RN JUNE 2015 Shahaji 86
RN JUNE 2015 Shahaji 86
RN JUNE 2015 Shahaji 86
4.ARINC 629 data bus speed…. 12. Calculate the Doppler shift, if the velocity of the RF
energy is C and the velocity of
a. 500kbps b.2MBps the a/c with V making the angle Ô by the beam with
c.5MBps d.10MBps a) Fd = (2vf cos Ô ) b) Fd = (2vf sin Ô) c) Fd =
(2vfCosec Ô)
5.Actual length of Half wave antenna may
13. . ELT activated by
calculated by….
a) Parallel to the longitudinal axis of the a/c
b) Perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the a/c
a.L=234/f b.L=f/234
c) Both
c.L=468/f d. L=f/468. 14. . MTCS regarding Radio Altimeter
a) Both Altimeter waves can be transmit from a single
6. In ATC Transponder Mode A Does not antenna
provide- b) Both transmit on same frequency
c) Reading may be effect due to interference
17. In DME, The relation of Time Of Station 23. ) the advantage of the optical fibre used are
(TTS),Slant range(DST) and Ground Speed(KTS) a) it can handle less channel than the coaxial cable
a) DST = TTS + KTS
b) repeater can be used at distance of 80km
b) TTS = DST + KTS
c) light in weight and non- corrosive
d) DST = KTS X TTS # d) both b and c
18. Spoking in weather radar is 24. An unweight BCD code used for error
a) Icing detection is
b) Ground or Sea Water a) gray code
c)faulty display unit b) hexadecimal code
# c) 2 by 5 code
19 Terminal Strips which provide connection of
radio and electronic systems to the aircraft 25. In the SSB receiver
electrical system, are to be inspected for: a) carrier frequency is re-inserted
b) it must have the stip skirts and nrrow
a. Loose connections bandpass within 2.5khz
b. Loose connection with grease c) audio response is from betn 300Hz to 3000 Hz
# d) all are correct
c. Metallic objects which may have fallen 26. ) MTCS in ATC
across the terminal strip a) the maximum interrogation rate is 480
d. All of the above b) in order to avoid fruiting the rate is as low as
twenty to forty times a sweep
20. Optimum ADF performance is achieved when c) in order to avoid fruiting the rate is
inconsistent with high rate of sweep
a. ‘L’ rather than ‘T type of antenna is d) the pulse of the rf are .8microsec and at freq of
used. the 1020 Mhz
b. The T type of antenna has noise
cancelling effect. 27. If the electromagnetic wave have frequency of
c. The ‘L’ type produces a definite 360 Mhz this means
# a) both the electric and the magnetic field are
station passage indication.
changing at rate of 360 Mhz
d. The ‘T’ type of antenna has the b) electric field is changing at the rate of 360 Mhz
directional characteristics and the magnetic field at 120 MHz
c) magnetic field is altering at 360 MHz and the
electric field at 120 MHz
28. The satellite data units (SDU) 34. Mark the correct statement, ADF Loop alignment
# a) it provides the interface unit to all other error-
related a/c system for an aviation satellite A. Quadrantal error effect the bearing indication
system B. A+ aries from the radio frequency current
b) it provides the interface between the a/c circulation
station and the satellite system
35. Which us the best Transformer connection suited
c) it provides the interface to the ground station
and the a/c station. 3-phase, 4 wire-
A. Delta-Delta B. Star-Delta C. Delta-Star D.
29. MTCS Star-Star
a. Static dischargers are installed on aircraft 36. In Single Side Band Radio Receiver-
to bleed off precipitation static after the A. career freq Re-Inserted B. Have Narrow band pass
potential reaches the corona threshold. C. Audio response is from 300hz to 3000hz A
D. All of the above
b. Before corona threshold.
