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TUẦN 14. LỚP 5

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Week: 14

Period: 53 Date of teaching: 5A: De 9th 2024

5B: De 9th 2024
Lesson 2: 4 – 6
By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Knowledge and skills
- listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which characters ask and answer
questions about the locations of school things and possession and tick the correct pictures.
- complete two gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues.
- revise target words about possession and school things by playing the game Whose pen is
2. Competences
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.
- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening, reading and writing tasks.
3. Attributes
- Show their pride in school things they have and great respect for other people’s school
things by using appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about school
- Pupil’s book: Page 59
- Audio track 82
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 134, 135, 136
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 8)
- Computer, projector, …
1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To revise the sentence structures Whose ____ is this? - It’s ____. to ask and answer questions
about possession.
b. Content
- Game: Flower picking!
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can correctly say the sentence structures Whose ____ is this? - It’s ____. to ask and
answer questions about possession.
d. Organisation
Game: Flower picking! (ppt)
- Tell pupils that they are going to - Pupils listen to the Pictures (glue stick, crayon,
pick up the flowers, then look at teacher’s explanation. set square, pencil sharpener)
the things and ask and answer
questions about possession. Structures:

- Divide the class into two groups. Whose___ is this?

Two pupils from each group will - It’s ____.
play the game in turns.
- Pupils work in two groups.
- If pupils ask and answer the Two pupils from each group
questions correctly, they will get will play the game in turns.
points for their group.
- Continue the game until all the
flowers are picked.
- The group with more points wins - Pupils continue playing
the game. Praise the winner. the game until all the
flowers are picked.
- Pupils praise the winner.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ performance and pronunciation
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
2. ACTIVITY 1: PRACTICE (5 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which characters ask and answer
questions about the locations of school things and possession and tick the correct pictures.
b. Content
- Activity 4. Listen and tick.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which characters ask and
answer questions about the locations of school things and possession and tick the correct
d. Organisation
Activity 4. Listen and tick. (Track 82)
Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to - Pupils look at the Pictures - Picture cues:

Pictures 1a, 1b and 1c. Ask 1a, 1b and 1c and identify 1a. three pencils on a desk
questions to help them identify the the locations of the three
locations of the three crayons. crayons. 1b. three pencils under a
Step 2: Play the recording for - Pupils listen to the
pupils to do Question 1 by ticking recording to do Question 1 1c. three pencils in a pencil
the right picture. by ticking the right picture. case

Step 3: Follow the same - Pupils do the same 2a. Linh’s set square
procedure with Question 2. procedure with Question 2 2b. Nam’s set square
(Pictures 2a, 2b and 2c.)
- Pupils swap books with a 2c. Mary’s set square
Step 4: Tell pupils to swap books partner, then check answers
with a partner, then check answers as a class. Pupils listen to Audio script:
as a class. Write the correct the recording again to 1.
answers on the board. Play the double-check their answers. A: Excuse me. Are these
recording again for pupils to your crayons?
double-check their answers. - Pupils raise their hands
when they find the different B: Yes, they are.
Extension: Read Conversation 1 information.
aloud but change specific A: Where are my crayons?
information. For example:
B: Look! They’re there,
A: Excuse me. Are these your under the desk.
A: Thank you.
B: Yes, they are.
A: Where are my crayons? A: Is this your set square?
B: Look! They’re there, on the B: No, it isn’t.
A: Whose set square is
A: Thank you. this?
- Have pupils raise their hands B: Let me see. It’s Linh’s.
when the information is different. * Key: 1. b, 2. a
Invite a pupil to correct the
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ answers
- Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys; Peer correction
3. ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (10 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To complete two gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues.
b. Content
Activity 5. Read and complete.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can complete two gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues.
d. Organisation
Activity 5. Read and complete.
Step 1: Have pupils look at the - Pupils look at the pictures - Two picture cues
pictures. Get them to identify the and identify the locations
locations of the school things in of the school things in the - Two gapped exchanges to
the pictures. pictures. complete

