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Unit 6

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Date of teaching:


Lesson 1 – Period 1

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Language - understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative
knowledge & contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about the location of
skills a school.
- correctly say the words and use Where’s your school? – It’s in the .
to ask and answer questions about the location of a school.
- enhance the correct use of Where’s your school? – It’s in the . to ask
and answer questions about the location of a school in a freer context.
Competences - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the
learning tasks
- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks
Attributes - Show pride in where they’re from and respect to other people by using
appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about school
- Student’s book: Page 44
- Audio tracks 57, 58
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 87, 88, 89
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
- Computer, projector, …
III. Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say –
PROCEDURE Let’s talk – Fun corner and wrap-up

Procedure Teacher’s and pupils’ activities Interaction Note

Warm-up and review: 5 minutes
- Greet the class. Whole
- Have pupils sing the song in Unit 5 - Lesson 2. class/
Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 5 minutes
a. Goal To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative
contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about the location
of a school.
b. Input – Context a:
Hung: Where’s your school, Lucy?
Lucy: It’s in the city.
– Context b:
Lucy: And where’s your school, Hung?
Hung: It’s in the mountains.
c. Outcome Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two
communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions
about the location of a school.
d. Procedure Step 1: Ask pupils to look at Pictures a and b and guess the Whole
locations of the schools. class/
Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording Individual
for them to listen. work

Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for

pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus.
Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the
same procedure with Picture b.
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to Pair work
listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.
Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the question Where’s your Whole
school? and the answers: It's in the city. and It’s in the class/
mountains. Tell pupils that they are a question and answers Individual
about the location of a school. work
e. - Performance products: Student’s answers
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 10 minutes
a. Goal To correctly say the words and use Where’s your school? – It’s in the
. to ask and answer questions about the location of a school.
b. Input – Picture cues:
a. a school in the mountains
b. a school in the village
c. a school in the city
d. a school in the town
– Speech bubbles: Where’s your school? – It’s in the .
Audio script:
a. mountains b. village c. city d. town
a. A: Where’s your school?
B: It’s in the mountains.
b. A: Where’s your school?
B: It’s in the village.
c. A: Where’s your school?
B: It’s in the city.
d. A: Where’s your school?
B: It’s in the town.
c. Outcome Pupils can correctly say the words and use Where’s your school? – It’s
in the . to ask and answer questions about the location of a school.
d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit the Whole
locations of schools. class/
Step 2: Have pupils point at Picture a (mountains), listen Individual
to the recording and repeat the word (mountains). Repeat work
the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Have the
class repeat the words a few times.
Step 3: Point at the first bubble and have pupils listen to
and repeat after the recording (Where’s your school?).
Point at Picture a and have pupils listen to and repeat after
the recording (It’s in the mountains.). Repeat the same
procedure with the other three pictures.
Step 4: Divide the class into two groups to take turns
repeating the question and the answer in Picture a until Group
they feel confident. Repeat the same procedure with work
Pictures b, c and d.
Step 5: Put pupils in pairs and have them practise asking
and answering with the pictures. Invite a few pairs to point Pair work
at the pictures and say the questions and answers in front
of the class. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

e. - Performance products: Student's talks and interaction

Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys
Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes
a. Goal To enhance the correct use of Where’s your school? – It’s in the . to
ask and answer questions about the location of a school in a freer context.
b. Input – Picture cues: some paintings of schools; the boy painting one of them
and talking with the girl
– Speech bubbles: Where’s your school? – .
c. Outcome Pupils can enhance the correct use of Where’s your school? – It’s in the
. to ask and answer questions about the location of a school in a
freer context.
d. Procedure Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the two speech bubbles. Whole
Read the question aloud and ask pupils to repeat it. Ask class/
pupils to look at the second bubble and identify what the Individual
answer should be. Give an example answer It’s in the work
village. Get pupils to repeat the question and the answer
several times.
Step 2: Have pairs of pupils practise asking and answering Pair work
questions about the locations of the schools in the
paintings. Go around the classroom to observe and provide
Step 3: Invite some pairs to practise asking and answering
questions about the locations of the schools in front of the
class and correct their pronunciation where necessary.
e. - Performance products: Student’s interaction and performance
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes
Option 1: Doraemon Game (ppt) Group
- Divide the class into 3 teams. work

