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Oct 4th Week Details (Eng) by AC

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Current Affairs Weekly PDF – October 2024 – 4th Week
(25 – 31)

IndiaAI mission selects 8 projects to GoI Extended “Samarth” Scheme for

enhance Safe and Trusted AI development Capacity Building in Textiles Sector till
The IndiaAI mission has selected 8 responsible March 2026
Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects through the The Government of India (GoI) has decided to extend
Expression of Interest (EoI) floated under the Safe and Samarth (Scheme for Capacity Building in Textiles
Trusted AI Pillar of the IndiaAI mission. The IndiaAI Sector (SCBTS), a demand-driven and placement
mission is in alignment with the Government of India oriented umbrella skilling program of the Ministry of
(GoI)’s vision of leveraging AI for inclusive growth. Textiles (MoT) for next two years i.e. Financial Year
✓ These selected responsible AI projects include 2024-25 (FY25) and FY26, with a budget of Rs 495
the development of indigenous tools and crore to train 3 lakh persons in textile-related skills.
frameworks, and framing guidelines for ethical, ✓ The scheme aims to promote and support the
transparent, and trustworthy AI technologies. industry in generating jobs in the organised
textile and related sectors, covering the entire
Supreme Court of India upholds Section 6A value chain of textiles excluding spinning and
of Citizenship Act as Valid Law weaving.
✓ Note: Andhra Pradesh(AP), Telangana,
The Supreme Court of India (SCI) upheld the
constitutionality of Section 6A of the Citizenship Act, Haryana, Jharkhand, and Gujarat are the top
textile and clothing manufacturing states in
1955, with a majority of 4:1. As per it, Section 6A does
not violate Articles 6 and 7 of the Constitution, which
pertain to citizenship rights established at the
Constitution's commencement in 1950. UNFPA Honors India’s Leadership in
✓ Section 6A addresses migrants from erstwhile Maternal Health and Family Planning
East Pakistan (Present Bangladesh), The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has
specifically those who entered Assam recognized India’s extraordinary progress in advancing
between January 1, 1966, and March 24, 1971. Maternal Health and Family Planning.
✓ Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of UNFPA,
Union Minister Piyush Goyal Launched honored Punya Salila Srivastava, Secretary,
District Master Plan under PM Gati Shakti the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(MoHFW), Government of India(GoI), with a
for 27 Aspirational Districts
plaque and certificate, reaffirming UNFPA's
Union Minister Piyush Goyal, Ministry of Commerce
strong dedication to partnering with India to
and Industry (MoC&I) launched the District Master
improve women's health and well-being.
Plan (DMP) under PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan
(NMP) for 27 aspirational districts in the country on the
occasion of successful completion of 3 years of PM PM Modi lays the Foundation Stone &
Gati Shakti NMP (on 13th October, 2024). Inaugurates Multiple Development Projects
✓ He announced that the DMP will be expanded in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
to cover over 750 districts across the country Narendra Modi, Prime Minister (PM) of India,
in the next 18 months. inaugurated and laid the foundation for multiple

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significant projects in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (UP) to Gensol Engineering Ltd (Ahmedabad), the
boost connectivity and regional development. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT)
✓ PM Modi inaugurated multiple airport projects Bhubaneswar (Odisha) and Metsol
worth over Rs 6,100 crore in Varanasi. AB (Sweden) working on a pilot project with a
✓ PM Modi inaugurated RJ Sankara Eye plant capacity of 50 tons per day (TPD).
Hospital in Varanasi. The hospital will provide ✓ Bhilai(Chhattisgarh) based Simplex Castings
comprehensive consultation and treatment Limited, leads a consortium with BSBK Private
facilities for various eye conditions. Limited, (Bhilai), Ten Eight Investment, and the
✓ PM Modi inaugurated the Phases 2 and 3 of IIT Bhilai, Bhilai. This consortium is working on
the redevelopments of Varanasi Sports a pilot project with a plant capacity of 40 tons
Complex worth over Rs 210 crore under the per day (TPD).
Khelo India scheme and the Smart City ✓ New Delhi(Delhi) based Steel Authority of India
mission. Limited (SAIL) is running the largest project
✓ PM Modi also inaugurated tourism under the NGHM, with a 3200 TPD plant
development works in Buddhism-related in Ranchi(Jharkhand), aimed at advancing
areas in Sarnath. green hydrogen in steel production.

CBDT amends Income Tax Rules to ease “Scam se Bacho” Campaign: GoI and Meta
TDS, TCS Credit Claims for Salaried Collaborate to Enhance Cyber Safety
Employees The Government of India(GoI), in collaboration
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) with Meta Platforms Inc., has launched the “Scam
has updated Income-Tax (IT) rules to simplify the se Bacho“, a national user awareness campaign, in
process for salaried employees to claim credit for Tax New Delhi (Delhi) to combat the increasing prevalence
Collected at Source (TCS) and Tax Deducted at Source of online scams.
(TDS). This amendment follows the guidelines set in ✓ This two-month-long safety campaign was
the Union Budget 2024- 25. launched by Sanjay Jaju, Secretary of the
✓ These amendments will tackle the cash flow Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB).
issues faced by employees and to lessen the
compliance requirements linked to refund Regional Connectivity Scheme- Ude Desh
claims. Ka Aam Nagrik Completed 8 Years
✓ These amendments will tackle the cash flow On 21st October 2024, the Regional Connectivity
issues faced by employees and to lessen the
Scheme (RCS) - UDAN, or "Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik,"
compliance requirements linked to refund
spearheaded by the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA),
claims. celebrated the completion of 8 years in service to the
nation. Union Minister, Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu,
MNRE Approves 3 Pilot Projects for Green MoCA attended a special event celebrating 8
Hydrogen in Steel Sector successful years of RCS-UDAN.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) ✓ 21st October 2024 marks the 8th anniversary
has approved three pilot projects under the National of RCS UDAN, which was launched on 21st
Green Hydrogen Mission(NGHM) aimed at utilizing October 2016.
green hydrogen in steel production. The Government of ✓ RCS UDAN was a vital component of
India(GoI) has allocated Rs 347 crore to support these India’s National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP)
projects, which are expected to become operational 2016 launched by MoCA in 2016 with a 10-
within the next three years. year vision. Click here to read full News
✓ Ahmedabad(Gujarat) based Matrix Gas and
Renewables Limited leads a consortium with

