐻𝑉 𝑃𝐻𝑉 + 𝑡𝑐,𝐺 𝐺 − 𝑡3,𝐿𝑇
𝑡𝑐,1 = 𝑡𝑐,4 = 4.1 + 2.0(0.1) + 0(0) − 0 = 4.3 s
Next, the critical headways for the northbound and southbound minor-street
right-turn movements tc,9 and tc,12 (in this case, tc,9 = tc,12) are computed as follows:
𝑡𝑐,9 = 𝑡𝑐,12 = 6.9 + 2.0(0.1) + 0.1(0) − 0 = 7.1 s
Next, the critical headways for the northbound and southbound minor-street
through movements tc,8 and tc,11 (in this case, tc,8 = tc,11) are computed. Because
two-stage gap acceptance is available for these movements, the critical headways
for Stage I and Stage II must be computed, along with the critical headways for
these movements assuming single-stage gap acceptance. The critical headways
for Stage I and Stage II, tc,I,8, tc,I,11 and tc,II,8, tc,II,11, respectively (in this case, tc,I,8 = tc,II,8
= tc,I,11 = tc,II,11), are computed as follows:
𝑡𝑐,I,8 = 𝑡𝑐,II,8 = 𝑡𝑐,I,11 = 𝑡𝑐,II,11 = 5.5 + 2.0(0.1) + 0.2(0) − 0 = 5.7 s
The critical headways for tc,8 and tc,11 (in this case, tc,8 = tc,11), assuming single-
stage gap acceptance, are computed as follows:
𝑡𝑐,8 = 𝑡𝑐,11 = 6.5 + 2.0(0.1) + 0.2(0) − 0 = 6.7 s
Finally, the critical headways for the northbound and southbound minor-
street left-turn movements tc,7 and tc,10 (in this case, tc,7 = tc,10) are computed.
Because two-stage gap acceptance is available for these movements, the critical
headways for Stage I and Stage II must be computed, along with the critical
headways for these movements assuming single-stage gap acceptance. The
critical headways for Stage I and Stage II, tc,I,7, tc,I,10 and tc,II,7, tc,II,10, respectively (in
this case, tc,I,7 = tc,II,7 = tc,I,10 = tc,II,10), are computed as follows:
𝑡𝑐,I,7 = 𝑡𝑐,II,7 = 𝑡𝑐,I,10 = 𝑡𝑐,II,10 = 6.5 + 2.0(0.1) + 0.2(0) − 0 = 6.7 s
The critical headways for tc,7 and tc,10 (in this case, tc,7 = tc,10), assuming single-
stage gap acceptance, are computed as follows:
𝑡𝑐,7 = 𝑡𝑐,10 = 7.5 + 2.0(0.1) + 0.2(0) − 0 = 7.7 s
The follow-up headway for each minor movement is computed beginning
with the base follow-up headway given in Exhibit 20-18. The base follow-up
headway for each movement is then adjusted according to Equation 20-17. The
follow-up headways for the northbound and southbound major-street left-turn
movements tf,1 and tf,4 (in this case, tf,1 = tf,4) are computed as follows:
𝑡𝑓,1 = 𝑡𝑓,4 = 𝑡𝑓,𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 + 𝑡𝑓,𝐻𝑉 𝑃𝐻𝑉
𝑡𝑓,1 = 𝑡𝑓,4 = 2.2 + 1.0(0.1) = 2.3 s
Next, the follow-up headways for the northbound and southbound minor-
street right-turn movements tf,9 and tf,12 (in this case, tf,9 = tf,12) are computed as
𝑡𝑓,9 = 𝑡𝑓,12 = 3.3 + 1.0(0.1) = 3.4 s
Next, the follow-up headways for the northbound and southbound minor-
street through movements tf,8 and tf,11 (in this case, tf,8 = tf,11) are computed as
𝑡𝑓,8 = 𝑡𝑓,11 = 4.0 + 1.0(0.1) = 4.1 s Follow-up headways for the
minor-street through and left-
Finally, the follow-up headways for the northbound and southbound minor- turn movements are computed
for the movement as a whole.
street left-turn movements tf,7 and tf,10 (in this case, tf,7 = tf,10) are computed as Follow-up headways are not
follows: broken up by stage because
they apply only to vehicles as
𝑡𝑓,7 = 𝑡𝑓,10 = 3.5 + 1.0(0.1) = 3.6 s they exit the approach and
enter the intersection.
𝑒 −(482)(6.7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,𝐼,10 = 482 = 514 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(482)(3.6)/3,600
Next, the potential capacity must be computed for Stage II for each
movement, cp,II,8, cp,II,11, cp,II,7, and cp,II,10, as follows:
𝑒 −(532)(5.7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,𝐼𝐼,8 = 532 = 504 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(532)(4.1)/3,600
𝑒 −(366)(5.7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,𝐼𝐼,11 = 366 = 601 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(366)(4.1)/3,600
𝑒 −(337)(6.7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,𝐼𝐼,7 = 337 = 629 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(337)(3.6)/3,600
𝑒 −(257)(6.7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,𝐼,10 = 257 = 703 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(257)(3.6)/3,600
Finally, the potential capacity must be computed assuming single-stage gap
acceptance for each movement, cp,8, cp,11, cp,7, and cp,10, as follows:
𝑒 −(873)(6.7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,8 = 873 = 273 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(873)(4.1)/3,600
𝑒 −(848)(6.7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,11 = 848 = 283 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(848)(4.1)/3,600
𝑒 −(678)(7.7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,7 = 678 = 323 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(678)(3.6)/3,600
𝑒 −(739)(7.7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,10 = 739 = 291 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(739)(3.6)/3,600
𝑎11 𝑛
𝑐𝑚,𝑇,11 = 𝑛𝑚 +1 [𝑦11 (𝑦11𝑚 − 1)(𝑐𝑚,𝐼𝐼,11 − 𝑣4 ) + (𝑦11 − 1)𝑐𝑚,11 ]
𝑦11 − 1
𝑐𝑚,𝑇,11 = [(0.946)(0.9462 − 1)(583 − 66) + (0.946 − 1)(260)]
0.9462+1 − 1
𝑐𝑚,𝑇,11 = 405 veh/h
𝑝0,12 = 1 − = 0.964
To compute the adjustment factors that account for the probability that both
the major-street left-turn movements and the minor-street crossing movements
will operate in a queue-free state simultaneously, the analyst must first compute
p0,8 and p0,11 as follows:
𝑣8 132
𝑝0,8 = 1 − = 1− = 0.662
𝑐𝑚,𝑇,8 390
𝑝0,11 = 1 − = 0.728
Next, with the probabilities computed above, capacity adjustment factors fp,7
and fp,10 can be computed according to Equation 20-38 and Equation 20-39,
𝑓𝑝,7 = ( ) 𝑝0,12
1 1
+ −1
𝑝0,1 𝑝0,4 𝑝0,11
=( ) (0.964) = 0.658
1 1
+ −1
0.970 × 0.945 0.728
𝑓𝑝,10 = ( ) 𝑝0,9
1 1
+ −1
𝑝0,1 𝑝0,4 𝑝0,8
=( ) (0.935) = 0.584
1 1
+ 0.662 − 1
0.970 × 0.945
Finally, under the single-stage gap-acceptance assumption, the movement
capacities cm,7 and cm,10 can be computed according to Equation 20-40 and
Equation 20-41, respectively:
𝑐𝑚,7 = 𝑐𝑝,7 × 𝑓𝑝,7 = (323)(0.658) = 213 veh/h
𝑐𝑚,10 = 𝑐𝑝,10 × 𝑓𝑝,10 = (291)(0.584) = 170 veh/h
𝑎10 𝑛
𝑐𝑇,10 = 𝑛𝑚 +1 [𝑦10 (𝑦10𝑚 − 1)(𝑐𝑚,𝐼𝐼,10 − 𝑣4 ) + (𝑦10 − 1)𝑐𝑚,10 ]
𝑦10 − 1
𝑐𝑇,10 = [(1.211)(1.2112 − 1)(497 − 66) + (1.211 − 1)(170)]
1.2112+1 − 1
𝑐𝑇,10 = 342 veh/h
∑𝑦 𝑣𝑦 11 + 110 + 28
𝑐𝑆𝐻,𝑆𝐵 = 𝑣𝑦 = 11 110 28 = 439 veh/h
𝑐𝑚,𝑦 342 + 405 + 783
∑𝑦 𝑣𝑦 11 + 110
𝑐𝑚,10+11 = 𝑣𝑦 = 11 110 = 398 veh/h
𝑐𝑚,𝑦 342 + 405
𝑣𝑅 + 𝑣𝐿+𝑇𝐻
𝑐𝐹 =
(𝑛𝑅 +1)
𝑣 (𝑛𝑅+1) 𝑣𝐿+𝑇𝐻 (𝑛𝑅+1)
√( 𝑅 ) + ( )
𝑐 𝑅 𝑐 𝐿+𝑇𝐻
55 + (44 + 132)
𝑐𝐹,𝑁𝐵 = = 498 veh/h
(1+1) (1+1) (1+1)
√( 55 ) 44 + 132
+ ( 383 )
11 + (110 + 28)
𝑐𝐹,𝑆𝐵 = = 487 veh/h
(1+1) (1+1) (1+1)
√( 11 ) +(
110 + 28
783 398 )
3,600 33
3,600 33 33 2 (1,100) (1,100)
𝑑1 = + 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + +5
1,100 1,100 1,100 450(0.25)
[ ]
𝑑1 = 8.4 s
3,600 66
3,600 66 66 2 (1,202) (1,202)
𝑑4 = + 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + +5
1,202 1,202 1,202 450(0.25)
[ ]
𝑑4 = 8.2 s
3,600 231
3,600 231 √ 231 ( 498 ) (498)
𝑑𝑁𝐵 = + 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]+5
498 498 498 450(0.25)
𝑑𝑁𝐵 = 18.3 s
3,600 149
3,600 149 √ 149 ( 487 ) (487)
𝑑𝑆𝐵 = + 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]+5
487 487 487 450(0.25)
𝑑𝑆𝐵 = 15.6 s
According to Exhibit 20-2, LOS for the major-street left-turn movements and
the minor-street approaches are as follows:
3,600 𝑣
𝑣1 𝑣1
2 (𝑐 ) (𝑐 𝑥 ) 𝑐
𝑄95,1 ≈ 900𝑇 √
−1+ ( − 1) +
𝑚,1 𝑚,1
𝑐𝑚,1 𝑐𝑚,1 150𝑇 3,600
[ ]
3,600 33
33 33 2 (1,100) (1,100) 1,100
𝑄95,1 ≈ 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + ( )
1,100 1,100 150(0.25) 3,600
[ ]
𝑄95,1 ≈ 0.1 veh
The result of 0.1 vehicles for the 95th percentile queue indicates a queue of
more than one vehicle will occur very infrequently for the eastbound major-street
left-turn movement.
The 95th percentile queue length for the major-street westbound left-turn
movement Q95,4 is computed as follows:
3,600 66
66 66 2 (1,202) (1,202) 1,202
𝑄95,4 ≈ 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + ( )
1,202 1,202 150(0.25) 3,600
[ ]
𝑄95,4 ≈ 0.2 veh
The result of 0.2 vehicles for the 95th percentile queue indicates a queue of
more than one vehicle will occur very infrequently for the westbound major-
street left-turn movement.
The 95th percentile queue length for the northbound approach is computed
by using the same formula, but similar to the control delay computation, the
shared-lane volume and shared-lane capacity must be used.
3,600 231
231 √ 231 ( 498 ) (498) 498
𝑄95,𝑁𝐵 ≈ 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]( )
498 498 150(0.25) 3,600
3,600 149
149 √ 149 ( 487 ) (487) 487
𝑄95,𝑆𝐵 ≈ 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]( )
487 487 150(0.25) 3,600
Overall, the results indicate the four-leg TWSC intersection with two-stage
gap acceptance and flared minor-street approaches will operate satisfactorily
with low delays for major-street movements and average delays for the minor-
street approaches.
Exhibit 32-10
1800 ft N TWSC Example Problem 4:
600 ft 600 ft TWSC Intersection Within a
Signalized Urban Street
1 2
From Example Problem 1 in Chapter 30, the following data are relevant:
• Major street with two lanes in each direction,
• Minor street with separate left-turn and right-turn lanes in each direction
(through movements considered negligible) and STOP control on minor-
street approach,
• Level grade on all approaches,
• Percentage heavy vehicles on all approaches = 1%,
• Length of analysis period = 0.25 h, and
• Flow rates and lane configurations as shown in Exhibit 32-11.
Exhibit 32-11
TWSC Example Problem 4:
15-min Flow Rates and Lane
The proportion time blocked and delay to through vehicles from the
methodology of Chapter 18, Urban Street Segments, are as shown in Exhibit
Movement-Based Access Point 1: Volume, veh/h 74.80 981.71 93.50 75.56 991.70 94.45 80.00 0.00 100.00 80.00 0.00 100.00
Default values are needed for the saturation flow rates of the major-street
through and right-turn movements for the analysis of shared or short major-
street left-turn lanes:
• Major-street through movement, si1 = 1,800 veh/h; and
• Major-street right-turn movement, si2 = 1,500 veh/h.
All other input parameters are known.
Exhibit 32-13
TWSC Example Problem 4:
Movement Numbers and
Calculation of Peak 15-min
Flow Rates
𝑒 −(694)(4.12)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,1 = (1 − 0.170)(694) = 750 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(694)(2.21)/3,600
𝑒 −(682)(4.12)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,4 = (1 − 0.170)(682) = 758 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(682)(2.21)/3,600
𝑒 −(34)(6.92)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,9 = (1 − 0.170)(34) = 859 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(34)(3.31)/3,600
𝑒 −(40)(6.92)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,12 = (1 − 0.170)(40) = 852 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(40)(3.31)/3,600
𝑒 −(1,415)(7.52)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,7 = (1 − 0.260)(1,415) = 73 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(1,415)(3.51)/3,600
𝑒 −(1,422)(7.52)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,10 = (1 − 0.260)(1,422) = 72 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(1,422)(3.51)/3,600
1 − 𝑝0,1+1𝑈 1 − 0.900
𝑝0,1+1𝑈 =1− =1− = 0.856
1 − 𝑥2+3 1 − 0.304
1 − 𝑝0,4+4𝑈 1 − 0.900
𝑝0,4+4𝑈 =1− =1− = 0.856
1 − 𝑥5+6 1 − 0.307
These values of p*0,1+1U and p*0,4+4U are used in lieu of p0,1+1U and p0,4+4U for the
remaining calculations.
𝑓𝑝,7 = ( ) 𝑝0,12
1 1
∗ ∗ +𝑝 −1
𝑝0,1 𝑝0,4 0,11
=( ) (0.883) = 0.647
1 1
𝑓𝑝,10 = ( ) 𝑝0,9
1 1
∗ ∗ +𝑝 −1
𝑝0,1 𝑝0,4 0,8
=( ) (0.884) = 0.648
1 1
Finally, the movement capacities cm,7 and cm,10 can be computed as follows:
𝑐𝑚,7 = 𝑐𝑝,7 × 𝑓7 = (73)(0.647) = 47 veh/h
𝑐𝑚,10 = 𝑐𝑝,10 × 𝑓10 = (72)(0.648) = 47 veh/h
𝑣2 + 𝑣3 982 + 94
𝑠2+3 = 𝑣 𝑣 = = 3,208
+ 3 982 94
𝑁𝑠2 𝑠3 (2)(1,800) 1,500
75 + 982 + 94
𝑐𝑆𝑆,1+1𝑈+2+3 = min ( , 3,208) = 3,208
𝑣4+4𝑈 76
𝑥4+4𝑈 = = = 0.100
𝑐𝑚,4+4𝑈 758
𝑣5 𝑣6 992 94
𝑥5+6 = 𝑓𝐿𝐿,5+6 ( + ) = 0.5 ( + ) = 0.307
𝑠5 𝑠6 1,800 1,500
(𝑛𝐿 +1) (𝑛 +1)
𝑥5+6 0.307
𝑥4+4𝑈+5+6 = 𝑥4+4𝑈 [ √1 + ] = 0.100 [1 + ] = 0.144
1 − 𝑥5+6 1 − 0.307
𝑣5 + 𝑣6 992 + 94
𝑠5+6 = 𝑣 𝑣 = = 3,211
+ 6 992 94
𝑁𝑠5 𝑠6 (2)(1,800) 1,500
76 + 992 + 94
𝑐𝑆𝑆,4+4𝑈+5+6 = min ( , 3,211) = 3,211
2 3,600 75
3,600 75 75 ( 750 ) (750)
𝑑1 = + 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + +5
750 750 750 450(0.25)
[ ]
𝑑1 = 10.3 s
3,600 76
3,600 76 √ 76 ( 758 ) (758)
𝑑4 = + 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]+5
758 758 758 450(0.25)
𝑑4 = 10.3 s
3,600 100
3,600 100 √ 100 ( 859 ) (859)
𝑑9 = + 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]+5
859 859 859 450(0.25)
𝑑9 = 9.7 s
3,600 100
3,600 100 √ 100 ( )( )
𝑑12 = + 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + 851 851 ] + 5
851 851 851 450(0.25)
𝑑12 = 9.8 s
3,600 80
3,600 80 √ 80 ( 47 ) (47)
𝑑7 = + 900(0.25) [ − 1 + ( − 1) + ]+5
47 47 47 450(0.25)
𝑑7 = 529 s
3,600 80
3,600 80 √ 80 ( 47 ) (47)
𝑑10 = + 900(0.25) [ − 1 + ( − 1) + ]+5
47 47 47 450(0.25)
𝑑10 = 529 s
According to Exhibit 20-2, the LOS for the major-street left-turn movements
and the minor-street approaches are as follows:
• Eastbound major-street left turn (Movement 1): LOS B,
• Westbound major-street left turn (Movement 4): LOS B,
• Northbound minor-street right turn (Movement 9): LOS A,
• Southbound minor-street right turn (Movement 12): LOS A,
• Northbound minor-street left turn (Movement 7): LOS F, and
• Southbound minor-street left turn (Movement 10): LOS F.
(1 − 𝑝∗0,1+1𝑈 ) 𝑓𝐿𝐿,2+3(𝑣2 + 𝑣3 )
𝑑2+3 = 𝑑1+1𝑈
𝑣1+1𝑈 + 𝑓𝐿𝐿,2+3 (𝑣2 + 𝑣3 )
(1 − 0.856)(0.5)(982 + 94)
𝑑2+3 = (10.3)
75 + 0.5(982 + 94)
𝑑2+3 = 1.3 s
(1 − 𝑝∗0,4+4𝑈 ) 𝑓𝐿𝐿,5+6(𝑣5 + 𝑣6 )
𝑑5+6 = 𝑑4+4𝑈
𝑣4+4𝑈 + 𝑓𝐿𝐿,5+6 (𝑣5 + 𝑣6 )
(1 − 0.856)(0.5)(992 + 94)
𝑑5+6 = (10.3)
76 + 0.5(992 + 94)
𝑑5+6 = 1.3 s
The procedures in Chapter 18 provide a better estimate of delay to major-
street through vehicles: d2 = 0.2 and d5 = 0.2. These values account for the
likelihood of major-street through vehicles shifting out of the shared left–through
lane to avoid being delayed by major-street left-turning vehicles.
9.8(100) + 0 + 529(80)
𝑑𝐴,𝑆𝐵 = = 241 s
100 + 0 + 80
The intersection control delay dI is computed as follows:
𝑑𝐴,𝐸𝐵 𝑣𝐴,𝐸𝐵 + 𝑑𝐴,𝑊𝐵 𝑣𝐴,𝑊𝐵 + 𝑑𝐴,𝑁𝐵 𝑣𝐴,𝑁𝐵 + 𝑑𝐴,𝑆𝐵 𝑣𝐴,𝑆𝐵
𝑑𝐼 =
𝑣𝐴,𝐸𝐵 + 𝑣𝐴,𝑊𝐵 + 𝑣𝐴,𝑁𝐵 + 𝑣𝐴,𝑆𝐵
1.9(1,151) + 1.9(1,162) + 241(180) + 241(180)
𝑑𝐼 = = 34.1 s
1,151 + 1,162 + 180 + 180
LOS is not defined for the intersection as a whole or for the major-street
approaches. This fact is particularly important for this problem, as the
assignment of LOS to the intersection as a whole would mask the severe LOS F
condition on the minor-street left-turn movement. However, this control delay
value may be useful for intersection control evaluation comparisons across a
range of intersection forms and controls.
3,600 𝑣
2 (𝑐 ) (𝑐 1 ) 𝑐
√ 𝑣1 𝑚,1 𝑚,1 𝑚,1
𝑄95,1 ≈ 900𝑇 −1+ ( − 1) + ( )
𝑐𝑚,1 𝑐𝑚,1 150𝑇 3,600
[ ]
2 3,600 75
75 75 ( 750 ) (750) 750
𝑄95,1 ≈ 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + ( )
750 750 150(0.25) 3,600
[ ]
𝑄95,1 ≈ 0.3 veh
3,600 76
76 √ 76 ( 758 ) (758) 758
𝑄95,4 ≈ 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]( )
758 758 150(0.25) 3,600
3,600 100
100 √ 100 ( 859 ) (859) 859
𝑄95,9 ≈ 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]( )
859 859 150(0.25) 3,600
3,600 100
100 100 ( )( )
𝑄95,12 ≈ 900(0.25) [ √
−1+ ( − 1) + 851 851 ] ( 851 )
851 851 150(0.25) 3,600
3,600 80
80 √ 80 ( 47 ) (47) 47
𝑄95,7 ≈ 900(0.25) [ − 1 + ( − 1) + ]( )
47 47 150(0.25) 3,600
3,600 80
80 √ 80 ( 47 ) (47) 47
𝑄95,10 ≈ 900(0.25) [ − 1 + ( − 1) + ]( )
47 47 150(0.25) 3,600
The results indicate that Access Point 1 will operate over capacity (LOS F) for
the minor-street left-turn movements. All other movements are expected to
operate at LOS B or better, with low average delays and short queue lengths.
Exhibit 32-14
TWSC Example Problem 5:
Volumes and Lane
The assumed walking speed of pedestrians is 3.5 ft/s.
Exhibit 32-15
TWSC Example Problem 5:
Movement Numbers and
Calculation of Peak 15-min
Flow Rates
𝑒 −(1,120)(5,3)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,4 = 1,120 = 348 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(1,120)(3.1)/3,600
𝑒 −(730)(5,6)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,4𝑈 = 730 = 629 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(730)(2.3)/3,600
𝑒 −(520)(7.1)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,9 = 520 = 433 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(520)(3.9)/3,600
𝑒 −(1,870)(5,7)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,7 = 1,870 = 112 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(1,870)(3.8)/3,600
𝑒 −(1,120)(6.6)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,𝐼,7 = 1,120 = 207 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(1,120)(3.8)/3,600
𝑒 −(750)(6.0)/3,600
𝑐𝑝,𝐼𝐼,7 = 750 = 393 veh/h
1 − 𝑒 −(750)(3.8)/3,600
𝑤 12
𝑣13 ×
𝑆𝑝 20 × 3.5
𝑓𝑝𝑏,13 = = = 0.019
3,600 3,600
20 ×
𝑓𝑝𝑏,15 = 3.5 = 0.019
The pedestrian impedance factor for each pedestrian movement x, pp,x is
computed by Equation 20-68 as follows:
𝑝𝑝,13 = 1 − 𝑓𝑝𝑏,13 = 1 − 0.019 = 0.981
𝑝𝑝,15 = 1 − 𝑓𝑝𝑏,15 = 1 − 0.019 = 0.981
2 3,600 50
3,600 50 50 ( 523 ) (523)
𝑑1𝑈 = + 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + +5
523 523 523 450(0.25)
[ ]
𝑑1 = 12.6 s
This movement would be assigned LOS B.
2 3,600 125
3,600 125 125 ( 362 ) (362)
𝑑4+4𝑈 = + 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + +5
362 362 362 450(0.25)
[ ]
𝑑4+4𝑈 = 20.1 s
This movement would be assigned LOS C.
3,600 100
3,600 100 √ 100 ( 425 ) (425)
𝑑9 = + 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]+5
425 425 425 450(0.25)
𝑑9 = 16.1 s
This movement would be assigned LOS C.
2 3,600 75
3,600 75 75 ( 98 ) (98)
𝑑7 = + 900(0.25) √
− 1 + ( − 1) + +5
98 98 98 450(0.25)
[ ]
𝑑1 = 113 s
This movement would be assigned LOS F.
0(1,200) + 20.1(125)
𝑑𝐴,𝑊𝐵 = = 1.9 s
1,200 + 125
16.1(100) + 113(75)
𝑑𝐴,𝑁𝐵 = = 57.6 s
100 + 75
2 3,600 50
50 50 ( 523 ) (523) 523
𝑄95,1𝑈 ≈ 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + ( )
523 523 150(0.25) 3,600
[ ]
𝑄95,1 ≈ 0.3 veh
2 3,600 125
125 125 ( 362 ) (362) 362
𝑄95,4+4𝑈 ≈ 900(0.25) √
−1+ ( − 1) + ( )
362 362 150(0.25) 3,600
[ ]
𝑄95,4+4𝑈 ≈ 1.5 veh
3,600 100
100 √ 100 ( 425 ) (425) 425
𝑄95,9 ≈ 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]( )
425 425 150(0.25) 3,600
2 3,600 75
75 75 ( 98 ) (98) 98
𝑄95,7 ≈ 900(0.25) √
− 1 + ( − 1) + ( )
98 98 150(0.25) 3,600
[ ]
𝑄95,7 ≈ 4.1 veh
Overall, the results indicate that although most minor movements are
operating at low to moderate delays and at LOS C or better, the minor-street left
turn experiences high delays and operates at LOS F.
AWSC Supplemental Analysis for Three-Lane Approaches Chapter 32/STOP-Controlled Intersections: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Chapter 32/STOP-Controlled Intersections: Supplemental AWSC Supplemental Analysis for Three-Lane Approaches
Version 7.0 Page 32-49
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
AWSC Supplemental Analysis for Three-Lane Approaches Chapter 32/STOP-Controlled Intersections: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Chapter 32/STOP-Controlled Intersections: Supplemental AWSC Supplemental Analysis for Three-Lane Approaches
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
AWSC Supplemental Analysis for Three-Lane Approaches Chapter 32/STOP-Controlled Intersections: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Chapter 32/STOP-Controlled Intersections: Supplemental AWSC Supplemental Analysis for Three-Lane Approaches
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Chapter 32/STOP-Controlled Intersections: Supplemental AWSC Supplemental Analysis for Three-Lane Approaches
Version 7.0 Page 32-55
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
AWSC Supplemental Analysis for Three-Lane Approaches Chapter 32/STOP-Controlled Intersections: Supplemental
Page 32-56 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
This part of the chapter provides example problems for use of the AWSC
methodology. Exhibit 32-17 provides an overview of these problems. The
examples focus on the operational analysis level. The planning and preliminary
engineering analysis level is identical to the operations analysis level in terms of
the calculations, except default values are used when available.
Exhibit 32-18
AWSC Example Problem 1:
Volumes and Lane
All input parameters are known, so no default values are needed or used. The use of a spreadsheet or
software for AWSC intersection
The use of a spreadsheet or software is recommended because of the repetitive analysis is recommended
computations required. Slight differences in reported values may result from because of the repetitive and
iterative computations
rounding differences between manual and software computations. Because required.
showing all the individual computations is not practical, this example problem
shows how one or more computations are made. All computational results can
be found in the spreadsheet output located in the Volume 4 Technical Reference
Library section for Chapter 32.
For example, the probability state for the eastbound leg under the condition
of no opposing vehicles on the other approaches (degree-of-conflict Case 1, i = 1)
is as follows:
𝑃(𝑎𝑂 ) = 1 − 𝑥𝑂 = 1 − 0.374 = 0.626 (no opposing vehicle present)
𝑃(𝑎𝐶𝐿 ) = 1 − 𝑥𝐶𝐿 = 1 − 0.140 = 0.860 (no conflicting vehicle from left)
𝑃(𝑎𝐶𝑅 ) = 1 (no approach conflicting from right)
𝑃(1) = 𝑃(𝑎𝑂 ) × 𝑃(𝑎𝐶𝐿 ) × 𝑃(𝑎𝐶𝑅 ) = (0.626)(0.860)(1) = 0.538
𝑃(2) = (0.374)(0.860)(1) = 0.322
𝑃(5) = (0.626)(0.140)(1) = 0.088
𝑃(7) = (0.626)(0.860)(0) = 0
𝑃(13) = (0.626)(0.140)(0) = 0
𝑃(16) = (0.374)(0.140)(1) = 0.052
𝑃(21) = (0.374)(0.860)(0) = 0
𝑃(45) = (0.374)(0.140)(0) = 0
The probability adjustment factors for the nonzero cases are calculated from
Equation 21-21 through Equation 21-25:
𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑃(1) = 0.01[0.322 + 2(0.088) + 3(0.052) + 0]/1 = 0.0065
𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑃(2) = 0.01[0.088 + 2(0.052) + 0 − 0.322]/3 = −0.0004
𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑃(5) = 0.01[0.052 + 2(0) − 3(0.088)]/6 = −0.0004
𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑃(16) = 0.01[0 − 6(0.052)]/27 = −0.0001
Therefore, the adjusted probability for Combination 1, for example, is as
follows from Equation 21-16:
𝑃′ (1) = 𝑃(1) + 𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑃(1) = 0.538 + 0.0065 = 0.5445
ℎ𝑑 = ∑ 𝑃′ (𝑖)ℎ𝑠𝑖
ℎ𝑑,𝐸𝐵 = (0.5445)(3.963) + (0.3213)(4.763) + (0.0875)(5.863) + (0.0524)(7.063)
ℎ𝑑,𝐸𝐵 = 4.57 s
EB EB WB WB NB NB SB SB Exhibit 32-21
L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 AWSC Example Problem 1:
Total Lane Flow Rate 368 421 158 Convergence Check
hd, initial value, iteration 1 3.2 3.2 3.2
x, initial, iteration 1 0.327 0.374 0.140
hd, computed value, iteration 1 4.57 4.35 5.14
Convergence? N N N
Step 14: Compute Control Delay and Determine LOS for Each Lane
The control delay for each lane is computed with Equation 21-30 as follows
(eastbound illustrated):
ℎ𝑑,𝐸𝐵 𝑥𝐸𝐵
𝑑𝐸𝐵 = 𝑡𝑠,𝐸𝐵 + 900𝑇 [(𝑥𝐸𝐵 − 1) + √(𝑥𝐵 − 1)2 + ]+5
𝑑𝐸𝐵 = 2.97 + 900(0.25) [(0.508 − 1) + √(0.508 − 1)2 + ]+5
𝑑𝐸𝐵 = 13.0 s
By using Exhibit 21-8, the eastbound lane (and thus approach) is assigned
LOS B. A similar calculation for the westbound and southbound lanes (and thus
approaches) yields 13.5 and 10.6 s, respectively.
Step 15: Compute Control Delay and Determine LOS for the
The control delays for the approaches can be combined into an intersection
control delay by using a weighted average as follows:
∑ 𝑑𝑎 𝑣𝑎
𝑑intersection =
∑ 𝑣𝑎
(13.0)(368) + (13.5)(421) + (10.6)(158)
𝑑intersection = = 12.8 s
368 + 421 + 158
This value of delay is assigned LOS B.
900(0.25) 4.97(0.508)
𝑄95,𝐸𝐵 ≈ [(0.508 − 1) + √(0.508 − 1)2 + ] = 2.9 veh
4.97 150(0.25)
The results indicate the intersection operates well with brief delays.
Exhibit 32-22
AWSC Example Problem 2:
15-min Volumes and Lane
All input parameters are known, so no default values are needed or used.
The use of a spreadsheet or software is required because of the several thousand
repetitive computations needed. Slight differences in reported values may result
from rounding differences between manual and software computations. Because
showing all the individual computations is not practical, this example problem
shows how one or more computations are made. All computational results can
be found in the spreadsheet output located in the Volume 4 Technical Reference
Library section for Chapter 32.
Exhibit 32-23
AWSC Example Problem 2:
15-min Volumes Converted to
Hourly Flow Rates
south approaches, the through volumes are assigned to the through lanes and
the right-turn volumes are assigned to the right-turn lanes.
𝑣ℎ𝑑 (48)(3.2)
𝑥𝑆𝐵,1 = = = 0.0427
3,600 3,600
𝑣ℎ𝑑 (124)(3.2)
𝑥𝑆𝐵,2 = = = 0.1102
3,600 3,600
𝑣ℎ𝑑 (88)(3.2)
𝑥𝑆𝐵,3 = = = 0.0782
3,600 3,600
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
Total lane flow rate 56 216 156 164 76 164 116 48 124 88 AWSC Example Problem 2:
hd, initial value, Iteration 1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Convergence Check
x, initial, Iteration 1 0.0498 0.192 0.1387 0.1458 0.0676 0.1458 0.1031 0.0427 0.1102 0.0782
hd, computed value, Iteration 1 6.463 5.755 6.405 5.597 6.440 5.935 5.228 6.560 6.055 5.347
Convergence? N N N N N N N N N N
hd, initial value, Iteration 2 6.463 5.755 6.405 5.597 6.440 5.935 5.228 6.560 6.055 5.347
x, initial, Iteration 2 0.1005 0.3453 0.2776 0.255 0.136 0.2704 0.1685 0.0875 0.2086 0.1307
hd, computed value, Iteration 2 7.550 6.838 7.440 6.629 7.537 7.027 6.313 7.740 7.230 6.515
Convergence? N N N N N N N N N N
hd, initial value, Iteration 3 7.550 6.838 7.440 6.629 7.537 7.027 6.313 7.740 7.230 6.515
x, initial, Iteration 3 0.1174 0.4103 0.3224 0.302 0.1591 0.3201 0.2034 0.1032 0.249 0.1593
hd, computed value, Iteration 3 7.970 7.257 7.854 7.041 7.954 7.442 6.725 8.187 7.675 6.957
Convergence? N N N N N N N N N N
hd, initial value, Iteration 4 7.970 7.257 7.854 7.041 7.954 7.442 6.725 8.187 7.675 6.957
x, initial, Iteration 4 0.124 0.4354 0.3404 0.3208 0.1679 0.339 0.2167 0.1092 0.2643 0.17
hd, computed value, Iteration 4 8.130 7.416 8.010 7.196 8.114 7.601 6.884 8.359 7.845 7.126
Convergence? N N N N N N N N N N
hd, initial value, Iteration 5 8.130 7.416 8.010 7.196 8.114 7.601 6.884 8.359 7.845 7.126
x, initial, Iteration 5 0.1265 0.445 0.3471 0.3278 0.1713 0.3463 0.2218 0.1115 0.2702 0.1742
hd, computed value, Iteration 5 8.191 7.476 8.069 7.255 8.174 7.661 6.943 8.424 7.910 7.190
Convergence? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Step 14: Compute Control Delay and Determine LOS for Each Lane
The control delay for each lane is computed with Equation 21-30 as follows
(eastbound Lane 1 illustrated):
ℎ𝑑,𝐸𝐵,1 𝑥𝐸𝐵,1
𝑑𝐸𝐵,1 = 𝑡𝑠,𝐸𝐵,1 + 900𝑇 [(𝑥𝐸𝐵,1 − 1) + √(𝑥𝐸𝐵,1 − 1)2 + ]+5
𝑑𝐸𝐵,1 = 5.89 + 900(0.25) [(0.1274 − 1) + √(0.1274 − 1)2 + ]+5
𝑑𝐸𝐵,1 = 12.1 s
On the basis of Exhibit 20-2, eastbound Lane 1 is assigned LOS B.
Step 15: Compute Control Delay and Determine LOS for Each Approach
and the Intersection
The control delay for each approach is calculated using Equation 21-31 as
follows (eastbound approach illustrated):
(12.1)(272) + (16.1)(216)
𝑑EB = = 15.3 s
56 + 216
This value of delay is assigned LOS C.
Similarly, the control delay for the intersection is calculated as follows:
(15.3)(272) + (14.3)(320) + (13.1)(356) + (12.6)(260)
𝑑intersection = = 14.0 s
272 + 320 + 356 + 260
This value of delay is assigned LOS B.
900(0.25) 8.19(0.1274)
𝑄95,𝐸𝐵1 ≈ [(0.1274 − 1) + √(0.1274 − 1)2 + ]
8.19 150(0.25)
The overall results can be found in the “DelayLOS” spreadsheet tab. As
indicated in the output, all movements at the intersection are operating well with
small delays. The worst-performing movement is eastbound Lane 2, which is
operating with a volume-to-capacity ratio of 0.45 and a control delay of 16.1
s/veh, which results in LOS C. The intersection as a whole operates at LOS B, so
the reporting of individual movements is important to avoid masking results
caused by aggregating delays.
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
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researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 33-1
Chapter 33 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 22, Roundabouts, which VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
is found in Volume 3 of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). This chapter 25. Freeway Facilities:
presents detailed information about the following aspects of the Chapter 22 Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
motorized vehicle methodology: Segments: Supplemental
27. Freeway Weaving:
• Information about the large variability in U.S. driver behavior at Supplemental
roundabouts, 28. Freeway Merges and
Diverges: Supplemental
• Guidance on making an appropriate selection of a lane utilization factor, 29. Urban Street Facilities:
and 30. Urban Street Segments:
• Guidance on calibrating the capacity model to reflect local conditions. 31. Signalized Intersections:
This chapter also provides two example problems that demonstrate the 32. STOP-Controlled
application of the Chapter 22 methodology to single-lane and multilane Intersections:
roundabouts, and provides guidance on estimating roundabout capacity when 33. Roundabouts:
connected and automated vehicles are present in the traffic stream. Supplemental
34. Interchange Ramp
Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
38. Network Analysis
Exhibit 33-1
Observed Combinations of
Entry Flow and Conflicting
Flow During 1-min Periods of
Continuous Queuing: One-
Lane Entry Opposed by One
Circulating Lane
Exhibit 33-2
Observed Combinations of
Entry Flow and Conflicting
Flow During 1-min Periods of
Continuous Queuing: Both
Lanes of Two-Lane Entry
Opposed by One Circulating
Exhibit 33-3
Observed Combinations of
Entry Flow and Conflicting
Flow During 1-min Periods of
Continuous Queuing: Left
Lane of Two-Lane Entry
Opposed by Two Circulating
Exhibit 33-4
Observed Combinations of
Entry Flow and Conflicting
Flow During 1-min Periods of
Continuous Queuing: Right
Lane of Two-Lane Entry
Opposed by Two Circulating
Lane-use assignment is best determined by measuring lane use in the field
under the conditions being analyzed. In the absence of this information, default
values or estimates can be used. This section provides background on the process
by which an analyst can make an appropriate selection of a lane utilization
In general, several factors contribute to the assignment of traffic flow to each
Turning movement patterns 1. The assignment of turning movements to each lane (either as exclusive
greatly influence lane
assignments. lanes or as shared lanes) directly influences the assignment of traffic
volumes to each lane. Lane assignment is generally accomplished through
the use of signs and pavement markings that designate the lane use for
each lane. Multilane entries with no lane-use signing or pavement
markings may be assumed to operate with a shared left–through lane in
the left lane and a shared through–right lane in the right lane, although
field observations should be made to confirm the lane-use pattern of an
existing roundabout.
Dominant turning movements 2. Dominant turning movements may create de facto lane assignments for
may create de facto lanes. A
de facto lane is one designated which there is no advantage for drivers in using both lanes assigned to a
for multiple movements but given turning movement. For example, at an entry with left–through and
that may operate as an
exclusive lane because of a through–right lanes and a dominant left-turn movement, there may be no
dominant movement demand. advantage for through drivers in using the left lane. In addition, a lack of
A common example is a left–
through lane with a left-turn lane balance through the roundabout (e.g., two entry lanes but only one
flow rate that greatly exceeds downstream circulating lane or one downstream exit lane) can create de
the through flow rate.
facto lane-use assignments for a particular entry.
3. Destinations downstream of a roundabout may influence the lane choice Downstream destinations may
influence lane assignment.
at the roundabout entry. A downstream destination such as a freeway on-
ramp may increase use of the right entry lane, for example, even though
both lanes could be used.
4. The alignment of the lane relative to the circulatory roadway seems to Poor geometric alignment of
the entry may cause drivers to
influence the use of entry lanes where drivers can choose between lanes. avoid the left lane.
