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NWEC P L002 Opt1

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Web Development in .


Tr ain in g A ssign me nt s

Document Code 25e-BM/HR/HDCV/FSOFT

Version 1.1

Effective Date 20/11/2012

Hanoi, 06/2019
Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y

No Effective Date Change Description Reason Reviewer Approver

1. 01/Oct/2018 Create new Draft

2. 01/Jun/2019 Update template Fsoft DieuNT1


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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y
ASP.NET Core Web API: Quiz Application ...................................................................................4
Problem Requirements: .............................................................................................................4
Task 1: ASP.NET Core Introduction, Dependency Injection and Basic API ................4
Task 2: Routing, Controllers, HTTP Methods, and Model Binding. ...............................6
Task 3: Middleware and Error Handling ................................................................................9
Task 4: Authentication/Authorization, Logging, and Security ......................................12
Task 5: Documenting API with Swagger, Versioning, and Deployment .....................14
Estimated Time for Each Task: ..............................................................................................15
Mark Scale: ..................................................................................................................................15

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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y
LOC: 190

ASP.NET Core Web API: Quiz Application


» Understand and apply ASP.NET Core for building web APIs.

» Utilize Dependency Injection (DI) to manage dependencies within the application.
» Implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for the Subject entity.
» Configure routing to map URLs to controller actions.
» Develop controllers to handle API requests for quizzes, questions, and answers.
» Implement HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for CRUD operations on these entities.
» Leverage model binding to automatically map request data to action method parameters.
» Explore middleware concepts for enhancing application functionality.
» Implement JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication to secure API endpoints.
» Configure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow access from specific origins.
» Develop custom middleware for handling and logging exceptions during request processing.
» Implement user authentication and authorization with ASP.NET Core Identity and JWT.
» Integrate a logging framework (e.g., Serilog, NLog) to capture application events and user actions.
» Apply security best practices like input validation, HTTPS, and protection against vulnerabilities.
» Utilize Swagger/OpenAPI to generate interactive documentation for the API.
» Implement API versioning to manage changes and support different API versions.
» Explore deployment strategies for deploying the ASP.NET Core Web API application


» Working environment: Visual Studio Code/Visual Studio 2013 or higher.

» Delivery: Source code packaged in a compress archive.

Problem Requirements:

This assignment challenges you to develop a comprehensive quiz application using ASP.NET Core and
Entity Framework Core (EF Core). You'll explore various functionalities like building a well-structured
application, implementing data access with EF Core, creating a RESTful API, and securing user interaction.

Task 1: ASP.NET Core Introduction, Dependency Injection and Basic API


Based on the Entity Framework Core assignment, you will kickstart the development of a Quiz Application
using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.

Function Requirements:

• Setup Projects
o Ensure the project structure (NWEC.P.L001) meets requirements.
o Verify the connection string in appsettings.json and DbContext for correct configuration.

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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y
• Dependency Injection (DI):
o Configure dependency injection services (AddTransient, AddScoped, AddSingleton) in
Program.cs for injecting dependencies into controllers, services, and middleware.
o Inject necessary dependencies into QuestionsController.
• Create Question API Endpoints:
o GET /questions/{id}
▪ Description: Get details of a specific question by ID.
▪ Response:
- QuestionViewModel: Content, QuestionType, IsActive
o GET /questions
▪ Description: Retrieve a list of all questions.
▪ Response:
- List<QuestionViewModel>
o POST /questions
▪ Description: Create a new question with answer.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult>
CreateQuestionWithAnswer(QuestionCreateViewModel questionCreateViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- QuestionCreateViewModel: Content, QuestionType, IsActive,
- AnswerCreateViewModel: Content, IsCorrect, IsActive
▪ Response: bool
o PUT /questions/{id}
▪ Description: Update an existing question by ID with updated answers.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateQuestionWithAnswer(Guid
id, QuestionEditViewModel questionEditViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- QuestionEditViewModel: Id, Content, QuestionType, IsActive,
- AnswerEditViewModel: Id, Content, IsCorrect, IsActive
▪ Response: bool
o DELETE /questions/{id}
▪ Description: Delete a question by ID (consider associated answers before deletion).
▪ Response: bool


• Organize the project structure into separate folders for DAL, BLL, and API.
• Utilize data annotations or Fluent API to enforce business rules and relationships in entity models.
• Write additional methods in services if necessary

Business Rules:

• Entity models should accurately represent the data structure for quizzes, questions, and answers.
• DbContext configuration should define relationships between entities (e.g., one-to-many, many-to-
• Connection string should be stored securely in appsettings.json and accessed via IConfiguration in

Evaluation Criteria:

• Successful creation of ASP.NET Core Web API project with appropriate project structure.
• Correct definition of entity models with required properties, constraints, and relationships.

