Efficient Deep Learning Based Hybrid Model To Detect Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Efficient Deep Learning Based Hybrid Model To Detect Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Efficient Deep Learning Based Hybrid Model To Detect Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Efficient Deep Learning Based Hybrid Model to Detect
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Prashant Hemrajani 1 , Vijaypal Singh Dhaka 1 , Geeta Rani 1 , Praveen Shukla 1 and Durga Prasad Bavirisetti 2, *
1 Computer and Communication Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur 303007, Rajasthan, India
2 Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
7034 Trondheim, Norway
* Correspondence: durga.bavirisetti@ntnu.no
Abstract: An increasing number of patients and a lack of awareness about obstructive sleep apnea is
a point of concern for the healthcare industry. Polysomnography is recommended by health experts
to detect obstructive sleep apnea. The patient is paired up with devices that track patterns and
activities during their sleep. Polysomnography, being a complex and expensive process, cannot be
adopted by the majority of patients. Therefore, an alternative is required. The researchers devised
various machine learning algorithms using single lead signals such as electrocardiogram, oxygen
saturation, etc., for the detection of obstructive sleep apnea. These methods have low accuracy, less
reliability, and high computation time. Thus, the authors introduced two different paradigms for the
detection of obstructive sleep apnea. The first is MobileNet V1, and the other is the convergence of
MobileNet V1 with two separate recurrent neural networks, Long-Short Term Memory and Gated
Recurrent Unit. They evaluate the efficacy of their proposed method using authentic medical cases
from the PhysioNet Apnea-Electrocardiogram database. The model MobileNet V1 achieves an
accuracy of 89.5%, a convergence of MobileNet V1 with LSTM achieves an accuracy of 90%, and a
convergence of MobileNet V1 with GRU achieves an accuracy of 90.29%. The obtained results prove
the supremacy of the proposed approach in comparison to the state-of-the-art methods. To showcase
the implementation of devised methods in a real-life scenario, the authors design a wearable device
that monitors ECG signals and classifies them into apnea and normal. The device employs a security
mechanism to transmit the ECG signals securely over the cloud with the consent of patients.
Citation: Hemrajani, P.; Dhaka, V.S.;
Rani, G.; Shukla, P.; Bavirisetti, D.P.
Keywords: MobileNet V1; Long Short Term Memory; obstructive sleep apnea; single-lead ECG;
Efficient Deep Learning Based
Gated Recurrent Unit
Hybrid Model to Detect Obstructive
Sleep Apnea. Sensors 2023, 23, 4692.
been observed higher in the country’s western region. According to the report, OSA
varies between 4.4% and 19.7% for males and 2.5% to 7.4% for females [10]. OSA is also
becoming more well-recognized as a primary cause of high blood pressure, cerebrovascular
disease, and cardiovascular disease [6,11]. The Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) is a clinical
assessment of OSA severity that counts apnea and hypopnea occurrences during a specific
time while sleeping [7]. Polysomnography (PSG) is the “gold standard” for identifying
OSA in clinical terms [8,11]. To detect sleep problems, patients must wear several wires
and sensors on their bodies for one or more nights and rely on specialized laboratories and
people. PSG is an expensive and time-consuming procedure that is tough to implement.
As a result, researchers have proposed several single-lead signals-based OSA detection
methods because single signals such as the ECG can pinpoint the occurrence of OSA in
diagnosed patients due to a decrease in blood oxygen levels, forcing the cardiovascular
system to work harder to maintain an adequate oxygen level throughout the body, forcing
the cardiovascular system to work harder to maintain proper oxygen level throughout
the body. In an earlier study, the majority of researchers relied on standard machine
learning algorithms and CNN models, both of which lacked the ability to extract features
under varying sizes and channels [8,9,12] To improve the accuracy of the classification of
obstructive sleep apnea, the proposed research seeks to optimize the features extracted
from the convolutional neural network derived from the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal
and associate it with a recurrent neural network (LSTM). This is the novel aspect of the
research. Our key contributions are as follows:
1. Two OSA detection models are proposed, first using MobileNet V1, which offers
improved accuracy over the state-of-the-art on the same data set.