Some roundabouts have been designed with rather perpendicular entries
that have a natural alignment of the right entry lane into the left lane of
the circulatory roadway. Under this design, the left entry lane is naturally
aimed at the central island and is thus less comfortable and less desirable
for drivers. This phenomenon of poor path alignment, documented
elsewhere (2), may result in poor use of the left entry lane. Similarly,
poorly aligned multilane exits, where vehicles exiting in the inside lane
cross the path of vehicles exiting in the outside lane, may influence lane
use on upstream entries. In either case, the effect is most readily measured
in the field at existing roundabouts, and it should be avoided in the
design of new roundabouts.
5. Drivers may be uncertain about lane use when they use the roundabout, Unfamiliar drivers may
incorrectly select lanes for their
particularly at roundabouts without designated lane assignments intended movements.
approaching or circulating through the roundabout. This uncertainty may
contribute to the generally incorrect use of the right entry lane for left
turns, for example, because of a perceived or real difficulty in exiting from
the inside lane of the circulatory roadway. Proper signing and striping of
lane use on the approach and through the roundabout may reduce this
uncertainty, although it is likely to be present to some extent at multilane
The first three factors described above are common to all intersections and
are accounted for in the assignment of turning-movement patterns to individual
lanes; the remaining two factors are unique to roundabouts. The fourth factor
should be addressed through proper alignment of the entry relative to the
circulatory roadway and thus may not need to be considered in the analysis of
new facilities. However, existing roundabouts may exhibit poor path alignment,
resulting in poor lane utilization. It may be possible to reduce the fifth factor
through proper design, particularly through lane-use arrows and striping. These
factors collectively make accurate estimation of lane utilization difficult, but it
can be measured at existing roundabouts.
For entries with two through lanes, limited field data suggest drivers Multilane roundabouts
generally exhibit a bias to the
generally have a bias for the right lane. For entries with two left-turn lanes (e.g., right lane except where a
left-turn-only and shared left–through–right lanes), limited field data suggest double left-turn movement is
drivers have a bias for the left lane. Although no field observations have been
documented for entries with two right-turn lanes, experience at other types of
intersections with two right-turn lanes suggests drivers have a bias for the right
Therefore, the model resulting from the use of California-specific data for
critical headway and follow-up time has a higher intercept, and thus higher
capacity, over its entire range than does the model based on the national study.
These equations replace the equations in Step 5 of the Chapter 22 methodology.
An example of calibration using only follow-up headway can be
demonstrated using data collected as part of a national study for the US-9/
Warren Street/Hudson Avenue/Glen Street intersection in Glen Falls, New York
(1). Field-measured values for follow-up headway for the five-legged
roundabout were determined as follows (rounded to the nearest 0.1 s):
• East leg: 2.9 s,
• Northwest leg: 2.8 s,
• South leg: 2.9 s,
• West leg: 2.7 s, and
• North leg: 2.8 s.
The mean value using unrounded values for follow-up time for the
intersection is 2.85 s. The intercept can therefore be calculated as follows:
3,600 3,600
𝐴= = = 1,260
𝑡𝑓 2.85
With this value for the intercept, the resulting capacity model is
−3 𝑣 )
𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒 = 𝐴𝑒 (−𝐵𝑣𝑐 ) = 1,260𝑒 (−1.02×10 𝑐
The resulting model has a lower intercept than the national model. Based on
the observations of each approach of this intersection under queued conditions
from the national study, this site-specific model has a better goodness of fit than
the national model (an improvement in the root mean squared error from 164 to
126 pc/h). Variation in driver behavior between individual drivers or from
minute to minute makes eliminating prediction error impossible, but calibration
can improve the accuracy of the prediction.
This is an example of an
The Facts
operational analysis. It uses The following data are available to describe the traffic and geometric
traffic data and geometric
characteristics to determine characteristics of this location:
capacities, control delay, and
LOS. • Four legs,
• One-lane entries on each leg,
• A westbound right-turn bypass lane that yields to exiting vehicles,
• A southbound right-turn bypass lane that forms its own lane adjacent to
exiting vehicles,
• Percentage heavy vehicles for all movements = 2%,
• Peak hour factor = 0.94,
• Demand volumes and lane configurations as shown in Exhibit 33-6, and
• 50 p/h across the south leg and negligible pedestrian activity across the
other three legs.
Exhibit 33-6
Example Problem 1: Demand
Volumes and Lane
All input parameters are known, so no default values are needed or used.
Exhibit 33-7
Example Problem 1:
Adjusted Flow Rates
Step 5: Determine the Capacity of Each Entry Lane and Bypass Lane as
Appropriate in Passenger Car Equivalents
By using the single-lane capacity equation (Equation 22-1), the capacity for
each entry lane is given as follows:
−3 )𝑣 −3 )(796)
𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑁𝐵 = 1,380𝑒 (−1.02×10 𝑐,𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑁𝐵 = 1,380𝑒 (−1.02×10 = 613 pc/h
(−1.02×10−3 )𝑣𝑐,𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑆𝐵 (−1.02×10−3 )(769)
𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑆𝐵 = 1,380𝑒 = 1,380𝑒 = 630 pc/h
(−1.02×10−3 )𝑣𝑐,𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝐸𝐵 (−1.02×10−3 )(487)
𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝐸𝐵 = 1,380𝑒 = 1,380𝑒 = 840 pc/h
(−1.02×10−3 )𝑣𝑐,𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑊𝐵 (−1.02×10−3 )(655)
𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑊𝐵 = 1,380𝑒 = 1,380𝑒 = 708 pc/h
By using the equation for a bypass lane opposed by a single exit lane
(Equation 22-6), the capacity for the westbound bypass lane is given as follows:
−3 )𝑣 −3 )(454)
𝑐bypass,𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑊𝐵 = 1,380𝑒 (−1.02×10 𝑒𝑥,𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑁𝐵 = 1,380𝑒 (−1.02×10 = 868 pc/h
Step 7: Convert Lane Flow Rates and Capacities into Vehicles per Hour
The capacity for a given lane is converted back to vehicles by first
determining the heavy-vehicle adjustment factor for the lane and then
multiplying it by the capacity in passenger car equivalents (Equation 22-14). For
this example, because all turning movements on each entry have the same fHV,
each entry will also have the same fHV, 0.980. The capacities for each of the entries
are also adjusted by the pedestrian impedance factor.
𝑐𝑁𝐵 = 𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑁𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑁𝐵 𝑓𝑝𝑒𝑑 = (613)(0.980)(0.993) = 597 veh/h
𝑐𝑆𝐵 = 𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑆𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑆𝐵 𝑓𝑝𝑒𝑑 = (630)(0.980)(1) = 618 veh/h
𝑐𝐸𝐵 = 𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝐸𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝐸𝐵 𝑓𝑝𝑒𝑑 = (840)(0.980)(1) = 824 veh/h
𝑐𝑊𝐵 = 𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑊𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑊𝐵 𝑓𝑝𝑒𝑑 = (708)(0.980)(1) = 694 veh/h
𝑐bypass,𝑊𝐵 = 𝑐bypass,𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑊𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑊𝐵 𝑓𝑝𝑒𝑑 = (868)(0.980)(1) = 851 veh/h
Calculations for the entry flow rates are as follows (Equation 22-13):
𝑣𝑁𝐵 = 𝑣𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑁𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑁𝐵 = (428)(0.980) = 420 veh/h
𝑣𝑆𝐵 = 𝑣𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑆𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑆𝐵 = (314)(0.980) = 308 veh/h
𝑣𝐸𝐵 = 𝑣𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝐸𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝐸𝐵 = (656)(0.980) = 643 veh/h
𝑣𝑊𝐵 = 𝑣𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑊𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑊𝐵 = (568)(0.980) = 557 veh/h
𝑣bypass,𝑊𝐵 = 𝑣bypass,𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑊𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑊𝐵 = (662)(0.980) = 649 veh/h
𝑑𝑁𝐵 = 22.6 s/veh
Similarly, dSB = 14.0 s; dbypass,SB = 0 s (assumed); dEB = 22.0 s; dWB = 26.8 s; and
dbypass,WB = 20.2 s.
Step 10: Determine LOS for Each Lane on Each Approach
From Exhibit 22-8, the level of service (LOS) for each lane is determined as
shown in Exhibit 33-8:
Step 11: Compute the Average Control Delay and Determine LOS for
Each Approach and the Roundabout as a Whole
The control delays for the northbound and eastbound approaches are equal
to the control delay for the entry lanes, as both of these approaches have only one
lane. On the basis of Exhibit 22-8, these approaches are both assigned LOS C.
The control delay calculations for the westbound and southbound
approaches include the effects of their bypass lanes as follows (Equation 22-18):
(26.8)(557) + (20.2)(649)
𝑑𝑊𝐵 = = 23.3 s/veh
557 + 649
(14.0)(308) + (0.0)(617)
𝑑𝑆𝐵 = = 4.7 s/veh
308 + 617
On the basis of Exhibit 22-8, these approaches are respectively assigned LOS
C and LOS A.
Similarly, intersection control delay is computed as follows (Equation 22-19):
(22.6)(420) + (4.7)(925) + (22.0)(643) + (23.3)(1,206)
𝑑intersection =
420 + 925 + 643 + 1,206
𝑑intersection = 17.5 s/veh
On the basis of Exhibit 22-8, the intersection is assigned LOS C.
The results indicate the overall roundabout is operating at LOS C. However, The analyst should be careful
not to mask key operational
one lane (the westbound entry) is operating at LOS D. If, for example, the performance issues by
performance standard for this intersection was LOS C, this entry would not meet reporting overall intersection
performance without also
the standard, even though the overall intersection meets the standard. For these reporting the performance of
reasons, the analyst should consider reporting volume-to-capacity ratios, control each lane, or at least the
worst-performing lane.
delay, and queue lengths for each lane, in addition to the aggregated measures,
for a more complete picture of operational performance.
Exhibit 33-9
Example Problem 2: Demand
Volumes and Lane
Lane use is not specified for the eastbound and westbound approaches;
therefore, the percentage flow in the right lane is assumed to be 53%, as specified
in Exhibit 22-9.
𝑉𝐸𝐵𝐿 230
𝑣𝐸𝐵𝐿 = = = 242 veh/h
𝑃𝐻𝐹 0.95
Step 5: Determine the Capacity of Each Entry Lane and Bypass Lane as
Appropriate in Passenger Car Equivalents
The capacity calculations for each approach are calculated as follows:
• Northbound: The northbound entry is a single-lane entry opposed by two
circulating lanes. Therefore, Equation 22-3 is used as follows:
−3 )(976)
𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑁𝐵 = 1,420𝑒 (−0.85×10 = 619 pc/h
• Southbound: The southbound entry is a two-lane entry opposed by two
circulating lanes. Therefore, Equation 22-4 is used for the right lane, and
Equation 22-5 is used for the left lane:
−3 )(772)
𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑆𝐵,𝑅 = 1,420𝑒 (−0.85×10 = 737 pc/h
(−0.92×10−3 )(772)
𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑆𝐵,𝐿 = 1,350𝑒 = 664 pc/h
Step 7: Convert Lane Flow Rates and Capacities into Vehicles per Hour
The capacity for a given lane is converted back to vehicles by first
determining the heavy-vehicle adjustment factor for the lane and then
multiplying it by the capacity in passenger car equivalents (Equation 22-14). For
this example, because all turning movements on the eastbound and westbound
entries have the same fHV, each of the lanes on the eastbound and westbound
entries can be assumed to have the same fHV, 0.952.
𝑐𝐸𝐵,𝑅 = 𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝐸𝐵,𝑅 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝐸𝐵 = (709)(0.952) = 675 veh/h
Similarly, cEB,L = 675 veh/h; cWB,L = 964 veh/h; and cWB,R = 964 veh/h.
Because all turning movements on the northbound and southbound entries
have the same fHV, each of the lanes on those entries can be assumed to have the
same fHV, 0.980.
𝑐𝑁𝐵 = 𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑁𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑁𝐵 = (619)(0.980) = 607 veh/h
Similarly, cSB,L = 651 veh/h, and cSB,R = 723 veh/h.
Calculations for the entry flow rates are as follows (Equation 22-13):
𝑣𝐸𝐵,𝑅 = 𝑣𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝐸𝐵,𝑅 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝐸𝐵 = (427)(0.952) = 407 veh/h
𝑣𝑁𝐵 = 𝑣𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑁𝐵 𝑓𝐻𝑉,𝑒,𝑁𝐵 = (247)(0.980) = 242 veh/h
Similarly, vEB,L = 361 veh/h; vWB,L = 421 veh/h; vWB,R = 358 veh/h; vSB,L = 316
veh/h; and vSB,R = 421 veh/h.
3,600 242
3,600 242 √ 242 ( 607 ) 607
𝑑𝑁𝐵 = + 900(0.25) [ −1+ ( − 1) + ]
607 607 607 450(0.25)
+5 (min [ , 1])
𝑑𝑁𝐵 = 11.8 s/veh
Similarly, dSB,L = 13.0 s/veh; dSB,R = 14.6 s/veh; dEB,L = 14.0 s/veh; dEB,R = 16.1
s/veh; dWB,L = 8.8 s/veh; and dWB,R = 7.8 s/veh.
Step 11: Compute the Average Control Delay and Determine LOS for
Each Approach and the Roundabout as a Whole
The control delay for the northbound approaches is equal to the control
delay for the entry lane, 11.8 s, as the approach has only one lane. The control
delays for the other approaches are as follows (Equation 22-18):
(13.0)(316) + (14.6)(421)
𝑑𝑆𝐵 = = 13.9 s/veh
316 + 421
(14.0)(361) + (16.1)(407)
𝑑𝐸𝐵 = = 15.1 s/veh
361 + 407
(8.8)(421) + (7.8)(358)
𝑑𝑊𝐵 = = 8.3 s/veh
421 + 358
On the basis of Exhibit 22-8, these approaches are respectively assigned LOS
B, LOS B, LOS C, and LOS A.
Similarly, control delay for the intersection is computed as follows (Equation
(11.8)(242) + (13.9)(736) + (15.1)(768) + (8.3)(779)
𝑑intersection =
242 + 736 + 768 + 779
𝑑intersection = 12.3 s/veh
On the basis of Exhibit 22-8, the intersection is assigned LOS B.
The results indicate the intersection as a whole operates at LOS B on the basis
of control delay during the peak 15 min of the analysis hour. However, the
eastbound approach operates at LOS C, as does the right lane of the eastbound
approach. The analyst should consider reporting both the overall performance
and those of the individual lanes to provide a more complete picture of
operational performance.
This section provides capacity adjustment factors (CAFs) for roundabout
approaches to account for the presence of connected and automated vehicles
(CAVs) in the traffic stream. Although CAVs are still a developing technology,
transportation agencies have an immediate need as part of their long-range
planning efforts to account for CAVs’ potential ability to increase existing
roadways’ throughput.
At the time of writing, CAVs capable of fully controlling the vehicle for an
entire trip without the possible need for human intervention, either under
specified operated conditions or under any operating condition [i.e., Society of
Automotive Engineers automation levels 4 and 5 (4)], were not yet in production
for consumer use. Although other HCM methodologies are based on empirical
observations of actual vehicles using actual roadway facilities, calibrated simulation,
or both, these approaches are currently infeasible given the absence of level 4 and
5 CAVs in the traffic stream. Instead, uncalibrated simulation modeling was
conducted using CAV logic developed for the Federal Highway Administration.
Details about this modeling are available in a paper (5) available online in HCM
Volume 4 (hcmvolume4.org) in the Technical Reference Library section for
Chapter 33.
All exhibits in this section assume that the CAV market penetration rate is a
global input for the entire intersection. The planning-level adjustment factors
currently do not support varying the percentage of CAVs on a per-lane or per-
approach basis.
This chapter’s adjustments for CAVs were developed for roundabout
intersections. No specific simulation was completed for other YIELD-controlled
movements, including those that may be present at alternative intersections or
interchanges. The adjustments provided in this section may be used to
approximate these effects in the absence of other data. There are no CAV
adjustments at present for STOP-controlled intersection approaches.
CAV Technology
CAVs integrate two separate types of technology, communications and
automation. The combination of these technologies is required to achieve
roadway capacity increases, as described below:
• Connected vehicles transmit data about their status to their surroundings
(e.g., roadside infrastructure, other road users). They also receive
information about their surroundings (e.g., traffic conditions, weather
conditions, presence of potential conflicting vehicles, traffic signal timing)
that motorists can use to adjust their driving behavior in response to
conditions present at a given time and location. This exchange of
information offers potential safety, fuel economy, and environmental
System Reliability
The ability of CAVs to safely operate with short intervehicle gaps and critical
headways requires, among other things, low communications latency (i.e.,
information can be quickly exchanged between vehicles and acted upon), vehicle
manufacturers to build vehicles with reliable components, vehicle owners to
promptly repair components if they do break, and regulatory agencies to provide
adequate bandwidth for vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Consistent with other
base-condition assumptions in the roundabout methodology (e.g., good weather),
a base assumption for CAV analysis is that all necessary communication
elements are in place and working with a high degree of reliability.
even the second time they replace their vehicle (9). On the other hand, if many
urban dwellers decide not to replace their car and rely instead on mobility
services employing CAVs, adoption of CAVs could occur more rapidly than with
prior automotive technologies.
The simulation modeling that developed this section’s CAFs assumed a
traffic stream consisting of 100% passenger cars. The percentage of CAVs in the
traffic stream was varied from 0% to 100% in 20% increments. Analysts should
consider the latest available information about CAV adoption rates and the
effects of CAV usage on travel demand when performing an analysis of CAV
effects on roundabout capacity.
in Equation 33-2 adjust A and B and thereby determine an adjusted entry lane
capacity ce,adj,pce reflecting the presence of CAVs. All else being equal, an increase
in A or a decrease in B will increase entry lane capacity.
ce,pce = entry lane capacity, adjusted for heavy vehicles (pc/h);
A = intercept parameter, from Exhibit 33-12;
B = slope parameter, from Exhibit 33-12;
vc,pce = conflicting flow rate (pc/h);
ce,adj,pce = entry lane capacity, adjusted for CAVs and heavy vehicles (pc/h);
fA = adjustment factor for the intercept parameter, from Exhibit 33-13; and
fB = adjustment factor for the intercept parameter, from Exhibit 33-13.
Some of these references can 1. Rodegerdts, L. A., A. Malinge, P. S. Marnell, S. G. Beaird, M. J. Kittelson, and
be found in the Technical
Reference Library in Volume 4. Y. S. Mereszczak. Assessment of Roundabout Capacity Models for the Highway
Capacity Manual: Volume 2 of Accelerating Roundabout Implementation in the
United States. Report FHWA-SA-15-070. Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, D.C., Sept. 2015.
2. Rodegerdts, L., J. Bansen, C. Tiesler, J. Knudsen, E. Myers, M. Johnson, M.
Moule, B. Persaud, C. Lyon, S. Hallmark, H. Isebrands, R. B. Crown, B.
Guichet, and A. O’Brien. NCHRP Report 672: Roundabouts: An Informational
Guide, 2nd ed. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,
Washington, D.C., 2010.
3. Tian, Z. Z., F. Xu, L. A. Rodegerdts, W. E. Scarbrough, B. L. Ray, W. E.
Bishop, T. C. Ferrara, and S. Mam. Roundabout Geometric Design Guidance.
Report No. F/CA/RI-2006/13. Division of Research and Innovation, California
Department of Transportation, Sacramento, Calif., June 2007.
4. SAE International. Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving
Automation Systems for On-Road Motor Vehicles. Recommended Practice J3016.
Warrendale, Pa., June 2018.
5. Jang, Q., B. Schroeder, J. Ma, L. Rodegerdts, B. Cesme, A. Bibeka, and A.
Morgan. Developing Highway Capacity Manual Capacity Adjustment Factors
for Connected and Automated Traffic on Roundabouts. Working paper.
6. Jones, S. Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: Human Factors Analysis. Report
FHWA-HRT-13-045. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.,
Oct. 2013.
7. Krechmer, D., K. Blizzard, M.G. Cheung, R. Campbell, V. Alexiadis, J. Hyde,
J. Osborne, M. Jensen, S. Row, A. Tudela, E. Flanigan, and J. Bitner. Connected
Vehicle Impacts on Transportation Planning. Primer and Final Report. Report
FHWA-JPO-16-420. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.,
June 2016.
8. Davis, S.C., and R.G. Boundy. Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 37.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge,
Tenn., Aug. 2019.
9. Litman, T. Autonomous Vehicle Implementation Predictions: Implications for
Transport Planning. Victoria Transport Policy Institute, Victoria, B.C., Oct.
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 34-1
5. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................34-109
Exhibit 34-102 Example Problem 9: Control Delay and LOS for Each O-D
Movement ........................................................................................................... 34-53
Exhibit 34-103 Example Problem 10: O-D Demand Information for the
Interchange ......................................................................................................... 34-54
Exhibit 34-104 Example Problem 10: NEMA Flows (veh/h) for the
Interchange ......................................................................................................... 34-54
Exhibit 34-105 Example Problem 10: NEMA Flows for the Interchange
Without Channelized Right Turns .................................................................. 34-55
Exhibit 34-106 Example Problem 10: SPUI Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-55
Exhibit 34-107 Example Problem 10: TUDI Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-55
Exhibit 34-108 Example Problem 10: CUDI Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-55
Exhibit 34-109 Example Problem 10: CDI Critical Flow Ratio Calculations ..... 34-56
Exhibit 34-110 Example Problem 10: Parclo A-4Q Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-56
Exhibit 34-111 Example Problem 10: Parclo A-2Q Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-57
Exhibit 34-112 Example Problem 10: Parclo B-4Q Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-57
Exhibit 34-113 Example Problem 10: Parclo B-2Q Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-57
Exhibit 34-114 Example Problem 10: Interchange Delay for the Eight
Interchange Types ............................................................................................. 34-58
Exhibit 34-115 Example Problem 11: Interchange Configuration and
Demand Volumes .............................................................................................. 34-59
Exhibit 34-116 Example Problem 11: Signal Timing Plan ................................... 34-59
Exhibit 34-117 Example Problem 11: Physical Configurations Examined ........ 34-60
Exhibit 34-118 Example Problem 11: Congested Approaches to Diamond
Interchange ......................................................................................................... 34-60
Exhibit 34-119 Example Problem 11: Discharge from the Diamond
Interchange Under the Full Range of Arterial Demand ............................... 34-61
Exhibit 34-120 Example Problem 11: Discharge from the Southbound Exit
Ramp Under the Full Range of Ramp Demand ............................................ 34-62
Exhibit 34-121 Example Problem 11: Congested Approaches to the TWSC
Intersection ......................................................................................................... 34-62
Exhibit 34-122 Example Problem 11: Effect of Arterial Demand on Minor-
Street Discharge at the TWSC Intersection .................................................... 34-63
Exhibit 34-123 Example Problem 12: Turning Movement Demands ................. 34-64
Chapter 34 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 23, Ramp Terminals and VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
Alternative Intersections, which is found in Volume 3 of the Highway Capacity 25. Freeway Facilities:
Manual (HCM). This chapter provides 17 example problems demonstrating the Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
application of the Chapter 23 methodologies for evaluating the performance of Segments: Supplemental
distributed intersections, including restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT), median 27. Freeway Weaving:
U-turn (MUT), and displaced left-turn (DLT) intersections. It also presents a 28. Freeway Merges and
procedure for interchange type selection, which can be used to evaluate the Diverges: Supplemental
29. Urban Street Facilities:
operational performance of various interchange types. Finally, this chapter Supplemental
provides worksheets for converting origin–destination (O-D) flows to turn 30. Urban Street Segments:
movement flows, and vice versa, for various interchange types. 31. Signalized Intersections:
Methodologies for the analysis of interchanges involving freeways and 32. STOP-Controlled
surface streets (i.e., service interchanges) were developed primarily on the basis Intersections:
of research conducted through the National Cooperative Highway Research 33. Roundabouts:
Program (1–3) and elsewhere (4). Development of HCM analysis procedures for Supplemental
34. Interchange Ramp
alternative intersection and interchange designs was conducted through the Terminals:
Federal Highway Administration (5). Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
38. Network Analysis
This section describes the application of each of the final design, operational
analysis for interchange type selection, and roundabouts analysis methods
through the use of example problems. Exhibit 34-1 describes each of the example
problems included in this chapter and indicates the methodology applied.
Major Street 16
5 8P 6
4P 1
3 8 18
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button Exhibit 34-3
Example Problem 1:
= Lane Width
Interchange Volumes and
400 ft
= Through Channelization
= Right
600 ft 0%
grade = _________
156 185 135 = Left
795 797
200 ft
212 200 ft 96 = Through + Right
781 870
80 210 204 600 ft = Left + Through
grade = _________ University Drive
= Left + Right
400 ft
400 ft
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 500 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and level of service (LOS) for
this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 50
ft for all right-turning movements and 75 ft for all left-turning movements.
Arrival Type 4 is assumed for all arterial movements and Arrival Type 3 for all
other movements. Extra distance traveled along each freeway ramp is 100 ft.
Heavy vehicles account for 6.1% of both the external and the internal
through movements, and the peak hour factor (PHF) for the interchange is
estimated to be 0.90. Start-up lost time and extension of effective green are both
2 s for all approaches. During the analysis period, there is no parking, and no
buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange. The grade is 2% on the NB
and SB approaches.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-D movements through this diamond interchange are calculated on the
basis of the worksheet provided in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. Since all
movements utilize the signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning
movements at the two intersections. The results of these calculations and the
PHF-adjusted values are presented in Exhibit 34-5.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above in Exhibit 34-6. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15. The
left- and right-turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equations 23-20
through 23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius
calculated by Equation 23-19. The remaining adjustment factors are calculated as
indicated in Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The estimated saturation flow
rates for all approaches are shown in Exhibit 34-7 and Exhibit 34-8.
Common Green and Lost Time due to Downstream Queue and Demand
Starvation Calculations
Exhibit 34-9 first provides the beginning and end times of the green for each
phase at the two intersections on the assumption that Phase 1 of the first
intersection begins at time zero. On the basis of the information provided in
Exhibit 34-9, the relative offset between the two intersections is Offset 2 – Offset 1
+ n × cycle length = 9 – 19 + 160 = 150 s. Next, the exhibit provides the beginning
and end of green for the six pairs of movements between the two intersections
and the respective common green time for each pair of movements. For example,
the EB external through movement has the green between 0 and 63 s, while the
EB internal through movement has the green twice during the cycle, between 150
and 53 s and between 116 and 150 s. The common green time when both
movements have the green is between 0 and 53 s, for a duration of 53 s.
The next step involves the calculation of lost time due to downstream
queues. First, the queues at the beginning of the upstream arterial phase and at
the beginning of the upstream ramp phase must be calculated by using Equation
23-33 and Equation 23-34, respectively. Exhibit 34-10 presents the calculation of
these downstream queues followed by the calculation of the respective lost time
due to those queues.
The lost time due to demand starvation is calculated by using Equation 23-
38. The respective calculations are presented in Exhibit 34-11. As shown, in this
case there is no lost time due to demand starvation (LDS = 0).
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. Next, the v/c and
queue storage ratios are checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS
for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. Exhibit 34-16 summarizes the results
for all O-D movements at this interchange. As shown, all the movements have v/c
and queue storage ratios less than 1; for these O-D movements, the LOS is
determined by using Exhibit 23-10. After extra distances are measured according
to the Exhibit 23-8 discussion, EDTT can be obtained from Equation 23-50 [i.e.,
EDTT = 100 / (1.47 × 35) + 0 = 1.9 s/veh]. Interchangewide ETT is calculated by a
weighted average of O-D movement flow rates. Although certain individual O-D
movements perform at a worse LOS, this interchange operates at LOS C overall.
Exhibit 34-17 2%
grade = _________
= Pedestrian Button
Example Problem 2:
Intersection Plan View = Lane Width
400 ft
= Through
= Right
grade = _________
800 ft 350
120 275 = Left
200 ft 1055
300 165 = Through + Right
200 ft
1013 188
218 250 800 ft
= Left + Through
grade = _________ Newberry Avenue
400 ft
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 800 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. The eastbound and
westbound left-turn radii are 80 ft, while all remaining turning movements have
radii of 50 ft. The arrival type is assumed to be 4 for all arterial movements and 3
for all other movements. Extra distance traveled along each freeway loop ramp is
1,600 ft. The grade is 2% on the NB and SB approaches.
There are 11.7% heavy vehicles on both the external and the internal through
movements, and the PHF for the interchange is estimated to be 0.95. Start-up lost
time is 3 s for all approaches, while the extension of effective green is 2 s for all
approaches. During the analysis period, there is no parking, and no buses,
bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this parclo interchange are calculated on the basis of the
worksheet provided in Exhibit 34-163 in Section 4. Since all movements utilize
the signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning movements at the
two intersections. The results of these calculations and the PHF-adjusted values
are presented in Exhibit 34-19.
Exhibit 34-20
Maximum Lane Lane Utilization
Example Problem 2: Lane
Approach V1 V2 V3 Utilization Factor
Utilization Adjustment
Eastbound external 0.2660 0.2791 0.4549 0.4549 0.7328 Calculations
Westbound external 0.2263 0.2472 0.5265 0.5265 0.6332
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above in Exhibit 34-20. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15.
The left- and right-turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equations 23-
20 through 23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius
calculated by Equation 23-19. The remaining adjustment factors are calculated
according to Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The results of these
calculations for all approaches are presented in Exhibit 34-21 and Exhibit 34-22.
Exhibit 34-21
Northbound Southbound
Example Problem 2:
Value Left Right Left Right
Saturation Flow Rate
Base saturation flow (s0, pc/hg/ln) 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 Calculation for Northbound
Number of lanes (N) 1 1 1 1 and Southbound Approaches
Lane width adjustment (fw) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Heavy vehicle and grade adjustment (fHVg) 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990
Parking adjustment (fp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Bus blockage adjustment (fbb) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Area type adjustment (fa) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Lane utilization adjustment (fLU) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Left-turn adjustment (fLT) 0.899 1.000 0.899 1.000
Right-turn adjustment (fRT) 1.000 0.899 1.000 0.899
Left-turn pedestrian–bicycle adjustment (fLpb) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Right-turn pedestrian–bicycle adjustment (fRpb) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Turn radius adjustment for lane group (fR) 0.899 0.899 0.899 0.899
Traffic pressure adjustment for lane group (fv) 0.990 0.980 1.006 0.956
Adjusted saturation flow (s, veh/hg/ln) 1,674 1,658 1,701 1,617
Common Green and Lost Time due to Downstream Queue and Demand
Starvation Calculations
Exhibit 34-23 provides the beginning and end times of the green for each
phase followed by the beginning and end of green for the four pairs of
movements at the two intersections. Phase 1 of the first intersection is assumed to
begin at time zero (in this case the offset for both intersections is zero, and
therefore the beginning of Phase 1 for the second intersection is also zero).
The next step involves the calculation of lost time due to downstream
queues. First, the queues at the beginning of the upstream arterial phase and at
the beginning of the upstream ramp phase must be calculated by using Equation
23-33 and Equation 23-34, respectively. Exhibit 34-24 presents the calculation of
these downstream queues followed by the calculation of the respective lost time
due to those queues.
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. Next, the v/c and
queue storage ratios are checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS
for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. Exhibit 34-29 presents the resulting
delay, v/c ratio, and RQ for each O-D movement. As shown, O-D Movement F
(which consists of the EB external left movement) has v/c and RQ ratios greater
than 1, resulting in LOS F. For the remaining movements, the LOS is determined
by using Exhibit 23-10. After extra distances are measured according to the
Exhibit 23-9 discussion, EDTT can be obtained from Equation 23-50 [i.e., EDTT =
1,200 / (1.47 × 25) + 5 = 37.7 s/veh]. Interchangewide ETT is calculated by a
weighted average of O-D movement flow rates. Although certain individual O-D
movements perform at a worse LOS, this interchange operates at LOS D overall.
Exhibit 34-30 2%
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button
Example Problem 3: = Lane Width
Intersection Plan View
400 ft
= Through
= Right
600 ft
grade = _________
104 56 68 = Left
860 1020
295 65 = Through + Right
2000 801
300 135 460 600 ft = Left + Through
grade = _________ 22nd Avenue
= Left + Right
400 ft
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 300 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 50
ft for all turning movements except the eastbound and westbound left
movements, which have radii of 75 ft. Extra distance traveled along each freeway
ramp is 60 ft. The grade is 2% on the NB and SB approaches.
There are 6.1% heavy vehicles on both the external and the internal through
movements, and the PHF for the interchange is 0.97. Start-up lost time and
extension of effective green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the analysis
period, there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this diamond interchange are calculated on the basis of the
worksheet provided in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. Since all movements utilize
the signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning movements at the
two intersections. The results of these calculations and the PHF-adjusted values
are presented in Exhibit 34-32.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above in Exhibit 34-6. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15. The
left- and right-turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equations 23-20
through 23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius
calculated by Equation 23-19. The remaining adjustment factors are calculated as
indicated in Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The results of these calculations
for all approaches are presented in Exhibit 34-34 and Exhibit 34-35.
Common Green and Lost Time due to Downstream Queue and Demand
Starvation Calculations
Exhibit 34-36 first provides the beginning and ending of the green time for
each phase at the two intersections, on the assumption that Phase 1 of the first
intersection begins at time zero. In this case, the offset for both intersections is
zero; therefore, the beginning of Phase 1 for the second intersection is also zero.
The next step involves the calculation of lost time due to downstream
queues. First, the queues at the beginning of the upstream arterial phase and at
the beginning of the upstream ramp phase must be calculated by using Equation
23-33 and Equation 23-34, respectively. Exhibit 34-37 presents the calculation of
these downstream queues followed by the calculation of the respective lost time
due to those queues. As shown, the SB-L movement has additional lost time of
5.5 s due to the downstream queue.
The lost time due to demand starvation is calculated by using Equation 23-
38. The respective calculations are presented in Exhibit 34-38. As shown, in this
case there is no lost time due to demand starvation.
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. Next, the v/c ratio
and queue storage ratio are checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the
LOS for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. Exhibit 34-43 presents a summary
of the results for all O-D movements at this interchange. As shown, v/c and RQ for
parts of O-Ds E, H, I, and M exceed 1; therefore, these O-Ds operate in LOS F.
O-D E and O-D I include the EB external through movement, while O-D H and
O-D M include the WB internal left. These movements have v/c ratios exceeding
1. The remaining movements have v/c and queue storage ratios less than 1; the
LOS for these O-D movements is determined by using Exhibit 23-10. After extra
distances are measured according to the Exhibit 23-8 discussion, EDTT can be
obtained from Equation 23-50 [i.e., EDTT = 60 / (1.47 × 35) + 0 = 1.2 s/veh].
Interchangewide ETT is calculated by a weighted average of O-D movement flow
rates. It is important to note that although certain individual movements
experience a v/c ratio or RQ greater than 1.00, the interchange is still considered to
be under capacity, operating at LOS E overall.
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button Exhibit 34-44
= Lane Width
Example Problem 4:
Intersection Plan View
400 ft
= Through
= Right
600 ft 0%
grade = _________
120 185 180 = Left
925 1085
285 200 = Through + Right
110 125 210 600 ft = Left + Through
grade = _________ Archer Road
= Left + Right
400 ft
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 400 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 50
ft for all turning movements except the eastbound and westbound left, which are
75 ft. Extra distance traveled along each freeway ramp is 100 ft.
There are 6.1% heavy vehicles on both external and internal through
movements, and the PHF for the interchange is estimated to be 0.97. Start-up lost
time and extension of effective green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the
analysis interval, there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians
utilize the interchange. The grade is 2% on the NB and SB approaches.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this diamond interchange are calculated by using the
worksheet given in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. Since all movements utilize the
signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning movements at the two
intersections. The results of these O-D calculations and the PHF-adjusted values
are presented in Exhibit 34-46.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above in Exhibit 34-6. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15. The
left- and right-turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equations 23-20
through 23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius
calculated by Equation 23-19. The remaining adjustment factors are calculated as
indicated in Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The results of the saturation
flow rate calculations for all approaches are presented in Exhibit 34-48 and
Exhibit 34-49.
Common Green and Lost Time due to Downstream Queue and Demand
Starvation Calculations
Exhibit 34-50 presents the beginning and end times of the green for each
phase at the two intersections. Phase 1 of the first intersection is assumed to
begin at time zero. In this case the offset for both intersections is zero; therefore
the beginning of Phase 1 for the second intersection is also zero.
The next step involves the calculation of lost time due to downstream
queues. First, the queues at the beginning of the upstream arterial phase and at
the beginning of the upstream ramp phase must be calculated by using Equation
23-33 and Equation 23-34, respectively. Exhibit 34-51 presents the calculation of
these downstream queues followed by the calculation of the respective lost time
due to those queues. As shown, there is no additional lost time due to
downstream queues.
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. Next, the v/c and
queue storage ratios are checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS
for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. Exhibit 34-57 summarizes the results
for all O-D movements at this interchange. As shown, the v/c ratio exceeds 1 for
O-D Movements E, F, and I, all of which include the EB external through and
right movements. Therefore, these O-D movements operate in LOS F. The
remaining movements have v/c and queue storage ratios less than 1; the LOS is
determined by using Exhibit 23-10 for these movements. After extra distances are
measured according to the Exhibit 23-8 discussion, EDTT can be obtained from
Equation 23-50 [i.e., EDTT = 80 / (1.47 × 35) + 0 = 1.6 s/veh]. Interchangewide ETT
is calculated by a weighted average of O-D movement flow rates. It is important
to note that although certain individual movements experience a v/c ratio or RQ
greater than 1.00, the interchange is still considered to be under capacity, operating
at LOS D overall.
Exhibit 34-58
Example Problem 5: DDI
Geometry, Lane, and Volume
The Question
What are the control delays, experienced travel time, and LOS for this
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates as
a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 75 ft
for right-turn movements and 150 ft for left turns.
There are 6.1% heavy vehicles for all movements, and the PHF for the
interchange is 0.95. Start-up lost time and extension of effective green are both 2 s
for all approaches. During the analysis period, there is no parking, and no buses,
bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange.
Exhibit 34-59 provides basic signal timing information for the DDI. The cycle
length is set at 70 s for this pretimed signal. The arterial street free-flow speed is
35 mi/h.
The DDI is timed with two critical phases to allow the northbound and
southbound through movements to be processed through the interchange
sequentially. The signalized right-turn movements from the freeway move
concurrently with the inbound through movement into the interchange at each
crossover, and the left turns move concurrently with the outbound through
movements. Overlap phasing is used to reduce the lost time for the through
movement while providing adequate clearance times for the turning traffic. In
the methodology, this results in additional lost time applied to the ramp
movements (Step 4 of DDI methodology in Chapter 23).
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-D movements through this diamond interchange are calculated by using
the worksheet in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. Because all movements utilize the
signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning movements at the two
intersections. The results of these calculations and the PHF-adjusted values are
presented in Exhibit 34-60.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15. The left- and right-
turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equation 23-20 through Equation
23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius calculated
by Equation 23-19. The DDI adjustment factor is applied to the internal and
external through movements at both crossovers. The remaining adjustment
factors are calculated as indicated in Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The
estimated saturation flow rates for all approaches are shown in Exhibit 34-62.
With the effective green time and saturation flow adjustments complete, the
volume-to-capacity ratios for each lane group are calculated from Equation 23-
48. Because this is an isolated DDI, no adjustments due to closely spaced
intersections apply. Because all turning movements from the freeway are
signalized, Step 6 for estimating performance of YIELD-controlled turns also does
not apply. The results are shown in Exhibit 34-64.
Control delay and its various components (uniform delay, incremental delay,
and initial queue delay) are calculated by using the procedures in Chapter 19,
and the results are shown in Exhibit 34-64.
From these results, the performance measures are aggregated for each O-D
movement. The naming convention for converting turning movements to O-Ds is
followed. Furthermore, for each O-D movement, the EDTT is calculated with
Equation 23-50. The LOS for each lane group can then be determined from
Exhibit 23-10. The results of all steps are shown in Exhibit 34-65.
In the exhibit, the extra distance traveled is 100 ft for the left turn from the
freeway (Movements A and D), reflecting some out-of-direction travel distance at
the interchange. Similarly, 40 ft of added travel distance is applied to the arterial
through movements (I and J) to account for the two crossover shifts. For an
actual site, these distances should be measured from design drawings or aerial
images. The EDTT is then calculated on the assumption of a travel speed of 35
mi/h for that added distance. Note that the methodology does not consider
delays for the free-flow right-turn bypass movements onto the freeway, which
are therefore assumed to be zero. Interchangewide ETT is calculated by a
weighted average of O-D movement flow rates. Although certain individual O-D
movements perform at a worse LOS, this interchange operates at LOS C overall.