- Pupils from each team choose a letter, then answer the

- Pupils answer correctly to get some points corresponding
to the number of pies.
Option 2: Whole
- Ask pupils to answer the questions. class/
(Use Where’s your school? – It’s in the . to ask and Individual
answer questions about the location of a school.) work
* Preparation for the project:

Ask pupils to prepare for the project on page 49 by drawing

their school and its facilities as homework so that they can
tell the class about their school at Project time.
Date of teaching:
Lesson 1 – Period 2
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Language - listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils
knowledge & ask and answer questions about school locations and number the correct
skills pictures.
- complete four target gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues.
- review the words of locations by playing the game Matching pairs.
Competences - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the
learning tasks
- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks
Attributes - Show pride in where they’re from and great respect to other people by using
appropriate gesture and intonation when asking and answering about school
- Student’s book: Page 45
- Audio track 59
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 89, 90, 91
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
- Computer, projector, …
III. Warm-up and review – Listen and number – Look, complete and read –
PROCEDURE Let’s play – Fun corner and wrap-up

Procedure Teacher’s and pupils’ activities Interaction Note

Warm-up and review: 5 minutes
Greet the class.
Option 1:
- Spend a few minutes revising the sentence patterns Whole
Where’s your school? – It’s in the . Have pupils ask class/
and answer questions about the locations of schools in Individual
front of the class. work
Option 2: Group work
- Dictate some sentences about locations (e.g. My school
is in the mountains.) and ask pupils to write them down.
Then let them work in pairs or groups to correct each
other’s answers.
Option 3:
- Play the Guessing game (ppt).
Activity 4. Listen and number. 5 minutes
a. Goal To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils
ask and answer questions about school locations and number the correct
b. Input Picture cues:
a. a school in the city
b. a school in the village
c. a school in the town
d. a school in the mountains
Audio script:
1. A: Where’s your school?
B: It’s in the town.
2. A: Where’s your school?
B: It’s in the mountains.
3. A: Where’s your school? Is it in the city?
B: Yes, it is. It’s in the city.
4. A: Is your school in the mountains?
B: No. It’s in the village.
c. Outcome Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts in
which pupils ask and answer questions about school locations and
number the correct pictures.
Key: 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils look at Activity 4. Ask them How many Whole
pictures are there? and What can you see in each picture? class/
Draw pupils’ attention to the boxes in the corners of the Individual
pictures. Check their comprehension. work
Step 2: Play the recording of the first dialogue. Tell pupils
that they will need to listen to the location (e.g. city, village,
town, mountains). Ask pupils Where’s the school? Help
pupils find out the answer of the location in the dialogue.
Then ask pupils in which picture the location town appears
(Picture c). Tell pupils to write “1” in the box of Picture c.
Step 3: Play the recording of the other dialogues and allow Pair work
pupils to write down their answers. Give pupils some
minutes to swap books with a partner and then check the
answers as a class. Correct the answers where necessary.
Extension: If time allows, play the recording, sentence by class/
sentence, for the class to listen and repeat individually and Individual
in chorus. Correct their pronunciation if necessary. work
e. - Performance products: Student’s answers
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Activity 5. Look, complete and read. 10 minutes
a. Goal To complete four target gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues.

b. Input Four picture cues and four target gapped exchanges

c. Outcome Pupils can complete four target gapped exchanges with the help of
picture cues.
d. Procedure Step 1: Ask pupils to look at the pictures and identify the Whole
school locations in the four pictures. class/
Step 2: Ask pupils to look at the incomplete exchanges. Individual
Draw their attention to the missing words in the sentences. work

Step 3: Model Picture 1. Have pupils look at the dialogue.

