Atellica VTLi Immunoassay Analyzer Advanced User Guide DXDCM 09017fe980551832-1725316330754
Atellica VTLi Immunoassay Analyzer Advanced User Guide DXDCM 09017fe980551832-1725316330754
Atellica VTLi Immunoassay Analyzer Advanced User Guide DXDCM 09017fe980551832-1725316330754
No part of this user guide or the products it describes may be reproduced by any means or
in any form without prior consent in writing from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics.
The information in this user guide was correct at the time of printing. However,
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics continues to improve products and reserves the right to
change specifications, equipment, and maintenance procedures at any time without notice.
If the system is used in a manner differently than specified by
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, the protection provided by the equipment may be
impaired. See warning and hazard statements.
Symbols Description
Next > Finish In instructions, indicates a series of commands you use to reach a screen.
1. On the Windows desktop, double-click .
The service software starts and the login screen appears.
You can also open Start >All Apps >Atellica VTLi Service Software Client.
Starting or closing the service software client does not affect the process of monitoring
analyzers. The service software remains active, even when a user is not logged in. The
analyzer will still connect and transfer data to the service software and to the hospital
information system, even when there are no users logged in.
Logging in
Siemens Healthineers recommends each service software user have a unique user name
and password.
Chapter 1 - Exploring the Atellica VTLi Service Software Client
1. Type your user name in the User ID field.
2. Type your password in the Password field.
You must wait 5 minutes to login after 5 incorrect password attempts.
3. The Server field shows the last used server location and a list of previously entered
values for the server hostname(:port).
4. Click Log In.
When logging in for the first time during the installation process, the system prompts
you to change your password.
Service software overview
The service software provides for configuring analyzers, monitoring analyzer status,
managing users, and managing supported cartridges and cartridge lots.
The service software client component enables you to group and configure analyzers,
monitor analyzer status, and manage user accounts if no middleware software is available.
The service software also allows you to manage the supported cartridges and cartridge lots.
Exploring the user interface
1 2
1 Configuration tabs:
Analyzer - View status, group and configure settings and workflow, release
or remove cartridge lots from analyzer groups. See Chapter 2, page 7.
Inventory - Install cartridge protocols, manage security certificates, manage
cartridge lots. See Chapter 3, page 17.
Users - Manage user accounts. See Chapter 4, page 21.
2 Status bar icons
3 Workspace - displays the information and messages for the current task you
are performing (for example, analyzer and group settings, reagent cartridge
and QC lots).
Chapter 1 - Exploring the Atellica VTLi Service Software Client
Status bar icon you click to access system settings and preferences.
Status bar icon displays the current user. Move the mouse pointer over
the icon to see the user information. Click to log out as the current user.
Logging out
1. Click .
2. Click Log out.
An automatic log out feature ends the current user session after a default time of
inactivity. You can set the default inactivity time in system settings.
Chapter 1 - Exploring the Atellica VTLi Service Software Client
Chapter 1 - Exploring the Atellica VTLi Service Software Client
Using the
Analyzer Tab
Chapter 2 - Using the Analyzer Tab
Analyzer pane
The Analyzer pane displays all analyzers and groups currently managed by the application. It
also shows the status of each analyzer.
The assigned analyzer name is shown above each analyzer icon. The last synchronization
date or Connected (if the analyzer is online and network connected) is shown below the
analyzer icon.
An information message displays when no analyzers or groups are available.
Chapter 2 - Using the Analyzer Tab
Analyzer cannot be used at all. A red X symbol also appears in the analyzer
icon on the Analyzer pane.
Typically, this occurs when the analyzer is locked for testing by the
Administrator, when a QC has failed, assigned security certificate expires, or
when a QC is overdue.
Properties pane
The Properties pane provides additional information on the analyzer or group selected in
the Analyzer pane.
The content of the Properties pane changes depending on whether you select an analyzer
or a group. Clicking on the right side of the pane allows you to access either analyzer or
group settings, depending on the selection.
When you select (highlight) an analyzer that is not part of a group, you can only view
basic properties in the properties pane.
Chapter 2 - Using the Analyzer Tab
‒ Group settings (such as Analyzer login, User ID and Patient ID entry, Sound, etc.)
‒ Cartridge protocols and applicable QC lots for the group
Using the Group properties menu
You can define settings for a group by using the Group settings menu.
You can also right-click on a group to open the properties menu.
