Daily Digest: Roy Blunt, GOP's 2 House Leader, Steps Down
Daily Digest: Roy Blunt, GOP's 2 House Leader, Steps Down
Daily Digest: Roy Blunt, GOP's 2 House Leader, Steps Down
Roy Blunt, GOP’s 2 House Leader, The U.S. election has triggered a new generation of
Steps Down mini Barack Obamas with parents in Kenya and the
United States naming their newborns after the new
WASHINGTON mdash; Missouri Rep. Roy Blunt, president-elect.
the No. 2 Republican in the House, announced Thurs- At the Nyanza Provincial General Hospital in Kisumu,
day that he is stepping aside after Democrats added western Kenya, Barack’s ancestral homeland, several
to their numbers in Congress and captured the White mothers were naming their babies after the U.S.’s first
House. African-American president.
Blunt said he had long ago decided that if Repub- The mothers told Reuters Television that they wanted
licans did not reclaim the majority in Tuesday’s elec- their babies to grow up to have the same successful
tions, he would step down from the difficult job of shep- traits as Obama.
herding votes. ”Ten years of asking people to do some ”I would like that by the time he is in his 40s he be-
things they don’t want to do is a long time,” Blunt, 58, comes the president of this country,” said Nancy Otieno
told reporters Thursday morning. ”I can tell you more proudly of her newborn son Barack Obama.
problems about more members of Congress than you’ll Another new mother, Millicent Akoth, named her
ever want to hear; I can tell you more reasons not to new daughter Michelle Obama after the soon-to-be first
do something than you’ll ever want to hear.” lady.
Blunt was elevated into leadership by former whip ....South Florida couple Patrick and Sasha Hall were
and majority leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, and was reported on Wednesday to be among the first since
schooled in the hardball tactics employed when DeLay the election to bestow the name Obama on their child,
was a driving force in running the House. Obama Hall, according to the Miami Herald.
Blunt’s move avoids a difficult intraparty battle with Keep reading.
protege Eric Cantor, a Virginia Republican who’s al- PHOTOS:
ready campaigning for the job of Republican whip. An unidentified relative to Nancy Kijana, right, holds
Blunt says it’s time for a new generation of Repub- her newborn son, Barack Obama at New Nyanza Prov-
licans to assume leadership roles. Cantor is 45. invincial Hospital in Kisumu, Kenya. More than half
”We’re in a totally new environment now,” Blunt of the babies born in a Kisumu Hospital on the day af-
said. ”We need to find a new way forward.” ter the election were named either Barack or Michelle
Blunt also said he was impressed with the campaign Obama. (AP)
of Barack Obama and that it would be a mistake for Re- Lilian Osano, holds her newborn son, Barrack Jeremy
publicans to assume that Democrats would overreach Obama, at New Nyanza Provinvincial Hospital in Kisumu,
now that they will control both the White House and Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008. (AP)
Congress for the first time in 16 years. Carolyn Anyano holds her newborn son, Barack Obama,
Meanwhile, conservative Indiana Rep. Mike Pence at New Nyanza Provinvincial Hospital in Kisumu, Kenya.
has been recruited by GOP Leader John Boehner of (AP)
Ohio to serve as chairman of the Republican confer- Two baby girls named Michelle. (AFP)
ence, the No. 3 leadership post vacated by Florida Rep. -OR-
Adam Putnam on election night. Read about the Tennessee man who, without his
Boehner will remain as GOP leader despite the dis- wife’s permission, named his newborn daughter Sarah
appointing results on Election Day. He is also expected McCain Palin.
on Thursday to endorse Texas Rep. Pete Sessions to -OR-
take over the GOP’s House campaign operation. See a slideshow of Obama holding babies or see
Associated Press Writer Laurie Kellman contributed other Obama slideshows.
to this report. More on Barack Obama
IMMEDIATE IMPACT Reese Schonfeld: Final Poll of Cable
Tourism: The Land of Lincoln will enjoy another Television News Viewers – Comparison
”presidential halo effect” on its tourism industry, ob- to Actual Results
servers say. The Chicago Convention and Tourism Bu-
reau predicts increased interest in South Side areas tied To start with the positive, the Cable Television News
to Obama and in Springfield, where he announced his Viewer Poll (CTNVP) predicted all the results accu-
candidacy. European tourist agencies are already mak- rately, both overall and in all demographic groups.