Ask them what is missing in the answer (village). Then,
have them fill the gap. Repeat the same procedure with
Pictures 2, 3 and 4.
Step 4: Get pupils to complete the exchanges individually, Individual
then ask a few pairs to read them aloud and check their work/
pronunciation if necessary.
Pair work
e. - Performance products: Student's talks and interaction
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys
Activity 6. Let’s play. 8 minutes
a. Goal To review the words of locations by playing the game Matching pairs.
b. Input Four picture cards showing school locations and four word cards
showing the words mountains, village, city and town
c. Outcome Pupils can review the words of locations by playing the game Matching
d. Procedure Step 1: Tell pupils that they are going to find four pairs of Whole
pictures and words as quickly as possible. class/
Step 2: Stick the picture cards face down in the left column Individual
on the board. Stick the word cards face down in the right work
column on the board.
Step 3: Invite one pupil to play the game by selecting a Individual
picture card and a word card, turning them over. If two work
cards are a matching pair, ask the pupil to say the word
aloud. The pupil can continue to take another turn. If the
cards do not make a match, ask the pupil to turn them face
down again, and invite another pupil to take the next turn.
Step 4: Let pupils play the game until all pairs have been
matched. Play the game several times if there is enough Pair work
e. - Performance products: Student’s interaction and performance
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes
Game: Matching pairs (ppt) Group
- Divide the class into 3 teams. work
- Pupils from each team choose two numbers to find out the
matching pair.
- Pupils answer correctly and get one point.
- The team that gets the most points is the winner.
Date of teaching:


Lesson 2 – Period 3
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Language - understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative
knowledge & contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about the quantity of
skills school facilities.
- correctly say the phrases and use How many are there at your
school? – There is . / There are . to ask and answer questions
about the quantity of school facilities.
- enhance the correct use of How many are there at your school? and
There is . / There are . to ask and answer questions about the
quantity of school facilities in a freer context.
Competences - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the
learning tasks
- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks
Attributes - Show pride and responsibility in the facilities they have at their school.
- Student’s book: Page 46
- Audio tracks 60, 61
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 92, 93, 94
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
- Computer, projector, …
III. Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say –
PROCEDURE Let’s talk – Fun corner and wrap-up

Procedure Teacher’s and pupils’ activities Interaction Note

Warm-up and review: 5 minutes
Greet the class.
Option 1: Whole
- Spend a few minutes revising Lesson 1 by playing the class/
game Matching pairs. Individual
Option 2: work
- Play the Guessing game (ppt). Group
Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 5 minutes
a. Goal To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative
contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about the quantity
of school facilities.
b. Input – Context a:
Linh: Where’s your school, Bill?
Bill: It’s in the town.
– Context b:
Linh: How many buildings are there at your school?
Bill: There are three.
c. Outcome Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two
communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions
about the quantity of school facilities.
d. Procedure Step 1: Get pupils to look at Pictures a and b and identify Whole
the characters in the pictures. Get them to say what they can class/
see in the background. Individual
Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording work
for them to listen.
Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for
pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus.
Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the
same procedure with Picture b.
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to Pair work
listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording. Correct
their pronunciation where necessary.
Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the question How many Whole
buildings are there at your school? and the answer There class/
are three. Tell pupils that this is a question and an answer
about the quantity of school facilities. Individual
e. - Performance products: Student’s answers
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers

Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 10 minutes
a. Goal To correctly say the phrases and use How many are there at your
school? – There is . / There are . to ask and answer questions
about the quantity of school facilities.
b. Input – Picture cues:
a. playgrounds/ one
b. computer rooms/ two
c. gardens/ one
d. buildings/ three
– Speech bubbles:
How many are there at your school? – There is . / There are .
Audio script:
a. playgrounds/ one b. computer rooms/ two
c. gardens/ one d. buildings/ three
a. A: How many playgrounds are there at your school?
B: There is one.
b. A: How many computer rooms are there at your school?
B: There are two.
c. A: How many gardens are there at your school?
B: There is one.
d. A: How many buildings are there at your school?
B: There are three.
c. Outcome Pupils can correctly say the words and phrases and use Where’s your
school? – It’s in the . to ask and answer questions about the
quantities of school facilities.
d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to the Whole
recording and repeat the phrase (playgrounds/ one). class/
Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Have Individual
the class repeat the phrases a few times. work
Step 2: Point at the question pattern How many are
there at your school? Read it aloud and have pupils repeat
it. Repeat the same procedure with the answer patterns
There is . and There are .
Step 3: Point at Picture a and have pupils listen to and
repeat after the recording How many playgrounds are
there at your school? – There is one. Repeat the same
procedure with Pictures b, c and d.
Step 4: Have pupils read the questions How many ?, look
at the pictures then answer the questions.
Step 5: Divide the class into two groups to take turns
repeating the question and the answer in Picture a until they Group

feel confident. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b,

c and d. Whole
Step 6: Put pupils into pairs and have them practise asking class/ Pair
and answering the questions. Invite a few pairs to point at work
the pictures and say the questions and answers in front of
the class. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
e. - Performance products: Student's talks and interaction
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys
Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes
a. Goal To enhance the correct use of How many are there at your school?
and There is . / There are . to ask and answer questions about the
quantity of school facilities in a freer context.
b. Input – Picture cue: a school with two buildings, a playground, a computer
room and a garden
– Speech bubbles: How many are there at your school? – .
c. Outcome Pupils can enhance the correct use of How many are there at your
school? and There is . / There are . to ask and answer questions
about the quantity of school facilities in a freer context.
d. Procedure Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the picture. Ask questions Whole
to help them identify the context (see Input). class/
Step 2: Elicit the missing words in the speech bubbles and Individual
write them on the board. Get pupils to say the completed work
Step 3: Have pairs of pupils practise asking and answering
the questions about the quantity of school facilities in the Pair work
picture. Go around the classroom to observe and provide
Step 4: Invite some pairs to practise asking and answering
questions about the quantity of school facilities in front of
the class. Give them corrections and feedback where
e. - Performance products: Student’s interaction and performance
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes
Option 1: Flowers Game (ppt) Group
- Divide the class into 3 teams. work

- Pupils from each team choose a number, then answer the

- Pupils answer correctly and get some points depending on
the flower number they choose.

* Ask pupils what they have learnt through the lesson class/
(Use How many are there at your school? – There is . Individual
/ There are . to ask and answer questions about the work
quantity of school facilities.)
Date of teaching:


Lesson 2 – Period 4

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Language - listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which characters
knowledge & ask and answer questions about the quantity of school facilities and tick
skills the correct pictures.
- complete target sentence patterns in two dialogues with the help of
picture cues.
- sing the song Garden and buildings at my school with the correct
pronunciation, rhythm and melody.
Competences - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the
learning tasks
- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks
Attributes - Show pride and responsibility in the facilities they have at their school.
- Student’s book: Page 47
- Audio tracks 62, 63
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 94, 95, 96
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
- Computer, projector, …
III. Warm-up and review – Listen and tick – Look, complete and read –
PROCEDURE Let’s sing – Fun corner and wrap-up