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NCPCR Report: India has over 11.5 Lakh India & Oman conducted Naseem Al Bahr,
Children Vulnerable to Child Marriage Bilateral Naval Exercise Off Goa' coast
According to the National Commission for Protection The Indian Navy(IN) and Royal Navy of Oman(RNO)
of Child Rights (NCPCR)’s latest report, over 11.5 successfully conducted 'Naseem Al Bahr', the Indo-
lakh children across the 27 states and 7 Union Oman bilateral naval exercise off Goa’s coast from
Territories (UTs) of India were found to be “vulnerable” 13th to 18th October 2024. The exercise enhanced
to child marriage in 2023-24. interoperability and understanding of each other’s best
✓ As per the report, Uttar Pradesh (UP) with over practices. ‘Naseem Al Bahr’ is also known as "Sea
5 lakh vulnerable children, topped among the Breeze”.
states, followed by Assam with 1.5 lakh
children and Madhya Pradesh (MP) has nearly Dr Jitendra Singh Released “ICMR-India
1 lakh such children.
Diabetes ' INDIAB', Jammu Related Data of
✓ While, UTs like Lakshadweep and Andaman &
Nicobar Islands has identified no children the 1st of its Kind World's Largest Survey
vulnerable to child marriage. Union Minister, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Ministry of Science &
Technology(MoST), released 'ICMR-India Diabetes
'INDIAB', Jammu related data of the ‘first of its kind’
MoRD Signs MoU with 10 Banks to Empower
world's largest survey to assess the prevalence of
Rural Women Entrepreneurs through Diabetes in India, including Jammu & Kashmir(J&K),
Financial Support during the event held in Jammu, J&K.
The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has signed ✓ The study was conducted by the Madras
a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Diabetes Research Foundation(MDRF) with
nine Public Sector Banks(PSBs)and one Private the collaboration of Indian Council of Medical
Sector Bank under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- Research (ICMR) and the Department of
National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM) at the Health Research, under the Ministry of Health
National Conclave on Women led Entrepreneurship and Family Welfare (MoH&FW).
held in New Delhi(Delhi).
✓ The PSBs involved in the agreement are: Bank India & Seychelles Sign MoU for
of Baroda (BOB), Bank of India (BOI), Bank of
Collaboration in Auditing
Maharashtra (BOM), Canara Bank (CB),
On 21 October 2024, the Comptroller and Auditor
Central Bank of India (CBI), Indian Bank (IB),
General of India (CAG) and Office of the Auditor
Indian Overseas Bank (IOB), Punjab National
General Auditing (OAG), Republic of Seychelles have
Bank (PNB) and United Commercial Bank
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in
(UCO). The Private Sector Bank involved in the
Victoria, Seychelles to boost training opportunities and
agreement is Industrial Development Bank of
information sharing between their respective Auditor
India Limited (IDBI Bank Ltd).
General's offices.
✓ The agreement was signed by Girish Chandra
Kotak Brands BKC station as Kotak Bandra- Murmu, the Comptroller and Auditor General
Kurla Complex Metro Station (CAG) of India, and Gamini Herath, the Auditor
Kotak Mahindra Group has branded the BKC station General of the Republic of Seychelles during
of Metro 3 Aqua Line in Mumbai(Maharashtra) as the CAG Girish Chandra Murmu's official visit
‘Kotak Bandra-Kurla Complex metro station’. to Seychelles.
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister(PM) of India dedicated
the first phase of the Aqua line, Mumbai’s first
underground Metro, to the nation at the newly
branded station.

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Ultraviolette launches its 6th UV Space ✓ The 15th ITU Kaleidoscope (2024) was held at
station in Visakhapatnam the ITU-WTSA 2024 with a focus on bridging
the digital divide and exploring how emerging
Bengaluru(Karnataka) based Ultraviolette Automotive
Private Limited has launched its 6th Ultraviolette (UV) technologies can connect underserved
space station in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh(AP)
to support and expand UV’s Electric Vehicle (EV)
ecosystem in India, offering services like charging,
maintenance and community space for EV users.

PM Modi Inaugurates ITU World

Telecommunication Standardization
Assembly 2024 in New Delhi
On 15th October 2024, Narendra Modi, Prime
Minister(PM) of India, inaugurated the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU)– World
Telecommunication Standardization Assembly
(WTSA) 2024 at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi,
✓ PM Modi also inaugurated the 8th edition of
India Mobile Congress(IMC 2024), Asia’s
largest digital technology forum during the Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya Launches eShram –
programme. One Stop Solution for Unorganised Workers
✓ ITU-WTSA 2024 was held from 15th to 24th Union Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, Ministry of
October 2024 hosted by India in New Delhi, Labour & Employment (MoL&E), launched the
Delhi. 'eShram – One Stop Solution' from New Delhi, Delhi
✓ WTSA was hosted in India for the first time in to enhance easier access to various social security
ITU’s history of 150 years. This also marks the schemes for unorganized workers.
first WTSA hosted in the Asia-Pacific. ✓ eShram - One Stop Solution will act as a
✓ The National e-Governance Division (NeGD), facilitator, ensuring that unorganised workers
Ministry of Electronics and Information can easily access various Government
Technology (MeitY) had set up a pavilion, schemes. Unorganized workers aged between
‘Digital India Innovation Zone’, at IMC 2024 16-59 years can register on this portal.
to provide firsthand experience to the
delegates on India’s various Digital Public
Infrastructure (DPIs).
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
✓ IMC 2024 Showcases Innovations in Quantum approves Creation of CGM Posts in 5
Tech, 5G & Circular Economy Nationalized Banks
✓ Jyotiraditya M. Scindia, Union Minister of Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Ministry of
Communications and Development of North Finance(MoF) has approved the restructuring within
Eastern Region, inaugurated the nationalized banks by creating and increasing the
International 6G Symposium during the ITU- number of Chief General Manager (CGM) posts.
WTSA24 and IMC 24. ✓ The restructuring is based on a review of the
✓ Reliance Jio has introduced the JioBharat V3 banks' business mixes as of March 31, 2023.
and V4, the next generation of affordable 4G The new structure aims for a ratio of one CGM
feature phones at the IMC 2024. for every four GMs, ensuring a balanced
distribution of responsibilities.

