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Annual 18 19

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STD. VII ; ANNUAL EXAMINATlON - 2018-19 Time : 2 houn 15mins
bate: 22.03.2019 i
Total no. of. qns.: 21 !
This Pl(?Cr consis t~ of j sections;
Section -A : Grammar : 47 marks
Section - B : Reading 16 marka
Section - C : Writing 17 morka
General ln§tructions
I. Attempt all questions. • :
4. All the answers must be correctly nwnbered as in tlie question paper and written in the akswer
sheets provided to you. :
3. Attempt all questions in each section be(ore going to the next section.
4. Read each questlon.-carefully and follow tho instructions.
5. Attach Section A: Grammar (Objective) to the answer sheets and submit.

XVII. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

§ax Goodbye I 0 Examination Anxieties

Altho4gh it is common to experience butterflies in the stomach before any major event, the run
up to the final examinations proves to 1;,e a traumatic phase for many students. Tonnented by
thoughts of failure and of falling short of expectations, they forget how to relax, smile and live
nonnally (Para : 1)
The need to outperform others, flaunt one's achievements, and to be the best has spread like an
epidemic and children are encouraged to internalise it. They grow up with the irrational belief
that in order to live a decent life, they must defeat everyone aroun~ them. (Para : 2)
Taoist Lao Tzu teaches_us the~ of ~on-competition. According to him, the wise ones will
put their heart and souJ-in whatever they do but do .it in a spµi( of play. In a similar vein,
students should let examinations help them in their self-growth - preparing their best for the
examinations, working ha.rd towards their goals, and·overcoming their limitations but doing all
this in a fun way enjoying and relishing each moment. If failure happens, don't lose hope. Talce
jtas a learning opportunity and try playing better strokes next time. (Para : 3)
We rarely encourage youngsters to surrender and feel the connection with the Divine. If they
were to deepen their trust in the Divine, they will feel reassur~d, knowing that a powerful and
benevolent P.resence is etcfillllly there to help and guide them. Remember that whatever the
outcome, Djvine Grace will continue empowering you to evolve and make progress. Therefore,
keep your faith, rise above your examination anxieties and breathe freely. (Para: 4) ·

_l. Pick out words from the passage that mean: . (2)

a. deeply disturbing or di~tressing (Para 1)

b. a feeling of WO'f'l'/, nervousness about something (Para 4)
2. Cgmplete the fgllowin•g: . (2)
a. Failure can be taken as a learning ---- ---
a. Youngsters ~u.st be encouraged to--- ---'-- -
3. What does TBQist.Lao Tzu teach us? (2)

4. Most students experience some level of anxiety.during· an exani. Suggest three techniques
to overcome it. • · (2)

P.T.O ................. .
Std. VII - English Language • Main Annual Eum -2018-19
XVIII. Read the poem given below and answer the questions th~t follow:
If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill, I
Be a scrub in the valley.- but be .
The best little scrub by the side of the rill·
Be a bush, if you can't be a tree. '
If you can't be a bush, be a bit of the grass,
And some highway happier make;
If you can't be a muskie, then just be a bass -
But the liveliest bass in the lake!
We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all ofus here.
There's big work to do and there's lesser to do
And the task we must do is the near.
If you can't be a highway, then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun, be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or youfail - "

Be the best of whatever you are.

Glossary: rill - stream ,. :· 't. :~ =-=- \ ".
,' ~ · :. ,. , •• • • • 1 -

1. Tick the correct option: (3)

a) .. 'If you can't -be a pine on the top of the hill'. Identify the poetic device.
(i) Simiie (ii) Metaphor. (iii) Alliteration (iv) Onomatopoeia
b) Which word rhymes with the word 'trail'?
(i)' lake . (ii) star (iii) fail (iv) here
c) The poem is about
(i) ·being optimistic (ii) being.centented····(iii}~f,.acce~tance (iv).aH the above
. 2. Find the words with the help of the given clues: (2)
(i) a large, uncommon fish found in North America M ____ _
(ii) a type of conimcin fish • .B _ _ _
3. · Pick out the line that gives the theme of the poem. . ( 1)
4,. Write an interesting title for the poem. . (1)
5. What according to the poet, can even.a bit of grass do? (1)
.. '
XIX. Your friend wants to know about your school. Write a letter in 150 words descnbing your arhut
school and how you enjoy coming to school everyday. j (6)
XX. Write a short story in about 100 words beginning the story with the following lines: (6)
God promises to a devotee to visit h~r. The devotee cleans her hohse and waits for God. A poor
<:>ld lady knocks her door.. . . . . . . ... \
XXI. Observe the following picture carefully and write a paragrap~ on 1t. Provide a suitable title to
your paragraph. ______ ______.....___,.._....._......,......_ _.:-,. (5)

i Ml'f.llR.U t11kf\~Alhl t11\"I.4W

\(see No i:vu.) Cl·tri~i 1110 F:vtL) C.SPE~:1<. NO ,v11..).
18 Time : 2 Hours
15 Mi ns
Mark s: 80
Date: J9.03.2018. fi:N (;LI SH LANG UAGE - MAIN
Total no. ofqn s.: 18.
This paper cons ists of 3 sections:
Section-A:Grammar : 44 marks.
Scction-B :Rcadinj? : 15 mark!!.
Scction-C :Writing Skill s : 21 murks.
General Instructions:
I. t\ 11emp1 all qucs ti(lns.
hcrcd ns in 1hc questi on r oper and wrill cn
2. All the answers must he con-cctly n11m
the answer shee ts pro vided lo you.
hcfnrc p,ni n~ lo the ncx l ~ccti on.
3. t\ ttempl all ques tion ~ in each section
ow the in.~lrm:lio ns.
4. Read cad1 qucs lion carefu ll y nnd l11ll
ni (Ol~jectivc) 11 , lhc an~wcr sheer.~ rind suhmi t.
5. /\ ltach Section /\ : (irn mm
[ SE( T ION - IJ: HEA l>ING ]

wcr the uucNtion .~ 1dvc11 helm-.,:

XH'f. Hea d the follo,, i11g llll/Mll!l' 11 11 <1 un.,
am convinced that the
i:-. the mos t powerful reso urce on the Earth . I
i_,,-; " The ignited mind~ 1)1'th c yo111h by mee ling ils
1x1wer 1)( the) ,rn lh. if pruperly direc ted. will bring about trunsfom1 cd hum anity
pcrit y.
chall enge.-; nnd bringing peace and r,ros
people, majority
lhe world faces: one is, out of 7 billion
2. Lei us nnw c011sider two majo r problems 50 per cent of the populat ion
li ves below the poverty line,
of the populati on in certa in continents acce ss to qual ity educ ation.
r, and many do not have
docs not have access to safe drinking wate better? If every educ ated person
e to make this situation
What can the youth of the world contribut in eradicating
their life then we can make a beginning
spreads literacy to at least five others in tion? Can the yout h come up with
age of water conserva
illiteracy . Can the youth spread the mess
out-of-bo x solutions for solving water scarc
. It is a yo uth m ove m ent, w ith the
miss ion fo r
d Lead Indi a 2020
J. I h,ll'c: p ropo s c:J n m o vem ent calle ia ll y d esig ned .
. lr is base d o n the te n-po int o ath whic h I h ave s pec
.l o ung s iudc nrs
the areas o f\i.tc racy .
The oath give n to the youth says that
they can make a differenc e to society in
4. e and aim for national deve lopment
environm ent, soci aljustice, minimizing the rural urban divid The development
l goal. I insist that small aim is a crime.
even as they work hard for an individua knowledge with a
youth must work bard to improve their
of youth has multiple dimensions. The belongs to and
society, the nation to which he or she
career goal and also serve the family,
entary to each other.
humanity as a whole. All are complem
Gandhi by his
reminded of the advice given to Mahatma
5. While talking about good deeds, I am 's life, your birth
ime, if you can save or better someone
mother. She said, ' Son, in your entire lifet
as a human being and your life is a succ
throughout his
dhiji's mind and he worked for humanity
6. This advice mad e a deep impact on Gan
: Ignited Minds ofrh e Youth}
- [Excerpt from A.P.J . Abdul Kalam's

transfonn ed : change in nature or appearan ce
humanity : the condition of being hum an
dimension an aspe ct or feature
complementa ry : add to in a way that impro ves

Questions: (1)
Vr in the above passage refer s to _ __ _
_ __
him to __ __ __ _ _
y-M ahat ma Gandhi 's moth er advised
t_,.,.;f'he proposed Youth Mov ement is calle

p.t.o•..•. 2
Std.VII_.,,E;nglisb Language (Main) -2-
VGive a word from the above passage which means:

a) ~Hing an end lo [para 2]

,b) state forcefull y [para 4]

S. According to the narrator what are the two major problems the world faces today? (2)

6. How can 'you· as a youth of today, make a difference to society? (2)

~ a d the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:

Let No One Steal Your Dreams

Let no one steal your dreams

Let no one tear apat1
The burning of ambition
That fires the drive inside your heart.

Let no one steal your dreams

Let no one tell you that you can't
Let no one hold you back
Let no one tell you that you won't.

Set your sights and keep them fixed

Set your sights on high
Let no one steal your dreams
Your only limit is the sky.
Let no one steal your dreams
Follow your heart
Follow your soul
for only when you follow them
Will you feel truly whole.

Set your sights and keep them fixed

Set your sights on high
Let no one steal your dreams
Your only limit is the sky.
- Paul Cookson

1{which line in the poem reflects one's 'passion' to achieve one' s dreams? (1)
a) ~ o one hold you back.
b(That fire that drives inside your heart.
c) Set your sights high.

6ccord ing to the poet what should one do to pursue his / her goals? (1)

~ o w his / her heart.

b) listen to others.
_;)fa>llow his / her peers.

/ The word ' steal' in the above poem is not used in the sense of'robbin g' . Explain. (1)

/4 sky is not the limit, your mind is! ' Elucidate with reference to the last stanza. (2)

✓Which word in the poem is similar in meaning to the word 'ambition '?
Frame a sentence with it. (2)

p.t.o ..... 3
,J . vH English Language (Main) -3- Annual Exam 201"1-


Obsen-e the pictures given below and write a paragraph bringing in the contrast between
both the images. Highlight the need to save the animal kingdom from encroachment and
their right to live freely . (7)

1' J ••


·\ !'

. . ...~.;,
' '
-~ · .,

xv/You are the secretary of the Karuna Club. Write a notice asking your fellow students to donate their
for the less-privileged.
old books to an NGO which is building a library in a school
You are Ravi / Ramya. You have been selected for the final round of Spell-Bee to be held in
Bangalore. Write a letter to the Principal requesting for leave for two days to attend the same. S)

p.t.o ..... 4
S t ~ English Languag e (Main) -4- Annual Exam 2017-18 .J

.~ . JJse the following hints to develop a story in your own words and give a suitable title ✓
and a moral.
Ulrich and George - enemies since birth - grandfathers feuded over a piece of forestland -

determined to bring an end to the feud - both head into the forest - with vengeance - before
either can act - lightnin~ strikes a tree - both pinned under a branch- dazed, injured, angry at the
situation - after a long ttlne - realise their mistakes - both shout for help - figures come down the
hill - it is not men who I\ proach them - but wolves.

X✓-nge the following ·..I a seguential order and rewrite. The first and the last lines are (3)
* Narayan Krishnan, all of:29 years old, does what he was professionally trained to
do as a chef - feed people.

/ 1. That stark sight changed !Krishnan 's life.

2. 8 years ago, he was all s~t to go to Switzerla nd for a high profile posting.

3. On a visit to a temple in +"1-adurai, he came across a homeless old man eating rotten food from a
bin. j

./ 4. He decided to spend his ~ife and his professio nal training in looking after the homeless .

/ 5. Today, his food van feedj almost 400 destitute s every day. _

._/" 6 . Much to the dismay of h~s parents, Krishnan abandon ed his career plans .
Krishnan has provided niore than 1.2 million meals through his NGO. He was se\ecte<l
one ofthe 'Top 10 Hero~s' by CNN.
Dnte:09.03,2012. SUMM ATIVK ASSEs.r~"', fJl:NT-2 - 201 l-2012 Time : 2 Hours

Totnl no, of gn s,3+9=n .
This_POP¢r consists of 3H~£l•ons;
Section-A : Reading ,.
.. 8 mnr11.s
S .
ect~on-B : Writing Skills 15 marks .. u.\
Sect1on-C : Grammar 37 marks .,-
ln§tru ction~;
I. Attempt all questions.
2. All . paper and wmten
the nnswers must b,e correct 1Ynum bcred as .111 the question
in t11e llnswer sheets provided to you .
3· Attempt llll qucs~ions in each section before going to the next question.
4· Re~d each question carefully and follow the instructions.
5- Strictly adl_ierc to the word limit given in each question. Maries will be deducted
for exceeding the word limit. .
6. Attach Section C: Grnn:,mar (Objective) to the answer sheets and submit.
l, Rtod the h11nd-ouJ corcfull/ Th en 11nswer th e gu1·sti on~ th r1 t fo ll ow:
Some tips by Mr ~rint for the pupils or Primary

Newspaper journalists use a kind of upside-down pyramid to describe how they

write. It looks like this:



WHAT: refers to what happened

• I
WHO: refers to the people involved in the event.
WHERE: 'refers to the location or where the event happened .
WHEN: refers to the time the event occurred and, sometimes, to how long it lasted.
WHY: refer to the causes and reasons for the event's occurrence.
HOW: refers to giving more detailed information about the event.
Ypu can become a newspaper journalist or editor if you like finding out about news and
learn to write well with this structure. But why do journalists write this way?
Jqumalists start with all the important news so that you do not have to read the whole
article, unless you are really interested in that topic! This way of writing also makes an
article more interesting because it attracts your attention from the first paragraphs
They make the first paragraph clear, short and easy to read Not all adults are able to
read well, and younger readers should also be given ,he opportunity to read and
understand the news.
The pyramid structure above makes it easier for the editors of a newspaper. If the length
of t:ie article needs to be reduced to fit a space, it does not have to be rewritten. All the
important information is right at the beginning! ·
Choose th e correct option and write th e answer: (lx8=8)

(1) The main purpose of the hand-out is to _ _ _ __

(a) describe what newsp aper editors do.
(b) show you the way a newspaper article is stn.1ctured .
(c ) tell you how yot: .:an bt:co mt~a journali st
Std .VII Engli sh Langua ge . 2. SA-2 2011-2:~ ~
(2 )
Wh y do journalists place aII the· imp ortant n
(a) It 1s easi.er for them to~'tc thatartic
(b) They want to finish writing
way .
le quickly.
ews in the fi'rst few paragraphs?

MPeople might not want to rea t t~e he who le article . 1...,
(3) How dojoumnlists mnke sure th one is able to read the newspaper?
._ ,/.. at every
tllf rhey start with important an d . teres ting news.
in . ·.
(b) They encourage people to buy
a ~,ctionary.
(c) They only write nbout simple
(4) Joumnlisl$ heirtheir edit om by h · a story
(a) taking a phowgrnpher w11. I1t I1em
. when t ey cover• .
(~ iving them a structure.
~ checking that they do not use long
(5) .
What does Mr.Pnn t say 1s· neec ssary if you ,·would like to become a journalist?
(a) An ability to make news. . .
(b') An interest in finding out about new
s. .
(c) An interest in helping poor read
ers and children .
(6) The hand-out is meant for _ _ _ _
cit) journalists.
(b) students .
(c) editors.

(7) The length of the article is reduced to

_ _ _ __
(a) fit a given space.
(J»! create an interest in the readers.
(c) too long -and boring.

(8) The word 'opportunity ' can be best subs

tituted with _ _ _ __
.,_r.,i _ ~ch anc e
~._::-i (b) occasion
-<·~ ,.,.,,;/· (c) time
'I: ~" K,'v , r;;._\...' -
\ :s:>·\ _.L)~' . .~
&-"'- ,•' ···~". -~ ,'<, '-',I llsECTION-B : WRITING SKILLsil
t) _'hY;- ~
) ~-'\ ~ ~ ..
· II. You are Rajeev / Riya studying at Bish
op Cotton School, Bangalore in clas
Write a letter to· your father seeking s VII. (8)
his permission to go on an educati
being organized by your school. onal tour

m. On th~ basis of the conversation writ

e a congratulatorv message in 50 wor
ih your answer sheet. ds (7)
i Sunil: Hello! May I have Deepak on the
line please?
Arafind : I'm sorry, he is not
at home right now . I am his elder brot
Is there something important to convey her Arav ind
to him?
Sunil : Yes, I am his frien
d Sunil. Deepak has been selected
the International World Debating Soc to participate in
iety from our school. For more
details tell him to call at 992508232
Aravind : Anything else?
Sunil : No, Thank You .
Aravind : I'll inform him .

NOTE: C~mplete Section - C (Gr.1m

mar- Objective) and attach it to ,·ou
r answer sheets.
J\.)-'1!,.,.,Ml!.I" f-2 20)2-2013 Time : 2 Hour s
Date: 19.03.2013. !;!.Yu 1.n1." U • r..
Tota l no; of qn4 ! Marks: 60

~;~;;:;;;; ~.-:, ~"'"'

'T'I.:_ - •

s~~-ti~~~~=~ 1YII~;
. 30
. rarnmar · JO marks
Section-8 .. Read"mg
· . . marks
Sectio n-C : Writing Skills 20 marks
l. Attempt all questions.
1 ". 11 f', .- ".:::··.,.·-= :~;;;~· ,._ _ _ _
r and written
in the an h • v~ ~v""""Y uu,uue;;re;;o as m tne ques110n pape
swer s eets prov ided to you.
3. Attempt all ques.tion s in · h ·
4. Read each ~ac section before going to the next section.
~UeStlon carefully and follow the instructions.
5· Attach Section A· Gram (Ob. . ve) to the answer sheets and submit.
· mar ~ect1
w~li'r '1TIA J!lr n . .nr, , -. • .., ~ - jj
;;; .-. - . . . . -.:: : ·..::..; -;.; ;,,. . - ij
VIX . Read the foJlowin 2 poem an d answer the ques tions that follow:

s'r'i Geography Lesson

~he n the jet sprang into the sky,
It was clear why the city
had devl'll'\!'"i:I ti, ~ •.•:'.'!•: if 1,,:.-!
seeing it scaled six in~hes to the mile .
There seemed an inevitability
about what on ground had looked hnrh1..'..ard
unplanned and without style
when the jet sprang into the sky.

w nen the j~t reached ten thousand feet,

it was clear why the country ·-
had cities where rivers ran
and why the valleys were populated.
Tite logic of geography -
that land and water attract~rl m~~ -
was clearly delineated
when the jet reached ten thousand feet.

When the jet rose six miles high ,

it was clear that the earth was round
and that it had more sea than land .
.;.,, ;, vv~ uiiiicuit to understan
that the men on the earth found
causes to hate each other, to build
walls across cities and to kill.
From that height, it was not clear why.
actual size of the city and its size on a map.
• scaled - a scale is the relation between the
• inevitability - the certainty of something happ

• delineated - described in detail.

