1982 Jun 913-923
1982 Jun 913-923
1982 Jun 913-923
A Unique Concept in
Analytical Plotters
Kern's new DSR-1 Digital Stereorestitution Instrument and GP-1
Graphics Peripheral.
(Abstract on next page)
INTRODUCTION satile equipment complement consisting of a dig-
plotter today are no longer scientific problems. The lytical stereoplotters. A distributed processing
real problem is to produce a viable instrument system is inherently easier to troubleshoot, be-
which can be integrated into existing mapping cause each module is autonomous. It is smaller,
firms without disturbing their organizational simpler, and can be readily tested.
structure. Kern has solved this problem by em- Naturally, judicious selection of distributed
bracing the recently developed distributed com- elements and arrangement of communication
puting concept to design an instrument which paths must be made at the outset, if all these ben-
uses a maximum of off-the-shelf components, uses efits are to accrue to the user.
standard unmodified computers, and provides the
flexibility, maintainability, and upgradability DESIGN PARAMETERS
which will make it the workhorse of the industry There are always a number of design consid-
for the next 20 years. erations which impact on a new development ef-
fort, and some of them are predictable, such as
ease of use, maintainability, and reasonable cost.
A complete understanding of the DSR-11GP-1 Normally, however, it is necessary to compromise
analytical stereoplotter necessitates an under- in order to design a workable instrument. This is
standing of distributed processing as applied to where distributed processing comes into the pic-
instrument desim. Therefore. an ex~lanationof
this principle precedes the ins&ment^description.
ture. With the advantages of flexibility, maintain-
ability, and low cost, which its use delivers, one can
DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING set realistic goals for the instrument which need
Distributed processing in instrument design can not be compromised.
be defined as the technique which employs sepa- In the case of the DSR-11GP-1, the six major de-
rate processors to handle specific computing tasks. sign parameters were operator friendliness, supe-
An example from the DSR-11GP-1 stereoplotter is rior optics, high precision, flexibility, upgradabil-
the dedication of a computer to the task of control- ity, and maintainability.
ling the GP-1 X, Y Plotter. This allows the GP-1 to
become a separate instrument altogether, as well
as to communicate with the DSR-1 for on-line Since the DSR-1 Digital Stereorestitution De-
plotting. vice and the GP-1 Graphics Peripheral are actually
The advantages of distributed computing are separate instruments, the design of each is dis-
many, provided the distribution is properly made, cussed separately. For each instrument, the op-
as the example of the GP-1 Graphic Peripheral tics (DSR-1 only), mechanics, electronics, in-
demonstrates. It ~ r o d u c e sa more flexible instru- cluding distributed processing architecture, and,
ment, uses smaller, less expensive computing finally, the operational controls will b e covered.
elements., ~ r o v i d e san easv solution to realtime
- - -
constraints at a lower cost, and allows upgrading,
module by module. Maintainability is also an im- T h e DSR-1 is a complex electro-optical-
portant feature in complex systems such as ana- mechanical instrument, wherein all elements
must function together as a unified system in order each photograph from a single lig& source. This
to produce the desired result. Fortunately, with keeps the heat producing source away from the
analytical stereorestitution devices, it is possible mechanical components, assuring thermal stabil-
to solve each problem largely independently of ity of the stages. A condenser lens (2) above the
the others. stageplate (3) provides the proper illumination for
the optical system.
Immediately below the stageplate is a beam-
The optical system of the DSR-1 was designed splitter (4), which combines the imdge of the pho-
with the operator in mind. The following criteria tograph with the floating mark. The white, cir-
were used in designing the optics: Large field of cular floating mark is produced by a motorized iris
view, zoom magnification, 360" image rotation, diaphragm (5), which the operator can adjust to
image reversal (base-in, base-out), biocular view- produce a mark from 20 to 200 micrometres in di-
ing of each plate, individual squint adjustment, ameter. The illumination is individually variable
high image resolution, and adjustable floating and is provided by the same source as the plate
mark size. Each of these items relate to the comfort illumination.
and convenience of the operator. However, they The combined light rays from the photograph
have obvious effects on productivity as well. For and the floating mark next enter the objective (6),
this reason, it was decided to design the finest op- which produces a parallel beam of rays. These rays
tical system that a century and a half of experience pass through more prisms (7) before entering the
could produce. IX to 4 x zoom lens (8). The left and right zoom
We begin our description of the DSR-1 optical lenses are coupled to allow differential, as well as
system (Figure 2) with the illumination of the common, zooming.
photographs and proceed toward the eyepiece, After leaving the zoom lens, each beam passes
discussing each component along the optical path. through a Pechan prism (9), providing for 360"
The same elements are found in both left and right image rotation with indents at each 90"of rotation.
image paths. A fine adjustment with ?30° range allows the ro-
A novel scheme using fiber optic bundles (1) tation between left and right images to b e
provides individually variable illumination to matched.