2. The second OSA detection model is proposed by integrating MobileNet V1 with
two different RNNs (LSTM and GRU) used separately to provide two distinct deep-
learning models. This model offers the highest accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity
over the state-of-the-art on the same data set.
3. A secured wearable device to detect and classify ECG signals of the patient being
apneic or not. A security mechanism assures the data received from the sensors is left
open to any mishandling.
The rest of this paper is laid out as follows. The related works will be described in
Section 2. The preprocessing methods, training parameters, and proposed algorithms are
all described in Section 3. In Section 4, the dataset and results are shown. Section 5 contains
the conclusion.
2. Related Works
Most single-lead OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) detection research points to the
use of pulse oximetry and ECG-based signals. The extraction of information (e.g., fre-
quency and time domain, and other variables), and finding patterns and trends are used
to determine and predict OSA occurrence accurately. A cumulative study of previous
work conducted on the Physionet Apnea-ECG database [13], using Lead-II ECG signals
(35 withheld + 35 released) is shown in Table 1.
Changyue Song et al. has used the Discriminative Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
to detect OSA from ECG signals [14]. However, this was unable to point to the severity
level of the OSA episode. The result is limited to a Boolean value with failure to elaborate
thereof. Another study based on DNN and HMM was performed by Kunyang Pan et al.
using a single-lead ECG signal [7]. Different classifiers increased the method’s performance
[Support vector machines (SVM), ANN, HMM]. The decision fusion algorithm and Newton
method were also used [11]. In contrast, the disadvantage of this research is the absence of
classification and illness detection.
For extricating multiple features from the RR intervals (RRIS) sequence, Qi Shen et al. [8]
used a methodology based on the multiscale dilation attention 1-D convolutional neural
network model, a multiscale feature extraction algorithm, and classifiers with weighted
loss and time-dependence (WLTD) [15]. Single-lead ECG signals were employed, which
Sensors 2023, 23, 4692 3 of 20
were helpful since they are more useful in wearable devices than in medical monitoring
systems [8]. Unfortunately, the network model struggled to automatically extract charac-
teristics from the original ECG data, necessitating substantial manual intervention. Deep
Learning is employed for classification while Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent
networks are applied for feature extraction. The 2D-CNN model and the LSTM were used
to recover the spatial and temporal properties [16].
A single-lead ECG model, proposed by Kaicheng et al., will be used for unsuper-
vised feature learning to detect sleep apnea. The frequential stacked sparse auto-encoder
(FS-SAE) and the time-dependent cost-sensitive (TDCS) classification served as the model’s
foundation, and the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) was used to create it [17].
Gregoire Surrel et al. proposed a wearable device that was an energy-efficient system
through time-domain analysis using single-channel ECG signals. This device can transfer
its results to an internet website for constant monitoring and tracking of the progression of
the ailment due to its Bluetooth connection [18].
In addition, Singh et al. [19] employed a continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to
construct a two-dimensional scalogram image from each minute of the ECG segment. It
analyzed CNN and AlexNet models.
Tao Wang et al. devised a method that employs a time window artificial neural network
to model the temporal dependency between ECG signal segments without requiring any
previous preconceptions about training data distribution [12].
Some authors have also worked on OSA detection using multiple other techniques.
Table 2 shows some of these results. We can see that a maximum accuracy of 97.5% was
achieved by [7] with the help of a random forest classifier. Whereas the lowest of 80.5%
was exhibited by [20] who used Single channel ECG and hybrid ML Models. The above
studies have used the Physionet Apnea dataset with various combinations of released and
withheld data apart from 35 + 35 to produce results.
Table 1. Cumulative study of previous work conducted on the Physionet Apnea-ECG database, using
Lead-II ECG signals (35 withheld + 35 released).
Table 2. A comparative study of multiple other methods on the Physionet Apnea-ECG database,
using Lead-II ECG signals other than (35 withheld + 35 released).