A. Complete the following: more

1":'· From the poem 1t is clear that _ _
_ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are
~av oura ble for human habitation.
_ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ __
2f he poet finds it hard to understand why men
ribe the city. (1)
B. Pick out two adjectives from the poem that desc

two physical facts. What are they ?
From a height of six miles, the poet notices
p.t.0 ... 2
·" · «eao rne notice carefully. T u, u. - .. v , , ·L \1 u
- .
hen answ th e questions
er that follow:

This club has been formed to ma'· h

he/t 0e hworfd a hapPier place. If /JOU are;:9
to 12 ljears ofd and are ketn to ,re
.: :s c~ub. . P t ers, then /JOU are welcome t11 j1Jin
O • ~i,~ ~:;~:
3 00 p If
:::,wan~ to tin:
a11 ,n t e Central Parlt Pfa1J9round at ,, .•_,,_•.,.,., .•
; /4a -=-
. m. IJOU t:4nnot Rttend the meet"
another membet' to re«d 1't ,. tnf, IJIIU must Write R repurt and give it tu
11 ,or IJOll at the meetin9
• ¥11u must t1be11 t/re rules uf the club at all times. .
• You must do the .food deeds listed in the club rules.
Here are the rules of the club.
• Members can be f,ous or firs ·f ,
• : " as ,un9 as tl,e'I ,ue. the cu"ect age.
Members must perform the folfoU1in9 9011d deeds et1er11 week:
1) Help three people in 11our class.
2) Help at least two old people.
3) ~how ~indness to a small child.
-~ :..~·;7;;; ;i.. ., .. ; ie«sr fwe chores for 11our parents.
S) Afwavs do vour homework and hand it in on time.
e Memfers must report their 900d deeds at the meeting, or gii/e their
report to someone else to read it aloud for them.
4-- .. ~n• -''~• v• ..-'h·s"
'r,"""i" v.. ..ot p!!rf:~m :mti:;!{.f: !J_IJIJ;,1 ·!!''!ds ctm be l!oted out of
t ,e c uh! ·

i.ecs 9et to9ether and mafte the world a better place!

Choose the correct answer: (])

(l) If a member cannot attend a meeting
taJ he will be voted out of the club.
(b) he should send a report to another member to be read out.
(c) he should send apologies through someone.

(2) How does this club make the world a happier place?
(a) Thie' ~e~h~,-~ -:' ::· ,!~~ ;;;;c;:; ,i.:.cu:, i1:;1ed in the club rules.
(b) The members help their parents.
(c) The members help old people.

(3) The club members must perfonn good deeds

(a) every Sunday.
(t, j c vc1Jc.iay.
(c) every week .

(4) Fill in the blanks with correct answer: (2)

(a) _________ _ are eligible to join Sallv' o ~':'('re! q~,-, ·:-:-:: -~:;.;c.
;~; i·;-,.:, ~, uu members regularly meet in____ _ at ___ _ ____


Your friend is anxious to know about the cycle you lost recently. Write a ietter telJing (8)
' him how you got back your cycle.

XII. Write a paragraph describing the Republic Day celebration.(Word limit - 150 words). (7)


STD.VII SUMMA TrVE ASSESSMENT-2 - 2013-2014 Time : 2 Hours ',
Marks: 60 /,
Totnl 00 • of gns. : 17.

This paper consists of 3 sections:

Section-A : Grammar ' : 35 marks
@ f

Section-8 : Reading
Section-C : Writing Skill
s :
IO marks
15 marks I

· · . .
I. Attempt afl .questions . the ques tion paper and written
nurn~ ercd as 10
2. All the answers must be correctly ..
in tJie answer sheets provided to you. tJ1e next section .
in each sectio n befor e going to
3. Attempt ail questions .
4. Read each qpestion carefully and follow the sheet s and subm it.
to the answ er
5. Attach Section ,A : Grammar (Objective)


answer the questions that follow:

XIV. Read the following advertisement and

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p.t.o ... .... 2

S/\2-20IJ- 201 4

. 2. \ I
'\. I
Std .Vil English La!1S· .Mnin

Choose the correct R ~

f' A bibliophile is someanc who ~
(a) loves books (b) visi~ onlY Bill's t
(c) reads the Bible (d) works in a bookS Ore. buy frorn this bookstore rather th
Id you .
l · an llllO\her?
· According 10 tbeadvertiscmcnt, whY s \OU •

i (a) It specializes in chi\dren's books. : ·

(b) It bas many branches across the is\~d- .
(\:) It has a wide range of books at special pnces.
(d) It sells school supplies as well as books ..
-/ Which book below would most attract soineorie who likes science fiction?
(a) Flight to Nowhere (b) House ofFear
(c) Ghosts, Ghouls and other Spooky Things (d) The Top of the World

;( Which types of stories do not appear in the advertisement?

(a) A ntmal
· tales (b) True adventures
(c) Ghost stories , (d) Romances
T~~ vert1sem . that you can, - - - - - - - to obtain bargains.
/ , (a) write B'll'suggests
to any cnt B
(b) · , 1 s ook Mart outlet.
(c) J~s~ c-m~1! any Bill's Book Mart outlet
. ,
ask aafriend
(d) v1s1t h hMart outlet or the chain's website
Bill's Book
: w o as been to a Bill's Book M.art outl~t.

, .
. the followin
XV. Read . g poem carefully ,and answer the questions that follow·

A Football Game ·
It's the mi h . ,
Of g t, it s the fight
the team s w101 won't give in-
And ther~ar of the crowd
Go, fight, win!"

It's the band . ,

It's the col s, JI s the stands
' our everywh ere. '
It s the whiff it. ,s the sniff
Of the '
popcorn on the air. .

It's a thrill ' ·ii ,s achill

s a cheer and th '
It's that deep b enasig h-
When the ball reathless hush
soars high.
Ye s,- ·,It s more th ..
9r a desperate an a score,
Fun is Kin ~asp at fame _
Th , g, wm or!
: at s a football ose -
·, game!
I Alice Va
Glqssary: n Eck
m·itht - strength
stands - small 'power give .in here tr .
whiff - a smellshops wh·1ch are ' Ying h •
sniff - a mild you can sm open in fr e1r best t
:"P, hmth\ ;:•(l ofth, po~\ fo, aOnthe sho/;t and sells ~not let the other I .
"P"'" g,a, patuoh - -.,;i'orn m, >ngssucb a, h ,am wm.
farn in a ter air the s ot dogs
c - !'"yin lse and Inell of ..
g very hard hopeful wa
to become Y. ~ popcorn ca n be ·sm eIt everyw here.
t<1 rn ou.S .
. 3. SA2-20 I 3-2014
g. -Main
Std .Vil Eng' :h , ,an . ( 1)
: wh ich matters r,.. ,rc than w
· n
th 0t • r,a, rt1··c1' pat1o
means (1)
ck out the Jim
tA· Pi sp ec tator
s play in a football - (J ).
r, What ro le do the
· (1)
rise to fame ?
i. When does a player is used in this line?
ht , it'.s the fig ht ." What pot:tic device
¥, "It's the mig
(a) Metaphor
(b) Simile
(c) Rhyme
an nl oc :
5. Complete ~he
: St an dS,
might : fight ::
(t sigh: _ _ _ _
:: fame: game.
!JsEcrmN-c : WRITING
cm ent ~ith the information given
xf ~rcparc an A~vcr
lls pooks for children. No.14-B, Cam
p Road, East
which also se
o. ;Iliad Toy Shop - . 2024.
;\i- 6000S9 . Ph: 2321 (7)
'fambaram, Chcnnc conducted
'EPL ' [Edusp orts Premier League]
paragraph on the
Write a descriptive
in your schoo.J campu

