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Air Blast Technology

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DNA 4115F


Kaman Sciences Corporation

P.O. Box 7463
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80933

September 1976

Final Report for Period October 1975-September 1976

CONTRACT No. DNA 001-76-C-0088




UNDER RDT&E RMSS CODE B344076462 J 1AAXSX35234 H2590D..

Prepared for SPRINGFIELD,VA.22161

Washington, D. C. 20305
Destroy this report when it is no longer
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DNA 4115F

Final Report for Period



Donald C. Sachs, Project Leader

Eldine Cole DNA 001-76-C-0088
Kaman Sciences Corporation AREA 6 WORK UNIT NUMBERS

P.O. Box 7463 Subtask J11AAXSX352-34

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80933

Director September 1976

Defense Nuclear Agency 13. NUMBER OF PAGES
Washington, D.C. 20305 218
14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) I5. SECURITY CLASS (of this report)



Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20. if different from Report)


This work sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency under RDT&E

RMSS Code B344076462 J11AAXSX35234 H2590D.
19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number)

Air Blast Measurement Gas Particle Velocity

Transducers Gas Density
Static Overpressure Gas Temperature
Total Pressure Dynamic Pressure
Shock Front Velocity
20 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side If necessary and identify by block nmtber)

Primary objectives of the project are to establish a base-

line regarding currently available transducers and measurement
technology for the study of air blast phenomena. This project
represents an effort toward improvements in existing sensors
and measurement practices through understanding and dissemina-
tion of information as well as a search for techniques to


OF" THIS PAGE (IWien pData Enered)


Reference to specific products and companies by name in this

report is not to be construied as endorsement or criticism
either by the authors or the U.S. Government.

20. ABSTRACT (Continued)

meaureparatmeters Lhat are being measured with limited

success or niot at all.

The study is focused on measurements of air blast '2

pl'rariotors aisEociated with peak overpressures above 140 N,/cm
(200 i') thuI l'( ic laved to Hl.' [tes;ts anod large-s;cale
vxpl_ Icy-diiveu1 shock tubes desiyned to simulate the air
blast effects and environment from a nuclear explosion.
The parameters of special concern for this study are
pressure, density, velocity and temperature. Specific defini-
tioris rogardling the type of mea-.surement (e.gj. static over-
pressure) are given as each is discussed.

Consideration of several significant areas of related

interest has been placed out-side of the scope of this project.
Problems unique to measurements in a nuclear blast environment,
tranSuceL-r siglnal conditioninj and recordlng systems as well as
caliblJltd Lio Of the measuring system are all excluded from
consideration in this report.,


State-of-the-art for measurement of air blast parameters

is not determined by isolated study. This report represents
an interpretation by the authors of the information exchanged
during personal interviews with many friends and colleagues
who are involved with air blast measurements. It is not
surprising to discover a certain amount of disagreement among
the experts regarding the best method for some measurements.
An honest effort has been made to sort fact from opinion and
bias in order to present a meaningful document that outlines
the existing boundaries of free-field air blast measurement
technology in the high overpressure regime.

With a sincere feeling of appreciation for their coopera-

tive spirit shown and unqualified support given, we gratefully
acknowledge and recognize the following persons who contributed
from their technical expertise and knowledge to this report.

BRL - John H. Keefer

George D. Teel
Noel H. Ethridge
George Coulter
Rodney Abrahams
William Schuman

AFWL - Major Fred Walter

Joseph Renick
Joseph Quintana

CERF - Neal P. Baum
Kenneth Simmons

NSWC - Joe Petes

SLA - Patrick L. Walter
Joseph Wistor
Luke J. Vortman
Ray Reed
Wayne Cook
Ed Ames
Manuel G. Vigil
NWC - Larry Josephson
Larry Sires
EMSI - Rey Shunk
RDA - Jerry Carpenter
Bruce Hartenbaum

TRW - Paul Lieberman

DRI - John Wisotski

William H. Snyer

Special recognition is given to Thomas Kennedy from DNA/

SPSS, the contracting officer's representative for this project.
His valuable suggestions and moral support are deeply appreciated.

Associates from Kaman Sciences Corporation who have

contributed to this report are Phil Jessen and Vern Peckham
(New Concepts), and Scott Doane (Photographic Measurements).


Page No.

1.1 Objectives 7
1.2 Scope 7
1.3 Report Contents 8

2.1 Pressure 11
2.2 Density 13
2.3 Velocity 13
2.4 Temperature 14
2.5 Conclusions 15


3.1 The Air Blast Environment 17

3.1.1 The High Overpressure Regime 19
3.1.2 Physical Quantities of Interest 21
3.2 Pressure Measurement 22
3.2.1 Transducer Thermal Protection 23
3.2.2 Transient Thermal Response Tests 27
3.2.3 Static Overpressure 30
3.2.4 Reflected Overpressure 41
3.2.5 Dynamic Pressure 48
3.2.6 Total Pressure 51
3.2.7 Impulse 57
3.2.8 Probe Design Considerations 58
3.2.9 Frequency Response 67
3.3 Density Measurement 72
3.4 Velocity Measurement 73
3.4.1 Shock Wave Front Velocity 73
3.4.2 Air Particle Velocity 75
3.5 Temperature Measurement 77


4.1 Photographic Equipment 79


Page No.
4.1.1 Still Cameras (Single Frame) 81
4.1.2 Low-Speed Framing Cameras (5-400 82
4.1.3 High-Speed/Very High-Speed Cameras 83
(400-300,000 fr/sec)
4.1.4 Ultra High-Speed Cameras (>300,000 84
4.1.5 Image-Converter Cameras 85
4.1.6 Kerr-Cell Cameras 85
4.1.7 High-Speed Shutters 86
4.2 Measurement Applications 88
4.2.1 Shock Wave Front Velocity and 89
4.2.2 Air Particle Velocity and Density 92
4.2.3 Charge Detonation Symmetry 93
4.2.4 Fireball Development 95
4.2.5 Crater Ejecta Trajectories 95
4.2.6 Cloud Development 96
4.3 Summary 96

5.1 Air Blast Instrumentation Workshops 100

5.2 Dynamic Calibration 101
5.2.1 Laboratory Calibration 101
5.2.2 Field Calibration 102
5.3 Probe and Fixture Design 103
5.4 Mechanical and Thermal Protection 105
5.5 Pressure Transducer Development 106
5.6 Advanced Gas Particle Velocity Anemometer 106
5.7 Summary 110

6.1 Laser Doppler Anemometer 113

6.2 Instrumented Drag Sphere 121
6.3 Microwave Densitometer 125


Page No.
6.4 Ultrasonic Measurement of Gas Particle 129
and Sonic Velocities
6.5 Laser Gas Density Instrument 133
6.6 Gas Temperature Measurement 141
6.6.1 The Value of Emissivity Measure- 141
6.6.2 Signal Strengths 143
6.6.3 Applicable Sensor Technology 145
6.7 Experimental Facilities for Sensor 146



A. Ideal Gas Relationships Between Air Blast 153


B. Selected Transducer Specifications 165

C. Glossary 197
D. Abbreviations and Symbols 207

E. Metric (SI) Conversion Factors 211



1.1 Objectives

This report contains results of a survey conducted by

Kaman Sciences Corporation in an effort to establish the status
of current technology for measurement of the various physical
properties of an air blast environment.

Primary objectives of the project are to establish a base-

line regarding currently available transducers and the status
of measurement technology for the study of air blast phenomena.
This project represents an effort toward improvements in exist-
ing sensors and measurement practices through understanding and
dissemination of information as well as a search for techniques
to measure parameters that are being measured with limited
success or not at all.

1.2 Scope

The study is focused on measurements of air blast parameters

associated with peak overpressures above 140 N/cm 2 (200 psi) that
are related to HE tests and large-scale explosively-driven shock
tubes designed to simulate the air blast effects and environment
from a nuclear explosion. The upper bound on the measurements
represents the current state-of-the-art and an effort has been
made to identify this limit for each parameter considered.

The parameters of special concern for this study are

pressure, density, gas particle and shock wave front velocities,
and temperature. Specific definitions regarding the type of
measurement (e.g. static overpressure) are given as each is
discussed in Chanter 3.

Preceding page blank

Considerations of several significant areas of related
interest have been placed outside of the scope of this project.
Problems unique to measurements in a nuclear blast environment,
transducer signal conditioning and recording systems as well as
calibration of the measuring system are all excluded from
consideration in this report.

While numerous measurement techniques are cited, their

detailed descriptions are not included. References to appli-
cable reports are provided for the reader who seeks more complete
information on any given topic.

During the course of the survey, personal visits were made

to several laboratories and facilities considered by the
technical community to be among the leaders in the field of air
blast measurements. A review of contemporary literature has
complemented the survey. Numerous transducer manufacturers
were also contacted for revised technical data on their products
that have been found to be in preferred usage by experimenters.

1.3 Report Contents

Results and conclusions are presented in summary state-

ments in Chapter 2, followed by a detailed discussion of the
present state-of-the-art for measurement of each of the important
air blast parameters including recent experimental transducer
developments in Chapter 3. A special chapter has been dedicated
to photographic techniques and methods that are used for
quantitative measurements of the air blast parameters. Promising
extensions of present measurement capabilities and several
advanced concepts for future development consideration are
presented in Chapters 5 and 6 respectively.

While the detailed discussions of air blast theory are

left for others, useful equations that give relationships
between the parameters for the case of an ideal gas are
presented in Appendix A.


Certain transducers have come to be known as preferred

types within the technical community of air blast experimenters.
Manufacturer's specification data sheets for these transducers
are included as Appendix B to this report.

A glossary of terms commonly used is found in Appendix C

to clarify the meaning and connotation and to provide defini-
tions of words common to air blast work. Symbols used in the
report and metric conversion tables are included as appendices
for the conveience of the reader.

| 9

The substance of this report is an assessment of the current

technological status for the measurement of air biist parameters
_;nthe high overpressure regime. Particular attention is given
to measurements -n regions where the peak overressure ma- be
from 140 N/1 cm (200 psi) up to the existinq boundaries for
measurements as an upper limit. In many instances, the measure-
ment does not approach the lower limit of 140 N/cm 2 200 psi).
For these cases, the maximum capability is cited e-,:. thou-h it
is otherwise below the lower 1lmit of >eak owe .- in.er

In the high overpressure regime, the measurements are not

only difficult from a viewpoint of available instrumentation
but 5,so the meaning and correct interpretation of the data is
somc cimes obscure.

Sources of major complications stem from:

1. The destructive effects of the hostile environ-

ment on the measurement system;

2. Tb- existence of dust and debris as a mixture

with the air;

3. The non-ideal character of the qas due to dis-

sociation with high temperature and contamination
with products of combustion from the charge
detonation; and

4. Perturbation of the measured quantity by the

measurement process or device.

Two distinct classes of problems are identified. The
first deals with the accurate measurement of the air blast
properties (e.g. pressure, temperature, etc.). A second set
of problems relates to interpretation of the measured data
and construction or definition of the blast field from local
measurements of some of its properties. This report is
primarily concerned with the first class of problems, namely
the ability to make the desired measurements. The remainder
of Chapter 2 is a summary of these air blast measurement
capabilities. Detailed discussions of the measurement
techniques and capabilities are presented along with many
pertinent references in Chapters 3 and 4.

The major physical properties of the air blast that one

would like to measure are pressure, density, velocity and
temperature. These terms all require additional qualification
prior to meaningful discussion of their measurement. Defini-
tions found in the Glossary (Appendix C) are given to remove
ambiguity and clarify the meaning of terms. More detailed
discussions regarding measurement techniques and implications
of each measurement are given in Chapters 3 and 4.

2.1 Pressure

A discussion of pressure measurement needs to include

identification of which type of pressure is under consideration.
Commonly one is concerned with static, total, reflected and
dynamic pressures. These may be expressed as overpressures
relative to the pre-blast ambient pressure or they may be given
in absolute terms. Orientation and design of the pressure
sensor, probe geometry and placement relative to the flow are
factors that determine which pressure is to be measured.

Static overpressure and normally reflected overpressure
measurements are consistently reported in the region of 1400 to
2800 N/cm 2 (2000 to 4000 psi). Less frequently, and yet not
uncommonly,measurements are noted above 7000 N/cm 2 (i0,000 psi)
and perhaps as high as 14,000 N/cm 2 (20,000 psi). Higher level
measurements are rare and are generally viewed with great
skepticism. Total pressure measurement is complicated by
considerations of local flow conditions around the probe that
is necessarily inserted in the flow. Corrections to the indicated
measurement are necessary for flow velocities above Mach 1 due to
the influence on the measurement of the bow shock from the probe.
This correction requires a knowledge of local static overpressure
and gamma (y) the ratio of specific heats of the gas. Since
static overpressure is measured in proximity to the total
pressure and y is assumed, the validity of the measurement
becomes more questionable as the pressure increases. For these
reasons, total pressure is only measured with confidence up to
about 210 N/cm 2 (300 psi).

The capability for measurement of dynamic pressure is

closely allied to that for measurement of total pressure.
This is because dynamic pressure is a derived quantity and is
not directly measured. Generally, the dynamic pressure is
computed using measured values of static and total pressures.
An alternative procedure involves measurement of the loading
force on a calibrated target and computation of dynamic pressure
using the drag coefficient of the target and the measured force

Peak values for stagnation and dynamic pressures are

sometimes calculated from measurements of shock wave front Mach
number and static overpressures by using Rankine-Hugoniot
relationships. Again, assumed values for y are used in these
calculations and as the overpressure increases, the sensitivity
to y is greater.

2.2 Density

The direct measurement of gas density is desirable because,

coupled with gas particle velocity, a direct and unambiguous
calculation of dynamic pressure would be possible.

Density in a relatively clean subsonic flow environment is

directly measured using a beta densitometer that measures
absorption of energy from a beta radiation source by a known
volume of air. This method has been used at peak overpressures
up to 31 N/cm 2 (45 psi) to record peak density ratios of 1.9 or

Indirect methods have been applied to measurement in higher

pressure environments. Photographic techniques show promise
for mapping the position-time histories of smoke puffs in a grid.
The trajectories thus determined are then used to calculate the
density profile behind the shock wave front. Results of such
density measurements at overpressures up to 250 N/cm 2 (360 psi)
have not yet been published for the DIPOLE WEST test series.

Like the beta densitometer, this optical method is only

applicable in the clean flow ahead of the debris and fireball.

The presence of particulate matter in the air blast brings

up questions regarding the definition, meaning, and interpreta-
tion of density measurement. The particle size, density, shape
and size distribution can be expected to be highly dependent on
the composition of the surface at each particular test site.

2.3 Velocity

Measurement of shock wave front velocity and gas particle

velocity are both considered to be of interest to this report.

Shock wave velocity is one of the more readily measured
parameters of the air blast environment. Available methods
range from very inexpensive measurements of shock front arrival
time at discrete locations to costly radar and laser systems
that provide continuous measurement along a radial line
emanating from the blast source.

Gas particle velocity behind the shock wave front has been
measured in the subsonic region quite successfuly with a vortex
shedding anemometer. In high pressure regions above Mach 1 the
smoke puff grid and high-speed photography is used in clean air

In general practice, gas particle velocity has been

calculated from other parameters. A radar doppler system
utilizing a low mass aluminum foil target has been utilized by
the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL) in the Dynamic Air
Blast Simulator (DABS) shock tube to effect a brief Lagrangian-
type measurement of particle velocities on the order of 1400

Photographic and optical techniques lend themselves to

measurement of shock front and gas particle velocity measurement.
These techniques have been widely exploited in shock tube and
HE experiments.

2.4 Temperature

Present day instrumentation for temperature measurements

in the free-field air blast environment is severely limited.
Direct measurements are not made and indirect methods, such
as hot film anemometry, are limited to blast overpressures of
about 100 N/cm 2 (150 psi) by considerations of the thin film
maximum temperature range. A total temperature measurement

has been reported at 50 N/cm 2 (72 psi) peak overpressure showing
a maximum temperature slightly above 600 degrees Celsius ( C).
Reduction of the data measured with hot film anemometer probes
is quite complex and involves considerations of heat transfer,
knowledge of static and total pressure and flow Mach number.

At the higher overpressures often the interpretation of

the measurement is further complicated by the Presence of dust
and combustion of detonation Products that continue to burn in
the fireball that engulfs the measurement station.

2.5 Conclusions

Some general comments and observations are in order recard-

ing the current state-of-the-art for measurement of air blast
parameters. One asks the questions: where do we stand?, and
what is needed in terms of development? These are not totally
objective questions and the answers are dependent upon
perspective and the frame of reference. The answers given here
are then based on facts learned and opinions formed by the author
while pursuing the study reported herein.

In the subsonic flow regime where peak overpressures are

35 N/cm 2 (50 psi) or less, most needed measurements are made
acceptably well. This is not to say the measurements do not
require very careful consideration and planning. As the over-
pressure decreases, the environment becomes friendlier and
response time requirements less stringent. While this is
happening, a new class of problems are developing that have not
been addressed by this study; namely, that of often measuring
low-level phenomena in the presence of higher level natural
meteorological influnces.

In the higher level pressure regime that is the principal
subject of this study (above 140 N/cm 2 (200 psi)) there is
considerable room for improvement in virtually every free-field
measurement the experimenter would like to make. No doubt that
pressure is measured better than density, particle velocity and
temperature. Pressure sensing elements are available for
measurements above 80,000 N/cm 2 (116,000 psi). Major deficiencies
lie in probe and mounting design, dynamic calibration methods
and in interpretation of the data.

Because of the interrelationships between the parameters,

it is difficult to assign higher importance or value to one than
the other. For one who is primarily concerned with blast effects,
the dynamic pressure may be singled out as most important while
knowledge of the other parameters is equally important for the
one who is concerned with prediction of the air blast environment.


3.1 The Air Blast Environment

It will be convenient to consider three spatial regions

or zones in the unconfined free air blast environment. It
should be recognized that physical dimensions associated with
these regions will depend upon the charge yield, type, and
qeometry. An intermediate range will be identified as the
region wherein the blast wave is well behaved and closely
follows the relationships given in Appendix A that characterize
an ideal or classical blast wave.

Let us refer to Zone 1 as being the close-in region extend-

ing from the blast origin toward Zone 2 which is in the
intermediate range. Zone 3 is the far-out region where peak
overpressures are not significantly above ambient levels.
These zones are mentioned for perspective and to emphasize that
this report deals primarily with measurements in or approaching
Zone 1. These regions are identified graphically in Figure 1
for a 100-ton TNT surface tangent sphere.

Measurements in Zone 3 are often difficult to interpret

because of perturbation from meteorological conditions.
Atmospheric effects such as focusing, local wind vector and
temperature gradients exert significant influence on the blast
propagation in the outer reaches of an air blast wave which
finally degenerates to a sonic disturbance. Terrain will
also have a measurable effect in Zone 3. While this study is
not concerned with measurement of parameters in this region, it
is mentioned as a matter of perspective. The problems and
measurement techniques for low-level air blast parameters are
largely separate from those addressed in this report.

zone 1 zone 2 zone 3


-Shock wavefroni
velocity m /


10, tGas particle

velocity m / s

100 ', T--e tZ ratio

Spressure n/cm 2
~pressure n/cm2

Static over-
pressure n/cm

\ Dynamic pressure n/cm2

10-1 I I I I Ii lil I I 1 !

101 102 103 104

Distance - meters



The intermediate range (Zone 2) is, generally speaking, the
easiest location for measuring properties of an air blast.
Here anomalies in the blast wave have healed and the shock
front is expanding radially in a regular pattern according to
theory. As one moves in closer toward ground zero, the measure-
ment is confounded by various elements, and interpretation of
the data is increasingly more ambiguous.

3.1.1 The High Overpressure Regime

The major emphasis in this report is concentrated on

measurements in the close-in region (Zone 1) where the static
overpressure is above 140 N/cm 2 (200 psi). Many factors
complicate measurements in this region. Transducers are
subject to physical damage by the extreme thermal environment,
ejecta from the crater, and debris that is picked up and swept
along by the blast. Detonation products and ionized gases
cast a large uncertainty on determining gas properties, such as
the value of gamma (y) to use as the ratio of specific heats.

It is emphasized that whereas the detonation products, dust,

and debris are a complication both to measurement and to inter-
pretation of that measurement, they must be considered a part
of the blast wave which should be measured to the extent they
are considered of importance; some can be very important. In
addition to the environmental hazards mentioned, there is the
EMP generated by the HE charge. This can be quite perturbinq
to some systems, particularly high impedance ones such as
those using quartz gages. In fact, some "pressure" signals
from dummy glass gages have in truth turned out to be EMP

The blast wave in Zone 1 is non-ideal in every sense of the

word. Irregularities in the detonation give rise to anomalies
or jetting of the fireball. This and other inhomogeneities in

the close-in region complicate interpretation and meaning of
data. Compressibility effects of the air also enter heavily
into analysis of the data from measurements at high overpressures.

Calibration accuracy is a major consideration in the high

overpressure regime. It is many times the case that great pains
are taken to calibrate the sensor as an isolated entity in the
laboratory while assuming no further calibration is required in
the field installation. Granted that often conditions of the
experiment coupled with fiscal constraints may restrict or even
preclude field calibration. Measurements are made for which a
portable calibration system is not feasible. These extenuating
circumstances do not alter the fact that sensors do not always
perform the same in a laboratory as in the field environment when
installed as part of a measuring system. An ultimate goal for
any measuring system is an end-to-end dynamic cilibration of the
system after installation.

The influence of particulate matter in the flow cannot be

ignored. Most measurement systems are as sensitive to the
effects of dust and debris are they are to the desired physical
parameter. There is dust and there are particulate detonation
products, e.g. carbon, which influence the gage reading and
perhaps they should not be treated the same way. Dust is
largely a characteristic of the ground surface and therefore
subject to large variations depending upon the locale of a test.
Particulate detonation products are characteristic to the
particular HE used. With TNT, an oxygen deficient explosive,
large quantities of carbon can be expected. For close-in
measurements this will impose a force on the gages (or targets)
and should be part of the hydrodynamic calculation predictions.

Highly accurate measurements in Zone 1 therefore call for

transducers and/or application of technqiues that account for
and/or circumvent the effects of dust. An alternative is to

quantify the dirty environment at each measurement station and
apply corrections to the data in an effort to cancel or
compensate for the "error" signal. This approach seems
impractical in view of the calibration problems faced and the
requirement for a detailed and localized time history of the
flow contamination associated with each measurement, not to
mention the unknown effects of detonation products on the gas

3.1.2 Physical Quantities of Interest

This report deals specifically with our capability to

perform measurements of the fundamental physical quantities in
an air blast. Included are direct and indirect methods for
measuring pressure, density, velocity, and temperature.
Because the shocked medium in Zone 1 is not a perfect gas,
the relationships in Appendix A are only approximations. The
degree to which these approximations are valid becomes more
uncertain as the measurement is moved in closer to the blast

For this reason, it is imperative to independently measure

as many parameters as possible because the inference of one by
knowledge of another is not necessarily valid nor is it always
known whether or not the relationships hold. Thus, the cross
correlation afforded by independent measurements provides an
insight into the flow conditions, as well as added confidence
in the validity of the measurements.

Unfortunately, the desired measurements are not readily

made (if at all) or they may not be cost effective and the
experimenter often must live with shock front Mach number and
peak overpressure as the only available measured data from the
high overpressure region. Air tables have been extended to
very high pressures and temperatures so that with shock Hugoniot

equations (A-16 to A-18) one can determine other properties at
the shock (such as temperature, density, internal energy, etc.)
although one may not be able to measure them. At other points
in the blast field, it is a different story with additional
measurement data required for definition of the flow conditions.

3.2 Pressure Measurement

Four important connotations of pressure are associated

with an air blast: 1) Static overpressure, 2) Reflected over-
pressure, 3) Total pressure and 4) Dynamic pressure. Each
measurement requires different techniques and gage installation
considerations. These will be defined and discussed in some
detail in this section of the report.

It is noted by the author during the course of this study

that there exists a general ambiguity and tendency toward
careless usage of terms regarding pressure. No doubt the
user has a clear understanding of the meaning and connotation
of the term but its use (or misuse) can present a source of
confusion to the reader or listener. For this reason, a
glossary of terms commonly encountered in air blast work is
included as Appendix C to clarify the meaning of the terms as
used in this report.

One can urge the air blast technical community to agree

upon the meanings of terms and adopt standard terminology for
use, particularly in conversation but also in the literature.

Pressure is one of the most readily measured air blast
parameters and has become a standard measurement on virtually
every test. The types of pressures are presented in order of
increasing measurement difficulty with dynamic pressure the most
elusive of all since it is not measured directly. Only through
indirect means is the dynamic pressure derived. In principle,
one type of pressure transducer could be used to measure any of
the first three pressures by installation in an appropriate probe
that is mounted with proper orientation to the blast wave. In
practice, it is often found advantaqeous to use different trans-
ducers that will de-emphasize the imperfections and take advantage
of the desirable features of each according to the situation.

Three major problems are common to all pressure measure-

ments in the extreme close-in region of the blast. First, the
very survival of the gage and associated electrical cables as
a functional unit is a significant accomplishment in engine ring
design. The transducer must also be insensitive to or isolated
from thermal and mechanical shocks as well as a severe accelera-
tion environment. Now, assuming these first two problems are
solved, one is still faced with the problem of providing an
inertially stable mount to assure that the measurement is made
at a location with spatial coordinates that remain fixed during
the measurement. It is certainly a tall order to expect to
record much more than the peak pressure for any measurements
attempted inside the radius of a crater from a surface or near-
surface burst because of the extreme ground movement and ejecta flow.

3.2.1 Transducer Thermal Protection

Virtually every active pressure sensing element known will

respond to a transient thermal stimulus to a significant degree.
In the high overpressure region the thermal environment is
always severe and becomes a major factor to address when blast
pressure measurements are planned. The inherent design of

certain sensors provides a built-in time lag before the thermal
effects are seen. Differential cancellation methods are often
used in a wide variety of innovative schemes in the product

For the user who is not involved in a design program with

a transducer manufacturer, the options available for minimizing
thermal effects relate to shielding or delaying the thermal
pulse from reaching the sensitive transducer sensing elements
until the critical measurement period is over. Several methods
are used with varying degrees of success. Test conditions and
the transducers being used will often preclude use of one
technique and indicate another. Examples of protection and
time-delaying thermal barriers in current use are:

1. Vacuum grease
2. Black electrical tape
3. Asbestos-loaded silicone rubber
4. Metal screen or ported plate
5. Fluid-coupled plate
6. Powdered lead-loaded silicone rubber.

Combinations of more than one technique are sometimes used.

Any of the above measures can be expected to degrade the trans-
ducer frequency response and should be carefully evaluated in
light of specific test requirements. Isolated examples may be
found where additional damping will actually enhance a transducer's
response characteristics. Frequency response considerations and
requirements for pressure measurements are discussed in some
detail in Section 3.2.9.

A desired bonus from any of these schemes is the added

protection afforded against physical damage to the transducer
diaphragm by debris impact.

Blast transducer designs that utilize an exposed surface
of a crystal as the force summing area will exhibit pyroelectric
and photoelectric response to heat and light. Vacuum grease
will not provide adequate shielding for this situation. For
such cases, the thermal barrier must also be opaque to optical

Thermal protection afforded by black electrical tape

Scotch brand type 88 is very commonly used and often adequate,
however many available materials are an improved thermal
insulation. For example, Scotch brand type 433 tape has been
found to be significantly more effective in tests using pulsed-
laser radiation to simulate the thermal blast source.