Figure 1. Preprocessing
Preprocessing of
of Physionet
Physionet Apnea-ECG
Apnea-ECG database.
3.3. Training
3.3.1. Optimizer
An optimizer
optimizer is is aa function/algorithm
function/algorithm to tomodify
modifythe theattributes
weights of epochs, learning
of epochs, learningrate)rate)andand serves
serves to minimize
to minimize the the
loss loss function,
function, thus
thus im-
improving accuracy. The weight is initialized using a variety of techniques
proving accuracy. The weight is initialized using a variety of techniques and modified and modified
epoch according
according to to the
the update
update equation [25,26].
equation [25,26].
Adaptive first- and second-order moment estimation isisused
first- and second-order moment estimation usedininthe thestochastic
ent descent method known as Adam optimization. Instead of
ent descent method known as Adam optimization. Instead of employing the standard sto-employing the standard
stochastic gradient
chastic gradient descent
descent technique,
technique, it may it may regularly
regularly modify modify
weights weights in the network
in the network based
on training statistics [26]. The gradient descent approach can be sped up byup
on training statistics [26]. The gradient descent approach can be sped by using
using the
the gradients’
gradients’ exponentially
exponentially weighted
weighted average.
average. TheThe gradient
gradient descent
descent approachcan
approach canbebesped
up bybyusing
using the
gradients’ exponentially
exponentially weighted average. Stochastic
weighted average. Stochasticgradient
operates a single learning rate for all weight changes (alpha) [27,28].
operates a single learning rate for all weight changes (alpha) [27,28]. Throughout the train- Throughout the
training, the pace, as mentioned earlier, remains constant. As learning
ing, the pace, as mentioned earlier, remains constant. As learning progresses, the learning progresses, the
learning rate network
rate of each of each network weight (parameter)
weight (parameter) is adjustedis adjusted individually.
individually. Adam extendsAdam the extends
the capabilities of stochastic gradient descent by combining the benefits
pabilities of stochastic gradient descent by combining the benefits of two previous opti- of two previous
optimization methodologies:
mization methodologies: the Mean
the Root Root Mean
SquareSquare Propagation,
Propagation, which maintains
which maintains per-param- per-
parameter learning
eter learning ratesare
rates that that are tailored
tailored basedbased on of
on a set a set of boundaries
boundaries (e.g., quickly
(e.g., how how quickly
it is
is changing), and the Adaptive Gradient Algorithm/Momentum,
and the Adaptive Gradient Algorithm/Momentum, which improves perfor- which improves per-
formance on problems with sparse gradients (such as natural language
mance on problems with sparse gradients (such as natural language processing and com- processing and
puter visionvision problems)
problems) [29]. non-stationary
[29]. Both Both non-stationary and stationary
and stationary problems problems can be
can be tackled
tackled using this
using this method. method.
for converting what would essentially be a linear regression model into a capable neural
network with nonlinear inputs that can learn and perform more complex tasks [30,32].
As a result, it is critical to the network’s success, and multiple activation functions are
frequently employed for different portions of the model. The rectified linear activation
function (ReLU), a piecewise linear function used in this work, returns zeros for negative
input and returns the input directly for positive input. It can be expressed in Equation (1)
where, f (x) equals x when x is less than zero, and f (x) equals x when x is higher than or
equal to zero. As a result, it is the default activation for building multilayer perceptron
and convolutional neural networks since it resolves the vanishing gradient problem, en-
abling models to train more quickly and perform better. Stochastic gradient descent with
backpropagation of errors is needed to train deep neural networks. Although it appears to
behave and look like a linear function, it actually possesses nonlinear properties that can
be utilized to uncover intricate data correlations [29]. Additionally, it reduces saturation
while increasing sensitivity to overall activity. When employing backpropagation to train a
neural network, the function is linear for values greater than zero, which has many of the
same advantages as a linear activation function. Negative values are always output as zero,
indicating that the function is nonlinear.
where tj and sj are the ground truth and the CNN score for each class j in c. Table 3
displays the hyperparameters that were taken into consideration while tuning the hybrid
deep-learning models.
learning models.