Step 2: Have pupils look at the - Pupils look at the two * Key:
two gapped exchanges. Draw their gapped exchanges, paying 1. It’s; under,
attention to the missing words. attention to the missing 2. Whose; Where’s; school
words. bag
Step 3: Model Exchange 1. Have
pupils look at the first gap. Ask - Pupils follow the teacher
them what word is missing (It’s). demonstrating Exchange 1.
Then have them complete the - Pupils follow the
sentence (It’s Phuong Nga’s.). Get teacher’s instructions to do
them to guess the missing word in Exchange 2.
the second gap (under).
- Pupils swap books with a
Step 4: Follow Step 3 for partner and check their
Exchange 2. answers before checking as
a class. Pairs of pupils read
Step 5: Get pupils to swap books the completed exchanges
with a partner and check their aloud.
answers before checking as a
class. Ask a few pairs to read the
completed exchanges aloud.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ answers
- Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys
4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To revise target words about possession and school things by playing the game Whose pen is
b. Content
- Activity 6. Let’s play.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can revise target words about possession and school things by playing the game
Whose pen is this?
d. Organisation
Activity 6. Let’s play.
Step 1: Tell pupils that they are - Pupils listen to the A picture of four pupils
going to play Whose pen is this? asking about the school
game in groups of four. Divide teacher’s explanation. things on the table (a school
pupils into Team A and Team B. bag, a pen, a glue stick, a set
Team A holds one of the school - Pupils work in two groups square, a notebook)
things on the table and asks Whose to take turns asking and
(pen) is this? Team B answers It’s answering about
(Mai’s). possession. The members
Step 2: The teams take turns of each group have to
asking and answering about remember whose school
possession. The members of each things they are to answer
group have to remember whose the questions.
school things they are to answer - The team that gives a
the questions. correct answer will get one
Step 3: When a team gives a point.
correct answer, they get one point.
The winning team is the one that - Pupils work in groups of
gets the most points. two pairs. A group comes
to the front of the class to
Step 4: Have pupils work in play the game.
groups. Invite two groups to the
front of the class to play the game.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ performance and pronunciation
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes)
* Option 1: Pass the balls! (ppt)
- Give two different coloured balls to two pupils, a red ball (ask the question) and a yellow
ball (answer the question).
- Ask pupils to listen to music and pass the balls.
- Stop music suddenly.
- Have the pupil with a red ball ask a question. Have the pupil with a yellow ball answer the
E.g. Pupil A: Whose pen is this?
Pupil B: It’s Linh’s.
- Praise pupils if they do the activity well.
* Option 2: Game: Jump or clap
- Ask pupils to stand at their desks.
- Hold up a flashcard from the vocabulary set and say a word.
- If the word is the same as the flashcard, they clap. If it isn’t, they jump. Ask them to say the
word on the flashcard.

Week: 14

Period: 54 Date of teaching: 5A: De 9th 2024
5B: De 10th 2024
Lesson 3: 1 – 3
By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Knowledge and skills
- correctly pronounce the two-syllable words aˈbove and beˈside with the stress on the second
syllable, in isolation and as in the sentences The picture is aˈbove the window. and The map is
beˈside the board.
- identify the stress on some two-syllable words and circle the word with a different stress
pattern from the other two words.
- say the chant with the correct pronunciation, word stress and rhythm.
2. Competences
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.
- Self-control & independent learning: perform pronunciation and listening tasks.
3. Attributes
- Show their pride in school things they have and great respect for other people’s school
things by using appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about school
- Pupil’s book: Page 60
- Audio tracks 83, 84, 85
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 136, 137, 138
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 8)
- Computer, projector, …
1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To revise the previous lesson by asking and answering questions about the locations of
school things and possessions.
b. Content
- Game: Ring the bells
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can correctly ask and answer questions about the locations of school things and
d. Organisation
Game: Ring the bells (ppt)
- Tell pupils they are going to look - Pupils listen to the Pictures about the locations
at the picture and choose the teacher’s explanation. of school things and
correct answer a, b or c. possessions.
- Pupils work in two
- Divide the class into two groups. groups. Questions:
- Have one pupil from each group - Pupils play Rock, paper, 1. The map is ___ the board.
play Rock, paper, scissors to find scissors to find the group
the group which plays the game which plays the game first. a. on
first. b. beside
- Pupils look at the picture
- Have two pupils from two and choose the correct c. under
groups look at the picture and answer a, b or c to fill in
choose the correct answer a, b or the blank. 2. Whose ___ is this?
c to fill in the blank. If he/ she has - It’s Nam’s.
the answer, he/ she will ring the - Pupils read the questions
bell to give the answer. and answers aloud. a. glue stick
- If he/ she chooses the correct b. set square
answer, he/ she gets points for his/
c. pencil
her group. The group with more
points is the winner. 3. Whose _____ is this?
- Have pairs of pupils read the - It’s Bill’s.
a. book
b. crayon
c. map
4. The photo is __ the table.
a. in front of
b. over
c. above
* Key: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ answers and pronunciation
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
a. Objectives

