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1. Fitness Test administration for all items

2. Procedure for Asanas, Benefits and contraindications for any two asanas for each
lifestyle disease
3. P'rocedure for administering Sr. Citizen Fitness Test for 5 elderly family
4. Any one game of your choice

Motor fitness refers to an athlete's capability to perform efficiently duringsports or any other
physical activity. Fitness level of an athlete is measured by conducting fitness tests.
The following tests are conducted to measure the fitness level of an athlete:
" 50M Standing start " Push ups for boys
" 600M Run/Walk " Modified push ups for girls
" Sit and reach
" Standing broad jump
" Partial curl up " 4 x 1OM Shuttle run

1. 50M Standing start

Objective: To measure the speed of an individual.
Requirement: Plain surface for running, measuring tape to measure the distance, lime
powder to mark 50M start and finish lines
and a stopwatch.
Procedure: 50M distance is measured on a plain
ground. Start and finish lines are marked using the
lime powder. The subject is asked to stand behind
the start line. On the commands like "Are you 50 M

ready" and "Go"; he/she should start and finish

the 50M run as fast as possible. Time is recorded
in seconds (nearest to the tenth of a second). This
indicates his/her score.
Fig. 27.1 5OM Standing start

2. 600M Run/Walk
Objective: To measure endurance of an individual.
Requirement: 600M marked track and a stopwatch

-234 Practicals in Physical Education

on the
the start line and marked
procdur:In this test, the subject is asked to stand behind the
like"Are you ready" and "Go": he/she
ommands should start running on
can walk or jOg-
trak. the
If subject finds difficulty in completing the distance, he/she
time taken to run the distance is recorded in minutes and

one student can ake part in the same run/walk test.

3,Sitand and hamstring
Obictive: To measure the flexibility of hip region including lower back
Reguirement: Sit and reach box with shift ruler
Procedure: The subject is asked to remove his/
hoes and socks. The subËect has to sit on
o floor and straighten the legs towards sit and
hbox. His/her soles should touch the outer
all of sit and reach box. Knees should be
Iocked and legs should be straight. The subject
is then asked to place his/her hands on top of
he box and bend forward stopping over the Fig. 27.2 Sit and Reach
ale He/she should extend the arc arms as far
as possible and hold the extended position for fish pose (over each other) so that
two seconds. The subject should keep his/her hands in
touched by the finger tips should be
index fingers are at the same distance. The mark
times, the average of the readings
noted by the examiner. After repeating the test for three
should be taken to evaluate the performance of the subject.
The score should be recorded in centimetres only.

4. Partial Curl Up
abdominal muscles. These muscles
Objective: To measure strength and endurance of the
are responsible for maintaining correct posture.
Reguirement: Marked cushioned mattress and a stopwatch
Procedure: The test should be explained to the subject. If possible, demonstration
should be used. After clarifying all doubts, the subject should take supine position on
marked cushioned mattress. The knees should be bent and feet to be kept 12 inches apart
from buttocks. Ask him/her to keep both the
Teet slightly apart. Extend both the arms and
keep by the sides. Now tell the subject to start
Curling up. He/she should raise the trunk in
a rhythm. It is a continuous process so there
Should not be any pause. The number of curl
ups for 30 seconds is recorded as a score.
Curling up should be done at least 6 inches
above the ground. It can also be observed by
binches movement of hands along the surface
on the marked cushioned mattress. Fig. 27.3 Partial curl up

Record File 235

5. Push Ups for Boys
Objective: To measure upper body strength
and stability of trunk.
Requirement: A mattress or grassy surface
Procedure: The subject should keep his legs
and body parallel to the ground. His entire
body weight should be balanced on hands and
toes and his hands at shoulder width apart.
His feet should be slightly apart and the arms
fully extended.
Keeping the entire body parallel to the
ground, ask the subject to lower his body until
Fig. 27.4 Push ups for boys
elbows are flexed at 90° angle and then return
tothe starting position. This action is repeated ups is recorded
until the subject gets exhausted or loses the rhvthm. Total number of push
as a score.

