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4th Sem Question Bank Final

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Mathematical Physics III (4th Semester)

Sample Questions
Short questions (Marks 1)

Medium questions (Marks 5)

Broad questions (Marks 10)
CC9 Physics

Elements of Modern Physics, Semester: 4th

Short Questions (Marks 1)

1) Write the value of Planck’s constant with proper unit.

2) What is moderator in nuclear reactor?

3) What do you mean by stationary state of a quantum mechanical system?

4) What is specific activity of a radioactive element?

5) Write the full form of LASER.

6) Define half life of a radioactive substance.

7) What do you mean by slow neutron?

8) What do you mean by wave-particle duality?

9) What are magic numbers?

10) What do you mean by canonical pair of variables?

Medium Questions (Marks 5)

1) a) Classical electromagnetic theory cannot explain the basic features of photoelectric effect’-Explain.

b) Write down Einstein’s photoelectric equation and explain the basic features of photo electric effect
with the help of this equation. 2+3

2) a) Describe the construction of a He-Ne laser in brief .

b) With the help of a simple energy diagram show how population inversion is achieved in He-Ne laser.

3) a) State and explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle .

b) Using Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle,explain why free electrons cannot exist in atomic nuclei .

4) Describe Davisson and Germer experiment to demonstrate the wavelike behavior of moving electrons.

4) Describe the thought experiment with gamma-ray-microscope and show that the measurement of
position of the particle and its momentum with a gamma-ray microscope takes place in accordance with
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. 5

5) a) Give a physical interpretation of the wave function of a quantum mechanical system.

b) Write down the properties of the wave function associated with a quantum mechanical system.

c) State and explain the normalization of the wave function. 1.5+1.5+ 2

6) a) Define the expectation value of a dynamical quantity.

b) Write down the expectation values of energy and momentum of a particle.

c) Write down the time-independent Schrodinger equation and show that this equation is linear.

7) a) Define probability current density and relate it to the position probability density.

b) For the wave function ψ = A exp i(kx-wt),find the probability current density, where A is a constant
and i=√-1,k=wave vector and w= cyclic frequency. 2+3

8) a) Define binding energy of a nucleus.

b) Draw the pattern of graph between binding energy per nucleon and mass number of the nucleus and
explain the significances of the peaks for very small values of mass number in this graph.

9) a) Differentiate between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

b) Write the properties of nuclear force. 3+2

10) Draw a neat and clean diagram of a nuclear reactor ,label different parts of it and explain the functions
of them. 2+3

Broad questions (Marks 10)

1) a) Describe with energy level diagrams the phenomena of spontaneous emission, stimulated emission
and stimulated absorption in a two level system.

b) What are Einstein’s A,B coefficient? Derive a relation between them. 3+(2+5)

2) a) What is Compton effect?

b) Derive an expression for shift of wavelength in Compton effect.

c) What is Compton wavelength?

d) Explain why unmodified line is always present with the modified lines in Compton effect.

e) What is the significance of Compton effect with regard to the nature of light. 2+4+1+2+1

3) a) What is the hypothesis of de Broglie?

b) Why is the wave nature of matter not apparent for macroscopic particles?

c) Derive the de Broglie relation for a photon from the principle of mass-energy equivalence.

d) Show that the group velocity of the de Broglie wave is equal to the velocity of the particle.

e) Show that for de Broglie waves representing a relativistic particle , the product of phase velocity and
the group velocity is equal to c2, where c is the velocity of light in vacuum. 2+2+2+2+2

4) a) A particle of mass m is free to move in a force-free region in one dimension between two rigid walls
situated at x= -L/2 and x = +L/2.

i) Find the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian.

ii) Sketch the wave function of the ground state and first excited state.

iii) Find the ratio of the energy eigenvalues corresponding to the first excited state and ground state.

d) The wave function of a particle is ψ(x)= A exp(- βx2), where (-∞< x < +∞ ),where A and β are
Normalize the wave function and calculate the probability of finding the particle in the region

0< x < +∞ . (4+2+2)+2

5) a) What is quantum mechanical tunneling?

b) An electron of mass m and total energy E is incident on a rectangular potential barrier of height V0 and
width a , where V0 > E.