Chapter 2 - Using the Analyzer Tab
Chapter 2 - Using the Analyzer Tab
1. Select the group you want to update or downgrade in the Analyzer pane.
2. Click > Update analyzer language and software.
3. Select the installed language and software version.
You might not be able to select all software versions, depending on the current version
of the analyzers already present in the group.
4. Be sure to confirm that all analyzers in the group are updated.
5. Click OK to start the update.
Do not press the sleep button during a software update.
Reset the analyzer if the connection to the software service is lost after a software
Deleting a group
Chapter 2 - Using the Analyzer Tab
Cartridge lots
The cartridge lots are color coded for quick visual status. Green means lot is ready to use.
Yellow means lot is about to expire. Red means lot is expired.
Lots can be removed by clicking the minus (-) symbol behind the lot number.
Only available when manage cartridge lots is on in the service software options.
To ensure a cartridge or QC lot is correctly added to a group again after removing it
using the minus (-) symbol, do one of the following:
‒ Add the lot to the group by clicking the plus (+) icon on the Analyzer tab.
‒ Remove the lot from the Inventory tab before adding it again by using the lot on the
Removing a cartridge protocol from a group
Removing a cartridge protocol from an analyzer group means that the assay can no longer
be performed on any of the analyzers in that group.
Chapter 2 - Using the Analyzer Tab
‒ QC interval due warning: Select when the system will notify the user before the next
QC test is due. Only available when QC guidance is enabled.
5. Click OK to confirm changes.
Changing workflow settings triggers synchronization for all analyzers in the selected
Adding a cartridge lot to a cartridge protocol within a group
To make cartridge lots available on analyzers, the lot must be first added to the cartridge
protocol on the Inventory tab (see Inventory tab on page 17).
After that, the cartridge lot can be made available to the analyzers in the selected group by
adding it as described in this section.
Adding a cartridge lot to a cartridge protocol within the group makes the protocol
available on all analyzers in the group.
Expired cartridge lots are removed from the drop-down list.
1. Select a group.
2. Click the minus (-) symbol on the cartridge lot that should be removed from the
cartridge protocol.
3. Click Yes to remove the cartridge protocol from the group.
Removing a cartridge protocol from the group removes the cartridge file from all
analyzers in the group.
Working with a Single Analyzer
If a single analyzer is selected, the Properties overview displays the following analyzer
‒ Analyzer settings for the selected analyzer.
‒ Cartridge protocols and lot information for the selected analyzer.
Moving an analyzer to a group configures the analyzer to the settings for that group.
When the analyzer is selected, the analyzer properties are displayed and more detailed
cartridge lot information is shown (for example, lot status).
If you remove an analyzer from the docking station while it is synchronizing with a
group, the analyzer may not fully synchronize with all configured group settings. This is
not visible on the analyzer itself, but the analyzer is displayed with the warning status
(orange) in the service software until it is docked again and successfully completes the
pending synchronization.
Chapter 2 - Using the Analyzer Tab
Chapter 2 - Using the Analyzer Tab
Unlocking an analyzer
The analyzer must be connected to the service software for unlocking.
You can not undo changes from clearing patient data from an analyzer. All patient data
is removed from the system.
Using the
Inventory Tab
Chapter 3 - Using the Inventory Tab
1. Under Cartridge lots, click .
2. In the dialog box, select one or more cartridge protocol files to import.
The file is validated and added to the Cartridge protocols and lots area on the
Inventory tab.
Chapter 3 - Using the Inventory Tab
1. Click next to the name of the cartridge protocol.
A warning message displays if the cartridge protocol is still in use by at least one
2. Click the minus (-) button next to remove a lot.
3. Confirm you want to remove the item.
You cannot remove a lot if the lot is still assigned to a cartridge protocol within a group.
Go to the Analyzers tab to remove the lot from the assigned group.
1. Select a cartridge protocol.
2. Click the browse button (...) next to a QC lot and select Set QC Range.
3. Modify the QC range for one or more analytes listed on the left.
In the Set QC Range window, the upper and lower limits can be adjusted.
‒ If the upper limit is left empty, it is set to infinity.
‒ When the lower limit is left empty, it is set to 0.
‒ When both values are left empty or when the Use default values button is clicked,
default values are used.
‒ Default values are retrieved from the analyzer after synchronization.
If no limits are entered, an analyzer will not begin a QC text for that lot.