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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y
• DbContext setup and service registration demonstrate understanding of Entity Framework Core
• Completion of QuestionsController with CRUD operations for Question model.

Submission file:

• Zip solution folder to a zip file

• File: FullName_QuizApp_WebAPI_Task_01_v1.0.zip

Estimated Time: 180 minutes.

Task 2: Routing, Controllers, HTTP Methods, and Model Binding.


This task focuses on implementing routing, controllers, HTTP methods, and model binding to build RESTful
endpoints for managing quizzes, questions, and answers within the Quiz Application.


• Routing Configuration:
o Use attribute routing ([Route] attribute) to define custom routes for controller actions.
o Configure routing to map incoming HTTP requests to appropriate controller actions based on
route templates.
• Dependency Injection (DI):
o Configure dependency injection services (AddTransient, AddScoped, AddSingleton) in
Program.cs to inject dependencies into controllers, services, and middleware.
o Inject dependencies for use in controllers
• Controllers Implementation:
o Create controllers (UsersController, RolesController, QuizzesController,
QuestionsController) to handle CRUD operations for quizzes, questions, and answers.
o Implement action methods for HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE operations corresponding
to API endpoints.
• Quiz Application API Reference:

Quiz API:

o GET /quizzes/{id}
▪ Description: Get details of a specific quiz by ID.
▪ Response:
- QuizViewModel: Title, Description, Duration, IsActive
o GET /quizzes
▪ Description: Retrieve a list of all quizzes.
▪ Response:
- List<QuizViewModel>
o POST /quizzes
▪ Description: Create a new quiz with questions.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult>
CreateQuizWithQuestions(QuizCreateViewModel quizCreateViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- QuizCreateViewModel: Title, Description, Duration, IsActive,
- QuestionIdWithOrderViewModel: QuestionId, Order
▪ Response: bool
o PUT /quizzes/{id}

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▪ Description: Update an existing quiz by ID with updated questions.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateQuizWithQuestions(Guid
id, QuizEditViewModel quizEditViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- QuizEditViewModel: Id, Title, Description, Duration, IsActive,
- QuestionIdWithOrderViewModel: QuestionId, Order
▪ Response: bool
o DELETE /quizzes/{id}
▪ Description: Delete a quiz by ID.
▪ Response: bool
o POST /addQuestionToQuiz
▪ Description: Add question to quiz.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult>
▪ Request Body:
- QuizQuestionCreateViewModel: QuizId, QuestionId, Order
▪ Response: bool
o DELETE /{id}/questions/{questionId}
▪ Description: Delete question from quiz.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteQuestionFromQuiz(Guid id,
Guid questionId)
▪ Response: bool
o POST /prepareQuizForUser
▪ Description: Prepare a quiz for user.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult>
PrepareQuizForUser(PrepareQuizViewModel prepareQuizViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- PrepareQuizViewModel: QuizId, UserId, QuizCode
▪ Response:
- QuizPrepareInfoViewModel: Id, Title, Description, Duration, ThumbnailUrl,
QuizCode, User (UserViewModel)
o POST /takeQuiz
▪ Description: Take a quiz for user
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult> TakeQuiz(TakeQuizViewModel
▪ Request Body:
- TakeQuizViewModel: QuizId, UserId, QuizCode
▪ Response:
- QuestionForTestViewModel: Id, Content, QuestionType,
- AnswerForTestViewModel: Id, Content
o POST /submitQuiz
▪ Description: Submit quiz.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult>
SubmitQuiz(QuizSubmissionViewModel quizSubmissionViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- QuizSubmissionViewModel: QuizId, UserId, UserAnswers
- UserAnswerSubmissionViewModel: QuestionId, AnswerId
▪ Response: bool

User API:

o GET /users/{id}
▪ Description: Get details of a specific user by ID.

