Submitted by
Sayali Kothawade (B1901303062)
Vineet Malur (B1901303068)
Jidnya Pagare (B1901303078)
Prof. S. A. Karpe
Has submitted the project seminar report in the partial fulfillment of requirements
of B.E. (E&TC) course as expected by the Savitribai Phule Pune University for
the academic year 2024-2025
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the successful
completion of this project on metal detection and surveillance hexapod using Raspberry Pi
Pico. This project, which integrates Raspberry Pi Pico as the main body microcontroller, 18
TowerPro MG 995 servomotors controlled by two PCA 9685 servo motor drivers, and an A88
metal detector sensor for landmine detection, was made possible through the support and
guidance of many individuals and institutions.
First and foremost, we would like to thank our college, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering,
Education & Research, for providing the resources and environment necessary to undertake
and complete this project. We are deeply grateful to the Head of Department, Prof. Dr. D. M.
Chandwadkar, for their leadership and for fostering an atmosphere of academic excellence.
We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to our project guide, Prof. S. A. Karpe,
for their continuous support, guidance, and valuable feedback throughout the course of the
project. The technical challenges faced, such as controlling the hexapod’s camera module for
surveillance, the NRF module for reception, and the two joysticks providing input to the
Atmega 328p for analog-to-digital conversion and transmission, were successfully navigated
thanks to their insights and expertise. The solution to manage noise cancellation with the crystal
oscillator was another crucial aspect where their advice was invaluable.
Our heartfelt thanks also go to our teammates and peers for their support and suggestions, as
well as to our families for their constant encouragement and motivation.
Thank you all for your significant contributions to the success of this project.
This project focuses on the design and implementation of a hexapod robot equipped with metal
detection and live camera surveillance capabilities, using a microcontroller as the sole control
unit. The six-legged hexapod is engineered for stability and adaptability, allowing it to navigate
various terrains effectively.
The robot incorporates a metal detection system for identifying metallic objects and a camera
module for live video streaming, enabling real-time remote surveillance. The microcontroller
processes sensor data, controls the hexapod's movements, and manages the live camera feed,
all through custom-developed software tailored for these tasks.
Extensive testing has shown that the hexapod effectively detects metals and provides
continuous visual feedback. These features make the robot suitable for applications in search
and rescue, security, and industrial inspections, demonstrating the versatility and capability of
this robotic platform.
Relevance: Application
1. Introduction 6
2. Literature Survey 11
3. System Details
4. System Design
References 44
1.1 Background
Robotic systems have evolved significantly over the past few decades, with innovations
spanning across multiple industries, including defense, agriculture, manufacturing, and space
exploration. Hexapod robots, characterized by their six-legged structure, offer excellent
stability and mobility on uneven terrain, making them ideal for tasks that require movement
across rough landscapes. Metal detection and surveillance are crucial in various sectors,
particularly for landmine detection, border security, and rescue operations in hazardous
Incorporating a hexapod robot with metal detection and surveillance functionalities can
revolutionize how dangerous and inaccessible areas are explored. These robots can be deployed
in regions suspected of containing unexploded ordnance (UXO), landmines, or other threats,
enhancing both safety and efficiency. The use of modern control systems such as Raspberry Pi
Pico and advanced communication modules like NRF allows for precise movement and real-
time feedback from remote operators, thus broadening the potential applications of such robotic
1.2 Motivation
The need for a reliable, autonomous solution for landmine detection and surveillance in
hazardous environments drives the development of this project. Human involvement in mine
detection or border security is often life-threatening, and there is a growing need for automated,
robust, and efficient robots that can perform these tasks remotely. In war-torn regions or during
rescue operations, ensuring human safety while delivering real-time data is paramount. This
project aims to mitigate risks by deploying a hexapod robot with a metal detection system that
can detect and report potential hazards while capturing visual information for remote
1.3 Problem Statement
The manual detection of landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) poses a significant threat
to human lives, as current methods rely heavily on trained personnel and animals. Additionally,
the need for real-time surveillance in hazardous areas, such as border regions or disaster zones,
requires the use of technology that can both detect metal threats and provide visual data from
remote locations. Existing solutions are often expensive, complex, and prone to operational
challenges such as limited mobility in rough terrains and unreliable communication systems.
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Applications
The hexapod robot has various applications, including but not limited to:
1.7 Features
This hexapod robot boasts several key features that make it a versatile and effective solution:
- Stable and flexible movement: The use of 18 servomotors, controlled via two
PCA9685 servo drivers, ensures fluid and responsive movement on uneven terrain.