Silicone rubber compounds are available that are far

superior to tapes for delaying thermal effects. Two of these
in common use are General Electric #TBS-758 and Dow Corning #589.
Both of these materials offer better thermal and mechanical
properties; however, at the expense of increased difficulty for

As the blast environment becomes increasingly more severe,

a new problem appears. It is obviously important for the thermal
barrier to remain in place during the measurement period. The
tape and silicone products are readily stripped away by the blast.
At pressures around 700 N/cm 2 (1000 psi) mechanical measures are
required to enhance or replace the function of adhesive to hold
the material in place. The pressure level at which these
additional precautions are indicated depends upon conditions of
the test, being heavily influenced by the amount of debris
entrained in the blast and the impulse.

A retaining ring is shown conceptually in Figure 2 that

is designed to hold the silicone compound captive to the
diaphragm. The debris screen offers additional protection for






TBS 758
_ __[- / (-1.2 ram)









the transducer. The figure also shows a transducer with a face
plate design that has been widely used for blast measurements.
This somewhat higher degree of protection uses a pair of thick
plates with a pattern of holes drilled at an angle and aligned
so as to eliminate any direct line-of-sight path to the diaphragm.
Obviously, this technique provides very effective protection in
a rather extreme debris environment as well. Two disadvantages
are the resulting degradation of frequency response and the
tendency for holes to clog with debris. The screen or ported
face plate can be expected to limit the frequency response to
values from 5 to 20 kHz depending on the hole sizes and cavity

Measurements in the most hostile environments are usually

accomplished by indirectly coupling the pressure to the sensing
element via an intermediate medium. Two examples of such
extreme measures are shown in Figure 3. The fluid coupled
plate is used to measure plasma pressure in the Horizontal-Line-
Of-Sight (HLOS) pipe during an underground nuclear test. The
pressure is coupled to the transducer by means of a fluid filled
cavity. The piezoresistive bar gage utilizes strain gages on
the sides of a long bar to measure strain in the bar that is
induced by the pressure at the end surface.

The protective measures all have a tendency to degrade the

frequency response and need to be evaluated carefully before
application to assure that the system performance will be
acceptable. The degree of change depends largely upon the
method and transducer selected.

3.2.2 Transient Thermal Response Tests

A number of test methods have been devised and used in

screening tests for selection of the best transducers and
protective measures for use in the transient thermal environment








(4 used)




of an air blast. Standard procedures and judgment criteria
have not been adopted for guidelines in transducer or thermal
barrier selection by the experimenter. At the present time,
each user tends to design and conduct his own selection
criteria and test methods. One can argue that the simulated
thermal pulse is not a true representation of the field environ-
ment. At the same time it is reasonable to expect better
performance from a transducer with a thermally-induced zero
shift of 1/2 percent of full scale than from one with 200
percent, for example. The test results should therefore not
be considered as an absolute but rather a qualitative evaluation
for guidance in transducer selection.

The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) has developed and

reported on methods for testing response of pressure transducers
to thermal transients [I '2 ] . Reference 1 describes a method
using laser energy as the thermal source while the more recently
developed technique presented in Reference 2 uses photographic
flash bulbs as the source. A current project at NBS involves
testing and evaluation of various thermal barriers. These test
results will be documented in a NBS Tech Note with expected
publication in the near future.

Thermal transient tests are reported by TRW for the

Susquehanna ST-4 at levels up to 4600 W/cm 2 and for the PCB
113A21 at 825 W/cm

A variation on the NBS technique was developed by BRL to

test the candidate pressure transducers for the DNA shock-on-
shock rocket sled tests at Holloman Air Force Base. These tests
involved application of a pulsed thermal source up to 520 W/cm
with a simultaneous shock-tube-generated pressure step.

Numbers in brackets refer to List of References.

Transducers tested were the PCB models 115 M04 and 113A and a
Kulite Model XTEL-I-190. A number of adhesive tapes were tested
for shielding effectiveness also. Scotch brand type 433 was
found far superior in resisting the laser radiation effects
Under the given BRL test conditions the PCB-113A was proven
least sensitive to thermal transients. This test may or may not
be appropriate for aerodynamic heating since the source was radiant
thermal heat. Yet, the screening test must be judged satisfactory
in view of the successful sled test data return.

Sandia Laboratories (SLA) have also conducted thermal

response experiments in a shock tube at pressures up to 350 N/cm
(500 psi) static overpressure. The test involved evaluation of
the Kulite XTS-1-190 and HKS-7-375 model transducers with silicone
grease packed into the cavity between the debris screen and the
diaphragm. Not only is improved frequency response noted but
the thermal protection is improved. The transducer sensitivity
becomes a strong function of temperature with adverse effects
on static and dynamic sensitivity at lower pressures. As with
other methods, this technique is not a general purpose cure-all
but has application for certain test conditions[6]

Reference to specific thermal sensitivities of transducers

has not been made because non-uniformity in test procedures
makes direct comparisons somewhat misleading. The reader is
directed to the references cited for further details of test

3.2.3 Static Overpressure

Static overpressure is the transient differential pressure

in the air blast relative to the ambient pressure just before

arrival of the shock wave. Mathematically it is expressed as

Aps = P2 - Pl (1)

where the absolute pressures before and after shock arrival are
denoted p1 and P 2 respectively. It is measured with a pressure
transducer whose diaphragm or force-summing area is oriented
in a plane that is parallel to the flow velocity vector. Many
other commonly used adjectives for static overpressure include
incident, side-on, free-field or free-air overpressure.

From a sensor point of view, it is the easiest, therefore

the most common pressure measurement. The exposure of the
active sensing area to direct radiant energy of the fireball
is much reduced as well as the hazard of debris impact. Inter-
pretation of the data is not complicated by factors of kinetics
and gas compressibility. The static pressure levels are lower
than total or reflected pressures (to be defined later) at any
given range. The transducer orientation to the blast for static
overpressure measurement is favorable to minimize the mechanical
shock and vibration effects, which are commonly very small for
excitation in the plane of the diaphragm.

The measurement is however considerably more sensitive to

probe geometry and alignment than the others. Misalignment of
the transducer baffle with the flow introduces a source of
measurement error that is not readily detectable by study of
the data. Probe design considerations are presented in Section

Measurements of static overpressures in the region from

7,000 to 14,000 N/cm 2 (10,000 - 20,000 psi) are reported with
reasonable probability of success. Above this range, the prob-
ability diminishes, with added difficulty in recording the total

positive pressure phase duration, the period of positive pres-
2 (20,000 psi) static
sure. Reports of data above 14,000 N/cm
overpressure are quite spotty. Vortman (SLA) reports on very
2 (39,000 psi) that
recent tests, a measurement of 27,000 N/cm
is in line with the prediction . A peak of 45,500 N/cm 2
(66,000 psi) was measured on Event TINY TOT and is one of the
highest reported overpressure measur-ments noted in the course
of this review.

Three basic installation configurations have evolved for the

pressure transducer to measure static overpressure. They are:

1. The surface-flush ground baffle;

2. The disk probe; and,

3. The pencil probe.

Typical field installations for each type are seen in photographs

in Figures 4, 5, and 6 respectively.

The pressure adapter seen in Figure 4 is used for field

calibration and is removed prior to shot time to expose a flush
surface to the air flow. Many variations on this basic instal-
lation are implemented to accomodate particular test requirements.
Figure 7 is a drawing that illustrates several desirable features
for the ground baffle. The teflon bushing provides electrical
as well as mechanical isolation. The electrical isolation is
required to avoid ground loops that are a source for electrical
noise in the signal. Since all pressure transducers are
sensitive in some degree to case strain, the teflon bushing serves
further to isolate the pressure transducer from shock and vibration.

The usual field installation procedure for the ground baffle

is to pour the concrete block in situ providing the maximum
coupling to the surrounding earth media. Recent experience

D"- I




-~ 34








in the Pre-DICE THROW test resulted in a longer recording time
at close-in stations by use of precast mounting blocks.
While the holes were back filled after placement of the concrete
blocks, no special effort was taken to tamp the earth to restore
the soil to its undisturbed character. The backfill material
used was crusher fines or sand. This decoupling of the mounting
pad from ground motion probably contributed to the increased
record length, although this hypothesis has not been proven by
controlled experimentation.

Installation requirements such as size of the concrete

ballast and cable protection measures will vary widely depending
upon factors such as overpressure levels and predicted ground

The ground baffle offers excellent physical protection for

the transducer and this geometry h s been used to successfully
measure some of the highest blast overpressures on record ' 9 ' I0 ]

It is noted here that the overpressure measured at the

ground surface does not represent the free-field static over-
pressure at some height above the surface. The overpressure
measured at the surface is strongly influenced by surface
conditions, reflected air shocks and ground-induced air shock,
particularly in the close-in regions. Experience on high-
explosive charge tests indicates that in the high overpressure
regions, peak static overpressures measured at ground level
are depressed and the waveforms tend to be non-classical [I I ]

Pressures measured in the region of Mach reflection will

generally be about twice the amplitude of the incident free air
blast wave front. It is therefore of general interest to
measure static overpressures above the surface of the ground
at various radii, elevation and azimuth angles to more fully
characterize the pressure profile and symmetry of the air
blast environment.

Pressure measurements within the blast flow field require
the introduction of a pressure transducer into the flow. One
immediately faces the classical measurement problem of alter-
ing the physical quantity under study by the act of measurement.
The objective is then to design a sensing probe that minimizes
the perturbation of the flow field by its presence.

The disk probe desiqn (see Figure 5) is seen to be omni-

directional for flow within the plane of the disk. This probe
geometry is particularly vulnerable to damage caused by mis-
alignment in the flow because of the large surface area and
relatively weak construction design inherent in the thin disk.

A variation of the disk baffle is available in a "lollipop"

configuration. While this design is less susceptible to damage
by misalignment, calibration is much more sensitive to flow Mach
number and turbulence because of the complex aerodynamic shape.
Figure 8 shows a commercially available lollipop probe for blast
overpressure measurement.

The pencil probe design seen in Figure 6 is commercially

available from Susquehanna Instruments (ST-7) and Celesco
Industries (LC-13 or LC-33). Both types of probes utilize
synthetic crystals that are quite responsive to temperature
changes. The calibration stability is notably inferior to
quartz sensors and should be considered before selection of
these probes. The ST-7 probe may be ordered to accept a PCB
model quartz transducer for improved temperature stability.

Figure 9 shows an installation detail that is recommer..!ed

by Denver Research Institute for use with the pencil probe.
The nylon adapter serves to provide electrical and mechanical
isolation for the transducer sensing element as well as to
provide a transition from the probe diameter to the supporting
structure made of water pipe.





-- 4


Refer to Section 3.2.8 for a discussion of design
considerations of these and other probes for making pressure
measurements in an air blast environment.

3.2.4 Reflected Overpressure

When a shock wave encounters a rigid surface in its path

that is not parallel to its direction of motion, a reflected
shock wave is formed. Figure 10 will be helpful to describe
the reflection and for definition of terms.

The figure depicts a normally reflected wave in which the

shock velocity (Us ) is perpendicular to the reflecting surface.
The reflected overpressure (Ap ) as measured at the wall by
transducer "A" may range from 2 to 8 times the static overpres-
sure for an ideal gas as seen by consideration of the equation
that predicts the peak value of normally reflected overpressure
for an ideal blast wave which is given by

Ar =
APPl P2 7p, ++ P2
4P2) " (2)

In this equation p1 is the ambient pressure ahead of the shock

and P2 is the peak pressure behind the shock front as
indicated in Figure 10 [12]. In an actual field test with
effects from ionization, dust, and products of combustion, the
reflected overpressure ratio (Apr/P 2 ) could go as high as 20.
Reflected pressure is often used in shock tube calibration of
pressure transducers as a means of amplifying the pressure
pulse to a higher level than obtainable with static overpressure

An important point is that the above equation relates to

normally reflected waves. Obliquely reflected waves are also
often encountered in pressure measurements such as with flush
transducers placed on the surface of the ground close-in to

N\ \~\


\~\\Kj ~\\ \~A ~\ \


ow z0u

z wL LLI C


w- LU)
V) LU-

c4 C4 C- c,4 uj L


- 0-
CL Li.

large charges (e.g. the 500-ton TNT tangent spheres). These
measurements are often made before the formation of the Mach
stem and sense an obliquely reflected blast pressure that is
neither static pressure nor is it normally reflected pressure.

The reflected pressure can represent a significant increase

in the impulse delivered to a target exposed to air blast. It
may also appear on pressure-time histories as a confusing signal
added to the pressure measurement from a pitot tube. Turning
attention to the pitot tube shown in Figure 10, transducer "B"
necessarily must present a reflecting surface area to the
approaching shock wave. The resulting transient pressure peak
is rapidly relieved around the probe as quasi-steady flow
conditions are established around the probe. Figure 11 is
shown as representative of such a measurement which distinctly
shows a sharp spike on the leading edge of the record. The
clearing time for establishment of flow around the probe is
seen to be very short and the peak pitot pressure may be
estimated by fairing and extrapolation from the overall pressure

The amplitude of the reflected overpressure that is

recorded depends upon the probe design and the bandwidth of the
measuring and recording system. Many of the systems in use
today have limited bandwidth that filters the signal to eliminate
the peak reflected pressure spike[11]

Another manifestation of reflected pressure is seen in the

data record of Figure 12. This instance shows shocks reflected
from nearby surfaces. While the strength of these may be of
interest in isolated cases, as a general rule, the data record
is difficult to interpret or loses its meaning after the
arrival of stray reflected shock waves.








0.. 0-

LZ <


cc F-
zL Lu V,


00001 00006 000OL 0OOOs O 000 67To-
efOtX) 3YflSSYdY3AD



u L-J






009 oaaor
009 ooo~ ooo

Often measurements are made in a region of the air blast
known as the Mach stem which is formed by the coalescence of
the main air shock wave front with a reflected shock, commonly
the reflection from the ground plane. This is a somewhat
complex shock interaction and is mentioned to bring out the
point that it is essential to be aware of the region in which
the pressure measurement was made for proper interpretation of
its meaning.

Measurement of normally reflected pressure requires the

active force summing area of the transducer to be perpendicular
to the shock wave velocity vector. This specifies that the
transducer must face the blast source (with associated debris
and thermal environment) which is a much more severe requirement
than for measurement of static overpressure.

Reflected pressure measurements in the very high overpres-

sure region will generally require the type of transducer
protection shown in Figure 13 that provides a high degree of
isolation for the active sensing element. Not so much because
the overpressures are so high, but rather because it is neces-
sary to protect the element from debris and the extreme thermal
environment that accompanies the air blast.

The limitation for this measurement on a routine basis in

the air blast environment is on the order of 5000 N/cm 2
psi) using protective measures over the active force summing
area. An example of one method that has proven to be very
effective is seen in Figure 13. This ported face plate concept
can present a serious frequency response limitation for wide-
band measurements much above 5-20 kHz. The actual boundary for
reflected pressure measurement is very difficult to establish
because of the strong relationship it has to the air blast
source. In a shock tube with a cleaner environment, measurements







as high as 20,000 N/cm 2 (29,000 psi) reflected pressures may
well be possible.

Reflected pressure measurements are usually associated

with target loading and response studies. The transducer is
installed flush to the surface of the model or structure at
the point of measurement. The installation techniques are
similar to the ground baffle for static overpressure. In -act,
the measurement of reflected pressure directly underneath a
charge above the surface would utilize a ground baffle.

As stated earlier, the reflected pressure measurement is

commonly associated with a target that is subjected to the air
blast loading. Pressure transducers are then installed flush
to the reflecting surface. Special precaution is taken to
avoid direct coupling of stress that is induced in the struc-
ture to the transducer case. Most pressure transducers wiLl
respond to case stress (some more than others) and need
mechanical isolation from the high stresses that are induced
in the mounting surface of a representative target. Farther
discussion of mounting considerations is found in Section 3.2.8.

3.2.5 Dynamic Pressure

The dynamic pressure is that component of stagnation

pressure that arises from the kinetic energy of the mass flow.
It is commonly denoted as q and is defined as

q= 1 0u 2 (3)

where p is the gas density and u is the gas particle velocity

in the flow.

The dynamic pressure is not directly measured but is a
computed value based upon measurements of other parameters.
The Rankine-Hugoniot relationships presented in Appendix A
are used with measurements of static overpressure, stagnation
pressure and shock wave Mach number to calculate dynamic
pressure at the shock wave[131

For incompressible fluid flow, the dynamic pressure is

the difference between static and stagnation pressure. At
low overpressures the effects of compression are negligible,
however at the levels of overpressure under consideration the
dynamic pressure (q) is not simply related to static and
stagnation pressure. It is usually obtained from the static
pressure (p) and the Mach number (M) using the relation for
perfect gas that

1 pM2 (4)

where gamma (y) is the ratio of specific heats. It is readily

observed that this calculation requires that several conditions
are met; namely, the flow is adiabatic, the density and
composition of the gas is consistent with the value of y used,
and it obeys the perfect gas laws.

Another approach to obtaining the dynamic pressure is to

measure the drag forces on a calibrated target that is placed
in the free-stream flow. The target may be a cylinder that has
been tested in various environmental situations of dusty and
clean air flow encountered in sled tests, shock tubes and wind
tunnels. The drag coefficient is thus established and the
forces of blast loading are measured during field test. The
dynamic pressure is then calculated using the relationship

cD A (5)

where F = blast loading force

CD = average drag coefficient
= f(M,R ee,0d)
A = presented area of the target
0 = angle of incidence
d = dust momentum flux
and Re = Reynolds number.

Unresolved problems or limitations to this method center

around the inherent low frequency response because of the
clearing time needed to establish steady flow around the tarqet
and the uncertainty of (d and its effect.

The establishment of dynamic pressure by differential

pressure measurement techniques shows promise for low Mach
number low pressure applications. This method has been used by
BRL in the past with encouraging results and is under continued
investigation for refinement of the technique [1 41
. An essential
element for successful measurement using this technique is that
both pressure sensing channels must be identical in sensitivity.
This differential method is not so promising for application
to the high pressure regime because of the non-linear corrections
necessary for M > 1.

An obvious approach for determining q is to measure the

density and gas particle velocity directly and then compute
the dynamic pressure from the definition. While this can be
done conceptually, very limited means are available for measure-
ment of these two quantities in a field application. The topics
of density and velocity measurements are discussed in Sections
3.3 and 3.4 respectively.

In summary, dynamic pressure is an important yet extremely
difficult measurement to make in the high overpressure regime;
it is not satisfactorily measured at the present time in the
region of ps 140 N/cm 2 (200 psi). The major limitations are
related to problems associated with measuring total pressure which

are discussed next.

3.2.6 Total Pressure

The concept of total pressure is very important and is the

source of considerable confusion on the sL ject of compressible
fluid flow, particularly when the free-stream velocity is
supersonic. Other related terms, some of which are synonomous,
are: total head pressure, staqnation pressure, head pressure,
impact pressure, and pitot pressure. A clear definition of
these terms and a discussion of the total pressure measurement
will help to eliminate some of the cloud surrounding the subject.

Total pressure in fluid flow is by definition the pressure

that would exist if the flow were brought to rest isentropically.
The flow is said to be stagnated when the flow velocity is zero.
Thus, total pressure is commonly referred to as the stagnation
pressure which is perfectly correct as long as the flow has
been stagnated isentropically. This is the important point
that is often overlooked. The clear understanding of the two
thermodynamic processes is essential to this discussion;
isentropic and adiabatic. Each will be defined before return-
ing to the subject of total pressure. An adiabatic process is
one in which no heat is transferred and an isentropic process
is defined as one of constant entrony. Although one may
imagine an irreversible constant-entropy process which is not
adiabatic, from any practical viewpoint the term isentropic is
generally understood to mean reversible adiabatic.

Returning to the discuission of total pressure, the measure-
ment procedure is to install a pressure transducer in the nose
of a probe that is oriented facing into the flow (toward the
blast source). Figure 14 is a photograph of a total pressure
probe developed by the Ballistic Research Laboratories (BRL)
for measurements in high blast overpressure environments
The face of the pressure transducer is protected with a debris
and heatshie]d similar to that shown in Figure 13. Note that
the transducer is recessed in the probe to provide a stagnation
region with no flow over the face of the transducer. In a
subsonic flow, the fluid will in fact be brought to rest over
the face of the transducer isentropically and the measured
pressure will be the true free-stream total or staanation

However, such is not the case in supersonic flow. A

detached bow shock wave forms ahead of the probe that involves
an irreversible adiabatic process. The pressure transducer
senses a stagnation pressure but it is not the desired free-
stream stagnation pressure that is measured. The measured
pressure behind the detached bow shock wave is known as the
pitot pressure. On the stagnation streamline (at the face of
the transducer) the shock is normal and the ratio of true total
pressure (p0 1 ) to measured pitot pressure (P0 2 ) is given by

P01 2y M12 - 1 )1/(y-l) (1 + ) - M

P0 2 Y + 1 Y + 1 Y + 1 M2/ (6)

where M 1 is the Mach number ahead of the bow shock wave and y
is the ratio of specific heats for the gas. Subscripts 1 and 2
denote conditions ahead of and behind the shock respectively
(see Figure 10).

If the flow is subsonic, the pitot pressure measured is
the true total pressure and the pressure ratio is given by the
isentropic relation

p = 2 (7)

where p is the static pressure.

Note the subscripts have been dropped since there is no bow

shock wave formed in subsonic flow. For supersonic flow the
Mach number may be obtained by combining the above equations to
eliminate the total pressure (p0 E p0 1 ) by division of Equation
(6) by Equation (7). This gives the Raleigh supersonic pitot
formtla which is

S2-y MI2 Y - I(-l

P02 (y M1 MI2)Y/(Y-) (8)

The reduction of data from stagnation pressure measurements in

supersonic flow is seen to be anything but straightforward and
involves a number of assumed values and conditions along with
iterations between Equations (8) and (6) along with predetermined
gage calibration factors. For reasons such as these, confidence
in total pressure measurements diminishes rapidly at overpres-
sures much above 140 N/cm 2 (200 psi).

The Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL) is involved with

an experimental program to significantly advance the current
capability for measurement of total pressure (and thus dynamic
pressure). This program entails both transducer and probe
development and considerations of data reduction and analysis


.. ..........
--- -"--"......"
u,,J . .. ''
techniques. Figure 15 shows the AFWL wing-shaped probe used
for multiple gage installations in their Dynamic Air Blast
Simulator (DABS) program. DABS is a large explosive driven
expendable shock tube for providing high overpressure and
dynamic pressure environments over large test volumes.
Stagnation pressures ranging from 2100 N/cm 2 (3000 psi) upward
to 3400 N/cm (5000 psi) have been repeatedly measured using
the bar gage (seen earlier in Figure 3b) as the pressure

A major problem with measurement of stagnation pressure

at high overpressures is the influence of dust and particulate
matter that is an inseparable part of the field test environ-
ment. In review of past history, a number of attempts have
been made to account for the effects of particulate matter in
the flow. The Sandia Greg and Snob gages along with the SRI-
MAD (for measurement of air and dust) are notable examples of
probes that have been designed especially for the purpose of
determining the separate contributions of air and dust
components [13,17]

The Greg and Snob gages were designed and used during the
days of atmospheric nuclear testing and are described in
Reference 13 which is dated 1959. Aside from the development
of the MAD gage by Stanford Research Institute (c.a. 1963) for
measurement of dusty air blast effects no other significant recent
effort has been uncovered relating to development of instruments
that deal specifically with the contribution from dust effects
to the total measurement.

The measurement of parameters in the high overpressure

regime necessitates measurements in environments that are
heavily laden with dust, debris and combustion products. It
seems apparent that proper interpretation of such measurements



calls for a basic understanding of the effects and influence of
these factors on the measurement as part of the larger problem
of air blast phenomenology.

U3.2.7 Impulse

The impulse (I) from a blast wave is given by the area

under the pressure-time (p-t) curve. Mathematically it is
expressed as

I =fp dt.

The impulse is usually calculated from numerical integration of

one of the pressure measurements previously described. From
many viewpoints, the impulse is a more interesting parameter
than pressure: Structures respond to impulse. The nature of
the measurement involves a smoothing or averaging process.
Consequently, correlation of impulse measurements with predictions
generally leads to less scatter in the data.

Positive impulse is defined to be the area under the

overpressure-time curve during the interval that this pressure
is positive. Similarly, the negative impulse is the integral of
the negative portion of the overpressure curve.

A "flying plug" has been proven useful for measarement of

reflected impulse at high overpressure levels [1 8 ' 1 91 . The
technique involves exposing a lightly constrained plug in a
large fixed plate normal to the blast wave. The flight of the
plug is recorded using high speed photography and application
of impulse-momentum considerations to the trajectory data. The
accuracy of data thus measured is reported to be in the
[1 8 1
neighborhood of ±2 percent

An advantage to measurement of impulse using the flying
plug or similar approach is that it may provide a reliable
data point in a region where most measurements are not
presently made.

3.2.8 Probe Design Considerations

The presence of a pressure transducer in an air flow will

necessarily perturb the flow field and alter the parameter
beiing sensed. For this reason, it is essential that the sensor
be installed in a probe that has been designed with due
appreciation and understanding of the aerodynamic aspects of
the measurement. Not only must the probe be designed for
minimal perturbation of the flow, but consideration must be
given to the optimum location of the sensinq element in the
probe. This is especially critical for air blast measurements
in a high overpressure region because pressure distribution and
flow conditions around the probe will change drastically during
transition from supersonic to subsonic flow.

The successful measurement of blast pressure depends on

a priori knowledge of the blast direction since none of the
available transducers are omni-directional. It will be seen
that certain probes and mounting designs are less sensitive
than others to blast orientation.

Books have been written dealing with the aerodynamics of

flow around probes and the influence of probe geometry
distortion of the free-stream flow. Two points are made here:
1. The subject is a study in itself and will not be treated
in depth in this report; and 2. Much attention and theoretical
work is focused on wind tunnel testing and only limited work
has been done on probe desiqn considerations for blast study

programs in the field. This is not to discount the fine work
that has been and continues to be done by laboratories such
as BRL, SLA, SRI, AFWL and others.

A very few U. S. manufacturers of blast-type pressure

transducers offer, as standard catalog products, sensors
installed in aerodynamically shaped probes for measurement of
static overpressure. While these probes are widely used for
measurements in a supersonic blast flow environment, aerodynamic
calibration or performance specifications are sparse or totally
unavailable from the manufacturer. Responsibility rests with
the user to determine calibration factors and the suitability
of the probe for the intended application. This is understand-
able from the viewpoints that the transducer manufacturer is;
(1) unlikely to have an aerodynamicist on his design staff,
(2) the shock tubes and wind tunnels represent major test
facilities that would not be a financially cost effective
investment and (3) the volume of business for air blast
instrumentation represents a relatively small portion of the
pressure transducer market.

Three commercially-available probes that are used for air

blast measurements are the ST-7 probe by Susquehanna Instruments
and the LC-13 and LC-33 probes by Celesco Industries (formerly
Atlantic Research). The name "nencil" probe is commonly given
to this design.

Photographs of the ST-7 and LC-33 probes in Fiqure 16 show

the probes to be streamlined and slender. The LC-13 that is not
shown is smaller than the LC-33 but similar in shape.

Design considerations for this streamlined probe are

deceptively complex. In supersonic flow, a detached bow shock
wave will form off the tip of the probe. This disturbance will



b) LC-33


cause a surface pressure gradient along the length of the probe
making sensor location a critical concern.