Derive the expression for the transmission coefficient and discuss qualitatively how alpha-decay is
explained in the light of this derivation.

c) A proton of energy 3Mev is incident on a rectangular potential barrier of height 10 Mev and thickness
10-14m. Calculate the value of transmission coefficient of the proton. Given, the mass of prpton = 1.67 x
10 -27kg. 2+(4+2)+2

6) a) A particle of mass m and total energy E moves from a region of constant potential V1 to a region of
constant potential V2.

Derive the expression for the reflection and transmission coefficient when

i) E > V1 or V2 and ii) V1< E < V2.

b) Calculate the value of the height of potential barrier in eV for alpha-particles emitted from an element
with atomic number ,Z = 86. Assume that the effective nuclear radius r 0 = 10-12cm.

c) A spherical dust particle of radius r = 10-5m, density p=104kg/m3 and moving with velocity v = 10-2
m/s, encounters a potential step of height equal to twice the kinetic energy of the particle. Estimate the
penetration distance of the particle inside the step. (3+3)+2+2

7) a) Draw the pattern of NZ graph and explain the significance of this graph, where N= Neutron number
of a nucleus and Z = Proton number of a nucleus.

b) Show that the activity of a radioactive sample is A = (0.693/T) N, Where the symbols have their usual

c) A piece of an ancient wooden boat shows an activity of 14C of 3.9 dpm/g of carbon. Estimate the age of
the boat if the half life of 14C is 5568 years. Assume that the activity of fresh 14C is 15.6 dpm/g.

8) a) How beta-decay differs from alpha decay?

b) Discuss the apparent non-conservation of energy in beta-decay process.

c) Explain qualitatively how did the neutrino hypothesis restore the energy conservation laws in beta-

d) Differentiate between electron and beta particle. 2+3+3+2

9) a) How do the gamma rays originate?

b) How does pair production take place by a high energy gamma ray photon?

c) Can pair production occur in free space? Answer with proper explanation.

d) What do you mean by the mean life of a radioactive substance? Show that the mean life of a
radioactive element is equal to the reciprocal of the decay constant. 2+2+3+(1+2)

10) a) Explain the basic similarities between a liquid drop and an atomic nucleus.

b) Obtain Bethe-Wiezsacker semi-empirical mass formula clearly explaining the significances of the
terms involved in it.

c) Mention the failures of liquid drop model of nucleus. 2+6+2

CC10 Physics

Analog System and Applications (4th Semester)

Short Questions (Marks 1)


Medium Questions (Marks 5)

Broad Questions (10 Marks)
GE 2A/4A Physics

Electricity and Magnetism (2nd Sem or 4th Sem)

Short Questions (Mark 1)

Medium Questions (Marks 5)

Broad Questions (Marks 10)

GE2B/GE4B Physics

Waves and Optics, Semester: 2nd/4th

Short Questions (Mark 1)

1) Write the principle of superposition of two waves.

2) What do you mean by formation of beats?

3) Write the units of Intensity and Loudness of sound wave.

4) Define time of reverberation.

5) What will be the shape of the source of light emitting cylindrical waves?

6) Define wave front.

7) What is the actual shape of interference fringes in Young’s double slits experiment?

8) What is the difference in the appearance of Newton’s rings between those obtained by interference
between the reflected waves and those obtained by interference between transmitted waves?

9) What do you mean by diffraction of light?

10) Calculate the magnitude of velocity of an electromagnetic wave propagating through vacuum.

Medium Questions (Marks 5)

1) a) What do you mean by phase velocity and group velocity of a wave?

b) Find the relation between phase velocity and group velocity in a dispersive medium. 2+3

2) A particle is simultaneously subjected to two simple harmonic motions at right angle to each other.
Their frequencies are in the ratio 1:2. Obtain the locus of that particle when the simple harmonic motions
are in phase difference i) 0 degree and ii)90 degree. 5

3) a) If w1 and w2 are the half-power frequencies and w0 is the resonance frequency of a particle under
forced vibration , then show that w02= w1w2.

b) The sound pressure levels of two sources are 20 dB and 40 dB respectively. What is the sound pressure
level when the two sources emit sound simultaneously? 3+2

4) Deduce Sabine’s formula for reverberation time. 5

5) Discuss the propagation of spherical waves using Huygens’principle. 5

6) a) Draw a neat diagram to show the formation of fringes in Llyod’s single mirror and explain why the
central fringe is dark.