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▪ Response:
- UserViewModel: Id, FirstName, LastName, DisplayName, Email, UserName,
PhoneNumber, IsActive
o GET /users
▪ Description: Retrieve a list of all user.
▪ Response:
- List<UserViewModel>
o POST /users
▪ Description: Create a new user.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult>
CreateUser(UserCreateViewModel userCreateViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- UserCreateViewModel: FirstName, LastName, Email, UserName, PhoneNumber,
Password, ConfirmPassword, DateOfBirth, IsActive.
▪ Response: bool
o PUT /quizzes/{id}
▪ Description: Update an existing user by ID.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateUser(Guid id,
QuizEditViewModel userEditViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- UserEditViewModel: Id, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, DateOfBirth,
▪ Response: bool
o DELETE /users/{id}
▪ Description: Delete a user by ID.
▪ Response: bool.
o POST /users/changePassword
▪ Description: Change password of an user.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult>
ChangePassword(ChangePasswordViewModel ChangePasswordViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- UserCreateViewModel: Id, UserName, CurrentPassword, NewPassword,
▪ Response: bool

Role API:

o GET /roles/{id}
▪ Description: Get details of a specific role by ID.
▪ Response:
- RoleViewModel: Id, Name, Description, IsActive
o GET /roles
▪ Description: Retrieve a list of all roles.
▪ Response:
- List<RoleViewModel>
o POST /roles
▪ Description: Create a new role.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult>
CreateRole(RoleCreateViewModel roleCreateViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- RoleCreateViewModel: Name, Description, IsActive.
▪ Response: bool
o PUT /roles/{id}
▪ Description: Update an existing role by ID.

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▪Action method: public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateRole (Guid id,
RoleEditViewModel roleEditViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- RoleEditViewModel: Id, Name, Description, IsActive.
▪ Response: bool
o DELETE /roles/{id}
▪ Description: Delete a role by ID.
▪ Response: bool.


• Use attribute routing ([Route]) to define custom routes for controller actions.
• Implement controller actions to handle HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests for different
resource endpoints.
• Utilize model binding to bind JSON data from requests to action method parameters.

Business Rules:

• Ensure controllers follow RESTful conventions with separate controllers for different resource types
(users, roles, quizzes, questions, answers).
• Use appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for performing CRUD operations on
• Implement model binding to handle request data and enforce data validation rules.

Evaluation Criteria:

• Successful implementation of controllers with action methods for CRUD operations on quizzes,
users, roles
• Proper routing configuration to map HTTP requests to controller actions based on route templates.
• Use of HTTP methods and model binding to process request data and interact with the DbContext
for data persistence.
• Adherence to RESTful principles and separation of concerns within controllers for different resource

Submission file:

• Zip solution folder to a zip file

• File: FullName_QuizApp_WebAPI_Task_02_v1.0.zip

Estimated Time: 180 minutes.

Task 3: Middleware and Error Handling


In this task, you will explore middleware, and error handling to enhance the robustness and scalability of the
Quiz Application.

Function Requirements:

• Middleware Configuration:
o Authentication Middleware:

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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y
Authentication middleware in ASP.NET Core is used to verify and authenticate incoming
requests based on provided credentials (e.g., tokens, cookies). It intercepts requests and
checks for valid authentication tokens or session information.


▪ Task<LoginResponseViewModel> LoginAsync(LoginViewModel
- LoginViewModel: UserName, Password.
- LoginResponseViewModel: UserInformation (JSON string), Token, Expires
▪ Task<LoginResponseViewModel> RegisterAsync(RegisterViewModel
- RegisterViewModel: FirstName, LastName, Email, UserName, PhoneNumber,
Password, ConfirmPassword, DateOfBirth.
- LoginResponseViewModel: UserInformation (JSON string), Token, Expires


▪ POST /login
▪ Description: Login with UserName and Password.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult> Login(LoginViewModel
▪ Request Body:
- LoginViewModel: UserName, Password.
▪ Response:
- LoginResponseViewModel: UserInformation (JSON string), Token, Expires

▪ POST /register
▪ Description: Register with UserName and Password.
▪ Action method: public async Task<IActionResult>
Register(RegisterViewModel registerViewModel)
▪ Request Body:
- RegisterViewModel: FirstName, LastName, Email, UserName,
PhoneNumber, Password, ConfirmPassword, DateOfBirth.
▪ Response:
- LoginResponseViewModel: UserInformation (JSON string), Token, Expires


▪ Implement JWT (JSON Web Tokens) authentication middleware.

