Yojana Magazine Sept 2024
Yojana Magazine Sept 2024
Yojana Magazine Sept 2024
Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides. Since 1957 A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY
RIg Veda
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objectives, the
(poor), `Mch/./cJc7yen' (women), `yuvcJ' (youth), and
Minister highlighted nine priority areas in her
`Annadc7fa' (farmer). Key areas of emphasis include
speech: productivity and resilience in agriculture;
employment generation, skilling, Micro, Small, and employment and skilling; inclusive human resource
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), and the middle class. development and social justice; manufacturing
The budget proposals aim to create a virtuous cycle and services; urban development; energy
Priority 1: Productivity and Resilience in heavily depends on imports to meet its edible
Agriculture oil requirements. The budget emphasises
achieving self-sufficiency in the production
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the Indian
of pulses and oilseeds by strengthening their
economy, providing livelihood support to 42.3
production, storage, and marketing.
per cent of the population and contributing 18.2
per cent to the country's GDP. Recognising its iv. Vegetable Production and Supply Chains:
critical importance, the budget rightly focusses on India, with a production of 256 MT (Metric
transforming lndia's agricultural sector to ensure Tonnes), is the second-largest producer of fruits
food security, enhance farmers' income, and make and vegetables globally. However, significant
agriculture more productive, sustainable, and post-harvest losses occur due to inefficient
resilient to climate change. The agriculture and supply chains, inadequate infrastructure,
allied sectors have received a generous allocation transportation issues, and poor market linkages.
of Rs 1.52 lakh crore in the budget. Key initiatives To address these challenges, the Finance
announced to enhance productivity and resilience Minister announced plans to develop large-scale
in agriculture are as follows: clusters for vegetable production near major
consumption centres and promote Farmer
i. Transforming Agricultural Research:
Producer Organisations (FPOs), cooperatives,
Achieving a quantum leap in agricultural
and startups for vegetable supply chains.
productivity requires transforming research
to enhance productivity and develop climate- v. Digital public.nfrastructure for Agriculture:
resilient varieties. The government has decided Digital Public Infrastructure (Dpl) will enable
to comprehensively revamp the country's the development of innovative, farmer-centric
agricultural research setup. The budget also solutions and services to improve agricultural
proposes to provide funds for agricultural productivity and profitability. It will assist in
research in a challenge mode for both the providing relevant information services on
public and private sectors. Additionally, it aims crop planning and health, improve access
to provide 109 new, high-yielding, and climate- to farm inputs, credit, and insurance, aid in
resilient varieties of 32 field and horticultural crop estimation and market intelligence, and
crops to farmers. support the growth of the Agri-Tech industry
broodstock will be set up, and financing will be This scheme targets 2.1 crore youth entering
the workforce with salaries up to Rs 1 lakh per
provided for shrimp farming, processing, and
export. The government will also introduce the month.The government will pay one month's salary,
National Cooperation Policy to ensure systematic, up to Rs 15,000, directly to the employee's bank
orderly, and all-round development of the account in three instalments. All formal sectors are
cooperative sector, fast-tracking rural economic c`overed, but employers must refund the subsidy if
employment ends within 12 months of recruitment.
growth and generating large-scale
opportunities. Employment Linked Incentive SchemelB
Thus, the budget aims to tr (Job Creation in Manufacturing):
agricultural landscape of the cou making Benefiting 30 Iakh youth, this scheme promotes
it more resilient to climate change he substantial hiring of first-time employees in
fluctuations. Comprehensive support for manufacturing. Incentives are provided if employers
achieve this objective is outlined in the budget too. hire at least 25 per cent more EPFO employees
Priority 2: Employment and Skilling
non-EPFO workers. The government will pay 24 per
lndia'sdemographicdividendoffersasignificant cent of the wage or salary for the first two years,16 per
advantage, but challenges like skill mismatches, cent in the third year, and 8 per cent in the fourth year.
regional disparities in job opportunities, The scheme covers employees with salaries up to Rs 1
underemployment, and unemployment must be lakh per month, but incentives for those earning over
Rs 25,000 are capped at Rs 25,000/month.T aligning course content with industry needs and
is in addition to Scheme-A benefits. introducing new courses for emerging demands.
iii. Employment Linked Incentive Scheme-C Capacity at five national institutes for training
tr_ainers will also be augmented.