Procedure Teacher’s and pupils’ activities Interaction Note

Warm-up and review: 5 minutes
Greet the class.
Option 1: Whole
Spend a few minutes revising the sentence patterns How class/
many are there at your school? – There is ./
are . to ask and answer questions about the quantity of Individual
school facilities. work
Option 2:
Dictate some sentences about the quantity of school Group
facilities (e.g. There is a garden at my school. There are work/ Pair
three buildings at my school.) and ask pupils to write them work
down. Then let them work in pairs or groups to correct
each other's answer.
Option 3:
- Play the Guessing game (ppt). work
Activity 4. Listen and tick. 5 minutes
a. Goal To listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which
characters ask and answer questions about the quantity of school facilities,
and tick the correct pictures.
b. Input Picture cues:
1a. a school with a red building and a green building
1b. a school with three buildings
2a. a school with a computer room
2b. a school with two computer rooms
Audio script:
1. A: This is my school.
B: Oh, it’s big! How many buildings are there at your school?
A: There are two. One is red and one is green.
2. A: This is my school.
B: It’s small. How many computer rooms are there at your school?
A: There is one. But it’s very big.
c. Outcome Pupils can listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which
characters ask and answer questions about the quantity of school
facilities, and tick the correct pictures.
Key: 1. a 2. a
d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils look at Activity 4. Ask them How Whole
many pictures are there? What can you see in each picture? class/
Draw pupils’ attention to the boxes in the corners of the Individual
pictures. Check their comprehension. work
Step 2: Have pupils look at Pictures 1a and 1b. Get them to
talk about the differences between two pictures (e.g. There
are two buildings in Picture 1a. One is red. One is green.
There are three buildings in Picture 1b.). Play the recording
of the first dialogue. Ask pupils to tick the correct picture.
Repeat the same procedure with the second dialogue.
Step 3: Get pupils to swap books with a partner, then check Pair work
answers together as a class. Write the correct answers on
the board.
Extension: If there is time, play the recording, sentence by Whole
sentence, for the class to listen and repeat individually and class/
in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Individual
e. - Performance products: Student’s answers
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Activity 5. Look, complete and read. 10 minutes
a. Goal To complete target sentence patterns in two dialogues with the help of
picture cues.
b. Input Four picture cues and two dialogues to complete

c. Outcome Pupils can complete target sentence patterns in two dialogues with the
help of picture cues.
d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils look at the picture in Dialogue 1 and Whole
prompt them to ask and answer questions about school class/
location. Individual
Step 2: Give pupils 1 - 2 minutes to complete the gaps in Individual
Dialogue 1, then have them compare their answers in work/
pairs. Monitor and help where necessary. Pair work
Step 3: Go through the answer with the class. Ask some
pairs to read aloud the dialogue.
Step 4: Repeat the same procedure with Dialogue 2. Whole
Encourage pupils to make use of the picture cues to fill the class/
gaps. Individual
e. - Performance products: Student's talks and interaction
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys
Activity 6. Let’s sing. 8 minutes
a. Goal To sing the song Gardens and buildings at my school with the correct
pronunciation, rhythm and melody.
b. Input The lyrics and the recording of the song Gardens and buildings at my
c. Outcome Pupils can sing the song Gardens and buildings at my school with the
correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody.

d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils read the lyrics to familiarise Whole

themselves with the questions and answers. Check class/
comprehension and give feedback. Individual
Step 2: Have pupils listen to the whole song, drawing their work
attention to the pronunciation, the rhythm and the melody
of the song.
Step 3: Play the recording of the song once or twice for
pupils to listen and repeat line by line and do related
e.g. using fingers for numbers one and three.
Step 4: When pupils feel confident and are familiar with
the tune and melody, ask them to sing the whole song while
doing actions or clapping hands.
Step 5: Invite a few groups to the front of the class to sing Group
the song. The class may sing along to reinforce the activity. work
e. - Performance products: Student’s interaction and performance
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes
Zootopia Game (ppt) Group
- Divide the class into 3 teams. work

- Pupils from each team choose a letter, then answer the

- Pupils answer correctly to get some points corresponding
to the number of dollars for the letter they choose. They can
choose a deal to get more or less points.
Date of teaching:


Lesson 3 – Period 5
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Language - correctly pronounce the sounds of the letters s and es as final consonants
knowledge & in the words mountains and villages, and in the sentences My school is in
skills the mountains. and There are three villages near my school.
- identify the target words mountains and villages while listening.
- say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.
Competences - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the
learning tasks
- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks
Attributes - Show pride and responsibility for their schools
- Student’s book: Page 48
- Audio tracks 64, 65, 66
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 96, 97
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
- Computer, projector, …
III. Warm-up and review – Listen and repeat – Listen and circle – Let’s
PROCEDURE chant – Fun corner and wrap-up

Procedure Teacher’s and pupils’ activities Interaction Note

Warm-up and review: 5 minutes
Greet the class. Whole
- Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by class/
asking pupils to sing the song Gardens and buildings at my Individual
school. work
Activity 1. Listen and repeat. 5 minutes
a. Goal To correctly repeat the sounds of the letters s and es in isolation, as final
consonants in the words mountains and villages and in the sentences My
school is in the mountains. and There are three villages near my school.
with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
b. Input – The letter s, the word mountains and the sentence My school is in the
– The letters es, the word villages and the sentence There are three
villages near my school.
c. Outcome Pupils can correctly repeat the sounds of the letters s and es in isolation,
as final consonants in the words mountains and villages, and in the
sentences My school is in the mountains. and There are three villages
near my school.
d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils look at the letter s, listen to the Whole
recording and repeat the letter until they feel confident. class/
Correct their pronunciation if necessary. Individual
Step 2: Have pupils point at the word mountains, listen to work
the recording and repeat the word until they feel confident.
Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary.
Step 3: Get pupils to point at the sentence My school is in
the mountains., listen to the recording and repeat it. Then
get a few pupils to listen to and repeat the sentence in front
of the class. Monitor their performance, give corrections
and feedback where necessary.
Step 4: Repeat the same procedure with the letters es, the
word villages and the sentence There are three villages
near my school.
Step 5: Give pupils a time limit to practise pronouncing the Pair work/
letters, saying the words, and reading the sentences in pairs Group
or groups. work
e. - Performance products: Student’s answers
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Activity 2. Listen and circle. 10 minutes
a. Goal To identify the target words mountains and villages while listening.
b. Input Two gapped sentences, each with three options
Audio script:
1. Our school is near two villages.
2. There are two towns not far from my school.
c. Outcome Pupils can identify the target words mountains and villages while
Key: 1. b 2. c
d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils read the incomplete sentences and the Whole
options a, b and c. Explain that they will listen to the class/
recording and circle the correct options to complete the Individual
sentences. work
Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen and circle
the correct options. Get pupils to swap their books and
check their answers in pairs or groups. Go through the
answers with the class.
Step 3: Invite a few pupils to read the completed Pair work
sentences in front of the class. Correct their pronunciation
where necessary.
e. - Performance products: Student's talks and interaction
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys
Activity 6. Let’s chant. 8 minutes
a. Goal To say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.
b. Input The lyrics and the recording of the chant
c. Outcome Pupils can say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.
d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils scan the first verse of the chant and Whole
elicit its subject. Draw pupils’ attention to the word class/
mountains and the sentences It’s in the mountains. and My Individual
school is in the mountains. work
Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen to and repeat
the first verse, line by line. Correct their pronunciation
where necessary. Show them how to chant and clap hands.
Step 3: Play the recording of the whole verse again for
pupils to do choral and individual repetition.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 1 to 3 for the second verse of the
chant. Go around the class and offer help to pupils who
find it difficult.
Extension: If there is enough time, divide the class into Group
two groups to practise chanting and clapping hands. Each work
of the groups should say one verse of the chant. Then select
a few pupils to go to the front of the class to chant and clap
e. - Performance products: Student’s interaction and performance
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes
Madagascar Game (ppt) Group
- Divide the class into 3 teams. work

- Pupils from each team choose a letter, then answer the

- Pupils answer correctly and get some points corresponding
to the letter they choose.
Date of teaching:


Lesson 3 – Period 6

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Language - read a paragraph about a school and complete four gapped sentences
knowledge & about its location and facilities.
skills - read, understand and complete a gapped paragraph about their own
school locations and facilities.
- draw pupils’ schools and its facilities and present their drawings to the
Competences - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the
learning tasks
Attributes - Show pride in where they’re from and responsibility for their schools
- Student’s book: Page 49
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 98, 99
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
- Computer, projector, …
III. Warm-up and review – Read and complete – Let’s write – Project –
PROCEDURE Fun corner and wrap-up

Procedure Teacher’s and pupils’ activities Interaction Note

Warm-up and review: 5 minutes
Greet the class. Whole
- Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by class/
asking pupils to say the chant at page 48. Individual
Activity 4. Read and complete. 5 minutes
a. Goal To read a paragraph about a school and complete four gapped sentences
about its location and facilities.
b. Input A paragraph and four incomplete sentences about a school location and
c. Outcome Pupils can read a paragraph about a school and complete four gapped
sentences about its location and facilities.
d. Procedure Step 1: Have pupils look at the incomplete sentences and Whole
guess what the reading is about. Have pupils talk about class
their guesses.
Step 2: Ask pupils to read through the paragraph to get the Individual
gist of it. work
Step 3: Ask pupils to read Sentence 1 and focus on the
sentence pattern Our school is in the . Get them to find
out the missing word from the paragraph. Tell them to read
the paragraph again, if they need to. Repeat the same
procedure with Sentences 2, 3 and 4. Get pupils to do the
activity independently.
Step 4: Have pupils swap books with a partner and check Pair work
each other’s answers. Monitor and give help where
Step 5: Select a few pupils to read the sentences in front of Individual
the class. Check their answers, and give corrections and work
feedback if necessary.
e. - Performance products: Student’s answers
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Activity 5. Let’s write. 10 minutes
a. Goal To read, understand and complete a gapped paragraph about their own
school locations and facilities.
b. Input A writing frame with a gapped paragraph
c. Outcome Pupils can read, understand and complete a gapped paragraph about
their own school locations and facilities.
d. Procedure Step 1: Explain to the class the goal of this activity. Show Whole
them how to complete the task. They should read each class/
gapped sentence, guess the missing information and Individual
complete the sentence with their own information. Check work
comprehension and give feedback.
Step 2: Give pupils time to write their answers. Circulate Individual
round the classroom during the activity and offer help work
where necessary.
Step 3: Get pupils to swap books and correct their answers Pair work
in pairs.
Extension: If time allows, invite a pupil to stand up and Whole
read his/ her completed sentences. The rest of the class class/
listens, and cheers or claps their hands if the performers do Individual
a good job. work
e. - Performance products: Student's talks and interaction
Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys
Activity 6. Project. 8 minutes
a. Goal To draw pupils’ schools and its facilities and present their drawings to the
b. Input A picture of a pupil presenting the drawing of his school
c. Outcome Pupils can draw their schools and its facilities and present their drawings
to the class.
d. Procedure Step 1: Point at the sample drawing and explain that pupils Whole
are going to talk about the drawings of their schools class/
including its location and some of its facilities. Individual
Step 2: Have pupils show their drawings that they have work
prepared for the project. Revise vocabulary and sentence
patterns that pupils may use for their presentations. Give
pupils time to practise their presentations by themselves.
Go around the classroom to monitor and offer support.
Step 3: Give pupils some time to use their drawings to work
practise presenting in groups. Whole
Step 4: Select a few pupils to give their presentations in class/
front of the class. Get other pupils to give comments, and Individual
give corrections and feedback as necessary. work

e. - Performance products: Student’s interaction and performance

Assessment - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes
Game: Lucky chicken (ppt) Group
- Divide the class into 3 teams. work

- Pupils from each team choose a chicken, then answer the

- Pupils get 1 point for each correct answer.
- Pupils who choose the lucky chicken will get 2
points without answering questions.

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