Chapter 3 - Using the Inventory Tab
1. Click the Register lot button.
2. Enter the QC lot ID in the text field.
3. Set the QC ranges for each analyte. Follow the Instructions for Use of the QC sample to
obtain the QC acceptance limits for each lot and level.
Removing a QC lot
QC lots remain on the analyzer until they are removed (similar to cartridge lots)
1. Click the browse button (...) next to the QC lot and select Remove this lot.
2. Confirm you want to remove the lot.
It is not possible to remove a QC lot if the lot is still assigned to a QC kit within a group.
Use the Analyzers tab to remove the QC lot from the assigned QC kit.
Chapter 3 - Using the Inventory Tab
1. Under Certificates, click + to add a new security certificate.
2. Select the appropriate security certificate file.
Supported types are: crt, pem, cer, der, pfx, p12, p7b, p7s.
1. On a Certificate, click - to remove.
2. Click OK on the confirmation dialog.
Chapter 3 - Using the Inventory Tab
Using the Users Tab
Chapter 4 - Using the Users Tab
Chapter 4 - Using the Users Tab
1. Click the User tab.
2. Click the user name in the list you want to change.
3. Click the Edit User button.
The User Details dialog box displays.
4. Change the information as necessary.
5. Do one of the following:
‒ Click OK to accept your changes.
‒ Click Cancel to close the dialog box without making changes.
Delete a user
Follow the instructions below to delete a user.
1. Click the User tab.
2. Click the user name in the list you want to delete.
3. Click Delete User button.
4. Do one of the following:
‒ Click OK to accept your changes.
‒ Click Cancel to close the dialog box without making changes.
Chapter 4 - Using the Users Tab
Chapter 5
System Settings
Chapter 5 - System Settings
1. Click in the top bar to open the System settings dialog box.
2. Under Analyzer, select one or more of the following:
‒ Sync date and time: This option controls the date, time, and time zone. The default is
Sync date and time should be Off when using middleware.
‒ Sync users: This option controls synchronizing users. The default is On.
‒ Manage lots: Synchronizes lot information. When On, registered lots on a single
analyzer are also synchronized with all analyzers in the same group. QC measurements
do not have to be performed on one analyzer only.
Sync users and Manage lots should be Off when using middleware.
‒ Warn if not connected for: Set the time frame when a warning message displays if an
analyzer is not docked.
3. Do one of the following:
‒ Click OK to accept your changes.
‒ Click Cancel to close the dialog box without making changes.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Network Connectivity
1. If required, log in to the analyzer.
2. On the Home screen, tap > Connectivity Settings> Analyzer LAN Settings.
3. Tap Change.
4. Read the warning message and tap OK.
5. To enter the static IP address details, perform the following steps:
‒ Select Static.
‒ Tap Next.
‒ Enter the IP address, using the displayed numeric pad, and then tap Next.
‒ Enter the Subnet mask, using the displayed numeric pad, and then tap Next.
‒ Enter the default gateway, using the displayed numeric pad, and then tap Next.
6. Do one of the following:
‒ Tap OK to restart the analyzer and apply the changes.
‒ Tap Cancel to discard the changes.
You can now proceed to the configuration procedure for the service software to complete
the configuration.
Configuring the Atellica VTLi Immunoassay Analyzer with a DHCP server
Follow this procedure on the analyzer if your network uses a Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) server.
1. If required, log in to the analyzer.
2. On the Home screen, tap > Connectivity Settings> Analyzer LAN Settings.
3. Tap Change.
4. Read the warning message and tap OK.
5. Select DHCP.
Chapter 6 - Network Connectivity
6. Tap Next.
7. Do one of the following:
‒ Tap OK to restart the analyzer and apply the changes.
8. Tap Cancel to discard the changes.
Configuring Wireless connectivity to an existing network
1. If required, log in to the analyzer.
2. On the Home screen, tap > Connectivity Settings> Analyzer WLAN Settings.
3. Tap Change.
4. Read the warning message and tap OK.
5. Select On and tap Next.
6. Tap the Wifi network name you want to use and then tap Next.
7. Enter the password and tap Next.
8. Do one of the following:
‒ To keep the existing IP address, tap No. Tap Yes on the confirmation screen and then
tap Next to return to the Connectivity Settings sreen.
‒ To change the IP address, tap Yes then tap Next. Continue with step 9.
9. On the Address Type screen, tap DHCP or Static, and then tap Next.
10. For DHCP:
‒ Tap OK to restart the analyzer or Cancel to discard the changes and return to the
Address Type screen.