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Nitin Gadkari Unveils Rs 100 Union Minister Jyotiraditya M. Scindia
Commemorative Coin to mark the Birth Unveiled BSNL’s new Logo and Launched 7
Centenary of HH Mataji Nirmala Devi Ji Customer Centric Services
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, Ministry of Road Union Minister Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia,
Transport & Highways (MoRTH) unveiled a Rs 100 Ministry of Communications (MoC) and Ministry of
commemorative coin to mark the Birth Centenary of Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER)
HH Mataji Nirmala Devi Ji at the National Museum in unveiled the new logo of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
New Delhi, Delhi. The Rs 100 coin features an image of (BSNL) and launched its 7 customer centric services at
HH Mataji Nirmala Devi Ji, symbolizing her teachings Bharat Sanchar Bhavan in New Delhi, Delhi.
and the principle, including inner peace and universal ✓ These newly launched services focus on
love. delivering secure, affordable, and reliable
connectivity across India.
MSDE partners with Meta for AI Assistant in ✓ The new logo of BSNL signifies strength, trust,
and accessibility. It includes green and white
Skill India Mission and 5 Centers of
arrows surrounding India which emphasize the
Excellence in NSTIs company’s expansive nationwide coverage,
The Ministry of Skill Development and while the orange backdrop symbolizes warmth
Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has partnered with and inclusivity.
Meta, parent company of the social network Facebook,
to enhance the Skill India Mission through the
International Workshop on Modern
development of an Artificial Intelligence(AI) Assistant
and the establishment of five Centers of Technologies in Survey-Resurvey for Urban
Excellence (CoEs) focused on Virtual Reality (VR) and Land Records Held in New Delhi
Mixed Reality (MR). Union Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Ministry of
✓ Five CoEs will be established at National Skill Rural Development (MoRD), virtually inaugurated an
Training Institutes (NSTIs) located International Workshop on "Modern Technologies in
in: Hyderabad(Telangana), Survey-Resurvey for Urban Land Records" at the Dr.
Bengaluru(Karnataka), Jodhpur(Rajasthan), Ambedkar International Centre (DAIC) in New Delhi,
Chennai(Tamil Nadu,TN), Kanpur(Uttar Delhi.
Pradesh, UP).


Highlights of President Droupadi Murmu’s o President Droupadi Murmu was

visit to Algeria, Mauritania and Malawi awarded the Honorary Doctorate
in Political Science by Sidi Abdellah
Droupadi Murmu, President of India, was on a three
Science and Technology Pole
nation tour to Algeria, Mauritania and Malawi from 13th
to 19th October 2024. The three nation tour aimed to University in Algiers on 14th October
strengthen India’s bilateral relations with these African
✓ President Droupadi Murmu held a bilateral
✓ President Murmu visited Algeria from 13th to meeting with Lazarus Chakwera, President of
Malawi to further strengthen the India-Malawi
15th October2024 at the invitation of H.E. Mr.
Abdelmadjid Tebboune, President of the
o The meeting led to the signing
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria.
of 4 MoUs: art and culture,

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cooperation on youth matters, sports IEA and IIT Delhi Signed MoU for
cooperation and pharmacopeial Advancing Clean Energy Technologies
and Transitions
✓ President Droupadi Murmu held a bilateral
The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Indian
meeting with Mohamed Ould Ghazouani,
Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi have signed a
President of Mauritania. Four Memorandum of
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the role of
Understandings (MoUs) were signed between
energy technology innovation in reducing emissions
India and Mauritania to strengthen the bilateral
and leading clean energy transitions.
o Foreign ministries of India and
Mauritania signed an agreement to
enhance bilateral relations in areas
of mutual interest, contributing to
international peace and security.
o India and Mauritania also signed an
agreement for the exemption from
visa requirements for holders of
diplomatic and official/service
o India and Mauritania also signed a
MoU regarding the India cultural
exchange program for the
years 2024-2028.
o Signed a MoU to enable cooperation
in mutually beneficial areas.
Highlights of IEA’s World Energy Outlook
ICMR Study on BRICS Nations: Cancer 2024
Cases and Deaths to Surge between 2022 The International Energy Agency's (IEA) has released
its flagship report titled ‘World Energy Outlook (WEO
and 2045 in India
2024)’. It states that India is on track to become the
According to the Bengaluru (Karnataka)-based Indian
third-largest economy in the world by 2028.
Council of Medical Research(ICMR)-National Centre
✓ Global electricity demand is on track to double
for Disease Informatics and Research (NCDIR)’s latest
by 2050, mainly due to China’s large scale
study, cancer cases and deaths are expected to surge
energy transition, according to the Carbon
between 2022 and 2045 in India and South Africa.
Tracker’s statement on the IEA’s WEO 2024.
✓ The study has mainly examined cancer cases,
✓ The report states that while global growth in
deaths and the impact on the quality of life in
electricity demand is projected to accelerate
the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India,
to an average of 3.4% from 2024
China and South Africa.
through 2026.
✓ The study reported a 12.8% increase in the
✓ India became the fastest growing economy
incidence of cancer cases in India in 2025
with output increasing by 7.8% and is
compared to 2020.
expected to become the third-largest
economy in the world by 2028.
✓ The report showed that by 2035, iron and steel
production in India are on track to grow
by 70%. The cement output will increase by
nearly 55%.

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✓ By 2035, India’s carbon dioxide(CO2) the 149th IPU Assembly in Geneva, Jamaica
emissions will amount to 2.5 billion had previously been a member of the IPU from
tonnes in 2035 which is 25% below the level 1983 to 1996. Till now, the IPU
in the STEPS. had 180 member parliaments
and 15 associate members.
FATF Revised Grey Listing Criteria to Focus
on Nations Posing Great Risk to Global EFW 2024 Annual Report: Hong Kong
Financial System Regains Title as World’s Largest Freest
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has revised the Economy from Singapore & India ranked 84
criteria for placing countries on its grey list. The main According to the Vancouver (Canada)-based public
objective of these changes is to reduce the burden on policy research organisation Fraser Institute’s latest
Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and to focus on report titled “Economic Freedom of the World (EFW)
those nations that pose great risks to the international 2024 Annual Report, Hong Kong Special
financial system. Administrative Region (SAR), People’s Republic of
As per the revised criteria, jurisdictions will be China, with ratings of 8.58, has reclaimed title as the
prioritized for active review if they meet the referral world’s largest freest economy from Singapore, which
criteria and are: has been ranked at 2nd position with overall ratings of
✓ Country which is a member of FATF; 8.55.
✓ Country on the World Bank’s High Income ✓ India has improved its ranking by 3 places,
Countries (HICs) list (excluding those with a from 87th (In EFW 2023) to 84th (In EFW
financial sector of two or fewer banks); 2024) with the ratings of 6.58.
✓ Country that has financial sector assets more Top 5 Countries in 2024 EFW Annual Report:
than USD 10 billion (measured by broad Overall
Rank Country
money). Ratings
Hong Kong
149th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly Special Administrative Region
1 8.58
(SAR), People’s Republic of
held in Geneva, Switzerland from 13-17
October 2024
2 Singapore 8.55
The 149th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly
3 Switzerland 8.43
was held from 13th to 17th October 2024 in Geneva,
4 New Zealand 8.39
Switzerland. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla headed the
The United States of America
Indian Parliamentary Delegation(IPD) at the IPU 5 8.09
84 India 6.58
✓ The overall theme of the 149th IPU Assembly
was “Harnessing science, technology and
innovation (STI) for a more peaceful and Egypt Declared ‘Malaria-Free’ by WHO; 2nd
sustainable future”. Country in 2024
✓ The Assembly adopted a resolution on the Egypt was officially declared malaria-free by the World
emergency item titled – Response by Health Organization (WHO) on October 20, 2024, a
Parliamentarians to the urgent plea by the significant public health milestone for a country with
UN Secretary-General to recommit to more than 100 million inhabitants. Egypt became the
multilateralism for global peace, justice, and 2nd country globally to receive this status in 2024,
sustainability. following Cabo Verde.
✓ The IPU welcomed back the Parliament ✓ Note: Globally, a total of 44 countries and 1
of Jamaica as its 181st Member Parliament at territory have reached this milestone.