6. Modified Push Ups for Girls

Objective: To measure upper body strength and stability of
Requirenent: A grassy surface or mattress
Procedure: The subject should place her hands and knees on
the mattress or grassy surface for a firm grip. Both the hands
should be kept shoulder width apart. Both the arms should be
fully extended. This is the modified push up position for girls.
Body from knees to the shoulders should be in a straight line. Fig. 27.5 Modified push ups for
While resting on knees, the subject should lower her upper girls
body until angle at elbow joint comes to 90°. Then she should
return to the starting position. This modified push ups continues
till she gets exhausted or loses the hythm. Total number of modified push ups is recorded
as a SCore.

7.Standing Broad Jump

Objective: To measure repulsive strength of legs.
Requirement: Soft grassy surface or long jump pit, if available, and measuring tape
Procedure: A take off line is marked on the
soft grassy surface. In this test, the subject
is required to stand behind the take-off line
with feet apart. He/ she should take a jump
forward by extending bent knees and
swinging the arms forward. The subject
should be given three trials and the best
distance covered is recorded as score of the
person. The measurement is always taken
in metres and centimetres.
Fig. 27.6 Standing broad jump

--236 -- - Practicals in Physical Education

B4x 10M Shuttle Run
measure agility.
blocks of 10 x 5
Requirement:Two wooden stopwatch.
each. measuring tape and
test, two parallel lines
Procedure:For this
distance of 10M from Shuttle run
be drawn at a placed x 1OM
Two wooden blocks are Fig. 27.7 4
the lines. The subject has to run back to the
behindone of line). blockand second
behind the starting line (othershould run to pick up one pick up theperson.
like Go', he/she should again run togiven to the
commands behind it. He/she
place the block trails are the
startingline to the starting line. Two such second is the score of
and place it also
nearest tenth of a
better time of
two trials to the
DISEASE due to
1. OBESITY body fat. It mnay be caused
excessive accumulation of disease in itself but is a
an It is not a
Obesity is defined as eating lots of fried things. certain heart diseases. Excessive
genetic, sedentary lifeserious diseases like diabetes and through regular exercise
many prevented
major cause of fat, called visceral fat, can be
accumulation of internal
recommended to prevent obesity are:
that are
and yoga. Yogic asanas
(i)Vajrasana (ii)

()Vajrasana diamond pose. It forms the base of

Vajrasana is also called the
other asanas.
Procedure: toes
down on the floor as depicted in Fig. 27.8. Point the
1. Kneel
backwards and keep the feet together.
body such that your buttocks rest on the heels.
2. Lower your
Place your palms on your knees, keep your spine erect and
4. Hold this position for 5 minutes. Fig. 27.8 Vajrasana

" This asana helps in digestion.
Kegular practice of this asana reduces belly fat.
Sitting in this posture tones the hips, thighs and calf muscles.
This asana helps to fight constipation.

Record File 237

" It helps to strengthen legs and spine. circulation in the body.
Practising this asana improves blood preferred pose for meditation,.
" This asana calms the mind and hence, it is the
People with knee problem andthose who have undergone knee surgery recently should
avoid doing this asana.
People suffering from spinal problems especially inthe lower vertebrae should avoid
practising this asana.
Pregnant women should perform this asana under guidance SO that they don't
pressure on their abdomen.
" People with problems such as hernia in the small or large intestine should perform
this asana under expert guidance.
(ii) Hastasana
Hastasana is also called the upward salute or the upward hands
pose. It is a part of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation).
1. Stand with the arms on your side.
2. Inhale and raise both arms, stretching them over the head as
shown in Fig. 27.9.
3. The arms should be parallel to each other with the palms facing
each other. Keep the head, spine and legs straight.
4. Exhale and bring the arms down by your side.
" Regular practice of this asana stretches and tones arms,
shoulders, spine and upper and lower back.
" This asana stretches the stomach and hence, enhance the
digestive system.
" This asana helps to increase the capacity of the lungs.
" It also helps in enhancing the body posture.
" People with neck or shoulder injury should avoid doing this Fig. 27.9 Hastasana

Diabetes is adisease which is characterised by the presence of excessive sugar level in the
bloodstream. Nowadays many people are suffering from this disease. The common
symptoms of diabetes include increased hunger and thirst, frequent urination, tiredness
blurred vision, numbness of limbs, prolonged injury, weight loss, cardiovascular diseases