- To correctly pronounce the two-syllable words a’bove and be’side with the stress on the
second syllable, in isolation and as in the sentences The picture is a’bove the window. and The
map is be’side the board.
b. Content
- Activity 1. Listen and repeat.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can correctly pronounce the two-syllable words a’bove and be’side with the stress on
the second syllable, in isolation and as in the sentences The picture is a’bove the window. and
The map is be’side the board.
d. Organisation
Activity 1. Listen and repeat. (Track 83)
Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to - Pupils pay attention to the - The word a’bove and the
the word a’bove and the sentence word a’bove and the sentence The picture is
The picture is a’bove the window. sentence. Pupils listen to a’bove the window.
Play the recording for the first line the recording and point at
and encourage pupils to point at the word and the sentence - The word be’side and the
the word and the sentence while while listening. sentence The map is be’side
listening. the board.

Step 2: Play the recording again

and encourage pupils to listen to
and repeat the word and the - Pupils listen to the
sentence. Do this several times recording again and repeat
until pupils feel confident. Correct the word and the sentence.
their pronunciation where
Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for
the word be’side and the sentence
The map is be’side the board.
Step 4: Let pupils work in pairs or
groups, saying the words and - Pupils do the same
reading the sentences until they procedure with the word
feel confident. and the sentence in the
second line.
- Pupils work in pairs to
practise saying the words
and the sentences in two
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ pronunciation
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
3. ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (10 minutes)

a. Objectives
- To identify the stress on some two-syllable words and circle the word with a different stress
pattern from the other two words.
b. Content
Activity 2. Circle, listen and check.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can identify the stress on some two-syllable words and circle the word with a
different stress pattern from the other two words.
d. Organisation
Activity 2. Circle, listen and check. (Track 84)
Step 1: Tell pupils the goal of the - Pupils listen to the Three sets of two-syllable
activity. Explain that they have to teacher’s explanation. words
circle the word that has stress
different from the other words. Audio script:
Check comprehension.
1. a. a‘bove
Step 2: Give pupils a time limit to
b. ‘under
do the task individually.
- Pupils circle the odd word c. be‘side
Step 3: Play the recording for in each line. 2. a. ‘over
pupils to listen and check. Play
the recording twice if necessary. - Pupils listen to the b. a‘bove
recording and check their c. ‘under
Step 4: Tell pupils to swap books answers.
with a partner, then check the 3. a. be‘hind
answers as a class. Write the - Pupils swap books with a
correct answers on the board. partner, then check the b. ‘over
answers as a class. c. a‘bove
Step 5: Play the recording again
for pupils to double-check their - Pupils listen to the * Key: 1. b 2. b 3. b
answers. recording again to double-
check their answers.
Extension: Invite one or two
pupils to stand up and repeat the - One or two pupils stand
correct options (odd words). up and repeat the correct
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ answers
- Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys; Peer correction
4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To say the chant with the correct pronunciation, word stress and rhythm.
b. Content

- Activity 3. Let’s chant.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can say the chant with the correct pronunciation, word stress and rhythm.
d. Organisation
Activity 3. Let’s chant. (Track 85)
Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to - Pupils pay attention to the The lyrics and recording of
the lyrics of the chant. Check their lyrics of the chant. the chant
Step 2: Play the recording all the
way through for pupils to listen to - Pupils listen to the whole
the whole chant. Encourage them chant. Pupils listen
to listen carefully to the rhythm carefully to the rhythm and
and pronunciation. Draw pupils’ pronunciation. Pupils pay
attention to the words above and attention to the words
beside. above and beside.

Step 3: Play the recording line by

line for pupils to listen and repeat. - Pupils listen to the
Correct their pronunciation if recording line by line and
necessary. repeat.
Step 4: Play the recording all the
way through for pupils to chant to.
Encourage them to clap along - Pupils listen to the
while chanting. recording all the way
through and chant. Pupils
Extension: Divide the class into clap along while chanting.
two groups to take turns listening
to and repeating the chant, while - Pupils work in two groups
the rest of the class claps along. to take turns listening to
and repeating the chant,
while the rest of the class
claps along.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ performance and pronunciation
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes)
* Option 1: Game: Pictionary (ppt)
- Prepare pictures about the locations of school things and a real bag. Put the pictures in the
- Divide the class into two groups.
- Ask one pupil from each group to choose a picture from the bag, e.g. a picture of a crayon
beside the pencil case.

