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Consumer Protection MCQ

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Sharda public school

Business studies

Consumer protection

Multiple choice question :-

1. To provide protection to the consumers against the improper behaviour of the

producers and sellers is called ________ .

(a) Consumers Protection Act

(b) Consumer Protection

(c) Consumer Welfare

(d) Consumer Education

2. Under the amended Consumer Protection Act, 1993 the time limit for filing a complaint has been
limited to a period of ________ year.

(a) Two

(b) Three

(c) Four
(d) Five

3. When a single consumer fails to get his rights protected, he seeks the help of ________ .

(a) Trade Union

(b) Consumer Association

(c) Labour Union

(d) None of the above

4. Don’t purchase in haste’, this is an important ________ of the consumer.

(a) Responsibility

(b) Right

(c) Act

(d) All the above

5. The consumer organisations collect the samples of the products for ________ .

(a) Sell them

(b) Check them

c) Get bribe from the sellers

(d) Distribute them among the poor

6. Consumer organisations are making efforts to ________ their number.

(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Stabilise
(d) None of the above
7. Disputes of ________ amount are settled at the level of District Forum?
(a) Upto rupees ten lakh
(b) Upto rupees thirty lakh
(c) Upto rupees fifty lakh
(d) Upto rupees twenty lakh
8. ________ is not a part of the three tier judicial machinery?
(a) Tehsil Forum
(b) District Forum
(c) State Commission
(d) National Commission
9. ________ broadcasts the programme ‘Apne Adhikar’ with reference to consumer protection?
(a) All India Radio
(b) Doordarshan
(c) Advertising Agency
(d) All of these
10. ________ is an example of the unfair trade practice?
(a) Hoarding
(b) Issuing a gift scheme
(c) Not observing prescribed standards
(d) All of these
11. Which of the following Acts is related to the Consumer’s protection?
(a) Consumer Protection Act, 1986

(b) Indian Companies Act, 1956

(c) Indian Partnership Act
(d) Indian Contract Act

12. A producer of Surajmukhi claimed in an advertisement in a national newspaper that his product has
large amount of vitamins, Minerals and Proteins. However, tests indicated that it was a false claim.
Whose example is this?
(a) Exploitation of consumer

(b) Welfare of consumer

(c) Information for consumer

(d) None of these

13. Which of the following happens to be a feature of the Consumer Protection Act?
(a) Coverage of items
(b) Coverage of sectors
(c) Compensatory nature of provisions
(d) All of these
14. Which of the following is not a part of the three-tier grievance redressal machinery?
(a) International Commission

(b) National Commission

(c) State Commission

(d) District Forum

15. Who, of the following, cannot be considered a consumer?
(a) A person who buys things to further sell them consideration.
(b) A person who gets things without consideration.
(c) A person who uses things without the permission of the purchasers.
(d) All the above
16. Which of the following is not the example of unfair trade practice?
(a) Wrong information about goods/services.

(b) Compelling consumers to buy gas stove while getting gas connection.

(c) Not observing prescribed standards.

(d) Indulging in hoarding

17. Supplying wrong bills by the Electricity and Telephone Departments exemplifies which of the
(a) Deficiency of services
(b) Defective things
(c) Charging more price
(d) Unfair trade practice
18. Which of the following is a basis for a complaint?
(a) Defective things
(b) Deficiency in service
(c) Charging more price
(d) All of these
19. Who of the following cannot file a complaint?
(a) Individual consumer
(b) Consumer association that has not been recognised

(c) Central government

(d) State government

20. Which of the following is a consumer organisation?

(a) Common Cause, New Delhi

(b) Voice, New Delhi
(c) Consumer Forum, Udipi
(d) All of these

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