Representative pressure distributions for two probe

geometries are seen in Figure 17. The first probe (Figure 17a)
is similar to the ST-7 while the second is more like the LC-13
and LC-33 design. The abrupt shoulder at the cone-cylinder
junction causes the air to be expanded and the pressure drops
to below the free-stream static value. The pressure on the
surface of the probe asymtotically approaches the true static
pressure to within 1% at 10 to 15 diameters downstream from the

The blunt-nosed Celesco probe geometry makes use of the

fact that a smooth transition from the cone to cylinder will
eliminate the expansion wave and change the pressure distribu-
tion to look like 17b. Location of the pressure transducer
sensitive area at B allows a much shorter probe than the design
in 17a. However, the location of point B is more sensitive to
flow Mach number than is point A. From a study of published
design information [2 0 ,21] the overall calibration for variable
Mach number for the probe with the transducer at least 10
diameters back is expected to be more accurate.

Figure 17 is given to illustrate that the geometry is a

critical consideration in design of a probe for static overpres-
sure measurement. The surface pressure distributions indicate
that the optimum location of the active sensing element is not
an arbitrary choice. The pressure distributions are dependent
upon Mach number (M) and the most accurate measurements require
use of a correction factor that is a function of M. The
pressure (f) measured by the cone-cylinder model, with sensor
location at least ten diameters downstream from the shoulder,


1 D

P/P2 1.00 P/Poz.99


<, B,

P/P2 1.0 I \----




is expected to be within one percent of the desired free stream
pressure (P ) for widely variable M Calibration for the
blunt-nosed geometry will be more dependent upon M; the
particular probe shape and sensor location having been optimized
to provide a short probe for special purpose application over
a limited range of M[ 2 11 .

A number of variations on the disc probe are also used to

measure static overpressure. The BRL 18-inch diameter disc
baffle seen in Figure 5 uses a flat surface with a flush-
mounted transducer in the center. This probe design has been
widely used for a number of years with proven results. It is
susceptible to damage from flow misalignment at higher overpres-
sures because of the large exposed surface area. This orobe
calibration may be quite sensitive to alignment error also.
For example, consider the pressure distribution over the
surface of the disc to behave as a thin airfoil. At 16 decree
angle of attack one would predict a corresponding 30% error
at the mid-chord position.

The probe design of Ruetenik and Lewis described in

Reference 22 is considerably less sensitive to alignment while
at the same time more rugged from a blast damage viewpoint.
Figure 18 shows the outline dimensions for this probe which
incorporates two sensors instead of one. When the probe is
misaligned with the flow, one transducer will sense a pressure
that is higher than the free-stream static overpressure while
the other one is too low. To a large extent the errors are
compensating so that the average output approaches the desired
value. The difference between the two output signals gives a
measure of the flow vector. As with all differential measure-
ments, accuracy of this type of probe is strongly dependent
upon a dual channel measuring system that is presumed to be
identical. This requires a carefully matched system from the
sensor to recorder.


05 4-340"

2.0"DIA -/



Figure 19 is a sketch of a commercially available
lollipop probe (PCB Piezotronics) that is interesting to
consider in light of the foregoing discussion. The success
of this probe as with the others is dependent upon calibra-
tion and application to the proper situation. Note that
*there is virtually no flat surface parallel to the plane of
the free-stream flow. The pressure distribution across the
diameter would be generally above the ambient along the slope
ahead of the sensor and below ambient behind the sensor
(toward the sting mounting). The sensing element is located
in the transition region where the calibration at different
Mach numbers and angles of attack might be a difficult

One should not ignore the error that is introduced in a

static overpressure measurement by misalignment of the flow
with the baffle (disk). This problem is especially serious
for large overpressures where the dynamic pressure is not
small compared with the shock overpressure. The error
introduced by the "angle-of-attack" effect is essentially
independent of the probe size. Equally important for transient
blast measurements are considerations of aerodynamic response
time of the probe. The pressure transducer itself may have
a response time of a few microseconds (depending on the
particular one chosen) but the time for the flow surrounding
the probe to come to equilibrium following diffraction of the
shock wave by the probe will be considerably longer. Any
ports or cavities in the transducer installation or adaption
to the probe will increase the basic transducer response time
by effectively including an organ pipe and/or a lelmholtz
resonator in the system. The acoustic resonances of these
devices may seriously limit the response of the probe and must
be considered [23]

.375 3.0 dia

.218 dia.


I1 13 dia.


.50 dia.

_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _



(MODEL 11 3A51)

The point beinq made regarding probe design is that the
probe will disturb the flow field being measured F' the
optimum location of the sensing element is critical. The
correction factors and pressure distributions measured in
wind tunnel and shock tube tests will also be sensitive to
flow turbulence levels for most probe geometries.

Careful study and consideration thus needs to be given

to selection of the probe and gage mount for measurement in
an air blast environment.

3.2.9 Frequency Response

Considerations of frequency response and interrelated

parameters of the measurinq system are contained 'n this
section. The discussion is given in the context of pressure
measurements only because this is the physical parameter most
commonly measured in the overpressure regime above 140 N/cm
(200 psi). The definitions and comments may be generalized
to apply equally well to transducers and measurement systems
for other parameters.

Several definitions are quoted from the Instrument

Society of America (ISA) "Standards for Electrical Transducer
Nomenclature and Terminology" (1969). These terms will be
discussed as they apply to requirements for successful transient

"Frequency Response - The change with frequency of

the output/measurand amplitude ratio (and of the
phase difference between output and measurand),
for a sinusoidally varying measurand applied to a
transducer within a stated range of measurand

Response Time - The length of time required for the
output of a transducer to rise to a specified
percentage of its final value as a result of a
step change of measurand.

Resonant Frequency - The measurand frequency at

which a transducer responds with maximum output

Rise Time - The length of time for the output of a

transducer to rise from a small specified percentage
of its final value to a large specified percentage
of its final value as a result of a step change of
measurand. (Unless otherwise specified, these
percentages are assumed to be 10 and 90 percent of
the final value.)

Time Constant - The length of time required for the

output of a transducer to rise to 63 percent of its
final value as a result of a step change of measurand."

These terms have been defined by the ISA as properties of

transducers. The definitions certainly have a broader meaning
and can be applied to a probe or measurement system as well as
a transducer.

Before considering the frequency response requirements for

measurements in a blast environment it will be helpful to
review relationships between rise time, time constant and
frequency response. These relationships are well known and
their bases are given in many texts on frequency analysis
(e.g. Reference 24).

The rise time (10-90 percent) tr, for a single degree of
freedom system, is given by the equation

tr = 2.2T (9)

where T is the time constant of the system.

The upper 3-dB frequency f 2 is related to T by


By combining Equations (9) and (10) we obtain the very useful

relation that

= 0.35 (11)
r f2

It can be further shown that for n systems in cascade the overall

rise time is given by

2 2 + + 1/2
r r" r2 ... rn)l/2

These equations are strictly true for a single degree of freedom

system yet they are useful close approximations for the more
complex systems.

It is important to note that the measurement system

frequency characteristics are determined by the combination of
the transducer, the probe (or installation details), signal
conditioning circuits and the recording system. The entire
system must therefore be evaluated to establish the adequacy for
making a desired measurement or validity of a given data record.
Distinctions of the difference between sensor and system
characteristics need to be fully understood by the experimenter.

A transducer that is exposed to a step pressure change
will be excited at its resonant frequency if the rate of
pressure rise is sufficiently fast. The rise time for a
shock wave will vary, depending upon the blast source and
intensity, distance from the source and gas dynamic properties
of the shocked medium. Nonetheless, rise times can be
expected to be less than a microsecond particularly for the
static overpressures of concern to this study which are
above 140 N/cm 2 (200 psi). Damped oscillations will show up
on the output of virtually any air blast pressure measurement
that is not overdamped since very few (if any) sensing
elements have natural frequencies that would not be excited
by high frequency energy in the shock wave.

Referring back to Figure 12 as an example, this ringing

response is clearly evident in the initial response of the
transducer. Sources of this oscillatory response may be
mechanical resonance of the transducer sensing element, acoustical
resonance of ports and cavities or aerodynamic oscillations
in the flow set up by diffraction of the initial and succeeding
shocks and rarefaction waves over the probe. Another potential
source might be the signal conditioning and recording system,
although existing technology in these areas is sufficiently
advanced so that this source can be eliminated by careful
selection of these system elements.

The resonant frequency of a measurement system will impose

a limitation on the useful frequency response (bandwidth) of
that system. A rule of thumb for system design is to limit
the system frequency response to not more than 20 percent of
the lowest resonance in the system. As the system response is
crowded toward the resonance, frequency selective distortion
will be introduced in the output signal.

Compensation methods have been developed for unfolding
the distorted data signal in situations with inadequate band-
width. These methods can be especially productive when the
deficiency is discovered after the measurement has been made
or where a better measuring system is not available. Most
compensation methods are based on use of the Fourier transform
operating on the data in the frequency domain and an inverse
transform to the corrected data. An alternative approach is
to perform the compensation by time domain deconvolution
(TDD) . Either method requires additional test information
that defines the transfer function. This is commonly given by
an analytic exuression, modulus and phase versus frequency
tabulations, or appropriate input and output time response

Frequency or time domain corrections can be applied to

each stage of the measurement system or as an overall end-to-end
correction. Each method has its own merits and most suitable
application. It is worthy of note that the TDD approach may
offer certain advantages to measurement systems that tend to
be oscillatory. The frequency domain transfer function for
such a system changes radically in the region of the resonant
frequency and mathematical operations with the function may
introduce large errors in this region.

The response time required for pressure measurements is

dependent upon the size of the detonation and the pressure level
being measured. Consider for example, a 2.2 kq (I lb) versus a
2200 kg (1000 Ib) spherical charge of TNT in free air. At the
350 N/cm (500 psi) level of peak blast pressure, the positive
phase duration lasts 114 and 1140 microseconds respectively.
From another viewpoint, the positive phase duration is 1140 micro-
seconds for the 2.2 kq charge at a peak pressure of approximately

2 16
48 N/cm (70 psi) [ 26] If the interest in the measurement is
primarily to measure impulse, a much lower frequency response
measuring system will suffice than if the peak pressure and
initial character of the blast are to be defined.

A 20 kHz bandwidth measuring system is perfectly adequate

for most measurements in the large-charge field tests with
charge sizes of many hundred tons. As the charge weight
decreases and/or the peak overpressure increases,the frequency
response requirements increase and the selection of a suitable
transducer is more difficult. Equations (9) through (12) are
helpful in determining the frequency response required by the
measurement system elements after the expected pressure level
and waveform have been established.

3.3 Density Measurement

The temporal measurement of gas density does not lend

itself readily to the field test environment. The moderately
successful blast wave density-time gage for this application
is a beta-ray densitometer used on Events PRAIRIE FLAT (1968)
and DIAL PACK (1970). The maximum overpressure in which these
densitometers were tested was 17 N/cm 2 (25 psi).

The results of these measurements are presented in

References 27 and 28 along with a description of the system
used and some theory of application. The densitometer has
been designed for subsonic flow measurements and would need
some re-design for use in supersonic flow. Another perhaps
more serious limitation of the beta-ray densitometer is its
high sensitivity to even low concentrations of dust entrained
in the air.

Photographic means for density measurements are being
developed that utilize hiqh-speed photography of smoke tracer
particle trajectories. This method is further described in
Section 4.2.2.

The schlieren system is a photo-optical method that

depends upon the density qradient from which one can (in
principle) obtain quantitative measurements that may be
integrated to give the density field. Practical application
of this method to high overpressure blast environment in the
field has not been demonstrated. The same statement can be
made for the Mach-Zehnder interferometer which is so widely
used in wind tunnel tests for density gradient representations.

Thus, density remains as a very desirable blast parameter

for which adequate field worthy measurement techniques have
not been developed for overpressure in the region above
35 N/cm (50 psi) or in other than clean-air conditions.

3.4 Velocity Measurement

Two distinct velocities associated with air blast are

identified as important to this study: One, the velocity of
the shock wave front (Us); and two, the gas particle velocity
(u) in the flow behind the wave front. In dust-laden flow the
velocity distribution of the particulates is noted as being a
separate quantity that is not currently measured satisfactorily
in the field.

3.4.1 Shock Wave Front Velocity

The shock wave front velocity can be counted among the

more readily measured air blast parameters. Two basic methods
are available to the experimenter with either continuous or
discrete resolution. The degree of sophistication ranges from

the simplicity of an open-circuited coaxial cable for sensing
an ionized shock wave front to the complexity of a radar
system. The tradeoff is a single data point at a small cost
versus a continuous measurement with resolution of a few
centimeters at a relatively high cost.

The most usual method is to use air blast time-of-arrival

detectors (ABTOAD) at discrete locations to measure shock wave
front arrival at particular locations to complement pressure
measurements. Average velocities are then readily calculated
as the spacing per differential arrival time. The ABTOAD
consists of a piezoelectric crystal, foil strain gage, carbon
gage or any other pressure or shock sensitive detector -
effectively an inexpensive, uncalibrated pressure transducer
that is designed to provide a positive indication of blast
arrival at the sensor. Several different home-made sensors
are used; examples are an aluminum foil between two electrical
contacts that is blown apart by the blast arrival, a diaphragm
that "makes" a contact under blast loading, etc. The resolution
for such ABTOADs is closely related to the spacing between the
gages although, of course, response time of the recording
system is an important parameter of the measuring system.

A considerably more sophisticated alternative to ABTOADs

is a doppler radar system that is aimed at the air blast
source. A unique feature of such a system is that the radar
will trace the propagation of the shock right from the booster
charge with near-continuous resolution. Again, the radar
system is relatively costly but it can provide a lot of data.
The value of such a continuous measurement system must be
weighed against the extra cost.

3.4.2 Air Particle Velocity

Passage of the shock wave front through the air sets the
gas in motion giving it a velocity (u) which is known as the
gas particle velocity. A peak overpressure of 38 N/cm
(55 psi) will result in a gas particle Mach number of 1 for
a perfect gas initially at atmospheric pressure according to
the Rankine-Hugoniot relationships. The Mach number approaches
a theoretical limit of 1.89 for air as the peak overpressure
is increased without bound, but the actual limit is much
higher because the air is not a perfect gas.

The direct measurement of particle velocity is seldom

attempted in the air blast environment because of technical
difficulties. The photographic measurement of trajectories
of low inertia smoke particles is described in Section 4.2.2.
Other methods using velocity sensitive elements that are
calibrated in a flow are used in the field to a fairly limited

Hot-wire and thin-foil anemometry is not particularly

adaptable for use in the high overpressure environment because
of the relatively fragile sensing elements. The hot-film
anemometer is estimated to have an upper limit in air blast
work at about 50 N/cm 2 (72 psi) peak overpressure.

The Kaman vortex shedding anemometer (VSA) is shown in

Figure 20 with the top plate removed to expose to view the
vortex generating obstruction and frequency sensinq ports.
This device has been proven field-worthy in air blast environ-
ments for measurement of air particle velocity when M - I
Frequency response of the VSA is a function of the velocity
with an estimated 700 lisec response time at 300 m/sec increasinq
proportionately to 1000 lisec at 150 m/sec.

Among the latest innovations for gas particle velocity
measurement at high overpressures is the radar doppler
measurement using an aluminum foil target and a radar "gun"
of the type used by highway patrols for measuring speed of
automobiles [3 1 ] This system has successfully measured gas
particle velocities on the order of 1400 m/sec. It is noted
that this method does not provide a local measurement, as the
target is swept along with the flow of the gas. A limitation
of radar doppler system is encountered when the shock wave
front is ionized as the radar would then see the shock front
as the reflecting surface.

3.5 Temperature Measurement

The measurement of temperature in an air blast environ-

ment is indeed a difficult problem even at relatively low
overpressures. Assuming an adeqiate frequency response, a
temperature sensor placed in the gas flow environment will
come to an equilibrium temperature that is different from the
desired gas temperature. The temperature sensed by the probe
will be the net sum of direct radiation from the air blast
source, heat transfer rates, conduction effects, and local gas
velocity and pressure which contribute to frictional heating
caused by flow around the probe.

These factors are all difficult to deal with and

collectively contribute to the fact that direct measurement
of gas temperature is not usually attempted in an air blast
environment, particularly in the high overpressure region.
The temperature measurements reported by TRW on Event MIDDLE
GUST IV are an exemplification of the problems encountered
and complex analysis required to interpret the recorded
measurement data. These measurements were made at approximately
20 and 40 N/cm (30 and 60 psi) peak overpressure test stations

using hot-film anemometer probes in a study to characterize
the boundary layer development behind a blast wave. The
highest peak temperature of slightly above 600 °C was measured
2 (72 psi) [41
at 50 N/cm

Perhaps the greatest promise for successful temperature

measurement is held forth by techniques that utilize remote
sensing such as radiometry and optics technology.


It is the purpose of this chapter to present capabilities

and features of available cameras and photographic equipment
that are of inteiest and have application to measurement of
the air blast environment. Current applications and techniques
for measurement of specific parameters are included.

This chapter is primarily concerned with photographic

methods used as instrumentation for large-scale HE tests;
however, many of these techniques are used for small explosive
tests, also. In addition, this chapter is not an attempt to
list or detail every camera or optical technique available,
but rather to present today's technology. In general, emphasis
has been placed on commercially-available products rather than
camera systems or techniques which have been invented or are
in use at only one laboratory. William Hyzer has authored
two excellent texts for those needing specific reference to a
particular camera system. These texts are listed in the
bibliography 32,33]

4.1 Photographic Equipment

The camera has been successfully used with experimental

field tests for documentary records that are of a generally
qualitative nature. It is also proven as a very productive
and versatile instrument for making numerous highly sophisticated
quantitative measurements. One particularly attractive aspect
of photographic measurements is that the remote observation
does not perturb the environment being studied as is character-
istic of transducers that require insertion into the flow field.

Photographic measurements are in contrast to those from a

transducer that senses a single parameter of the environment
at a fixed location. One frame of a photo(iraph is a spatial

record of all the camera "sees" at a single instant in time.
An electronic data channel (or even a self-recording trans-
ducer) is usually designed for measurement of a single parameter
at one point in space, to the exclusion of all others.
Continuous observation within a recording interval or time
window is possible and characteristic of most transducers and
electronic recording systems.

The high-speed motion picture camera provides data that

are both temporal and spatial in nature and also has a frequency
response that is comparable to the frequency response of
electronic systems used for measuring blast parameters. In
addition, the two types of measurements are highly complimentary
of one another, each lending insight into the interpretation and
analysis of the other.

This section will identify a variety of photographic

equipment available along with its capabilities and applications
to air blast paraineters. Important camera parameters are
optical resolution, framing rate, and total recording time.
Optical resolution is niven by line pairs per millimeter. This
designation refers to the number of lines that are clearly
resolved within one millimeter. The lines must be individually
distinguishable, without blur, on the film. A specification
of 80 line pairs per millimeter is excellent. However, it
should be pointed out that this quality of resolution is seldom
achieved under field conditions. A resolution of 80 line pairs
per millimeter is usually achieved statically on a single frame
using hiqh contrast film and printing paper. Field conditions
typically limit the optical resolution to approximately 50%
of the manufacturers specifications. Manufacturers' resolution
numbers are given, however, since field conditions vary so
greatly between different events or users as to be, the
predominating factors in determining the quality of the optical
system results.

The framing rate of a camera is simply the number of
pictures photographed per second, while total recording time
is the real time interval during which an event may be photo-
graphed. Classification by framing rate is given in the
paragraphs that follow.

Photographic instrumentation typically falls within five

speed categories: 1) Still camera, 2) low speed, 3) high speed,
4) very high speed, and 5) ultra high speed. Industrial
sources of these instrumentation cameras have designed techniques
which allow an overlap of speed ranges, thereby increasing the
versatility of any single camera type. Many optical techniques
are used to obtain the versatility of speed ranges among the
available cameras. Among these techniques are intermittent film
movement, rotating prisms, rotating drums, rotating mirrors, the
image-converter, and Kerr cell cameras.

4.1.1 Still Cameras (Single Frame)

This type of equipment is generally characterized by the

capability for single frame exposures. Polaroid, single lens
reflex, and view cameras are examples of still cameras. Some
still cameras are equipped with electromechanically actuated
shutters for remote control of the film exposures. Other
cameras have automatic motor-driven film advance techniques
for time-lapse sequential exposures up to one photograph per

Numerous high quality still cameras are commercially

available, and none will be identified by name here for this
reason. Auxiliary shutter techniques which can be used with
still cameras will be discussed in Section 4.1.7 of this

4.1.2 Low-Speed Framing Cameras (5-400 fr/sec)

Framing cameras provide a sequence of exposures with a

known time interval between frames. Low-speed framing cameras
use intermittent film drive where the film is advanced during
a closed shutter, held stationary during exoosure of the film.
A subsequent repeat of the film transport sequence yields
many frames. The low-speed framing rate is 5-400 frames per
second. The limiting factor is the rate at which the film can
be accele-ated from position to position without tearing.
Optical resolution available with this style camera is 80 line
pairs per millimeter. Total recording time available depends
on the length of the film spool, but tyoically ranges from
10 seconds to 2 minutes. Numerous commercial sources are
available for this type of camera. Several that have been
successfully used in the field are the D. B. Milliken, Hulcher,
Locam, and Photosonics.

An advantage for this type of camera is that the film is

pin registered and held stationary during exposure, thereby
increasing the resolution obtainable as compared to higher
speed cameras which must shutter the image onto film which is
in continuous motion.

The Hulcher camera is a low-speed camera with a framing

rate from 5 to 20 frames per second. Shutterinq is accomolished
with two discs which form an aperture which is continuously
adjustable 'rom 1° to 1800. This disc system gives very short
exposure times to give excellent ability to freeze motion.
Combined with a stationary film, the well controlled exposure
time and fine optical system allows excellent resolution.

4.1.3 High-Speed/Very High-Speed Cameras
(400-300,000 fr/sec)

Industrial sources of instrumentation cameras have developed

an overlapping frame rate capability in these categories. High-
speed cameras generally have a frame rate of 400-10,000 frames
per second, while very high-speed cameras have a frame rate of
10,000-300,000 frames per second. The speed limitation of the
low-speed camera is overcome by elimination of the requirement
to start and stop the film transport between each frame. These
higher speed cameras use rotating prisms to effectively shutter
the image on the film and thereby prevent a blurred image,
although at the expense of a slight decrease in resolution.

Red Lake Laboratories produces the Hycam camera with an

optical resolution of 60 line pairs per millimeter with a
16 millimeter frame, and a framing rate of 11,000 frames per
second. By reducing the frame size and imaging four frames
rather than one, the framing rate can be quadrupled to 44,000
frames per second. A disadvantage is that the frame size is
reduced by this process to 2 millimeters. The recording time
at the maximum rate is limited to approximately one second,
allowing time for the camera to come up to speed.

The Cordin Company produces the Dynafax camera which has

a framing rate of 35,000 frames per second with a frame size
of 16 millimeters. The optical resolution of the Dynafax is
approximately 50 line pairs per millimeter. Advantages of
this camera are that it is continuously accessible at full
framing rate with a large film format of 16 millimeters. An
auxiliary shutter system may be required to prevent multiple
exposure (rewrite) if the event being photographed is luminous
or illuminated for more than one cycle of the film. Several
high-speed shutters are described in Section 4.1.7.


4.1.4 Ultra High-Speed Cameras (>300,000 fr/sec)

Entirely different techniques are used for ultra high

framing rates of 300,000-10 frames per second. One type of
ultra high-speed camera operates by holding the film stationary
and accelerating a small mirror to extremely high rotational
velocities. The rotating mirror is used to sweep the event
across the film plane, the final image being formed by secondary
lenses. At these extremely high framing rates, total recording
time is necessarily limited. Since the writing rates of these
cameras are so high, the exposure times are very short and,
consequently, enormous illumination is required for proper
illumination of the subject. Self-luminois events such as the
fireball are easily photographed; however, non-luminous events
require sophisticated generation of large amounts of light.

The only known commercial source for these cameras is the

Cordin Company. Optical resolution for the Cordin cameras is
approximately 20 line pairs per millimeter. Beckman-Whitley,
now owned by Cordin, was a source for ultra high-speed cameras
(106 frames/second), and many of these are still available for
use. Also, several special cameras have been built at labora-
tories such as Naval Surface Weapons Center (NSWC) which may
be made available for government-.sponsored projects.

A variation of the rotating mirror framing camera is the

streak camera. Briefly, it uses the rotating mirror principle
to obtain a continuous record of motion versus time at a
single point of observation , rather than .any pictures at
sequential time intervals. Writing rates of 20 millimeters
per microsecond are available with an optical resolution of
80 line pairs per millimeter. A disadvantaqe of the camera
is that only one discrete point of information may be obtained
without clever external optical techniques. The Cordin Company
manufactures several streak cameras.

4.1.5 Image-Converter Cameras

Image-converter cameras offer exposure times as short as

5 nanoseconds. To obtain these extremely fast exposures, an
adaptation of cathode ray tube techniques are used. As a
brief explanation, the object photographed is transformed into
photoelectrons by the imaqe converter tube photo cathode.
These photoelectrons are amplified and accelerated to the
fluorescent screen of the cathode ray tube, and the light
subsequently emitted from the fluorescent screen is photographed
by one of the photo-optical technqiues described previously.

Both Quad-Tran and Cordin Company supply the necessary

equipment in one assembled package for an image-converter
camera system. The Quad-Tran image-converter has a streak or
framing camera option. The Cordin image-converter can use
beam splitter techniques and two electronic packages to form
two sequential frames recorded on 70 millimeter film. The
optical resolution is about 20 line pairs per millimeter with
the Cordin Company camera. An advantage of image-converter
camera is the extremely short exposure times.

Recently, an image converter camera has been reported

which has a nanosecond exposure time. This camera has been
reported in the Journal of Technical Physics, 16, 2, 185-195,
1975. The title of the article was "A Camera With Nanosecond
Exposure for Research Into Rapid Dynamic Processes," and was
authored by Z. Ziolkowski and H. Derentowicz.

4.1.6 Kerr-Cell Cameras

Another camera technique which can be used at ultra hich-

speed framing rates is the Kerr-cell camera. This camera
technqiue uses the Kerr-cell effect to act as an extremely fast
shutter. The Kerr effect notes that certain materials, such

as benzene, become birefringent when stressed by an electric
field. The construction of a Kerr-cell requires that two
polarizing optical elements are oriented 900 with respect
to one another. A birefringent material, such as benzene, is
placed in the optical path between two orthogonal planes of
polarization. No light will pass through the system until
the benzene is stressed by an electric field. Then bi-
refringence occurs and light is able to pass through the
second polarizer to the camera optics.

Cordin Company makes a special order Kerr-cell camera.

This camera system consists of six beam splitters that project
the image through six Kerr cells onto six (4x5) film planes.
The application of the electric stress to each Kerr cell can
be sequentially timed to obtain six frames of information.
Advantages to the Kerr cell camera are the extremely rapid
photographs which may be obtained. A disadvantage is that
approximately 50% of the light may be lost through the Kerr
cell, thereby limiting the camera to highly luminous events.

4.1.7 High-Speed Shutters

Very high-speed and ultra high-speed cameras often require

auxiliary shutters to prevent double exposure of the film.
This rewrite problem is inherent to all rotating mirror or
rotating drum cameras. These cameras may be used to record
fast time events which are either artificially illuminated or
self-luminous for long periods of time. If the late-time
extraneous light is not stopped from reaching the film during
the second revolution of the mirror or drum, a double exposure
and possible destruction of the optical record occurs. The
double exposure can be stopped by the use of high-speed
shutters which close directly after the desired event is
recorded. Mechanical shutters supplied by the manufacturers
typically actuate in 1/50 of a second. For high speed events,

this shutter speed is obviously not intended to prevent rewrite.
The camera requires an auxiliary high-speed shutter such as
one of the high-speed shutters that are described here.

