DNA Replication
DNA Replication
DNA Replication
more elaborate controls. For example, the orderly maintenance of di erent cell
types and tissues in animals and plants requires that DNA replication be tightly
regulated. Moreover, eukaryotic DNA replication must be coordinated with the
elaborate process of mitosis, as we discuss in Chapter 17.
As we see in the next section, the eukaryotic replication machinery has the
added complication of having to replicate through nucleosomes, the repeating
structural unit of chromosomes discussed in Chapter 4. Nucleosomes are spaced
at intervals of about 200 nucleotide pairs along the DNA, which, as we will see,
explains why new Okazaki fragments are synthesized on the lagging strand at
intervals of 100–200 nucleotides in eukaryotes, instead of 1000–2000 nucleotides
as in bacteria. Nucleosomes may also act as barriers that slow down the move-
ment of DNA polymerase molecules, which may be why eukaryotic replication
forks move only about one-tenth as fast as bacterial replication forks.
DNA replication takes place at a Y-shaped structure called a replication fork. A
self-correcting DNA polymerase enzyme catalyzes nucleotide polymerization in a
5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction, copying a DNA template strand with remarkable delity. Since
the two strands of a DNA double helix are antiparallel, this 5ʹ-to-3ʹ DNA synthesis replication origin
can take place continuously on only one of the strands at a replication fork (the
leading strand). On the lagging strand, short DNA fragments must be made by a
“backstitching” process. Because the self-correcting DNA polymerase cannot start
a new chain, these lagging-strand DNA fragments are primed by short RNA primer LOCAL OPENING
molecules that are subsequently erased and replaced with DNA.
DNA replication requires the cooperation of many proteins. ese include (1)
DNA polymerase and DNA primase to catalyze nucleoside triphosphate polymer-
ization; (2) DNA helicases and single-strand DNA-binding (SSB) proteins to help in
opening up the DNA helix so that it can be copied; (3) DNA ligase and an enzyme
that degrades RNA primers to seal together the discontinuously synthesized lagging- RNA PRIMER
strand DNA fragments; and (4) DNA topoisomerases to help to relieve helical wind-
ing and DNA tangling problems. Many of these proteins associate with each other
at a replication fork to form a highly e cient “replication machine,” through which
the activities and spatial movements of the individual components are coordinated.
We have seen how a set of replication proteins rapidly and accurately generates
two daughter DNA double helices behind a replication fork. But how is this rep-
lication machinery assembled in the rst place, and how are replication forks LAGGING-STRAND
created on an intact, double-strand DNA molecule? In this section, we discuss SYNTHESIS
how cells initiate DNA replication and how they carefully regulate this process to lagging strand leading strand
ensure that it takes place not only at the proper positions on the chromosome but of fork 1 of fork 2
also at the appropriate time in the life of the cell. We also discuss a few of the spe-
cial problems that the replication machinery in eukaryotic cells must overcome.
ese include the need to replicate the enormously long DNA molecules found in
eukaryotic chromosomes, as well as the di culty of copying DNA molecules that leading strand lagging strand
are tightly complexed with histones in nucleosomes. of fork 1 of fork 2
e positions at which the DNA helix is rst opened are called replication ori- replication
gins (Figure 5–23). In simple cells like those of bacteria or yeast, origins are spec-
i ed by DNA sequences several hundred nucleotide pairs in length. is DNA
contains both short sequences that attract initiator proteins and stretches of DNA
that are especially easy to open. We saw in Figure 4–4 that an A-T base pair is held
together by fewer hydrogen bonds than a G-C base pair. erefore, DNA rich in
A-T base pairs is relatively easy to pull apart, and regions of DNA enriched in A-T
base pairs are typically found at replication origins.
Although the basic process of replication-fork initiation depicted in Figure
5–23 is fundamentally the same for bacteria and eukaryotes, the detailed way in
which this process is performed and regulated di ers between these two groups
of organisms. We rst consider the simpler and better-understood case in bacte-
ria and then turn to the more complex situation found in yeasts, mammals, and
other eukaryotes.
genes are being expressed. e excess origins also provide “backups” in case a pri-
mary origin fails. (3) As in bacteria, replication forks are formed in pairs and create
a replication bubble as they move in opposite directions away from a common
point of origin, stopping only when they collide head-on with a replication fork
moving in the opposite direction or when they reach a chromosome end. In this
way, many replication forks operate independently on each chromosome and yet
form two complete daughter DNA helices.