11. For Static:
‒ Enter the IP address and tap Next.
‒ Enter the Subnet Mask and tap Next.
‒ Enter the Defaulty gateway and tap Next.
‒ Tap OK to restart the analyzer or Cancel to discard the changes and return to the
Address Type screen.
Configuring Wireless connectivity to a new network
1. If required, log in to the analyzer.
2. On the Home screen, tap > Connectivity Settings> Analyzer WLAN Settings.
3. Tap Change.
4. Read the warning message and tap OK.
5. Select On and tap Next.
6. Tap + Add network and then tap Next.
7. On the Add Network SSID screen, enter the Wifi network name and then tap Next.
8. Tap the security type and then tap Next.
9. Enter the password and tap Next.
10. Follow steps 8-11 in the Configuring Wireless connectivity to an existing network
section on this page.
Chapter 6 - Network Connectivity
1. If required, log in to the system.
2. On the Home screen, tap > Connectivity Settings> Service Software Settings.
3. Tap Change.
4. Read the warning message and tap OK.
5. Select Enabled and tap Next.
6. Enter the service software server IP address and tap Next.
7. Tap Next to confirm the connection IP port.
8. Tap Next to confirm the watchdog IP port.
9. Tap OK to confirm the command IP port.
10. Do one of the following:
‒ Tap Yes to apply the changes.
‒ Tap Cancel to discard the changes.
In most cases, the settings in steps 7–9 should remain unmodified. These settings should only
be modified in special configurations (when the ports are not available).When changing these
settings on the analyzer, make sure that they are also correctly configured in service software or
communication between the analyzer and service software will not be possible.
Configuring middleware software connectivity
For software version 3.1, it is possible to encrypt POCT1-A communication with TLS (transport layer
security) certificates. To enable encryption, configure your middleware software to work with either
a self-signed certificate, or with a certificate authority (in combination with a root certificate).
Follow the steps below to establish a secure connection between the Atellica VTLi Immunoassay
Analyzer and POCT1-A middleware software.
If your middleware package uses self-signed certificates, you can enable encryption using the
steps below. If your middleware uses a certificate authority, you first need to install the root
certificate on the analyzers via the Inventory tab. See Chapter 3, page 20.
1. If required, log in to the analyzer.
2. On the Home screen, tap > Connectivity Settings> Middleware Settings.
3. Tap Change.
4. Read the warning message and tap OK.
5. On the Communications screen, select Enabled and tap Next.
6. On the Encryption screen, read the warning, select Enabled if applicable and tap Next.
7. Enter the middleware server IP address and tap Next.
8. Tap OK to confirm the modified connectivity settings.
9. Do one of the following:
‒ Tap Yes to apply the changes.
‒ Tap Cancel to discard the changes.
Chapter 6 - Network Connectivity
Enabling a printer
You must enable printing if you purchased an optional thermal printer before it can be used to print.
1. If required, log in to the analyzer.
2. On the Home screen, tap > Connectivity >Settings> Printer Settings.
3. Tap Change.
4. Read the waring message and tap OK.
5. On the Result Printing screen, tap Enabled.
Chapter 6 - Network Connectivity
and Installation
Appendix A - Specifications and Installation
Installation Workflow
Initial Atellica Analyzer VTLi service software installation is done by a Siemens
Healthineers service engineer. The information provided here is for reference only and
should only be changed after consulting with both your IT and Siemens Healthineers
technical representatives.
The following steps describe the process of adding one or more SANs.
1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics\Atellica VTLi Service Software
2. Enter the command:
certgen -d <alternativename> <alternativename>
where alternativename can be any name (i.e. a FQDN) through which this host can be
reached. Multiple alternative names are allowed.
As a result a new certificate is generated, registered and exported into the
‘%PROGRAMDATA%\Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics\Atellica VTLi Service Software
Client\Certificates’ folder.
3. Copy the exported certificate to the ‘%PROGRAMDATA%\Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics\
Atellica VTLi Service Software Server\redist’ folder for ease of distribution along with the
client installer.
Appendix A - Specifications and Installation
1. Double click ssw-client-3.1.1032.0.msi, located within the redist directory (created
during Server install) and follow the on-screen steps.