Exhibit 34-66
Example Problem 6:
Geometry, Lane, and Volume
The Question
What are the control delays, experienced travel time, and LOS for the turning
movements off the freeway for this interchange if they are controlled by YIELD
The Facts
The basic assumptions for this freeway are the same as for Example Problem
5. Similarly, Steps 1 through 5 are unchanged for the signalized movements.
Capacity of YIELD-Controlled Movement
Step 6 of the interchange methodology evaluates the capacity of the YIELD-
controlled movement in three regimes: (a) Regime 1⎯blocked by conflicting
platoon when the conflicting signal has just turned green, with zero capacity for
turning movement; (b) Regime 2⎯gap acceptance in conflicting traffic after the
initial platoon has cleared, with gap acceptance controlled by the critical gap,
follow-up time, and conflicting flow rate; and (c) Regime 3⎯no conflicting flow
when the conflicting signal is red, with full capacity, controlled by the follow-up
time of the YIELD-controlled approach.
For each regime, the methodology computes the proportion of time the
regime is active, as well as the capacity that applies over that period of time. The
evaluation is performed for the two right-turn movements (M4 and M8) and the
two left-turn movements (M3 and M7).
In Regime 1, the capacity is equal to zero, since no YIELD-controlled
movements can enter the interchange while the opposing queue clears. The
duration of the blocked period is estimated from Equation 23-53. For an isolated
interchange, Equation 23-54 and Equation 23-56 are used to estimate the time to
clear the opposing queue and the time for the last queued vehicle to clear the
conflict point, respectively. The calculation results are shown in Exhibit 34-67.
The combined capacity of the YIELD-controlled movement is estimated from
Equation 23-46 or Equation 23-47. With that capacity and the movement demand,
a volume-to-capacity ratio can be estimated. The control delay for the movement
is then estimated by using the control delay procedure for roundabouts given in
Equation 22-17. The computations of other terms contributing to the experienced
travel time service measure are consistent with Example Problem 5. The results
are shown in Exhibit 34-70.
grade = _________ 0%
grade = _________ Exhibit 34-72
Example Problem 7:
Intersection Plan View
600 ft = Pedestrian Button
= Lane Width
= Through
520 2%
grade = _________
= Right
210 600 ft
= Left
200 ft 837
184 = Through + Right
200 ft
865 = Left + Through
600 ft 80 165 = Left + Right
grade = _________ University Drive
= Left + Through + Right
_____________ 600 ft
grade = _________ 0%
grade = _________
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 87
ft and 50 ft for all left-turn and right-turn movements, respectively. Lane widths
are 10.3 ft for all lanes. There is no extra distance traveled along the freeway
ramps. The grade is 2% on the eastbound and westbound approaches.
There are 3.4% heavy vehicles on all eastbound and westbound movements.
There are 5% heavy vehicles on all northbound and southbound movements. The
PHF for the interchange is 0.95. Start-up lost time and extension of effective
green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the analysis period, there is no
parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this SPUI are calculated on the basis of the worksheet
provided in Exhibit 34-170. O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning
movements at a SPUI because it has only one intersection. The O-Ds and the
corresponding PHF-adjusted values are presented in Exhibit 34-74.
Supplemental Uniform Delay Worksheet for Left Turns from Exclusive Lanes with
Protected and Permitted Phases
Uniform delay for the eastbound and westbound left-turn movements must
be calculated with a supplemental worksheet since both of these exclusive left-
turn lanes have both protected and permitted movements. The intermediate
calculations and uniform delay for the eastbound and westbound left turns are
completed according to the methodology of Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections,
and are shown in Exhibit 34-77.
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the movement delay for the corresponding
movement, as shown in Exhibit 34-82. Next, the v/c and queue storage ratios are
checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS for the respective O-D is
F. As shown, no movements have a v/c ratio or RQ exceeding 1, and therefore the
LOS result is based on the second column of Exhibit 23-10. Interchangewide ETT
is calculated by a weighted average of O-D movement flow rates. Although
certain individual O-D movements perform at a worse LOS, this interchange
operates at LOS C overall.
grade = _________ 0%
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button Exhibit 34-83
= Lane Width Example Problem 8:
400 ft = Through Intersection Plan View
200 ft
98 = Right
800 ft
600 ft 0%
grade = _________
165 280160 185 135
156 = Left
400 795 797
200 ft 200 ft
220 150 200 ft
212 200 ft 96 = Through + Right
780 781 870
60 105 180 80 210 204 600 ft = Left + Through
grade = _________ University Drive
University Drive
200 ft
400 ft
Spring Street
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 300 ft D= 500 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this interchange
and the adjacent intersection?
The Facts
The closely spaced intersection operates as a pretimed signal with no right
turns on red allowed. Travel path radii at the interchange are 50 ft for all right-
turning movements and 75 ft for all left-turning movements. Extra distance
traveled along each freeway ramp is 100 ft.
There are 6.1% heavy vehicles on eastbound and westbound through
movements of the interchange and all movements of the adjacent intersection.
The PHF for the interchange–intersection system is 0.97. Start-up lost time and
extension of effective green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the analysis
period, there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the
interchange. The grade is 2% on the northbound approach.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
The O-Ds for the interchange are obtained as explained in Example Problem
1 and were presented in Exhibit 34-5.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/h/ln by using Equation 23-14. The saturation
flows for each lane group of the adjacent intersection are estimated according to
Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The results of the saturation flow rate
calculations for all movements of the adjacent intersection and the interchange
are presented in Exhibit 34-86 through Exhibit 34-88. Note that turn radius and
traffic pressure adjustments are not considered in the adjacent intersection.
The next step is the calculation of lost time due to downstream queues. At an
adjacent intersection, additional lost time due to interchange operations may
occur at the intersection’s eastbound, southbound left-turn, and northbound
right-turn approaches. Furthermore, the interchange westbound internal link
and southbound ramp may experience additional lost time due to operations at
the adjacent closely spaced intersection.
To estimate whether these approaches experience additional lost time, the
procedure determines the queue at the beginning of the intersection’s eastbound
through arterial phase, southbound left-turn phase, and northbound right-turn
phase. They are calculated by using Equation 23-24 and Equation 23-25. The
resulting queues are subtracted from the downstream link length (link between
the closely spaced intersection and the interchange) to determine the storage at
the beginning of each phase. Exhibit 34-90 presents the calculation of lost time
due to downstream queues. The results indicate that the southbound left-turn
and northbound right-turn movements of the adjacent intersection experience
additional lost time of 2.10 and 3.07 s, respectively.
tA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.25
Qe (veh) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.39 15.6
Qb (veh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Q3 (veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q (veh) 15.4 9.3 9.1 5.9 9.5 9.8 4.4 15.5 18.8
Lh (ft) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
La (ft) 800 200 300 200 800 800 200 800 200
RQ 0.48 1.16 0.76 0.73 0.30 0.30 0.55 0.48 2.36
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. The v/c and queue
storage ratios are checked next. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS
for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. The final delay calculations and
resulting LOS for each O-D and each lane group are presented in Exhibit 34-97
and Exhibit 34-98. As shown, the v/c ratio and RQ for all O-Ds are all below 1, and
therefore the LOS for all O-Ds is determined by using the second column of
Exhibit 23-10. The LOS for each lane group at the adjacent intersection is
assigned on the basis of Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. After extra
distances are measured according to the Exhibit 23-8 discussion, EDTT can be
obtained from Equation 23-50 [i.e., EDTT = 100 / (1.47 × 35) + 0 = 1.9 s].
Interchangewide ETT is calculated by a weighted average of O-D movement flow
rates. Although certain individual O-D movements perform at a worse LOS, this
interchange operates at LOS C overall.
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button
Exhibit 34-99
Example Problem 9:
Intersection Plan View
= Lane Width
400 ft
grade = _________ = Through
= Through + Right
400 ft
Street = Left + Through + Right
Freeway 2%
grade = _________
D= 500 ft
The Question
What are the control delay and LOS for this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange. This
interchange has 3% heavy vehicles and a PHF of 0.97. During the analysis period,
there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange.
Extra distance traveled along each freeway ramp is 100 ft. The grade is 2% on the
NB and SB approaches.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this diamond interchange are calculated by using the worksheet
provided in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. The results of the O-D calculations and
the resulting PHF-adjusted values are presented in Exhibit 34-100.
O-D Heavy Vehicle–Adjusted Control Delay EDTT ETT Demand × Exhibit 34-102
Movement Demand (veh/h) (s/veh) (s/veh) (s/veh) LOS ETT Example Problem 9: Control
A 174 44.2 1.9 46.1 D 8,805.1 Delay and LOS for Each O-D
B 168 30.9 −1.9 29.0 C 5,191.0 Movement
C 126 31.1 −1.9 29.2 C 3,796.0
D 547 44.5 1.9 46.4 D 11,228.8
E 177 47.9 1.9 49.8 D 4,930.2
F 84 34.5 −1.9 32.6 C 2,673.2
G 221 33.8 −1.9 31.9 C 3,190.0
H 194 47.1 1.9 49.0 D 6,223.0
I 911 47.9 0.0 47.9 D 25,913.9
J 881 47.1 0.0 47.1 D 26,423.1
Totals 2,252 98,374.3
Interchange ETT (s/veh) and LOS 43.7 D
The Question
Which interchange type is likely to operate better under the given demands?
The Facts
This interchange will have two-lane approaches with single left-turn lanes on
the arterial approaches. Freeway ramps will consist of two-lane approaches with
channelized right turns in addition to the main ramp lanes. Default saturation
flow rates for use in the type selection analysis are given in Exhibit 34-151. The
O-D movements of traffic through this interchange are shown in Exhibit 34-103.
Outline of Solution
Mapping O-D Flows into Interchange Movements
The primary objective of this example is to compare up to eight interchange
types against a given set of design volumes. The first step is to convert these O-D
flows into movement flows through the signalized interchange. The interchange
type methodology uses the standard NEMA numbering sequence for
interchange phasing, and Exhibit 34-152 in Section 3 demonstrates which O-Ds
make up each NEMA phase at the eight interchange types. Exhibit 34-104 shows
the corresponding volumes for this example on the basis of the O-Ds from
Exhibit 34-103. Since this interchange has channelized right turns, Exhibit 34-105
shows only the NEMA phasing volumes utilizing the signals.
Exhibit 34-109
Value Signalized Right Turns Channelized Right Turns
Example Problem 10: CDI
Critical Flow Ratio Calculations Critical flow ratio for the arterial
0.373 0.333
movements at Intersection I, AI
Critical flow ratio for the ramp
0.282 0.165
movements at Intersection I, RI
Sum of critical flow ratios at
0.655 0.498
Intersection I, Yc,I
Critical flow ratio for the arterial
0.430 0.368
movements at Intersection II, AII
Critical flow ratio for the ramp
0.221 0.118
movements at Intersection II, RII
Sum of critical flow ratios at
0.651 0.486
Intersection II, Yc,II
Maximum sum of critical flow ratios,
0.655 0.498
The CUDI critical flow ratios are calculated by using Equation 34-9. Exhibit
34-108 shows these calculations for a CUDI with the given O-D flows.
The CDI, Parclo A-4Q, Parclo A-2Q, Parclo B-4Q, and Parclo B-2Q all use
separate controllers. For these interchanges the critical flow ratios are calculated
for each intersection, and then the maximum is taken for the overall interchange
critical flow ratio. These numbers are all calculated by using Equation 34-14 and
the default saturation flows. Exhibit 34-109 through Exhibit 34-113 show the
calculations for these interchanges utilizing two controllers.
As demonstrated by Exhibit 34-114, a Parclo B-4Q would be the best
interchange type to select in terms of operational performance for the given O-D
flows at this interchange. For the final interchange type selection, however,
additional criteria should be considered, including those related to economic,
environmental, and land use concerns.
Operational Characteristics
A two-way STOP-controlled (TWSC) intersection was introduced 600 ft west
of the first signalized intersection of the interchange. Ramp metering signals
were installed on both of the freeway entrance ramps. Right-turn storage bays
were introduced on all approaches to the interchange that accommodated right
turns. The demand volumes were modified to introduce conditions that varied
from undersaturated to heavily oversaturated. The signal timing plan was
modified to accommodate the distribution of volumes. Exhibit 34-115 shows the
interchange configuration and demand volumes. The demand volumes are
referenced to the total directional arterial demand d, which varies from 600 to
1,800 veh/h. The turning movement volumes entering and leaving the arterial
have been balanced for continuity of traffic flow. The turning movements
entering and leaving the freeway were set at 25% of the total approach volumes
and were adjusted proportionally to match the arterial demand volumes. The
cross-street entry demand from the TWSC intersection was held constant at 100
veh/h in each direction, with 50% assigned to the left and right turns. No through
vehicles were assigned from the cross street at this intersection.
Exhibit 34-115
Example Problem 11:
Interchange Configuration and
Demand Volumes
Exhibit 34-116 shows the signal timing plan for both intersections of the
diamond interchange. A simple three-phase operation at each intersection is
depicted in this table. No attempt has been made to optimize the phasing or
timing since the main purpose of this example is to demonstrate self-aggravating
phenomena that are not recognized by the Chapter 23 procedures. The ramp
metering signals installed on each of the entrance ramps were set to release a
single vehicle at 10-s intervals, giving a capacity of 360 veh/h for each ramp.
Movement Green (s) Yellow (s) All Red (s) Exhibit 34-116
Entry through/left 20 4 1 Example Problem 11: Signal
Entry and exit through/right 45 4 1 Timing Plan
Ramp 20 4 1
Cycle length (s) 100
Exhibit 34-117
Example Problem 11: Physical
West intersection
Configurations Examined only
Full diamond
interchange with
ramp metering
Exhibit 34-118
Example Problem 11:
Congested Approaches to
Diamond Interchange
capacity reduction that results from interaction between the elements within this
system. The extent of the capacity reduction will be estimated by the relationship
between demand (input) and discharge (output) on the various segments.
Exhibit 34-119 shows the westbound arterial discharge from the diamond
interchange (through plus left turns) as a function of arterial demand d. Note that
the discharge tracks the demand at low volumes, which indicates that all arrivals
were accommodated. As the demand increases, the discharge levels off at a point
that indicates the capacity of the approach. When the approach is a part of an
isolated intersection, the capacity nears 1,600 veh/h. A much lower capacity
(about 850 veh/h) is attainable in the case of the diamond interchange with ramp
metering. A number of self-aggravating phenomena reduce the capacity. Some
westbound vehicles are unable to enter the east intersection because of backup
from internal westbound left-turn bay spillover. Other westbound vehicles are
unable to exit the interchange because of backup from the ramp metering signal
and because of blockage of the intersection by left-turning exit ramp vehicles.
The net result is a substantial reduction in capacity that would not be evident
from application of the Chapter 23 methodology.
Exhibit 34-120 shows the effect of the demand volume on the southbound
exit ramp discharge at the west signal of the diamond interchange. With an
isolated signal, the discharge levels off at the approach capacity. As shown, the
capacity is reduced slightly when the signal is part of a diamond interchange.
The reduction was not as apparent as it was for the arterial movements because
the blockage effects are not as significant. Some left turns were unable to enter
the intersection because of backup from the east signal. The right turns from the
ramp were not subject to any blockage effects.
600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800
300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Ramp Demand (veh/h)
Demand Intersection Diamond
Exhibit 34-121
Example Problem 11:
Congested Approaches to the
TWSC Intersection
Exhibit 34-122
Example Problem 11: Effect of
Arterial Demand on Minor-
Street Discharge at the TWSC
(a) Northbound
(b) Southbound
The Question
What is the LOS for each of the 12 movements at the intersection?
The Facts
The geometry is as pictured in Exhibit 23-42, with the main street running
east–west. The distance from the main intersection to each U-turn crossover is
2,000 ft. The storage bay length for each left-turn crossover is 300 ft. The PHF is
0.92. Free-flow speed on the major street is 60 mi/h. The truck percentages are
zero, and there are no significant grades on any approach. Exhibit 34-123 shows
the vehicular demands (veh/h).
Exhibit 34-123
Example Problem 12: Turning
Movement Demands
The solution follows the 10-step procedure outlined in Chapter 23. Once the
v/c ratio, 95% queue-to-storage ratio, and experienced travel time have been
determined for a movement, its LOS will be found by using Exhibit 23-13.
Exhibit 34-124
Example Problem 12:
Demands Converted to the
RCUT Geometry
Exhibit 34-125
Example Problem 12: Flow
Rates in the RCUT Geometry
2,000 + 2,000
𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇 = + 15 = 60.4 s/veh
1.47 × 60
𝐸𝑇𝑇 = ∑ 𝑑𝑖 + ∑ 𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇
The minor-street left-turn and through movements experience LOS E
because of the distances from the main intersection to the U-turn crossovers and
the major-street free-flow speed. Chapter 23 explores the sensitivity of EDTT and
LOS to these factors. It shows that, over typical ranges, there is some change in
EDTT and LOS as a result of these factors but that achievement of a LOS better
than D or E for minor-street left-turn and through movements with this design
will be difficult.
The Question
What is the LOS for each of the six movements at the intersection?
The Facts
The main street has two through lanes in each direction and runs north–
south. The distance from the main intersection to the U-turn crossover is 700 ft.
The storage bay lengths for the left-turn and U-turn crossovers are 400 ft. The
PHF is 0.90. The free-flow speed on the major street is 60 mi/h. The truck
percentage is 6% on all approaches. The grade on the EB approach is 2%, there
are no pedestrians, and there are no nearby traffic signals. Exhibit 34-126 shows
the vehicular demands (veh/h) and a diagram of the intersection.
Exhibit 34-126
Example Problem 13: O-D
Demands and Intersection
The solution follows the 10-step procedure outlined in Chapter 23. Once the
v/c ratio, queue-to-storage ratio, and experienced travel time have been
determined for a movement, its LOS will be found with Exhibit 23-13.
Exhibit 34-127
Example Problem 13:
Movement Demands and Flow
Rates in the RCUT Geometry
𝐸𝑇𝑇 = ∑ 𝑑𝑖 + ∑ 𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇
Use of the bottom portion of Exhibit 23-49 gives the calculations shown in
Exhibit 34-129. LOS for each movement is obtained with Exhibit 23-13. It was
shown in Exhibit 34-128 that the v/c ratio is less than 1.0 at all junctions and that
the queue-to-storage ratios are well below 1.0 for the 400-ft bay lengths
Interesting factors to examine in this problem are the base critical headway
and base follow-up time at the U-turn crossover and the minor-street left-turn
demand. Recalculation of the example by using the default values for base
critical headway and base follow-up time for minor-street left turns (6.5 s and 3.5
s, respectively) results in control delay at the U-turn crossover rising from 16.3 to
83.2 s/veh. In turn, this changes the ETT value for the minor-street left-turn
movement to 122.3 s/veh, which is LOS F. It is apparent that the base critical
headway and base follow-up time values used in the U-turn crossover analysis
could affect LOS by one level.
In general, the RCUT design requires extra travel time for the minor-street
left-turn and through movements while minimizing delays for the major-street
movements. Chapter 23 shows, for the conditions in this example, how far the
minor street can be pushed before it reaches LOS F. In this case, a demand of
more than 250 veh/h minor-street left turns in conjunction with 250 veh/h minor-
street right turns results in LOS F. If these are peak-period flows and typical K-
and D-factors apply, these demand levels translate to annual average daily traffic
values of 8,000 to 10,000 veh/day. Of course, better levels of service can be
achieved on the minor-street approach with an additional lane. Chapter 23 also
illustrates that minor-street left-turn LOS at an RCUT with STOP signs will rarely
achieve better than LOS D. It is apparent that the LOS constraint at an RCUT will
typically be the minor-street approach, which serves more movements than the
major-street left-turn crossover or the U-turn crossover.
The Intersection
An RCUT with signals in a suburban area has four approaches.
The Question
What is the LOS for each of the 12 movements at the intersection and for the
facility as a whole?
The Facts
The main street runs north–south. The distance from the main intersections
to the U-turn crossovers is 800 ft. The storage bay lengths for the left-turn and U-
turn crossovers are 400 ft. The median is 40 ft wide. All crossovers have a single
lane. The major street has two through lanes and exclusive right-turn lanes at the
main junction in each direction. The minor street has two lanes on each of the
approaches to the main junctions. The PHF is 0.93. Free-flow speed on the major
street is 50 mi/h. The truck percentages are 3.7%. Grades are flat on all
approaches. There are no pedestrians, and there are no significant volumes
turning on a red signal. Exhibit 34-130 shows the vehicular demands (veh/h).
The signals are pretimed as part of a longer RCUT corridor. The arrival type
is 6 on the major street at the U-turn crossover signals in both directions and 3 for
the minor street. At both southbound signals, the cycle length is 90 s, with 60 s of
major-street green, 20 s of minor-street or crossover green, 4 s of yellow, and 1 s
of all-red. At both northbound signals, the cycle length is 60 s, with 25 s of major-
street green, 25 s of minor-street or crossover green, 4 s of yellow, and 1 s of all-red.
Exhibit 34-130
Example Problem 14: Turning
Movement Demands
The solution follows the 10-step procedure outlined in Chapter 23. Once the
v/c ratio, queue-to-storage ratio, and experienced travel time have been
determined for a movement, its LOS will be found with Exhibit 23-13.
Exhibit 34-131
Example Problem 14:
Demands and Flow Rates in
the RCUT Geometry
𝐸𝑇𝑇 = ∑ 𝑑𝑖 + ∑ 𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇
Use of the top portion of Exhibit 23-48 gives the results in Exhibit 34-133.
One of the concerns at an RCUT is the possibility of uneven lane distribution
on a multilane minor-street approach or a multilane U-turn crossover. The
results above were produced by assuming a relatively even lane distribution on
the two-lane minor-street approaches. On the westbound minor-street approach,
there was a demand of 200 veh/h to turn right and 130 veh/h to turn left or make
a through movement. Placing all of the right-turn vehicles in the right lane and
all of the other vehicles in the left lane would add just 0.3 s/veh of control delay
to those movements, which indicates that for situations like the one in this
example, lane distribution may not matter too much.
The effect of the saturation flow adjustment factor for U-turns can also be
examined. The default suggested in Exhibit 23-52 for this case, with a 40-ft-wide
median, is 0.85. If field data showed that the factor should be 0.8, control delay
for each movement using a crossover would increase by 0.7 to 0.9 s/veh from the
results in Exhibit 34-133. On the other hand, if field data showed that the factor
should be 0.9, the control delay for each movement using a crossover would
decrease by 0.6 to 0.7 s/veh, compared with the results in Exhibit 34-133. Overall,
the U-turn saturation flow adjustment factor only makes a small difference in
this problem.
The Intersection
An MUT with STOP signs at the U-turn crossovers in a suburban area has
four approaches.
The Question
What is the LOS for each of the 12 movements at the intersection?
The Facts
The main street runs north–south. The distance from the main intersections
to the U-turn crossovers is 600 ft. The storage bay lengths for the left-turn and U-
turn crossovers are 500 ft. Both U-turn crossovers have a single lane. The major
street has two through lanes at the main junction, with shared right-turn lanes.
The minor street has one through lane and one exclusive right-turn lane on each
approach to the main junction. The PHF is 0.95. Free-flow speed on the major
street is 40 mi/h. The truck percentages are 2.6%. Grades are flat on all
approaches. There are 100 pedestrians per hour on each crosswalk at the main
junction, and there are no turns on red at the signal due to the pedestrians.
Exhibit 34-134 shows the vehicular demands (veh/h). The signal is actuated and
not coordinated. The yellow time is 4 s and the all-red is 1 s. Maximum green
times are 30 s for east–west phases and 50 s for north–south phases.
Exhibit 34-134
Example Problem 15: Turning
Movement Demands and
Average Interval Durations
Exhibit 34-135
Example Problem 15:
Demands Converted to the
MUT Geometry
Exhibit 34-136
Example Problem 15: Flow
Rates in the MUT Geometry
𝐸𝑇𝑇 = ∑ 𝑑𝑖 + ∑ 𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇
Use of the middle portion of Exhibit 23-50 gives the results in Exhibit 34-138.
MUT and RCUT intersections are particularly aided by right turns and U-
turns on red because the demands for those movements are relatively higher
than at conventional intersections. If right turns on red were allowed from the
minor-street approaches in this case, where there are exclusive right-turn lanes,
the Chapter 23 example results in Part C show the effects on ETT. If 40% of the
right-turning volume (which includes the traffic that will eventually turn left) is
able to turn on red, with an estimated zero control delay, ETT will be reduced by
more than 11 s/veh for some of the minor-street movements, which will change
LOS by one level in some cases.
The Intersection
The intersection of Speedway Boulevard (east–west) and Campbell Avenue
(north–south) has multiple failing movements and heavy left-turn demands.
Many of the nonfailing movements are close to failing, and future traffic growth
is a concern. Exhibit 34-139 provides the intersection volumes and channelization,
and Exhibit 34-140 provides the signalization information. Volumes (hourly flow
rates) listed in Exhibit 34-139 are only valid during the peak 15-min period.
Exhibit 34-139
Example Problem 16:
Intersection Volumes and
Exhibit 34-140
Example Problem 16:
Intersection Signalization
The Question
Will displacing the left turns on the major street significantly improve
performance of this intersection?
The Facts
No other signalized intersections exist within 1 mi. The intersection is
controlled by a fully actuated signal, with no right turns on red allowed. There
are no heavy vehicles, and the PHF is estimated to be 0.92. The start-up lost time
and the extension of effective green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the
analysis period, there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize
the intersection.
The analyst wishes to evaluate potential improvements when the east–west
left turns are displaced 350 ft upstream of the main intersection. These upstream
locations are now classified as the supplemental intersections. In the HCM
context, a DLT intersection analysis can be considered an extension of the urban
streets procedure. Thus, definitions of volume, geometric, and signalization data
for an urban street having three intersections are necessary at this stage.
Exhibit 34-141
Example Problem 16: Flow
Rates at the Supplemental
and Main Intersections
Exhibit 34-142
Example Problem 16: Lane
Geometries at the
Supplemental and Main
Green (s) 18.7 36.3 17.0 11.8 4.8 16.4 12.7 42.3
Yellow (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Red (s) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
After the overall new timing plans are determined, the signalization offsets
can be recalculated according to Step 5. The following steps represent the offset
computation process for DLT intersections in Chapter 23:
1. Determine the travel distance for (i.e., segment length of) the displaced
left-turn roadway TDDLT, in feet. The displaced left-turn roadway is the
roadway used by displaced left-turning vehicles as they travel from the
upstream crossover at the supplemental intersection to the stop bar at the
main intersection. In this case, the distance is 350 ft.
2. Compute the left-turn travel time TTDLT with Equation 23-63:
𝑆𝑓,𝐷𝐿𝑇 × 1.47
𝑇𝑇𝐷𝐿𝑇 = = 6.8 s
35 × 1.47
3. For the upstream supplemental intersection, obtain the duration between
the reference point and the start of the displaced left-turn phase LAGDLT,
in seconds. For the downstream main intersection, obtain the duration
between the reference point and the start of the major-street through
phase LAGTH, in seconds. These durations should be based on input phase
splits instead of output phase durations.
In this example, the reference point at all intersections is assumed to be
the end of the major-street through phase. From Exhibit 34-143, the
supplemental intersection’s displaced left-turn phases always begin
exactly when the major-street through phases end, so that LAGDLT is equal
to zero.
Exhibit 34-143 indicates that at the main intersection, after the major-street
through phase ends, the signal must cycle through all minor-street phases
before reaching a point where the major-street through phase begins.
However, Exhibit 34-143 illustrates average phase durations. To
determine the window of green time that is guaranteed to occur on the
major street, it is necessary to observe what the timing plan would be if
actuated phases were driven to their maximum durations. Exhibit 34-144
illustrates this timing plan.
Exhibit 34-144
Example Problem 16:
Maximum Phase Times at the
Main Intersection
Green (s) 8.0 21.0 1.0 15.0
Yellow (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Red (s) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
9. If any offset value is lower than zero, increment the offset value by the
cycle length to obtain an equivalent offset within the valid range.
In this example, the new offset value of 45 s is not lower than zero. Thus,
when the offset is set to 45 s at the supplemental intersections, displaced
left-turn vehicles are expected to pass through the main intersection
without stopping.
Validity Checks
Chapter 23 cites a number of conditions that would invalidate the DLT
analysis method. If any of these conditions are met, the analysis results are
unreliable, and alternative tool analysis is recommended:
• Displaced left-turn vehicles are significantly delayed at the main
• Displaced left-turn approach’s through and left-turning movements are
not served by exactly the same signal phasing and timing,
• Green times at the main intersection are not long enough to serve
displaced left-turning vehicle demands fully, or
• Side street green durations do not exceed the sum of (a) main street travel
time between supplemental and main intersections and (b) displaced left-
turn queue clearance time.
The Question
Will displacement of left-turn movements on all four approaches
significantly improve performance of this intersection?
The Facts
The facts of the example problem are the same as in Example Problem 16.
The analyst wishes to evaluate potential improvements when left turns on all
four approaches are displaced 350 ft upstream of the main intersection. In this
case, two partial DLT analyses must be performed: one for the major street and
one for the minor street.
Exhibit 34-146
Example Problem 17: Flow
Rates at the Supplemental
and Main Intersections
Exhibit 34-147
Example Problem 17: Lane
Geometries at the
Supplemental and Main
After the overall new timing plans are determined, signalization offsets can
be recalculated according to Step 5. The following steps represent the offset
computation process for DLT intersections in Chapter 23:
1. Determine the travel distance for (i.e., segment length of) the displaced
left-turn roadway TDDLT, in feet. The displaced left-turn roadway is the
roadway used by displaced left-turning vehicles as they travel from the
upstream crossover at the supplemental intersection to the stop bar at the
main intersection. In this case, the distance is 350 ft.
2. Compute the left-turn travel time TTDLT by using Equation 23-63:
𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐷𝐿𝑇 × 1.47
𝑇𝑇𝐷𝐿𝑇 = = 6.8 s
35 × 1.47
3. For the upstream supplemental intersection, obtain the duration between
the reference point and the start of the displaced left-turn phase LAGDLT,
in seconds. For the downstream main intersection, obtain the duration
between the reference point and the start of the major-street through
phase LAGTH, in seconds. These durations should be based on input phase
splits instead of output phase durations.
In this example, the reference point at all intersections is assumed to be
the end of the major-street through phase. From Exhibit 34-148, the
supplemental intersection’s displaced left-turn phases always begin
exactly when the major-street through phases end, so that LAGDLT is equal
to zero.
From Exhibit 34-148 at the main intersection, after the major-street
through phase ends, the signal must cycle through the minor-street phase
before reaching a point where the major-street through phase begins. For
partial DLTs, it is necessary to observe what the timing plan would be if
actuated phases were driven to their maximum durations, but for full
DLTs, no phases are allowed to be actuated at the main intersection. Thus
LAGTH is equal to 18 + 4 + 1 = 23 s. This means that the major-street through
phase begins 23 s after the reference point.
4. Obtain the offsets at the upstream supplemental intersection OSUPP and the
downstream main intersection OMAIN, both in seconds.
For this example, the initial offsets at all intersections are assumed equal
to 0 s. When an existing DLT intersection having nonzero offsets is
evaluated, the existing offsets would be assigned here.
5. Compute the system start time of the displaced left-turn phase STDLT, in
seconds, for the upstream crossover at the supplemental intersection by
using Equation 23-64:
𝑆𝑇𝐷𝐿𝑇 = 0 + 0 = 0 s
6. Compute the system start time of the major-street through phase STTH at
the main intersection by using Equation 23-65:
𝑆𝑇𝑇𝐻 = 23 + 0 = 23 s
7. Change OSUPP so that STTH is equal to STDLT + TTDLT by using Equation
𝑂𝑆𝑈𝑃𝑃 = 0 − 0 + 23 − 7 = 16 s
8. If the offset value is greater than the background cycle length value,
decrement the offset value by the cycle length C to obtain an equivalent
offset within the valid range.
In this example, the new offset value of 16 s is not greater than the cycle
length value of 45 s.
9. If any offset value is lower than zero, increment the offset value by the
cycle length to obtain an equivalent offset within the valid range.
In this example, the new offset value of 16 is not lower than zero. Thus,
with offset values of 16 s at the east–west supplemental intersections,
displaced left-turn vehicles are expected to pass through the main
intersection without stopping. This completes the input data adjustments
for a partial DLT analysis in the east–west direction.
Since the major-street and minor-street demands were all relatively heavy in
Example Problems 16 and 17, the failure of the full DLT configuration to
outperform the partial DLT configuration was surprising. However, when the
same exercise was performed with 800-ft spacings between supplemental and
main intersections, the full DLT (25.3 s/veh) outperformed the partial DLT (28.4
s/veh) by more than 10%. This shows that the DLT results are sensitive to
intersection spacings and that intersection spacings should be taken into
consideration in designing a new DLT facility.
Exhibit 34-150
Move- Flows Delays
Example Problem 17:
ment Orig. Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Int 4 Int 5 Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Int 4 Int 5 Weighted Average Control
EB L 761 761 15.8 Delays
EB TH 437 859 437 1,352 0.6 14.5 10.4
EB R 422 422 14.6
WB L 486 486 17.5
WB TH 340 1,397 340 667 17.9 12.8 0.5
WB R 328 328 12.9
NB L 739 739 15.2
NB TH 439 439 864 1,618 13.1 0.6 14.2
NB R 425 425 13.2
SB L 500 500 17.4
SB TH 364 364 1,226 717 12.2 13.8 0.5
SB R 353 353 12.3
Total 5,594
Movement Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Int 4 Int 5
EB L 12,024 0 0 0 0
EB TH 515 6,337 14,061 0 0
EB R 0 6,161 0 0 0
WB L 0 0 8,505 0 0
WB TH 25,006 4,352 334 0 0
WB R 0 4,231 0 0 0
NB L 0 0 0 11,233 0
NB TH 0 5,751 0 518 22,976
NB R 0 5,610 0 0 0
SB L 0 0 0 0 8,700
SB TH 0 4,441 0 16,919 359
SB R 0 4,342 0 0 0
Total 162,373
Average 29.0
Notes: EB = eastbound, WB = westbound, NB = northbound, SB = southbound, TH = through, L = left, R = right,
Orig. = original (non-DLT) intersection, Int = intersection.
Validity Checks
Chapter 23 cites a number of conditions that would invalidate the DLT
analysis method. If any of these conditions are met, the analysis results are
unreliable, and alternative tool analysis is recommended:
• Displaced left-turn vehicles are significantly delayed at the main
• The displaced left-turn approach’s through and left-turning movements
are not served by exactly the same signal phasing and timing,
• Green times at the main intersection are not large enough to serve
displaced left-turning vehicle demands fully, or
• Side street green durations do not exceed the sum of (a) main street travel
time between supplemental and main intersections and (b) displaced left-
turn queue clearance time.
The operational analysis for interchange type selection can be used to
evaluate the operational performance of various interchange types. It allows the
user to compare eight fundamental types of interchanges for a given set of
demand flows. The eight signalized interchange types covered by the
interchange type selection analysis methodology are as follows:
1. SPUI,
2. Tight urban diamond interchange (TUDI),
3. Compressed urban diamond interchange (CUDI),
4. Conventional diamond interchange (CDI),
5. Parclo A—four quadrants (Parclo A-4Q),
6. Parclo A—two quadrants (Parclo A-2Q),
7. Parclo B—four quadrants (Parclo B-4Q), and
8. Parclo B—two quadrants (Parclo B-2Q).
Other types of signalized interchanges cannot be investigated with this
interchange type selection analysis methodology. Also, the operational analysis
methodology does not distinguish between the TUDI, CUDI, and CDI types. In
general, the interchange type selection analysis methodology categorizes
diamond interchanges by the distance between the centerlines of the ramp
roadways that form the signalized intersections. This distance is generally
between 200 and 400 ft for the TUDI, between 600 and 800 ft for the CUDI, and
between 1,000 and 1,200 ft for the CDI.
The method is based on research (4). The research also provides a
methodology for selecting unsignalized interchanges. Since unsignalized
interchanges are not covered by Chapter 23, users should consult the original
source for this information.
The methodology is based on the estimation of the sums of critical flow
ratios through the interchange and their use to estimate interchange delay. A
combination of simulation and field data was used to develop critical
relationships for the methodology.
The sum of critical flow ratios is based on an identification of all flows served
during a particular signal phase and the determination of maximum flow ratios
among the movements served by that phase. The models are similar to those
used in Chapter 19 for signalized intersections; they are modified to take into
account the fact that each signal phase involves two signalized intersections.
Interchange delay is defined as the total of all control delays experienced by all
interchange movements involved in signalized ramp terminal movements
divided by the sum of all external movement flows. Additional information is
available in the source report (4).
Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental
Page 34-92 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Step 1: Mapping O-D Flows into Interchange Movements
Since the primary objective of an interchange type selection analysis is to
compare up to eight interchange types against a given set of design volumes,
conversion of a given set of design origin and destination volumes to movement
flows through the signalized interchange is necessary first. The methodology
identifies volumes by signal phase by using the standard NEMA numbering
sequence for interchange phasing. Thus, movements are numbered 1 through 8
on the basis of the signal phase that accommodates the movement. Not all
configurations and signalizations include all eight NEMA phases, and for some
interchange forms some movements are not signalized and do not, therefore,
contribute to interchange delay.
As for the operational analysis methodology, to simplify the mapping
process, the freeway is assumed to be oriented north–south and the surface
arterial east–west. If the freeway is oriented in the east–west direction, rotate the
interchange drawing or diagram clockwise until the freeway is in the north–
south direction. In rotating clockwise, the westbound freeway direction becomes
northbound and the eastbound freeway direction becomes southbound; the
northbound arterial direction becomes eastbound and the southbound arterial
direction becomes westbound. The methodology allows for separate
consideration of freeway U-turn movements through the interchange. Thus, 14
basic movements must be mapped for each interchange type.
For interchange types using two controllers, phase movements through the
left (Intersection I) and right (Intersection II) intersections of the interchange are
separately mapped and used in the procedure.
Exhibit 34-152 indicates the appropriate mapping of O-D demand volumes
into phase movement volumes for the eight covered interchange types. The
designation of the O-D demands is shown in Exhibit 34-162. The mapped phase
movement volumes are then used in Step 2 to compute critical flow ratios.
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Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 34-154
Phase Movements in a Tight
Urban or Compressed Urban
Diamond Interchange
𝑣2 𝑣4 𝑣5
𝐴 = max [( + ) − 𝑦3 , ( + 𝑦7 )] Equation 34-5
𝑠2 𝑛2 𝑠4 𝑛4 𝑠5 𝑛5
𝑣1 𝑣6 𝑣8 Equation 34-6
𝑅 = max [( + 𝑦3 ) , ( + − 𝑦7 )]
𝑠1 𝑛1 𝑠6 𝑛6 𝑠8 𝑛8
𝑦3 = min ( ,𝑦 ) Equation 34-7
𝑠4 𝑛4 𝑡
𝑦7 = min ( ,𝑦 ) Equation 34-8
𝑠8 𝑛8 𝑡
where y3 and y7 are the effective flow ratios for concurrent (or transition) Phases 3
and 7, respectively; and yt is the effective flow ratio for the concurrent phase
when dictated by travel time.
For preliminary design applications, the default values of Exhibit 34-155 are
recommended for yt. The distance between the two intersections is measured
from the centerline of the left ramp roadway to the centerline of the right ramp
For Phase Movements 2 and 6, the number of assigned lanes (n2 and n6) is
related to the arterial left-turn bay design. If the left-turn bay extends back to the
external approach to the interchange, the number of lanes on these external
approaches is the total number of approaching lanes, including the left-turn bay.
If the left-turn bay is provided only on the internal arterial link, n2 or n6, or both,
would not include this lane.
Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 34-156
Phase Movements in a CDI
Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental
Page 34-96 Version 7.0
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 34-157
Phase Movements in Parclo A-
2Q and A-4Q Interchanges
Exhibit 34-158
Phase Movements in Parclo B-
2Q and B-4Q Interchanges
For all conventional diamond, Parclo A, and Parclo B interchanges, the sum
of critical flow ratios is computed as follows:
𝑌𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = max(𝑌𝑐,I , 𝑌𝑐,II ) Equation 34-14
𝑌𝑐,I = 𝐴I + 𝑅I Equation 34-15
𝑣1 𝑣2 𝑣5 𝑣6 Equation 34-17
𝐴I,II = max [( + ),( + )]
𝑠1𝑛1 𝑠2 𝑛2 𝑠5𝑛5 𝑠6 𝑛6
𝑣4 𝑣8 Equation 34-18
𝑅I,II = max ( , )
𝑠4 𝑛4 𝑠8 𝑛8
Yc,I = sum of the critical flow ratios for Intersection I,
Yc,II = sum of the critical flow ratios for Intersection II,
Yc,max = sum of the critical flow ratios for the interchange,
AI = critical flow ratio for the arterial movements for Intersection I,
AII = critical flow ratio for the arterial movements for Intersection II,
Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection
Version 7.0 Page 34-97
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
AI,II = critical flow ratio for the arterial movements for the interchange,
RI = critical flow ratio for the exit-ramp movements for Intersection I,
RII = critical flow ratio for the exit-ramp movements for Intersection II, and
RI,II = critical flow ratio for the exit-ramp movements for the interchange.
Note that when values of AI, AII, RI, and RII are computed, the movement
volumes vary for Intersections I and II, even though the phase movement
designations are the same (Exhibit 34-152).
Some of the phase movement volumes do not exist in either Intersection I or
II. A value of 0 is used for the volume in each case where this occurs.
Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Delay estimates can be related to LOS. For consistency, the same criteria as
used for the operational analysis methodology (4) are applied. Because LOS F is
based on a v/c ratio greater than 1.00 or a queue storage ratio greater than 1.00,
this interchange type selection methodology will never predict LOS F, because it
does not predict these ratios. Users should be exceedingly cautious of results
when interchange delay exceeds 85 to 90 s/veh.
In evaluating alternative interchange types, the exact distance, Dʹ, may not be
known for each of the alternatives. It is recommended that all lengths be selected
at the midpoint of the range shown in Exhibit 34-159 for this level of analysis.
Interpretation of Results
The output of the interchange type selection procedure for signalized
interchanges is a set of delay predictions for (a) various interchange types, (b)
various distances Dʹ between the two intersections, or (c) various numbers and
assignments of lanes on ramps and the surface arterials.
Although a lower interchange delay is generally better, a final choice must
consider a number of other criteria that are not part of this methodology,
including the following:
• Availability of right-of-way,
• Environmental impacts,
• Social impacts,
• Construction cost, and
• Benefit–cost analysis.
This methodology provides valuable information that can be used, in
conjunction with other analyses, in making an appropriate choice of an interchange
type and some of the primary design parameters. However, the final design will
be based on many other criteria in addition to the output of this methodology.
Users are also cautioned that while the definition of interchange delay is
similar for the interchange type selection methodology and the operational analysis
methodology, different modeling approaches to delay prediction were taken, and
there is no guarantee that the results of the two methodologies will be consistent.
Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection
Version 7.0 Page 34-99
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 34-160
Illustration and Notation of
O-D Demands at an
Interchange with
Movement Diamond Parclo A-2Q Parclo B-2Q Parclo B-4Q Exhibit 34-161
1 C, D, L, N C, D, N -- C Notation of O-D Demands at
Interchanges with
2 D, H, L, M, N D, N H, M, N H, M
3 E, F, I E, F E, F, I E, F, I
4 D, E, F, H, I, L, M, N D, E, F, I, N E, F, H, I, M E, F, H, I, M
5 -- -- C D, N
6 -- F C --
7 A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, H, J, M
8 J, M A, F, H, J, M A, C, H, J, M A, H, J, M
9 -- -- A, B, M A, M
10 -- G B -
11 D, E, I, N D, E, I, N D, E, I, N D, E, I, N
12 D, E, I, N D, E, G, I, N B, D, E D, E, I, N
13 A, B, K, M A, B, M -- B
14 A, E, K, M, N A, M E, N E, N
15 G, H, J G, H, J G, H, J G, H, J
16 A, E, G, H, J, K, M, N A, G, H, J, M E, G, H, J, N E, G, H, J, N
Movement SPUI Parclo AB-4Q Parclo A-4Q Parclo AB-2Q
1 C, D, L, N C C, D, N --
2 D, H, L, M, N H, M D, N H, M
3 E, F, I E, F, I E, F, I E, F, I
4 D, E, I, N E, F, H, I, M D, E, F, I, N E, F, H, I, M
5 A, B, K, M D, N -- C, D, N
6 A, E, K, M, N -- -- C
7 G, H, J A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, H, J, M
8 A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, C, H, J, M
9 -- -- -- --
10 -- -- -- G
11 -- D, E, I, N D, E, I, N D, E, I, N
12 -- D, E, I, N D, E, I, N D, E, G, I, N
13 -- A, B, M A, B, M A, B, M
14 -- A, M A, M A, M
15 -- G, H, J G, H, J G, H, J
16 -- A, G, H, J, M A, G, H, J, M A, G, H, J, M
Note: -- indicates movements that do not exist for a given interchange form.
Exhibit 34-162
O-D Flows for Each
Interchange Configuration
Exhibit 34-164
Worksheet for Obtaining O-D
Input Output Movements from Turning
Intersection I Intersection II Movements for Parclo A-4Q
Turning Turning Interchanges
Move- Volume Move- Volume Volume
Approach ment (veh/h) ment (veh/h) O-D Movement Calculation (veh/h)
LT LT A = (NB LT) – (NB UT)
LT LT D = (SB LT) – (SB UT)
Northbound RT RT H = (WB INT-RT) – (NB UT)
(NB) TH TH I = (EB INT-TH) – (SB LT) + (SB UT)
UT UT J = (WB INT-TH) – (NB LT) + (NB UT)
Southbound RT RT L
Notes: LT = left turn, RT = right turn, UT = U-turn, TH = through, INT = internal, EXT = external.
The flows of the two U-turn movements from the freeway (SB UT and NB UT) are user-specified.
Shading indicates movements that do not occur in this interchange form.
Exhibit 34-165
Input Output
Worksheet for Obtaining O-D
Movements from Turning Intersection I Intersection II
Movements for Parclo AB-2Q Turning Turning
Interchanges Move- Volume Move- Volume Volume
Approach ment (veh/h) ment (veh/h) O-D Movement Calculation (veh/h)
LT LT A = (NB LT(II)) – (NB UT(II))
RT RT E = (EB INT-RT) – (NB UT(I))
Northbound RT(I) RT(II) H = (WB INT-LT) – (NB UT(II))
(NB) TH TH I = (EB INT-TH) – (NB RT(I)) + (NB UT(I))
UT(I) UT(II) J = (WB INT-TH) – (NB LT(II)) + (NB UT(II))
Southbound RT RT L
Notes: LT = left turn, RT = right turn, UT = U-turn, TH = through, INT = internal, EXT = external.
The flows of the two U-turn movements from the freeway [NB UT(I) and NB UT(II)] are user-specified.
Shading indicates movements that do not occur in this interchange form.
Input Output
Exhibit 34-166
Intersection I Intersection II
Worksheet for Obtaining O-D
Movements from Turning Turning Turning
Movements for Parclo AB-4Q Move- Volume Move- Volume Volume
Interchanges Approach ment (veh/h) ment (veh/h) O-D Movement Calculation (veh/h)
LT LT A = (NB LT(II)) – (NB UT(II))
INT-LT LT D = (NB RT(I)) – (NB UT(I))
Northbound RT(I) RT(II) H = (WB INT-LT) – (NB UT(II))
(NB) TH TH I = (EB INT-TH) – (NB RT(I)) + (NB UT(I))
UT(I) UT(II) J = (WB INT-TH) – (NB LT(II)) + (NB UT(II))
Southbound RT(I) RT L
Notes: LT = left turn, RT = right turn, UT = U-turn, TH = through, INT = internal, EXT = external.
The flows of the two U-turn movements from the freeway [NB UT(I) and NB UT(II)] are user-specified.
Shading indicates movements that do not occur in this interchange form.
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 35-1
Chapter 35 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 24, Off-Street Pedestrian VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
and Bicycle Facilities, which is found in Volume 3 of the Highway Capacity 25. Freeway Facilities:
Manual. It provides two example problems demonstrating the calculation of Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
pedestrian and bicycle level of service (LOS) for off-street paths. Segments: Supplemental
27. Freeway Weaving:
28. Freeway Merges and
Diverges: Supplemental
29. Urban Street Facilities:
30. Urban Street Segments:
31. Signalized Intersections:
32. STOP-Controlled
33. Roundabouts:
34. Interchange Ramp
Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and
Bicycles: Supplemental
36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
38: Network Analysis
𝐹𝑚 = 151 events/h
The total number of events is calculated from Equation 24-7:
𝐹 = (𝐹𝑝 + 0.5𝐹𝑚 )
𝐹 = (90 + 0.5(151))
𝐹 = 166 events/h
The existing shared-use path operates at LOS E for pedestrians. Pedestrian
LOS would increase to LOS A if a parallel, 5-ft-wide pedestrian path were
The probability of passing a bicycle at the end of the first 0.01-mi piece of
path (i.e., at x = 0.01 mi) is derived from a normal distribution of bicycle speeds
with a mean speed μ and a standard deviation σ.
𝑥 0.01
𝐹(𝑥) = 𝑃 [𝑣𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒 < 𝑈 (1 − )] = 𝑃 [𝑣𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒 < 12.8 (1 − )]
𝐿 3
𝐹(𝑥) = 𝑃[𝑣𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒 < 12.76] = 0.4950
The probability of passing a bicycle at the start of the first 0.01-mi piece of
path is
𝑥 − 𝑑𝑥 0.01 − 0.01
𝐹(𝑥 − 𝑑𝑥) = 𝑃 [𝑣𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒 < 𝑈 (1 − )] = 𝑃 [𝑣𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒 < 12.8 (1 − )]
𝐿 3
𝐹(𝑥 − 𝑑𝑥) = 𝑃[𝑣𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒 < 12.8] = 0.5000
Next, the average probability of passing in the first piece is
𝑃(𝑣𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒 ) = 0.5[𝐹(𝑥 − 𝑑𝑥) + 𝐹(𝑥)]
𝑃(𝑣𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒 ) = 0.5[0.5000 + 0.4950] = 0.4975
The expected number of times the average bicyclist passes users of mode i
over the entire path segment is determined by multiplying P(vi) by the density of
users of mode i and summing over all pieces of the segment. The number of
active passings per minute is then obtained by dividing the result by the number
of minutes required for the bicyclist to traverse the path segment, as given by
Equation 24-11:
𝑞𝑖 1
𝐴𝑖 = ∑ 𝑃(𝑣𝑖 ) × × 𝑑𝑥
𝜇𝑖 𝑡 𝑗
For the first mode, adult bicyclists, for the first piece, the expected active
passings per minute is
104 1
𝐴𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒,1 = 0.4975 × × (0.01) = 0.0029
12.8 14
Repeating this procedure for all pieces from n = 1 to n = 300 and summing the
results yields
Active bicycle passings per minute = 0.0029 + 𝐴𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒,2 + ⋯ + 𝐴𝑏𝑖𝑘𝑒,𝑛 = 0.18
When the same methodology is applied for each mode, the following active
passings per minute are found for the other modes:
• Pedestrians, 1.74;
• Runners, 0.31;
• Inline skaters, 0.09; and
• Child bicyclists, 0.10.
Total active passings are then determined by using Equation 24-12:
𝐴 𝑇 = ∑ 𝐴𝑖
Total passings per minute = 0.18 + 1.74 + 0.31 + 0.09 + 0.10 = 2.42
𝑀𝑇 = (𝑀1 + ∑ 𝑀2,𝑖 )
Total meetings per minute = 5.36 + 1.55 + 0.63 + 0.32 + 0.31 + 0.16 = 8.33
The results indicate that the path would operate close to its functional
capacity. A slightly wider path would provide three effective lanes and a better
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 36-1
Chapter 36 is the supplemental chapter for Volume 1, Concepts, of the VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). 25. Freeway Facilities:
Section 2 supplements material in Chapter 7, Interpreting HCM and 26. Freeway and Highway
Alternative Tool Results. It provides information on the recommended number Segments: Supplemental
27. Freeway Weaving:
of significant digits to use in presenting results and guidance on presenting Supplemental
analysis results to decision makers, the public, and practitioners. 28. Freeway Merges and
Diverges: Supplemental
Sections 3 and 4 supplement material in Chapter 4, Traffic Operations and 29. Urban Street Facilities:
Capacity Concepts. Section 3 provides guidance on measuring travel time 30. Urban Street Segments:
reliability in the field, and Section 4 presents travel time reliability values for Supplemental
31. Signalized Intersections:
selected freeway and arterial facilities as an aid to analysts in interpreting travel Supplemental
time reliability performance measures. 32. STOP-Controlled
Section 5 supplements Chapters 4 and 7. It provides expanded guidance on Supplemental
33. Roundabouts:
the use of vehicle trajectory analysis as a means by which performance measures Supplemental
can be consistently estimated by various alternative analysis tools. 34. Interchange Ramp
Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
36. Concepts:
37. ATDM: Supplemental
38. Network Analysis
Input Values
Following is a list of representative (not exhaustive) input variables and the
suggested number of digits for each.
• Volume (whole number);
• Grade (whole number);
• Lane width (one decimal place);
• Percentage of heavy vehicles (whole number);
• Peak hour factor (two decimal places);
• Pedestrian volume (whole number);
• Bicycle volume (whole number);
• Parking maneuvers (whole number);
• Bus stopping (whole number);
• Green, yellow, all-red, and cycle times (one decimal place);
• Lost time/phase (whole number); and
• Minimum pedestrian time (one decimal place).
Adjustment Factors
Factors interpolated from tabular material can use one more decimal place
than is presented in the table. Factors generated from equations can be taken to
three decimal places.
Free-Flow Speed
For a base free-flow speed (FFS), show the value to the nearest 1 mi/h. If the
FFS has been adjusted for various conditions and is considered an intermediate
calculation, show speed to the nearest 0.1 mi/h.
For threshold values that define level of service (LOS), show speed to the
nearest 1 mi/h. For intermediate calculations of speed, use one decimal place.
In computing delay, show results with one decimal place. In presenting
delay as a threshold value in LOS tables, show a whole number.
Show density results with one decimal place.
Pedestrian Space
Show pedestrian space values with one decimal place.
General Factors
In performing all calculations on a computer, the full precision available
should be used. Intermediate calculation outputs should be displayed to three
significant digits throughout. For the measure that defines LOS, the number of
significant digits presented should exceed by one the number of significant digits
shown in the LOS table.
Exhibit 36-1
2nd Ave
3rd Ave
1st Ave
Alder St
Beech St
Chestnut St
The issue is whether the change in value between successive LOS values (i.e.,
the interval) should be equal. For example, is conversion of LOS A to F to a scale
of 0 through 5 appropriate? Should the numerical equivalent assigned to the
difference of the thresholds between LOS A and B be the same as the difference
between LOS E and F? These questions have not been addressed in research,
except in the area of traveler perception models. Furthermore, LOS F is not given
an upper bound. Therefore, a graph of LOS should be considered ordinal, not
interval, because the numeric differences between the levels would not appear
However, it is difficult to refrain from comparing the differences. A scale
representing the relative values of the LOS letters would have to incorporate the
judgment of the analyst and the opinions of the public or decision makers—a
difficult task. A thematic graphic presentation avoids this issue. In Exhibit 36-2,
for example, shading is used to highlight analysis periods and basic freeway
segments that do not meet the objective LOS (in this case, D).
Exhibit 36-3
Example Presentation of
Planning Analysis Results
Exhibit 36-4
Three-Dimensional Reliability
Probe Vehicles
Electronic toll tag or Bluetooth readers can be deployed at certain segments
of freeway so that time stamps of vehicles crossing at these locations can be
tracked. When a vehicle with a toll tag or a discoverable Bluetooth device crosses
locations with readers, identification of the same vehicle can be matched with
different time stamps and corresponding locations. Then the travel time between
a pair of toll tag reader locations can be obtained.
In addition, “crowd-sourced” data may be available. To obtain such data, the
movements of vehicles and people carrying various GPS-equipped
telecommunication devices are monitored anonymously. The observed point
speed data or the point-to-point travel times are filtered, converted into average
travel times, and archived for later retrieval. The Federal Highway
Administration’s (FHWA’s) National Performance Management Research Data
Set is one example of a crowd-sourced database of travel times (5).
For point-to-point measurements of travel time, the analyst will need to
develop and apply a filtering algorithm that removes vehicles from the sample
that take an excessive amount of time to appear at the downstream detector
because they have left the facility to stop for errands between the two detectors.
The closer together the two readers, the tighter the filtering criterion can be.
Exhibit 36-5
Spot Speed (Vertical)
Sampling of Loop Detectors
Exhibit 36-6
Time–Space (Diagonal)
Sampling of Probe Vehicle
Exhibit 36-7
Comparison of Loop Detector
and Probe Cumulative Travel
Time Distributions
Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, and neither method is always
the best. A dense network of loop detectors may produce better estimates than a
sparse network of toll tag readers. The reverse may also be true. Thus the choice
of method is contingent on the density of the detection available for each method.
Similarly, crowd-sourced data may be superior or inferior to field detector–
based measuring methods, depending on the sample size and the gaps in the
crowd-sourced data and the density and reliability of the field detectors.
6. Compute the FFS for the facility. For a facility analysis, the use of data from
continuously operating devices (roadway detectors or probe vehicles) is
the preferred method, as described below. However, the analyst should
be satisfied with the quality of the data from the suggested time periods
before proceeding. For performance monitoring of multiple facilities or
complete roadway systems, the analyst may wish to establish FFS in other
ways, mainly to establish a consistent base from which to track trends.
For example, if monitoring is performed on an annual basis, calculation of
FFS every year on a facility may lead to different values for each year.
One way to address this problem is to use the empirical method given
below in the first year of the monitoring program to set the FFS for all
years. Other methods include picking a constant FFS on the basis of
agency policy for that facility type or speed limit. The “agency policy”
FFS reflects in some way the agency’s performance objectives for the
facility. Whatever method is used, the analyst should clearly specify it.
a. Select a nonholiday weekend (or other period known to the analyst to
be a light-flow period without congestion).
b. For each detector, obtain 5-min speeds for 7 to 9 a.m. on a typical
weekend morning (or other uncongested, light-flow period).
c. Neglect periods when the detector is not functioning.
d. Quality control for excessively high speeds or excessively low
volumes as discussed earlier.
e. Identify the average (mean) speed during the observed light-flow
period. That is the FFS for the detector.
f. Convert speed to segment travel times.
g. Sum segment times to obtain facility free-flow travel times.
7. Compute the VMT and VHT for each time period.
𝑉𝑀𝑇𝑡 = ∑ 𝑉𝑀𝑇𝑡,𝑑
𝑉𝐻𝑇𝑡 = ∑ 𝑉𝐻𝑇𝑡,𝑑
8. Compute the travel time index (TTI) for the facility for each time period.
𝑇𝑇𝐼𝑡 =
where VHTFFt is the VHT that would occur during time period t if all
vehicles traveled at the FFS:
9. Develop a distribution of the TTIt values for the facility for the entire analysis
period. Each TTIt value becomes an observation in the distribution. All
performance measures are derived from this distribution. The statistics
and percentiles are calculated by using VMTt as a weight; this is done to
account for the fact that the TTIs in each time period are based on a
different number of vehicles.
Vendor-supplied urban street a. If the segment reference speed provided by the commercial vendor is
reference speeds may include
traffic signal delays not reliable, that can be used for the FFS. If it is not reliable, perform the
included in the HCM definition following steps.
of FFS.
b. Select a nonholiday weekend (or other period known to the analyst to
be a light-flow period without congestion).
c. For each segment, obtain speeds for 5-min time periods for 7 to 9 a.m.
on a typical weekend morning (or other uncongested, light-flow
d. Quality control for excessively high speeds or travel times as
explained earlier.
e. Identify the average (mean) speed. That is the FFS for the segment.
f. Convert the segment speed to segment travel times (segment length
divided by segment speed).
g. Sum the segment times to obtain facility free-flow travel times.
6. Compute the VMT and VHT for each time period.
𝑉𝑀𝑇𝑡 = ∑ 𝑉𝑀𝑇𝑡,𝑑
𝑉𝐻𝑇𝑡 = ∑ 𝑉𝐻𝑇𝑡,𝑑
7. Compute the TTI for the facility for each time period.
𝑇𝑇𝐼𝑡 =
where VHTFFt is the VHT that would occur during time period t if all
vehicles traveled at the FFS:
8. Develop a distribution of the TTIt values for the facility for the entire analysis
period. Each TTIt value becomes an observation in the distribution. All
performance measures are derived from this distribution. The statistics
and percentiles are calculated by using VMTt as a weight; this is done to
account for the fact that the TTIs in each time period are based on a
different number of vehicles.
Reliability data for 1 year of nonholiday weekday travel time were obtained
from the following sources:
• 2-min traffic speed data in the I-95 corridor for 2010 (7), and
• 5-min traffic speed data in California for 2010 (8).
The base travel time for
The first data set includes freeway and urban street reliability data for states freeways was an empirically
and metropolitan areas in the I-95 corridor (i.e., U.S. East Coast). The average measured free-flow travel time.
For urban streets, the base
speed of traffic was measured every 2 min for each TMC road segment (9). Road travel time corresponded to
segments vary but generally terminate at a decision point for the driver (e.g., the 85th percentile highest
speed observed during off-
intersection, start of left-turn pocket, ramp merge or diverge). Traffic speeds are peak hours. Therefore, the
obtained by monitoring the positions of GPS units in participating vehicles. A free-flow reference speeds
used in these data sets do not
“free-flow reference speed” is established for each TMC segment on the basis of correspond exactly to the FFS
empirical observations. It may not correspond exactly to the FFS that would be that an HCM method would
estimated by the HCM’s analytical or field-measurement methods.
The California data include freeway reliability data for the state’s major
metropolitan areas, plus reliability data for one urban street in Chula Vista. The
data come from two sources: toll tag readers and loop detectors. California’s
system provides a function for stringing together a series of loop detector station
speeds into an estimate of the overall average speed for the facility. The loop
detector data used to compute an average speed for each segment of the facility
are offset by the time taken by the average vehicle to traverse the upstream
segment. Thus for a selected direction of travel, the average speed of vehicles in
Segment 1 is used to compute the average travel time t for the selected time
period (e.g., 5 min) for that segment starting at time T = 0. The mean speed is
computed for the next downstream segment for the 5-min period starting at T = 0
+ t. The resulting mean travel times are then added together to get the average
travel time of vehicles for the 5-min period starting their trip at 0 < T < 5 min.
Exhibit 36-12 through Exhibit 36-14 present the source freeway data for the
a.m. peak, midday, and p.m. peak periods, respectively. Exhibit 36-15 through
Exhibit 36-17 present the source urban street data for the a.m. peak, midday, and
p.m. peak periods, respectively.
research from which these data were obtained (10). Florida usually sets the FFS
for its freeways as the posted speed limit plus 5 mi/h. However, a speed of 5 mi/h
less than the posted speed limit and a policy speed of 40 mi/h were also being
tested for reliability computation purposes. The following statistics are
• Four different TTIs (50th, 80th, 90th, and 95th percentile TTIs) based on a
definition of FFS of the posted speed plus 5 mi/h;
• Two policy indices, one based on the 50th percentile speed and a target
speed of the posted speed minus 5 mi/h, the other based on the 50th
percentile speed and a speed of 40 mi/h;
• A buffer time index based on the 95th percentile speed and the mean
speed; and
• A misery index based on the average of the highest 5% of travel times and
a free-flow travel time derived from the posted speed plus 5 mi/h.
This section contains expanded guidance for the use of alternative traffic
analysis tools (mostly microsimulation tools) in assessing the performance of
highway facilities. An important part of the guidance deals with the use of
vehicle trajectory analysis as the “lowest common denominator” for comparing
performance measures from different tools. Material on vehicle trajectory
analysis is also included in the following chapters:
• Chapter 4, Traffic Operations and Capacity Concepts, introduces the concept
of individual vehicle trajectory analysis. A growing school of thought
suggests that comparing results between traffic analysis tools and
methods is possible only through analyzing vehicle trajectories as the
“lowest common denominator.” Vehicle trajectories can be used to
develop performance measures that are consistent with HCM definitions,
with field measurement techniques, and with each other. Examples of
vehicle trajectory plots were shown that illustrate the visual properties of
vehicle trajectories.
• Chapter 7, Interpreting HCM and Alternative Tool Results, explores the use of
vehicle trajectory analysis in defining and estimating consistent
performance measures. First, it introduces the mathematical properties of
trajectories as an extension of the visual properties. Next, it identifies the
performance measures that can be computed from trajectories and
explores their compatibility with the performance measures estimated by
the computational procedures presented throughout the HCM.
Chapter 7 presents general guidelines for defining and comparing measures
from different traffic analysis tools. Those guidelines are expanded in this section
through presentation of more specific trajectory analysis procedures by which
consistent performance measures can be estimated. The trajectory analysis
procedures described in this section were developed and tested by
postprocessing the external trajectory files produced by a typical simulation tool.
The postprocessor features and the process by which the procedures were
developed are described elsewhere (11).
Several examples of the analysis of vehicle trajectories on both interrupted-
and uninterrupted-flow facilities are presented here. These examples
demonstrate the complexities that can arise, for example, in multilane situations,
multiphase operations, situations in which the demand exceeds the capacity, and
situations in which vehicles are unable to access a desired lane because of
congestion. Specific procedures are then proposed and demonstrated with
additional examples.
Exhibit 36-19
Vehicle Data Stored for Each
Time Step
Uniform parameters
Vehicles generated from a uniform
No speed, headway, deceleration, or
start-up lost time variation
All vehicles are 16-ft passenger cars
Maximum deceleration = 8 ft/s2
Area represented by the HCM
uniform delay equation
Stop line
Position (ft)
Note the similarity between the
0 trajectories obtained from the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 file (above) and those
Time (s) developed manually in Chapter
31 (below) to illustrate the
basic principles of signalized
(a) Plot Produced from Simulation
intersection operation.
Distance (ft)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Time (s)
Cycle Failure
A cycle failure example is presented in Exhibit 36-23. This trajectory plot
shows a situation in which some vehicles arriving in Cycle 1 were unable to clear
until Cycle 2. This condition is identified from the trajectory plot for four stopped
vehicles (i.e., horizontal trajectory lines) that were forced to stop again before
reaching the stop line. These vehicles became the first four vehicles in the queue
for Cycle 2. Fortunately, the arrivals during Cycle 2 were few enough that all
stopped vehicles were able to clear the intersection before the beginning of the
red phase. A closer inspection of Exhibit 36-23 shows that one more vehicle,
which was not stopped, was also able to clear.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
Time (s)
Stop line
A larger question is what to do with the vehicles denied entry during the
analysis period. The answer is that, as indicated in Chapter 19, Signalized
Intersections, the analysis period must be long enough to include a period of
uncongested operation at each end. The delay to vehicles denied entry to this
link will be accounted for in upstream links during the period. The upstream
links must include a holding area outside the system. Some tools include the
delay to vehicles denied entry and some do not. If a tool is used that does not
include denied-entry delay, fictitious links must be built into the network
structure for that purpose.
Exhibit 36-26
Trajectory Plot for More
Complex Signal Phasing
Freeway Examples
Freeway trajectories follow the same definitions as surface street trajectories,
but the queuing patterns differ because they are created by car-following
phenomena and not by traffic signals. The performance measures of interest also
differ. There is no notion of control delay on freeways because there is no control.
The level of service on uninterrupted-flow facilities is based on traffic density
expressed in units of vehicles per mile per lane. In some cases, such as merging
segments, the density in specific lanes is of interest.
Two cases are examined. The first deals with a weaving segment, and the
second deals with merging at an entrance ramp.
Exhibit 36-27
Weaving Segment Description
and Animated Graphics View
LS = 1,500 ft
v FF = 1,815 veh/h
v RF = 1,037 veh/h
v FR = 692 veh/h
v RR = 1,297 veh/h
v = 4,841 veh/h
1 2 3 4
1,000 ft 1,500 ft 1,000 ft
0f t
Note: LS = length of segment, VFF = vehicles entering from freeway and leaving to freeway, VRF = vehicles
entering from ramp and leaving to freeway, VFR = vehicles entering from freeway and leaving to ramp, VRR
= vehicles entering from ramp and leaving to ramp, veh/h = vehicles per hour.
Exit ramp
Vehicles entering
from ramp
Entrance ramp
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Time (s)
link may then be determined by dividing the link density by the number of lanes.
To obtain individual lane densities, the trajectory analysis must be performed on
each lane. The analysis must also be performed on a per lane basis to examine
individual vehicle headways.
Exit ramp
Distance (ft)
Entrance ramp
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (s)
Exhibit 36-30
Entrance Ramp Merging
Segment Graphics View
Exhibit 36-31
Trajectory Plot for All Freeway
Lanes in the Merge Area
Exhibit 36-32
Trajectory Plot for Freeway
Lane 1 (Rightmost) in the
Merge Area
Exhibit 36-33
Trajectory Plot for Freeway
Lane 2 (Center) in the Merge
Exhibit 36-34
Trajectory Plot for Freeway
Lane 3 (Leftmost) in the
Merge Area
In Lane 2, the freeway speeds are higher but still well below the FFS,
indicating that the merge operation affects the second lane as well. Some vehicles
enter Lane 2 in the vicinity of the acceleration lane, but they are generally
vehicles that have left Lane 1 to avoid the friction. Both Lane 1 and Lane 2 show
several discontinuous trajectories that indicate lane changes. The Lane 3
operation is much more homogeneous and speeds are higher, indicating a much
smaller effect of the merging operation.
Exhibit 36-35
Trajectory Plot for
Acceleration and Deceleration
1 2 7 8 3 4 Exhibit 36-36
Addition of Intermediate
Nodes for Continuous
Trajectory Plots
Exhibit 36-37
Trajectory Plot for
Acceleration Lane and
Freeway Lane 1
Car Length
The following is stated in Chapter 31, Signalized Intersections: Supplemental:
A vehicle is considered as having joined the queue when it
approaches within one car length of a stopped vehicle and is
itself about to stop. This definition is used because of the
difficulty of keeping track of the moment when a vehicle comes
to a stop.
So, for estimation of queue-related measures, a value that represents one car
length must be chosen. For the purposes of this section, a value of 20 ft is used.
Stopped-Vehicle State
One example of an arbitrary threshold is the speed at which a vehicle is
considered to have come to a stop. Several arbitrary thresholds have been
applied for this purpose. To maintain consistency with the definition of the
stopped state applied in other chapters of the HCM, a speed less than 5 mi/h is
used here for determining when a vehicle has stopped.
Moving-Vehicle States
Other states in addition to the stopped state that must be defined
consistently for vehicle trajectory analysis include the following:
• The uncongested state, in which a vehicle is moving in a traffic stream
that is operating below its capacity;
• The congested state, in which the traffic stream has reached a point that is
at or slightly above its capacity, but no queuing from downstream
bottlenecks is present; and
• The severely constrained state, in which downstream bottlenecks have
affected the operation.
These states apply primarily to uninterrupted flow. A precise definition
would require complex modeling algorithms involving capacity computations or
“look ahead” features, both of which would create a computational burden.
Therefore, an easily applied approximation must be sought. Threshold speeds
are a good candidate for such an approximation.
These states can be thought of conveniently in terms of speed ranges. To
avoid specifying arbitrary speeds as absolute values, use of the target speed of
each vehicle as a reference is preferable. The target speed is the speed at which
the driver prefers to travel. It differs from the FFS in the sense that most
simulation tools apply a “driver aggressiveness” factor to the FFS to determine
the target speed. In the absence of accepted criteria, three equal speed ranges are
applied for the purposes of this section. Thus, the operation is defined as
uncongested if the speed is above two-thirds of the target speed. It is defined as
severely constrained when the speed is below one-third of the target speed, and
it is considered congested in the middle speed range. This stratification is used to
produce performance measures directly (e.g., percent of time severely
constrained). It is also used in computing other performance measures (e.g.,
release from a queue).
Because subsequent stops are generally made from a lower speed, they can
be expected to have a smaller impact on driver perception, operating costs, and
safety. Recognizing this fact, the National Cooperative Highway Research
Program (NCHRP) 03-85 project proposed a “proportional stop” concept (11), in
which the proportion of a subsequent stop is based on the relative kinetic energy
loss and is therefore proportional to the square of the speed from which the stop
was made. Thus, each time a vehicle speed drops below 5 mi/h, the number of
stops is incremented by (Smax/Starget)2 , where Smax is the maximum speed attained
since the last stop and Starget is the target speed.
This procedure has not been applied in practice. It is mentioned here because
it offers an interesting possibility for the use of simulation to produce measures
that could be obtained in the field but could not be estimated by the macroscopic
deterministic models described in the HCM. The procedure is illustrated by an
example later in this section.
1. Use the known demand flow rates, v, and truck proportions to obtain the
resulting segment density in vehicles per mile per lane (veh/mi/ln), d1.
2. Use the known demand flow rates, v, with passenger cars only to obtain
the resulting segment density in veh/mi/ln, d2.
3. Determine the heavy vehicle equivalence factor as fHV = d2/d1.
4. Set the demand flow rates to v/fHV with passenger cars only to obtain the
resulting segment density in pc/mi/ln.
This process is more precise because it adheres to the definition of passenger
car equivalence. Unfortunately, it is too complicated to be of much practical
value. However, two methods could produce a more practical approximation.
Both require determining the heavy vehicle adjustment factor, fHV, by the method
prescribed in Chapter 12 for basic freeway segments. This method is also
referenced and used in the procedural chapters covering other types of freeway
segments. The simplest approximation may be obtained by running the
simulation with known demand flow rates and truck proportions and then
dividing the simulated density by fHV. Another approximation involves dividing
the demand flow rates by fHV before running the simulation with passenger cars
only. The resulting densities are then expressed in pc/mi/ln. The second method
conforms better to the procedures prescribed in Chapters 11 to 13, but the first
method is probably easier to apply.
Follower density is an emerging density-based measure for two-lane highways
(12, 13). It is defined as the number of followers per mile per lane. A vehicle can
be classified as following when
• The gap between the rear and the front ends of the leading and following
vehicles, respectively, are shorter than or equal to 3 s; and
• The speed of the following vehicle is not more than 12 mi/h lower than
that of the preceding vehicle.
The follower density can be derived from point measurements by means of
the following formula:
Equation 36-1 Follower density = % followers × flow rate / time mean speed
This performance measure can be computed by the procedures in Chapter 15
and can easily be computed by vehicle trajectory analysis.
Trajectory Plots
The trajectory plot for the first few cycles is shown in Exhibit 36-38. The
vehicle track selected for later analysis is also shown in this exhibit.
Exhibit 36-38
Trajectories for Several Cycles
on a Signalized Approach
Two individual trajectory analysis plots are shown in Exhibit 36-39. The first
plot shows the trajectories of two vehicles where the progress of the subject
vehicle is constrained by its leader. The second plot shows the speed and
acceleration profiles for the subject vehicle.
50 50
45 45
Exhibit 36-39
40 40 Example Trajectory Analysis
35 35 Plots
Acceleration (ft/s )
30 30
Speed (ft/s)
Distance (ft)
25 25
20 20
Leader 15 15
10 10
Subject vehicle 5 5
500 0 0
-5 -5
-10 -10
-15 -15
510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610
500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620
Time (s)
Time (s) Speed Acceleration
(a) Subject Vehicle and Leader Vehicle Trajectories (b) Speed and Acceleration Profile
of Subject Vehicle
Analysis of Stops
An example of the analysis of a single vehicle selected from the entire
trajectory plot is shown in Exhibit 36-40. With the definition of a partial stop
based on the NCHRP 03-85 kinetic energy loss concept, the total stop value was
1.81 because the second stop was made from a lower speed.
Distance (ft)
Stop line
500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720
Time (s)
Speed (ft/s)
530 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 580
Time (s)
Vehicle speed Maximum speed since stop
Queuing Analysis
Exhibit 36-41(a) illustrates the queue length (BOQ) per step for one lane of
the signalized approach over all the time steps in the period. The 10 cycles are
discernible in this figure. Also, a considerable variation in the cyclical maximum
BOQ is evident.
The percentile instantaneous BOQ and the percentile maximum BOQ per
cycle should be distinguished. For the instantaneous BOQ, the individual
observation is the BOQ on any step, so the sample size is the number of steps
covered (600 in this case). For cyclical maximum BOQ, the individual
observation is the maximum BOQ in any cycle, so the sample size is the number
of cycles (10 in this case). The maximum BOQ in any cycle can be determined
only by inspecting the plotted instantaneous values. No procedure is proposed
here for automatic extraction of the maximum cyclical BOQ from the
instantaneous BOQ data.
A statistical analysis showing the average BOQ, the 95th percentile BOQ
(based on 2 standard deviations past the average value), and the historical
maximum BOQ is presented in Exhibit 36-41(b). One important question is
whether the 95% BOQ can be represented statistically on the basis of the
standard deviation, assuming a normal distribution. The BOQ histogram
showing the distribution of instantaneous BOQ for the 600 observations is shown
in Exhibit 36-42. The appearance of this histogram does not suggest any
analytical distribution; however, the relationship between the 95% BOQ and the
historical maximum appears to be reasonable for this example.
Back of Queue (ft)
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600
Time (s)
Exhibit 36-42
BOQ Histogram
The queue length on an isolated approach that is close to saturation will have
a near uniform distribution (i.e., equal probability of all lengths between zero
and the maximum). The standard deviation of a uniform distribution is greater
than one-half of the mean, so the 95th percentile estimator (mean value plus 2
standard deviations) will be greater than the maximum value. This situation
raises some doubt about the validity of basing the 95th percentile BOQ on the
standard deviation, especially with cyclical queuing.
25 Exhibit 36-43
Accumulated Delay by Various
Accumulated Delay (s)
140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200
Elapsed Simulation Time (s)
Segment delay Queue delay Stopped delay
Exhibit 36-44 Segment Delay (s) Queue Delay (s) Stop Delay (s) No. of Stops
Delay Analysis for All Vehicles Lane 1 3,128 2,562 1,957 95.4
on a Segment Lane 2 3,400 2,793 2,047 96.2
Total 6,529 5,355 4,004 191.6
Average per vehicle 31.09 25.50 19.07 0.91
500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600
Time (s)
A spatial analysis of the entire segment can also be performed to produce the
following measures by lane:
• Average density over the segment,
• Percent slow vehicles (i.e., traveling at less than two-thirds the target
• Percent queued vehicles,
• Average queue length (measured from front of queue to BOQ),
• Average BOQ position,
• Maximum BOQ position, and
• Percent of time steps when the queue overflowed the segment.
The results are presented in tabular form in Exhibit 36-46. The values are
presented by lane, and the exhibit note presents combined density values for
Lanes 1 and 2 for compatibility with the HCM definition of merge area density.
Some of these references can 1. Tufte, E. R. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press,
be found in the Technical
Reference Library in Volume 4. Cheshire, Conn., 1983.
2. Zegeer, J., J. Bonneson, R. Dowling, P. Ryus, M. Vandehey, W. Kittelson, N.
Rouphail, B. Schroeder, A. Hajbabaie, B. Aghdashi, T. Chase, S. Sajjadi, R.
Margiotta, and L. Elefteriadou. Incorporating Travel Time Reliability into the
Highway Capacity Manual. SHRP 2 Report S2-L08-RW-1. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2014.
3. National Institute of Statistics and Sematech. E-Handbook of Statistical
Methods. http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/index.htm. Accessed
March 5, 2021.
4. Greenwood, J., and M. Sandomire. Sample Size Required for Estimating the
Standard Deviation as a Percent of Its True Value. Journal of the American
Statistical Association, Vol. 45, No. 250, June 1950, pp. 257–260.
5. Federal Highway Administration. National Performance Management
Research Data Set (NPMRDS) Technical Frequently Asked Questions.
pmrdsfaqs.htm. Accessed April 24, 2015.
6. Turner, S. Quality Control Procedures for Archived Operations Traffic Data:
Synthesis of Practice and Recommendations. Final Report, Contract DTFH61-97-
C-00010. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., March 2007.
7. INRIX and I-95 Corridor Coalition. I-95 Vehicle Probe Data website.
Accessed Aug. 10, 2012.
8. California Department of Transportation. California Performance
Measurement System (PeMS) website. http://pems.dot.ca.gov/. Accessed
Aug. 10, 2012.
9. INRIX. Traffic Scorecard Methodology website.
http://www.inrix.com/scorecard/methodology.asp. Accessed Aug. 10, 2012.
10. Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Comparison of Freeway Travel Time Index and Other
Travel Time Reliability Measures. Florida Department of Transportation,
Tallahassee, May 2012.
11. Courage, K. G., S. Washburn, L. Elefteriadou, and D. Nam. Guidance for the
Use of Alternative Traffic Analysis Tools in Highway Capacity Analyses. National
Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 03-85 Final Report.
University of Florida, Gainesville, 2010.
12. Van As, S. C., and A. Van Niekerk. The Operational Analysis of Two-Lane
Rural Highways. Presented at 23rd Annual Southern African Transport
Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, July 2004.
13. Catbagan, J. L., and H. Nakamura. Probability-Based Follower Identification
in Two-Lane Highways. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2009.
14. Dowling, R. Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume VI: Definition, Interpretation, and
Calculation of Traffic Analysis Tools Measures of Effectiveness. Report FHWA-
HOP-08-054. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., Jan. 2007.
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 37-1
9. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................37-28
Exhibit 37-1 Freeway Ramp Metering, SR-94, Lemon Grove, California ............ 37-2
Exhibit 37-2 Minnesota Dynamic Pricing for HOT Lanes ..................................... 37-3
Exhibit 37-3 San Francisco Bay Area Traffic Map .................................................. 37-4
Exhibit 37-4 HOV Lane .............................................................................................. 37-5
Exhibit 37-5 Variable Speed Limit Signs, Rotterdam, The Netherlands ............. 37-6
Exhibit 37-6 Illustrative Use of Dynamic Lane Grouping to Reduce
Left-Turn Congestion .......................................................................................... 37-8
Exhibit 37-7 Upstream DLG Signage in Maryland................................................. 37-8
Exhibit 37-8 Reversible Center Lanes in Utah ......................................................... 37-9
Exhibit 37-9 Illustrative Adaptive Signal Effects on Daily
Traffic Operations .............................................................................................. 37-15
Exhibit 37-10 Illustrative RCL Delay Reductions by Scenario ............................ 37-19
Exhibit 37-11 Possible Incident Management Strategies ..................................... 37-24
Chapter 37 presents additional information about the following aspects of VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
active traffic and demand management (ATDM): 25. Freeway Facilities:
• An overview of typical ATDM strategies for managing demand, capacity, 26. Freeway and Highway
and the performance of the highway and street system; Segments: Supplemental
27. Freeway Weaving:
• Guidance on analyzing shoulder lane, median lane, ramp metering, Supplemental
28. Freeway Merges and
adaptive signal control, dynamic lane grouping, and reversible center lane Diverges: Supplemental
strategies using the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM); and 29. Urban Street Facilities:
• Guidance on designing an ATDM program. 30. Urban Street Segments:
Chapter 11, Freeway Reliability Analysis, and Chapter 17, Urban Street 31. Signalized Intersections:
Reliability and ATDM, provide methods for analyzing the effects of ATDM 32. STOP-Controlled
strategies on freeway and urban street operations, respectively. Intersections:
33. Roundabouts:
34. Interchange Ramp
Terminals: Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
38. Network Analysis
More in-depth and up-to-date This section provides brief overviews of typical ATDM strategies for
information on ATDM
strategies is available at the managing demand, capacity, and the performance of the highway and street
Federal Highway system. The strategies described here are intended to be illustrative rather than
Administration’s website:
http://www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/ definitive. ATDM strategies constantly evolve as technology advances.
Roadway metering treatments store surges in demand at various points in
the transportation network. Typical examples of roadway metering include
freeway on-ramp metering, freeway-to-freeway ramp metering, freeway
mainline metering, peak period freeway ramp closures, and arterial signal
metering. Exhibit 37-1 illustrates a freeway ramp-metering application.
Exhibit 37-1
Freeway Ramp Metering,
SR-94, Lemon Grove,
Source: FHWA (1 ).
demand are temporarily stored at the upstream signal and released later when
the downstream signals can better serve the vehicles.
Congestion or value pricing is the practice of charging tolls for the use of all The objective of congestion
pricing is to preserve reliable
or part of a facility or a central area according to the severity of congestion. The operating speeds on the tolled
tolls may vary by distance traveled, vehicle class, and estimated time savings. facility.
Exhibit 37-2
Minnesota Dynamic Pricing for
HOT Lanes
High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes (also called express lanes) are tolled lanes
adjacent to general purpose lanes. HOT lanes allow motorists to pay tolls to enter
the lanes to avoid congested nontoll lanes. HOVs may be allowed to enter the
lanes for free or at a reduced toll rate.
Central area pricing is an Central area pricing and dynamic parking pricing are examples of an
areawide implementation of
congestion pricing. areawide implementation of congestion pricing. Central area pricing imposes
tolls on vehicles entering or traveling within a central area street network during
certain hours of certain days. The fee varies by time of day and day of week or
according to real-time measurements of congestion within the central area. The
toll may be reduced or waived for certain vehicle types, such as HOVs, or for
residents of the zone.
Exhibit 37-3
San Francisco Bay Area
Traffic Map
Managed lanes include reversible lanes, HOV lanes, HOT lanes, truck lanes,
bus lanes, speed harmonization, temporary closures for incidents or maintenance,
and temporary use of shoulders during peak periods (see Exhibit 37-4). HOT
lanes are described above under congestion pricing, and speed harmonization is
described in the next section.
HOV lanes assign a portion of the roadway capacity to vehicles that carry the
most people on the facility or that in some other way meet societal objectives for
reducing the environmental impacts of vehicular travel. HOV lanes may operate
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or they may be limited to the peak periods when
demand is greatest. The minimum vehicle-occupancy requirement for the HOV
lanes may be adjusted in response to operating conditions to preserve
uncongested HOV lane operation.
Exhibit 37-4
HOV Lane
Source: FHWA (3 ).
The objective of speed harmonization is to improve safety and facility
operations by reducing the shock waves that typically occur when traffic
abruptly slows upstream of a bottleneck or for an incident. The reduction of
shock waves decreases the probability of secondary incidents and reduces the
loss of capacity associated with incident-related and recurring traffic congestion.
Changeable speed limit or speed advisory signs are typically used to
implement speed harmonization. Exhibit 37-5 shows an example of variable
speed limit signs used for speed harmonization in the Netherlands. The speed
restrictions may apply uniformly across all lanes or may vary by lane. The same
lane signs may be used to close individual lanes upstream of an incident until the
incident is cleared (this practice is not strictly speed harmonization).
The variable speed limit may be advisory or regulatory. Advisory speeds
indicate a recommended speed, which drivers may exceed if they believe doing
so is safe under prevailing conditions. Regulatory speed limits may not be
exceeded under any conditions.
Exhibit 37-5
Variable Speed Limit Signs,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Exhibit 37-6
Illustrative Use of Dynamic
Lane Grouping to Reduce
Left-Turn Congestion
Exhibit 37-7
Upstream DLG Signage in
Exhibit 37-8
Reversible Center Lanes in
Incident Management
Traffic incident management (TIM) is “the coordinated, preplanned use of
technology, processes, and procedures to reduce the duration and impact of
incidents, and to improve the safety of motorists, crash victims and incident
responders” (13 ). An incident is “any non-recurring event that causes a reduction
disabled vehicles, spilled cargo, severe weather, and special events such as
sporting events and concerts. ATDM strategies may be included as part of an
overall incident management plan to improve facility operations during and
after incidents.
Results from the simulation indicated that adaptive signal benefits were
often more significant on days when rain occurred, a finding consistent with
research (18). Rain was found to exhibit the most variability in facility
performance across the model repetitions. In contrast, snow produced a much
tighter distribution of performance indicators across repetitions, because speeds
were generally very low for all vehicles. Therefore, although adaptive control did
not improve average performance under severe weather conditions, it did
improve performance reliability.
This section provides guidance on modeling DLG using HCM methods and
conditions under which DLG may provide operational benefits.
6. Benefits increased when there was good progression quality on the DLG
approach, prior to DLG treatment.
7. Shared-lane DLG produced no significant benefits for right turns unless
right-turn-on-red was allowed, and produced no significant benefits for
left turns.
Reference (17) also describes an application of the HCM’s Chapter 17 urban
street reliability method to evaluate a corridor using DLG.
This section provides guidance on modeling RCLs using HCM methods and
summarizes the results of a simulation-based evaluation of RCLs.
Exhibit 37-10
Illustrative RCL Delay Percent
Reductions by Scenario
(a) Existing Demand Level (b) Twice the Existing Demand Level
and the traffic and incident management and enforcement strategies. The public
information plan describes the public awareness and motorist information
strategies (13). ATDM strategies can be important components of a
transportation management plan (14).
The work zone MOTP codifies the agency’s management strategy. It has the
following elements:
• Construction approach: staging, sequencing, lane and ramp closure
alternatives, alternative work schedules (e.g., night, weekend).
• Traffic control operations: a mix of dynamic (ATDM) and static measures
consisting of speed limit reductions, truck restrictions, signal timing
(coordination and phasing), reversible lanes, and physical barriers.
• Public information: a mix of dynamic (ATDM) and static pretrip and en
route information (e.g., 511, newspapers, meetings, websites, closed-
circuit television over the Internet), plus on-site information signing such
as static signs, changeable or variable message signs, and highway
advisory radio.
• TDM: employer-based and other incentives (in addition to public
information) for use of alternative modes of travel, including park-and-
• Incident management and enforcement: generally, ATDM measures specified
in an incident management plan (i.e., an incident MOTP), such as traffic
management centers, intelligent transportation systems, emergency
service patrols, hazardous materials teams, and enhanced police
enforcement. A particularly aggressive incident MOTP may be put in
place for work zones.
Construction Approach
The work zone MOTP must consider several alternative construction
approaches (including traffic maintenance) and recommend the construction
approach that best meets the agency’s objectives for the construction project.
Traffic maintenance approaches to be considered in the work zone MOTP
include the following:
1. Complete closure of the work area for a short time versus partial closure
for a longer time,
2. Nighttime versus daytime lane closures, and
3. Off-peak versus peak hour lane closures.
MUTCD Section 6G.02 defines work zone types according to duration and
time of day (22):
• Duration Type A: long-term stationary work that occupies a location more
than 3 days;
• Duration Type B: intermediate-term stationary work that occupies a
location more than one daylight period up to 3 days, or nighttime work
lasting more than 1 h;
• Duration Type C: short-term stationary daytime work that occupies a
location for more than 1 h within a single daylight period;
• Duration Type D: short-duration work that occupies a location up to 1 h;
• Duration Type E: mobile work that moves intermittently or continuously.
Work zones are further categorized by MUTCD Section 6G.03 according to
their location on the facility. Work zones within the traveled way (Location Type
E) are further subdivided by facility type (22):
• Location Type A: outside the shoulder (Section G6.06);
• Location Type B: on the shoulder with no encroachment (Section G6.07);
• Location Type C: on the shoulder with minor encroachment, leaving at
least a 10-ft lane (Section G6.08);
• Location Type D: within the median (Section G6.09); and
• Location Type E: within the traveled way of
o A two-lane highway (Section 6G.10),
o An urban street (Section 6G.11),
o A multilane non-access-controlled highway (Section 6G.12),
o An intersection (Section 6G.13), or
o A freeway or an expressway (Section 6G.14).
Each work zone type has an associated typical application of temporary
traffic controls. They are described in MUTCD Section 6H-1 (22).
Many of these references are 1. Ramp Management and Control: A Primer. Report FHWA-HOP-06-080. Federal
available in the Technical
Reference Library in Volume 4. Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., Jan. 2006.
2. Technologies That Complement Congestion Pricing: A Primer. Report FHWA-
HOP-08-043. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., Oct. 2008.
3. Managed Lanes: A Primer. Report FHWA-HOP-05-031. Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, D.C., 2005.
4. National Signal Timing Optimization Project: Summary Evaluation Report.
Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., and University of
Florida, Gainesville, May 1982.
5. Su, P., X. Jiang, R. Jagannathan, and D. Hale. Dynamic Lane Grouping at
Signalized Intersections: Selecting the Candidates and Evaluating
Performance. ITE Journal, Vol. 85, No. 11, 2015, pp. 43–47.
6. Levinson, H., D. Sullivan, and R. Bryson. Effects of Urban Traffic Volume
Variations on Service Levels. Presented at 85th Annual Meeting of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2006.
7. Hellinga, B., and Z. Abdy. Impact of Day-to-Day Variability of Peak-Hour
Volumes on Signalized Intersection Performance. Presented at 86th Annual
Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2007.
8. Tarko, A.P., and R.I. Perez-Cartagena. Variability of Peak Hour Factor at
Intersections. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, No. 1920, Transportation Research Board of the National
Academies, Washington, D.C., pp. 125–130.
9. Hale, D., R. Jagannathan, M. Xyntarakis, P. Su, X. Jiang, J. Ma, J. Hu, and C.
Krause. Traffic Bottlenecks: Identification and Solutions. Report FHWA-HRT-16-
064. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 2016.
10. Dey, S., J. Ma, and Y. Aden. Reversible Lane Operation for Arterial Roadways:
The Washington, DC, USA Experience. ITE Journal, Vol. 81, No. 5, 2011, pp.
11. Avenue Consultants. 5400 South Flex Lanes Before/After Evaluation. Utah
Department of Transportation, Salt Lake City, 2013.
12. Zhao, J., W. Ma, Y. Liu, and X. Yang. Integrated design and operation of
urban arterials with reversible lanes. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics,
2014, pp. 130–150.
13. Balke, K. N. Traffic Incident Management in Construction and Maintenance Work
Zones. Report FHWA-HOP-08-056. Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, D.C., Jan. 2009.
14. Jeannotte, K., and A. Chandra. Developing and Implementing Transportation
Management Plans for Work Zones. Report FHWA-HOP-05-066. Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., Dec. 2005.
15. Zhang, L., and D. Levinson. Ramp Metering and Freeway Bottleneck
Capacity. In Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 44, 2010, pp. 218–235.
16. Papageorgiou, M., H. Hadj-Salem, and J.-M. Blosseville. ALINEA: A Local
Feedback Control Law for On-Ramp Metering. In Transportation Research
Record 1320, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council,
Washington, D.C., 1991, pp. 58–64.
17. Hale, D., H. Mahmassani, and A. Mittal. Active Transportation and Demand
Management (ATDM) Analytical Methods for Urban Streets Final Report. Report
FHWA-HOP-16-088. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.,
18. Stevanovic, A., M. Zlatkovic, and I. Dakic. Comparison of adaptive traffic
control benefits for recurring and nonrecurring traffic conditions. Presented
at the 22nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 2015.
19. Association for Commuter Transportation, UrbanTrans Consultants, Parsons
Brinckerhoff, and ESTC. Mitigating Traffic Congestion: The Role of Demand-Side
Strategies. Report FHWA-HOP-05-001. Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, D.C., Oct. 2004.
20. Gopalakrishna, D., F. Kitchener, and K. Blake. Developments in Weather
Responsive Traffic Management Strategies. Report FHWA-JPO-11-086. Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., June 2011.
21. Owens, N., A. Armstrong, P. Sullivan, C. Mitchell, D. Newton, R. Brewster,
and T. Trego. Traffic Incident Management Handbook. Report FHWA-HOP-10-
013. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., Jan. 2010.
22. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 2009.
http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov. Accessed Mar. 5, 2021.
23. Carson, J. L. Best Practices in Traffic Incident Management. Report FHWA-
HOP-10-050. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., Sept.
24. Carson, J. L., and R. G. Bylsma. NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice 309:
Transportation Planning and Management for Special Events. Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2003.
Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Highway
Capacity Manual 7th Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/26432.
The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress,
signed by President Lincoln, as a private, nongovernmental institution to advise the
nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers
for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Marcia McNutt is president.
The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the
National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the
nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to
engineering. Dr. John L. Anderson is president.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established
in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on
medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished
contributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.
Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at
The Transportation Research Board is one of seven major programs of the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The mission of the Transportation
Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation improvements and innovation
through trusted, timely, impartial, and evidence-based information exchange,
research, and advice regarding all modes of transportation. The Board’s varied
activities annually engage about 8,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation
researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of
whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supported by
state departments of transportation, federal agencies including the component
administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and
individuals interested in the development of transportation.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 38-1
Overview ............................................................................................................. 38-1
Chapter Organization ........................................................................................ 38-1
Related HCM Content ........................................................................................ 38-1
5. REFERENCE.......................................................................................................... 38-80
Exhibit 38-50 Example Problem 2A: Freeway Facility Geometric Features ...... 38-42
Exhibit 38-51 Example Problem 2A: Calculation of NB Right Turn
Capacity for a Single Cycle: Analysis Period 2 .............................................. 38-44
Exhibit 38-52 Example Problem 2A: NBR Capacity by Analysis Period ........... 38-44
Exhibit 38-53 Example Problem 2A: Calculation of the On-Ramp
Demand vR Based on the Intersection Operation .......................................... 38-45
Exhibit 38-54 Example Problem 2A: Freeway Facility Demand Inputs ............ 38-45
Exhibit 38-55 Example Problem 2A: Freeway Facility LOS ................................ 38-45
Exhibit 38-56 Example Problem 2A: Spillback Check: I-10 EB On-Ramp ......... 38-46
Exhibit 38-57 Example Problem 2A: Freeway Segment 5 Merge Capacity
and Queue Lengths ........................................................................................... 38-47
Exhibit 38-58 Example Problem 2A: Freeway Performance During
Analysis Period 4 with and without the Queue Storage Constraint .......... 38-47
Exhibit 38-59 Example Problem 2A: Estimated Queue Lengths and
Merge Capacities During Analysis Period 2 .................................................. 38-48
Exhibit 38-60 Example Problem 2A: Discharge Flow Rates into the On-
Ramp for Each Phase Throughout the Cycle During Analysis
Period 2 ............................................................................................................... 38-51
Exhibit 38-61 Example Problem 2A: Estimated Queue Lengths and
Merge Capacities During Analysis Period 3 .................................................. 38-52
Exhibit 38-62 Example Problem 2A: Discharge Flow Rates into the On-
Ramp for Each Phase Throughout the Cycle During Analysis
Period 3 ............................................................................................................... 38-54
Exhibit 38-63 Example Problem 2A: Calculation of the Spillback Capacity
Reduction Factor for the SBL Movement for Analysis Period 3 ................. 38-55
Exhibit 38-64 Example Problem 2A: Estimated Queue Lengths and
Merge Capacities During Analysis Period 4 .................................................. 38-56
Exhibit 38-65 Example Problem 2A: Calculation of the Spillback Capacity
Reduction Factor for the SBL Movement for Analysis Period 4 ................. 38-56
Exhibit 38-66 Example Problem 2A: Performance Measure Comparison
with and without Consideration of Spillback Effects ................................... 38-57
Exhibit 38-67 Example Problem 2B: TWSC Intersection Geometry: I-10 EB
Ramps .................................................................................................................. 38-58
Exhibit 38-68 Example Problem 2B: Calculation of the On-Ramp Demand
vR Based on the Intersection Operation .......................................................... 38-59
Exhibit 38-69 Example Problem 2B: Queue Accumulation Plot
Calculations for the On-Ramp ......................................................................... 38-60
Exhibit 38-70 Example Problem 2B: Queue Accumulation Polygon for the
On-Ramp............................................................................................................. 38-60
Exhibit 38-A26 Illustration of Mainline Flow Rate Split into Blocked and
Unblocked Lanes .............................................................................................38-111
Exhibit 38-A27 Procedure for Evaluating the Impact of Queue Spillback
on Upstream Nodes and Determining the Queue Length within
Upstream Segments .........................................................................................38-118
Exhibit 38-A28 Potential Effects of an Off-Ramp Queue on Node i ................38-119
Exhibit 38-A29 Distribution of pi as Function of Distance from the
Diverge Point, for a 3-Lane Segment ............................................................38-120
Exhibit 38-A30 Illustration of Lane-Change Maneuvers within the Queue
Influence Area in a 4-Lane Segment under Regime 3 .................................38-121
Exhibit 38-A31 Illustration of Lane-Change Maneuvers within the Queue
Influence Area in a 4-Lane Segment under Regime 4 .................................38-121
Exhibit 38-A32 Effect of Queue Spillback on the Discharge Capacity of an
Upstream On-Ramp ........................................................................................38-123
Exhibit 38-A33 Illustration of Different Density Values within One
Diverge Segment ..............................................................................................38-124
Exhibit 38-B1 Procedure for Detecting Spillback Occurrence at an On-
Ramp .................................................................................................................38-131
Exhibit 38-B2 Schematic of Movements Turning to an On-Ramp from a
TWSC Intersection ...........................................................................................38-133
Exhibit 38-B3 Schematic of Movements Turning to an On-Ramp from an
AWSC Intersection ..........................................................................................38-135
Exhibit 38-B4 Schematic of Movements Turning to an On-Ramp from a
Roundabout ......................................................................................................38-135
Exhibit 38-B5 Signalized Intersection Methodology With Adjustments to
Address On-Ramp Queue Spillback .............................................................38-138
Exhibit 38-B6 Typical Signalized Intersection Ramp Terminal in a
Diamond Interchange .....................................................................................38-139
Exhibit 38-B7 Estimation of Freeway On-Ramp Merging Capacity ................38-140
Exhibit 38-B8 Sample Intersection for Calculation of a QAP for the On-
Ramp .................................................................................................................38-141
Exhibit 38-B9 On-Ramp Queue Accumulation Polygon During Queue
Spillback ............................................................................................................38-141
Exhibit 38-B10 Illustration of Cooperative Behavior in Unsignalized
Intersections with Queue Spillback ...............................................................38-143
Exhibit 38-B11 TWSC intersections Core Methodology with Adjustments
to Address On-Ramp Queue Spillback .........................................................38-144
Exhibit 38-B12 On-Ramp Queue Accumulation Polygon: TWSC
Intersection .......................................................................................................38-145
Exhibit 38-B13 AWSC Intersection Core Methodology with Adjustments
to Address On-Ramp Queue Spillback .........................................................38-148
Section 2 provides the performance measures used at the network level and An O-D pair represents the
includes example calculations of O-D travel time and network travel time. route between two specific
points in the analysis network.
Section 3 describes procedures to evaluate spillback impact on a freeway due Points are defined in Chapter
2, Applications.
to congestion on a ramp or urban street.
Section 4 describes procedures to evaluate spillback impact on an urban
street due to congestion on the freeway or on-ramp.
Section 5 provides case studies to illustrate the application of this chapter’s
A series of appendices provide detailed information about specific models
and analysis steps.
• Chapters 19, 20, 21, and 22, which provide analysis tools for signalized
intersections, two-way STOP-controlled intersections, all-way STOP-
controlled intersections, and roundabouts, respectively; and
• Chapter 23, which provides methods for evaluating ramp terminals and
alternative intersections.
This section discusses concepts related to spillback on the freeway, spillback
on the urban street, lane-by-lane analysis, and performance measurement for
networks and O-Ds. Concepts related to freeway analysis and urban street
analysis are described in their respective chapters elsewhere in the HCM.
Off-Ramp Elements
A freeway off-ramp typically consists of three components, as illustrated in
Exhibit 38-1.
• Deceleration lane(s), measured from the beginning of the taper of the
auxiliary lane to the gore.
• Ramp roadway, connecting the deceleration lane and the downstream
ramp terminal and measured from the gore to the taper of the ramp
• Ramp terminal, connecting the ramp roadway to the urban street facility
and measured from the point where additional lanes are added to the
intersection approaches to the stop bar of the approach. This component’s
length should be at least as long as the approach’s turn bay lengths. The
ramp terminal can be uncontrolled, STOP- or YIELD-controlled, or
When the ramp connects two freeway facilities, the downstream ramp
terminal is replaced by the merge section of the on-ramp, with no storage length.
Exhibit 38-1
Off-Ramp Components
Exhibit 38-2
Definition of Spillback
(b) Regine 1: Queue within the deceleration lane (c) Regime 2: Queue along the shoulder
(d) Regime 3: Queue in the rightmost lane (e) Regime 4: Queue blockage of the adjacent lane
Regime 0
Under this regime, shown in Exhibit 38-2(a), there are no queues in the ramp
roadway or the queue, if it exists, is contained within the ramp roadway
boundaries. There are no operational effects in the ramp influence area.
Regime 1
Under this regime, shown in Exhibit 38-2(b), the queue ends within the
deceleration lane and does not spill back into the mainline freeway. Deceleration
lanes typically serve as a transition zone between speeds on the mainline
(typically 55–75 mi/h) and advisory speeds posted along the off-ramp roadway
(typically 20–50 mi/h). When queues begin to form on the deceleration lane, the
Regime 2
Under this regime, shown in Exhibit 38-2(c), the queue of vehicles extends
upstream beyond the deceleration lane, but sufficient lateral clearance on the
right-hand shoulder allows for additional queue storage. In this case, the
deceleration lane does not serve as a transition zone and drivers decelerate and
join the back of the queue more abruptly, resulting in turbulence and reduced
speeds in the rightmost lane. If no lateral clearance exists immediately upstream
of the deceleration lane, Regime 2 conditions are not possible. In some cases, this
regime does not occur even if storage is available; this occurrence is site-specific
and depends on local driver behavior.
Regime 3
Under this regime, shown in Exhibit 38-2(d), the queue extends to the
rightmost lane of the freeway mainline. This regime may occur either when no
shoulder is available for additional queue storage, or when drivers choose to
queue in the rightmost lane once the deceleration lane is entirely occupied. Non-
exiting vehicles on the rightmost lane are delayed or change lanes, which causes
increased turbulence and reduced speeds in the two rightmost lanes.
Regime 4
Under this regime, shown in Exhibit 38-2(e), the queue blocks the rightmost
lane, and drivers occasionally or often use the adjacent freeway mainline lane
next to the rightmost freeway mainline lane to force their way into the queue,
thus blocking an additional lane. During this regime, mainline speed and
capacity are significantly reduced.
Exhibit 38-4
Queue Influence Area with
Increased Turbulence
The length of the QIA is estimated as function of the segment free-flow speed
Additional discussion on the
determination of the Queue (FFS), as shown in Exhibit 38-5. During undersaturated operations, drivers have
Influence Area (QIA) is adequate warnings about the presence of a ramp through signage and navigation
presented in Appendix A.
aids and can position themselves according to their destination. However, when
queue spillback occurs ,drivers can only detect a downstream queue visually and
therefore have less time to react, resulting in more aggressive lane changes and
additional turbulence.
Exhibit 38-5 Segment Free-Flow Speed (mi/h) Queue Influence Area (ft)
Length of Queue Influence 50 810
Area as a Function of the 55 900
Segment Free-Flow Speed 60 980
(FFS) 65 1,060
70 1,140
75 1,220
Exhibit 38-6
Queue Spillback from an On-
Ramp into Urban Street
The on-ramp queue length also depends on the upstream demands. In the
example shown in Exhibit 38-6(a), three movements contribute to this demand:
northbound (NB) right, southbound (SB) left, and eastbound (EB) through. If the
NB right movement is very heavy or has the right-of-way for a significant
amount of time, the SB left movement may not have much opportunity to
contribute to the demand and may spill back upstream, affecting the adjacent SB
through movement as well as the upstream intersection. Thus, in the case of
signalized intersections, the relative contribution of demands to the queue length
will depend on the relative demands of these movements and the respective
signal timings and right-of-way allocation. The discharge rate of these upstream
intersection movements will depend on the on-ramp’s storage availability during
the respective signal phase. The analysis estimates the additional lost time due to
the presence of the downstream queue and adjusts the effective green of the
affected movements.
In the roundabout example shown in Exhibit 38-6(b), the same three
movements contribute to the on-ramp demand. However, in this case, the
movements have priority in the following order: (a) SB left, (b) EB through, and
(c) NB right. A high-priority movement with a heavy demand may constrain the
entry capacity of lower-priority movements, resulting in total throughput that is
lower than the sum of the three contributing movement demands.
Spillback affects each lane of a facility differently. For example, when
spillback occurs at a freeway off-ramp, the rightmost lanes of the freeway may be
blocked, while the leftmost lanes operate in free-flow conditions. Therefore, the
methodology estimates operating conditions by lane as well as by segment. The
lane-by-lane performance metrics are also used to obtain O-D–based travel times.
The lane-by-lane analysis provides lane flow ratios (LFRs) representing the The demand flow rates by lane
are estimated as a percentage
percentage of the entering demand by lane. The LFR is a function of the segment- of the segment demand.
wide volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratio and values are provided for each segment
type (basic, merge, diverge, and weaving). In addition, FFS, speed, and capacity
are estimated by lane. When the facility becomes oversaturated, speeds are
estimated using the method of Chapter 10, Freeway Facilities, which is based on
interactions between successive segments.
Performance Measures
The methodology of this chapter generates the following performance
• Freeway facilities:
o Flow, free-flow speed (FFS), operating speed, and capacity for
individual lanes
o Expected travel speed along each segment
• Urban street facilities:
o Travel time along each segment
o Expected travel speed along each segment
• Networks:
o Total and free-flow travel times
o Travel time index (TTI)
o Average speed
The methodology has the following limitations:
1. Multiple overlapping breakdowns or bottlenecks cannot be fully
evaluated by this methodology. Consult Chapter 6, HCM and Alternative
Analysis Tools, for a discussion of simulation and other models.
2. Demand is an input into the process, and the methodology does not
address any changes in demand that are due to traffic operation conditions.
3. Managed lanes can be analyzed as part of the freeway system. However,
the interaction of managed lane operations with spillback conditions are
not addressed.
4. The methodology does not explicitly consider alternative intersection and
interchange designs, such as diverging diamond interchanges (DDIs) and
single-point urban interchanges (SPUIs). However, it can be extended to
consider these designs, assuming turning movements, demands, and
queues can be accurately estimated for the movements of interest.
5. The methodology does not consider two-lane roundabouts and their
interaction with freeway on-ramps.
6. The HCM’s reliability methods cannot be applied to network analysis
because the process for developing reliability scenarios is different for
freeways and arterials.
Required Input Potential Data Source(s) Suggested Default Value Exhibit 38-7
Trajectory Parameters by O-D Pair Required Input Data, Potential
Data Sources, and Default
Origin and destination points Set by analyst Must be provided
Values for the Network
Route between origin and destination Set by analyst Must be provided
Analysis Methodology
Freeway Facilities
Input data for facility and segment As shown in Chapters 10, As shown in Chapters 10, 12,
methods 12, 13, and 14 13, and 14
Ramp access density
Road geometry Must be provided
(number of ramps within 1 mi)
Grade (%) Road geometry Must be provided
Urban Street Facilities
Input data for facility and segment As shown in Chapters 16 As shown in Chapters 16 and
methods and 18–23 18–23
Urban street segments: corresponding Set by analyst, according to
Must be provided
movement at downstream intersection the selected route
Off-Ramp Queue Spillback
Off-ramp queue spillback: Road geometry, Function of diverge geometry
expected number of queued lanes field observations and driver aggressiveness
Length of available shoulder (ft) Road geometry Must be provided
Off-ramp detailed geometry Road geometry Must be provided
On-Ramp Queue Spillback
On-ramp metering rate (veh/h)
Field data Must be provided
(if applicable)
On-ramp detailed geometry Road geometry Must be provided
Roundabouts: exit capacity (pc/h) Field data, past counts 1,300 pc/h
This section describes the methodology’s computational steps. Exhibit 38-9
illustrates the process used to evaluate network operations.
Exhibit 38-9
Network Analysis Methodology
Exhibit 38-11
Potential Bottlenecks
Constraining the Ramp
Terminal Demand
𝑣𝑅 𝑐𝑅
𝑣𝑖, 𝑎𝑑𝑗 = 𝑣𝑖 × × min ( , 1) Equation 38-2
∑𝑖 𝑣𝑖 𝑣𝑅,𝑎𝑑𝑗
vi,adj = adjusted demand for movement 𝑖 at the downstream intersection
vi = demand for movement 𝑖 at the downstream intersection (pc/h);
vR = off-ramp demand (pc/h);
vR,adj = adjusted off-ramp demand, from Equation 38-1) (pc/h); and
cR = capacity of ramp roadway, from Exhibit 14-12 (pc/h).
Exhibit 38-12
Potential Bottlenecks
Constraining the On-Ramp
However, if capacity is exceeded at any of those locations, the flow that will
reach the freeway merge will be lower than the on-ramp demand vR and
adjustments should be made to the respective volumes.
If any of the ramp terminal movements that discharge into the on-ramp
operate over capacity, the total throughput to the on-ramp is given by
𝑣𝑅,𝑎𝑑𝑗 = × ∑ min(𝑣𝑖 , 𝑐𝑖 ) Equation 38-3
To keep the units of vR,adj = adjusted on-ramp demand (pc/h);
intersection throughput
(veh/h) and freeway on-ramp
demand (pc/h) consistent,
vHV = heavy vehicle adjustment factor (decimal), from Equation 12-10;
Equation 38-3 applies the
heavy vehicle adjustment vi = demand for movement i at the intersection (veh/h);
factor given by Equation 12-10.
ci = capacity of movement i at the intersection (veh/h); and
N = number of intersection movements that discharge into the on-ramp.
If the total on-ramp demand vR is greater than the ramp roadway capacity cR,
the adjusted on-ramp demand is:
Equation 38-4 𝑣𝑅,𝑎𝑑𝑗 = min(𝑣𝑅 , 𝑐𝑅 )
vR,adj = adjusted on-ramp demand (pc/h);
vR = on-ramp demand (pc/h); and
cR = ramp roadway capacity (pc/h), from Exhibit 14-12.
Exhibit 38-13
Spillback Check Procedure for
Exhibit 38-14
Spillback Check Procedure for
Step 5A: Compute Operating Speeds for Individual Lanes Along the
Freeway Facility
The operational performance of a freeway facility is determined from the
density and speed of each segment along the facility. The average travel time for
a given segment can be derived from its average speed.
For a network analysis, the segment speed is function of:
• Estimated speeds for individual lanes, and
• Probability that a lane will be selected for the subject O-D pair.
To estimate the speeds and capacities for individual lanes, a set of models
have been developed for each type of freeway segment considering the total
number of mainline freeway lanes. These models are valid only for
undersaturated conditions, and they predict the lane flow ratio (LFR) for each
lane. These models are of the form:
𝐿𝐹𝑅𝑖 = 𝑎 × ln(𝑣/𝑐) + 𝑏 Equation 38-5
For all segment types, the share of flow is estimated on the mainline
upstream of the segment. The oversaturated portion of the speed–flow curve
(when density is greater than the density at capacity) cannot be addressed by the
speed–flow models, as this is a limitation of the existing methods. The lane-by-
lane flows for oversaturated conditions are estimated using the procedures of
Chapter 25, adjusted to determine the incoming and outgoing flow on a lane-by-
lane basis. However, if off-ramp queue spillback occurs in the freeway facility,
then the methodology in Appendix A is used to determine the lane-by-lane flow
The probability that a given lane is selected when traveling between a given
O-D pair depends on the segment’s location. For segments where a motorist
driving between the O-D pair would enter (merge segment) or leave the freeway
facility (diverge segment), the probability of lane selection is shown in Exhibit 38-
15 (assuming right-side ramps).
For other segments within the freeway facility, the probability pi,j of choosing
a given lane i on segment j is equal to the lane’s LFR, defined as the percentage of
the total flow assigned to lane i:
Equation 38-8 𝑝𝑖,𝑗 = 𝐿𝐹𝑅𝑖,𝑗
This concept is illustrated in Exhibit 38-16 for a 3-lane freeway facility with
nine segments. The exhibit shows the lane choice probabilities for the O-D pair
where the traveler enters the freeway facility on segment 2 (merge) and leaves
the freeway on segment 8 (diverge). For segments 2 and 8, the choice
probabilities for lanes 1, 2 and 3 are 0.90, 0.05 and 0,05 respectively, from Exhibit
38-15. For segments 3 through 8, the lane choice probabilities are equal to the
LFR (Equation 38-3), calculated for each lane of each segment.
Exhibit 38-16
Illustration of Lane Choice
Probabilities Along a Freeway
Each segment’s speed is then computed as the sum of products of speeds for
each lane and the corresponding probability of lane choice:
Se,j = expected speed for segment j (mi/h),
N = total number of lanes in the segment,
pi,j = probability that lane i is selected (decimal) on segment j, and
Si = speed of lane i (mi/h), from Equation 38-C12.
A special case occurs when a weaving segment is defined as an entry or exit
segment. The methodology for estimating lane-by-lane speeds cannot evaluate
auxiliary lanes in weaving segments; therefore, the expected speed equation
should be replaced by the average speed of weaving vehicles in the segment.
Additional details are provided in Appendix C: Lane-by-Lane Analysis for
Freeway Facilities.
The speed–flow relationship for ramps is linear and speed decreases with
higher ramp flows, as shown in Exhibit 38-17. The maximum allowed values of
vR are bounded by ramp capacity, consistent with guidance provided by Chapter
14, Freeway Merge and Diverge Segments (Exhibit 14-12).
Exhibit 38-17
Speed–Flow Curves for
Freeway Ramps
The travel time along freeway ramps is calculated by dividing the ramp
length by its respective speed. When an O-D pair includes an off-ramp, the
control delay for the corresponding movement at the at-grade intersection must
also be added to the off-ramp travel time. This calculation is consistent with the
urban street facility methods, where each segment’s travel time includes the
control delay of the corresponding movement at the downstream intersection.
For off-ramps:
Equation 38-12 𝑇𝑇ramp = + 𝑑𝑖 + 5
1.47 × 𝑆ramp
For on-ramps:
Equation 38-13 𝑇𝑇ramp = +5
1.47 × 𝑆ramp
The constant value of 5 in where
Equation 38-12 and Equation
38-13 accounts for delay due TTramp = ramp travel time (s),
to vehicle deceleration and
acceleration along off-ramps Sramp = ramp speed (mi/h),
and on-ramps, respectively.
LR = ramp length (ft), and
di = control delay at the downstream ramp terminal for the O-D pair’s
corresponding movement (s) (applicable for off-ramps only).
In the case of queue spillback, Appendix A describes the procedure for
estimating the ramp speed, which is similar to the Oversaturated Segment
Evaluation method described in Chapter 25.
Step 8: Compute Travel Times for the Network and Each O-D Pair
This step computes the total travel time TTO-D for the network as the sum of
the travel times over all segments along the route. For multiperiod analysis, it is
important to select the travel time for the correct analysis period at each segment,
as a long O-D route may encompass several analysis periods. Exhibit 38-18
presents a sample calculation for a facility with two analysis periods (15 min
each). The first segment in the O-D route is traversed during analysis period 1,
and the cumulative travel time column is updated with the respective value.
Subsequent segments follow the same procedure until the cumulative travel time
exceeds the length of the first analysis period (900 s). For the next segment in the
network, travel times from analysis period 2 are added to the cumulative travel
time column. This procedure is then repeated until the final segment is reached.
The total travel time is obtained as the last value in the cumulative travel time
Freeway Facilities
At free-flow, the speed of freeway segments is computed as being equal to
their free-flow speed. When a lane-by-lane analysis is applied, the methodology
computes the free-flow speed for each lane (Equation 38-C9).
Next, the probabilities of lane choice on each segment are calculated for each
segment. If the subject segment is a entry or exit segment (segments where the
driver on a particular O-D route enters or leaves the freeway facility, as
illustrated in Exhibit 38-16), the lane choice probabilities are obtained from
Exhibit 38-15. For other segments, the lane choice probability is equal to the LFR
(Equation 38-5). When calculating the LFR under free-flow conditions, a v/c value
of 0.1 is recommended to provide results consistent with field data. Due to the
logarithmic form of the LFR equation, using v/c = 0 is mathematically infeasible,
and very low v/c values yield unrealistic results.
travel speed that accounts for congestion is the control delay for the specific O-D
related movement at the downstream intersection, which is discussed next.
Signalized Intersections
The control delay for a given lane at a signalized intersection is provided by
Equation 19-18, repeated here as Equation 38-18:
Equation 38-18 𝑑 = 𝑑1 + 𝑑2 + 𝑑3
d = control delay (s/veh);
d1 = uniform delay (s/veh), from Equation 19-19;
d2 = incremental delay (s/veh), from Equation 19-26; and
d3 = initial queue delay (s/veh), from Equation 19-44.
Under free-flow conditions, the values of d2 and d3 are equal to zero.
Therefore, the free-flow control delay is equal to the value of uniform delay (d1)
computed for a demand-to-capacity ratio X of 0.