ing inquiries, said Mark Theis, executive vice president To state the negative, the poll predicted that Obama
of the bureau. Still, the tourism bump may be smaller would do better than he did in every category.
than it was for other recent presidents, said hospitality In the final overall vote, cable news viewers favored
expert Bjorn Hanson of New York University’s Tisch Obama by 11, he won by 6. The previous week, we had
Center. ”When President Bush Sr. went to Maine it Obama ahead by 6, and would’ve been dead on, but last
had a significant boost to tourism because of scenes of week’s numbers jumped. I did cover my butt by saying
him in his boat, fishing,” he said. ”I don’t foresee too that the final numbers might’ve been a statistical fluke,
much of Barack Obama water-skiing behind a boat on and there were.
the lake.” In the demos, my comparisons are with the CNN
More on Barack Obama ”Vote by Age” statistics and their demos do not match
the Nielsen demos, so the comparisons are not exact.
Nevertheless, here it goes:
CTNVP predictions
Rebecca Romijn On Pregnancy: ”I’m A 18-34s- 75 Obama–25 McCain 18-49s- 66 Obama–
Beached Whale!” 34 McCain 25-54s- 64 Obama–36 McCain Fogies for
McCain–Over 50
In this week’s Page Six Magazine - Rebecca Romijn, CNN actuals 18-29s- 66 Obama–32 McCain 30-44s-
pregnant with twin daughters on the way, opens up 52 Obama–46 McCain 45-64s- 49 Obama–49 McCain
about fertility drugs, maternity sex appeal and her split Over 64- 49 Obama–53 McCain
from ex-husband John Stamos. What have I learned from all this: Cable news view-
On using medical intervention to get pregnant: ing is at least indicative, if not perfectly predictive, of
”We did not do IVF... A year ago, we tried [the the way Americans will vote on Election Day. The com-
fertility drug] Clomid for a couple of months unsuc- parisons between viewing and voting among 18-34s and
cessfully. But by the second month, I was like, ’Ahhh! 55s and over were reliable. It seems that the 35-54
I hate this!’ I think when you start messing with your year-olds watching cable news are not representative of
own hormones, it’s crazy-making.” the general population. Those voters split almost 50-50
On her body during pregnancy: between Republicans and Democrats, while the viewers
”I can’t move anymore...I’m a beached whale! ...I were overwhelmingly Democratic. Maybe conservative
have not been without a bra this entire pregnancy. I 35-54s have given up the media, especially TV, entirely.
refuse. I’m not taking any chances. I’m determined to They’re not angry enough to watch Fox, but too fed up
keep the puppies up!” with the prattle to watch either CNN or MSNBC. Four
On speculation that the cause of her 2004 divorce years from now, I’ll keep this in mind and try again.
was that she did not want children: As for myself, I am satisfied with the results of the
”There is absolutely no truth to that. That [story] 2008 election – one candidate had, during his campaign,
was completely made up. I desperately wanted kids. clearly forfeited any claim to the Presidency; and while
I was never a girl who dreamed about what her wed- the other has yet to establish his claim; it’s time to give
ding day would be like, but I’ve always dreamed about ”change” a chance.
decorating my baby’s nursery.” More on Election Results
On husband Jerry O’Connell’s fathering skills:
I knew early on he would be a fantastic dad. He’s
a pragmatic, smart, savvy, enthusiastic person. He re-
ally lives his life with tremendous integrity, and he’s a iPhone Transformed into Robot Thanks
healthy person in every single way.” to Arduino Hack [IPhone]
On parenting:
”I’ve just surrendered to the fact that [parenting] What is this? A video of a self-propelled iPhone
will be the hardest thing I’ll ever do. I know my life robot that uses a small electrical engine and a Arduino
will never be the same - but in the best way possible.” board that is not tuned to Flight of the Conchords ”The
Humans are Dead”? For shame. [Air-Nifty via Cult of