b) A diffraction grating of 2 cm wide is just able to resolve sodium D-lines in second order. Find the
number of rulings per mm in the grating. 3+2

7) What do you mean by fringes of equal thickness and fringes of equal inclination? Explain the
formation of these two types of fringes with suitable ray diagram. 5

8) Discus how can you measure i)the unknown wavelength of a monochromatic light, ii) the difference of
wave lengths of a compound light containing two different wave lengths by using Michelson’s
interferometer. 2+3

9) a) Differentiate between Fraunhofer diffraction and Fresnel diffraction of light wave.

b) What do you mean by zone plate? 3+2

10) a) What do you mean by plane polarized light?

b) Describe and explain a method of production of plane polarized light. 2+3

Broad Questions (Marks 10)

1) Set up the differential equation of motion of a simple harmonic oscillator subjected to a damping force
and a simple harmonic force.

Obtain an expression for the amplitude and the phase angle of the displacement in the steady state.

Show that in the steady state, the time averaged input power equals the time averaged power dissipated
through friction. (2+4)+4

2) a) Distinguish between amplitude resonance and velocity resonance in the motion of a simple harmonic
oscillator subjected to a damping force and a harmonic force.

b) Prove that the velocity of sound waves in a solid bar is given by √(Y/p), where Y is the Young’s
modulus and p is the density of the material of the bar, mentioning clearly the assumptions made in the
derivation. 4+6

3) Obtain the differential equation of vibration of a uniform string of length L, stretched between the fixed
ends x=0 and x= L.

Hence find an expression for the transverse displacement ‘y(x,t)’ at any point of the string excited by
striking. 4+6

4) a) Prove that for a forced vibration ,

Average Potential Energy/Average Kinetic Energy = w02/w2, where w0 = √(s/m ), s = Proportionality

constant of restoring force, m = mass of the particle in forced vibration and w = cyclic frequency of
periodic force.

b) An increase of pressure of 100 kPa causes a certain volume of water to decrease by

5 x 10 -3 percent of its original volume. Calculate the value of speed of sound in water.

c) Explain ‘Sharpness of resonance’ and ‘Quality factor’ for forced vibration. 3+3+4

5) a) Derive the expression for the velocity of a simple harmonic wave in a stretched string and also find
the expression for the fundamental frequency of the vibration.

b) A flexible string of length 0.99 m and mass 1 g is stretched by a tension of T Newton. The string
vibrates in three segments with a frequency of 500 Hz. Calculate the value of the tension.

6) a) Find the expression for the fringe width of interference patterns in Young’s double slits experiment.

b) State Stokes’ law of phase change in reflection of wave and prove it mathematically.

c) Differentiate between division of amplitude and the division of wave front in the phenomena of
interference of light. 3+(2+3)+2
7) a) By drawing ray diagram explain the formation of Newton’s rings by interference between reflected

b) Find the expression for the diameter of the n th dark Newton’s ring produced by interference between
reflected waves.

c) How can you determine the value of refractive index of a transparent liquid by formation of Newton’s
rings? 3+5+2

8) a) Find the expression for the Intensity of the diffraction patterns obtained in diffraction of light
through a single slit.

b) How the diffraction patterns of light by a single slit differ from the diffraction patterns of light by
double slits?

c) What do you mean by ‘missing order’? 6+3+1

9) a) What do you mean by Half period zones? –Explain with proper ray diagram.

b) Using the concept of half period zones how can you explain the rectilinear propagation of light ?

c) Consider a diffraction grating of width 5 cm with slits width 0.001 mm, separated by a distance of
0.002 mm. How many orders would be visible when the wave length of the used monochromatic light is
550 nm? 3+5+2

10) a) ‘Light is a transverse wave.’- Explain it properly.

b) Describe a method for analysis of a plane polarized light.

c) What do you mean by Circularly polarized light and Elliptically polarized light? 3+3+(2+2)

SEC 2A Physics

Basic Instrumentation Skills (4th Semester)

Short Questions (Marks 3)

Medium Questions (Marks 6)

Broad Questions (Marks 10)

SEC2B Physics

Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting, Semester: 4th

Short Questions (Marks 3)

1) What do you mean by fossil fuels? Mention the names of some fossil fuels. 2+1

2) State and explain the main principle for generation of nuclear energy. 1+2

3) What do you mean by renewable energy? Mention the names of some renewable energies.2+1

4) Define bio-mass. Mention the sources of Ocean bio-mass. 2+1

5) Discuss in brief the main hurdles in the development of tidal energy. 3

6) What do you mean by a linearly cycle power plant? How does it generate electricity? 1+2

7) What is the basic principle of carbon-capture technology? Mention its importance. 1+2

8) Discuss the hurdles in development of nuclear power in our country? 3

9) Discuss the environmental hazards produced by a hydroelectric power plant. 3

10) What do you mean by global warming. Mention the effect of global warming on ocean.