3,600 𝑣
3,600 𝑣𝑥 𝑣
2 ( )( 𝑥 )
𝑐 𝑐
− 1 + √(
𝑥 𝑚,𝑥 𝑚,𝑥
Equation 38-19 𝑑= + 900𝑇 − 1) + +5
𝑐𝑚,𝑥 𝑐𝑚,𝑥 𝑐𝑚,𝑥 450𝑇
[ ]
d = control delay (s/veh);
vx = flow rate for movement x (veh/h);
cm,x = capacity of movement x (veh/h), from Chapter 20; and
T = analysis time period (0.25 h for a 15-min period) (h).
Under free-flow conditions, the demand vx is set to zero, which allows
Equation 38-19 to be reduced to the following:
Equation 38-20 𝑑= +5
where all variables are as defined previously.
ℎ𝑑 𝑥
𝑑 = 𝑡𝑠 + 900𝑇 [𝑥 − 1 + √(𝑥 − 1)2 + ]+5 Equation 38-21
d = average control delay (s/veh);
x = vhd/3,600 = degree of utilization (unitless);
ts = service time (s), from Equation 21-29;
hd = departure headway (s), from Equation 21-28; and
T = length of analysis period (0.25 h for a 15-min period) (h).
Under free-flow conditions, the degree of utilization x is set to zero, which
allows Equation 38-21 to be reduced to the following:
𝑑 = 𝑡𝑠 + 5 Equation 38-22
The control delay for roundabouts is computed by Equation 22-17, repeated
here as Equation 38-23:
3,600 √(𝑥 ( 𝑐 )𝑥
𝑑= + 900𝑇 [𝑥 − 1 + 2
− 1) + ] + 5 × min[𝑥, 1] Equation 38-23
𝑐 450𝑇
d = average control delay (s/veh);
x = volume-to-capacity ratio of the subject lane;
c = capacity of the subject lane (veh/h), from Equation 22-14; and
T = time period (h) (T = 0.25 h for a 15-min analysis).
Similar to TWSC intersections, setting the volume-to-capacity ratio x to 0
reduces Equation 38-23 to a simpler form:
𝑑= Equation 38-24
Freeway Ramps
Freeway ramp speeds at free-flow are equal to the ramp free-flow speed SFR
provided by the analyst and do not require additional adjustments.
This section presents four example problems (Exhibit 38-20) illustrating the
evaluation of networks and addressing several cases of spillback onto freeways
and onto urban street facilities.
Exhibit 38-21
Example Problem 1: Network
Interchanges, Intersections,
and O-D Points
The analysis steps for evaluating this network are discussed below.
The average total travel time between each O-D pair can be obtained by
adding the average travel times on each segment and ramp roadway traversed,
plus the average delay experienced at all intersections along the route.
The O-D route from node D to node H will traverse two urban street
facilities, as shown in Exhibit 38-24:
• Archer Rd. westbound (WB), consisting of two urban street segments and
two signalized intersections (SW 40th Blvd. and I-75 NB on-ramp); and
• NW 39th Ave. eastbound (EB), consisting of one urban street segment and
two signalized intersections (I-75 NB off-ramp and NW 95th Blvd).
Exhibit 38-24
Example Problem 1:
Urban Street Facilities
(a) Urban Street Facility 1: Archer Rd. WB (b) Urban Street Facility 2: NW 39th Ave. EB
Notes: The movements whose control delay will be used in the analysis are indicated in parentheses.
WBR = westbound right turn, WBT = westbound through, NBR = northbound right turn, EBT = eastbound
The O-D route also includes the freeway facility (I-75 NB), starting at
segment 8 and ending at segment 16, as shown in Exhibit 38-22. The on-ramp
and off-ramp at the boundary ends of the facility are also included in the travel
time evaluation.
Exhibit 38-25 lists the segments, ramps, and intersections traversed for the
route connecting O-D pair D-H.
The analysis’ temporal scope must also be defined. Given the short length of
the subject network, a single-period analysis will be performed initially. The
average travel time obtained will be compared to the 15-min analysis period
length; if the travel time is longer than 15 min, the study’s temporal scope will be
Archer Rd. @ Demand (veh/h) 120 2,348 88 36 864 548 60 208 96 36 480 304
SW 40th Blvd. Phase split (s) 20 50 — 20 50 — 20 30 — 20 30 —
Note: L = left, T = through, R = right.
Additional input parameters for Urban Street Facilities 1 and 2 are as follows:
• Base saturation flow rate: 1,900 veh/h/ln
• Traffic composition: 0% heavy vehicles
• Cycle length: 120 s
• Grade: 0%
• Arrival type: 3
• Speed limit: 45 mi/h
• Yellow change interval: 4 s
• Red clearance interval: 0 s
• No pedestrians
Next, the off-ramp volumes are checked against the intersection turning
movement demands. The first check determines whether there are bottlenecks
along the freeway facility that may meter off-ramp demands. Exhibit 38-32
shows the estimated LOS for all 19 segments in the freeway facility. Since no
segment is oversaturated, the off-ramp demand is not metered, and no
adjustments are necessary.
The second check compares the off-ramp demands to the respective ramp
roadway capacity, as shown in Exhibit 38-33. Demand does not exceed capacity
for any of the ramps; therefore, no adjustments to the intersection volumes are
• Queue storage ratio: Any queues exceeding the available turn bay length at
the intersection must be checked against the available storage along the
ramp roadway. For single-lane off-ramps, any queues upstream of the
intersection will share the same storage and must be aggregated. If a
ramp has two or more lanes, the analyst must determine how ramp lanes
are channelized relative to intersection approaches, based on the off-ramp
geometry. As shown in Exhibit 38-33, only the off-ramp at segment 16
(NW 39th Ave.) has two lanes—the leftmost ramp lane L2 is connected to
the left-turn movement, while the rightmost ramp lane L1 is connected to
the right-turn movement. In this step, the only movement that must be
evaluated is the left turn at Williston Rd. The queue length upstream of
the intersection is compared to the available ramp length, with a resulting
queue storage ratio RQ = 439 / 900 = 0.49 < 1.0. Therefore, spillback is not
expected to occur along the off-ramps.
Step 5A: Obtain Speeds for Individual Lanes in the Freeway Facility
First, the flow distribution among freeway lanes must be determined for the
segments in the freeway facility. Using the estimated flow rates, lane speeds are
computed as shown in Exhibit 38-35. The highlighted rows (8 through 16)
represent the segments included in the O-D route and used to compute the
overall travel time. The rightmost lane is labeled Lane 1.
Segment Segment Lane Flow Ratio Lane Speed (mi/h) Exhibit 38-35
ID LOS Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Example Problem 1:
1 C 0.286 0.351 0.362 66.5 71.3 77.7 Flow Distribution and Speeds
2 C 0.338 0.319 0.343 56.7 73.1 77.5 for Freeway Segments
3 C 0.279 0.356 0.365 68.3 71.6 77.2
4 C 0.259 0.388 0.353 72.0 72.4 77.3
5 C 0.281 0.348 0.371 66.4 69.9 75.6
6 C 0.336 0.326 0.337 55.3 72.2 77.4
7 C 0.286 0.354 0.360 67.7 70.6 76.5
8 C 0.253 0.387 0.359 71.7 71.5 76.8
9 C 0.294 0.346 0.360 56.3 67.3 74.0
10 C 0.288 0.344 0.368 58.2 67.7 73.9
11 D 0.358 0.290 0.352 41.6 71.7 75.2
12 C 0.286 0.355 0.359 67.8 70.8 76.6
13 B 0.253 0.382 0.365 71.9 72.1 76.8
14 C 0.281 0.349 0.370 66.8 70.0 75.7
15 C 0.281 0.349 0.370 66.8 70.0 75.7
16 C 0.350 0.296 0.354 50.6 74.1 76.8
17 B 0.278 0.362 0.361 68.3 72.6 78.1
18 B 0.252 0.383 0.365 72.0 74.2 77.7
19 B 0.272 0.358 0.370 68.7 72.7 78.1
Note: Bold rows represent the segments included in the O-D route that are used to compute the total travel time.
The step by step calculations
to determine lane-by-lane
Next, the expected speed for each segment is computed as the sum of flows and speeds on segment
products of speeds for each lane and the corresponding probability of lane 16 (diverge) are presented in
Example 1 in Appendix C.
choice, as provided in Equation 38-9. The results are shown in Exhibit 38-36.
Even though the remaining segments’ travel times segments are not directly
used in calculating the O-D travel time, the entire facility must be analyzed, as
any existing bottleneck would affect the performance of other segments along the
facility. In this example, no segment operates at LOS F, and no queues develop at
the ramps connecting to urban streets.
Exhibit 38-39 Segment ID Expected Speed (mi/h) Segment Length (ft) Travel Time (s)
Example Problem 1: Freeway 8 68.4 1,500 15.0
Segment Travel Times 9 66.5 6,300 64.6
10 67.2 5,385 54.6
11 64.4 1,500 15.9
12 72.0 2,014 19.1
13 73.8 1,500 13.9
14 71.2 6,494 62.2
15 71.2 2,480 23.7
16 53.1 1,500 19.3
Step 8: Compute Travel Times for the Network and Each O-D
All segments within the subject O-D route (D-H) are sorted according to their
travel sequence and their respective travel times are listed as shown in Exhibit
38-41. The cumulative travel time for the O-D route must also be computed to
evaluate whether the network analysis is being contained correctly within the
temporal scope defined in Step 1. For this example, a single 15-min analysis
period was considered, for a total time of 900 s. Because the cumulative travel
time does not exceed this boundary value, all travel times obtained from analysis
period 1 are valid for the analysis.
Exhibit 38-42
Example Problem 2: Network
Interchanges, Intersections,
and O-D Points
The freeway facility (I-10 EB) will be modeled according to the freeway
facilities core methodology (Chapter 10), while the ramp terminal will be
modeled according to its respective intersection methodology (Chapter 19, 20, or
21). First, a check will be performed to confirm the occurrence of queue spillback.
Next, the respective spillback analysis method will be applied to evaluate the
impacts of queue spillback on the capacity of each movement at the intersection.
These reduced capacities will be used to compute control delay values
considering queue spillback and the results will be compared to the delay values
without queue spillback.
Exhibit 38-43 provides a schematic representation of the freeway facility in
the eastbound direction. Segments 3 (merge) and 5 (diverge) connect the freeway
to the urban street facility (Acadian Thruway).
Exhibit 38-43
Example Problem 2: Freeway
Facility Segmentation and O-D
Entry and Exit Points
The urban street facility consists of four signalized intersections and three
segments, as shown in Exhibit 38-44. The on-ramp terminal being analyzed is the
I-10 EB Ramps intersection.
Exhibit 38-44
Example Problem 2:
Urban Street Facility
Input Data
Signalized Intersection
The geometry of the intersection connected to the I-10 EB on-ramp is shown
in Exhibit 38-45. Three movements lead onto the on-ramp:
• NB right-turn (NBR): One channelized, unsignalized right-turn lane
• SB left-turn (SBL): One exclusive left turn lane with a protected phase
• EB through (EBT): One through lane
Exhibit 38-45
Example Problem 2A:
Signalized Intersection
Geometry: I-10 EB Ramps
Exhibit 38-46
Example Problem 2A: Phasing
Sequence: I-10 EB Ramps
The demand volumes for each analysis period are presented in Exhibit 38-47.
Additional input data are summarized in Exhibit 38-48.
Freeway Facility
The freeway facility (I-10 EB) is divided into seven segments, as shown in
Exhibit 38-49, where segment 3 (diverge) and segment 5 (merge) connect to the
subject signalized intersection (Acadian Thruway). Exhibit 38-50 summarizes the
facility’s geometric features.
Exhibit 38-49
Example Problem 2A:
Freeway Facility Segments
As shown, for a 120-s cycle, the capacity of the unsignalized NBR movement
is 34.8 vehicles. Aggregated to an hourly flow rate, the capacity is:
𝑐𝑁𝐵𝑅 = 34.8 × = 1,045 veh/h
Because of the actuated control operation, the discharge rate to the on-ramp
is different during each cycle and during each analysis period. Therefore, this
procedure must be repeated for every analysis period to compute the capacity of
the NBR unsignalized movement cNBR, as shown in Exhibit 38-52.
Exhibit 38-53 summarizes the calculations for this step. During analysis
period 3, the SBL movement operates over capacity (v/c = 1.56, highlighted in
red); therefore, its throughput to the ramp is constrained by its capacity of 685
veh/h. For all other movements and analysis periods, the throughput to the on-
ramp equals the demand because v/c < 1.
The calculated on-ramp demand is then provided as an input to the freeway
facility analysis (Exhibit 38-54). As shown, the ramp flow rates for the merge
segment (segment 5) are obtained from Exhibit 38-53 (highlighted in bold).
The results of the freeway facility analysis are provided in Exhibit 38-55.
Oversaturated conditions (LOS F) occur during analysis periods 2 and 3
(highlighted in red), therefore queueing may occur along the on-ramp.
Time Period 1 Time Period 2 Time Period 3 Time Period 4 Exhibit 38-54
Mainline Ramp Mainline Ramp Mainline Ramp Mainline Ramp Example Problem 2A: Freeway
Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Facility Demand Inputs
Segment Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
ID (veh/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) (veh/h)
1 5,209 — 6,300 — 5,300 — 5,000 —
2 5,209 348 6,300 450 5,300 1,200 5,000 50
3 4,861 135 5,850 116 4,100 1,000 4,950 96
4 4,726 — 5,734 — 3,100 — 4,854 —
5 4,726 975 5,734 1,203 3,100 1,411 4,854 567
6 5,701 — 6,937 — 4,511 — 5,421 —
7 5,701 — 6,937 — 4,511 — 5,421 —
The next step estimates the on-ramp queue length and compares the result to
the available queue storage length to determine whether spillback is expected to
occur. Exhibit 38-56 shows the expected on-ramp queues from the freeway
facility analysis. For each analysis period, the ramp storage ratio RQ is computed
by dividing the ramp queue by the available storage length (924 ft). During
analysis period 2, a queue is expected on the ramp, but it is not long enough to
cause queue spillback (RQ < 1). During analysis period 3, however, the on-ramp is
expected to have RQ = 2.31 (highlighted in red), which indicates that spillback will
occur at the intersection during this analysis period.
Exhibit 38-56 Analysis Ramp Flow Ramp Queue Ramp Ramp Storage Spillback
Example Problem 2A: Period Rate (veh/h) (veh) Queue (ft) Ratio (RQ) Expected?
Spillback Check: I-10 EB 1 975 0.0 0.0 0.00 No
On-Ramp 2 1,203 15.0 388.6 0.42 No
3 1,411 82.1 2,133.6 2.31 Yes
4 567 0.0 0.0 0.00 No
Because spillback will occur during at least one analysis period, its impacts
on the operation of the signalized intersection must be evaluated. The next
section illustrates the application of the methodology to evaluate spillback effects
at a signalized intersection.
Analysis Period 2
The procedure to evaluate queue spillback into intersections is applied for
analysis period 2, even though spillback is not expected to occur during this
analysis period. The application of the methodology is presented for this analysis
period to facilitate the understanding of the calculations.
Step 7A: Determine intersection throughput to on-ramp. The throughput
of movements into the on-ramp were determined previously as part of the queue
spillback check, as shown in Exhibit 38-53.
Step 7B: Obtain merging capacity with the freeway facilities method.
When the freeway facility operates in oversaturated conditions, the capacity of
the subject merge section may be constrained by the presence of queues along
the mainline. The Oversaturated Segment Evaluation procedure (Chapter 25)
computes the on-ramp queue ONRQ and on-ramp capacity ONRO every 15 s.
The merge capacity cmerge is then obtained by aggregating the ONRO parameter
into an hourly flow rate for each analysis period. Exhibit 38-57 shows the values
of ONRQ and ONRO over the study period (60 min), converted to hourly flow
Exhibit 38-57(a) compares the on-ramp capacity ONRO to the on-ramp
demand. During the first analysis period, undersaturated conditions exist along
the freeway, thus ONRO equals 2,000 pc/h, corresponding to the ramp roadway
capacity given in Exhibit 14-12, or 1,903 veh/h. During analysis periods 2 and 3,
oversaturated conditions occur and the on-ramp capacity drops to 5 pc per time
step, corresponding to 1,142 veh/h. During analysis period 4, the lower demand
along the freeway allows the mainline queue to clear within 4 time steps (60 s).
Therefore, during the first 60 s, the on-ramp capacity remains 1,142 veh/h. From
the fifth time step to the end of analysis period 4, there is no congestion at the
merge and therefore the on-ramp capacity is again 1,903 veh/h.
Exhibit 38-57
Example Problem 2A:
Freeway Segment 5 Merge
Capacity and Queue Lengths
Step 7C: Plot queue accumulation polygons (QAPs) for the on-ramp and
unsignalized movements. In this step, a QAP is plotted for the on-ramp as a
function of all protected and permitted movements entering the on-ramp, on a
cycle-by-cycle basis. Because an unsignalized movement (NBR) also discharges
into the on-ramp, a QAP must be developed for this movement as well. The
latter QAP is required to: (a) determine the discharge pattern of the unsignalized
movement throughout the cycle, and (b) allow the estimation of control delay for
this movement.
Exhibit 38-59 presents the QAPs for analysis period 2 for both the on-ramp
and the NBR movement.
Exhibit 38-59
Example Problem 2A:
Estimated Queue Lengths and
Merge Capacities During
Analysis Period 2
The cycle starts with a permitted left-turn movement (Φ1: SBL) discharging
into the on-ramp with a green time g1 = 43.9 s, divided in a queue service time gs1
= 40.2 s and a queue extension time ge1 = 3.7s (as defined in Chapter 31). During
the green interval for SBL, the capacity of the NBR movement is constrained
because drivers must yield to the protected left-turn vehicles. The saturation flow
rate for the NBR movement with a conflicting flow vSBL can be estimated from
Equation 38-27:
𝑣𝑜 𝑒 −𝑣𝑜 𝑡𝑐𝑔/3,600
𝑠𝑝 =
1 − 𝑒 −𝑣𝑜 𝑡𝑓ℎ/3,600
Because a queue is present in the NBR movement, the throughput for the
NBR movement is equal to its saturation flow rate:
𝜆𝑁𝐵𝑅,2 = 𝑠𝑁𝐵𝑅,𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚2 = 1,282 veh/h
where λNBR,2 is the throughput for the NBR movement during the SBL green
extension (veh/h/ln) and sNBR,perm2 is the saturation flow rate of the NBR
movement during the SBL green extension time (veh/h/ln).
With the discharge patterns for the NBR determined, the on-ramp’s queue
profile during Φ1 can be determined. During the SBL queue service time (cycle
time t = 0 to t = 40.2 s), the throughput to the on-ramp is given by:
𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅 = 𝜆𝑆𝐵𝐿 + 𝜆𝑁𝐵𝑅,1 = 1,739 + 282 = 2,021 veh/h = 0.561 veh/s
Given that the merge capacity cmerge is 1,142 veh/h for the current analysis
period, the on-ramp queue will grow at the following rate during the SBL queue
service time:
𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅 − 𝑐merge = 2,021 − 1,142 = 879 veh/h = 0.244 veh/s
Therefore, at the end of the SBL queue service time (t = 40.2s), the queue at
the on-ramp will be 0.244 x 40.2 = 9.8 vehicles (Exhibit 38-59a).
This process is then repeated for all phases throughout the cycle. The results
for a single cycle (120 s) are presented in Exhibit 38-60, where the maximum on-
ramp queue occurs at t = 50.48 s, with 10.82 veh. The expected on-ramp queue at
the end of the cycle is 2.02 veh. The remaining cycles within analysis period 2
show the same pattern, where the on-ramp queue at the end of each cycle
becomes the initial queue at the start of the next cycle.
Each row in Exhibit 38-60 describes a portion of the cycle, as follows:
• gs1 is the queue service time for SBL (Φ1), as previously discussed.
• ge1 is the green extension time for SBL (Φ1). The NBR movement
discharges at the permitted saturation flow rate due to the queue that has
developed during gs1 and the on-ramp queue grows at a rate of 0.07 veh/s.
• r1 is the effective red time for SBL (Φ1). There is no throughput from
protected movements and the NBR movement discharges freely at the
saturation flow rate. The on-ramp queue grows at a rate of 0.11 veh/s.
• g2* is the effective green for NBT (Φ2), with no throughput from protected
movements. The duration of 0.88 s is calculated based on the queue
service time of the NBR approach. The on-ramp queue grows at a rate of
0.11 veh/s.
• g2** is the remaining effective green for NBT (Φ2). For this portion, no
queue remains on the NBR approach, therefore the NBR throughput is
equal to its demand flow rate vNBR. The on-ramp queue discharges at a
rate of 0.17 veh/s.
• r2 is the effective red time for NBT (Φ2). There is no throughput from
protected movements and the NBR throughput is equal to its demand
flow rate vNBR. The on-ramp queue discharges at a rate of 0.17 veh/s.
• gs7 is the queue service time for EBT (Φ7). The EBT discharges into the on-
ramp at the saturation flow rate. The throughput of the NBR movement is
restricted to the permitted saturation flow rate, causing queues to develop
in the NBR approach. The on-ramp queue grows at a rate of 0.26 veh/s.
• ge7* is the green extension time for EBT (Φ7). The duration of 0.03 s is
calculated based on the queue service time of the NBR approach. The
NBR movement discharges at the permitted saturation flow rate. The on-
ramp queue grows at a rate of 0.08 veh/s.
• ge7** is the remaining extension time for EBT (Φ7). The EBT movement
discharges at a rate equal to its arrival flow rate during the effective
green. For this portion, no queue remains on the NBR approach, therefore
the NBR throughput is equal to its demand flow rate vNBR. The on-ramp
queue discharges at a rate of 0.15 veh/s.
• r7 is the effective red time for EBT (Φ7). There is no throughput from
protected movements and the NBR throughput is equal to its demand
flow rate vNBR. The on-ramp queue discharges at a rate of 0.17 veh/s.
At the end of the analysis period, a residual queue of 23.32 veh is expected
along the on-ramp, and this value is carried to the start of the next analysis
period. The analysis period length of 900 s does not correspond to an exact
number of signal cycles, and the last cycle is interrupted at t = 60 s. Therefore, the
next analysis period will start the analysis from the same timestamp to maintain
Step 7D: Calculate equivalent capacities for the affected movements.
Because spillback does not occur during analysis period 2, no adjustment to the
intersection capacity is necessary.
Analysis Period 3
The same analysis steps performed for analysis period 2 are applied again
for analysis period 3.
Exhibit 38-61
Example Problem 2A:
Estimated Queue Lengths and
Merge Capacities During
Analysis Period 3
Queue spillback occurs during the third cycle (SBL queue service time),
when the on-ramp queue reaches the maximum storage LONR of 35.5 veh. At this
time, the maximum flow rate that can enter the on-ramp is constrained by the
merge capacity cmerge. In other words, the maximum number of vehicles allowed
to enter the ramp is equal to the number of vehicles that are able to merge to the
freeway mainline. In addition, the queues developed in the NBR are longer
during cycles 3 through 8, causing an increased delay for this movement due to
the queue spillback conditions at the on-ramp.
The on-ramp queue at the start of cycle 3 is 27.9 veh. The cycle starts with the
SBL movement, with an effective green time g1 of 47.3 s. Because this movement
already operates with v/c > 1, the queue service time gs1 is equal to g1, and no
green extension time is available (ge1 = 0). The protected movement then
discharges at a saturation flow rate sSBL of 0.483 veh/s, while the NBR movement
discharges at a permitted saturation flow rate sNBR of 0.078 veh/s. At the same
time, the on-ramp discharges to the freeway at a rate cmerge of 1,142 veh/h, equal
to 0.317 veh/s. Therefore, the on-ramp queue grows at the following rate:
𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅 − 𝑐merge = (0.483 + 0.078) − 0.317 = 0.244 veh/s
The time remaining until spillback occurs is calculated by dividing the
remaining on-ramp queue storage by the queue growth rate:
35.5 − 27.9
Time to spillback = = 31.2 s
Spillback is expected to occur within 31.2 s of the onset of g1. The total
effective green g1 value of 47.3 s is then divided into two portions:
• gs1* (31.2 s), discharging at the saturation flow rate; and
• gs1,sp (16.1s), the remaining time that is affected by queue spillback,
limiting the maximum discharge to the on-ramp to the merge capacity
cmerge of 0.317 veh/s. Note that this constraint is shared by two movements
entering the on-ramp (SBL and NBR).
The effect of queue spillback on the intersection capacity during gs1,sp is then
measured by the capacity reduction factor β1,sp, defined as the ratio between the
maximum on-ramp capacity during queue spillback and the throughput from
the intersection movements (SBL and NBR):
𝑐merge 0.317
𝛽1,𝑠𝑝 = = = 0.565
𝜆𝑆𝐵𝐿 + 𝜆𝑁𝐵𝑅 (0.483 + 0.078)
A capacity reduction of 0.565 means that only 56.5% of the expected
intersection throughput is able to enter the on-ramp when queue spillback occurs
during phase gs1,sp. The capacity adjustment factor is applied to each movement
to obtain their adjusted throughputs for this analysis period:
𝜆𝑆𝐵𝐿,𝑎𝑑𝑗 = 𝜆𝑆𝐵𝐿 × 𝛽1,𝑠𝑝 = 0.483 × 0.565 = 0.273 veh/s
𝜆𝑁𝐵𝑅,𝑎𝑑𝑗 = 𝜆𝑁𝐵𝑅 × 𝛽1,𝑠𝑝 = 0.078 × 0.565 = 0.044 veh/s
The procedure is then repeated for the remaining movements of the cycle, as
shown in Exhibit 38-62.
Analysis Period 4
The same steps performed for analysis periods 2 and 3 are applied again in
analysis period 4.
Step 7A: Determine intersection throughput to on-ramp. The throughput
for movements that enter the on-ramp was previously determined as part of the
queue spillback check and shown in Exhibit 38-53.
Step 7B: Obtain merging capacity with the freeway facility method. The
merge capacity for analysis period 4 was previously determined, as shown in
Exhibit 38-57a. Because the congestion along the freeway mainline is dissipating
during this analysis period, the merge capacity is not constant: from time steps 1
through 4, the merge capacity is 1,142 veh/h, consistent with oversaturated
conditions from previous time periods. After time step 5, the merge capacity is
equal to the ramp roadway capacity (1,904 veh/h).
Step 7C: Plot QAPs for the on-ramp and unsignalized movements. The
procedure described earlier is applied to plot the QAPs, shown in Exhibit 38-64.
Queue spillback occurs during the first cycle, due to the residual queue from the
previous time period. However, due to low volumes at the intersection and
improvement of performance along the freeway mainline, the on-ramp clears
quickly. The queue has cleared by the end of the second cycle.
Exhibit 38-64
Example Problem 2A:
Estimated Queue Lengths and
Merge Capacities During
Analysis Period 4
Step 7D: Calculate adjusted capacities for the affected movements. The
procedure described earlier is used to calculate the capacity reduction factor for
the SBL movement, as shown in Exhibit 38-65. The estimated capacity reduction
is minor, as spillback only occurs during the first cycle. The EBT movement does
not experience queue spillback, therefore no adjustment is necessary.
Time SBL Movement capacity (veh/h) SBL Control delay (s/veh) Exhibit 38-66
Period Without spillback With spillback Without spillback With spillback Example Problem 2A:
1 652 652 60.3 60.3 Performance Measure
2 586 586 55.9 55.9 Comparison with and without
3 685 482 293.5 589.2 Consideration of Spillback
4 746 721 575.2 609.5 Effects
Exhibit 38-67
Example Problem 2B: TWSC
Intersection Geometry: I-10
EB Ramps
The on-ramp demand estimates are then used as inputs to the freeway
facility analysis. In this example, spillback will occur in analysis period 3.
Step 9B: Obtain Merging Capacity Using the Freeway Facility Methodology
This step computes the merging capacity into the freeway cmerge. The freeway
facility inputs are obtained from Exhibit 38-68, yielding the following results:
• Analysis period 2: No queue spillback.
• Analysis period 3: 1,142 veh/h.
• Analysis period 4: 1,142 veh/h during 15 time steps (222 s), and then 1,903
veh/h. This analysis period considers a lower merge capacity while a
mainline queue is present during the first 222 s. For the remainder of the
analysis period, the merge capacity is constrained only by the on-ramp
capacity, similar to the scenario presented in Example Problem 2A.
The results show that queue spillback occurs only during analysis period 3.
The initial queue of analysis period 3 is 0 and it takes 3.8 min for the on-ramp to
reach its maximum storage capacity. Therefore, the spillback time Tsp is computed
as 15 – 3.8 = 11.2 min. Exhibit 38-70 depicts the on-ramp’s QAP, based on the
table results.
Exhibit 38-70
Example Problem 2B: Queue
Accumulation Polygon for the
𝑐merge × 𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑇 × 96
𝑐𝑠𝑝,𝐸𝐵𝑇 = = = 61 veh/h
𝑣𝑆𝐵𝐿 + 𝑣𝑁𝐵𝑅 + 𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑇 1,071 + 630 + 96
The equivalent capacities cEQ,i for each movement i, aggregated for the 15-
min analysis period, are obtained proportionately to the spillback time Tsp:
Exhibit 38-72
Example Problem 2C: AWSC
Intersection Geometry: I-10
EB Ramps
The estimated on-ramp demand values are provided as inputs to the freeway
facility analysis. The freeway facility is then analyzed and the expected on-ramp
queues are determined as shown in Exhibit 38-74.
Because spillback will occur during analysis period 3, its impacts on the
intersection’s operation must be evaluated. The next section illustrates the
application of the queue spillback evaluation methodology at an AWSC
Step 13B: Obtain Merging Capacity with the Freeway Facilities Method
In this example, the ramp metering rate (900 veh/h) is an additional input to
the freeway facility analysis and acts as a constraint to the merge capacity.
Therefore, the merge capacity for this analysis is kept constant at 900 veh/h.
Exhibit 38-76 illustrates the QAP for the on-ramp, based on the results shown
in Exhibit 38-75.
Exhibit 38-76
Example Problem 2C: Queue
Accumulation Polygon for the
Capacity (veh/h) Control Delay (s/veh) Departure Headway (s) Exhibit 38-78
Demand Without With Without With Without With Example Problem 2C:
Movement (veh/h) Spillback Spillback Spillback Spillback Spillback Spillback Performance Measure
Comparison with and without
EBL 75 359 359 15.6 15.6 10.0 10.0
Consideration of Spillback
EBT 19 396 212 12.6 21.7 9.1 17.0
Effects—Analysis Period 3
NBT 229 497 497 16.3 16.3 7.2 7.2
NBR 539 550 497 58.9 92.3 6.5 7.3
SBL 546 462 454 128.0 136.5 7.8 7.9
SBT 220 494 494 16.0 16.0 7.3 7.3
Note: EBL = eastbound left turn, EBT = eastbound through, NBT = northbound through, NBR = northbound right
turn, SBL = southbound left turn, SBT = southbound through.
Exhibit 38-79
Example Problem 3:
Study Site
Exhibit 38-80
Example Problem 3:
Freeway Facility Geometry
Input Data
Traffic demands for the freeway facilities and ramps are provided in Exhibit
38-81 for each 15-min analysis period.
Exhibit 38-81 Freeway Facility 1 (I-75 SB) Freeway Facility 2 (SR-826 SB)
Example Problem 3: Mainline Demand Diverge Demand Mainline Demand Merge Demand
Traffic Demands Analysis Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate
Period (veh/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) (veh/h)
1 5,400 1,400 4,000 1,400
2 6,200 3,000 5,700 3,000
3 6,000 3,400 5,600 3,400
4 4,500 800 4,500 800
Spillback Check
Analyzing SR-826 using Chapter 25’s Freeway Facilities Oversaturated
Segment Evaluation methodology provides the expected on-ramp queue for
every analysis period. The first check compares the off-ramp demand to the
ramp roadway capacity, as shown in Exhibit 38-84. The ramp queue starts to
develop during analysis period 2. At the end of this time period, a ramp queue
length of 1,188 ft is expected, yielding a queue storage ratio of 0.33. Therefore,
spillback onto I-75 is not expected during analysis period 2. However, during
analysis period 3, a ramp queue length of 5,160 ft is expected, yielding a queue
storage ratio of 1.41. Therefore, spillback onto I-75 will occur during analysis
period 3.
Spillback Analysis
Because spillback is expected to occur, the methodology described in
Appendix A (Exhibit 38-A8) is applied to evaluate how it affects I-75 SB. The
methodology’s application to each analysis period is presented below.
Analysis Period 1
No oversaturated conditions occur; therefore, no additional calculations are
needed for this analysis period.
Analysis Period 2
During analysis period 2, the downstream merge segment operates at LOS F
and the on-ramp capacity is expected to be reduced.
Exhibit 38-85
Example Problem 3:
Link–Node Structure for
Spillback Analysis: I-75 SB
period, the merge capacity is constant at 13.4 pc/ts or 3,217 pc/h, while the ramp
demand is 14.0 pc/ts or 3,369 pc/h.
Given the merge’s demand and capacity, the queue in the ramp roadway
increases by 0.6 pc during every time step. Exhibit 38-86 illustrates the ramp
queue and the total number of vehicles in the ramp, considering an initial value
of 50.8 pc in the ramp at the start of the analysis period, as previously computed.
Exhibit 38-86
Example Problem 3: Queued
Vehicles and Total Number of
Vehicles RNV in the Ramp:
Analysis Period 2
Exhibit 38-87
Example Problem 3: Ramp
Capacity RSTG and Ramp
Input RI: Analysis Period 2
Because spillback does not occur, no additional calculations for the mainline
are required.
𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘) 1,679.5
𝑆𝑅(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘) = = = 31.9 mi/h
𝑅𝐾(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘) 71.6
Analysis Period 3
Steps 1, 2, and 9: Ramp Analysis
The same steps are repeated for analysis period 3. The ramp analysis is
summarized in Exhibit 38-88. During this analysis period, the ramp demand is
15.4 pc/ts, while the merge capacity is 13.9 pc/ts. Because demand is greater than
capacity, the number of vehicles increases gradually, causing the capacity
constraint RSTG to decrease each time step. At time step 14, the value of RSTG
becomes equal to the merge capacity (13.9 pc/ts), which implies that the ramp has
reached jam density and the maximum flow that can enter the ramp is equal to
the flow departing the ramp. Therefore, queue spillback into the mainline starts
at time step 15.
Exhibit 38-88
Example Problem 3: Ramp
Capacity RSTG and Ramp
Input RI: Analysis Period 3
After the onset of queue spillback, the number of unserved vehicles at the
exit is computed every time step through the parameter OFRUV(i, t, p). Then, the
expected length of the mainline queue OFRLQ(i, t, p) is computed based on the
number of unserved vehicles and the ramp queue density RKQ, as given by
Equation 38-A35:
𝑂𝐹𝑅𝑈𝑉(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
𝑂𝐹𝑅𝐿𝑄(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) =
𝑅𝐾𝑄 (𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
Exhibit 38-89
Example Problem 3: Spillback
Queue Length on I-75 SB:
Analysis Period 3
The parameter OFRLQ represents the length of the queue if all unserved
vehicles were queued in a single line. Given the segment geometry (Exhibit 38-
90), the operating regimes and flow modes can be obtained as a function of
• 0 < OFRLQ ≤ 1,400 ft: Regime 1
• 1,400 ft < OFRLQ ≤ 3,000 ft: Regime 4, with increased turbulence
• 3,000 ft < OFRLQ: Regime 4, with lane blockage (queue extends upstream
beyond the diverge)
Exhibit 38-90
Example Problem 3: Available
Queue Storage on I-75 SB
Exhibit 38-91
Example Problem 3: Back of
Queue Length, Including
Queue Influence Area, at the
End of Analysis Period 3
𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘) 1,707
𝑆𝑅(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘) = = = 21.5 mi/h
𝑅𝐾(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘) 108.4
Performance measures are computed for the blocked and unblocked portions
of each segment of the freeway facility.
Segment 1-3 (diverge)—blocked portion. Similar to the ramp, the flow
through the blocked portion is aggregated for this time period:
Analysis Period 4
During analysis period 4, the congestion at the downstream facility (SR-826)
dissipates, which allows the ramp to discharge at the ramp roadway capacity
(4,400 pc/h, or 18.33 pc/ts). Given the low ramp demand during this time period,
the queue clears quickly (9 time steps, or 135 s). After the 10th time step, the
freeway facility returns to undersaturated conditions.
Input Data
The site layout is shown in Exhibit 38-92. The location’s traffic and geometric
characteristics are as follows:
• Single-lane approaches on all roundabout entries
• Adjusted demand flow rates in pc/h for all movements are as shown in
Exhibit 38-92
• No heavy vehicles
• U-turn movements are negligible
• Pedestrian activity limits the exit capacity to the on-ramp to 1,300 pc/h.
• Ramp length = 1,657 ft
• The on-ramp connecting the roundabout to the freeway is metered at a
rate cRM = 800 pc/h.
Exhibit 38-92
Example Problem 4:
Study Interchange Schematic
(1,380) 0.22 1,380
𝑄95,𝑆𝐵 √ 2
= 900(0.25) 0.22 − 1 + (1 − 0.22) + ( ) = 1 veh
150(0.25) 3,600
[ ]
𝑄95,𝐸𝐵 = 6 veh
𝑄95,𝑁𝐵 = 121 veh
These values are rounded to the nearest vehicle.
Exhibit 38-93 provides the flows and resulting queues at the roundabout.
Exhibit 38-94
Example Problem 4:
Roundabout Approach Priority
Starting with the Rank 1 (SB) approach, the maximum throughput for the
movement exiting through the EB leg (the on-ramp) is calculated as follows:
Equation 38-28 𝜆𝑆𝐵𝐿,𝑝𝑐𝑒 = min (𝑣𝑆𝐵𝐿,𝑝𝑐𝑒 , 𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑆𝐵 × 𝑝𝑆𝐵𝐿 , )
λSBL,pce = maximum throughput for the SB left-turn movement (pc/h),
vSBL,pce = flow rate for the SB left-turn movement (pc/h),
cpce,SB = entry lane capacity for the SB roundabout approach (pc/h),
pSBL = percent of demand from the SB approach into the on-ramp
= vSBL,pce divided by the total flow rate for the SB approach, and
hs = departure saturation headway into the on-ramp (s/veh).
100 3,600
𝜆𝑆𝐵𝐿,𝑝𝑐𝑒 = min (100, [1,380 × ], ) = 100 pc/h
300 2.77
Because the Rank 3 (NB) approach is the only one with a volume-to-capacity
ratio over 1, the conflicting flows and capacity values calculated above are valid.
The next calculation is the maximum throughput for the remaining
movements of the approach that contribute to the conflicting flows for
downstream approaches. This calculation is performed as follows:
𝜆𝑆𝐵𝑇,𝑝𝑐𝑒 = min(𝑣𝑆𝐵𝑇,𝑝𝑐𝑒 , 𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝑆𝐵 × 𝑝𝑆𝐵𝑇 ) Equation 38-29
λSBT,pce = maximum throughput for the southbound-through movement (pc/h),
vSBT,pce = flow rate for the southbound-through movement (pc/h),
cpce,SB = entry lane capacity for the southbound roundabout approach (pc/h), and
pSBL = percent of demand from SB approach for through movement
= vSBT,pce divided by the total flow rate for the SB approach.
𝜆𝑆𝐵𝑇,𝑝𝑐𝑒 = min (200, [1,380 × ]) = 200 pc/h
The maximum throughput for each approach and O-D pair is calculated
considering the maximum throughput on the on-ramp and accounting for
higher-rank approaches:
𝜆𝐸𝐵𝑇,𝑝𝑐𝑒 = min (𝑣𝐸𝐵𝑇,𝑝𝑐𝑒 , 𝑐𝑝𝑐𝑒,𝐸𝐵 × 𝑝𝐸𝐵𝑇 , − 𝜆𝑆𝐵𝐿 )
500 3,600
𝜆𝐸𝐵𝑇,𝑝𝑐𝑒 = min (500, [1,016 × ],[ − 100]) = 500 pc/h
700 2.77
The maximum throughput to the on-ramp is lower than the exit capacity
(1,300 pc/h), thus the northbound approach flow rate is limited by its own
approach capacity.