(Support to Employers):
This scheme is expected to incentivise the ii. Internship atTop companies
employment of 50 lakh people and cover additional The Prime Minister's Internship Scheme will skill
employment in all sectors. Employers with fewer one crore youth, aged 21 -24, over five years through
than 50 employees who increase their EPFO internships at lndia's top companies. Interns will
employees by at least two, and other employers receive a Rs 5,000 monthly allowance for one year,
who increase EPFO employees by five are eligible with the government covering Rs 54,000 annually
for incentives. The government will reimburse towards the allowance and Rs 6,000 for incidentals.
up to Rs 3,000 per month for two years towards Companies will contribute Rs 6,000 monthly and
EPFO contributions for each additional employee. bear training costs through CSR funds.
This subsidy is in addition to Scheme-A but is not The coverage and estimated central outlay of
available for employees under Scheme-B. the schemes in the Prime Minister's package for
Skilling employment and skilling are summarised in Table-1.
Enhancing employability is another focus of the Additionally, the Finance Minister announced
budget. For this, the government plans to introduce the construction of working women hostels and
advanced skill training programs and upgrade creches to facilitate higher workforce participation
Industrial Training Institutes (lTls) in collaboration by women, as well as skilling loans and education
with the industry. Key skilling schemes include: loan schemes. One lakh students will benefit from
i. Newschemeforskilling and upgradation of education loans up to Rs 10 lakh with a 3 per cent
ITls: interest subvention, and 25,000 youth will receive
skilling loans annually.
Under the Prime Minister's package, a new
Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) with an outlay Thus, the Union Budget 2024-25 presents
of Rs 60,000 crore will be launched to skill 20 lakh a comprehensive strategy to address lndia's
youth over five years. The central government, employment challenges, create a robust framework
state governments, and industry will contribute Rs for j.ob creation, and drive inclusive economic
30,000 crore, Rs 20,000 crore, and Rs 10,000 crore,growth. The employment generation initiatives are
respectively.The scheme will upgrade 1,000 ITls in a ambitious, targeting multiple sectors and addressing
hub-and-spoke model with industry collaboration, diverse aspects of the employment landscape.
ii. Purvodaya: The eastern p of India, cent to Rs 3.8 Iakh crore. To address housing
in cultural traditions and r urces, will needs, the central government will support
comprehensive developm under constructing three crore additional houses
'Purvodayt7' plan. This initiative under the PM Awas Yojana.
human resources, infrastructure, The government's focus on human capital
opportunities, transforming the region into an development and social justice in the budget is a
eng.ine for a Viksit Bharat. welcome move, promoting inclusive growth and
iii. Women-Led Development: The budget ensuring that development benefits all sections of
allocates over Rs 3 lakh crore for schemes society.
benefiting women and girls, emphasising their Priority 4: Manufacturing and Service
role in economic development. Enhanced
Revitalising the manufacturing and service
funding targets their health, nutrition, and
sectors to boost economic growth and create
jobs is a key priority of the budget. Special
attention has been paid to promoting MSMEs
and labour-intensive manufacturing. MSMEs, the
backbone of the Indian economy, are crucial for
employment generation. The budget earmarks
Rs 1.5 Iakh crore for the MSME sector, including
measures to enhance credit availability, reduce
compliance burdens, and provide technical
support. Key initiatives include:
i. Credit Guarantee Scheme for MSMEs: The
government will introduce a credit guarantee
scheme to facilitate term loans for MSMEs to
purchase machinery and equipment without
collateral or third-party guarantees. An
amount of Rs 9,812 crore is allocated in the
budget for the scheme. This will enable small
businesses to expand, improve credibility,
and create more jobs.
ii. Private Infrastructure Investment: The The budget also proposes simplifying rules
government will promote private sector and regulations for Foreign Direct Investment (FDl)
investment in infrastructure through viability and overseas investments to attract more foreign
gap funding, enabling policies, and a market- capital, prioritise investments, and promote the use
based financing framework. of the Indian Rupee for overseas transactions.
