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Academic Anxiety: An Overview: December 2017

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Academic Anxiety: An Overview

Article · December 2017

DOI: 10.5958/2230-7311.2017.00139.8


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2 authors, including:

Madhuri Hooda
Maharshi Dayanand University


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Educational Quest: An Int. J. of Education and Applied Social Science: Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 807-810, December 2017
DOI: 10.5958/2230-7311.2017.00139.8
©2017 New Delhi Publishers. All rights reserved

Academic Anxiety: An Overview

Madhuri Hooda and Anu Saini*
Department of Education, M.D.U. Rohtak M.D.U. Rohtak, Haryana, India

*Corresponding author: 77anusaini@gmail.com

Academic anxiety can have a negative effect on a student’s academic performance. Teachers and parents
can learn to recognize the signs of anxiety in school students. If teachers and parents help students to
learn to control anxiety early, more serious academic problems related to anxiety can be avoided. Anxiety
can become more detrimental over time. If academic anxiety is identified on time it helps to improve the
performance of students so it necessary to know more about academic anxiety. This paper elaborates in
detail about the components of academic anxiety & way to reduce academic anxiety in detail.
Keywords: Academic anxiety, academic performance, school students

Anxiety is a common condition noticed in people Academic Anxiety

of all age groups. It may be caused by a physical
Anxiety is a normal reaction to certain situations. A
condition, mental condition and effects of drugs
small level of anxiety is normal, but severe anxiety
or due to a combination of these. Anxiety is
can be a serious problem. Academic anxiety can
defined as a painful or apprehensive uneasiness
become more detrimental over time. As a student’s
of mind usually over an impending or anticipated
academic performance suffers, the anxiety level
ill (Merriam-Webster, 2012). The common types
related to certain academic tasks increases Huberty
of anxiety is Panic disorder, Generalized Anxiety
(2012). Most teachers will have students with social
Disorder (GAD) Phobic disorder, Obsessive
anxiety and/or academic anxiety. Social anxiety can
Compulsive disorder (OCD), Separation anxiety
also affect a student’s academic performance. If a
and Stress disorders.
student has social anxiety, the student might not
There are many external factors that may contribute be able to complete group tasks or might not feel
to anxiety. These include –stress from school, stress comfortable asking for help in class. Social anxiety
in a personal relationship, stress at work, financial can go along with or even lead to academic anxiety.
stress, stress that result from an emotional trauma Teaching students self-regulation can redulation can
such as the loss of a loved one, victimization by reduce anxiety and increase academic performance
crime, a natural disaster, sexual abuse or physical (Ader & Erktin, 2012). Students experiencing
abuse, side effects of medication. Stress from a academic anxiety feel apprehensive over academic
serious illness, intoxication with an illicit drug like tasks. Students can feel anxiety related to every
an phentermine or cocaine, noticing symptoms of academic task. Some may only feel anxiety related
a severe medical illness and lack of oxygen(as a to test taking or other specific tasks. Anxiety is not
result of emphysema, pulmonary embolism, altitude always negative. Some students can be motivated
sickness). However, the good news is that no matter by anxiety.
what the reason of anxiety is, one can manage or
handle it effectively. Components of Academic Anxiety
Academic anxiety has four components, worry,
Hooda and Saini

emotionality, task generated interference, and study three components of academic anxiety as a results
skills deficits. The method of reducing your anxiety of study skills deficits. If this is the case, then your
depends upon which of these you are experiencing. grades will not improve unless study skills are
addressed. A study skills instructor can help you
with this.
5. Procrastination: Procrastination means to put off
or postpone for another day. Procrastination effects
the behavioral, psychological, health of students.
Academic procrastination is a form of procrastination
peculator to education. Procrastination is found to
result in stress, anxiety, a sense of guilt and crisis,
health problems, and severe loss of productivity,
as well as social disapproval for not meeting
responsibilities or commitments. These feeling
combined may promote further procrastination.
Piers Steel (2010) indicated in that anxiety is just as
likely to get people to start working early as late and
that the focus of studies on procrastination should
Fig. 1: Components of Academic Anxiety
be impulsiveness. That is anxiety will cause people
of delay only if they are impulsive.
1. Worry: Thoughts that prevent you from focusing
on and successfully completing academic work. How does anxiety affect academic
For example, prediction of failure, self-degrading performance?
thoughts or preoccupation with the consequences
of doing poorly. Some effective techniques for Anxiety is not bad thing. It is true that a high
managing this component includes, disputing level of anxiety interferes with concentration and
negative and self-defeating thoughts with more memory, which are critical for academic success.
productive, realistic thoughts, and self-hypnosis. Without any anxiety, however, most of us would
lack the motivation to study for exams, write papers,
2. Emotionality: Biological symptoms of anxiety.
or do daily homework (especially in classes we find
For example, fast heart-beat, sweaty palms, muscle
boring). A moderate amount of anxiety actually
tension. The most effective strategies for dealing
helps academic performance by creating motivation.
with emotionality are muscle and breathing
Anxiety plays important roles in our lives.
relaxation exercises.
3. Task generated interference: Behaviors related
to the task at hand, but which are unproductive
and prevent successful performance. For example,
constantly checking the clock during an exam,
or spending a lot of time on a test question you
cannot answer. Since these behaviors can take on
many forms, the best management technique is to
work with a study skills instructor or a counselor to
identify the specific behaviors that cause problems
and create a plan to reduce or change them.
4. Study skill deficits: Problems with your current
Fig. 2
study methods which create anxiety. For example,
last-minute cramming resulting in not knowing
These include immediate reaction to stimuli
answers to test questions or poor note- taking
following onset, anticipation and being prepared for
during lecture resulting in confusion about a major
important events in future. It may be unpleasant,
assignment. Many students experience the first
but it is often adaptive and in its absence one may