Next in line is the image changer (10). This even under adverse temperature conditions, the
four-position optical element allows not only design of the DSR-1 stages complies very closely
base-in and base-out (stereoscopic and pseudo- with Abbe's comparator principle.
scopic) viewing, but biocular viewing of each plate. Figure 3 shows the DSR-1 stageplate construc-
Just before entering the eyepieces, each image tion. Note the low profile and the coincidence of
path contains separate horizontal (11) and vertical the measuring spindles with the optical system
(12) squint adjustments. Prior experience with the just millimetres below the stageplate.
PG2 analog instrument shows that this is a more The mechanical scheme behind the design of
convenient arrangement for the operator than the the X , Y stageplate focuses on a reference cube (5)
usual phoria wedges. rigidly attached to the frame of the instrument
The 5 x wide field eyepieces (13) which, to- (11). This cube supports a beamsplitter (4) which
gether with the zoom lens, provide an overall merges the image of the photograph and the
magnification range of 5 x to OX, have an eye re- floating mark. It also supports one end of each pre-
lief of 18.5 mm which provides for very comfort- cision spindle (3), one for each axis of motion.
able viewing, even for eyeglass wearers. The two spindles provide both motion and
The optical system of the DSR-1 provides unex- measuring functions for their respective axis, and,
celled viewing conditions, both in terms of func- therefore, form the principal plane of measure-
tionality and convenience. With a resolution of 68 ment. Abbe stated that the photograph to be mea-
line pairs per millimetre at l o x , the view is im- sured should lie in this plane to achieve highest
accuracy. This has nearly been achieved with the types of microprocessors, dependink on the job to
DSR-1. Components lying exactly on this plane be done. Digital Equipment Corporation's LSI-
are the floating mark (12), beamsplitter (4), guide 1112 based 16 bit microcomputers were chosen for
rails (lo), motors (8), and encoders (9). All other major tasks, and Intel Corporation 8085 micro-
components, including the photocarrier (I), X- processors were used !or smaller tasks. Figure 4
carriage (13), and Y-carriage (14), lie very close to shows the general layout of the distributed pro-
the principal plane. cessing architecture, including the GP-1 plotter
Movement of the photostage is achieved by use for continuity. The description of the plotter de-
of a displacement carriage (6) attached to each sign will appear later in this paper.
spindle, which has a bearing (7) pressing against The control computer (PI) is a P P P 11/03 with
the edge of the stageplate. The entire stage surface flexible disk storage or, optionally, a PDP 11/23
is made from a glass plate, two edges of which with hard disks. This computer stores the DSR-1
have been ground to an exact right angle. When operating system and orchestrates the flow of
the motor turns the spindle, the displacement car- communications between various elements of the
riage pushes (or pulls) the stageplate in the appro- DSR-1, GP-1 (if in use), and the operator. All ap-
priate direction. The displacement carriage serves plication programs of the DSR-1 are processed by
both as displacement mechanism and measuring this computer. Discussion of these programs will
reference. be reserved for the section on sofNare.
The use of rotary encoders providing one mi- The plate processor (P2) has the job of main-
crometre resolution has resulted in a simple design taining the position of the stageplates as com-
with close adherence to Abbe's comparator prin- manded by the central computer, or directly
ciple which, coupled with legendary Kern preci- through the motions of the operator input devices.
sion mechanics, has produced an extremely stable Its program is downloaded from P1 when the
measuring system. DSR-1 stages are manufactured DSR-1 operating system is started up. It can drive
not to exceed 2 3 pm greatest error before calibra- the plates individually or in stere scopic mode,
tion. The stageplates are calibrated by applying an
affine (linear) transformation resulting from a
depending on receipt of command, and parame-
ters from the central computer. When in the
least-squres fit to 25 grid points. Application of stereoscopic viewing mode, this ptocessor is ca-
this calibration in real-time reduces the stageplate pable of recomputing the plate coordinates on
error to a maximum of + 1pm. hand of manual inputs, and commanding the plates
to move, 50 times each second. At the same time, it
ELECTRONIC ARCHITECTURE OF T H E DSR-I presents the present plate coordinates on the stan-
The electronic architecture of the DSR-1 is dard DEC parallel interface, which links it to the
based on the distributed computing concept. This control computer. This update speed, along with
concept was implemented using two different the servo loop design, produces a very smooth
plate movement, indistinguishable from the best two footpedals. The model position indicator is
analog instruments. The servo motors operate in a also described here, although it cannot really be
closed loop (Figure 4) which allows the plate pro- considered as a control device.