iii. Pradhan MantriGram sadakYojana (PMGSY): Epilogue
Phase lv of PMGSY will be launched to provide As India navigates a rapidly changing global
all-weather connectivity to an additional 25,000 economic landscape, the budget for 2024-25 sets
rural habitations. the course for a resilient and sustainable future. The
iv. Tourism Infrastructure: The central government success of these initiatives will depend on effective
will support state governments in developing implementation, continuous monitoring, and
iconic tourist destinations. Tourism development adaptability to evolving circumstances. D
Promoting lnvB§tment,
Employment & Social SBcurity
Labour RefBrrms
a Angel tcix for clll clcisses of investors to be
cibolished, to bolster Indian stcirt-up
o E-shrqm portal to bE integrated
with other portc]ls to provide
a Corporcite tcix rote on foreign compclnies to be
one-stop lc]bour services solution;
reduced to 35o/a
will include mE[hclnism to [onne[t
a Simpler tax regime for foreign shipping [ompclnies operclting job-seEl{ers with potential
domestic Cruises in the country employers c]nd sl{ill providers
skilled with relevant and employable skills. Scheme C: Support to Employers: This
initiativeaddressestheskillsgapinlndia'sworkforce, scheme reimburses up to Rs 3,000 per month of
a critical impediment to economic productivity and EPFO contributions for new hires earning less
competitiveness. By modernising these lTls, the than Rs 1 lakh per month. It aims to incentivise
Government is creating a robust infrastructure for the creation of 50 lakh newjobs across various
vocational training that aligns with the demands of sectors, supporting broad-based employment
a rapidly evolving j.ob market. growth and reducing barriers for employers to
expand their workforce.
The budget also introduces a revised Model
Skill Loan Scheme, providing loans up to Rs 7.5 Iakh Social Justice
with government guarantees. This measure aims Social j.ustice is an integral part of human
to support 25,000 students annually, enabling resource development. The budget's focus on
them to pursue vocational training without the social justice aims to ensure that economic
financial burden. Moreover, education loans of growth benefits all sections of society, particularly
up to Rs 10 lakh will be offered with an annual the marginalised and disadvantaged. But how
interest subvention of 3 per cent, benefiting can we measure the true impact of social justice
1 lakh students each year. These financial support initiatives?
mechanisms are designed to democratise access
Saturation Approach
to quality education and training, fostering an
inclusive growth environment where economic The budget adopts a saturation approach,
opportunities are within reach for all. aiming to cover all eligible individuals under
various government schemes. This approach
Employment-Linked Incentives ensures comprehensive coverage and eliminates
The budget outlines three employment-linked exclusion errors, which have historically hindered
incentive schemes with a central outlay of Rs 2 the effectiveness of welfare programmes. The
lakh crore over five years. These schemes target Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana,
different aspects of employment creation, each which provides free food grains to over 80 crore
croreupgradeofl,000lTls,aimstQbridgeworkforce Rdeandcodfu-priiiiiiysyedm
skills gaps, fostering economic productivity. This erxrig± is tchg isbd at the request Of tw. Alha Rae. Advisor* FSSAL these mme
ve find as €dbg athpr Of the pdylicdim mchtioaiaed ahevre* It is amed din wltile Eir.
AdEa Rae cdcoqpgEd and farili]a8ed this iveck as a oeprnrfing Gfficcr to the amhors. ds did fwh
Employment-linked incentives, with a Rs 2 € co de fGgrfu or v"g. Hchce, the ¢mes* audeg3hip lisle is Dr. Htrm Yddrv,
Tchied Officer, rssAI and in, AndL Sba" Dfrocter. rssAI. Yqbe nd Ptrmcrfu
lakh crore outlay, are set to catalyse job creation. divirfutxlrtyqquffljt)rindisinadverfedcrmrtydealdhom
Scheme A offers a Rs 15,000 wage Subsidy for
first-time employees, benefiting 2.1 crore youth. dr,ife
DtiDector. FSS.AI
schemes will boost job creation in manufacturing and support for SMEs.
market challenges and fostering economic growth.
UsheringEnhancedEmpleymentopportunities central outlay of Rs 2 Iakh crore. The Ministry of
through Emplnymemt Linked Incentive Labour and Employment has been tasked with the
The Finance Minister in her Budget Speech creation of an environment through Employment
laid down the Government's priorities to focus on Linked Incentive (ELI) to foster employment in the
employment, skilling, MSMEs and the middle class country. A series Of innovative schemes focused
with the announcement of the Prime Minister's on job creation and youth employment while
package of 5 schemes and initiatives to facilitate ensuring that the informal sector also benefits
employment, skilling and other opportunities from the various Government Schemes. The next
for 4.1 crore youth over a .t5-year period with a generation job portal, National Career Services
"T7o Pecpme a developed nation, we need to strive to be a USS 30 trillion economy by 2047 with a per
ca.p_i.ta incoTe of uS$ 18,000 per annum. The GDP would have to grow 9 times from today's USS 3.36
trillion, and the per capita income would need to rise 8 times from today's USS 2,392 per annum."
