【テーマ】 English A-I is a basic English class that focuses on communication.
【授業概要】 Classes will have a specific grammar focus. It is expected that students will participate in group and pair work every class. There will be several small assignments during the semester. It is expected that students attend every class, participate, and co mplete their work. 【到達⽬標】 -understand beginner English conversation -be able to discuss with classmates in simple English -write a short English conversation -give a short English presentation 【学位授与⽅針】 英語の読む 書く 聞く 話すの⼒をつけ、⼈前で英語スピーチができる。 【授業計画】 1回 Introduction Class description & warm up activities 2回 Unit 1 - Getting acquainted / Xreading into Where you are from, where you live 3回 Unit 1 - Getting acquainted Majors, school years, and clubs 4回 Unit 1 - Getting acquainted Part-time jobs 5回 Unit 2 - Daily life Daily routine 6回 Unit 2 - Daily life Hardest / easiest day of the week 7回 Unit 2 - Daily life Spending time 8回 Review Review of Unit 1 & 2 9回 Unit 3 - Hometown Hometown attractions 10回 Unit 3 - Hometown Hometown likes and dislikes 11回 Unit 3 - Hometown Where to live in the future 12回 Unit 4 - Travel Travel experiences 13回 Unit 4 - Travel Future travel ideas and plans 14回 Unit 4 - Travel Planning a trip 15回 Review Review of Unit 3 & 4 【教科書名】 Conversation in Class by Jerry Talandis Jr. and Bruno Vannieu. Third Edition A1/A2 【評価⽅法】 X-reading ‒ 30% Speaking activities ‒ 20% Writing activities ‒ 20% Book review/discussion ‒ 15% Participation ‒ 15% 【履修について】 なし 【事前 事後学習等】 Students will need to read outside of class and work with partners to finish projects (1.5 hour per week) 【キーワード】 オールイングリッシュ(All English) 【備考】 Classes will use Manaba for materials, quizzes, and assignments.
The Big Book of English Grammar for ESL and English Learners: Prepositions, Phrasal Verbs, English Articles (a, an and the), Gerunds and Infinitives, Irregular Verbs, and English Expressions