Pro Sys 03
Pro Sys 03
Pro Sys 03
No: PRO_SYS_03
Procedure for Correction, Corrective and Rev.No/ Issue Date 0 / 01-05-2023
Preventive Action
Procedure for Correction, Corrective and Preventive Action
1.0 Purpose
This procedure describes a system for correction and taking corrective and preventive action to
promptly detect conditions which are adverse to the quality and Product safety of the company's
product, process, and Product safety management system. The causes of actual or potential
non-conformances are investigated, documented and prevented.
2.0 Scope
It covers corrective action for nonconformities and preventive action for potential nonconformities
identified for product, Product safety management system, process and quality management
system, either during supervision or review and internal audit, as listed below. It is also
applicable to all customer or third party complaints and handling and analysis of the same.
Incoming materials’ inspection and testing,
In-process inspection and testing, and
Final products’ inspection and testing.
At any stage of manufacturing,
Department-wise monitoring of Product safety and quality objectives (results
against target to ensure effectiveness of process)
Internal / External Audit
Handling of customer complaints and analysis of customer satisfaction
Failure of inline instruments
Any incidents
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Top Management, Management Representative and Functional Heads are responsible for
reviewing and determining causes of non-conformances as well as potential non-conformance
for major defects / repeated type of defects. They are also responsible for determining and
implementing corrective action and preventive action necessary to prevent its recurrence in their
area of work for Product / Process Management System. They are also responsible for
reviewing corrective and preventive action in their area.
3.2 Product Safety Team Leader is responsible for:
Necessary correction and taking corrective and preventive action for Quality System and
Product Safety System related nonconformities, based on review of audit reports.
Reviewing corrective and preventive action taken by concerned person for effectiveness
and preparing information for discussion in management review meeting as well as
maintaining of records.
4.0 Description of Activity
4.2.1 Necessary actions are taken to prevent the nonconforming products from entering the Product
chain, unless:
The Product safety hazard(s) of concern has (ve) been reduced to the defined acceptable
The Product safety hazard(s) of concern will be reduced to identified acceptable levels prior
to entering into the Product chain; or
The products still meets the defined acceptable level(s) of the safety hazards of concern
despite the nonconformity;
The operational PRPs are brought to acceptable limits.
All lots of nonconforming products are kept under control of organization. If nonconforming
product is identified after delivery or its use has started, then company takes appropriate action
regarding the consequences of the nonconformity, and interested parties are informed to
withdraw the material as per product withdrawal procedure.
4.2.2 Evaluation for release
All nonconforming products are released as safe when any of the following conditions apply:
Evidence other than the monitoring system demonstrates that the control measures have
been effective;
Evidence shows that the combined effect of the control measures for that particular product
complies with the performance intended;
The results of sampling, analysis and/or other verification activities demonstrate that the
affected lot of product complies with the identified acceptable levels for the Product safety
hazards concerned.
Record of the withdrawal is maintained and reported to the top management as a basis of input
to the management review. The effectiveness of the withdrawal program is verified and records
are maintained.
5.0 References
5.1 PRO/SYS/05 Procedure for Internal Audit.
5.2 PRO/SYS/02 Procedure for Document and Data Control.
5.3 PRO/HACCP/05 Procedure for Emergency Preparedness and Response
5.4 PRO/HACCP/06 Procedure for Product Withdrawal