P.\ 0 ~1A Sl-'SHADRJ
STD.\'II 13
Oatl': L'.03.20 15. SENIOR SEco .
Tolnl no. of gn~. : 1.2.:
t:- -SS \tENT-2 - 2014-21) 15
c,NGLISH l _ --...:....;:...=..~.:!:f!ill Time . 2 Hours
This a er con . -ANGUAG[. \I..\ IN Marks: 60
S .
ect1 on-A . Gra sists of 3 section

. · mmar ~ ·
Sect1 on-B : Read ing J0marks
Secti on-( : Writing Sk 15 marks
In stru ctions: · ills 15 marks
l . Al kmp1 all questio ns
2. All the answer s must -be co
111 the answer sh ee ,- rrectl y numbered as in h, ..
3- Attempt · ]l - ts P'.o' ided to you , t c questJon paper and written
a questions in each .
4- ~~ad ~~h ~uestion carefully :~~t~o~I before ?oing to the next section.
5. . 1ac ect1on A: Gramm (Ob· o, ow the instructions.
' ar ~ect1vc) to the answer sheets and submit.
, _ : ffi_ECTION-B: READING]
VI. Read ·th e foll owin , a
ssa •e and an
F·or centuries the spring( h
1 swer t e uestion s that follow:
many · names 'and has be meb season of. sweet-sap gatherm •
g has been known by
Nalive Americans. Kno en o served
" wi
th d'ffi
1 . , .
ermg traditions and methods among.
other Nati ve Amer ican: as hm~ple m?on ' or ' maple month'
by the Mohicans,
sugaring, es c ensh theJr own legends about the origins of maple
When the world was ne, N k · l
M b h st v, 0 omis, o d mother of the People and her grandson
ana ~s • ep~ed careful ly through the freshh -greenin g spri~g1i
moccasins trod li ghtl y around newly-grown fern; and \'ines. mc fo rest. Thei1'.
Manabush cupped baby birds and animab to hi s chest "Gro w stron
g and swift " hc :
sa id to them . ';You will pro vide food and health to the people."
~ '
No komi s t~che d the budding trees wi 1h ~ntle tinge rs "Grow
tall and thick," sht:
said . ·'f ill the sky with your leafy arms to she lter the pcopk from
\\ ind and rai n."
In a narrow place , Nokomis slid' between two maple trees \1 ith tnmks
of peeling
bark . Where her hand touched, a s'1rip of bark ;came awa~ ,mJ c1 thick
syrup with it.
Nokomi s tasted the thick ooze . "iV!anabus h, look a1 1hi s she 1"
called. "Here is
something ne\v and delicious."
Manabush tasted the thick syrup. "It is delicious." he agreed.
Sikntl v, Nokomis and Manabu sh walked deeper into 1hc forest,
and considered thi s
new m;d wonderfully sweet gift. Hours passed. finally, they stopped
where the edge
of the forest met a great, wide lake. Manabu sh spoke at last. ,
"The gift from the bark is truly-good," he said slowly. "It wil l be
very useful to the
people .,. ·
· no dd ed Tile)·· 'stood and watched the sun paint · ·h
N ok01111s . · _ the everung sky wit
co lour ·'But. ... ?" questioned Nokomis. (9..
· I . U!f_
·'13ut " said Manabus 1 wtt l1 a t·ond look for the grandmother who knew him so ~ .
" l N
• "such' thick sweetness commg ·
eas ily- from" the trees may make everyone azy. 0
. f't1 1' fthe people are idle.
gpod will come o
"Still. the sweetness could be use fti.,1 •• 1\/okom -
is counseled . Manabush consi dcn:d
. omi s' wo rds . . g'ft can be aJI ov,·ed to help the people without making them
·'Perha ps the sweet i
idl e," he said . _ akeshore. Cupping his hands, he scooped up water.
Manbush stooped 1;1t th e I
inkled the wa er over the tops of the maple trees. Thi;: water
Standing tall, he spr thin . . ·
. de
ma the thick, .tasty syrup d "Hererun . . G and mothcr. The people will have their swct:t
it 1s, r
~tlanabush was please · . as well.''
l gift · but not idleness ns as ihin as water. Every spring, the peop le
an d he IPrll • h.
· df that d,ay to t is, maple ak sap ru
·t N k
An rom to boil the sap to m e I thick again -just as tvlanbush and o 01ni s
mu, t work . I ng ago.
wisely decided Jpog, o ')
. -
Std.VII English Lang -Mair:
_2 _
. §:"\
SA2-201 4_

/4 ntcnces: h Y\ •
m lcte the fol!owin ss . to grow stronger so that t ey ~ - Ill '

ted the little bi s wo uld become lazy 1f · ------- J
anabush wan d that peop Ie •- --------
. the old mother feare . h. uestions that follow:
. .
d answer t e

1/. Read the folloWI~ ,.
"Grow tall and thick -------- )
8ddressed to
/ The above words ~e . ? 11,
Why does Nokomis w1s 1i so . (IJ 1
Y . cans the same as.
(1 Find the word which m (l) I
y~ recommended - C
bent down- ~s_______
',./ he following questions: (2)(2
/ ' Answer t . the gift in the best possible way? ~)
✓How did Manabush decide to use .
/./ 1 • how maple sugar was discovered.
According to the passage, exp am :
. f lly and answer the questions that follow:
VU. Rend the advertisement care u
tat' n of a life time! ~ut did you know that this munching
A ~ro~ fancy! ~otimp JOJd? Chocolate is an ancient food that takes a long
comp 4, yce::ilat~ is made from the beans of the cocoa tree found in
ts odverprocess.
tropical rainforests.
What chocolate can do to your Health?
Chocolate Keeps the doctor away
Chocolate isn't all that bad for you. Some chemicals in cocoa fight disease. Dark
chocolate Jowers blood cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. A
chocolate bar has more calcium, protein and B2 vitamin than a banana or an orange!
It can zip up your mood.
Over indulgence?
But don't be too mad about chocolate. Chocolate contains saturated fats and pure
sugar, both of which are bad for you in large amounts. Eating a lot of chocolate can
cause obesity and tooth decay. It can raise cholesterol level and contribute to heart
disease and even heart attacks.

Make your OWtl MIik Chocolate
Sug ar • I cup
CocoJburrer . I cup
• Cookie MoHster ~t11bles ... U!iredienrs :- \\'ho le milk _ • I ~ cu p
Oh Ho. Illy shirt bllttoHs are Soya Lewhin - l 1b;p
abovt to burs111111ust do IOIHethlHg!· Sa l, I p,nc h
Vanilla essence - I !Sp
Dr:, fru1 1s • :.; des ired


• " Ac Chocolate • Quoted
hocola1e O da .
~ y can enliven your day!"