238 -. Practicals in Physical Education

ikeheart attack, etc. On the basis of these symptoms, this disease can be classified into
-diabetes type I and diabetes type Il. Person suffering from diabetes type
expertences theabove mentioned symptoms from the diabetes type
Aetected at a later stage when the patient startsearlier stages. While,
to experience blurred vision or
ardiovascular ailments. Hence, the
treatment of such
Diabetestype I is generally caused due to genetic or patients
takes a long time.
environmental factors. In this, the
jmmunity system of the body destroys the beta cells of the pancreas that gernerate a
hormone named insulin. Insulin works as a key to unlock the cells to absorb glucose
pesentin the blood. In the absence or lack of insulin, absorption of glucose does not take
place. Thhus, the level of glucose increases in the blood.
Modern lifestyle is the main cause of diabetes type II. Due to obesity and physical
inactiveness, people suffer from this disease. In this, the muscles, liver and fat cells cannot
usetheinsulin and as a result the glucose cannot be utilised and flows through the urine.
This happens mainly due to non-utilisation of insulin in the body. The cells need sufficient
amount of insulin to absorb glucose. Initially, pancreas fulfils this demand but gradually
t cannot generate sutficient amount of insulin. The level of insulin increases initially and
later on starts decreasing in the blood.
Due to diabetes the possibility of heart attack, kidnev failure, loss of vision and nerve
Jamage increases. It pancreas keeps working properly then diabetes can be prevented.
The following yogic asanas are recommended to people suffering from diabetes:
(Ö) Bhujangasana (ii) Paschimottanasana
() Bhujangasana
Bhujangasarna is also called the snake or the cobra pose. It forms part of the Surya Namaskar
(Sun Salutation).
1. Lie down on your stomach. Keep your legs straight such that the toes are flat on the
ground and touch each other.
2. Place your hands (palms downward) at shoulder level, keeping elbows parallel.
3. Inhale and raise your head,chest and
4. Arch your back as much as possible,
tilt your head back and look up. The
elbows should be straight.
5. Hold this position while breathing
6. Exhale, bend your elbows and bring
your body down to the floor.
Fig. 27.10 Bhujangasana
" Regular practice of this asana improves circulation of blood and oxygen in the body.
This helps to control diabetes.
Ihis asana strengthens the back, shoulders and arms.

Record File 239

stiffness and provides
" This asanastrengthens the
backache and sciatica.
spine, helps in decreasing relief from
Daily practice reduces fatigue and stress.
Regular practice tones the abdomen.
treat asthmna.
obdna improves the respiratory system and helps
" Pregnant women should avoid practising this asana.
P'eople with fractured ribs or wrists should avoid this asana.
" People who have
avoid this asana.
undergone any abdominal surgeries recently, eg., hernia, should also
" P'eople suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome should avoid doing this asana.
(i) Paschimottanasana
P'aschimottanasana is the seated forward bend pose. The name comes from the Sansk
words ´paschim'meaning back; 'uttana' meaning intense stretch and 'asana' meaning po.
1. Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. Keep the spine straight and your toes
flexed towards you.
2. Inhale, raising your arms over
vour head. Stretch as much as
3. Exhale and bend forward. Try to
hold the toes with your index
finger and thumb. If you cannot
hold your toes then, place your
hands on your legs till wherever
they reach. Fig. 27.11 Paschimottanasana
4. Gradually, focus on moving forward towards the
toes. Place vour forehead on the
knees. The knees should not be lifted from the floor.
5. Breathe normally while holding this
6. Inhale, raising the head up and come
position for 30 seconds to a minute.
back to the sitting position.
" This asana regulates the flow of blood in the body which
diabetes. is verv effective againts.
" It stretches your lower back,
hamstrings and hips,
" It helps tone the shoulders and the abdomen. thereby improving flexibility.
" This asana cures constipation and
digestive disorders.
" It reduces anger, anxiety and irritability.
" Performing this asana calms the
mind and acts as a stress reliever

240 Practicals in Physical Education

Pregnant Women should avoid performing this asana.
Peoplesuffering from asthma should avoid
this asana.
Avoidthis asana when suffering from
Peoplesuffering trom back injury should perform this asana under expert guidance.
sthmais disease which affects the nasal passage and the lungs. People
a suffering from
often experience irritation in their nasal This makes it difficult for them
breathe properly. Such people often cpmplain of shortness ofswelling
breath. Symptoms
of airways can
gheezing, tightnessinin chest, breathing problems, coughing and

cOommonly seen such people.

e be avoided. Such
prevent asthma, the factors that trigger asthma attacks should

