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Major Map: Mechanical Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science (B.S.

College of Technology and Innovation, Polytechnic Campus, Catalog Year: 2008-2009

Completed ATP:
Course Subject and Title (courses in bold/shading are critical) Hrs. Upper Division Transfer Course/Grade

Minimum Grade if Required


Completed AGEC:



Additional Critical Requirement Notes

TERM ONE: 0-15 CREDIT HOURS ASU 101: The ASU Experience Complete 1 course (depending on math placement score) from: MAT 170: Precalculus or APM 265: Mathematics of Change I (or MAT 265) Complete 1 course from: MET 150: Introduction to Engineering Technology or MET 160: CADD and Solid Modeling CHM 113: General Chemistry (SQ) PHY 111: General Physics /PHY 113: General Physics Lab (SQ)

3 1 or 2 4 4

3 ENG 101 or 102: First-Year Composition OR ENG 105: Advanced First-Year Composition OR ENG 107 or 108: English for Foreign Students TERM TWO: 16-29 CREDIT HOURS Complete 1 course from: APM 265: Mathematics of Change I (or MAT 265) or APM 266: Mathematics of Change II (or MAT 266) (if APM/MAT 265 completed) If not completed in Term One, complete 2 courses from: CHM 113: General Chemistry (SQ) or PHY 111: General Physics /PHY 113: General Physics Lab (SQ) PHY 112: General Physics /PHY 114: General Physics Lab (if PHY 111 & 113 completed) If not completed in Term One: MET 160: CADD and Solid Modeling MET 230: Introduction to Engineering Materials ENG 101 or 102: First-Year Composition OR ENG 105: Advanced First-Year Composition OR ENG 107 or 108: English for Foreign Students TERM THREE: 30-44 CREDIT HOURS APM 266: Mathematics of Change II (or MAT 266) or MAT 274: Differential Equations (MA) (only required for students who did not complete MAT 170) If not already completed, complete remaining courses from: CHM 113: General Chemistry (SQ) or PHY 112: General Physics /PHY 114: General Physics Lab (if PHY 111 & 113 completed) MET 211: Statics MET 231: Manufacturing Processes AET 210: Measurements and Testing Humanities (HU) course with awareness areas of C, G, or H TERM FOUR: 45-60 CREDIT HOURS APM 301: Introductory Statistics (CS) MET 313: Applied Mechanics of Materials MET 314: Applied Mechanics of Materials Lab MET 345: Advanced Manufacturing Processes EST 210, Circuit Analysis I Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L) (ENG 301 recommended) TERM FIVE: 61-77 CREDIT HOURS MET 340: Thermo-Fluids I AET 312: Applied Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics MET 300: Applied Material Science MET 309: Nondestructive Testing and Quality Assurance MET 331: Machine Design I MET 396: Professional Orientation Humanities (HU) course with awareness areas of C, G, or H 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3

Grade of C

ASU 101 is for ASU freshman students only Not required of transfer students An SAT, ACT, Accuplacer, or TOEFL score determines placement into first-year composition courses ASU Math Placement Exam score determines placement in Mathematics course Students complete either MAT 170, APM/MAT 265, APM/MAT 266 and APM 301 or APM/MAT 265, APM/MAT 266, MAT 274/275 and APM 301 depending on math placement score Complete either a MAT or APM and a PHY or a CHM course (recommend both a math class and a science course. Completion of College Algebra and College Trig is equivalent to Precalculus.) Complete MET course (recommend MET 150, MET 160). Complete a MAT or APM or PHY or CHM course (recommend both a math class, ideally Calc I and a science course. Do Physics as soon as its math prerequisite is met) Complete MET or AET course (recommend MET 160 and MET 230)

4 2 2 3 Grade of C Complete MET 211 Complete an APM or MAT and PHY or CHM course First-Year Composition Requirement Completed (ENG 101/107 AND ENG 102/108 or ENG 105)

(4) 3 3 3 3 Complete MET 313 Complete an APM or MAT course

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Updated: 3/10/09

Major Map: Mechanical Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

College of Technology and Innovation, Polytechnic Campus, Catalog Year: 2008-2009

Course Subject and Title (courses in bold/shading are critical)


Upper Division

Transfer Course/Grade

Minimum Grade if Required

Additional Critical Requirement Notes

TERM SIX: 78-95 CREDIT HOURS MET 409: Applied Engineering Economics MET 432: Thermo-Fluids II Technical Elective Concentration Elective: Concentration Elective: Social Behavior (SB) course (awareness areas of C, G, or H as needed) TERM SEVEN: 96-113 CREDIT HOURS MET 460: Capstone Project I TWC 446: Technical and Scientific Reports (L) Concentration Elective: Concentration Elective: Technical Elective: Social Behavior (SB) course (awareness areas of C, G, or H as needed) TERM EIGHT: 114-128 CREDIT HOURS MET 401: Quality Assurance MET 461: Capstone Project II Concentration Elective Concentration Elective Upper division Humanities, Fine Arts & Design (HU) or Social & Behavioral Science (SB) 3 3 3 3 3 See additional notes below for concentration courses 3 3 3 3 3 3 See additional notes below for concentration courses 3 3 3 3 3 3 See additional notes below for concentration courses

Graduation Requirements Summary:

Total Hours (128) Total Hrs at ASU (30) Hrs Resident Credit for Academic Recognition(56) Overall GPA (2.00 min) Total UD Hrs (45) Total Comm. College Hrs. (64 Max)

General University Requirements: Legend General Studies Core Requirements: o Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L) o Mathematical Studies (MA) o Computer/Statistics/Quantitative applications (CS) o Humanities, Fine Arts, and Design (HU) o Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB) o Natural Science-Quantitative (SQ) o Natural Science-General (SG) General Studies Awareness Requirements o Cultural Diversity in the US (C) o Global Awareness (G) o Historical Awareness (H) First-Year Composition Additional Notes: All Concentrations are 18 credits Base Mechanical Option MET 434 (3) Thermo Fluids III MET 351 (3) Intro to Automation MET 418 (3) Composites Mtls Mfg MET 438 (3) Machine Design II MET 440 (3) Finite Element Analysis Tech Elec (3) Aeronautical Concentration AET 215 (2) Aircraft Systems (take in 1st two years of program) AET 300 (3) Aircraft Design I AET 417 (3) Aerospace Structures AET 415 (3) Gas Dyn & Propul AET 420 (1) Wind Tunnel Test MET 434 (3) Thermo Fluids III MET 418 (3) Composites Mtls Mfg Automation Concentration MET 341 (3) Mfg Analysis MET 351 (3) Intro to Automation MET 416 (3) Applied CIM MET 438 (3) Machine Design II MET 455 (3) Auto Sys Integration Tech Elec (3) Automotive Concentration MET 321 (3) Intro to Automotive (take in fall of junior year) MET 421 (3) Vehicle Powertrains MET 423 (3) Vehicle Chassis Design MET 424 (3) Vehicle Elec & Control sys MET 426 (3) Vehicle Thermal Design MET 427 (3) System Integration & Test

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Updated: 3/10/09

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