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RTA Spec. - Soil Invenstigation

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start of the micro-tunnelling activities. The Contractor shall submit a report

containing photographs and descriptions of the structures.

Concurrently, a level survey on these structures and the surfaces of the roadway
within the above mentioned envelope shall be completed. All these survey data
shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to any construction.


The Contractor shall engage a competent geotechnical firm to design and conduct
a comprehensive soil investigation program along the route of all lines to be
constructed using micro-tunnelling methods.

Boreholes shall be sunk adjacent to all proposed shaft locations. Due to the
variability of soil, rock and groundwater conditions, boreholes should also be sunk
at intermediate locations.

It is recommended that boreholes be sunk at a maximum intermediate spacing

between shafts of 50 meters. In any case, it shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor to adequately familiarize himself with the ground conditions along the
pipeline routes and to assure himself that the selected construction method is
appropriate and safe. This data is also vital to the proper selection of cutting head
for the tunnelling machine.

The boreholes shall be sunk at least 2.0 meters below the level of the proposed
works or at least 50 percent deeper than the proposed works, whichever is deeper
and shall be sited at least 2 metres off the proposed tunnel line to avoid creating
areas of weakened ground.

The following parameters shall be determined from undisturbed samples taken at

different depths, particularly at the tunnel depth:

- Standard penetration tests,

- Liquid and Plastic limits (Atterberg limits),
- Particle Size distribution,
- Shear strength,
- Moisture content,
- Height of water table, and
- Chemical composition of the groundwater

The boring logs, results of the laboratory tests and a discussion of the results as
they pertain to the selection of micro-tunnelling method and the selection of cutting
head shall be compiled in a "Soils Investigation Report" and submitted to the
Engineer prior to commencing micro-tunnelling work on any section.


The Contractor shall engage a geotechnical firm to design, install and operate a
geotechnical monitoring program. The monitoring program shall include:

Volume 2, Part 2, General Specifications-Services Works March 2017 Page 7


- Optical survey for layout and verification of all instrument locations and

- Borehole drilling for installation of settlement anchors, observation wells and, if

requested by the Engineer, inclinometer casings.

- Furnish, install and grout observation wells and, if requested by the Engineer,
inclinometer casings including sensor and readout unit, and furnish and install
settlement anchors and settlement markers.

- Furnish and install surface settlement points on existing structures.

The observation wells, settlement anchors, settlement points and inclinometer

casings (if requested) shall be installed and monitored for 14 days prior to advance
of the tunnel heading to the station of the instrumentation, or to the start of shaft
excavation or to the start-up of a dewatering system.

The geotechnical firm shall read and record data in accordance with the schedule
below and report data from the geotechnical instrumentation within 24 hours to
the Engineer during the course of the work for micro-tunnelling or shaft

Table 16- 2: Micro-tunnelling Monitoring Schedule

Monitoring Schedule

Activity Instrument Reading Frequency

Tunnelling Piezometer and Daily while heading is within 100 feet of

Observation instrument. Weekly while heading is 100 to
Wells 500 feet from instrument.

Inclinometer, Daily while heading is within 50 to 500 feet

Settlement of instrument. After each advance of 5 feet,
anchors and when heading is within 50 feet of
settlement points instruments.

Excavations Observation Daily from start of dewatering to system

Wells shutdown.

Inclinometer Daily from start to completion of


Weekly until backfill completed within 50%

of final grade.
Monthly until backfill completed.


Volume 2, Part 2, General Specifications-Services Works March 2017 Page 8

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