‒ By default the software is installed in
‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics\Atellica VTLi Service Software
Appendix A - Specifications and Installation
Error Codes
Appendix B - Error Codes
Appendix B - Error Codes
General Errors
Error Number Description
Appendix B - Error Codes
General Errors
Error Number Description
Appendix B - Error Codes
General Errors
Error Number Description
2701 Hiding the only remaining cartridge lot is not allowed. Active a new
lot first.
4001 - 4002 Incompatible barcode scanned
4051 No users have been send by SSW or MW.
4052 Invalid access code.
4053 Account not activated in SSW or MW.
4054 Expiration data in SSW or MW past.
4055 Training overdue in MW.
4056 Wrong password used.
4057 Wrong user permission.
4103 - 4104 Incompatible barcode scanned.
4105 - 4106 Incorrect QC sample.
4107 - 4108 System failure.
4109 Expired QC sample.
4110 Unknown QC lot .
4111 Incompatible barcode scanned.
4112 - 4114 Incorrect QC sample.
4115 Wrong QC barcode scanned. Scan the barcode from the QC vial.
4116 QC acceptance limits were not entered in Service Software or
4117 The scanned barcode does not match the scanned barcode from the
QC vial.
4118 Wrong barcode scanned. QC vial was scanned. Locate the
barcode containing the QC acceptance limits; see the QC package
9000 Fatal system problem.
9001 - 9003 System failure.
9004 Analyzer problem.
9005 Anonimise function used in SSW. Ananlyzer needs service.
9006 System failure.
Appendix B - Error Codes
Communication Errors
Error Number Description
Factory defaults, 16
deleting, 12
properties, 10
About screen, 2, 4
working with, 10
cartridge protocol to a group, 12, 14 H
new user, 22 How to
Analyzer pane, 8 add cartridge protocol, 12
Analyzer properties menu, 15 add lot to a protocol in group, 14
Analyzer renaming, 15 add new user, 22
Analyzer status add new wireless network, 29
viewing, 8 backup and restore, 5
Analyzer tab, 8 change analyzer settings, 26
change QC workflow, 13
change service software settings, 26
Backup and restore, 5
change user details, 23
C configure DHCP server for analyzer, 28
Cartridge lot information, 18 configure middleware connectivity, 30
Cartridge lots, 12 configure service software connectivity,
Cartridge protocols 30
remove a QC lot, 20 Q
remove cartridge from group, 13 QC workflow settings, 13
remove lot from protocol group, 14
remove patient data, 16
Registering a new cartridge lot, 20
rename an analyzer, 15
Removing a QC lot, 20
reset to factory defaults, 16
Reset to factory defaults, 16
unlock an analyzer, 16
update language and software, 11 S
use existing wireless network, 29 SANs, 32
Service software
configure connectivity, 30
Single analyzer, 14
analyzer software and languages, 20
Specifications, 32
service software, 32
Static IP address, 28
Inventory tab, 18
Steps to
L add cartridge protocol, 12
Locking an analyzer, 15 add lot to a protocol in group, 14
login screen, 2 add new user, 22
add new wireless network, 29
backup and restore, 5
Memory required, 32
change analyzer settings, 26
Middleware settings, 30
change QC workflow, 13
Modifying QC lot ranges, 19
change service software settings, 26
Monitor resolution, 32
change user details, 23
N configure DHCP server for analyzer, 28
Network connectivity, 28 configure middleware connectivity, 30
configure service software connectivity,
O 30
Operating system, 32 configure static IP address for analyzer, 28
Overview copy group settings, 11
service software, 3 create a new analyzer group, 10
delete a group, 12
delete a user, 23
Password rules, 22
edit group settings, 11
Patient data
exit software, 4
removing, 16
install cartridge protocols, 18
POCT-1A, 30
install software and languages, 20
Properties pane, 9
lock an analyzer, 15
log in, 2 adding a new network, 29
log out, 4 existing network, 29
modify ranges for QC lots, 19
register a new cartridge lot, 20
remane existing group, 11
remove a cartridge lot or protocol, 19
remove a QC lot, 20
remove cartridge from group, 13
remove lot from protocol group, 14
remove patient data, 16
rename an analyzer, 15
reset to factory defaults, 16
unlock an analyzer, 16
update language and software, 11
use existing wireless network, 29
System settings, 26
Analyzer, 8
Inventory, 18
Users, 22
Technical specifications, 32
service software, 33
Unlocking an analyzer, 16
language and software, 11
User interface, 3
Users tab, 22
analyzer status, 8
existing users, 22
Wireless connectivity