--::::: _ --..;:
. ~--

Std.VII Engli~,h Lang. -Main

-J .
S/\2-20 I4-2015
/ Consuming daiik chocolates
(a) raisrs the p9ssibili1y ofheun nllacks. (5)
(b) reclUC\!S the .chances of heart Ultack.
(c) lead to the r)sk orlu:urt ,lllnck

What docs the cookie Monster uctti

• . . a11 Ymean lo suy?
/ (a) He 1.s very , 1h111 mid ncl!ds to gui·n 1\Clg
,. .
1lt ·
(b) 1-1 e 1s quite obese and decides .
•_ , , 10 1
(c.) 1-1 e 1s c.rnz) about diocolnlcs arid osc weight
craves. ,or r ,

I As per the ingredients in the "Cookin C

chocolate crunchy .
(a) vw1illa (b) cocoa butter
,, W
g omer • hich of these would make the
~ .
(c) dry ,nuts

/ A/ Which ofthe.se
. comes first in theJ·oui·,ie)' oft)
· 1e cocoa bcans
(a) process~ ng the cocoa beans lo release cocoa butter.
(h) processmg
. the l cocoa beans to bring out ti1e tl avour.
(c) processmg tie c.ocoa beans to enhance the dark colour.

/Th e lone of the quote under "Chocolate quoted" is

- (a) persu.is 1ve (h) objective (c) commanding


--~ho ose the suitable words given in the help box to complete
;our answers in the answer sheet provided.
. ,, · ·
the story. Write
valley, fascination, narrow, numb, examined, escaped, cliffs,
wri Jin , wits, choice.
I examined my surrounding and wept in despair. I had L (a)
) one danger
to fall into another which was even greater. Why hadn't I stayed where there
were at
least food and water in plenty. Here there was nothing but sanq and rocks.
On one
side of the hill was the shore. On the other a valley with steep L_('""b.,_
_)_ ___,
rising about it. From here there could be no escape. l had little ('-_.. . ,(c'"'-·}
_ _ _) so
I scrambled down the hill into the (_ _i.,:(d:.<.}___). Flashing
stones lay
everywhere. Diamonds! Diamonds such had never seen before. But my
L ..._(e~l___) for the precious stone vanished as I spotted huge black
(_ (0 _) aroubd. The smallest of these could have swallowed an e!t:phant.
(g) ) with terror, I watched 'the creatures and then recovering my

(h) ), I fled.

, /You are Satish/Sahitya, the student editor of school magazine. Write

r· 'Pongal Celebration' organized in your school.
a report on the (4)

X. With the help of the leading questions given below write a paragra
ph in about 150 (7)
Think about a time when you helped someon_e. Why did the person need help?
did you do to help? Elaborate on your exp~nence.
p,u)'.\1A SESHADRI BALA BHA \' .
. . A.\ sr.~I OR Ste .
. . .
STD . \ 11 O.\DARY SCHOOL. CH .[,, c\.l
Sl~l~1.A TIV [ ASS . .
8 . · ·
Oatc : I 8.03.2016 _ LISH L•~
[;\G -~G-'l1:(\T-ll -201 5- 2016
---- --= ~~ " ~'l!J~AfG1:Ec...:-:..:\~1~A~. '\· - -
Total no. of 905.: 13 . !me
\ (a;.._s
Class & Sec -
This pap er co nsi.5t.s of 3 sectio ns :
s~ction-..\ . Gramm ar
Sec tion -B : Reading ; I) rr.ar:U
Section-( : Writing 15 rnark 5
Instruction5 : 15 marks
1. Aucmpt al l questions .
~ .\II the answers must be corre ctlv
· nu be d
in the ;111.swer sheets 1no,·ided ·, ou m re as 111 the
10 quest ion paper and v:nr.e, ,
3. ..\ucmpt al l ques tions in each scc~i on- h
~ .
4. Read each ques tion carefu.lh and "oll
• 5,. · c ohre going 10 tn1: next qucsi: on.
. ·
) . Attach ~ct1on A . Grammar tObJectiv l o,, 1 e mstrucuor.s
e) . , L .
io u1e ans,\ er 5heet s and ~ubmi:
···· ··

IX. Read th e following passa ge and answ

er the questions that foUow :
Bambo~ is perhap_s the most useful plant in
the wor!d . It gro" s in al mos: 21! ,rop-m:.l a.,::
subtrop~cal countn_es .. Tpe only continents
in which bamboo docs not ero·.,· a.re h :-oye
r\ntarcuca. In India, It grows extensi\'ely in a.;;:
the non.h-east and i:1 :., e \\'e:::e:i. G:1.alS a:..r::
is among the fastest-growing plants of the : :.:
world. It is a \'arietv of grass . with a wood
many-jointed stem and an empty core. Root ,.·.
s srrow out of a nm~·ork ~f rruzomes ar:d !1e'.c::
the ·plant to absorb and distribute food and
wa~er from the s.oii. \ fany 5pecies of
flo,\ er once in several years and then die. 0-am ~
Bamboo is a ,·ersa tile plant. \k n 11a,.-e :0·.c:::
several uses for it. Bamboo shoots are stapl i
e diet in many ..\5ian c~untries . The sr.oo ti are
pickled or stewed, and served as delicacies
. The fleshy fruits oi one speci es of bamboo
Assam are eaten raw or cooked. \\ nen i:1
there is a drought , bamboo seeds a:-e used
substitute for rice. The commercial uses of 3S .1
a bamboo are astonishing. Intlia pro<iuces O\·e~
3 million tons of bamboo annually and nearl
y half oi it is rurned into rape . .-\no:r,er
important use of bamboo is in housing.
Concrete reinfo rced \\ith bamboo has surfic
strength for most uses. With its network of ie:r::
rhizomes and roots . bamb oo plays .i.n impo:-rir.i
role in the pre\'ention of soil erosion.