- Tell him/ her to draw a picture (a picture of a crayon beside the pencil case) on the board
and encourage their group to guess it and say the sentence, e.g. The crayon is beside the
pencil case.
- The first group to shout the correct answer gets one point. Praise the winner.
* Option 2: Game: Musical cards
- Stick the cards on the board. Ask pupils to say the words related to the cards.
- Hand out the cards to different pupils around the class.
- Play the song Where are they? (Track 79). Ask pupils to pass the cards to the pupils next to
them while the music is playing.
- Stop the music suddenly. Invite a pupil to ask the question Where are the pens? Ask the
pupil who is holding the card to answer the question, e.g. They’re beside the books.
- Play the music again and repeat the activity.
- Ask pupils to check their friends’ pronunciation.

Week: 14
Period: 55 Date of teaching: 5A: De 10th 2024
5B: De 10th 2024
Lesson 3: 4 – 6
By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Knowledge and skills
- read and show understanding of a text about the locations of characters’ school things by
answering the questions.
- complete four sentences about someone’s school things by writing the target words in the
gaps with the help of picture cues.
- present their group’s pictures of study corners to the class by using the target language.
2. Competences
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.
- Self-control & independent learning: perform reading and writing tasks.
3. Attributes
- Show their pride in school things they have and great respect for other people’s school
things by using appropriate gestures and intonation when asking and answering about school
- Pupil’s book: Page 61
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 138, 139, 140
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 8)
- Computer, projector, …
1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To revise the chant of Unit 8 on page 60.
b. Content
- Let’s chant.
c. Expected outcomes

- Pupils can say the chant with the correct pronunciation, word stress and rhythm.
d. Organisation
Let’s chant. (Track 85)
- Play the chant for pupils to listen. - Pupils listen to the chant. The lyrics and recording
of the chant (Unit 8, page
- Play the chant again for pupils to - Pupils listen to the chant 60)
listen and chant along. Encourage again and chant along. Pupils
them to clap their hands while clap their hands while
chanting. chanting.
- Call two or more groups to take - Pupils take turns listening
turns listening to and repeating the to and repeating the chant,
chant, while the rest of the class while the rest of the class
claps their hands. claps their hands.
- Praise pupils if they perform well.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ performance and pronunciation
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
2. ACTIVITY 1: PRACTICE (5 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To read and show understanding of a text about the locations of characters’ school things by
answering the questions.
b. Content
- Activity 4. Read and answer.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can read and show understanding of a text about the locations of characters’ school
things by answering the questions.
d. Organisation
Activity 4. Read and answer.
Step 1: Have pupils read the - Pupils follow the teacher’s A short text and four
questions carefully. Tell them to instructions. questions to answer
read Question 1 and pay attention
to key words such as Whose set * Key:
square. Then they should scan the 1. Trang’s (set square is on
text for relevant information. her desk).
Step 2: Repeat Step 1 for 2. They are on his desk, in
Questions 2, 3 and 4. Set a time front of his pencil
limit for pupils to do the task - Pupils do the task sharpener.
independently. Go around the
classroom and offer help where independently. 3. Trang’s (storybook is in
necessary. her school bag).
Step 3: Get pupils to swap books 4. It’s in the desk.
with their partners and check the
answers before checking as a class.
Have students read the sentences
in the reading text that help them
find the correct information. For - Pupils swap books with
example, Trang’s set square is on their partners and check the
her desk. (for Question 1). Hung’s answers before checking as
pencils are on his desk, in front of a class.
his pencil sharpener. (for Question
2). Trang has a new storybook. It - Pupils give the evidence
is in her school bag. (for Question to explain their answers.
3). Lan’s storybook is in the desk.
(for Question 4)
Step 4: Invite some pairs to take
turns asking and answering the
Extension: Ask pupils some more
questions, for example, Whose
pencils are in front of his pencil
sharpener? Whose school bag is
under her desk? Where is Hung’s
story book?