cessor to directly control the speed and accelera- Optical Controls. The optical controls, while
tion of the plates independently of the servo many, are simple and straightforward. The con-
amplifier circuit. The servo loop, however, per- trols are visible (Figure 5) as knobs on the optical
forms its task without interference from the late channel terminating in the eyepieces. Each has a
processor, and vice versa, allowing optimization of different feel to make them easily recognizable to
each component without regard to feedback the operator. Taking them in the same order as the
problems. Experience has shown the wisdom, and earlier discussion brings us first to the zoom lens
effectiveness, of this approach. control. This knob is on the right side of the optical
The third (and final) processor used in the channel, closest to the instrument body. When
DSR-1 is the operator control panel (OCP) proces- pressed inward, it controls differential zoom be-
sor (P3). This Intel 8085 microprocessor has its tween the left and right image and, in its normal
program stored locally in read-only memory. The position, zooms both images simultaneously. The
OCP displays messages from the control processor image rotation knobs are on the underside of the
( P l ) to the operator and returns operator keystroke channel. Each image has its own independent
commands. This communication is handled by the knob, with indents at each 90" of rotation. There is
console processor, which is linked to the control also a fine adjustment knob on the right image for
processor by a serial interface. It emulates a stan- removal of differential kappa. The next control is a
dard alphanumeric CRT. large knob on the right side of the channel. This is
The three microprocessors of the DSR-1 work in the image changer, which provides selection of
concert to provide the performance of an analog biocular (left or right), stereoscopic (base-in), or
instrument at a similar price level. At the same pseudoscopic (base-out) viewing. Four small
time, instrument complexity is dramatically re- knobs make up the next set of controls, one on
duced, thereby decreasing maintenance costs and either side of the channel, and two underneath.
increasing productivity. These are the phoria (squint) adjustments. Each
image has separate knobs for horizontal and verti-
cal phoria. Finally come the eyepieces. T h e
An optional laser point marking device is avail- eyepiece holder contains the adjustment for inter-
able for the DSR-1. Its purpose, since the DSR-1 is pupilary distance. The range is from 55 mm to 75
ideally suited for aerotriangulation, is to provide mm. As usual, the eyepieces themselves rotate to
visible marks for later use of the photographs with provide focusing. A related item is the headrest,
analog instruments. When the mark button is which may be adjusted to provide the operator
pressed, the Operator Control Panel processor (P3) with the most comfortable viewing position.
sends this command to the control processor (Pl) Mechanical Controls. Following the line of our
which, in turn, requests plate processor (P2) to previous discussion, the mechanical controls shall
offset the righthand plate by a calibrated distance be described here. Although there are really no
(about 50 mm) in the Y direction. This places the mechanical controls in the conventional sense,
image formerly at the floating mark directly under
a laser, which then burns a small hole in the
photographic emulsion. The plate then returns to
its correct position. The offsetting of the plate pre-
vents any possible eye contact with the laser
When marking is complete, the laser mark
created on the righthand photograph should be
exactly centered on the measuring mark. If not, the
operator may center the measuring mark over the
laser mark and request recalibration. Subsequent
laser marks will then be automatically offset ac-
cording to this new calibration. The operator nor-
mally checks the calibration at the film edge be-
fore beginning to mark each new photograph.