()Cigarette smoking/passive smoking and polluted air.

household pets.
(b) Exposure to animals that cause allergies including household items.
other common
(c) Exposure to dust from carpets and management plan which is as
asthma should have asthma
Every person suffering from
of asthma.
(a) Knowing what triggers the symptoms asthma.
Understanding how to take medications for does
to be taken in emergency situations if the person
(c) Awareness about the usually takes.
not respond to the drugs he breathing regularly in case of an asthma attack.
monitor as
(d) Knowledge of how to recommended for people suffering from asthma are
Some yogic asanas that
() Sukhasana (ii)

(i) Sukhasana meditation. This pose is also

Sukhasana is best suited for
relaxing pose.
Known as the easy pose or

Procedure: you.
your legs stretched out in front of the
Sit straight with your right foot is
such that
2. Cross your legs
left foot is beneath the right knee. facing
left knee and knees with palm
3. Place your hands on your
downwards. normally.
4. Close your eyes and maintain this posture for
body and
5. Relax your whole
SOme time. the initial position. Fig. 27.12 Sukhasana

eyes and come back to

6. Open your
Record File - 241
" This asana relaxes the mind and body.
" It
" It
improves the body posture.
" It
strrengthens the spine and back muscles.
helps in
It stretches reducing
ankles and knees.
" It broadens the chest and collar bones and helps
ight csu
reople sufering from hip or knee injuries should avoid doing this asana.
" It is not
recommended to people having spinal disc problems or inflammation in
knees or hip. the
(ii) Chakrasana
Chakrasana or the wheel pose is called so because
when the pose is assumed, it resembles a
1. Lie down on your back.
Bend your
the feet are flat on the floor and knees so that
buttocks. close to the
2. Now place your
palms (on
your shoulder such that the the ground) near
the shoulders. The elbows fingers point towards
should be shoulder
width apart.
3. Inhale, press your palms firmly against the
floor Fig. 27.13 Chakrasana
and lift your entire body off the
4. Straighten the arms floor. Let the head hang gently.
and legs as much as
5. Breathe possible. Push up the hips and the chest.
6. To come comfortably while holding this pose.
out of this pose, bend the Try to hold the pose for
bend the knees and bring the elbows and lower the head and the 13-30seconds.
7. Relax in spine and the hips back to the shoulders. Then
shavasana. ground.
" This posture is
the lungs. excellent for people suffering from asthma as it stretches the
" It chest and
" This the
asana also arms, wrists, legs, buttocks,
This asarna is strengthens the heart, liver, abdomen and spine.
excellent for pancreas and
people suffering from kidneys.
People suffering
doing this asana. from hernia, back injury, cardiac or
spinal problems should avoid
Practicals in Physical Education
People with high or low blood
Ifvou have
pressure should avoid practising this asana.
headache or diarrhoea, avoid performing
HYPERTENSION chakrasana.
Hypertensionor blood pressure is the pressure
flowing through exerted on the walls of the arteries aue t
Nod them. More the pressure exerted by the walls of the arteries, higher
nillbe the blood pressure.
physicalactivity performed Fluctuations in blood
by an individual. For pressure amay depend upon
the level of
hood pressure when he/she is nervous, tensed orinstance, person may experience high
under extreme stress.
The ideal blood pressure level in an adult
pressurei is 140/90 mm Hg or more should be 120/80 mm Hg However, if blood
than this level, then it is known as high blood pressure.
Normally, the blood pressure of an adult is
more than that of a child. This is mainly
Lsause with age the blood vessels in our body become weaklifeand
inourblood increases. However, due to hectic and stressful eventhechildren
level of have
n experience high blo0d pressure. Apart from this, smoking,
etc. are also responsible for causing high
drinking, diabetes, obesity,
blood pressure.
person suftering rom high blood pressure may experience symptoms like
sweating, shortness of breath, redness of the face, blood clot in the eyes, nose bleeding,excessive
te. If high blood pressure is not treated on time it may lead to heart
attack or brain
haemorhage. Yogic asanas are very helpful in controlling high blood pressure or
hypertension. The asanas recommended for this purpose are:
(i) Tadasana (ii) Ardha Chakrasana

(0) Tadasana
Tadasana is also known as the 'mountain pose' and 'palm tree pose'.
It means assuming a standing still pose.
1. Stand erect on the ground with feet together.
2. Inhale slowly and raise your arms
upward by interlocking your
3. Raise your heels and stand on your toes. The body weight should
be on the toes.
+. Feel the stretch from your feet to the head and hold the pose for
a few seconds.
5. Exhale slowly and release the pose.