Glossary : rhizome; _ thick stem that grow

s.und e_rground and has roots and stem s growing rrom !I
A. Choose the corre~t answer for each of
the following gue.s tioos :

i) Where does bamboo grow?

a) In Europe c) In tropical and subuop10 ! countnc:;

b) In Antarctica d) In France and England

ii) The bamboo has a __ __ __ __

Slern .

a) solid b) thick c) hollow J ) stripe J

iii) 'Bamboo is a versatile plant' · It means th

a1. · .. ·

a) bamboo grows to a great height

b) bamboo can be put to manYuses.
c) bamboo grows at a very fast_rate ..
d) bamb•oo has a network of
. c (Main)
:Std. VII - Engl1~h Languag
. ' , . . ,·· ··
oduced in India ,
iv) About half of the baJ11bOO pr

a) is used for making houses.

b) is tunied into paper. .
c) is used for making pencils ..
d) is used as a substitute for nee .
( '/2q '
. cs of bamboo . \I
n. Give two comrnerc1a 1 us
c which n1can tbc same as : (2 X I
C. Pick word s fronl the assa "lI I

a) made stronger : R _ _ - - - - - - -
b) coveri11g a large area : E _ - - -
- - ·- - - -
X. Read ti11e ocni and answ er tbe uesti
ons that follow :

One cvcnlng,after work
groping iii the mailbox
for mcssakes , letters from nowhere,
my fingers encountered
sprigs, tw(gs and eggs.
A bird had! nested
right inside my mailbox.
A1moyed, iI cleared it all
except fo ~the eggs .
Later in tHe evening
A squall Had me out
hastily galhering, clothes left drying.
In the garden, hopping
in clumsy turry , was a mainah
balancing in its yellow beak
twigs and . lender sticks
heading for my mailbox
laboriously to rebuild
the cosy nest I had wrecked
My vision: blµrred in the heavy showers.
The message I had missed
Quite clearly I read
I~ the incongruous nest
h;idden in the wooden box. Glo ssan :
A slow persecution squall : sudden, violent wind.
through a denuding of its habitat incongruous : unus ual. suznge.
leaving no room to nest persecution : crue l creaunenL
E'.xcept in wooden post boxes denuding making somethiLg :;.~ ·
nailed to concrete walls .

A. Complete. the sequence of eve nts as they occ

appropriate texts from the help b · h
. ur lD t e poem . Cho:ose the
ox to fill m the empty boxes.

saw a bird struggling in stonn ,

I_--- fi- el_ tgw__;_·f t y - - -~

•found bird's nest I

[L - - - -_ looked for letters
__ J
II '

s1d. VII Engli sh L11111i11111¥C (l\.•fol11J • 1-

- -


(2 XI= 2)
B. Com etc the followin , statements :
I) The 111,~ inah builds its nest in the post box because
2) ' Encr~achmen t' means 'intruding on others' prop~;t;.·;
· i-·l~;~ ·;I;~· ~~-~ i ;~;~d~r is ...
(2xl"" 2J
C. Pick words from the po_em which mean the same us :
I) Searching about in tl)e da'rk __ _ P_ _ _
2) Made unclear ' U

and rewrit e the sami·
XI. Rcarranl!C th e foll~wing sent ences ln th e correc t scq uc1H'C (6 x ½ = J)
hu vc hccn dnnc for you.
in th e answe r sheet. The first and hist senten ce.~

I) The power was out! '7✓

2) Roshan Lal was doing chores in the barn when his radio
slopped .

3) Then he remembered how his father kept soft drinks cold

when they went fi shing .
4) His family's dairy farm couldn't afford to losc that milk . J
5) Roshan Lal carried 23 gallons of milk. tp the edge of the
stream and placed them in
the shallow water upto their caps.
6) He walked into the house and discovered lhc lights wouldn
't turn on. 'J
came back on. ~
7) He knew the cool water would keep the milk chilled until power
it stayed warm too long.
8) Roshan Lal knew all the milk in the refrigerator would spoil if
.. .. 4
Std . VJI -IEnglish Lan guage (MIiin) - 4 -

· , chores
. I barn when his radio stopped
• Ros han LAI wa s' Ioing 111 t ,e ' .
· ·
a) II
------ - -

• He knew the cool water wou 11' kec,J fhe milk chilled until pow er cam e back
XII . C ho sc uito c wo rd. box to com lcte the sto r
fron t llt c •iven hel
\Vr i tc you r jlll ~WC l'S in the
nns wer s hee ts.
I () I 7 /1 ,r
picni cs ~
play~rs idea
,- . invention
t' allo ~cd cau ght
c; .
covJred botherso me . del icio us ser ved ·

Sn.ndwic~es make a (I) snack any time . The y are a com

mo n sig ht a t ~
and teas : /rntcrestingly, it is
the (3) of an eig hte enlh cen tury Eng
Joh n Morita lish Earl called
I gu. Montagu, who was addicte
d to card gam es ofte n fou nd
it _ ____,_(4)_,_,___ _ lo stop
his gam es for meals . One day
, in the middle of a gam e, he
was (5} a meal of sliced
me at and /bread. The gam e req
uired its --~ (-6 ~)__ _ to
cov er car ds one on top of ano
As Mo nd gu loo ked at both ther .
the game and his food, an _
_ _ _(7_)_ _ _ cam e ~o his
read, pla ced a piece of me at mind. He took '
and 00 tha t wit h ano the r slic e of brea
It-- -'"+ ..._ __ _ him to pla d.
y with one han d wh ile eat ing
1 wit h the oth er. His frie~ds
__ __o=t~O.,_)_ __ on and nam quickly
ed it after him. Mo nta gu' s title
w~ s 'Th e Ear l of Sandwich'
thu s the sna ck 'san dw ich ' was and

XII I. Yo u are Sun itha / Suraj.

Write a letter of apo log y to you
a pag e off the refe ren ce boo r sch ool libr aria n for tearing
k, that you had bor row ed. (W rite the lett er
tha n 60 wo rds ) in not more
sTD. Vll s,lN AV,'\NSEN10) ,, :

k sccoNo .,Ry ,
~~: 14.03.201:. _ ~ ! l l i J - i · - SU!OOL,-~HENN;\I,
'fotnl no. of qns .. 15. J...'NGI ISJ.1 L . 20 I6-20 I7 run,. . 2 1-1
~-- • 1
ANCt . - "· ours
' lAGl~- l\lAIN Marks: 60
This pnpcr consists of .J,,gctions·
-Scction-A:Grammar • 30-.:. k
ction-B :Readmg

· lS
Illar ·s
· - Inar <s
: 15 n
I .
· - 1ar<.s.

1·. Attempt all questions.

2. All the answers must be c
orrect\y 11 1111 L
answer sheets provided to , t L'ered as in the question . .
3. Attempt all questions · .) ou. paper ,tnd Written in the
R d I . . in e<1c.h section be~ . .
4. ea eac 1 ~uest1on carefully and follow o1e ~01ng to the next section.
5. Attach Section A: Gramtna·1 (Oh' . the instructions.
' JCCttvc) t 1
o t 1e answer sheets and sttb 't
rn1 ..