Blast shutters are typically constructed by placing a

thin sheet of glass between two lucite plates on the optical
axis. Two blasting caps (used to detonate explosives) are
placed on different edges of the glass. After the desired
event has been recorded, an electrical signal detonates the
blasting caps, sending shock waves propagating into the glass.
The shock wave fractures the glass and causes an opaque screen
to develop between the two sheets of lucite.

A variation of the blast shutter technique is to use

mirrors in the optical transmission of the light such that the
camera views the event through the reflection from the mirror
surface. When the event to be recorded is completed, the
mirror is destroyed by blasting caps and, as a result, the
light from the event cannot enter the camera optics.

Blast shutters are commercially available from the Cnrcini


Kerr cells utilize several basic principles of physics to

close off extraneous light to the camera system. These
principles have been described earlier in the operation of the
Kerr cell camera in Section 4.1.6.

Kerr cells are available from Cordin and Kappa Scientific.

Faraday magneto-optic shutters work on similar principles

to the Kerr cell. Most importantly, however, a magnetic fitid
is used to activate solid crystal materials to become doubly
refracting. Similarly, the pockels c(,]] shutter wor-ks ,v

application crf nelectric field to a piezoelectric crystal.
The removal of the field-causes the shutter to close off light
from entering the camera optics. no--known source of these
shutters is available as a standard commercia--product.

Lead-vapor shutters are also used successfully where

fast shutters are required. They are not commercially
available but are readily fabricated by the experimenter.
The principle of operation is based upon condensation of
vaporized lead on the surface of a plastic window placed in
the optical path of the camera.

In practice, a pancake spiral of lead wire is wound

with approximately 6 mm spacing between the turns. This
spiral is then assembled as a sandwich between two plates of
lucite, taking care to avoid shorting any of the turns by the
center wire as the leads are brought out of the assembly. The
lead blockage will reduce the light to the camera a negligible
amount but will not appear as an image on the film because it
is not placed within the focus of the camera. The lead wires
are connected to a high energy capacitor bank through a switch
that permits rapid discharge of the capacitor bank through
the lead spiral. When the capacitor bank is triggered, the
wire is vaporized by I2R heating and the vapor is deposited
on the lucite surfaces causing it to become opaque.

Depending upon the intensity of the light to be blocked,

sometimes three plastic windows with two lead coils are used.

4.2 Measurement Applications

Applications of the camera and photographic techniques to

air blast and related measurements that are presented in this
chapter have been classified in six cateqories:

1. Shock Wave Front Velocity and Profile

2. Air Particle Velocity and Density

3. Charge Detonation Symmetry

4. Fireball Development

5. Crater Ejecta Trajectories

6. Cloud Development.

UStrictly speaking, only air particle velocity, density, and

shock wave frent velocity are air blast parameters. However, in
many cases the equipment and techniques needed to measure the
last four categories are very similar, and, indeed, can often
be obtained from the same photographic records. For this
reason, all six applications are discussed briefly in the
paragraphs that follow.

4.2.1 Shock Wave Front Velocity and Profile

Visual observation of the main shock wave profile in the

vicinity of instrumented transducer measurements is particularly
useful to establish whether the measurement was made in a
regular or an anomalous portion of the air blast. It is not
uncommon to zecord two entirely different measurements of
pressure, for example, along two radials that are the same
range but with different azimuth angles. Aerial photography
that shows a jet extending toward one of the transducer
stations quickly resolves the reason for the differences.

The same types of cameras and framing speeds used for

fireball studies are used for shock wave front recordinq
although often field of view and orientation is more tanqlent
to the shock wave front in the region under observation. Often
different filters, film types and exposures are also indicated
to optimize the particular measurement being made.

Quantitative measurements of the shock wave front velocity
are usually made with the aid of a back drop havinq a geometric
pattern. Distortion of the pattern enhances visualization of
the shock wave front. This is particularly required for weak
shocks. Fiducial targets in the camera field of view all)w
correction of the apparent distances on the film. Averace
velocities of the shock wave front may be calculated by
measuring its position from frame to frame. Accurate timing!
marks along the edge of the film provide a measure of inter-
frame time as well as an absolute time from detonation zero.

Figure 21 is a photograph from the recent DIPOLE WEST

series that shows a representative geometric backdrop pattern
to enhance the shock wave front. Often diagonal lines are
used instead of a polka dot pattern. The dimensions of the
geometrical design are dependent on properties of the shock,
such as velocity and orientation. Resolution will also depend
on the design dimensions and camera framing rate. Smoke trails
are useful for observing shock profiles (similar to the striped
backdrop) and, in addition, are useful to observe shocks it
further distances than are uJractical .:ith backdro,s.

Shock wave front velocity measurements From r>hoto:ra hic

records are used to calculate the peak values of other
parameters at the shock front. The Rankine-Huqoniot relation-
ships uniquely define peak values for the pressure, temperature,
density, and particle velocity assuming the shock Mach number
and ratio of specific heats (y) are known. Static overpressuro
measurements are sometimes used with real gas tables and shock
Mach number to establish -{ to use in other computations. While
this is a very satisfactory method of measuring the poak
values, it does not yield accurat (lita r(,,ardl inc fht t i> ,.
history of the parameters.



0 > 0



0 (n


0 00

-L Lii j)

0 a-a

91 1
Thus, it is clear that the photographic measurement
techniques are very complementary to fixed point measurements
with transducers but they do not replace them.

4.2.2 Air Particle Velocity and Density

Techniques are currently under development to improve the

measurement of air particle velocity and density using photo-
graphic data. The method involves the use of smoke particles
as tracers that may be considered to have negligible inertia.
Gross measurements of this type were made on early atmospheric
nuclear tests using an array of smoke-generated rocket trails.
Measurements in shock tubes have used crossed smoke streams to
form a grid. By high-speed photography, temporal measure-
ments of the grid distortion are used to calculate particle
velocity and density.

Recent effort to refine the application to field test

measurements was included in the DtPOLE WEST project [ 3 5 ] En
these experiments a grid of smoke puffs were initiated at time
zero to establish a geometric pattern of particles whose
trajectories could be traced from the film records. The initial
coordinates (xoY0 ) and the coordinates (x,y) at time t are
measured and fitted to the parametric equations

x = X(x ,Yo,t) (13)

Y = Y(xoYo ,t) (14)

Rectilinear components of the velocity are calculated by the


u X (15)

v = (16)

(I .ni t/y ay a. L ,, c iJ c u Ii t(,C 2Y

G 0

0 =(17)

V ~y

T:ose techniques have been successfully used in laboratory

m, asurements and are now being applied to the field test
m.asurements from DIPOLI. WEST. A paper pr(esenting the

t-ooretical background for this technique was presented at the

4th International Symposium on Military Applications of Blast
. [361
Simulations at Foulness, England in 1974

It noted that the data reduction procedures for these

m,,asurements are complex and qbite time consuming owing to the
manual tracing of trajectories requiring frame by frame analysis
of the film. However, particle velocity and density measure-
ments are rxtremely elusive and at present, no better methods

are in uszl,:c.

4.2.3 Charge Detonation Symmetry

Early-time observation of the charge detonation phenomena

is recorded with ultra high-speed cameras operating in the
spaed rance 2.5xi05 to 5x106 frames per second. These very
short intcrframe times on the order of a microsecond per
picture aie used to measure detonation velocity, detonation
s,,irmetry ,ind relative temperature over the surface of the charue.

The a-erage detonation velocity is calculated as the

charge raC'us divided by the transit time of the detonation
shock wave to the charge surface. This is conventionally

measured with an ionization probe (or probes) placed in and/or
at the charge surface to detect the detonation front arrival,
or through the use of photoelectric devices. Ultra high-speed
cameras are also useful for this purpose, and are sometimes
a valuable aid in evaluation of the data. In recent experiments
in which photoelectric measurements were made (i.e. to determine
detonation velocity), the photoelectric signal gave an anomalous
value for the average detonation velocity when one used the
nominal charge radius in the calculation. Photographic measure-
ments, however, indicated an asymmetry in the light breakout.
This fact led to the discovery that there was a non-uniform
construction of the charge in that the cap radius was 0.63
feet less than the nominal base radius. The average detonation
velocity was re-calculated and yielded an answer comparable to
that measured using ionization probe data. Therefore, ultra
high-speed cameras can give excellent results for detonation
velocity measurements

The ultra high-speed camera is extremely helpful for

indicating the detonation symmetry by recording relative light
intensities that are proportional to.temperature. Failure of
a detonator and other irregularities in the detonation are
readily detected which aid in interpretation and understanding
of an unexpected behavior or measurement. These records are
also very useful for future charge designs, as was the case
in the Pre Dice Throw series.

It has been mentioned that the relative temperature can

be inferred from the light intensity in various areas of the
charge (or fireball) surface. Relative temperature from one
test to another may be inferred in the same manner if the
records are made under controlled conditions (i.e. same exposure
time, f-stops distances, etc.). State-of-the-art techniques
permit absolute temperature measurements using blackbody
radiation assumptions.

A non-uniform breakout of the fireball from the charge
surface is readily observed in the photographic records. As
measurements are attempted moving closer to the source, effects
of anomalous behavior are more pronounced. The insight
provided by early-time photographic data is increasingly more
valuable for meaningful interpretation of the data from the
transducer signals recorded on close-in electronic channels.

4.2.4 Fireball Development

Photography of the fireball as it expands from the charge

surface is of primary interest as it enables visual observation
and study of the growth of anomalies as they develop into jets
and irregularities that distort the symmetry of the blast wave.

The camera required for this application uses a wider

field-of-view and a more moderate framing rate commensurate
with the need for longer recording time. Framing rates and
field of view are variable depending upon the charge size but
are generally slower than required for early-time detonation
studies. The rates may range from 250,000 frames per second
requiring an ultra high-speed camera to 400 or less frames per
second. Commonly, this coverage will utilize several cameras
with various speeds.

The average radius of the fireball is readily measured

from the film and may be converted to plots of radius and
velocity versus time.

4.2.5 Crater Ejecta Trajectories

Crater ejecta studies are outside the scope of this study

project but the application is mentioned here briefly because
of the close relationship between different measurements using
photographic techniques.

Typically 70 mm cameras are used to record the ejecta
particles at framing rates on the order of 5 to 24 frames per
second for about 30 seconds. In addition, short exposure
times are used to stop the motion of the particles. The
coordinates of ejecta are tracked and digitized as input to
computer-aided data reduction that provides mathematical
solutions of the position-time data yielding information on
the origin, size, trajectory drag constant and drag coefficient.

4.2.6 Cloud Development

Photography of the cloud development and dispersion is

generally covered with a combination of low-speed motion
picture for early time formation followed with time-lapse
photographs taken seconds and minutes apart. As with crater
ejecta studies, the cloud development is not considered in
the scope of this project as an air blast parameter and is
included only to mention the various applications and measure-
ments of the camera.

4.3 Summary

The equipment descriptions and applications as discussed

in this supplement have been summarized in tabular form for
convenient reference. The data in Table 1 are organized
according to camera classification and lists important features
of each type. Table 2 is oriented toward the air blast measure-
ment and identifies the equipment often used for the various
applications. It is understood that the information contained
in Table 2 is quite general and subject to the variation of
individual test conditions.

>z -4(

E-4rxW 04-

>4 0)
E-4 -- -- *-

c E (o Hu
U -)q)r

H 4- U
U) 4-) >-
H4 H*-4 4-) 4-J a)
H- ra4J w 4)4 4- F 4J z Q)0 030.a)
4 4) Q r=;m 4 (0CJU t E ty)> b)>
jH 4-)
r : ~-4 41- 4-J .- ,1 ( m r ~ ww (L
Z -ri0 I 0 0~ 240 0 a) (a
co) H~ fZ Z UQ ZU


0 EA U) U
z ra a 03 2z (1
H- >iO0 a a
P4 ~ ~ 4-4 w 44 4

H a0) mf
H 0
E-4 C)

U 04N

-4 CN~


H -I~m 0 0C

H 44o lH C


H 04>1

> U)

UU) E-4 p 3 0-4


4. 0 0 .1 H



Charge Detonation Ultra High Speed 106

Fireball Development Very High Speed 250,000

High Speed 400

Shock Front Velocity and Profile Very Hiqh Speed 250,000

High Speed 400

Gas Particle Velocity & Density High Speed 400

Low Speed 5-24

Ejecta Studies 70-mm Low Speed 5-24

Cloud Development Time Lapse Still 5-24

16-mm Low Speed

Documentary 4x5 Press Camera

35-mm Still 5-24
16-mm Low Speed
35-mm Low Speed


Consideration is given in this chapter to measures and

development programs that show promise of extending the existing
capabilities for measurement of air blast parameters with a
moderate investment of resources. The suggestions are largely
based on variations or modifications of currently available
methods and instrumentation and are felt to be cost effective in
relation to payoff on investment. Many of the ideas presented
apply in a general sense to any measurement being made while
others are specifically applicable to a particular measurement
or sensor.

Primary recommendations in this chapter call for emphasis

on the following items:

1. Workshops or symposia to encourage a spirit of

cooperation and technological interchange between
laboratories, government contractors, and agencies
that are actively engaged in experimental air
blast programs.

2. Dynamic field calibration of measurement system.

3. Dynamic laboratory calibration of pressure trans-

ducers at overpressure levels above 2000 psi.
4. Probe and mounting fixture design.

5. Mechanical and thermal protection of the trans-

ducers from the environment.
6. Development of pressure transducers and application
technology for ranges 70,000 N/cm 2 (100,000 psi)
and above.

7. Development of gas particle velocity anemometer
with improved frequency response.

It is evident that Items 1 through 5 listed are applicable

to the measurement of many of the air blast parameters discussed
in this report; Items 6 and 7, however, are associated with the
extension of development of two specific sensors.

Discussions of these recommendations and considerations

leading to them are given in the remainder of Chapter 5.

5.1 Air Blast Instrumentation Workshops

Many persons who are involved with air blast measurements

have been contacted during the course of this study project.
From the ensuing conversations, it is evident that there is
room for improvement in the intercommunication between these
technical communities. One senses some degree of jealousy
between laboratories that stems naturally from the competition
for business, both in the private and government sectors.

Workshops and conferences can provide effective catalysts

as well as a forum for exchange of experiences and techniques
that are helpful to all. The spirit of cooperation is
strengthened by the friendships that develop and are renewed
during associations that accompany the group activities.

The DNA-sponsored D+60 instrumentation meetings following

underground nuclear test events have demonstrated the viability
of such a program. Contractors and various government agencies
with many different private interests, many times in direct
competition, joined together and freely discussed common
problems and their solutions. One reason for the success of

these meetings: The attendees are largely those who actively
participated in the experiment rather than administrators who
often have a tendency to direct such meetings to political

This recommendation is based upon the premise that much

duplication of effort can be avoided by information exchange
and new ideas will be triggered by group discussion of common

5.2 Dynamic Calibration

While this report is not directed specifically at the

problems of calibration, it has been observed that transducer
and system calibration are a major factor.

An immediate enhancement of measurement capability is

effected by improving upon the calibration accuracy. Both
field and laboratory calibration methods are deficient in many
areas of measurement. This is particularly true when consider-
ing the dynamic response of the transducer or measuring system
because of the high levels of excitation required to simulate
the blast environment to be measured.

5.2.1 Laboratory Calibration

With particular respect to pressure transducers, dynamic

calibration is a problem. The principal methods in current
usage employ shock tubes up to a maximum of approximately
1400 N/cm 2 (2000 psi) peak reflected pressure. Above this
range, calibrated pentolite spheres are useful up to 8300 N/cm 2
(12,000 psi). Sandia Laboratories have developed a procedure
for direct application of tamped sheet explosives (Deta sheet)
to a transducer using a layer of felt between the diaphragm or

force-summing area and the explosive. Peak pressures of
17,000 N/cm 2 (25,000 psi) are generated by this method.
Both of the explosive procedures rely heavily upon repeatability
from charge to charge which is sometimes difficult to control.

The disagreement among the community regarding validity of

high overpressure dynamic calibration methods is an indication
of the confidence each has in the accuracy of another's

While this presents a politically sensitive problem, a

step toward resolution and mutual agreement would be a program
of comparative evaluation by round-robin calibration of the
same transducers at the various facilities. This program could
also simultaneously compare the performance of transducers from
several, commercial sources as well as special developmental
models such as the bar gage (AFWL), the fluid-coupled -late under
development at Sandia and others.

5.2.2 Field Calibration

It is well known that the end-to-end calibration of

measuring system installed in a field is not synonomous with
that of the sensor installed in the isolated laboratory environ-
ment in which it is usually calibrated. However, complications
of in-situ field calibration and the press of schedules in
preparation for the test execution often lead (or force) the
experimenter to neglect a dynamic calibration of the entire
measuring system.

Methods of data compensation have been shown to be effective

for certain situations where total system calibration is not
known but frequency response characteristics for component
elements have been determined [2 5 ] . These methods have not been
generally adopted and are not used to the extent they could be if

people had more confidence in the results and understood the
limitations and capabilities of the procedure. When these
and other data compensation methods are applied, it is strongly
recommended that the unretouched data records be reported
along with the final results. A complete description of the
manipulations of the data helps the reader in his own evalua-
tion of the measurement and validity of the compensation.

The recommendation is that more emphasis be placed on

total system calibration and system response measurements in
the field. This can be iqwplement~d by development of a
capability to simulate the expected input stimulius with equip-
ment. An example is a portable shock tube for pressure
transducer calibration [38] This approach is not always
feasible; as an alternative (albeit less desirable), the
dynamic sensor calibration is performed in the laboratory with
the response of the rest of the measuring system carefully
determined and data compensation methods applied when required.

5.3 Probe and Fixture Design

Pressure transducers with adequate range and dynamic

response characteristics are available from commercial vendors
up to 70,000 N/cm 2 (100,000 psi). The key to a valid pressure
measurement lies in the correct selection of a probe and
mounting fixture design to provide for placement of the sensing
element in the flow with the desired orientation without
disturbing the parameter to be measured. Poor correlation
between similar measurements is sometimes traceable to differ-
ences in probe geometry that were initially believed to be
unimportant. In other cases, this has not been shown but can
only be speculated to be the cause.

Numerous instances were noted by the author wherein pres-
sure measurements have been made using probes in supersonic flow
conditions that have not been dynamically tested under conditions
of use. A paucity of information exists from the transducer
manufacturers who offer probes with factory installed sensing
elements as a single package. Several probes are offered on
the market and in common usage for which the aerodynamic response
time is not known nor is the pressure distribution over the
surface of the geometrical shape known.

It is probably not reasonable to expect a commercial vendor

to have on his staff an aerodynamicist for probe design or have
test facilities to verify the aerodynamic response of probe/
sensor packages. The responsibility is then imposed on the user
to insure that the sensor is in fact properly applied in the
field to measure the desired parameter. It has been observed
that this responsibility has sometimes been avoided or side-
stepped by assuming a design that might have worked well in
subsonic flow would also be adequate in the supersonic regime.

It is suggested that wind tunnel and shock tube tests be

conducted to characterize existing probe designs that are in
current use. Such tests have been done for some probes such
as the BRL total pressure probe shown in Figure 14 (also Refer-
ence 15) and the static overpressure probe described by Ruetenik
and Lewis in Reference 22.

Of particular note is the Ruetenik and Lewis probe which

is of the lollipop design but using two sensors, one on each
side of the disc for an averaged measurement. Thus, when the
probe is at an angle of attack the sensor on one side measures
too high while the opposite side is too low giving a degree of
self compensation.

In light of advances in pressure transducer technology
during the last ten years it seems probable that the Ruetenik
and Lewis probe design could be miniaturized to improve the
aerodynamic response time. An additional possibility would be
to relate angle of attack to the pressure ratio and difference
between the two sensors.

5.4 Mechanical and Thermal Protection

One of the major problems encountered upon placement of a

probe in an air blast environment is the protection from both
thermal effects and physical damage caused by the high energy
debris impacting the probe and/or active sensing area.

Protective measures in current usage are reported and

discussed in Chapter 3. Most of these are stop-gap measures
with varying degrees of influence on the frequency response of
the transducer. Along with the requirements to measure
parameters at higher overpressures and in more severe environ-
ments comes the need for more effective protection of the
measuring device.

The National Bureau of Standards has been pursuing projects

relating to transient thermal response and protection methods
for transducers. Much good information has been compiled and
methods developed as a result of this effort. Continued
support of this and similar projects is needed to extend the
capability for measurements in hostile environments.

While most of the emphasis is on pressure transducers, it

is pointed out that this recommendation applies generally to
protective measures for other types of instruments equally as


I . . . ... . .. .. ..,,, r. . . . ... , , •. .. . . . . - .. . . . ,,.. . ... .. __.-

5.5 Pressure Transducer Development

The upper range of commercially available pressure trans-

ducers is in the neighborhood of 70,000 N/cm 2 (100,000 psi).
Current experimental programs indicate the desirability of
measuring pressures up to 350,000 N/cm 2 (500,000 psi). This
represents a giant step from present capabilities, both in
sensor availability and measurement technique. It is probably
possible to extend the range of the quartz pressure transducer
to 140,000 N/cm 2 (200,000 psi) by adapting high strength
materials in existing basic designs.

5.6 Advanced Gas Particle Velocity Anemometer

The vortex shedding anemometer (VSA) was developed for

measurement of air particle velocity in an air blast environ-
ment (Reference Figure 20). Used in one event of the DISTANT
PLAIN series the instrument performed very well and was
subsequently used to obtain air particle velocity profiles in
the conical shock tube facility (DASACON) at U. S. Naval
Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA. The reduced data obtained
on the DISTANT PLAIN event is shown in Figure 22 [30.

Two notable limitations of the anemometer are found in the

response time and the Mach number range.

The diameter of the vortex generator described in Reference

29 is 0.665 inch which determines the shedding frequency (fs).
The response time is not only dependent on the diameter (d) but
also is seen to be a function of the free stream velocity (u)
from the equation

f = S u/d (18)


0 * Early Time Data, Shedding
Process Somewhat Irregular
u 0 Calculated from Peak Overpressure
Via Rank ine-Hugon iot
0 \ 0Reference Curve Fit
0 0' CU = 107 e t/ A5 (m/~sec)



0 2406so100
Time After Shock Arrival - Milliseconds


(20 TON TNT CHARGE, RANGE = 149 m)

where the dimensionless number S is called the Strouhal number.
Clearly, the frequency is increased for a given velocity if
the diameter is reduced. While the velocity information is
recognized to be contained in the frequency, the amplitude of
the signal is speed dependent. Thus, as the diameter is
decreased, the sensitivity of the pressure transducer must be
increased. Transducer technology has advanced considerably in
the direction of smaller diameter and higher sensitivity since
the VSA was developed in 1966. It is technically feasible to
adapt presently available miniature pressure transducers to an
advanced model of the VSA. The immediate result would be to
improve rise time from an estimated 1 millisecond to perhaps
200 microseconds by use of a transducer similar to the Kulite
CQ-080 series which has 0.080 inch diameter. This would also
effectively lower the Reynolds number away from the cxitical
region to improve stability of the vortex shedding process
which should be helpful in extending the range of the instru-

In tests performed with the present instrument, there were

encouraging indications of velocity dependent wake fluctuations
at speeds in excess of Mach 1.0. These were masked by the
presence of a velocity independent signal in excess of 10 db
stronger than the one being observed. Spectral analysis was
required to establish the presence of the signal being used to
indicate velocity. By use of such devices as a tracking filter,
it is possible that continuously varying velocity dependent
signals could be selected in the presence of high background
interference. Techniques for data processing of this nature
would likely be most effectively utilized during playback of
recorded data from magnetic tapes.

Figure 23 contains spectral density plots of the VSA

output signal showing the progressive development of an inter-
ference sign,,l as the Mach number is increased. Note the









total absence of any interference signal for M = 0.90, the
appearance of a weak signal for M = 0.98 and finally the
predominance of interference at M = 1.15. Although the
signal of interest is swamped out with the alien frequency,
it is possible, with spectral analysis, to observe the
3350 kHz element that is velocity dependent.

Improved frequency response is accepted as a realistic

design goal. Extension of the range to M L 1.0 is recognized
as an objective for which there is considerable question. At
the present time, not enough is understood regarding influence
of the bow shock on the vortex shedding frequency. The
mechanics of supersonic flow may very well restrict application
of the VSA to Mach numbers less than 1. It is recommended
that a significant effort be directed toward a better definition
of the vortex shedding process in the transonic region. Since
work of this nature tends to be highly empirical, these studies
should be complemented with experimental testing in the wind

In view of the satisfactory results obtained from

development of the existing anemometer, it is felt worthwhile
to investigate its properties and behavior more thoroughly.
In particular, its response to environmental conditions
(temperature, density, etc.) should be explored.

5.7 Summary

Chapter 5 contains a number of recommended activities

and programs that could lead to a moderate extension of
present capabilities in needed areas with a modest investment.
Certainly, the list could be extended, almost without bound,
and there is no question that many of the items would share

equal promise and priority with those found in Chapter 6.
One can presume that selected specifications for almost any
existing transducer could be extended by concentrated effort.
Some benefits will be more easily obtained than others.

The items suggested in this chapter meet three qualifica-

tions in common: The payoff will be cost effective, they
address a timely need, and the results can be anticipated in
a relatively short time frame.

Workshops and symposia are recommended as a means of

dispersing knowledge that is already known by some among
those interested and working in air blast.

Improved calibration methods are urged because most air

blast instrumentation, as it stands, has the stability and
performance capability to yield far more accurate measurements
if the overall dynamic calibration of the measuring system was
better characterized.

Probe and mounting hardware design is reccgnized as a

major factor in the application of a transducer to measurement
in the transient flow environment from an air blast. Two
serious problems in design of a measurement system are the
effect of the probe on the measurement being made and
protection of the sensor from physical damage by the environment.
It is observed that both of these aspects of the measurement
science could be improved within existing state-of-the-art to
effect an immediate advancement in air blast measurement

As the pressure measurements are attempted at even higher

and higher levels, the selection of available transducers
becomes more restrictive. There is an increasing requirement
to measure pressure at overpressure levels for which existing

sensors and probes are inadequate. In this area, as with
others, the calibration and data interpretation are an
integral part of the program to extend the measurement

The direct measurement of gas particle velocity and

density are important as they combine to provide an
independent measurement of dynamic pressure. The beta-ray
densitometer [27] and the vortex-shedding anemometer (VSA)[29]
are suitable for subsonic measurements in clean air. A
limitation of the VSA lies in its frequency response.
Laboratory tests show promise that the frequency response
could easily be improved and with a slim hope for measurements
above M = 1.


This chapter is devoted to consideration of concepts

that might be applied to measuring air blast parameters by
use of emerging new technologies or innovative application
of existing technologies that show promise for improved or
extended measurement capabilities. It is emphasized that
these are only ideas that show promise with a preliminary
investigation. A feasibility study is the next logical step
to more fully investigate the application of any of the
suggested concepts to the measurement being considered. The
results of such studies will no doubt show some of the
Uconcepts worthy of development while indicating that others
should be dropped.

Concepts presented in Chapter 6 are:

1. Laser-Radar Velocity Measurement

2. Self-contained Instrumented Drag Sphere

3. Microwave Densitometer
4. Ultrasonic Gas Particle and Sonic Velocity

5. Laser Gas Density Instrument

6. Shock Wave Front Temperature Measurement.

6.1 Laser Doppler Anemometer

Light that is scattered from a moving target will

experience a frequency change, relative to the source, as
observed by a stationary detector. This frequency change
(Doppler shift) is linearly proportional to the velocity of
the target. In the Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) the
Doppler frequency is sensitive to the velocity of light

scattering particles in the air. By measuring the velocity
of the particles, the air velocity may be inferred. An
attractive feature of the LDA is that only a light beam
need enter the flow, except for the presence of the target
particles (which may already be present). No external probe
is inserted to perturb the flow field.