c. They are installed only at the extremities 37. Mark the Correct statement, Decca
of the aircraft. Navigation-
d. Only null field type of static dischargers
are installed on aircrafts A. it is low freq hyperbolic navigation
B. A+ Phase difference identify hyperbolic
lines marked on specially prepared
30. . SWR means
a) It will be determined by the forward wave charts
travelling in the transmission line with the reflected C. B+ Continuous wave provide the
wave having no significance in its calculation separation between ground and sky
b) The VSWR of the broad band antenna will be less as
waves signals.
they can be operated over wide range of frequency
c) IF the correct transition line is used the VSWR will D. C+ Usable range about 200NM by day
be constant without dependent on load night and twice at night.
d) All of these
38.Transformer Coupling is example of –
31. . Mark the correct statement, ADF loop alignment A. High pass
B. Lowpass
a) Quadrental error effect the bearing indication
b) A+ arise from the radio frequency current
C. Bandpass
circulation in the metal structure of the D. Stop band
39.If signal conversion in superheterodyne
32. MTCS regarding Radio Altimeter receiver with 20 MHZ , if it tuned to frequency of
a) Both Altimeter waves can be transmit from a single 125.75Mhz ………….is local oscillator injection
antenna frequency to the mixer.
b) Both transmit on same frequency
c) Reading may be effect due to interference A. 105.75
d) All of these
B. 45.75
33. Tail current in Differential Amplifier C. 124.25
a) Adding of two emitter current D. none
b) Difference of two emitter current
c) Collector current
d) Collector voltage
40. ELT frequency…… A. Outer marker
A. 121.5 Mhz B. Middle marker
B. 407.75 Mhz C. Modulated signal of 40hz
C. 246 Mhz
47.If deflection sensitivity 0.01mm/v and
D. all
Applied voltage is 400v then spot deflection-
41. ELT MTCS if activated after lightning strike
A. 10mm
or hard landing..
B. 40mm
A. first put it off then in Armed C. 4m
B. put in Off D. 400mm
C. keep on
48. Different variables used in Boolean algebra
D. none
can have values of
42.Advantage of using waveguide over
A. 0 or 1 (BLT 4-2629)
transmission lines in aircraft applications
B. Low or high
A. low current losses above 5000mhz C. True or false
B. low current losses below 3000mhz D. On or off
C. .
49.which communication system is used for Long
D. .
International flights or over seas flights
43.The feeder line sometimes called concentric
lines should be used to connect the signal
B. Vhf
generator to the…
C. .
A. Transmission line D.
B. Loop line
50.SCR combines the features of …….
C. Feeder line
D. Generator line A. Rectifier and transistor
B. Rectifier and inductor
44. Tail current in differential amplifier equal to…
C. Resister and inductoer
A. Sum of two ammeter current
51. types of Radio Altimers are…..
B. Diff between two ammeter current
C. Sum of two base current A. Conventional FMCW
D. None B. Constant Difference freq FMCW
C. Pulsed altimeter
45. ………Is a transponder that provides altitude
D. All
reporting for digital coded reply on
52. LCD is combination of…..
A. Mode A
C. Mode S B. NAND+OR
46.In marker receiver system an amber lamp
flashes to indicate that Aircraft is passing over
53.Radome should not be cleaned with Solvent D. Terrain
60. SATCOM antenna is mounted above fuselage
A. Coating may delaminate because of….
B. It may detoriates
A. Spacewave propagation
C. .
B. To avoid interference
D. .
C. .
54.VHF antenna ground plate safe distance in all D. All
61. In ADF 180degree ambiguity is removed by
A. 12inch
A. Sence antenna
B. 24inch
B. Loop antenna
C. 2feet
C. Both
D. 2mtr
62.The error caused by metallic structure of
55. Marconi antenna---
aircraft body the problem occurs in ADF is..
A. Ground plate
A. Quadrantal error
B. Horizontal plate
B. Field alignment error
C. Hurtz plate
C. Loop alignment error
56.INS …… D. all
A. Grid
B. Filament
C. Plate
D. None