S. No Hyperparameter Value
Sensors 2023, 23, 4692 1 Batch Size 32 7 of 20
Given an input sequence X = [x1, x2, . . . , xT], an RNN specifies a series of hidden
states ht given by Equation (3)
An RNN may be conceived of as numerous replicas of the same network, each for-
warding a message to a successor, as represented in Figure 3.
Figure 2. The construction of a conventional RNN.
An RNN may be conceived of as numerous replicas of the same network, each for-
Sensors 2023, 23, 4692 8 of 20
warding a message to a successor, as represented in Figure 3.
hn = o# tan cn (6)
Sensors 2023, 23, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 21
Figure BasicLSTM
LSTM Structure.
al. [21]
[21] used
used the
the unfolding of Bidirectional LSTM networks (BLSTM). Two Two
distinct LSTMnetworks
networks govern
govern forward. The proposed and backward backward motion
motion in inBLSTM.
This structureanalyzes
combining prior
prior andand upcoming
upcoming sequential
sequential information
information in real-
in real-time.
time. Figure
Figure 4 depicts
4 depicts the LSTM the fundamental
LSTM fundamental in its
in its most most
basic basic
form. Wform.
Yang W Yang
et al. [46]etused
al. [46]
used the polysomnography
MIT-BIH MIT-BIH polysomnographydatabase [13]database
to test [13]
test their technique.
They took 14 They took 14
including including
one that hadone that had
a signal a signal
detected usingdetected
a nasalusing a nasalHowever,
thermistor. thermistor. However,
there are no
there are nofor
annotations annotations
start and for endstart and end
positions positions
in this in this
database. database.
It only offersItepoch
only offers epoch
for 30 s. Thefor 30 s. The
events were events
as tagged as 30 annotations,
30 s epoch s epoch annotations,
and theand the database’s
database’s single
single respiration
respiration signal
signal was wastosent
sent the to the LSTM
LSTM network.
network. The method’s
The method’s recallrecall
on theon MIT-BIH
the MIT-
BIH polysomnography
polysomnography database
database is 90.0%,
is 90.0%, 87.1%,
87.1%, andand 83.2%,
83.2%, respectively,
respectively, for for normal,
normal, ap-
and and hypopnea episodes.
Gated Recurring
Recurring UnitUnit
MobileNetV1, V1,the
the Gated
Gated Recurrent
Recurrent Unit
Unit (GRU),
(GRU), anan update of the
update of the standard,
standard, was
used in place of the LSTM. There is no defined cell state in GRUs. There is
used in place of the LSTM. There is no defined cell state in GRUs. There is just a hiddenjust a hidden
GRUscan canbebetrained
morequickly because
quickly of of
because their more
their morestraightforward
straightforward architecture.
ture. GRUs are able to store and filter the data with the help of their updatereset
are able to store and filter the data with the help of their update and and gates.
Keeping the crucial
gates. Keeping the information and transmitting
crucial information it to the network’s
and transmitting subsequentsubsequent
it to the network’s time steps
rather than discarding the fresh input each time solves the vanishing gradient problem [47].
Sensors 2023, 23, 4692 10 of 20
MobileNet V1 + LSTM
The proposed model intends to combine MobileNet V1 with LSTM and produce
outputs as a combination of the two, given ECG signal is the input fed to the model. The
working of MobileNet V1 with LSTM can be seen in Algorithm 2.
MobileNet V1 + GRU
The proposed model intends to combine MobileNet V1 with GRU and produce outputs
as a combination of the two, the given ECG signal is the input fed to the model. The model
architecture and Algorithm are quite similar to the above-mentioned approach the only
difference is the use of GRU instead of LSTM. Figure 5 shows the schematic architecture of
Sensors 2023, 23, 4692 11 of 20
the proposed MobileNet V1 + GRU model. The working of MobileNet V1 with LSTM can
be seen in Algorithm 3.
Figure 5.