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75th IAC held in Milan, Italy ; ISRO’s Dr. S. Moonlight program at the IAC 2024, aimed at
Somanath received IAF World Space Award establishing Europe’s first-ever satellite
constellation for telecommunication and
The 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC
2024) was held from October 14 to 18, 2024 at the navigation services on the Moon.
Milano Congress Center (Allianz MiCo), Europe’s
largest conference venue in Milan, Italy. It was USA, Japan & South Korea Partners to
organized by the International Astronautical Federation Support Digital Infrastructure in India
(IAF) and co-hosted by the Italian Association of The United States of America(USA), Japan and South
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA) and the Italian Korea have signed the Digital Infrastructure Growth
Space Agency (ASI) and Leonardo. Initiative for India Framework (DiGi Framework) to
✓ The significant highlights of the congress strengthen the digital infrastructure development in
included the the awarding of the IAF World India.
Space Award 2024 to ISRO Chairman Dr. S. ✓ The framework was signed between US
Somanath, launch of ESA's Moonlight International Development Finance
Programme for lunar communication, and the Corporation (DFC), the Japan Bank for
unveiling of the AxEMU spacesuit by Axiom International Cooperation (JBIC), and the
Space and Prada. Export-Import Bank of Korea
✓ The European Space Agency (ESA) has (Korea Eximbank-KEXIM) at the DFC
launched the Lunar Communications and headquarters in Washington D.C., the USA.
Navigation Services (LCNS) programme or the


Worldline Report : UPI Transactions Volume (979.71 million) and prepaid cards (367.5
Surged 52% to 78.97 billion in 1H of 2024 million).
✓ Top 5 issuers of credit cards: HDFC Bank,
According to the Worldline’s report titled “India Digital
SBI, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank and KMBL.
Payments Report for 1H 2024”, UPI(Unified
✓ Top 5 issuers of debit cards: SBI, Bank of
Payments Interface) has maintained its dominant
Baroda (BoB), Canara Bank, Union Bank of
position with the total number of transactions grew by
India (UBI), HDFC Bank. Click here to read full
52% Year-on-Year(YoY) in 1st Half of 2024(1H 2024 :
from Jan to June), has increased from 51.9 billion(in
1H 2023) to 78.97 billion(in 1H 2024).
✓ As per the report, the value of these UPI SLCM partners with PNB & Bandhan Bank to
transactions increased by 40% from Rs 83.16 Offer Management Solutions
trillion (1H 2023) to Rs 116.63 trillion (1H New Delhi(Delhi) based Sohan Lal Commodity
2024). Top UPI Players: As of June 2024, Management Limited (SLCM) has partnered with New
PhonePe, Google Pay, and Paytm dominate the Delhi based Punjab National Bank (PNB) and
market, collectively accounting for 94.83% of Kolkata(West Bengal, WB) based Bandhan Bank
all transactions by volume against 95.68% a Limited to provide 'Unified Collateral Management
year prior. Solutions' aimed at enhancing the agricultural sector.
✓ Cards in Circulations: The report noted a
growth of 11% in terms of number of cards in
Assam Govt, ADB Join Hands to Restore
circulation. In June 2024, the total number of
cards in circulation was 1.451 billion, of which Wetlands with Rs 796 Crore Project
credit cards (103.8 million), debit cards The Assam government, in collaboration with the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), has initiated a project

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‘Sustainable Wetland and Integrated Fisheries businesses with a new, seamless option for global
Transformation (SWIFT) with a budget of Rs 796.88 transactions.
crore to restore 129 wetlands, known locally as beels, ✓ Citigroup is the first global bank to facilitate
covering an area of 3,800 hectares. cross-border payments to Mastercard debit
✓ From the total outlay, 80% funding from ADB cards through ‘Mastercard Move’, leveraging
and 20% from the State Government. the speed, security, and transparency of the
✓ This initiative aims to enhance flood mitigation MasterCard network.
efforts, improving water management and
supporting local fisheries. IOB launches ‘IOB-Mahila Shaksham
✓ These wetlands have been geo-mapped by
scheme’ to Empower Women
the Assam State Application
Centre (ASSAC). Entrepreneurs
Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) has launched the ‘IOB -
Mahila Shaksham Scheme’ aimed at empowering
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank receives RBI individual women Self Help Group (SHG) members for
approval for foreign exchange services entrepreneurial activity.
Bangalore (Karnataka) based Ujjivan Small Finance ✓ This initiative is under the
Bank Limited (Ujjivan SFB) received approval from the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for foreign exchange Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) offering
services, enabling it to offer a range of foreign exchange financial assistance to individual members of
(forex) products and services. Women SHGs. Women can avail loans
✓ USFB received the ‘Authorised Dealer minimum at Rs 75,000 and upto Rs
Category 1 licence’ granted under Section 10,00,000.
10(1) of the Foreign Exchange Management
Act (FEMA), 1999 enabling the bank to
RBI Revised Access Criteria to its NDS-OM
offer a wider range of foreign exchange
services and transactions. Electronic Trading Platform
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has expanded direct
access to its Negotiated Dealing System-Order
RBI approves Piramal Payment Services to Matching (NDS-OM) electronic trading platform to a
launch 'Piramal Pay' Prepaid Payment wider range of Regulated Entities (REs) such as
Instrument Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Local Area Banks (LABs),
Piramal Payment Services Limited(PPSL), a subsidiary Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs), including
of Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Ltd (Piramal Housing Finance Companies(HFCs), among others.
Finance), has received approval from the Reserve Bank ✓ Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) and
of India(RBI) to set up a Prepaid Payment Instrument Corporate Companies will continue to have
(PPI) service called ‘Piramal Pay’. This authorisation indirect access to NDS-OM.
was granted under the Payment and Settlement ✓ Provident Funds(PF), pension funds, and
Systems Act, 2007. regulated Market Infrastructure Institutions
(MIIs) too will have direct access to the
Citigroup Partners with Mastercard for platform.