-Vision for Viksit Bharat@2047: An Approach Paper by NITI Aayog, released on 27 July 2024
hen a nation aims to become the leads to another positive, and the process continues
5 per cent
Needless to mention here that a good chunk of PIT tc per cent
7-10 lekh rupees
comes from salaried assessees, hence, there will be 15=iiIQkhrupees 15 per cent
---fa--T5 lath rupeHse
close scrutiny of the Union Budget to determine 20 per cent
what measures are for the salaried class in the Above 15 Iokh rupcos 30 per cent
income tax. Based on the announcements, there • lncoime tax saving of up to 3 17,500/- for salaried employee ln
new tax regime
are two measures for salaried employees, with
lnc®in® Tax R®Itof tor around Four t=r®re Salarled lndfuiduals
one having pensioners too. There are some other and Pensloners
measures that can either help in increasing the • Standard deduction for salaried emplayees to be lncrca§ed
tram e 50,Qo0|-to era,ono|-
number of salaried persons in the formal sector or •#:dju§t!:,no88/f.atTl±y2¥gg:a/:forpensionerstobe!ncreased
boost the employability of educated youths:
to Rs 10 lakh, with a rate of 10 per cent. slab of
Rs 9 lakh to Rs 12 lakh is now contracted to
Rs 10 lakh to Rs 12 lakh at a rate of 15 per cent.
''With these changes (hiking standard deducting 2024-Z5
and restructuring slabs), a salaried employee in the Ermpl8yrmEHt&§killiflg
new tax regime stands to save up to Rs 17,500 in
7.ncome fc7x," said Finance Minister Smt Nirmala
Sitharaman in her budget speech.
S[hemE A: First Timers
3. Employment Linked Incentive (ELI) Scheme:
a Birett benefit trflnsfer of 1-month salary
ln order to add more and more employed in 3 instqllmEnts up to ¥ 15fo88 to
persons to the category of salaried persons, a first-time Emplnyees registered in EPFO
three-tiered ELl scheme has been proposed:
Scheme 8: Job Eredtion in Monufucturing
i. Scheme A: Under this, a one-month wage up ® Incentive tB be provided di*e[tly to both employee
to Rs 15,000 will be given to all persons newly and employer os per their EPFO contribution, in
the first 4 yeflr5 of employment
entering the workforce in all formal sectors. The
amount will be given in 3 instalments through S[heme C: Suppert to Employers
the direct benefit transfer. The eligibility limit C Reimbur5emeut to empleyers up to ¥ 3,000 per mouth for 2 years
be a salary of Rs 1 lakh per month.The towards their EPFO [®ntribution for cach qdditionql employee
Time and again, scientific research has proven its critical importance in
agriculture development through the 3Is (Intervention, Invention and
Innovation). The nation is proud of having one of the world's largest
agricultural research, extension and education networks. But now it needs to
be fineltuned to tackle new and emerging challenges. Hence, the Government
proposed `a comprehensive review of the agricultural research setup to
bring focus to raising productivity and developing climate resilient varieties'.
The Government has committed to building DPI for agriculture as an open
source, open standard and interoperable public good. It will be a multifaceted
architecture that will enable inclusive and farmer-centric solutions through
relevant information services on various aspects of farming. Budget
allocations and provisions for agriculture and allied sectors have a visionary
approach to making India a selflreliant and developed nation by 2047.
The Government is eyeing a rich dividend for farming, is a non-chemical system of fafroing with
farmers and the nation by strengthening the no use of external inputs. It integrates 'crops, trees,
agricultural research ecosystem with human and livestock and traditional indigenous practices with
financial resources. the concepts of resource recycling and on-farm
The fisheries sector, often referred to as a 'sunrise Budget allocations and provisions for agriculture
sector; has emerged as a significant contributor and allied sectors have a visionary approach to
to the national economy, and also supports the making India a self-reliant and developed nation by
livelihood of approximately 30 million people, 2047. Further, welfare and financial empowerment
mainly belonging to marginalised and vulnerable of poor and small farmers are at the core. t]
sA[HIN [HATunvEDI The author is the Director General, RIS (Research and Information System for Developing Countries), New Delhi. Email: dg@ris.org.in
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gas imports while also importing coal. As per launched to install rooftop solar plants to
Economic survey 2023-24, lndia's energy needs are enable 1 crore households obtain free electricity
expected to grow 2 to 2.5 times by 2047 to meet a upto 300 units every month. The scheme has
growing economy's developmental priorities and generated remarkable response with more
aspirations. Energy security would be enhanced than 1.28 crore household registrations besides
through diversification of the sources of imports 14 lakh applications.
