Oct 4th Week Details (Eng) by AC
Oct 4th Week Details (Eng) by AC
Oct 4th Week Details (Eng) by AC
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CBDT amends Income Tax Rules to ease “Scam se Bacho” Campaign: GoI and Meta
TDS, TCS Credit Claims for Salaried Collaborate to Enhance Cyber Safety
Employees The Government of India(GoI), in collaboration
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) with Meta Platforms Inc., has launched the “Scam
has updated Income-Tax (IT) rules to simplify the se Bacho“, a national user awareness campaign, in
process for salaried employees to claim credit for Tax New Delhi (Delhi) to combat the increasing prevalence
Collected at Source (TCS) and Tax Deducted at Source of online scams.
(TDS). This amendment follows the guidelines set in ✓ This two-month-long safety campaign was
the Union Budget 2024- 25. launched by Sanjay Jaju, Secretary of the
✓ These amendments will tackle the cash flow Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB).
issues faced by employees and to lessen the
compliance requirements linked to refund Regional Connectivity Scheme- Ude Desh
claims. Ka Aam Nagrik Completed 8 Years
✓ These amendments will tackle the cash flow On 21st October 2024, the Regional Connectivity
issues faced by employees and to lessen the
Scheme (RCS) - UDAN, or "Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik,"
compliance requirements linked to refund
spearheaded by the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA),
claims. celebrated the completion of 8 years in service to the
nation. Union Minister, Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu,
MNRE Approves 3 Pilot Projects for Green MoCA attended a special event celebrating 8
Hydrogen in Steel Sector successful years of RCS-UDAN.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) ✓ 21st October 2024 marks the 8th anniversary
has approved three pilot projects under the National of RCS UDAN, which was launched on 21st
Green Hydrogen Mission(NGHM) aimed at utilizing October 2016.
green hydrogen in steel production. The Government of ✓ RCS UDAN was a vital component of
India(GoI) has allocated Rs 347 crore to support these India’s National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP)
projects, which are expected to become operational 2016 launched by MoCA in 2016 with a 10-
within the next three years. year vision. Click here to read full News
✓ Ahmedabad(Gujarat) based Matrix Gas and
Renewables Limited leads a consortium with
Worldline Report : UPI Transactions Volume (979.71 million) and prepaid cards (367.5
Surged 52% to 78.97 billion in 1H of 2024 million).
✓ Top 5 issuers of credit cards: HDFC Bank,
According to the Worldline’s report titled “India Digital
SBI, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank and KMBL.
Payments Report for 1H 2024”, UPI(Unified
✓ Top 5 issuers of debit cards: SBI, Bank of
Payments Interface) has maintained its dominant
Baroda (BoB), Canara Bank, Union Bank of
position with the total number of transactions grew by
India (UBI), HDFC Bank. Click here to read full
52% Year-on-Year(YoY) in 1st Half of 2024(1H 2024 :
from Jan to June), has increased from 51.9 billion(in
1H 2023) to 78.97 billion(in 1H 2024).
✓ As per the report, the value of these UPI SLCM partners with PNB & Bandhan Bank to
transactions increased by 40% from Rs 83.16 Offer Management Solutions
trillion (1H 2023) to Rs 116.63 trillion (1H New Delhi(Delhi) based Sohan Lal Commodity
2024). Top UPI Players: As of June 2024, Management Limited (SLCM) has partnered with New
PhonePe, Google Pay, and Paytm dominate the Delhi based Punjab National Bank (PNB) and
market, collectively accounting for 94.83% of Kolkata(West Bengal, WB) based Bandhan Bank
all transactions by volume against 95.68% a Limited to provide 'Unified Collateral Management
year prior. Solutions' aimed at enhancing the agricultural sector.
✓ Cards in Circulations: The report noted a
growth of 11% in terms of number of cards in
Assam Govt, ADB Join Hands to Restore
circulation. In June 2024, the total number of
cards in circulation was 1.451 billion, of which Wetlands with Rs 796 Crore Project
credit cards (103.8 million), debit cards The Assam government, in collaboration with the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), has initiated a project
RBI Census: USA Continues to be Largest The report projected India’s headline inflation
Source of FDI in India rate at 4.4% for the FY25 and 4.1% for FY26.