Cross-Border Debit Payments

Citigroup Inc.,an American multinational investment Bank of Baroda Introduces bob Utsav
bank and financial service, has partnered with Deposit Scheme
Mastercard Inc.,an American multinational payment Vadodara(Gujarat) based Bank of Baroda (BoB)
card service, to enable 24/7 cross-border payments announced the launch of the ‘bob Utsav Deposit
through debit cards, providing consumers and Scheme’, a 400-day period term deposit scheme. The

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scheme offers interest rates of 7.30% per annum (p.a.) Standard (IFRS 17) regulations by the Financial Year
for the general public, 7.80% p.a. for senior citizens, 2026-27 (FY27). This move will give ample time to
7.90% p.a. for super senior citizens (aged 80 years & both bank-sponsored and non-bank sponsored
above) and up to 7.95% p.a. on Non-Callable Deposits. insurance companies for implementation of IFRS 17
IRDAI Extended the Implementation ✓ It was developed by London(the United
Kingdom, UK) based International Accounting
deadline of IFRS 17 to FY27
Standards Board (IASB) and was introduced in
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
May 2017. It has replaced IFRS 4 and came
of India (IRDAI) has extended the timeline for the
into effect on 1st January, 2023.
implementation of International Financial Reporting


RBI Census: USA Continues to be Largest The report projected India’s headline inflation
Source of FDI in India rate at 4.4% for the FY25 and 4.1% for FY26.
According to the annual Census on Foreign Liabilities
and Assets of Indian Direct Investment Entities for InCorp Global Becomes First Firm at GIFT
2023-24 from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the IFSC to Receive BATF Licence Approval
United States of America (USA) continued to be the Singapore based InCorp Global Pte Limited, a
largest source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in corporate solutions and professional services provider,
India, followed by Mauritius, Singapore and the has become the first firm at the Gujarat International
United Kingdom (UK). Finance Tec-City (GIFT) International Financial
✓ It showed that total FDI in India increased by Services Centre (IFSC) to obtain a BATF (Bookkeeping,
23.3% at market-value in rupee terms during Accounting, Taxation, and Financial Crime
the Financial Year 2023-24(FY24), mainly due Compliance) licence.
to large valuation gains as well as fresh FDI
inflows while, the ODI growth was much lower
PFC, BEML ink pact to finance, execute
at 3.4%.
infrastructure projects in defense, rail
IMF Retained India’s GDP Forecast at 7% for
Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) and Power
FY25; 6.5% for FY26 Finance Corporation (PFC) have signed a
On 22nd October 2024, the International Monetary Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to finance and
Fund (IMF) released its latest report titled ‘October implement critical infrastructure projects, particularly
2024 World Economic Outlook (WEO): Policy Pivot, in the areas of defense, rail transportation and
Rising Threats’. It has retained India’s Gross Domestic infrastructure development.
Product (GDP) growth forecast at 7% and 6.5% for ✓ The MoU was signed between Shantanu Roy,
Financial Year 2024-25 (FY25) and FY26, respectively. Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of
✓ As per the report, the growth outlook for BEML and Parminder Chopra, CMD of PFC on
India will moderate from 8.2% in FY24 to 7% 18th October 2024.
in FY25
✓ The report estimated that the global growth
Mintoak & Axis Bank Partnered to Enable
will remain stable at 3.2% in 2024 and 2025.
However, it has marginally decreased the SMEs with Merchant Payments & Business
global growth rate for 2025 by 10 basis points Solutions
(bps) from 3.3% to 3.2%. Mumbai(Maharashtra) based Mintoak Innovations

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Private Limited(Mintoak ), a merchant software-as-a- more seamless for Small and Medium-sized
service (SaaS) platform, has partnered with Mumbai Enterprises(SMEs).
based Axis Bank Limited to make payment solutions


Former Indian Spinner Neetu David along inducted into the ICC Hall of Fame following
with AB de Villers, Alastair Cook Inducted the induction of Diana Fram Edulji in 2023.

into ICC Hall of Fame

Former Indian spinner Neetu Lawrence David, along Shaktikanta Das receives A+ grade in
with South Africa’s legendary cricketer Abraham Central Bank Report Cards 2024
Benjamin de Villiers and former England Cricket team Shaktikanta Das, the Governor of Reserve Bank of
Captain Sir Alastair Nathan Cook were inducted into India (RBI) received an ‘A+’ grade in Central Bank
the International Cricket Council (ICC)’s Hall of Fame Report Cards 2024 for the second consecutive year
as the Class of 2024. during an event in Washington D.C., the United States
✓ With this, Alastair Cook, Neetu David and AB of America (USA).
de Villiers became 113rd, 114th and 115th ✓ Denmark's Christian Kettel Thomsen, and
inductee in the long list of cricket legends in Switzerland's Thomas Jordan have also been
the Hall of Fame. ranked under the 'A+' category of central
✓ NeetuLawrence David become the 2nd bankers.
women from India and 10th Indian to be


ACC Extended Tenure of Registrar General TV Narendran Elected as Chairman of

Mritunjay Kumar Narayan; Worldsteel; Becomes 2nd Indian to Hold the
Appointed Praveen Vashista as Special Post
Secretary, MHA Thachat Viswanath (TV) Narendran, the Chief
The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director (MD)
has approved the extension of Mritunjay Kumar of Tata Steel, was elected as the chairman of the
Narayan's tenure as Registrar General beyond 6th World Steel Association (Worldsteel) for the
December 2024, for a period up to 4th August 2026, or term 2024-25.
until further orders, whichever is earlier. ✓ He will succeed Leon Topalian, CEO of the
✓ Mritunjay Kumar Narayan is a 1995-batch United States of America (USA)-based Nucor
Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer from Corporation, who served as Chairman of
the Uttar Pradesh (UP) cadre. He took charge Worldsteel (2023-24).
as the Registrar General and Census ✓ He became the 2nd Indian to hold the position
Commissioner of India in November 2022. as the Chairman of Worldsteel after Sajjan
✓ ACC has also appointed Senior Indian Police Jindal, the chairman of JSW Group, who served
Service (IPS) officer Praveen Vashista, as as the chairman from 2021-22.
Special Secretary (Internal Security) in the
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). He will
succeed Sivagami Sundari Nanda, who is set
to retire on 31st December 2024.