The DSR-1 controls consist of a computer con-
sole, the operator control panel (OCP), and the
optical controls. In addition, there are two hand-
wheels, a trackball, a foot disk, a height drum, and FIG.5. Kern DSR-1 operator control panel.
this is an opportune place to discuss the manual only when the menu select keys will not do, such
motions, since they are not part of the operator as identifying a control point for remeasurement
control panel. Manual motion in each of the three during absolute orientation. The tag switches are
orthogonal axes may be achieved by one of two used mainly for aerotriangulation, dhere identifi-
devices. For motion in X or Y directions, either cation of recorded data is necessary,
trackball or handwheel may be used and, for Z For the point marking option, a rotary dial is
motion, either the footdisk or height drum may be used to select the beam intensity. This is done by
selected. The selection is made by switches on the trial and error at the film edge, before actual
OCP. These devices are all connected to standard marking begins. An on-off switch and an activation
optical rotary encoders, which in turn drive up/ switch round out the controls for this option.
down position counters connected to the plate There is one other control device associated
processor. The two footpedals provide a means of with the DSR-1. This is the control computer con-
notifying the OCP that a significant event has sole device, a typical computer CRTterminal. The
other and makes use of a program library for com- in 1977. This approach provides a simple, logical
municating with the plate processor. This library progression for parameter entry and system oper-
is provided to DSR-1 users using either FORTRAN ation. With the DSR-1, the managerial functions
or Pascal programming languages, thereby allow- have been separated from the operational func-
ing them to write custom programs to provide spe- tions to provide even friendlier operation.
cial services to their customers, maintaining a Separating these functions saves the operator a
spirit of competitiveness among firms. These pro- great deal of time on multimodel projects and al-
grams may be called automatically from the DSR-1 leviates the need to frequently move between the
Operating System, and when they finish, return computer CRT and stereoviewer.
control back to the system. During the managerial phase, fixed parameters
such as map scale, flying height, camera calibra-
DSR-1 SOFTWARE STOCK tion, and ground control coordinates are entered
A considerable amount of software is required to into the computer by means of the console CRT.
make full use of an analytical plotter, but quantity The DSR-1 operating system stores these param-
does not make up for quality. At Kern, we have eters on the disk in text files for later use during
placed great emphasis on creating not only the operational phase. The managerial portion
operator-friendly hardware, but operator-friendly does not require use of the restitution instrument
software as well. Table 1 shows the range of at all. It could, in fact, be run on another computer
software available for the Kern DSR-1. without tying up the DSR-1.
The DSR-1 Operating System is built around The operational portion deals with model setup
the proven Kern menu approach used in the Kern and compilation. This includes instrument cali-
DC2-B Digitizer Graphics Computer introduced bration, inner, relative, and absolute orientation,
compilation (on-line with the GP-1 plotter), and
data collection (recording data on disk files). The
menus for this portion appear on the Operator
Control Panel display device (see Figure 5) and
consist mainly of various options which the
operator selects. It is worth noting, at this time,
Operational that the operator is always in full control of the
INNER ORIENTATION instrument, as he may move at any time through
RELATIVE ORIENTATION the menu pages to select the operation he wishes
ABSOLUTE ORIENTATION to perform. There are, however, interlocks built in
COMPILATION AND/OR DATA COLLECTION to prevent the inexperienced operator from skip-
INSTRUMENT TEST AND CALIBRATION ping necessary steps during model set up.
CROSS SECTION/PROFILING Another example of Kern's commitment to pro-
BRIDGING vide simple, easy to use software is shown by the
f * CLOSE RANGEIINDUSTRIAL data file structure used throughout the DSR-1
t * GDES 100 GRAPHIC DISPLAY AND INTERAC- operating system. All data files are ASCII text files,
TIVE EDITING STATION which provide the greatest flexibility and con-
t* MAPS 200 MINICOMPUTER AIDED PLOTTING venience possible. Parameters are stored in these
STATION files as images of the menus which created them,
t* GRADIS 2000 KERNICONTRAVES INTERACTIVE providing a self-documenting system. Table 2 is a
GRAPHICS STATION sample listing taken from the DSR-1 data file for
camera calibration. Digital map data files option-
Managerial ally produced during the stereocompilation and
* ANALYTICAL BLOCK ADTUSTMENT (TFK CON- aerotriangulation phases are also self-document-
SULTANTS) ing text files.
The GP-1 X, Y Plotter is a much simpler instru-
USER PROGRAMMING AIDS ment than the DSR-1 and also more easilv under-
- - -
Camera Number = 1
Camera Serial Number = 12345
Camera Type = Optical Systems, Inc.