XI. Read the assa e and answer th .
e uestions •iven below:

Lff l anger, wo

A Useful Resource
Hearty laughter can chang , • .
e one s mood man mstant. It can erase fear,
laughte 1. ~,. an sadness. Moreover, research has shown that
th 1. exercises the heart, lungs, and abdominal muscles It boosts
T e ~ mune system and even increases blood flow to ·the brain.
.~ ~aug ter has also been found to increase alertness creativitv and
memory h'l1 · · '
, w e mcreasmg tolerance to pain and lowering blood
1 '

pres u_re. However, laughter has often been considered to be the
opposite of paying attention or working in schools or business settings.

2 Recently, laughter is being recognized for its health benefits. Because

of _this, there has been rapid growth in the number of laughter clubs
bemg formed each year. One leader explains, "Pre-school children
laugh more than 400 times a day, while most adults have only about
l S daily laughs. This is a pity because laughing is a 1,•reat stress
.l reducer that actually changes the chemistry of the brain."

3 Laughter expef\S recommend talcing a humour break ratner than

resorting to unhealthy activities such as overeating to release tension'.

ce1tified: A person \~ith Certified laughter ·leaders are finging more consulting work \\'. ith
a skill is considered 4 corporations these days. These consultants reduce stress an~ increase
certified when he/she is
job satisfaction through humour therapy. ln fact, they ha~e _foun~ that
given a certificate
which allows him/her to one of the most common reasons why people leave their Jobs 1s not
practice the skill. because of their salary; it is because they are unhappy.

5 One laughter expert explained how laug_hter helped her: "Although I

ldn 't change what happened in my life, I realized I could change
my att'tI ude . I discovered that laughter is. a physical activity that may
. · d
actua 11 y help me find and expenence ·mner peace, happmess, an

6 T0 Irnve ml)re opportunities, to enjoy

a good laugh each day, you need
. . c • · 1 .
to find other people who are bubblmg over with 1ntecllous g1gg cs.
h laugh you will too. Luckily, people are now recognizing
7 When t ey '.mp;rtance of laughter. One example of this new trend
the growing I . 1 b . 1 I
is the , laughter clubs' that are held 111 schoo s, usmess iouses am
p.t.o.... 2
-2- ~ S A2 20 16-20]
Std .VII English Language Ma in

A. Fill in the blanks:

to the brain.
(l )(J,.3
and increases - - - - --
l. Laughter boosts _ _ _ _ _ . b atisfaction through _ _ _ _ __
_ . d increase JO s .
2. Consultants reduce stress an I tension and avoid _ _ _ _ __
. break to re case
3 . Experts recommend humour

B. Complete the follo-iving sentence:

One cannot change what I1as happened b u t - - - - - - , - .

d family aware of the benefits of laughter?
C. How will you make yoW' neighbours an · (1¼)
h t tates , laughter is contagiou s' .(Para 7)
D . Pick out the line from the passage t a s
E. When and ho w often do you laugh your heart out?
XII. Read the poem and answer the gues fons
1 that follow:
All the pearls in the ocean bed
Would not buy sleep for a worried head.
All the gold hidden in the sun
Could not buy the ease of a job well done.
All the wealth that the banks possess
Could not buy the spirit of kindliness.
All the stars in the heaven above
Are not fair exchange for a heart of love.
All the warmth in a tropical isle
Could not take the place of a welcome smile.
And all the wonders of ancient Rome
Could not buy the joy of a happy home.
Sign on for riches, or smile and be poor
And gather what treasures are nearest your door.
- Kathleen Partridge
A,.. Choose the correct answer:

l . A wonied head can 't buy sleep even if

(a) one could not buy all the diamonds on the earth.
(b) one could afford all the pearls in the ocean bed.
(c) sleep is freely available.
(d) all the worries are laid to rest.

2. All the wealth in the banks

(a) could buy the spirit of kindliness .

(b) could buy the spirit of cheer in this world.
( c) could not buy the spirit of kindliness .
(d) would fall short to buy happiness .

3. A heart of love cannot,be exchanged

(a) for all the planets in the heav
(b) for all the stars in the heaven
(c) for a pot of gold.
(d) for the entire universe.

ge Mnin
Std .\!IT English Langua .J.
S,\ 2 20 16-20 I 7
4. A happy hom e is a - - - ·· _ home .
(a) rich (b).poor · (c) joyous (d) all of the se

5. \Ve can be happy i(w e

(a) fight for all ou (ri gh
(b) are satisfied: wirJ1 wh ' we 1rnve
(c) are jea lou s :~nd Gorr
(d) sign on for ,!world!y " 11 es.

B, Answer the fo!lowinJ;J_

e conveyed tIuo.
I. What is the me·ssag ugh the poem ?
· (1 j)
re that appea1s to You the
2. Name an y one treasu moSr. Why? (1)
of rhymin
3. Pick out four pairs g words from the poem.

XJII. Read tl1c hin ts below and w11•'t ~to, ' not less than 200 words· · Provid e a suitabfo
;ral tor yo ur stori::
title an d 'a m<
. 6
' : ()
. fr . .
A dark sto nn y nig ht_
a travell reac 1ied an urn
er - found Ilic door lo cked tom 111s1de - the
. k k
mn keeper said tha' t tl ie ey was lost - demanded a silv er ey to open the door - the lrnveller
. 1-
saw through the. t nc
h . k·eeper to bring his box lying outside
ed th e um
< t e door opened - ask
. d . . ney back.
mn ke ep er we nt out - the traveJler. -locked ti ie 001 - got lus mo
- the

. Write a Jetter 10 the

wj an tak ing up cricket coaching in your school
XIV. You arc Sowjana I So es late every day. (5)
oo l see kin g permission to attend class J5 minut
Principal of your sch
plete the paragraph
ap l?r op ria te wo rd from the help box and com dx8=.S)
XV. Pick out the
of the wo rds :
with tl1e correct form ap pr ~~ iat e/
me nt reach sense
rememby.r mo
participate vivid __ _ J
am aze urgent
ver, there arc some
uiot rem em be r mu ch of my childhood . Howe ut them.
I car
open up (ii) when r think abo
hav e in my mi nd, wh ich
pt~iures that I still backya rd under the neem
e sitt ing on the grinding stone in the
One such clear pic tur e is ofm s on 1he line and if one of
be rem ov ing the pegs from rJ1e clothe
tree. My mothe r wo uld
(iii ) of irnporrunce to do
h to pic k it up for her . It gave men
them dropped I'd rus a of (v) )
) it or nor. /just liked the ide
this for her. I did not fin
d out ifsi 1e (iv
pegs. This activity had a
particular senseof /
ng th~ se. co! our ful p/
in an adult task and tou
s1 wirl1 clouds :mu mo
ther suspected !hat it rnig
-wl icn the sky wa s ove rca
(vi )
(viii ) . a smell 1ha,i \~as
the sm ell the ear th had in those
,rain. I also (vii);
e time.
!l1oist and sandy at the sam

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