Checklist Section 3
Checklist Section 3
Checklist Section 3
Topic Core Extended
3 Properties of
including light
and sound
3.1 General • Demonstrate • Recall and use the ⃣
wave properties understanding that ⃣ equation v = f λ
waves transfer energy • Describe how
without transferring wavelength and gap size ⃣
matter affects diffraction
• Describe what is meant through a gap
by wave motion as ⃣ • Describe how
illustrated by vibration wavelength affects
in ropes and springs and diffraction at an edge ⃣
by experiments using
water waves
• Use the term wavefront
• Give the meaning of ⃣
speed, frequency,
wavelength and ⃣
• Distinguish between
transverse and
longitudinal waves and
give suitable examples ⃣
• Describe how waves
can undergo:
– reflection at a plane
– refraction due to a ⃣
change of speed
– diffraction through a
narrow gap
• Describe the use of
water waves to
demonstrate reflection,
refraction, and
3.2 Light
3.2.1 Reflection • Describe the formation ⃣ • Recall that the image ⃣
of light of an optical image by a in a plane mirror is
plane mirror, and give its virtual
characteristics • Perform simple
• Recall and use the law constructions, ⃣
angle of incidence = ⃣ measurements, and
angle of reflection calculations for
reflection by plane
3.2.2 Refraction • Describe an ⃣ • Recall and use the ⃣
of light experimental definition of refractive
demonstration of the index n in terms of
refraction of light speed
• Use the terminology • Recall and use the
for the angle of ⃣ equation (sin i÷ sin r = ⃣
incidence i and angle of n)
refraction r and describe • Recall and use n = 1÷
the passage of light sin c
through parallel-sided • Describe and explain ⃣
transparent material the action of optical
• Give the meaning of fibres particularly in
critical angle medicine and ⃣
• Describe internal and ⃣ communications
total internal reflection technology