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IRFC appoints Manoj Kumar Dubey as ✓ Dr. Archana Majumdar has been designated as
CMD and CEO a member of the commission for a three-year
Manoj Kumar Dubey has been appointed as the
Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) and Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) of the Indian Railway Finance General Luong Cuong elected as the New
Corporation (IRFC) with effect from October 10, 2024 President of Vietnam
for 5 years. He will succeed Shelly Verma. Vietnam's National Assembly elected General Luong
✓ He is an awardee of National Award for Cuong(67-year-old) as the 14th president of Vietnam,
Outstanding Service at the Ministry of during a session held in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Railways(MoR) level in 2011. ✓ He replaced To Lam, who served as the 13th
President of Vietnam from May 2024 to
UK’s Tom Fletcher Appointed as Under- October 2024. To Lam was appointed as the
Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs general secretary of the ruling Communist
Party in August 2024.
& Emergency Relief Coordinator
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General (SG) António
Guterres appointed Tom Fletcher of the United Indian Neuroscientist Shubha Tole
Kingdom (UK) as Under-Secretary-General for Appointed as President-Elect in IBRO
Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Indian neuroscientist Shubha Tole has been appointed
Coordinator, Office for the Coordination of as the president-elect of the International Brain
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Research Organisation (IBRO), marking her as the first
✓ Tom Fletcher will succeed Martin Griffiths of scientist from a developing country to attain this
the UK, who stepped down from the post in prestigious position. She will replace Tracy Bale, an
July 2024 due to health reasons. American neuroscientist.
✓ Shubha Tole will join the IBRO advisory board
Vijaya Kishore Rahatkar appointed as on January 1, 2025 for one year term and will
assume her role as president on January 1,
9th Chairperson of NCW; Dr. Archana
2026. Her tenure will end on December 31,
Majumdar named its Member 2028, after which she will also serve a two-
Vijaya Kishore Rahatkar has been appointed as the year term on the IBRO advisory board as past
9th Chairperson of the National Commission for president.
Women (NCW) with immediate effect. She succeeded
Rekha Sharma, whose tenure as NCW chief ended on
PESB appointed Amit Kumar as CMD of
August 6, 2024.
✓ Vijaya Kishore Rahatkar appointment was AIAHL
made under Section 3 of the NCW Act, 1990. The Public Enterprise Selection Board (PESB)
Her tenure is for three years or until she appointed Amit Kumar as the Chairman and Managing
reaches the age of 65, whichever comes first. Director (CMD) of AI Assets Holding Limited (AIAHL), a
Schedule ‘B’ Central Public Sector Undertaking (PSU).


GoI sold 5% Stake worth Rs 2,026cr in Sale (OFS) priced at Rs 1,540 per share. The total
Cochin Shipyard Limited value of the stake is estimated to be around Rs 2,026
The Government of India (GoI) divested 5% of its stake
in Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), through an Offer for

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CCI Approved Proposed Acquisition of ✓ The CCI has approved the proposal of
24.9% Shareholding in FGIICL and 25.18% Bharti Airtel Limited (Bharti Airtel) to increase
its stake in Indus Towers Limited (Indus
in FGILICL by Central Bank of India
Towers), passive telecom infrastructure
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has
provider, to 50.005% (from previous
approved the proposed acquisition of 24.9%
shareholding of 48.95%) pursuant to buy back
shareholding in Future Generali India Insurance
of shares by Indus Towers.
Company Limited (FGIICL), a general insurance
✓ The CCI has approved the proposal of Aquilo
company and 25.18% shareholding in Future Generali
House Pte. Limited (AHPL) to acquire Aavas
India Life Insurance Company Limited (FGILICL) by
Financiers Limited (AFL) (Target), registered
Central Bank of India, a scheduled commercial bank.
with the National Housing Bank (NHB) as a
non-deposit taking housing finance company.


Indian Army Launches Multi-Target ISRO Gears up for 'Space Handshake'

Detonation Device “Agniastra” in Gangtok SPADEX; Private Firm Delivers two
Indian Army (IA)’s Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), Satellites
General Upendra Dwivedi launched the "Agniastra," a The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has
multi-target portable detonation device (WEDC), during acquired two 400kg satellites that are part of an
the Army Commanders Conference (ACC) held in important upcoming mission known as Space Docking
Gangtok, Sikkim. It was developed by Major Rajprasad Experiment (SPADEX). As part of this mission, these
RS from the Indian Army's Corps of Engineers. two satellites will be ejected into slightly different
✓ WEDC was created to improve the safety and orbits by a single rocket.
reliability of executing multiple-target ✓ Ananth Technologies Private Limited (ATL),
detonations, addressing shortcomings of has facilitated the integration of two 400kg
older systems like the Exploder Dynamo satellites for ISRO and were provided to them
Capacitor. at ISRO's Udupi Ramachandra Rao Satellite
Centre (URSC), Bengaluru - the facility which
Google made AI-led collaborations for is meant for designing and developing
India's Health, Sustainability, & Agriculture satellites.

Google made a series of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-led James Webb telescope discovers Carbon
collaborations aimed at enhancing India's healthcare, Dioxide, Hydrogen Peroxide on Pluto’s
sustainability, and agriculture sectors. This initiative moon Charon
was unveiled during a roundtable event in Bengaluru, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's
Karnataka, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of (NASA) James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
Google’s Research Lab in the city. detected Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Hydrogen
✓ Forus Health (Bengaluru, Karnataka), Peroxide (H2O2) on the surface of Charon, Pluto's
AuroLab (Madurai, Tamil Nadu/TN), largest moon. The discoveries were made using
Perceptra (Thailand) and Saahas Zero Webb’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph(NIRSpec).
Waste/SZW (Bengaluru).