It seems that the order in which replication origins are activated depends, in
part, on the chromatin structure in which the origins reside. We saw in Chap-
ter 4 that heterochromatin is a particularly condensed state of chromatin, while
euchromatin, where most transcription occurs, has a less condensed conforma-
tion. Heterochromatin tends to be replicated very late in S phase, suggesting that
the timing of replication is related to the packing of the DNA in chromatin.
Once initiated, however, replication forks seem to move at comparable rates
throughout S phase, so the extent of chromosome condensation seems to in u-
ence the time at which replication forks are initiated, rather than their speed once
Cdc6 ORC (origin recognition complex) Figure 5–31 DNA replication initiation in
eukaryotes. This mechanism ensures that
each origin of replication is activated only
once per cell cycle. An origin of replication
can be used only if a prereplicative
complex forms there in G1 phase. At the
beginning of S phase, specialized kinases
G1 phosphorylate Mcm and ORC, activating
the former and inactivating the latter. A new
Mcm helicase prereplicative complex cannot form at the
origin until the cell progresses to the next
G1 phase, when the bound ORC has been
dephosphorylated. Note that the eukaryotic
Mcm helicase moves along the leading-
strand template, whereas the bacterial
prereplicative complex
helicase moves along the lagging-strand
template (see Figure 5–25). As the forks
PHOSPHORYLATION begin to move, ORC is displaced, and new
ORCs rapidly bind to the newly replicated
Despite this, a human ORC that is very similar to the yeast ORC binds to ori-
gins of replication and initiates DNA replication in humans. Many of the other
proteins that function in the initiation process in yeast likewise have central roles
in humans. It therefore seems likely that the yeast and human initiation mecha-
nisms are similar in outline, but chromatin structure, transcriptional activity, or
some property of the genome other than a speci c DNA sequence has the cen-
tral role in attracting ORC and specifying mammalian origins of replication. ese
ideas could also help to explain how a given mammalian cell chooses which of the
many possible origins to use when it replicates its genome and how this choice
could di er from cell to cell. Clearly, we have a great deal to discover about the
fundamental process of DNA replication initiation.
3′ overhang
5′ 3′
3′ 5′
5′ 3′
strand exchange by 3′ overhang
(A) (B)
1 µm
Telomere Length Is Regulated by Cells and Organisms Figure 5–35 A t-loop at the end of a
mammalian chromosome. (A) Electron
Because the processes that grow and shrink each telomere sequence are only micrograph of the DNA at the end of an
approximately balanced, a chromosome end contains a variable number of telo- interphase human chromosome. The
chromosome was fixed, deproteinated, and
meric repeats. Not surprisingly, many cells have homeostatic mechanisms that artificially thickened before viewing. The
maintain the number of these repeats within a limited range (Figure 5–36). loop seen here is approximately 15,000
In most of the dividing somatic cells of humans, however, telomeres gradually nucleotide pairs in length. (B) Structure
shorten, and it has been proposed that this provides a counting mechanism that of a t-loop. The insertion of the single-
helps prevent the unlimited proliferation of wayward cells in adult tissues. In its strand 3ʹ end into the duplex repeats is
carried out, and the structure maintained,
simplest form, this idea holds that our somatic cells start o in the embryo with a by specialized proteins. (From J.D. Griffith
full complement of telomeric repeats. ese are then eroded to di erent extents in et al., Cell 97:503–514, 1999. With
di erent cell types. Some stem cells, notably those in tissues that must be replen- permission from Elsevier.)