Calibration of the LDA is dependent on the laser light

frequency, optical geometry and the index of refraction of
the air. Relating target particle velocity to gas particle
velocity (u) further depends upon knowledge of the drag
coefficient (CD) for the target.

The LDA has been widely used for measurement of velocities

in steady flow, such as a wind tunnel. While it is not
difficult to find questions that are unanswered and problems
as yet unsolved, the LDA does hold promise for velocity
measurements in the transient flow of an air blast. This
section presents with brief discussion two conceptual
configurations of the LDA. One concept is based on the use of
a laser to record velocities of wavelength size reflectors
which are accelerated by the shock wave. Figure 24 shows how
such an experiment might be configured.






The laser targets are miniscule glass microspheres which

have been coated to provide high reflectivity at the laser
wavelength and are released from a container which is designed
to create a "curtain". These curtains can be placed at several
locations if desired. Microspheres are commercially available
in different sizes, density, and material. A critical factor
in selection is the ability to survive the passage of the
shock without fracturing. A typical glass microsphere has a
radius of 50 microns, density of 300 kg/m 3 and wall thickness
of 2 microns. A commercial source for microspheres is
Emerson & Cuming, Inc., Canton, Massachusetts.

Laser selection depends on microsphere radius but
probably will be an infrared CO 2 continuous-wave type with a
10.6 micron wavelength. An interferometer type measurement
will provide a Doppler signal whose amplitude is proportional
to target velocity. Depending on overall geometry, two
lasers and several detector stations might be used to get
the microsphere velocity vector. Lasers and detectors will
be placed in protective shelters. Data should be obtained
until debris obscures the target view.

The relationship of the target microspheres to the air

blast parameters may be estimated as follows. The drag
force (F) on a particle which is immersed in a flow field
which has a velocity relative to that particle is given by

F =C D A qp (19)

where CD - drag coefficient of target particle

A - presented area of particle

q - dynamic pressure relative to particle.

From Newton's Second Law of Motion we know that

F =m a (20)

where m - mass of particle

a - acceleration of particle.

By combining Equations (19) and (20) and noting that the

particle acceleration may be determined from the time
derivative of the particle velocity we obtain

m - = CD A q (21)

where up - target particle velocity.

Now, the dynamic pressure experienced by the target particle

is given by
1 2
qp= 1p(U-u ) (22)
f p

where p - gas density at the particle location

u - gas particle velocity.

By substitution of the expression for q from Equation (22) in

Equation (21), we obtain the desired relationship between gas
particle velocity and the measured microsphere velocity.
m C A p(-u p) (23)

The drag coefficient and gas particle velocity are known to be

time dependent as well as the microsphere velocity so that
Equation (23) must be used with caution.

Equation (23) can be simplified during early time when

the target particle velocity is small compared with the gas
particle velocity. The equation is then approximated by

m z C A pu2 (up<< U) (24)

p 2 DAPU

A more convenient form of this equation may be written in terms

of the static overpressure (Aps) and flow Mach number (M)

m mp z 21 C D AAs M 2
CDAyApSM 2 (up<< u) (25)

where y - ratio of specific heats cp/Cv.

As an example, suppose the microspheres described earlier are
used as the target and the air blast parameters are given as
ADs = 1000 (e1000t) psi

M2 = 1.7

and y = 1.4.

Using Equation (25) the target particle velocity versus

time has been calculated and is plotted in Figure 25 up to the
time when the target velocity has reached 10% of the gas
particle velocity.


100 Up < 01

0 0.1 0.2 0.3


The major conclusion of the data of Figure 25 is that the

glass particles will be swept along immediately behind the
shock having been accelerated to the gas velocity within a
very few microseconds. Thus, the use of hollow glass micro-
spheres permits a measurement of shock velocity.

From Figure 25, it can be seen that the laser detector
bandwidth must approach 10 MHz to resolve this rapid accelera-
tion with reasonable accuracy.

The major design considerations to be addressed with the

LDA concept include the physical properties of the target
particle (size, density, geometry, etc.) and development of an
economical method of applying a suitable reflective coating.
Other problems of significance are selection of actual laser
hardware and optics, target scattering characteristics, and
bistatic detector sensitivity requirements. The LDA system
will be relatively costly and design of a blast hardened system
for field application will insure not only the successful
measurement but also the post-test survivability of the equip-
ment for repeated use.

The laser-radar method described thus far will measure

microsphere targets associated with the shock. There is need
to measure particle velocity behind the shock at a stationary
point in space as the blast wave moves by. A proposed method
for accomplishing the latter is illustrated in Figure 26.






In this scheme, the receiver will detect light scattered

by particles in the volume common to both the laser beam and
the well-collimated detector field of view. Receiver and laser
will be connected via a fiberglass light pipe to permit coherent
detection and Doppler velocities of particles to be measured.
The success of this technique depends both on the presence of
scattering material and good light transmission in the optical
paths which should present no problem in view of recently
developed measurement techniques for detecting turbulence and
atmospheric wind velocity by using backscattered light from
9 40
aerosols that are naturally present in the air[3 , ].

This technique appears to be largely an adaptation of

recently developed technology to the transient air blast
measurement. The problems for primary consideration are light

absorption, refraction and scattering properties in and behind
the shock wave front which have direct bearing on its successful
operation. Development and packaging of a field-worthy design
is also a significant problem for optical systems of this sort
because of the mechanical stability required.

A variation on this laser anemometer would be the use of

a microwave system in place of the laser. Such a system could
be designed using frequencies that would provide useful data
after the optical path was obscured.

6.2 Instrumented Drag Sphere

*The sphere has been used as a drag target in flow studies

for many years. High-speed photography of target trajectories
has also been used quite successfully. Neither of these two
techniques can be considered as new. Recent developments in
microcircuits have opened up the interesting possibility of
a self-instrumented drag sphere containing both measuring
transducers and a multichannel digital recorder.

Two techniques are suggested in this section: 1) A sphere

with an internal set of accelerometers and selfLcontained data
recorder or a UHF transmitter to telemeter data to a recording
ground station, and 2) An optical tracker or television-type
device viewing the sphere from the side to record the trajectory.
Both concepts center around measurement of the unrestrained
response of a drag sphere in the blast environment.

It is well known that the drag coefficient of spheres is

a variable with Mach number especially in the vicinity of
Mach 1[41 ] Hoerner has provided data which are shown here in
Figure 27[42]



0 L
0.1 1.0 10.0


These data, for high Reynolds numbers, indicate that with

flows at M < 0.6 and M > 1.7, the assumption of constant drag
coefficient is approximately true. Between those values, care
must be used in experiment design and interpretation of the

A sphere with a set of accelerometers contained internally

will continue to record data after the arrival of dust and
debris has obscured the visual observation. It has been
estimated that a sphere of 4 inches diameter has sufficient
volume for accelerometers, batteries and a solid state recorder
with enough memory capacity to store up to several seconds of
data. This dimension could be even further reduced by a special
purpose chip design effort. Such a course would be extremely
expensive and should only be considered if a smaller sphere
is seen desirable after initially testing and proving the value
of the basic concept.

The last few years have seen vast changes in transient
digital recorder technology. The development of advanced
models of miniaturized recorders has been possible because of
recent strides in microcircuit design. Consequently, it is
feasible to consider packaging of a multichannel digital
transient recorder in a drag sphere and to instrument that
sphere with a set of accelerometers.

Similar self-contained instrumentation packages have been

successfully applied to measurement of the acceleration experi-
enced by 155 mm howitzer projectiles from launch to impact.
This type of system has measured (and survived) peak accelera-
tions of 1.65xi0 6 m/s 2 (1.68xi0 4 g)

By adjustment or selection of appropriate density and area,

a wide range of blast environments could be measured. It is
estimated that by use of existing microcircuits, the total
weight for a triaxial system would be 2 kg with 4096 samples
(8-bit) per channel with a 4 kHz bandwidth. In consideration
of the rapidly developing technology, it is probably not
sensible to consider investment in a more advanced model at
this time, because the current cost would be very high. I

The recorder could be set to trigger normally upon command

or to pre-trigger on the signal level. This mode of operation
saves a predetermined number of samples that were taken prior
to the time when the signal exceeds a set threshold value.
After the test the sphere is recovered and the data are trans-
ferred to permanent storage for analysis.

The relatively light weight spheres from the example in

Section 6.1 will be swept along by the shock wave thus
providing a measure of the gas particle velocity directly
behind the shock wave front. By using heavier particles
(perhaps lead shot), velocity profile behind the shock could

be measured. The acceleration of such heavy particles by a
blast wave will provide data on dynamic pressure behind the
shock, but the measurement is complicated by uncertainties
associated with the establishment of gas flow around the
particle. Consider for example, the extreme case of a solid
tungsten sphere with a 2.54 cm radius. The velocity of the
sphere (ut ) in a blast wave with parameters used in the
example in Section 6.1 will be given by

ut = 21.8(l-e 1000t)m/s

for the times during which the sphere velocity is low. Thus, a
heavy sphere will provide a good measurement of dynamic pressure
for many milliseconds into the wave, provided the aerodynamic
drag coefficient remains constant as assumed in the example.

Optical trackers are available commercially and function

via electronic servos to track angle positions of the target.
Accuracy is excellent and data would be good during the time the
optical path is clear. A television camera would provide
similar location data against a reference background grid; the
camera output would be recorded directly onto magnetic tape
for data analysis. Such tracking methods can be very effective
but are limited by the need for clear visibility of the target
and are subject to error from aberratioqs caused by viewing
through the shock wave front.

An alternative to the self-contained data recording method

might be to equip the sphere with a miniature UHF radio
transmitter and multiplexing system that would telemeter the
data to a ground station recorder. The self-contained
recorder, of course, obviates the problem of radio transmis-
sion through an inhospitable media.

Perhaps the most important factor for any of the drag
sphere approaches lies in the analysis and interpretation of
the measured data. The engineering problems associated with
the design and fabrication of the system to measure and record
the trajectory and response of the sphere involve relatively
straightforward applications of existing electronic (and/or
photo-optical) technology.

Problems to be considered are: High density packaging

the electronics in a spherical configuration while
maintaining the center of gravity at the geometrical center
of the sphere, design of an omidirectional antenna for the
transmitting sphere, signal processing circuits, etc.

6.3 Microwave Densitometer

A major problem associated with measurement of air blast

parameters is the presence of dust and debris which is carried
along a short distance behind the shock front. A significant
proportion of the blast energy is contained in the accelerated
debris; thus, to obtain a measure of the effective free stream
dynamic pressure in that region requires a measurement of the
density and velocity of both the debris and the gas.

Microwaves can be used to measure density, and possibly

velocity, of a blast in which a significant percentage of dust
is entrained provided the correct configuration is utilized.
A proposed experiment layout is shown in Figure 28.







Several configurations are possible; the one shown may be

advantageous because of the simpler electronics involved.
Another configuration using a passive reflector and having one
antenna for both transmission and receiving may be feasible

A measurement of both signal attenuation and path phase

shift can be made with the setup shown according to the following

E Ge(Yx
-(E, + jt) (26)
R = 1.

ER - received amplitude
E - transmitted amplitude

G - antenna design constants
y - propagation constant = ft+j?
x - distance from transmitter
w - angular frequency = 2rf
t - time.

The flow variables are the attenuation per unit length, ,

and the phase shift per unit length, 3.

The attenuation will depend on several factors including

dust particle density and particle size. Within physical size
restraints, the particle size effect can be changed by changing
wavelength of the transmitted energy. Provided sufficient
energy is transmitted, attenuation should have little effect
on 6 which is the variable parameter of interest.

Phase shift along a non-homogeneous transmission path

depends on the particle material characteristics at the
frequency used and on the particle size with respect to the
wavelength. For small particles, with a fairly small loss
tangent, the effect on the medium is that of increasing the
average dielectric constant and hence slowing the microwave
velocity. This is the expected effect of dust from soils which
are sandy and dry. Using silicon dioxide as a representative
material, Figure 29 illustrates relative phase shift due to
debris levels up to 10% by volume (averaged over the path
length) at a frequency of 1 GHz (0 = .3 meters).




210 | I
0 5 10


The sizable phase shifts shown in the figure indicate an

excellent resolution capability for this particular path length.
Shortening che path length to 1 meter will reduce the phase
shift scale by a factor of 10.

Since the microwave densitometer is also sensitive to gas

density, the measurement yields a net density that is determined
by the effective dielectric constant of the media in the
transmission path volume.

Another measurement using microwaves is that of using

debris particle backscatter to measure velocity by doppler
shift of the backscattered energy. The data obtained is
supplementary to the phase shift and would permit a separate
estimate of the kinetic energy of the dust and debris.

A simple laboratory setup could verify the feasibility of

the experiment just described. The design and implementation
of such an experiment utilizing poured fan-blown dust of differ-
ent particle sizes and compositions would help to assess the
merit of this concept.

The significant problems associated with the microwave
densitometer are related to calibration of the system because
the phase shift is a function of the media dielectric properties
which may be uncertain for a given field measurement. Parametric
calibration curves may be the answer by using particulate
sampling devices for post-test determination of calibration
factors. The design of hardware for the system is a fairly
straightforward problem using available technology and components.
Consideration is necessarily required for design of the aero-
dynamic shape for the antennae housings to insure that the flow
is not perturbed unnecessarily or in any unexpected fashion.
To reiterate, the success of this technique is heavily dependent
3upon interpretation of the measurement.

6.4 Ultrasonic Measurement of Gas Particle and Sonic


The suggested measurement setup is shown in Figure 30.


FLOW _ \

/ \



An ultrasonic source is mounted on a column and transmits
atmospherically propagating waves which are detected by two
detectors at selected locations. By a comparison of the
relative phase of each detected signal both sonic velocity and
gas particle velocity may be calculated. Sonic velocity
permits an estimate of gas temperature and particle velocity
is related to dynamic pressure.

A sinusoidal pressure wave (P) generated at the source

propagates spherically according to the following equation:

P = P0 e-j(kr+wt) (27)

where P - peak pressure

k - propagation constant of medium
r - total trajectory path length
- angular frequency
t - time.
For a low loss gas, k - and in a moving gas r would represent
the total path length of a given pressure perturbation from a
point on the source to a detector.

The wavelength (X) depends on the frequency and on the

sonic velocity in the gas over a wide range of gas conditions.
The phase shift introduced by path length r depends on the
sonic velocity and the magnitude of r. In the case for a moving
medium, the distance may be evaluated from the vector equation.

r (Vq + Vc )dt (28)

where vq - the gas particle velocity
vc - the sonic velocity - the rate at which a
pressure impulse moves from the source in
still air

tn - the time at which the impulse arrives at

the nth detector placed at coordinates (xnY n)
with respect to the source (0,0).

Considering only the two dimensional problem shown in Figure 30

at this time, we have

r [i(vqx + v cx) + Jv cy]dt (29)

and for non-varying velocities during the transit time

r= ix + j = [iv + iv + jvcy
1 ]t (30)
n n n q cxn fl

for the detector number 1

1 + jy1 = (ivq + iv c + jv c)tl (31)

and the detector number 2

ix 2 + jY2= (ivq + ivcx 2 + jv cY 2 )t2 (32)

The positions (xlYl) and (x2 1Y 2 ) are known; t1 and t2 are

measured from the phase of the detected signals. The result is
an algebraic solution for the velocity components using the
(V2 + v2 (v2
1/2 =v=+v + v2 1/2 (33)
cx1 cy1 cx2 cy 2 c.

In order to reduce the effects of variable velocity along
the path, the distance from source to detector should be kept
small. This also improves signal-to-noise ratio of the measure-
ment. The frequency of the wave should be chosen to increase
accuracy in the phase shift measurement.

Application of this technique in actual blast experiments

will also be dependent on the effects of entrained dust and
other debris which change radically the velocities calculated.
Also, a high noise level background at the ultrasonic frequency
of the source will reduce confidence in the results. However,
even with background noise and dust, valid results should be

Further investigations are necessary into the impact of

the ambient environmental conditions for the proposed applica-
tion. Wideband measurements of background noise levels in
proposed test environments are needed to determine not only the
amplitude but also the spectral content of the transient noise.

Since dust appears to be a problem if sufficiently dense,

a lab experiment similar to that proposed for the microwave
technique should be considered, using dust showers or fans to
generate this type of environment and to show feasibility.

While this concept has been presented with varied approaches

before, it is introduced in this chapter because of the potential
seen and the expectation that a fair research and development
program is needed to perfect the system.

A similar system described in Reference 43 was used to

measure flow Mach numbers of 3.26 and 2.70 at respective
temperatures of 954 0 C (1750°F) and 1350 0 C (24600 F). The
application described in the reference is for measurement of
quasi-steady-state flow velocity from a rocket motor in an

experimental drag facility in which the composition of the
exhaust products were well known.

Specific problems to be addressed for the ultrasonic

measurement include the design of a sonic source, the
detectors, system geometry and signal processing circuitry.
While the design of electronic circuits requires no new
technology and is a relatively direct problem in application
engineering, the source and detectors required may well be
quite specialized and as such are viewed as a major design
problem. The sonic generator may be either pulsed or a
continuous-wave discrete frequency device with detectors that
are broadband or tuned to be frequency selective.

As with the other suggested measurement techniques,

calibration, analysis and the data reduction/interpretation
will be a significant portion of the develooment effort.

The use of multiple detectors may help to evaluate

gradients within the test volume but the basic principle
assumes uniform flow and a homogeneous media. For transient
measurements, these assumptions certainly place restrictions
on the application and limit the capability of such a system.
These need to be investigated, carefully evaluated, and
understood to assess the merits of this method of measurement.

6.5 Laser Gas Density Instrument

The basic idea on which the gas density instrument has

been founded is that the index of refraction of air (n) is
dependent on the density of the air (Q)

n = n(p) (34)

Since this deoendence is ouite weak, it is appropriate to
expand Equation (34) in a Taylor series in powers of the density.
Doing so,one obtains

2 3
n = n(O) + k,; + k 2 ;) + k + (35)

The first term, n(O), in this expansion is the index of

refraction of a vacuum which is equal to 1. The terms involving
the density to powers greater than the first are small except
for exceedingly large densities. Thus, for a range of densities
we have the following expression for index of refraction of air
as a function of density.

n = 1 + kc (36)

For air the constant k, which is known as the Gladstone-Dale

constant, has the value 0.234 cm 2 /gm.

To study this dependence, consider an interferometer

shown in Figure 31 with one arm exposed to the gas which is to
have its density measured.



S E3, AM,




As the density varies in the test arm, fringe shifts are
observed by the detector. The number of fringe shifts (Ni
observed for a change in the density (') is given by

N - 2kL (37)

where k is the Gladstone-Dale constant

L is the Length of the test arm
and is the wavelength of light produced by the source.
One can obtain a feeling for the resolution possible with this
sort of instrument by setting .'N = 1, choosing reasonable
numbers for L and ', and solving for ' . In particular, usina
- 6.328xi0 cm, the wavelength of the actual source used,
and L 12.45 cm, the length of the test chamber, one obtains
- gm/1 cm 3
a full fringe shift for a density change of 1.09x10
or more than 100 fringe shifts for a density change equal to
one sea level atmospheric density.

As the density varies in one arm of a perfectly aligned

interferometer, a single detector looking at the re-combined
beam will see a single spot which blinks bright and then dar .
Since this sequence is the same for both increasing and
decreasing densities, such an instrument will provide ambicuous
information as to the sign of the density change. To eliminate
this ambiguity one might carefully misalign the interferometer
(as in Figure 32). Having done this, the output of the optical
system is, instead of a single spot, a fringe pattern of
Figure 33. As the density varies, this pattern moves one
way for a density increase and the other for a decrease. The
sign uncertainty vanishes as one observes the direction of










The problem of automatically keeping track of the sign may
be handled as follows. A single photo detector observing the
interferometer output while the density varies will yield a
signal such as in Figure 34a. Suitably amplified and clipped,
this signal takes on the appearance shown in Figure 34b.




If two detectors are placed less than a fringe width apart,

their outputs will have the appearance of Figure 35a when the
density increases, Figure 35b when it decreases.






One of these two signals (say Channel A) is now used to gate

two amplifiers. One of them is gated on when Channel A is in
its positive phase, the other on when A is in its negative
phase. The other signal is differentiated and clipped, leaving
only its leading edge, and then is fed to both amplifiers. One
amplifier now puts out a pulse when the density increases by
an amount corresponding to a single fringe shift. The other
puts out a pulse for a similar decrease. The output of one
amplifier is inverted, the two amplifier outputs are then
added and the coded density information is then presented as a
single signal.

The laser densitometer concept shown in Figure 36 has been

[2 9
tested in controlled laboratory experiments . The system
has not been developed to a field-worthy instrument and several
design problems remain unsolved.

At the outset of development of the densitometer, the goal

was to be able to follow a density change from 1 atmosphere to
4 atmospheres at sea level in 1 millisecond. Coupled with a





resolution goal of one hundredth of an atmosphere, this requires
that fringes be accurately processed at a rate of 300,000 per
second. This processing rate was not achieved except by stopgap
methods which seriously degraded low frequency response. The
problem appears to be a fairly straightforward electronics
design problem.

The second major design question remaining unresolved is

the packaging of the densitometer for field use. Because of
the sensitivity of such a device to relative motion of its
optical components, it is necessary that the package be
extremely rugged. One version of the laboratory model was
constructed so as to be able to withstand appreciable shocks
without producing an output which looked like response to a
density variation. This lends the encouraging feeling that
sufficient ruggedness is attainable without undue mechanical
design complications.

One solution to a potential mechanical design problem has

been explored. In order to obtain sufficient resolution, the
optical length of the sensitive arm is constrained to be of a
certain minimum length. The difficulty in retaining internal
rigidity increases at a rate greater than linear in the internal
dimensions. With this in mind some effort was expended in
folding up the optical path of the sensitive arm. This effort
met with modest success, but needs further exploration.

The status of the densitometer is, in short, that a work-

able laboratory model has been constructed and that two well
defined engineering problems lie between the present state of
development and the production of a useful field instrument.
Another problem that should be addressed is the influence of
particulate matter in the flow whose dimensions are comparable
to the laser wavelength. The calibration of the densitometer
secms certain to be disturbed by these diffracting particles.

6.6 Gas Temperature Measurement

In nuclear weapons simulations utilizing underground tests

or surface HE explosions, spectral emissivity data having good
time resolution is desirable. These data, together with others,
are used to characterize the temperature and geometry of the
fireballs and shock wave in these events. The development and
application of some simple, practical instrumentation to obtain
these data are discussed in the following paragraphs.

6.6.1 The Value of Emissivity Measurements

Optical emissivity measurements have been used for a

considerable period of time in diagnostics for nuclear weapon
detonations. The blue-sensitive "bhangmeters" were one of the
first sensors used, providing data which correlated well with
yield and employed as one of the primary methods of measuring
yield of events for a considerable period of time. Various
filtered radiometers have been used to obtain spectral outputs
of atmospheric nuclear events. The temperature of shock fronts has
been determined using the spectral emissivity of the gases in
the shock, together with pressure measurements. Both of these
kinds of measurements are used primarily in experiments whose
goal is to verify theories predicting the interaction of
nuclear weapon energy with its environment. Capabilities for
obtaining good optical data have been limited in the past by
equipment limitations. The equipment is either large, bulky,
and fragile with good spectral coverage or, relatively small,
simple, and rugged with poor spectral coverage. For the small
versions, in many wavelength regions, the response time was
relatively slow.

Advances in optical component technology in recent years, in
particular, have now made it possible to develop a series of
very rugged, very fast response, narrow band radiometers. Very
narrow fields of view are possible, permitting good spatial
resolution and rejection of extraneous background energy. The
shock front will probably not be very Planckian, but will
instead obey the laws for high temperature gas emission. The
theories which describe the emissivity of high temperature
gases are quite complex because of the large number of trans-
itions that contribute to photon emission. A number of
simplified expressions have been developed, however, that are
[4 5 ]
quite tractable. One of these is

4.76xi0 7 hc E 4 (exp o
Eeff 0 5
26.4(KT) p

where Eeff is the effective emissivity from a given

h is Planck's constant
c is the velocity of light
K is Boltzmann's constant
T is temperature
E0 is the dissociation energy of the molecule
6 is the thickness of the observed layer
T is the concentration in molecules per air
atom (temperature dependent)
is the total oscillator strength
q is the ambient dynamic pressure, and
p is ambient undisturbed pressure.

This equation indicates that the effective emissivity is a

function of temperature, pressure, the thickness of the emittinq
gas layer, the concentration of emitting molecules, the

oscillator strength of the molecules, and the energy associated
with the particular transition which gives rise to the photon
emission. For a given molecular transition, many of these
parameters are fixed and the remaining ones which are variables
are temperature, pressure, thickness of the emitting gas layer
and concentration of the emitting molecules. If pressure is
independently measured using fast response transducers, and if
the composition of the air is determined using a gas chromato-
graph, and if thickness is established by the geometry of the
experiment, then temperature will be obtainable from emissivity
measurements. The geometry to be used is shown in Figure 37.
It can be seen that if the radiometer is looking along a
tangent to the spherical shock front, and that if the radial
thickness of the front is greater than the diameter of the
radiometer aperture, the maximum temperature of heated gas in
the radiometer field of view may be determined with good
accuracy. It is obvious, of course, that only the maxima of
radiometer signals would be meaningful and that rapid response
of the radiometers will be essential. The use of spectroscopy
for gas temperature measurement is an old idea which has been
described in the literature for the last several decades[46]

6.6.2 Signal Strengths

Some order of magnitude estimates of the signal-to-noise

ratios which should be available were computed by using the
expressions in Reference 45 to estimate the radiance of the
heated gas and using the data on emission of the normal
atmosphere from Reference 47. The results indicate that NO
emission will provide signal-to-noise ratios of several
hundred at temperatures above 3,000°Kelvin. The radiance falls
very rapidly below this temperature, however, and useful
optical output would probably not be obtained by the time the
temperature has decreased to 2,0000 Kelvin. CO 2 emission is,
of course, very strong in the infrared in the regions of 4.2








and 2.6 microns. The expressions indicate that good signal-
to-noise ratios (of the order of 20-150) would be obtainable
using CO 2 in the temperature range from 6000 Kelvin upward.

6.6.3 Applicable Sensor Technology

Suitable technology for the telescopes necessary for the

radiometers has existed for some time. The nitric oxide
radiation is in the visible and the CO 2 radiation is in
the shorter wavelength portion of the long wave infrared
region. Both reflective and refractive components are available
in considerable variety. Multi-layer interference filters are
available to establish optical bandwidths of these systems. The
major difficulty in the past has been the lack of sufficiently
fast detectors. Fortunately, there has been a concerted effort
over the last few years to develop very high speed detectors
for use in laser radars and laser communication systems. A
number of solid state detectors are now available which are
suitable for use in both the visible and infrared regions of
the spectrum and which have response times of the order of
nanoseconds or microseconds. A number of these were described
in the recent IRIS Detector Symposium [48] These references,
together with our experience with other workers, makes it
apparent that technology is available to permit the development
and fabrication of a family of fixed optical bandwidth spectral
radiometers which will permit high-speed measurement of the
emissivity of shock fronts in certain spectral regions. This
information can be used not only to assess the peak temperatures
in the shock front (when combined with other data), but can
also be useful when assessing the chemical composition of the
shock front and/or fireball should this be desired.

The program should begin with a more detailed desiqn

study. This would define preferred spectral regions, photon
fluxes, signal-to-noise ratios, etc. An imoortant part of

this design study will be the engineering of the telescopes to
withstand the rigors of field deployment and blast wave exposure.
Tests of the prototype telescopes would be conducted using narrow-
band emitters such as gaseous discharge tubes. Spectral response,
noise, out-of-band rejection, and environmental responses will
be important parameters. The laboratory qualified Drototypes
sould then be fielded to obtain the first actual shock front data.
These data would then be cross-correlated with other measurements
to assess the validity of the measurement.