- Pairs of pupils take turns

asking and answering the
- Pupils answer some
additional questions to
demonstrate their
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ answers
- Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys
3. ACTIVITY 2: PRODUCTION (10 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To complete four sentences about someone’s school things by writing the target words in the
gaps with the help of picture cues.
b. Content
Activity 5. Look and write.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can complete four sentences about someone’s school things by writing the target
words in the gaps with the help of picture cues.
d. Organisation
Activity 5. Look and write.
Step 1: Tell pupils the goal of the - Pupils listen to the Two picture cues and four
activity. Explain that they have to teacher’s instruction. gapped sentences to
read the four incomplete sentences complete
and fill in the gaps with specific
information about someone’s Suggested answer:
school things and their locations.
1. I have some new
Step 2: Have pupils do the first crayons.
gapped sentence together as an
example. Ask them to read the 2. The crayons are beside
- Pupils do the first gapped the notebooks.
sentence and elicit the school sentence together as an
things. Then have them write the example. Pupils read the 3. Lan Anh has a new
answer, e.g. crayons in the gap. sentence and elicit the school bag.
Step 3: Give pupils time to school things. Then pupils 4. Lan Anh’s school bag is
complete the sentences write the answer in the gap. under the desk.
independently. Go around the - Pupils complete the
classroom and offer help if sentences independently.
Step 4: Get pupils to swap their
books with a partner and check
their answers before checking as a
- Pupils swap their books
Extension: Invite a few pupils to
with a partner and check
read their completed texts in front
their answers before
of the class.
checking as a class.
- Pupils read their completed
texts in front of the class.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupil’s answer
- Assessment tools: Observation; Answer keys

4. ACTIVITY 3: PRODUCTION (8 minutes)

a. Objectives
- To present their group’s pictures of study corners to the class by using the target language.
b. Content
- Activity 6. Project.

c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can present their group’s pictures of study corners to the class by using the target
d. Organisation
Activity 6. Project
Step 1: Tell pupils about the goal - Pupils listen to the Pictures of study corners
of the activity. Explain that they teacher’s explanation. drawn by pupils at home
have to look at their group’s
pictures of study corners and tell * Suggested presentation:
the class about the locations of Picture 1: Hello everyone.
school things. Look at this picture. It’s
Step 2: Have pupils work in Lan’s study corner. This is
groups of three. Each pupil looks Lan’s notebook. It’s beside
at his/ her picture and talks about - Pupils work in groups of the set square.
the locations of their school things three. Each pupil looks at Picture 2: Look at that
in the picture. his/ her picture and talks picture. It’s Kien’s study
Step 3: Invite a representative about the locations of their corner. Those are Kien’s
from each group to tell the class school things. books. They’re on the
about their group's pictures, e.g. bookcase. And that is his
- A presenter from each
This is Lan’s notebook. It’s beside group looks at their groups’ school bag. It’s under the
the set square. table.
pictures of study corners
Step 4: Have the rest of the class and tells the class about
applaud if pupils perform well. them.
- The rest of the class
applauds if pupils perform
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupil’s interaction and performance
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes)
* Option 1: Missing cards (ppt)
- Prepare pictures related to the topic “In our classroom”. Explain how to play the game.
- Divide the class into four groups. Take turns sticking eight cards on the board, for example,
a glue stick, a crayon, a notebook, a pencil.
- Ask the first group to look at the cards and name the things illustrated on the cards. Ask the
group to close their eyes for 10 seconds, then take out a card from the set, e.g. a pencil. Then
let pupils open their eyes and say out the word for that card. Each group plays two or three
- Stick sets of flashcards/ pictures on the board and do the same with other groups. Give one
point for each correct answer.
- Count the points for each group and announce the winner.
* Option 2: Game: Passing the ball
- Give a picture of a school thing (in a specific location) to one pupil.
- Play music. Ask her/ him to pass the school thing to the second one. The second pupil passes
the school thing to the third one, and so on.
- Stop the music. Ask the pupil who is holding the school thing to ask a question and invite
another one to answer.
E.g. Pupil A: a picture of rulers on the desk. Where are the rulers?
Pupil B: They’re on the desk.
- Continue to play the game. Praise pupils if they do the activity well.