Figure Schematic outline
5. Schematic outline of
of the
the proposed
proposed architecture
architecture of MobileNet V1 ++ GRU.
4. Experimental Results
Algorithm 3: Training Procedure of the MobileNet V1 + GRU.
4.1. Experimental Setup
The code implementation was carried out using the TensorFlow framework on desktop
(1) Select 35 data as training samples in order.
PCs with
an Intel(R)
Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU running at 2.50 GHz, an Nvidia 940 M GPU
withDfa computing
× M × Dk capacity of 5.0, and 16 GB of RAM. The training was conducted over a
(3) M×N number
× Df of epochs. The entire training was conducted on a workstation with an
(4) Apply RTX 2080Normalization
Batch GPU with a computation
and ReLUcapability
after eachofconvolution
8.60 and 11 GB of GPU RAM. To
(5) the highest
Introduce Width training and testing accuracy, each Model was trained for 100 epochs.
(6) for α = 1, it is the baseline MobileNet V1.
4.2. Evaluation Index
(7) for ρ = 1, it is the baseline MobileNet V1. GRU
To formulate the various values needed for functioning of the model, researchers em-
(8) Input ht1, Ct1, and xt.
ployed the evaluation methods such as accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, precision and recall
(9) Input to first sigmodal layer ht1, xt.
as described below in Equations (8)–(12) [48]: The evaluation index analysis on MobileNet
V1 isCalculate
shown inupdate
Table 4.gate zt.
Removing four layers from the original MobileNet V1 model also
(11) Calculate reset gate r t, for model to decide on past information to forget, using
helps to reduce the model’s computation time. Furthermore, the evaluation index analysis
which new memory
on MobileNet content
V1 +LSTM, andwill store relevant
MobileNet V1 + GRUinformation from
is shown in past.
Tables 5 and 6.
(12) Network will then calculate ht vector holding information for current unit and pass
it down to network. An update gate is=needed TP
+ TN
to determine what to collect from current
memory content h’t and what from previous step h+t−1FP
TP + TN . + FN
(13) Pointwise multiplication it × Ct.
(14) To obtain the cell’s output ht, the resultant of both layers is multiplied with
point-wise multiplication.
Sensors 2023, 23, 4692 12 of 20
Speci f icity = (9)
Sensitivity = (10)
Precision = (11)
2 × Precision × Recall
F1 = (12)
Precision + Recall
TP = True Positive
TN = True Negative
FP = False Positive
FN = False Negative
Table 4. Evaluation analysis for each segment OSA Detection with MobileNet V1.
Table 5. Evaluation analysis for each segment OSA Detection with MobileNet V1 + LSTM.
Table 6. Evaluation analysis for each segment OSA Detection with MobileNet V1 + GRU.
4.3. Results
The data of 70 patients used in this study have been evaluated using MobileNet V1 + LSTM
and MobileNet V1 + GRU. Table 7 shows a comparative analysis for each segment of OSA
Detection with various models, where Model 1 represents the implementation of MobileNet
V1, Model 2 represents the implementation of MobileNet V1 and LSTM, and Model 3
represents the implementation of MobileNet V1 and GRU.
Table 7. Comparative analysis for each segment OSA Detection with various models.
A model is a true positive when it accurately predicts the positive class. A true negative,
on the other hand, is a result for which the model correctly predicts the negative class.
When the model wrongly predicts the positive class, a false positive occurs. A false negative
is a result where the model incorrectly predicted the negative class. Table 8 shows the result
of the enhanced MobileNet V1 + LSTM model (Model 2) and MobileNet V1 + GRU model
(Model 3) for per segment classification.
Table 7. Comparative analysis for each segment OSA Detection with various models.
Table 8. model is a true
outcomes positive
of the when
enhanced it accurately
Model predicts
2 and Model thesegment
3 for per positive class. A true nega-
tive, on the other hand, is a result for which the model correctly predicts the negative class.
the model wrongly predicts Sensitivity Specificity
the positive class, a false positive occurs. Accuracy
A false nega-
tive is Model
a result2 where the model incorrectly predicted90.34
89.82 the negative class. Table 8 shows the
result Model 3
of the enhanced MobileNet 90.01V1 + LSTM model90.72 (Model 2) and MobileNet 90.29V1 + GRU
model (Model 3) for per segment classification.