The measurement concept presented has been developed and in

use for quite some time 9] It is suggested that the technique
should be upgraded by incorporating the very recent developments
in narrowband detectors with rapid response. This will effec-
tively bring the useful lower temperature limit for such devices
perhaps as low as 300 0 C for fast response measurenment of peak
shock wave front temperatures at relatively low peak overpressures.

6.7 Experimental Facilities for Sensor Development

It is evident from the foregoing descriptions of suggested

measurement concepts and sensor developments that a good deal of
exploratory work is required before one could prove the feasibility
of each method. Also, in most cases, this exploratory work
includes testing of the conceptual hardware under dusty flow (or
artificial particle-laden flow) conditions; that is, under
conditions close to those which would obtain in the field. For
this purpose, it is desirable that laboratory facilities be
available where the hardware could be tested and evaluated. If
suitable facilities are not now available in the technical
community , they would have to be designed and fabricated.

No comprehensive survey of available candidate facilities was

conducted as a part of this study.


1. Lederer, Paul S. and Hilten, John S., "A Laser Technique

for Investigating the Effects of Thermal Transients on
Pressure Transducer Performance Characteristics," National
Bureau of Standards, NBS TN 723, May 1972.

2. Hilten, John S., et al, "A Test Method for Determining

the Effect of Thermal Transients on Pressure-Transducer
Response," National Bureau of Standards, NBS TN 905,
March 1976.

3. "Height-of-Burst Blast Effects in High Overpressures,"

TRW Progress Report, TRW 20453-6004-TO-00, July 1972.

4. Carpenter, H. J., et al, "Blast Wave Boundary Layer Measure-

ments," Air Force Weapons Laboratory, AFWL-TR-73-211,
March 1974.

5. Abrahams, Rodney, "Effects of Laser-Generated Thermal

Transients on Air Blast Transducers," Ballistic Research
Laboratories, BRL MR 2473, April 1975.

6. Leisher, W. B., "Blast Pressure Transducer Use at Sandia

Laboratories," Paper G4 Proceedings of 4th International
Symposium on Military Applications of Blast Simulations,
AWRE, England, September 1974.

7. Vortman, Luke J., Sandia Laboratories, Private Communication,

Re: Pre DICE THROW I test.

8. Teel, George D., "Air Blast Measurements," Ballistic

Research Laboratories, BRLR 1477, February 1970.

9. Teel, George D., "Air Blast Measurements from a 100-Ton

TNT Detonation Over Granite - Mineral Rock Event, Mine
Shaft Series," Ballistic Research Laboratories, BRL
R 1502, October 1970.
10. Jaramillo, E. E. and Pozega, R. E., "Middle Gust Free-Field
Data Analysis," AFWL-TR-73-251, April 1974.

11. Sachs, Donald C., "High Overnressure Air Blast Loadi:.',
Tests on Cylinders," Kaman Sciences Coro)oration, KX-7 -1 .
(DNA 3062F) , December 1972.

12. Gltsstone, Samuel, The Effects of Nuclear Wearons, Piblish

by USAEC, Revised 1962.

1 . Kelso, Jack R. , Editor, "Data Redact I on P ro .s

-1clear Air Blast Instrumentation," D<f .nnu :,1 r
A:ericv, AFSWP 1084, Auaust i959.

14. Gi.iic-Cos, Louis an. P,.t it , Pu.

h t. , i i tb
Series, Prairie Flat Event Funda:-<,ntal B
-last Studies,"
DASA POR-2100 (VI-2100) , Mirch 1971.

15. Hoover, C. 1. , "Desin an Calibration of a Large Asnect

Anale Total head Pressure ace," Ballistic Research
Laboratories, BRL MR 2239, October 1972.

16. Gerber, Nathan, et al, "Particle Penetration Into Pitot

Gages in Supersonic Dusty Flows," Ballistic Research
Laboratories, BRL R 1677, October 1973.

17. Witherly, T. D., "Instruments for Measurement of Dusty Air

Blast Effects in High Overpressure Regions," DASA 1433,
September 1963.

18. Baker, Wilfred E., Explosions in Air, University of Texas

Press, Austin and London, 1973.

19. Johnson, 0. T., Patterson, III, J. D., and Olson, W. C.,

"A Simple Mechanical Method of Measuring the Reflected
Impulse of Air Blast Waves," Ballistic Research Labora-
tories, BRL MR 1088, 1957.

20. Pope, Alan and Goin, Kenneth L., High-Speed Wind Tunnel
Testing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1965.

21. Nelson, Wallace J. , "An Improved Static Pressure Probe-
Patent Application," NASA Case LAR-11552-1 (N75-1C'12),
October 1974.

22. Ruetenik, J. Ray and Lewis, S. Dean, "Pressure Probe and

System for Measurinq Large Blast Waves," Air Force Flight
Dynamics Lab, AFFDL-TDR-65-35, June 1965.

23. Jones, Howland B., "Effects of Tubing Connection on

Transducer Response," Princeton University, AER No. 595a,
January 1962.

24. Millman, Jacob and Taub, Herbert, Pulse, Digital, and

Switching Waveforms, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965.

25. Bickle, L. W., "A Numerical Technique for Correcting

Transient Measurements," Sandia Laboratories, SC-R-72 2601.

26. Swisdak, M. M., Jr., "Explosion Effects and Properties:

Part I - Exolosion Effects in Air," Naval Surface Weapons
Center, NSWC/WOL/TR 75-116, October 1975.

27. Fenrick, W. J. and Campbell, B. R., "Canadian Blast Wave

Density-Time Measurements on Event Dial Pack," Suffield
Experiment Stations, Memorandum No. 89/71, July 1972.

28. Anderson, J. H. B., "Analysis of Blast Wave Density-Time

Data from Event Prairie Flat and Event Dial Pack,"
Suffield Experiment Station, TN #309 (AD 905122), June 1972.

29. "Development of Air Blast Instrumentation: Vortex:-Shed-

ding Anemometer and High-G Accelerometer," DASA 2334,
March 1969.

30. Sachs, D. C., "Field Test Particle Velocity Gage, Operation

Distant Plain Symposium, Volume II," M. J. Dudash, Editor,
DASA 2207, May 1968.

1. Baum, N. P., "A Radar Doppler System for DABS," University
of New Mexico (CERF) , 1975.

32. Hyzer, W. G., Engineering and Scientific High-Speed Photo-

graphy, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1962.

33. Hyzer, W. G., Photographic Instrumentation, Science and

Engineering, Its Military Equipments, Techniques and
and Applications, Prepared Under Navy Contract NOW 63-0524F,
October 1965.

34. Coulter, George A. and Peterson, Robert L., "Desiqn of

Aircraft Revetments," BRL MR 1440, October 1962.

35. Keefer, John H. and Reisler, Ralph E., "Multiburst Environ-

ment-Simultaneous Detonations Project Dipole West," BRL
R-1766, March 1975.

36. Dewey, J. M. and Walker, D. K., "Simulation of the Blast

Loading on Structures by Analysis of the Particle
Trajectories in Two Dimensions," Paper G2 Proceedings of
4th International Symposium on Military Applications of
Blast Simulations, AWRE, England, September 1974.

37. Personal communication, Mr. John Wisotski, Denver Research

Institute, 1976.

38. Gill, Stephen P. and Gross, Michael B., "Dynamic Calibra-

tor for Air Blast Pressure Gages to 10,000 psi," DNA 3920F,
February 1976.

39. Cliff, William C., et al, "Wind Velocity Measurement,"

NASA Tech Briefs, Volume 1, No. 2, 1976 (pp. 182-183).

40. Coffey, E. W., et al, "Airport Laser Doppler," NASA Tech

Briefs, Volume 1, No. 2, 1976 (p. 183).

41. Shapiro, A. H., The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compres-
sible Fluid Flow, The Ronald Press Company, New York, 1958.

42. Hoerner, S. F., Fluid Dynamics Drag, Sighard F. Hoerner,


43. Wolf, Randolf J., (Kaman Sciences Corporation) personal


44. Whitfield, M. L., et al, "An Experimental Drag Facility,"

DASA 1369, March 1963.

45. Penner, S. S., Quantitative Molecular Spectroscopy and Gas

Emissivities, Addison-Wesley, 1959, pp. 393-445.

46. Loudenburg, R. W., Editor, Physical Measurements in Gas

Dynamics and Combustion, Princeton University Press, 1954.

47. Valley, S. L., Editor, Handbook of Geophysics and Space

Environments, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965.

48. "Meeting of the IRIS Specialty Groups on Infrared Detectors,"

IRIA-IRIS Proceedings, 5-7 March 1974. Office Naval Res.
Inst. of Michigan, Reoort No. 107600-1-X, Paper Numbers 1,
6, and 23.

49. Kottenstette, James P., "Fast-Response Optical Pyrometer,"

ISA Transactions: 4(270-274) 1965.

50. Wells, P., Bathke, E. and Keeffe, R., "Calculation of Pitot,

Dynamic and Reflected Pressures for Blast Tests," Kaman
Sciences Corporation Memo, October 1972.

51. Liepmann, H. W. and Roshko, A., Elements of Gas Dynamics,

John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1957.



This appendix presents a number of relationships that are

frequently used for defining the conditions at the shock wave
front as well as the flow parameters as a function of time [501
Many good references on air blast theory exist with derivations
and discussion of the use and applications of the equations
presented here [5 1 ,1 8 The Rankine-Hugoniot equations of state
provide the basis from which the unique relationships given are
derived. Definitions for symbols used are found in Table A-1.


Given the incident shock overpressure (APs), calculate the

peak Pitot tube pressure (pi ), the peak free-field dynamic
pressure (q2 ) and the peak pitot
reflected overpressure on a wall

(APr). These parameters shown pictorially in Figure A-I.

Assume one-dimensional flow, air behaves as a perfect gas

with constant y, the Pitot tube is aligned parallel to the flow,
and the wall is perfectly rigid adiabatic, of semi-infinite
extent, and aligned normal to the shock wave.

A.1.2 Analysis

The shock front velocity Us is expressed by

•- 1/2
Us cl + l(\P) . (A-i)

Note that the quantity

P2 "1'Ps + Pl (A-2)

p1 p1 b

Preceding page blank


Symbol Parameter

c Speed of sound
Us Shock wave front velocity

p Absolute pressure
Aps Static overpressure immediately behind the shock

Apr Reflected overpressure at the reflectinq surface

j) Density
T Absolute temperature
u Air particle velocity
MI Pseudo Mach number for computational convenience
M Mach number
M Shock Mach number
q Dynamic pressure (q = 1/2 ,u2
y Ratio of specific heats

Subscripts Desiqnation

1 Ambient conditions ahead of shock

2 Peak conditions just behind shock

s Shock condition

1 54

;2 2

P2 1





We can now write the usual shock wave equations in our

[p. y= 1)] (A-3)

s c2 2 -\

M - = Ms (A-4)
2 C Y+l M

2 P(A-5)
Pl P2 i17

2- l (A-6)
T 01

u2 M 2
M 2 2 (A-7)

Now for M 2 > 1


_, j [+i(A-8)

and for M 2 < 1

L 2 ) [ + zi M21 (A-9)
p1 Pi [ 2

1 2
Pl 2Pl 2 -
2\ - i "2 (A-10)

-r F
( _


s rp P2 (+l

- r (A-12)

These values have been computed for p 2 /Pl values from 1.1 to 100
and for 3 values of y (1.40, 1.35 and 1.30); the results are
plotted and included in this appendix as Figures A-2, A-3, and
A-4. Note that all pressures are absolute (except for .',pr) and
that all pressures are divided by the ambient air absolute
pressure pl.


Given the pitot pressure (ppitot) and static pressure (p2 )

as functions of time, calculate the free-field dynamic pressure
(q2 ) as a function of time. The same assumptions and nomencla-
ture as for Problem 1 apply here.


: 1.30

200- 1. 35

= 1.40

Ppitot _


0 10 20 30 40 50





010 20 C'0 40



1 59




30 0 - 1 4


1 fll I

0 10 20 30 4() 50




A.2.1 Analysis

For M2 < 1

Ppitot- + 12_i M2 2)-I (A-13)


and if M 2 > 1

y 'Y
_tot _
2 ]
2y M2 2 -
Y-1 (A-14)

In either case

q2 yM2
q2 = 2 (A-15)
2 2

Figure A-5 is a plot of the free-field dynamic pressure

versus pitot tube pressure normalized to P 2 while Figure A-6 is
a plot of shock Mach number versus shock strength. Both sets
of curves are computed from the above equations.

Note that both q2 and Ppitot are divided by P2' the local
static free-field pressure behind the shock (not the ambient


The accuracy of these results relative to test situations

is critcally dependent upon how well all the assumptions of this
analysis are reflected in the actual test situation. For example,
if the air is not clean but is heavily dust laden, the pitot



C I I I i

'ii- it




1 0 , (!. =, 1 2 f,.


tube is not properly alicIned, the wall is not plane and of
semi-infinite extent, etc., all of these factors introduce
an unknown amount of error into the present results relative
to the real world situation.


A.3.1 Conservation of Mass

I s (Us-U) = i (A-16)

A.3.2 Conservation of Momentum

s (U -u) + p =] U2 + p1 (A-17)

A.3.3 Conservation of Energy

1 22Us-U +
+e+:p/s . .. 21 U2s + e 0 + pl/2 1 (A-18)


Included in this Appendix are specification sheets from

several manufacturers that are representative of commercially-
available pressure transducers being used for air blast

The inclusion or omission of transducers or sources is

not intended as endorsement or rejection by the authors or any
agency of the U. S. Government.

Contents of Appendix B

Manufacturer Pages

1. Celesco Industries 166-168

2. Kulite Semiconductor Products, Inc. 169-174
3. PCB Piezotronics, Inc. 175-183
4. Sundstrand Data Control, Inc. 184-188
5. Susquehanna Instruments 189-191
6. Tyco Instrument Div. 192-195


LC13 Ths saoym1Vhpdu

ca, a used 0to old i t moo., LI=7 .: ....

v,,.rnto 4 d Shock, tunnel 0prOO is- .~

profile, Theo ,nootodshape *ill.- The
fot -s". htt
vfiOC- ,t, 0.0 of
AA" 3 to, the LC 13 000o h~wh 5 to,
theOLC 33 The tronoducts, an*,t-ty i.
not ref-o.,*is ffectO DV misoi,gomgnt.o ..
of ao -1c as V1 d0o.-I, inrs. t, ______
- ont C.,,DO mod tonus000r. Sh0ck front-
TO. unitsar0' t ,vdodwittth

LC33 'Our Point calibration. -----


ThO tlil-Oonting transtducer i. thertoonc -
roc-tt'r model for mO.
moo of dyn~mc oroou'o 000 acoustic -000
phitomi o , Th. iow coot mnus it do.l
f~~~or *blCeO or timpi$
ttirg0- Of Photographic *od recording
Shock0 tunas for high Ofltsot t.r..

'- PPI-isCtl i
to ow or "'.acoustic. *l udingI
undertwater and tlow _.~
tod for thoo.
O D3
lit 11,ttOloOu,,m~tamo,




LC13 1750 .3 610 -107 500 10

LC33 4500 .67 3150 -101 500 15


LD2 5 240 .15 35 -1131


*Special Order

Formerly Atlantic Research Systems Division





The LC 33 pencil-type Pressure Transducer can be used to record a

',rrty of dynamic pressure phenomena which typically are found in
free held blast measurements, shock tunnel pressure-time profiles. The
o(live point allows the LC-33 transducer to penetrate and measure the
side on pressure of shock fronts with velocities as high as Mach 5. In
shock wave measurements the transducer should be pointed toward the
source of the blast wave. However, this alignment can be off as much
as 25 without affecting the sensitivity (+2%). The LC 33 piezoelectric
transducer is designed for use in air but the sensitive element is sealed
in a wateright neoprene covering. The 4500 pF capacitance is extremely
high for a transducer of this size and allows it to be used with a mmtlW1i
amount of associated electronic signal conditioning equipment. In the
event that a long cable is required between the transducer and j rcor
ing apparatus, a high input impedance, low noise preamplifier should lie
used. Suitable preamplifiers are available from Celesco Industries. A fnur
point calibration is provided with each transducer.




0 63 IN DIAE
2 50 IN 50 IN

- 0oIN

".1 % ITOP
, NO T VVATifRPi iOn



Sensitivity: 0.67 V/psi

Sensitivity: -101 dB
Charge Sensitivity: 3000 pC/Psi
Capacitance: 4500 pF
Maximum Pressure: 500 Psi
Resonant Frequency: >67 kHz
Polarity with Positive Pressure: Positive
D.C. Resistance (MIN): 2500 M11
Operating Temperature Range: -40 to +212" F
Thermal Sensitivity: 0.25%/' F
Overshoot: 20%
Total Weight (MAX): 8.6 oz
Sensing Element: Lead zirconate titanate
Grounding: Case grounded
Connector Required: Standard UHF Coaxial




PRESSURE ........ 38 PSI

VERTICAL ...... 5.0 V div

LC-33 HORIZONTAL .... 0.02 ms div






* Metal Diaphragm
* Integrated
Sensor (IS)'
* Easy Installation
*m High Natural
s % -24 NF Thread

The HKM-375 miniature pressure transducer is a a marked increase in the natural frequencies of the
metal diaphragm unit using an Integrated Sensor transducers making them suitable for shock pres-
(IS) as its sensing element, sure measurements.

The 3/s - 24 NF thread with the hexagonal head and High output and low impedance inherent in piezo-
"0" ring seal make the HKM-375 series easy to resistive sensors make these transducers ideal for
mount and simple to apply. In addition, the small use in hostile environments and obviate the re-
size, flush diaphragm and robust construction en- quirement for expensive signal conditioning equip-
able installation into pressure container walls and ment, such as charge amplifiers and impedance
standard AND 10050 fittings, eliminating costly matching devices.
space-consuming hardware. The HKM-375 transducer utilizes
a 17-4 PH stain-
The heart of the HKM-375 is the Kulite Integrated less steel diaphragm and threaded body, making
Sensor. It consists of a miniature silicon member it suitable for use in pressure media compatible
on which a Wheatstone bridge has been atomically with stainless steel and the "0" ring used for
bonded using diffusion techniques. sealing

These devices combine the major advantages of Because the transducer is constructed using elec-
microcircuitry: substantial size reduction, excel- tron beam welding techniques, the sensing side of
lent repeatability and reliability, low power dissi- the unit is suitable for immersion in liquids com-
pation, etc. The miniaturization process also yields patible with 17-4 PH stainless steel.


-. . II I m
al. E I I . . . . . . . . . .
HKM-375 Specifications__________
Pressure Output Acceleration Sensitivity Natural
Model No. psi______ Nom. % FS/g Freqlency
Rated Maximum MV Perpendicular Transverse Min. KHz
HKM-375-25 25 50 75 .002 .0004 50
HKM-375-50 50 100 75 .001 .0002 60
HKM-375-100 100 200 75 .0007 .00014 80
HKM-375-250 250 500 75 .0005 0001 125
HKM-375-500 500 750 75 .0003 00006 200
HKM-375-1000 1000 1500 75 002.00004 275
HKNI-375-2000 2000 3000 75 00015 .00003 360
HKM-375-5000 5000 7500 75 0001 .00002 375
HKM-375-10000 10000 15000 75 .00006 000012 385
HKM-375-20000 20000 30000 75 00004 000008 395
HKM-375-30000 I30000 35000 110 .00002 .000004 395
Diaphragm .17 4 Stainless Steel
.I Pincile Integrated solid state
Sen ing Pricipe
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... IWheatstone bridge
Excitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10V DC or AC
Input Impedance .. .............. 1200 ohms min.
Output Impedance ................... 650 ohms max.
Zero Balance .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% FS
Combined Nonlinearity and Hysteresis ......... 1% FS
Repeatability .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.25%
OF to 250F( 2OCto 120C)
Operating Temperature Range ....... . ... (Extended temperature range 65 F to 425 F)
(55 C to0220 C) available on special order)
Compensated Temperature Range .... . 80 F to 180 F (25 C to080 C)
(any 100 ~Fwithin the operating range on request)
Change of Sensitivity with Temperature ...-....... 2%1100 F
Change of No-Load Output with Temperature .................... 2%FS/100 F
Resolution......... ........ ............ ......... .......... Infinite

HKM-375 Series Outline

*.290- .. 62..

ZNIX _.___ -1ING .301I.Di.

430 0D





* integrated sensor (is)'

* easy installation
m smallest threaded
device available
* high natural frequencies
a B-32 UNF thread

The XT-140 miniature pressure transducer is a The standard XT-140 transducer has a reference
new addition to the recently developed Kulite tube emerging from its back. The transducer mea-
solid state pressure sensors. The 6-32 UNF sures gage pressure when this tube is left open to
thread with the hexagonal head and the 0 ring the atmosphere.
seal make the XT-140 easy to mount and simple
to apply. With a .138" O.D., the XT-140 is smaller For differential pressure measurements, the ref-
than any other commercially available threaded erence tube may be connected to a pressure
pressure transducer. The small size and flush dia- source (dry, clean, non-conductive gas). When the
phragm enable installation of the transducer di- reference pressure is a vacuum, the transducer
rectly in the wall of pressure containers, tubes, will measure absolute pressure.
pipes, etc., eliminating costly, space-consuming
hardware. In the absolute pressure version, a reference pres-
sure is sealed in the transducer and no reference:
The heart of the XT-140 is the new Kulite inte-
grated circuit sensor. It consists of a miniature tube is provided.
silicon diaphragm on which a Wheatstone bridge
has been atomically bonded using diffusion Upon request, the XT-140 transducers may be sup-
techniques. plied with RTV coating or any other ablative layer
on the diaphragm. For long term operation in
Microcircuitry techniques and the subminiaturiza- liquids, complete Kulite form KPS-TO1 and con-
tion process employed in the Kulite sensors com- suit the factory. The transducer is also designed
bine to yield a significant state of the art advance to receive a perforated screen whenever dia-
enabling pressure measurement where size and phragm protection is desired For further detail,
weight have made other devices unsuitable, see Kulite Application Note AN-01A

'S 1,
I, T .1.i179omcificationS " -H |:_ ii

M odel I '! : -:10 () IinipP(Jrii

I.1r i Aro; elirat I i ' ; It Ir,:q C. 7
Number (th1, od) IIFMxni )
T I Ir) N rnr (?Jir 1r,.r () 'ru(Iri'I)Ihr)
X'r-140 2t p i1,0 p';1 1nv '50 uh'I 1 0 000 ', F01q , ,r ' . , -
Xl! I1," 0 ):; 1 100 si 90 11iv 710 I )0002' I ''i Ii 10004''. F ,.' [ 1,0 kli,
" 1.10 1001 lit 201)
:'00 oil (1(1mv
1M-1) /1) ,iptip, 1,00'.I /q I 00.0 2', kPt.
I ''
X 1I .*'( )i, Ii;
.l100 00 rv
(A)1 nvi i i,
idirip' (I 0' I n (1 01 I , 0?: rtb

II.. .1 , it I.b !,ii, p,fr I',

1irst ps,.,''ri i OUC)o r ns ,r.'i),h'.,r! .i. 4 )))5 '!,I'" }(IJ {I' ,' I') )

f1 - , ,, , it....
, tI, d 0!....
1 1 1" Wt Im d- A I, ? t" IIP - -0.

Bridge Excitation ... 5v nom 7.5 wax. DC or AC

;'oro Rl.ianc e . l', F,

(iiiilIUI(d N',on .!iiilaity I-lyo;terl:io;

idl( .1(" . 111
Rvpeatability ..................... 0
Compensated Temperature Range ... 80 F to 180 '-F (25' C to 80'(C)
Any 1001F range within the operating rangle or. reqgoost
Operatmg Temperature Range ...................... 'F to 250F 20"C to 120'C)
Temperatures to 350'F (175"C) avaiiablh, on spec;Il idir
Change of Sensitivity with Temperiltre ... 0 to 6%/100'F for conshtmt voltarl,
of 2.5% /100 F whn excitod av in Note 1

-Change of No Load Output with Temperature ........... 20% FS/100"F (max.)

R e solutio n ............ ........ ........ ....... ....... ....... Infin ite
Note I Whpn unlng iIsv constant voltage sourCe with 1500 ohms in sories with the trflasdatiir

XT- 0Soria OtI a


IS Pressure

Ruggedized Version

a integrated sensor (IS)

* easy. installation
m high natural frequencies
* 10-32 UNF thread

The XT-190 Series are miniature, threaded, general bine to yield a significant state of the art advance
purpose solid state pressu're transducers. The enabling pressure measurement whore size and
10-32 UNF thread with the hexagonal head and "0" .weight have made other devices unsuitable.
ring seal make them easy to mount and simple to The standard XT-190 series transducers have a
apply. The small size and flush diaphragm enable re~ference tube emerging from the back. The trans-
installation of the transducers directly in the wall ducers measure gage pressure when this tube is
of pressure containers, tubes, pipes, etc., eliminat- left open to the atmosphere. For differential pres-
ing costly space-consuming hardware. sure measurements, the reference tube may be
The XT-190 transducer features a 5/16" hexago- connected to a pressure source (dry, clean, non-
conductive gas). In standard units, reference pres-
nal head and a temperature compensation module sure should not exceed 30 psi. Higher pressures
attached to the leads., can be accommodated upon request. In the sealed
The XT-1-190 transducer features a 3/8" hexagonal version, a reference pressure is sealed in the trans-
head which houses the temporaturo compensation ducer, and no reference tube is provided,
module. Its external electrical connection is a 4- Upon requost, Ihe XT-190 series transducers may
conductor shielded cable provided with a strain be supplied with RTV coating or any other abla-
relief, tive layer on the diaphragm. The transducers are
also designed to receive a perforated screen when-
The heart of the XT-190 series is the new Kulite ever diaphragm protection is desired. For furthei
integrated circuit sensor. It consists of a miniature details, see Kulite Application Note AN-01A.
silicon diaphragm on which a Wheatstone bridge
has been atomically bonded using diffusion tech- The XT-190 series transducers should not be used
niques. in water or corrosive liquids. The all-welded metal
diaphragm version XTM-1-190 series is recom-
Microcircuitry techniques and the subminiaturiza- mended for these applications (see Bulletin KPS-
lion process employed in the Kulile sensors coin- XTM-1-190).