According to the annual Census on Foreign Liabilities
and Assets of Indian Direct Investment Entities for InCorp Global Becomes First Firm at GIFT
2023-24 from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the IFSC to Receive BATF Licence Approval
United States of America (USA) continued to be the Singapore based InCorp Global Pte Limited, a
largest source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in corporate solutions and professional services provider,
India, followed by Mauritius, Singapore and the has become the first firm at the Gujarat International
United Kingdom (UK). Finance Tec-City (GIFT) International Financial
✓ It showed that total FDI in India increased by Services Centre (IFSC) to obtain a BATF (Bookkeeping,
23.3% at market-value in rupee terms during Accounting, Taxation, and Financial Crime
the Financial Year 2023-24(FY24), mainly due Compliance) licence.
to large valuation gains as well as fresh FDI
inflows while, the ODI growth was much lower
PFC, BEML ink pact to finance, execute
at 3.4%.
infrastructure projects in defense, rail
IMF Retained India’s GDP Forecast at 7% for
Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) and Power
FY25; 6.5% for FY26 Finance Corporation (PFC) have signed a
On 22nd October 2024, the International Monetary Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to finance and
Fund (IMF) released its latest report titled ‘October implement critical infrastructure projects, particularly
2024 World Economic Outlook (WEO): Policy Pivot, in the areas of defense, rail transportation and
Rising Threats’. It has retained India’s Gross Domestic infrastructure development.
Product (GDP) growth forecast at 7% and 6.5% for ✓ The MoU was signed between Shantanu Roy,
Financial Year 2024-25 (FY25) and FY26, respectively. Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of
✓ As per the report, the growth outlook for BEML and Parminder Chopra, CMD of PFC on
India will moderate from 8.2% in FY24 to 7% 18th October 2024.
in FY25
✓ The report estimated that the global growth
Mintoak & Axis Bank Partnered to Enable
will remain stable at 3.2% in 2024 and 2025.
However, it has marginally decreased the SMEs with Merchant Payments & Business
global growth rate for 2025 by 10 basis points Solutions
(bps) from 3.3% to 3.2%. Mumbai(Maharashtra) based Mintoak Innovations
Former Indian Spinner Neetu David along inducted into the ICC Hall of Fame following
with AB de Villers, Alastair Cook Inducted the induction of Diana Fram Edulji in 2023.
GoI sold 5% Stake worth Rs 2,026cr in Sale (OFS) priced at Rs 1,540 per share. The total
Cochin Shipyard Limited value of the stake is estimated to be around Rs 2,026
The Government of India (GoI) divested 5% of its stake
in Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), through an Offer for
Google made a series of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-led James Webb telescope discovers Carbon
collaborations aimed at enhancing India's healthcare, Dioxide, Hydrogen Peroxide on Pluto’s
sustainability, and agriculture sectors. This initiative moon Charon
was unveiled during a roundtable event in Bengaluru, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's
Karnataka, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of (NASA) James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
Google’s Research Lab in the city. detected Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Hydrogen
✓ Forus Health (Bengaluru, Karnataka), Peroxide (H2O2) on the surface of Charon, Pluto's
AuroLab (Madurai, Tamil Nadu/TN), largest moon. The discoveries were made using
Perceptra (Thailand) and Saahas Zero Webb’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph(NIRSpec).
Waste/SZW (Bengaluru).
India’s Arjun Erigaisi won the WR Chess Top 5 of the WR Chess Masters Cup 2024
Masters Cup 2024 Rank Name Rating
Indian Chess Grandmaster (GM) Arjun Erigaisi won 1 Arjun Erigaisi (India) 2797
the Wadim Rosenstein (WR) Chess Masters Nodirbek Abdusattorov
2 2783
Cup 2024 by defeating French GM Maxime Vachier- (Uzbekistan)
Lagrave in an Armageddon tiebreaker. 3 Alireza Firouzja (France) 2767
✓ WR Chess Masters Cup 2024, organised by 4 Viswanathan Anand (India) 2751
entrepreneur Wadim Rosenstein, was held Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa
5 2746
from 14th to 18th October 2024, at the (India)
Langham Hotel, London, United Kingdom
Former Rajya Sabha MP Dhaneswar Majhi July 1941. He was a five-time Member of the
dies at 83 Legislative Assembly (MLA). representing the Kesinga
and Narla constituencies in Kalahandi district, Odisha.