3,600 × 0.22
√ 1,380
𝑑𝑆𝐵 = + 900(0.25) 0.22 − 1 + (0.22 − 1)2 +
1,380 450(0.25)
[ ]
+ 5 × min[0.22,1]
2 3,600 2,100
3,600 2,100 2,100 ×
𝑑𝑠𝑝 = + 900(0.25) [ √
−1+ ( − 1) + 800 800 ]
800 800 800 450(0.25)
+ 5 × min [ , 1]
𝑑𝑠𝑝 = 747.94 s/veh
Therefore, the total average delay per approach is:
𝑑𝑆𝐵,𝑇 = 𝑑𝑆𝐵 + 𝑑𝑠𝑝 × = 65.05 s/veh
𝑑𝐸𝐵.𝐿 = 𝑑𝐸𝐵 + 𝑑𝑠𝑝 × = 317.54 s/veh
𝑑𝑁𝐵,𝑅 = 𝑑𝑁𝐵 + 𝑑𝑠𝑝 × = 1,020.14 s/veh
This reference can be found in 1. University of Florida Transportation Institute; Cambridge Systematics, Inc.;
the Technical Reference
Library in Volume 4. and A. Skabardonis. NCHRP Web-Only Document 290: Highway Capacity
Manual Methodologies for Corridors Involving Freeways and Surface Streets.
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2020.
Exhibit 38-A1
Off-Ramp Queue Spillback
Check Flowchart
The procedure first determines whether capacity is exceeded at any of the
critical points along the diverge section.
Exhibit 38-A2 Ramp FFS, SFR (mi/h) Single-Lane Ramps Two-Lane Ramps
Capacity of Ramp Roadways >50 2,200 4,400
(pc/h) >40–50 2,100 4,200
>30–40 2,000 4,000
≥20–30 1,900 3,800
<20 1,800 3,600
Notes: Capacity of a ramp roadway does not ensure an equal capacity at its freeway or other high-speed junction.
Junction capacity must be checked against criteria in Exhibit 14-10 and Exhibit 14-11.
FFS = free-flow speed.
Qg,i = queue growth during analysis period i (veh),
vR = off‐ramp demand (pc/h),
cR = off-ramp roadway capacity (pc/h),
fHV = adjustment factor for heavy vehicle presence,
PHF = peak hour factor, and
T = analysis time period (0.25 h for a 15-min period) (h).
The ramp queue during the first time period of the analysis must be zero,
otherwise the analysis’ time–space domain boundaries need to be re-evaluated.
The accumulated queue length at the end of analysis period t is the cumulative
value of Qg,i until t:
The maximum queue length Qmax during the entire study period is the
maximum value of Qt obtained using Equation 38-A2 and is used as an input for
the next stage of the spillback check procedure.
Signalized Intersections
The methodology of Chapters 19 and 31 evaluates the performance of
individual lane groups for a subject approach. It also estimates the back-of-queue
length Q (Equation 31-149) or a percentile back-of-queue length Q% (Equation
31-150). In some cases, only one high-demand movement on the intersection
approach is the bottleneck that results in spillback, yielding an unbalanced lane
usage pattern at the ramp. Field observations have shown that urban street
intersection failures may occur for one lane group. As drivers position themselves
in a specific lane at the ramp in anticipation of the downstream signal, the ramp’s
lane usage becomes unbalanced, as illustrated in Equation 38-A3.
Exhibit 38-A3
Examples of Unbalanced
Ramp Lane Usage
When off-ramps have two or more lanes, the estimated queue length for each
intersection lane group must be associated with specific ramp lanes. Exhibit 38-
A4 illustrates an example of a typical ramp terminal for a two-lane off-ramp.
Drivers that desire to make a left turn at the intersection will position themselves
in the leftmost lane (ramp lane 2), while drivers who intend to turn right will
likely choose the rightmost lane (ramp lane 1). Analyst judgement is required to
define the grouping of intersection lane groups into ramp lanes.
Exhibit 38-A4
Illustrative Assignment of
Intersection Lane Groups to
Ramp Lanes
Ql,k = number of queued vehicles in ramp lane k during a 15-min interval
QLG,m = number of queued vehicles from lane group m associated with ramp
lane k during a 15-min interval (veh);
Q%,LGn = estimated back of queue length (nth percentile), from Equation 38-A5
(derived from Equation 31-150) (veh/ln); and
NLG.m = number of approaching lanes for lane group m.
𝑄%,𝐿𝐺𝑛 = (𝑄1 + 𝑄2 )𝑓𝐵% + 𝑄3 Equation 38-A5
𝑄𝑖 = ith-term back-of-queue size (veh/ln), from Equation 31-141 to Equation
31-143; and
𝑓𝐵% = percentile back-of-queue factor corresponding to the nth percentile,
from Equation 31-151 or 31-153.
Unsignalized Intersections
Each unsignalized intersection type has its own methodology to estimate
queue length. The TWSC methodology estimates the 95th percentile queue
length for minor movements with Equation 20-68, while the 95th percentile
queue length for AWSC approaches is estimated with Equation 21-33. For
roundabouts, the 95th percentile queue length for a given lane is provided by
Equation 22-20. Once the lane group queue(s) have been determined, they are
assigned to ramp lanes following the same procedure described above for
signalized intersections.
𝐿𝑅 = ∑ 𝑁𝑖 × 𝐿𝑖 Equation 38-A8
LR = ramp storage length (ft),
Ni = number of lanes in section i, and
Li = length of section 𝑖 (ft).
The individual ramp storage for each of the k lanes in the off-ramp LR.k can be
estimated by assigning the intersection lane groups to ramp lanes, as previously
Off-Ramp Operations
To evaluate the interaction between the freeway mainline and the
downstream off-ramp terminal, the link–node approach used by Chapter 25 to
evaluate oversaturated freeway segments is expanded, with additional links and
nodes used to represent the off-ramp segment. As shown in Exhibit 38-A5, the
mainline node for the off-ramp (node 3) is connected to the off-ramp segment,
which has a three-node structure:
• Ramp node 3.1: Interface between the freeway diverge segment (exit lanes)
and the upstream end of the ramp roadway. The volume that flows
through this node is equivalent to the number of vehicles that are able to
leave the freeway.
• Ramp node 3.2: Interface between the ramp roadway and the arterial
intersection approach. The volume that flows through this node is
equivalent to the number of vehicles that are able to leave the ramp
roadway and approach the intersection;
• Ramp node 3.3: Discharge capacity of the arterial intersection approach.
The volume that flows through this node is equivalent to the number of
vehicles that are able to enter the intersection.
Exhibit 38-A5
Expanded Link–Node
Structure to Evaluate Off-
Ramp Segments
defined by the point where additional lanes are provided. When modeling the
off-ramp geometry, the method considers the channelization at the intersection
approach, because imbalances in the turning movement demands may cause
queues on a subset of lanes. Exhibit 38-A6 shows a typical queue formation
resulting from a left-turn movement that operates with insufficient capacity. In
this scenario, the approaching left-turn vehicles are positioned in the leftmost
lane and spillback may occur even when some approach lanes are undersaturated.
Exhibit 38-A6
Example Off-Ramp Geometry
with Heavy Left-Turn Demand
at a Signalized Intersection
The type of ramp terminal is an important input into the analysis. Signalized
intersections operate in cyclical patterns, and therefore have fluctuating queue
lengths. For certain demand scenarios, this pattern can result in queues backing
up into the freeway and then discharging multiples times within a 15-min
analysis period.
STOP-controlled intersections and downstream merge segments (in the case
of a freeway-to-freeway connection) have more uniform discharging rates. For
cases other than signalized intersections, off-ramp queues are assumed to develop
or discharge linearly based on the relationship between demand and capacity.
Spillback Regimes
The impact of queue spillback on the freeway mainline varies as a function of
the queue length and the lanes blocked. Five spillback regimes are defined (A-1)
and are illustrated in Exhibit 38-A7.
Regime 0
Under this regime, shown in Exhibit 38-2(a), there are no queues in the ramp
roadway or the queue, if it exists, is contained within the ramp roadway
boundaries. There are no operational effects in the ramp influence area.
Regime 1
The queue ends within the deceleration lane and does not spill back into the
freeway mainline, as shown in Exhibit 38-A7(b). During undersaturated
conditions, the deceleration lane serves as a transition zone between speeds on
the mainline (typically 55–75 mi/h) and the advisory speed posted for the off-
ramp (typically 20–50 mi/h). When queues begin to form on the deceleration
lane, the available deceleration distance is reduced and speeds along the
rightmost lane are affected.
Exhibit 38-A7
Off-Ramp Queue Spillback
(b) Regime 1: Queue at the deceleration lane (c) Regime 2: Queue along the shoulder
(d) Regime 3: Queue along the rightmost lane (e) Regime 4: Queue blockage of the adjacent lane
Regime 2
The queue extends upstream beyond the deceleration lane, but sufficient
lateral clearance on the right-hand shoulder provides additional queue storage.
As shown in Exhibit 38-A7(c), there is no transition zone within the deceleration
lane. Drivers decelerate and join the back of the queue more abruptly, resulting
in turbulence and reduced speeds in the rightmost lane. If no lateral clearance
exists immediately upstream of the deceleration lane, Regime 2 conditions are
not possible. In some cases, this regime does not occur even when storage is
available, depending on site-specific driver behavior.
Regime 3
The queue extends to the rightmost freeway mainline lane, as shown in
Exhibit 38-A7(d). This regime may occur when no shoulder is available for
additional queue storage or when drivers choose to queue in the rightmost lane
once the deceleration lane is entirely occupied. Non-exiting vehicles on the
rightmost lane are delayed or change lanes, which causes increased turbulence
and reduced speeds in the two rightmost lanes.
Regime 4
The queue blocks the rightmost lane, and drivers occasionally or often use
the next freeway mainline lane to the left to force their way into the queue, thus
blocking an additional lane, as shown in Exhibit 38-A7(e). During this regime,
freeway speed and capacity are significantly reduced. The effects of spillback
vary by site and time interval due to differences in driver behavior and site
geometry. Data collection at locations around the United States has shown that
drivers block the adjacent lane at some sites, but do not at other sites, regardless
of the queue spillback length at a given site.
Facility Variable
• QIA(i, p)—Length of the queue influence area (ft) for segment i during
analysis period p, measured from the back of the queue.
Segment Variables
• ΔK(i, p)— additional density in the queued mainline lines in segment i
during analysis period p (pc/mi/ln).
• ΔNV (i, t, p) — additional number of passenger cars in the congested
portion of segment i due to an off-ramp queue during time step t in
analysis period p (pc),
• KBBL(i, j)—background density (pc/mi/ln) at the blocked lanes in segment
i, when queue spillback occurs at a downstream segment j.
• KBUB(i, j)—background density (pc/mi/ln) at the unblocked lanes in
segment i, when queue spillback occurs at a downstream segment j.
• KQBL(i, t, p)— queue density (pc/mi/ln) of the blocked portion of segment
i during time step t in analysis period p.
• KQUB(i, t, p)— queue density in the unblocked portion of segment i
during time step t in analysis period p (pc/mi/ln).
• L(i) —length of segment i (ft).
• LCR(i, t, p)—rate of lane change maneuvers in the queue influence area
upstream of a queue from an off-ramp, for segment i during time step t in
analysis period p.
• LD(i, p)—available deceleration lane length (ft) for segment i during
analysis period p. This variable is used to calculate performance measures
for ramp segments.
• MO2UB(i, t, p) —maximum number of passenger cars that can enter the
unblocked portion of segment i during time step t in analysis period p due
to the presence of a queue in the downstream ramp segment.
• MO2BL(i, t, p) —maximum number of passenger cars that can enter the
blocked portion of segment i during time step t in analysis period p due to
the presence of a queue in the downstream ramp segment.
• MQ1(i, t, p)—queue length of off-ramp unserved vehicles in the rightmost
mainline lane for segment i during time step t in analysis period p.
• MQ2(i, t, p)—queue length of off-ramp unserved vehicles in the second-to-
the-right mainline lane, for segment i during time step t in analysis period
p. If Regime 4 is not expected to occur, this parameter value is set to zero.
• NQ(i)—number of blocked lanes if the off-ramp queue backs up into the
freeway mainline. This parameter is a function of the prevailing spillback
regime at segment i as provided by the analyst. The value for this
Node Variables
• CAFBL(i, t, p)—capacity adjustment when one or more lanes of segment i
are entirely blocked during time step t in analysis period p. This variable
is used to calculate friction effects that cause through vehicles to slow
down due to the presence of a queue in the rightmost lanes.
• CAFUP(i, t, p)—capacity adjustment factor for node i during time step t in
analysis period p. This variable affects approaching vehicles within the
queue influence area (QIA) upstream of an off-ramp queue. It accounts for
the turbulence caused by intense lane changing within the QIA as vehicles
adjust their position when there is a downstream off-ramp queue.
• MFBL(i, t, p)—mainline flow rate that can cross the blocked portion of
node i during time step t in analysis period p.
• MFUB(i, t, p)—mainline flow rate that can cross the unblocked portion of
node i during time step t in analysis period p.
• MIBL(i, t, p)—maximum flow desiring to enter the blocked portion of
node i during time step t in analysis period p.
Ramp Variables
• RC(i, t, p)—capacity of the ramp roadway (pc/ts) from segment i during
time step t in analysis period p. Obtained by dividing the capacity values
for the ramp roadway (pc/h) provided in Exhibit 14-12 in Chapter 14 by
the number of time steps in one hour (240).
• RF(i, t, p, k)—flow (pc/ts) that can enter the ramp roadway at segment i
during time step t in analysis period p using branch k.
• RI(i, t, p, k)—maximum flow (pc/ts) desiring to enter the off-ramp on
segment i during time step t in analysis period p using branch k, including
queues accumulated from previous time periods.
• RKC—ramp density at capacity (pc/mi/ln).
• RKQ(i, t, p, k)—ramp roadway queue density (pc/mi/ln) for segment i
during time step t in analysis period p using branch k.
• RL(i)—ramp roadway length (ft) for segment i.
• RN(i, p, k)—number of ramp lanes for branch k of segment i in analysis
period p. Similar to the number of mainline lanes, it could vary by time
interval if a temporary lane closure is in effect.
• RNV(i, t, p, k)—maximum number of passenger cars within the ramp of
segment i at the end of time step t during analysis period p using branch
k. The number of passenger cars is based initially on the calculations of
Chapters 12, 13, and 14, but as queues grow and dissipate, input–output
analysis updates these values during each time step.
• RO(i, t, p, k)—maximum flow (pc/ts) allowed to leave the ramp roadway
on segment i during time step t in analysis period p using branch k, due to
limited available storage at the downstream ramp terminal.
The methodology for evaluating off-ramp queue spillback is integrated with
the freeway facility oversaturated segment procedure given in Chapter 25.
Exhibit 38-A8 depicts the methodology, highlighting additions and changes to
the Chapter 25 methodology to address off-ramp queue spillback.
Exhibit 38-A8
Freeway Facility
Oversaturated Analysis
Procedure, Adapted for
Off-Ramp Queue Spillback
The equivalent capacity SCEQ (in pc/h) of segment i with N lanes and NQ
blocked lanes is estimated as:
Equation 38-A12 𝑆𝐶𝐸𝑄(𝑖, 𝑁, 𝑁𝑄) = 𝑆𝐶(𝑖, 𝑁 − 𝑁𝑄) × 𝐶𝐴𝐹𝐵𝐿
Exhibit 38-A10 presents an example of a basic 4-lane directional segment
operating in Regime 4 (2 blocked lanes). The capacity of the unblocked lanes will
be equivalent to the capacity of a 2-lane basic segment with a capacity
adjustment factor CAFBL of 0.50 (4 directional lanes with 2 blocked lanes).
Exhibit 38-A10
Equivalent Segment Capacity
for Unblocked Lanes When
Lane Blockage Occurs
For the segment of Exhibit 38-A10, capacity under ideal conditions is:
• c = 2,400 pc/h (capacity per lane), or
• SC = 9,600 pc/h (segment capacity).
KBUB(i, j) = background density at the unblocked lanes in segment i, when
queue spillback occurs at the downstream segment;
ED(i) = expected demand at segment i, as defined in Chapter 25;
OFRPCT(i) = rate of off-ramp flow and mainline flow at segment i; and
KB[v, c] = density of a segment with demand flow rate v and capacity c, as
provided by Chapter 12 (basic segments), Chapter 13 (weaving
segments), or Chapter 14 (merge and diverge segments).
Shoulder length. The available shoulder length must be input by the analyst
for queue spillback analysis and is stored in the parameter SL(i) for
oversaturated calculations.
Deceleration lane length. The deceleration lane length is provided by the
analyst for the analysis of diverge segments. It is stored in the parameter LD(i)
for oversaturated calculations.
Spillback queue storage length. The maximum storage length for off-ramp
queues on segment i is computed as a function of the segment length L(i), the
deceleration lane length LD(i), and the number of queued lanes NQ(i). Exhibit 38-
A11 provides guidance on measuring each of the components required for
Regimes 3 and 4.
Exhibit 38-A11
Maximum Off-Ramp Queue
Storage Length at Diverge
Segments with Regime 3 or 4
Queue Spillback and
No Shoulder Available
Exhibit 38-A12
Maximum Off-Ramp Queue
Storage Length at Diverge
Segments with Regime 3 or 4
Queue Spillback and
Shoulder Available
The ramp structure must be modeled from the downstream end towards the
upstream end:
• For the location farthest downstream, provide one node for each lane
group or movement on the approach.
• At each subsequent upstream change in alignment, provide one node for
each ramp roadway lane connecting to a distinct lane group downstream.
The data structure used in the computations should be adjusted according to
this branch structure. Most parameters in the Chapter 25 oversaturated segment
evaluation methodology are computed as three-dimensional arrays (i, t, p),
where i is the segment’s index within the freeway facility and t refers to a specific
time step within a given analysis period p. In the case of two-lane ramps that
need to be evaluated independently, an extra dimension k is added to the ramp
parameter arrays to account for the specific lane under analysis. Lanes are
numbered right from left; therefore, k = 1 indicates the right ramp lane and k = 2
indicates the left ramp lane.
Example 1. In this example, shown in Exhibit 38-A13, only one lane connects
the freeway exit to the entry leg of the downstream roundabout. Therefore, only
one node is required at each location (i.e., a single branch structure, with k = 1 at
all nodes).
Exhibit 38-A13
Node Structure for Example 1
Exhibit 38-A14
Node Structure for Example 2
Exhibit 38-A15
Node Structure for Example 3
lane when spillback occurs. However, not all lane drop exits experience Regime 4
queue spillback. Regime 4 also occurs more frequently in locations with more
aggressive driver behavior. Local information and driver behavior should be
taken into consideration in determining the prevailing regime at a given site.
For operational analyses of existing locations, it is recommended that the
analyst provide the expected spillback regime based on observed field
conditions. For planning-level purposes where no field data are available, Exhibit
38-A16 provides the expected queue spillback regime as a function of the number
of exiting lanes and driver aggressiveness.
Exhibit 38-A17
Queue Influence Area with
Increased Turbulence
The QIA length is based on the time needed by arriving drivers to react to
partial lane blockage and to adjust their speeds and positions. Research (A-1) has
shown that traffic speeds upstream of the back of queue are negatively affected
at a headway distance of 10.95 s. Therefore, the influence area represents the
distance traversed by a vehicle during 10.95 s with a speed consistent with the
traffic stream.
The length is estimated as a function of the segment free-flow speed (FFS), as
shown in Exhibit 38-A18. The exact location of the QIA varies as a function of the
queue length. QIA lengths are shorter than the ramp influence distance of 1,500
ft. However, the two concepts are very different and are used differently in
analyzing ramp operations: the ramp influence area is used to analyze
undersaturated conditions, while the QIA is used to analyze oversaturated
conditions. Because drivers can only detect a downstream queue visually, they
have shorter reaction times compared to arriving at undersaturated off-ramps,
where signing and navigation information is provided in advance and allows
drivers to adjust their position earlier.
When Regimes 3 or 4 occur and lane blockage occurs on the mainline, the
QIA is added to the queue length to determine the extent of spillback effects. If
an upstream node is located within the combined length of the queue and QIA, a
capacity adjustment factor CAFUP (Equation 38-A39) must be applied to account
for the spillback effects.
Exhibit 38-A19 Ramp FFS, SFR (mi/h) Single-Lane Ramps Two-Lane Ramps
Capacity of Ramp Roadways >50 2,200 4,400
(pc/h) >40–50 2,100 4,200
>30–40 2,000 4,000
≥20–30 1,900 3,800
<20 1,800 3,600
Note: FFS = free-flow speed.
Exhibit 38-A20
Freeway Ramp Speed–Flow
The ramp density at capacity RKC is not necessarily the same as the 45
pc/mi/ln value used for freeway mainline lanes. This parameter is used to
evaluate the queue density at the ramp roadway during oversaturated conditions.
The ramp density at capacity is found by dividing the capacity by the speed.
Exhibit 38-A21 lists RKC values as a function of the ramp FFS.
Ramp Free-Flow Speed Ramp Capacity Ramp Density at Capacity Exhibit 38-A21
(mi/h) (pc/h/ln) (pc/mi/ln) Ramp Density at Capacity as a
Function of Ramp FFS
55 2,200 40.0
50 2,100 42.0
45 2,100 46.7
40 2,000 50.0
35 2,000 57.1
30 1,900 63.3
25 1,900 76.0
20 1,900 90.0
15 1,800 120.0
ISTG(i, k) = total available storage length from branch k at the intersection of
segment i (ft),
Nm = number of lanes serving movement m at the intersection,
Lm = storage length for movement m at the intersection (ft),
M = number of movements at the approach, and
Lh = average vehicle spacing in a stationary queue (ft/veh), from
Equation 31-155.
Exhibit 38-A23
Selection of a Cycle Reference
Point to Determine the Initial
Number of Vehicles Within the
Exhibit 38-A24
Example Signalized
Intersection Approach from an
Phase duration and effective green time. The duration of each phase at the signal
can be fixed (pre-timed control), or variable (semi-actuated or actuated control).
For the former case, phase duration is known. For the latter, an average phase
duration is estimated as described in Chapter 31, Section 2. The effective green
time g for each phase can then be computed according to Equation 19-3,
reproduced here as:
Equation 38-A19 𝑔 = 𝐷𝑝 − 𝑙1 − 𝑙2
g = effective green time (s),
Dp = phase duration (s),
l1 = start-up lost time = 2.0 (s),
l2 = clearance lost time = Y + Rc – e (s),
Y = yellow change interval (s),
Rc = red clearance interval (s), and
e = extension of effective green = 2.0 (s).
Converting approach capacity from analysis periods to time steps. The
standard signalized intersection analysis is performed in 15-min analysis
periods, while the queue spillback evaluation requires a 15-s time step approach
compatible with the freeway facilities oversaturated methodology. Therefore, an
adjustment is necessary to calculate each movement’s capacity in 15-s intervals.
The cycle length C can be divided into n time steps, with a duration of 15 s
each, as seen in Exhibit 38-A25. If an integer number of time steps is not
obtained, the difference is included in the first time-step of the next cycle. Next,
green times for each time step from 1 to n are computed. This procedure must be
repeated for every time step within the 15-min analysis period, resulting in a
total of 900 / 15 = 60 time steps.
Exhibit 38-A25
Assignment of Green Times to
Time Steps
The capacity ID for each movement, corresponding to a branch, for each time
step is obtained by multiplying the movement’s green time by its capacity:
𝐼𝐷(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘) = 𝑁𝑘 𝑠𝑘 𝐺𝑇(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘) × 𝑓𝐻𝑉 Equation 38-A20
ID(i, t, p, k) = discharge capacity from branch k in segment i during time step t
in analysis period p (veh/ts),
Nk = number of lanes serving movement k,
sk = saturation flow rate for movement k (veh/h/ln),
GT(i, t, p, l) = green time for lane group l from segment i during time step t in
analysis period p (s), and
fHV = adjustment factor for heavy vehicle presence (decimal).
The green time parameter GT(i, t, p, k) can range from 0 s (when the movement
has red through the entire time step length) to 15 s (when the movement has
green through the entire time step length). The heavy vehicle factor fHV is applied
to make the units used for intersection capacity (veh/h) consistent with the flow
rates used by the uninterrupted flow methods (pc/h).
Step 2H: Determine Reference Index for the Next Downstream Off-Ramp
This step is required to build this procedure’s computational engine, but it is
unimportant for understanding the overall methodology. The freeway facilities
methodology uses the parameter OFRF(i, t, p) to store the off-ramp flow rate at
diverge segment i. When a segment upstream of an off-ramp is evaluated for
queue spillback, the off-ramp flow rate must be referenced to estimate the
incoming flows for the blocked and non-blocked lanes. Therefore, a new variable
NEXTOFR(i) is introduced to reference the index of the closest diverge segment
downstream of segment i. This process is illustrated in Exhibit 38-A26, where the
node (i + 2) represents a diverge segment with an off-ramp flow vR. When the
queue extends upstream to node i, the approaching flow vf is split into two
groups: the exiting vehicles that will join the back of the queue, and the through
vehicles that will use the non-blocked lanes.
Exhibit 38-A26
Illustration of Mainline Flow
Rate Split into Blocked and
Unblocked Lanes
computed as the value from the previous time step, plus the difference between
demand RI and throughput RF at the ramp node. RUV is calculated as:
Equation 38-A25 𝑅𝑈𝑉(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘) = 𝑅𝑈𝑉(𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝 , 𝑘) + 𝑅𝐼(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘) − 𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘)
RUV(i, t, p, k) = number of unserved passenger cars at the entrance of the ramp
roadway of segment i at the end of time step t during analysis
period p desiring to use branch k (pc);
RI(i, t, p, k) = maximum flow desiring to enter the off-ramp using branch k
of segment i during time step t in analysis period p, including
queues accumulated from previous time periods (pc/ts); and
RF(i, t, p, k) = flow that can enter the ramp roadway at segment i using
branch k during time step t in analysis period p (pc/ts).
If there are multiple branches k at the ramp roadway (e.g., two lane ramps),
RI and RF are compared for each branch k to obtain RUV for each branch k. The
total number of unserved passenger cars at the ramp RUV(i, t, p) is then obtained
as the sum of RUV for each branch:
RO(i, t, p, k) = maximum flow allowed to leave the ramp roadway on
segment i during time step t in analysis period p using branch
k, due to limited available storage at the downstream ramp
terminal (veh/ts);
ISTG(i, k) = total available storage length from branch k at the intersection
of segment i (ft);
IUV(i, t, p, k) = number of unserved vehicles at the entrance of the intersection
of segment i using branch k at the end of time step t during
analysis period p (veh); and
ID(i, t, p, k) = discharge capacity (veh/ts) from branch k in segment i during
time step t in analysis period p (veh/ts).
Calculate intersection approach flow and number of unserved vehicles.
The intersection flow IF represents the number of vehicles that are able to cross
the boundary node between the ramp roadway and the intersection (i.e., its
capacity). It is computed as the smaller of the number of vehicles wishing to
enter the intersection and the maximum number of vehicles allowed to enter the
intersection due to the available queue storage at the intersection:
𝐼𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘) = min[𝐼𝐼(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘), 𝑅𝑂(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘)] Equation 38-A29
where IF(i, t, p, k) is the flow that can enter the intersection on segment i from
branch k during time step t in analysis period p (veh/ts), and other variables are
as defined previously.
If the number of vehicles trying to enter the intersection exceeds the amount
of vehicles allowed to enter the intersection, the number of total unserved
vehicles must be computed and considered in the intersection input II during the
next time period:
𝐼𝑈𝑉(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘) = 𝐼𝑈𝑉(𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝, 𝑘) + 𝐼𝐼(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘) − 𝑅𝑂(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘) Equation 38-A30
𝑀𝑄2(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘) = 0
Exhibit 38-A27
Procedure for Evaluating the
Impact of Queue Spillback on
Upstream Nodes and
Determining the Queue
Length within Upstream
Exhibit 38-A28
Potential Effects of an Off-
Ramp Queue on Node i
𝑆𝐵𝐿𝐶(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
𝐿𝐶𝑅(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = Equation 38-A40
𝑆𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
CAFUP(i, t, p) = capacity adjustment factor for node i during time step t in
analysis period p;
LCR(i, t, p) = rate of lane change maneuvers in the QIA upstream of a queue
from an off-ramp, for segment i during time step t in analysis
period p;
SBLC(i, t, p) = number of lane change maneuvers within the QIA at node i
during time step t in analysis period p; and
SF(i, t, p) = segment flow out of segment i during time step t in analysis
period p (veh/ts).
The parameter LCR estimates the rate of lane change maneuvers performed
by drivers within the QIA trying to adjust their position when spillback occurs.
The parameter SBLC estimates the number of lane change maneuvers performed.
Exiting vehicles move to the shoulder lane to attempt to join the back of the queue,
while through vehicles move toward the median lanes to avoid the queue.
The computation of SBLC for a given node requires an estimate of the
number of vehicles in each freeway lane that plan to exit at the off-ramp. For
each lane 𝑖, the parameter pi represents the percentage of the off-ramp demand vR
traveling in the subject lane. The value of pi is a function of the distance from the
off-ramp to the subject node, as follows:
1. Within the ramp influence area (1,500 ft upstream from the diverge
point), the off-ramp demand flow rate vR is entirely positioned in the two
rightmost lanes, based on the Chapter 14 diverge segment methodology.
Therefore, the sum of the off-ramp flow rate percentages in the ramp
influence area p1,R and p2,R is equal to 1. The Appendix C methodology to
estimate lane-by-lane flow distribution in freeway segments is used to
estimate the lane flow ratio LFR for lanes 1 and 2. The values of p1,R and
p2,R are then estimated as follows:
𝑝1,𝑅 =
Equation 38-A41
𝑝2,𝑅 =
2. Beyond 8,000 ft upstream from the diverge point, the off-ramp has
negligible influence, again based on the Chapter 14 methodology.
Therefore, for any nodes located more than 8,000 ft from the off-ramp, pi
is assumed to be equally distributed among all N freeway lanes:
Equation 38-A42 𝑝𝑖 =
3. Between 1,500 and 8,000 ft upstream from the diverge point, pi can be
obtained through linear interpolation between the first two cases as a
function of the distance from the diverge point dOFR in feet, as given by
Equation 38-A43. Exhibit 38-A29 illustrates the distribution of pi for a 3-
lane freeway segment.
Equation 38-A43 1
(𝑁 − 𝑝1,𝑅 ) × (𝑑𝑂𝐹𝑅 − 1,500)
𝑝𝑖 = 𝑝𝑖,𝑅 +
Exhibit 38-A29
Distribution of pi as Function
of Distance from the Diverge
Point, for a 3-Lane Segment
Exhibit 38-A30
Illustration of Lane-Change
Maneuvers within the Queue
Influence Area in a 4-Lane
Segment under Regime 3
Exhibit 38-A31
Illustration of Lane-Change
Maneuvers within the Queue
Influence Area in a 4-Lane
Segment under Regime 4
ONRO(i, t, p) = maximum output flow rate that can enter the merge point
from on-ramp i during time step t in analysis period p;
RM(i, t, p) = maximum allowable rate of an on-ramp meter at the on-ramp
at node i during time step t in analysis period p;
ONRC(i, t, p) = geometric carrying capacity of the on-ramp at node i during
time step t in analysis period p;
MF(i, t, p) = actual mainline flow rate that can cross node i during time step
t in analysis period p;
ONRF(i, t, p) = actual ramp flow rate that can cross on-ramp node i during
time step t in time interval p;
MO3(i, t, p) = maximum allowable mainline flow rate across node i during
time step t in time interval p, limited by the presence of
queued vehicles at the upstream end of segment i while the
queue clears from the downstream end of segment i;
SC(i, t, p) = maximum flow rate that can pass through segment i at the end
of time step t in analysis period p based strictly on traffic and
geometric properties;
N(i, p) = number of lanes on segment i in analysis period p; and
all other variables are as defined previously.
Exhibit 38-A32
Effect of Queue Spillback on
the Discharge Capacity of an
Upstream On-Ramp
Exhibit 38-A33
Illustration of Different
Density Values within One
Diverge Segment
If there are no spillback effects, the segment operates with a uniform density.
In this case, the constraints for the unblocked and blocked portions (MO2UB and
MO2BL, respectively) are calculated proportionately to the number of unblocked
and blocked lanes:
(1 − 𝑁𝑄(𝑖))
Equation 38-A49 𝑀𝑂2𝑈𝐵(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = 𝑀𝑂2(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) ×
Equation 38-A50 𝑀𝑂2𝐵𝐿(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = 𝑀𝑂2(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) ×
MO2UB(i, t, p) = maximum number of passenger cars that can enter the
unblocked portion of segment i during time step t and analysis
period p due to the presence of a queue in the downstream
ramp segment;
MO2(i, t, p) = maximum allowable mainline flow rate across node i during
time step t in time interval p, limited by available storage on
segment i due to a downstream queue;
NQ(i) = number of blocked lanes if the off-ramp queue backs up into
the freeway mainline in segment i;
N(i) = number of lanes in segment i; and
MO2BL(i, t, p) = maximum number of passenger cars that can enter the blocked
portion of segment i during time step t and analysis period p
due to the presence of a queue in the downstream ramp
If node i operates under increased turbulence (i.e., the node is in the QIA),
the unblocked portion of segment i will operate similar to a regular segment.
Therefore, the component MO2UB is equal to MO2 but proportional to the
number of lanes in the unblocked portion:
(1 − 𝑁𝑄(𝑖))
𝑀𝑂2𝑈𝐵(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = 𝑀𝑂2(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) × Equation 38-A51
where all variables are as defined previously.
For the blocked portion of segment i, MO2BL is calculated as equal to MO2
proportional to the number of lanes in the blocked portion plus an additional
number of vehicles due to the presence of a partial queue. This additional number
of vehicles is obtained by the bold terms in the following equation, which takes
into account the difference between the queue spillback density RKQ and the
segment queue density KQ, multiplied by the queue length:
𝑀𝑂2𝐵𝐿(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = 𝑀𝑂2(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) × Equation 38-A52
+ 𝑺𝑩𝑳𝑸(𝒊, 𝒕 − 𝟏, 𝒑) × 𝑵𝑸(𝒊, 𝒕 − 𝟏, 𝒑)
× [𝑹𝑲𝑸(𝑶𝑭𝑹𝑵𝑬𝑿𝑻(𝒊), 𝒕 − 𝟏, 𝒑) − 𝑲𝑸(𝒊 − 𝟏, 𝒕 − 𝟏, 𝒑)]
where KQ(i, t, p) is the queue density (pc/mi/ln) of segment i during time step t in
analysis period p, and all other variables are as defined previously.
If node i experiences lane blockage, the values of queue density must be
computed for both the unblocked KQUB and blocked KQBL portions of segment
i. For the unblocked portion, KQUB is calculated similarly to Equation 25-10 in
Chapter 25, but the inputs for segment flow SF and segment capacity SC are
replaced by their equivalent parameters SFUB and SCEQ:
𝐾𝑄𝑈𝐵(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = 𝐾𝐽 − [(𝐾𝐽 − 𝐾𝐶) × 𝑆𝐹𝑈𝐵(𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝)]/𝑆𝐶𝐸𝑄(𝑖, 𝑝) Equation 38-A53
KQUB(i, t, p) = queue density in the unblocked portion of segment i during
time step t in analysis period p (pc/mi/ln),
KJ = facilitywide jam density (pc/mi/ln),
KC = ideal density at capacity (pc/mi/ln),
SFUB(i, t, p) = segment flow out of the unblocked portion of segment i during
time step t in analysis period p (pc/ts), and
SCEQ(i, p) = equivalent capacity of the unblocked portion of segment i in
analysis period p (pc/ts).
The queue density for the blocked portion is equal to the ramp queue density:
𝐾𝑄𝐵𝐿(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = 𝑅𝐾𝑄(𝑂𝐹𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑋𝑇(𝑖), 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝) Equation 38-A54
where MF(i, t, p) is the actual mainline flow rate (pc/h) that can cross node i
during time step t in analysis period p, and other variables are as previously
Step 25: Update Number of Passenger Cars in the Blocked Portion of the
The number of passenger cars in the blocked portion NVBL during increased
turbulence is updated based on the number of vehicles in the previous time step
and considers the number of passenger cars that are able to leave the current and
upstream segments:
𝑁𝑉𝐵𝐿(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) = 𝑁𝑉𝐵𝐿(𝑖, 𝑡 − 1, 𝑝) + 𝑀𝐹𝐵𝐿(𝑖 − 1, 𝑡, 𝑝) + 𝑂𝑁𝑅𝐹(𝑖 − 1, 𝑡, 𝑝) Equation 38-A60
− 𝑀𝐹𝐵𝐿(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝) − 𝑂𝐹𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝)
where NVBL(i, t, p) is the number of passenger cars present on the blocked
portion of segment i at the end of time step t during analysis period p, and all
other variables are as previously defined.
ΔK(i, p) = additional density in the queued mainline lines in segment i
during analysis period p (pc/mi/ln);
S = number of time steps in an analysis period (integer);
NQ(i) = number of blocked lanes in segment i (integer);
L(i) = length of segment i (mi);
ΔNV (i, t, p) = additional number of passenger cars in the congested portion
of a segment i due to an off-ramp queue during time step t in
analysis period p (pc);
OFRLQ(i, t, p) = queue length of off-ramp unserved vehicles for diverge
segment i during time step t in analysis period p (ft);
SBKQ(i, t, p) = spillback queue density for segment i during time step t in
analysis period p (pc/mi/ln), defined as equal to the ramp
roadway density RKQ(i, t, p) of the downstream off-ramp
segment experiencing queue spillback during the same time
step t in analysis period p;
KB(i, t, p) = background density (veh/h/ln), from Chapter 25; and
fHV(i, p) = adjustment factor for heavy vehicle presence for segment i
during analysis period p.
Similar to the mainline, the flow in the ramp roadway is also aggregated:
Equation 38-A65 𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘) = ∑ 𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘)
where RF(i, p, k) is the flow that can enter the ramp roadway at segment i using
branch k in analysis period p (pc/h), and all other variables are as previously
The aggregated density at the ramp is calculated as the average of the
number of vehicles inside the ramp during the analysis period:
Equation 38-A66 𝑅𝐾(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘) = ∑ 𝑅𝑁𝑉(𝑖, 𝑡, 𝑝, 𝑘)
where RK(i, p, k) is the ramp roadway density for segment i using branch k in
analysis period p (pc/mi/ln), and all other variables are as previously defined.
Finally, the average speed SR(i, p, k) on branch k of the ramp roadway of
segment i during analysis period p (mi/h) is obtained by dividing the total ramp
flow using the branch in the analysis period by its average density:
𝑅𝐹(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘)
Equation 38-A67 𝑆𝑅(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘) =
𝑅𝐾(𝑖, 𝑝, 𝑘)
where other variables are as previously defined.
A-1. Elefteriadou, L., M. Armstrong, Y. Zheng and G. Riente. Highway These references can be found
in the Technical Reference
Capacity Manual (HCM) Systems Analysis Methodology. Federal Highway Library in Volume 4.
Administration, Washington, D.C., 2016.
A-2. University of Florida Transportation Institute; Cambridge Systematics,
Inc.; and A. Skabardonis. NCHRP Web-Only Document 290: Highway
Capacity Manual Methodologies for Corridors Involving Freeways and Surface
Streets. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2020.
Queue spillback into an urban street intersection may occur when the
freeway merge segment has insufficient capacity to process the ramp’s demand.
Spillback may also occur in cases of ramp metering. This appendix presents the
methodology for determining whether spillback will occur from an on-ramp into
the upstream intersection.
As shown in the framework in Exhibit 38-B1, the methodology considers
signalized intersections, two-way and all-way STOP-controlled intersections, and
roundabouts. The procedure first estimates the demand approaching the on-
ramp (determined based on the upstream intersection’s configuration), and then
estimates the on-ramp’s capacity. The Chapter 10 freeway facilities methodology
for oversaturated conditions can estimate the resulting queue length; however,
the user must input the on-ramp demand flow rate.
The first step in the methodology calculates the entering demand flow rate vR
at the on-ramp as a function of the upstream intersection configuration and
operations. Under low-demand conditions, the on-ramp demand flow rate is
calculated as the sum of the demands on each of the intersection approaches that
discharge into the ramp. However, if any of these movements operates over
capacity, the total throughput to the ramp will be constrained by the capacity of
these oversaturated movements. Hence, this check ensures that the on-ramp
demand is not overestimated. The analysis approach for each of four intersection
types is presented next.
Exhibit 38-B1
Procedure for Detecting
Spillback Occurrence at an
If all movements operate below capacity, the on-ramp demand is the sum of
the movement demands. However, if any movement that discharges into the on-
ramp operates over capacity, the total throughput to the on-ramp will be lower
than the sum of the corresponding intersection movements.