▪ Configure token validation parameters (issuer, audience, signing key).
▪ Use AddAuthentication() method to enable authentication services.
▪ Use UseAuthentication() and UseAuthorization() in the request pipeline to enable
authentication and authorization.
o CORS Middleware:

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) middleware in ASP.NET Core is used to configure

and enable cross-origin requests from different domains to access resources exposed by the


▪ Configure CORS policies to specify which origins, methods, and headers are
Origins: http://localhost:4200, https://localhost:4200

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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y
Headers: "X-Request-Token", "Accept", "Content-Type", "Authorization"
▪ Use AddCors() to register CORS services.
▪ Use UseCors() to apply CORS policies to requests.
• Error Handling:
o Implement global error handling middleware to catch and log exceptions thrown during
request processing.
o Use status codes (e.g., BadRequest, NotFound, InternalServerError) to return appropriate
HTTP responses for different error scenarios.


• Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer package for JWT authentication.

• Configure TokenValidationParameters to specify token validation requirements.
• CORS Middleware: Configure specific policies to allow/deny origins, methods, and headers.
• Use app.UseMiddleware<TMiddleware>() to add custom middleware components to the ASP.NET
Core pipeline.
• Create a custom middleware class implementing IMiddleware or using RequestDelegate to handle
• Catch exceptions using try-catch blocks within the middleware InvokeAsync() method.
• (Optional) Log exception details using logging frameworks like Serilog or NLog.
• Set appropriate HTTP status codes and response messages based on exception types..

Business Rules:

• Ensure tokens are validated against trusted issuers and audience.

• Implement token expiration and refresh mechanisms if needed.
• Use secure methods for handling sensitive user credentials..
• Restrict cross-origin requests to trusted domains for security purposes.
• Use appropriate CORS policies based on application requirements (e.g., allow specific origins only).
• Provide consistent error responses to clients for better user experience.
• Log exception details for troubleshooting and debugging purposes.
• Ensure middleware does not expose sensitive information in error responses.

Evaluation Criteria:

• Implementation of JWT authentication middleware with correct token validation parameters.

• Proper configuration of AddAuthentication() and AddJwtBearer() in Program.cs.
• Correct usage of UseAuthentication() and UseAuthorization() in the request pipeline.
• Proper configuration of CORS policies in Program.cs.
• Implementation of services.AddCors() and app.UseCors() with correct policy settings.
• Ensure CORS policies align with security and application requirements.
• Implementation of custom exception handling middleware with InvokeAsync() method.
• Proper logging of exception details using logging frameworks.
• Return appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages for different exception scenarios.

Submission file:

• Zip solution folder to a zip file

• File: FullName_QuizApp_Task_03_v1.0.zip

Estimated Time: 180 minutes.

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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y

Task 4: Authentication/Authorization, Logging, and Security


This task focuses on implementing authentication/authorization mechanisms, enabling logging for application
events, and addressing security considerations within the Quiz Application.

Function Requirements:

• Authentication/Authorization for API Endpoints:

o Protected Endpoint (Example)
▪ Route: /api/quizzes
▪ Method: GET
▪ Description: Endpoint to fetch quizzes.
▪ Authorization: Bearer Token (JWT token obtained after login)
▪ Response: Success (200 OK): List of quizzes
o Permission table:

Controllers Endpoint Admin Editor User

Get all yes yes no
Get by id yes yes no
Change password yes yes yes
Create yes no no
Update yes yes no
Delete yes no no
Get all yes yes no
Get by id yes yes no
Role Create yes no no
Update yes yes no
Delete yes no no
Get all yes yes yes
Get by id yes yes yes
Quiz Create yes yes no
Update yes yes no
Delete yes yes no
Get all yes yes yes
Get by id yes yes yes
Question Create yes yes no
Update yes yes no
Delete yes yes no

• Logging Configuration:
o Integrate Serilog Frameworks
▪ Choose Serilog to handle logging in your ASP.NET Core application.
▪ Install the required NuGet packages (Serilog.AspNetCore,
Serilog.Extensions.Logging, etc.) and set up the logger in your application startup.
o Configure Logging Sinks
▪ Define logging sinks to specify where log messages should be written (e.g., file
system, database, console).
▪ Common sinks include:
▪ File Logging: Configure Serilog or NLog to write log messages to text files
on disk.