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Indian Navy Launched 4th Nuclear-Powered and can be launched through vertical systems,
Submarine ‘S4*’ in Visakhapatnam, AP compared to 1st SSBN, INS Arihant which
carries K-15 nuclear missiles with a range of
The Indian Navy(IN) has launched its 4th nuclear-
powered ballistic missile submarine (also known as 750 kms.
Ship, Submersible, Ballistic, Nuclear, SSBN) under the
code name “S4*” at the Ship Building Centre (SBC) in ICG Launched Two Fast Patrol Vessels
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh (AP). This marks a ‘Adamya’ & ‘Akshar’ Built by GSL
significant milestone in India’s efforts to enhance its On 28th October 2024, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG)
naval capabilities and maintain strategic stability in the launched two domestic Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs),
Indo-Pacific region. named ‘Adamya’ and ‘Akshar’, built by the Goa
✓ The launch of S4* follows the commissioning Shipyard Limited (GSL).
of Indian Naval Ship (INS) Arighaat (2nd ✓ Each FPV has a length of 52 meters(m) and a
SSBN) by Union Defence Minister Rajnath breadth of 8m.
Singh on 29th August, 2024, while INS ✓ The FPV with Controllable Pitch Propeller-
Aridhaman(3rd SSBN) is expected to be based propulsion system can attain a
commissioned in 2025. maximum speed of 27 knots, and
✓ It is equipped with K-4 ballistic missiles that displacement of 320 tons.
have a target range of 3,500 kilometers (kms)


Recent Discoveries in Biodiversity: new snake species

DiCaprio's Himalayan Snake, New Tenkana named ‘Anguiculus dicaprioi’ in the western
Spider, and Two New Orchid Species
✓ A new species of orchid named ‘Crepidium
According to recent research, scientists have
assamicum’ was discovered in Dibru
discovered new species of snake , spider and orchid in
Saikhowa National Park, Assam and another
the Western Himalayas, Southern India, and
species of orchid named ‘Coelogyne
Northeast India. These findings highlight the region's
tripurensis’ was discovered in Jampui Hills in
rich biodiversity.
the North District of Tripura.
✓ A team of researchers from India, Germany,
and the United Kingdom(UK) discovered this


India’s Arjun Erigaisi won the WR Chess Top 5 of the WR Chess Masters Cup 2024
Masters Cup 2024 Rank Name Rating
Indian Chess Grandmaster (GM) Arjun Erigaisi won 1 Arjun Erigaisi (India) 2797
the Wadim Rosenstein (WR) Chess Masters Nodirbek Abdusattorov
2 2783
Cup 2024 by defeating French GM Maxime Vachier- (Uzbekistan)
Lagrave in an Armageddon tiebreaker. 3 Alireza Firouzja (France) 2767
✓ WR Chess Masters Cup 2024, organised by 4 Viswanathan Anand (India) 2751
entrepreneur Wadim Rosenstein, was held Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa
5 2746
from 14th to 18th October 2024, at the (India)
Langham Hotel, London, United Kingdom

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Formula 1: Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc won the Formula 1: Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz won the
2024 United States Grand Prix Mexico City Grand Prix.
Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc (Monaco) won the title at the Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz (Spain) won the Mexico City
Formula 1(F1) United States (US) Grand Prix (GP) Grand Prix (GP) 2024 (officially Formula 1(F1) Gran
2024 held on 20th October 2024 in the Circuit of The Premio De La Ciudad De México 2024) on 27th
Americas in Austin, Texas, The United States of October 2024 at the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez
America(USA). This marks Charles Leclerc’s 3rd title of in Mexico City, Mexico. This marks Carlos Sainz’s 4th
the 2024 season after Italy GP and Monaco GP. career title and 2nd title of the 2024 season.
Result: ✓ Lando Norris of McLaren finished 2nd (18
Position Winners Team points) and Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc finished
Charles Leclerc 3rd.
1 Ferrari
(Monaco) ✓ Mexico City GP 2024 is the 20th round of the
2 Carlos Sainz (Spain) Ferrari 2024 F1 World Championship.
Max Verstappen Red
(Netherlands) Bull


Former Rajya Sabha MP Dhaneswar Majhi July 1941. He was a five-time Member of the
dies at 83 Legislative Assembly (MLA). representing the Kesinga
and Narla constituencies in Kalahandi district, Odisha.
Former Rajya Sabha MP (Member of Parliament) and
veteran tribal leader Dhaneswar Majhi passed away at
the age of 83 in Kalahandi, Odisha. He was born on 5th


Former Indian Wrestler Sakshi Malik Unveils conservationist, has launched his fourth book titled
Memoir Titled ‘Witness’ ‘Mountain Mammals of the World’, published by
Sakshi Malik, former Indian freestyle wrestler, and Penguin Random House. The book was launched by
former politician-author Padma Vibhushan Dr Karan
Olympic bronze medalist, has unveiled her memoir
Singh at WWF India’s (World Wide Fund for Nature-
titled “Witness” co-authored by journalist Jonathan
Selvaraj, offering readers an intimate glimpse into her India) headquarters in New Delhi, Delhi.
life, struggles, triumphs, and an unwavering refection
on her journey, both in and out of the wrestling ring. PM Narendra Modi launched “Bharatvakya”,
✓ The book, published by Juggernaut Books, a Biography of Classical Musician Bharat
chronicles Malik's ascent to prominence, Balvalli
beginning with her childhood in Rohtak,
Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi launched the book
Haryana, and leading to her role as a trailblazer titled 'Bharatvakya', the biography of renowned
for women in sports.
classical musician Dr. Bharat Balvalli written by
Pravin Vitthal Tarde, an eminent actor and
M.K. Ranjitsinh launches New Book screenwriter. This bilingual book, published by Sakal
titled ‘Mountain Mammals of the World’ Media News Publication, is available in both Marathi
Dr. M.K. Ranjitsinh, a prominent wildlife and English