Week: 14
Period: 56 Date of teaching: 5A: De 12th 2024
5B: De 12th 2024
Lesson 1: 1 – 3
By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Knowledge and skills
- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on
asking and answering about where someone was in the past.
- correctly say the words theatre, aquarium, campsite, funfair and use Were you at the ___
yesterday? - Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t. to ask and answer questions about where someone
was in the past.
- use Were you at the _____ yesterday? - _______ in a freer context.
- use the words theatre, aquarium, campsite, funfair in relation to the topic “Our outdoor
2. Competences
- Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about where someone
was in the past correctly and fluently.
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.
- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attributes
- Show their love and interest in outdoor activities.
- Show their knowledge of doing outdoor activities safely.
- Pupil’s book: Page 62
- Audio tracks 86, 87
- Teacher’s guide: Pages 141, 142, 143, 144
- Website hoclieu.vn
- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9)
- Computer, projector, …
1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To revise the phrases about places.

b. Content
- Game: Matching game
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can remember and say the phrases about places correctly.

d. Organisation
Game: Matching game
- Tell the class they are going to - Pupils listen to the Phrases of places (at home,
match the phrases with the correct teacher’s instructions. at school, on the beach,
pictures. at the campsite, at the
- Stick the pictures and the funfair)
phrases on the board. Have pupils - Pupils look at the pictures
read the phrases once or twice. on the board. Read the
phrases once or twice.
- Model the Picture 1. Have one
pupil choose a phrase suitable - Pupils follow the teacher
with Picture 1. demonstrating the example.

- If the pupils give the correct

answers, they will get stickers.
- Continue the game until all the
pictures and phrases are matched.
- Pupils continue the game.
- Lead in the new lesson.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ answers and pronunciation
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
2. ACTIVITY 1: EXPLORATION (5 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on
asking and answering about where someone was in the past.
b. Content
- Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts
focusing on asking and answering about where someone was in the past.
d. Organisation
Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. (Track 86)
Step 1: Have pupils look at - Pupils look at Pictures a - Context a:
Pictures a and b and identify the and b and identify the
characters. Let them answer the characters and answer the Bill asking Mai where she
questions Where was Mai? and questions. was
Where were Mai’s family? Bill: Hi, Mai. I didn’t see
Step 2: Ask pupils to look at you at the campsite
Picture a. Play the recording of - Pupils look at Picture a yesterday. Where were
the first dialogue for them to and b and guess what the you?
listen. Play the recording again, characters are talking
sentence by sentence, for pupils to about. Pupils can use Mai: I was at home. My
listen and repeat. Repeat the same Vietnamese, then repeat cousins came to visit.
procedure with Picture b. their responses in English. - Context b:

Step 3: Invite a few pairs to listen Bill asking Mai where her
to and repeat the sentences in the - Pupils listen to the family were and what they
recording. Correct their recording and point at the did
pronunciation where necessary. characters while listening.Bill: Were all your family
Step 4: Draw their attention to the - Pupils listen to the at home?
question Were all your family at recording again, sentence Mai: Yes, we were. We
home? and the answer Yes, we by sentence, point to the listened to music and
were. Explain that were is used sentences and repeat. cooked lunch together.
with you, we, they. Tell pupils that
the question and answer are about - Pupils pay attention to the
where someone was in the past. question and the answer.
Extension: Invite a few pupils to Pupils listen to the
the board and write the words teacher’s explanation.
they have learnt related to the - Pairs of pupils act out the
topic (e.g. museum, supermarket,
conversations in front of
backery, zoo, park, …) on the
the class.
board. Praise the pupil who can
write more words in a short time.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ answers and pronunciation
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
a. Objectives
- To correctly say the words theatre, aquarium, campsite, funfair and use Were you at the ___
yesterday? - Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t. to ask and answer questions about where someone
was in the past.
b. Content
Activity 2. Listen, point and say.

c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can correctly say the words theatre, aquarium, campsite, funfair and use Were you at
the ___ yesterday? - Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t. to ask and answer questions about where
someone was in the past.
d. Organisation
Activity 2. Listen, point and say. (Track 87)
Step 1: Have pupils look at the - Pupils look at the pictures - Picture and word cues:
pictures and elicit the words and elicit the words
theatre, aquarium, campsite and theatre, aquarium, a. two girls at the theatre
funfair. Have the class repeat the campsite and funfair related and the words theatre / yes
words a few times. to the pictures. underneath