XT-190 and XT-1-190 Specifications

Bridge Natural
Model Pressure Output Impedance Acce'erat, n Sers i.v't Freque rc
Num er (Rated) (Maximum) (Nor ) (Nom ) iPerpendic a,, Tr,insverse) (Appr'xI
20 ps, 50 mv 5000 ohms 00021o FS/g 00004%. FS'q 70 KHz
XTH-1-190-5 5 psi
XTH-19010 0
10 psi 20 ps 100 my 5000 onms 0001%. F 'g 00
XTH-1-190-10 0 21. FS/g 70 KHz
XTL-190-25 25 ps 100 psi 75 mv 1.500 ohms 0 0005% FS/q 0 00010 FS/ g 100 KHz
X TS-1t90-50
XTS-1190-50 50 psi 100 psi 85 my 500 ohms 0.0004% FS'g C 00008% FS/g 130 KHz

XTS-190-00 100 psi 200 psi 100 my 500 ohms 000020 FS g 0 000041FSg 160 KHz
XTS-1-1 90-200
XTS- 190-200
XTS-1-190-300 200 psi 400 psi 100 my 500 ohms 0,000130 FS/g 0000026% FS/g 200 KHz

XTS- 190-500
XTS-1-190-00 500 psi 1000 psi 100 mv 500 ohms 00000, FS/g 0 0000104o FS/g 50 KHz

XTS-1590-000 1000 psi 2000 psi 100 mv 500 ohms 0000050o FS/g 0000010o FS/g 650 KHz
XTS-1-90-2000 2000 psi 3000 psi !00 mv 500 ohms 000005%0 FS/g 0 00001 °o FS, g 650CK'z

XTH units 20v nom 30v max. DC or AC

Bridge Excitation XTL units 7 5v nom 15v max DC or AC
XTSunits75vnom 10vmax. DCorAC
Zero Balance . 30 FS ( 50 FS for 5 psi tn isi
Combined Non-Linearity and Hysteresis .0 5%. FS (maxI
Repeatabiity .... 0 25% (See note)
Compensated Temperature Range 80 F to 180 F (25 C to 80 C)
Any 100 F range within the operatng range or, request
Operating Temperature Range 0 F to 250 F ( 20 C to 80 C)
Temperatures to 350 F (175 C) avadable on spec al order
Change of Sensitivity with Temperature 2 Soo/100 F
Change of No Load Output with Temperature • 1 000 FS/ 100 F (max ( F30 -0 F for 5 ps un s
(2; FS 1C0 F tor 10ps un Is
Resouton Infinte
Sr TH unIs steady saie reveatab "'vs I I ,r.ran'
g ee-a 'a , 25

PRESSURE SENS[T, .... . C- 3's . .! - OC

AREA .O5, 437 -- 295- .' - ,

XT Series 5C 3 : ,'
Outline -E Y
I V- "-i 4' A 6
XT-190 SceenvG ,obe - D,' A h .ree -,I2

REV TUBE 18 7--

PSI(--,%PSID 5 iJ8 .25

! / ' e'/

Wi-q-DEiI .0 2 '

?4' 1ONC) MP 'We a~vG!Io e i


P [D
Series 100 with built in amplifiers


"'" "'''"'7

(For conflieration C)
I ._ _l t t k l " I I YL



t oEXTENDER 1 0/1sec div

BASIC 113A As tiustrated above low impedarce. votage rnr,,tr,.x-
QUARTZ ELEMENT ducers incorporating the 1 13A element e-h-i,t e "
resonant response The builtin unity gain l
',iag I'.r

SEAL -ING amplifier atso enhances the resolution a'dc ,ga ,, .


* sensor in many pcb transducers

acceleration -compensated MODULAR CONSTRUCTION
supressed 500,000 Hz resonance The modular construction rIl.tratedr exlend the ranqp
* low strain and transverse motion sensitivity of appicatior and standardies oruducto,' 0'e' tVve,*
• floating clamp nut; welded flush diaphragm transducers , the PC8 hne, ,dentified by the,, 5(-)(C)00 14
* improved, interchangeable, quartz minigage resonanr 'req jern , -,rorporate the has, 1 A r
* with or without built-in amplifier Peement



with built-in.amplifiers" ' Series 100 k .i ,

"a r . - -<- - -

i 0 ,0 2
.0l -- - 2
,,Io ,. - - - -11=1=
- o

, - 0

:E c
" 0 I ---

o. <2 2.D -

3 8 0 -, Lil,
0 0 01 .9.

a ;z a

:-- 8 te S.

0 0U E


c Su

0 a.00 *.

got 176uII:;

P10 Series 110


K~ Li


(For configuration C)

f9 ill)
1 0
, 030" .L_ 2 UL :



Transducer Lo-os al 0ACharge Amplifier 462A Readout

Coaxial Cable 002A

'.Output Cable
/ I I 002A03 Zmcro
or 012A03 BNCI

Transducer In-line Ampl. 402A or 4228 Power Unit 480A, 482A


The 100 series charg't-mode transducers will operate witd
any charge amplifier or converter, which u:,uaily inverts th.
signal. For this reason, standard model trainsducers have,
Pnegative charge output, producing a positive going i
> the readout. When operating with voltago fOl lowers, which
do not invert the signal, reverse the polarity of the readout
Transducer Connector AmpI. 401 A or order Optional Positive-polarity transd,'cers, designated
with a suffix "P" after the model number.
01(0 *4l I rm IMI if
RAN,[Uu(:~ WfS
S r i s 110 p u- ~ '

~ 77

~sCUb .5

-wF ~ L!

N -6


t - 4 - - -A- -.---

5 E 7

r NE ;o

-; '


Il R jf
CC r n 4

I 178
with built-in amplifier Model 109A E L 1.R-

" range to 100,000 psi

" acceleration -compensated quartz element >
" high resonant frequency: 500,000 Hz
" frequency-tailored - nearly non-resonant response -

" high-level MlV), lovv-impedance output

" static calibration

For shock wave, blast, explosion, detonation and baliistic SPECIFICATIONS: Model No 109A
applications, in shock and vibration environments. Not suited .()F- j
for continuous hydraulic nor rapid-fire ammunition testing. 0>., -10r:

Modoe 109A is c;ign Pr e-: cluqati td a

wr,..r'ill si-not' i ty n-v i-
hlAIi-n unity--gaii dorph 'ii for dvnric s!od shorr Term BRoonaco Friieu-cc Hi 0C' 0 1
stltc pr ii(re measurements to 100,000 P-i or. h'k tjhes I o T, mo-"i
dieors,i- chamnbers, . osed lii mn, goi guns and exiplosis F -o ie T rn- Corls'.:r 200 U
mfle. tormIng machine-., T,, morn..- Scu-iI*? Cf '-5-i, I i-.Freqi-inec, ( 5 1 H/ OC53
d" ,rrfiia 'p csad ,icco i-r-rzereo-r rcucio - [- '-v ;'iB SL Zs-r i B'jr-i-
'.errs~,, and Su~ppress* e rr-~ effect,, vvhw-i trno t)oi'11'
rr-ak the actu~al pressure signo - Ar wntegralI d1uphrijqrc Vvit a A:ti'Sl .Dcr B A .1 o42-
Permnre- (eramic coistirng Osuliste n protecti. thi- Sr-i'> Ecttw .Dt, V Ir 8t 42 2

dJee:r agdlri, damaqnc !gmpera!-rr eff.('-r, A ee~o ests ~ O.i 0 004

Temperature Cofficrent 'F
O 0 03
Temperaur Range F-1,H9-, 2
Toe, Model 109A install.s flusn or refeseni 0 irect.y ir tflir Shock 9 200 20 ' in
1e,11object and fts manyvexisting port> for older type tra's-
(1!-cers. The thin shoulder sea- Is ustrated isrr-omnr'rnded for
' ev -sr,lations Reqioest . let,, led nstaliatii drawing MODEL NO -(Optional Versions) 109402
Range to 120,000 psi

Whoen connected to ij PCB power unit, self imipiif i-iq Conventional Charge-Mode No. 1 19A
transdlucers generate a high If -1 low-impedance amii qoSIOI) (Sr'n-,i-ty 0.25 nC n-i for charge ancifere
put signal proportional toe the mceasLrand ind compa i with ______________________________

mos? readout ritrumeot,, Thp -simple nonce unit circuit TYPICAL SYSTEM:
Ioer the transducer over the sqgnal leil (co i-a -Ci r 2 ic irv -
-lmte i, or- the output rSdmonitors; normal! or fawty55
Dperdltor) Signal qualit- , di-ic irrependei' of rah!,
lengthr -condit"in and inow)"--r,

Model 109A exc.Il s if) tougfr applicitions If lrioiat'oir.-'-ii

stire-,s waves, shock, %train, nn
m i, or temperatur ri-invoulverd 002A,1.

or causing Troobpe (noisy sigjnals; - try thr, i--,rgeq-pf] si

cared instrument The thermai. notion andrres~onaricF ciom
Densating techniques employerl within have, herlper] minr ctC ..
the quality of the result in riurrserowr. iic, iratn 5 n



with built-in amplifier Model 112A21 PZ O

* improved interchangeable quartz minigage

* high-sensitivity, acceleration-compensated element /
* built-in low-noise amplifier
* exceptionally low strain and motion sensitivity /
* floating metric or American clamp nut
* flush-welded, flat, invar diaphragm.-

* measures small variations at high static levels

For turbulence, r~oise, souncl, cavitation, pulsa ,, ,,,, ., .,,

tion, fluidic, aerodynamic, pneumatic, hydraulic and ..
blast applications, especially in adverse environments.

SPEIFIATINS:Model No. 112A21

Model 112A21 quartz minigage measures dy SPECIFICATIONS:
namic and sound pressure from 0.01 to 200 psi at any
level from full vacuum to 1,000 psi. An internal inte Range. F.SlV output) ps 20
gral accelerometer minimizes vibration sensitivity and Range F S 10V outpuI psi 200
a discharqing resistor jn tResolution
re it ra eliminates static Maximum Pressure psi 1,000
(Noise) psi .004
D.C.) signal com ponents. This sophisticated instru- Renstivt Mspsi 0 0
Sensitiwity mV psi 50 - 10
ment contains a high-sensitivity multi plate quartz
element and a selected low-noise amplifier to impart a Rise Time ,se 2
high signal-to-noise ratio. Discharge Time Constant sec 1
A floating clamp nut with either a metric M7 x LowcFreTuen a e 0
.75) or American (5/16-24) thread isolates against Liiiearity I 1
strain and facilitates installation and removal of the Out
OuptIpeao hms 100
Accel e anSe ps 100
sealed transducer assem bly, which flush or recess Acceleratinqi Sensitivity psi c; 0,002
mounts directly in the test object or in a variety of Temperature Coefficient 0 03
threaded mounting adaptors. TemperatUre Range F 100 t' '275
When connected to a PCB power unit, this self Flash Temperature F 3,000
amplifying transducer generates a high level, low- Shock,'Vibhration q 20,000 2,000
impedance analog output signal proportional to the Exc2tati,0 (thru C0C VOC -A 18 in
24 2 2.9
measurand and compatible with most readout instru
ments. The simple power unit circuit powers the
transducer over the signal lead (coaxial or 2 wire, Note For clamp-not with metric IM7 x 75 tread aid suffix
'M' after
eliminates bias on the output and monitors normal or model number lie 112A21 MI
faulty operation. Signal quality is almost independent
of cable length, condition and motion. INSTALLATION %10, - 1 .,
Variations of this transducer incorporating volt-
age gain can be supplied with sensitivities to 500 ,1h,.4 ,, ,4
mV/psi. Mx '0,, ?hd

400 4100


CoaIdx IICat' s;rotei 221 0
o- ...... n~ ... . . .


482A nO.- 0ii, '' ii''', 240

;i,' '--

L8 0


for charge amplifiers Model 113A

500,000 Hz, one microsecond response

e acceleration-compensated quartz element
e low strain and motion sensitivity i '-

9 floating clamp nut; metric or American thread

a flush welded, flat diaphragm; static calibration
* improved interchangeable quartz minigage

For shock wave, blast, explosion, ultrasonic and (As Spplied
dynamic combustion pressure measurements requir-
ing ultra-fast response.
Range. F.ll S-ale p" 300C
M,,xr , m Pr,,.r P, 1 ' ")
Resokt r P"' 0

Model 113A high-frequency, quartz transducer Senit,vo, pC ns, C 35

measures ultra-fast dynamic pressures for full vacuum Resnnar t Freciency Hz 500C00(
to 3000 psi (15,000 psi optional). This miniature R,e Time .sec i
transducer measures transient or repetitive pheno- Lireai ty, B S - . FS l

mena relative to the initial or average pressure level; Rey~tarlce Ohm, 10

over wide amplitude and frequency ranges under the Capacitance pF 12
most adverse environmental conditions. System volt-
age sensitivities range from 0.01 mV/psi to 300 mV, Aelerat n'a
I CG0(2
psi depending upon the amplifier involved. The Temperature
t[emperatur Ccmr'l
Rig OFOF C400
- 402

electrostatic charge signal from this conventional Fldh Ter OF 3 000

peizoelectric transducer is converted into a voltage Viration 'Shogk g 200,1 22 C,
signal in a PCB similar charge amplifier.
Thread. Clamp Nut UNF 5 1c 24
The structure of this sophisticated instrument con- Polarity Ney
tains a super-rigid compression-mode quartz element Model No Opta Range
with an integral compensating accelerometer to re Low Ra 11 3AC2
duce vibration sensitivity and partially suppress High Range 10,000 psi1 3,03
internal resonance effects. The net result is un-
matched dynamic response from a transducer that
installs interchangeably in existing systems.
Miniature quartz transducers install flush or re-
cessed in existng or new mini-gage ports directly in
the test object or in a variety of threaded mounting 51624o'
adaptors, as illustrated. A floating nut, with either a M 7 7 ha V7. 75T,1
5/16-24 or M7 x 0.75 thread clamps the transducer
in place, isolates against strain and facilitates instal- 400 "400 0

lation and removal of the sealed transducer assembly. 520 .

1 750
To order a typical system, specify: the transducer 75o
model number (1 13A), low-noise transducer cable
(003A 10' or other length); laboratory charge ampli- 22 D 040 D a -
fier (model 462A); output cable (002A03') and 250 2D0
mounting adaptor (60 Series), if required. For the
metric threaded version M7 x .75 clampnut), add
the suffix "M" after the model number

with built-in amplifier Series 113A20

ultra-rigid quartz element


* acceleration-compensated
* frequency-tailored - non-resonant one
microsecond response
* high level (10V), low-impedance (100 ohm) ,"' "
analog output
* low strain and transverse motion sensitivity
e floating clamp nut with metric or American thread
* flush welded, flat, invar diaphragm
* improved, interchangeable quartz minigage
For shock wave, blast, explosion, combustion,
compression, actuation, pulsation, cavitation, ultra- 4
sonic, aerodynamic, hydraulic and fluidic pressure AiT-..te ot g...d
measurements. su
To quickly appreciate the advantages and superior
performance of the 113A series frequency-tailored
quartz minigages, you only need to try one and corn-
pare results. Usually it is convincing enough just to
install one in your test object and feel the difference. Range (1 volt output) ps, 50
There are no binding or interference proolems in the Range. F.S. (10 volt output) ps, 500
self-aligning floating clamp nut construction. This Maximum Pressure ps, 1000
decoupling feature and the smooth action experi- Resolution (Noise 200 Vp.p) psi 001
enced assure that strains encountered in the object Sensitivity mV'ps, 20
under test don't couple through the threads into the Resonant Frequency Hz 500.000
crystals, generating spurious signals that obscure the Rise Time/Overshoot (max) psec 1 15'.
actual pressure trace. In addition, the transducer seals Discharge Time Constant (T C I sec
and you can remove it. Low Frequency Response l -5-) Hi 0.5
Shock tube results show these frequency-tailored Linearity (B.S.L) I1
transducers to be almost completely free of ringing Output Impedance ohms 100
and other internal resonance effects that also distort Acceleration Sensitiqty ps 0.002
the signal. The rigid structure of these sophisticated Temperature Coefficient F 0.03
instruments contain a compression mode quartz ele- Temperature Range F 100 ic -275
ment with an integral compensating accelerometer to Shock i 20,000
reduce vibration sensitivity and supress resonance Excitation (thru C.C. diode) VOC mA .18 to 24 2 to 20
effects. Nearly non-resonant behavior is primarily
achieved by meticulously matching the resonant fre- Model No. (other 10V Ranges)
quency as well as the acceleration sensitivity of the 2.000 psi; 100 sec T.C. 5 mV psi 113A24
compensating element to that of the pressure sensing 10,000 psi; 500 sec T C. 1 mV-ps, 113A22
element. A minimum number of quartz plates imparts 20.000 psi. 1.000 sec T C 05 mV-ps, 113A23
structural integrity.
Miniature quartz transducers install flush or re- Note. For metric (M7 x 75! thread, add suffix "M- after mode( no
cessed in existing or new minigage ports directly in the
test object or in a variety of threaded mounting adap- TYPICAL SYSTEM-
tors, which are also available as off-ground factory
sealed assemblies. When connected to a PCB power -

unit, these self amplifying transducers generate a high

level, low impedance analog output signal compatible
with most readout instruments. The simple power (i.,
unit circuit powers the transducer over the signal lead
(coaxial or 2-wire), eliminates output bias and indi-
cates normal or faulty operation. Signal quality is al (o } .
most independent of cable length, condition and r j-,-, .
motion. Trar~ducPI Con. a cat, )e U- t Scope
m 2A 10 492A
These transducers have won many competitions. C "
You can expect and get sharper, cleaner signals! 01 2A03

MODEL 113A51













SHOCK, MAX. G 2000





CASE MATERIAL 17-4 Ph Stainless Steel





POWER SUPPLY CURRENT mA 2-20 mA thru current

limiLing diode (or equiv,).
200 uV pk-pk broadband electrical noise Do not exceed 20 mA.
Z Any calibrated range, zero-based best fitting straight line
Optional range 500 psi (lOmV/psi)
1000 psi (5mV/psi)

IS ... . 18.. ,,,, ,,

Sundstrand Data Control, Inc. d"&
..... l 8 ries


Pressure Sensors





10,000 :1 RANGE

The new 201 Series Miniature Pressure Transducers Mni-Gages are interchangeable with 601 or 603
with integral connector/adaptors are the latest transducers for present or new uses
development in this field. The 201 design is based
on the highly successful 601 type quartz sensor pro- The unit construction of the trc nsduct r nm!
eliminates sealing problems and s.es ,n t,illi )n
duced for many years. However, the addition of
Piezotron low impedance electronics adds import- time.
ant capabilities to this mini-gage. The 201 with its Four models of the 201 Sensor ar, off'e,, ,
internal impedance converter gives a direct, high full scale ranges from 0 to 100 psi 1n5
level, voltage signal with less than 100 ohms output and 0 to 5.000 psi in Model 201B1
impedance. Long, moving cables present no prob-
lem and special cables are not required. Also, a The 201 is not limited by shock or . ',, j oxr ~t
charge amplifier is no longer necessary. A less in the most extreme on,, onments in IS a ri losed
expensive coupler may be used, instead. All 201 in a rugged sealed stanle, sloeh'' c ;i,,

Cavity Dimensions Recessed Mounting

Dimensions - 201 Series

rt ' .3V F K
.r .4,'i#,.1 T-. 'cyj f-.

1 r,"th
e ro ur S O 'C fo r m a x m u m 1'r' Al 8 - 9 Of

Potn r In g Rlf'3
1 a mea.
1111 T-m thl! mu" %L)A- tf O o' r
rnor ,t 3f ure arSA
, A,
i)6 r-Qr1,I,," ca,'- -,' ,s

rphanql Frj rev,', tS US

3 C )IaAn fo ec, f's[ -Af' v

Typical PIEZOTRONS Pressure Sensing System

- 128M (x) CA dLE


To complete the system a wide choice of couplers is offered in the 548 and 549
series. Optional filters and several types of power inputs are available Model 587D
Coupler provides increased capability. Please refer to Cu. Coupler Data Sheet for
In addition Models 583, 503D and 504D Laboratory Amplifiers are offered with
extensive versatility and many options for more complete pressure studies

Specifications Model Variation

PERFORMANCE UNITS 201B1 201 B2 201 B4 201 B5
Pressure Range, 5V out ------ psi 5,000 500 200 100
Overrange ------------------ psi 7,500 750 300 150
Resolution (noise) ------------ psi rms 0.05 0.005 0002 0001
Maximum Pressure ----------- psi 15,000 5,000 2,000 1 000
Sensitivity ------------------ mV/psi 1 10 25 50
Linearity, S.F.S.L ------------ % 1 1 1
Resonar Frequency, nom. ____ kHz 500 500 500 250
Rise Time, 10-90% ---------- u sec 1 1 1 2
Time Constant, R.T. ---------- sec 1,500 400 200 100
Low Frequency Response, -5% Hz 0.0003 0.001 00025 0 005
High Frequency Response, +5% Hz 100,000 100,000 100.000 50.000
Vibration Sensitivity, max. ____ psi/g 0,002 0.002 0.002 0002
Shock. 1 me ---------------- g 5,000 5,000 5,000 5000
Vibration Limit -------------- g 500 500 500 500
Temperature Range ---------- F -65 to 280 -65 to 280 -65 to 280 -65 to 280
Temperature Sensitivity Shift --- / F 0.03% 0.03% 003% 0 03%
Output Current, m. ---------- mA 2 2 2 2
Polarity, pressure increase ---- Negative Negative Negative Negative
Bias Voltage ---------------- V 11 ±2 11 t2 11 -2 11 _t2
Circuit Return Case Case Case Case
Output Impedance, max ....... ohms 100 100 100 100
Weight -------------------- gms < 10 < 10 <. 10 < 10
4".re and Diaphragm Material -_ Stainless St. Stainless St. Stainless St Stainless St
Mounting Tnrque ------------- in-lb 24 24 24 24
Sealing _--- All Welded All Welded All Welded All Welded
Constant Current Source - mA -- _ 4 1 4 =1 4 _1 4 +1
Supply Ripple. max. ---------- mV rms 76- - 25 25 25
Supply Voltage, no load ------ VDC 20-30 --.- _20-30 20-30 20-30
Source Impedance, nom .-.... ohms 250 k 250 k- 250 k 250 k

To order, Specify: Choose:

[ Model 20tBt, 201B2, 20114, 20185 (n- ' Model 128M (x) Cable, length iaj 548 Ser-es C.utler
cludes one each Model 60oA3, Stain- ft Standard length. tO It 549 Series Coupler
less Steel Sleeve 248 long, 600A6. I Extenston Cables see Data Sheet
Brass Seal, 060 long, and 60OAl1. Teflon 587D Couple,
Seal 060 long) Model7/16"
fV Ihd,. 6238hex
Rugged'zed Adaptor 3/8 24 503D Dual.Mode Anpl,, r
Tap, Model 600A13 (M7 x 0 751 if re-
quired to thread mounting cavity 504D Dual Mode Amp ,ei
See lata sheets on ab,,, pect-, r ,

Sundstrand Data Contr-l, Inc.

Sundstrand Data Control, Inc.


Pressure Sensor
One Instrument Covers All Ranges 0 - 15,000 psi

601B Dimensions

* Acceleration Compensated .., C

9 Hicgh Resolution w/Wide Dynamic Range

* MiniatUre, w Higher Resonant Frequun(. Y

* Rugged. Hardened Stainless Steel Case

Advanced. Low Impedance 201B Series

The 601 B is our most advanced design of the widely The 601B is the direct replacement for tho (01A
used miniature quartz pressure transducers. To 601A1. 601LI and 601H All previous advnur,:ca-s
satisfy today's more demanding needs several are retained and the size and configuralon ,ire
major improvements have been made. The 601B identical. The superb linearity exhibited by quartz
is acceleration compensated. This reduces vibration allows multi-range, full scale caibrations A fracton
sensitivity by a factor of five. The resonant fre- of a psi as well as full scale can be measured wth
quency has been greatly increased, and transient one sensor. Calibration from 0 to 5 000 and 0 !{
temperature effect, or thermal zero shift, is reduced. 15,000, both with better than 10. linearity's pro-
Temperature sensitivity shift is also improved. vided with each sensor. When required i'nw,-:
range calibrations can be supplied.

typical Thermal 5 .0. . .. .. . .. . T " ,

Sensitivity 0
Shift of0
Model 6015 -

300 200 100 0 RT . 100 , 200 . 30 4"


Dimensions 601B/105A Cavity Dimensions Recessed Mount

Assembly (where instalation area is restricted)
28 M7.0 75
X L Thd- -

A ...
10-32 Thd
Coax Recpt I
2210 -
M7xO 75
250 - . .
59 Dim X 70 for FL, H
74 for RECESSED r,,
mr ',, ,80 ' .'' , .h, "


Specifications: Typical Pressure Calibwon Curve
Rejii a l 01
Oo Quartz Press'ure Sen~or Moo 6013B

Maximnum presaicrt 1800 0

0.04:11 1 Z-u' baso' d ocat alroiqro

;n,u.1Itn >~iil mit t PT

Accel-it on son>
ttir-;ql sersil t i,, G 00 p" q
Tht1rral senait , raii 0 02'
Temper.,tu- ainq,- 320 to 400 F -- t +
Shock I m-, welti 000. . . . . . . .
Vibratojn hni,!
Mater ia Cast, Diapi Stainlc, Swe t

Limited by, ois;e *'i aqgial conitioann equipment ~:::: II

01 Model S01B Acceleration Sensitivity thru

pressure sensitive axis at 30g:
.0016 psiig over comp.

.~002-- -


Typical Measurement System < .

1?lMiX, [OW NOIFE CAB! F 131 AiX


(0 T0 R7-3 T
02 1 D AP R



To Order-Specify:
Mode 601 B S-nlor r.'. 109A M,,d' 1t
t C 40)1vAcJ !, 11 3 Signal Conditioning
02031. ~ i-i" 3NC ceprlc ' ~O aEquipment Recommended:
I"")(A, 4 ea 0 1ri,
Wci M 1, 0OCitil AtI,oi 1 t
1' J4t 1. M A--'.
4 4-1 i)[A I
[I i t1 o * .

I (1 ) V' d0 1A (X L ~N I,1'
Tir 600A13 iWM.t. it -i
thrr - inltiflt ir i,ly
Mod IAM i ' N-
1X (_Iit 1
I,' ; 1 5 j( 1i ' '1 4

Sundstrand Data Control, Inc. A-'*

K1 Models
Pressure Transducer



Model 606 features high sensitivity to pressure inputs w th minimal senstvity to
acceleration and measures dynamic and Short term statc pressures under se,,r(
conditions, It is primarily recommended for use in hiq temperatue an ?,J -°
c ;!.t
environments and for nigh ntensity, sound measurements Exc,,r:.,nt 0 ,rfonmrm -
is also achieved in hydraulic applications (ivth th, excepton fue' rec;on ; -
blast or shock wave app catons OptimuM perforlnce reu 'uesithe ust :, 20
kHz or 50kHz low-pass filter in conjurcicn , 10
, he ,!ansducer


Pressure range. full scale 'o 3000 ps.
Resolution 0 005 rsiTr
Maximum pressure 5000 nsi
Sensitivity (nominal) 5 5 p[ci(.)OLi '1111t)
Resonant frequency (nominal) 130 kHz
Rise time 3 0 mcrosecondls
Linearity, zero based best straight line II
Capacitance (nominal) 50 p,cofarads
Insulation resistance (at room temp.) 10 ohms
Acceteration sensitvity - thru press. sens axis 005 psi g. 001 ps a srecal selection
Temperature effect on sensitivity 0 030c F
Temperature range 350 to - 450 F
Shock, 1 ms pulse width 1000 g
Cable connector coaxial 10-32
Case material Stainless steel ..
Weight 22 qr i rns

Sundstrand Data Control, Inc.

.( aS111311
Suilueltanna .... nrumeuls
RTE. 02 BOX 228


TEL. AREA CODE -301 939-4436


Sensor Lead metaniobate

Sensitive surface .210" diameter
Natural frequency 250 kc
Pressure range .1 - 500 psi
Charge sensitivity 20 pcmbs/psi
Transducer capacitance 150 pico farads
Resistance 1010 ohms or better
Linearity Within ,2% full scale
Ambient temperature range 0 - 50 0 C
Temperature stability 1' per 10'C chancre
Dimensions .50" od x 9/16" length
Mounting thread 1/2 - 20 NF
Body material Stainless steel construc-
tion with nylon pressurc

A high sensitivity shock tube transducer designed to mea-

sure incident pressure. This transducer has a very low cross
axis sensitivity and modes of vibration other than its principal
mode are difficult to stimulate.