Medium Questions (Marks 6)

1) a) What do you mean by greenhouse effect?

b) Write down the impacts of green house gas on environment? 3+3

2) a) Derive an expression of power output from a wind mill.

b) What are the most favourable sites for installing wind turbines? 4+2

3) a )Draw a neat diagram of a solar water heater and label different parts of it.

b) On what parameters the efficiency of a solar water heater depends? 4+2

4)a) Write down the salient characteristics of an ocean wave.

b) Write a short note on Tidal current. 3+3

5) a)What is a solar pond?

b) What are the advantages of using of a solar pond in modern power production technologies?

c) What do you mean by thermoelectric modules? 2+2+2

6) a) Explain the basic principle of an electromagnetic energy harvesting generator.

b) Write a short note on Geothermal energy. 3+3

7) a) Draw a neat and clean diagram of a Nuclear reactor and label different parts of it.

b) A nuclear reactor produces nuclear energy at a rate of 32 MW. How many atoms of Urenium-23 are
required for this purpose? Given that the energy released by a Urenium-235 nucleus is 200 Mev and 1
Mev = 1.6 x 10-13 Joule. 4+2

8) a) What do you mean by one-axis sun tracking? Mention the names of two collectors required for one-
axis sun tracking.

b) What do you mean by Tidal barrage. (2+2)+2

9) Draw a neat diagram of a hydroelectric power plant and explain its working. 6

10) a)What do you mean by the term ‘piezoelectricity’?

b) Write down the characteristics of piezoelectric materials.

c) What do you mean by piezoelectric energy harvesting? 2+2+2

Broad Question (Marks 10)

1) a) What do you mean by bio gas? Write down the names of components of a bio gas.

b) Draw a neat and clean diagram of a bio gas plant and label different parts of it.

c) Explain the working principle of bio gas plant. (2+2)+3+5

2) a) What is a solar cell?

b) Write the basic construction and the working principle of a solar cell.
c) A single solar cell of area 100 cm2 produces a voltage of 0.5 V and a current of 2.5 A. If the amount of
solar radiation on a unit horizontal surface of the cell cover over a specified time is 800W/m2, calculate
the efficiency of the solar cell. 2+(2+5)+3

3) a) What do you mean by the term wind energy?

b) What is wind turbine?

c) Draw a neat and clean diagram of a wind turbine and label different parts of it.

d) Write the names of different electrical machines in wind turbines and mention the functions of these
machines. 2+2+3+5

4) a) Write the characteristics of ocean wave.

b) Write the names of three wave energy devices and explain the working principle of them.

c) Write down the characteristics of a photovoltaic (PV) system. 3+6+3

5) a) Write down the characteristics of tidal energy.

b) Write down the names of tidal energy technologies and describe the functions of them.

c) What do you mean by ocean thermal energy? 4+6+2

6) a) Write down the names of Geothermal technologies and describe the functions of them.

b) What do you mean by sustainable development?

c) Explain the contributions of renewable energies for sustainable development. 6+2+4

c) Mention the failures of liquid drop model of nucleus. 2+6+2

7) a) What do you mean by the term ‘fossil fuels’?

b) Write down the merits and demerits of fossil fuels.

c) Describe different types of wind mills. 2+4+6

8) a) Mention the names of different carbon capture technologies and describe the functions of them.

b) Describe two applications of piezoelectric energy harvesting. 6+6

9) a) Draw a neat and clean diagram of a solar cooker and label different parts of it.

b) Describe the working principle of a solar cooker.

c) Define Osmotic power. Mention two practical methods for generation of osmotic power.

10) a) Describe different types of sun tracking system and mention the merits and demerits of them.
b) Describe the process of solar distillation by drawing a neat and clean diagram of a solar distillation
plant. (4+2)+(4+2)

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