- Wireless control: The NRF module allows for remote operation, reducing the need
for direct human intervention in dangerous areas.
- Metal detection: The A88 metal detector sensor enables the detection of landmines
and other buried metallic objects.
- Surveillance: A camera module provides real-time video feedback for monitoring
and decision-making.
- Noise cancellation: A crystal oscillator helps in eliminating communication noise
during the transmission of control signals.
1.9 Overview
2.8 Raspberry Pi based security Singoee Sylvestre 2016
system Sheshai
2.1 [1] I. Brodoline, E. Sauvageot, S. Viollet & J. R. Serres, “Shaping the Energy Curves
of a Servomotor-Based Hexapod Robot”, May 2024.
2.1.( i ) Model Leg made with 3 degrees of freedom. 2.1.( ii ) Leg tip trajectory for inverse kinematics.
Energy efficiency is a key challenge for hexapod robots. In this study, the researchers focus on
optimizing the energy consumption of a hexapod using servomotors. The findings suggest that
controlling the movement of each leg with precision can significantly reduce energy waste.
This has implications for our project, as the 18 servos controlled by two PCA9685 modules
need to be optimized for prolonged field use, especially when combined with power-hungry
components such as a camera module and metal detector.
2.2 [2] J. R. Serres, “Insect-Inspired Robots: Bridging Biological and Artificial Systems”,
November 2021.
2.2.( i ) Leg based on Cataglyphis fortis ant scale. 2.2.( ii ) Different control approaches to robot locomotion.
2.2.( iii ) Locomotion control involving interlimb coordination.
Biological inspiration is a growing trend in robotics, as observed in the study, where insect-
inspired locomotion is applied to hexapods for more efficient movement. The paper suggests
that mimicking the biomechanics of insects can lead to improved agility and adaptability. This
is applicable to our project as we aim to create a hexapod that can swiftly maneuver across
varied terrains while maintaining balance and precision during metal detection.
2.3.( i ) The movement speed of hexapod. 2.3.( ii ) The vertical acceleration of hexapod.
Reinforcement learning has been successfully applied to improve the adaptive capabilities of
hexapod robots. In scenarios where a hexapod needs to adjust its movements based on terrain
conditions, reinforcement learning offers an efficient method for real-time adaptation. While
our project focuses on a more manually controlled system, this research could provide insights
into future extensions of the project, where the hexapod could autonomously adjust its gait for
better metal detection accuracy in difficult terrain.
2.4 [4] P. Lima, M. Silveira, “Design and Control of Hexapod Robots for Exploration”,
December 2021.
2.4.( i ) Mechanical design of hexapod robot. 2.4.( ii ) Robot movement pattern with tripod gait algorithm.
Hexapods designed for exploration must be equipped with highly responsive control systems
to navigate unknown and rough terrains. The control mechanism presented in this paper aligns
well with our project, where two joysticks provide analog inputs to an ATmega328P, which
then sends digital signals to control the hexapod’s movements. The paper highlights the need
for precise control to avoid potential hazards, which is essential for our hexapod as it searches
for landmines while simultaneously surveying the area.
2.5 [5] T. Azayev, K. Zimmerman, “Blind Hexapod Locomotion in Complex Terrain”,
March 2020.
This study focuses on hexapod locomotion in environments where sensory input is limited. It
discusses the challenges and solutions for maintaining stability in complex terrains without
relying on visual feedback. Our project integrates a camera module for surveillance, but this
research emphasizes the importance of mechanical stability and balance even when visual or
sensory inputs are not available or limited. The findings support the robustness required for
hexapod movement in unpredictable terrains during landmine detection missions.
This paper provides a blueprint for using Raspberry Pi as the main control unit in a landmine
detection robot. Our project also uses a Raspberry Pi Pico to control the metal detection sensor
(A88) and servomotors, and this research validates the choice of Raspberry Pi as a powerful,
cost-effective solution for real-time processing and control. The use of wireless communication
modules, such as the NRF module in our project, is also emphasized for remote operations,
ensuring safety for the operator.
