Consumer Protection MCQ
Consumer Protection MCQ
Consumer Protection MCQ
Business studies
Consumer protection
2. Under the amended Consumer Protection Act, 1993 the time limit for filing a complaint has been
limited to a period of ________ year.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
3. When a single consumer fails to get his rights protected, he seeks the help of ________ .
(a) Responsibility
(b) Right
(c) Act
12. A producer of Surajmukhi claimed in an advertisement in a national newspaper that his product has
large amount of vitamins, Minerals and Proteins. However, tests indicated that it was a false claim.
Whose example is this?
(a) Exploitation of consumer
(b) Compelling consumers to buy gas stove while getting gas connection.
17. Supplying wrong bills by the Electricity and Telephone Departments exemplifies which of the
(a) Deficiency of services
(b) Defective things
(c) Charging more price
(d) Unfair trade practice
18. Which of the following is a basis for a complaint?
(a) Defective things
(b) Deficiency in service
(c) Charging more price
(d) All of these
19. Who of the following cannot file a complaint?
(a) Individual consumer
(b) Consumer association that has not been recognised