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World Students’ Day 2024 - October 15 India(GoI), in collaboration with the International
World Students’ Day (WSD) is annually observed Buddhist Confederation (IBC) on 17th October 2024
on 15 October to commemorate the birth in Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi, Delhi.
anniversary of Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, the 11th ✓ International Abhidhamma Divas is annually
President of India (from 2002 to 2007), who is fondly observed across the globe to commemorate
known as the Missile Man of India. 15th October 2024 the descent of Lord Buddha from Tavatimsa-
marks the 93rd birth anniversary of Dr. APJ Abdul devaloka, the celestial realm of the thirty-three
Kalam. divine beings, to Sankassiya (now Sankisa
✓ The theme of WSD 2024 is “Empowering Basantapur in Uttar Pradesh(UP).
Students to be Agents of Change”. The day
honours the contributions of students and World Trauma Day - October 17 2024
promote awareness about the importance of World Trauma Day is annually observed across the
education. globe on 17th October to create awareness about
trauma which refers to an injury to the body or an event
International Day for the Eradication of that causes long-term mental or emotional damage.
Poverty 2024 - October 17 ✓ 17th October 2024 marks the observance of
The United Nations (UN)’s International Day for the the 14th World Trauma Day.
Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) is annually observed ✓ The theme for World Trauma Day 2024 is
across the globe on October 17 to promote "Workplace Injuries: Prevention &
understanding and dialogue between people living in Management”.
poverty and wider society.
✓ 17th October 2024 marks the 32nd National Solidarity Day - October 20 2024
commemoration of IDEP. National Solidarity Day is annually observed across
✓ The theme of IDEP 2024 is “Ending Social and India on 20th October to pay tribute to the soldiers
Institutional Maltreatment Acting together who lost their lives in the line of duty to the nation
for just, peaceful and inclusive societies”. during the 1962 Indo-China War, which began on 20th
October 1962 and ended on 21st November 1962.
World Food Day 2024 – October 16 ✓ The day also honours the bravery and
The United Nations (UN) World Food Day (WFD) is strength of the personnel of the Indian
annually observed across the globe on 16 October to armed forces. 20th October 2024 marks the
raise awareness about healthy diets, promote action 62nd Anniversary of the 1962 Indo-China
against malnutrition and food security, and the need for War.
regular access to nutritious food.
✓ The day also commemorates World Osteoporosis Day 2024 - October 20
the establishment of the Food and Agriculture World Osteoporosis Day (WOD), annually observed
Organization (FAO) of the UN in 1945. across the globe on 20th October, is a global
✓ The theme of WFD 2024 is, “Right to Food for awareness campaign to highlight the importance of
a Better Life and a Better Future”. Osteoporosis and to raise global awareness of the
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Osteoporosis
International Abhidhamma Divas 2024 - and metabolic bone disease.
October 17 ✓ The WOD campaign is a global initiative
supported by the International Osteoporosis
International Abhidhamma Divas 2024 was
Foundation (IOF).
celebrated by the Ministry of Culture, Government of

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✓ The 2024 campaign theme and message Police Commemoration Day 2024 - October
is ‘Say no to fragile bones’. 21
Police Commemoration Day is annually observed
Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders across India on 21st October to honour police
Prevention Day 2024 - October 21 personnel who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
World Iodine Deficiency Day, also known as Global The day remembers the martyrdom of 10 policemen
Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day, is who were killed by Chinese troops during a
annually observed across the globe on 21st October to reconnaissance mission in Hot Springs, Ladakh, in
raise awareness about the crucial role of iodine in 1959.
human health and the serious consequences of iodine
deficiency. World Snow Leopard Day 2024 - October 23
✓ The theme of World Iodine Deficiency Day World Snow Leopard Day(WSLD), also known
2024 was ‘A daily dose of iodine keeps you as International Snow Leopard Day, is annually
fit and fine’. observed across the globe on 23rd October to raise
awareness about the conservation and protection
‘Karmayogi Saptah’ - National Learning of Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia), one of the world’s
Week - 19th to 25th October 2024 most elusive and endangered big cats, and their natural
On 19th October 2024, Narendra Modi, Prime Minister habitat.
✓ The theme of WSLD 2024 is “Safeguarding
(PM) of India, launched the ‘Karmayogi Saptah’ –
Snow Leopard Habitats for Future
National Learning Week(NLW), running from 19th to
25th October 2024, at Dr Ambedkar International
✓ During the Global Snow Leopard Conservation
Centre in New Delhi, Delhi.
Forum held in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, from
✓ The week-long program aims to foster a 'One
22-23 October 2013, the 12 snow Leopard
Government' vision by instilling a commitment
range countries adopted the Bishkek
to lifelong learning and self-improvement for
Declaration on the Conservation of the Snow
over 30 lakh central civil servants.
Leopard and declared the 23rd October of
✓ The observance of the week-long Karmayogi
Saptah was extended to 27th October 2024. every year as the International Snow Leopard
✓ On 21st October 2024 (3rd day of National
Learning Week), Union Minister, G Kishan
Reddy, Ministry of Mines, awarded the Adarsh International Lead Poisoning Prevention
Karmayogi Awards to 13 employees who Week 2024 - October 20 to 26
completed over 100 courses on the iGOT International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week(ILPPW)
Karmayogi portal. is annually observed across the globe in the last full
✓ Sanjay Kumar Aggarwal, Chairman of the week of October to raise awareness about the harmful
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs effects of lead poisoning(lead exposure).
(CBIC), under the Department of Revenue ✓ The 12th ILPPW (2024) took place from 20th -
under the Ministry of Finance, launched a 26th October 2024. The annual observance of
nationwide Behavioral Sensitization program ILPPW is led by the Global Alliance to
in CBIC. Eliminate Lead Paint(Lead Paint Alliance),
jointly with the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) and the World Health

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Ustad Allauddin Khan KAP Sinha Appointed as New Chief

Festival celebrated in Maihar, MP Secretary of Punjab
Ustad Allauddin Khan Festival(also known as The government of Punjab has appointed KAP Sinha, a
Allauddin Khan Sangeet Samaroh)celebrated 1992-batch Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer,
in Maihar, Madhya Pradesh (MP) is dedicated to the as the chief secretary of Punjab, replacing Anurag
legendary musician Ustad Allauddin Khan. 2024 is Verma. He becomes the 43rd chief secretary of
the Golden Jubilee year of this music festival. Punjab. KAP Sinha will also hold the additional charge
of principal secretary, personnel, vigilance and general
MoEFCC Declares Namdapha National Park administration.

and Kamlang Wildlife Sanctuary in

Arunachal Pradesh as ESZ Karnataka Launches ‘Shiksha Copilot’: AI
The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Assistant for Empowering Teachers with
Change (MoEF&CC) designated Namdapha Technology
National Park and Tiger Reserve and Kamlang The Government of Karnataka has introduced
Wildlife Sanctuary and Tiger Reserve located in ‘Shiksha Copilot’, a new Artificial Intelligence (AI)-
Changlang and Lohit of Arunachal Pradesh (AR) powered digital assistant designed to help teachers
respectively, as Eco-Sensitive Zones (ESZ). create lesson plans and improve student learning
✓ Namdapha National Park and Tiger Reserve is outcomes. It was launched by Madhu Bangarappa,
one of India’s largest and most biologically Minister of School Education and Literacy, Karnataka.
diverse protected areas within the Eastern ✓ The initiative is a collaboration between the
Himalayas. It was declared as Tiger Reserve by Sikshana Foundation and Microsoft Research
the Government in 1983. It was the 15th Tiger India. It is part of Project VeLLM, (Very Large
Project of India. Language Model), a Microsoft Research India
initiative that focuses on developing
specialized AI copilots for various users,
including teachers and farmers.

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