Step 2: Have pupils point at - Pupils listen to the first b. two boys at the aquarium
Picture a, listen to the recording part of the recording and and the words aquarium /
and repeat the words theatre and repeat the words under the yes underneath
yes. Repeat the same procedure pictures in chorus and c. a campsite and the words
with the other three pictures. individually until they feel campsite / no underneath
Step 3: Point at the first speech d. a funfair and the words
bubble and have pupils listen and - Pupils point at Picture a. funfair / no underneath
repeat the question Were you at Pupils listen to the next part
the theatre yesterday? Then have of the recording a few - Speech bubbles:
them point at the second speech times and repeat the Were you at the _____
bubble, listen to the recording and sentences in both bubbles. yesterday?
repeat the answer Yes, we were.
until they feel confident. Explain - Pupils follow the Yes, we were. / No, we
that they are a question and an teacher’s instructions with weren’t.
answer about where someone was the other three pictures.
yesterday. Repeat the same
procedure with Pictures b, c and Audio script:
d. Explain that the answers in
Pictures c and d show that a. theatre / yes
someone was not in the place
b. aquarium / yes
c. campsite / no
Step 4: Have pupils work in pairs
and practise asking and answering d. funfair / no
the question Were you at the ____
yesterday? - Yes, we were. / No, a.
we weren’t. Go around and offer - Pupils practise asking and
A: Were you at the theatre
help if necessary. Draw pupils’ answering questions in
attention to the uses of were after pairs. yesterday?
we in positive answers and B: Yes, we were.
weren’t in the negative answers.
Step 5: Invite a few pairs to the
front of the class to take turns A: Were you at the
pointing at the pictures and saying aquarium yesterday?
the questions and answers.
B: Yes, we were.
A: Were you at the
campsite yesterday?
- Pairs of pupils point at the
pictures and ask and B: No, we weren’t.
answer questions about
where someone was in the
past. A: Were you at the funfair
B: No, we weren’t.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupils’ talks and interaction
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes)
a. Objectives
- To use Were you at the ______ yesterday? - Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t in a freer context.
b. Content
- Activity 3. Let’s talk.
c. Expected outcomes
- Pupils can use Were you at the _____ yesterday? - Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t in a freer
d. Organisation
Activity 3. Let’s talk.
Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to - Pupils look at the picture - Picture cues: two boys at
the pictures and say the words and identify the contexts. a funfair; many children at
they have learnt. Ask questions to a theatre; two girls at a
help them identify the contexts campsite; some children at
(see Input). an aquarium
Step 2: Have pupils look at the Speech bubbles:
first bubble. Read the question
aloud and ask pupils to repeat it. - Pupils follow the Were you at the ______
Explain that they should fill in the teacher’s instructions. yesterday? - ____.
gap with the places they have Suggested answers:
learnt. Ask them to look at the Were you at the cinema
second bubble and identify what
the answer should be (Yes, we
were. / No, we weren’t.) and write Were you at the museum
it on the board. Get pupils to say
the answer several times in yesterday?
Were you on the beach last
Step 3: Set a time limit for pupils weekend?
to work in pairs, point at the
pictures, ask and answer Were you Were you in the mountains
at the _____ yesterday? - Yes, we last month?
were. / No, we weren’t. Go around
the classroom to observe and offer
help where necessary.
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to point
at the pictures, ask and answer
- Pupils work in pairs, point
questions in front of the class.
at the pictures, ask and
Praise them if they perform well.
answer questions about
Step 5: For a more able class, where people in the
have pupils ask and answer pictures were in the past.
questions about where they were
yesterday, using the structures
Extension: Put pupils into pairs
and have them take turns asking - Pairs of pupils come to
and answering with the target the front of the class to ask
structure of the activity in a freer and answer the questions
context. about where people in the
pictures were in the past.
e. Assessment
- Performance products: Pupil’s interaction and performance
- Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers
5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes)
* Preparation for the project: Tell pupils about the project on page 67. Ask them to prepare
for it at home by making a survey about where one or two of the classmates were and what
activities he / she / they did there. Remind pupils to bring the surveys to the class for Project
time in Lesson 3.
* Option 1: Game: Missing flash card (ppt)
- Divide the class into two groups.
- Place four flash cards (theatre, aquarium, campsite, funfair) on the board.
- Have pupils play the game in turns. Have pupils close their eyes. Teacher removes one
- Invite one pupil from each group to speak out the picture which disappears.
- Continue the game until all the vocabulary sets are said.
- The group with more points wins the game. Praise the winner.
* Option 2: Game: Pass the card

- Have pupils stand in two lines.
- Give a pupil of each group a card.
- Play music. Ask the pupil to pass the card to the next one.
- Stop music. Ask the pupil holding the card to ask a question. Invite another pupil to answer
the question.
- If pupils ask and answer the questions correctly, they will get stickers.
- Continue the game until all the words are said.



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