"Practising this asana regulates the digestive, nervous and respiratory
It helps to improve the body posture.
It strengthens the knees, thighs and ankles.
Fig. 27.14 Tadasana

Record File 243

This asana tones the buttocks and abdomen and reduces 1t
" It also helps to reduce hypertension and anxiety.
practice improves flexibility of spine and reduces pain in backbone.
Contraindications: avoid doing this asana.
" People suffering from chronic shoulder injury should
aggravate the pain.
Do not perform this asana during headache as it could
(ii) Ardha Chakrasana
Ardha Chakrasana is derived from the
Sanskrit words 'ardha'meaning half, chakra'
meaning wheel and 'asana' meaning pose.
1. Stand straight with feet together and
arms by the side.
2. Inhale and extend vour arms above the
head, palms facing forward.
3. Gently bend backwards pushing the
pelvis forward. Keep the arms in line
with the ears. Elbows and knees should
be kept straight.
Fig. 27.15 Ardha Chakrasana
4. Hold this pose for 30 seconds while
breathing normally.
5. Exhale and straighten the spine to come back to the initial position.
6. Bring the arms down and relax.
" This asana stretches the chest, arms and shoulders.
" It helps to strengthen the back, spine and abdominal muscles.
" Regular practice of this asana reduces back pain.
" It also strengthens the calf and thigh muscles.
" This asana is not recommended for people with brain ailments.
People with chronic hip or spinal problems should avoid this asana.
Pregnant women should not perform this asana. It should also be avoided during
" People suffering from peptic ulcers or hernia should not do this asana.

Back pain is a common problem in people of all age groups today, be it a child or an
adult, male or female. It is mostly experienced by people over 35 years of age. The major

44 Practicals in Physical Education

causeof back pain is leading a sedentary lifestyle like sitting for long hours in front of
TV. computer or 1-pad, or
the driving car or scooter for along time. It is also often caused
dueto the habit
complications of assuming wrong postures.
can alsO result in back pain.
Some anatomical or physiological
Yogic asanas recommended for the prevention and cure of back pain are:
i) Vakrasana (ii) Salabhasana

() Vakrasana
Vakrasana is the twisted pose. It is a simplified
version the
of Ardh Matsyendrasana.
1Sit with legs stretched in front of you. Palms
should be on the side, resting on the floor.
2 Fold the right leg and place the right foot on
the right side of left knee.
3. Now bring the left arm down around the right
knee and hold the right foot. Place your right Fig. 27.16 Vakrasana
hand on the floor behind you.
4. Exhale and twist as far as possible to the right. Look over the right shoulder.
5. Hold the posture for 30 seconds while breathing normally.
6. Release the hands and come back to the initial pose. Sit in relaxed position.
7. Repeat this asana with your left leg and right hand.
" Regular practice of this asana stretches and tones the spine, increasing flexibility of the
spinal column.
" It provides relief from pain in neck, back and hip.
" This asana reduces fat from the waist, hence it is good for obese people.
" This asana massages internal organs kidneys, pancreas, liver and adrenal glands.
" People with back injury or severe back pain should avoid doing this asana.
" Hernia and ulcer patients should not practise this asana.
(i) Salabhasana
Salabhasana derives its name from the Sanskrit word 'salabh' which means grasshopper.
This pose is one of the yoga poses for beginners.
1. Lie down on vour stomach and place both hands under the thighs with palms facing
2. Inhale, lifting your right leg up. Ensure that your leg is not bent at the knee and the
chin is resting on the ground.