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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y
▪ Database Logging (Optional): Use Serilog sinks like
Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer to persist logs to a database table.
o Logging Levels and Enrichers
▪ Configure logging levels (e.g., Information, Warning, Error) to control which
messages are logged.
▪ Use enrichers to add additional context to log messages (e.g., timestamp, user
o Exception Handling
▪ Implement structured logging for exceptions to capture detailed information about
▪ Log exceptions at appropriate levels (e.g., Error) along with stack traces and
relevant context.
• Security Considerations:
o Input Validation:
▪ Apply model validation attributes ([Required], [MaxLength], etc.) to API input
▪ Use ModelState.IsValid to check model validity and handle validation errors.
o HTTPS Configuration:
▪ Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS using middleware (app.UseHttpsRedirection()).
▪ (Optional) Obtain an SSL certificate from a certificate authority (CA) or use a self-
signed certificate for development.
▪ (Optional) Configure Kestrel to use HTTPS in Program.cs or Startup.cs.
o (Optional) Implement security best practices such as input validation, data sanitization, and
protection against common vulnerabilities (SQL injection, XSS attacks).


• Use ASP.NET Core Identity for user authentication and role-based authorization.
• Configure JWT authentication for stateless, token-based authentication with custom token validation
• Integrate logging frameworks into the ASP.NET Core application to capture and store log messages.

Business Rules:

• Authentication/authorization mechanisms should restrict access to API endpoints based on user

roles and permissions.
• Logging should capture important application events and user actions for auditing and
• Security practices should be implemented to protect against common security threats and

Evaluation Criteria:

• Implementation of authentication middleware to secure API endpoints using ASP.NET Core Identity
with JWT.
• Configuration of logging framework to capture application events and user actions.
• Adherence to security best practices to prevent security vulnerabilities (e.g., input validation,
HTTPS/TLS usage).

Submission file:

• Zip solution folder to a zip file

• File: FullName_QuizApp_Task_04_v1.0.zip

Estimated Time: 180 minutes.

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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y

Task 5: Documenting API with Swagger, Versioning, and Deployment


This task focuses on documenting RESTful APIs using Swagger/OpenAPI, implementing API versioning,
and exploring deployment strategies for ASP.NET Core applications.

Function Requirements:

• API Documentation with Swagger/OpenAPI:

o Integrate the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore library to generate API documentation.
o Use Swagger/OpenAPI annotations (e.g., [SwaggerOperation], [SwaggerResponse]) to
describe API endpoints, request parameters, and response schemas.
o Configure Swagger UI to provide an interactive documentation interface for developers.

• API Versioning:
o Implement API versioning to manage backward compatibility and support evolving API
o Choose a versioning strategy (e.g., URL-based versioning, header-based versioning) and
apply it to controllers and actions.
o Include version information in API responses and request headers for version negotiation.
• Deployment Strategies:
o Explore deployment options for ASP.NET Core applications (IIS Windows Server, Docker,
Azure App Service).
o Configure environment-specific settings (e.g., connection strings, API keys) for deployment.
o Discuss considerations for scalability, performance, and maintenance in different
deployment environments.


• Use the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore NuGet package to integrate Swagger/OpenAPI into the ASP.NET
Core project.
• Apply versioning attributes (e.g., [ApiVersion], [ApiVersioning]) to controllers and actions for version

Business Rules:

• API documentation should accurately describe endpoints, request parameters, and response
payloads using Swagger/OpenAPI annotations.
• API versioning should be implemented to manage changes and maintain backward compatibility for

Evaluation Criteria:

• Successful integration of Swagger/OpenAPI for API documentation with interactive Swagger UI.
• Correct implementation of API versioning using chosen versioning strategy (e.g., URL-based,
• Compliance with best practices for API documentation, versioning, and deployment strategies.

Estimated Time: 180 minutes.

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Lab Guides Web Development in .NET Issue/Revision: x/y
Estimated Time for Each Task:

• Task 1: 180 minutes

• Task 2: 180 minutes
• Task 3: 180 minutes
• Task 4: 180 minutes
• Task 5: 180 minutes

Mark Scale:
OOP design 10% Function requirements 60%
Business rules 15% Main function 15%

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