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RSTPpresentation28 11 2019

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An Overview on Revised Strategic Transport Plan (RSTP), 2015 for

Dhaka and Current Updates

Presentation · November 2019


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1 author:

Dhrubo Alam
Tokyo Institute of Technology


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An Overview
Revised Strategic Transport Plan (RSTP),
2015 for Dhaka
Current Updates

Dhrubo Alam
Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority

November, 2019
Presentation Organization


Existing Conditions

Revised STP Proposals

Implementation Strategy

Development Authority
Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA)

Development Partner
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Almec Corporation
Oriental Consultants Global
Katahira & Engineers International

Existing Conditions
Trend of Growth
based on population

Daily No. of Trips from Dhaka to other Divisions

Railway Network Waterway Network

Inter-District and Intra-city
Bus Stands Major Truck Terminals

Number of Bus Routes Buffer zone of the Bus Stops


Daily Trip Attraction
to Public Transport

to Public

Revised Strategic
RSTP Proposals
The Revised Strategic Transport Plan (RSTP) proposed quite a few proposals
including Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Ring Roads, Radial
Roads, expressways, transportation hubs, etc. The main recommendations are:
• 5 (five) Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)
• 2 (two) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
• 3 (three) Ring Roads (Inner, Middle and Outer Ring)
• 8 (eight) Radial Roads (Dhaka - Joydebpur, Dhaka - Tongi - Ghorashal, Dhaka -
Purbachal - Bhulta, Dhaka - Kanchpur - Meghna Bridge, Dhaka - Signboard -
Narayanga nj, Dhaka - Jhilmil - Ikuria, Dhaka - Aminbazar - Savar, Dhaka -
Ashulia - DEPZ)
• 6 (six) Expressways (Dhaka Elevated Express, Dhaka - Ashulia Elevated
Expressway, Dhaka - Chittagong Expressway, Dhaka - Sylhet Expressway, Dhaka
- Mawa Expressway, Dhaka - Mymensingh Expressway)
• 21 (twenty one) Transportation hubs, the main ones include Dhaka
International Airport, Kamalapur Station, Mohakhali bus Terminal, Jatra Bari
Bus Terminal, Gabtoli Bus Terminal, Gabtoli Circular Waterway Station, and
Shdarghat Boat Terminal etc.
Road network Master Plan

Connecting roads

Current development
status of proposed road

Priority projects

Proposed public transport

Proposed MRT lines

Proposed MRT and BRT lines

Multimodal Stations Bus terminals

Bus route network

Existing Proposed

Waterway Transport

JICA Proposal for Buriganga Riverbank

Implementation Strategy
Implementation Strategy
Concepts and Projects of Short-, Mid- and Long-term
• Short-term Project (~2020)
1. MRT Line 6 and BRT Line 3 to be opened
2. Implementation of Traffic Management and Traffic safety
3. Arterial road development at Mirpur and Eastern Fringe Area to
support urban development
4. South part of ring road to be opened before completion of
Padma bridge
5. Restructuring of bus network, BRF (bus route francization) &
replacement of bus terminals

Implementation Strategy
Mid- and Long-term Project (~2035)
(i) Leading an appropriate urban development, (ii) Formation of
urban development and transport framework and (iii) Traffic
demand control.
• Medium Term (~2025)
1. New MRT lines development in CBD
2. Implementation of TDM measures
3. Arterial road and ring road development outside DMA…
• Long Term (~2035)
1. East-West MRT line development
2. Development of new MRT lines for connection between CBD
and regional centers
3. Redevelopment of inter-urban roads… 34
Implementation Strategy
MRT/BRT Development Schedule

Responsible Agency
A. Traffic Management and Traffic Safety Management (short-term),
B. Improvement of Bus Services (short-term),
C. MRT Development (short to long-term), and
D. Road Development (short to long-term).

Other related recommendations are as follows:

(1) Authorize RSTP as the urban transport master plan of Dhaka approved by the
concerned agencies and disseminate its content to all stakeholders and finally be
approved by the Cabinet.
(2) Enhance the Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA) to make
decisions on various transport projects. The DTCA will oversee and monitor the
implementation of these projects. The establishment of DTCA is crucial for
Dhaka in order to have the basis to absorb various types of technical and
financial assistance from donor organizations.
(3) Take necessary actions the soonest time possible to launch the short-term
projects as proposed in the master plan. 36
Other related recommendations (contd..):
(4) Service network of bus and mini-bus needs modification depending on the
development progress of the proposed MRT and BRT.
(5) The fare rate for MRT is assumed to be the same as the fare rate of MRT
Line 6. Although it is assumed that the rate will increase in the future in
proportion to per capita GDP, it is still very low compared to the international
level. This reveals as one of the reasons of the poor financial performance.
(6) This master plan assumes that normal situation will continue for a long
period of time (20 years or more). If unusual situation occurs, this cannot be
used and will lose its validity. This master plan could be updated periodically if
normal situation continues and a series of traffic surveys are conducted again
(except for the personal trip survey). The conclusion and methodology could
be handed over to the future with the periodical updating (basically every 5
years). 37
Mass Rapid Transit Projects
The feasibility study has been completed. Detail Design started from December, 2018.
MRT 2:
Discussion about G2G going on with Japan. Japan Govt. nominated SWG/ Marubeni Corp.
BRT 3:
Northern Part: Gazipur to Airport Section
Package 1: (At-grade Road widening, lane, station construction etc.)
About 25% of the work is done.
Package 2: (Elevated Road widening, lane, flyover, bridge & station construction)
Work is at initial stage.
Package 3: (Footpath, drainage and other civil infrastructures)
About 70% of the work is done.
Package 4: (Bus Depot construction)
Work is almost complete. 40
Mass Rapid Transit Projects
Southern Part: Airport to Jhilmil Project, Keraniganj
Detail design has been completed for the whole route. Will be constructed in 3 phases.
1st Phase (Airport to Mohakhali):
Loan agreement with World bank is under discussion. (May, 2019)
MRT 4:
Discussion about constructing with PPP is going on.
MRT 5:
Northern Part:
Request for Proposal (RFP) issued for Detail Design.
Southern Part:
Expression of Interest (EoI) issued for Detail Design.

Mass Rapid Transit Projects
MRT 6:
1st Phase (Uttara 3rd Phase to Agargaon): to be completed December, 2019
2nd Phase (Agargaon to Bangladesh Bank, Motijheel): to be completed December, 2020.
1st Phase: about half of the work is completed (May, 2019)
Total: Almost 25% work is completed (May, 2019)
Inauguration: 16th December, 2021
BRT 7:
Feasibility Study is going on by consultants appointed by Dhaka Transport Coordination
Authority (DTCA) and will be completed by January, 2020.
Ring Road Projects
Inner Ring Road
It is also known as the Dhaka Circular Road. The western portion (Abdullahpur - Dhaur - Birulia
- Gabtoli - Babubazar - Kadamtoli - Teghoria - Postogola - Fatulla - Chashara - Haziganj -
Shimrail - Demra) will be implemented by RHD. There will be few changes in the RSTP
shown alignment due to changes in the plan and new infrastructures. 42
Ring Road Projects
Inner Ring Road (contd...)
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) will construct an embankment on the Eastern
Bypass side (25.85 km, Demra - Purbachal Road - Teromukh - Abdullahpur). A project is
already underway. There is also a proposal from Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA) to build
an elevated expressway along the median in this section.
Middle Ring Road
The alignment of the middle ring road is Hemayetpur - Kalakandi - 3rd Shitalakkhya Bridge -
Madanpur - Bhulta (along Dhaka bypass) - Kodda (Gazipur) - Bypile (DEPZ) - Hemayetpur.
RHD has signed a contract with China Joint Venture Company to construct 48 km Dhaka
bypass (Joydebpur - Debugram - Bhulta - Madanpur) in eastern side by PPP which will be
completed in September, 2022. The western side of Middle Ring Road (Hemayetpur -
Kalakandi - 3rd Shitalakkhya Bridge - Madanpur) is under consideration for construction
with G2G on PPP basis with Marubeni Corporation of Japan. Most likely it will be at-grade.
On the other hand, BBA has completed a feasibility study for an expressway starting from
Baliapur (on Dhaka - Aricha Highway) along Nimtoli - Keraniganj - Fatullah - Bandar to
Langalband (Dhaka - Chittagong Highway). It is under consideration to build by G2G with
Outer Ring Road
Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority (DTCA) has taken steps to conduct a feasibility study
for the alignment.
Transport Hubs
Dhaka Airport
Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport will be reconstructed as a multimodal hub. In order to
take the project ahead Bangladesh Railway (BR) has already in talks with Japan for
implementing it with G2G on PPP basis.
Kamalapur Station
Bangladesh Railway has been in discussion with Japan for implementing the project in G2G on
PPP basis. Kajima Corporation is leading the Japanese team and already preparing a concept
Mohakhali Bus Terminal
The terminal will be reconstructed and reoriented as a part of the BRT Line-3 project.
Gabtoli Bus Terminal
The terminal will be transformed into integrated transport hub as a part of the MRT Line-5
Thank You

Contact: dhrubo101@yahoo.com
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