Former Rajya Sabha MP (Member of Parliament) and
veteran tribal leader Dhaneswar Majhi passed away at
the age of 83 in Kalahandi, Odisha. He was born on 5th
Former Indian Wrestler Sakshi Malik Unveils conservationist, has launched his fourth book titled
Memoir Titled ‘Witness’ ‘Mountain Mammals of the World’, published by
Sakshi Malik, former Indian freestyle wrestler, and Penguin Random House. The book was launched by
former politician-author Padma Vibhushan Dr Karan
Olympic bronze medalist, has unveiled her memoir
Singh at WWF India’s (World Wide Fund for Nature-
titled “Witness” co-authored by journalist Jonathan
Selvaraj, offering readers an intimate glimpse into her India) headquarters in New Delhi, Delhi.
life, struggles, triumphs, and an unwavering refection
on her journey, both in and out of the wrestling ring. PM Narendra Modi launched “Bharatvakya”,
✓ The book, published by Juggernaut Books, a Biography of Classical Musician Bharat
chronicles Malik's ascent to prominence, Balvalli
beginning with her childhood in Rohtak,
Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi launched the book
Haryana, and leading to her role as a trailblazer titled 'Bharatvakya', the biography of renowned
for women in sports.
classical musician Dr. Bharat Balvalli written by
Pravin Vitthal Tarde, an eminent actor and
M.K. Ranjitsinh launches New Book screenwriter. This bilingual book, published by Sakal
titled ‘Mountain Mammals of the World’ Media News Publication, is available in both Marathi
Dr. M.K. Ranjitsinh, a prominent wildlife and English
World Students’ Day 2024 - October 15 India(GoI), in collaboration with the International
World Students’ Day (WSD) is annually observed Buddhist Confederation (IBC) on 17th October 2024
on 15 October to commemorate the birth in Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi, Delhi.
anniversary of Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, the 11th ✓ International Abhidhamma Divas is annually
President of India (from 2002 to 2007), who is fondly observed across the globe to commemorate
known as the Missile Man of India. 15th October 2024 the descent of Lord Buddha from Tavatimsa-
marks the 93rd birth anniversary of Dr. APJ Abdul devaloka, the celestial realm of the thirty-three
Kalam. divine beings, to Sankassiya (now Sankisa
✓ The theme of WSD 2024 is “Empowering Basantapur in Uttar Pradesh(UP).
Students to be Agents of Change”. The day
honours the contributions of students and World Trauma Day - October 17 2024
promote awareness about the importance of World Trauma Day is annually observed across the
education. globe on 17th October to create awareness about
trauma which refers to an injury to the body or an event
International Day for the Eradication of that causes long-term mental or emotional damage.
Poverty 2024 - October 17 ✓ 17th October 2024 marks the observance of
The United Nations (UN)’s International Day for the the 14th World Trauma Day.
Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) is annually observed ✓ The theme for World Trauma Day 2024 is
across the globe on October 17 to promote "Workplace Injuries: Prevention &
understanding and dialogue between people living in Management”.
poverty and wider society.
✓ 17th October 2024 marks the 32nd National Solidarity Day - October 20 2024
commemoration of IDEP. National Solidarity Day is annually observed across
✓ The theme of IDEP 2024 is “Ending Social and India on 20th October to pay tribute to the soldiers
Institutional Maltreatment Acting together who lost their lives in the line of duty to the nation
for just, peaceful and inclusive societies”. during the 1962 Indo-China War, which began on 20th
October 1962 and ended on 21st November 1962.
World Food Day 2024 – October 16 ✓ The day also honours the bravery and
The United Nations (UN) World Food Day (WFD) is strength of the personnel of the Indian
annually observed across the globe on 16 October to armed forces. 20th October 2024 marks the
raise awareness about healthy diets, promote action 62nd Anniversary of the 1962 Indo-China
against malnutrition and food security, and the need for War.
regular access to nutritious food.
✓ The day also commemorates World Osteoporosis Day 2024 - October 20
the establishment of the Food and Agriculture World Osteoporosis Day (WOD), annually observed
Organization (FAO) of the UN in 1945. across the globe on 20th October, is a global
✓ The theme of WFD 2024 is, “Right to Food for awareness campaign to highlight the importance of
a Better Life and a Better Future”. Osteoporosis and to raise global awareness of the
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Osteoporosis
International Abhidhamma Divas 2024 - and metabolic bone disease.
October 17 ✓ The WOD campaign is a global initiative
supported by the International Osteoporosis
International Abhidhamma Divas 2024 was
Foundation (IOF).
celebrated by the Ministry of Culture, Government of
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