2.7 [7] Dinesh, V. Khokher, “A Review on Design and Analysis of a Hexapod”, November
This paper reviews the mechanical design and control systems of hexapod robots. The paper
highlights different design challenges, particularly in load distribution across multiple legs and
the complexity of controlling multiple servomotors. This is directly relevant to our project,
which uses 18 TowerPro MG995 servos controlled by a Raspberry Pi Pico and PCA9685 servo
drivers. These design considerations are crucial for ensuring that the hexapod can carry the
weight of metal detection and surveillance equipment without compromising its agility.
2.8 [8] Singoee Sylvestre Sheshai, “Raspberry Pi-Based Security System”, 2016.
The integration of a Raspberry Pi into a surveillance system is detailed in this paper. The study
shows how Raspberry Pi’s versatility can be harnessed for security purposes, which relates
directly to the surveillance aspect of our project. Our project’s camera module, powered by
Raspberry Pi, ensures real-time monitoring of the surrounding area while conducting metal
detection, making this research particularly relevant for designing the surveillance component
of our system.
2.9 [9] Sheik Aftab Alli, “Design, Fabrication, and Analysis of a Hexapod”, 2015.
This paper provides an in-depth exploration of the design and construction of hexapod robots,
particularly focusing on the material selection and structural analysis for durability. In our
hexapod, durability and material selection are equally important due to the addition of
surveillance and detection systems that increase the payload. The findings from this research
help inform the design and fabrication stages of our project, ensuring that the structure can
withstand both the environment and the equipment’s weight.
2.10 [10] Z.-Y. Wang, X.-L. Ding and A. Rovetta, “Locomotion Analysis of Hexapod
Robot”, March 2010.
The analysis of hexapod locomotion forms the basis for the effective movement and stability
of multi-legged robots. In the paper titled Locomotion Analysis of Hexapod Robot, various
gait patterns are discussed, showing how hexapods can traverse uneven terrains with higher
stability compared to wheeled robots. This provides a strong foundation for our project, where
locomotion stability is crucial for accurate metal detection in challenging environments, such
as uneven or debris-filled landscapes.
2.11 Overview
These research papers provide a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of
hexapod design, control, and application in metal detection and surveillance. From locomotion
analysis and energy efficiency to advanced control systems and real-time surveillance, each
study contributes valuable insights that inform and enhance the development of our hexapod
robot project. Together, they help address the challenges of stability, efficiency, and
adaptability in hazardous environments, ensuring that our project is well-grounded in
established research while pushing the boundaries of innovation.
3.1.1 Objective:
To design and develop a hexapod robot capable of traversing rough terrains, detecting
landmines, and conducting surveillance, controlled wirelessly via joystick and
equipped with live camera feedback.
ii. Servo Motors:
a. Towerpro mg995 - 18 servos rated at 4.8 to 7.2V, with a stall torque of
10 to 12 kg/cm, used to control the leg joints.
iii. Servo Driver:
- Two PCA9685 servo driver boards used to control 20 of the hexapod’s servos
(10 per board).
v. Power Supply:
- Main Battery Pack: 6 batteries with a capacity of 3000mAh each, providing
power to the servos and the Raspberry Pi Pico.
- Power Bank: A 15,600mAh power bank with 6 cells providing power to the
ATmega328P microcontroller with two joysticks and an NRF24L01 module.
3.1.3 Software and Control:
• J3.1, J3.3, J3.5: Moves 30° from C to D (t = 0 to 1), then D to
C (t = 1 to 2).
• J3.2, J3.4, J3.6: Moves 30° from D to C (t = 0 to 1), then C to
D (t = 1 to 2).
• J1.1, J1.2, J1.3, J1.4, J1.5, J1.6: Remains stationary.
3) Case 3: Right Movement:
• J3.1, J3.3, J3.5: Moves 30° from D to C (t = 0 to 1), then C to
D (t = 1 to 2).
• J3.2, J3.4, J3.6: Moves 30° from C to D (t = 0 to 1), then D to
C (t = 1 to 2).
3.2 Block Diagram:
3.2 a Block Diagram of Transmitter & Receiver of Metal Detection & Surveillance using Hexapod.
i. Camera Module:
The camera module provides live video feed for surveillance purposes. It is
mounted on the hexapod robot and transmits visual data to the control system
via the Raspberry Pi Pico H. The camera is an essential component for remote
monitoring in various environments.
iii. Raspberry Pi Pico H:
The Raspberry Pi Pico H is the central processing unit of the hexapod robot. It
receives input from the metal sensor and camera module and manages the
movement of the servos connected to the hexapod’s legs. It communicates
wirelessly with the control unit via the NRF24L01 module.
