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Ad3351-Daa QP - Set B

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(An Autonomous Institution)

Periyanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore – 641020

Reg. No.:

Continuous Internal Assessment - 1

Semester III
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
AD 3351- Design and Analysis of Algorithm
(Common to: B.Tech. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)
(Regulations 2021)
Time: 3 Hrs Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
S.No Question CO BTL Marks
1. Define Algorithm with an Example 1 1 2
2. How do you measure the efficiency of an Algorithm? 1 1 2
3. What is the Best and worst case running time of Binary Search 1 2 2
4. Give the Euclid’s Algorithm for Computing gcd(m,n) 1 1 2
5. Define recursion 1 2 2
6. What is brute force Approach? 2 2 2
7. What is exhaustive search? 2 2 2
8. Give the General Plan for Divide and Conquer Algorithms
2 2 2
9. What is Knapsack problem? 2 2 2
10. State the Closest Pair Problem 2 2 2

PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 marks)
S.No Question CO BTL Marks
11. a. Explain about Asymptotic Notations in detail. 1 2 16
b. What is an Algorithm? and Indicates the steps for analyzing the efficiency of an 1 2 16
algorithm with an example?
12. a. Explain in detailed about Recursive and Non-recursive algorithms 1 2 16

b. Describe the Graph problem and Combinatorial Problems in details 1 2 16

13. a. i) Explain the String Matching Algorithm with Worst and Best case Analysis. 2 3 8

ii) Suppose T = 1011101110 P = 111 Find all the Valid Shift 8

b. Explain Knapsack Problem with Example and Analyze the algorithm with Time and 2 2 16
Space complexity.
14. a. Consider the Assignment Problem and Use exhaustive search method to compute 2 3 16
the below Problem

b. What is Decrease and Conquer Methodology ? How will Topological sorting work 2 2 16
based on that?
15. a. Explain the Concept of Closest-Pair Problem and Convex – Hull Problems with their 2 2 16
Best , Average, Worst Case Analysis
b. Explain in detail about Heap Construction and Heap sort Algorithm 2 2 16

Table of Specification
Blooms Taxonomy Marks in each Divisions Total Marks for each BTL % of Distribu
Level (BTL) Part - A Part - B
Remember 1 6 6 3
Understand 2 14 128 142 79
Apply 3 32 32 18
Analyze 4
Evaluate* 5
Create* 6
Total 20 160 180 100

Prepared by Verified by HoD Principal

(Name, Desig. & Dept) (Name, Desig. & Dept)


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