ished at a high rate throughout life—bone marrow or gut lining, for example—
retain full telomerase activity. However, in many other types of cells, the level of
telomerase is turned down so that the enzyme cannot quite keep up with chromo-
some duplication. Such cells lose 100–200 nucleotides from each telomere every
time they divide. After many cell generations, the descendant cells will inherit
chromosomes that lack telomere function, and, as a result of this defect, activate
a DNA-damage response causing them to withdraw permanently from the cell
cycle and cease dividing—a process called replicative cell senescence (discussed
in Chapter 17). In theory, such a mechanism could provide a safeguard against
the uncontrolled cell proliferation of abnormal cells in somatic tissues, thereby
helping to protect us from cancer.
long telomere telomere
chromosome end
5′ 3′ 5′ 3′
3′ 5′ 3′ 5′
telomere repeats
fraction of chromosome ends
e idea that telomere length acts as a “measuring stick” to count cell divisions
and thereby regulate the lifetime of the cell lineage has been tested in several
ways. For certain types of human cells grown in tissue culture, the experimental
results support such a theory. Human broblasts normally proliferate for about 60
cell divisions in culture before undergoing replicative cell senescence. Like most
other somatic cells in humans, broblasts produce only low levels of telomerase,
and their telomeres gradually shorten each time they divide. When telomerase is
provided to the broblasts by inserting an active telomerase gene, telomere length
is maintained and many of the cells now continue to proliferate inde nitely.
It has been proposed that this type of control on cell proliferation may con-
tribute to the aging of animals like ourselves. ese ideas have been tested by
producing transgenic mice that lack telomerase entirely. e telomeres in mouse
chromosomes are about ve times longer than human telomeres, and the mice
must therefore be bred through three or more generations before their telomeres
have shrunk to the normal human length. It is therefore perhaps not surprising
that the rst generations of mice develop normally. However, the mice in later
generations develop progressively more defects in some of their highly prolifera-
tive tissues. In addition, these mice show signs of premature aging and have a
pronounced tendency to develop tumors. In these and other respects these mice
resemble humans with the genetic disease dyskeratosis congenita. Individuals
a icted with this disease carry one functional and one nonfunctional copy of the
telomerase RNA gene; they have prematurely shortened telomeres and typically
die of progressive bone marrow failure. ey also develop lung scarring and liver
cirrhosis and show abnormalities in various epidermal structures including skin,
hair follicles, and nails.
e above observations demonstrate that controlling cell proliferation by telo-
mere shortening poses a risk to an organism, because not all of the cells that begin
losing the ends of their chromosomes will stop dividing. Some apparently become
genetically unstable, but continue to divide, giving rise to variant cells that can
lead to cancer. Clearly, the use of telomere shortening as a regulating mechanism
is not foolproof and, like many mechanisms in the cell, seems to strike a balance
between bene t and risk.
e proteins that initiate DNA replication bind to DNA sequences at a replication
origin to catalyze the formation of a replication bubble with two outward-moving
replication forks. e process begins when an initiator protein–DNA complex is
formed that subsequently loads a DNA helicase onto the DNA template. Other pro-
teins are then added to form the multienzyme “replication machine” that catalyzes
DNA synthesis at each replication fork.
In bacteria and some simple eukaryotes, replication origins are speci ed by spe-
ci c DNA sequences that are only several hundred nucleotide pairs long. In other
eukaryotes, such as humans, the sequences needed to specify an origin of DNA
replication seem to be less well de ned, and the origin can span several thousand
nucleotide pairs.
Bacteria typically have a single origin of replication in a circular chromosome.
With fork speeds of up to 1000 nucleotides per second, they can replicate their
genome in less than an hour. Eukaryotic DNA replication takes place in only one
part of the cell cycle, the S phase. e replication fork in eukaryotes moves about 10
times more slowly than the bacterial replication fork, and the much longer eukary-
otic chromosomes each require many replication origins to complete their replica-
tion in an S phase, which typically lasts for 8 hours in human cells. e di erent
replication origins in these eukaryotic chromosomes are activated in a sequence,
determined in part by the structure of the chromatin, with the most condensed
regions of chromatin typically beginning their replication last. After the replication
fork has passed, chromatin structure is re-formed by the addition of new histones to
the old histones that are directly inherited by each daughter DNA molecule.
Eukaryotes solve the problem of replicating the ends of their linear chromosomes
with a specialized end structure, the telomere, maintained by a special nucleotide