Lens Type = Kern
Date of Calibration Report = 76/04/15
Principal Distance = 88.540 mm
Number of Fiducial Marks =4
Shape of Fiducial Marks = Cross Arms
(dot, cross arms, wedge)
Fiducial # Xmm Ymm
1 - 106.002 - 106.002
2 -106.002 106.002
3 106.002 106.002
4 106.002 - 106.002
(Frontispiece). The drawing carriage, with four The precision-built GP-1 Graphics Peripheral
pens, moves along the X-carriage which, in turn, is has a resolution and repeatability of 40 mi-
transported in the X direction. Motion is produced crometres, while providing very
by servo motors which drive steel bands connected with its 0.6 g acceleration and 370
to the drawing carriage (for Y motion) and the ends speed.
of the X-carriage (for X motion). Both ends of the
X-carriage are driven simultaneously by a single
servo motor by means of an aluminum shaft at the The distributed processing concept has been
left side of the drawing surface. The carriages are carried through to the GP-1, where three proces-
guided along precision surfaces by ballbearings. sors are employed. The graphics processor (P4) is
The drawing surface consists of a glass plate 1200
by 1400 mm in size. The glass is backlighted and
contains imbedded wires to provide electrostatic
holddown of the drafting media. The tilting mech-
anism is electrically controlled, allowing the sur-
an LSI-11 which handles communi ation functions
and drives the table via the vector generator (P5).
This vector generator is an Int 1 8085 micro-
processor, as is the processor (P6) located in the
handcontroller, which communicates with the
face to be positioned at any angle from horizontal operator.
to 60" inclined. An invar ruler is provided with An optional 9-track tape drive, controlled by the
each instrument for calibration purposes. Coeffi- graphics processor (P4), provides for stand-alone
cients are analytically derived and used for real- operation of the GP-1 using pre-re orded data.
time error correction.
The drawing head provides four tool holders,
All of the intelligence associated with the GP-1,
such as its symbols, line types, ~ e . 4character
~ set,
plus a microscope holder. The drafting tools avail- and spline function, resides with q e graphics pro-
able for use with the GP-1 are ballpens, Kern cessor. Using a separate vector processor to send
Prontograph technical pens, and Kern scribing appropriately timed pulses to the motors gives P4
needles. enough time to handle these functions without
Halt: Causes immediate halt of plotter
Continue: Cancels halt status
Seek Reference: Advances pen to reference point
Set Window: Defines a drawing window
Clear Window: Cancels the set window
Seek Origin: Advances pen to the drawing
Set Origin: Makes current position the ori-
gin of drawing
Speed: Sets new drawing speed
Digitize: Sends plotter coordinates to
Clear Buffer: Erases data buffers
Test: Selects a test program
Reverse Information: Step-back through up to last 64
plotted vectors
Pen 1: Activates Pen 1
Pen 2: Activates Pen 2
Pen 3: Activates Pen 3
Pen 4: Activates Pen 4
Microscope: Moves microscope to drawing
Pen Down: Lowers active pen
Joy stick for manual movement
of pen
the mapping industry. In order to minimize this ric firms flow with the tide to proviQe the customer
change and keep the organization on a solid foot- with the kind of service he desires? Whatever
ing, it is necessary to fully understand the happens, the DSR-1 will be ther4, its price and
capabilities of the computer and define precisely flexibility having guaranteed its future.
what input is required to obtain the hoped-for re-
sults. This is not a trivial matter, and if it is not REFERENCES
understood, the photogrammetrist will eventually Chapuis, A., 1980. The Kern System DSR-IIGP-1, Kern
lose control of the mapmaking process to the com- brochure 382e, paper presented at the ISP Congress
puter scientist. 1980.
The future of photogrammetry is wide open. Zuercher, P., 1980. The Graphic Peripheral Kern CPl,
But, what will the outcome be? Will the computer Kern brochure 383e, paper presented at the ISP
scientists take over from photogrammetrists and Congress 1980.
cartographers? Will the digital map be many more
decades in coming? Will existing photogrammet- (Invited 13 March 1981; received 22 October 1981)
International Symposium on
The Stability and Preservation of
Photographic Images
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
29 August-1 September 1982
This Symposium-to be held at the Public Archives of Canada and sponsored by the Society of Photo-
graphic Scientists and Engineers-will include sessions on
Non-Gelatin Silver Materials (pre 1880's) and Contemporary Non-Silver Materials
Black-and-white Silver Gelatin Materials: Image Silver
Black-and-white Silver Gelatin Materials: Supports and Gelatin Layers
Black-and-white Silver Gelatin Materials: Storage and Restoration
Color Photographic Materials
For further information please contact
Robert H. Wood, Executive Director
Society of Photographic Scientists
& Engineers
7003 Kilworth Lane
Springfield, VA 22151