Accuracy graphs are a representation of the model’s performance, based on how much
data and8. The outcomes
experience ofmade
it is the enhanced
to workModel
with. 2The
Model 3and for per segment
testing classification.
accuracy are both
plotted on the graph to determine the occurrence and severity of overfitting the data; that is,
Approach Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy
the learning happens to such an extent that it is clearly negatively impacting the accuracy
Model 2 89.82 90.34 90.00
of the results. The gap between the training and testing lines of best fit can be used to check
Model 3 90.01 90.72 90.29
the severity of overfitting. The greater the gap, the fewer epochs should be used to train
the model. Figure 6 shows the AUC curve of MobileNet V1 + GRU. Figure 7 shows the
accuracy graphs are a representation
corresponding to epochs usingof the model’s V1
MobileNet performance, based8on
whereas Figures how
and 9
much data and experience it is made to work with. The training
show the same for MobileNet V1 + LSTM and MobileNet V1 + GRU, respectively. Accuracy and testing accuracy are
both plotted
graphs on the graph
of the models proposedto determine the show
in the paper occurrence and severity
significant of overfitting
improvements the data;
to the existing
that is,works
related the learning happens
in accordance withto better
such an extent and
accuracy that low
it is separation
clearly negatively
training andthe
accuracy of the
testing accuracies. results. The gap between the training and testing lines of best fit can be
used to check the severity of overfitting. The greater the gap, the fewer
Loss curves are a visual representation of the direction in which the learning of a epochs should be
CNN model takes place, corresponding to the experience and amount of training data it7
used to train the model. Figure 6 shows the AUC curve of MobileNet V1 + GRU. Figure
given.the model
It has accuracy corresponding
an exponentially improvingtolearning
epochs using MobileNet
rate. Figure V1 whereas
10 shows Figures
a variation of
8 and
loss 9 show the same
corresponding for MobileNet
to epochs V1 + LSTM
using MobileNet V1.and MobileNet
Figures 11 andV112+ GRU,
show respectively.
a variation
ofAccuracy graphs of the
loss corresponding models using
to epochs proposed in the paper
MobileNet show significant
V1 + LSTM and MobileNetimprovements
V1 + GRU,to
the existing related
respectively. The loss works
curves in accordance with better
of the proposed methodsaccuracy
can beand low
seen toseparation between
become stagnant,
parallel andslightly
from each other as the model training comes to an end.
Figure AUCCurve
Sensors 2023,23,
Sensors2023, 23,4692
15 of
Figure Modelaccuracy
Sensors 2023,
Sensors 23,23,
2023, 4692
Figure 10.Variation
Figure 11. Variation
Variation of
of loss
loss corresponding
V1++ LSTM).
Figure 11. Variation of loss corresponding to epochs (using MobileNet V1 + LSTM).
from image recognition. The feature maps, convolution layer strides, and fully connected
layer nodes in the standard MobileNet V1 may not be suitable for this scene. Therefore,
MobileNet V1 is adjusted as follows:
1. A one-dimensional convolution operation is used instead of a two-dimensional con-
volution operation to feature extraction.
2. A dropout layer between the convolution layer and the fully connected layer is added
to avoid over-fitting.
3. Only one fully connected layer is retained so as to reduce network complexity.
4. The size of the convolution layer strides and the number of fully connected layer
nodes are modified.
Compared to the standard MobileNet V1, all convolution layer strides of our modified
MobileNet V1 were changed to two, and the number of feature maps was increased layer
by layer. In particular, a dropout layer with a drop rate of 0.5 was added between the
convolution layer and the fully connected layer. In addition, the number of output layer
nodes was reduced from 1000 to two for our binary classification problem. Table 9 contains
a comparative study of our proposed method and multiple other methods on the Physionet
Apnea-ECG database, all of which use Lead-II ECG signals. These studies use a training
and testing set of 35 patients each in alignment with our work. From the above comparison
of previous studies, we know that [8] has the highest accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of
89.4%, 89.1% and 89.8%, respectively. Whereas the proposed algorithm using MobileNet
along with GRU exhibits values higher than those in the previous studies, i.e., accuracy
(90.29%), specificity (90.72%), sensitivity (90.01%).