4.1.1 Design:
4.1.2 Circuit diagram:
4.2 Simulation Results
The Wokwi simulation is designed to test the movement of the hexapod robot’s
individual legs. In this simulation, we focus on the motion of two legs: one odd-
numbered leg (i.e., leg 1, 3 & 5) and one even-numbered leg (i.e., leg 2, 4 & 6). Each
leg consists of three joints, J1, J2, and J3, controlled by servo motors connected to a
PCA9685 servo driver board.
For leg 1 (an odd-numbered leg), J1 moves from 0° to 180° and back, simulating
forward and backward leg motion. J2 and J3 help the leg lift and place, creating a
realistic walking motion. Similarly, for leg 2 (an even-numbered leg), J1 moves in the
opposite direction from 180° to 0°, while J2 and J3 synchronize with leg 1 to create
coordinated movement.
This simulation helps visualize the precise movements of these two legs,
ensuring that the servos operate in unison and that the robot’s walking pattern is
4.2.2 MATLAB PWM Simulation:
The figure illustrates the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals for three
joints, J1, J2, and J3, of a hexapod robot over a 2-second time period. Each plot
represents the varying PWM output required to control the respective servo motors for
joint movement.
• PWM Signal for Joint J1 (Top graph): The PWM signal fluctuates
significantly, indicating rapid changes in the servo motor's position. The signal
increases sharply from 0 to around 0.5 seconds, stabilizing at a higher value
before tapering off after 1.5 seconds, signifying the joint's movement pattern.
• PWM Signal for Joint J2 (Middle graph): This graph demonstrates a more
uniform PWM variation compared to J1. The output gradually increases and
decreases, indicating smoother transitions in servo control for this joint,
possibly representing a more fluid motion.
• PWM Signal for Joint J3 (Bottom graph): The PWM signal for J3 shows
sharper and frequent fluctuations compared to J2. This behaviour suggests that
J3 experiences more rapid changes in position, similar to J1, but with less
stability during the middle of the time period.
Overall, these graphs help in understanding how the PWM signals are
modulated to control the movement and positioning of the hexapod robot's joints,
ensuring precise control of each joint during operation.
5.1 Advantages
1. Flexibility: Hexapod robots are more flexible than other robots, making them suitable
for applications that require a high degree of accuracy and precision.
4. Payload Flexibility: integrate various sensors like cameras, radiation detectors, and
metal detectors.
6. Mobility and Terrain Adaptability: - With six legs, a hexapod robot is inherently
stable and can move over uneven, rough, or complex terrain where wheeled robots or
drones may struggle. This makes it ideal for landmine detection, searching in rugged
terrains, and surveillance in difficult-to-access locations.
5.2 Applications
5.2.1 Security Applications of a Hexapod Robot: For a hexapod robot, its six-legged
structure offers enhanced mobility and stability, which can be highly advantageous for various
security applications. Here are the detailed security applications of a hexapod robot presented
in bullet points
5.2.2 Applications of Hexapod Robots in Precision Farming:
Hexapod robots equipped with soil sensors can measure various soil
parameters, such as moisture content, nutrient levels, pH, and
temperature, across large fields with pinpoint accuracy. By gathering
data at different locations in the field, the robot can create a detailed soil
health map, helping farmers identify areas that require specific
treatments like fertilization. They can also take soil samples from
different depths and areas, and analyse them. the soil conditions in real
time to optimize crop growth.
5.2.3 Applications of a Hexapod Robot in Nuclear Facilities:
5.2.4 Applications of Hexapod Robots in Rescue Operations:
5.2.5 Applications of Hexapod Robots in Landmine Detection:
5.2.6 Applications of Hexapod Robots in Surveillance Systems
6.2 Gantt Chart for Project Completion Plan
[1] I. Brodoline, E. Sauvageot, S. Viollet & J. R. Serres, “Shaping the Energy Curves of a
Servomotor-Based Hexapod Robot”, May 2024.
[4] P. Lima, M. Silveira, “Design and Control of Hexapod Robots for Exploration”,
December 2021.
[7] Dinesh, V. Khokher, “A Review on Design and Analysis of a Hexapod”, November 2017.
[9] Sheik Aftab Alli, “Design, Fabrication, and Analysis of a Hexapod”, 2015.
[10] Z.-Y. Wang, X.-L. Ding and A. Rovetta, “Locomotion Analysis of Hexapod Robot”,
March 2010.