Record File - 245

3. Hold this position for about 10 to 20
4. Exhale and bring vour leg down to the
initial position.
5. Repeat these steps with your left leg
6. Repeat the entire sequence 5 times.
7. Then, inhale and lift both your legs up,
as much as you can. Ensure that your
legs do not bend at the knees.
Fig. 27.17 Salabhasana
8. While breathing normally, hold this pose
for 30 seconds.
9. Exhale, bringing down both legs. Remove the arms from under the thighs and rel,
10. Repeat the process thrice.
" Regular practice of this asana increases strength and flexibility of the entire sDine
providing relief from back pain.
"This asana is extremely useful for people suffering from sciatica.
" It strengthens shoulders and arms.
Regular practice of this asana can cure cervical spondylitis and spinal cord ailments
This asana also helps in improving digestion.
" People who have had spinal surgery should not do this pose.
" People with hernia problem should avoid practicing this pose.
Senior citizen fitness tests are suggested by Rikli and Jones for measuring body strength,
flexibility, agility and endurance of senior citizens.
1. Chair Stand Test for Measuring Lower Body Strength
Equipment Required:
" Stopwatch
" Chair

1. In this test, the subject is made to sit on a chair with hands
crossed across the shoulders.
2. The individual has to stand up and sit down repeatedly
for 30 seconds.
3. The number of stands completed within 30 seconds
becomes his or her score. Fig. 27.18 Chair Stand Test

246 Practicals in Physical Education

Table 27.1: Normal Range of
Age’ 60-64 65-69 70-74 85-89 90-94
75-79 80-84
(hair Stand/ Male 14-19 12-18 12-17 11-17 10-15 8-14 7-12
stands Female 12-17 11-16 4-11
10-15 10-15 9-14 8-13

ArmCurlTest for Measuring Upper Body Strength

Hguipment Required:
,Weight tor men (8
Weight for women (5 lbs)

1.In this test, the subject is required to sit on a chair and hold
the prescribed weight in the dominant hand.
The arm holding the weight is in a vertically down position,
beside the chair.
: The subject is asked to curl the lower arm towards the shoulder
so that only the lower arm moves and then return to the starting
position. Fig. 27.19 Arm Curl Test
4 This exercise is repeated for 30 seconds. The number of bicep
curls in 30seconds is the score of the subject.
Table 27.2: Normal Range of Scores
60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94
Male 16-22 15-21 14-21 13-19 13-19 11-17 10-14
Arm Curls/
No. of Curls Female 13-19 12-18 12-17 11-17 10-16 10-15 8-13

3. Chair Sit andReach Test for Measuring Lower Body Flexibility

Equipment Required:
" Chair
"Scale (marked with inches)
1. The subject is asked to sit on a chair with one leg
stretched out straight with heel on the floor and toe
pointing upwards.
. He/She is asked to place one hand over the other
Fig. 27.20 Chair Sit and Reach Test
and reach forward to touch the toe of the stretched
3. The number of inches (+ or -) between the tip of the fingers is the subject's score.

Record File 247

4. The score is 0if the
do not touch, then thefiingertips
score in
touch. If they overlap the score is in positive and
Table 27.3: Normal Range of Scores (inch)
Age 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89
Chair Sit -2.5 to -3.0 to -3.5 to -4.0 to -5.5 to
-5.5 to
&Reach +4.0 +3.0 +2.5 +2.0 -6.5 to
+1.5 +0.5
(inches +/-) Female -0.5 to -0.5 to -1.0 to -1.5 to -2.0 to
-2.5 to
+5.0 +4.5 +4.0 +3.5 +3.0 +2.5
-4.5 to
4. Back Scratch Test for
Measuring Upper Body Flexibility
1. The subject is asked to
shown in Fig. 27.21. place both hands on his/her back as
2. Then, he/she is
asked to point the middle finger of
hand towards each other and try each
3. The distance in to touch them.
inches between the extended middle
gives the score. fingers
Fig. 27.21 Back Scratch Test
Table 27.4: Normal Range of Scores (inch)
Age ’ 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89
Male 90-94
-6.5 to -7.5 to -8.0 to
Back Scratch -9.0to -9.5 to
+0.0 -1.0 -1.0 -2.0
-10.0 to -10.5 to
-2.0 -3.0
(inches +/-) Female -3.0 to -3.5 to -4.0 to
-5.0 to -5.5 to -7.0 to
+1.5 +1.5 +1.0 -8.0 to
0.5 +0.0 -1.0 -1.0

5. Eight Feet Up and Go Test for

Equipment Required: Measuring Agility
" Chair
" Marker cone

1. In this test, the subject is
required to get up from
a seated position on a chair, walk eight feet ahead,
where the marker is placed and turn around and
return to the seated position.
2. The ime taken in seconds gives the score. Fig. 27.22 Eight Feet Up and Go Test

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