Table 9. A comparative study between the proposed method and multiple additional methods on the
Physionet Apnea-ECG database, using Lead-II ECG signals.
Year Method Accuracy Specificity
2017 [21] HMM 82.33 84.7 85.8
2018 [9] DNN and HMM using single lead 85 82.1 88.9
ECG Signal
2018 [18] SVM 88.2 85.7 87.2
2019 [19] AlexNet model, CNN 86.22 88.4 89
2019 [22] Time Window artificial neural 87.3 88.7 85.1
network (TW-MLP)
2020 [17] Unsupervised feature learning, single 85.1 86.2 81.4
lead ECG, HMM
2021 [8] Multiscale DNN 89.4 89.1 89.8
Proposed MobileNet V1 89.5 89 90
Proposed MobileNet V1 + LSTM 90.00 90.34 89.82
Proposed MobileNet V1 + GRU 90.29 90.72 90.01
Figure 13.Proposed
Conclusionsand andFuture
The study gives advancement in
study gives advancement inthe
ObstructiveSleep SleepApnea
using deep learning approaches regarding accuracy, sensitivity and specificity.
using deep learning approaches regarding accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. This study This
proposesproposes an accurate,
an accurate, cost-effective,
cost-effective, and non-invasive
and non-invasive methodology
methodology for identify-
for identifying ob-
ing obstructive
structive sleep in
sleep apnea apnea in potential
potential patientspatients using single-lead
using single-lead ECG signal ECG signal
to train to train
V1+ LSTMV1+ andLSTM and MobileNet
MobileNet V1+ GRU, V1+ whichGRU, which are CNN-based
are CNN-based models with models with the
the integration
integration of the RNN model. The proposed model beats the state-of-the-art
of the RNN model. The proposed model beats the state-of-the-art performance of the ex- performance
the existing
related related
studies.studies. The solution
The solution requires
requires significantly
significantly less computational
less computational power
power and
and thus can run on portable devices and return results much faster.
thus can run on portable devices and return results much faster. The proposed modelThe proposed model
(MobileNetV1 V1++GRU)
achievedan anoverall
accuracyof of90.29%
aaremarkably higher result than other methods and algorithms using
remarkably higher result than other methods and algorithms using the same databasethe same database
aforementionedmodel modelarchitecture
architectureand andits
this study and its implementation viable in, for example, portable wearabledevices
study and its implementation viable in, for example, portable wearable devicestoto
respondto toOSA
eventsin inpatients,
efficiency,an anincrease
in the speed of diagnosis and detection, given a certain amount of processing power, is
in the speed of diagnosis and detection, given a certain amount of processing power, is
naturally observed. In this proposed article, the authors have developed an architecture
naturally observed. In this proposed article, the authors have developed an architecture
for deploying a wearable device that can gather data directly from the hospital’s cloud
for deploying a wearable device that can gather data directly from the hospital’s cloud
database and utilize that data directly. Further study will involve integrating the device
database and utilize that data directly. Further study will involve integrating the device
with the hybrid deep learning model and optimizing accuracy. The authors will develop a
device that determines the patient’s obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis in real-time.
Sensors 2023, 23, 4692 19 of 20
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.H. and G.R.; Methodology, P.H. and V.S.D.; Formal
analysis, P.S.; Investigation, P.S.; Writing—review & editing, D.P.B.; Supervision, D.P.B.; Project
administration, D.P.B.; Funding acquisition, D.P.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data available in a publicly accessible repository. The data presented
in this study are openly available in [Apnea-ECG Database, Physionet] at [https://doi.org/10.13026
/C23W2R], reference number [13].
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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