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Academic Anxiety: An Overview

have trouble as life becomes difficult to organize. system is essential for collage lecture, but the same
They further pointed out that anxiety can disrupt system won’t necessarily work for everyone. Some
our lives if it becomes maladaptive. Anxiety students prefer to write notes by hand, others
symptoms are extremely common in childhood prefer to use a laptop, and some like to take audio
and adolescence and can negatively interfere recordings of lectures and write up notes at their
with general well-being, social-life, academic leisure is just a matter of trying different method to
performance and development of social-skills. find out what works best for him? It is also useful
Stated that anxiety symptoms are associated with to determine what is students learning style; some
impairment of memory and cognitive functions students learn best by listening, some by doing,
and can contribute to poor school performance and some by reading and writing and if they are trying
academic failure. to force their self into a style that is not optimal,
However, explained that the consequences of studying instantly becomes less effective and more
anxiety during test or examination may limit stressful.
the educational or vocational development and Student should have time management skill
promotion through the educational system. It is
normal for a student to feel anxious before a test One of the most important skill is to have of time
or examination, but it becomes problematic when management and use it effectively, tasks based
the level of anxiety is excess. Opined that a various on how urgent they are and sticking to whatever
factor can contribute to a student’s level of anxiety schedule they create for their self without good time
is excess, examples include: past experience with management, they are likely to end up completing
course, perception of course load, their inability to assignments at the last minute, losing sleep studying
manage time, family issues and beliefs, which may the night before exams, putting their self through
have been shaped by a complex interplay of factors, a considerable amount of unnecessary stress and
may result to a unique reaction to a situation and impairing their academic performance. Study and
lead to anxiety. The negative effects of anxiety can be exam anxiety is often related to lack of preparation,
explained by two models namely; the interference so the key way to reduce that anxiety is simple to
and the learning deficit models. According to the create a study schedule and stick with it.
interference models, anxious student are distracted Student should have lower goals and focus on
due to task irrelevant cognitions and negative performance levels
thoughts during examinations, while the learning Stiffeiman said that lower your goals achieve more,
deficit model proposes that it is student’s ineffective this could help to relieve stress and boost academic
study habits during preparation for an examination success. Instead of setting goal to be getting the
that causes them to be anxious. highest grade in the class, set a goal to feel satisfied
with performance.
Ways to Reducing Academic Anxiety
Study and exam related anxiety is a problem for Stay balanced during exam periods
many students, whether or not they are focused on The importance of taking breaks and working in
achieving academic excellence and its something time to relax during busiest and most stressful
that can affect students of any age. Nobody is periods cannot be overestimated, Stiff Elman urges.
immune to academic anxiety but there are plenty No matter how hard you push yourself, nobody can
of things they can do to reduce anxiety that centers maintain constant focus, and you will burn yourself
on studying and exams. out if you try. Take frequent, short breaks for fun
activities so that you’ll be able to go back writing
Student should have Preparation and organization
or studding refreshed.
There are several key skills that go a long way
How to manage academic anxiety in classroom
towards reducing anxiety, just because they form
a solid base of preparation and organization that 1. Develop strong academic skill to improve
help students stay focused and stay on top of his academic achievement as test anxiety is
workload. For example, having a good note taking frequently caused by poor preparation.

Print ISSN: 0976-7258 809 Online ISSN: 2230-7311

Hooda and Saini

2. If students feel fear from test then there REFERENCES

is used to inculcate different skills like Ader, E. and Erktin, E. 2010. Coping as self-regulation of anxiety:
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3. Use self-talk positive statement test, when Anxiety 2010. In Merriam-Webster Online dictionary. Retrieved
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student feel anxiety from academic activities. anxiety.
It helps students to replace their negativity
Huberty, T.J. 2012. Test and performance anxiety. Principal
toward academic activities. Leadership, 10: 12-16. Retrieved from http:// www.
4. If students feel academic anxiety teacher need Nasponline. Org/
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are unrealistic. Children, Carlos Albizu University, New York.
Mazzone, L., Ducci, F., Scoto, C., Passaniti, E.D., Arrigo, G.
5. Always visualized when students anxious
and Vitiello, B. 2007. The Role of Anxiety Symptoms in
feel teacher should have done academic work School Performance in a Community Sample of Children
from student’s hand. and Adolescents (online), obtained from biomedcentral.
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6. Teacher should remember the goal not to
avoid anxiety to manage anxiety that hinders Neil, R. and Donald, C. 2010. Psyhology, the Science of Behaviour,
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the students’ academic performance.
Steel, P. 2010. The Procrastination Equation: How to stop putting
things off and start getting stuff done. New York, Harper
Academic anxiety is one of the important factors Sujit, S., Sansgiry PhD, Kavita, S.B.S. 2006. Am J Pharm Edu.,
to detraining the academic achievement of student, 70(2): 26.
so there is need to manage academic anxiety to
improve the academic performance. There are so
many factors that increase anxiety among students
that effect academic activities in so many ways.
However, there are ways to reduce anxiety in
students which parents, teachers, students should
have known and should followed that’s why future
generation achieve their target & able to face their
life with courage. This paper helps to know more
about academic anxiety, component of academic
anxiety and ways to manage academic anxiety in

Print ISSN: 0976-7258 810 Online ISSN: 2230-7311

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