and increased domestic production while reducing I As support to traditional micro and small
energy demand. Our fossil fuel requirement which enterprises, an investment-grade energy audit
comprise 90 per cent of our commercial primary of traditional micro and small industries in 60
energy supply are increasingly being met by clusters including brass and ceramic will be
imports which means that reducing fossil fuel facilitated. Financial support will be provided
consumption would promote the twin goals of for shifting them to cleaner forms of energy and
sustainability and security. NITI Aayog's India implementation of energy efficiency measures.
Energy Security Scenarios 2047 estimates that The scheme will be replicated in another loo
India will need to invest US$250 billion annually clusters in the next phase.
until 2047 to prepare its energy systems for
Budgetary AE!ocations FY 24-25
net-zero pathways.
Apart from estimates and revenue, the
Budget 2024-25
annual budget exercise provides directions to
As part of the Union Budget 2024-25, the the economic policy measures and articulate
Finance Minister announced following key major initiatives of the Government. In 2024-25,
measures to enhance energy security: the Ministry of Non Renewal Energy (MNRE) has
I The Government will collaborate with the been allocated Rs 19100 crore which is an annual
private sector on research and development increase of 86.7 per cent over the budget allocation
for Bharat Small Modular Reactors and new (Rs 10222.00 crore) in 2023-24. The budgetary
nuclear energy technologies, and establish allocation for the Ministry of Power has been
Bharat Small Reactors. pegged at Rs 20502 crore (as against Rs 20671 crore
which promises overall holistic and sustainable • Newspapercoverageswith Analysis on union Budget2024-25.
for significant foreign investment, a major o Female enrolment in higher education increased
contributor to exports, and a provider of large-scale by 28 per cent in 10 years
I ----- ~ --I --
employment. In 2022-23, the sector accounted o Female constitute 43 per cent of enrolment in STEM
for over 50 per cent of lndia's GDP and witnessed courses, one of the highest in the world
a growth rate of 9.1 per cent. Of the 8.12 million
o 1 crore women assisted by 83 Iakh SHGs to become
jobs created in FY23, nearly half were generated by Lakhpati Didis
service sector companies in IT, banking, and finance.
As the engine of growth for lndia's economy, the commercial services exports and increase its share
services sector contributed 55 per cent to lndia's in the global services ,market beyond the current
Gross Value Added (GVA) at current prices in FY24, 3.3 per cent, the Government is making concerted
according to advance estimates. It also ranked first efforts to facilitate a multi-fold expansion in the
in FDl inflows, as per data from the Department for GDP.
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
India's unique position as an emerging market
India's services sector encompasses a diverse is bolstered by its knowledge-based services, which
range of activities, including trade, hotels and create a competitive advantage. The Indian services
restaurants, transport, storage and communication, industry benefits from numerous government
finance, insurance, real estate, business services, initiatives like Smart Cities, clean India and Digital
community, social and personal services, and India, fostering an environment that strengthens
construction-related services. To boost lndia`'s the sector. This environment has the potential
With one of the youngest popu Another inclusive initiative by the government is
median age of 28, India can harness its Ographic enhance women's participation in the workforce
dividend by nurturing a workforc facilitating the establishment of working
with employable skills that match ind omen's hostels and creches in collaboration with
Offering internship opportunities to dustry.This initiative aims to reduce turnover rates
among female employees by addressing the work-
youth in the top 500 companies, with a mix of
life balance challenges faced by women, thereby
government contributions and CSR spend by the
industry, is a novel idea. These interns will acquire expanding the talent pool available to industries.
industry-specific knowledge and build professional We need to now ensure that these hostels are near
networks that can lead to job and self-employment the workplaces of women employees.
opportunities. More importantly, these interns A key objective on our path to Vi.k5tt Bhc7rc7f is to
will help in replicating the world class culture and bringourvastunorganisedsectorintotheorganised
systems of the top 500 companies in other entities, fold. The e-Shram portal, lndia's first national
thereby helping them scale up. database of unorganised workers, has already