Suiqueltanna ntlru,,en
RTE. -12 BOX 228


TEL. AREA CODE -301 939-4436

MODEL ST-4, 10000

Sensor Tourmaline
Range 10 - 10 k psi
Sensitivity .1 pcmbs/'psi
Transducer capacitance 10 pico farads
Overload Maximum pressure 15000
Maximum temperature 150'F gauge, intermitteur
gas 5000'F
Linearity Within .2', ful.1 scale
Dimensions 1/2' diameter x 2" lencth
Natural frequency 1.5 megacycles
Mounting thread 1/2 - 20 NF
Resistance 10'' ohms or hetter

A high frequency tourmaline probe. An aneriodic i>essure

transducer designed so that high speed reflected shocks can Ie
accurately measured in one microsecond or better. Natural ro-
sonance of the crystal element is dissipated in an acoustic
wave guide within the transducer.

Calibrations up to 10,000 psi are obtained 'y eens (2 ,a

hydraulic drop testing device. Dynamic evaluations re adc
with the aid of a helium driven shock tube.

Susquelunna Jinslrunelts
RTE 92 BOX 228


TEL. AREA COOE - 301 939 4436


Sensor Lead metaniobate

Sensitive surface .210" diameter
Natural frequency 250 kc
Charge sensitivity 20 pc/psi
Transducer capacitance 150 pico farads
Resistance 1010 ohms or better
Linearity Within ±2% full scale
Pressure range .1 - 500 psi
Ambient temperature range 0 - 500 C
Temperature stability +1%/+10°F change
Dimensions 7/8" od x 16" length
Body material 303 stainless steel

The Model ST-7, a free field incident pressure probe, is

virtually free from mechanical noises usually produced by shock,
flying missiles, or resonance of the transducer element. The
probe consists of four basic parts, each of these parts is re-
placeable in case of severe damage. All units are shock tube
All ST-7 pressure probes are designed to accommodate new
pressure sensors and in lin amplifiers, if desired.



a Rugged Construction
a High Frequency Response
* Static or Dynamic Measurements
* Low Acceleration Sensitivity
* Small Size
* Accurate
* Low Impedance - No Charge
Amplifier Required
AIVL . Signal can be Transmitted over

1Long Cables
* Low Thermal Gradient Sensitivity
* Radiation Hardened
* Shunt Calibration Data Supplied

HFA. HFH, and Compensating Module These miniature transducers are
used in applications requiring one or
more of the following characteristics:
The Bytrex Models HFA and HFH are bridge and provides temperature
miniature pressure transducers compensation and a trimming 1. Small size.
particularly suited to rugged potentiometer for setting electrical 2. Superior dynamic performance.
environments. Their case and zero. The use of a patented circuit
diaphragm are integrally machined (U. S. Pat. 3,245,252) allows 3. Rugged construction.
from a single piece of stainless steel, temperature compensation to be Some of the principal uses have been
thus eliminating all joints which achieved with temperature- in measuring blast effects, in open
may degrade performance. The insensitive components. Thus, the field testing in shock tubes, in
unique construction utilizes a force compensation module need not be underground explosions and in aerial
member supporting the diaphragm at the same temperature as the undeyhaeplsonsd to
at its center. The deflection of this transducer and may be located in a tests. They have also been used to
force member at rated pressure is convenient remote location. This measure blast effects under water.
typically only 150 micro.inches. As circuitry also allows the use of The ability to measure both static
a result, the diaphragms can be shunt calibration techniques without and dynamic pressures makes these
made quite thick without absorbing large temperature errors. transducers particularly useful in
excessive force from the force The location of the strain gages on evaluating and controlling hydraulic
member. This thick diaphragm is the force member provides thermal systems. A special version of the
very resistant to handling damage isolation from temperature inputs HFH performs an operational
and puncture by flying particles through the diaphragm or case. As function in the landing gear
encountered in blast tests, a result these transducers are quite hydraulic system of the Air Force's
Semiconductor strain gages insensitive to thermal gradients. most advanced fighter. Other types

bonded to the force member change Also, since all temperature compen- have also been used to investigate
their resistances proportional to sation is done with temperature- water hammer" insubmarine
pressure applied to the diaphragm. insensitive components, thermal piping systems, measure blast
These strain gages are wired into a transients have little effec." effects on rocket sleds, and provide
Sg hfeedback signals in hydraulic servo
half-Wheatstone bridge which is Field and laboratory tests performed systems.
connected to a three-conductor.
cabonctdtoea hronsducr p e by users indicate that the highly-
cable on the transducer. A separate doped semiconductor strain gages
compensation module, supplied with used in these transducers are
each transducer, completes the affected by nuclear radiation.



Ranges: HFA: 0-100, 0-200, 0.300, 0-500 and The following pressure ranges are
0-1000 PSIS (sealed reference pressure). stocked for rapid delivery:
Other ranges available.
HFH: 0-100, 0.200, 0-300, 0-500, HFA: 0-200, 0.500 PSI.
0-1000, 0-2000, 0-5000 and 0-10,000 PSIS
(sealed reference pressure). HFH: 0-100, 0-300 0-2000,
Case and Diaphragm Material: Stainless steel. 0-10,000 PSI.
Maximum Pressure Ranges not in stock can be delivered
Without Damage: 150% of rated pressure, in approximately 8 weeks.
Maximum Pressure 300% for ranges 2000 PSI and below. Several optional features and
Without Diaphragm Rupture: 200% for 5,000 and 10,000 PSI ranges. versions of these transducers are
Combined Non-Linearity Less than 0.5% of F.S. deviation from best available on special order:
and Hysteresis: fit straight line through zero. 1. Ablative coating on diaphragm
Repeatability: Within 0.2% of F.S. to provide short term protection
Resolution: Infinite. from flash temperatures to
Shock: Will withstand 5000 G's, any axis, with no 5000'F.
damage (except compensation module). 2. Other compensated temperature
Bridge Resistance: Input: 200-700 ohms.
Output: 650 ohms ± 20%. ranges.
Bridge Balance: Adjustable to within 0.1% F.S. 3. Elimination of module for
Excitation: 12 VDC or AC rms. applications not requiring tem-
perature compensation (Orders
Signal Output: 100 mv nominal, reported to 0.25% for of five or more).
each unit.
Shunt Calibration: Shunt resistor to simulate 70% signal speci- 4. Installation wrench for Model
1.3d with each unit. HFH.
Insulation Resistance: Greater than 5000 megohms at 50 VDC, 5. Model HFL. Special version of
measured between any terminal and case. HFH with hex flange and 0-ring
Storage and - 65' to + 300°F (165F maximum for to facilitate sealing against
Operating Temperature: compensation module). pressure. Case thread is %',-18
Compensated + 80°F to + 180°F (tested with compen- and mates with threaded boss
Temperature Range: sation module at room temperature). per MS 33649-6.
Thermal Effect on Zero: Changes less than 1% F.S. over compen-
Thermal Effect On Sensitivity: Changes less than 1% of reading over HFA . (3COucTOR
compensated range. ]l-OI S2 CBLO
Weight: Approx. 0.2 oz. for sensor section.
Approx. 1.5 oz. for compensation module. .a00
Electrical Connections: 2 ft. of 3-conductor cable attached to trans- " 440
ducer, plus 3 ft. of 4-conductor cable for -
attachment to compensation module. SNSITEIPRESURE
HFH W-i-
Dynamic Characteristics PURE 2FET LON

Range (PSI) 50 100 200 300 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 SURFACE
Acceleration -X J(4SLOTS
Sensitivity f-2Uw-A- R WRENCHING
%FSIG .005 .001 .001 .0008 .0007 .0005 .0005 .0002 .0001 COUPENSATION
I.aL X I W X .T5N
Natural -14401A.ATYP)
Frequency, &
KC 30 40 60 70 75 75 100 130 160 -- 11o4u
. . . - - RED

-I-~----- t- S-,ED.
M0, ,_ - J (-)SIGNAL





.0401A. -8HOLES (SUPF -!ED) PT H -10- CP
EQ S.-ACED, AT 3f"-

/ DIA.

.100 4-" E

The HFG is a unique

pressure transducer specifically
designed for the measurement of dynamic pressures and blast
phenomena. The semiconductor strain gage sensors suit it
for both static and dynamic applications.

Proven in field tests, these transducers incorporot6 fec-

tures of significant advantage in the investigation of blo3t

1) High output

2) Excellent dynamic characteristics

3) Can bc statically calibrated

4) Rugged construction suitable for field service

5) Heat shield protects diaphragm from radiant hoat in-

puts, hot gases, and flying particles

6) May be used rith AC or DC excitation, tape recoiders,

oscillographs and oscilloscopes

7) Temperature compensated over normal field temperaturo


8) Lou acceleration sensitivity


Ranges: 2, 5, 15, 25, 50, 150, 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 6,000 psi

Output: 100 mv minimum

Excitation: 20 VDC or AC r'ns

Operating Temperature Range: -650F to +200'F

Compensated Temperature Range: +20%F to *120*F

Temperature Effect on Zero: Less than 2% of F.S. for 50OF

excursion from 70OF

Temperature Effect on Sensitivity: Less than I% of reading

for 50*F excursion from 70*F

Input Impedance: 1000 to 1400 ohms (2 psi through 25 psi)

and 750 to 1000 ohms (50 psi through 6000 psi)

Output Impedance: 1400 ohms,.maximum

Combined Linearity and Hysteresis: 2% of F.S.

Resistance to Ground: 5000 megohms minimum, any terminal

to case at 50 VDC

Shock Capability: 500G's minimum, all axes

Acceleration Response: see table below

Natural Frequency: see table below


% F. ____

2 psi 0.04 10 Kc.

5 psi 0.04 10 Kc.
15 psi 0.006 20 Kc.
25 psi 0.005 20 Kc.
50 psi 0.005 3n Kc.
150 psi 0.002 40 Kc.
500 psi 0.002 75 Kc.
1000 psi 0.001 75 Kc.
2000 psi 0.001 100 Kc.
6000 psi 0.001 130 Kc.


The glossary contains terms that are commonly encoun-

tered in study of air blast with special effort to include
those terms which are used ambiguously or loosely both in
conversation and in the literature. Not all of the terms
will be found in the main text of this report but are in-
cluded for the convenience and reference of the reader.

The definitions or interpretations of meanings are

given in the context of the subject of air blast. Many of
the words and terms (e.g. probe) are commonly known to have
a more general definition in every day usage.

Five major references have been used as sources to

provide definitions or verify the author's own understand-
ing and to assure the technical accuracy of the terms in-
cluded. These sources are listed at the end of the glossary
and have been identified with numbers in parenthesis at the
end of each definition. Cross-references are given where
another term is felt to provide the user with additional
information and insight regarding a specific term.

ADIABATIC PROCESS: A process in which no heat is transferred
to or from the system. An adiabatic process may be
either reversible or irreversible (see ISENTROPIC). (4)
AERODYNAMIC HEATING: The transfer of heat to a solid body
immersed within a fluid with relative motion between
the body and the fluid (air). (1)
AIR BLAST: The disturbance (shock wave) propagated through
the air arising from a source of suddenly expanding gases,
as from explosions (see SHOCK WAVE).
AIR BURST: The explosion of a charge at a height such that
the expanding fireball does not touch the earth's surface
when the luminosity is a maximum. (2)
BLAST LOADING: The force on an object caused by the air blast
from an explosion striking and flowing around the object.
It is equal to the net pressure in excess of the ambient
value multiplied by the area of the loaded object. (2)
BLAST WAVE: A pulse of air in which the pressure increases
sharply at the front accompanied by flow propagated
continuously from an explosion (see SHOCK WAVE). (2)
BURST: An explosion or detonation. (2)

CONTACT SURFACE: The interface surface between gas that is

expanding outward from an explosion and the gas that has
been compressed by the shock wave. Across the contact
surface the velocities are the same but densities,
chemical composition and temperatures will be different.
DETONATION: The fast chemical (or nuclear) reaction accom-
panied by rapidly expanding shock waves driven by the
release of chemical (or nuclear) energy.

DRAG LOADING: The force on an object due to the transient flow
around that object during passage of a blast wave. (2)

DYNAMIC PRESSURE: The pressure associated with a moving fluid

resulting from the mass flow. It is equal to one-half the
fluid density times the square of the fluid velocity. (2)


FIREBALL: The luminous sphere of hot gases which forms immedi-
ately after detonation of an explosive as a result of the
absorption of the surrounding medium by thermal energy of
the explosion. (2)


FREE AIR SHOCK: A shock moving through the atmosphere with no

chemical or physical outside influences affecting it.
FREE FIELD OVERPRESSURE: The unreflected pressure, in excess
of the ambient atmospheric pressure, created in the air
by a blast wave. (2)

GAMMA: The ratio of specific heats for a gas. Gamma (M) is

defined by the equation X = C p/Cv (see SPECIFIC HEAT). (4)


IDEAL GAS: By definition, an ideal gas obeys the ideal gas law
which states that the pressure times the volume is equal to
the temperature times the gas constant (pv = RT). An ideal
gas behaves as an assembly of perfectly elastic spherical
point masses in random motion which exert no forces on each
other except during collisions. (1)


IMPULSE: The integral, with respect to time, of the overpres-

sure-time history (see POSITIVE IMPULSE).


IRREVERSIBLE PROCESS: A physical process at the conclusion of

which it cannot be returned to its original thermodynamic
state (reversed) without supplying outside energy to the
system. By the second law of thermodynamics, all natural
physical processes are irreversible. (1)

ISENTROPIC PROCESS: A process that results in no change of

entropy,that is to say, the internal energy is conserved.
Note that a reversible adiabatic process is isentropic,
but an isentropic process is not necessarily reversible
adiabatic. (1)

LOADING: The force on an object (see BLAST LOADING). (2)


MACH NUMBER: The ratio of speed of an object to the speed of

sound in the undisturbed medium ahead of the object. (1)

MACH REGION: The region on the ground surface at which the

Mach Stem has formed as a result of an explosion in the
air. (2)

MACH STEM: The shock front formed by the fusion or coalescence

of the incident and reflected shock fronts from an explosion
in air. (2)

MACH WAVE: The shock wave created by an object moving with a

Mach number greater than unity. (1)

MOUNT: The supporting structure required for physical support
and placement of a probe in the blast field to measure an
air blast parameter. Mount and probe are sometimes an
integral unit but the terms have different connotation
(see PROBE).


NON-IDEAL GAS: A gas that does not obey the ideal gas laws
(see IDEAL GAS).

NORMALLY REFLECTED PRESSURE: Pressure created on a rigid

surface oriented normal to the shock wave velocity vector.

OVERPRESSURE: The transient pressure exceeding the ambient

value manifested in the shock (or blast) wave (see PEAK

PARTICLE VELOCITY: As the shock wave propagates through the

fluid, the pressure disturbance sets the fluid in motion,
giving it a velocity which is called the particle velocity.
This should not be confused with the shock wave front
velocity (see SHOCK WAVE FRONT VELOCITY). (4)

PEAK OVERPRESSURE: The maximum value of the overpressure. It

* is a function of the distance from the blast source and
generally occurs at the instant of shock arrival at any
given location; but is not necessarily identical with the
shock front overpressure. The term is ambiguous unless its
meaning is clearly stated by the user (see PEAK SHOCK

PEAK SHOCK OVERPRESSURE: The maximum value of overpressure at

the shock wave front.


PITOT PRESSURE: For subsonic flow (Mach number M < 1.0), the
pitot pressure is equal to the stagnation pressure. For
supersonic flow conditions (M > 1.0), it is the stagnation
pressure behind a stationary normal shock. Note that this
is not the free-stream stagnation pressure for M > 1.0.
In both cases it is the pressure that will be measured
with a pitot-probe (see TOTAL PRESSURE). (3,5)


PROBE: The adapter or fixture designed to introduce a sensing

element (transducer) into the environment to be measured.
The function of a probe is to expose the active sensing
element or sensitive area of the transducer to the desired
parameter with minimum perturbation of the environment
(see MOUNT).

REAL GAS: A gas which assumes a variable value of qamma, the

ratio of specific heats (see SPECIFIC HEAT). (5)

REFELECTED PRESSURE: Total pressure that results at the

interface when a shock wave traveling in one medium
encounters a discontinuity such as a rigid surface or
another shock wave front (see NORMALLY REFLECTED PRESSURE).

REFLECTION FACTOR: The ratio of reflected pressure to the

incident pressure when a shock wave traveling in one medium
strikes another medium. (2)

REVERSIBLE PROCESS: A physical process whose effects can be

reversed, so as to return the system involved to its
original thermodynamic state.


SHOCK: A pressure discontinuity in a compressible fluid. (1)

SHOCK WAVE: A pressure wave characterized by a very steep,

almost discontinuous, rise in pressure which occurs when
a region of high pressure overtakes a region of low
pressure, with a consequent rapid compression of the
medium. A shock wave in air is commonly referred to as
an air blast wave. The duration of a shock (or blast)
wave is distinguished by two phases. First there is the
positive (or compression) phase during which the pressure
rises very sharply to a value that is higher than
ambient and then decreases rapidly to the ambient pres-
sure. The positive phase for the dynamic pressure is
somewhat longer than for overpressure, due to the momentum
of the moving air behind the shock front. The duration
of the positive phase increases and the maximum (peak)
pressure decreases with increasing distance from an
explosion of given energy yield. In the second phase,
the negative (or suction) phase, the pressure falls below
ambient and then returns to the ambient value. The duration
of the negative phase is approximately constant throughout
the blast wave history and may be several times the
duration of the positive phase. Deviations from the
ambient pressure during the negative phase are never
large and they decrease with increasing distance from
the explosion.

SHOCK WAVE FRONT: The region of compression propagated through

the medium (gas, liquid, or solid) ahead of which the
pressure change is nearly discontinuous to the ambient
level (see SHOCK WAVE). (2)

SHOCK WAVE FRONT VELOCITY: The velocity or speed of the shock

wave front relative to the velocity of the ambient medium.


SPECIFIC HEAT: The specific heat is defined as the heat

needed to raise the temperature of unit mass of the system
by one degree. The value depends upon the process by
which the heat is added. For an ideal gas, if we know
the specific heat for two different processes, we know it
for all processes. One usually chooses the specific heat
at constant volume C v and the specific heat at constant
pressure C (see GAMMA). (4)

STAGNATION POINT: In fluid flow, a point where the velocity

of the fluid is zero i.e. the fluid is brought to rest
(usually relative to a solid body) and where a stream-
line divides into two or more streamlines continuing
downstream. Stagnation conditions are also called total
conditions, e.g., total pressure, total temperature,
etc. (1)



STATIC OVERPRESSURE: In a moving fluid, static overp ressure

refers to the pressure, in excess of ambient, that would
be measured by an infinitesmally small instrument at
rest relative to the fluid. (See FREE FIELD OVERPRESSURE).

TOTAL CONDITIONS: The local total conditions at a point in

fluid flow are the conditions that would be attained if
the flow were brought to rest (stagnated) isentropically. (4)

TOTAL PRESSURE: The pressure of a flowing fluid that exists

under stagnation or total conditions (see STAGNATION POINT,

TOTAL TEMPERATURE: The temperature of a flowing fluid that
exists under stagnation or total conditions (see STAGNATION

TRANSDUCER: An instrument that expresses the magnitude of one

physical quantity in terms of another. It is commonly
used for remote measurement when the related quantity is
more suitable for recording than the quantity of interest.
A device for conversion of energy in one form to another
e.g. pressure to voltage. (1)

TRIPLE POINT: The intersection of the incident, reflected, and

fused (or Mach) shock fronts accompanying an air burst.
The height of the triple point above the surface, i.e., the
height of the Mach stem, increases with increasing
distance from a given explosion (see MACH STEM). (2)

YIELD: The total effective energy released in an explosion. It

is usually expressed in terms of the equivalent tonnage
of TNT required to produce the same energy release in an
explosion. (2)


1. Thewlis, James, Concise Dictionary of Physics and Related

Subjects, Pergamon Press, 1973.

2. Glasstone, Samuel, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, Published

by USAEC, Revised, 1962.

3. Shapiro, Ascher, H., The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of

Compressible Fluid Flow, The Ronald Press Company, 1953.

4. Liepmann, H. W. and Roshko, A., Elements of Gasdynamics,

John Wiley and Sons, 1957.

5. Pope, Alan and Goin, Kenneth L., High-Speed Wind Tunnel

Testing, John Wiley and Sons, 1965.




AFWL Air Force Weapons Laboratory

BRL Ballistic Research Laboratories
DABS Dynamic Air Blast Simulator
DNA Defense Nuclear Agency
DRI Denver Research Institute
EMP Electromagnetic Pulse
EMSI Electro-Mechanical Systems, Inc.
FCP Fluid Couple Plate
HE High Explosive
ISA Instrument Society of America
LDA Laser Doppler Anemometer
NBS National Bureau of Standards
NWC Naval Weapons Center
PCB PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
RDA R&D Associates
SLA Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque
SRI Stanford Research Institute
TDD Time Domain Deconvolution
TRW TRW Systems Group
UNM/CERF University of New Mexico/Eric H. Wang Civil Engine-
ering Research Facility
VSA Vortex Shedding Anemometer


- Attenuation per unit

- Phase shift per unit
6 - Thickness of shock wave front
y - Ratio of specific heats for gas (Cp/CV )
- Propagation constant for EM waves
6 - Angle of incidence
A - Wavelength
P - Density
T - Time constant
d - Dust momentum flux

- Oscillator strength
- Molecular concentration
- Angular frequency
a - Acceleration
A - Area
c - Velocity of light
CD - Drag coefficient

d - diameter
E - Electromagnetic field strength
Eef f - Effective emissivity

Eo0 - Dissociation energy of molecule

f - Frequency
f2 - Upper 3-db frequency

F - Force
G - Antenna design constants
h - Planck's constant
i - Unit vector along x
I - Impulse
- Electric current
- Mathematical operator E
- Unit vector along y


k - Acoustic propagation constant

- Gladstone-Dale constant
K - Boltzmann's constant
m - Mass
L - Length
M - Mach number
n - Index of refraction
AN - Number of fringe shifts
p - Absolute pressure
Po - Total pressure (M<l)

Ap - Overpressure
APr - Reflected overpressure

Aps - Static overpressure

q - Gas dynamic pressure

qp - Particle dynamic pressure

r - Path length
R - Resistance in electric circuit
Re - Reynolds number

S - Strouhal number
t - Time
tr - rise time

T - Temperature
U - Gas particle velocity (x-component)
up - Particle velocity
US - Shock wave front velocity

v - Gas particle velocity (y-component)

vc - Sonic velocity

vq - Gas particle velocity

x,y - Rectilinear spatial coordinates

X,Y - Functions


This appendix presents factors for conversion of quan-

tities in various systems of measurement to the International
System of Units, which is officially abbreviated as SI. The
information given is taken from the Metric Practice Guide
(ANSI Z210.1-1973). The list of abbreviations has been
abridged to delete units that are not commonly encountered
in air blast work.

The SI units and symbols are included in Table E-1 as

a convenience to the reader who is unfamiliar with some of
the newer terms. Table E-2 is an alphabetical list of units
and conversion factors. Relationships that are exact in
terms of the base unit are followed by an asterisk. Rela-
tionships that are not followed by an an asterisk are either
the result of physical measurements or are approximate.

Preceding page blank



Quantity Unit SI Symbol Formula

length metre m ---
mass kilogram kg ---
time second s ---
electric current ampere A ---
thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
amount of substance mole mol ---
luminous intensity candela cd ---


plane angle radian rad ---

solid angle steradian sr ---

acceleration metre per second squared --- m/s
activity (of a radioactive source) disintegration per second --- (disintegration)/s
angular acceleration radian per second squared --- rad/s2
angular velocity radian per second --- rad/s
area square metre --- M
density kilogram per cubic metre --- kg/m'
electric capacitance farad F A-s/V
electrical conductance siemens S A/V
electric field strength volt per metre --- V/n
electric inductance henry H V's/A
electric potential difference volt V W/A
electric resistance ohm Q V/A
electromotive force volt V W/A
energy joule J N.m
entropy joule per kelvin --- J/K
force newton N kg'm/s'
frequency hertz Hz (cycle)/s
illuminance lux Ix rm/m'
luminance candela per square metre --- cd/mi
luminous flux lumen im cd-sr
magnetic field strength ampere per metre --- A/m
magnetic flux weber Wb V-s 2
magnetic flux density tesla T Wb/M
magnetomotive force ampere A ---
power watt W J/s 2
pressure pascal Pa N/m
quantity of electricity coulomb C A-s
quantity of heat joule J N-m
radiant intensity watt per steradian --- W/sr
specific heat joule per kilogram-kelvin --- J/kg.K
stress pascal Pa N/m
thermal conductivity watt per metre-kelvin --- W/m.K
velocity metre per second --- m/s
viscosity, dynamic pascal-second --- Pa.s
viscosity, kinematic square metre per second --- ma/s
voltage volt V W/A
volume cubic metre --- m3
wavenumber reciprocal metre --- (wave)/m
work joule J N-m


Multiplication Factors Prefix SI Symbol

1 000 000 000 000 = 1012 tera T
1 000 000 000 = 101 giga G
1 000 000 - 10' mega M
1 000 = 101 kilo k
100 = 102 hecto h
10 - i01 deka da
0.1 = 10-1
-2 deci d
0.01 . 10 - centi c
0.001 = 10 1 milli m
0.000 001 - 10- 1 micro L'
0.000 000 001 - 10 " 1 s ne.o n
0.000 000 000 001 - 10 - pico p
0.000 000 000 000 001 - 10i1 femto f
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 = I0l1 atto a



(Symbols of SI units given in parentheses)

To Convert From To MEltIp1y_!j

angstrom meter (m) 1.000 000-F-i0
atmosphere (normal) pascal (Pa) 1.013 25 1:105
bar pascal (Pa) 1.000 000*;:.5
British thermal unit (thermochemical) joule (3) 1.054 350 E,03
Btu (thermochemical)/foot'-second watt/metre" (W/m') 1.134 893 E+04
Cal (thermochemlcal)/cm'.s watt/metre (W/m) 4.184 000-E.04
centimeter of mecury (0 C) pascal (Pa) 1.333 22 [403
centimeter of water (4 C) pascal (Pa) 9.806 38 F-ul
decibar pascal (Pa) 1.000 000-E-04
degree Celsius kelvin (F) tk = t c + 273.15
degree Fahrenheit degree Celsius t c = (itf - 32j,11.6
dyne newton (N) 1.000 000E-05
dyne-centimetre newton-metre (N-m) 1.000 000-E-07
dyne/centimetre' pascal (Pa) 1.000 000*E-01
erg joule (,J) 1.000 000-E-07
foot metre (m) 3.048 000E-01
foot of water (39.2 F) pascal (Pa) 2.988 98 E.03
gram/centimetre' kilogram/metre ika/r ) 1.000 000*L+03
gram-force/centimetre' pascal (Pa) 9.806 650-E 01
inch metre (m 2.540 000-E-02
inch of mecury (32 F) pascal (Pa) 3.386 3P9 F.03
inch of water (39.2 F) pascal (Pa) 2.490 82 E*02
kilocalorie (International Table) joule J) 4.186 800-F01
kilocalorie (thermochemical)/second watt (W) 4.184 000-F 03
kilogram-force (kgf) newton (M) 9.806 650-E-00
kilogram-force-second /metre (mass) kilogram (kg) 9.806 6',-1.1
kip (1000 lbf) newton (N) 4.448 222 F-03
kip/inch (ksi) pascal (Pa) 6.894 757 L.06
mile (U.S. statute) metre (m 1.609 344-F-63
millibar pascal (Pa) 1.000 00u-[5'2
millimetre of mecury (0 C) pascal (Pa) 1.333 224 L-,
pound-force/inch" (psi) pascal (Pa) 6.894 757 1-03
ton (nuclear equivalent of TNT) )6ule (J) 4.20 >-09



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