In the case of movements not controlled by the traffic signal discharging into
the on-ramp, those movements’ demands must also be compared to their
capacities. The potential capacity cp,i of an unsignalized movement can be
computed by aggregating its saturation flow rates during different phases of a
If the unsignalized movement is free-flowing and there are no other
conflicting movements discharging to the on-ramp, its saturation flow rate sFF is
obtained from Equation 19-8, reproduced below as Equation 38-B2, applying the
applicable adjustment factors:
Equation 38-B2 𝑠𝐹𝐹 = 𝑠0 𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝐻𝑉𝑔 𝑓𝑔 𝑓𝑏𝑏 𝑓𝑎 𝑓𝐿𝑈 𝑓𝐿𝑡 𝑓𝑅𝑇 𝑓𝐿𝑝𝑏 𝑓𝑅𝑝𝑏 𝑓𝑤𝑧 𝑓𝑚𝑠 𝑓𝑠𝑝
sFF = saturation flow rate for the unsignalized movement during free-flow
s0 = base saturation flow rate (pc/h/ln), and
all other adjustment factors are as described with Equation 19-8.
If the unsignalized movement must yield to a conflicting movement
discharging to the on-ramp, the permitted saturation flow rate sp is calculated
based on Equation 31-100, reproduced below as Equation 38-B3:
𝜆0 𝑒 −𝜆0 𝑡𝑐𝑔/3,600
Equation 38-B3 𝑠𝑝 =
1 − 𝑒 −𝜆0 𝑡𝑓ℎ/3,600
sp = permitted saturation flow rate for unsignalized movement (veh/h/ln),
λ0 = throughput of the conflicting movement (veh/h/ln),
tcg = critical headway = 4.5 (s), and
tfh = follow-up headway = 2.5 (s).
The throughput of the conflicting movement λ0 is determined as a function of
the flow profile of the respective conflicting movement. The effective green g of
the conflicting movement is divided into a queue service time gs and a green
extension time ge, each with a specific flow profile:
• If the conflicting movement occurs during the queue service time gs, λ0 is
equal to the saturation flow rate s of the conflicting movement.
• If the conflicting movement occurs during the green extension time ge, λ0
is equal to the arrival flow rate during the green qg (Equation 19-32) of the
conflicting movement.
Exhibit 38-B2
Schematic of Movements
Turning to an On-Ramp from
a TWSC Intersection
λRT = departure rate from major street right turn into the on-ramp (veh/h),
vRT = demand flow rate for the major street right turn (veh/h), and
sRT = saturation flow rate for a right-turn movement (veh/h).
Exhibit 38-B3
Schematic of Movements
Turning to an On-Ramp from
an AWSC Intersection
Case D: Roundabouts
The roundabouts methodology is based on calculating the potential capacity
of each approach, based on three main variables: the critical headway, the
follow-up headway, and the circulating flow (Equation 22-21 through Equation
22-23). Critical and follow-up headway values can be obtained from Chapter 33,
Roundabouts: Supplemental. The methodology considers each approach
independently. To analyze roundabouts within a network, it is first necessary to
estimate the on-ramp throughput from a roundabout.
The procedure first identifies the movements that discharge to the on-ramp
and their respective ranks (priority orders). Exhibit 38-B4 illustrates a typical
roundabout, where movements discharging into the on-ramp are numbered
according to their ranks. In contrast to other types of intersections, the approach
furthest from the on-ramp has priority as it enters the circulating stream without
any significant conflicting traffic (other than occasional U-turns).
Exhibit 38-B4
Schematic of Movements
Turning to an On-Ramp from
a Roundabout
Rank 1 Movement (Left Turn from the Third Upstream Approach from the
This movement has priority over the other movements because it enters the
circulating stream first. In addition, because the on-ramp does not have an
approach into the roundabout, this movement is most often unopposed by the
circulating stream (except for occasional U-turns in the intersection). Therefore,
the maximum throughput 𝜆1−4 (veh/h) for this left-turn movement is given by:
Equation 38-B9 𝜆1−4 = min(𝑣1−4 , 𝑐1 )
λ1–4 = departure rate from the third upstream approach into the on-ramp
v1–4 = demand flow rate for the third upstream approach into the on-ramp
(veh/h), and
c1 = potential capacity for the third upstream (rank 1) approach (veh/h).
Rank 2 Movement (Through from the Second Upstream Approach, Most Likely an
This movement’s maximum throughput is limited by the upstream approach
departure rate and its own potential lane capacity c2, as defined in Equations 22-
21 through 22-23. Therefore, its maximum throughput is given by:
Equation 38-B10 𝜆2−4 = min(𝑣2−4 , 𝑐2 )
λ2–4 = departure rate from the second upstream approach into the on-ramp
v2–4 = demand flow rate for the second upstream approach into the on-ramp
(veh/h), and
c2 = potential capacity for the second upstream (rank 2) approach (veh/h).
The on-ramp’s capacity is estimated in order to predict the occurrence of
queue spillback. The maximum output flow rate ONRO(i, t, p) that can enter the
merge point from on-ramp i during time step t in analysis period p can be
constrained by (a) the ramp metering rate, if ramp metering is active, or (b)
oversaturated conditions in the downstream merge segment.
Signalized Intersections
Exhibit 38-B5 presents the core methodology for evaluating the performance
of signalized intersections, modified to address the effects of on-ramp queue
spillback. The new and modified steps to the methodology are described below.
Exhibit 38-B5
Signalized Intersection
Methodology With
Adjustments to Address On-
Ramp Queue Spillback
Exhibit 38-B6
Typical Signalized Intersection
Ramp Terminal in a Diamond
The total throughput from the intersection into the on-ramp λONR in veh/h is
the sum of the throughput from each of the contributing movements:
𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅 = 𝜆𝑆𝐵𝐿 + 𝜆𝐸𝐵𝑇 + 𝜆𝑁𝐵𝑅 Equation 38-B13
The throughput for each movement i is the minimum value of its demand
and capacity:
𝜆𝑖 = min(𝑣𝑖 , 𝑐𝑖 ) Equation 38-B14
vi = demand flow rate for intersection movement i (veh/h), and
ci = capacity for intersection movement i (veh/h), from Equation 19-16.
Unsignalized movements, which are common for right-turn movements to
an on-ramp, are unrestricted. The capacity of these movements can be estimated
as the saturation flow rate (Equation 19-8) multiplied by the adjustment factor for
right turns fRT (Equation 19-13).
If all movements at the intersection are undersaturated, (i.e., vi ≤ ci for every
movement i), then Equation 38-B13 is simplified and the total on-ramp demand
throughput λONR is as follows:
Step 7B: Obtain Merging Capacity Using the Freeway Facilities Methodology
This step computes the merging capacity into the freeway cmerge. Three
potential bottlenecks can limit the on-ramp discharge into the freeway:
• The on-ramp capacity (Exhibit 14-12 or Exhibit 38-A2);
• The merge segment capacity, when the freeway facility is oversaturated; or
• The ramp metering rate, when ramp metering is active.
The procedure to obtain cmerge is presented in Exhibit 38-B7. The freeway
facility must be analyzed using the Chapter 10 methodology to evaluate whether
Exhibit 38-B7
Estimation of Freeway On-
Ramp Merging Capacity
Exhibit 38-B8
Sample Intersection for
Calculation of a QAP for the
Exhibit 38-B9
On-Ramp Queue
Accumulation Polygon During
Queue Spillback
The cycle starts with the SBL green discharging into the on-ramp at a
throughput rate λSBL, while the on-ramp discharges to the freeway merge at a
rate cmerge. Therefore, the number of vehicles within the on-ramp grows at a rate
equal to (λSBL − cmerge). When the number of vehicles along the on-ramp reaches
the maximum ramp storage length LONR, vehicles from the intersection can only
be discharged to the on-ramp at the same the rate they are discharged from the
on-ramp into the freeway. The number of vehicles within the on-ramp is then
maintained and it is equal to LONR until the end of the green for the SBL
movement. At the end of the SBL green, the vertical difference between the
projected number of vehicles (dashed line) and the actual number of vehicles
inside the on-ramp represent the number of unserved vehicles for the SBL
approach. This additional queue can be considered in a multiperiod analysis for
the signalized intersection or interchange, using the methods provided in
Chapter 23, Ramp Terminals and Alternative Intersections.
The slope of the red line connecting the number of vehicles at the end and at
the start of green represent the reduced capacity of the SBL movement due to
queue spillback. For the remainder of the cycle, the NBR movement discharges at
a constant rate into the on-ramp, as this is an unsignalized movement. Given that
the discharge capacity cmerge is greater than the on-ramp demand λNBR, the vehicles
along the on-ramp are discharged to the freeway until the on-ramp is cleared.
Therefore, the NBR movement’s capacity is not affected by queue spillback.
This procedure can be applied for both pretimed and actuated control types,
because the core methodology can address both controller types. If the signal is
actuated, the average phase durations are applied, as obtained in Step 6.
Exhibit 38-B10
Illustration of Cooperative
Behavior in Unsignalized
Intersections with Queue
Exhibit 38-B11
TWSC intersections Core
Methodology with
Adjustments to Address On-
Ramp Queue Spillback
i discharging into the on-ramp, the throughput is the minimum value of its
demand and the movement capacity:
𝜆𝑖 = min(𝑣𝑖 , 𝑐𝑚,𝑖 ) Equation 38-B20
vi = demand flow rate for movement i, and
cm,i = movement capacity for movement i (Equations 20-36, 20-37, and 20-40).
Step 9B: Obtain Merging Capacity Using the Freeway Facilities Methodology
This step computes the merging capacity into the freeway cmerge. The
procedure described in Step 7B of the queue spillback analysis for signalized
intersections (Exhibit 38-B5) is applied.
Exhibit 38-B12
On-Ramp Queue
Accumulation Polygon: TWSC
From the relationship shown in Exhibit 38-B12, the spillback time Tsp is
defined as the amount of time within an analysis period when spillback occurs:
𝐿𝑂𝑁𝑅 − 𝑁(0)
Equation 38-B21 𝑇𝑠𝑝 = 𝑇 −
𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅 − 𝑐merge
Tsp = amount of time with active spillback (min),
T = analysis period duration (min),
LONR = available queue storage at the on-ramp (veh),
N(0) = number of queued vehicles along the on-ramp at t = 0 (start of the
λONR = discharge from the intersection into the on-ramp (veh/h), and
cmerge = merging capacity of the on-ramp (veh/h).
Estimating the spillback time Tsp is a key element of the methodology,
because the aggregated calculations of capacity for each movement depend on
the amount of time that the intersection operates under queue spillback.
3,600 𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅
𝑐𝐸𝑄,𝑖 × 𝑐𝐸𝑄,𝑖
3,600 𝑣𝑖 √ 𝑣𝑖
𝑑𝑠𝑝 = + 900𝑇 −1+ ( − 1) + +5 Equation 38-B25
𝑐𝐸𝑄,𝑖 𝑐𝐸𝑄,𝑖 𝑐𝐸𝑄,𝑖 450𝑇
[ ]
where all variables are as previously defined.
Exhibit 38-B13
AWSC Intersection Core
Methodology with
Adjustments to Address
On-Ramp Queue Spillback
The methodology presented in Chapter 22, Roundabouts, is shown in Exhibit
38-B14. The steps added to the methodology to evaluate queue spillback effects
are shown in red. Each of the new steps is discussed in the subsections below.
This methodology is applicable only to single-lane roundabouts. Exhibit 22-9
provides the required input data and potential data sources for the core
roundabout methodology. Exhibit 38-B15 lists the additional input data required
for queue spillback analysis.
Exhibit 38-B14
Roundabouts Methodology
With Adjustments to Address
On-Ramp Queue Spillback
Required Data and Units Potential Data Source(s) Suggested Default Exhibit 38-B15
On-Ramp Data Required Data and Potential
Data Sources for Roundabout
On-ramp metering rate (veh/h) Design plans, field data Must be provided
Queue Spillback Evaluation
On-ramp storage length LONR (ft) Field data Must be provided
Roundabout Data
Departure saturation headway into
Field data 3 s/veh
the on-ramp hs (s/veh)
Step 13: Compute the Maximum Throughput Into the On-Ramp for Each O-D
The maximum throughput into the on-ramp for each movement is calculated
using the roundabout priority order, starting with the most upstream approach
from the on-ramp exit leg and proceeding counterclockwise. The Rank 1
approach (Exhibit 38-B16) is the one whose flow has the highest priority, given
that it enters the circulating stream upstream of all other approaches. The next-
highest priority movement is the Rank 2 approach, and the lowest-priority
movement is the Rank 3 approach.
Exhibit 38-B16
Example Priority Order for a
Roundabout Upstream of an
Next, the methodology calculates the capacity of the roundabout’s exit lane
into the on-ramp. Research (B-2, B-3) suggests that the capacity of an exit lane,
accounting for pedestrian and bicycle traffic in a typical urban area, is in the
range of 1,200 to 1,300 veh/h. Starting from the Rank 1 approach, and proceeding
counterclockwise with the remaining approaches, each approach’s capacity is
used to determine the maximum throughput for every movement discharging to
the on-ramp.
Rank 1 Approach
The Rank 1 approach (the SB approach in the example in Exhibit 38-B16) has
priority over the other movements connecting to the on-ramp because it enters
the circulating stream first. In addition, because the on-ramp leg usually does not
have an approach into the roundabout, the Rank 1 movement is most often
unopposed by the circulating stream (except for occasional U-turns along the
arterial). Therefore, the maximum throughput λSB-ONR for this left-turn movement
is limited by its own lane capacity cSB and the maximum throughput to the on-
Equation 38-B27 𝜆𝑆𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 = min (𝑣𝑆𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 , 𝑐𝑆𝐵 × 𝑝𝑆𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 , )
Equation 38-B28 𝑝𝑆𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 =
λSB-ONR = departure rate from the SB approach into the on-ramp (veh/h);
vSB-ONR = demand flow rate for the SB approach into the on-ramp (veh/h);
cSB = lane capacity for the SB approach, from Equation 22-21 (veh/h);
Rank 2 Approach
The maximum throughput for the Rank 2 movement (the EB approach in the
example in Exhibit 38-B16) is limited by its own lane capacity cEB, as defined in
Equations 22-21 through Equation 22-23, and the maximum throughput after
considering the departure rate of the upstream Leg 1. Therefore, the maximum
throughput λEB-ONR for this movement is given by:
𝜆𝐸𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 = min (𝑣𝐸𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 , 𝑐𝐸𝐵 × 𝑝𝐸𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 , − 𝜆𝑆𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 ) Equation 38-B29
𝑝𝐸𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 = Equation 38-B30
λEB-ONR = departure rate from the EB approach into the on-ramp (veh/h);
vEB-ONR = demand flow rate for the EB approach into the on-ramp (veh/h);
cEB = lane capacity for the EB approach, from Equation 22-21 (veh/h);
Rank 3 Approach
Similar to Rank 2 movements, the maximum throughput for the Rank 3
movement (the NB approach in the example in Exhibit 38-B16) is limited by its
own lane capacity cNB, as defined in Equation 22-21 through Equation 22-23, and
the maximum throughput to the on-ramp after considering departure rates from
the upstream approaches. Therefore, the maximum throughput λNB-ONR for this
right-turn movement is given by:
𝜆𝑁𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 = min (𝑣𝑁𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 , 𝑐𝑁𝐵 × 𝑝𝑁𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 , − 𝜆𝑆𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 − 𝜆𝐸𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 ) Equation 38-B31
𝑝𝑁𝐵−𝑂𝑁𝑅 = Equation 38-B32
λNB-ONR = departure rate from the NB approach into the on-ramp (veh/h);
vNB-ONR = demand flow rate for the NB approach into the on-ramp (veh/h);
cNB = lane capacity for the NB approach, from Equation 22-21 (veh/h);
Step 15: Compute On-Ramp Merging Capacity and Compare to the Maximum
Throughput to the On-Ramp
The on-ramp merging capacity is calculated exactly the same as in Step 7B of
the queue spillback methodology for signalized intersections (Exhibit 38-B5). The
maximum number of vehicles that can merge into the on-ramp cmerge (from
Equation 25-18) is compared to the maximum throughput from the roundabout
to the on-ramp λONR. If cmerge > λONR, then spillback is not expected to occur, and
no adjustments are necessary. If cmerge ≤ λONR, queues will develop along the on-
ramp, and spillback may occur if the queue storage is insufficient. In this case,
the analyst proceeds to Step 16 to evaluate the on-ramp queue storage ratio to
evaluate whether spillback will occur.
Step 16: Determine the On-Ramp Storage Ratio and Queue Spillback Length
Given the throughput from the roundabout into the on-ramp λONR, the queue
length QONR (in veh) along the on-ramp during a 15-min analysis period is:
𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅 − 𝑐merge
Equation 38-B34 𝑄𝑂𝑁𝑅 =
where all variables are as previously defined.
If a multi-period analysis is performed, the queue length for the current analysis
period p must be added to the queue length from the previous analysis period:
𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅,𝑝 − 𝑐merge,𝑝
Equation 38-B35 𝑄𝑂𝑁𝑅,𝑝 = 𝑄𝑂𝑁𝑅,𝑝−1 +
where all variables are as previously defined.
The on-ramp storage ratio is calculated by dividing the available on-ramp
storage length by the average vehicle spacing:
Equation 38-B36 𝑅𝑄 =
RQ = on-ramp storage ratio (decimal);
Lh = average vehicle spacing (ft/veh), from Equation 31-155;
QONR = on-ramp queue length (veh); and
LONR = on-ramp length (ft).
If the on-ramp storage ratio RQ is greater than 1, queues will form along each
roundabout approach due to spillback. The value of RQ is specific to a given
analysis period. If congestion is expected, but RQ < 1 for a single analysis period,
multi-period analysis may have to be conducted.
Step 18: Calculate the Average Delay by Approach and Aggregate to the Average
Control Delay
To estimate the average delay per approach, the delay due to the on-ramp
capacity limitation is estimated and added to the approach control delay
calculated by Equation 22-17. This equation assumes no residual queue at the
start of the analysis period. If queue spillback occurs, the average control delay is
significantly affected by the analysis period length. However, Chapter 22 does
not provide a multiperiod analysis method. Therefore, the delay results may not
be accurate when a queue exists at the start of the analysis period.
As an alternative, an iterative process that carries over queues from one time
period to the next (B-4) may be used. The additional delay (in sec/veh) due to the
on-ramp spillback is calculated as follows:
3,600 𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅
𝑐merge × 𝑐merge
3,600 𝜆𝑂𝑁𝑅 𝜆
𝑑𝑠𝑝 = + 900𝑇 −1+ ( − 1) + Equation 38-B41
𝑐merge 𝑐merge 𝑐merge 450𝑇
[ ]
+ 5 × min [ , 1]
where all variables are as previously defined.
Some of these references can B-1. Aakre, E., and A. Aakre. Modeling cooperation in unsignalized
be found in the Technical
Reference Library in Volume 4. intersections. Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 109, 2017, pp. 875–880.
B-2. Robinson, B., L. Rodegerdts, W. Scarbrough, W. Kittelson, R. Troutbeck,
W. Brilon, L. Bondzio, K. Courage, M. Kyte, J. Mason, A. Flannery, E.
Myers, and J. Bunker. Roundabouts: An Informational Guide. Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 2000.
B-3. Rodegerdts, L. A., and G. E. Blackwelder. Analytical Analysis of
Pedestrian Effects on Roundabout Exit Capacity. In Transportation Research
Circular E-C083, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2005.
B-4. Kimber, R. M. and E. M. Hollis. Traffic queues and delays at road junctions.
Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Wokingham, Berkshire, U.K.,
Basic Segments
The calibration parameters a and b used to analyze basic segments are
computed as follows:
Equation 38-C3 𝑎 = 𝑎0 + 𝐺 × 𝑎𝐺 + 𝐻𝑉% × 𝑎𝐻𝑉 + 𝑟𝑑 × 𝑎𝑟𝑑
Equation 38-C4 𝑏 = 𝑏0 + 𝐺 × 𝑏𝐺 + 𝐻𝑉% × 𝑏𝐻𝑉 + 𝑟𝑑 × 𝑏𝑟𝑑
a = multiplicative calibration parameter;
a0 = empirical constant, from Exhibit 38-C1;
G = grade (%);
ag = empirical coefficient due to the effect of grade, from Exhibit 38-C1;
HV% = heavy vehicle percentage (%);
aHV = empirical coefficient due to the effect of trucks, from Exhibit 38-C1;
rd = ramp density = total number of ramps 0.5 mi upstream and 0.5 mi
downstream of the segment;
ard = empirical coefficient due to the effect of ramp density, from Exhibit
b = additive calibration parameter;
b0 = empirical constant, from Exhibit 38-C1;
bg = empirical coefficient due to the effect of grade, from Exhibit 38-C1;
bHV = empirical coefficient due to the effect of trucks, from Exhibit 38-C1; and
brd = empirical coefficient due to the effect of ramp density, from Exhibit
Exhibit 38-C1 provides the coefficients used in the LFD model for basic,
merge, and diverge segments. The coefficients are specific for each combination
of lane number, segment type, and total number of lanes in the segment.
Lane Para- Basic Segments Diverge Segments Merge Segments Exhibit 38-C1
# meter 2 lanes 3 lanes 4 lanes 2 lanes 3 lanes 4 lanes 2 lanes 3 lanes 4 lanes Lane Flow Distribution Model
a0 0.18 0.027 0.068 0.0097 −0.075 0.31 0.015 0.0029 −0.077 Coefficients for Basic, Merge,
b0 and Diverge Segments
0.52 0.27 0.22 0.44 0.27 0.25 0.59 0.28 0.24
ag 0.024 0.021 −0.011 0.0097 0.0077 −0.034 0.015 −0.0029 −0.0030
aHV −0.048 −0.0036 −0.0021 −0.0093 0.00080 −0.057 −0.0093 −0.0029 0.011
ard −0.095 −0.0083 −0.059 −0.0097 0.014 −0.028 −0.0047 −0.0029 0.014
bg 0.0030 0.0097 −0.034 −0.0098 −0.0081 −0.00016 0.020 0.031 0.040
bHV 0.008 −0.0029 0.0024 0.0078 0.0014 −0.019 −0.014 −0.0018 −0.027
brd 0.0013 0.032 −0.035 0.00057 0.031 0.0052 −0.040 −0.042 −0.041
avr −0.21 −0.067 −0.0087 −0.035 −0.10 0.026
bvr −0.13 0.013 −0.021 −0.070 −0.030 0.0091
a0 −0.063 −0.025 0.0096 0.29 −0.0082 −0.080
b0 0.31 0.29 0.34 0.25 0.38 0.24
ag −0.0060 0.0015 −0.0096 −0.035 −0.0082 0.00048
aHV 0.0011 0.00027 −0.00054 −0.052 −0.00082 0.013
ard 0.0037 −0.0085 −0.0096 −0.030 −0.0026 0.018
bg −0.017 −0.024 −0.0019 0.0019 0.0079 −0.019
bHV 0.0024 −0.00036 0.00089 −0.0041 −0.00048 −0.0067
brd 0.01 −0.041 0.0052 0.0044 −0.0060 0.0010
avr −0.048 −0.0065 −0.12 −0.033
bvr −0.073 −0.0091 −0.039 −0.013
a0 −0.045 0.27 0.029
b0 0.28 0.25 0.25
ag −0.0017 −0.036 −0.0017
aHV 0.0021 −0.044 −0.0058
ard 0.0081 −0.034 −0.0068
bg 0.011 0.0034 0.00060
bHV −0.0011 0.0092 0.014
brd 0.015 0.0016 0.018
avr 0.021 −0.079
bvr −0.0064 −0.041
Note: Empty cells indicate the factor is not used in the model for the given combination of lane number, segment
type, and number of lanes in the segment (i.e., substitute a value of 0 for the coefficient).
Weaving Segments
The calibration parameters a and b used to analyze weaving segments are
computed by Equation 38-C7 and Equation 38-C8. The coefficients in these
equations include factors addressing the effects of weaving-specific properties.
Equation 38-C7
𝑣𝑅,𝑚 𝑣𝑅,𝑑
𝑎 = 𝑎0 + 𝐺 × 𝑎𝐺 + 𝐻𝑉% × 𝑎𝐻𝑉 + 𝐼𝐷 × 𝑎𝐼 + × 𝑎𝑣𝑚 + × 𝑎𝑣𝑑
1,000 1,000
+ × 𝑎𝐿𝑆 + 𝑉𝑅 × 𝑎𝑉𝑅
𝑣𝑅,𝑚 𝑣𝑅,𝑑
Equation 38-C8 𝑏 = 𝑏0 + 𝐺 × 𝑏𝐺 + 𝐻𝑉% × 𝑏𝐻𝑉 + 𝐼𝐷 × 𝑏𝐼 + × 𝑏𝑣𝑚 + × 𝑏𝑣𝑑
1,000 1,000
+ × 𝑏𝐿𝑆 + 𝑉𝑅 × 𝑏𝑉𝑅
Chapter 13, Freeway Weaving
Segments, defines interchange ID = interchange density (interchanges/mi);
density as the number of
interchanges within 3 mi aI = empirical coefficient due to effect of interchange density, from Exhibit
upstream and downstream of 38-C2;
the center of the subject
weaving segment, divided vR.m = on-ramp flow (veh/h);
by 6.
avm = empirical coefficient for on-ramp flow, from Exhibit 38-C2;
vR.d = off-ramp flow (veh/h);
avd = empirical coefficient for off-ramp flow, from Exhibit 38-C2;
Ls = weaving segment length (ft);
aLS = empirical coefficient for weaving segment length, from Exhibit 38-C2;
VR = volume ratio = weaving volume / total volume (decimal);
aVR = empirical coefficient for volume ratio, from Exhibit 38-C2;
bI = empirical coefficient due to effect of interchange density, from Exhibit
bvm = empirical coefficient for on-ramp flow, from Exhibit 38-C2;
bvd = empirical coefficient for off-ramp flow, from Exhibit 38-C2;
bLS = empirical coefficient for weaving segment length, from Exhibit 38-C2;
bVR = empirical coefficient for volume ratio, from Exhibit 38-C2; and
all other variables are as previously defined.
Exhibit 38-C2 provides the coefficients used in the LFD model for weaving
segments. The coefficients are specific for each combination of lane number,
segment type, and total number of lanes in the segment.
Exhibit 38-C3
LFR Distribution for a Sample
2-Lane Basic Freeway
Exhibit 38-C4 illustrates the LFR distribution for a 3-lane segment. At low
demand, most of the flow is concentrated in the center lane (Lane 2), followed by
Lane 1 and Lane 3. As demand increases, the LFR increases in Lane 3 and
decreases in Lanes 1 and 2.
Exhibit 38-C4
LFR Distribution for a Sample
3-Lane Basic Freeway
Exhibit 38-C5 shows the LFR distribution for a 4-lane segment. Under free-
flow conditions, Lanes 2 and 3 carry the majority of flow. Lane 4 is typically
underused during undersaturated conditions, but at higher demands it carries
the majority of the flow.
Exhibit 38-C5
LFR Distribution for a Sample
4-Lane Basic Freeway
The flow distribution patterns shown in the exhibits above for basic
segments are also observed in merge, diverge, and weaving segments.
Additional factors such as ramp volume, grade, and truck percentage influence
the boundary values and slopes of the curves, but do not change the typical LFR
distribution as a function of the v/c ratio.
Exhibit 38-C6
Check for Negative Lane
Exhibit 38-C7
Check for Lane Capacity
Lane-by-Lane FFS
Field observations have shown that speeds differ among lanes, with speeds
typically lower in shoulder lanes and higher in median lanes. The model for
estimating individual lane FFS applies a multiplicative factor xFFS to the segment
FFS as follows:
Equation 38-C9 𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑖 = 𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑎𝑑𝑗 × 𝑥𝐹𝐹𝑆
FFSi = free-flow speed for lane i (mi/h);
FFSadj = adjusted free-flow speed for the segment (mi/h), from Equation 12-5;
xFFS = FFS multiplier, from Exhibit 38-C8.
Exhibit 38-C8 presents the recommended multipliers, which are provided as
a function of the segment type and the number of lanes in the segment. As shown,
when the number of lanes increases, the range of FFS multipliers increases as
well (i.e., lower speeds exist in the shoulder lanes and higher speeds exist in the
median lanes). For 2-lane segments, merge and diverge segments have a higher
FFS differential between the two lanes, compared to basic segments. For 3-lane
segments, basic segments have the greatest FFS range, while merge segments
have more uniform lane FFS. Finally, for 4-lane segments, merge segments have
the greatest FFS range, while basic and merge segments have similar ranges.
Lane-by-Lane Capacity
Basic, Merge, and Diverge Segments
Similar to the case of free-flow speeds, capacities also differ among lanes, with
capacities typically lower in shoulder lanes and higher in median lanes. Center
lanes typically have values similar to the segment average. The model for
estimating individual lane FFS in basic, merge, and diverge segments applies a
multiplicative factor xc to the segment capacity as follows:
𝑐𝑖 = 𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑗 × 𝑁 × 𝑥𝑐 Equation 38-C10
ci = capacity of lane i (pc/h);
cadj = adjusted capacity for the segment (pc/h/ln), from Equation 12-8;
N = number of lanes in the segment; and
xc = capacity multiplier, from Exhibit 38-C9.
Exhibit 38-C9 presents the percent of the total segment capacity distributed
to each lane in the segment, defining a capacity multiplier xc for each
combination of segment type and number of lanes.
Segment capacities measured from field data may not equal the estimated
capacities from the Chapter 12 methodology for basic freeway segments. Field
measurements of capacity have been found to be lower than HCM estimates (C-3).
Weaving Segments
Capacity distributions are observed to be significantly more complex in
weaving segments compared to other types of freeway segments, and the
breakdown method does not provide reliable results. Capacity is assumed to be
uniform for all lanes within a weaving segment, and is obtained from Equation
13-5, adapted here as Equation 38-C11, based on a maximum density of 43 pc/h/ln:
Equation 38-C11 𝑐𝐼𝑊𝐿 = 𝑐𝐼𝐹𝐿 − [438.2 (1 + 𝑉𝑅)1.6] + (0.0765 𝐿𝑆 ) + (119.8𝑁𝑊𝐿 )
cIWL = per-lane capacity of the weaving segment under equivalent ideal
conditions (pc/h/ln),
cIFL = per-lane capacity of a basic freeway segment with the same FFS as the
weaving segment under equivalent ideal conditions (pc/h/ln),
VR = volume ratio,
LS = weaving segment length (ft), and
NWL = number of lanes from which weaving maneuvers may be made with
either one or no lane changes.
Lane-by-Lane Speed
With flow, capacity, and FFS determined by lane, the speed–flow model for
freeway segments given by Equation 12-1 and Exhibit 12-6 is then adapted to
estimate the speeds in individual lanes. Speed in each lane i is determined as:
𝑆𝑖 = 𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑖 if 𝑣𝑖 ≤ 𝐵𝑃𝑖
Equation 38-C12
(𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑖 − 𝑖 ) (𝑣𝑖 − 𝐵𝑃𝑖 )2
𝑆𝑖 = 𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑖 − 45 if 𝑣𝑖 > 𝐵𝑃𝑖
(𝑐𝑖 − 𝐵𝑃𝑖 )2
Equation 38-C13 𝑣𝑖 = 𝑣 × 𝐿𝐹𝑅𝑖
Si = speed in lane i (mi/h);
FFSi = free-flow speed for lane i (mi/h);
ci = capacity of lane i (pc/h/ln);
vi = demand flow rate for lane i (pc/h/ln);
BPi = breakpoint value for lane i (pc/h/ln), from Equation 38-C14;
v = demand flow rate for the segment (pc/h); and
LFRi = share of the total flow on lane i.
BPi = breakpoint value for lane i (pc/h/ln),
FFSi = free-flow speed for lane i (mi/h), and
CAF = capacity adjustment factor, from Exhibit 12-6.
For auxiliary lanes in weaving segments, individual lane speeds cannot be
addressed by this methodology because conditions vary widely along the
auxiliary lane’s length, as discussed previously. For the O-D analysis described
in Section 3 of this chapter, auxiliary lane speeds are only relevant when the
subject weaving segment is the entry or exit point of a freeway facility for a
particular O-D pair. In this case, the expected speed for the segment described by
Equation 38-9 can be replaced by the average speed of weaving vehicles
described in Chapter 13:
𝐹𝐹𝑆 × 𝑆𝐴𝐹 − 15
𝑆𝑊 = 15 + ( ) Equation 38-C15
𝐿𝐶ALL 0.789
𝑊 = 0.226 + ( ) Equation 38-C16
SW = average speed of weaving vehicles within the weaving segment (mi/h),
FFS = free-flow speed of the weaving segment (mi/h),
SAF = speed adjustment factor,
W = weaving intensity factor (unitless),
LCALL = speed adjustment factor (unitless), and
LS = weaving intensity factor (unitless).
𝐿𝐹𝑅2 = −0.0568 × ln ( ) + 0.275 = 0.296
Finally, the LFR for the leftmost lane (lane 3) is obtained from Equation 38-C2:
𝐿𝐹𝑅3 = 1 − 𝐿𝐹𝑅2 − 𝐿𝐹𝑅1 = 1 − 0.350 − 0.296 = 0.354
Exhibit 38-C10
Comparison of Speed–Flow
Curves by Lane and for the
Exhibit 38-C11
Example of LFR Calculation for
a Weaving Segment
The heavy vehicle adjustment factor is calculated from Equation 12-10, using
a passenger car equivalency ET of 2:
1 1
𝑓𝐻𝑉 = = = 0.968
1 + 𝑃𝑇 (𝐸𝑇 − 1) 1 + 0.03(2 − 1)
The weaving and non-weaving demands are adjusted to flow rates under
ideal conditions. Because the demands are estimated based on 15-min intervals,
it is assumed the PHF is set to 1.
𝑣𝑅𝑅 = = 24.8 pc/h
1 × 0.968
𝑣𝑅𝐹 = = 417.3 pc/h
1 × 0.968
𝑣𝐹𝑅 = = 1,239.6 pc/h
1 × 0.968
𝑣𝐹𝐹 = = 3,421.3 pc/h
1 × 0.968
The weaving and non-weaving flows are given by:
𝑣𝑊 = 𝑣𝐹𝑅 + 𝑣𝑅𝐹 = 1,239.6 + 417.3 = 1,656.9 pc/h
𝑣𝑁𝑊 = 𝑣𝑅𝑅 + 𝑣𝐹𝐹 = 24.8 + 3,421.3 = 3,446.1 pc/h
The volume ratio is computed as:
𝑣𝑊 1,656.9
𝑉𝑅 = = = 0.325
𝑣 1,656.9 + 3,446.1
A weaving segment’s capacity is the smaller of the density-based capacity
cIWL from Equation 13-5 and the weaving-demand-based capacity cIW from
Equation 13-7. The segment’s base capacity cIFL is 2,400 pc/h based on the
measured FFS of 70 mi/h. Because the LFR is calculated in the next step using
flows and capacities in veh/h/ln, the capacities calculated in this step are
converted from units of pc/h/ln by applying the heavy vehicle factor.
𝑐′𝐼𝑊𝐿 = 𝑐𝐼𝐹𝐿 − [438.2(1 + 𝑉𝑅)1.6 ] + (0.0765𝐿𝑠 ) + (119.8𝑁𝑊𝐿 )
2,400 2,400
𝑐′𝐼𝑊 = = = 7,385 pc/h
𝑉𝑅 0.325
𝑐′𝐼𝑊𝐿 × 𝑓𝐻𝑉 7,385 × 0.968
𝑐𝐼𝑊 = = = 1,787 veh/h/ln
The capacity of the weaving segment upstream the weave is obtained by:
𝑐UP = 𝑐 × 𝑁UP = 1,787 × 4 = 7,148 veh/h
The flow ratio for lane 1 (right lane) is obtained from Equation 38-C1:
𝐿𝐹𝑅1 = 𝑎1 × ln ( ) + 𝑏1
Because this a weaving segment, the calibration parameters 𝑎 and 𝑏 for lane 1
are obtained using Equation 38-C7, Equation 38-C8, and Exhibit 38-C2 as follows:
𝑣𝑅,𝑚 𝑣𝑅,𝑑
𝑎1 = 𝑎0 + 𝐺 × 𝑎𝐺 + 𝐻𝑉% × 𝑎𝐻𝑉 + 𝐼𝐷 × 𝑎𝐼 + × 𝑎𝑣𝑚 + × 𝑎𝑣𝑑
1,000 1,000
+ × 𝑎𝐿𝑆 + 𝑉𝑅 × 𝑎𝑉𝑅
𝑏1 = 0.178
The lane flow ratio for lane 1 is then:
𝐿𝐹𝑅1 = −0.181 × ln ( ) + 0.178
𝐿𝐹𝑅1 = 0.261
The same procedure is applied to estimate the LFR for lane 2, using the
respective coefficients from Exhibit 38-C2:
𝑣𝑅,𝑚 𝑣𝑅,𝑑
𝑎2 = 𝑎0 + 𝐺 × 𝑎𝐺 + 𝐻𝑉% × 𝑎𝐻𝑉 + 𝐼𝐷 × 𝑎𝐼 + × 𝑎𝑣𝑚 + × 𝑎𝑣𝑑
1,000 1,000
+ × 𝑎𝐿𝑆 + 𝑉𝑅 × 𝑎𝑉𝑅
𝑎2 = 0.01797
𝑣𝑅,𝑚 𝑣𝑅,𝑑
𝑏2 = 𝑏0 + 𝐺 × 𝑏𝐺 + 𝐻𝑉% × 𝑏𝐻𝑉 + 𝐼𝐷 × 𝑏𝐼 + × 𝑏𝑣𝑚 + × 𝑏𝑣𝑑
1,000 1,000
+ × 𝑏𝐿𝑆 + 𝑉𝑅 × 𝑏𝑉𝑅
𝑏2 = 0.2318
𝐿𝐹𝑅2 = 0.01797 × ln ( ) + 0.2318 = 0.224
The same procedure is applied to obtain the LFR for lane 3, using the
respective coefficients from Exhibit 38-C2:
𝑣𝑅,𝑚 𝑣𝑅,𝑑
𝑎3 = 𝑎0 + 𝐺 × 𝑎𝐺 + 𝐻𝑉% × 𝑎𝐻𝑉 + 𝐼𝐷 × 𝑎𝐼 + × 𝑎𝑣𝑚 + × 𝑎𝑣𝑑
1,000 1,000
+ × 𝑎𝐿𝑆 + 𝑉𝑅 × 𝑎𝑉𝑅
𝑎3 = 0.09830
𝑣𝑅,𝑚 𝑣𝑅,𝑑
𝑏3 = 𝑏0 + 𝐺 × 𝑏𝐺 + 𝐻𝑉% × 𝑏𝐻𝑉 + 𝐼𝐷 × 𝑏𝐼 + × 𝑏𝑣𝑚 + × 𝑏𝑣𝑑
1,000 1,000
+ × 𝑏𝐿𝑆 + 𝑉𝑅 × 𝑏𝑉𝑅
𝑏3 = 0.2992
𝐿𝐹𝑅3 = 0.09830 × ln ( ) + 0.2992 = 0.254
Finally, the LFR for the leftmost lane (lane 4) is obtained from Equation 38-C2:
𝐿𝐹𝑅4 = 1 − 𝐿𝐹𝑅3 − 𝐿𝐹𝑅2 − 𝐿𝐹𝑅1 = 1 − 0.254 − 0.224 − 0.261 = 0.261
It is worth noting that the methodology predicts flow distribution and
speeds for lanes upstream of the on-ramp, which means the weaving auxiliary
lane is not covered by the scope of this example problem.
Exhibit 38-C12
Comparison of Predicted and
Field-Measured Lane-by-Lane
C-1. University of Florida Transportation Institute; Cambridge Systematics, Some of these references can
be found in the Technical
Inc.; and A. Skabardonis. NCHRP Web-Only Document 290: Highway Reference Library in Volume 4.
Capacity Manual Methodologies for Corridors Involving Freeways and Surface
Streets. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2020.
C-2. Sasahara, F., L. Elefteriadou, and S. Dong. Lane-by-Lane Analysis
Framework for Conducting Highway Capacity Analyses at Freeway
Segments. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, Vol. 2673, Issue 8, 2019, pp. 523–535.
C-3. Sasahara, F., L. Carvalho, T. Chowdhury, Z. Jerome, L. Elefteriadou, and A.
Skabardonis. Predicting Lane-by-Lane Flows and Speeds for Freeway
Segments. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, Vol. 2674, Issue 9, 2020, pp. 1052–1068.